0 I 1L...77:771 gin 0 ER _94 f : t i4h Onzeyi. . 8. SIDDLE 4 00., was. *ham tiontraz.-::=Dso. 22, tit& -....4''i- writs . hissmeal or Coe lea to state that the .••••76 14.4."q2: n p,„„a„ that ,t-s; r -:`'', - ••1,. ttressiottl4l - ''' lie"' Y cf C*t.. - -- - pz• .- --:: -,fadif,„ed to members 10 •,...?'-•:-•- : laid maser .ta ,nan tees . We frau, oat he -Vertu], of ~ ,- T ice " - icedo ,i e tt a ... fi em & member , 1 - tenting that hi, CO 4 -...:;;-:,,; Congr°4l qn eaufarnaitY with this el , t .'. : ' • geocrerir, Il et- . st ag t h at h e had OTal '....-4•V : 'VC,"°°ll baP•tlin' utter from a 1nte1..,.,r:-'" ..,.,r:-'" 7 ' . ; 4 064 1 . Tea an. aNt°gati° impposed,detault in --' ''''.: -- - Ligon! gentleman for a t. ....,;*7.,..•/- Z.-,- the matter of vrotiwn°l' - --4t7 , , .4-, - '... -- -•- , ' 4 ; ''' ' " j.,„,,,,, al " amt .Dollar Glance. , ...,- • _ ,__uti t t-, ; Ti ce' two ag e , on the ....... .... Wi t . two In our , ur g ed by man). :.* ' -.--•• ,• ......410„ which have beea tePtion ,g,t•„,,, v. - , - drel d o u ar eve _ 'L l ie' - ••' . •,,,,,,,,,,,,,.- fait, slave ban 4.. iv '...t.d. - ..' , , • - eat Ad... w e re fe rred Ag 5, tausi I n the Enrol= ___. . gar, thr:..” ' ''' - 4syrl of Provost Alavenat General edfr.n. K ' sl.thi l ; , l7 _ ;,.. i tl tad aeteally velem the ~,,.,: f: -,, "i .:.5 r - - 'l° a • t f ir i"." str ik e about ena-kotit I f a `l.•military . , while it crated .. ; , 4 ~.,,,.., , "i,a a of Men ~,,,,.. whiah. though it could -:•.. ;`, -,-- &Ai/ of $ i°„..„'788'.,7„ auctiT;e ' r of substitutes 3::::,,.."' I,aotneelare,'"n„ta, „al certainly put 4 :' .T,..). la 1110219*ern ' ii_ by using it , t• . •• , - . ',.: ,-; ',• ' 'foe nien in , the , !'heed to mi , ice„ . ;c r . :4 -,';:::: . list I:miryip :( formerly ). E In the Bouthern Btates•—atui in. tho Border States of Shutout', plaryland and Delaware, nowise dug to be }Tree. But in this ' ,. l.ihnOluit ironldinot . .rWman for man of hithertatrunnapproyedmilitiry color in Die lield,Diera was probably a gratultxma concession tothe opwirinte of the clause:- -1003fmeheeP"51!" it may be proper to tondritifew obtariatioile. iiiii,to.behr;intt' i> mind ; that, for the most pert, when a =aria name was drawn, lfho hed,made up hie mind that the claims of liii%Milnese or hie family rendered it in . • • - I tape:Bent for. bim to go into the army, be 411144 812143 r. eat._ _himself surgical . MI ~q ', ..aft..•ith.: - ' - ustion,.'to - leirri whether - - ho would be ex. . / ,'",. -. 1 ;•• ••7 tt • 7 `W - t%'s. • ‘ ,..„ 4 „ , ,,.... 4 .epnw an SOMC oneof thenumerons grounds if,.' ~. .."-Of eruption, but paid his three hundred - ;•P,,.J, ••; - ..;' . .."ltflolifira, tFtd took hispertilleate—eaking and -"II L : - -.• being italual . F rio questions touching the Wait pissndlitiesof A'4esper kind of .ex emption,hy.llll exposure ofphysicaldisqual -.1 M I ',X -- ,i . „ . c. , ideation . :-It, i.e not improbable, therefore, ~ , p, -,? T :3 4 .4.thii.thwersuiLqiil. realised a fond repro •.:4-,1:4..t-'.'. i -- .' ,,, ftivittlitg Sid° . to ssooforeyery person really -- - -.,.'f'- - ,-.. ------.,- fitted - for Military service, and exempted by --:,-- • . . - thabalatituard payment of the fixed com • J...utation prig° of S'loo. --, But be this as it may, unless the s®a ' "what inconsiderate; and impulsive ardor of , our military patriots, who argue for the - ' •', repeal of the commutation clause, because ''.'• .-: tv:iirrow-11 to be one of the meshes in the .‘..." net through which tee many, as they think, ...? , ::tiecape- , military service, shift lead them to ~ -.... -such-leglidation' as would inevitably tend -- ', -. '...i 4ii - iitlbiterfpleSeery fohodei lone of our pros r.. - .