EU U 1 a r ~`? T ~ >,"~ r diMreassynter °tinter fick*scry t, and sire* of I rhichin refarence 4 .4 Mes, 'the bit approves, has invites public es it - may and imam for legisla ' timt while the AO +Misting Mx. . cited disapplintd &Mere, as he does 1:14 the statement tent Modifications the kiii - rernmeat , he at the same "recommend radical Komarek:4lloLO to it.thinlidimmen;itivill ' opicliginkr should and competent* IS. Ca" riztriecti changes by . the /art an- r etrairai In Mr. Cant the country fortunately has andwe hold that if his sys . of tarstip had been adopted by the --1.,,cd#041.0* ',Noir. and, AN um in the Congress, we Should not now have -*lrOloort from . ' the Bureau of IT. 6•EI 04351 Revenue, acknowledging that the 14114 impqtant modifies - • thelComilittee of Ways and ***bleb ireisiratitipiesentlaw,llr. CFA** was willing to profit by the experi s;!_f7-2.-L.artior of the oporation of the finandal spa teasui!ir-die 7iiiiiiy4stiedt,cciinfries in Eu rope, and in his report recommeded a cora limited list, of taxables, as the sources of revenue:_-. :,,.., But spite of all tho lessons of experience dsired from a study of , the history of tax and yetio cheap -1,0i0334 ilerlwf f rom study and otixr '.=4j TO* . 0 abroad, end not from erude'experi - ._litt4teartei all, eii— thed letagni is n ot only undeniably sod , . leplornblY trails POlnt 0l fset,ses review thisunfortuneSe.tibtory of , ',(he dm/ of thePototsimiudiesuggeitive esti of the true Wiegaida of relay. Ws monitend "a oare talimiamigiCrei4lni of Ole able and es statement ireposura of . 4intliretatll snd _ . Ihstiounta eft the, pasts lid preitent troubles of that Army! Our rsaders annulus have perceived we have for thieWit while beds Aomy theory AMA lite Army of the Potomac, sad that • Mbar stem - ihr sourest cynics would yield le a Sitfrd-dreaM of its euturesr, we 'Ws aeauxea.!tt incapable d aggression action, and coosterstly trembled for Its ester, urbanite, it:endured to reek its fortune in the country of the enemy. Even in its last trumdsur , whim all, united in tbe belief Oat It would seise • substantial victory - feem. - the reduced and dispirited army of H iy we predicted the certain failure et its matimentisu ill the while the l et dumb,. were never racy for a • wasseht, test someboSy sholtd meat it bo -dily,tobileitiotyierinkort- the mad to Blob. This * wileudus its bn wear, did ro t arW front nnj doubt of its loyalty or enursge. , It *always teen , our belief dolt is the finest army of Ildnatieu, that itlamost milmdite, through:common -noble , 'MiltalitSPOPSSNFAlLACuibiati,vithin Welt • .116:00oinurtescilre end seasoned fibre:atm ',an* army ever omptaised by the Republic. If laced bs wanted, we need but point to ilisresord of tif bloody bars% °reefer to IEI aid but butsublime &stilted*" with' whichlt • riTer hes _Madura its hidden exurbia*. Ia saga sad material of war, In spit , and - Price aPPolulatak :may be raid to be r bwolopsrOg. e host, but se an army it Is satbstfissitopetttt, and unless thoroughly irtarpdsgar 'lsnot:ea burden, if not Is Huger to the =miry. Wet of Its wanblerinese lies in tbs idwarikiiii- wee thin doubtful • rabid of' some! its TrestPolitt coup eassdani; ead repeat whet we said when • fits,'Johrt."Porter was connoted his trsaiimi that "there .who more of the slime leaven is the oeurPp, sad unless lite remain.. ...."fattiorpamimoliwdere"ol tbs. Ccolserratlve htsrultwerik, distributtd so vildelythat they net 011111=7034 *tenor* could • 1444." ','We knew • -guesCpiegile. We rosy ,how--tstally they = had Iser( isughtintobitlar by • general ' whey, always sleatti , !Min ;the. front, left _sigh to, play the leader-for hintielf; sad ..'6031101204/ !NO wire. ad at -tiptoed Arleen -Riff pew" Wed -Pape from Oentilitidowltig • 'Abeini by;betraying bbi outright at the NOWA VOA* of Ball B a on. . Theyladsiortatfe alt y to ti l C o i w etbe, isghireaf t a h u mn l ot sell, andwou o rigs ,tg glory ater,i gory Pact Glee. Wews:nes Hooker of 7 Ail danger, snd-Arrged him to have tines " • trsosferter but be- ; our I lobes, only to have itsjsiiii . aide proved al Cliaturelloreillit-' That'great campaign . —obi - most- trilltast. of -the var..ersa a seteceim event :W i t that eleuttisted froin itwer.nenocess, too, iii. iii rewriu4 atSdaktly fellatiortatltsentire pro. -*** Lr'Rfewses,h7Ovants•-which it would base bow ~gesneret Rea /Ord /Ode? to an -0.,1`4101P1aw."