The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 15, 1863, Image 3

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fittsburgh Itazettit.
. Pittsburgh Sanitary Commission.
• LLITEIt 11100 SalifirMtn.
My Door received the keg contain
ing eighty-six pounds of butter from your
society last Saturday. Accept for it my sin
cere thanks, and theasmrance that snob good
things &redistributed where I think they are
Most needed. I deal out the butter in small
quantities to persona whom I know will giro
it to the sick. Yesterday I packed a box
moles to go to Shelbyville, 'Tenn., eight pounds
of that went in it. I boy ejust given four pounds
to a finitn lady who prepares extra diet for one
of the Hospitals, and sent six pounds to firs.
Dr. Prance whose husband is in charge of
hoepitarNo. 9, and will copy for perusal part
of •noto she wrote me thin morning acknowl
edging thinp cant to her on Monday.
"Complaints are often made' that things
o given hover reach the eiek men, brit are ab
sorbed emniiihere by barset• ' cooks and no
body knows who. Ido not know anything
about It, but as there are inch complaints, I
resolved that no butter should be eaten but
by patient° in bed, so they brought the
toast 'to my room (herself and husband have
rooms across from the hospital, and in two
rectum they keep house and she does her own
*oohing) and I buttered fifty slices, and this
morning eighty, and had the satisfaction of
learning that the men said thou was the
but toast they had eaten in the hospital. The
apples also aro in my seem, and yesterday all
the patients had apples for sapper, and will,
God permitting, to-day. Eight p atients bad
chicken soup these two days. So you see a
few at least ace benefited by the gifts of
your estimable commission."
This is but a sample of many. Hospital
visitors and other members Of tho commission
are always on the lookout for abase, and mis
appropriation, when found are reported either
directly or indirectly to the surgeons, who
almost without an exception are glad to be
thus Informed, and are very willing to correct
the evil so far as it is in their power. The
nine boxes from your loom came to hand hut
week, bat I have been too busy to report to
you. The soldiers in the hospitals bore were
kindly remembered on Thanksgiving day
with a good dinner, and all so far as we can
learn, spent a cheerful happy day. Two or
three ladies were detailed to attend at the
different hospitals. My cervices, what little
time I could spare from the rooms, were given
tolio. 3. I would like to give you a sreial
.report of the dinner if time would permit.
Bat suffice it to say, there was nearly four
hundred men and all had plenty. We bad
beiledilkm, mutton pie, turkeys and chickens
with vegetables and pickles, for desert a piece
of roorings, s yanitee doughnut and a cup of
eeffee. Those is the wards who were unable
to go dew& had extra delicacies prepared by
one own hands, 'anti the day we spent with
them seeing them-enjoy it.
Dr. Harlow, the surgeon in charge Is a
Philadelphian, and all that a good surgeon
should be. To show you bow headaches him
self to the men, yesterday he toad to send
to their regiments and the Convalescent camp
14 men to make room for others. They felt
so badly leaving, that they shed tears.
Flannel shirts, drawers and socks are the
'peat want. I often think more lives could
be gaped by giving, them warm clothing
Cotten clothing in thiX' damp climate is next
to worthless. Whatever flannel costs it must
be had if we expect to make our man comfort
able. The past week has been fearfully
cold, and in all my life on thole - re shore I
never mitered so much with the cold, as since
I have been in the South. I wear extra
clothing and am never warm.
' lisping to bear from you. soon, lem ein
eerely and cordially youra, -
Paull& B. Harems.
The following donations have been received
during the'week ending December 11th
George H. Anderson, i bag of colons; Soldiers' Aid
Society of Clarksville, I gnat, 12 pillows, 7 pads, 10
sheet., 11 towels, 27 handkerchiefs, 38 muslin starts,
BY calks shirts, 20 peke drawers, 9 pairs socks,
swats troll, 13 cans fruit, 4 packages herbs,
pounds soap; Soldiers' Aid Society of Contwakville,
0 sheets, 32 arm elinge, 4 pillows, 20 flannel ehirta,l
pales drawee, II kandkerrbiefs, reading matter,
heeds cabbage. 1% - bushels onions, a quantity of po
fatos• Soldiers' did Society oFElderron. 13 starts,
• pales drawers, Y palm socks, 19 bandages, sto
mews 4 towels, bushels wattles, %So. beans. 3'
gsdlona onions, 1 Out dried earn, It sacks apples, 2
peacbee, do. elderberries rolll knitter, era
„Italta. Lick Of salt Soldiers' Aid Swirly of Leecb
• burg, 33i pounds bops, 2 cans plcklellll7. 9 do. apple
moot 2do . apple beater. I do. cherries, 5 do. peaches,
a do:elderberry Jain, 1 do. blackberries, 1 do. tonna,
toes, 1 bottle %spleeny cordial, I package dried
I seeks° touslln shirts, 13 handkerch led., I package old
muslin, 1 package d Hai peaches ; Ald Society
of Frey Chapel, 45 wands driedapples, 5 do. reaches,
1 quilts, I pillow, 1 pound conabtrated apple butter;
Mrs. Joke 11. Iblient,42 testaments end 1 Puintre
paws; Soldiers' Aid 'Society of First 11 . P. Church,
obrts,, 0 arm ethics, 7 pales socks, 19 shirt., 4
rim drawer., 3 dressing gowns, 18 handkerchiefs,
, kW worn shirts, 1 roil muslin, 1 roll
me,s ba r;Vlsoipal Ladles' Aid Society, 3 cane straw
berries, 2 bottles catsup, S cans fruit ; donated by the
echelon of *oboe/a No. 4 and 5, Braddock'. Fields.
per Mr. 3111.15, 3 barrel,s petatoes, 3 barrels onions,
cabbage end potatoes; donated by the scholars of
about So. a, Braddock Field., per Mr. Mills. 1 bar
rel Wattles, I barrel cabbage, 1 barrel cabbage and
onions; Mrs Dr. Lynn, Braddock'. Fields; I barrel
potatoes; 3lr. leaac2SllL, Braddock's Fichte, l bar
rel Waken.; Academy et Braddock's Fields, per Mr.
lints, 20 cane and jars fink, 2 bottles catsup, 1 Jog
wine, 1 package lint,4l peck appks ; Lashes' Aid
Society of Sewlcklerailk, it flannel shirta, 7 muslin
ablate, 1 pair socks, 1 packsge old muslin, Ir muslin
shirt,22 panned shirts; Mue U. L. Way, 21 mos
Maki 111 M. Nancy Way, 3 cam cucumber pickles, It
peeks dried apples, 1 package sage, 1 do thyme red
peppere,lkeg onion pickles; Mns.Jaa.Diareli,2 bat
, Dos bath. dried sieseltes,
3 , 4 do dried apple ;
Mrs. P. Al Loos, 1 pair socks. A. friend, 1 picture
and papers.. O. A.S. of Salem, 2 pounds paredpeach
te, 4 pound. dried peaches, 3 do elderberries, 10, do
dried apples, Sod 13 cans of trek. S. A. S., of Cool
Springs, %bushel apples,- pounds peaches, 9 quarts
dried hereto, 2 do dried currant. 4 quart. beans, 2
Plano ropers and pamphlets, 1 package rap,
admix:op, 4-Wrsdiaseers, AIM., 1 quilt,-.
11 gairsocks e - 3101erls, 7 handkerchiefs, 3 handers,
0 pillows , pllloweand Svc gallons of pickles.
A. 5.,..0f Mercer —% bushel green apples,' do
dried apples.''] lark, no name, containing to cans of
fruit, 1 sack fruit 'and 1 package herbs. I Ow, no
. same, see tag 4 bnabels,patatom. 311., Nancy
Murphy: 11.10 towroblp, s . r.tualiel dried apples, g
pillow• and talteet. B. A. 13:, of Ilillsrllle, 12 cans
-"Deno -1.31-httslicht Onions. I gallon dried elderberries,
fi.pounda dried peaches 3.r.: gallon dried quinces, 2iai
bmheisdrkill altpke, 1 peck 'dried peuhee, ens-boil
gallottdried Cherries and currants, 3 quarts do of el.
derbelirks, 13 litunde of butter, and 1 am of fruit.
Albrigineny L. A. Octfile nowspapen, 2 pentacle
Inien.leamagarhaes, l do tracks, 34 utagnaltre,
catmint% lipsha socks, 70 flannel shirts, each fur.
adalwrierith handkerchief and tracks, 14 stocks; 1
roil muslin, 6 pairs 'save - Mem I pale slipper.,
W.lntgen.pavers, 3lratslin shirts, I pillow, 3 One
nes2rat paks sub, 1.% bushels potatoes, I package
1 cep, 1 pair mit tete, IL:books wine; 311 a
Vdl247lciansfrult, I pock onions; A. Friend, Spates
sockatafrailii. T. Scruple, 8 carts fruit, I Jar fruit; Jets
Vetoer, Jr.,6 Cam fruit, 20 paw”.
