ES El j, ^vim x s ~ r'~ Igo == 11111 II II .!,.:.U',.q• -, -.;', r,l't IWO 0304. _MnrIiDAY BIO=NO=IpEO. 12,1863 MY AND SUBURBAN wrovascLu. PAP.S.R.ICG "Nepatlszxl:?' Bemis =lieu people have: been inquiring *hat "-Nepotism " weans, as it bee furnished a local contemporary with a subject for a whole series of editorial. articles. " Napes " is Latin, wo believe, for, "otpheto "—but the plain English of the matter is, that in Wash ington, and Harrisburg, and each places, they wilco a difference between -nephews and other tteopfe; nay, it is strongly as&sirted, that they do not always promptly recognize the preten sions of the most portly and , :pomports place hunters—net oven of those wise have an " or gan " at borne, tunnd and pl&Yed by " gifted minds "—when those preten4ons would inter fere with their natural alfection for their nephews, nonce the wry faces, hence the tears, hence the groans, hence &lip joremiades, of our friends with the gifted Minds, alto tune and play the Cluuleal Orgeni;down street. in a word, "Nepos," the lanky dog, though he may have neither a • Cost!irrti Organ nor a "Fitted tabu!" to - play it, goos to Washington • and gets an Arent:trimsr, *bile the " Non- Hopes "—though haring n Camino/ Ocyen and a "gifted mind" to play% goes to Wash ington oak alas! only gota o bIBATPOIXT -117.5.-T. Quota of the 23d :District. The whole number of men' allotted to the 23d district. composed of that part of Alle gheny county lying north and west of the rlveri,together with : the Co:antics of Ba i ler and Armstrong, is 1,373. `. Tin ntanher as signed to each sub-district bas n)t yet been officially announced. Tied following proxi mate estimate is based upon the number en rolled in each sub-district b the first cabs from which alone the dra# will be made. These are'the nett numbers l , - and do hot em brace the customary fiftycent. allowed for exemption after the *et, neither have theyany reference to the Insult of the last draft. Some modificationvniay, therefore, bo made, but probably they'will bo found very nearly correct, and to most snows altogether so. . • • The elm...umber of voitua tecis made up by any sub-district will asompt It from the draft. Insoma of the sub-districts ineaturcs aro on foot to supply their quotas. Credit will be glean for any number however small. The preliminary examination now In pro gress, in cases of "alionage, non-residence, unsuitableness of ago, and manifest perma nent physical disability," Will reduce the number of names from which these quotas are to be drawn very considerably, and in crease in the same proportion the chances of being drafted. 14 • P ? , Y *g. VIS.DI3IIIIC. 6[1.01.7111C1. a - 2: • • A ll l L v 7. L't.ent/ , lil.. - _ Ae~_..: 595 701 ttM=l UL. -...0(5: 128 11.881.88188.--733 4L El'Clure 17 flip 17 Ohio tp..--..-112 17 2%1818818y tp • 1877.110 15 Frantlizi tp ..... 87 17 118.7.4188. tp-.... 57 8 Pine tp ...... eogruly. • Buffalo tp 31 12 Clinton tp 33 01 33 0 Adams Cp.-- . .. - 39 10' Cranberry tp 73 10 Jeckeou A liorto l 3' 111 13 Zelienoplo c roraard tp 32 E JellarsoertF-....-- 72 101 Winfield tp ..... 10 Ileurll.lll tp...--- 55 summit t..... 7 Butler tp:......_.... 53 E Butler troro-__.lo) 13 Constoquenelnlnn. Ed 13 Lannutertp 810427 creek tp... 35 91 A. rostroug musty. 0 1;22702 13 flood 32 Sugar Creek tp.... Washington tp 07 9 Franklin tp ...--327 73 North r/3 South Ituttalo.—.. 77 11 Freeport horti-.-.43 1 12 Leechborg 31 4 Apollo tem' 6o 3 Allegheny tp..i.--1 Klskeruhictestp-.101 Wow the Seidel;ley It Captain ..tray, of. Company G., (Sewickley Rifles) 28th Pennsylvania Regiment, writes to his isister from Chattazeiga, under date of December 2d, and gives in interesting de . aniption of the "octet enge'genients in that vi cinity. We :ero permitted to make the fol lowing extracts In referente to the action on Taylor's Ridge, near Ringgold The fight was a very severe one, ns the en emy harl.tho advantage ef a high and steep hill, covered with underbriish. Ilut they were routed and driven over the top of the hill— not, however, without severe loss on oar part. The 28th Regiment lost' thirtiAlve killed and wounded. Company (Host five wounded— Corporals Grady and Angent, Robert Herr, Rhodes and Weir. Grady" was the most dan gerously injured, having ,bcori shot through the loft side. Ile was still living, however, and it was thought that:With good care ho would recover. Ile was in good spirits. Slngent's wound was not dangerous, bet very painful—a spent ball having: buried liaelt in tbo right shoulder. It was still in the wound, and would have to bo cut out. Herr was wounded in the right tog, below tho knee— but it was only a flesh wound, as the hall pass ed through withoUt tonehing the bone. Ito will seartely be fit foe service again daring his term of enlistment, at ha bas only eeveo months to serve. WAs .is and was wounded in thet right leg above the knee—avery bad, but net b dangerous wound. Ali the wounded men baited most gallantly, and when Harr was shot , ho would not allow any one to leave thertelil with him until the fight lru over. P. B.