• .... t• , . . ... .. ,„ . 14 e ,-.....r.-p. , „,M. ,,, , , g- -, . , 1% , ..T.- , m-m-b., , ..._ - .....,.........?..,,,. ~. .....92 , ‘ ~..7..- . f.'..',. .;,' -.% --.... T.Li. ... „, ........-.....-.... , _ , ...:..--4: , -..., - ... f =:i.±-......---,--- : - - •.. .. , • 1 . . . . ~ ..... ESTABLISHED: IN 1786 6ROCERM4}PROO 17CE,If• (TITARLEB , O,.. IBALSLEY,' 1-1 Produce and. commission Merchant. , rfLtßCnparpDlß BIZOISfit. AM dolor is an It Ind. of COCIVITUT PROMOS. so. usruinuar ersArr, 11=171 sentessieelstataan.:. —.suss. • see. enstreasa, (at Owlet* tree o(D. t D. ]CDonaldj Pliubargb. • Co., Wellsville Odle.) AirDONIALLi , AIIBUCTU, ES, Whole . -1M .eale Gemen t Pluince sad Ceramiseles.Mer .Waist,obber** COVFEE, W. 0. tilltnit and MO tasars, asir ED SWAM tr STICUPS,F LOWL, .„.1411CON, TOE CCO, TEAS, DICE, CHEESE. OEM is., Moe. 212 avid 244 Liberty Area. Pitts *arab. no14:1y stuttylla & LA2ICAE 7.? f: WboiaLal• AND' 001111111SSION 11E8C11637111, *:' 27 sad Othaleldield 111,,anr. Iletood4 ietty • , P12198111/1311. . I.IIIIIIFAMT. ELeirzowN 7 7/, LINCIA_RT, FLotrs PUTxg a,Pitcl3llo2 Alto romisalal , • lot •Um algal Pinar, Grain Pork, BS ele..Lard, Batter, Eggs, Chum", Orem, "Gathers, Patatnea, Pot and Pearl Ashes, Salatiatias, Linseed and Lard Ulla, Driod and Oman Fruits, Timothy, clover, lam and Grass needs. Cub advances:net. made on Consignments. aptly No. 297 Liberty asmet. Pitteharan. M. GOKNILY, WHOLE/a= GROCER No. rrl LIBMITY STENNI", Pittsburgh Raving purchased Ilia Interest et his Into partuers, .111 , eoltisua the iruptcoss at dm old stead, and orili be &abed le receive tthe patronage et his eld friends end .. tamers. „_ UEI3B-dreWILK N-Vant x t sax= M Wholoiala &aim U WENTEBN lIRSEWEE CDE rats% =MT& BUTTER, =KM 6IIAINS, arid prolix* pnerally. I.Uo. =ATM Van DLLS, Atm, No. VT Lawny E4MMZMMi ix. 1". . 11.1=11.141 WilP. BECK No; 185 erty Bthhot, Piosburet, PA, Wholorak. m. mit, Ca.:mission lizerhauts, luad dealers In COUN TRY MUDDLE, PROVISIONS,. BACON, LARD; • BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FUEL Ax., PRODUCT., mows., GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, At.. SALT and LISLE. j yid TORN B. CA.NDF.I. I ), tloxbassioN AND vv 7ORMAIMIIO XtrZZAST Ala RLoksal• defier In "91ISTERARYZERTECIUMMIIVTTKII, 'LAUD, PORK. BACON, FLOUR, WWII. PM AND P MAL AKIRA, SALERATIIS, .LINSEED AND ' , LA RD OILS. DRIED MULL fail. Prods. vnerally. 141 and 143 Pront strest, Pittsburgh. wit , calsaansara:.—:.. 1 .Inle ,lE TRIMBLE, Wholesale Cho ;La .esrs C0m1441. 1113rebar, 44 donlers In PEODIIOE4 PLOILTB, BACON, CHEESE, FISH ,-,04111110/4'114D LAILU 01141.11014, EAI/43,14DA86 1. 'COTIONTAPSB, And - Pittibargh man tale goAttrally, 112 aztd /14 Becom4 Jamul, Pittsburgh. . • r. D. =WIZ. 144E13= k.BROTIittS,-(suesonefare tort4iiici a 3ndiitio'n:l WhOleisleDeiderr la r aaI4I 2BI I IWITWES, 44 7 B II I I I 4VIE: . , and Pia Wpe3 street, sheen-FiftlitPittabgrgh. 