-",stli'vmsterirSiicetate, r ailugue.iisao Uthl var fr;;fir*oocele-bilwittletett Vier Confederate ~ .4,1* , I gesmsaWder.. eiediaktwe riterawitiort 0p .:194141- ,-1`,17:141440 111.11111 bu t Olaf hi-iante to s e er , 4, g peadad , , ,, rat:tleashipy izikyly.-,:egnissundestbas - . bat San ef;aftg Norm lbe r sbelsoortor , dasare. -• 2,4wistr joie • _ • volt toot the Alf aids raticeitiaja ,23ba U. Mooted or. ' l3,ll Rifitlir who weir ebof. dd. sot lad dtreated . ding and him. Eve's rear 1 :J` • MIN _a j ,; j ~~ _`. ME : , , SZE •yam • : ; IS ._ t,l, 4: u I • 11 + • V 1, . IN \ 4 ` ''', • El '4~ 1 ' ~ Y :' v ~ ,„.m.g'if5,;; . 0 . 1,1 V;22 I lwattitio,l, 41litligrOliglogirigine_ 403144hilitt, liet us BcdgiriatltWa W a it casAilla _ lip, ta ; Hooker waited all night tar We sound of his approaching guns ; bat at dayblcak - Lee made the attack bimsetf -lapkar,.alillezpeotingtheadvanceof Smog ground for a distance of two miles, but at the end of that die lance, Lee beinfezhausfed by his efforts, teased, and both armies rested on their alma. In the afternoon, Sedgeick, who, as we have &eta, should have moved the night before, carried the heights, but being met by Lee's reserves while descending in disorder to the valley, was driven • with terrible alarighter round the shoulder' of the heights, bask toward Falmouth, by the way Of the United States ford. The country tang with acclimation' at Sedgwlck's coup de main, but the crest moldier from whom Lee bad thus escaped, was reported to the "conservative" press by his betray ers, as being equal only to a division or a corps. • Oa the fourth day the heavens opened, whereupon Hooker, after a council, re turned across the rivers with his host, without losing, in the passage, so much as biimigon or a num. Without forgetting our text, let us pause just here to say, that notwisthatandlng the teetacies of the Mc- Clellan menthe& Hooker lied not captured Lee, the Immediate regatta of this dazzling episode, (without regard to the supple mentary campaign of Gettysburg, which It provoked,) were greater than those of the late actions in the neighborhood of . Chattanooga. By tae Confederates' own accents, Hooker inflicted upon them, the irreparable loss of Stonewall Jacksori and eighteen thousand ;mem - and he returned bank to his camp at Falmouth, at the expi ration of a week, with a wear and tear only of eleven thousand I We have had occasion to speak of this campaign before; and it is not our fault that the constantly recurring disasters of the army requires us again to bring it for ward as the leading illustration of our theory. At Gettysburg, which Hooker fashions d and Sickles mainly longht, the victory was indecisive through want of co.operationby the corps commanders; and the three fol lowing days were lost by disagreements • and continuing councils. At length, when pursuit was made, it was most temperately done; so temperately, that bat for unex pected and extraordinary rains, Lee would have been safely ou the other side of the Potomac before our skirmishers could have appeared in eight. Ail, however , the flood barred hie passage, and placed him at our mercy, a new embarrassment presented' , itself to the conservative commanders. Their object was not to destroy Lee but the commander of the Army of the Potomac. If they contributed to make Meade a Napoleon, by such a victory as would capture Richmond, he would be riveted upon them In domineering leaders ship, and they would relapse iota Illejors and Lieutenant Colonels in the regular army at the conclusion of the war. Oo the other hand if Lee should escape, and Meade should fail, any one of them mightfoll heir pthe reat vacancy which four of the arty had already enjoyed. Tbry had I barely consented lea victory at Gettysburg, because it was nece_ssary that "the ma chine" which they coveted should be pre served, and perhaps they were afraid of Lee's arrogance, if he were a wholesale victor. Meade seemed to comprehend the diffi enities of his position. He felt that be had the power to destroy Lee esti ire 4; but ha also felt doubtful if his corps com menders 'mild stand by him. lie had seen &portion of them betray Pope at Ceti treville; he knew how Burnside had been sacrificed at Fredericksburg; the scenes of Ghancellorsville were suit vivid in hi. mind; and the