—We have already announced the death of Corporal Grady, and the reported death of Rhoda's, but wo hope that both state ments are unfounded. -.4 J. G. Holland!' Lecture. In the long list of Oretient names, an tomcod by the Librari 4sthoiation for their ionise of lectures this Winter, we are sure there trill bo none more Warmly greeted than than that of the Author a "totters to Young People end "Bitter Sweet... We haot oven now, many pleasant remom broncos of nitoomb's".feetard on “Fashion," delivered in this city brit January, and we ore confident his locturo the "National Heart" will not disappoint In. Holland is one of the American authors' who has com manded the attention 011orees of Once litera ture throughout the world. Ms last book— ”Lottors to the Jouesell'hos already mode a favorable impnuodon, Me hada= on fdlinday tuning at Leroy° tto Ntw Catins, DXC. 111 5 1 1 363.—Editon Go tette : At s•mootiog :or . tho citizens of this County on the 7th init4. for the PorPoto of offerings bounty for volunteers, so as to pre vent n draft, the COunty' Commissioners crerci ordered to tory a tai sufnelent to pay n bounty to now reemip; of $25 0..- ead to Wa rgo, $.300--which we think will Allow quota. Bearer County has done pW Sarno. ' •, , ' Linessen. Tniuras,-To-night Uri IL E. J. Miles wakes hie. tart appearance' In two capital - dramas—J!..lleme, - the Sauter," and ikJaek bSheppard Ijorarbeirdi.'!, !lie will be assisted hrhis welthrsined holier eitdtho entire stock company:::llls next engagement Is at the elleward," Boehm. ,Ire treat our brethren of the press will extend tolkhn the right hand _of felk.erstdp, IS he 11 . 64i4 . ervizig artiste, And worthy of nears.' '. kl . ... ._ -. i Hsu' Boni, ,Ic;--All the New Books, Mag. ~w ines Ana. NeWspepies Of the week, and on the Dims Newels and - Dldici Song Books an 'i be bidet Brink Casi's Noll' Depot, Clitantelo iuftdin_ . Azar 1 .i. f:.A Liii.c.,.14,;:tc.61. than fine ....ancl.- . :- -,.. - r ... -ionna . prices: • ... . 1 .4.00 r cannmenti.? oo4 , , H" - ''' le e b. " o ..''''_ wocting,oo7 " II: gory Sosircudnn, &turn; and Drawer*, 0 , , , ... WI and Us in,T , ii 4'O O E °13:0 ' 3 •;• , : - "ige •- at : MiClel.bnd'sAngtinn: •- - 1 , . ::... itdi r hers o a Pittock , o , .. . : .•.'.. ,: ~...,- -...,: , -. 1 -- , - 7 ~,- - • L .' ........,.. ' ' 2.l' ' ' Mt ; '...,''f ~.. . ~..... •',• - •T• t ' — ' - f . x - 0 0 ToCt# 11 . wri - - - 45.- , •1.. - 1 ,, , , ,--!..•„- - " , ,..tts,:,' ..,,....0.•••• -, .r .-k,:i.,s -.. •. ,-, ;. ,- „,..4 , , , ,,,,--;-..,....41 , ,,,,:. ;.9 4!:?,:,.;i7 . :" — 4 ,4 i 4 ..f.. — iinT.."4." t,..: t .'. •," ,',—. 1 1 i , ~..i, . 2. . ?4*'— ' , • ' . .t. , . . EMI Qkleas klett.—By 'rah, R+ h, An thor of "Na ll:tails,' "Adele," ex., etc. Time rolnenes in ono. Now York: D. Appleton & Co. Pltteborzh: for oto by U. S. Davie, 73 Wood attest. tiT.pp. A delightful story of English life—perhaps as probable, or possible, as may consist with the my:Moments of the art of • story teller like Bliss Kavanagh, who naturally works out striking situations and strong effects, upon almost any given field of action, for which her imagination creates the characters• Who ever will open ...MO" will not willingly close it for many an bent., we venture to predict on the strength of a certain faculty of ours, which never fails to give accurately the proginori. of an attack of novel-reading under such (mom- le circumstances as exist in this case. one.. LAXT Treat AT Sr. 3i•V.T . S. IV the Author of nothelge," "The Sothertatele, - Frank Weertlytton," etc. New York Carleton. Pitt,- btirgh Ilmer7 Slitter. Filth Street, (enxt awl to the l'wt omen.) =lop. 12mo. This exquisitely touching and beautiful story was published about three or four years ago, and, as it well deserved, received the warmest praises from the ;press and the pub lic. It is now re-published uniform with the other works of its author, the names of which are already "familiar as household words" to most readers. The scone of " Loulo's Last Term " is laid at St. hlary's Hall, Burling ton, Now Jersey, daring the lifetime of its founder, Bishop Doane. • But what it depicts of life and character may be verified and run- lined anywherc—tmerywhere. TIT Taxmen Boy, and How le Became Command er-a-Chief. By Uncle Javierll. Edit., by Wil liam Thayer, Milli, of The Flonorr Coy, - or. Medea Walker, Wier awl Co. : for N=3=o== cupp• IGmo. This is a life of General Washington, writ ten for boys, and written in such a manner ea to excite the interest and to satisfy the some what exacting and peculiar requirements of that elms of readers. " Uncle Juvinell" toils the story of the " Farmer Boy " to a number of youngsters assembled during the long eve nings of some past holiday season, around the cheerful fireside of some pleasant Kentucky home—the exact whereabouts of which, per haps the more curious of our readers, after they shall have made acquaintonce on our re commendation `with Uncle Juvicell's story, and hit little nephews and nciocs who heard It, may wish to find out ; but we can only hint that, in much case, a certain Mr. Morri son heady, of Elk Creek, Spencer