The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 08, 1863, Image 3

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MPATIONSING:i - :.iitr.::::DEC: 8 MS
. 1 : :“ CITY.42M.:ATIBUBBAN.
rrimiY,eoerda,4'elvenix% Gazette I
McMaster, Esq.
Batirriai, /Oho Blatriet,Cpiart, D. D.
Bow* Ilarj.,,:antionnoetiAbla &cease of. A
draw Meaner; few feeding re
iehielanefiti*Uhurm delivered
Maffei ;aid banehingerdbe,tind adjoUrn
ia 114 Court raspier:balite mentoTor tho
*rod. In the Courb.of Orman liens,
a. Bl l l l#Fetuaß t r aa d sgeT- an
.! 1 -PPliti at6
J adjournment was
`7,7_4'„inecitint,orthe Bar was called ', - the
.Ottakink ration relative to the death
cOrksativir 'McMaster, and on motion, Judge
, :.43tOWletlia..nalled to preside, and C. Magee
sat 4,11bn •Bartnnt Eggs., appointed Beer°.
. Daissicw.Esq,, announced the death of
.lllloll_,__WAScather, il4r. McMaster, in a most
...-netuFglptsnlier, and on concluding moved
.. thatmeOnimittee be appointed to drift resole
-. tioniLexpiiisaire of the sense of the Bar in
their which was unanimously
Ildirptell;"indidessre..l). D. Bruce, Thos. M.
Tifitsihall and Riddell wens appo inte d.
than reported the following
:•r" , sasolatiosts lidsich-wansadopted unanimously:
Aisorstel: That,; we hare heard with deep
regret of our professional broth
„sr -Andrew McMaster, Esq. 7,,
That we shall long Fin d fondly cher
lideilibratoory of his niebitruslve worth; his
Yidf~tderrttnent and his strict integrity. as
aratabtfli happy model worthy of our imita
Itativea, That we respectfhlly tender to his
.-Imeettrod family the anurance of She sincere
01 „Fe sympathy of the Bar in this
Of their .bttesremant and afeie
ed th eo f
_cars . s mee ting
_femtly of the deceased, and
them a Copy of these rosobitionsi and
that rte ;,
shell sttnnd . is s body the finientl of
• , oltfteitei brother':
Aloha, That the - Judges of the „several
.S COOS -county , be requests dto order
~- - j giititlismoimitinis to be spread upon the min-
.4fteos fob remarks by Mossrs.lii'Clowry,
others,the meeting adjourned.
, .
_''The New Sherif.
' • • u
papt J.H.Htewut,the Sherifaleciof the
Iscoffice this fore
- • Allisolu.-4.lre commission was read in the Die
.lAffilts.conft,,litir Which Judge Williams ad
•-••--. ablistelnd the Oath of office, and the now in-
~._, „_ h qh formal possession. In this
,--: 'Mintedlan, we cannot refrain from •sposking
~ ~_,..., .
•-•••••..4i.lftied,lit firei of the retiring official, Samuel
•••• ',.- B. Maley, Esq., who was appointed to fill the
• racsacy caused .by the death of. Mr. Woods.
',- •
His term-was -issicemerzily- short, but It was
-• enflicient•to:exhlbit. his- entire fitness for the
t s trihih o ii position. Indeed, owing to the
i '.'., • n.of Er.. Woods, the duties of the
• -
. - -Ocii• ' ..triiinly -devolved upon Mr. Clulcy,
iitieinieldrihnble length of time, and be en
04 the.:Minfideneti and respect of all who
~ -:.-.-.. tin - shins. Ari. transact in the office. 'We
s ' - comekena-the enmity of Capt. Stewart in re
' - - telengEr.Pluler in tbe important position
i -- i - ..'eitChiel.Cletle. -; The. Captain enters upon his
...',.•140.14 daub Maio the mesh, favorable ems
' ...,,,Pbets , i , ltad ,if close . attention to business,
' iliaOtt integrity, and gentlemanly courtesy will
~, ,, * iiii.xia yuccas, tken.-tre can safely predict
- - .7 that bewill prove a most popular and success
'..l----tel *Moir.
; I :Another Generous Donotion
- .commendable generosity of the con
sainare employed in Clancy & Eteskimen's
- ileiltlretrtist - iis taking out, free of charge, three
latettratt Areltdsdred and swidn ty-firs bush
' •li of coi1; Ma hien - Mentioned. The kind
• •
mai of A. Carnegie ' Esq., in bringing it to
thWeltyylUnief the libovenamed gentlemen in I
it free, upon the ordet of the La- '
.dies'ltalitif Associations of Pittsburgh and
241lighen:y, has alas been made public.
anothei instance of the same kind
of generosity to record: ' Messrs. A. D. Smith
'&•_ - .13w.5:, of Allegheny, have donated to the
genie etliie 'Friendless a thonituid Wishes
of tkest'l L ' lfish theie'ientlemen coorld see
-`-ttairantritisd Smiling faces otthe little ones
• 4:libraiwutroutut -the hearth made cheerful and
by their gifts. •. tie on, gtostle men,
AlniffettkifFilth isatill open. Make your
The.. tmterest is sure. By land by
principle in that happy Home,
:-114•04011,..iind liegeneed. nakedness, end
. •• fia .... jwilumerer.zoma...
ConthltJes In the Battle near Ringgold.
In the battle near Ringgo Id, aeotgia,
Gem;ra division was heavily
eisjepeli aimltiet2ritk severe Usi. Two see
tient of Pennsylvania battery were
;;..amgaval atalaggold Gap, performing efficient
• agfrelest;Mli gnA the following names of Penn
iimilfg the. killed and wounded:
Inspector General, first
le fleasy 9 tr dlvisiitn, wounded in both
a vthipi.leose Millnor, 28tli Pa., merely
Thonaii; Pa.,
Aratindeareigit;J:ohnston, lll th
laTtitstPai:killtA;•Lient. Peter
'ffsylor, , 2Bth Pa., mertallymennded.
Malt:me in tlielaittia at Ringgold will
hundred killed and wounded- of
t. , ,.-. ; , .11050 1 915i -goatee division alone - will lose
• isSie
hundred and five. The first brigade lost
66th Ohio, 28th Penn.,
..`,.:-',....5ti4..111,6th Peen:, ore'; the :greatest 'sufferers.
'anti Ais::ll.ltti Pa. regiments, of
the second brigade, lost slightly.
: Small.
itraphekSizitth, 7ict 454 . hold the position
eatiti. jaitcr fora periodof over Ivo years,-
• ••.tifirie tkodaj to make room tor the now aP-
:40stari, •Mr. White..:l:aiTing had shaoit
4014-tatareoarse with Mr. anadt, diring the
latiziapsrlad named, we know something of
-_- tide ebatantar, and can beer testimony to his
-48;19.441riait fidelity, and his habitant court
!7:.• , oloy sad ktoduenr. s 'We've under obligations
gontiommay' assistant, Mr.
• SadtbAtkr.tatuip kind attentions, And cannot
but arm our regret at parting with them.
