The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 16, 1863, Image 3

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    - • ? 0 , 14 . -
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dY IMINING=:DEC. 16, 1853.
CITY - AND 13778U1L8A.N.
I : l lrovvicLaz rqumit.-wa
.The City Convention. •
• ' The delegates elected to the Union City
Convention, to nominate candidates for
•j Mem;Controller and Treasurer, mot at the
Court Moose, on Tuesday morning, at ten
"'elect, bat as the court rooms were all awn
pled, the delegates adjourned to the Common
- - Council Chamber. •
-Wrn. F. Johnston, Req., Chairman of the
City BeecativeCommittee, called the Conren
ton to order. MI remezked that It was his
;ty be assemble the Canrention, nerd preside
as premanenforganhation was secured.
• Raked the kindly co-operation of the dole
geese, and hoped that to . unnecessary excite
am‘ would be indulged in, and that harmony
cad good feeling Would prevail. The--iromi
nation of temporary Secretaries was declared
in order:
On motion. Moore. Wm. N.' Ogden and
E.B. Rineh art were chosen temporary Secre-
. The Credentials of delegates were then re.
edited, as follows
lord-Ward—lams Rees, Bimetal Felton,
James Kennedy, A. Fryer and Geo. Scheid
Second Ward.--Jonathan C. Madera J. H..
Baldwin, Wm . F. Ogden, Thomas Rani, Wm.
rkinf Ward—First Precinct, Andrew Sims
and Wen. Simpion. Screed Preeirteack
son Kemp, Thos..Googhen end W. Colville.
.fkara Wend—Samuel Scott, W. K. McVay,
David Lewis, Edward S. Rinehart and R. M.
Iyik Med.:Pint Preelnat, Freak. Ardor,.
and David' Beek. -- lecend Precinct, Richard
Thompson; Poter'ldeWbirter and Robert J.
, •. Ntata Ward—Jared M. Bradt, A. G. Me
: Oandlen, John Wallace, John Lowry and
John Phillip - Si. —
" ETyldit Weed—Joseph Nixon, Philip James,
James McWheny, John J. Steer end twit.
Garber. (Contested by Thomas Rees, a Saw..
yew delegate.)
hiatk Word—Clem Neemlue, Wilson Welsh,
Robert el. Reed, J. W. liammond cad Joseph
Two sets of delegates were present. from the
Eighth Ward.
The credentials of the Lowry delegate.
from the Eighth Ward, were as teatime
This is to certify that at no eleetien for del.
eget,' held in the Eighth Ward, Pittsburgh,
on Saturday, Dee. 12th, 1862, J. J. Steer,
Louie Garber, J. Nixon, Philip James and
James MeWherry were elected to represent
eedd word in the Republican Colon City Con
vention, to be held at the Court Rouge, on
Tuesday, Dee. 15th, 1863. for the purpose of
nominating municipal officers, etc. o e.reedl
D. threuresos,
C. W. Burro, Inepeerors.
11. S. Monnew,
H. Peewees:, I
R. D. Joann,
Tho other paper, after setting forth the
• names of the two site of delegates, premeds
as follower
That the number of ballots, when counted,
W. 409, while the Clerks' tally lista of elec.
tore.were but 395, showing a dieerapancry of
24 votes, that cannot be accounted for, which
is prima Jade evidence of freed, and not know
lug by whom, or In whose favor committed;
and that an Inspector of the Election Board,
on different occasions, declared "that the
*whole Affair (moaning the election) was bet a
fareeleet.that illegal votes were cast," "that he
would-have nothing farther to do with It;"
and that about six o'clock P. M., the above
named °Meer left the Board. Therefore, in
ooneideration of the above forts, and believing
that neither delegations were legally elected,
I deetino Issuing any credentials.
;Signed] W. J. Parremos,
Judge of the Election Board.
Mr. Davis mired that n oommittee of three
' be appointed to ievestigate the charges of
freed in the Eighth Ward, which was laid on
the table until after the Ninth Weed creden
tials were resolved.
. Mr. Davis renewed his motion.
Mr. Bime moved to - ley It en the triable. The
yea. and nays were then called, end resulted
as follows Ye!), 20: nays, 20—the
Eighth Ward delegates not being permitted
to vote.
The Chairman remarked that ho had no
casting vote, bat the rule was time, on • tie
vote, the question failed. The motion was
&Med lost,
Dr. McCandless moved to refer the matter
to the Comtiltlee'of the Whole, that the al
leged fraud might bo invosfigated.
The yes" and nays were called, and result.
ed In a tier-20 to 20—the 'McCarthy and Low
ry delegates taking close Woe on every vote.
The motion was decided lon.
Mr. Dante recoiled hie motion for the rip
pointrieent era committee of three, to examine
• the Eighth Ward matter.
Mr- McGowan was not here to contest Mr.
Lowsy's delegeles, but inaemetch as there had
been isharges of fraud, he desired an it:vestige.
• Dr. McCandless remarked that that wee jest
what he wanted, and hoped all the farts
would be laid before tho Committee of the
• • The yeas and nays were celled, and resulted
20 to 20. Loot.
Mr. Brush moved to proceed to a permanent
organisation. Agreed to, by a vote of 21 yeas
to 19 nays.
Henn. J. 11. Baldwin, of the Second Ward,
and Dr. A. G. M'Carileos, of the Sixth Ward,
were nominated for President.
• Two ballots wore had, roreiting in a tie
Mr. Brush moved to proceed to a third bal
lot, but withdrew it to give way to
Dr. MoCandlore, who renewed his motion to
refer to Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Barekly moved, to amend by referring
back to the people of the Eighth Ward. The
amendment, as well as the original motion,
were loot by tle'rotee.
An animated discussion then ensued, in
Which Dr. McCandloes took tho ground that
while the Lowry delegates were hero with
their credentials, the Sawyer delegates were
not here with any show of authority. They
hod no credentials, and tome of them had re
fused even to elk a seat, admitting that the
Lowry delegates were fairly elected. -
- Mr. Davis stated that he did not with to delay
the Convention farther, as 11 was plain that
so business could be transacted unless there
was some concession. He therefore moved to
reamed:ler the question, and refer to the Com
mittee of the Whole.
Tho yeas and nays were celled, and the
question was carried unanimously.
The question as to the contest in the Eighth
Ward was then declared loiters the Committee
of the Whole.
Mr. Davis moved to cecinae all but dele
gates while the investigation was being wade.
Mr. Broth objected, as he desired toe teem
to go before the public (Appian., ontsefe
the bar.)
Mr. Darin explained that the facts would
mob the public through the reporters.
Mr. Barclay, who eeetonded the motion, ex
plained that- ho did not understand that the
pnbho wens to be excluded, hot that all save
delegates should retire outside the bar.
The motion was withdrawn.
On motion, Mr. J. H. Baldwin was unani
' morally chosen Chairman of the Committee of
the Whole.
A motion to adjourn for dioneri'was made
, and lost.
Mr. Thomas Rem, a Sawyer delegate from
the Eighth Ward, appeared as a contestant,
and Mr. Patterson, the Judge of Eleeticm, was
• ' called upon to make a statement. He was
asked whether there were any elrldenool of
freed, and he remarked that he know of no
particular coos of (rand. A vote was put into
the bow, claimed to have been mist by a Won
residingitaitt towellidp, but it was not die
or:Mired until afterward?. The Tote was not
throwneut, but ho did not know on which
side !twee can. Mr. Mitchinson objected to
what he called "eopperbead" vote., Mat they
- was received, nt they were claimed to bo
Union men.
Mr. McGowan asked 31 , Pattereen as to
the stuffed ballot box.
Mr. Patterson answered—tome one, he did
not know who, Proposed using a but to put
the ballots let but Mr. Sawyer, Sr., was sent
for a box, and mune in with two boxes—e
paper bog under his ono, and a wooden box.
Jose Smith, the Impeder, took the paper box,
i sad took out his knife to mat It, when Mr.
• Mitchinson took it out of his hand and found
the tlekete In IL The voting bad not yet
commenced, and be beard ottlsMr.Saveyer say
that the wooden box was intended to be used.
He thought the presentation of the paper box
was socidentaL The box used contained no
ballots when the voting commenced, and Mr.
Patterson admitted that be and Mr.
Smith were friendly to Mr. Sawyer;
that they . were present during the
entire balloting, and that they saw no illegal
votes put into the box. There were twenty
. four more votes oast, however, thin there
..were names on the tally lists. The vote for
yawn we. 210; for Sawyer, 199. The num.
ofnamss on tha — taltV lief was 09. He
pot iarsiet for, the discrepancy at la,
:•1 •'''''f.4%ls clerks Waco' ready - . ei'voott , as. the ballot
*. bsa.eas Viady...: The. cult 'al 1411." , m5s Tory :.
e• - e'''f r '''Zfig. l llllMtliP-tre a question f 30.: Hoak
;Cfattsviott stated' that herb thr_~spree:
- •
F ^: ~~'
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Lam ...