county, -- in that State, could probably giva the desired information. The book satisfactorily tetras the design of its author, which was to '• set forth, in a manner more calculated to attract and impress the youthful mind than hos per haps bean heretofore) attempted, the life and character of our good and great licoiga Washington." Out. ItSCOSID Or T. SPlrs, SVVOGGYIS, ♦sn RLI.E Ell 1.1•21. IN Tr, SI.ACE. IMIob• Selectious fool the i" Annals of the Army of the Csamborland.' By o Officer. Philadelphia .1. B. Lippincott an. Co. Pittsburgh for sale by 'Kay sod C... AA 'Wood .treat. =pp. We noticed come wake ago the beautiful and interesting volume from which these selections have been made, and will say that this pamphlet—Of we may call a solid oc tavo volume of over 100 pages by that :none, because it happens to be to a paper cover and sold for a dollarHeentains a multitude of the atailoble good things in the larger volume; just such things os one's memory makes tempo - rary deposits of, in the Sociable Bank—stories of adventure, biographic sketches, anecdotes, etc, cite. Many of these would long era this have done service in our columns, but for the daily pressure which we have experienced for months past. Tam Dars or SILOODS. A NOVEL or roe GRIAT BKIILL.L.IOX is 18.61.—This new story by Drury Morton!, author of "Shoulder Straps," has, since its announcement, excited quite a furor of expectation—which of course its very title was sufficient to do, without the additional stimulus of shrewd hints from the ME Aicr - dt - r - ar;;;trr: - 'Richland 51 B 'Wanton GG 0 Staler ......... 190 27 Rearm tp .. . ... 40 Dud nano born 170 21 Slainetburt, 12 Indiana tp lra Nati:Mcer .... 61 9 rt 10 Tarantula taro._ :v.' Fanh a Ilirrlson..l4 l ; 19 knowing ones that a rod was In pickle which would make some people smart. Well, here at length Is the book, from tho press of Messrs. Peterson Br4thers, of 'Philadelphia, pre sented to us in a vary readable duodecimo form, in paper covers at sl,oo—a stout vol ume of 478 pages, with a portrait on steel ..f the author. Th. Philadelphia‘Esywirer spool, of it as follows : Wo have no hesitatton in M= t _ Canty° tp .4 3 tp 71 10 'ltotte-al CC 9 Fair3laar tp...- . .... 71 10 t d tp ...... -... 77 8 Clay p 70 Il Brady tp. ...... ..._. 43 I i Waith tp.......„ 73 II ISlippyryrock (21 to Mercy tp 78 8 Watitiagton tp..._ 78 11 Pallier tr. 87 P 2 adlezi,tatty tp. ....... 77 8 Vltcang 3 . IPCI 8 m .... , 4t. tr -CC 9 Israccar tp. ...... _. .Tt 7 . . . . saying that the sensation likely to he created by this work will be a decided one.. It will be remembered that the previous novel of tho same series, "Shoulder Straps," handled without gloves the gentry in blue and brass who walk the streets of our northern cities, without using the opportunities to further the great national cause, while it also involved a story interest of the most absorbing charm • tor. The new volume deals blows of the same farce arthe whide brood of "shoddy contrac tors" and other governmental swindlers, and at the great mass of official ineapables oh hare so Paralysed and perplexed the "War for the Union . " The story lying at the bot tom of this is so strange, es almost to deserve the phrase wiarfling, and vro are only prevented giving a peep at it by unwillingness to fore stall what is-likely to be a general —For sale in Pittsburgh by John P. Jinni, Masonienall, Si Fifth street, Henry Miner, next door to the Postoffire, and by W. A. Gil dentenny, 45 Fifth street. Anlilroup • •voutv. Buni , ll t.....„ lquittr,k..... ..... 171 91 lintariol94 1 1 , 94 73 )lass9rtp 141 12 Klll44ming buto'..lb9 9 17 17 Pitm , ,tp. l•# 19 Bladison'tp .... ...... 79 11 BlidttmlOtt tP-. 97 33 tte4l:ll49k 1p 127 17 Wtsysto tp.............101 14 Conionlututtoct tpl:9l 19 On Thursday night, some thief entered a stable located on an alloy, between Beaver and Market Streets, Manchester, in the roar of Pe'bush's tavern, and stole two •hor ses belonging to Messrs. Gloss and Murdock, sand dealers. The halters with which the hones lied been tied were cut, and the ani mals spirited away. One of them was a large brown, and blind of an eye. Tho other was a large bay. and both were ordinary draft. horses. A liberal reward will he paid for any information leading to the recovery of the animals. MUSICAL TYPROVEYEST.—WO trait that our readers will not forgot the rare opportunity for musical improvement, offered by the pro sonce hero and instructions of Prof. John Zundcl, Musical Director and Organist at Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. We should like and hope to too the entire musical talent marshal Wider the banner of tho veteran composer, and got up such a con cert of grand oratorio music as will stir up and gladden the hearts of all that have a soul for music. Mr. %andel, we (care, will be et his rooms, No. SZ St. Clair street (Curry's Nor mal Institute) from throe to six o'clock, p. m., and from seven to ten o'clock, p m., 'there those wishing to perfect themselves in music can meet him. ROWDYISM 13 ALL6OIIIOY.