Small Vii appointed In October, 1858, by
! Shoulf and it ioaseeedinglferodit ,
Mate totals' that:Whittled the Mao* under
se laierthia Muustaneeeolett nominations.
Taerlainr 4ltmanttlatto -Mr: White, bna oar
,Itglrlattaa for,ttio sneieu, and we hope he
,awy fit 'ihi,,posigpn both pleasant and
If . ,
1 , ,.4 ,
..•' Saturday Wm I
.tiallkbillinappearad'before Alderman DOD
-,-,--44***41114:, preferred-a charge . of, larceny
elfgnitt4aa, The parties are both
bstalterrLidit have in the Diamond
anilaturday Bergh
j •~stgsr beeghta cuff fioXIC farther, and left
'AcjimarAGs=bio treater his wagon.'
r returned .te Lonna it had been taken
=''&llo9l.4Adttpoin tearehing db.:mond
• Zilkweallithe'poffiesiltief-liaisraek. lie
'rMa447:illabledleili:l44toporti, but
...,7.llAtiilliafiiidsiik;,Wirstrini it, alleging
hatightilt from some man.
."-fisirellbetyr then :instituted the suit to rt. , -
. Aft**l‘.lead thi siatied was held to bail for;
to armyrsz....
..., •
47.,,,-,:;:',.,mkai'ooPliz'".o.74-4".--'--argiaaiii:ol,44,;:tana.'".-11:11E1,4.4'.1'g,...ttwt.ttalilicar5gge:ir:trowducthb°°*1°!:: 11
AWeliiiY ,lll s l ' fie? .:71n...-iiiiiied,iii-,
lit it niz"l r g ' et" !'° :. • - : 21111 ;a: • for thei r' .1
ter . l,o4 .. t t cni f '0 tibikat 'A n / t . . Liiiil wer e.
4"147;;144i:iir Pll2:7.ariiil4'49ort
:77.74"4- 30,41,,-to;!a,*4.0.1r141-,
;boilkliirt_:ll73#6.4o:id jimdp.theirir=
614. 0 -thlii747.'.. wcr 'l6ldqatairhiu,dl7; nit;
tip,l4o,V*. ia,44/14110/ madef ain-1-the sec,
44.P01°. ; : a,;.-iiat:llin: wa
..--4ond 1210 W Actillgtil4to.#l4.,rl
-7i.!:.t4.40thegM14 • .
• '' - -Piiiiii - ,'Onettzat.—Thiv,rifelloWing are
Man •the patent* tee the 'reek end
- !;.Itiltilkeennbirr letv4cVn. IL Brunt and Jo-
Itsitigkelbir • rg
TisiTTlifajuktilg far. improve .
mra Iln washing miohinea. Be Wpteto 2 1 4.4 t
• 110:'Hytkr,Atiftmluteeuzientl#:Illeilef;•!:,:j
• Aweciator.—The Pint
at, Allegheny, organised to.
.ideeiton ofthe following Directom
'CO. U. ii. Arthur
ebiont D. ?A:Whites:on Thompon.
tillepOi)Wsti.lle,. Fleury lerwig, John
, t
- I=S=
:Change Agalnst-lho_Maypv,
Case for !be Vol/troth:cu.
tame , diiis'eince WO -wow teamed. upon
what , we doom ri:,ljable authority, that all the
fines n forfeitures collected by Mayor Salt-,
yes haie not been returned to. the city. We
were handed a list of non:meet several persons
who h eve beeztfiriod by the Mayor, at various
times, and among others that of Susari Tillery,
who was arrested on the 20th of July last, and
in default of a fine of $lO and - costa committed
to jail for twenty days. On the following
day,"(Tely 21st, this - woman waireleased upon
payment of the fine.and the costs, amounting
in all to $ll 50. Whefi Stparti fined and
committed to jail In Aefault . :(not liaVing the
money to pay) AM (set is so entered upon the
docket, and of . course 'the city gets nothing.
Butoihould the fine be subsequently paid, it
ii, the boil:idea duty of the Mayor to note the
payment on the docket, and return the amount
of the fine to , the city. Now it is alleged that,
In this:case; the fine was paid, but the docket
entry was never changed, and the fine was
not returned. In other_ words, the docket
shows that Sultan Tillery was committed in
default'Ot fine, bat no note was made of the
lardisemsent release and payment of tine. On
making Inquiry at the fall, we find that
Susan Miery was committed, on the
20th day of July, and released on the
218tT—the commitment 'setting forth that
a fine 0410 had been imposed, for disorderly
conduct, and the defendant committed twenty
days in default. Tho release was also on file,
dated the 21st of July, and, signed by the
Mayor. Thus far the information given as
is corroborated by ouch documentary evidence
as is within our reach, but wq have no access
to the Mayor's docket, and consequently can
.net verify the entire allegation. We call the
attention of Mr. MoCargo, thd City Controll
nr, to this case, 'giving him the name and
date, and ho pe that he will take the trouble
to examine into the matter.
In nearly every other suction of the coun
try, active measures are being taken to fill the
quota of the tastes''l by voluntark enlistments
but here nothing whatever has been done—
and, so far as we can learn t nothing is even
oontemplated.' In Philadelphia, a bounty bill
has been passed by Councils, giving $2OO, in
addition to other bounties, to those who vol
unteer, and are credited on the city quota.
Public meetings aro being held in the several
sub-districts,' and active exertions are being
made to avoid the draft. Will the citizens of
Pittsburgh slumber on until the day of the
draft? If not, some action should be taken
immediately, as the time is growing verf
short—less than one month remaining. The
large bounties offered by other cities induce
• those of our men who are desirous of volun
teering hero, to go elsewhere, and not only
we lose credit for these altogether, but have a
less number of men to draw from, thereby
increasing the risk of every man liable to the
court-martial, of which Colonel Roy Stone, of
the 140th Pensisyhazia Volunteers, is Presi
dent, hes tried, at Washington, private Tim. 11.
Campnum, of the 10th Pennsylvania Reserves,
charged with murder in shooting a prisoner
of State named John Rardcastle, who was
confined in Carroll prison, Michigan. Camp
man was a sentinel. After mature delibeta
linti,.the Court found the prisoner •" not
guilty," on the ground that the accused acted
in accordance with his orders and in discharge
of his duty.
irrc.—.M.r._ J. Ar.....rittock, at his well-known
News and PeriodicarDepot, opposite the Post.
office, has a full supply of the most popular of
the ahoy° publications ' among which are may
mention ' The Old Franklin Abnunac, for
11364, "Btakat Mar:Leine," and "Frank Lee
lie's Budget of Fun, for Jatioiqry, "The Pic
torial Nick- Nu.. for the Rolidays of 186 S-4,"
The White Rorer, or-.the' Maid .of Louis
iana," by Dr. J. 11. Robinson, etc., etc.
Mr. John P. Hunt. Masonic Hall, Filth street,
Pittsburgh, and J. P. Sample, 85 Federal
street, Allegheny, have received almanacs,
newspapers and magazines, suiting the day,
the month and the year. Among the latest to
'hand we may moation Frvatk Comic Al
nuOlete, Valerie illaytaine, The Waverly Mugs
rifle, The Scientific American, The Aincvi,,- . as
Union, The Flag of Our Colas, etc., etc.
