The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 21, 1863, Image 3

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    n z~~~~,
: 1011 0 .. 37nn - C,IAL PAPER: S•
- 5 1 1 2 11taiaroz ExxxiTTixt ETTZSIDZIDe•—
:: 33 tilpieititkftonkhe P oust Marshal Goner
' Wreasired al) Saturday evening by tho Est
rella:tint Beard of the 23d district, the time
: !11 1 1r , hirating alaliailor- exemption, under a
lkiiiitforier, for ileinage, non -residence, un
-I.lsiiablentess of age, and manifest permanent
.k4Lablitty, also for election by parents, l et
to' iannarY 5,`18.5.1. For no other
came SiMi claims be hoard until after the drift.
The , Girllog Draft.
'lt seems `very - doubtful whethor tho draft
, .
' gin be made as early as the sth of January.
.The thee far examining; claims to exemp
iltdtforinitnifes permanent disability, alien
s's", ninmiaide , (which mast bo accompli,
'niod bi"eirti
~ fleet that the party is properly
• 'nitiolled elsewhere,) and unsuitableness pf
age; liming been extended till Janusz,' stls,
' ' it iirill be phylicaily hapossibto for the Beef d
`.=Ofd Ernie:Lout to commence the draft oe;
:,.''e 111 4,,, AsT , ' •
- . - _...itft ' er.these easeeare examined and dooldod
ispeti;list of , the pormins (and Ws* of ell per
* ..,Boaa plated on the lists who were improperly
''. - ;oalltted,) mnit be carefully prepared and fo r
' *fantod to Washington for approval. The
corrections are than made, before the draft.
'This wilitake thee—from one to three or four
~...."Tber Berra in this district 02'14 ere hard nt
Work; and, oa Getable: niklit had examined
tally a thotitand easel. They take up eases in
the following order, rig
j Monday Mat, from 1100 to 1200.
, .Teeeday :2d, ," 1200 to 1300.
,-- ~ , Igharsday.24th,.. ..1300 to /400.
' - '', Batiaday-26ar " 1400 t 01.500. .. '
; - •; • Moniley , „Ditb, . 0 Iwo Wino.
"Tgliedry: - .280; '., 'l6OO tolToo.
iftidiiodaisotti", 30th".:. : 1700 to mix .
. ... - '-'f'-'.l3niesda:.3lst, if' -15011.t0 .1200.
Sabath':3d,-"' 1900 to :000.
itanday lid " 2000 to 2109:-. , -- .
k, - „Titioidey.4. ” 2100 .to 2200. !.,
, Waieiday sth," 2200 to 2400. ' - 1." _ '-
',..l44estiow 'by-Parcae tams already filed will pre.
.s.:....kits - ird.'orf Wednesday, December 23d.; ether
''±elitinis of.this kind Wed bob:star can beheard.
:, saes January stb, before - the dieft—hut
ebeeldhe tiled at once.. In all . 61110/1, of chi,
kind, were one•oi the sons is enrolled, in
1 1
5.,10 they
_district, it must be ...proved by the
'et ;'ilao:- pm* Board or Saadi
1: • nage L
ei ltanifat_Pkyrica' / Insabilitg, whatever
' thidi member, are examined at ten and two
--.. t didly, bekualtaaring otter eases. '
',.-. '' Amer dr early °egad, who lufve not answer
may. yet bo called by lea their alums,
Met, and ne t
abor of the application
1110-I.4•Ularks in tee' buaineas ofllm the day
—:prefionsi that their papers may be searched
cot among Motto en hand. 1 _ .. •
. ,
As there are now .2,125 app li cations on fi le,-
IP it Probablenot more Otto two imadred more can
- berambed, (even with the extension granted ' )
'and they should be filed at once.
Dietnptions under clretdar No. 100, of the
,'.treyostWarshal General, have been mode in
..;..424:: following eases; vim .
Nair In military
--rlilmattAriof ... • . • —44
Xaam. tfecepermanen
=Larded ephysicY
35 awl , or ...... I
trader V:, years of age ......—...'
Roddlng - and anrollod II
Allatts'who ban. nat.
Total oxrropt nun the draft....—.-.----685
The .abora Sa the-result of the examination
Or mom - than a.thousaadupplications.
The Proroaq Marshal of this (22d disrict)
earnestly rminosta , anrolling officers to report
names pteriouily omitted as promptly as pea
idblo.;-for the additional enrollment.
Political Nominations.
ruum Wasp, Auxuarsy.— rho Union
' Were of this Ward, held a meet lag at Wash
ington Ball, an, Saturday ovening, the 10th
.inst., at which Mr. D. T. Johnston.. prosidod,
Th4ninon acted as Secretary.
.1116 abjoet of the meeting was to nominate
,candidates to 00 votail for at the trimerY
eleetlenkoliss held on Saturday, the 2ollt lest.
• .- The following parsons were planed in nomlne-'
" Mayor =- Simon Drum, A.. 0. 4.162.-'
'ander.! Director of the Poor—Robert Mhita.
leleatr Cotmeil=Samuel Mao. Common
Connti-(Plnii4 to be elected) —John A.
Caugh Lyon , W. C. Stockton,
David , we, Thome Smith, Wm. Dilworth,
• Jr., C. W. Benny, Jontee Gordon, Edward
;Gregg. ,School Ditertors4ZWin. Thompson, 1",
King, P. B. Clark, John .
A.:Soott. - Judge of E(tOtlotts—Smal. Thom
son„ David Neese. Inspeetere—C. P.lngisant,
John Dyer;'Jr., W. H. Brown, Edward Barr.
egov,-.ltio4,:.;iolents,4ohn.". ifiddelzer.' Con.
- 4larbl6.43sstriellrebs.•
Seem Wsan,Cmv.—Tho following ticket
vas non:Suited in this Ward: Select Conseil
• CommonCounee—D.O'Neill,
School. - Directors--W. Woods,
•:. "
John G. - . Martin; Wm. Means. .01003101—•
, Devitt. Assistant Aseessers—James :
"libels, Thos. Simmons. Judge of Election
-.Wm; Owen. Inspeeter—John Marshall,
Constable=John ..11erron. There was no
'opposition Airsept: -for Common Council, and
.the batioilni'msulted as follows: D. O'Neill,
43; Thoi:Stecit,39; Benj. I:llkeston, Jr.. 21;
D:Ogden, 10. In egplanation of the light
vote, worney state that the polls were kept
"open Lbotine 'hour.
41/1215.,WAM4 -- Ammonsarr.—ln this Ward
lhd follerriargentlemen, were named for nom -
inationt_Mayor--A. C. Alexander, 611130/1
Drum: Seise: Council—Thos. N. Miller, Boo).
Patterien.-Co - ninon Cotincil=Jsmee
bell, John Tate, Jim. Mcßrier, Jacob Hooke
' dons, Chatr. , 'Schleifer, 6(10. P. Deiletain, Al
dentni--Jantes Miller, 1./Mama Bobinson,
Robert Berk Director id the Poor—Goo.
Assessurs--illathles BloGonnigle, S.
W:7 - MOGitistiss. :Conskside—Mlohael Pool,
David Mc/Lulea.
13113* Warp, Crrv.—ln this Ward the fol
inwinkslirin have been sUggested for nom
ination: Select Council-1-W. G. Williams
John T. McLaughlin. Common Cootie il2.
A. G. McCamlloss, John Redman,Alijah Nays,
Chu.- JerelloY. B. B. : litconientt. -School
Directors--W. W. Diokson,Wm.Callingamod,
Thos. IF. Wrlght,Job O. Patterson, Theodore
Robbins. Ainsior—Wm. Shore ' Jamee Clum
'Atelstizif Asieesersl-B. Lake, Joseph
,A. Bu ter ucghGors6ly.
13hoie.:cindre of Elsetion—T. Kerr, Wm.
- :lnepoitte--Jarod 31411rusb.
. .
;.'-Something Worth Looking at.
`•.-- - - the:Tariety,brillianey andimmenie number
orPLtho 'Fortes, exhibited at this time in their
- ~. • warvooms ow 'Fifth street„ by Messrs. II
Sieber 4 Bro., prescrits a sight at once novel
and interestlng,. Here is a rare opportitnity
for theta who cant:caplet° to enrich the home
~ -o btle with a fine Piano Forte, cr , lili 1110-
• alenalor a ho li day gi ft . A ll Masten' , ad; Ad t
piekettreen hat, be milled, from theribh kid.
end inimitable:, Steinway, to - the plot: • • ,
~ .. *west toned and low-priced Tryan„,-. .
4.., York, Planos.s:We also find .. ~ 4 , . •-••• .
dimming Calcatherg, New . Yo - •* .. ,-,"
. , .hardlydistlagnishablejfrom the dteiriway's;
• irridialeatai lb .e • elsgent Miller 4 Co., Boston,
• and the -mass. Uablor„ New York, Plano
Fortas. In short, Pianos of 'eery imaginable
- ' cttyle and price, from s2io to SW9. Parebas
. era 'Nino& overtrick the excelient opporta
, f.-.. " -- : , 101ty thus precarded,for a comparison of the
._. :... eelatire. merits of the did - v.lTc instruments.
• ' ..., = ../f you wanld gbidden the hearts or your loved
..'gotes.eill at. Bieber's and pmehaso one of
thielt fee Anzio Fortes..
-, - ...;Clltgeljilan Di n ner for the golditire.