—On Thursday night, two men named Hodle and Shoenbarg er attacked the beer hail of Mra.Fratich, on Liberty street, in the Fourth Ward, Allegho ny, and kicked a hole to the door largo enough to let a pig through. The only reason for so doing tray because rho would not lot them in to got a:drictic. Officers Woods and Bailey ar rested tlO rowdies and locked them up for o hearing. Mn. F. appeared on Friday and had a conversation with them in German, and declined to prosecute, after which they were discharged. They no doubt agreed to make matters satisfactory. Teo Now Yottsc Wasabtas.—Full supplies of these popuLsx journals regularly received by elrtirs 1 7. VitstOlreso on publi cat ion, and; Periodical Depot, Fifth street, opposite the Poet-effice. Call for copies of this week's Independent and Sunday Nitrated, and next week's Illustrated Hewn, Efarper's Weekly, Frank Leslie. Blue treed Newspaper, eto. Vounrratus Artarnos I—For the derange ments of the system incidental to the change of diet, Wounds, Eruptions, and exposures which every Volunteer is liable to, there are no remedies so safe, convenient, and reliable u Ilolloways Pills and Ointment, 25 , cents 209. Javretar, 2.1.' Roberta, N 0.17 Fifth street, is now opening the most choice stock of tine Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Silver ware and Fancy Goods ever displayed in this city, and is railing tbem at remarkably low prime. DMAL learrrurn, No. 251 Penn street, Ls the place where yen nen get the best. cheap dentistry In the city. Don't forget the place, No. 251 Penn street, near Ilancock. Denrwst.en complete Direct and :Excise Tax System. or sale at Plasma's, opposite Post Office. DIAOLOiII of tho Battlo-Fiohl of Gott's burg, to be had at Pittock's, oppoeito Pox Ofko. GIUND opening of Ladies' Fare, this morn ing, at J. Finch's, corner of Grant and Fifth stroets. Lxnl►s' and Mises' Wool and ,Morin Hosioty, at Meelolland'a Auction lions°. 00173' Boys' and Childscres_CalrkFlp nolk 9min Bootee Our Book Table. Horses Stolen Limozirr.. - -A Germs' named Wm. Mueller, residing in Pitt township, was yesterday w rested on a cbargo of steeling goods from the trimming store of Deem. Eaton, Discreto Co., where he was employed as a packer or laborer. About thirty dollars' worth of the stolen goods were found at his home. Hewes committed to Jail by Alderman Donaldson. Ax OFFICER Hr Tin ARYTWSLITZS : "At In spection I noticed that a large proportion of the men's knapsacks contained a box of Troches, being generally used by them for colds, etc." " Llreirn't Bronchial Trochee' should bo in every soldier's knapsack or pock et, to be used up on the Drat appearance of a avid or cough. VIOLATION O OLIDINLISCIL-4. B. Wallace and George W. Richardson, countrymen, were yesterday fined by Mayor Sawyer, for driving over the side-walks. Robert Campbell was fined for selling beef without having it weighed on the city scales. Brascalsc.—Subseriptions taken for any of tho Bingtisines or Papers, at lowest prices, at Frank Case's News Depot, 70 Fifth street. MARRIED DELL—NICIIOLSON.--Ou Thursday craning, D. loth, by Der. Jam. lUDs, at the raddenco of the bride's father, it,,. !itch:liven, Tani., ?Jr. WM. BELL, of Peleeki county, 111., and KM EMMA NICIIDLSON, of thb city. WALLACE—MALION.—On Tharsilsy osening The. 10th, 1S 1, by tho Iles. W. D. Ilossurd, D. IL, 11. P. WALLACE and EMMA IitALIODI, all of this Mty. No cards. DIED: LEIIII/111.—On Thursday ovening, Dec. 10111, at 10 o'clock, JOHN, eon of John and Susan Lehman, agol t years, 11 months and 10 day, The funeral will take place on SATURDAY AXITAL ADOK, all o'clock, from the ;voidance of 1110 parents, Franklin alley, Allegheny City. The friends of family nre reepectrtilly invited to attend. ZUG.—On Wodneeday morning, Deorin ►t OokLind, I:LIZA, wife of Chrittopher Zug, in the 53.1 year of her ago. =2 a 10 o'clock, from the rraidertce of her bustarld, iu Ooklsod. Carriages trill leave coruer of Seventh and Smithfield streets at 9 o'clock. St pficlT&G. RAP ALBUMS I PHOTOGRAPH ALBIIHS I PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS aforocno, holding .73 Picture., $1 b 3 and orrazda. .3100.00, balding 30 Plcturcs, In thwad upwards. II o ma.. , bolding 30 Picture, in 50 ..d .1... d. Iftereim, holding 80 Pict urea, $3 80 and upwanla Moro. co, bolding SO Mellow, 13 60 and upward. bohling O Pletztros,SS &O and urwarai. AU elyl,n, ft na 50 mate (with gilt edge and clop,) marls. The BEST place to buy Photograph Albums to at JOHN P. EIIIITI3, No. 59 FM h Street, Masonic Ilan All AlLame Are warraAte.l of the bad [inks AAA terial. PbotogrAph [Ards hum to cons par doc apirasda. tio3o NO MORE GRAY LUXURIANT LIAM BY USING THEC U Y tuNATUR To rratuting eul beautifying the Oat, This is an article but trtently introdnowl Into MU country, but ha+ long boon tavoraLly known by the nobility of thrlr only el:twin:al HAIR RESTORER. It Is complete within Itself, no other Area:nog or arronapantmcnt of any kind being nem. wry to ware the attainment of the Following dent raiser Iswolts, ot h er than • ciao compliance with the thructione : I. n oral, la eaves own mosnew, rwlere Ora; Their to in ma'am/ rolar. 