Si IM ~:~, 4 11 /?l ,o tW' 7 .rF P4 7 . 41 1' ~Atk • „ _ • 1 r.. 1" "`i:; ;g-z•;''',e'V..—ilo'..''' '';l..'!'..i'k_s6igrui-'''Ll . ....... ~, ,. •...:lii. ,. : l tl.polis•- -# .:0.9„ vr,::,',..,-,..j..."::::::•,,T.:*"....,,,,nirm„,._:_,,, --'nBSDAY 15 , 1863 - • j 0! Datb Menage, gives the following Irory ."- brief iWitietition •if the eery Cl!'. , veet,oo. o f Jeff Davis to his ‘ m 4145, • . 006fbdirri+3,* 'l6l/6161 OW it has tieildierseriongh to: withstand the Union II can • neither feed, - crot c he e no u r e iLit tr igite ' itl r irkled i a ti nS e fa i nibib. • - :7lrtg, ' " itsaredit' .tegonti L amitspaper money ••:i . •,..,--.l l ,7 l ,i,ruk(owing to t4e .tigh price of cotton the sotwoity of,-rap) AO= Biz or eight - I p eople know that the per - aid m ust h e h un t e d . dt r eiltillB6 /S tm t.:t o fkri..tha. Into . its `dying - legions,- In short, it is lint • - I as this may perhaps appear too y 1, end like rendering 60 ' , Book of • i ",7 ' 'ldirnentatiorisu into short - metre verse, we "se*.rt. Alice "litintitStrt 6 somewhat hiller • the opening,parigraphs. to the • of thiyeir; the most fa,- • • • ••orshiTs • .o f which he of course ea .-, an d s ucceed yetcannot s deaMirs to Prommt; very we ll in linking look favorable i n any r- t kite haa .- i the actor foreign abon'twbichhespeaksvmyspitofally, and wridentlYin groat bitterness of spirit. Ongthe year -if may believe Idlilielrorla lies combined defeat the celebrated Scroll'-41na tOnfedernO7P England has sietitdjahar acctustorsod perfidious manner; >- Prance hid ..isost-ettiessonably given the cold Shoulder to Dayht; . every rule of Is .. tiraittlaital law hint been perversely liola. ted by the i r the great powers of Europe, in ety to shown* htvor to the ill-used and 11ttleaky Confederates; and we are not sni rinil to find Mr. Davis warming up as he recounts his wrongsin th ree mortal colamns t till it le at he bursts out with threats, and tells his confederates what • A eEt at had bettor not attempt. tail; tedeolare apaper blockade of • -theatnatof . the Unlted States, "anti to cap aeutrafeessels trading with their thitar andiezi can Intercept on the • • " tiday'a brilliant ProPedtb; • „. when we remember that these rebel t rainers armed end manned in the '.."; :tam - 0 Elttglish . lorts from 'which the majori ty: of the "CLe 'arid vessels" sail. But John ."' :. be ad; Jeff Davis osiglf ''.. .. :. l l2ll 'ittia, na t:tel ot sye,hat he pro Mises not to--at lsiskfor the Pruent: showing`, ing' how windalonaly Europe bi • Alllar triatalthe.Coufederaey . ," 31r. Da con vis . - Os to bewail, in c olumn. , the proceeds If • ger's currency, which dittntkofM r• • emmun ,''appears from bis. accounts to be „ley as 'worthless In 'Richniond ag it Is in New York. Here he gives two or three extraor ,_ tho world. lie 4 that the inter tted in only three spears that "pop rithout reasonable Messes to the'ex .., internal tax was of the property of ..that the planters he sit in Orn4ressat Richmond and direct the at jai* otthennhopySouthein people, *Th, ltentelYesePPted-Oeir 0 1 0 , Peculiar prop- ~:_r•erti7 ; :7 l anelt ' slam taxation. Ws spades of property constitutes, accord lat to !Ift. ~.abentiwo•thh•de of the ultra taxable prelstty„of the,Cosfedersto s etitimdthaletwo:thlds hate hitherto I ittstrtszeriptsd - from tasation. Ile tells I thca'new - that they clan' longer hope to' ineapipayntent, thatathe Wilmot treasury nutenharabeen inorstutati nnUlshe curren tqp !ti ahtnlittin!l.antottnisiti Misr* than six Aquiditd Minions rif dollars, or more than - On:WON the eineorni, retjuired by the be :4,IMM Of the country," : and that they must tosl# to - tax alrltes mid plantations es well tilt the property of - the common people. lrhsfNiil theEttnimaicreditors of the Islas:Wow read these as ' :tOithedig sionfcs4ana_ of selfishness in the 'lobate's' tea . * ,ind or imerf6Jonoy in col ', 4413 4 1 41Mithsit tax that WAS ioTiOd 9 LaSt f;--Atiaitilk 01111:0125iaiiilliSition the' rebel tddef*pfs 11 - forted loan,* mem:mot what Mars Poionpnisory reducilortet the cur facing Ulan to accept, instead or • 14-,rMalaildo brads if thirdisking Corded ' ..-'_Striezen_litielti.tonesproteised to pay the interest is it;ll2-4 premise long ;eine., -r •bitAteri, - ,• • , - ' Anusitt bl 41ans lot reinforcing the fthil errs* he ems the employment of ' .'•gr°*. • .-ISsearingie 'the; - inky ail who are tm -:• shediscratting laud to sated rotiodn;leaditying eirittptien law, re ..reffietingdeisnib'aild Pigicipit In the r ank. •.,-.inch of, the ablrobodied men, now employed - , --j i_lfflefegesterVtlnises(coplitr, and'other em. ;.` *tees,- same doing service for which the to Perficovetecie . ". taihisbirSindesintsiss aged a law to teolerge thapilley. of the act. of-the 21st - Alog i lBB2, so sato-enable tho ilepsrt -1-'l4ent to replay* not only tasted *OO l 4 but ~.wagencrs, and other employeetiln the arm, oblyeews'itis hoped that the ranks or t he armywif be so strengthened for-the en -..:4311111 eeenPaigar. sr. bk, pat at defiance the oride - onemy " sOChstes rat report of the manifold die :Sele4htfeiiiiitionestid'disappointments of ~:,1101•11;11, 1 11kikhalf:colonutof Om of the fteeisgefrioilty," oreioltinilithumanity;' &e &0. .the "halms: - El 'li~.s'i MI II , MI _ -'eurrepwlee amadtse. was not` the tbaratele mot dating Oeiltlata,yrniigkin - of lestamme, Rinoten, i:•!aie*fettiialletiiftwat Kaatreltte, wader eoo mindofOnL.Dtod. at. the: nit ,-Tetmeteee, f,waw~ed-,,by:,tetwaltred„rebet ‘iawah7 on OW:44AM; dtht -ooatlzazed ;without Istowittlea for emisw,botna, sad mai partiel. -4eata 161 1 *,.,'s? FA IMMEESIE , Rend olthbertatialseliraiiefletter aai ' - itallettetliat-thei osetiuggettions and Recommendations. • Tba.Cottunlasiormr of. Internal Revenue remarks, In beginning his Lemuel report, that the present tax laws have been favor ably received by the people, and have added to tbe reienue of the nation, if net 10 touch ai was anticipated at the time of their passage, yet enough to improve largely the credit of the government, and to demonstrate the immense renames which it possesses yet untouched in the loyalty and growing wealth of the people. No sudden or violent change, in the eye tete of taxation devised by Congress ap pears to be neemeary. Ca the contrary, it la believed