- - 3001, bY , 'withdrawing skilled laborers i .,... ' 1. . ' `-front the pursuits which it Li as es. --,---; • • - -. ,-.. -- :-,..."-.•*tial to mointain, in. full netivity and pra ..•:-.7 .._ .-'„dactirrlineas las it is je maintain the Army, f ..• , .. ~i•- • . ..., -„ ,. ..:the Nary or the Government itself. What fi.--.k -,.... " - •'..,.4:5it. that his caroled the Northers States ~ •---."fi ,... . te ausitdu this great and costly car for three 'llleia' . ..Withie great ease-L-:•may, apparently, .f. 3, fllthiinernamd-and increasing prosperity, eiterading itself far and • through all - • • t.classes of , the po n?—what is it, if it - 'it nettlis s 0 skilled laborers that daily ...., .... .. . . . . victorious - weapons of industry in .. . .... . , •A f .... • -4howarkshops and in the .fields --providing tor.fand. sustaining tfutt at army, which -,-- his rine forth to encounter and. subdue the •'''':' , "liibli!)e!leteY ' 11nt , in are saved the trouble of stating -....", - du fa:titer detail grohnds of our objet dons to the repeal of the wise provision for ,-.....,'..**-- - ... ,- stittaptingthose - who, for the general inter ': iiesia-,roll.bein f all classes, ought to be exempted, by finding the. following ex -1.:',,,i ;-..• , fieti6i it:Marks on the subject in the New ttek„..ktrenficy Poit; et. Saturday: r , ;,, , ..',,V.i.....: , ...:.',beit to:meting Nos three hundred, dollar ex itaiillturolsustr.tliere. is ranch difference off t„,l,....'. , Z7.tiplitect;.lieatir boil Misbelief, after con- : - ..*? -. . - ' ,- idderable inquiry; that it should be retained. i , . . , : -? :Therro, , ia ma dstabt that it is a boon to the • - -.• ' ":large middle aiiii of inticistrious mechanics ~.' 'sialsisotio;-irto,, Jim beginning life, with . . - f , -=' - ituunies of young children dependent upon •--,• Aittt:m, sonnet, in many cases, !erre ender , arms without serious distress to those whom _ ffitY. - leave"tieprOiided for at home. Almost . ..-.... every orient We class whose presence at •‘;'', -7 „ - - ; ..i,5."3.' - •,,.X. -- .-!; beittsia'rMillincomlialy to his family, can rille the sato, threehundred dollars to se '--.;.•.)-",:. •,.t . --. --- ~. fillitt his exemptton.... Ant repeal this clause, '-,-.-, ~.•:- ,'''; ;'-.- and force icily:Mao Ao:go or prosureo SUF. '.. ''''': ~. atitMei,and lbws-men beceme at once the T' f bailare a: trot omo 0 !I so era, or are corn 'palled; afeteryiscrillee;to servo in person. No* this class, which mainly carries on the :- ••.. Tikrit4 - Iti'dustry Cif -the free States and ' - wiestes. their proaperity; deserves the most iieful'Oceisideratian at the hands of legit'. ~.... ;-..... ---'.' The qi*stiontit be settled is, whether the . . -'.. f; - ':' i governmente shall - engage, for a Stated EMI; . .V.,........'... to procure intetiirtles, or whether it shall !,- - -.4 - :ti. - .. - • :- .; -.:-/'-', 1 - Wily, itifi:lialien upon: those who are s:-. •-•-.- ' ' •'• -- drafted. ,llitimrif itirere difficult or impost. '...,altdelbe.4liii.goireinnient. to procure men for Me in= it , reistleen under the exemption. *use, Atm jt might be Urged that this 1,,..ti , ; -- '• : - '•"1 - ' : ''' . .siAtldbeleishliy those porooos upon when ~P:l ' -'. . .•?lfii!tistiiiibi' lint it sohappants that there .1,,.' 57- :- 1 ...... ,_ 111, WA* extra trouble upoirthis-point. We `"" 1 - 2-ietioneidek come time ago, that some of the Efate, wldelf,firld It hard to fill their quotes •:filuMblithsfy to tins : oord gevornment for -;*l3tlisiontoistertilt among the freedmen - , lu•-the-'.Vit' , •gtates. - It is amongst. ~.