Drcruzats.—A terrible disease, said to be
diptheria, is deeolatitg the small towns of
Clearfield and White, in Cambria County,
Pennsylvania. Since the middle of October,
over two hundred persons have died. In one
family of eight, raven lump died; and in an
other, five out of six members have fallen vic
tims to the samo_disease.
Perm' eats of real estate on Federal street
Allegheny. That lot of ground 60 feet by 240
feet, on which stands the St. Lawrence Hotel,
167 and 169 Federal street, will be cold by A.
,Loggate, Auctioneer, on Thursday, the 10th
- 10 o'clock. An opportunity is here
presented of buying first clam buildings sites
on the main business street of the city.
Jtroon Hamtcron.--This morning, lion.
biases Hampton, President Judge of the Dis
trict Court, who was re-eleetod to the same
honorable position at the last general election,
appeared before his WISOCiXtO, Hon. H. W.
Williams, of the District Court, and after his
commission had been read in open Court, took
the customary oath of oleo.
J .M. Burch
field, north-east earner Fourth and Market
streets, has received a beautiful assortment
of goods well adapted for Christmas presents,
such as taco antrueedlo worked collars, silks,
handsome cloaks, scarfs, &o. We would re
fer our readers to his ndvortisomentth another
RALTR GRAY, formerly a well-known citi
zen of Pittsburgh, died in Covington, Ky., on
Monday meriting last- Mr. Gray, in company
with Mr. liemingray, established the Grst
glass works west of Wheeling, in Cincinnati,
nese sixteen years ago.
SAD AocIDILICV.—On last Monday a little boy,
eon of Jackson Irvin, of Rochester township,
Beaver county, felt on a pitchfork in each a
way that one of tha prongs pierced his heart,
causing instant death.
SEZ ADVESTISSIMST of t groporty for eale on
Mount Troy 11111,in pno or column.
DISSOL orroxs,
Pinniarnon Norairz Walla., Poe, .10, DIM
—Owing to the death of Mr L. 11, LivLupton,
And the voluntary withdrawing of Mr. Copelmo, the
firm of Livingston, Ccrpolatidi Co. is this day di.-
antral. All debts tine said firm, and all claims easing
it, wW b. wattled with and by Adams, II•Kos Co.,
Altair 4111=41.01111t1 businan, whom we very cordially
ricorainvad to our muctcrmers.
• By his administrators.
J. K. 11008EIZAP,
Prrregoana NOTILLTT WOW, Nos. JO, 11363.
TIOPARTNERSEEIP.-110 business of
vcithi"liirvelty Works" will be continued u usual
Ate.undersiyaed, ander the name and style of
kl'Hewa Co. .flie ltbaral
troenge bestowed Lyn. discerning public. en our pre.
decessors, famine that we should only Say ICU our
design fully to sustain the ch.racter of tbo "Novelty
Works," its Blanitfactureb Its punctuality and' Its
°Aim ADAMS, , Licioxiauczka,
• • . Jetti3S.ll. IiSAT,
mo.u.ttrAD, l I. L e.toNms.
• de2ilw
Ihs partnership heretofore- existing_botwain
',the subeeribers, under *hi Arm of FILILLIPS,
JrREW CC.i hes this day been dissolied, CHAS.
TriCKIIART' and WILLIAM THEW haring. pur,
, elikklied ebb - entior interests •of. the other partneri*
.The business of tbe latatirns will be settled hi LOW/a
" 5. ' • HN.TA
ARIPEI V. Kim 1.,
• ,Pittsburgh) August 10th, ISM..
. 7'7
..vrtuittit ir *
~LoccfniizziiirlAcKaali •
-14 41e11,,ofPetroletgn,
litt gli rlSt A t l LLU ALl itri Th •rutss.7 l . 1113 .1 8 7 .r . e R na" -.16 7 " • P '
ihnciora4.4l4.l9#l7,- • •
AnimarrgamsmismOrtA ON.A
Cor. 11 . mid 2.4 rttenta.- '
Wasaleitis 1).-0,0fese;:fttkIddA
OTlC.E.lVilEliii"dolit litibliet
ttaaauwsnx] Mid 251 41'X*
ildistrldVisttbs`Cornd, mar Obserratcol:
HAS der, IoS of "ELM Horses mid bledis axidesci• - •
ed m mat for isiblio Setstes. -
T•reas, cmh Gounissont hinds. Bide to am-
MAO 4,10 skim* m. C. 11. TOHNELOSS,
Captain aid V. B. A.
Money Is in active demand at 63 per cent, and
oar bank* frenentlly, arecontining, their ditesnate
their regular customers. The continued investment
in the 5- 2 20 bonds hare materially reduced the Ilan Of
deposits, and hankers are inclined to exercise a can
flow, policy.
The payment of the lucerne tax together Islay the
enbecriptibns to the Bre twenty bonds, hays produ
ced an unusual demand for "greenbacks." and they .
tre becoming 'carne, although depositors are still
'applied at par.
Gold has undergone but little change, the Nrisr
York quotation at noon to-dry being 152, while here
oar bankers are paying 149.
.... =' 3 . S "i.. ^ vM^+..s~`t : u./Zfi~. - !r?'lf4: 7✓'~R Chi
._ _m .!
The Clamp Tribune of Saturday says:
The money market continues eta. All round. Car
rency Is scarce and so 4 exchange. Only the very
best clan of customers are applied and they are re
ettictedlo os narrow limits as possible. For them
at the regular Munk rates of diocount are firm at ten
per cent, while for others, If aocommodated at •41,
the figures run along up to two per cent • month,
and anytime' even higher terms are obtained. Tho
fact I. some operators bare to pay about what any
one Is willing to ask. We do not look for this man
of thing. to continue beyond the time when funds
get round from the farmers wham pockets ore full of
money received for farm products. We can see So
good reason why bakers should continue to be as
fr r any coraderable period hard premed, for 'means
to meet the wants of customers.
The demand for New York Exchange Is mush
Larger than the supply. The buying rates are very
firm at par @}i, premium; and we heart of one ban
ker who towards tho More, paid y to make nd a
balance. The selling range in 14601%, the lower by
• single house, to customers. Outsider' may could
er themselves fortunate If they obtain a supply 5,5,
Imports by River.
ILNESVILLE—eta ZILN Gnalmat—]w Obis
flour,Blngliam, Storgton A co; 4 by tobacco, S
Filbert lot prodtatig T nintam; 1 roll maxis, Geo It Jones
& cm 10 kgs lard, mon A Gedeken; 5 tub. obsess,
B Jaunt 7do do, C °Wirt do do, Jacob Baldingsr,
Mona; December 7, 11814 Isykkggss dry Omit, butter ate, It Riddle & co; 100 ell
note a cmaix—Wheat Is Orin with I s tisZ . ° lr idE c iAr r a r i l gil:P d P o lwi l A j d 4: l l
sales from wagon at $1,35 for lied, and $ 1 , 41 C41 & Steels; 1W corn :oll bbl., Fats.. Armatre4; 160 pkg.