ThelaidiesoftheSubsistazioaCk;mmittoo will
'-' 7 './..., Orin &Mier on.Christmae,' ', tu the, toldiers in
. - '..a• - ?'".'.' 1 th e hoinitsil, those In camp, and the provoit
curd ..,
. - ,in all about eight hundred. - They ra• '
•-v :.-- 4**1;17 _isk , the palate ' for assistance in
....... 7•ltrenriding the dinner.. , . 1
The following amides will be needed: Tnr.
• . ' :
keys, elbacens, oysters,bvittar,!,applee, pots
. bet, ihdts in essis, eggs, ples;lehee, rolls;
Tam* sending eentrilintiana l of fowls, dre
requested to send them on Wednesday mom
- leg, ea they an be prepared' by •Cbristreis.
- -.' City Wail:will be arm to receive contributions
for the dinner, on Wednesday and Thursday
. :, „... seerninp,,from nine tdtwelveo'eleek.
i ' - Lis Beirscr,--A countryman named John
.., ...'. DCA_ V residhig two =lies trona Bakerstown,
, - kid his Int broluai,on Saturday night last, by
"thing npolithietreat in thO Third Wird, di
- leOwny.•: lie was (mimed. to the glayer's
--- ir where he nu attended' by Dn. Handl
ennead fiereue. '.lie writhe' conveyed to bis
f, :-1101g• today - I
Siensalen'Tiartvetd-vls., seen by
' ' • •, '''.\nt tipm egve l rtlseutentirienethir column that the i
....,..•. 4assieurbt skte -- nsing extelleug•sebool
•-• .. --, eel intlinwari CIL -. Parenthesising
dal tlielesiniland - dasqllitere wilt
p4r,nadlearegilly stunted, will mat ,
.;:s'.,--. - ',
... .411 11 iP. 11 4. 1 f1 11 1. .17"/"F. . ..t ie l li ''!
A' '. - -'''.,,''' , 4?.i - V.v,i . - - - - -1111 ,- ; '..r... - 4, - g,..--t , ',.., --- ' ''.l
"F,-:':..1 1 4: 4 2,...1,...":' , /, , ,-.2 ; . ;; "1-., - [,,, , : , ..o... -- ....... - , --•=4.., ~,,,,...„,_.• ..114,--nr.
Chtrßea Table.
Pruners "TIXIII. A Eamon lailMred before the
al or Pittsburgh, Johastown Pa. Oct. 11th,
1860. By W. D. Howard, D. b ., Moderate:.
rehashed by regnant of the Synod.—For isle at
the Book Stoma In Pittsburgh sed.Allesteny.
The text chosen by the eloquent and patri
otic preacher, is, of eourse, 2tl Timothy, 3, 1—
as the above title would itself erggoet. We
have read the sermon, which is truly one for
the times, with warm appreciation—and would
certainly, had we participated in the earlier
pleasure of those who heard it preached,
have joined them In saying"lmprintatur." We
afro now fell of hope that the mighty powpr
oLthe Christian Church, all over the land,
• will be arrayed against the gigantic sin which
brought en this wicked rebellion,—for emi
nent ministers of all denominations are now
frequently found speaking end writing such
confessions u the following, on the 28th paged
this Sermon; which no Christian minister or
Christian man—no man whatever who has or
dinary sensibility and has learned to rejoin,
in the truth—can read unmoved, without at
lout the starting of a responsive tear:
"1 do beliere,my bearers, land I say it with mint.
tremble sorrow ) I do beam the el:Larch and the Mil,
fatty hats not ' been faithful to their great trust. W.
I have been afraid to do one duty—Gß.ld, lest wo
should lose oar friends, and lose our plates, and want
a pleas abeam& Ido believe, my brethren, the Moo I
will come when we will look back with astonish
ment, and shame, nod grief, at what wo have done,
and at what we have not done, as the rept:mina
tiros of the'lloly Saviour."
We have great pleasure in *marinading this
truly impressive and profitable discourse to
our readers.
Was TIE Sttxmrrtl A Novel. It, Richard T.
filmbsll, author.iif "St. Low" "L'ikreomvors,"
"Bomar., of Student Life," etc. New York
Carleton. Pittsburgh: for sale by Henry Miner,
71 and 73 Fifth street 41Itpp, Ltrio.
This story, of which we have already aeon
some portions in one of our monthlies, where
it steod the test of serial publication most sat
isfactorily, will, we venture to predict, be
come one of,the most popular books of the
mess. BLY months hence, it will be • super
fugue question to ask the author's publishar's
—"Was it snecessfal 1" Tho book is e history
of the emcee of a certain "Hiram Meeker"—
the modeler a promising, pious boy and young
man,—yet a selfish, cold-hearted, or rather
heartless, male flirt—lamoney-worshipper end
suecessfal Money-gatter. After "Hiram
Meeker' . has served is .eucceissfur appren
ticeship to Thtmlnese' in two Comiectibut
villages, he comes to Hew York to enter thbre
.on ausiqually!sucessetal' career as a met.
chant, Visite taw ability. and. plausibility, pp=
Omuta arid eabralation—in - a word, he has
ItWarY thins but heart. After wirming the
iffeetions, too, of more thsa half-a.doems
Janne ladles, and having jilted them.oneafter
another, or by two or three at a time, he at
'kit marries a Woman as telgalru himself, and
asehrewish wltka3, ae if glebe& cultivated that
conjugal affection with the greaten" assiduity.
Hat we shalt say no mom about' this piquant
book, which displays such a knowledge' of the
wierld,and the world's' waya,—but' leave it-In
the eager hands of Its readers. Peiltaps overt
the little we have mild may have led many to
game already how they will .find their own"
bean answering , the question—"Wca he suc
LI.. Sosnon no 'rants. By T. S. A inar, au
thor of "Ton Nights is o Bar Room," .113 tops, To
wards Elmsven," ..What Cs,. Woman Do," . ..Golden
. Grains," etc Hew York: Carleton. Pltteburg,sh:
-far sale by Henry Meer, l'lfth street, (mint door to
•the Post Oflic.) MA pp. ltno.
•^:DEC. 21,18 E
lathesvaisys in whieh vro live there 'we
'many sthaderared paths" over all the /Wea—
ries ThOlet shadows barefallon on them so
deep and ao far, that neither the golden efful
gence of the sweater's sun, nor the silvers' ra
dinneeolthe fall-orbed moon, can dispel them,
or even cheer them with a portion of light.
Light of ta still diviner essence it meet bti that
will penetrate the gloom of the deritheshadow
that tae fallen around so many bereaved ohea.
Dat such diviner light there is—and
: ready,
too, ever ready , to shine forth and blew all
with that most blessed spirit, which is the
msabstaneo of things hoped for, the evidence
of thing's not men." In the book whose title
is‘writtehrtberve, many will Sod the guide to
the trim light—to the dish:Le liskt-foentale—
the existence and bet:title power of which we
have just indicated.- Those srlso havoread the
author's previous works will readily antiel
, pato how earnestly, bow fervidly Tfo would
write ander the influence of a beautiful nod
inspiring theme, like that which- fort• the
central Idea around which he here Mot,'
and towards which he direote the radii of, h 4.
Lefl t r a trtte and the reader', thought tbrottel
. -
Scwzice roe sae &wow.' ale revar. PLar- 11,
enclutonr. 11,
ce c Worthington Hooker, M. D. Plc
teesogatt the Theory and Practi or
Tele genes,Anther of "Duman Phylioloay,"
fletild'elleo. of . llitunt,^ "haunt . History,"
etc:: Illuattated. by numerstevengrarin.. ;New
Turk &Drothent Ilstsbarab f Per ••15
f by Henry, =doer, Filth street. (next door to the
awlangemant of this work on Cheat's-
tricoems to be woll adapt:ease kock the kti le .net anchats - woullV be,-chosen, if the
bookweradealgued for occasional reference,
Sett ItOt for continuous study. -Dr. *looker
gives vory autistic-tory reasons far the arrapgo
ment he hal'eliesen„ and, we doubt not, story
tieffitifi'a ear:dine@ wllleorroborate his 'Otto
to..she adraninges of ids method.
Be attatigeslde as follows: Yritst
thafearrefletwen, nitrogen, ea bon:
and brlttrgen,n2td - tholx , 4tonNitstairvilritti
'each ethics. .then thetcary metals and their
oxyds, thet ' alkalis and earths and their metals,
thaoxygen and hydrogen acids, and the salt.
formed by the union of these said. and oxyds;
next, the laws of chemical affinity, equiva
lents and symbol", heat, light, electricity and
magnetism; and finally, organie ehemistry.
Thus book includes all the chemistry, says the
author, which swell Informed person should
know, and lids so arranged that the simplest
topics come first, and are followed by :hop. of
more diffientty. The volume is handsomely
ptinted, wolf illustrated, and bound in muslin
in the same neat and substantial Manner as
Messrs. Harpers' school books usually are.
licsas---Coumat rtnres Irsans.—By 3arinn Har
land. firwt. York, Sheldon I Co. Pittabargh: R.
13. Davis, 93 Wood street. 526 pp. 12mo.
Few novels of a didactic c h aracter roach the
degree of. excellence attained in these and
some of therprerfuus stories by Marion Her
land. In the two tales embraced in the pres
ent volume. we have abundant evidenees of
her talent and shill in constructing the plots
and managing the details, Co ea to bring out
the sallemt points of her isharacters; to main
tain, with continual accessions of interest, her
hold on her readerspind from lint to last to de- I
relope and accomplish • high moral purpoeo.
Her style Is easyand fluent: and on the whole
wo conrider Marion Harland one of the most
agreeable and entertaining writers of our
time—e conclusion to which the volame be
fore us will, we think, bring as many as may
read it.