11.1 L IC. SUS PHkR EF, Comittssicog -Dlnceasss 'and dealer. in FLOUR, GlIAPfs Al'aePlittlDrUS, No. 013 Liberty strieMiPittaburo. Moira brawls of Flom for Bakers and Family om 'constantly 'an bah& Particular attention paid to ordeal far iferehandine carterailj. oakeie• NJ Grunt Sanwa in CODDIDE.IO/1 IdS6CIIDET for thsraala c LWi, ASEPS, MEESE, PHODUCS, /M.:,'6.4 agent for the' celebrated Uniontthru CE --,)LEST, Not. - 1111-Becoad and 145 First attars,be ri tem" Werat'and Smithfield, Pittsburgh: ; • -.3 FRANKNAN-.4IWW.ER, rzudner, and OransaDelon Merchant, einiler In r LOVE, Buz. TED.DHOOM2I.4_I4DB,,LAUDe (IMEIMICI PORE. DRIED AND DUDES EMU'S .% and_proclnce parr. ant, -Llbieral cash, autumn ccatelirroneats. Warettonie, Do. 126 Second etrect, PlD.barch. ..amnia 1.112.11, . HID • kIIETZGAR, Grocers . aid boimiloloa If erchiateomi deslelain 611 tit as et Coluerry Produce and Pltiebr.rab lileatatextrack 39. ti. 9 Liberty stray opposite head cttWomtstreet, . riva: &.- sus! whole.iie %A Grocers and Bost Turnishers. titulars in MA NILLA- BOPE,'OASIM, OILS, PITCH. end Pitu • bunk ,srskolsts,2l, 131 Water stut, ebirrithe Mousasgsbelts Bridge, Pittsburgh. ' maxi- -- I. tulada.. ROBERT DALZELL& CO., Whole ale Groot., Commission and Forwarding Iter 7. antittualors in Produce and Pittsburgh Om. nistdurwi, LibustZuthstt.,Pittlitnulitt• 11 WALLACE, Commission Merchant, and Wboleeile Deal. in FLOOD. ant GRAIN, • 04. - 3311.1bgrImm ince t.,,oppoodte •Penneylesnla IL 8.. riagsonter .Dern, Pitt:laugh, Pa. Storage' War*• bon" corner Wayn• and Penn etroetig. oo17:1 maim zamerrr...—romm AMBERT a :SH.IPTON cO., Whale ) J-Issla 'Craws sill TiLartio Ne. is B*l6 gusset, Pstubmb. _ _ jal6 WATT & WILSON, Wholualij Gto u cm, Ocnmissior. lanchasits, aad deal ft Peeence mad Plttatturgh manufactares, 7:kk, lid 1:4, 111.1121 t. I.UlOlllk T.. TELZOIIII. L& TELFORD, Nirholesile 1-41arol Befall G BOCERS, ALO OR 4.11 D PEODUCB Diumagsata LDrertT Erse, 44.16na 4-- - - C II O 4II A I M tti..LANG;;Ockmolissims 11Dranflorrs . sod wholesale &alas In ORO! CEBIES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE. No. 231 Liberty strentalltsbartd. “13ally usab-r.- - • -- arry zorm no lxne k. ..“. vc• ffi LI9FF • • ej. ..e..-1101 JULIA coaxer X:iberty . dad - 44 i im r i rdp i acl l lM =is pd; day . NAP TAMES DAIZSLIt •tiLLNi,Manifec trtatet-tif Ltarvou.. 1. 1 OC.iminthu dumb Pm the. p _drettam .ad ad* git MU= AND 11/37151:1KPITILDLEUXIim.:C4 :and ST Wiitcr street Pittibtiret. Adnaoes malt eo consigrannta. KIRKPATRICK & BROTHE_ sae '. J. J. moan 16 %tonal .11 icia*Ek.U• .WHOLZ. BALL GROCI3I9, Itea. 191 and 193 Marty ntOnt, PittabllW-- - ' • "134 MIMI= Kla,klGoe t t F u r.. 'AVID W5....7.4“.. ILL A. 00.1713 i snletneir. COFFIN, successors :to sycstuutos; , Means A • C 0.,. WHOLIAAIII .0E007.63, cornet aTiretd initat Mites, Pitts .ll3,l rgIEESE ARI3IIOUSEILENRY %I IL COLLINS, Fannuillnoo andOotondadon dont mod dolor in CHEID3E, 'BrrrEZ LAKE SOH, Ltdrpolnao.donordly, V!1 Wood end, Mon Waif, PUtabotrgh.: • -••-• • • my 2 ITIPLLAND BIDDLE, sucauisor to no :i....i. ItteDUIR Ron, Ro. Is 3 Liberty stmt. PIDo = more PRODUCE, GROCERY MID MI Oft RESCI3..LET. Cosmignmooto follyroolDite& 4,27 r _— --.. 