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WOW, , Maidli - -to Bowyer—at least
*that iiii.liattaldnaon at fat profased te be a
Sawyer mac, and then left la disgust before
thneltotion eras orn fr r alleging that fraud had
been resorted to. one Board kept control of
the box all the time and how tho
rotas got In WO/ th e a4riery.
To Mr. McCandless—l saw no fraud com
mitted, and sate no votes put into the box
that did not coins In at the window.
Mr. Rees laid he had no other witnesses,
and the ease was opened for the other side.
R. S. Morrow, Esq., was next ealledandin
terrogated. He stated that be was fifteen or
twenty minutes In the Board, haying taken
Mr. liatehineon's place. Somebody stated
that there was a discrepancy of fifteen or
twenty votes, and somebody else remarked
that that often happened at delegate elections.
So far as be taw, the citation was conducted
fairly. Mr. Sawyer proposed him (Mr. Mor
row) as Inspector in place of Mr. Hutchinson.
Mr. Hutchinson was next examined, and
stated that be was ea Inspector of the Elec
tion. Ilia statement, In reference, to the
whole matter was substantially the same as
that published in the Gazetteer Monday. As
to the shttuffed" ballot box broiled in by Mr.
Sawyer, Sr., Its stated that the paper box was
fret brought In, and the Sawyer tickets die
oovored In it. It wee fully fifteen minutes
after thle, that Mr. Sawyer brought in the
trends,, box. no paperbox was used, and ete
many as fifty votes bed been polled before the
wooden box was brought in at all I
Mr. Horne Snowden, one of the clerks,
corroborated Mr. Hutchinson in reference to
the boxes. He also stated that, when the
balloting oommeneed, the clerks did not get
the first names, and they bad to stop several
times to get down the names of settee whose
tickets had been placed in the box. He was
folly satisfied that there were a great many
votes east, without names to correspond on
the tally list., heaause it was impounds for
the 'clerks to' Writ, them down as
fast aa the votes were seabed. This woe the
=betimes of his testimony.
The Lowry rase, being fully satisfied that
no fraud had been used oli their part, and that
the discrepancy between the number of votes
polled and the number of names on the tally
lists had been fully explained, declined to
call any other witnesses,
Mr. Bunt' then =eta th,/, as 0 same of
the Committee of the Whole, the Eighth Wet d
delegates, having their credentials, be admit
ted to seats in the Convention.
The motion wee carried with bet two die.
seating votes and the Committee then rose.
The Chairmen of the Committee of the
Whole then =dells report in favor of re
ceiving the Lowry - delegation.
It was moved that the report be accepted,
upon whioh the yeas and nays were called.
The vote stood—Yeas, 20, nape 201 The non.
tiori was decided lost.
Mr. Brash then moved that the Convention
proceed to permanent organization. Agreed to.
Dr. McCandless and Mr. Baldwin were
again nominated.
The yeas anti nays wore called, and re.
totted in a tie vote.
Dr. McCandless then moved that the Con
vention now take n recess of one hear--ii
being half past one o'clock.
The motion was pot end carried by a de
eidrd rote.
At half-put two o'clock the Convention ms
called to order by the temporary Chitin.,
Dr. McCandless, in order to ascertain if
there hod been any change in the sentiment
of the 051:141itltion, moved that a vote be taken
by ballot, on tho acendance of the report of
the Committee of the Whole, on the admission
of the Lowry delegates from the Eighth Word.
Mr. Thompson offered, as an amendment,
that the vote ho taken by milling the :01.1 and
Mr. Moorhead was of the opinion that
Eighth Ward delegetm bad already been ex
•eluded by the action of the Convention, in re
losing to accept the report.
The Chair decided that Dr. McCandless'
motion was -in order, and the yeas and neje
were called and resulted in a tin vote.
Mr. Moorhead again asked whether the
delegates from the Eighth Ward, by the action
of the Convention, wore not rejected.
The temporary Chairman decided that they
were; bat • motion would ho in order, at any
tims, to receive the delegation.
Another unsuccessful attempt am made to
disco a permanent orgeniration, by the elec
tion of President. The vote stood—McCand
less, 20; Baldwin, 20.
Dr. McCandless then moved that a COMV4 it
tee of nine be appointed, to eonstilt upon
tome plan by which the machinery of the
Convention could be pot In motion. They
hat/ evidently come to a dead lock, and the
machine needed grossing, or something else
--he did not know exactly what.
The motion was agreed to, and some one
suggested that the chair appoint the veto
The chairman. (Mr. Jettinst9n) remarked
thot it bad been charged In one of the
papers, that be had some feeling as between
tho two candidate', which assertion we..
utterly untruthful, and he desired that
the Convention should make it. own nomtna•
Lions. The following gentlemen wore then
nominated on the Committee: Jared M.
Brush, 6th Ward; Thomas Davis, 2d; M. K.
Moorhead, Andrew dims, 3d ; J.
Nobbs, 9th; A. G. McCandless, 6th; Devitt
Lewis, 4th; J. B. Baldwin, 2d and A. Fryer,
The Committee then retired, and the CUP
vention took a recess until the Committee
should be ready to report.
The Committee, after an abtenoe of halt so
haler, returned, and annonneed themselves
ready to report.
The roll was then called, when Mr. Brush,
chairman of the Committee, reported that ha
had been instructed to recommend the or•
ganimtion of the Convention by-the appoint •
moot of Mr. J. U. Baldwin as President.
The report was accepted, and Mr. Baldwin
was nuanbr.ously chosen as President. On
taking the chair he thanked the Convention
for the honor conferred, and asked their kind
ly co-operation'in the discharge of his duties.
Messrs. Ogden end Rinehart were coal
clonal . ) , chosen permanent Secretaries.
The Convention being declared duly orgme
iced, it was agreed to go into a 130111inat“,n
(or Mayer.
Dr. McCandless n ominated James I,ewro.
The ballot wee then taken rim romp, and re.
suited is followe Mr. Lowry rrxired 2 0
rotes: Mr. M'Carthy 20.
The rote we. declared a tin, and on choice
was had.
rending a Mahal to proceed to n seeond
Wm. C. McCarthy, Esq., appeared upon the
floor of the Convention, and said
Mr. Provident: In looking at the present
position of affairs, I have concluded to with
draw ray name es a candidate for the oMee of
Mayor. As to the contest in the Eighth
Ward, I may be pormitteff to say that I had
neither part nor lot In It. Tho contest was
not made by my advice. I requeated my del
egates to anstain me, to lenges it was consist.
ant with their honor and self-respect, and eon
sisifint with justice to other parties. I thank
the elegates for the cordial end determined
support which they have given me, and I also
express my thanks to those citizens who have
interested themselves in my behalf at the
ballot.hox. But I cannot longer permit my
name to be used, lot the harmony and efficien
cy of the party be jeopardised. I dare always
been taught to regard the interests of the
Forty as of first importance, while these of in
dividuals are merely secondary. I therefore
ask leave to withdraw my name, believing
that under existing circumstances, the good
of the party require, that I should sink ul
cer as a candidate.
Mr. McCarthy then retired amid loud ap
plause, end his speech eras highly commende d,
not only for the sentimenta uttered, but fur
the manner in which they were delicare.l.
Mr. Lowry was then nominated for the of
fice of Mayor, hy - sfoclamatton.
On motion, the Lowry delegates from the
Eighth Ward were then unanimously admit
ted to teats in the Convention.
John MeCargo, Esq., was unanimously re
nominated for thecae. of City Controller; and
William Eiehbanm was unanimously re-nom
inated for the office of City Treasurer.
Dr. McCandless, at the suggestion of a del
egate from the Ninth Ward, moved that the
City Execution CoMmittee, hereafter to be ap
pointed, be instroated to recommend to the
qualified voter' of the city, the plea of voting
directly thr the condidatu, and do away with
the present system ofdelegate elections. The
motion wu agreed to.
A Committee of three was then appointed to
notify Mr. Lowry of his nomination. The
Committee attended to this duty, end soon af
ter introduced that gentleman to the coovon
tloe. Ile epoko as follower . ;
Mr. Preridna, Ganiemas of tho COll PflaiOß
tied Fricositw—After the excitement which you
have witneesed here, and the speeches which
you have heard, I presume that you ace in no
condition to be bored with a speech from me.
I extend to you, gentlemen, my most cordial
and hearty thanks for the h igh honer which
yen have conferred upon me; and I beg leave
to say that, during the exciting census
through which we hare passed, I have never
entertained an other than the moot kindly
feelings towards the rival candidates and their
friends. If the people will ratify the pond •
notion which you bare made, I will use my
best efforts to entomithe taws=nanees
of ,theldtj glidtidagy and - int p, And
l!tattl y not he tatiraV' that, inatosneh
as the nbliti butt ..a4talta that
etwthcsadhaistn' lataattata them"
apotof itteintedelpel , ast the rib*
and bthermattsrA-491101 doisr.. ils7 daty,
" " *„.