complicatious of Gettysburg were equally full of warning. From a knowledge of these fiats, we base always felt charitable to him for hesitating to strike lee while he lay crippled and ex hausted, without a pontoon or a ford, at Williamsport He, doubtless, said to him• self, "I have seen these coneerverives fail every-previoue commander, and, before / venture to touch Lee in tile extremity, 1 mustescertain whether they will stand by i" thereupon called thereinto Conn. cll and.they Sally fold him they would tilt No sooner was Wis scrdiot taken then Lee began to mole off—aye, within half en hour, as if the vote bad been politely car ried to hie tent—and even bee last bat disturb (if he is to be credited) were not disturbed by our pursuit. The public, were hopelessly puzzled at thie wonderful result but finding no solution, they' were fain to amuse their ignorance with the general re. Section of "how strange it was that the enemy whipped us on his use of the river, and we always. whipped him on ours.' The secret was, as we hew* said befert that while the conservative corps corn menders would fight to keep the mei:dee together, they wanted to ruin the com mander of the Army of the Potomac, rather than the Army of Virginia. We saw this verified at the late battle of Bristoe Station, but more strikingly than ever, in the lest inexpressibly diegraceful retrOgsdu movement from Mine Ran. Un embarrassed by communications, and with nearly double the number of the enemy, we were timidly maneuvered till half our rations were exhausted. Finally, when we were reedy for attack, the older corps commanders got up an indignation wee' tog on e point of precedence, Worms failed to receive a 00aeurreuee and toppi:lrt suffielent to justify `p roperly ny 'move. men& necessary to begin the battle. Mr. Thomas bi Cook, the careful reporter of the Ucreid, says, an this subject, under date of November nab: "la the council last night General WATTeCI asked for re. inforcemeete for his operations this mani las. This demand gave rise to an outburst among the corps commanders, all of whom are senior to the commander of the Second corps, and on this will binge the lack of mom which I plainly foresee will 'attend this campaign." "But,' he afterwards re woke, qiieneral Meade, through a Mined oration and partiality for Gartered Warren, arid, as he afterwards stated, through a Misaoseeption of the facts, insisted on giving that officer all be demanded, not appreciating the disparagement be thereby made of hie other oommandera" It turned out, however, that the corps commanders triumphed over Meade, for Warren vas not table to undertake . his movement, and thus the Army of the ,Po. tomtits, after its boastful prologue, the ex penditure of 1110 Or three millions of doi lies, and the ilUite of thearly a thousand live& returned back, crest-fallen to its camp, pricked on by the Confederate ma non, end 'euffering not only the derision Of the world, but what is worse, the pity of their more fortunate comrades in the West li it not time Week if this thing bee not lasted long enough? 'ls the flower of our Northern mattheed and the very Sparkle of our New England youth, to be led up and down like ea many worthless galley slaves, lnd discounted of their rage and their ives by a eel of gamblers cou wearing double stars? Every man slain in the late cam , palgu was foully murdered, sod the humb lest of them, who mow bee stiffened with the frozen comb, le more' worthy of our esteem, than the whole of that conspiring conclave who contended with Meade under what formula they should be despatehid to death. It is lime that WS should end; and if no direct remedy Is near, Congretre itself should take the thing in hand. The Army of the Potomac has been the great crime of the war. For three years it has absorbed the bestblool of the North, tonly to consign It to Copperhead control, that it might be strewn in Millet through Confederate fields: From the first Bull I Run Ito the late operations on the Rapt dan, its hlstorj has been the same ; and so It- must, tontines,; , its Only permanent achievement baits tesubvert the priceless; reatigent the East; frour the position if should hold. In-the !attire political aspire lint theesctione. , This is a more lm;- - portant cottslMAtlioU their' Would at' first seem; smile Important One Is, that :Otirloy_stsha kterkeritiCheiejabould no, buIPTDO.