that its capacity to produce rev enue is not fully indicated by the receipts hitherto obtilued. Not only are the pro duotive property and the industry of the country, which are the great sources of this revenue, rapidly growing, but the ad rabotetratioa of the laws is improving eon stantly, and to believed, with the aid of Congress, to be susceptible of soil further improvements as will materially add to the revenue. Every advance in this dine lion is a manifest gain both to the govern ment and the community; for it tends to equalise burdens, to discourage frauds and irregular speculation, and to encourage hornet industry and legitimate traffic, *hilts It directly increases the returns to the treasury. Commissioner Lewis there fore retrains from suggesting any radical changes, but proposes each specifie altera tions as seem to be necessary in order to enable the government to sustain its than dal credit by the raiment of interest on the acastmulating debt incident to the pro. longation of the war. The actual receipts of the internal rens• noe otlice from all eourombetween Septem bee 30:1, 1862, and June 50 h, 1663, were $35,586,41 50; and up to September let, 1888 Obey were $7,489,473 06 Up to Jo or 90th, the draw hactsamounted to $675683 - 78, and up to September lst, $503 066 36 At each of these dates, however, there were considerable same in the hands of eollec tore, Pad the annual gazes, tuoltuliug those on ineomes, had been only partially re. celled. To say With accuracy bow much the excise laws have yielded within egiven period is not practicable. Their operation le:centinuotte and the machinery is con stantly; active. There are hardly ever in the mails less thee halt a million of dol lars, Including checks, drafts and certill (Atte of deposit, to too credit of this office, in frassitu The estimate of the product of the taxes aeavesed within the year ending on the fleet day of September Ise: is gal. aye millions of l'ollare. The Coalmineloner says: °lf tho law should remain untcuolted, ez• parlance in its administration will erable the omores haying charge of the subkot to make the yteld larger nod the expense of collection lees; sod toe increase itt:tbe pro &teflon at the country, owing to the andel ty of trade and industry, will oparaielo the same direction. I attributtio these causes an addition to the inter nal - revenue of another year of not leas than ten millions of donate. If we add to this the probable results from the measure. suggested in re lation to epirit nous," WOO, and molt liquor', and tobacco, io . case of their immediate adoptioo, the internal re•enue for the year eighteen. hundrtd and sixty dour, reokoned from /*unary to December, hoth month" includstl, • ill era-h the tutu of "Hasty two witbont tuition into oaloulatiou anything likely torture, from districts now losurrectlonary." Iternal Lszation at las influenced eral . atates, and in rth Carolina, idis v the taxes actu ide," The Comtniosioner holds 'bat the divi dends of life insurance aompaoles should beexemptid from the payment of the is. Come tag, but proposes to make a pat Hal compoiegiion to the treaeary by increasing the stamp dutymo• required open policies of life iasuninte. The report says: "It I. believed that a stamp on every policy, or emoluesent of like effect, of fifty cents for each one thousand dollars of the amount iseured, may be levied •ithsnt op pressing - the companies or discouraging the demand for insuranoe. it should also be remarked that life last:trance compatlds which are not purely muftis), but which have a capital stook invested In them for the sake of revenue, should obviously be taxed upon the revenue in the same pro. portion as the galas and polite of any other business." An !stereos° of the tax ukou dfetilled spirit. to slxty 001110 • 011012 fa rrej)o2. mended. It is also !untested teat a tax upon malt of thin, cents a bushel be im potted, but should It be deemed advisable to continue the ex...uption of malt, sod tax only the liquor produced by it, it eer:Nra certain that the revenue might be cored emibly isoreued by a judioious etlega meal of the Inc, eay to ouedoller aad fifty cents per barrel. Certain provisions of the present law which relates to pettoleom have occasioned embarruscoeut and require revision to make them more Simple and efficient the Commissioner modems the drawbaok allow. gd by section 116 as • direct dioerimios• Lion against the people of this country, and in favor of all other nations, in.sopplying which nature has given 11l almost a moo. opoly, end recommends its rrpeaL Regarding tobacco se purely a Luxury, and in no way a necessary of life, the Com missioner recommends a large tut:reset of the tax upop lie gays: "Tile year ' notwithetsudiug the eaten. sive planting in the northern and middle States the crop is estimated in the last re port of the Agricultural bureau, at only two hundred and fifty-eight militant.; being Mill one hundred and seventy 'millions of pounds less than in 1860. White the do mem production Is thus. diminished, the foreign demand bee been constantly in creasing, and it will not be likely IA be se riously affected by. the difference in price which its exportation, subject to our excise on the raw material, will 004&11014 1, therefore, beg leave to submit the propos!. thin that tobacco be taxed in the leaf In the hands of 'be prancer, end that no drawback be elbowed on its exportation in that Oboe; so that the curt to the foreign manufacturer may be increased to the ex tent of our exclse. If soy drawback is to be allowed, the proper policy of encourag ing sod sualaining our own manufacturer against adverse legislation of a foreign government, seems to require that it shall I* allowed, if at only on the t ugiou . Imsttued article. Tea extent to which the allowance abnald go is a question of some' nicety. The tax on tobacco in the leaf,. with all the stems on, might, I think, be fixed with advantage to the revenue, and without injury to the producer, it . t twenty cents per pound. $ light tax, varyi ng - from en to tioror w ire cents per pound additional, might be imputed on the man ufactured commodity. A drawback on tkie (marten to fifteen cents - would lire to the dianitsitia men afenturerall the ad Vali !ogee be amnia desire to the foreign market, and wouldi - some measure, extuotereall the legislation of foralgo nations et his pall'. uee of trines end the tae'uponthem - are thne tasted. In, the report ;. :•_...._.raThe cultivation of the grape and the itilittlfacture elue Ude count," to ptlli - in:..ext' Infant 'Niece, and good polio, Ina seen to require that they be eneour noVlbough', the-.experience of Serape by *hints' that the'aotteuiaptloa of .spirite fixitthiedneet. high inteet.of Antics, it ate? be lit eitnie-respenteialefoxio the feat taut eheii:v *Wien; oat tarnished. to the istilluabir?l'it calt*W.xettOrliC.e,6ol4 -be tundalo attpirtide- mom. 114#10 . 