1,45 for White. There is an active demand rip, Markle A cap cesks corn, Means & Collin; 8 bbl.
for Corn, and we note 'ales of GOO bosh nar ti , ,f;1Z.„.;. 1 . g t r , a d, ild'e c r;Ltr .
from stars at 81,25, and 350 busk at $1,25 for -Bari feed, Sim p son & Knox' 241 do de, VoegLey /t Kopp,
and 51,30 for Shelled. The demand far Oats la Adr, 25 do do, Copt Aim; 2by soap and candles, Head &
and oho market it firm at 75 to eXte from first handm Metzgar, 20 do do, Graham & Thomas; 45 pkgs turn
n b o hls beef, Cook, Pettitt A co,
and atom. From wagon, Barley Is selling at IDA
for Spring, and 81,50 fur Fall; into of 1800 bush prime CINCINNATI—ran Briltari-10 bbl. wtilaky, J
Ohio Siring, on track, at $1,33. Floor la firm but O'Connor, 60 bss starch, Graham & Thomas; 10 bbla
t NorAea Oil ro a =
quiet with small sales from atom at $5,750)E1 for Ex-
roop, an p .
A Connor, 20
tra, and 157,:X3 to 57,25 for boatbrands of Extra Fain bbla alehohol, E rtlmsrl
A. Yahoo: bso L i
ek ,0 co; 4 ban tobacco,
ily. Wm Illagalsp3 do do,' 8 Dilworth & co; 32 bbls, 25
PBOTISIONS--sale of 50 to Sugar Picleirod Plata.
, 1 . 1 a 1: 1 1 1 . 11 4 7g , b an., i tt . "
at llt per Itk rert4l In Philollelphia. Al., 15 2484 by wheat, 100 bbla dry peaches, 40 Ohio whisky
bbls Sloss Pork st slkVet for 1,01, •n.I Io ter Lard • BM do beef, Clark & gx.; 4 cheep skins, gdgerton A
(old) at 12; tics Stewart; 8 bales wool, S Ilarbaugh & co, 27 tells ake,
' Markle & cot 37 bbls flax seed, 12 bbls oil. Wm Day.
1 11 :TTElt & EGGS — Tio'te L o wmtinoed goal dt- - lot broom con; McElroy & co; 1 bbls aplrita, Jacob
mond for Better, and ornate sales of 1000 IN 801 l at I Keller.
28c, and 20 tubs and petit• do at tame figure. Parked
Butter Is steady at 17018, Eggs In d.mand. and C.ARPETS,OIL CLOTHS, Sc.
sell readily ar 25c per dozen.
CREFNE—Ia arm and higior; with axim of 73 biz I
Hamburg at Isc, and 15 bra common Western Re- DKIJGGETS,
.erne at 14c.
IlAY—is arm, with small tales at oar last quota- Ob. SMUT PATTSILKS nod every width, et the
Gone. lu Allegheny. we learn that op Friday and
Saturday, flay brogubt from 543 to 541 par ton.
MILL PEED—Is firm but unchanged; sale of 1 roc '
Seconds on track at 51,55 per cert. Holders a
rotting 71,05 to £2,00 for ?diddling.
WIIISK T —continues to rule very ilrmud excited
and the advance noted in our Last is fully Pustalned.
A sale of 120 bbl. Karr WAS reported at 85c.
ASllES—firm but without quotable change. Sale
of 3 tons Pearls at 10. par SD.
SALT—No 1 Extra I. Belling at from 82,50 to
per bbl—the latter figure when delivered. Literpool
may be quoted at f2,4.142,..50 per flack for Coarse, 11111 i
53,23 to 53,30 for flue.
CIDER--sales of 21 01,1, ar from 17..0 to 57,50 par
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market
Pt.'. 7—The market for Crude opened eery limn
this morning, and nu adratios of (n em mu to three
cents pe r gallon over Saturday's quotations war n•
tablfshed. Later, in the day, however, when the
• afartualile adric," feint Near licrk had Casa receii
d, reporting a dmilue there, the market .t mice he
me meter, and the advance above noted was hardly
sustelned. Doyen then insisted on a coocesekni
prima which holders severalty appeared unwilling
to tusks, but, Le will be seen, toms miles were made
at a decline. The sales reported amounted In then:
vssate to 1.110 Ws in follows • 240 and 109 DIN at
2G----bbis included—WO at 2.74;ie, and 400 at tic.
Bulk oil was held at zrsd2tv, sod thew may ho 1,,
gabled as the nominal quotations.
The oar. trom,New Torte upended rstbor utitavor
bly on IreCuutut, also, and, - while Were 'rat, au far o
we could leer... no marked change In value., It had
the effect to retire some buyers from the market.
As the stock In Out hands in light, and the pmclue
don —liere at least—la comparatively limited, bade"
are apparently firm in their slow, and unwilling to
make concessions. We not* nal. of fired:Lbla bonded.
on the spot, at 40; IWO bids for January delivery. at
bland SGU bile, fres, at to.
Naptba continua quiet and neglected, and, in ttia
bunco of sale. • omit quotations. Iltisidiunt la
teady with vcrasional sale et $4,011 to 114,'2.7 per
New York Petroleum Market.
Special Diapateh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Neu You, Dec. 7.—Crude is ermined, and the
advance established on Saturday was not sustained.
.11antatione, which must be considered nominal, may
be given at 30 to 32e. Refined. also, is dull and lower
with salts al 4041 ac for bonded, the market eloaing
nominal at SU. Free oil has declined to 35.356 c, sod
North& le nominal at former gootationa
Detroit Grain Market.
Dec. S.—Wheat market very sluggish, and rates
unchanged. A seller asked $1,56 for 5,600 bush No 1
whits wintar, etorage paid, and 8,000 huh do was
offered at 81,12 in stens—, For boo bush spring, 51,11
wall naked. For No 1 white free on board $1,48 was
offered. Corn quiet. In 'Change sl,os was asked
and lac offend. Oats a .bade firmer. For 12,010 bn
700 war sulked. barley ateuly at $2,30Z2,50 per 100
Ibe. Rye advanced to SI per bush, with Angell ve de•
mood and ennlyofferings..
Boston FLth Morket.
Dec..'--She market for C.elflab is steady with a
mßerate demand, Sal. of Grand Dank .t 2646,23;
Day Yunday $6,500 6 ,7 6 ; .mall N 5,2445.75 kl
Hake ant in moderate demand at $3,16@3,25. Pol.
lock $4,00 11401. Mackerel an steady; sake of No. 1
at $14015; Ito. 2 large $10010,:i0; and medium $..40
9,50; too. 2 large 1n8(38,6a, and thedlnsu at $6 Q 1 bbl.
•lewives are In moderate demand at 6544,50 V bbl,
Pickled Herring are dull at 152,5005,b0? bbl.
Albany Barley Market.