T: L. Livingston .. . . S 5 on
O.L. B e ef Bock bad, n nap county, 11 Oft
Braddock'. Yield Academy 1 00
Soldiers' Friends' Venango ...... 5 OD
A Mud In rase !Ahem) , 2 00
• Junkin, Agnew. 31111 e, Verona° Co__ I on
13 00
The:Gary Blot Case.
Oar readers will remember that, among
those who wore arrested in this city, and
dragged to Greensburg, to ansticr a charge of (lady's station, w6Capt.ll. W. Mor
gan, who, upon the trial, was acquittetlithere
being no eridenee against him. On Monday,
Mr: Morgan, through .111/ mussel, entered
salt In the Common Pleas, egainst Mr. daffy,
for damages, alleging that the prosecution
was malicious. A cepa(' t ws.s issued, and
dlr. defy, peared duping the day, Judge
'Stoirei died theamount of the bail at $l,OOl.
The case will come up for trial at the next term
of .thii Coup= Pleas.
/An Iva - AND Berm Decay—Tae osvr
Coutraittneca.—The times in which we live
teal with•wonders. Nothing scow Imi:co
als; Gsi the Impossibilities of one year be ,
come the commonplace events of the next.
'Lightning praises, instantaneous communi
teflon between the most distant points, and
innumerable invention for compressing vast
azadante of business into email spaces of time,
and curtailing the processes of prodnaUde and
• maaufactere, are among the marvels of this
marvelous ens, Under such Mecum/Woes,
we may truly be said to live "fast life."
Buterbether the whirl and nult by which we
are borne along le really condneive to our
banpluess is another question:
Certain it is, that t h e duration of, human
Weis decreasing in the midst of thie excite
-melt: The modern phasee of disease seem to
Tussle and bailie the faculty, and with two
-remarkable exceptions, vit., Holloway's Pills
and :flolloway's Ointment, no medicine ap
pall to make_ the desired impression 'upon
Internal or "external disorders. Them two
celebrated remedies are said, however, to be
sooomelleblog the most wonderful cures
thyangheut the length and breadth of our
had. Liver complaint and diseases of the
stoma* and bowels, which in • majority of
mini sei Incanted by. overexertion and over
"ex to:teat is - .beeinessi yield'to the Pills
When ell the'resouroes , of the &west and
:: - ..epotheaszyLavafailed,. and empties and
' - .Tetelldeur osapleinte_ eseek:to • be equally
Altar thes.'ecettel of the Vintmett, We am , -
gcetelateDT itollowtor on tbesisbel meow
OW Nisei:tau biCtbletedettiv Prom
mbetemliater of the isigeore,bskeepe:ileebt:
ptif derived le= tftWelettekjelial.
• ,ntlefiseiket - .thintA - -the
' dike gund bit .Mtegbte here
igngdar "cite' nt.-Fieltdiall Cruelty. THE LATEST NEWS
On litturddy nighties!, a man named Dom
inic Miffing at Daffy's tavern, on BY TELEGRAPH.
Grant eireet,visited the grocery of Wm. Haley,
on Pennsylvania STCIIIIe, and spent tome time
in drinking and eard playing. Between
twelve and one o'clock a dispatearose between
them, and Jichfungle started out of the back
door, to go home. The steps leading from
the rear of the home are high and precipitous,
and in descending them Bleffungle fell. Hta
foot caught between the steps, and he hung
suspended in this way for a considerable time,
when his screams of agony brought Haley to
his relief. The left hip joint was badly dislo
cated, and the unfortunate man was suffer
ing the most Intense pain. Nothwithstandiog
this, Haley dragged him roughly, threw him
upon the floor add refused to send for • doc
tor. Ile would not even send word to Mc.
hlungle's boarding house, but went to bed,
leaving the man lying upon the floor.
Daring the night,_ the pain became
no excruciating that hlc3itingle cried
aloud, and continued to scream until Haley
made his appearance. Instead of offering him
any relief, he alleges that „Haley aesaulted
him in the most brutal 'manner, seising him
by the throat and choking him fov making so
much noise. Ho begged of Haley not to use
him en, or ho would kill him, but he kept on
abusing for some time, and then went back
to bed. Ho remained lying on the floor
until ten o'clock Sunday morning, when
her was removed to his boarding house,
and Dr. Walter was sent for. With the
aid of four men, end the necessary appli
spies, the doctor succeeded in setting the
joint, having first administered chloroform.
The concussion caused by the returning joint
was equal to that made by a pistol shot, and
when Mehlungle recovered from the effects of 1
the resthetio agent, he was not aware that the
operation had been performed.
After the Jobnt had been set, lffeMungle was
advised to enter suit against Haley, and he
accordingly summoned Alderman Donaldson
for that purpose. He then made an informa
tion, charging Haley with assault and battery,
and a warrant for his arrest was placed in tho
hands of an officer. •fle will have a bearing
The NationS Heart.
The lecture of Dr. J. Griloza,sro, of Spring
field, Mass., so powerfully known in the liter
ary world, last evening In Lafayette Ball, on
" The National Heart," was certainly among
the grandest, most spirit-stirring and instinc
tive discourses to which it was ever our privi
lege to listen. Beginning with the hive which
cements human hearts together in the home
circle, sanctified and directed by the lows of
Clod, which elevates and. purifies all, he ad
vanced, through larger and Larger cicalas,
until the entire nation was embraced in the
same affection which begab at the hearth
stone. De maintained that love of home, lore
of country, love of God, constitute the national
life, and is at onm iii impelling and conserv
ative power. He gave the religions principle
in the human heart, especially as that princi
ple is influenced by anepen Bible and by the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, the first place among
the motive powers of the nation's life; and
pointed to the concentrated force of thirty
thousand pulpits, and of a hundred thousand
schools and colleges, where Christianity was
recognised and taught, as only so many man
ifestations of the Throbbing heart of the nu.
tion--a nation which Ile war, no revolution,
no created power, could destroy, while that
heart remained soon d and ofintlnue d its mighty
and healthful paleations.
That was a fine thought which contrasted
the animating principles of the two parties in
this great struggle, the one love, the other
hate; the one inspired from lioven, the
other from Hell; the one seeking to destroy
the country, the other to tare it.
There were some brilliant, bat very chaste
!Unite of
. irit and fun, and some hard bits at
conserved., Politicians, who are frightened at
any movement, any progress, and who are
anxious to save the nation by the careful con
servatism of all its maladies and abases. But
we cannot allude to one-half the admirable
points in this lecture. As many people as
amid crowd into that large Hall heard it; bat
we earnestly wished that it could have been
heard by all the people of the country.
We congratulate the Young Ilen's Library
Association upon this auspicious al...ginning,
and upon the happj working of their new
system of season tickets.
Corcoran rx Cnrace.—The Greensburg In
telligence" of May 28, 1853 pays the following
compliment to . Or. Keyser's.. Pectoral Cough retied? that Is greatly In vogue
now for the care of coughs, colds, boanenen,
and Incipient Pulmonary &moue The
weather, for a weak put, has been Tait° cool,
and, to us, very unpleasant. Besides being
cool, and unpleasant in that way, it le exceed
ingly changeable. Ott Wednesday, the 18th,
the thermometer stood between 80 and 90 in
the shade, most of the day. The next day,
eiercesu andllms were necessary to comfort;
and en Friday morning, there was quite a
hard frost 12 thli vicinity, though ' nothing wes
seriously Mired thereby. As a consequence
of these sudden changes, many people are af..
dieted with bad colds end coughs. We observ
ed a lady in church the otherevening, so mach
annoyed with a hard cough, that we really
felt alarmed (arbor safety ; eo much so, that
It was with some effort that we could refrain
from "talkie Mit in meeting," and recom
mending her forthwith to procure a bottle of
Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, to give her immedi
ate relief. For sale broil druggists, and at
the Doctor's medicine store No. 140, Wood
street. dwke.
IT to nor often that we come in contact
with an article that we feel juntited in re
commending to our numerous readers but tile
article of Family Dye - Colors, manofactnrcd
by Howe to Stevens, advertised In this day'.
paper, wo feel we can heartily commend to
all wbo may hare use for dyes of any colors.
For sale by all druggists.
to yourselves, protect your health, use Bel.
lowny's Pills and Ointment. For Wounds.
Sores, Bowel Complaints and Fevers, they are
a perfect &elegant& Full directions bow to
use them with every box. Only 2.5. cents.
EdOLLIO Ora&.—Wo are pleased to An
nounce the advent of the celebrated liolinat
Opera Troupe, at Masonic 11, on Monday
next. Their reputation is world wide, and
perhaps no traveling company holism:mad the
same high encomiums as the Holman,.
Tns attention 6f persons desirous of se
curing a residence, combining all the advan
tages of city or country life, in a beautiful
and healthy locality, is directed to the amor
tisement in this ermines papa, of Lawrence
ville property.