Movement in the Right Direction
A meeting of the 'Union citizens of the
First Ward, Allegheny, woo held, pursuant to
public notice, on Saturday evening. The pri
mary object was the suggestion of names of
persons for the respective Ward aloes, to be
voted for at the ensuing primary meetings.
Aftet this preliminary object had been ac
complished, a Ward meeting war organised
by calling Moses Boreland to the chair, and
the following preamble and resolutions sub
:allied for the consideration of themeeting.
Wear" The Pree!drat of the United States has
lamed hie Proclamation canto; for 000,41Xt men, to
All up the ranks of our War-worn regiments, sod to
aid la finiabing this accuried rebellion, which call
Will boated by • draft, to take place on tin 3th day
ofJannary, 1854, 1111/015 owner met by minatory en
lirstmeet. And,
.I,l,,%:lgehras, tie ballets In rostainlng our govern
went in Iteefforte to suppress the rebellion, end are
ready to yield Meleet men, and contribute the last
dollar, If necessary; therefore,tleselrod, lip the Union people of the First Ward,
that the citizens of Allegheny should take immediate
mesons to \ call upon the thrancile of this city to ne
&tint* • loop sufficient to pay • city beauty of at
least two hundred dollar. touch volunteer willing to
eats - tin-the national amine, from this city, in order
to au our quota of the. 300,000 moo now-called fur by
the Preeident.
Breofmt, That ea property holden and tax pavan,
leo will cheerfully pay our share of the tax nentresary
to sdecetimelt obl4atioa.
The resolutions wore dimussednt length,
and eubsequently carried unanimously. A
very commendable unanimity prevails the
people, in-regard to this great public question;
ell dames of the people seem to - think it do.
sirsble that an earnest and speedy effort than
be made to raise the quota by voluntary enlist
ment, stimulatedby municipal bounties, rath
er than necueltate a resort to the inexorable
We basic convened with several of the eiz
'menthe mon, whose period of service is now
sheet up,and learn that probably two-thirds
of thee, will re-enlist, provided rateable in
ducemantr are offered by theeltirens:
Woke= that a merment is on foot to call
a city mass meeting in Allegheny city, to take
action on tide eubject of a city bounty.
iSODST iol 4Awnsea.--This attractire "La
dy's Door commence the new year with a
splendidly' Illustrated number—no less than
two steel-plate engravings, besides the n seal
double-pars fashion plate, and an immense
number o wood ads.
—For sale by J. W. rittoei, opposite the
Ported:eel J. Caserfihronlele Building, J.
Y. frunt,itiesonle street, and by J.
T. Saropl , 85 Federal drool, Allegheny.
;Ponca.-Do 7. 2 7 22 ,
Elotm=l .
watont jour. /4'll°l "6
to yoUrniTuP. mammal -1 Voila
lowsy'r/Mb: and wits inutlOßTS,'Vei7
oitior, DAM 4223 ~,,,Tair,Attaikopt is bow to
A rt u .i. °o ;i iifi ° 17 r '
.. -...;"ira:;~.~~:
The Drift In Iftnalughter.
An adjourned moetingof the oitisensof Bir
mingham was held on Eatuiday evening, to
hour the report; of the committees appointed
at a previous meeting, to wait 'room the en
rollod men of the borough, and the manure+.
torero, to solicit subscriptions to enable the
borough to offer an additional bounty of 000
to volunteers.
The committee to wait upon the enrolled man
reported that they called upon olghty-one of
those enrolled, ttud had„ obtained subscription.
amounting to s3,3os—being mere than aver
age of f4O eaoh. The committee to wait on
the manufacturers reported that they had re
ceived promisee of subotriptions amounting to
Tho above reports indieated a total sub
scription of $3,0110, whereas the amount re
quired to give each man an additlimal bounty
of $2OO (providing the quota, should be filled
by volunteers) would bo $19,000.
On motion of Mr, Peon, the committee to
wait on the enrolled mon was increased to
twenty. and the meeting adjourned until
Wednesday evening, to hear their report
Tho Great {Vattern Sanitary Fair new befog
hold at Cinoinnati, sekdewledgt the reoeipt
of the following donatione from Pittabatgh:
The Committee on Coal, 'in response to ap
plications in Pittsburgh, have received the
following subscriptions, and the coal is now
arriving at the landing. d number of Pitts
burgh coal merchants are now in our city,
whose subscriptions will, no doubt, make the
amount 5,000 bushels. Their names and
amount will be published so soon as receiv
ed :
A. D. Smith it Bros., 500 bushels; James
McGrew A Co., SOO bushels; Capt. It. C. Gray,
500 bushels ; D. A. A M. B. McDonald, 500
bushel.; Thomas Petersen, 200 bushels;
steamer Petrel, 150 bushels; 31. Bailey Co.,
200 bushels ; Jos. P. Haigh, 450 Mishit), ;
Duncan, Conlon A Co., 500 bushels.
M. E. D. Dithridgo, Pittabargholtmates
four bexos of his dint glass lamp chimneys,
"hied $ 5O 40 , end painted boxes.
Messrs. Atterbary, Iteddlok A Co., Pitts
burgh, donates two dozen patent rotlector
To-Ntawr.—Onr :engem will ementhe; that
this is the opening night of tba celebrated
Ifolman Opera Trairpe,akahsonin nallswitele
the entire etrengtheof the company will appear
in the Bohemian air!.
The enchanting,„and favorite airs of this,
the mots beantifatuf Bahr* compositions, are
quite familiar ti all our muse lovers, bat how
much more are they. enjoyed *hen rendered
In English by snob • prima dew as tho pens
of other eines pronounce Mist Sallie Holman.
Many seats were engaged on ffaturday. Aneth
ex opportunity is offered this morning from 11
to 1, on application at the Box °Mee.
occurred in Philadelphia en Friday afternoon
lasi, remelting In the destruction of Shabby?
k Co.'s oil warehouse, South Delaware Ave
nue: There were 1,600 barrels of oil destroyed,
belonging to Steam. Forsythe ok Co., of thls
olty. Messrs. Crew, of Philadelphia, end
Mears. Elegant ktlampbell, of Dolton. The
oil was Talmud at $30,000, and wee insured.
The - total damage of the fire was $50,000.
Vueltas Pawn', Plain and Ornamental
alit, Roofer, and dealer In PeasurylYanta and
Vermont elate of the beet quality at tom rates.
Otero. et Alex. Laughlin's, near the 'Water
Vi'cre, Ls, P4taburgh„ Pa.
Tem Darr.—We de not mean the draft that
is to rbe obviated in this State by liberal sub
stailations to the beauty fend, bat that more
sate resting draft that is now taking place
' frond am poolusta of our citizens who are bey
ing gifte for the holidays. - The sales of the
Whinier it - ITllson Soaring Machines for this
papaw, alorie, at 27 Fifth * :teat, daring the
past me nth, from our own positive knowledge,
foot nor a fabulous sum. We rejoice to know
that ft l,• ao. Thousand/ of be most sensible
ladies ie. the land to-day bless the name of
Wheeled k Witten for the benefits derived
from thoi nee of thin superior, inimitable; and
in all re mecca unapproaehable Sewing Ma.
chino; ark d, from present spearancu r the
/ c
number 1 wives, motheri, daughter , sisters
and atm that the, coming holidays will add
to this ha p y list, Will arammt to • thousands.
This Una real prefsreace for the Wheeler k
Wilson Matilda is based 'upon the fat that It
lea great ltsing reality, and not a dubiens
experiment, lIS too many find other machines
In the . mark et to be, to their sorrow. The
permanent iittAranitey of this great Machine
could, in feet, be sooner be supplanted than
youcuald iruppiant the North star, or upset a
mountain: Again we say to all, call at their I
sale :is m = and see the variety of works I
which.. to t .dorie on those machines. I
.1 •
its-ere-nesi•No \ -sw—Lwornir Bittern* 'Davao
o.--Tpds Tobacco, usad, by the North Amer
ican Istdians,-is ratuanfactarci from the Cited
quali,fy of tobacce, and..enittlaingled with the
inostOtealthful and z•donotti•Rootal a -Riaringtetni.,
llntleadmtliginounto •ther Iti . SclrrlithenTirtta,
in such proportion, as to impart to its
tineuivo character, and sent:* for it wherever
it becomes known a hearty woteome. A long
residuum among the Indians .5 the Rocky
Mountains, insured an acqoainNinee with
their habits, =toms, sad model of life, and
smosg other things, an insight into flee com
position of their making tobacco, end
knowledga of the moans by which thon. 'gni"
site aroma is produced, which renders te°
pleasing to the smoker, and no acceptable
those who are not. Smokers who oneo be
come acquainted with this tobacco will never
be without it. Sold by all tobacconists and
by the manufacturer, E 11. lent, all Ches
nut street, Philadeinlia. delB,lra
Fon Pitt, awn l'ltnrea Wnem—The Stun
mcri s post, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
shorty b e upon no, and we must provide our
selves with the materiel to keep no comfort,
able. A race fall suit, or to good and well
made overcoat aro Dos vary thing, ant we do
not know of any place where our readers
would snit themselves better than atliessre.
W. 11. IdttGee Co. clothing establishment,
corner of Federal street and Diamond Square,
Alhvg.hen,y.- They have also received a com
plete assortment of gentlemen's finulahing
goods, and a groat variety of new patterns for
wnisteoating, An.
Gzierxxxsts, have you examined tne,faU find
winter stook of goods at the Merchant Tail
toting establishment of Sam. Oraham a Co.,
No. 5-4 Market street ?
A fresh supply of goods every week.
flare you examined the prices of goods C.
the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Br.m.
Graham .t Co., No. 54 Market street; if not,
it le now time you would, and cave 20 per
cent- in your clothing bill.