„. .theistr , thsk.7 .iin'restatart2 . thel-Oeneral can ettettigtd - irlibettintre for tlions who pay the egortrintertAer . . 2 'ffOrpealt now of theblacke le(theStatesoireewhielt , the ; Proclamation F',...- -,";;;:-,:.:,' ..,,...liseteitejliii - gui Secretary or War hal.done ,„,,.:::"•-•, - , - Ares - 'ttlylofiftsfttsu - JthiE4ilie - has recruited '.•-,','4,,Fj"...i1 . *: - : - . 'iJ:l - ..iieriitttettiotiririforibia and hitasouri; rig..-,.. 4.V.... ": and for itirittree. hundred dation paid by _1 ' - • , •-'4'' '''•:' : - "- ..... r- - ertheriiittichanin of rateses--whose in ,ii'i'.,:,,,',...*ttryiereeollspenastamit. henetlt to the -tattento.,.!,-be has secured to the country at . e-- ....i . : el:Mita iioldleiand a free man. TIM,* a don. ..Wire:,tiebleipatitiei*il to - the .country; cr . ' . ,-.:lltOrtatietr zotyte free States ii, less die ': dtert* - thei triet)teiddle slave Slates are -.:,.. -".•,. 1 ;. - bediid.sdoift , toWiritt , feedem and pr05,..,..;...-_, ,..,..;...-_, ~.' -;,perity „tend; are ~ open to the free *Olitegii±te4e*lo 2 4410 , b still dallied to thearmy. ;!..Vdtn iererolgperleftenhei shown Mat the Zi),,.fit''' ' ' ' ...::".,• • •• -.:. ..,.'".l.4l.lklitiilitel.''.theitetelTee in the V.. L' , i ,- -.. • - ':1- --,- -t- - -.. - - 4604 ingittiteiiiiiiiiimiesi aid vilest. 14t4,14044PFL._:.111,41u,At . Those who ...,..:: - 'f;' -. ''. .. ,leteileige:tkeonf.eittattfhogeviitnasentby run '''.iithirtilfieertiliti*- Earl - end , are s -rif 4A ,];•• :.:A..'71-*l,4lool,lliiipt !it :to 0 2 :li part - of -: out . ."1 - 1- • ' ...,. :.i,....,-.-,-----...:::',-,'::_aiiiige. vi:... ' .'' - - ~., ~ .1 . - ..' -- rimii 41 . 0 4 that Me three i I - -: .:,, , .- - '; . L:ne4lliiii - -e4iisielsatildbli l .4Aiio.o - ! /4 W . F0 1 4 4 , 0110-1, 4 &-th e t. --igleintelfili blittidhe;jieglijatilAii:iiii' ~. 04 1) thi 4r at -- ,i- , ,, 4-1010•Pusrvss does ilo3,o4.lAl 4l !!,l l o . oY eitiit t kiiirCif liiiiA44:.4 t -'T**eifit'S a 'P , t tl3 n !q - - 1 0 - 4011**Viiirlite ialinteettelf 1r7~%.1. ~'~'f.`.. ME EMI ME IM ■ IMESI ISEI Mil MEE - M .rI : • ~.. ~ ,~ ~,;~?: 1 EiII KSI . i=l ECM •': F• • ~ S iii ~~ i;s.+.tFU6~i _=~; ~. ~ , ~ti . 4 t 4; _Y' I. M • iiai ; BE SEM an ~_:.;:= ~.~-. ME ;~:~E3 - , - F' ~. - ~p ~` ^" •~~ S `'t EMS - • •.*:±l44t=i i 1 ~, :~~- u; ':~::. _y r .7r ta VII 0 1 4, 110 enaturNA th!..ye-i*Est *mace; the Veteran grlopittowlia thigfeb], ad - Windadiiiiittiiiheoistitsiti'entii the service. We hope this matter will receive the - immediate attention oLbot/C - Houses- They can, In particular, offer indneements and-rewarda.to the troops now under arms to manila. This !swirl:My going on to en extent which proves that, with proper and wise management, the greater part of our present armies can -be retained. But im mediate action is needed; delays will loss RS many valuable men: Leta rale be nods earning all cases, and granting certain in dulgences and gratuities, such as the troops demand, and we have no doubt that oar ar mies in the spring will be what the nation desires. The New 'National Cnrwleney—Prepa+ rations for thelirsne—DesertpUen of the Notes. The first notes of the new national cur rency authorized by Congress in the begin ning of the present year will be issued in s few days. Some of them have already been sent to Washington to receive the government impress. The considerable time which his elapsed since the passage of the act has been employed in completing the designs and perfecting the notes. No official statements in relation to thie on a irenoy bare yet been made by the Treas ury Dipartutent, but the