13 me Crvv.—Capt.. Gribbe, of the 155th
Pennsylvania Volunteers, Is In the city on a
brief leave of absence.
Truman Palm', Plain and Ornamental
Slate Rooter, and dealer in Pennsylvania and
Vermont elate of the best quality at low rate..
Odienat Alex. Laughlin% near the Water
Works, Pittaburgh, Pa. •
Poo Feu. arm Worm Wssa--The Bum
alert s put, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
shortly be upon us, and we mast provide our
with the material to keep us comfort
able. A nice fall mit, or a 'mod and well
mad* overcoat am the very thmg, and we do
net know of say plum where our readers
would watt themselves better than at Messrs.
W. H. McGee 3 Co. clothing utablishnuatt,
comer of Federal street and Diamond Square,
Allegheny. They have also received a oom
plate assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
goods, and a great variety of new patterns for
walsteosting, do.
Gemytimlar, base ma:amine& Um hat and
Winter stock of goods at the Mezehaat Tan
bring aetabllsbmeat of Sam. Graham & Co.,
No. 64 Market street ?
A fresh eupply of gootil every week.
Mere you OZLIIIiIIIIII the prices of geode at
the Merchant Tel:Wing establhaiiintat of Sam.
Oral= & Co., No. 64 Market street; If not,
It VW time you would, and eave 20 per
cent. in iota clothing bill.
Every garment warranted a porteet
Ewa Ouz*l, Geo. Meteinums.
Kmerucur Rum Arraxmam—Liss. Anne
Keats, of Louisville, Ky., says In a letter
" When in New York, this summer. I pur
chased by way of experiment some of Mrs. O.
A. ARen's oelebrsted Rigs Restorer and
Zylobalsamtun, which I have found valuable.
I now write to have you sand tend a, dozen of
each by express, for the us• of my friends."
Bold by Druggists everywhere. Depot, 198
Greenwich street, New York.
Eormour. Onmorr.--Tbar following we take
from thli weet'e,o►iad Prallsenkmonts of the
molt infromtial =Vont popes imtholf est.
Spoakint of ths -Wlor - -/k -Wilson Sewing
hlsettitott op:nide is r niumetlasably the
best 'AgswirignwlilizeAu is .41V parposa :ow
Ut;Lt. sillitkektatt , ,l6 ;Attie
iity tbirottattbithys ou most
ongllalas•ittttiamoido alliktot.thisreimois
tat* *MOW ;twain&
Sktintatittitittraits:iii4= 7- 11414;
especial Itiepatch w the Pliteborgh Gazette.
WASHINGTON Cm, Deo. 14th, 1863
Within a few days after Gen. Hosecrans had
been removed from the command of the Ann;
of the Cumberland, Secretory Chase, Gov.
Dennison, and other prominent men, mainly
from Ohio, urged upon the President the pol
icy of removing Gen. Schofield from the com
mand of the Department of 'fillasektri, and the
appointment of tlen. Rosecinneln his stead,
and represented the importance of doing
this before die Missouri election. The Presi
dent, however, refused to listen to the appeals
for the removal of Schofield, and decided to Ig
nore the demands of the ltilsoiouri radicals and
retain him. So matter. stood until the recent
meeting of the Loyal League National Council
This body appointed a Committee, consisting
of Messrs. Too. Covode, Jas. M. Ashley and
Er-Governor. Bontwell, to present to the
President objections to his course, and to
' urge upon him the speedy removal of Ilalleck,
Blair and Bates here, and of Scofield in Mis •
souri, and to represent that loyal sentiment of
country. .They considered Tee bad made a
grave mistake in not sustaining the fillasonri
radicals. This representation produced a
marked effect. It was - easy for the President
to maintain the position he bad chosen, to
take grounds against n delegation from a
single State, and representing, as he consid
ered, only a portion in that State, but this
Committee had a more potential roiCro, and
spoke with authority, to which Mr. Lincoln
n his present circumstances deemed it better
policy to yield.
Senator Orals Brown was speedily sent far,
and as the result of the interview •Ith him
and the Loyal. League Commissioners, orders
wore at once transmitted, directing General
Schofield to report in Washington in person.
In tho meantinse, the President asked the
Missouri delegates how they would like Gen
eral Fiercer.= as commander of the depart
ment. If the change was made, and the ap
pointment made, it would be entirely satis
factory. The affair, of course, remains in
this shape lentil Schofield comes. Complaints
have been Iliede from Kansas against Scohfield
which amount to chgrges. When he comes
here the President will confront him with his
If Gen. Scofield should be removed and Gen.
Itmecrant made his atteststor, the appoint
ment of the latter will be by the President,
direst, and in spite of the determined hostility
of the War Department and General•in-Cbief.
This hostility, bowerer, begins to bo some
what lets bitter than It wet a month or two
The statement that the radicals in2dissouri
or their representatives hero r for any ground
that favored the confirmation of General fiche
fluid, is dxs(bunded. Thu paragraph to that ef
fect was interpolated in these dispatches with
'apt the knowledge of the regular co-• espon den t.
There is a general expression c satisfaction
at the cast of committees in the Bowe
While they ore or llamasl strength, it Is no
ticed in most cues there Is a peculiar eptittide
in the new appointed for respective places.
Thus military committee /oaten. two Major
and two Brigadier Generals, whu bate seen
much active service in the field. The Com
mittee of Agriculture ie headed by Bruttui.f.
Clai r -perhaps the most noted farmer in the
West; the Commit:net on Patents is headed
by• notedihpalland patent lawyer : the
Committee on Mafittfacturie Ic headed by
Oon. Moorhead; for men, years • practical
,Ci.lll. engineer.- Many timber illostratlons
might be selected. The •Dentemate make no
complaint of their treatment. Pendleton, who
was last year In the Jodiciary, was raised to
Ways and lileane, the most important place
any Democrat in the House could have under
the administrative organisation. Cox retains
his old place.
riuntaxon WOOD'S rzAci SI:SOLUTION
Some surpri.e . if expreesed at Fernando
Wood'. being able to meter fifty-Dane rote.
for hie reeolution ter Commissioner. to go to
Richmond and beg for peace... Fifty-nine
Democrat. the. place themeelre. on peace at
any term. on the ground, under Fernando
Wood'. Iced.
/4 ' PTC: r&IlIONT
Some pressure is Laing brought to bear for
the eppointment of Fremont to eommand the
Department of Missouri.
More authentic information of the demands
of the Committee of the Loyal League en the
President, indicates that they confined them
selves to asking for the removal of Schofield.
Efforts were made iu the League to Include
Blair, Bates and Llalleok. but these proposi
tions were voted down.
Y 18501761 SOUS OCAIIII2
McClurg, of Mo., to•day gate notice of a
MU to prorlde for the payment of hilatourt
Home Guard', and for appreppriatione to that
The State Department has not yet stepped
furnishing copies for this year's volcimes of di
plomatic correspondence to )e pribno printer.
The War Department' has sad In nothing
but the main report.. A large mass of mat
ter is yet to go in, enough, Inoluding McClel
lan'. report, to make throe or four octavo rol
nmes. Documents accompanying tho nary
report are pric•ed now.
Military ao arrow of the District, family.and
staff, '.e.: the Russian fleet to-day. They
were 'hewn over the nog ship by the Admiral
and open leaving received a saints of thirteen
Tho entire delegation front Illinois, Union
and Democratic, united In pressing the ship
canal. Both committees before which it comes
ire constituted, in a mar nu, tiara& to , it
It will be pressed this session with groat earn
estness and zeal.
surneriu,'s Joixr issai,rvon
Tim reference of fdarrill'e joint resolution,
giving notice of tho abrogation of the Cana
dian Reciprocity treaty to the Committoe on
Commove, is undorstood to indicate the mod
ification, and not the abrogation of the treaty.
Ur. Arnold got through a remointlon In
structing the oommitteo on common* to in
quire into the practical workings of the trea
ty, and to eon what amendment. are needed
to make it more advantage... to both parte..
Tho President's health Is re.established.
While he has bean recovering from his as
attack of yeriolold, he has been Baying that
since ho has been President he has always
had a crowd of people asking him to give
them somothlog, but that now be pas some.
thing he can give them all.
Senator McDougall is going to start off on
his old hobby of presenting a resolution fore.
lug a war with Prance, by declaring the Diva,
slon of Mexico an unfriendly sot on the part.
of Primes, and calling for an inquiry lnto•the
expediency of our declaring war against that
Power. It will be voted down almost with
out a counts, soon as the Senate gets a chance
to vote on It.
The following Is s falpsgt of ttts ream•
bles and synopsis of Allinnrjatosil of Lore
jorf bill for the abolglon of - skim. which
1161 ,4.tf0 Ores4r ferStritto.,.
Wlsio l, T
14inaii of ttspO d .
igactio ll 4 4l : l tilthotei4tai
014 sash.