Every garment warrantol a perfect fit.
gait= Gustav, Ono. MOCANDIJ://.
EDITORIAL Orraros.—The followlngwe take
from this week's Mired Preebyteriten,one of the
moat influential religions papers in the Week
Speaking of the Whetter ,k "%Mann Sewing
Machine it says "Thin is unquoinientbly the
best sewing machine for Wally purposes now
in the market, nod is mare in denassod than
any other. It is the one which we can most
unqualifiedly recommend, and for shit reason
hare selected it sea t premium." itwalwd.
Jvo lincerveo LIM tiIADT emu iiilmn—The
fine assortment of Pall and Winter Olothnig,
lately moeivo.i by Moasr. Joha ViNt tr. Co.,
Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Pedaled.. street, Al
legheny. The stock of clothing consisbe of
the finest variety of gents' pant elegge vests,
coats and overcaats. • The sty_le platen= la
tastofal and faehlonable. erocild : invite
ali of our rcadera to give the enure gentlemen
o call
°aurora and carnage Can/ will t • taken at
tho Omnibus office No. tlO Penn street, 47
or night. All orlirrs la;t at the 4 lois plata
will be promptly attended to. Au tang must
ba paid toammo. . •
Drar►7. burrrrors, No. 251 Pont street,
the place where you oan get the 1 •at cheap
dentistry in the eity. Don't forget the pleas.
No. 251 Penn street, near Hener.ek.
tice.Risrie,t's Breachio/ Trochee • o want pn,l
their efficacy by test of um/ .ioyears. claw
0. Btu, Dentist, Ma Pei a 'treat, will at
tend to tll busbass of hb R mambo.
SZTDEL—DDAI.EN.—At r the rnlArnro of th o
bride. rathar, Droambrr Y Btb , IBA by lb* Ur.
111gby, D. D., Mr. ram 0 EITEL, of Cittcluntt%
♦ *aro remed7 !chroolo or =moo
_COLD2, rio4 . imams, 803 TBEOAT
To public oposhrro lt to torahablo.
To prom 11.1buitmt 1.71 , g ortanithig Cinigb or
Consumption, It rosolif irboth Cohdh LA &Mil.
Prepaccl and lOr se Is Ei •- ' .
B. z N %vs
C 4 24 $1 * ef'f'r
' 1 9 11.4
Bg 15431010.271-
Special Dlxpatoit to the Plastrargh Gszotto.
WABILLN1111).1 CITY, Dee. 19, 19Z11
Brig. Oen. Orme has been appointed com
mandant of the Post at Chicago.
Governor Morten, of Indianan hero con
nected with the enlistment of troops in his
Suite and other:matters.
Loa's army lies in its old position at Or
ange Coast House, with cavalry vidottes up to
the Rapidan.
asx. avrosx'a IeNIIIIJ.L.
lien. Buford is to kayo an Imposing mili
tary humid to-morrow. The President and
the Beads ef the Doparunenta aro In attend.
The President gives an odiciel reception to
morrow night, to which the Russian offinere
are invited.
ItriGEOS UMW. 11.‘11110To
There an maim that Burgeon Gemini
Rommond Is Likoly to be soon mustered out of
oervlos, but it cannot be treed to any au
thentic source. -
All sorts of rumors are lot afloat by whiekey
speculators about the prospective taxation.
Is that it is to be reduced instead of
being raised.
Tho generri questions of =anthem:ante the
Conaoription haa blion reedrin: a largo all4tre
of the attention of the Military Coramittctof
- , 1
A few guerrillas dray° in our pieket i at
Fairfax Station to-dsy. , Ilenntira of the liT u li
liars exaggerated it Into a scion • ri4 - f '
OM nirits ar* u1t 2 u ,4 . 4 -
zzoofaxiir or izOin tzoora- —l-,4
Gen. Butler has eommeneed the enrolment
of all the able-bodied pogrom' In his Depart
ment, with a view, dribtlese, to eoneerip7
Tax ■arierrna
The Senate Military Conunittee hoe, re
parted in favor Of &Untiring the brunt/ of $4OO
only to the sth of January, 1864, alto:that
no bounty will be allowed aubstitutes, and
only ens hundred dollars to drafted or collat
ed mon.
IsisJ. G. L. Steams, Commissioner for negro
recruiting, is here ea business with the War
Department. Ile speaks of slavery .as being
practically dead in Middle ;Tonnes*, There
be has been Last recruiting, and he thinks Its
tenure might very easily be destroyed also
about Memphis and Western Tennessee.
Tilt 0170 OP ALLOtANCII.
Mr. Saalebary came to the nacos of his
eolleagne Mr. Bayard, in the Senate to-day,
to attempt ;playing of the necessity for bir
taking the oath. It will not avail thorn, how
ever, as the oath will have to be taken, or
their seats in the Senate vacated.
It can be by no means considered settled,
that the three hundred dollar claims is to be
repealed. Mr. Wilson, himself, said to-day
that be doubted its propriety, antit is certain
opposition will be made to it In the Howe by
members who will argue that it Is realy sera
favorable to die poor man than any clause in
the bill.
There were but thirty-one members and
Senators at the Democratic cancels last night..
Fernando Wood was procent, but said noth
ing. Thom, in favor of a change of front in
Use party are laboring with him. Tim object of
the amens was to units tb. Diuncieracy on
platform of opposition to the administration.
of Utah, has boon sent for by telegraph by the
President, and is expected:here daily on hosi
nets connected wit. that territory. A move
ment will probabkr be made to admit Ptah no
a MMtel at this ataalsa, &patios. poly who is
one of as ablest of tbelirrilarial Virramora
is:sald . to hats bean stet. tot
gatiolitaratilraiireiiiifirellmmons. Gov.
Doty was formerly a resident end Governor of
Wisconsin. In the absence of the Governer,
Amos P.esd, Secretary of the Territory, will be
acting governor.
The feeling against Montgomery ❑lair,
which ha. hitherto been confined eitiefiy to
complaint., seemliness likely to be erganized
into a systematic movement. ♦ tall bat been
made In doe form, an the chairman of the
administration caucus, to summon another
vesting, to consider 8i41,.11 relation to the ad.
n %infiltration, and decide whether it in proper
to retwiscnt to the:President the necessity for
vet saving him. There is reason to donbt,
hos ewer, whether the movement wW have
toy -practical remit.
weirs.; or soLotors' rat
/deserts of proposition. for increasing the
pay if private soldiers to liaison dollars a
moot b, fifteen dollen a month and twenty-five
a mor tib, are already thrown upon Cougresm,
and no ws propositions are said to be coming to
raise t he pay of °Meer. twenty per sent. Pe
titions also come In rapidly for the increase
of pay tnr certain chassis of soldier.. tinny
lacrosse , is made it will be uniform. It 11 un
derstood:l-that the Military Committee have
decida. thit much, and further that they are
deolded3y fa vocable to some tnerease.
The lid /Inerances and views between Mr.
Hale, tllMtirMin of the Naval Committee, and
Mr. atslilll3, 4110 most active working member
on the tame Committee, culminated to-day in
request of the hotter to be released from fur
ther sore lee on the• Committee. A. Mr. Hale I.
Chairrat.n, and in o chronic ■tats of quarrel
ling with the Fury Department, it hoe there
fore to rely mainly am Mr. Grimes. Hie re
quest produced • decided fluttering. Tho
Bennie debated and plead orr, and finally
postponed the decision or to whether he would
oxcart him till newt week. Mr. Hole's ex
pluzatlon yesterday abeet his taking • fee of
three thousand dollars, as a lawyer, for get
ting a man out of the Old Capitol, is not con
sidered as wholly freeing him from blame, as
isigenerally diecuseed here. The question re
solves itself into this: Did ho get three thou
sand dollar' for his Influenee ae • Senator, or
for bin Influence no • lawyer ? If the latter,
It Is said, he must have been regarded a bet
ter lawyer than his friends ever supposed him.
From Cairo.
Osrao,Dce.l9.—Tha steamer Belle of Mem
phis arrived adb morning under guard. She
was wiLsed at Afemphts by the military au
thorities, charged with Medias a passen
ger at other than at a military port, the was
afterwards captured with a carpet sack filled
with percussion taps for the rebels. Persons
la Memphis who famished caps also, have
been arrested and theirstook isterfpossession
Little Beek &deices of the Iltb, elate that
the fear of an attack on Little Beek LI no
longer entertained.
The rebel Gen. McCrea, who has been rang
ing between Arkansas and White rivers, was
attacked was time slam at Juksonport, by
CoL Black, of Twenty-third Mould. The
enemy wu repuleed. Cot. Black captured
three pieces of artillery.
Oen. Carr hee assumed ectunand of the Se.
rend Dlvisien of the'Army of Arkansas.
Pour hundred and oixty-six bales of cotton
were sold in Memphis on the 18th. Prices
unchanged. Receipts of 87 hales.
The Stemmer Prima Mani Altaic
WHIZZING, Dee. 10.—The steamer Prima
DOZIIIII struck a sunken coal barge eighteen
miles, below hen this mann:tog. She sank to
thloshin So#tv:Nolirs were lost
1 65,..AtukstpcCliSeNt..; 1
4he Inc.-
.14. 1ttathinitht tkOitietgle Cahla
AdAt "Mu'
'lll lr i t__l t rrl a tM ) .
*Nu ni.
, "
Pl= wean:two'
Secretary Seward's Diplomatic De
port—Dispatches from Gen. Grant
—Rebel Deserters Taking the Oath
of Allegiance =The Recent Guer
rilla Raid—The Rumors of General
lfeade's Removal.