Die.2.—The transactions in Barley during the
week show that a more liberal foaling has prevailed
among Dopers, and several midterm who have hereto.
fore been out of the market have become pnrchasers.
Prices hive undergone but little if sup change. We
quote two rowed BUJ° at 111,35/#1,40, Jefferson coun
ty 51,45, and Canada West nomltuslip $1,1331,53.
Battey malt may be nominally quoted at 51,4561.5,,.
Cftleago Market.
bra. s.—Floor—Actire. Wheat—flale• at 111,10%
01,11. Corn—Dull. Ercelpts-L-Flour 4,200 Ws.,
wheat_ 27,000 bush, corn 27;030 bbls. II Actin.
Extra choice 656 3 ,4; good to ptiroa 4%06 5 4 Drew.
ad flogs—Active and higher; 6,80.4, for tots weigh..
log 250 and upwards ; ST i% for those weighing over
200 pounds.
Imports by Railroad.
7-28 eke shoulders, Gd bbl. hams, I &ellen, & to;
101 bbla provisions, Sanitary Commlolan; 40 bbla
hlghwines, SA 1% 'Mon; 09 Dbl. flour. D Wallace;
199 do do, Wm MeOntobeerii 2,0 tee hams, P Mo Qua.
wan; Tale pearle,blellee A Bra, 10 hits, 4 cams to.
bacco,`Wayingd & Soul teprshot, Atwell, Les A to;
105 bblesppleit, enlpl2 Shepard; 8-do de; 8 Kesel tt; 3
bblecida, Fetter &Annstronto 7 by eorn,ll do bed,
Bingham,- 'Sturgeon & eo; 20 tin Ink, D A Tahneetock
& en; 4 droned hop, A S Dickson; 10 Mlle apples,
Moorhead & co; 2do do C Ammo.; 8 hides, 73•PktiLM
Lour:'o elm wool .1 L Marshall; 150 WI, papar4W
LKat c K ho i o rk n p a M tr b c id k; s X
38 11 b l ß ls br o oo n m ;
51,2 L 5
N b e a w h t n; a2l
cotton, Thos Arbuckle; I.TI aka wheat .18 Leg
gilt A to; 200 bbls dour, Gregg A Cie:Wining; 100 do
do,McCully &co; Ovals corls. - D Wiliam; 8 ch•
lead pipe, A Gordonil had rattail IttnoPennack Aco;.
80bble hominy, L.ll Volght Mid Ore clay, T Cot
On; 99 hide., 11 Mingo; 27 bbl. apple", o,Lazobur"
ger; 47 hides, A/lobelia': 28 apples,'l tle eider
11 Danb; 8 care metal, 3 Moorhead; Lear-Eta/ food'
Sluipion A Knox; T car barley, John Garigerlehl
WAD apples, Mails, San*. co;
5 do do. John Gets, 2
bbls onlorus, F VsniionleriAdo do, J Meyers,
Dr.retaafro - & Pirratel Ilterutoan, Dec. 7
,44 bbla clar. epencer *McKay; 140 bile chair., 0
Walker, 601 Ads dour, 91 bp tolddlloplitos I , K/di; 21
bzir &sere,
butter, Webb & Wilkinson; 34 bus
cheese, It Dairen; 20 clue, 11 bbla potatoes, 113 Per •
adapt pkgetprerusl barloy, Jae BrOWt&e.; 1.1
"b" o _ DaMe7; 52 teu chose, II Biddle:. 18. do
do, w Soelddn; 27 dollo, J Canfield; '63 bdlebroom
handle., 7 I) Thompson; 123 bks wheat, .1 8 Liggett
cc, aan bp Dora, Hartman A Bro; 6 bales rap, Raw.
orth A Bro;lll6licranbeertee. 24 do cider, L H
VOlit d an 12 bales hay, 11 B Floyd;' 2 clue pearle, 11
II Codling 24 do do, Salome% -Pears, & cer, 32 bble
cider Wm 11cCatcheore; 19 do do, Potter & Aiken;
179 eite corn, - & - 3 Motu 661ide tobacco, D &Donee
van; 4 des - do,lltlefyl; rbbls dry • apples, -3' by Oa'
nod, J Dawforart; 190 lard dames, 11 - 3 ..Townsend;
rnoil libleritrawth Drake co; 109 tads lour,
Bingham, tmpon &c 0724 ateplee, .7 Herbert;
150 hp bar*, 65 &rests, D 78.1.3t1 A CO; 100 bbh
Emir; llackeowd* Llnharll,3ll6or beans, - 7ettet.e&
Arnistenoc, 1 tar Wheat.- Nobleelt: &mph 6 cults
=lfeeln - 726071 Car Wltteati 8 T Kennedy & toe
do / 0O bPAAPPtear Ve', ffnpson /211tioi
01970141r1 flOO Ms float, Graffito
. . .
4.l.22anzin , AtArion, Pee. 5-126 •do wheal BT.
Wenukr; MA) n boa pill
lhrfni a-Unn2. 121, M ilk( dos. larriUsel,
la; tab btu ANA2 I ;` III4 2 I : u O 2 att;' .2 2 60 do. V.
toniT; In Shrdo; lettartro itkr collon;•_12 Resi
t° As bookerbsai dear, .Tos thedvid'idde2.:: .1 sit..
izt; Scars hmA. Hal; 201 sin nin Ined:l2 It
slo °lbw, Isw. Herbert: 100 1,212: door, o
,nesris; 200 aim barley, W Anderson.
's •
" - ''""Ctiiiitisiteiiaiket.
Dmllw—Flaitsluil ik , bruin' market to-day; the 1
demand - Is almosTatitirebripraL L .Holders, however,
propose iso , errneessions, .being wal firm lii acting
if. 573 for fresh glimild giibidiMpatfine. Thlf of airy
is confined to $5,G0,95;113, arid limited at that. Extra,
of plain quality, may.taiquatcdat 1 3 . 73 (0,d 5 i good •
at 55,35014:0: Med dimity at 193,25. There is some
inquiry far Wheat, and trancetions wore rather ,
larger to-day. giving . the market a little better sap-
port. Choice Ka' iimarnands 111,28, prime 51,2 G,
holders asking about itc above theserigures. Prime ~
Bill mid at 11,11f411,40; Whits at $1,44(31,45. Choice
Kentucky White is .not offering at Ives, than 11,50.
' Corn has a firmer market—selling readily at 81,13 for
' , old and tif497e for navy. The offerings are light and
holders, iu arms camas, asking a further advance. A
derision has' been made to New Tork touching the
duty on Ounny-clothoirhich - will result in • &doe
tiaa of the duty, acid possibly In the price of Gun
nies. The duty heretofore collected was a speeide
.one of We per pound. The decision Lithat it shoald
be rated at 30 per nut. ad valorem. Oats are steady
at 131091, In bulk and sacked. Bye is in demand at
1 11,30. Barley has a Oink market at 51,66(41,60, for
prime and choice fall i 51,6001,3 5 for Spring. Hold
ers are reserved *boat accepting the figure named for
the best grads. Whisky was put up to ark, at which
figure Wee are quite as quick or they have bean for
urns day. put. _ -
Milwaukee Wheat Market.