-htelitcdstiwealrfateelestt. strife by Coplive.rzkeadrwirmaiesisderse.enti4tave their that it. friteedotosty adparollme far therifejq ' Theis has net beeriik - day ilia the flit of Gettyaburiviteit the Army of the Pots mac might:wofi 4 hwie - ocometteedW"EigtirJ *Wed anarelf- , ieitheitV.,daiaii , ef -r dlisitee between iblimiiithweelchsOpekeet peep.; 0 1 Y- 1340 0/ tlindildi"bat orr011ed:4183 09., • Ma. 44, lase. ' .> 17=711E •,..,....,•-,-.-,:---..:., . . -. .. ... . .. -•••,--.-f-'"e-',-:;ii.---±:,1-.:;-..i'--.:-..;-:,.,:.:::.:-...-,', JX~`. y: •S . ~*~~ • 4* Y 9 11 -Hefei IMO the day lrhertit nan be trusteoeyond the itappidan, in the face of as-loamy as ten thousand `men. The corps commanders who served under Me- A , Ciellas, when with one hundred and Anti thousand northern soldiers he confronted forty thousand Confederates at MAIIII3III for months without venturing a blow, learn ed their coneerrative lesson but too well; and the only troops to whom they ever will prove ,fatal, will be their own - We beseech the Congress, therefore, to take the subject of this doomed army to their councils atom early day. The mere change of the commander-in.ohief will do no good. All its West Point corps com mander° should be transferred, for neither Grant nor Meeker, nay, not even Napoleon, Wellington, nor the Archduke Charles, could win a victory with it, organised as it I. now. The question, therefore, which this calamity presents, Is not only the po litical prestige of the Middle and Atlantic Males; but the lives and honorable hopes of 130010 eighty thousand men, who, under the malign grasp of invidious leaderships, have no chance but. to be countermarched into their grsves—toarohed, not in glori ous opposition to the enemy, bat simply as pewits in an Interior game of Copperheads for the commandership. Thin is the true theory of the Army of the Potomac. It is a doomed army, and pill always be a danger to the country, until its noble rank and Me are relieved of their present rival and semi-loyal chiefs. st is due to the North that Congress should et about this at once, and the first step toward it, should be • committee of investi gation on Chancelionsvale, Williamsport and Mine Ran. Tar Richmond lowest' give up the expo , tation of the resumption of the exchange of prisoners. One of them says that Gen. iliteh cock's instruction ore to demand the ex change of negroes just as white men, which, "of mune. was rojootod. Thus onds for the present-, , if not forever, all hope of an ex change.' Tau borough of Tenby, In England, makes • curious Ague in the population returns. The popnlatiun at the venom of 1851 wu 2,982, and again the census of 1861 found exactly 2,992 inhabitants. There was one more male in the place in 1881 than 1851, but there was ono female less. Too negroes In South Carolina aro availing themselves of the opportunity afforded them by our Govornmont to purchase lots of twenty sores. Those who purchased last year have done wall. Ono of thorn reports that j he clear." $2OO from his cotton crop. eimic xozwEs _ _ NATIONAL BANS. OF ALLEBEIBBT.—Tha Board of Diveoury have Centshis day called on an assesarnant of Bitty of the Capital Stook of ••Thii First Nation Bank of Allegheny." partible on lb. lith rook, Shiiteos of the blechanieli Savings' Wank. Alleghen T. Q. NECIN, President. _ Orme or Inre Crrtswes illtriaNCl. Plttahurtb, Dee. 10th, IfeS. FLECTION FOlt TIIIRTEEN urY DIRECTORS 01 IRIS COMPANY, to during the ensuing 7'.u, on held at thb on MONDAY, the:net IDA, between the boon and I p m. SAMUEL RP-A, Flortenvy. emu - - ----- p-PITTSBURGH SANITARY COI MITTEE. 051 w Rad Der , ltory, 50 rolartb Streei itst•rsos Worst stld Ilarkt4 St Pimszoss•— 111031 A 8 BAY:MEM 9umrrAm-403EITIAHENT E M Tausruus—,lAslE.l. P.4.1:K. Jr Cbettribution• of oaomoi ani pods eullrit.l. 13tona cent to all parte of the army formation furnished In relation to tbo Ark vie •tbel In the Coupe and Itarpits Th. [might on good. donated Lo pekt hors I=l PITTEBITROEI SANITARY COMMITTEE. deS:dif COLLECTOR'S NOTICE.--The Annual Amessment Liat for.