7 V U • I.& . .0163816 Cad. .:anitiarcrtiliferettaat., 4.114 - dr..6.0 1C hodarn, son. 60 Water street aad 65 Front rmet, 11:DILWOILTIC.Z. ....JOIN DUNO • . S.. ~DILW,ORIVEN Groccrig, Rea.,130--and i &emu' .sategt e • alq Staiddield. Plitartir g h. . • - • JIM • TORN FLOYD & CO.; Who'aisle: CP can awl OciftlalsOklatitikata, Nod. 172 Trocd sad ral Liberty west. Pictsbmgb. .._ mauxs Ii u,suiwißti s fernecesipr 1...;130 .7,•••50un••0e..) roes-rAcium Ond dealer in P.Bo)=o . 4B,COtiker:44:l4.Frilift Front streets. Pittibtagt: — - • - •' 1 -1..1:-TOWNSENDAsurceksinjo k g:PrTao'grite.l4lll.A.7:' dit eV. PittOmpth, MMUS .. IE, Tom. L 11; *TOIGT Ca, 'incecessors tr, _car, PuontscE . Asti oontrussios KINCHANTS, 247 Liberty street, Plttsintret. • lour I. ".:„:.::„'..:.::.:::__.:. : 1 , 11%M Itotag. I • TOEISVL iIItOUVIL it: - . Ed, ~ .W baleside anoonts , AND ocarmrsatox insaturts, donor of granddad and Wsdo .draetd.Plitanund, rtl, , • IL' .1,• • • Conantlea*o ~ _ .. woad - deem bi PRODVCE. nova. DAM= ONAIN, &c, No. 11 Szalthtlad -TattiecN Enlt.tr IWIEDTERA.ZELIITN —" , olea 08001t11 AND C0N.311_451011 INZINMANT, Mat corner of thoplamotd, No. NI. Pluabehrthi sablllyNc. ,4 -,-,) ,-•- t - . -• • Orosei, 114.95 .ad zo wood amt. jtetiett K#,VD L t , '4;tolesale to- Impotter of SODA ASkr, Ito. 273 Ltbeopf exist. Pittabatsh...: • • ,Intra • t EKON & KEN • • , ' o • E0C11413 AND COMUSSION IirIDICHAYM 10007 Pcsa.grast.ntiabcrgh... !WI _Esn:trz aor.rrs. FLU= IVARAlkaler in PROg- Vg1,10111:11,11011TOAGMna waitleilbrawary. - iirgesn4cl=lltY)faMaktoUo !AY Wag, cirtatdog talaivintibtoccolabin tapiaurallg,llllnt cad wan "elailOpst at k•a , - 77 r t. , •4 • ' A.,Th`..• r . - :" • •... THE...,. DAILY A.TUF.ICTURERS, lfe. bUQTIESNE BRdiSS WORIO, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, ilia.:wham of way virleli 'al anue.d DRABS WORE TOR PLUNDERS, !MEAN OR GAS FITTERS. MACHINISTS, AND COPPERSMITHS. BRASS CASTLNGS, r all desmiptioas, roads to order. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND OAS. FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to fitting ap DEFINE BITS TOE COAL AND CARBON OILS. Also, SoloAgaob for tha Wooten, District of Penn /Pronto for Abe solo of MARSH. LACSDELL CO.'S PATE= SIPHON PUMP, the best awn . Lo rentz& Harlan no reran It is not liable to get out of order, and will throw more water than any pomp of twins its slre. _apt/ 121=3:!! JOHN HALL & CO., VALLEY POM PLOW WOMB, PITTSIMILGT, PA, Manufacturers and dealers In ell the different blade e PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SWOOPS, OPT TING BOXES. &e With greatly blereass.l &M -ara for doing buslnas, _ earnestly lartte dealers to give ss a all. If annatctsay, Temperamentlle. vh r lioluo.Occtl• allay aZ i N i beiria, Pitl.b'gb. T. J. NALL ' STEPHEN WOODS, oelbset JAS. J.