five dollar and ten dollar notes, which are respectively in the bands of the Continental and American Bank Note Companies of this city, and some unfinished dies for the notes of higher de nominations, tmfficiontly indicate the na ture of the designs. MIS PLAS Of WI ROTEL The plan of the notes is novel, and sin. gularly 'beautiful The prominent heeds and figures which distinguish so many of the bank bills now in use are entirely omit. led train these notem the agues' denoting Value arc small; sad the bordere are neatly and carefully engraved with combinations and wreaths. The ordinary distinotioil be tween the "face" and "back" of bank notes has in this case been so nearly destroyed that the designations "observe" and "re verse" have taken the place of those terms In the nomenclature adopted by the depart ment. The idea underlying the system upon which wilibe carried through the series of $5, $lO, $2O, $5O, $lOO, $5OO and $l,OOO, is that of representing in the vignettes en the face of the notes the leading events in the history of our country, with correspond ing allegorical pieces of pleasing effect, and generally of patriotic suggestion. Covering nearly half the epace on the back of the notes there are engravings of celebrated pictures, illustrative of American history, from "The Landing of Columbus," which decorates the five dollar note, to the events of the revolution, while "The Battle of Lake Erie" is one of the vignettes of the one hundred dollar denomination. It may , be Inferred, but it is by no means certain, that the illustrations on the five hundred dollar and the thousand dollar notes, which it is understood are not yet in the hands of the engraver, unless in the department at Washington, are to commemorate the pro gress and collapseof the rebellion. Below will be found brief descriptions of the notes nearly finished, with some ac count of the others. There are two vig nettes on the face of each note, which is entirely printed in black, and besides the principal piece on the back are the national arms and those of the state where the bank of issue is situated, which, with the border, are printed in green. TIM MIS DOLLAR corn. The vignette at the lefthand lower corner represents Columbus discovering the lend. Columbus isin the foreground, on the deck of his vessel, while near hint, leaning ever the side of the vessel, is n figure turning towards him, as if in consultation, Another figure is represented grasping a crucifix; the face is turned heavenward. In the back ground is a group of which the principal figure Is a priest. On the other end of We note is an alle gorical piece repreeenting Columbus intro ducing America to the old World. The de sign of this piece is happily conceived and rendered. The figure of America is that of a young girl. Europe, Asia and Africa are represented by corresponding figures. Eu rope is in the immediate foreground, Asiais next, and thesable figure ofAfrica is mend ing further back. There to silo a distant view of shipping and the ocean. The back of the note is ornamented with a finely executed engraving of the Landing of Columbus, from the paiottng by Van derlyn in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington. The appearance of the repre sentation on the note is greatly superior to that of the original, the drawing having been improved by Casilear and other artists. The ends, of elaborate scroll and lathe work, include at the right, in in oval an inch by an inch and a half, the national eagle and shield, with "U. S." in cipher on the sky in the background. Thecarrespond ing oral at the other end of the note