Cloterament of the trait - ad States Iris Lusa.
toted to uonre this right. And, Macon,
The Constitution of the United States de
clares that no person shall be deprived of his
liberty without due process of law; and alio
declares, article 6, clause 2d, as follows:
This Conititation, and the laws of the Unitrd
States made in pursuance thereof, libel he the
supreme law of the land, sod the Judges in
every stake shall be bound thereby, anything
in the Constitution and laws of tehy State to
hoe contrary notwithstanding; and.wherens,
It has been demonstrated by the rebellion
that slavery is absolutely incompatible with
the maim:l,piece nod general welfare for which
Cougress are to provide; wherefore be It en
sotod, kc., Section one raleises all‘aves
in all the States and territorial of the United
States, and a.m.s them with the immunities
of free citizens.; section two snake,' their re
enslavement • crime panishable by fine end
I aprieonment.
The ace has began to fall IM the opponents
of the Adroltilitration bolding official posi
tions in the Capitol. The Clark of the Senate
blilitary Committee and the Llimuinn of the
Home were removed to-day:
BaYIILD, or DlLAWalill,
Has not yot taken the oath of allegiance.
There is talk of haying him do it if be desires
to :stain his neat la the Senate.
Congress is going to adjourn over the holi
days. The committees 'silken organize and
begin maturing work to-morrow, but business
in the House Itself is likely to be very iigh
till after the hilidays....
lEsolllllosll . or TUANC...3
Mr. Wilson has resolutions of thanks to
day, including one to Gen. Hooker, thus giv
ing Congressional recognition of the value of
Ms sarsioes in organising tho victory et Get
Feels vary much aggrieved et the imputation
east upon him by Secretary Welles, In hie
statement that hie detention of tho Vander-,
but prevented the capture of the Alabama,
Ile is preparing a letter to Secretary Welles
in which be will vindicate himself end place
the responsibility on the Navy Department.
A bill is now prepased and shortly . to be in
trodaocd from the Committee on Territories,
intended to give shape and practical effect to
tba President's recommendations about recon
Highly important letters were received
here yesterday by prominent gentlemen from
conservative members of the rebel Congress,
from North Carolina, asking, =officially, on
what terms they mold be permitted to return
to the ltion. They intimate that there is an
earnest desire to abandon the rebellion and
return, and that question of reerinstractiou
will be boldly presented this winter at Rich
Dispatches from Consul Gemara' Joshua R.
Giddings say There aro upwards of ten
thousand deserters from our army, and men
who have fled from the draft, In Canada, and
that many of them are in a suffering condi
tion and anxiols to return to their places. A
proclamation pardoning them, if they rotors,
Is talked of.'
• TOTI or re•su TO GIINCLII. Ul•bl.
The friends of a dozen other Generals am
' anxious to have their llamas Included in the
I-rote of thanks proposed in the House to Geo
oral Grant.
II CSICAT/Olf WITH Ir 18111.30T0 NI
Lee's cavalry endeavored on Sonday, to
opt kleade'a communications with Waning
tin, by destroying a bridge aeon./ Cedar
Creek, at CatlettsEitation. They wades dash
at the bridirevard._baLiratiat 7 1 m 1 44144 x,"
.Lore fight . " Th e railroad will e protected
hereafter by both infantry and cavalry.
GOO. Batt., anderorderm from the Prmident,
mated a temporary reprime to aU prisoners
ta hie department ;Indio 'outline" of death.
The National Council Loyal League hind
• Gratz Brown wen sworn in te•day. This
completes the roll of the Senate.
aper Vol Dhowlo to the Plttabargt Gavotte.
CR. - TA/000A. Doe, 14, 1683.
The report.' acceptance of Ckmeral Pal
mer's resignation is • mistake. He seat it to
soon aftey-Cr battle ok Chiekansaaga, had
matters being markt satisfactory be orill again
command tte 14th Luny Corps.
A courier from Knoxville to-nigbi brings
highly encouraging reports.
Gov. Letehees Message
You, Dee. 14.—Dos. Letcher's Mee
sip to the Legislature of Virginia. concludes
u foltotre:
Look at the picture on all sides and It pre
seats eneoeraging features. If wean only
true to ourselves—to the cause, the ourntry,
we cannot be overthrown. If there is a man
who doubts the swam of the struggle,
if there be such& one, he is a traitor at heart,
whq deserves to be east oat from among us.
So State has been more loyal, more falthfni;
more devoted. It has contributed more liber
ally la means and men ; none has bared their
breasts mereboldly or daringly to the storm,
and none has seat her reapers to the harvest
of death, with more of the self-taerificlng
devotion than the commanders of Vlr.
ginia. She enlisted for the war after
full oonsideratlon and a Jest appreciation of
all the consequence welch were to follow the
separation, and she will be true to the end.
She will never sue for peace, because else did
not bring on this war. She will never pro
per° for compromise, for she struggles only
for her rights, for liberty and Independence.
She will, u becomes the Mother of Stakes,stand
up boldly and hurl her scorn and defiance In
the fare of her foes antil they come to our
terms. She will never consent to a treaty of
peace which dlesembers her own territory, nor
will she consent to a treaty which dew not
recognize fully the Southern Confederacy.
She know. what Is doe to her own dignity aid
charactor,ald she knows what Is due the Cove
federaey, and that duty will be performed with
scrupulous fidelity. Kneeling around the al
tar of their country, her sons will swear alb
glance to her fidelity to the Confederate Gov
ernment, and their prayers will ascend to
heaven for blessiap on Virgibie and the
Southern Confederacy.
CRATTANocre.t. Deo. 14.—C01. Wilkins, com
manding • Kentucky brigade, returnetto-day
from a cavalry reconnoissance as far as Lafay
ette. They duhed Into Lafayette and- cap
tured a rebel signal station, Eli odium, forty
privates. The balance of a largo force of
rebels ded.
The '29th Ps. regiment hu been ordered
home for furlough, having re-enlisted is vet
eran volunteers. A number of veteran regi
ments and batteries are preparing to enlist
ander the new order.
A rumor prevails that Looptreet in his re
treat from Knoxville lost four thousand pris
oners and nearly all his cannon and trains.
General Palmer's resignation as commander
of the lath corps, which' was accepted, has
been recalled, and he is again in command.
James Walker, a New York artist, has been'
commissioned to paint the battle of Chatta
From Fortress Monroe.
F 037111213 Monson, Deo. It---Gen. McDow
ell arrived here Gila afternoon from Delft
more, and had • lengthy Interview with Gen.
Theßichmond Popriaer, of the 10th, eon
tall the following
Gen. GettawA brigade anoonntered the ad
vance of Moon's Corp., 2,000 stiong,near
Blayne:duffle, Tam, routing Gina sod cap
tab!gedi ra
a number ofp o rlsan w as. ST
. UN n'a cam.
Wire In New Tut—ably Magni* •
; Niue Uzi; 1r; Wl&lgtee•
& Ca'/ Coal Oil gb" 128 Manna Lieu, ,
totally awswand by Nib swath& Inyal
Twomesipip &Omit-
Tb•4l4 W. T. tei'msa
imoslasdamiadSlOpimmo inNist ,
uss , a., on the "pi t0nn144114
• inane- • , • amiorarama,..„
. .
W •eazaoroa Orr!, Dec. 11, 1863
EMILTL.-Mr. Dixon presented the petition
of • largo panther of usesscas and assistant
usemors, asking for an increase of compen
Mr. Dixon also gave notice of a bill amend
ing the Conscription Act In such manner es
to exempt all clergymen.
On motion of Mr. Foster, the Senate pro
ceeded to the election of the following stand
ing committees
Hornig. Peintioos--Sumner, Foster, Doolit
tle, Harris, Johnson, and McDougal.
Finaincc—Feeeenden,rherissan, Howe, Cow
an Clark, Van Winkle, and Cooties.
Hionmerce—Chandlor, chairman, Morris, of
Tennessee, Relit, Morgan, Sprague, Bowden,
and Saulsbury.
Agricwliare—Shormm, chairman, Harlan,
Wilson, Lane, of Kansas, and Powell.
Afuirs and Militia—Wilson, chair
man, Lane, of Indiana, Howard, Nesmith,
Morgan, Sprague and Brown.
Navel Affairs—Halo, chairman, Anthony,
Wiley, Ramsey, Harding and Bloke-
Judiciary-Trumbull, chairman, Foster, of
Tennessee, Rick, Harris, Howard and Powell.
Post feesand /bit Roods--Collainer, chair
man, Dixon, Ramsey, Henderson, Bowden,
Cannes and Backalow.
PuMic cluthrman, Pomeroy,
Foote, /larding, Carlisle, Bendricks and
Private Land Ciaiine--Harris, chairman,
Sumner, lloward, Bayard and McDougal.
bairns Affair►—Doolittle, chairman, Wil.
Ewen, Lana, of Kansas, Harbin, Nesmith
and Brown.
Postiont--Fon tor, chnirmne.