0 ibeymialde r the - :,,on :be* tes!Uyleit'Aeft'lii peleeeilitiler;seeed-beiladlei4* - iirlbe I telesdiag iktbee:dlieetbile*Old be lisll l /odi belitintt the j4tftlfpifttli must etieadto nittnpla Wier :litXviribliA `' , 441.136 al. tbds(si lotottioak• - • MIME =3 = T•X CPO! IGlQUultil EIMIEM SO6•CCO. =9 * w a.:W~i~ -~ ~ix F> -.... ..,o IN • Say SppreclablsCdfeet will be prmlimed in determining the - choice of liquors on the part of these who habitually drink them, and that at all events, in the present needs of the country for increased revenue, a duty of ten cents per gallon on native wines will not be severely felt or deemed unseasonsble. These ebonies In the amount of duty to be laid on spiritone, 'Moos, malt liquors seem to be suggested by com mon expesience. and the policy whit* ob thine in every well poised system of taxa lion. They belong to a class of luxuries 'Molt may be properly denominated hurt ful, and, if the consumption should happen Labe affected, by the weight of the taxes, the result would not be without compensa Lion to the consumer and the country. The duties are now very low, in view of the modes of using the eubjects of them Twenty cents a gallon is but ono cent and • quarter a half pitit-a quantity usually sufficient, I presume ' for one days allow ance for a moderate drinker. Three times that tax would not be sensibly felt, in a proportionable increase of price. If it would exert any intense on consumption, It would be in laver of the cheaper liquors, which, for that reason, could then better bear come additional duty. "If In making your estimate of the needs of the Government, It should be found that no considerable increase in the amount derived from Internal chalice is desired, I should think it a question worthy of con sideration 'bother some increase of tax on all hurtful lukoriee, including even tobac co, would not be eligible, so that relief might be afforded to those interests that produce them:mouton necessaries of life. It an inormum of the tax on cartain•products of wnich the use is purely voluntary, and at the same time at least useless, would be attended by a diminution of tax on such commodities as contribute to the suppor comfort or enjoyment of the community/ the propriety of the change would seem be obvious. But if • large revenue is wanted to aid in sustaining the national credit and supplying means for the large expenditures incident to the war, the rea son for the change would become invin cible." MINERAL WATERS, AC It is proposed to levy the following taxes upon artificial mineral wstere,stalit waters, sarsaparilla waters, and other beverages of like kind Bold in bottles—two cents per dozen of bottles bolding a belt pint or less, and when Bold in bottles of greater capac ity, four oente per dozen for each dozen of bottles holding 6 pint or lees; and wben sold la bottles of still greater (tenacity than a pint, ono cent per bottle., iVhen sold in any other way, a duty of Elie per cent. ad ealercm TAXIS° LOX 0 the A tax upon Ike following articles le re comMended t Gold watches, pianos, guitars, doge, looking-glasses beyond • certain sire, diamonds, emeralds, and other precious Blanes, kept for'ornanient or use. EEEIM Cotton Is now eubjected to • ditty of one bait of one cent Icor pound. Quadruple the tax Till not, In the Commis4auer's opt o ion, be excessive. Sc insignificant a sum can hiasdded to the price in the foreign market, ' without affecting the demand or exalting dangerous competition Thread sod }grit manufactured and sold, or drilrered for being knit or worm into fahriod, may prop erly be made ambient to three per crot. ad odours, the 'emcee' it snob thread or yarn were sold in the market. TICCZE sSe OP OTllltd TAXES B Ards plen:d, tongued and grooved, shingits, bricks. Roman cement, calcined plaster, draining Wee, dressed building stone, printers' ink, map.., clmete, periods. cal publications other than nev•papera, and engraver's Cork, would hear •o tad ra. form duty. The tax on suction sale, to no• very love, and will hear to be increased probably so onelourth af one per cent. The Lax on !slaughtered animal. may be advantageously adjusted on • somewhat different scale without becoming onerous, viz: utt each head of horned cattle, more than eight weeks old, slaughtered for sale, a tax of thirty center; and an calves of eight weeks old nod lean, a tax of five cents per bead. On slaughtered seine, exceeding fifty pounds in weight, ten cents per head. /Ili OFACTOSZO An amendment of that p►rl of she la• which relates to the isisiiiou of manufac tured srtiotes is recommended. The report Rays: "A number of railroad companies, ten other largo operators, rho manufaeture locomotive engines, railread care, paper for printing and many other artialee consumed by them in thu prosecution of their busi ness, eathrnoing to the aggregate the value of millions, have insisted that the via-hun dred dollar limitation has application only to manufsaturce that are sold, not those consumed by manufacturers theinselve,;, and that constructions has been adopted in several litigated cases. Though it may re in acaordause with the legal Intent of the statute, I canuot believe that it raa con• lemplated by Congress to sire large cor porations tbe privilege of carrying on ex• (misfire manufactures of wood, irod and other materials, without the payment of a duty, beesues they happen to be such ex. tensive consumers as to make the business \lif manufactories for themselves profitable. t is not consistent, with the general spirit of the legislation of that honorable body to discriminate In favor od corporate insti tutions or private