will contain the coat of arms of the State, as al ready described. Tba name of the iltate will appear on the sky in the background. The legend GU the face of the note is as follows: NATtONAI. CIIIIIIENCT. TM. now 1. senavnt by bond. 14 Inn Cnrrio Iftasin, Depuitad Widl.lll. Coifed State. TRlaliTer at Washlogton L. E. Currrexossi, T. E. Baum.. Rogister of the Trounry, Treasurer V. Toy rum NAtIOSAL Baas or • • • [tiers will be theerutl the uame of the ph., yid, the bank It situated.) . _ WILL PAT VIE MIME 03 DVIANI FIVE DOLLARS. [Place et the data.] These words are so much crowded on the note, and the letters are no black, that the beauty of the engraving is lose displayed than it otherwise would be. The pleas for tho signatures of the President and Cashier are next the lower margin, and near the vignettes. The following is that part of the inscrip tion on tho bask which describes the uses of the note: Thin tads le remits/A, at par In all parte of the United States In payment dell taxes and exclme nad MIMI:km dam to the Vatted States, except &atm oa Imposts, and aim fora Waite* and other debts and decands owing by the Called Steam to hairldnals, onrponitione and uncelnttons within the Vatted States, exrept Meerut an public debt. TOM TLX-DOl4lll ZOTR. The legends on the ten dollar note are the same as those on the eve, with the ex ception of course, of the denomination. The general arrangement of details is the same, and in that vespeekthe description of the eve will apply to the entire eerie,. The vignettes and engravings form the main points of difference. The general shape and design of the figures are else changed. The vignette representation of Feet on the ten•doller note delineates the experiment of Franklin by which, with the historical kite, he =ghillie lightning. The phibmopherin the foregrommdetands perfectly undisturbed in the strive; while lurid Sashes - light up the cloche an attendantwith the "bottle— the electrical jar into which Franklin con veyed the lightning—is represented in the engraving.= The moms is one of much eub -11=4.. The corresponding allegorical piece is a beautiful conception. The Genius of Amer ica, repreiented by a female figure, borne upon an eagle amid' the clouds, peeps& thunderbolt.. The characteristic placidity which dhttinguithee Franklin attaches also to this figure in a remarkable degree. The engraving on the baet of the note is from the well-known. painting, "De Foto Discovering the idisisissippi." There are many figures, and the pictures. here repre 'scrawl is improved from. the original, like that of the boding of Columbus on the five dollar note. - " 1 T work is in the highest style of tut; _The otherportions of the back are like those brt the note eiet described. crrau 110225. The historical representation on the fate of the Swent7 dollar Mite is of the battle of Lazinon; = The allegorical pleoels , uloy. .city;'audit is a iitnely and spirited pie. tare. A Apse of Idtiertr standing to the foreground, bears slat tbe tuarkindstripm rlearby,on sicliiddeentlWthebseltgentud are Agues of ' sten—farirertiartlassa and ei L othens—who rallying around the fag, lied:el-leek thisissie !Ike napalm' of ,LitestunitW, curaTod-- • , :-.:-- 2t; - The sign rear the -Mir diger not* Is .Irrasidugtest, ths.,nraii." - The entsrponaleg ; not leefillstel. . 1 ,1 ausasstosa: to. iss , '4 Trays:, ter'Thdery, The bat Is -Omumpi4 it#X.,-as.intiraulg - I,Z',', :'• -:.