2. n wilt usaLa it grow no Beal Heal. 3. /I will watery Nu Nriteruf Senn:ties. 4. it tral MOM I.Mmlrtif and 100810 g. a. It ..72 air ]lair Felt ea.l Wavy. G. It will prows. tie Original Cm.: to OM do. 7. ft wt pristat the liar/rem Failiarp Qt. b. ft viirrear a 0 jlaaltb itr &alp. It ie not a Dye ; contains on Nitrate of /Direr, or soy other bwrreDeet Injurious to either Skin or /Lair. Otie DOLLAIL For sale by all rsrpuctalile Drunlata bialON JOtINHTON, thmeral Agent, On. of Sculthflcld and Fourth 84... Pittsburgh. nolalreurawY pu KVIANCE'S PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, CORN ICU FIFTH AND mAuKET ST6LLTB • (11 end nd stud., over Illchardson • • Jamalry nor%) Prrissatos, Pa. H CYr ( )4_4 11..A1.1-11S. of aim and stylo, pl.l or rolOmof. from lbo popular that. do Punt. to °ebb:A •nd life .to. PO C.V IA Nck would tarticularly call MG •t -toutioe of the ACED kNIP LNTIE.SI to the wry or rooribility of Ott entabilobmont, bolog reached by slog]. short litttht of stairs. Prices modoral. fat infaction guaronte..l. torAlyzalabt H A'rS N D CADS I Of eveu style E.A.I)IICS' FURS or enrnry kind and q‘ality. LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS MEE= HT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT McCORD & 0028, rtlAY, at 4 p. m., sml Zanesville every Fall/AT, at a o'clock EU. The no. steamer J Oda, Wns. Com mander, leaves Pittaburalt avrry SratilinAr, at 1 p. m., and Zanevville elery Y, at It .clerk co. For freight or spp/i ou I.oard or to J. P. COL, LING WOOD, Agent, Pittsburgh 11. S PI UWE a CO., Aerats, non Z-saoaville, ULM. 1 4 10 V ME NI I'll IS —The fine k aa ar IJ.••rl....l+teax.r DAL:LING. Copt T. T Itarba..r. sill 1,1. a.• Alrow+ 1• TUTS DA 1(.120s 4 .• el•ock p In. For Ireigla pasattzn apply otel....artl .1 to 3. P. ou,(ANO*0011, etwala. M 1,7 JoLIN FLACK. TUN HOAX, CALL. ]t' nvaily any of 11, 0,1..1, = Songs, Trios, Quartetts and Choruses publish.] ml. Lk.), 11..411d Lr iu every lopl bum, is rrer,No*, and .nand ovary [way ars,- fpr it will twit.ll , o r 1,111., It arostgem, =I I-' Oopl,ll In af‘e.l on n‘ , lpt of 35 tent, CHAS. C. NELLOR. el WOOD STRIVII. Iran Mcrl'AlWati MA Mild , : WORKS, I= A hooollful oto:1 ...Lod amourtmont of MARBLE MANTELS. Monuments and Grave Stones. PLASTiIi PAUL% HOSENDALIC AND JOON& I=l 173(klyus i sAAC uke i 6, Ul Yl7l, Err HAW ALLEGHT.NIf CM, Keep ronetently on bend Isego an 4 t Nesenned etaii of DXGKING, BOAT AND=Z PLANK, WINDOW PRAMS STOP! LINTLYS, SUB-SILLS, JOISTS, SPOUTING, LA +IIE, PAL INGS, Ac., An.. kn. lie rill CII orders for SAWED STUNT with prorefOneee Sad at fair Wry. N. D. Perrot. wuttlag LONO TIMDCIt or POP LAN are partlenlary Invited to ,maralne hl. et.x.k. 81 - 0121te on Craig street, near !Connote:l. arelf.;ll TEETH kaTILACTED WITHOUT PAIN.—We take this rustlnal of informing our friends and the entic generally that no are now 17=1;1 toL:XoTnnt,C.7.42Bl TLw 71.1 I ,, T t 7 . o k b , a .. PtlN postponing this am& draiTed operathrt, may now lay aside their Awes and en, ne a mil, ea the sp we ham In nee bee lwrs thoroughly tested d tr Mtis ' past four Tram, folly establishing the sakr. insd pub isa chanties- a the operation. No Drugs or Cemi cals am Galvanic flattery surd. All them wishing the orrricet of a good and rollshis Deutbt will do well to call and numb with JANIS N. NINO, D. 0,8., No. LW Yoltet, 4trwt, , Da. 0. K.lllO, No. 47 Ssalebtekt strtot, Pitt. baich. jetfloutz CITI or ALLIOCIIMT./ Treaeureee Odlne, Dec. 1, lend. f In AzA LLECIIIENY CITY CONTPROMISE BONDS WANTLD.—Parties bolding Contpro role* !nut& of the City of Allegheny, Pa., are hereby willed that the 'Pinking Food fur legAdwill ho lo wetted to thou Donee at the Warta rata offered. Propoesie received until dATUBDAY, the Si day of JutuarY,ll.ot, By order of the Committee on Tinonee. &Chi D. MACFEBRON, City Trounrer. AILOSTAW? troeurcanarreirs uretcs, 1 Comm CI and =I etrecte, , • WeeOngten„ D. C.. Nor. 27th, 1803. NOTICE.—The publig sale of Quarter maeterf awes, advertised for WEDNESDAY, the 24 of December, to pootronrd antil WEDNES DAY, the MA. C. It. TOD PRINS, dattd Caplan sad A. Q. M. 0. 6. A. DU iv AIIERNIAN GLIla on ti n Union bath, Land., and Sight raw as wary Important town iu Garmany, France, Switzerland out Gall, tor este in 11.1. to ni t yur cf by WM. U. WILLLAMO & CO., s rs oldhes . Wood anat. earner or Thtot. 7k 7 r ." 1.5fi11ig 1 3.S ORANUEt4; tr 23 boars LEMONS; Jod TeCelTod sod for sale tiy RISTWEU h BROS., a g Hoe. 126 sad 13 Wood Greet. APPLES -41 barrels Rainbows, BCH nofila""' n"a • b 6 ,014,11. COLT4N 9. % " /Wanr i l ri a . t ;73 ° 4L d41117 l Day APPLE:4.-50 bushels Bright Dry Apples for side by del ,WN. I% BECK & CO bids now landing I...outman:4th rorssisty DICKEY &CO. 200 t. -------- 1 1 11.BESE, to bo closed El,, ° ll ~ ter ;intent. if called for soca sole • . WEBB . * WILKINSON. boCKET. ANb TABLE CUTLERY 1 a . amortokolt . sale ~y ' • oat . : , . JAW-W . /MY/N. 134 Wood Moot, _____. "1 ,ARII-200 _tiercesima Is Lenf a.A.L.alast,owtatbri" - br: - : • • , ; moll 11:WALLAUC, .153 La Qtly street VIEW t AtlkEt3"-730A) ~b 1 2141 p ZWIRKAS, wurro,ti.. At `t.,. Zip, Wrath 4-4011` EMS I . E DAP' 6100DS, Ito OLIDAY BALES JOS.4IORNE'S BRINING STORE. 