, . .
,';'_ 2 i , !'i . ,f.•'.'',.;: . ::. , : ., ,g i •;:g'i'.•: - ;''''-' , :' l-, ::;:' , .. - 1 , „:.' - :,.. -, ..,.. .
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'~ e et-
If elected, to see that those *images are
made. (Loud sppisase.) Thanking you =MI
more, gentlemen, I dna retire, to enable you
to finish yom to:minus. (Applause.)
On motion, the Chair was empowered Map.
point a City Executive Committee, for the
ensuing two years, eonniating of two from
each ward.
The Chair declined, preferring that the
Convention should appoint its own Committee.
The following nominations were then made
and agreed to :
Fleet Ward—Jam. Retw, A. Fryer,
Second Ward—John Marehall, Jas. Reed.
Third Ward—T. Goeghegan, Win. Simpson.
Fourth Ward—S. Scott, E. E. Rinehart.
Fifth Ward—R. J. McGowan:, R. Thompson.
Sixth Ward—J. M. Brush, John Phillips.
Seventh Ward—M. K. Mootheu , l, Samuel
Eighth Word—Jan. Meirheay, D. Evans.
Ninth Ward—W. 0. Davin, Geo. Dobbs.
After passing a unanimous rote of thanks
to the officers, the Convention, at fire o'cloek,
adjourned rise die.
Our Book Table.
Btrn.n.Sttre-r. n Poem. By J. 0. holland. With
Illustration. by M. J. Whitney. Ben York:
Charleederlbner. Flltteburgb: br de by 11. B.
barb , . LC Wood stmt. 2ltpp. undi et,.
Never, perhaps, bee a modern poet, in this
western world, been so much In danger of
having to criticise his verses in the not very
self-battering strain suggested by the well
known line of a Boman poet, who, viewing
the triumphs of art, when the 'running hand'
of the artist was impreesed on gold and eme
rald and carbUncle, exclaimed: "The work
manship eeenss even to surpass the material!"
—as the author of "Bitter-Sweet" mesPhave
felt when thin exquisitely beautiful edition of
his truly exquisite poem. was first pot before
him. And yet, as the gold and the gems were
worthy of the artist's skill end pains, so these
verses of our poet, precious in their troth to
nature, their fidelity to truth, their sympathy
and spirituality, reserve but their _dile in the
homage which art' bas here rendered unto
them. Beautiful exceedingly, too, is the
form—is every in.stanco—of that homage.
The eighty illustrations executed in the
highest style of art, from original
drawings by E. .1. Whitney, Esq., deserve
the very highest praise. We MI isadily adopt
the language of the Now York Commercial in
speaking of them and. say that they are "ex-
quieitely !weariful—the desiges eminently
chaste and appropriate. They are gems in
deed. Some of there Ikautiful pictures are
engraved by Air. Whitney himself, and the
remainder by artist, of the highest skill and
reputation. Never, perhaps, did artists de
ign so faithfully and delicately illueram the
sentiment and narrative of a text, and never,
rcrh.spe, did text supply more pure and sic
rating and thoroughly enteral thought and
sentinv et to make the finest powers and
geoid- f the artist. Altogether, this superb
edttiou of Bitter Sweet is one of the most ,
bean , and•d gift books
that t••-• American press has yet produced."
Among .1.4 crowd of illu.trated books, many
rf them snore costly, many of them of more
imposing proportions, which we found on the
wril.filled and extensive photon and counters
of nor irked, Mr. It. S. boric, corner of !
Wood and Diamond streets, none palmed to •
ns more •••• thing of beauty," that might he
truly "a joy for ever" to its possessor, than I
this new edition of "Bitter-Swett."
TAL74 or A NCarattor. 1x!...—8y Henry ITatlowortli
Longfellow. 13.4.1 , .! Ticknor A Ftrid3 Pat..
bar,,h 7 Henry Mfr.,. nest .I.or to t h e P otottl.o.
Reactors of poetry will have plarisant as
when they open this bean:lie vol,
nme tif Longfellow's, whose title cannot bat
raggost the great tronsare—irerk of his
- . .that Ott balrtall,
Th• noels oftatabusrauqhf -
the Father of English Pastry himself-and tho
old "tabard" at Canterbury, which he hne
marls immortal, -Sudbury town," In Mas
sachusetts, trete, to hare a very fair chance
to boast in after day• of its -Wayside Inn,"
whose bright, cheery parlor received, 'one°
on a time,' the tit Kassa. who,with the land•
lord,rtecording to the modern pnel,told the tales
athirh he has strung here for to., with gulden
threads of interlizile, into a fair rosary of song.
Wo have "l'anl Revere', Ride," taking us to
tho Comm,/ •n Italian story, with the
lovely otmorprium of Florence; a JORIIIi3 Is•
grad; a tale of old the Seandiem•ino
“Sage of King Olaf:” a story of the 6pani•h
Itiquioition; "The ntrdz of hillingworth," a
quaint narrative of NewEnglaod long ago. Tho
•• Pales" are followed by a number of shorter
poems, several of which have appeared in the
Atfoatil ifoothfy, and so have become familiar
to many condom—who will, however, rejoioe
to have these "birds of plumage , end no tit, after their "Atlantic" eight.
Tel Cocoons., or Itreocreser—The Sequel to C.,n
-.0.10. Ily Cane "and. Translated front the lest
Levi edition of charyntler, with all the new re
visions and correction. Wino Anchor, by Fayne
/I..binsen, Esq. Philadelphia: T. It. Peterson
Brothers. I-Ataborgb: for cal. by J. F. Ilan:,
Alluwaie Hall. Fifth street: by W. A. Gildenfenoy.
41 rarth meet; and by J. T ramp;, ul Fabaal
stran, Allewheny. la/ recite.
No reader of •• Csesuelo '—une of the no
blest productions of genios—will fail to read
ibis continuation, which the gifted anthor
wrote, no doubt, for the purpoee of reHering
the feeling of sadness and pain experienced
by most readers at the tragic close of the orig
iusl story. In point of interest and besot),
it is equal to any of Madame llnelerent's
work.. except " Consuelo " and " Little Fa
"Cotturrto."—Br (icon"' hialtm—ln the
foregoing notiin wo have alluded to Baia tin
galarly beautiful, wonderful and original book
—the eltof -‘l . • misers of her whore another gift
ed woman calls
"A large-km/ant-0 enema and large-hearted man
—and hero, all that teem. rilleerMary to be
said, i., that Minters. Peterson A. Brother., of
Philadelphia, bare puhlirhhed a trucslatien of
it uniform in tire and at the raw prise
"The Countess of Ittniolatadt," namely, 30
rents, and that It i. for tale bore he W. A.
4:4 Fifth street.
".f , trx Maucavoxr :, Lena , r."—TMs i. the
title of Mire Braddon's new novel, just pub
lished by Mre,rl. Harper .h Brothels, of New
York, in their neatly printed and generally
meritorious enries, entitled "Library of Select
Nevels"—which, by the way, we may remark,
are rently .ach, Wing selected from the
of contemporary fiction with commendable
taste and judgment. The present volume,
forming the 238th number, contains a story of
groat ioterest and power, by Miss Bradden,
author of those remarkably popular nevelt,
"Aurora Floyd," "Eleanor'. \ tetery," ate.,
etc.,--and will be regarded as an excellent
addition to the series. Indeed, we should not
be surprised if "John liarehmont's Legacy"
were to boar away the palm, in the estimation
of many readers, from any of Mine Bradden's
?ravine, works.
For sale (prier SO cents) at Henry Miner',,
71 and 73 Fifth street.
Too NAT I•-•ot. BANK NOT. AZlOlrttil.
nits neat et 4 reliable Detector it presented
to us thin a. nth in an entire now tires., and
it hae n most beautiful eppearancc. The Be
porter has always been a Iteleariße•isitor. It
bee been transformed into a deacriptlee lint of
genuine Lank notes, furnishing an infallible
guide in handling money. No bettor plan
could be presented to the inexpert, having for
its object the comperinon of the note offered
with the description of the genuine. We are
Indebted to Jfeesra. Feld Lore, Dispatch
building. Fifth street, for the publication.
CONCERT sr Poor. Zomxx.—The lovers of
church maple will be gratified to learn that
Prof. Zandel, the eminent organist, will give
a grand organ and vomit concoct, on Thursday
evening next, in the Second Presbyterian
churoh, the proceeds of which will be devo
ted to the Christian or Sanitary Commission.
The programme will be found in oar adear
tising columns.