-11343, contsilidng Tama on Income, filivert Carriage., md Limas. Duties in dm ttL Divielou of We VA Pen.. Distr comyrking the Otb, 7th and Sth \Yards of We City of Piltsteugh, mid Pitt Township, two that part north of Ponustrect, Lae Wen rewired fmnt the itesessor, and the Twee are nem due.. I will receive tho Tama as Wttemid, et the Mlles of Aldermen BIITLI.II, So. Mt Wylie amok from the Stst to of hiorembst will the 10th day of Decem ber, ISII3, inclusive. between the boars of I and a y. Mier whkh Mao the pecaltice prowribod by the Ism will be exacted. AZILOVANT, Deputy Collector 4th Dlllll., =A District. doktdelS 1 NEW GYMNASTICS AT WILLI—1tm Claims ate open for sew empties. et each time of meeting. Ladles mid Gentistmen, TUDSDAY and FRIDAY' STEN. INGO, et 7%.. ladle. end Children, WNDNEADAT sad EIATURDAT ATTE/MOONS, at 3 o'clock. tam, to esteem: Tor Adults, ammo of twenty lemona...-4 0 00. Vet Lade .co d Maws 0 " ...-- 4 CO. - 'lot Children, " 0 ...--. 3 MI. nol7ilf . - C HE MAYORALTY OF ALLS OHM —Copt. Sta. Dune, atiato urgent waited. annoy citlmm, bac comeated to permit Me name be aced al • ottodldate for the Marmaif of klksizeny City, at the onentas tm mlcipel oleo lion. kii7u bbls. Sweet Cider, on eon atnnient. 130HOMiLEIBik LANG. C bagii Rio Coffee in store V and Rao by J. K INKPATBICK A 13110. Y1t1.1113.-100 bbls. unsorted bran S Byrop. to Wm and far doby delb J. ILIZILPATILICK d 8110 M0L&5.1148.-200 bbbt. N. O. hicitlfrPei In store and fur de by deli J. IMP AMUCK Elto. rpEAti..-1W half chests Black and ar* "' le " h ' J. VAIVIVex Duo. deli LEAFLARD.- 30 bbla and Sieroca LAUD for sale by deli SOIIOIIIASEII a LAIIO. ---- VOR SALE CHEAT—Lot No. 15 Range b. Sectiou M. to Mount Uoio Coto.tory Apply to D. If.eLAIN a CO., lin Fourth-Bt. QUIRTS AND DRAWERS, HOSIERY 811BYLNDEILa, ka., at IdeOLELLI.ND'B, No NS nth abate. dell - - OLOSING OUT BMX OF BOOTS, N., snots, DRY GOODS, HOOP SKIRTS, de., et IIeCLELLANIPS AUCTION HOUSK, No. M SIM Street. dell TANTED--Four good laboring hands to work on tho Latrtentovillo t Sharpeborg Plank goad. Good ...agog will Do given. Apply to Col. SMALL, at tho Oats, or to d012,3t B. IteLAl3l, Fkquntrator. ALARGE AND SIJPERIOR AS fIOBTIIINT of Ladles% All&xe and Childres'. Doom, GAITS/DI, DOSKINB,I3LIPPEILS, to., A U C T lON saltin cp to &so oat &Jock, at HoOLEL.• .._ MDT TIOUBS, 56 TM &tryst. 3 0 v WI BBL& GOFF'S MILLS FAMILY FLOUR 800 tierces prima LEAS* LARD; In store and for sale by D. WALLACE, del2 8:,1 Llbert7 streeL WANTED—Ronde and Mortgages to Y amount of $25,000, on city m txranty proper ty, in suns ranging from 1 to PPM. Also, Busi ness or Accommodation paper, to amoemt of 130,000, having from 1 to G months to run, In sums to sulL Apply to OCITY.—To any ono in Oil City , L.J that Ins old condemned OIL or WHISKEY BARRELS, and Irma, to sell them, can esti at E. 0. Loc.Rs% GOOPEA 6110 P k of U. Itcellotoe.k . , Warobotten. QTORE FOR RENT ON MARKET ISTSZET.—,Ths handsome Iron hoot, No. Ob natio{ stroot.inat door to N. Holmes I Buns, to of. freed for mat on Ant of =nag mat. Addis.' JOUR W AY,Jr., e•11.1:043 favrtektorollis .0, Li USE AND IAYI FUR SALN, INIZAP TOE OWL—no Lot ban 21 Boo t front on Tomarand Wont, 011tb Ward, and row back 100 foot to an niley. Tim Wont* Is tWo.nlor7 brick, containin Ore rm, and 1r n the tear o Ohm lot, fronting g an tho oo A r o d wet. mal t e bad by applying won, to J OAN 1010wLtiOn, h owd street, or at de8:11r " Title 0171(31 FLOUR, FLOUR I 100 bbb. fordbbb XX "XX BIWA! - 30) bartLo 400 " ! D r ayideto of n lilbassota Dakar' floor " Yoblly " Gallon Murat Ilaknfio '" vartou. brad' 14.41 am. Tar nab by WHOILLICXR A LANG, 414 Sri 1.1144-ly stmt. iIIiUER _ _ 100easis Cuiseentrated Lye; 1.03 boxes ustrtUd Sop; 100 do-, Pawl &arch; 0 do ,Oilvie Okse tlesrch; 40 do' Ooen Stet* 5014ep CL &An , 40 ketea -do • 10 costs 641. &did- ' • dell J. 441111LPAT111014 DSO. SIIGAttI3.-24 htt. -„ for , bull cM' . do dG a.; do; •Tirtori:sLi4llot,'l4-I:inot 400 , bblp: &tart/Ili:010,1PP" _ XIEW 00, FLaYD'i ya.soef. Chm volume. Price 51 00. KAY I COXPANTB. =MD - II WILL PURCHASE A NE Q A! TWO-STORY FBA= DIVILLtBO, ell in good order, situate In Penn township, neer the c c i , tan: ;a no w nt r a i l i n . in , t i tnet;roowawa .ott l ia .1 6 . 