•,,.1:::. .7,-.,' ~,,... EINNI from Bleetitniuthirkation of rtigrti”." The antlittadn4 dollar note - xtrill bite on the face et•Tigneitto of the "Battle on Bike Brie," linden allegorical illustrutimi entitled "Maintain It"—that is, liberty and nation- slily. "The Declaration of Independeare," from Trunzbull's picture, la to be engraved on the tack. None of the notes, except the fire and ten dollar denomination., can be prom ised foe distribution to the banks for some time to rota,. It is understood that a few oT the Institutions hare ordered the whole amount they are authorized to circulate in the smaller notes. 121=31312 The penalties preeoribed In the law for counterfeiting, or in any manner altering or imitating the notes, or passing epnrions ieenee, will probably dater indirldnals who hero any capital, or any regard for their own safety, from making suet: efforts. The following ie a part of the inscription on the back of the notes : 'Counterfultinx or altering thin not*, nr paring coanttrOlt or alteratton or it, nr errelen any counterfeit plate or Imprison. of It, or any paper made in Imitation of the paper on which It le printed, la felony, and is puntototblv I.r pl,oo fine or littera yearn' imprisonment at Lard labor. or both." It Is • question, however, for many reasons which we have not qua* to consider, whether the notes eeuld bo suecesefully eonnterteited. Wall' HAS rill LOCONTLISSIIII The boanii of the designs which have boon *boson for the embellishment of the notes; the artistic execution 3f the work; the general similarity of appearance of the different de nomination', though the variety in sufficiently marked to be evident upon the most casual observation, and the strictly national charm ter of the notes, form, with other qualities, a curreney whieh it is safe to say, has never been egiulled. Tile peculiar adeptation of the designs, partienhuly of the historical tures, render' the now currency perfectly unique at well as beautiful. Considerations relating to tho financial sys tem upon which the national currency is founded, ore not within the scope of this ar tide and it remains only to observe that the maximain amount of currency to be issued is $300,000,000, and about one hundredand sixty bank@ have boon authorisod.—Neon York Eve ning Ant, The Legal Tender Act Before the Su preme Court. d case is before the Suprisme 'Cowl of the United States pros:listing the rbilewing fea tures : Judge Roosevelt, of N. 1.., was sued. upon a botpl. The defendant offered,. Dim le gal tender notes. its refused to Skkeithern— an issue wits dins madelis one, of thdCourte of this State. Thokecisiatb Lisa rendered WAS against the cedittlintiortiflity oT the act of Congress. Thelille was taken by appeal to the Court of ApPials, where the decision was reversed. Roosevelt then took out a writ of mot to carry it before the Supretdo Court under the 25th section of the act. The do fondant in error moved to dismiss the writ of error for want of jurisdiction, alleging there Is no appeal, because Ike decision below was In favor of the constitutionality of the not. PUBLIC .TOTICEIL PUBLIC MASS MEETING.- A City Volunteer Rovementq, Allegheny. ..k mars meollogof the eithrona eattllegtsroy rrID hi het/ to the Interior of the NEW 3LlLtli ET HOOD N; THID (Tuesday) EVENING, December 22d, at 7% o'clock, to consider the propriety of canting a fowl natkclout to pay nL,unty of THREE HEN DREN DOLLARS to the full knout of Allegheny city, under t Ite call of the Prtetslent. Lat tho citizens all &Hood. den L A—The S U. U. will meet at WILKINS HALL, In rittobur,tb, DE CE]IBES earn. Instant. Lath Loral Convoil i. eta - tttlut to .end thew delegate. By order. Plttaborgb, Dee. et, 114 Z. do2ttol O. I EXCELSIUR I.N :_4TITU'IIf..