-BROWN. ACLUCTOS.II, 1113114111. .co., corner Pao and - sioar the City Waxer Works, PittsbeLrgh, retanufecturons of MACK INTOSH I HEMPHILL'S IMPROVED OSCILLA TING STEM ENGINES Al') SIDE veLyEs, of W slam and het style. Having put apt billy of WVe caPeoitY and of the best quality, We are proposed to do hoary Job bing,and as work to thlo line, trusting that by prompt tom and the character of our Work, to merit public vatressagt. We turtta "racial attention to our BALANCED The lergeet, oheopest and most mu:medal VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, ele combining E vantage' heretofore unattained' to this clans of Buttlaseas College jaTatlL . ' BLACK ;441310.ND STEEL,WORKS, ,Prrranoson, PA. PARK. BROTHER: & 00., MST VIALITY IarTHED-CABT STEEL, flquale,rat and ()duo% of 611 Cam. Wsrriulted usual to'sny tmparted-or tesaufootond m thin war mnn- Omoe rnn6oar, Fos. 142 and 161 /1116 T iad 160 and I= SZCOXIIBTHEETt3, Pitt•trtash. UTILLIAM BA.taillll., ,Boma. 11 Makers mut Bhoot Iron Workers, PENN STREET, Noe tg2l, 2.4 mid W. Haling secured • lasg and and fonniGted it with the. moot improved machinry, no aro prepared to numul:toture cooly dmontiptten of BOILERS,. in the. ten auttneor, Lad ommtntd equal to .7 made In the =anti , LISSEYS, BEICHEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIiT.S, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANEN, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS. SETTLING PANS, BOILER LEON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS e .and sole monnuattcrars of BARN HILL'S PATENT. BOILERS. Repairing doss on the attortmat notice. dellMl BarraN,Nie AND BRASS WORKS. COLLINS & WRIGHT, -{Aoconnora to Cnia Ns...Um) MaziobLearr•s of CASTOR mums. MIMS, CUP' LADLES, and • real variety or BRITANNIA fsatkJAA Aloo, CARBON OIL LAMP BURNERS and LAMP BRASSES reoerally, No. ISD Band abaci, Pittsburgh. ALLEN M lOU rOVXDIT, Pittabunh, Pa. lairiVarehouse, BERTT . WHAM Manufacturers of COON. PAIILOR AND 11 - EAT. INV STES, PM:Mt/RAND KITCILENOILATES. BOLLOW WANE. etc, Noel sad Glom atoplda, lag Caetln AM Gearing. Gar. Warr, ined Ar- NT.. Pipe, Ead Irom, Dot Irons, Wagon Dome. do- Kntnlii. ilanirra, Car Meet% Cowling,. apd Canting. generally. Alm, .logbing Ine Caetbuge made to order. Patented Portable 6101, with Steam or Mom Power. •914Ahrd JOSEPH F. ILIILLLTON3 CO., SUPERIOR eTE& I ENGINES, MACHINERY, Au istylsAt W SEVERANCE, No. 53 ATze. S. Pittelmixh.manufacturot of BOILER lIIVETA WROUGHT oPIENS, common and radload, of ovary detalption. Particular dual or sbapod SPIRTS and RIVETS, larsa or .mall; inside to order at abort notice. 'A rand anortatont conatantly on hand. mfAtas RIDDL.E. 4 CO., No. 2 5 T Liberty street, opposite Sixth, Tlttstrargh, essmsfeeterers of WHIP.LABILreS and .BViTTCLJ ILT, sad every theerlpitms or LJLSTILEEt BRAID= ROUE— Orders eaftslted tram the trade, sad geode prompt ly shipped as per inStriactlaDS. • Weil TT,_MAnufaaturersbf ' .