Dgp. s.—Wheat advanced Ic, with sales of N. 1
iquiefg at 51,00E41,09% and No. 2at 111,02—the mar
ket closinglirm at the outside quotation for No. 1.
Mann62,olM bosh changed hands Including 10,000
bush No. 1 miring, bares option till February let,
et $1,143 up to the Mom of 'Change. In the even
ing the market ruled More active, at a frill advance of
Net lea than 710001meh No. 1 spring wheat
sold at the Newhall itt $l,lO oath, $1,12 $1,123.
VS buyer', option Millie month, and $1,143 0 1,1S
buyer's option till February let, the market closing
dote at the °Made quotations.
Lowest Prices for Cash,
1.:1,,d ar
Crumb Cloths, FeHine, Rugs,
hod having purchased for OLBD, before the late
adirstme, we ore able to NM at the mozuhtetorere
priow, . nuoqualled stock of
Window Shades, Mailings, tte.
1 64 vv wron.
..n, dit-hv the present month, et olollesale
Flcior OR.. Cloths
Inext# D 6 24 ft-et wlle.
oovras, faros, MATS,
noel itistvis• bate adianoed, in first haads, from
TEN to TWENTICIIVE PIM CENT. within thirty
diploma we are now selling at LESS THAN HAN
IIPAOTHIIEWIS PRICES. Oar slot la almost en
tirely owe, all haring been purchaewl within ninety
dap, for cloth, at the very lowest prices of the yvar.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Between Pont Moe &mch ButlAtnge.
Dot Ito contlitcre to 'ell, until turth.t notice, .11
goods lo onrllos se prices
RedUccd Fully 20 per tent
from last nsoua rates.
W. D. & H. roraLum,
ADRIATIC, 1.200 Home-power, 4,000 tons.
HIBERNIA, 1,000 Hoses-tower, SAM tong
COLUMBIA,I,OOO Eform-power, SACO mos.
A NH LI A. 1,000 Horm-powor,d,ikai tons.
The =golfs:eat Steamship ADRIATIC will
from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, the tub
of November.
Batts of pisimge from Nem 'fork to Llverpoil, pay
able in gold or its ay:linden: In carreticy.
Mist Oehln-......sBoiliteerage.-----.- 510
Intermediate....-- 401
Ymeengess hiremidad also to London. Paris, Hain.
busg,,ltisqns Brawn, Rotterdam, AntwerPi des.,
the lowest rah*.
Faroe from Liverpool or Galway to New York and
Boston, m. 576, OW, $l O5 .
Tor pump apply at the dam of the Agents.
SABBIsa BRAILLE, 5:1 Broadway.
Euusza Twos, Hansger.
oa f, I „ :4NATL,
//MIT= No. l 7=' th street. PittsbnAh.
"EIIPOOL, torufhing at QtrEENSTOWN, •= t 3
Mom llama.) The ~ wiill-knaira steamer. of
Liverpool, Now York end Philadelphia Bteamehip
Company are twtanded as follows:
MTT OF NEW YORE-..... tlatinola/. Dad IT
ETNA ..‘,.
.11aturday, Dee, 19.
OF WABIIINUN .. .---.saturdity; Dett lid
And awry succeeding filtordar, at toms, from Pier
44, North Barer.
tom ow sinus.
Pitiebr# WI GolatStltt stadmilawl tit Parma.
Ilan Curer % -.Wootenzoooi... .-.1133 00
do to landom - 55.00 do . 'l2, Loudon 5i 00
do to Paris-- 05 00 do .lo Pubs,- .1 1 0 W
do to limbo% .90 4:0 do to Muth g 57 OD.
Paiwesaers also forwarded to Ilams, Bremen, floc,
tardam, Antwerp, ft., at slosh : low total..
h."' from Liverpool or Qaseastown ; ma. Cliblo,
576, 505, 1105,- fiteerage, PO. Thom who with to
nod for their Meade ean bay Minds here at thaw
• Far farther taftmast,lou .apply at the Oompaines.
Olticas. JUNK G. DALE, Aged*
.• 15•13madwa7,,Esw•Tork.
thud amt.. o.oif hots* tram Disi brfdge; • •
tablratt • .. . : Pittebtinth.
Pumengen brought out: lo flan OLitiS )11A.1.1.•
STEAMEItg, from Li 0 1, Lotaotiderry,
'crr Oak, far:
• Twenty-Viva Dollars.
And byrOdlln g vomit f o r V lAtplTf,Olild MA
LABS, In cznionry. D '
APO! - ~ O. LLB
abr o strio Bo.lldhoi
nrytdmond • Fifth Wood. PittiliOn h.
CU N Alii.) UNK.--Stonin . from ,
, LIVEILPOOd. AND (11:11P§
us In sold, or I4ni / 1:00mM in ;Grimm.
; •
.711,01!• NNW TOME, rtA tAcIAT•nd3 ,
' 114 4h " 4 011*.1. Aildj to
- 1_1. 4 . rgspulb' ,
-- "211 reappeguir.
r. 4 , ,u. . mama , m irettutly.
. • informs tali etuniiiintitagskthat li• bas
'pant/Mole *t r; as NI of KRIM A
iiitoljaienOt r PI , t , tlt,e , ) , Itliou,ses .
4;_w• elt6 satefileblett are , , ; _ _
GUM BMW , I Ca., amass a Can.
: itoonntaa 4 co., ' hot Cin Sa 0.,
Elm Puma & Dit., 4nd m
jergly .
E El
Darr t V QUA-al . ..Ms.:La osa s rues firma. I 111( IS ITIYE CU RE FOR DY S PEPSI A. IS
A -- . -.;.,...L.-. ....--....:...... ".....1. - ..7.:111 1 5 5
Pittsbuh, lac l, teal ; ITINTEE
1,000 MUL ES -Sottlerl rintkanale will DR. L. 4,. C. WISIIART'S it if RANGEXENT
be received at thts MN, out 1 I the 9th AL, y mot after MONDAY, II
of Decent' er, letti for forniaboig and delivering at GREAT AMERICAN 'ember lath, IRA -PENNSYLVANIA
Plaithorch, Ps., One thontand good, wooed, ler,sl i RA I LROAD-iNENE..DIIOLY TRAXIrat s -
one Mt lot from Peer to Etaits 1 - con W.I. Dyspepsia Plll and Treatment The TIIBOCCia ACICOIRIODATION TRAIN
The melee meet he in god Old, .r. noted In every i tomes the Passenger Statism daily (amp% ihntlia7.)
respect, swell dereleped sod tall [woken Aseds kph at N. 50 a m. , stopping a ( all Stations between TRW.
Bids mill be rectiieti in lets of T.+ , litiodred or more A "SITTT F. CURE Foil PTSPS/A. burgh mid Philadelphia, end making direct catalp
as the i viler, of to, bidder. If not bid d er intends to Li. for New York and Philadelphia.
bid no mw- then •ste let a tens , ,t e hut yelp bit offered, DR. WISH LET has treated. it the past two years, 1 The THROUGH MAIL TRAIN Wa i n" gb a ft..