-1 be Ftzth &orlon orLII nonnur.net on ktOlirtY, Jan. 4th. LOGI, and couttoue twelve , wool", ..1.0.mg CRIDAY, 'Horeb :nth. For tams, t ~ ull at Ile Instituto, corm, of Penn and 'news. or !Other., Irv. W. n St A 1 , Princzyei. de2.1:511.1 T TUIChPIK ELM:II'ION —An Mb clam nlll be held at Tllo3l3rt ALDER,' HOTEL, on TrESPAT,Jaunuary 13111, 11461, ',tureen the boars of 1 and 3 p. nh, far ILA eh el ion or one President, one Thant, and no Directors... ioir rani of the Cool 1191 sod Upper St Clair 'fortipike C ortnary. WM. I,PY, Trotortriir. dr tlt.titrrT _ THE CITY u 1•• ritE Zits .cl KING."—Rzr. JA 31E1 PUESII.IIT. rill dolivor ef.. tholthd last Lctor:, for lb. bth .111 of the Pabbath School, In be ollth r une. Pre.bytartha Church. on TI HADA T C 1 ES ING Deo. 1 - .1, at V', tick., gobjoet--- What 1 Jerusalem." ' Pickets, 2.5 mut, to be I lealool Al Ch. Boot !Stoma ...I door. .Irvin ~t Kb GOLD PENS RE-POINTEJ) EQUAL O NIII, on tho rw•lpt of NS ants. Circalan tLa John ton Pen pant on eppll- Winn, by moll or ntborwloa. E. S. 30111:8011, Ble44fectur and uMee, 15 Mnlden Lane, Nes York rity MEM YOUTIS' CI 601'1 Y VA] fir I=l U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION N WVIL LAIC HALL, Tn•aday Evening, Dee. 226, 1663 IDMITIANCR ds6:2:It ... Prl ISBUICUIt lift IlltlE CoNIYA oo liT.—Tho Stockholders to Gild Ceunpuey nrce hereby totilled to rout and organ! cc said Compmcy. at FlAltgli 110TEIL, Liberty mreet, Pitttbnetro, 00 the ruts? MONDAY OP JANT ARP, IMI. homer.m tb• haunt of 2 mud 4 o'clock p. ne. 4 .01 day, and choose by ballot, by • oupotily of the mock then end there meted, one Pr eldest and ass. Ditortors. one Trusty,, and snob other oftlcete es they may t betel: tecceusary, to conduct the butane. of the Compenp exalt the west megrim election. James Wood, I Chrto lace Znr, 11. B. Brunt, Robert Womb., John P. Singer, I Eli Jab Math, Janus S. Craß, E. J. Brooke, Samoa) Bart:nen, R. A. Long, Benj. A. Maui, Omer. Shake, Alex. McKee, Red; Pall own, Robert Sterrett, James Tranick, lase° Walker, G. T. Coulter, - -. .f 5i.... Chess, Themes Sued. delttbi Onomlmfatters. I'ILI SI AIL Y AlLGrlNtra —no Union roan of the City of Alkshooy an InOtcd to meet at their rerpcctira placer; for hold Ons electkno, on DATUM:UT, tf;th Instant, ha tween the hoar, of 4 and 7 o'clock p. In., and rote by ballot for— One cithten for M.yor ; Otte outran for Director of the Poor; abd mho for ondldarre far tho rosy/tett. Ward oMorta . _ Tho Judge+ of the Primary !Beaton. will meet .1 the TOWN noVse, on HONDAS, 25th Inst., at 11 o'clock a m., and man up the vote of the reepectlye precincts, the person hoeing ths highest tote to ho declared lb. nomPaee of the party. Oilltert of Election art inetructsd to refuse all totes offered by throe echo soled egaitist the Union State llckst In October last. By order of the Esseutive Conmaltiso. corris, Chairman. J. WRIGHT. Secretary. F.PITTSBUittiIi SAN ITA IC Y W.ltt birrrEr.. . OM. ml Depcoltory, 00 Fourth 9 Ilettreels Wood and birtriret Streets. PacrwrAT—Tllo3lAil lIAKSIVELL Recierasy—JOßEPll R. RTSTER. Tx.s.unrass—JAlll:l3 PATCK, Jr. Oontributlans of money and goods solicited. Starts mat to on part. oftho army Infoitention tnrulaturi to nlatton to tho sick and noandod In deo Ways and flopltab. no freight on goat. donated 6 paid bon,. Addren, PITTEIBUTIGH SANITABT COMfITTES. lio3Atf OIHE NEW OYNLEASTIUS SPYILLZ BALL.—The awes are_ opon for am asembers at each Dam of mottos. Wale and Rattle =TWAY and FRIDAY EVIAN atM. ma and Metres, WRDNRSDAY and BAT_AY ATIXRIIOOII3, at 3 (Oak. 113.11M1, v MAIM; Far Adult., antra of twenty 1em0a5.........36 00.. Vor lade and " 4 00. For Chlldren, 3 00. aol7:tf C.42.4rDIMITES. MAYORALTY OF ALL& L '') . /Ti'Slr.