77 and 79 Market St, To-do? to comarnoo onr Mega. IloUs) Soles o. Embroideries, Lace Goods, and Linen Handkereheifs. Our stock of those Goods la more complete then LL any former anima. The prices base tern merited down. We hero also jest opened • choke tot of Worked Slipper Pasterns, fancy Mono, gags, and FlllO Oraldmere Scads, suitable fur HOLIDAY GIFTS. Our stock of other . Seasonable Goads le well se waled 10 Cloak Ornaments, Bead Climps,_ Velvets and °impure Laces, Bilk and Felt Hats Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, Stookings,_ Wool Hoods, Sacques, &outage, Balmoral Shirts, Quaker Shirts, Coreete, HEAD DRESSES, LADIES' MERINO V 114191.151 ANI) DRAW Ird-LS. Men's Undershirts and Drawers. Of tbo best mak. FUR GAUNTLETS, HEAVY DRIVING GLOVES =I NOTIONS. 93IALL WARES GENERALLY Wholesale Rooms np etalty. Merchants and di others who louy to mil twain supplied at limost whole. 'step rates. JOS. HORNE & CO., 77 and 79 Market Street N A large and splendid asairtrarnt of Goods (or HOLIDAY PRESENTS Coutfaang, In part, or Morocco Satchels, Port-Moivudes, Purses and Wallets PHOTOGRAPH ALBO.Hfi =2 Belts, Belt-Buckles, Jet Breastpins and Sets, Ear Rings, Shawl aid Scarf tins, Shell Boxes, In laid Shell Combs, Head- dresses, Hair Nets, Hoods. linbias, Bontags and Comforts. LADIES' AHD BERT'S SCARPS !laileac, Imre mad Embroidered Col- lars, Illem-Eltltched and Embrol. dered Usudkernhiefa, U ~oinoei; ICo~gony 9mrill ~'Yarei, At Wholesale and Retail. Oita no a it 1.4. re purchtaing otaewhate.l.l we [Pot r.•ufi.L•nt that nut prime will be krutal met) MACRUM & GLYDE, TS DIAttRIST STREET, Fourth and Insnurod etwet H o! FOS THE HOLIDAYS I Elegant Lace Collars and Seta ; Rich Lace Handkerchiefs; Prussian Laco Veils; Stuart Plaid Ribbons; Embroidered Handkerchiefs ; Hoods, Sontags, Nnbiss; Blosquitaire Kid Gloves ; Gents. Kid and Back Gauntlets; Fine Dress Shirts ; Linen and Paper Collars; small wares to an =allow variety, and notions at every dm:rumors, EATON, lOACRUM & CO'S, 17 AND 19 FIFTH ST W . bolo/tole parrhooon .111 dad oar .lock equal to Amy to the city, whit. our tertol for cuh u+ tiro molt 'Wont/ and tuductng. I~ItN FAKE FOR CILRISTMA.`t J. M. BURCHFIELD, N. E. cor. Fourth and Market Streets, Ilan on hand rer7 handacano Goods [or Christmas Presents! Loco Collars, Xcedlo Worked Collars; Embroidered Liata Cambric Wdk•fsi =9 Poplins, Empress Cloth i Oolored sad 14,c1; Handsome Cloaks I Do. Shawls and Scarfs:l With full martmentof eLD LIDS. of DDT GOOD& grim ouu.A.lii4 EATON, HAOBUN & 00., Doc D AND 10 rurrn SIBLIPT. Prreannias, P I=l Atkinson'e Steel Sollars andthiffs, Tomoolkd Arblts, hallos the appearance and aotn• 1011 of Linen. To ogltto47 m and traToUrt tbq in Invaluable. IMAM 111.103 or IrtZIL WWII LIM CMS: Gent's Standing" 00 oath. Tuna., I 03 1 150 per talc Ladle& Narrow 0011ar5...--.-1.„ 1 00 each. I 50 per pat.. Boot by poet on receipt of $1 15. Elteel Dollen rrenankelloa for Its cettle or rre •la exchange• NSW OOLLAII.tor an OLD OHL, pro. riding It le lot broke or bent Dr SS vents. The trade Kepi:Mod It the dew York Agent's prior. Inn price Wt &Urea DATOD, IikODITS A 0J.,. whit Fetuberrah. Pe' - aL NEW GOODS I LANL, WA.IIOIV & COmi vic.:llo •olve I= ' . )4D:lpailtbritM,l3Eti AND CAILDAE underwear, Imitable limatiatat El MN AhMil liatyirtAz. 4p s . :,N. 4tt. - 4-:-. • -.4;;% k"iiM siewirG Jrf4 GROVER Ar. RAKERS • MIME ECEWIHO PLACHIIinD3. THG OHLT GOLD KNOOL Pot Awarded to Sontag Math ns In Tratunn Thom Mathis. were awarded the Preset. weer off oneownlore, for the Ant Mahan t)onair &Wag the Be, iferouhcarriao Mochmea end Um Bic If Work, at the Atilowmg Stan rens, of Mat Noe Teri ems. Fair, First ?minim Ibr family Machine. rtna That Premium for double-thred machine— Prmalum for =chine work. renewal Sage Fair. TIM Premicon for family machlua. Firet Premium for manufacturing machimo. Tint Premium formarblue work. lowa Sias Par. _ Mort Premium for family machine. PIM Premium for remonfacturin madam First Premium for mum blue work. Bale lair. • First Premium for family machine. - TIM Premium for manufectoring =slam Wird dre min., for =chino work. /who 6Mat First Premium for mealm kw all purpose*. VIM Premium for machine; wort. Bat. u Stets Fot, Tint Premimn for machine for dl purpose. Ilr4 Premium for vendettas work. 45t.47,13k.te Feb. First Premhtm for machine far all purport First Premium for machine work. Poweglsnalo Safe Fair. Int Premium Gar manenteturing =chine. First Premium for beautiful machine work. Ofslo Bon Par. First Premium for machine work. And at tho tollowinz County Fairs: Manske Co. (Pl.) Aprfarlfenel Sandy. First Premium for family machine. First Premium for Insaufeeturing machine Vint Premium for machine work. Ohosepionet Vain (P 1) Aoriceit , eva Senses. hint Premium for family machine. Vint Premium for manufacturing machine, First Premium for machttut work. Mood= Os. (Ham) Aarionfterat Boo( . Diploma for finally machine. =ma for machine work. Lb. X. Y.l Pair. I (First Premium for Manny .14111:14 - 