SaLkv 9f stock at the Commordal Sales
Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street, by Davis &
raine,on Tuesday evening :
Citizen.' Bank 60 50
Merchants' Sc Menufsaturerir Bank.— 56 25
Allegheny Valley R. IL Co 10 50
QUOTA FILLIII3.—WO are informed that,
through the exertions of Mr. Joseph Weddle,
the bdrough of Elisabeth has furnished her
quota of roinr.toers, tinder the President's
Last call. Good for Elisabeth.
6TA.T10N2117 of all kinds, Blank Atemorao
dam, and Pas" Books end Currency Wallet',
can tre had at low prices, at Frank Case's Sow"
Depot, Chronicle Building.
Ausrmt.—An elegant. selection at eery low
Fine. Call and moo them at Pittoek's, appe
tite tbo
LOTrIST PlaloiB.—Photograph Album, nod
',lariat for 1804 at lowett, price., at Frank
Cu,,'. News Depot, Mr.liett buildtuQ, Fifth
Puotonnaen Ansetts.—The beet snake, at
lowest prises, at Prank Case's News Depot,
Cdrositts building.
CARTE Dr. Val:rm.—Call sad aaa tha large
re.lak at Pittoater, opporita tluoPostofflega
AIL the los Papers. Magastnes and Books
et PittoolVs, opposite, the ,Postotaot.
r...ciat:a eery at Pittaare,
/*k.l,9ooflle the
SOC7I/224411 Lair.
orittodte the Postaoll
ft. kiwi -
Jai; iecuire.
Borzoi" Gazgerm--Irs.tutteistplesstivii on
Monday evening, of twist the eturustt
tate of Dr. Holland on l i iheßeast of the Na
tion." His lecture was high toned and pa
triotic, and hi. were the manly sentiments of a
noble and gammas mind, who meetly appreci
ated the power of the masses, and recognize"
the hand of Provident* In title struggle of our
country for the preservation of Its nationality.
Dot of the 'eaters we do not moan to write.
We bad the misfortune to be seated near
a party of 'eons ladies and gentlemen, who
annoyed rill around them by their talking and
laughing - daring the entire lecture, demon
stretbcg dearly that they either had not brains
or education sufficient to appreciate the per
formance, or that they were entirely destitute
of comma pc/in/weds. If yang ladies and gen
tlemen cannot behave themselves at a public
performance like Dr. Holland's, they had
better stay away, save their reputation, and
'lot annoy the audience. D.
Movement of Coal.
The following Ii the amount of cosi which
has left this port on the present high water:
Eon" No. Beshe4
A. D. Smith & 10 100,030
Lasko d Bleeknaore 11 100,030
Bailey & 10 100,000
Jos. Mcßrew --- 19 n 3,900
Wm. B 8r0wn.........................__4 125,003
Duncan, Cornell & Co 7 70,CC4
- 10 100,000
Om. 7 60,000
Tan Buten or Exaommarr, having cilled
all elating for Bxemptlon numbered up to 1 . 00
—will not call any weder that number. At tott
o'clock, after calling all cases of Manifest
Physical Disability, (without regard to non.
bar,) the Board will commence coiling other
cases, from number seven handfed upwaril,
but will not go beyond number nine qttudreid.
At two o'clock they will proeced in the rune
manner, commencing with numbereight
hundred. Cases of election of parent will Bat
be beard before the 234 hest. As nearly 1500
claims are flied, many will not be reached this
week, nor at all—unless the time is extended,
which the board has applied for. Those not
reached cab, however, be examined if drafted.
—West Btisabeth boro yesterday filled her
quota, by mending In her thirteenth volunteer.
Others should be doing the came. •
()MTV,Vt, A (SealTicli AGENT.—As wilt' be
seen upon referring to an adrertisement to
another column, this new mode of treatment
it being demonstrated at No. 47 Smithfield
street, this city, by an emlnentphysioisn from
New York, where ho invitee all who are
afflicted to call nod test its merits. The
Doctor's theory is, that when the blood is
properly oxygenised, it expels disease of ere.
ry nature from the system. Ilis reasoning
seems to bo philosophical; and many, no
doubt, will test its truth. It is, we believe,
conceded by all, that the oxygen is that prin
ciple which supports all animal life, and
without it we could not . !survive an hour.
Judging of the Doctor's emceesse with this now
mode of coring diseases, from our exchanges,
we would pronounce It Nature's great No
tices, and recommend all to giro it ti trial.
ruonss NAIST, Plain and Ornamental
Slate.floofet, and dealer in Pennsylvania and
Vermont slats of the best qnstlity at low rates.
Office at Ales. Laughlin's, tutu the Water
Workt, Pittsburgh, Pa. •
Fos Vat.t. sato %Tuna Witaa.—The Sam•
meri s past, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to appraise:id, that fall and winter will
shortly be upon us, and we must provide our
selves with the material to keep us oomfort
ahle. A taco fall salt, or a good and well
ma•le overcoat are the very thing, and we do
Dot bun. of aey place where oar readers
would snit themselves better then a Messrs.
W. 11. 8. Co's clothing establishment,
ourner of Federal street and Diamond figuaro,
Allegheny. They have also received a com
plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
goods, and a greet variety of new pattern. for
Given-leen. hare you...mined the fall and
winter stock of goals at the Merchant
estaLllthincet of t+ata.'tsaham S. Co.,
5e..4 Market street
A fresh supply of cools every week.
Rave you examined the prices of goods et
the Merchant Tailoring establishment of Sato.
Graham 1 Co., No. St Market street i if not,
}t is eon time Ton would, and Sava 'lO per
cent. in your clothing bill.
livery gerreent warranted • perfect fit.
A.. 10 •
Heats,, of Louisrille, By., says In a letter
Wilco to New York, this, grammar. I par
chased by way of experiment some of lire. S
A. Allen's eelebrated flair Restorer ani
Zyieba/samum, which I bare found •ale•blo
I now write to bare you send me a doyen n
each by *epee's, for the ore or my friend,"
Sold by Graggiess ovorywkera Depot, IVS
Greenwich street, Raw York.
Entrants'. OrinTalt.—The following we take
from thin week'. United PreArteriort,one of the
most influential religious papers In the Went.
Speaking of the Wheeler st Wileon Sewing
Machine It says : "This Is unquestionably the
beet sewing machine for family purposes now
in the market, Lind in mono In demand than
any other. It le the one which we can most
unqualifiedly recommend, and for this reason
hare selected it an • premium." 'twat wd.
()next. Bargains k leaks' threat J. Finch's,
corner of Grant and Fifth stream. For the
information of tear lady readers, wo lire a
few of hie leading prices: Extra large mink
sets at $./33, worth $l3O, Stone MOStirl at $3O;
worth 1.4 X, limb tete at $lO and upwards.
Al., will be opened this morning 500 sets
which will be sold at the following prier.:
5 7 , P, $ O , $ lO , $ll, $l3, $l4 and cp.
don usortmant of Fall and Winter Clothing,
lately received by Meson. John Wier
Merchant Tailors, No. 116 Federal street, Al
legheny. The noel of clothing consists of
the Onset variety of gents' pantaloons, vats,
o.g/ and ovenusato. The style of patterns is
tasteful and fashionable. We would Matte
all of our readers to glee the above gentlemen
• ca 11...
It IS NOT often that we coma it contact
with an article that we feel jnitifled in re
commending to oar rittmcroac tendon bat the,
article of Family Dye' Colote , manatee-tined
by Howe & Staten., &declaimed In thie day'.
paper, we feel we can heartily commend to
oft who may have nee for dye. of any colors.
F•ir tale by all draggiete.
Bumf cue Breast. Nonce.—Da your duty
to yourselvoe, protect your health, nee Hol
loway's Nile arid Ointment. Far Woonds,
Sores, 13. wel Complaints and Foxem, they are
a porrect roteguard. Fail dtreotiont how to
w‘e thorn with every box. Only 21. canto.
Tux attention of persons desirous of se
curing • residanco, combining all tho advan
tages of oily or country life, In a beautiful
and healthy locality, L, directed to the adver
tisement Its this evening's paper, of Lawrence
ville property.
llorarzetrias in want of earpots should
burr in mind that J. Finch, earner of Grant
and Fifth streets, still continues to close out
the balance of his stook of carpets at dm east.
Call cad ee►mino before purehasitiff °whets.
Ownsva and cartage calls wil,,be taken at
the Omntbva office, No. HO Penn street, day
or right. All orders left at the shore pines
will be promptly attended to. All calls aunt
be Todd Tri advent*.
DCAUL ISMSTOIT, No. 26 Penn street, is
the pleas when you atn or the beet cheep
dentistry in the city. Don't forget the place,
No. 261 Penn street. near Hanoook.
-468 su
C. Ana, Dent's, 242 Pawn street, will at
tend to ell badness of Ids trotteilosi.