Revolutionary aaiva—NY Ridason, Clarke, of
istrict of Colcimbie, Grimes.
Public Reildinye and Orman de—Foote.
Expenum of Senete—Dixon.
&rowed Bill—Lace, of Ind.
Joeet B‘anding Cbosetitsee en Prieriny lon part
of the Senate—Anthony.
Jima o.nonittet on Enrotiod Bill, the part
of the Benate—Howe. ,
Joint Cbmssines Librvry (on the port of
the Betnate)—Colamer.
Mr. Wilma introduced the follilving rep
letion: That the gratitude of the pen end
thanks of the representatives in Cbages are
due, and are hereby tendered to Mai. Gen.
Hooker and officers and soldiers:of the army
of the Potomac, far the skill, energy nod en
durance which first covered Washington and
Baltimore from the meditated blow of the
advancing and powerful army of the Rebels,
led by Gen. Leo, and to Maj. Gen. Meade and
°Meets and soldiers of that army, for the skill
and heroic valor whieb they displayed at Get
tysburg, and repulsed, defeated and drove
back and dispersed beyond the Rappahan
nock, the veteran army of the Rebel Confed
eracy. The resoßation was read and referred
to the Military Committee.
Mr. Wilson introduced a joint resolution
that the thanks of Congress be hereby ten
dered to Major General Bunks and the officers
and soldiers under bit command, for the shill,
courage and endurance which compelled the
surrender of Port Hudson. and then removed
the last obstructions frees the free navigation
of the Mississippi Hier. Referred to the
Military Committee.
Mr. Nesmith, a potation for the establish
ment -of a port of entry at Portland, Ore
gon. He then gave noOce of a lain to intab
lick a brooch mint there.
Mr. Doolittle called up the joint resolution
from the Mouse, voting a gold medal and the
thanks of Congress to General Grant. Re
ferred to the Military Committee.
Mr. Lane, of Indiana, introduced a bill to
amend the •nrelimedt act, so as to strike out
the $3OO commuation clause, and to Increase
the pay of the rank and file of the army, of
which he had given previous notice.
On mutton of Mr. SLIMLIOr, that portion of
the President's message refering to foreign
affairs was referred to tho Committee on For
eign Affairs.
Oa motion of Mr. lisle, that portion of the
tho President's message referring to Neral
Affairs, was referred to the committee on Ns.
Jai Affairs.
Mr. Grimes Introduced his bill to encourage
enlistments in the Naval service, and give
credit (dr the same on the military quotas of
the reepoctire States. •
Mr. Hale having obtained unanimous
sent, irate heed a bill to move effectually sup
press the rebellion, by prohibiting the holding
Inservitude of any person, In the country,
exotpt on contract. Ordered to be printed.
Mr. ITlLkinaon introdeoed'a bill to extend
the benefits of the set of Congress of July 2d,
1862, granting pensions to pet-sons nroundud
In the Indian wan In Minnesota. Referred
to Committee on Pensions.
liorne..e.—A largo =ukase of erne/ration. ust
vtekena sub} -waif Introduced and referred.
Sittrando Wood introduced a resolution pro
riding for the appointment of a Commissioner
to go to Richmond with a view of arranging
for the termination of this bloody and inhu
man war, and securing peace under the Con
stitution. upon terms of Justice and humanity.
Mr. Washburn. mooed to toy the resolution
an the table. Carried; You ad, Nays 59.
The Speaker annonncod the standing com
mittees, the Chairman of which are as follows:
Election—Dawes, of Mate. Way. and Means
Stephens, of Pa. Chrnoe—Balar, of Pa. tisw
werve—Washburno, of 111. Public Lands—Jo
ii2ll, of Indiana Post Office and Poet Roads
—Allen, of Masesietneetts. For the District
of Columbia Mr. Lovejoy of Illinois.
Judiciary Wilson, •.r lowa. Rerolutionary
Claims—Pryor, pf lowa. Public Expendi•
tares--Burlbut, of Non Fmk. Private Land
Claim ll—Tbayer, of Peon'''. Manufactures—
Moorhead, of POIIII . L. Agricultural—Clay,
of Ey. Indian Affities—Wyndons, of Mine.
Military Arfaire—Sebenck. of Ohio. Naval
Affairs—Rice, of Maar. Foreign ,
Winter Davis, of Maryland. Territories—
Aabla7, of Ohio. Revolutionary Pensions—
Littlejohn, or Nag York. Invalid Pensions—
Wiley, of West Virginia. Roads and Canals
—Arnold, of Illir.ols. Pattents—Lencke, of
Rhode Island. Publio Buildings and Grounds
—Rice, of Maine. Revised and Unfinished
Orninese—Boyd, of Mo. Mileage—Robinson,
of 111. Aeoonnts—Rominge, of N. 11. Expon.
Murree of State Department—Pike, of. Maine.
Expenditures of the Treaeury Department—
Amos Myers, of Pa. Expenditures of the
War Department—Denning. Expenditures
Of. the Navy Department—Baxter, of N. Y.
Bripenditnrce of the Postoffice Department—
Einueroy, of N. Y. Expenditures of the In
terior Department--Slanurn, of Cal. Ex
fitinditareeof the Public Buildings—Longacre,
of Mich., On Library—Frank, of N. Y. On
Printing W. Clark, of N. Y. On En
rolled Bills—Cobb, of Wit. A large number
of bill. and resolutions on numerous
eubJeats were introduced and referred.
Morten Introduced a resolution ontharixing
the President to give the Government of Great
Britain the notleoroquired for the termination
Of the reciprocity treaty of June sth, 1854,
triad moved ita reference to the Committee of
Way. and
Mr. Ward moved an amendment to refer the
etiolation to the Committee on Commerce.
Adopted. ID, also introdneed a joint resolu
tion for the appointment of Commiseioners to
xlegotiata anew treaty of reciprocity with Great
Britain for the British Provinces of Noeth
America, based on the true principlea of reci
procity. Refered to Committee on Commerce.
I Mr. Elliott introduced a bill to establish si
littrean of Emanieipation. Referred to Select
DATiI introduced r bill providing for
the sanction of Representatives from the
Stites of Tennessee and Louisiana. Referred
to the Committee on Elections.
Mr. Stevens introduced a bill granting pub.
Uo land In aid of the People'. Pacific Railroad
by the Northern Tonto. Referred to Select
Committee. lie also Introduced a bill for the
pay of colored Chaplains and musicians. Re..
leered to Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Stereos also Introduced a bill to
is the time for holding elections for represent
ative, to Congress, and to enable soldiers to
vote for State officers. Referred to Commit
tee on Judiciary.
Many other bills were introduced and re
ferred, '
including a bill enabling Colorado and
Nevada Territories to form State Govern
ments, and provide for their admission Into
the Union. A bill providing a temporary
government for the Territory of Montano,
both of which were referred to the Committee
_pa Territories: Also, a bill providing for re
cruiting Ingres, in insarreetlonary districts.
Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Caroms introduced a bill for the mat.:
ration of civil authority, in such States as are
not under the control 'of the rebellion. Re
torted t 6 Committee on Judiciary.
Several blUi ere introduced, and referred
to Committee on Judiciary to repeal the fugi
tive slave law, end to amend the Constitution
sons to abolish slavery in all ftte States.
Istr. Lovejoy Introduced wolf providing
that all persons.held to alevery in th e States
and tamtories shall be declared free. ; All
persons eo declared free chill - be protected
the same as whit; men now are by the Con
stitution. Any one seising inch Geed per.
sonata reduce them to slavery, !hall he guilty
og a high misdemeanor, and on conviction,
.penhited ales. " - A bill to protest tnamea mu d provide .for. punishing thaseerho attempt
to when thorn, was referred to. tirsjudiciam
-Rotes Army - a tiler
- -
I . - . ... . ,
ri .
wazatormr; D. 14.:4iimits from' the
sirantatAbe Potoutso Mato MO Isparta us
panrailiotis aS u istleteptarsethos ettkted
1 ..I*Polciesb ;betke.elask# es eimos
*ineektiouot: meet.. , , ! ~: ;:, . i• 4•••.
111- 1 11 ‘. 16 1.0 11111 •4 44 . ges -..i
; , tattelmsgrs / 4 .??l*lelab g lii. ,
lo•slatinr ~ : pepoila 0•• • tit
. .
RIVER itTaLLICENC=;'- , .; ',,
The river bra rhea six feat sit his point &Hat
the brentygdars boars ending lag nixing, and Wan
lull lUDS npldly, with &am feet la the chenneL
; Dispatches receired from OliCity yesterday afternoon
'iwported tiro Allegheny rising . al that point, with
forty lachee In the channel, and every appearance of
• big river. The Moremphate, alio, has risen tumid. .
aranty, sad to-day. we 'mild not toe nurprimed to dad
thlttarn 'or faunaea teat la thast4o=l at this point,
The weather was cold and Annoy .tit evening, and
the Roaml itnyremstm was that the rain is over for
the prom!.