11rst.Prernium for manufactmlog machine. Owes Cb. (N. Y.) Agrievitural Seven,. Finn Premium for funny machine. TrodOnatoe Cb. (X. Y. Poo. - Tint Premium for Llmily mead.. Saredoyo Co. X. Y.) Fair. Flue Premium for family machine. Slevarrefees hograte (Po.) Far. Met premium for machine for all purpeens. Vint Premium for machine work. The above comprises all the Fairs at which the GISOYSIt A Deth.Ell MACIIINES were exhibited this year. At °duly all of them the loading Sewing Idathimn were in competition. The work made noon the Orem& Baker Sewing Machine lass received tho _First PVIIII.II at every State Pair in the United State. where it has been exhibited to this date. Ades Samos, No. DI FIFTH Sr.Pitfabergh, Pa. reDamset.nrir to. P. CRATONDY. Agent. JOISCELL.4JUEO US FAMILY DYE COLORS. PATENTED OCTOBER. 13, MB. 1 . 1.tc4 ft& Rik, Dmrk Noe, Llat Due F tp norillileas, Claret Drown Dark Brom., Lkk , m. ate, 13,1 carry, Durk Drub, /dgbi Prot, Porn. Drab 14. Fara Drab For Dyeing SLik Peat Tiers, Kid Iloveti,thilidon'. Clothing, and lauds of Wearing Apparel. ear A SAN'llitl OP SO PEE rid 25 cents yob can miler as many goods as would otherwise mat tlro times that mm. Various shades bs produced from tho same dye. l'Ut proms Is simple, and any one on use the dye with perfect mums. Direction. IP English, /reach anti OVII/1811, 'amide of each package. for farther Information In Dyeing, and giving s overknowledge what colors are taut adapted to dye over others, with rainy valuable recipes.) purchase Howe it Stevens . Triatisio on Dyeing and Wilting. Soot by mall on ',Apt of price—lo cents. Ilantifactered by itowg a STEN - Mai, AD Broadway, Boston. tkand dentin generally. For sal° by drugzia • ANALYSI.- ..... 31.50. Lou.-- .01 Woman—. --10.40. ISE3 _ . Having accepted the Agency for tho ale of the SEMPLE CLAY, mined oar St. Louie, ItoL. I in vite the Mention of Chia. and Stool linnufacturece to lb. Aoaly•i• given above, am reported by Prof. A. A. Hays, a Boston, and J. C. Booth, of Philadelphia, which, together with the tat of actual aperiena by manufacturers to Pitteburgh. Cincinnati and St. tottlail, determines it to Le the prima and mad vain, able Clay now known, whetha Foreign or Amerkan. Pots made from it have stood In the Wm Forum Iron, g% be 9 months. The Analyais to of tho taken from tho mina, without my washing or preparation whatever. I, [maws great adialveness and platicity qrsolilio, wtiich m not Acorn by Um Ausiple, mol which ad mit of the mature of • large proportion of shell or burned clay. I am tow prepared toll' orders for thwabore Clay to be to from Bt. Louts or delivered hero. BtKIK AND NEWS DErtfr. PRANK P. CASE, Chronicle onuama, Filth !Direct, BOOKSEILIK, NKEDEALER AND STATIONS, And deter In Magazines, Newspapers, AND CHEAP PUBLICATIONS GENEIIALLY Bow rawly, . IMMO woodman! of VIIO^INL/GI.t.A.P•II .A.L.I3UMS For the lloildnye, of low prices. Also, DIARIES FOE 1864. a WI stock of STATIONERY, of all land,, ahra on hand. The WEST ENVELOPE, lb. BESS P PEES, at lon plc., AU 0111 DIME NOVELS end DIME SONG ROOKS, aR the MAGAZINES, WEEKLY TAPERS, and NEW YORK, DIIILADELPIIIA and CINCIN NATI DAILIES rentivod regehtrly. Ogir Soincriptlona reoeinal for nil Magazines and rap:T4 ... rsblishere price. d • TE\V BOOKS, NEW BOOKS! ..LN Daring and Suffering. A history of the Great Railroad Alienator. In Chorgia, by tient. \Valiant \granger. I ea. Beyond the Linea ; or, A Ranker, Prisoner Loom in Diok. Ike Marren; Nen Book—'My Farm of Edgencen:L . 1 volume. The Last Time, by Sass. ifeudell Phlllfpo' Speeches and Lectures. Our Scutdry School, and Slaw we Manna It. k_ tans supply Just recclrcd. not J. L. mei% 78 Fourth strait.. GOODS.—Now in stern N.—, awl fur sate: 2000 bbla. Tort Stole, Illehlizos and Ohlo Apple 1000 bush. Potatoes; 4000 lbs. Buckwheat Flour; 50bbls. Lake Shore Turnips; 150 do BlekoryiNutr, BM blab. Walnuts; 15 bbls. Sweet Cider, 50 do Whips Ourn Meal; tri do llarolny Quito; 00 do Filet lloroluy; 6 do eholco 801 l flutter; 10 chow bases do do; la Vs Kroll Dul te .. i fibla. 141 a Oaka 134;a; 1200 Inuth. W I blto Beans; 10 bbis 'Callon; . 100 Da. old 01do Bacon; don ~c L. H. VOICIT & CO. pRODUCK. CM Direkorbeat Finui r 5033. stag COO Ms froth Solt Batten' 5303 tbe.c.boico puked dc... 100 dux. Fancy Dpiomtt • . .L 1 .•• lOtibtds. Monett and MO btu& Dried Apple.; 530 bozos Ombra ChOeite; 100 do Western Deem; ' IYI do 21.311 th Aden ' WO l'amdyl.lour, In stekr. .13:0 both dritil Pemba., to arritv.: . 300 do do Apple; thi; _ In atom and to antra and for solo by de7 RLDDLI, MD Liberty atm • SUUAIt AND MOLASSfg.:. N. • Nor. M AA& N. O. Sager; &O do WA do; - MO bide O. Upham • ' 75 chests Green Tear, , • AO du Mack do; P 25 bones assartai Brands Tobaecm. 500pkgs Meckerel, Peden Prime 1 , 1. W Lard, , Nettle Erndered, and* genend Mock of moods in oigr line, for lab walla II tore . imed arriving at , lIIMOOKALD and 4! AIIMXIALLN -• . de2 . 242 gig Libertytetreet. AOF.FICE UKQUIRED.FOR ". • ItEOAUITINU PURPOSES:- Address, ..I. 7..583EN., 184'11.8. /40ILAtry," aalyßoise. NEW LEA/ .Wkin.)