W ASLIINGTOI Dec. 19.—Mr. Seward's di•
plomatie report will be ready fur the prase in
a duper two.
Thu Erraicy Star bas the following The
authorities hero biro dispatches from General
Grant et Obattageona, dated last night •t 9
o'clock. They do not indicate any recent
change in the state of affoiri the e. ginner►!
Grant I. in massing a.ttl clir.ot telegraphic
communication with (loners' Filer at Knox
ville, and had there boon lighting between
Gon. Longstreot's forees and ours,as the press
dispatch. from Cincinnati state, our lore.
pursuing Lim. Noe. Grant would dookitlon
hare sent such dispatch,. litre. The fart
that he has acid nothing about sovh an engage
ment indicates the belief that the statornento
vii Cincinnati. referred to above, ore much
Two hundred and twolve rare' deserter.
were tent from the old capital prison, thin
morning, to Philadelphia, to take the oath of
allegiance. This mike. 418 who have been
sent to the tame place, thin week, fee tho
same purpose.
The Washington correspondent of the P, t,
Dec. 18th, says: The end of the guerrilla
Mosby, upon the Fairfax Court Rouse,
startled this community, and causes some
anxiety at the War Department. It Is
sample of what may be expected during the
winter, unless Gen. Meade falls back near
Washington or stranghens kL communications.
The army will be compelled to fall bock If
those raids continue, and it is probable that
Oen. Meade has contemplated a retrogade
movement for come time.
The remora of the removal of Gen. Meade
have died out, and it i.e generally believed
that he will remain in command for the win
ter. The fact that Gen. Meade occupied R
perfectly independent position, and offered
to resign again and again, has helped him
very much with the President. Ile hat boldly
defended hir recant campaign, not ev en asking
for lenient Judgment upon it.
Weaumoron, Deo. Vt.—The Joint Commit
tee of the Senate and Ileum of Dalegatos of
Virginia, et Alezeudrla, agreed last night on
a bill calling C. onneuritiou for abelishint
slavery in that State, which trill be paeeed to
fureral 11.4. Gin. Buford took place
till., afternoon, and,. wai l largely attended.
Eight itofar Ilionernis acted KJ poll bearer!.
Pro! lent Lincoln attended the service!.
The report of the commission appointed by
the Nary Depratmen 1, rwoeisting of throe
chief engineerA, who hare made careful en
, periments for Lice months, chewing the practi•
eablllty of wing petroleum or hydro carbon
fur the purpose of generating steam, has
been leaned, and proved satisfaetorily. It Is
`said by those rho here Coen it that the result.
show • great sating, not only fors merchant
eteamer bat s ea naral steamer.
It is understood that r. majority of the Com
' mitten on Mititaq Attain In the House are
opposed to the repealing of the commutation
dense in the enrollment act, as reported from
the Senate. Senator Wilson speaks of Ms
intention to offer an amendment authorizing
enlistment in the rebel State", to be credited
to the quotas of the State for which the offi
cers prdcure the recruits, whether white or
llombere of Congress are roceiaing large
utreabers of letters containing suggestions and
opinions relative to the prepared change in
Its ,Enrelfgatint Act.
-, Out of 1051. applicants for COluirli*Min. in
•niit'd regiment', beo hare been recommend"d
for appointments, niz: Col,nels, Lieuten
ant Colonels, 10; Majors, 25; Captains, I 04:
Sint Lieutenants, 153: Sec.,' Lieutenants,
Thirty gentlemen were present at the cum
plententary dinner to Speaker Colfax, last
night. They were connected a Ith the most
prominent journals of the county, and were of
earloue political opinions. It wee apleasant
and harmonious gathering. Samool
ion, Beq., presidal, and at the concluston cf
his remarks proposed a statement tr Mob °bet
ted from Me. Collaa a brief, rppror,riate, elo
quent and patriotic speech. IL which he
said the 'lame of Represrotattecs had clurstn
newapaper men for Speaker, Clerk nod Peel -
maspbr, a good share for the profession; and
in atui banal° it Tram nearly the 4 100 way, viz.:
Thetprestsit Secretary, F-rney, art Sergeant
at-Atm...Mr. Brown coming in f , r the highest
Escape of Two Officers from Libby
Prison—The Fare of the Union Pris
oners at Richmond—A Pweeptng Con
orrlptlon—Jeff. Darlsto Command tho
Southern Army, and March on the
NKir TOIIK.• Dec. 20.—Tho Ihr•sLi's F•rtre es
Motto* letter reports the assume (corn Libby
1 3 0.
pelt and arrirld ill our Lam of of Capt. N. F•
An • 44af.„14s . .4tapt•4ttlyntaens. at.. 1..
Aid' is; I:th lowa. Th., first was vaptnted
on the 3d of .filsy last, near Roam, Ga., risk
Colonel Straight'. cow muod,on hisfacsons raid
tlamagis Alabama. The lot: or was taken at
Jackson, Miss.
The lit special, dated Gulpopper Court
liouse„ V.., Dec , IS, says : Simultaneously
with the reoeut raid ley Col. Jones through
uur Bees, soar, Fairfax Station,
an at
tack no Waal, on the picket-s of the fleet cav
alry div.iion at thiiplat, Ono of our pickets
was gobbled up and their raid ended.
The recent rains have made the road,
moat impusable, especially for artillery.
Citizens hero toll us that we ere 101.611 to
eraoouto their town, but no own, of such
movements are apparent.
Credible witnesses, last from Richmond,
state that our prieoners there are better fed
than their own people, and touch hotter than
they would bo o mer, It not that the desperate
lamas of the cititens of the Confederacy must
be kept from our knowledge. Fresh beef is
new four dollars per pound, and fresh bread
three dollars and fifty ovals per loaf, such ite
formerly cost only five cents. The eonse
quanta 1., that theuunds most atone Or go
lute the army and divide their ration. with
their families. It has been determined by
the rebels to coascript every mole between
the ages of fifteen and fifty-five, inclusive, far
one last desperate and deoleive effort in favor
of the Confederacy. Tho attempt will pro.
bably be made upon Wuhington or some por
tion of the North. In this* eenseription Loth
negroes and whites are to be included, end
they are also t he thrown lute the /ante ranks
together indiscriminately.
With this immonle mongrel army Jeff
moans to precipitate himself open Washing
ton, Pennsylvania or Ohio, perhaps ell three,
commanding in person. Be will endeavor to
stimulate the passion. of there hordes by most
extravagant stories of fancied wrongs, suffered
et our hands by the Southern people, and by
the most fabulous promisee of plunder to be
obtained through the victories which shall be
gained In Northern towns and cities.
The Chesapealte at Halifax—Popular
Tumult—.Eseape of the Pirate..
Hamm, Dee. 10, 10 p. m.—At one o'clock
this afternoon the steamer Chesapeake, and
the prisoners on beard, were delivered over to
the Government. Upon the arrival of the
beat containing the prisoners, at Queen's
wharf, the excitement became Intense, and
the prisoners were seized by a boat's crew in
the slip and hurried off by the crowd in at
tendance. Upon the Government officers
moving to arrest the prisoners under a war
rant, they were seized and hold by prominent
oltizons, and rendered powerless to perform
their duties. The crowd finally succeeded he
getting the pirates off in a small boat, which
forthwith moved down the bay. The affair
caused the greatest excitement throe ,heal
the city. What course the authorities will
pursue in the matter, it is impossible to say.
The pirates now are at liberty, scattered
throughout the province.
National Banks.
Virsailluarine, Doe. 20.—The necessary pa
pers bare been issued from the Treasnry De
partment, for the establishment of a National
Dank at Now Orleans, with a capital of half
a million of dollars, under the national our
renoy net. Also for a third Bank at St.
Louis, with • capital of $1,000,000, with the
privilege end prospect of increasing it to
$5,000,000. The National Dank of this city,
will continence to-morrow, with the Inane of
notes recently prepared by the Treasury De
partment for circulation by path institutions.
Only $BO,OOO of the $500,000,000 of the 5-20
loan amain unchanged.
A Murderer bung by aVigllanee Com
• Ba 7 Fearcuico Deo. Ir.—The following
dispatch mu received from Los Angelo, to
day: Charles Watkins, indicted for mur
der by a :pedal grand Jury yesterday, was
brought hate court this morning, and plead
guilty, when a vigilance committee entered
the court room in large numbers and took the
prisoner from the custody of the sheriff, and
hung bin:. Watkins was an Englishman and
a Mormon, 41s parents reetding in Salt Lake
City. lie is known to hare killed three men
in this State, and confessed di other mar
dere. . •
Wheat , the na.erilo4
- Hur naxemitoN
isrliA9s;-LitripstkvailittillADO'sseks of
14010,414413 at PfantAI.,MONIWIFI 39,4 Y,
Ofitaiof libloitie24::i za ,
7 5
'I4W3V4-4t""Yeergfr 1, in
) "
Ncw ORLIANS, Dee. 2.--Tho EateniJatZtes
gunboat fiannwha has &mind here with the
vessel captired while bound for Ravens
from Mobile. Her cargo consist, 0f240 bales
of cotton, fifty berreit rosin, fourteen barrels
turpentine ant $5,000. Until within a short
time the schooner has been used u a rebel
gunboat at Mobile.
The lato black (Mat will considerably
shorten the sugar crop In Louisiana.
The receipts of erotton at New Orleans
since the Stet of September hays been orcr
43,000 bales.
Damon oome from Dixie that Bragg has
committed suicide, and that Lougetreet is
tr l L reaapture of Puebla by the Mexicans
again is
Gen. Banks has reeorereZ :rem hie illnms.