Beninese was exceedingly arilse at the levee yes
terday, the mod and unpleasant state of the weathe
notwithstanding. There wen quite • numb, of as
rivals, and between discharging and receiving freight
the wharf premised a very busy •Ppearanee.
TIN Stoma °enlace num to from leaven!lle early
on Monday ntorolda with a "bid p" of Muskingum
river produce. Including dour, dupla, butte,. agge,
dud a bundled otbor articled too uumerome t. iota -
The Minerva, after an absence of wowed months,
daring which time she boa been In govermennt wee
vice, principally, arrived from CLatinnail yesterday
afternoon, with a good freight List, and qnits a nano.
ber of painenvirs. * She Is, we are pleased to state, In
excellent condition, having been )hortoghly. over
heated, repaired, and repainted lately In Cbacinnall,
and, to toe • common exprolsion, •!she is as good as
a new twat." Capt. Jahn Gordon still retains com
mand, while 31esere. CarLtle and 'inting are senate.
ted together In the amen. The lainerva, as will be
seen by card, lean.* again for Cincinnati en Wednes
The 'oriole Hubbe and MLml, from ClacitinaU
and the Starlight from Ballast., era due, awl will
probably arrive hare today.
ThoCottags N 0.2 gat in from Cincinnati yesteray,
with a full trip or freight, the balk of which l ton
shipment to the Eastern market..
At the Allegheny wharf, boainesa was quite outlet
yesterday, with two boats loadin—the Advance
wad Leelaire—for Oil City, both of which seemed to
ban, o deedy run of freight all day. The Advance la
jut • new boat, hoeing been built recently at Frank
lin, up the Allegheny. Although small nhehi Is well
adapted for the Allegheny liver trede, as we Judge
she can carry considerable on a low stage of water,
and can, also, accommaiste a few wanness.
Nearly all of 0300061 togs to pee yesterday bad
.team app and ware bulgy mlgaged in getting their
respective tows ready. ao us to be able to Ica,* to-day
It Is altogether probable that there will be a larger
amount of coal towed out on the present rise, than
during any time this season. In addition to this,*
large number of “broarbloros" will also get off, so
that we think Cincinnati and Launivville will be
pretty well supplied alto cool by the time it all
ranches there.
The new steamer Darling Is unreeling the atten
tion of the public, generally, sod eteamboatmen in
particular, since she throe op to the wharf. She it
without doubt, and is en pronocutced by a tupetent
fridges, one or the finest etsanters,ln point of style and
thsebes been built horn I'm some time lice I
staunchly constructed in every respect,tolopplit
with all the modern Improsithrute fwd . & liances,
and, in •wonl, nn trouble or exrponse has been spar
ed to make her mo near perfection as It Is possible for
skill end money to ethamplieh. The Darling le
commanded by Capt. Y. Y. Batchelor, formerly of
the Emma Duncan, and It intended to ply W the
Cincinnati and Mempinspacket trade. dre. Geo. L.
Johnston, a gentleman well-known to the traveling
public, and In ovary way qualified for the pnel.lon,
is the first clam clerk. This Due steamer Is announ
ced to leave for Memphis to-denot 4p. no.
Capt. Porn French says that his new eldo-whi l eler,
the Joeepla'Pelme, will he reedy foikoniums inside
or ten days.
To Me. A. R. Boating. of the Minteva, .10 Ale.
Jos. Borland, of the Emma Graham, we aro anda
obligaana hr u.nifeets.
The Like pawner packet White Itate, Capt. G. W., clerk, I. 11. Whittaker, te anaoshceel to
leave (or St. Lode lbls evening.
The Emma Grabata, Capt. Ayers, Is [ha Zanesville
par-hat to-slay, hosing prcmptly at t. p. m.
The Lecesblas, Capt. John AT.Aossitall, le Ailing
',idly for Bt. Louis, and will probably he ready to
met, this sleeping or to•morrow.
Markets by Telegraph.
BALTlntocn, Dec. It —Wbent declined; Kentucky.
white, Sl,aH3l,vß. Corn arrive; new white, 81,11 a
1,15; old d0,11..1t411,20. Whisky, dull and, droop
ing; (1010, Co . fee, quiet; rps, 34034%,
PIMAZZLPIST bee. 14.—Dreallstain generally
quiet and unebauged. Flour dull; Woo COI Mils at
57,U5197,73 (or PC:101 , y1.1211•1 and Ohio
Wheat doll ; make 3,000 bush eed:at ViCi o 4 l . o4 t and
Ka-Murky white, V. Corn arm ; eats 3,500 buila
nen yellow at 01,10, and old at $1.20. Lard
Prorislous quiet. Pork quiet: alma 118.
aiettuoe for oLio.
Nair Toes, Doe. 14. —Cameo, In, tease, iwetaho
doing at to': for middling uplands. Flour more or.
lire and shipping grades fie higher; SdAlhallW Car
Bain State, chiefly; 101,40,46,115 far ?nate. ; 5 7 1 40
marketr rt. 0 , and $7.60M,60 for trade brandr.N
chielug firm Whlaky opened irteady and
closest heavy at Skink for Stataand *eaten, Wheat
more active and folly Ic bettor, at 51,4031,4113.4 for
Chicago Sprrug; 51,44(4.1.48 Mllwaukso Club;
SIL4BOI,SO for amber i SIsIL@LST for
Wham. Zed Western; 11,60.91.02 tot atriboraZlehl
pn, and SIX fur white western. Corn. miry dull
and in modorate demand et $1,'M,1441,24,131 atom,
chiefly $1,14; unsound, data *paned steady,
mud otooed heavy at 638910 for western and Mato;
25,0V/bush handsome watern sold lateen Saturday
emintrig at We, In Won. Wool firm, and nothing of
moment daing. Petroleum dull. Pork, doll and
hoary at 117,155a117,25 forold mm.; SIILOOIor ewer ;
$12012,60 fur new prime, and 11084317 for new
prime mem. Beef, gide( and steady; !moon .tdoo
doll and nominally unchanged. Drained hogs, dull
arid lower, at rlVArYsii for mats, ; Sable olty.
Lard, quiet and nimbanged, alba (00 bbd for 10th of
January. Cheese, quiet at 13%c for common to
' •
New Tura Bank Statement.
14.—Lmn decrease, 5371,645; de
s In mmie, 86(0.341 ; deer,... In elmalatton ;
112,351; Increase an &pain., $1,620.031.
New York Stock and Money Market.
Nam Text, Dec. H. —3l°llBy is In lilt Manua
st GySp : eL r eent. Sterling quiet st 160414134.
lat Gold sad nasettlad; opening st &can.
end sinning km - 7 5t.60%/pO%.
ant stocksquiet and stesti 7.
Stocks bstrar, and s fsli• badman doing, and closing
C. t N. c.
P. Ft. W. 112 h S 3
C. d 501....—_.—.118. Erie,
0. ar C —.lOfec, N. 1.
0. a r Pacific
S. tr. al teird......104"
SCULLT.—On almiday night. Lesember Nth, at
It o'clock. FM WAUD , Infant son of William
O'Dan and Amazda gcuU7, aged 6 Month.
The funeral will take place from the reldaace of
the parents, lie. Blear Ana* Allegheny, en
Wenn:ens; December letb, at Ip. tn.
Lame and Maasier.-----......Wa. ESEDIJI..
Fint night or tin Actorlowa actor, alr. JOSEPTE
PROCTOR, who wjil appear in Ms wonderful, per
il... How of Virginia; assisted by • coniplete out. .
will he presented, Sheldon Knowles' great do eel
tripdy entitled,
viz: a re; or. Sltli TOBIAN Mara.
13. Kum.
CbiPind. l,
V sawn.,
---,Fiat% Bun.
Th. Joni: eelebrstal
Safe the Vezioi of ameoutele4 •
Short Season of English Opera,
commencin g on MONDAY, Dec. SID, 111113,
With Bars boatittrol companion of
THE 110101,11iN GIRL!
And caticladitig with timlactilabla Piotu °watts
HOLMAN will muds Ma dlthraht character.
Admiral.. 2Z omtirs. - : A for retred.Orcbartra
Bat.. 60 CVTB. Dooe opal at 7,10 cormiteaca at
Da opal far thel6lll a meats co ilatuney morn
ing. from 10 to ' . ;
War Grand ;Kathie (1111137212.5 arid AT1111.• - :
DAY aIiREHNOODIkat 2 skim*. dollt
Commenotug Monday, Dee: iftl.l,ll se 3.