• WIUT 1 STONE CIIINA sad =EAR COL . Oftketrid3so.zatio*.4 Ka Ti rprnr.srazrr, " , sams,l7 DRY GOODS. .riaint a'casin.tso WLLSON, CARRY CO., (Leaf tram, P;110. e Midleads dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Day GOODS, Mo.l sow; shOtt house abase Diamond slky, Plittbmith. splOtf LAFE & CO., Dealera In FaiIEIGN driD DOMISTIC DILT woos, no. 140 rodent otrert, S.emod doer boloor arlr Iforke HOuor,}l , llrishony latt9:l7 'PATON, *MACRUII & CO., Wholesale And Hatall Dealer* to ranormu, EXIMOI - gni DWI GOODS, of emery emeriptise, Nos. 17 sad 19 Fif‘Nstrest, Pittaburo. MACRIM , & - GLYDE, Wholesale and 14111111Tr6orlile FANCY AND STAPLE DIY GOODS, TIMMINS. ke., No. IS lister' street, between'Trumoad and 'Fourth Plrtsbdrah„._ - I IL BURCHFIELD, (successor to U • psrassis ► c 0..) WboletsWand Botail Dealer tti BThPLE ►3D FANCY DRY GOODS, liclthrtst vetoer of Ifourt,tl and 'Market .tra c t., rittalitib• TOSEPH 'HORN , .Wholeeale end Re tell Drain In ell kinds of THISIMINGS. DST GOODS, to., Sim. 77 end 79 Market ,treat. JW. BARKER tt CO., Dealers in all . . kinds of Lair GOODS, No. SS Market drool, notyroon'Thl.rd and Fourth, Pittsburgh. 110, • IL PALMER; No. 84 Wood btfeet, Dealer le BONIIRTS, lIATS, ECTE.AW TRIM. KINGS, and STRAW GOODS gemerally. DRUGGISTS. QLMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in PUNE kJ DRAGS AND CHKIIICALS, PIERFUIDIRY, FANCY GOODS, BUILDING FLUID, OILS, FAM ILY FULDIULDIN. of tt, July prima quality, which/he offers at Unrest-prime Corner Smithflold and Fom•thatreeth MUNI:4h. Naguiptions cau. hilly coupoundul stall how. A. FAILNESTOCK & CO., Whole- LA. sale Dro,Wortkpitd mannfaetrinors of WHITE 1.113,17 AND IrITUAEOE, ciOnaat bfWeed ant Tenet nate, Vittebtregh. - •- int,7 TORN P. SCOTT, Wholesale lJealer Its DELITS, PAINTS, OILS, TARNISHES AND DYE STUNTS , No. EMI Liberty.stniet, Neuharth. Ail order, will raceiTa prompt attention. 1111. - GEONTE KEYSER, Druggist, 1.1 No. 140 WpottAtrath, corner of Virgin nlinY, Plelalunta. IVIARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU -1110 AND Mt BTOAL - INBTEMBItICTS. Solo ;s i va . firiAgiel e ri ndi .hgthhi . P I TA, 31 11 IN i re ONB. N 0.43 TOM Moot. meted door abooteMPoort, Pittsburgh. Plums to tstoutit taken lb nannige ftrr KLEBER arf.llo ~ :Dealers in .1 - 1-1.• AID AND 61UNIDAL INSTIMIENTA, and nolo anent, for 67EINWAT6 OZLEITNATED PI ANOS, Na 63 Fifth gtrant, Plttsbnrieb. myr MLtS L • MELLOR, Ireaer in Os: lrerAnzoire:ae.,-Ito. Inwood it., between Tomtit dips; and Diamond anny, Pittsteg IXSUR4IJrCE .11GEM2!8. GARDINER. WPM H - L Ageit :for u • Irri.k ll ..l'kll delPhlainateUmole Itinnome (hutputtes. Northcutt comer Wood Ttrtrel MT P. JO... — ES, .Agont. North Amegeia; T State cf:Peatugloalk and Scrtfortt Amor .enot Ornapastat,lftiVatorittclot. 0 I, • it get,. .