Nese Ortgans, Dec. 11.—Three or four thou
sand troops under Gene. Wirt, Adams, Cros
by and Logan, appeared In the •isinity of
Natchez, early thin week, attacked our f o rce.
under Gen. Gresham, but were repulsed nod
pursued. I Ls mid that we took 800 prison
The steamer Voo Yhul, which left here for
At. Louis on Monday, was badly damaged by
a rebel battery just above Bayou San, A
shell exploded In tho pilot home, killing the
Captain and Mr. Curry, the bar tender. Sine
boat hands wars wounded, three fatally. The
boil was saved (rem utter destruction.
The Lieutenant Governor of Boston and
seven others of ilia Ifassachuseet cavalry,
were captured four days ago near Port Hud
son, by a party of Logan's man. The Lieu
tenant Governor wet badly wounded, and four
or foe of his men more or less seriously in
The reports which have been currant of a
cerispirey between the colored troops nod reb
el prisoners at Fort J ackson are false.
♦ destructive fire occurred here this morn
ing. Loss estimated at tie,oo6. The build
ings consumed were on Tohoupitoulas street,
between Gravier street and :latches alley.
They completed of the large and handsome
stare of Grlff, Barnet k Ce., the stare of Smith
.k Zeigler, and two stores well stocked with
ninon, belonging to Jones / Pickles. Sev
eral other buildings on Natchez alley were In
jured by falling walla. One dreman was kill
ed and several injured.
New Orienas, Lee. l2.—The cznitwmen t oc
casioned hero by the report of a motley at
Port Jackson on the 9th, has barely subsided
„vet. Tho most wild and improbable rumor.
prevailed, that every white man in the Port
had been maessoreed. That rho DOgroes were
about to kin every white man in the vicinity,
aJ. Dot the troth Iral known at hesdluar
tern early on the morning o f the I /di. The
facts are as follows:
The negroes had taken otrence at one of the
officers In command, and swore vengeance.
In try lag to get possession of his person, they
encountered more opposition than they anti
cipated, and they fired some shots at random,
and into the air, but they never intended to
create mutiny or shed blood. Sot a person
was initirod. The whole affair did not last
half an hour. The officers easily plaited the
men,,and they hare not since made any de
There is no news from Tesim except the
capture of Fvrt Espernnes. in Metzgorda
A Brass 12—Pounder Pound Burled on
Polly Inland—Efreeto of the late Gale
lu Charleston Harbor
Nitv Tear, Dec. 10.—The Tribune. Fully
Island conterpondent write., December I Ah,
that on Saturday morning, while tho tide was
receding, one of the privates of the 30th
Rhode Island battery disoovered, Dunn Fort
Putnam, on the beach, what he thought might
be a brao.field piece. He asked and obtained
permission to gu and see. Ile armed himself
with a spade, and In a few minutes revealed
a beautiful brass 12-pounder. Twelve men
were immediately detatled to carry it Into the
fort, which wan done successfully, under a
brisk On from Moultrie. As anon ria it was
in the fort it was mounted in a good position,
ready, at • moment's notice to be ustal against
it, old friend.. The spade, in the er.orse of
the day, brought to the surface sup r oun d s of
.oiiti shut that just suited the calibre of the
picot.. It in thought that the rebels, before
evacuating Fort Gregg, buried a quantity of
ammunition of all aorta. A few days will de
cide the matter.
The storm and high titles have had the ef
fect of washing awry some of Admiral Dahl
fren.# greatest enemies. Morris Island, for
a mile, is lined on the beech with Immense
logs, thirty feet long and eighteen inches
thick, fastened together by very strong bands
of iron. No trues can be discovered of
whore the torpedoes bare bean fastened. Now,
If crer. is the time for the Admiral to make
the attempt to go Into Charleston,
Women and Ckildren tient Month—Eno
rolling Able Bodied Citizen. in
Fewrudsos Musson, Doc. 1.5.—A train of
ears under a flag of true°, loft Norfolk for 6uf
folk yesterday, midi fourteen women and
&arca children, to remain south during the
Major General Buller lies Israel an 'nide;
lor We enrollment of all able bodied male
citizens, colored and white, between 1/1 and
45 years of 'grill' this department, to be com
pleted January let..
the mar-sine explosion in Yorktown de
stroyed nearly all the buildings in the town.
Alralre In Gen. Banks' Department.
Borrow, Dec. 10.—The special correspond
ent at New Orleans, of the Traveller, under
date of the 10th Inst., sap that Gen. Wash
borne holds the coast of Team from the Rio
timed° to within one hundred miles of Gal
Another dielsion of the 13th reeve starts
for the Texas coast to-dey, and the expeets
tion is that Galveston is the next piece to I.e
put down in the history of the war 11, haying
been rucapured be the Federate.
G. Franklin is still at Saw Liberia, with
■bout four dirisiom.
Gen. Weitzel goes north to job, Geo. But—
ler's command inn lon days. It is not known
who is to take his place.
Federal Officers Attacked by Guer—
New '1" one, Dee. 20.—A special dispatch to
tho Trams. from the Headquarters of the
Army of the Potomac, dated Doe. 18th, lava:
Last Sandal as Cot. Harding, of the 12th
Reserves, Lieut. Colonel Dustin of the same
regiment, and Lieut. Col. Dare, of the sth Pa.,
won riding along the railroad near Catlett's
Station, they were fired on by seren guerrillas
secreted In the woods. Col. Harding rueeired
a wound through the arm and since has had
It amputated shove the elbow. Lieut. Cel.
Goalie was whet through the hand, but Col.
bare escaped unhurt.
New Toes, Dee. 20.—Arrived—rho steam
ship Morning SW, from New Orleans on the
13th, via Ilavans on tho 13th. She brings
$lO,OOO t¢ specie and 1,100 bales of cotton.
Meagre advice from Vera Cruz, state that
the French were slowly advancing toward the
interior. Communication with Vera Cruz is
very precarious, and the convoys both ways are
being attacked, and some times cut up by the
Gen. Dirk had made a greet raid through
Queratero, hlexleo, Oaxaca end other States.
lie eeptursid no prisoners.
Reinforcements of troops aro still being
sent to St. Domingo..
Boat Sunk—Three Men Drowned.
LOCISCILLS, Dee. 20.—Ac coven laborers,
this afternoon, were rowing a large FCC'', con
taining a locomotive for the Frankfort Rail
road Company, from Jeffersonville to the
railroad river depot, in Louisville, the current
carried them down over the falls, upsetting
the boat, sinking the lecomotive,and drowning
three men. The remaining four were rescued
by Capt. Pink Verb's, piloting the steamer
Celeste, who with groat daring, rounded hit
boat upon the falls.
The River and Weather at Loularllles
Lorturtuu Dee. 20.—The weather has
been very cold for the put two days.. =Mer
cury at 8 o'clook tide morning, hzdieatitig
degrees above sera. More moderate this
evening. Mercury 22. Itaremeter2l7o, and
The river it rising rapidly. Plenty of wa
tor over the falls.
The Re-Enlisting of Veteran Soldier*.
C13171.011000A. Dee. 19.—The order that
three-fourths of the aggregate of .the veteran
regiments =vet re-enlist to get faidongbi, haa .
almost etopod enlistments. In teeny eases
more that ono-fourth being either to the hos
pital er prisoners, and - the men want to get
home before the boltda3h.
pncyroGßArri§ (JAN RE K&D AT
Abo AttZISOITTTS. of • •ups itintr. •
ea- Prirl. to sob WI 62mM 0. ILMATZL„
!arta:NW to orler ; ,
atospastra ommutOputtlopont.
raL;ti :inn* cm.lnn - cik . l; — ili-
Illteistibsistou • '• •tc% r. 9.1 ?meat
nble pad e•
ta l s guth - ~,,, •:
kii , ) 7 q•.;•i .
From Now Orleans.
Mexican Newa.
Dark Bine,
Licit tA .
Dark lime;
L440t1 Drew,
Hu, Dn..,
Dark Dank,
Li At Drrib,
Pats Drub,
For Dyeing bilk, Goods, Alma by,
&wit, Drosses, , Bonne+, lie u
Fratlism, Sid Glom+, Etildren's Clothing, and an
Linda of Creating AttpatroL
For tS ants you can color es many itoods as oduld
otherwise cost Ors Won tbat sum. Varlorts Andes
mn to grub:Mod ham the tams di.. The proms is
staple, and any, one can me am dye with perfect
mem. Diractiams In 'English, Frond, add German,
Inside °teach se
For farther Inlhrmation to Dyeing, and airing •
perfect kitowledamerhat colors are best adapted to dye
over tabus, ilat• many valnabl• reclpseall,S•Ch•SO
Sou* it &emu* 'Treatise on Dyeing and Colortur
gent by pall OP receipt of price-1.0 amts.
Manufactured by MOMS* smrse.
.293 Broadway, Andom
For sale by druggists and dealers generally.
llaii to Its *rights] odor, ma prodieleg Heir where
It had altogether Wien off, or become thin, fa trote7
dq beeoinlez more manifest, =el
vngl deobt 4 tbitu,t3—
naktylll, to aatorda °ma uasagerireganr Gray Bab
toYb Qatar.
'T:ath "GI fads tiptoe. HlGGRamta. , •
yetreikavYri trahana Fleenekos t .
Via Its4l2ftmat Destihm, 0.4
• That Ilona sides& rad" &tit ad Mm :
That Melt paaariar Airbag (bear lo Old
That if sal ynyeat - '
- •:11n1• ail Pima riLla &arly:J
Nat &Dye; oottalestra Itnitaal elher:oiartli
ya, Wp.a6ftelybeinittyyleys !Mister Ber..