DEWSNAY.—On Tneadty. the IGth lottane. Bhp.
ELIZABETH rzweNA relief Of the late Col. I.
De•rnat, In flu 84th yoer of her see.
Funeral from the nroldenee of hat a0n.1.-law, Geo.
R. Riddle, on attest. Eason. Wulf,. City
or Allegheny. on TXtIISZIST. the 111111.11.nt, 1,0 10
o'clock.. m.
SCULLY.-0a Ilyoday night, Dooomber 11th, at
llo'cksk, rius c WADI), Infant tam of William
O'Har sad Amanda Deafly, nod d mouths.
The Amoral win take place from the midgern of
the perorate, No. ill Meer Amapa,. Allegheny, en
Wsramewee, December Ifth, at '3 p. ot.
YOSTEIt.—At bar melds:Lot.w La..r tt. elatr
tWp Elrs. 11 LBIA TWIT% wilt of tb. Iste Web
rustsr. 11:1 tbs 66tb par atm
M. fulcra! aril tam plow on W1M7221. T, Dee
16th, at 10 o'clock a m. Carriage' will lama 11.
Patarraotea giaLle at 0 o'clock ► Da.
tirirELL --Cra Mazy alturrion, 14th lost. t,
,sonts SLOAN, anoint wen er Nary Jan. 6. h ad
Marlow Atwell, ;pi 4 parmsall ritintbs.
The modem sill be token to tritooser. Otto, Err
QBEDI • gt; IidISINO, now c rop, very
kJ Bahian mind. disk Loadoaldwaltsidm.
to abobs Batt ant Oman: baulk :Bagdad sad lb:,
iliie by • : • • • . -Jean AL RLINEWSW, g•
• AttiV4.44o iblad AtlOidt Moira .
Zal aid lbw fal• bj
. , •
- - =+ o .' , -"r. -- `'
SP•.I4, Dbpaiul , w the Plt.bargh Nutt.
DIECTS37O/1 VIE IXCESA3GII:I? riusoszza.
To everybody's dismay Garrett Davis got
started this morning in the Senate, and kept
running for some hours. The subjel4 that
touched him off leas the delay of exchange
la order to enable his Imperial 51xles,yiAbra
hate the first, to force the rebels to make ex
changes fur his nigger troops and officerli.
Iteverdy Johnson administered a haply re
buke to this Mani., and maintained right
to osa aegro troops and thau right to &tad=
as well as for military aereloos.
A funny chap who is playing a littiel joke
by calling himself the Civil Governor of lLon
isiana, carriod his Joke to the farthest poisible
point to-day by sending in a commnal tion
to the House, announcing the resignaSini of
one of the bogus Louisiana ruembers,jwhom
Emerson Ethridge tried to fool eh Con
gress. L. the Hausa did not know spy stub
members, it could not pay any attention to
their resignation.
a 40,000
Winter Davie got • Special Comaier. ' co an
thorieed to-day on rcconitructisn. t Thia
betokona a large disettision.
Goners! Buford la lying veq ill bore. IT.
is not expected to recover.
Adjutant Gummi Thomas is very dl is tho
Southwest. Ile will be brought borne es anon
as his t,ndition will admit or it.
It is reported now that the army will soon
fat/ back to Catlett's Station, 011 the Warren
ton road. No other activity is expectod, the
main mite being nen del oted to gottisg the
old troops to re-tali. t.
Th. rumor•. of embi!trt chancel nro tltteriy
Mr. Dawes introduced a bill in the It na,
yesterday providing for the electi..a of repre
sentatives in emigres, in Teneessee and Lou
isiantb without regard to existing laws In these
State.. The qualilleat,m of oi.moro is the
same as that proposed to the Cent.titutioi of
Tennessee. It provides for the appointment of
a returning ofh,er in each county, by acting its
Governor, who shall nominateJniges of elec.
tient!. Should the ii-setnse fail, then the
Shorty, Come, or Chairman of each County
Court may appoint s returning officer for the
eounty. Thirty days notice each election
is to 1,0 giron, end poll lists are to be can
vassed by the Governor and ,Secretary of
State, who issue the certillonte :of elections.
The election in Tennessee is to he held on the
Seat Thisraday In Sego•[, biennially from 1813,
sod Ina.enisians biennially aft, the second
Monday July,
Senator Foot, hap t.h,•n initastary step
toward antabliehlng a library io the Senate,
similar to that of ihtlaaa. The rerolutlon
to that effect bat been raferthil to the Com
mittee on I.thrary.
The Legislature of Maisa,thunetts hail rent
her reiolutiona declaring men of that State
le thenarel rervie• st per 1•: ' r military
contingent, eel in fever of nity.nit thb :r4th
ant ti:Jth rzgimeutg :he risme aroth
er:regimenta, on the gn inje•tl, of
any .Ikt:ration among 4..1111^, wha pert.rte
military drily with equal
Marc-romorala vary made io-day of rela
tives of the late clerk of the Sonata Military
Csmmitteo, i-d . max by Jeff. Dario,,.
and ha" COLltialle I up to yoatorday to r•tain
his piles. rt it ur.door.tood saw. the charger
siva:lst him irividre a rareorpoodopeo with
Davis after the fall of .losater.
The foll,riug aro I • main poiti, ;:t Aeh
la)*4 Lill, providing io• tM •stabll,hcorri of
Piorntional Cravoinnionc• aver tho
distrizte of ilia coon. y in rabolllon, and to
cutborts.o lop.] cltir. n , thoreof to orgsnize
rate g..vernmenta. A:
Section I.—The Pre.ident to take punt.
elan of, establish itti I maintain the districts
declared, b'y his first proclamation, to be in
rebellion against thi. Government, whirh
shall be continood anti! the lord people
therein shall organise governmrots, and elect
Senators and Represertatlver. geetion 2.
In addition to tho fed , nal officer! now allowed
the Prorident obeli appoint a Military
Governor ofea6 dietri who shall
have the civil Administration thereof,
until the Ststo Crocernmente MO formed.
Section 3—The Prociiionel tierce:lore en
authormed to appoint a clencil of bre, and
all needed clerks to 10d them. Sootion 4.--
Whenever tsio people of either district signify
to the Provisional Governor a desire for a
State Government, he eLalt nrder an enroll-
went or the loyal eleetorm ; ea — whenever Ile
nareber thereof chaff equal ten per cant., sa
tiggesttd 1,7 the i'm4Jant, of the rot:rs of
80, he shall appoint a day for the eloctirn
delegates to a Contention to declare the
will reepecting a Stott GOTere event. Sort lOn
s—These members 'hall meet at tUe place
designated by, the Government, and adopt a
Constitution republican in form, and shall then
be authorised to fortn a Slaty Government.
provided It he nor repugnant to the Constitu
tion of the United States or tho Prerident's
proclamation of Jan. let— 1563, and that no
dLinJal person or persons who hare held office
under the Rebel Government ho allowed to
cote, and that no debt contracted by the rebel
States or Government Es paid, and that slave
ry be aboliahed and forever prohibited. Sec
tion O--. Said constitution, under rules provi
ded by the con;ention, to be submitted to the
People, and in ease of adoption, Senators and
Representatives to be elected to Congress.
Section 7—ln WO the convention refuses to
organize •. State Government, the Ft.-
visional Gevervment is to remain until
the people shall be willing to form a State
government, when, If the flreridont is satis
fied thatene-tentbrof the people furor It, ho
shall direct, the provisional governmet to order
another election to be conducted as herein be
fore let forth. Section S—Tha Distrlet Coons
of the United States to have jurisdiction In
the sold districu. Section 9—Abrogates oil
laws and decisions heretofore passed on the
mode of making distinction between the black
and white persons. Section 16—Difinee any
Inhingement of individual freedom ander the
old slave lows to be kidnapping, and provides
for the punishment thereof by fine and im
prisonment. Section 11—gives the President
power to establish and discontinue ports of
entry ie said Districts, and •ppolrit collec
tors, ko.
The Expedition of Gen. flanks to Tex—
as—A Glorious Suceess.
Bonus, Dec. IS.—A New Orleans corres
pondent of the Boston Tirretfer, writes that
the expedition of Gen. Banks to Tose. Is a
glorious sucrose. Union men urn rally
ing under the etandard of Lien. hanks in large
numbers. AU the Tesarts asked, was a ferny
to back there up, and they repeatedly Feld,
that if aeuffielent army was sent to assist
them, they would •soon have Texas, all right
again. They keep already proved the truth
of their statements, for Gen. Banks has re.
nutted two regiments elneo he landed In. that
State, and tho work Is stilt going on.
Gen. IVIld 2 o Expedition
- Wsarnaaron, Dom 15.—The Tim. corres
pondent, dated Comp near Portemonth, Va.,
says the rebel inhabitants were taken corn surprise. .Elliabeth City will Ise
made the haze of imperfect operations.