- um= arrnavkyrtinit
I:' ,- .'4-:lr). - ..1:.....'ti1t
.ittrire zataimova
ark/or Silk,
Dark Mar,'
IriPUlirso, •
Cana Brava,
Dark Drava,
wasAga Drams
Cr [mos,
Dark Drab,
Lialt Drab,
rota Drab,
Lt. Pelee Drab
DY.d.X B Ik. , Gait* Shari;
&arr.. _ Borman; VW;
TostheZletnlcmes, ,Chtldretis ;Clothl and all
kinds of Wilariprikpwel. 14*
Tor ZS cents you aus color.. anUer goodsari aorald
otherwise ant doe times that won. Various :atts+les
can be predated from the same . dye. The proms Is,
sinspla, and any one can too tbei dye with perfect
masa Dimelon. In English, TO , nth and !Assam, -
inside of each package.
Tor farther triformation In fyejag, sad-giving. a
perfect knowledge, what colas ars bat adapted to dye .
over whore, with many valuable iicipsu) ppaarthaw
liowe litmus' Trestles on Drabs; and Co
Bent by mail an receipt of price—lD cents •
Manufsctuned by ROWE& gum_
WO Broadway, userans.,,••
Tor de by druggists and dealers g.atrallr.'
nottfas • _
A N A L YSIS. 74 E .--
, ~
Azarzuta..-...—T10k 1it,L0W3,1110,. , ,
Pas Oz. Isom- 4.00.
Lna.-. AL \ 0 r Ai 1 , .
M. 171.16.-........- . 01 -, ' 4 4
warn.— --16.49. .7" .-.
Having accepted the Agency for the sale Of the ,
saNTLE CLAT, Mined mfr. Bt. Leda No, I Lop
site t h e attention of Glass. and 800 Itannfourows
to the Ano/yels given &bona as repottedbl ue Tro tapu A.
is fe.
A. Bays, of Boston, eadJ.f.T. Bobthi of
together with the tat of actual experience
omonfactarers In Pittsburgh, ph,i4 t gr d; sg. by
Lords, determines It to be the parse/ end , moit tabs
his Gay now known; whether ronlign or AmCrlotp.
Pots 01113J1 from It her. mood in Ili - Glen Tozhana
from 63i,t0 9 months. ; • • •
The Analysis to of the Cloy es taken from the minis;
without any mulling or preparation what:wren I,
pmeesees great nthesirenose end plasUctly
which am not shown by the &alpha, anOthich ad
mit of the miztazo of • largo proportion of abettor
burned day. • "
I em now prinared to sal order. for the *Writ Q.
to be thipped from 81. Louis or dellsired hers, •
Atatr. mum*.
R& 11l storiND givpM,
Jetant f
Are now roopf ring tbeir
Fall and Winter Scock,
And Invite their Wends and dm poblit to =mon"-,
their .to which le the finest 1.4 met =Wet*,
ram brozglat to this =what.
Prrrsairman, Pa;
PAIR.—We take this method of lamming air,
Mend. cod the pad* generally that 'ern are Ism
prepared to EXTRACT VCLIII WIZEOUT 1.4137
In the practice of Dentisiry. Thor who hare balm
gestponing this mach dreaded oporattonaksyaow Lg.
aide that fee= cod glee se • call; ea the apparatus
we hare in u..has boon thoroughly tested d Iring the
Ferpast Ibex years, halestablishing Lhe sale- and pan ,
tharnater of th enperation. No Drops orAterst.
cats nor Oahu& Ba ttery need. All thowkwishing
the Iserrhes of • goodd hiletde'Dentist alldo
well to call and consult with enith
K. NINO, D D, 94'
No. LSI Fourth aim.,
orD4 th .
.C. ILDSO, No. 47 EmithAigd
• Jiatuall
11 1 / I AC CRAIU,
OIf_PTLIVT MAIA7-111.1.1,Li5,
Kevin onartanill hood laano,onA ltr s =
owned stock a DECKING, BOAS AND
_INGE, to, As., Az:
Ho 1,01 Samba • An. eliVaD ATOM Ina
Linage ieesiakary brillitt orlontoo stzt.
INEINNoo on Crolcinneert, iwarlDobtaons...
Gopi)! 11TTE,it; =BEST ! • '''7 7:7 7 -
Idei's doable 'Pali and 6,04 at per Doors :- ' ,
Nea's sows teed MUMS; . . - -..- •
M. fine ;niched 80tYtd ;
• i -
Ledbmi sad Than' 1111. pat. tlrvd BALLOiii ;
Ladle*. mum' and etaldrtlea .B 0028; GAITE.SS
AO BALMOBALS, gloat,' deserlptirtt; selling. y .
tow. AM' GI.. os • .ail.
__. . •-.' , - ...,
hums 110:13B. '':- :
. . _ .
• . .._
dftl2 A 4 MAIIRET_STitgIi?-1.:
Thera aftsyt at band and mks to ant* MR AND
kWh; BIDDLE% for BotudrT nor ; BRAT! -
NAIRESTAL MILE WORK, for Flornirs, At.
WAlfsitia tf WERE firr Ws. as
• corsvicw.Amoicit.
Ot No. 89 itituttontit etas Pltittweity rPa
)ISCHANICEP L 15144 xad oaken. lottroannti.44
Writing dimra with usateteto end legs/Awn:Wool,
s litototts stated ke Ixtentort 2.14 Adcolnittrotort,•
TILL* to atil sultoloed oad Booordo
feart.hat fn. Unto. *o, vflzdtt,loainT
BESTORTDI—Yest publlshol. la a sealed - no
metope. Mod SteClonte. & Leen:re - on tbs
Iteattnenrind Bulks' Cora orsNtrmatorstma, at.
Besrdaal Weakness, Tarobtlitaly fonsal
Debility, sad Inspedhaeate liarriagenotoellill
bleriotereee, Ooartooptless, 'Epilepsy *est Fits; Men
tal and Pbyeleal Incapacity, multi*" boar Ibla
Abase, b Horn J. Crterairsu, 31.1)., - alstbor
ant" °Greco Beek, ke. .2L Dom to Tbeeseadt at
auflaiena . sent under oval, In a "plain earldom to.
any edibles, post-paid, on - receipt of Mx coats or,rfo
patty, stamps, by DE. Ca• J. C. ELMS, ~ :-
JET BereerY• Noe Yost, Post <ma) Boa
aslatimdeter-le • '
T.TAG4N'ti MAGNOLIA. BALM;_:,,, ,-;.
ALA, Starllnes Atebrode, let the hair;
reattre Meese of Tooth; • •'
Yn. Anelell Her Letterer: re=iptlcra;
Perfamery end .Icelet. artielte, 0( sway tle,
/amity Dye Were•—
Gaath sad Ladles' itheettles Drseee r
; , '
Of rem destriptlent end beet quality, kept couttee*
an head and kr seli at
arm. A. zur.rams.
awran - Duro ismsks,'
derll cm. Ohio Jit Narket
Tree= on tbillantitsetiore!of Tine.
Bapploatent to trali'DfctfovirY:';"
Damao' Narita! at Geology
Lyoll CM the AeitikaltY of ilt. -
Iletto's Seam ot lb* Old IVoebt, ,
tlll'Printlplee of Polities] &floozy.
dostore Great Btotko Booked :Cater*.
Agasids`o Stadia" kr Nattiest
ter oak toy. • • NAT *GO.. IYI Worol 'trek.
EYES AND F.A.13;.. . ,
m a gAv i r -attent
IS ion oont
ea etTABACT.. SQUINT .5722, tor ArrircM s .
tooorto ARTIPICIPL SKIS, oxot trorwoll
. ; 101{1 , 11111.D'HUR1514
mod' ork Mosso! lOpctOgggie: 'otr; !Wpm.. to
" OM. ttq ITIIII
. Deemer Gemed streeo l / 4
Wisblngtes, bra., ;co , . 1.50,1
1 1 1JOTICET110 pane .salii-of Quarter-.
nisstsre ebortembeetised far WEDMEBD.S.T k
Um Ed et December, Is Deepened meth. WED SEd.
Deg, sbousb,„:, : , ELEDIIDE
sstses Ceptehe sad L.
L , AD LOT Foil. EA LE. situ
Hate lotto Doroogb Wired SeT too a mit. r ...
INK oa
MV ftt.: _mob ecrie r
ir not add, 1r bkresited:". ,
• ' - •?_ lurstrui &akin 4
weittwueogcm: • - &moan. t.
riU N VAN; - • ' Ms'. aF CO:W.23'lot
Bak ea thiTalon-Brralr;Lo3itlad, bad Ole
n ea awry Impartillt toint la Om:my, roma,
Bwitairbant Abed saw Wad t par,
chum, by, -0. - 1111111 Alta fk Co.;
• - - ibbod'obreak conwelif
Thom, Usnebrazi ClOckii •
res'edi ' '
4 . 11 ' :::::bbstelatme:Norturaglrbab:
Tv. ruin' seknorkart to Da the
sad gesibm:at'thiliAlkibotr:l?',lot__
ihm4's mu? '
anstatoreassommia .
I ZIOT (itilk:W2:l:rigatt sippe barr
Tatl4lE4a - for -
, rl. - awars 39 1 9* - :wiya_mr.