10ry, s a ve . door, and a loge tot, which will be sold Upon meson able terms. Apply to G. S. BATES, Commercial Broker, dela Wee, Batter street, Lawrenceville. L'RENCEVILLB 1M PRO VE. D PROPEUTT /OR BALE —A. two-atoll hams dwelling, with lot co by ISO tbet, on North otreet. Two frame dwellings, with lot 24 by 100 foot, on Eintlor meet. A two.stos7 brick dwallaS, with lot on Spruce slisy, Oth Ward, Pittsburgh. Two frame dwoliogt situate to Pitt township, re osr city line, with large lots, well improved. The above described property 1..11 valuable, and will be mid upon liberal terms. Apply to G. S. BATES, Commercial limber, del4 Butler Wert, Lasrrenosvills , 0 HRIS'TNLAS a 0110101 A BEACYTITUL AND ONSAP ALBUMS, GOLIT PENS AND OASVI; LADIES' WOEK BOXES, SATCHELS, PONTENONNAIE TOY BOOKS, INTELLECTUAL AND exusrso amaze, ft., So., to great variety, at the owe Book Store GI VEI 04 WAiii-EllAlll, 0 Federal street, Allegbetly. ONLY FIVE CENTS I HUNT'S PITTSBURGH LLMANAO 1=3311131 iw veLeaux ;mewls, Win El= RECORD, INCLDENTB 01 TIM REBELLION U. S. PENSION LAW, C. S. BOUNTY LAW, AS- TRONOM [CAL PHENOMENA, HEidORANDA or EVENTS, INTERESTING READING MATTER. 71pagrs—ONLT FIVE CENTS. =I 30 Oettl. pnt Dr I=l Vivo eves, or mom. It 75 por gross Teo poor, or axon, Et 110 pot grow PCBLII , HED OT JOHN P. HUNT, 59 Fifth et INTlllalled, %iota. ld, ov roalpt of two rod .tamp. drl2 BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT. FRANK P. CASE, Chronicle Building, Fifth filroei KNELLED, NEMDF L ALIC AND STATIONER, MIME Magazines, Newspapers, AND CMEAP PUBLICATIONS GENTBALLY Now rouly, • Largo' .00rtmofft of YiiOTO(3RAYH IMU3 Tor His Holidays, at low prices. A Ls°, DIARIES FOR 1884. ou'htun7urb.of ß S E lATNNAllli LUi. of ati n ti=7 PCBS, at tois prices. AU the DIME NOVELS and DIME sow; IliN/ES. all the MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PATERS, and NEW TURK, PIIILADELPILIA and CINCIN NATI DAILIES received regularly. BB - Saban-lotion. revolved for aid napalm. and Papua at publishers' pima. delikTalid - ---- ALLEtiIiNIN 17 CITY KESIDENC - N FOR BALE.—Large Brick Dwelling Hoc" portico lo front, wide ball, lane double parlor IS t,l 50 feel, dining-rooin, kitchen, threw chambers on reonad floor, bath m i droo attic rooms, throe ban, merit rooms, large cewater ilatirres, marble maietles, glee fixtures in all the moms volt polnted and papered, and Inexcellent order. Large lot of ground (rooting on North Canal atnet, nning back to Butler Minot BHA carriage hom ru e , . ab stable for flu Maws Grape arbor; tww.rariallas of grape', cherry, apple and shade trees, shrubbery, io. Immediato pumwarion. doll B. CUTHBERT A SONS, kI Market et. VINE PERFLISIERi.—Jatiuii Cole brawl American Perfumery compares faroraLly with the most exquisite of the Imported articles, The following are parttenlarty recommended: LOINDOLkTIA, roXD LILT, BOSE GERANIIIII, PATCHOULI, TEIIBET MUBti, .JOCENT CLUB, HONEY SUCKLE. For de bf 111110 N JOHNSTON, Comer north and Smithfield etnets. A foil aneartment of 171C1iCil AND ENGLISH SOAPS AND fAIiCY GOODS, .y. on heed. 4012 ay 4AG ANBM MAGNOLIA BALM; Swine. Anthem* for the Wore Bloom of Youth ; Urn Allea's Reatarer ; teniption; rents:very and Toilet Article., of real do family Dye Oolon ; Gent'. and Ladi. Sturuldar Dtwa ; Of every darription beet quallty, kept constantly an band and Sir de at GEO. I. KELLY'S. CIZICISAL DII. o A Federal sto.. lilartn II IM!SW' YEBAND EAR. DR. BAELZ Faye farVenterattention to the treatment • CHRONIC DisnAsEs, the EYE end WI; aw. on CATARACT, SQUI EYES, fur ARTIFICIAL PUPIL, Ine.rt• ARTIFICIAL EYES, ead treat. all VNTLAIIIIATOItY EYES ; also lIARD HEARING, .red .11 dhaale• affecting the Ler end tootling to Dedham Otllre. 100 WITTILSTREET. EN 1,000 BARRELS NO. 1 EXTRA, to Dow bright tarn% tor solo by MTh% SALT lIIIAWCTIVO CO. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called otlr large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Waldo for nlnerporee and &nobility cannot b warp • W In the city. Call and aware a useful proont for Iltlle money at JOS. IL ROBLANDII, SKI Market rt., 642 mond door from,lrlftb street. FLIJOILING BOLIRDS I Primo Inch Flooring Muds 6 Ant too& various widtbs, Ibr 66k, by no16:Iso • JOSEPH ISNOWYE—PT,- NOTARY vunLmo. No. 89 DIAMOND OTILNET, Prruntsa Acbrumledarmonto;of .Doods, frapostriono and AS- Wits taken. Ain, Dm* Monllogoo. Aotid of difrorarroll, Loma and Lorg. rows of ovary k Ind wrlttoa. oo)lLare ern . Tl..ellree• Office, Leo. I, VW A A LLEGIIENY' CITY COMPRO E notits wArrro.