A detaChment of fifty-tiro men frotn the Ist
U.,& eolemd regiment, hare Just returned,
tainting intwelat7 watonToels ofoontrstands
who tugainght, protgetion. of .¢en., Wild on,
. .
41411.16:ftactfsydry from Gvis:lii•dertll-'
rider; •i ittltift*emiddarstits *trap!!
lay!! tetetiravoperstlwith'fita.'l9ll3,
y mu( at AP Ir.
lir.sutscaox Cat, Doc. 15, 1863
•n. 1100:3 LOCI.SIaII, vumntr.s. 1
.. _ .. _. .. f.w`cTni. :sue..:.. f-FTe,"
, ..
Itt r •ffilialiniall Cil" . i•Dite. '. 1.8':•71$83. ;_.:.,!
Soave:-eake . ....itHsort grettehteA a Ifemetterial.
. asking for an ineraami of pay for parttehter'e
clerks, hosptial stuarts and Inertia= Of CC*
toms in Boothe. . .
Mr. Lane, of Herisas, introduced, on kart,
• bill providing that all trate in gold, silver,.
and foreign mohange for speculative purposes,
or the purchase through a broker by deposit
ing less than the full amount of the parthase •
or on what le known as a margin, is express
ly prohibited. Section ll prohibits the sale of
gold, silver or foreign exchange, by any bank
er or broker, directly or indirectly, at any
place except at the regular banking houses or
broker'. office. Station 3 prohibits the sale
of gold, silver et foreign exchange, anions se
teeny delivered and paid for on delivery.
Section 4 provides so the penalty for violating
any of the prohibitions of the act, on the con
viction befere the Crated States District Court
in the Distrierwhere the offense is committed,'
a sum of not loss t h an one sr more than ten
thousand dollars, end imprisonment for not
lees than one or more than twelve months for !
, each offense. Section 5 glees the informer
part of the fine.
Mr. Foote introduced a bill granting public
lands to the People's Pacifte Railroad and
Telegraph line by the northern route, and he
asked that the bill be referred to a Special
Mr. Stevens, of Pa., Introduced a series of
resolutions referring the various branches
of the President's message to the appropriate
Committee, and that spart with reference
to the treatreeot and condition of the retool
lions States, to a Salem Committee of nine, to
be appointed by the Speaker.
Mr. Davis, of Md.,offered as a substitute,
that so much of the resident'. message as re
lates to the duty of the United States to gear- -
antes to every State a republican form of
government, that has been abrogated or over
thrown, to a Select Committee of nine, who
shall report the bills necessary to tarry sate
offset this duty.
31r. Brooks, of N. T., said if the preposi
tion of Mr. Davis should be passed, Le should
demand that this special committee also en
quire whether the Republican Gorernment
bee not been abrogated, and overthrown In
the North as well ns in the South since the
Revolution began.
Mr. Lovejoy said that in era of certain
individuals there still 'lista a Republican
Gevernmeat in the North withoot infringe
meet or abatement. He was fee the Constitn
tion ae it is, and the Union as it was : and
not es interpreted. Ile would dispossess the 1
einvehelder of the Union as he would thee, 1
who had invaded the Chesapeake. He woo:d j
put a loyal crew on board and eall the good
ship Union s our fathers had done it.
Sir. Davie, of fiy.,eolled up the resolutions
in relation to the exchange of prisonere,
arguing vehemently against the policy of re- j
fusing to exchange our suffering white eel-
diem—the languishing, .tarries and diseared I
white men, becau,s, the rebels refuse to ex- 1
change negro captives. Ho denounced at
length the policy of the Administration upon
the serered poiots in which the negro it af
fected, characterizing. its position es mon•
strous, end referring to the present era as the ,
reign of Abraham I. He averred that his
own loyalty was unspotted; that he hated, ;
with undying rigor, the crime of secession. 1
It was evident that this policy was only a part 1
of that design to perpetuate the pasty power i
of the Adcoloatration. Ito closed with on ;
indignant and earnest protest against the re- i
fusel of the Admialstratien to liberate thou-' '
sands of starring and dying white moo far I '
the sak• of • few negroes.
Mr. Jelfraon deemed it perfectly clear that
humanity, which I. the highest polity, de
manded the continuance of the exchange of
prisoner,. Ile proceeded to combat the opin
ion of the Senator from Kentucky, Doris,
that these men should not be.protected, and
corrected his views of the power of tho Pres
ident by quoting from the Constitution rela
tive to the executire and legislative powers.
Mr. Devil. replied by laying that a previa
hie of the Constitution confers no power In
the govmument; the Supreme Court Mid so
interpreted It. He also claimed that the
President had no right to suspend the writ of
habeas corpus, which was a legislative, not
an executive junction. The powers to Le
exercised, are conferred by the Constitution
clone, and there ,p no power rested in the
government, • Lich is opt conferred by toe
Constitution. Deuce, the President cannot
raise troop. °risen:Li...tor has he the pow, r to
organize meat area to put down an insurrection
without the assent of Congress. It was the de
terminetion of the party in pewee that the
war shell eoutioue Until the next Presidential
election. The war would hare been brought
to n eh,' if the Administration had sincerely
and In good faith Berated Itself to the princi
ples announced in the Crittenden resolution,
nail If the commanders of the armies had not
been selected, cot because of their hostility to
the rebels, but because of their opposition to
dlarery. ..
Mr. Ilefe r -of IL il.,,xese to indignantly
deep that it eras the desire of the gentlenien
on this floor to continuo the war in order to
intlaeuee the next Presidential election. A
more atrociou, allegation against the honor-
able men never was Listened to from the be-
ginning of time to thepresent moment. It
the allegations of the Senator were true, he
would sooner aka into his own hands the
hand of a man from the charnel house, reek-
with pestilence, than the hand. of those
around him. If the allegation was true, then . ,
every Senator was stamped with the foulest
treason nod perjury. The destinies of the 1
country have been submitted to the gentle.
men around hint, who ore bound by their oath
to sustain the country and the Constitution
sod to defend the firesides and homes threat
ened by invasion, while the Senator from
Kentucky says they are hypocritee, and do
not mean to sustain these objects. -
MT. Doris explained that he had reference
to the men in power.
Mr. Halo replied that the Senator had tootle
an allegation which embraced every• Senator. ;
It was an Itilestatiun which, if true, would die- '
grace the rites Inmates of a penitentiary.
Tho character of the President was also in
cluded in this allegation. Ile believed eon
thing, that met everybody's assent, that Lin
coln is eminently an honest, patriotic man.
To-day, for the first time, he had heard the
honesty and patriotism of that Executive
questioned. It the Government hie called for
black soldier. to take up arms, and calls them
out to fight the battles of the conntry, it is
bound to protect them at all hazards, end by
every agency it can put forth. The Govern
ment having used them, and they having be
come prisonen., and if they are abandoned
to :heir fate, it is guilty of baseness un
heard of in history. The party In power
has one elm, and that aim is the country •,
but one purpose, and that is the salvation of
the country. The idea that the administra
tion and its supporters desire the continuance
of the war in crier to control the next Presi
dential eleotion--desire this cruel war with
its cries of anguish, our eons given to .laugh
ter, our widows in moonoing, and our kindred
driven to destitution—is an insinuation sob.s
that he wondered that it found its way neon
loathe fertile brain of the Senator from Ken
tucky. [Applause in the galleries.]
Horse.—The Speaker laid before the House,
• message from the President, cordially re
commending Capt. John Rogers, the captured
' the Fingal, for his distinguished zeal, bra
! very and general good conduct, receive a rote
of thanks from Congress, this preliminary
being required by law, In order that he may
be advanced one grads higher in the may.
The Speaker said be found on his table a
letter from J. L. Riddle, signing himself Gov
enter elect of Louisiana, notifying him of the
resignation of Theo. Coltman, a member of the
Howe, but as the latter name does not append
on the rolls of the Mona, tho entemetnieatioo
wes not laid before the House.
Melons of reference of the respective sub
jects embraced in the President's message
were thou entertained, and the sane were
referred to the appropriate committees.
Mr. Leta, of Indiana; introduced • bill to
amend the act entitled an set to define and
punish coroplraciee, passed July Slat„ ISSI.
Also, the 114th section of the art for retelling
and railing out the national ewers, peered
March 3d, 1853.
Mr. Hendrick, introduced a bill to extend.'
the time in which States may :ann . -themselves -
of the grant of lends for Agricultnral end In
dustrial Callegm.
The substitute of Sir. Devil was adopted; ,
year, 89, nays, 90.