-131 tiorceit, and Witt, the latterct ottP,7l.ll? . et: tehdly m., alt of d" • Fart TOWNitzND, 405 - N 0.1.1 Tortrth et. onerlatenty...,. - - .741lathy !Ina itrekir. UIUTS AND DRAWEBS, UOSIERY, S NI7SPENDESIB, Se., at INeCINLLAND doll - • T, No. 55111% stmt. . ' ~T~~: S = _ Pawn um, Walt petite, 6' tkm. Ike, odebraled Which, sathoritla teaeirial perbili , Ei tia;Aurs., and an axiom as or . th y pole 13t. eltaialttalt. Tog; g and um:imago altad Pa ono", or batman. 411:Cling eirrbigiTlko:l that it ' D. 13. jlainos' elsnattow:okopiFhpPlo 4l , - S • . p tho oak. with piin:4 ll 4s l our alai altpiatare an itni stoat plate inatititlit tido I+l. Sea that taw tattle.,la Am kei..d dAmorim.sha. to =Jo tit. tastwor altaittetorot peso ti platendlnit to l'ill4o/ I _Vittme.ti *ter 'ainnitor. to WI, an oar In °ado bottle. :day' pirialttaliaitk oll4, bottle or aollang any other auitatiaa og i lk door bat ewe Po •dccecact -"Wiwi the boat wad curd Indivetkr. IGnbelle3 .IdiOn t:5t.;".44 Onapleints, Nos, Warren, =Flail 'deroripbrourn! The above Utica' hi - How Xngland.harethertonfldroar etWorr•-••, on • nand bj, root _amphoraof and'Ms rte : Priam welds roach of 'Warw. rtort4'tlar attention. f tarilida who will find *hems strict ostarepi rowilelise."'Withbut 'aborting to tho cam awn method of columns of adrerthrlng, I mould - a.ntr oraildwaci to tat theia, which will be racrod. , talini.r.:lnitiamvs. L, Proptioldi,'if- - Practical,Chwalat. !wade tiyalfaholesale and sitoil &okra: • . c r4ust ford= of comipoodeneeisencita:- , - 7. 7 , Dealers orgoed Tr:Scream supplied on oldnlninbabl:::i---;_'•••- Tor salt to ,littabargh at notall - by J.lf.:Toltoth G. a. x efeee.3l..rx, doorph - Slcroingy Ory by Jas:Brown W. a:Measts and Geo h . , Softy.. • b.A..iAmmEcrom oewsm , earor .Wholeade Agnate, elttrbonytrai. ALEX. GORDON Iffo.lll SECOND STREIT I 040 C0MMKE1TZE5,..:1.1 , ..„:::: , .. , gx Tb..31.4tb0r, horlai beett-testofoittleboiatratt • ilkw Inds by • tar, aimplo =moan tale Wier! finial jean with a, wino lung . tlix,ticol,3 mot that died dlaeeaei *woo Itoork tablitellowitifferers tap menu tt. rho dais orerord.b. VTeral;4 l Cia mad (Goa l4lll . 4l,oo ree'Y t : tins fur preparing ad neLog . 9ll =M. !VA 0 67 .r,t-,` W "`, will motor COXSOMPTIMASITIpte t , - unsc4rts. cotans, wins, ac L otd to b el Plteg l 2 l 6 ,lv-4Sr tct44tuluntlierisocollos tr l Is utofit tbe *fated. utd totortestfaC 4, , , .f "Web bo ipooetcoo to lot toroloOblor; OtokiotAcipOrrz - Z • , ovoy oaf*, ill" - trA IClltetroll tbom twattag.,Ond lib/L . " I AS. - ftnicsyri.hturthomßersPtidialtur aFt ( A.MV 36 241";.1,F01-,.,!rt 4 lo.o.6o): obiab l'lttobtrili of ; =_ 14:71/°1'*".!!`;ITF,`.: I Ic9-10 Iflllairol3ll.Bl3l7l3=S OP "= --- .‘:- ' .:_f % zt: - DOSE RTZLES.:=4..mertiveginOlcumluv- ' -; - -2' 2 F .4.a.:: 124 Im2C - 22 i+rad to h.4 112- biri‘ 1 4ijakilialtaelaa' .2 - - :',-27'; .1 2I &molts all ,thm =al raiiilas aa.4 -21221a2PA 2*&222: -17;4. [ill gt , 406 a irCitlllthits'etiOat . 1202.11 , 0 = 14 . 131 4‘421.1:pir0V ' - . . a . k i, skaod 401232 to conmattelle total ._auxereakßol.C.,..;`,i,„.zp,,„A2 ,'' ; ,:itit cr44erci qui' mos al excea. 2 tre.3l umi*5it,,..,,,A,.? - 444, 2 : -,w4. arca alasvaiia =Wept. aoldicalia..frais 011 W dt-.t`r Ir !-!:§1 I the, premalitlaa sued. Dille* 422 Dr,' ,7oTt . .3it. , ......:::.,r 4 , 21 V DAGNAL/4 mitatmiarlt..r. - - . : , '.;,t .f.- t... • 77 . 5 f in, C. imire...............................az0. It. aoaussot ; , ~ , „.-..,,.., mi. au a . ..uzrar aaanatal. , ---- -„, c- - ; 4 ..,.. WIORINSON, lUM- . & - CO., (tare. i,i ?..' 7 1: . -_ , - ~...___..---- - - - ~..i...i. - , ....ors to Railmaar. /Ulna -L....4 W A3 / 1 / NOL. - 2..... i Tot! iyoiticl,ibranzadarAr*bilnik-'`. 41 - . 1652 4' 444 ' 11 bf ' BOAT ; ' AND: 8 42 1 0 MY;; '.. oh' ' f , ;i 2 '' A L 0.....,...mr5,,,L..t.„zt0...,,,,..„,,....„„„1,.,, :;* UACIBUM 2 2. ..araztura. - pwrzata.:o4for,ii: - ;,i "- ~ , '.,„a was, eta tbm; OIL wan if_krzu,, $4". •;";r• t'F...tli , nourmiagailielenatit ttOta:i..,,E - ~ , ,Ats lz .4. i.,AN- *putt Ai gLYIA.E.OII 'I`ATENX 1FF1T011. 1 ... , .".: : - ..pP B YOB Trythotto noumisr, . c bt- • 1140/Waatibla et BRO; 40.111- ' : - ' -' V ' " shettnen as.ntas- - Usat.oci;- - ,inort ~ .:. -- . -a.p . "vaits ANA VAULT Doom, %moms:alma •:: " ,- y V ., 1-, lens, mum GUARDS, te., No s .-9U ne ol l/1 - 4 , -, , , 7 '. . ', 2 1:4 Si , „,,a 14 Ttrild,svuszte2l. %%or 64.1u - isit --, .r. ; et, ", -, 1 gam 04 him) alarlds of aaw_riltehaybizey Or - ' 7 . " „, i... - 11Abi.ma1102121ar el PulDoo4. , ,_'. ,; ,_2. ~ -.„ • 6• .rafttedor anon= patitttiiter: .14-, ~ , - , 1 , . • ,:: ; • ) :.. , ...' =. --7. 11.110/41:6 1 3* - 891134- 44 ., u,y,..,,yea4aox itai - DoirEsTact.z4gA l zxcsLll ,cruminiuner-tir,f XaMoOtiri BA2 m sous AA') C 1 No. - IR:wpm -eiroluccuois niiuoil*i&in,'- ibroeghaistlwratupastasei, • 'tr.; 4.: : .hoknN.A~ler la cffinuf nerf.-ande" • 11 4_ , tub robin% I MA...NIIOOOI•';,IX • nicS*4 irk* • Ariamint wad • , Nadu! W Dobal2YOuht 6 id 412441,4%1W5: dribs tub: suo - larowweit ••• WOll3--One tktk new, natzvr.* - 044.14ick; -1 in, store NM m> ',2= _~. ?jifl zur. =I •M Al M • , ,Ilt v''''' BEI ; :;.x+ ;= -~ ~~: :~. .w ME ; 4 N i I CZ=