firms, wieldics enormous capital, to the pejudme of small manufao• turere, and fo the aggregation, instead of the diffusion, of °apical, and the healthy condition of trade produced by active coin. petition- I therefore beg leave to suggest the propriety of so amending the law as to make it 'insurer plainly the original intent. This, I submit, may be dorm by requiring that all produotions or manufactures used or commuted by the producers or manta. Curers thereof, being' betides of commer cial value, and which would be taxable if sold, shall be in like manlier taxable when used or consumed." Taz /1100211; TeX On this Important subject the Cocoons stoner oaken the following observations: suggest that the income tax be left untouched, except ins few slight portico. hers. This tax, though to fair to theory se any that can be laid, has been found by the experience of other countries to bo eu• cumbered with practical d ttli coitus in the assesement -which have deprived it of all child's to public favor. The people of this country have accepted it with cheerful/etas, I. meet a temporary exigeney, and it ban excited no serious complaint in its admiu istration. in order lbw. It aright not be fell to be inquisitorial lu its charaoter, the inetruotlone boned by this office required that the returns of income ghoul not be open to the inspection cf others than caller* of the revenue. Bone doubt having been entertained whether a proper oonstroction of the law -sustaboe the instructions, I recommend thst the doubt be removed by express enactment. It will, I think, COO tribute to fairness If the provision allow ing a deduodon for runt paid for d wellleg houses be stricken from the law, and that owners of such homes, residing in them, be charged with their rental value as In- Oonta it 100616 to me, also, thit a change In tha rate'of tasattoo of large incomes may bo properly made, euh,leettng incomes over Ave thousand dollar. ($5,000) and less than ten thotteaud dollars ($10,000) in amount to four per oel4. tee. and those over ten thousand dollars t$10,000) and lees than twenty thousand dollars ($2(10. 000) to five per cent., and those arocettiog twenty thousand dollars ($ 2 0.001:1 to fife and a half or sin par Gent. The Eugliek rate is now over four per cent in time of peace, and during the Russian war it was upwards of five and eleht•tenthe per cent. on all incomes over ,Cl5O. If the English people could tolerate, without mormttriny, such a tax to violaters war of wagons& and ' ambition, Amerloskoilisens will certainly ['endure a lighter one for union and freedin.' .There le .a ;lass 01.1)er:toss subjent the ass dent °fiber, li . me ta g, w h o tut a i . exemption on peculiar. ground., I allude to the subjects of foraign.gorernoientirep; I reeeatint them haw •as consular agimhx.: Woo Of ,thesa geroosii are oblige d to; pay 440 Mott thkrf 1 4 14 1*.tmbreh4.10 rteidnE butt imitifgoletMtrointstoitholeotatgal ais ggew*Amitemplaint .IMmea,-ttistsittoirklif isz;ekeegegiggio ths. same loirce***l7 *me counttleal(apperntleal *ai .1414411021 , 44 e paiy taws ant( istitimes bowblef 414114..11/41Vi5.,P,,;:-;:Jf ti' 1 tax is exattiml. submigbe oaneldfratiort 'bather ibis same measure of liberal emir trey might not be extended to the subjects of foreign governments nerving so consols our ports, as are extended by' those goverawenta to American citizens serv ing abroad in a oonsular capacity. We 'have sufficient Information in this office to enab , e on to inste the proper disorgnina tion. The illiquidity, if any should exist, will be attributed to the p-oper caner, and thone wbo gaffer by it will know where to apply for the remedy." DT•WP DOTI/1 ON DOCOUENTO IL is proposed to levy o duty upon re ceipts for the psi meet of money, equal to one-half the duty now tr.:Weed on checks and sight drafts. The followingsuiditlonal sources or revenue are oleo Indicated: ..Aesignments and transfers of personal property other than instruments of evi dence now provided for, by any writing, such se &saint:merits In trust, deede, for the benefit of oresitore or others; bilis of sale and documents of like nature. Indentures of apprenticeship, Betides of partnership, attested copies of instruments made evi dence by law, warrants of agrees, write of execution, letters patent for Inventions, leases of personal property, certificates of copyrign; commissions appointing persons to offices , certifio item of admission of atter ney'e or counsellors to practice law, diplo mu of medical schools, colleges and uni versities, and certificates of marriage, and all written or printed instruments not otherwise provided for, when offered In evi dence on the trial or hearing of any civil ogee at law before any court or judicial magistrate." vsn'tous INCOURUDATIONS. The Com:al/I)l°par adds these recomeeen dations "I respectfully recommend that the stamp duties on promleactry notes, inland bills, drafts and orders, and also mortgages mud personal bonds for the payment of certain sums of money be doubled, and that the maximum of those to be required in any case be aleodonbled; that the stamp dutiee on agreements or contracts, other than those specified in the schedule, be ten anti that the words 'exceeding twetnty dollars' be stricken from the dance in schedule Id relating me bank crock., drafts or orders, and oleo from tits fret paragraph of the sixth seat ion of the amendatory aci; that the stamp duties on life, marine and inland insurance.polzoiee be doubled; that those cut teases be ,proportioned to the rent evened and the length of the term; that to letters of attorney to au single act; such as enter satisfaction on a judgment or mortgage, execute a paper or document other than • conveyance, serve a notice or piocess to appear to • suit or kCiita, to receive prize money or wages of labor, be assigned modento duty more appropriate to the na ture of the servloa to be perforated thou that rio• provided; and chat write, tool mottoes: and other proceirees for the com mencement of action, before justice, of the peace in coats of civil juroptliation, and writes( execution, also Issued by suet justice' to,r the seizure or sale of geode, be made subject to a small stamp duiy." The report tfaommeada a tax upon lb. toneage receire railn,ad and steemboat companies, and