—PaHlea holding Compri.. isle, fondest the Oily of Allegheny, Pa., are hereby notified that the Kinking fund for Itoo nill be fi nanced. In *hoe Bonds at ilia UMW eaten olfroll. Proponde received mall gATURDAY, the 24 day of hbuary, 1004. Ily ante* of the fominittne on Flamm 401114 b,.l4,l,tilfltitliff, Oily grinienrer, . - Ma's and I?7omen's Pelt Overshoes,. Th. b. 4 article fo;. teeplux Ow foot gram dad dry, =2 and ma Orin, at • 110111,ANDN,M1 Marltat Smut, ' woad door . !rota pirth, • Liman km" opposite IMO, Pittsburgh P. inanufsolumm of WHIM, 145111:11 AND tIW MAIM, and ovary dascription of LIATIIDII. BRAD/ND WOUlt.. Ueda* soUsital from Ms undo, %Foods promptly . Mlppsd to par tostremlona. stUtloo LIW.KNA AIRCO° AND AMMO WOUND; _TAP molars AND' pLArnotza. areme-Aarn WINANS/4= of aft kinds furnished ow short Saki. iat Win loft M No. 93_ OSONOILEEN RUNT, Ms doors from WO* or at Foliate' Wall raw Ist" Ne; Itttl Wood lOW, ispl to promptly sttandad to. o . . . ininily WATER 1 uswre, Clfl, HOU AND 8138N1C85 TAX. XA, for 133 aro duo and mil be NO to anew& Brod red at CB, Trealuorta ham, fourth .tent,. during booboos beam or et my mildew% N0.'179 Webster Wept. *melte the Wets Bfo4s, froth 0 ter la. ao. Nal 440 7 o'clock p. a_ doted . 3. B, =NAN, Werke.. 00 Bxa ' "- . -11 ' 43"13a "II LAM altMli_L, .4 , -..-..; - , , .,‘ t :::. - 10 frills sow Seville Liallytlac" -:,:: . - 4-• :. - la calm vas Oairlais, , . ,_, l.itiateroros, _ jun rooked by • : ' ' IMW. ld.ll Onelli TO TAX•rAYABIi 0_ .It , Tlilg ' iidlailliTlerllWl'DlSTlttOT.=Tbar,brew. l wo lb' Qougot Trausrer bombs p z low' D ta the boa& at the mo tat 1 . aslol6 l l Pr LA w' who him pas seWed Ilis awn an regomp!o, __ *Dineketpmallosiandrsad aft: motto- ' ' '- - - . 0.1 r, a .., ..:ALJLlAlSAckasplicAte 4 /.11. ' -,'':- Oa 'etc A . 440 ': 9 • • ' ' .- ; , --.4•--4,4,----:,,,:.,::,"-`,..------A-44-b.,-,.-:;,;&„:L.:::::d Attu= a am Meg . P.Xll, 83 ;rood Street, Continues to sell oft his entire stock of MEWS FIIPSISIEING GOODS, conszxrz N EVSICT BrANCEL OirerCOStillga, Cloths, Cassimeres,itc., Dr TIM YARD, OR =I AXE TO 0,1i.1332C13., • LI our usual uosurpsood style, et COST 'PRICE, Ss lug a reductlm of at Rost SAS PER CENT Oar ugortmout Is atill complete to ❑1 ito brancbeg, d •o lagoon, friend. sad patrota to mate and boy rly, Y wo SS* dadrollll to C'olll oat out ,Lock by tbo FIRST OF JANUARY. 1N434 THIS IS NO HUMBUG As every article Is sold at COST MICE. MO PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CARD PHOTOGRAPM! A FULL LINE JUST RECEIVED, And will Ito aold at LOWER PRICES them any of HESPECTLBLE HOUSE tu ibo Wnt Books, Papers and Magazines LADIES AND GENTLEMEN are repectfolly Red to au and examine the Weir ant wive, at JANES , T. SAMPLE'S, No. 80 Federal at., Allegheny WE SELL AT THE PRICES WE HABUNIC HALL. CALL AND SEE FOR VOCILbELVE. Albums Holding 50 Pictures ? 83 00 Albums Holding 20 Pictures, $1 50 Bo wl,l k Morocco, Mc rlc,..N. We have Altauns Molding tram 1 PRICE RANGE ►ItOM 50 Cg3ll'S 10 IVO cao ea Dou't fail to nal, If you wool Albums Piitock's Photograph Album Depo OPPOSITE TEE POST OTVICE - VAT CAN BE NICER .11,1 err ma.s .eR EKON a' G. K. H. H. F. B. P. L. BALMOBALS CONCERT BALL SHOE STORE •i'OLOPE RID, RIOR HEEL, FANCY IMT. 1011 FL/01cM LIYED. THE HOME CIRCLE, Vnl I THE 130116 CIRCUS, Te. c THE SILT Cli CHORD 2M .Love .. cholas allocilono of Vets/ and 1 triune:AJ Music, elegantly twitud, oult.b CKVSTMAS PRESENTS CHAS. C. MELLOR GOOD! BETTER I BEST ] M. daub!. nil, and double upper BOOTS Nen'. move Cued lIGOT3 Men's line stitcbsd BOOTS; UAW and llieene floe pat. tippet 1161.1 OES L 5, Allaara' and libildrem'a BOOTO, GAITKE kla4 BA LMORALI3, of sr., description, moiling very ion, DIY' Giro no call. JAMBS ROBB, &DI SO NARK= fiTIMET. RECENT SCIENTIFIC PUBMUA- TiONS. Truran on tin. Manufotture of Iron. flopplemont to Ure's Dictionary. Dana. Manual of Goolea Lyoll nn tba Antiquity albs. Bryce'. Rues of the Old Wool& WWI Principle. of Political Economy. Armed'. Groat Stone Nook of Navin , . Apundsi Stadion to Natural Illotory. 70 r cabal KAY IC CO., 55 Wood Must JAMES u.BALPII, my~tl~ Prepares RM.= Daaarriros arras BlirtrlCATionx, fur all kinds of DaIMID, and sperintends their erection on namable terms. Off Los en Anderson street, between Lesrock .4 nobles. streets, Ainsitts.7 h:10 SUPERIOR PIANO FORTE 6011011AKIR I LANG E=l= lIALIAST, DAVIS .4/k CO., BOSTON It can be wen at Oa "Presbyterian Book Beam; 57 Eland street. dettAr OLO - 7 - +KB I Al.o, s•toelt of Gentleman's Shawl set WIITTL . Oltrt A W. VINE DWELLING ON• PENN T. .1.: TOIL BALL.