100 itttallt&t u ntioftatel
Aiti41, 4 ,4-' 1 1,11,01112 ettirt. 2
1 " 110116101 1: 4.
• ..-xr? 't
r -
Dart Ones,
UOll4 Gmllk
Sint PontEN
... 4 6.0:003papfuismiar - -
p3auouimigi iftteeisbigivad i 4
to T ako,ttor.,
ctionsw -
Melt= rtiihiCkEtiM6iill; •
1131b0iit4hidd Witiateib)JOss a
botodelot 'Std. SO iwitwalf*
PuthoftY Wee OS wad Alort*l o • 4.
lbananoittnr, paw elm**
Thq Faith stzvagews so_a Pfskr" , !=:' • .;ri"'
Tberr vett* iittealkweg ppottio6
aro in antidoto to dtedin of WOW
itiny oveickono .5484 diwbolicaffottaS 6
Thorattingthent tito oittottiondonliwilt itto
Shay pima inhotenttowodinientdtamt
TYq curs Seppinern ind OtertilPoOptu
no/ oollSiortnonetihoiasr and Chtalit , •
atey LfeerOconratin*oli*rotanstoitt*
sbiy nottolito wookst@ F li,tSl looSsal oo,o l
anti aro oshinstod statireagmaturtoz'-
uma a t i o .daajiaa s a s ee rn bode 1 , 44 0 "
Smote ostwooffos. roots, tog hat* Prowfd ,
pure St, Croix Eson.l.lor porthnSonle
strestlarsanditootitoonitik'CoinSescla toSio.
Itomin of totontiro. Zihrolni bath ,
thdi it hioD. e.marasesighebtli on our irtrlfietr• -
8 ' eta', "Me no et*. with Stattation money 'at
oor torn llgoits eoa.foe door Vote gasma'
Ode lab&Soo that ,nor tottiolt not railed wiftrA
oiorhoit and 6104 0 4 ., Wo Sotf Sincla T "
to math So WOO or,ohlittiezig orrr soca% MS
penoa ProionOttno B.sZlnatstlo3 Innen by;'
Slam ar Wilco ilia ita*gar. 'WO ger** _
Oa lOW:aft loterSoi , tair-ionket
haw k er minimtorrether theretu. *war y.
eallioi Manton= Uttar's& itot:Ti a at:aka castes - _
Jhe IL 8.T.V.1a 110 IY Mecalea by ZS. Te
already., US oar or cu brapupas ne•SiSof ice
415, eto ism wawa in gating inumear
into ehoes ensititseijiablimoows&te Dna', nue
Who Bitten ftton talk CIiZZPVEDy. TaerSbalg‘
gro. It potbelly toonattle. -VW siraplo trial Ok.
Web is the anima" le* tooinenfof their worth 24
itoporictritzr. Thai oro'nOldroorootahlo draft , :=
&sr Fritets. Shltitfo:lo+l,;totOht Wombats and
itroaart. v. T. ,
o.l:fieprip3 Brv.
.110 . 33, tents wholesale, sad trtitit,
. apaoxwomawros,
- -
.1 . .1 1 .11.1411.TE DISEASES.
4 . !
.11d1 FF k , 75 /1:1 *e 4 3 7
th ? C P IY rOlAYPTlkr!iltal l ei l t, 2 . 1 ,
c4' prier 4114 the. 112117 ae !Robert
Wb dais of litimma.-and is tucireclaellbea 11 . 0.
""" l a Ca thin mssiYiesstst4s f pcitsssiss
milrbAszc 444tIo4s , ,elid l 11fferingeuttrot7
Y li caul" L4 akc, i4t° ih°7 654 rs snsiss4
Yeteti*And - pedbetly ma; /c uCta likes,dams,
aa 3 iinr"*rsvatl. .0 4 - , ,1 0=`; "the
C"65.--10.1bbEi"bf:" r"" 3 1 b l 4.
fre l b4l72 b i" l l ulb l i P* b°lll : l2ll l aed
b Y b4 P bt ° l g sa Ytie 7 "*". lbstibb
alinthirolo gwirOFWthr baroina «di box. Ir e ne
otha 6 trantli* ..ftePangt_o347 l 7
-- Dolt 71orkfarcuckmatuck
PPOILIrca, P; 4°. 0- Pet tin. ;
-.Mirrors ',.iait.Viokii4s-ter. GEO, Ti."IOIXC:N
TO TirreiTTIEKSI"777Ir Magi A b
ittramarieonnatvitiipectutr oak attlattjoir,.
thiPTP.lalfm 13101117 AS
itinf3ml4.4.lSV4lTrasWo.FP -11 .: 30 xM
- nxtrxxvvvuell , T9firr , , aaiODY3l;
Tio pea Ifftralec. Tatromatte4 - 14 1 14. 6 : 3 2 6 ,
4141,4 Low or-Sleisp;i3,2l- Ga I,lTerrout Itaosdr.. slab , 2.l!ratxuatcam
flictnaer. ;
unk.tav L
Thaiimetio#Tbaifrailg ilf-IthariOlrer Shen it. 61 ,
_ ~ .
Fablk,lrtcch terwcildiv.atist lhanove
hmbat ititlioit 11:111It griptoz . .
Aga/ =e+ Wigentlen, DyspepoW-Hillosennew Ltur
rmeaesprOnoplatel -. ol,l l ropsur, Aged all. dersiagesT r attiot
theittco* yelYetsitione,' . ot Eat =bonded moo =`
tedott to Hew England. am Mr confidence o; and -.-f
-larikoml trh'coof'.flothers:4 7.+.00, and at
'ofece edtWn Mut et all, Are ,itort dm Eticor:
pi tavall* *be will floa thtitist .
stela conformit ten y to , -,.'
suitandoandlettm.”Wilieem:'emmtinli to t h e ottms*.-
iwo zolubod of - colaoroa of odirortioto&A mold ask
Oold4Otr• tO test th.mi'lricielt 'will
awns y. , ..aumand.t.,,r,
ire.tiabiilltirbdrailaima &alas. _ ,- -
no row*, flootdola at.tiormpondca , ce 201 .2 e a.
Ikokof of goof reform.* supgid - ool000moodoo;,.'
no ealotti 11 ' at rolall ' t , 4-11t. Punta, *.
G. It ffi• It•i_ _. .1notolOS: to MkgbAll .
.CLlT:74,lg...llrcnrni i ii.- , Wi'd.clatnne end doe. 6.. ' -.
* orldire - tatitt :* '.3llmictiele, AdonloiPliodounti. ' * '
1:0*TO_ CONEIMEMEar .15%
11,;$16turramykii boa: timaihia -
. fh tinctit 7 s rti 7 Amu rotiwtr, aft" •t w Or. 4- 4
sassed varaiLliiiiriiiittt , solih-Ittig strectlena.
salidat Mae oatim;ctaitaipeolluzEkee-10--,;i:
alaup bolora estitisiiiti a:omi dam,
To an - rao dear; It; by eltiAiiid' • 557 of thi
lieu:dr:l9k 614 i2k
tionsbf,.pm,ll.4.o' . tait4l6 "Ida shrr,z4
ttlDitad saw coxs, ,Aterav,„
logomnoul, copaws, J pcil.pc4ki.-
*tint at the OATFtiiir biend4Nres prwerttAl4,„
kum t. t uidaiate 4,- ±w 4 • l *e,thkezolVlVA
easeglyai to be taviltriatasga hejll7pai ;71
111107 stdrom will try-Vs
_rallotmiut It wilt ext,;_ - 4
eriamothtmeandizuliproii Oi . leattog. -
Piramilllattug a preseziptiormig. Amin addram 4
• ?Itsr:2l4Milk-S.
; -7 4 -
,r 5
„,,a„fitONMSIO.I4 AND - , Vee.
fir til`q
artiaal.C4hilimiAriiitfacstko w iiL ,
'tam from Xav,eui rrososio4ii t , le
14017 1be ua~e
fliounefe ilVsticrtOwrimA, t it - P 4 1.4
bi iit 4 igwot!4ww7uSetift.
t264in61414094 ,1 4.6 i 1 ;';:. :•:;;,
4:opigizgki brut *Met . -
-,NATIIA Z III %M. IIIIII 4 I trit•rc:
smart :> ,
jr7:21)1128 1 701113 13111141E33813 Ore
Bmgenzpv- . 44
Atm ristoredio
,doptas grim nista rivatiilavijthadir
idassoms aszty4:auctiiikoitilo*sfuto
:Wtalsiosbfirgly ElAvii**ll`, Sew
skiribciita.mamy brotft ktpArtalVitatig
'MIMI , mrogititt;— •
• egmsup.k.igtrutiatith•Dtax.i..
‘ ... _ ..
cr..,-.. i .
....; .... 1....... . . .
-;: .:.;!.....
~.'.7 t ,..
s r ::•... ~.
i 4
, ~
• _
....' "
S~ ~{'