aloe the dividend' of tele graph oacopdates; 134 mho recommends a tax of (eta and one t.fth per .at.. instead or oos par cLut.on the aireul.tion of bsnks, of on. Oni, or nue per cent. on depaskts in ewe.] of one-eighth, arid of ooa•twcntieth of ono pc r OU bole,. at broltete . hoards • • Toe Coatruicciorter mitts: 'The rsteusiou proposed to be given to the s., new el internal recount, nod the midttlenul drat., on the producing sohmee abate suggested, to View of the iocr-ssiug wants of the government cannot be fairly expected to pall the amount of owe hun dred and fifty millions of ttillare, which, as 1 have olre►dy stated, was the estimate reported to you by this office iu December last. If, therefore, it •ball he deemed ne cessary to obtain by 'uterus' duties the hist named sum. recourse must be had to some "other quarter, lu additional luta imposed 00 produoia wtooh enter largely Into consumplou A tax of Iwo per cent addittoual on the general m►nof.cturea of tho country, would, 1 think, produie the required sum—probably • few millions more. lu making the estimate, some al lowance must be mule for reduced icon sumptlon ceased by the Increased economy in the nor, Incident to increased taxes. Doubling duties on neoreaaries will not double toe revenue, and the properlion of the receipts to the rate wilt be lams than in the eta° of such luxuries as are used in grattfying the appetites. Consideration has been given lo common zpericace on this ppint, sad dor allowsn:e fur it." The report cooeludes with suggestions of amendments to ihe Excise Isar, designed to increase he tfficionvy. Among these eug potions is one looking to the facilitation of collections, Sh Wont: . .111 ► MUM. of GiGilitAtiDg such colitis tio , and affording to the United Stoles and citizens alike an opportunity of paring their reap/Tara right. in all internal u vulae ease• quickly and cheaply adjusted, I beg leave to suggest whether it will rot. be expedient to confer civil joriadiction on commissioners appointed or to be appoint ed by the circuit court; whore the sum in controvert' , does not exceed a certain limit to be named in the laws, and I should thiok that limit may be safely fixed al two bun. dred •nd filly or three hundred dollars. Right of jury trial may be secured by mak iog provision (or appeal. As a - eondition annexed to the benefit of appeaV security for costs may be required of any other party than the United Statee. A tribunal of the kind suggeeled, making justice under the Internal revenue laws rapid in movement and small in expense, yould probate!, ba found to be peculiarly obeept. able to the citizen as well as metal to the I I governmenL" How TOE GOVEIIIIIZSZ m PROTIDLD ion WAD.—The Government, which had not half a million of muskets in alt the armories at the commencement of the rebellion, now has, in addition to the million and a half pLueed in the hands of the men of our armies, enough remaining to equip eight hundred thousand mon. There aro accoutmments enough for eighteen hundred thousand mon. It is not likely that, int emotion, wo shall over hereal tot be caught unprepared for war, for our pia - tient necessities have developed all the re aources which are required to supply. the ma terials of war. Tait estimate of clothing for the army for he nest fiscal year is $58,000.000. I:rae hundred thousand dollars era, asked for the benefit of . prisoners of war. aLTDLOJTES. 11:3F.CORONER.—Jorts Xicett - ro, 0 the rim Want Allegheny, will bon can& date far Coronet at Allegheny Clannty, subject te tb decision a the sassting County Union Contention. de 14: le , TRE MAYORALTY OF ALL& Wain —Capt. Sawn Dam at t urgent solicitation ofrosny tom comma! o I Ms MM. to be mad as a candidate fur Ma Martraltj of Alleglemy City, at the enating municipal tion. mato ' t'A) 49 1 1 )01 I ›kiM t b, IIE-57 bbls. now landint., foe. aide ISAIAH DIC&CT & CO. I.ALICOS, at dell IIeCGELLANDII AUCTION, Uri IjHoE6at .„ doll ' likilLELLAllleil AVOTION. eIitEAKK--n bbl!. now lauding !tom a.tstem= itlnerm, tortali by • isA l 4O-ototorea on. , QALT.-10UU bbls sale Li a o Liberty itree del Npil Galt for P CA wersaa on board ae w—n Mama Conway Y, to shire and (brisk by: TlRUMl.lriti ,ENU .-* / 1...! 0 00 brut en ials rim hio,Co4,abd Bodoid Ott Bon* tar Nib by isout , _at 40 TM Woe irtnet,', - At 1 014- • bbia. Sifillstar E4nitul, I . :. Sir. .* - .l4.rtokarntir.o4 . data . 119 im47o Water strait.. .1 . -.USHICIA.TING.OIL.2 Vhsr.t. 040 ivaiiiitatiostedancrp... ; -" • - rF, Ift "4.5. PUBLIC xorlcEs Orrtca or sus Cis me Isamu:Kr 03,1 Pittsburgh, Deo 14th, 1563. D1D IDEivp f NOTICE.—Th omp c Pres , ideht end Direetore o Cany NMI' this day declared e Dividend f ot ate FOUR DOLLARS PEE SHARE, fro. of U. 8. T., foyebio to the Stockholdere tortbkltb. delhaer SAMUEL ILEA , Stonetery. Page." 31satail.t.'s Ornrc,2l. Utsr . Pe. " ) Nu. So Fourth street, - Ptreuoraou , Pa., Dec. 1,. 11(0. ELECTION BY r.titENTs.- -- °snug to the act that the limp for hearing aliens, non.reeidente, those under or corer age, and °retaining CMw of manifest permanent physical dle ability, expires on Dee. 20th, the Board of Enroll ment mill not hear eases of Election by Parent he. fora WEDNE3Dny, Dee. 2341, at 10 o'clock, when all such applications will be wondered In the order they ore flied. Where GPO of the eons in enrolled In another (linnets, tha applicant mast produce a Per. Uficate of that fact from the proper Board. By order of the Board of Enrollment. J. lIERON FOSTER. Oaptals and Prsso.: Marshal 21.1 Dist. Pa deleOtthltss DIIIIIINCIIAL Dec. 12, 483. Ob TO JAMES SALISBURY, EFq., Boma of the Borough of Birtnigbam.— Bthi—The undereduied quid most respectfully re quest you to WI a 81:113L1f1 MEETING of all the cltheno of this borough liable to be drafted under the present call for men, and also of all other* In favor of raising the quota of the borough of Dlr. eilloSham by volunteering bathed of drafting, for the purpose of clothing thane for raising bouttirs for volionteeire. We rospecttolly angeat to you the erpvelleriey of isuang the call forsald mooting at an curly Icy. Very respectfully your fellow eh tuns, John P. Park Beatuel !Moe. W. G. knithinbaugh, A. 11. Stevonvon, It. B. Carnahan, Wolfe & buff, N. Patterson,James Whitfield, John Carrick B. Reynold', B. A. Wolf • Drausonett, Dee. 14, lEel. In accordance with the above rapuet, I do hereby eplmhat a meeting to be held'ln t►e 111101INGIIAM MARKET HALL tui WEDNESDAY, the lf,th invt., at 7 o'clock, p. fluid.