—The lane throe-awl BRICK DWT.1.1.1110, No. B 5 Pena street, below llq .ttool, Y offend lot aide. Pelee WOO. The loom Is well built, turnlahed wlth marble manna, Gen and water. Large yard and alley ta the roar. Any one 'dabble te eta dm bowie tan ostler throne! eta elde pt. . Penn strew. WAY. Jr.. Peon Ito.ninkleyoillo P. II T TRUOLtiTIOING, Es ALL rra mama parchand • lam rock of Ewa.' for COIL wo i an Olt to Mks gnat borgalua oz i Moody low prima PRATHER "BEDS; RATE BUSH AND SPIIIO3 MATTBASSES, OLD urrrnasavx.r.-mad. the bolt manner. mad FEATHER BEDS umonted. A peat variety of BLINDS, EARLS A FLOOR OIL E CLOTH , , EMBOSSED TABLE COVERS; ADD. LAD GSS and MANILLA BO MATS:. - °ABM B INDINGS . Awl emery ne RDERE D edy of Goods kept Is that Urn. W• lodes dm attentke of tin Dahill; putridly to oar WELL. ASSORTED BTOCX. All orders promptly alluded to. plena 0 , 0 no a call at 91/DERAL ETEXET. kilertrouy.' (home formerly_ occupied byldr. Steoplo.) uolt ,DARKER W. IMMO. Fourth drool cars too oat to On Onitmlowar may 1111eso Wooten.. . raft al i. BOQUETS, CUT FI d OW ERS, Aco., formdall to ardor from PROPRIETARY AND REVENUE .2. ill dranalostlosta A fall supply ktPt tonStangr elk toad, at Um Interval Unarm U. No. 07_ Wain strict, nark dcor to Cty_Trau Alt—ting DAVID aka of !atonal WOO. Ifinta—Lettin obaald to wenn to -Alltting, BELTING; ' dem, Gum "Bettleg. Paoktiavllnes, Oadtatt; Law Lath.. and Ilints • a latire stook slime on NM at do In dts litibbsiDeptt -J.* 11. IMILLIPB, daltMt Nan St. MO street., EW.LEAV-LAAD--In tiorces, bbin,; and Ws, Oil/Ater pet etp extremity tor tiorni nee, Al! otans own m drting. LSOI4NHFND. Re; II Touren it., neer Liberty. :skim% Prea . 4.l.lart ; !EN • . sus Oat srsitablo tbr • p•lalsr - of Netime, Medleteei of Ocnateetlattety. Taqtalte iti the BOS TON CRAOKICII BAILIEBT, No. :with street: • 4411411 , • ' 31AUTIN.. SEEDIX3I3 JLA. •1' • now' crop; very fts naked; Alt6il44.taiTerablr., In ir bole, bnyintnl - 4nuter bousoinceintn Oar, MOTHY-BILED.--100 brie& p imeraty OM bat ilia ibrilaialy-t Mari 0:1. • ,11,--qlll:olllotfitesilk'. MEN" .11D rEIIIINE.,)7IEIIIr7 7I . .IS' I 'I .010:7:- Viii! THE STEINWAY PIANOS, sI. Neer Eldattm. Anneas.l «val. Pa. gaga 8. 1888. Being afflicted with a pleura tatter in the arms sal fsee—efter trying many remedies which utterly LBW to rm.--I was sPersuaded, by W. ll:Barris C. to try .I.indsey's Improved . 11lood-Swrcher,” and now, els weeks again:in the taxed dog* pro. Mum* eurett• The teeter brokapat. Some labsg Only rikr an, Cu the inside of My arras, .treading from the eosta down to the ertru ; also on ray Poe, immediately around thensootb and chin, sod continual to be a perfoct torment- te .inso eared by the Blul-Searelter. 'ItlY arms wird at times melees. owing to e deep.crackii and sorts on cumounie to bleed at an y time or the least ewer ! Um to lilt or work. and sometimes to Itchy I mild scarcely prevent taming alaiiDesb. I - -bare noW Jaen cured di weeks, and,lbellt tide. to Mr. Lindsey. amlie tbe public pnerally, to MAU thlt siatrawmt, in hope that others ilka myself -may to benefited by ming his tstrahmble medicine. • Der i• Sworn to and subscribed ttelbrst mitionsof the al dermen la and for the city of dltaburffi; this Witts day of July, A. D.IIWW. ADD. iffolldfiTild, - dMirrestan.— *IMO. Ligaiti-tkar Bit WA" Mil Tay, MIT Ogi "of your =Masa ; ttleaas fend tis tire drawoa.- weld jitt say tbat yoga =edict= las canal a. &mot floral. ea has boa bees tenant an aroyears ytir• Both arar rattan offilis lady's aroutr-you coal 'oara abisera erceldavr Bbe Is at .tbselatithlrottle - Intr: au& t) Acela la growing on terytsat, . - -il74t://106datlirebit ta ring al overthe country.. %Is peoples= airy ouch planed artth tn. atarter aka. _lleass seed us 'statement trout account, aria obligator: Toms truly,' .10101 RA ON & 00., ' -.l:ldertinijndluta &ration. As A TONIC, It WI tie equal. Era , tike. the many ' o l, lthitlitts 4. 4 "it' ters," it created no tuba apietite„ 010 tone 7igor to tr i o, system grad and PFroknentl7. emris and ftwir,-J Ezzo lICEOFtLk, L EitPROTED..BLOO NEW iIVtDENCEL BEWARE OP COInMtM:0:11: Da J. M. LarDurt'A Clinnitmi Mica laussssonEß 4515,74 U _FULTON'S 1111116 prime , each hteL - ' --. •Deitlas all • - - • • Ce.t.f - aa12, 7 1 Jf W.MTON 'Thiattikti ; Wtiolcsaio - MO in/ ell 1121