DLL i t nit 1 ' et. 390) nine thousand three hundred and ninety pa- ' meager Stotton every morning Ve g u ,,,go) ~,i
Lot No . I. Oa , mule. to h. dello. feel. e 12t s Dee 1661 f la'nta DYarl a.
oin , In Iu 01 00 e Mut.. and in 1.50 a too atoPPittit only at Pin nation; sad
0 , 3. foo •• te. 1, •• tete; mery cam, ahem the medicine was tsken as dimmed, making duvet connectives at Elan host
",, ~. . i . , h ii,,, it made a perfect cum_ A number of We above cues 1 more and Washington, asd for New York via Phila.
Sul .. 1 ,.,,,,,, had born treated by the moot eminent physic - taus In delphla.
96th •• teat 1510 cneutry and Lorclpe. Ile invltts all persona auk . 'the =Rocca EXPRESS TRAIN ham gay s t
The „,,,,b,„ wet b, ,„„,,,,,,,,g , a ~,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„, krour from tbo above .11.2 or to give him a call : x 25 p.m, stopping only at principalatnticms,maging
tor, along mule win Ise mei., 1.1 that if not well Offne, and titans, No. In NURTII SECOND ST., direct minectlon at Haivßburg Ilin &tin.. bib a
de:eloped, and emreapoade woh tbo uotice in atm ad rbamktPlam Wmilitigtoo, and fin New York tin • Allea, 'no mats
vertionien I for Flltt, formal, o, good o odition, and - 1 and Philadelphia.
free from defects The FAST LINE leaves the Station daily (Inapt
Propowele most I. merked "Propneale for Mein,' Watt T 13 DYSPEPSIA ? Sunday) at 8-35 p. tn., mopping only at,p_rhmtpal eta
and marked Inside the bomber of the Lot a bleb the , aorta catmecting at Ilarriaburg Mr nonillion .1.4
hid is intended Cc, and addressed to Ll Oil Li I. 0 . 0....aA aL I I 2,1 .. nlLl,ll,ollllLarri'Ll,
Depot . Qiinrcertmst, hi imetil, L b A , Puteloirsh. 1 I ACCOMMODATION TRAIN& .
Penn a 1 A won pato or estorebess at Ow pal .1/ She d.,m
-' an-Which le caused by a permanent contraction ; Th. Johnstown Stn7a777"Stiion Train I'M 7 a , Sail)
Gars-ante of the stomach mem undigested food It generally 1 (....?1 ,1 Snudn7) at 3 - I X ) Jartit IMPPII3II sta ll Station..
broom immediately, or a abort time aflor rating; is , nod Sc m o no foe u o9 namatlßN. nal.
irst mdion Train fix Walla
often very fever, and obetmate.
__, learn daily (except. Sundey) at 6;39L to
2- natatome sad doubts its .- Tim„ .r.rtrw..' .
. .. ' Second Accommodation Trails for Wail's Station
from the Indianaon of food, a blot feronias instead i
learn daily (except Sunday) il
at 1540 a. a.
of digesting • Third Accommod a tion - Train tbr Walrmlatkei
9, Ciospreuen mai lon qf appecle.-Thear , symp toms I Naves daily (except Sunday) at 3:50 p. in.
are the effects of the unnatural “nditlon of food In , Fourth Acc o mmodation Train for Walre SRO=
1 the stomach, and tin want of pure bile arid gastric ; leans dally (except Stmday) at 04.3 p. to
joie. The etornach 13 often painfully diett laded by ' The Church Train leaves Wall's Station tom Saki
a ind; the appetite 61 A4I:IIetiOICIS VORICIOUS. I day at 9-05 a. ut. ; retorolag, hone Pittsburgh at
4. Glaom and depreenoe of rote-tn.-This state unfits 12 45 p. m.
many for be enfoihnent of life, sod Is canoed by the Retonting Trains 11111,8 to Pittsburgh as MOWN:
impure blood furnished by imperfect digestion. In Baltimore E5pree5...........-.-........_.......L7 250 pe1n.
, this stage of the clienx many pennon comofft Mt- rilnadeiphiSl ESIVVIS-...................e........ I:20p. to.
, ride. There is a constant forebtoling of evil, and ab, Feet Idue...----.-------......-.... 1:30 a. m.
tlficronce and pnitlve Inability to perform the of- 1 Thrinigh Mall Train -....1...... ...... ••••• • . • ... LOB a. M. -
Sims of life' 1 Jubsonorn Accommodation--...-........... 1805 am.
, 5. Deroclow -5 fter being at first c. earn, the tot- , gh a t wows Station accommOdstiotie.iii Alia. Ul.
fiver is afflicted 0 ith ilint.then, ~blob Is owing to a . Second Wall's Station Acconarradatkaa- 823.5 a s b.
' dleeaetvl condition of the bowel*, produced by the un- Third Wall** Station Accommodation.- BIS p. m.
i digested food, width is emoLudted in the same mirell- 1 Fourth Wall'. Station Accommodation-.. 8:O6 .M.
I tion OA when Cat tl, sod of course ghee no streugth Baltimore Express will arrive with Pi
to the system. I Eno= at I.3ff. p. m. on Monday'.
C. Poo. se di Do , . li/ fte nmoct - ' , rim from the Trains for Diaireville and Indthimoonneatralledß.
action of Impure blieil upon the hetree. They are yule Intersection with Through Aocconsoodation.
fill clildly in the bend, radio .d breast, and to the ' Johnstown Accomsodetion and Italprese Troth Era
ninmittes. In moray roe's them is en oncattnem I and with Baltimore Express and Johnstown ACOM•
In the throat, with a sense of choking or suffocation, I modation Won.
the month is often shimmy, with a bad Inge and 1 Troilus for Ebensburg connect at Oramon with Ex
furred tongue. prams Train and Mail Trate Went, and with TlROrgh
7. CaminPfin sinPfonr and odfdloime of fl. iron.l aomixonedatlen and Express Train East.
-Many persona pronounced to having those dime/tee 1 The public, will And it greatly to their intoned, b
have, in fact, nothing but Dyer pem, the lung end 1 golog East or West, to travel by the Pmussynanla
loan diem.* being only symptom.. Central Reamed, as the acCommodatioro now .Cared
8. Cough.-This tea very frminent symptom of Dye- oncost lon surpassed on any other tiontin, The,Mmul
Maio, and leads very open into ,outinned euietunp- hi ballasted with etatiel and is entirely hero front dust.
lion.We can promise safety, speed, and contilart to all
9. Weal of Siren -A eery dielriseing system, re- ' who may favor tllif road with thelr patrouage.
suiting often In mental derangement. .. ' PALER:
10. Newpfenes of externs(
abl ere/ohoo.-Th patient Is af- I
p,,,p,g p a i n naly by eo bt and
p j.. to ; To Stow York -..--8151 80 To litalamore--..-1111 CO
unnatural dryness of ekin, and the ekin is often of. ' To Philadelphia.- 10 60 To laticolos -...... 8 80
footed by eruption. and tetters. The gloomy dye- i To Harrisburg—. 7 65
peptic molds society no touch as pownble. 1 Baggage checked to all When on the Peamsylvs
-11. Vteltliing.-A frequent and distressing symp- 1 ola Genital Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore
torn. It milers the pain, bat emaciatm and wears I end New York.