= relating to the cominc draft will be before the meeting!, The citlyans of the Borongb are reepoothally Invited to attend. JAMES SALISDOB.Y. Bargee. LT - TPITTSBURGH SANITARY COM --=', min= Ocoee !Ltd Depositary, SO Swarth Street, Between Wood end ihrket Stn,la Parsumn . —TlloM6l3 BAKE-WEL' Electre•nr--JuKEPLI 11. If FNTEI Tuusr=u--J.1.31.Z.S r.uix.. Jr Couldlmtims utucmy and Stores .out to all parts of the array Information (arab:bed In relation to thn ei d wounded In the Cams. end The freight cu gotsd• donabA t . Ini•tir..- El= PITTSBUILOII iANITA Y luM5l/ f TLF do3rdtt U -, . -- COLLEUTUItS IN (Ili Ch*-- . llle Antiglirdssomment List for moulding Timm . beggic, Silver Pled, Cay..agcs, o smil Licerme the 4th Division of the =1 P. one. District, oomprdlng the Cth, Tth and 6. Wards the my of Pittsburgh, mid Pat Township, etmep, log that part north of Pew. stmc.t . has been tryolved from the Assessor. mul the Tame are naw duo. will receive the Tame WI aforesaid, at the ogle, of Aldermen BCTI.gII, Ne. jot Wylie street, from the 21st day of November math the 15th day of bison, ber, 184torlmite. between the hours of 1 and 5 p. in., alter which ALM the peneltioe preserileyd by th• law will di exacted. • JOHN A. BEHGEANt, dchtdeDeputy Collector lib Diehl., La Metre," l 5 'TILE NEW GYII.NASTUA-4 AT hiltV/LLE LI aLL.—Iho Clam,. are °pry for new norenbera at each dew of ineetln,e. Ladle. and Gentlernen, TtTESDAY nod FRIDAY RN INDS. ailM. Ladles and Children. IirSIINDSUAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, al no - doer. ITIADVAInIL For Adults, mun ofe twenty leseona. For Lads and Melee, -- Tor Children. nolirtf .FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LLEf/lIKNY.—The DOlLlii of ISrooto. Naas this day sidled on au aatesaruent of ilfty Per Coot. of the Capital Stock of "The Plrot National Hulk of Allegheny... payst , lo on tho , 79a lust., at thoofSre of the alookanlce Saving,' Rank, A lloglo.ny. dololl T.ll. Za CTI.S, Prtaideot Orrice or Tea CiTIZIVon NSUAASCI. CO., 7 Ptarbrozh, Da, !nth, lot. f ODAN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS OF TIIIS COMPANY, to Item daring the mama; year, • ill let hold et tM. omen an MONDAY, the Slit last„ betwoen the) , of II a. to and I p. tee dalerid SANrEL nse , li,retary ri a;sw - taiw4;4 , euzi 6Pare).ll - - - - VOR SALE-1 large Cotelge BRICK .1, DWELLING ROUSE, on Borough street, Law. runcuTlGo; with Lugs bt of ground, tw•autlfully r. narneated ; Treat and &Nadu trues. Enquire or E. D. W. GILL. do16:11r 89 Falb *freer, Pittaborgb. T . . 08 T-,02i TUESDAY LAST, AN 1.1 ARTICLE AfiItEXIIEXT between Wm. Aber, of Pltteborgb, mid George D. 11 . F.Ineen of o,* lamblAna omtary , Oble. Tbm finder tr7ll tr matably rewarded by leaving it at tbe DIA PATCH poo RE WARD.--Struyed , from the roaldenwe of the anbecrttror, at No. 7fil roan etnwt, Ninth Ward, about two weeks Ithaca, et MILK COW, with mall teats; of rod color, and lo good order. The Ender will recelee the alit.° reword by taking bar to the usderelgned. delfdt GOOLL I P STA n rt. THIRD WARD UNPAID WATER BENTS, CITE, POOR AND 'JUSTNESS TAX. EH, farMA are doe and niast be paid to ma CO! Itocaleed at Qty Tremmear'e OlEce, Tonrth stnxt i during beisbleam hour., or at my residence, No. In WeArcer Onset, opposite Ma Water Work., from 6 to a. m. and 6 to t o'clock p. m. dant J. It. NEWMAN, Collector. N EW HISTORICAL WORK. HISTORY OF CHAIILES, TEE BOLD DUKE OF BURGUNDY. By John Foster Ithk, 2 role 800., with portrait, Tor .slo by EZSZEMB, No. SS 1% clod MR.L FEED! MILL 73 TO 100 TONE OF Bran, Shlplantra and Mldd ling*, Tar tale by SIMPSON it: S.NOX MEI No. 178_Foden1 •treot, lilt • $1250 WILL PURCHASE A NEW TWO4TOILY PILULE DWELLING, u in gozel order, situate to Penn township, near Ito t i r . lll r . l;:out r u t l i ning : o re ryon . attlo 2.07: at ere door,.and seh ' lti till tru e st 12;o% Mu ' oo ablsterros. Apply to G. S. 01 BATE!, Oommersisl Broker. •111 Omen, Butler strews, Lawrenceville. JUST RECEINED AND FOR SALE DM bbl.. choke FAMILY norm; GREEN APPLES J. T. COLVIN I CO., MIMI Na El Stun!Mold .treet. HOUSE AND LOT FOR. SALE, cnEAP FOB CIABIL—Tho Lot hoe 25 feet giant on Townsend street. Roth :Wu% ens lTau bank WO feel to as alley. The Memo le a twortory Web, containing nve roma and le on therear of tLe lot; fronting on the LINT. A good horgoln may Low had by applying won, t;., JoTittf lOW WLSOb. Townsend stnri, or at &law OURIST3IAS (Rms II Mr CHOICE, BEACTITCL AND ALDCII.B, GOD DENS A . ND CAtES; LADIES' WORK DOERS L , SAICIDELS, POWTEMONNAIES, TOY DOORS. INTELL.EOTOAL AND AMUSING BAL I, kc., Sc., In gront ralety, at tLo ucv Dock ( THOR. E. WAREHAM, 101 Dederalltmert, Allegheny XEMPtIONS 12031 TUE DRAFT. E —Allem pentane entollpd In tbn wroug place, than who ware under PO or over IS (and marrled,) Uni the Int of July laat, but mom especially fathers and mother* having two or more epos 'liable to thy draft,shoulddlo their claims d. 'ungainly, moo claim thPgaltuld of *Weldon by father or mother eon be Illagafter flatordpy dun. ,N.l3,—Thopapets.necia. guy to dialed to the stars mita.carofollr made out anti um by • NVII:T. DUNN, ICU Fl fth et, data* - Vhlrd•dooi below Cathedral. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. TUESDAY EVFNISO, lice. 15th, 191:0, st Tx o'cloelt, will be arild, at the Commercial Saha Saw, No. 61 Fifth anal; ' 10 shams Eichangs Ittak Stock; 16, do , iftwelmitte killarinfactrinre Tiara; 1 . do, Iron Oily . Bank Stock; • do 'Clitlesita. Dank Stock; 1 dwillarins Hallway Co.: • ' 10 do Flttabtirgb A Coamtliwira 11. It. C... 60 - do: kliegbahr Valley Baltioad del2 'DAVIS VoILWAINIO Am**. VIN.E YERFUMER.Y.—Jaquie onted a r t Prtfam aim favorably 'Writs - mart aivilsit• of 'lb" imparteed article", Tbafallowtagttprtalealeuty recoarteseillid: lioBll 01111ANfillf,. - .lPAreacio , • THIBE2.IIII.IBIC,' CLUL:e SOBERNL sib . ._•lsl2loii , • Qatari iamb and 13 aeltieeld rtrten.' --it at .taxbunt AND rimiatia oars t.-89013 . ...uw, >rAPCY (10 . 