• p ' ,-cornar-Ms t aikelFalor I.N t S-6Creitary "esteni. ffio! 4 !?, r7=ip.w-47a7iwyla VPLG. JOHNSTONA eta (30.03ttitidp ims z - , stank-Book Manglims sad Jo Meer% No: 67 Woodrtred,-Pfttibtext. ' SOO b r 3.7 800 • • ay..an nation I ow No. 6A . Weed litrowlnestiloat the tom.- of Third PttAL BFILOOL and LAW 800 . • ' kaalleirszta-AtaLoaa . 73 Foca stast.Anglo annaito PP_ k kr_i);..,i WA `SgELol==4itk 06*./17"1"i GrailWl _ DIME SAVMS DISTITUTION, Na no NIITTIIIITELD ierposit• tho CITIt-0111 1{{017141.) Chartered by tb. Leglshtar, woo, Q. Smith, - 1 - IL F. Said, Jam P. Jot&lop, , , A. Saloonlon, Thos. P. Momler, . !adios Modes, Tlao, S. Moir, T Jacob Stock/alb Franolo dollen; 1 *lox. Dna:7,i , Ilexa7 Lloyd, • • -- . Josiah Kiog, IC. Zen C. H. Watt, A. S. Da. Jog. Dilworth, B. D. Cochran, 8. 8. Fowler, IW. A. Reed, Wm SMIIS, J. W. Woodwal, B. C. Schmertz, P. B. /ant* F. Bohm, C. W. Rickets...a, H. F. Jones, J. 11 fiernan, S. H. Hartman, W. B. Phelps, D. Lung , B. Anderson. C. B. Herron, Jas. W. Baxter, D. Z. McKinley, W. Iburien. &misery Vosnires—D. 11.1(118LTY, Open daily, from 9 a , m. to 3 p. tn. -kW; Tam's, and Saturday evening., from I to 8 o'clock, Deposita ratable of 031 - E 1311frand apcsrds. Dividends declared la December and June eteacb Dteidents allowed to remain are placed to the credit of the depoeitor se principal, and bear Inter. est, thus compcmtdlngit. Deets containing Charter. D)-Lam, ia., taridab• cd al the nffloe. /2/ - This Institution effort, mortally Vett:temper. eons whose earnings are wall, the opportenityi accusaulate, by mall deposits, m ea alty t*, as which %111 he MCKIM' 'hen needed, theirlaon sot only being sate, bat bearing intertot, instead smahalag CO.active. portel 11.134. [M*a4lr IrUI (rye, to any addres.,. appllakttoa to the Pritudpals, ===3 no3theXxwer R .. B. NORillei, Fanc) Casslineres, Overcoatings, laltat.the for Natter none, nude to ortlor In the bent .tyl• and en •bon notlea nallawntl EXCELSIOR FLINT GLASS COM- PANT lutc• now tu course of stsotlon on Citiff STELEKT. betsmeo Penalise, Ivaala Areamo awl the llAra, .. I.lppinmtt'• A. Facto., • lugs sal V ALL FIT eatetodee WORKS, with all the modern lorprom. mania, and grill %). In eginiplata running order no or .boat the rosT OF J.UsrellY, whet they 1411 be prepared to manufactory. • ruperfor quality of Flint (3-lass Chimneys 'all ordero promptly attended to. pURVIANCKb PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS', 00ENYIL PITTH &no EJacrr ersurs. n0d..., over Itichenhaali Jorwetry Ilto14) Prrnnirsos, Ps- Of orrery elso end style, plataor cokes*. from 4. pspolor Clertode visit . so Ltadnet ao4lll. K. POST [ADCS would portlatlatly aD the tendon of the AOID AND *Nil= to tto easy osotblllty of thin ostsAllshroeot balm tosebed by :=l.2ft 104'Offittfilt Pfl estddresu. ton gooraateal. raylitlytteerTke TIOT SU WC/118E1C Adivr roti John Marsit a Co.'s Soda Ash, Is ixdoteatly receirttiz the man, I.llcll *he all as