-43apt. dolor Dams, at thogr.& soldtstloo of =ay oittrenr, bar eonsentot to ;molt Ws mime to to mod as man for tho Bloyorolty of Allegbroy City, at thorny:Us osontoltoPeloo. rim nolear OTRONEll,—JoattCum°, of irma Into, Alleeway, will be a condi ants for Carom of Anent:guy County,Enbioet to the &dein or tteesnreting County Onion Convention. doll:te L a A + rrio LtT.—A suite of two largo'commu i. nimatlng awl handsomely farnlabed Rooms to les, 'into* t board. ma Ant door of hewn WI EIECONTY ems% vittibuncb. . de18:1, UITY.--To any one is Oil City , kor that ban old col:damned OIL or WEITSICItY La. ici& - tooms ;um • emit: wciteodoor,imuu VDFW OFF - 7, .M 101" - '-AT GEM Ibt Os BOW, Sig -• par °so* ado , . v1A5.1,101181, So LSI}, of all • Iffs had 111"—1G!".34242"2.414r' BEE ' .rior ADIrEIarIfiIIERIENTI4 °fa ~LVvv. patent Brea V MAO , : mare a large lucerne to the prirebseer. A bustle.= coot required Address "A. 8., Gastrug Cleetra. IcKEESPORT PROPERTY FOR LTA.4 et LE, G 0 (.4 front on Walnut @mot b 7 150 cl.tp; el.o, tbo otteotalag lot, 11 foot front b 7 30 deep, a ono-and-a balf ttory C.lllllO dwelling booty and • two.tory Bonne bonding. Apply to 4”21 et CUTHBERT d MteNl3,6l Market .0. WANTED.-460 A llorra.—We want Agents et ;GO w month, ¢peros paha, to yell our L'eerlnsting Pencils, Oriedel Bowen, and thirteen other new, useful and eyriew articles. fifteen arti cle...rapess. Adder.. deninsfee/T SHAW & CLARK, Biddeford. He. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE—I 9 ft. front on floating otroot, Allogliony, by 00 foot dap too 10 1,000 foot front North Com- moo. A Ivo, leo lot, its feet Pout on 8.95 rt. by 1,0 deep to Jodieo virevt, between Overbill and DloAlddle street., Apply to deer P. C[ 7 71111E117 R AnIKS.MKSIitot .1. LUBRICATING OIL 150bbi,.N.1.r.4N.t04rft7, For sale by EX3I3 f . ALHEs' SATCHELS, POETE.MON -111i11:3, Writing Desks !toast Knives. Cold Pen( Photograph Albums, Toy Books. A gee assortount of Cam., Choice GUI Books, Pocket BaWol, Marin, Almanacs, and a great variety of beautiful goods ail•pta4l to tho seam to be Found At No. 104 Federal street, Allegheny. T. E. SVAILKIIAM. HOUSE AND LOT FOR HALE, CHEAP YOH UASLL—The Lot tus Y 5 het front On Townsend street, 13Lwth Ward, and rune back 100 feet to en alloy. The Some a. troAlot7 brick, containing eve rooms, and le on the rear of the lot, fronting on the alley. A good be Led by applying soon, to JOILI SEM3OII, Townsend street, of at dosclw 0171C71. WOOD S'CREET WAREHOUSE FOR T Y REST.—The capacious Warehouse, No. 15 Wood stmt, opposite St. 011.1 e. Hotel, having 10 feet fond on Th•glatost. now occopled by Qua. ter master'. Deparollllll, Will be for tent from In of April tear. A pplydia 81111 PEE A JONT.S, Booker., a* . del •- - Third 4 Wood streets. rtOR SALE.—Three east iron Mills, of .1: 15,30 mid a) barrels tespacity, in complete ord.. Three sute of Plato Couterming Pipe.. Your Largo:Lem& 011 Tank.. 60,[0z0 aecou&band Brie)* A tot of &hang Iron Ote 011 Pump and ripen. One to - horse power Engine, agtys 8011. and Stack. Lot of Gm Pipe and Cocks. .4 , Qleet of over sod aecortd•blf Zliarrole For parttcolart tvitalrs of fILLI. SUITE', deer:Aw . - Ni Word Bum ry. pElri IJNI CONIMICISION MK: AR' BONG eItDD, G oonre PI A allpS, LITEEPO ENGLAND. estersamen . ' Noe York—ft. G. Don Leo , 014 Broadway. kiesbee,k—Bl t li. G. Duo A 00. ; Loom. 011 For term. ufOrdidtru aptly . .o iiji of . SlllOfllllBT, Eull.tipdsoatiroatte atreete,..Pittebersb. thrifeca .... . A nmiNioattap Extuurulir LI. AEI> ;SYSTEM butu.l7 fh." ses resort *Witt Ting In