0% al, A lailn : tat' •.:. jl, Tot maz...tary_Brielt r threnlot 91= • • ifroas. /up &nth valor 1 1 WO% ittodLaVrOam, klteboa. throe ebamboro oecoottetofft letis num two stile mom - Moo tow moot ttatot, gnu. irstaz fl; x,., ILttarot in al roo lalsllo azgl oat tilfrostoottOot 'artiot. -- Zop 10 0 Oman iioMattli 'COM altittiosT= _to sesurAttriet -Web wow , - litotio fa Mt bottom Grope =bar two oattottop at i5..,46 . 7.71 ..„____pp5. los gado trew l _ ,abruYsrz. t . j .4-E II .11)1VERTISEMEXTR. ... 1863. T"'' "'"" 1 " 1864 HOLIM V PRESENTS ! A full sramulturut of WEI TING PE-I,S. IN , tITVOI.Ur, IGIXEL4 PHOTOGE Pit ALBUIIIm 1 • Of the bqt cult., wit let, fi, Jo.rAl,illl% 12.1 cheep nen fay unForp.,,cll. elm... II in deook. hook., Aaaal• MANITSOIIII.7 A LIN"( A r rOGIRAPIIIALBP POLTIrdi. NllltKA, MO. IF 80011..9 IL: V EN 11. E E./Kg, do A /wig,(nab atol cosaidao narnrisumat noa rca&ly, JOHN P. HUT'S, delb MA.,ALNI(I MALL, FI?1II STIZEET. EXCEL! , IOII Fit NT OLASS COM- PANT hr"c nn. In ammo. ut uoctlon on GIST STREET. bet n%s Prnuejl, E e.eoew end alter, near Lippincott'. Axe rectory, a large and OZ{OUIT lIVOV KS, With etll the modarn Imp meaty, an , l , s1:1 I, In complute rnanlog order about the 11112 T OF JANII IIT. when they v.ll be prepared t, metaufattara a amporlor analltp Flint Glass Chimneys eu orderd ptvauptly attended to. tar OFTE.E, WUBK3 .4.ddrogs, JAS. N. LINDSAY, TIIZASIIRER. ME .... VALIABLE REAL ESTATE LN DIANA COUNTY AT PRIVATZ SALE.—The vmdendsnol offors for sale 0 tract of land containing SOO ACRES, sitriategi West Wheateeld township, Indiana MOM]. /shunt Ins scion of this tract Ls cleared and on Icr cultivation. It contains good building., an excellent orchard a Shw Mill In good running order, In owe of the beet timber commanl ties a good Coal Bank, In working order, and an ahundance of Iron Ore. This tract is 4 miles from Bieck Lick Station, of the Indiana Brunch P.R.8., and 4 mthw from Bolivar Station on the Pennsylvania liallroad. CIC,“ to Sch.d, Church and MIL Ala , . one other tract of . timber land, containing 11A ACRES, sitnate In Borrall township, Indiana einnty, 4 milts Rum Tbe timber, prin • podly oak, to of the best quality. Thera in also on the tract an abundant, of Coal and Iron Ore. The tract Iles on both .Ida of a goal stream, on which are excellent Saw II ill seats. A inn` sPhortanity Is hers offered to pent.. who wish to porchario twistable Imda. Poet:wk., will he given to the lint tract on the fat of April, 1564, and to tits socond tract !matedtotal). for forth. r parttcalars mot terms addims, IV. IL. BOYERS, Attorney-at-Law, Disintllht, Pa. CM= DELI. AT THE PRICXS WE =I rALL &ND SEE TOE YDEESELNI Albums Holding 50 Pictures, 83 00 Hereto bound, two ciao. Albums Holding 20 Pictures, 21 50 Doom! In Morwon, two cLart. We if", Llbtusts floldlasz from 19 t tOO Cards eakOla 1 ----. 1 IA PRICES 111.t..N0V 91011 U., CENTS TO 620 GO S' Dan't fall to call, If you irnat Album., a Pittook's Photograph ,ÜbumDopot OPPOSITS 717 E POST OPIf/Cf.. &Is WHAT CAN BE NICER, GEE UfIR Led'r NI AS' YRSfIBENT than stair of throw elegsni G. K. H. H. F. B. F. L. BALKORALB CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, No. 82 PIM . STREET. GLOPE KID, HIGH HEEL, FANCY BOT TOM, FLANNIL LLNED. dell pE HOME CIRCLE, Vot-1:16. TEIE 110518 CIRCLE, Vol. Y. THE SILVER CHORD. TUE SIIOWLEL OF PEA.ULB The &bore ere choice collections of Vocal end In ithantental Murk, edegaatly bound, gal table licr CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. YOB SALE DY CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD ISTILEET deD MoCARGO'B MARBLE WORKS, ISSS LIBTUAT BYIMILT. A tanallfal wad Tucked Anottemat ai L&RBLB ELANTELB. Monuments and Grave Stones. QM PLASTER PARIB, ROSZZEDALE AUSID JOHNS.. TOWN CEMENTS. J7 3 0 - DU SI A ' 4 ; PEBBLE SPECTACLER 1.11 Notwithstanding the attack. of Palms rpecuete Vondora who aspire to the named Opti. BITSSIAB PEBBLE SPECTACLES Are rocehlais Sally the wannest eetlereeseents of oar eltlzenst. All that Se asked is to imemlne all other Spectacle: than call and *melee the SIMIAN. PIe6.I.ILE ones. For sale by J. DIAMOND, Practical Op;Man, floaufacttter of the Helen Pebble Specia6". S/ 3111.11 anat. Ilarnitif Post MIMI, Milar-s'rERIN9, n ALL Ire MANOR za.—llarlog pa rehaatel a largo sloth at gradefor CASE, in are aLle - to offer great heritable at az [tamely low Wee*. SEAM= BEDS; BAIR, RUSE AND SPR/NO ILLTTS ASSES, OLD•woide to the Lest manner and FEATHER BEDS renovated. A great variety of BLINDS, TABLE Sr /MOOR OIL BLOM EMBOSSED TABLE BOVERBJ_ LADE, GRASSand MANILLA BORDERED MATS; CARPET BINDINGS. and well variety of goods kept In. that floe. We Lorna the attention of the publlO generally to ow WELL ASSORTED STOOS. AU inder prompt[ y attended to. •Pleaea ere ea call at In% FEDERAL MEET, Allegheny, (home forneerlyoecopted by Mr. Semple.) nol • BARKER it NIEL°. Q,PECIAL ATTENTION io called to 1,7 our lingo Mock of BOOTS AND SHOES; 'inkblot thanrirrs and itunas7ll7 cannot be !mass. CaWand roam moral pineal mousy, J 99. IL DOBLANEVEL DS Market at., • wood door from CENTRAL DRUG 13TORys, maem &AO. A. ' _ )U4,17, , SPARKLING SODA , WASLIL ' • • PATIINT sipronirp, 41/4"ltiyalebsns praciligleMiPalli ois /WU rittirro-tra, _ _ nusEs: itara's Oa* tolstme.' Rps it 69. =EI K?er A;coNyin 11 • Stu Ospr + haw4C . rpetropa ; l.lß,, . frit rrsrr aprEveriawmrrs. L , IIIRSIIFELD, .Eo. 83 libOd Street, , t.ltutiatteo to Anil off his tim sleek al MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, COUPLICTE EST RI lIIASCH. Overcoathsgs, Cloths, Cassimeres, MADIC TO cl n.mrat, In nor aroal uwarpanent ntylp, at GOVT PWICE. fag a raducil n a arkut r s Oar asoortrorat L. NM complete to all La branch., and • ..Ka our &Watt sad pstroos to coma awl bell *arty. a. we are dealrous to m'san out oar rock by tbe I • TO.PfinTO 11.111.71[4: FIRST OF JASUARV, lIEMEXIIEII. .10.• THIS IS NO HUMBUG, As rem. article fs so!al at COST PRICE. L. BIIII3IIFELD, 40.83 WOODfITDXRT' ECM pMYPOGRAPH ALBUMSI CA RD PHOTOGRAPHS ! • FULL LINZ JIIST RECEIVED And will be sld at LOWED, MIMS than any other RIEIPICTABLE EOM in the W.. 1. Books, Papers and Magazines LADIES AND GENTLIMIN dro rcdpectlblly to vlted to call and Rumble the stock .4 prices, xi No. 85 Federal it., Allegheny. &Mina .111 _ HATS AND CAPS I LADIES' FURS Of emery latud and quality. • LADLES' AND IEBBEB' RUB ET WDOLTEALE A.4D ESTME, AT MoCORD & CO.'B, .171 WOOD ESTEEM. pH TEE FALL O 1 1853. • Extra Ana—P...l, 4 .6 a y.r. ee—ineltufla g all-the old leadlag art.Ha , end tosajtem cauts. Al. • veilArg• wick of PEAR, (standard stul thrarfi:Cß RT, PEACH. P 1.1731. EYESORE:O4 HUD OILNAMEN - TAL TiatGRAPE TINES, MMUS, Grtat PLAITS, to., Am, 'stage...Ls and retail at IVIT res. sayable prim. JORI 4 IiVEDOCII. Jr. scab-gall' Pittsbargb and OliklAnd Nurseries. WANTED.