On motion of Mr. Cos, 'of Ohio,
it •ers resolved that the seven additional
Standing Committees appointed under role
No. 102, be directed et once to perform the
duties prescribed by said rule, and 111111LARO
into the ante of amounts and expenditaree
of the several departments respectfully sub
mitted to them, and report particularly en ,
'pacified to said rule; and further, UAL said
Committees hare all the power of the Court
of Investigation. All of Mr. St:eon's - Teel,-
lutierie, as modified, Were then 'kg:nadir,.
On motion of Mr. Cox. of 01110,1110 allow- .
Lag revolution way introduced by him ;ester- •
day, and adopted: .
Re*orra, That the Secretary er.lVar be di- '
recited to communicate to this House the re - - -
port malt, by Blej.Gen. McClellan; concerning
the organization ainloppetilltneef the Army
of the Potomac, while under bit eneanand, and
of all the army operations while he woo .iilisri- :
.mender-let-Ch/of. . . - .
~, The House then adicurimb:
Tort Suet
NCrli:'fiffrt!cort,s;:4lif"'", 4 a
ZNi -3Za41i14t.U46"
ExclanAda"cods •
Awl smart4=%kwguaMWO.,,,,4'
~i • L e 4 ,O
"i 4347,"
-. ;~.
411 1 -
„, -
117 _ hilteargattdo.Getierai
- . Pasker.. etsiTiuts7,-iTiaint the
" - ;llteCbcals 31hrdtreri.r.bkOtkmc
rustiat r. in a ittmiiiestVi
MO= puiviit of Lohge.leete.erteenutered4ko
rebelereurtard east of • I;:zoirille.'ind- ,
a-bitary reimiss, in whiCh Geitetal
She b said to have herezasadly we
teetered at General itossr-ses Jleade
quarters, • but is . traced to several. , : diltii)F;
1101174e11. Unless corroborated •by diitistchcs .
from Chattanooga, of this date, the story r:si
be diseretiltett. - • • • • \
General Palmer resigned the. commend of .
the 14 th eerlle. , awl - had reached Briilgepart
on his way home when he received orders-to
return to Chattanooga,. hie resipatiotf net:
haring beco Dioapted. , •
Col, Minter reports from Catambitl thilt re ! '
het deserters and citizen" are flocking - hi mat
post to great numbers, asking-to be allowed
to take the oath under the President's_ proo- .
laumUon. Col. M. says in regard to the nIII:11,
ben arriving, that he has never seen the lik4.
A few days ago a Capt. Perkins applied to
Gen. Omuta for penniesion to take the oath
of allegiance sander the amnesty proclamation..
lie says in a letter that the aotual poverty at
Tennessee Is oct understood oreppreciated
the Tennessee - in . s in tie rebel army, sod that
his eyes haTo'been cliened ot4ysinte his gip-.
The trial of i'mnk Gutty, the Ocirilla,
ybo killed Gen. McCook, l n ow being eon.,
eluded. He will undoubtedly be bong. noir
ard Maynard, Attorney 'General of the Stater:
declares In a published letter, that , the usurd
county elections arc to bo beld in March
next In the State. Small Pox. 'him broken out
at Franklin: Railroad improvements In
Middle Tennessee and Alabama are rapidly
approaching completion.
Proceedings In the Rebel Senile--
illortality or Union Prlioners Rich-,
. .
Now Tons, Dee. 15.—1 n the rtbeifienate,
on tho 10th, Sirigfall offered a reselation in
quiring Into the tra►tmente( peironere,which
woo agreed. ie. ,•
The Exambser rays that the prisonera,exe
tnealshed dully with threst quarters of a pound
of bacon, when the rebel troops Is the ged
are only reneiving one quarter.
The re)sel Senate pamed a bill prohibiting
the enrollment of sebitittites in the army.
Brown, of Mice.,offered a resolution' ird.
pressing all able•bdied whites into thosivmp,
and rcquirlng alio no to quit the country within
duty days, or take up arms; elm, to levy a
direct tax on all lands and property, Including-
Confederate notes, and to make the letter a
legal tender after the expiration of six
months, and to prohibit the buying and soil
ing of gold and silver coin , or notes of banks
in the Baited States or V. S. Treasury notet,
during the war, tinder a heavy penalty. The
violation of any of the above provisions to ho
amenable to military eorirts. ,No action was
tubrn on the resoluticn.
A bill is pending in the rebel Congrese for
tho issue of fifty millions coupon bonds of the.
Confederate litotes, baying six per tent, in
tereet, and payable in twenty years.
Foote, of Tenn., offered a resolution of in
quiry into tho expediency of the government
distinguishing in its pHs. tors of War of Ahi--
can descent botwown those who enlisted in. the
North as freemen, and those who as slaves in
the South had taken up arms and who in fall
ing into our hands s.;,sain hecame the property
of their owner..
Richmond papers say that of thirty thou
fond prisoners bold in Itiehtnerqd since thy Ist
of January. 1552, six hundred and serenty
one hare died, which they ,onsidor • riry
small proportion.
Gen. Fester Assumed Command of
Burnside'. army—Longstreet , s Ar
tillery and Train Captured—The sup
.plies for Richmond Prisoners.
WASIIISGTON, 11e0. I.3.—The ilor furnishes
the following in advance of its publication:
Telegram■ were received hero last evening
from Knoarille, op to yesterday' morning.
Gen. Fester had assumed command of the
troops, late ender Gen. Burnside. The latter
had departed from Knoxville for Cincinnati.
All was. then quiet in the vicinity of Knot
rills. It was stated thee on the authority of
snouts and messengers, that much of Long
atreet's artillery and train had fallen into the
bands of our pureeing force, but Ibis lacked
eunlemation. The region in which the *IT- -
suit is now being made is so far siintnet from
the telegraph as to make it diCreri!t toyarlfy
such statements.
Gen. Butler and n member of the Sanitaig
Commission are now at Foresees Monroe.
They have telegraphed to the Governmeril,
here that the rebel authorities have "topped
the distribution of supplies sent to the Union
prisoner' in their hands. We are notified that
ap to Oda time no confirmation had reached
Washington indicating that anything Itteiin
°Bela rebel notice Ms' beep. communicated to
either )3ntler or Gan. Meredith. The
fact that Mr; Onld;tliiil Ober eommitsboner iaf
exchange, promptlg replied yceterdzypor the
day before, to Gen. Butlers tender of vaccine
matter to im mod among the Union prisoner,,
that it would be disposed of promptly as re
quailed, leads no to hope there may be a mis
take. •
Constitution (or Nevado' Territory.
Sac FlAwcreco, Dee. 14.—The ConstituDoii,
for Nevada Territory, which the people role.
for or agalart, on the 17th of J11113311,,' - il
published, deelsres that every citizen owes'
paramount allegiance to the Federal Goierri-'
meet. Neither the Legislature nor the peo
ple aro permitted to create a Slate debt ex
"needing throe hundred thousand dollars, but
three millions of bonds may be jostled to aid
the construction of the Pacific Itaihroad. The
collectors mast hare their names registornd
and pay fall tax before they aro permitted to .
rote. The Legislature is prohibited from
parsing local organised bills, general lairs
bring required to suit each carer. The scesion
of the Legislature ie fixed at sixty dap, sal
ary of members 57 daily. State officers are
elected for two years, Three Supreme Jud i *
for sic years. raper money is prohibited.
Alines and mining property:are taxed thereat* .
as other property. Latterly the provision
meets with a decided opposition which may
041:1110 the rejection of the Constitution - by
pope= rote.
Debt of the Southern Di:minden:Ley.
For YORK, Deo. 15.—The Rebel Secretary'
of the Treasury reports the total debt of.tbe
Confederacy in round numbers v $81,000,000,,
000, of which V 00,000,000 are Treasury notes
and 1700,000,000 of the.. notes. are in °inn,
lation. The Secretory may. that the amount
needed to carry on the Confederacy to-the
30th of June, 1884, is 8471,000,000, besides
the amount of the undrawn appropriation of
last Congress which reaches $407,060,600'en4
if the estimates are extended so as lo teeltide
the entire year of 1864, the amount willreadt
81,42.7,000,000, which,, says the .hopeful Sec
retary, Congreas is formally called upon to
provide, and eee if the legs of the Confedera
cy will loot so long, it will have at the waiter
the year 1864, a debt of $2,500,000,000.
Markets by Telegraph.
ItaLrnsoss. Dx. 13.—Tiostr ; Ohio istra rat
57.5n51a,(4,56. Vihrst dull; red ready at 51,kp.
Oarn drat and Leary; new at 51,12,91,13. Whisky.
quid; Ohio at ES.
Er. Loma, Da. 15.—Beeeipts of tef10n...191 baled;
Flour Improred. anl the drama& ,r Tea., gradse
higher. Brands dull. Wheat dull anddoclined2.43c:
extra chole , , $1,35g1,36; good tuprioto;3l,:3ol,lX,
Oats • ebado firmer. Corn adrancrd, closing Miner
at $1,26.
ran...ornrma, Dec. 13.-73rOwlatetfa generally
dull, and no change except In nom, *hieto adnaneed
ft. Flair doll; curs &nifty, S 7; lon grad.. -117,75. -
Wheat dall;.nd.. l,d&; ;lathe. 51,705L1,71.