Price, ONE DOLLAR. 71,
ON AOMMlN;ilVibti;l= u
i 4::
qrs.; p
Opportti I 1 Ociv:,it
rem* )flitolo3,-
410 , ;14' , 4
; .
Tba rim Latin recllalag steaLl7 at till pant
with 7,*gella . CerCiiiii2Msl6l4l l lllllolllllllr'
marks laatamazdag. inather arm aitaedlaatt
o,l d 7. 0 " 4 . 41 7.ani11hera was soma floating Ica In the.
Attighaay aim, hut It Is not. as Tat, of each
character as to lo:erkra with zavigalfm,
The arrival, frrttsbelosr Include the Cricket So. _•
tram Cincinnati, end the Kerrie frost St. Lazar
The lent named steamer arrived yestettiay alteratio3.
no Erni!. Graham from Latiesellle, was dos Wit
klght, nod Trill doebtires be tonsil et a. wharf- this
The Let:lll.6ot! far Cleetntati, the Jolla Ler 7.arpti-
Tille, ea 4 the liebtrle Byers for Et. Lotas, left inciat
artuy arvaing, e.r4 Jennie Iltibb: retell:At:math
!eared yesterday strert.oen.
By tbs areisal of Choate/neer Neruda, •r.lnretthft
the Prima Donna, bonnoi from Cincinnati to Pitts
burgh, struck a makes, mat host any Captine, on
Satnnlay rannting, *bout four o'clock, and sunk In a
eery few nahantes thereafter. After theacrideuk her
anima succeeded to running her Mama arbor', be
fom aba want down, and It le tLocight thas rho sirs
be raised. The Priam Duns was owned at Cada
oat', I afoot eight years rid, and woo commanded
by Capt. Alexander McCown, of this city. Liar car
go, we ars Informed, concisted principally of groan .
and wit maligned to puttee la Ibis city. We were
unable to learn any particulars about the Itouranee.
It b but prep, to march that this lank rturtatehoat
wa considered perfectly en-worthy, and name E 5 , 0 00
ware expended moonily In repairing her at Cincin
nati. We ars gratified to be able to state that no
Um want lest. The Nevada t,tttioPalmaLAo
The Cittagu Nu. 2, end Adosoon, arrival from Olt
City on Batonlwy, and the 1 r.:Ja hold Tteoe lett
to the evening for theeorte ',tot, with rxrd
If the weather thonhi oonthasse rold touch leaser ovr-
ITath.o will toon be ettapooded on the Allecheol, ae
there O Crawly oonold.rable floalloT I. in that
Capt. IC U. Cox, or t ha steamer eollorsua, canna
down from Broa nartilo on Saturday, furcate for Lae
mils to'Jol■ Ms Nat. The Collortna I. rnoc, and
bus Lean far too. Woo, In the crriplGy of Curls
The atcona.r 01Ito, Paw., J. R. Glltuoro, Miami
r, and Ilion:II Iran advert4ol to ir3.l, fur tn.A.
borilt on naturnoy am! Itondny.
The Dirk ration mod .rorn! ether 4,nte arrly;,l
Cincinnati on Irriday, w ILL large leers of coal.
Capt. Wash lierr, formerly or the J. B. Ford: rg,
ea.." tha Cl:leen at Cinrianati. ou Friday, I'4;
The Claritinati taata. , :a.l, emitirilay, ..p.:—
The g /OR tor Pittsburgh. with a fair (might
trip—a portion lisug the elsgnut .ml eat.
t.outtit fur Captain irstish• .....1.146-wh.elatermer
Jo«pb Plercp.,ow being rompietod .t PltUbtrgh.
Plias—Lan Bong and Thos. Vanier.
Paaretwers auel ehlppere elmahl bear In mind that
the popular steamer btarlialat CapL J. A. Hart.,
leaves this evening for hi. ',ale. lir. An:patron;
still retains charge a/the office.
The New Steamer "Kate Robinion.”
fir ie the name of a Eno steamer last completed
hem by Capt. Kohert KAM/son, formerly ofthe Bast
lugs. It is not going too Mr to ssy that to point of
style, finish. convenience nod comfort, the Lite
'Tobiason will cousinsre far crehly eith any Wet of
her class that has terse thencl out Item yet. No
trouble er expense spared in her romans,
(fon, es .he .as Catiaboai tinder the tnimesibile vipers
Intendaum of Copt. Roldmon himself. The boll,
which le universally conneded to he staunch and com
plete In every reapeet —it., timber. Ming of the very
best material, and wel put mg:Oar—war built et
Parkersburg, Vs., by W. R. Pars..., and in 1:434
feet in length, 35 fret /kora, and 5 Teri depth of hold.
The cabin is greatly admired by all wh ,, bare seen it,
and in proof of this it is only necessary to cote that
t It the, work of Mr. W. F. Lichardmit, who always
fulfills his part of the contract with credit to himself
and to the entire satisfsmlun of ell port re. no ma
chinery, oleo, fs comhtered I,y competotitpdget, per
fect in every respect, and rege-te credit updr. the
bonder, Mr. Liebe. Lea. Therylindere are le Inches
m Ohmmeter with 5 Get stroke, and the workmanship
Is complete in every respect. tike has thra a bvilers.
3/I inchse in diameter hy feet to ismgth, atvl to
Ibis arrinection, we eau state, as dlgiculty will to
experienced from went of smsm. The painting, which
I. In good mete and add. us-aerially to the general
appearance of the boat, was done by Itmars. Nekton
& bigger, and the Aunt/etre, which we. fornisioutsby
Kamm T. It. Tocusg & Co., le of tho latest and meet
approved style, and adds greatly to the general sp..
pearanor of the cabin. The state room, are large,
and well ventilated, while the bedding to ell that
could bode:tired by the most festidlons. The uplaols
.1.17 to from the etoro of Nall. anitoeaa & Vied
erhald, while the earpeti Cog, which Is of the most
appmved and beautiful style, was furnished by
Yews. llrralland A Coleus. The chendnliers wore
furnished by W. N. Ogden & Co. Medicine noel by
Kelly. of AU-gbsey. htetionttry, .1.8. Wel
d,. Ontllt. Long A Due. Block and tackle' Doi
ago & Roberts, and Landscape pa:riling by A. C. Wall
In onteln/Ing thh Inicfnotire, s• say add that .
tho Sato Stotaxa. is so nitittractcd as to lr sal
adapted for either high or low tinter, and while Etta
drairp.potrou by 11,4944111, bcrenltNllll2lT
- diva tniniftsd
Thls flus Warne! sill less. for Caneleltnii S• •
Icsanillkthlntnesslng mositreely, .mod she • Isla :re. ;
oil's, u ohstkosereas, a 101 l trip. Capt. Robinson,
and rho clerk, W. John Wherry, are hothgentlecon
to ths strictest sense of the isnn, scdpitSinites wad
shippers, era lust no hesitation Istsaying,srill find
thorn to b what MS 1t... represented. TelegTaph.
61.. Loci., D. 19.—Cotlea In fair demamd ; crle
6d bubo maiddhumx At Kt. Flour firmer. W heu
firma and untbanged. Corn firm. um crier.
N. Your, Dan li.—Cotton dull and le lower, at
61c. Plow opened quiet and steady red lose.l So
better for .hipping grades SS,SOMACS for extra
State, and S7,COCgT,6O 61.11.0.; sfd ss (4Vii for trcds
Arm. Whisky • shads dream at onasM. for State and
western, and closing firm at 511,:rin, Wilms, 'bins
better and In ildr demand: f1,46g1,5n for tilikaro
Spring, inside Vim for Inferior; $1,4701,51 for 11:1•
smoke* Club; 11,3091,3.5 Co. olddo,in mom; $l, SSG
1,53 for amber Milwaukee, the latter for emend:o:m;
51,1401,C0 for wiuter red western. Corn hilly
better, and n fair Inquiry at 51,3'.:(31,33 for wedeln
in More, nod closing m 51,52A1,53 tor refund afloat.
Eye more active and lower, at 1/1,11501,3MA • Oats •
.lads firm, at 91V2e. for wratern, Pork mom
active and firmer at 517,25 for Mit mesa; sl3,sfogihsB
for 18.10, and 113,21 for ISM 3 14,13 thr prime, and
1116,500:111 for old nod Neer prim. mess. timon akin
In activademand. Lard steady at 113 , 4121r0.
Neer York Stock and Money Market.
Nun :Toux,-Dou actluo.d irl far do
te:mod at 7 r mot. iltorllng Armor but glue( at lode
Gold unsettled and firmer, opening et 57
oduanclng to and cloning dull at 52.
Mod. less stirs wed Innolar.
Ck. IL I—. ..—UV1;:i1ead1r.c..........._..-11:v
P. Pt. W. a E.......... 85 ( 4,35. 8...........-...—.. N. 1 6,1
A. .t T. I/ .--- GISb Ms.-C. 5trip..._._.112%
C. & Tal... 119 ILA P. D. U. . m
Erle---.--.--1 ~latilckaUrct ... C 0... G.
Erie, Pfd..—........-.1 , 11.;4' U. S. I y'r e.....-...- 1..
Drat Cive-t,
gVPII ZUrph,
The wonderful erects cl thti itittclo la restoriFtg
Will be premata4,
Bee sits, eatitlad r
'Or. SIM Tolintrzrze mEmotrad iss lll" ,
- FOLD! 7118 =LVOV , todw .
atirraw* - 7-
To catalaNk
—.:-Lanzga r
anal., a near Pattanauts.