-=-Surgeon and Assistan T Sargasso for Colored Begbamite the De partments of the Ponth, Golf, and Tonnessoe. All candidate. must to sxmaned before a Board of Idedical 0121ters. D 011 1 . 6 4111:10W is Mika at Bodes, Neer- WeehiorgtOo, Cincinnati end dt. Lon* end et the headquartare of the donda of the Potoaan, Cumber land, and elsenhere. • • •• Applications for examinations &mad be mad* to the Burgeon Gement. U. & A.. Washington. D. C., mod moat be acemapmnled with one or more testimo- Wahl of good moral character from nemertable m oons. Tila Board will thiamin. whether the b gir anl t r t t a 3 =brn i*r rar it tria : , ( "444'L note nr GiGier noniradeates aral not 1.. exam ined. I.E arron Gaueral. . MUMS, • B Barren General'. (MoeA ctin, Noe. IS, 1863. nolimann • GLovEs.: Buckskin Gloves. II heops kin de. CM Wo byte y splotolltt Oausitlat inaltabta for dzi ln.Lboand In Martin rtyks. • - WEITZ 088 d 00. SrOETEHEI.I^B HEADQUARTERS. JAMES SOWN Invites to Wootton of Sportsmen sad *thou to hla splmdld stock of GUNS, RIPLE3, REVOLTERS, PISTOLS, GLAZE BAGS, NOWDEB BLARES, SHOT BELTS sad POUCHES, DRAM FLASKS, and am. moatos of ovary lotzuL His stock laths Writ era broaabt to tato =rag. 001 CHARLES L. EALDWFI,L, (etmossor to loon Mimeo 8 Cb.) PORE PACILVIL. Dealer la nom MED. 8170&B min= BAILS, IMO= BEEP, ko., COMMA =BEEP AND WEIBIPIMEMB, seltly ' PrmocumA, PA. graussma r . ..* O. IMAM M COLPSTER it BAER, Matothetterers and &am Inall kind' of TOBAOOO, SNOT min mum, to. 108 WOOD arazrz Pmmisivagz. sad &mo Low coast Tobacco. iatly as band • lama surto of Pipe ttos '• FALL, ”DS I NEW GOODS? Jot norfted sr LI'AHOy C 0 f 9 lAck. 140 InIZMAT, was" 81Lisimes • anl2to McCOLLISTER do BA IA TOBACCO DEALEES, 1 fiTEZET. Art /Win off tLslr bras stock of TOBACCO, PIPES AND . faIOSING 'TOBACCO At. the very lowan Sixes the emh. dD Wm" promptly attended M. vel7 SUPERIOR PIANO FORTE von vAx..n. HAZLET, PANTS CO., BOSTON. It an be eetst at tha:"Prolkytariso Book Hootos,^ 67 Band street. dolktf . Primus knit Flooring Eloard;, le Ike lane, mine ;dello, for sale by L'~J H'SNOWDEN, NOTARY " IS6. to.rullosilrritrzr, Prrrsarikai . , Actasirlongountsot Dusk Depot Woos and Amu.. tat.n.• Also; Nods, Simms', Ankles Cot Agiosea.l, kilos . * and toltd !arm of ev.7 Q autms, CUT FLONYE - - 5 - Torus:dad to order tow ; XIIIIIHDCWB OAKLAND ClUillmollBL • loardi *trod an. colt,. Os.dreilatiame JUST REC: Ken's and Womenta Pelt Overshoes, utifatti &that= ,4a.mttrcm in l a thy, dtU -soirs-osYtarigetstriet, Wifada t. 1. r 0 1 1 ;13a111.—Th• large laraa7 11EICE Dwirjam.l4o. Rum mods be/Ow WaY am!. la calmed dor ao. Pada- de 403 . 1211, heals to win takstabad sub amble maaletadm and.eta. lielt*Xaad and anil7 MO tear. lins Ma Wigan ae• sa• bons' can call? thrftli The aide gate ; n n Pentratesa. JO= W. rAIVIL. talt_titlaV - ' amictgla B't; kk +l-Irantsagarsumoustaim Z roc uttuaKs. tbs,h.47.e • Cbtutz Didleikt• f* wow% mai . Permo *Wamoor.soubd the eimi ,w !!!°, 41 Y9 1 14/*l.Palant sad ainik.'= ' ! l ' 00344 lOW st.)lmirAtbs. taxinftegnia 01 11, suwz:.....To: any one ,hig k ip that -mt . atet asbilisma isr 40,31,_ rad vim salltbak on am. 00iiii1t11110i7 o.sirwa• .e , .. 1 . V. - ',-. 017..f.;;:-.T. EnII BY TILE YARD, OR sia PEn CUNT I=l Alway• ca 115.1. /AMES T. SAMPLE'S, LITELMIT ZMPORICM, Of eery style. to WI al tastas. MOM APPLE TBEZ. I:2==El ROOD lITEZECT. =I G suet impala= CM BPSIERX:. Y. - - MMLX=II_M MEE DRS' 610008 F...111X HOLIDAY/1 'CLOAKS I REDUCED PRICES AT J. IL BUROTIPIELWIL Oman, of nearest styles. FRENCH CLOAKS, very handlol l / 81 AT CCIAT • SHAWLS, Long and Square. DRESS GOODS, in 'great variety, mitoblo for Pronenta. N. E. oor. Portrth & Mirka ths. For SILKS, DRESS 6008 S, CLOAKS and SHAWLS, go to .1. W. BARKER & CO.'S, N 0.59 Market Street. 4.11 HOLIDAY 8.0.P.9 JOS, ROBE'S BEING STORE, 77 and 79 Market St. Todgw cosomeitca our 11,asalarBollEaa Saha o. Embroideries, Lace Goods, ana . Linen Handkerobc* • Our stook of th.o.a Good. to =lra orroploaa than at any tbrzar staaou The prices Bari Dm marked d 0... We ban , Woo Bat. opened • olroloa lot.of Worked /Mow Batumi, nary Itonay Bap, sad Pine Caahhatra &ark saltabla for - HOLIDAY • GIFTS. ov, stook of *Mar Boosocabio Boob mell la as • sorted In Cloak Ornaments, Bead Gimps, Velvets and Glmpnre Laces, Silk and Felt Hats, Anthers, Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, - - Stookirtg • WooLtroods,. Bacques,Bontat ath . Balmoral • Quakee Onsets,. HEAD DRESgES, LADIEsi Aan, o inraTß AND DRAWN. Men's Undershirts an( Drawers. of ttio b'ext FUR GAUNTLETS, HEAVY DRIVIZG GLOVES aw,artirtof NOTION.I3. AiirD - 811 , 4 tLL WAREB GENERALLY. %dodo Room trp Item noitbatib sod SI ottom "Ito toty to otll &rata mall,/ at lone what. Nab Moo. - JOB. - HORNE & CO • del 77 and 78 IpArket titieet ON HAS, A large aed iplartdid amrtozeat inked' AR HOLIDAY PRESENTS Cazatiting, in part, of: morocco Elatebels,.l - -Portrffionedes • Purses end - Wallets. P.11070e7t.5P.11 Ainums: ram it To r. Soltattokles, jet, Breactplas and Sete, Ear Rings, Shawl aad Scarf Piv, Shell Bova, In laid Shell Combs,Hiad- • dresses, HalBetar :Mode,- Nabias,Scmtaga and Comfarts. LADIES' AHD azErs somas. Maltese, Lace and raisl:irelaarediCol. la rsOltscu•Stitched'antlEmbrot. dared Ms adkarehletes irdidezir (ilovet,Nottamygy At WholesaJ.e ani: Retail. Mrs as • ail betas aar.lastisi aLinrbasr I Is feel lt• conildat titst =apices iclis furmdTary • ' MaientrAt*OriPß, Bi4lmo:trot:et tad Dlamord . street. Pl.. IiOTOAYS Elegant Lack Conan and Sets ; Mob, Lace Bandlierehic4;: Prussian Lace Veila Otriirt Plaid •iibbotil; Entbroldered ; geode, Sontags;Nabl4i,i, hiosquitaire Siddloves Gila& 'Mani Duck Saintlets; Pine Dress Shirt' ; Linen and , Paper Collate; - _ awe '4 4 6 calm a, . - EATON, • 17 AND 187rnalf2 • tenitiefiiriackkusl szt7 hi tity. ebller 011111111#11ESnapiws Oshawa, =utzm O - - recoor k. 1:141 -apt