Cora seine and firmer; non, gI,L, and old. 41.25.
Oollima quiet. .Providons quiet and nnebanzal. Mess
Orly 5181313,13' . Whisky dull and loner; at 83e.
New Van, Dec. l&—Cotton,trirs -anti teens ne
ttle at leo for middling uplands.. Moor be triter ;
$6,400kt,60 for Extra Stare; 117,03:45 for
and r,G0,39.80 for troderbrzukt, martot <lasing C. em.
%Misty hear, at Iticritio for. western.' Wheat,
more arrive and fully lc better. at $1,1.141;47. for ,
Chksgo Spring; g 1,71 (or old de; 41,4.541,49,
Milwaukee Chat; $1,502t1,31 to amber allwintre;
11,7001,711 for Winter Itm wekkrn: 114 S 'ter:
do; $1.60C,143 for amtwrilliehigan,al,769l,Sti
to white western: Corn, lo better and infra der
mond at it,tti3l43 tar ahipphig anted western, is
Mors,aud 54228E00. -Oats a shade d.rinerat 800;91e .
. for western and State, !Lauding .13,00:11:04 western,
fusion, at • td3.i.e.. Wail, firm. Coffer, WM, rd.
troleum Quist. . - Poric. roma attire - at :enter prices;
sa k was Ibr raft ;412,250111,37% - lat new do,
.cal er.7 at the ineideprite Slit(9ll.73lhrtiew Pli/P*l
S 16,0031? for newpritos mem, andi.6 o 3 tible Isew
Sehram7 . at moderatelegner.. Deco,
"iasifsnoqedititg4 2 4*t. , 'F' • !
tm ritir tafeks:LDW*Vt ba il.
cids3;riParte4 tb4 r 'qt•
70.*g .l a t
:14 eat
7 7
IRS as l 7,sa.
to bigii . 4 of 4itittlY*o l .l
ppek e!ti - Wittirt ,
j=i4 , 3,64.=o;.suai' 1 4 , :*tC
nn s4 kitr4 , 54 3 ,415t0 m p kr414. 5; . ' . ,
be impend/id by lie orlon itikat:4l:Atiz'
VartigYiblrltb3goroxyWlCaitsfa-: -., , ,
dnprrtnLl'for belt _. ~.
011btlatLai gait as ihe irtuttbjslnue,'
. •
B Vge Arq,
arnatf,M4 thaidekita appear tab* &PUT
Milnana. The Leask,
Irand4 'l3 leg;abd the sdrinte 4 .
anakicsprepati* • qi
I The Matn.Soldnyon, 3•Za" ,
atianni daininst atm/
saafria di156513.4 laadlr
Tbii atnanntar SaLI
IM - Truant , riga, -
Man Wei tVonatadi
'Mt alzesdi bean
.10 ; 1 4 c- "'Wad :
slue nil day yonarday,
• e.log utisi , r•
uirt.rpalr. Attniade
lidgs ..ban yfectd . '
danatiamlatioded ‘31.-tbs
' azo yestardaj; did ncl,
nninced, but' alhe
abont nlna
nal:wad to jeliTh ta-da3
~a.: riltnnfra. Cnyt.••
11. 11. lilainay, and thd
class boats, and am in
and arapnieneed edam;
the flea
will pFlatiTo7 itliVe for 7,
The Ni'le tad stwancl
01100-0 e WEDNISI
/gib, at Lt ceclockoritt
lan Booms,- ko,
Wagon, newly nor of It.
Alto; ooa opn top and ono
605 t1A9113 k
TEE.V)OIt, - 1.,/ , ..111, at , •
the emote. it , Palea Some, 6fstreet, qcao
tity of ./loasehold" Zianaltart,.At4 - strapr ilogjatt..
hogaay Dintag Pablo, .11.hcgatiy-Parreol,Ppiliw
Rat Loulig. a, Ugh Sod-Loar Post Solttradr.G., airs. -
ToWra.: Harata tllockr, Carl.oli.:oll"Lampr, ..Brars
Stair Itodr; DelflParer, Parlor and Cmea Mores, tr... •
Alai atm fp:A d- Sev leg leachlac, °rattly.;
Hama Pea. a:Parlor llaratles and Grabs, - with aura ,
mar fraa,tha large lot elm Pipe; .t, c.
• • DAVIS A Arleen.'
TIEN .Gtitar.l,, WOOLENS,..
SU CELTD&T, Ted:l7th, 10er'elock Lm. lead
s o'clock p. ea., will bo sole, a% the Commercisl :aka
10. be itch ineet, Tart.. elect. a Voile*
G.odr, Dry Cool* itm, to which lb* attention of the
hub is belted.' Ale* al% Inedeirof .15cole Shan;
Cloth Cara Bea Greve* etheslock comprises*
Waisted Goods, eal - Naot
/eletes',Cloaks. nirlec Steel /loop lekirlo o Linea Bo
dr4olll Collars, firma fl 64 - Cloth;
- DATIft Mantel - AMA Airct'n.
L., —chi- TcsanAir-rtmasci,'Dersjlp4;l; at 7%'
o'clock, Trill be scett;cl.ltorcooomeiclet Woe Boom,.
St FLU street, tortee,l3X,l4lorLoto - la the Boycott,
Ward: elitutlpoo' Zoos - sod Dossorlddlo street..
be_lng Nos; P. 30; 51:83,33."84: 25 Owl
he to Aka tlaifforo pier, the co.
tote *tabs Istallo. Gaetano; TAW:thaw,
Tertmecooll. 'Tor further reirtlealatseaqiitteot.T.
L. S.cathee e : Yaq.; Elakorwoll's Grata ,g•
Alei6 . l ;:. DAVIS .
1361 Mr- 11 : 7 M - AXL'''
ana 3 5 1 4 , 01 , h anr-ElcbArre OMI,
Emzo•ro4* --- .
, . -
or imai i - stylo ;littaa'at , aOlano l; farm
popular Cortar Ylottata Clatitot sad Ltfo otia
• alr. - rvavu.Nac mould. partkoolifir fbo KL ,
tonalan tett& ALLSO,IIIID /MC! tlao tosy
asofttiltty tais adabllobetaot, balm rottchol by a
stattlist.n tight of YO..l74evmderau..
inaidktioagcursatee.V.-,. " '.'firy9Eslystretts
GE94 4 . 4
= _ _
frillfe,flOUTGAM,' 328,13014DX
VISCHEUL2II6' - LLESB,-And.other liolfmoneoto of
'Writing ; drawn arith . eastneos itad-logia accruity.,-
&town dated fatEsoclatoro'4l4 ••Af.ninrotom
Mks lo Rol Utak, tv..:a:amin r d-tad trio
Aprzs 211E4 ,
. _ -
• • . ,
ine,d,d; and 5 dears ifldrAiclAdlng all ma
old leashas, earletled and - wail Asw-ode.
Also, seulatge 'stook nt PEARiititaidss
dwarf.) 17. L AAP, PEACH, , PLIEII, EVEhaItEEN.
GRAPH • T/EESs ~-P HEPEE. : ,. ...1415;EISHOII816
PLAIM AA. ,po, wholesale aad - retail at Tory res.
- Double pima IIiCrIIDOCH, Jr;
Plltardrith sad Ordthaullgurser4.
. , _
Ctrar 4111.10 ad - Mold arab, Agivhstv.,
. • '
•, • fri,'44atztirr.lyciarpvi.
- •erasxzixae • PATENT 106,1C/NSS,
/ 36 WOOD
AmEs •otivr
Duftes tboatteistlou of lipinoois aid when its •
arkodhl stock of G1358 - IIIITIMS; =VOL ?VIOLS,
DELIS aod, POUCHES Dll.i.lf FItASES, and azo. 2
zondtlon of everilclfoLi -}41.94.29Fis qt. bitgegierrer
Wooed to this woke—
41 4. 1 E§ 14 C a LD W.4% , *
Ischzessol , to Jtate9L?llan 6,00
, •0 II Kr i. A JD
DoltrP3 #A66lf Eranz,
-lettif • • •••
!bitiih T e titkor
vanAcm Pim Alm s:IQRT GSOHeCCp.
et 16 TS'T t weetAST4*:ht emL P:tielnes'
. r ,
De1:41%2 ,00 :i,
4 ,n
w, g.)4, 01is
AViatigiat, Fl4” , cllt:
. 11
. 4 , 01 - 1511.4. r.
' • -.145ge,..-eix.-4:JvAii;;:;.-.12,::-..v,k-:!---s4
. • ~ .
. .
, • ' . o r ! r s t-