, z
- . 1110 - •
VI ~.-o.7mrepaciug on uoNDAT
Doc. 21d, at 7 o'clock, aad oa ..TIMWATON I2 ._
NESDAT and TELUESDAT ..arrtiexocoisi
and ZYSSINGS at iisCo'clock t uill'
lizacinic Ball Auction Howe„
Largo conslipur-ent of • ,4„
Toys, Vases and Fancy •000113,
o.mprislag stall savertmezt tor
The abois Y eonsk-aod by cims'of tbO Isrei ; a
ern Importers, and trill bo told yltiMatillVe
- rs 24
Ms Toys osa to parobssea prisst• Tali&
day, Wodassasy aad Thanday =rainy's. -
&LS T. IleCLEttallilli
Y IviA
7 11 &.. 4 3•11, 11 bo WA; 33 ,. lb*
. 13ozozo , 3•113
10 aorta Iszchnote ibink
33 . Citloorm` Escik - Stock; '•
ID 'do lifeebooded Boa Stock; •
.a do ll.orcbantil4:333sorgotomeilao3; . •
DO do ..3thogbeby Nallors Ile Cooed Co.;
30 do Iflobonshola Lbstronci Co.; •
30 do 'Western Immortneo 031 "
13 do Zanduk Imernato Cb.31.0ck;• ,,
. C 33111,3 EfeOLW6lll/C.Ane'rE
Stewart ELIATOOD, nor at Ili. Par :of Pitt*.
berth, rill be at the Coati:dwell! tiatak,attteta
at Pllth anat. -STISit&I , EVSIIO49,./tet.
=I. at 734 tieback.. Vat Ammer "ELLWOOD Irak:
bard is 1115,3 s ISt . kat_ itilanl:tb;Ss fade hk;tiuttla
5 rte. t beld,Jud 171 - 75,951ana, 'amid . = Mast -
nutnatuttput;', PerrPontliordng
atd s , and her outnt of =Diu her equlputot•
wail riming complete. rem opportunity
arced to parcluse; Terms at:n W vr. - _' -
018 ' DATI.S
• -
—On TUESDAY SiILITSG,_-Dca..ltA:.aLlX - f r '...
o'clock, sall MaolL, at tiwasessamatal Pates Botram
a t
/Mb street. timse Building Lott tti tteatosall!,.
Ward, altuata :54E0.1. Bass sad Daairt
lastag Bas. ES, Mi ZS; 2Z,81. 33. , 31,14 sa;34as szkt
mla /Mal Pludtres plan off, Mtapergialtultal.:7.
late of the laus.Dr. amt. was ' •
Term. cub. - For huller P.Sii r. •
L. Kosaaa, Itakmrall`s
arta 1111918 &31eILWALNY.Appt'rE.
- - .
sold. at McNolry's
Fifth asset, on IVEDAN.PDAT; Doortabot i.
o'clock p m.. by ardor of the dasSpsoos; the rack
an Eastern Tar Moan; torwatlux eta" sloassat
sorts:eat of CAPES, VIOSOISIN ES, 11137143 API ,- 7-4',
011,111, Ines .t . 4 ", i ; - ;
the dam get a skis christoota.presset. , lTl.o.ll .
ran asrangcd icT inspcFtion °a Sir blonds:.
1.5 td JAR. i.r.raivr Atik'r.. •
. .
ta actordsoce with the prurlakaw of as Act of ths
ficonal Annulily or the Cotuntatw.uath PerumaT• • • •
non, tworldlne -for thWinodmoratloil of theatity of
kittonnah, and of the mints mroplrunato to aold
Act, J. D. C. SSAFIRR,. Jr., Mayor ettand: . .itr. da •
Woo thin, toy 'powlonntkm, that on,the •FIRAT, - 1 -..-
JANUARY, A. • D., ItiG4, - being' lbw
Stria Dar or. as Dowry, the; frocausi. bi smelt . -
Ward of Look, city, qualified for =robots of •
the Bose of Deptrglatatiyes of LLD Rutonnowsalth, • •
will want as the Gann] platen of holditg elociloos
their noway, wards Sad prockini,aad When, by .
helot, under the prmialeno of an Act of,Atannbly,
pined•th• IGh day othliy, A. D.,
• Ono puma to setts to liovor of Amid dts. .
One person to Serra so.Cantrolfrr'ct.n.idtad
One person to ware as Taw-sort: Of wad ci ty
Ruh of of than hold their oaroafOr two loan.
Oo the tame dr/. la'acafutalty to 01,1010 SO <Ito&
authontla•and oho to lbw' Ordineattaaf.Denrils • ,
diatrictina Laid city, tho oltiteasof the .
Vint Ward will elect;by toll!, onion= to bet •
wooer of tie, Select Council of sa t city for two
r r , a , , and toroperante to Lorsemaben of the O narnon
.• ,
Second Won.l--Ona possort to be .10 , 11. r of tho
selcrt-r..itwo 'perms to to memb,,sof attCotomoti
Third Ward—tire person to.
Sake! and Aix prrrooslo rot • -
CincticiL -
roartb Word-0. person to be s 7 213:.'...t: of • do
Select sod t•o persons to bo metot:orsl df,tbo .Coca
mon CatateiT;
Ylltb Word--Ono person to bin raesabei Of tho Se
atnd a promo to be xnenibm% alba Common
alztL Ward—O. pawn to" tot a, biember at the
Solect =id Star pramv to bo metabetiof the Common
&math Word—Ow m niboon to be ntooo of -the ..
Eon= and two persons to be sambas crlberCesconynn
Eipnale Wool—non perms toboh senobor or tiny...
,Eiltnourthltolxnnin/s; , 'bolW — A
A 5 OLOtted.lQui 'weir* U-iriki fl:kt - .:'
.tyl owcr
• •- :a aTITIND IVIVOII n to be =ln.?.. - Isv As:l7;
; rneb,otTnon; "boll bo spallled, bs wrrn4l a morn.
bee Of ths Ilona of Ilepreentatlves of tb.loVonsmon.
- Al !Air . election to babel/Os' ahrwaidien Snatoxf;
the Soh day ofJannaif, A. D.. - 18%,.. • -
The electors of to. rlrat.-Word t . !DLITFIr *at 14*
Public Beloal Homo to add wait:. . •
Tho eleetcms of Mr Second Ward w . f.! Wofi: at tho
Public Bacot Hann CO aside - ad.
ekttort of troth the Third:W=2 as lles
north The ao
ChM% watt of Grams of
stmt. bel4 precinct No.
1 of said ward will rote at the. house cf ft.NoStay
as the cam= of Sixth sod funithileld streets.
The doctor* of ito moth of. tho Third Ward as Nes
mat% and eapt of Grant etteet,-13' char ;redact No. 2
afsald ward, will cote at the ho mar O. ft: Ifee.,..y,
at ohs macro: Wylie and Tornol
The doctors of the - No=lh Ward-itgl irgo of Um
Nadia &hoot Ihnue in said yard. ; ±
The electore of so mach of the Nifth:Ward as Ilea
oath wad east of /Idiom ettct, beintjproclatt No. 1
of aid
In said ward, will rota -
at the Public School Nome.
ward. '
The electors of sot:Loch M the ItltliWard ea Ike
south and .eat et Adair% sttect v beta . irpred_r_.ct
?path! rote at the Pabll tame, on
The steamer the 'Bath Vihrtt tiilE•tole et the
rablie Schaal In chi +mt.^
The electonrof the inanib Wnxd ufayaid at ths
ratite &heat Home In ad. ward.,• •
The dachas of the .EW,th
at . the
Puldbo Bawd Home to Wd tread.
o action Of lie , !Slant Ward' aillkcoto at the
Pet, • Stool Ucamata aid grant. •
outer my hand and the eesl of thisaid. City
of • usbargh, the-lath de.yof Deoonaberdl. D., Inds.
• e:dts B. fidlTrElt„•Jr., .15Saycr.
Treantrce• Mar, Dee-rt,
Was /kal i f the City of Alluiaterty - ; - .D, Are herely ,
notltod that.the P.l.uktsc -Fend far la
va* la - Vione Hong -at. ttm - lawat. rites °Oared..
Prapaltag ncelnedlt4.l.V.l.lZEDAT;lts Id 417 of
117 order of the Oomialtteeoa -
&Ltd : lIACT - ZREOY. - Cltr 'Arian:trim
• •
LusroirVor GB&BLLB, TBE roiirmuxii
BURGUNDY... By Jobo ...Youter,BDl F : 2
FornlabY. —Xgi.6)in4tr,
&IS ' • . ' styryt.
Ify - BoL4 1s `liUlydl
I I.VV in • " . •
mast rotdtnd and fat
I 40 4 . : Pow' 41415.0r...41 Sugar t
ppIDLE . Y'S ST m
cocaine, tmnt 'Yaw Tart, an atarretm;.nt o •
frallrfacelebnklod averted • Drok.m:Stlct And TA
sails Owns Ciadyi'nfeaftetl. Berm Ploga.ln fancy
bozo. and aoraptuelas, ;manias: tits - Fatally Gm:try- -
Eta, of . -' ic..utssumr.
call Wherry and nand xtrltta;- • :
17 - 111A1 -AND OILIaIiTiAMUNG,.of
on-hand and for .g.cligiaolcial4,-:„.4z:::.
or Tonal, at nnt!
• Noe. DI and:Bßin Moirt;ea.
I...BATHER ' BELTING; ' ll 4 1 4 Vii,ftr,
14 Bel des.
et- ,Plmtlig, Ifeee;
aad Roets; tarp Atckk'altirikoo. bawl,: the l -"
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