out the patient. ' Paseengen purchasing tickets in the carewBll to
IL'. Dtminnt, thinnest qf sown, beoxiselas, and dap- 1 Taietian memo; according to the distanta tittle/ad,
germs its trallani-These re m 0-y alarming eymp- I additi on to the station ratea, except from stations
toms, which am opeolily remand by our medkine , where the Comp.."' has il. agent.
but if neglected, are grittily tenoned by numbness t NOTICE.-In m...f ta., a. win bola
and sudden death. themselves !Incubi° Cur personal baggage ply,
13. It is impossible for us to give all the eymptome and far an amettut not exceeding VA. •
of Dyspepata In so null a space, bat tho above are N. IL - An OMnibtal id.* bib been employed. to
considered sufficient, If we add that tho patient bees ' conrnY inauanit'an and baggage to attfi Inn ma k.
his memory and attention to surrounding oblecta, I lota at a ctuirge not toevrawi 25 cemts,thr each pee.
and frequently becomes morose and soar In
in eenger and togEtin. rot tkketa apply to
tium W• should say, however, that pains in the J. STEWART, Agfsd.
paints and etiffnees of the limbs, which go by the At the -Pennsylvania Central liallrOad
name of rherimatinn and neuralgia, are very often Station, on Liberty MMI Gnat streets. Pl =
produced by Dyepenia Also, a hardness of the
muscles of the abdomen, which baboon contracted
and bard ; and In some cases the belly sinks, ineteed
of being gently prominent.
The ability of the bidder to fill the rentrart.sbould
It be awarded to him, tenet be guaranteed by two
renpoosilile pentane, whose elgoature• must Le ape
penchul to the gruraidew
The reap , oml bility of the guerati torn taunt ho shown
Ly the official rertideate or the 1 lrrk of the W.f.{
DlStrkt Coult, pr of the Coded Slates Metric! At
Bidders tenet be present in person when the hide
afro open, d, or their propos/0x will nut be considered.
Bonds equal in amount to half the rum to be re
ceived on the contract, signed by the contractor and
both of his grtanwitore, will be required of the sec.
mindful bidder upon signing the contract. As the
bond must accompany the contract, It will be neces
sary for the bidders to have their benthaneu with .
them, Or to have bonds signed In anticipation, and
ready to be produced when the contract I. signed.
Poem of Gran:mfrs.
e, —, of the county of —, and Utah, of —.
and of the coubty of —and State of --, do
hereby guarantee 001.-- Is able to fulfil actuitraet.
in accordance with the terms of hi, propooltiou, and
that, !Mould hi. proposition Le accepted, he will at
once enter luto a contract therewith. Should the
contract be awarded him we are prepared to heroine
his securities.
ITo this guarantee must ho appended the officio!
certificate at,... mentioned.]
Proposals from disloyal partite wfl ant be consid
ered, and an oath of allegiance will be requirrd of
sucormalni bidders before signing ceantracts.
The undersigned reserves to himself the right to
reject any or all bide that hr may deem too klgti.
Payment to be made upon the completion of the
contract, or so mam thereafter as the undersigned
shall be In Nods. 0. CROSS, •
del ad Lien!. Col. and D. Q. M. General.
Washington, November SO, 1843. j
Sealed Proposals will be received at this oboe un
til 4 o'clock p.m. on the 'dm SAT OW DECEMBER
SENT, for 'O,OOO Infantry Accoutrements, calibre
.:18, to Le delivered In the following quantitire, at the
undersigned arsenate,
30,000 mt• at the how York Arsenal, Gonernor'•
20,000 sets at the Frankfurd Arsenal, prldesburg,
20,00 wt. at the Allegheny Arsenal, Plttaburgh,
£o, tem at the 81. Louis Arsenal, Bt. Lords, Mo.
lh,dun sets at the United Stator Arsenal, 6 serer
town, Mac..
Thum accoutrements are to be mode In strict a n
formil with the regulation patterns, which ran be
peen at any of the above named place", and they are
ts Le culdect to inspection at list arsenal whore de- I
livered, before being rim:iced by the Guvernateut ;
Rime: to be accepted er toald for but tech to are ap
proved on inspecte.. The belts I, be of grained
leath , , and all the stock to he the beet oak tanned.
The .holder belt to be included In the net.
Delleertes must I. made In iota of not lem than
1.00 seta per week, for all chntraete of 10,fard tots or
under; and not iota thou 2,000 iota per week on all
c.:nt rare for 10,m MJ cute; the Arlo delivery to be made
within fifteen Maya from date of contract. Failure to
deliver at a specified time will subject the contractor
to • forfeiture of the amount to be deli erred at that
t me. Ito accoutre:mem moat be board in the meal
etylr; the Mau to be elm:Ted at cost, to he deter
mined by the It:apart,.
Bidders will state am:licitly the arsenal or amounts
when they prolate to d, hrer, and the namber of sets
they propose to deli ter et each ;dace, if fur more than
No bide will Ise received from partio• other than
. regular manunicturers of the article, and such ss an
known to the Department to be luny competent to
execute to their own shops the work propo sed for.
parry obtaining a contract will required
• to enter into bond with approved surety, for its
faltbfed execute..
' Tho Department reserves the right to reject any or
all bade. If out dot meal utisfactury.
• Proposal. will he addreared to •` Brigadier General
GICOUGE D. RAM SAY, Chief of Ordnance, Wash
:orlon, D. C.." awl will le. endorsed ••Propenals for
I ufantry Accoutnownts."
nn24 . .e.eltd Brig Gen. Chief ef Ordnance.
Orantrace Orvicr, Woe Draeraweier, t
Washington Nov. 18, 1863.
gelled Proposele will be received at thin office un
til 4 o'clock p. no. on the otbs DAY Or DECEMBER
NEXT, for the delivery of fifty thotuand lthinch
Mortar Sham, In the &Mowing quantities, ot the fol
lowing Arsenals. vin:
At the tt •tertown Arsenal, Watertown. Mao., 5 One.
At the Wetenilet Ararat, West Troy, N.
At lb. New York Arsenal. Governor's OZ,CIN.
At the Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., 5„000.
At the U. 8. Arsenal, Watthington, D. C. &AO.
At the U. S. Mantel, St. Louie, Mo., 50;0.
These shell. am to be made of the kind of metal,
and Inspected after the ruin laid down in the Ord
nance Mantua. Drawings can be teen at may of the
Unlnd States Areenale. The thelle ere to be inspect
ed n the foundry cast, free of charge for traneporta
t lon or hradling, until delivered at the Arsenal.
Deliveries most Loma& at thereto of not leas than
It.. per cent. per week of (ho number of projectiles
manacled for • the tint delinery to he made within
twenty days sin' the date of the contract, and any
failure to deliver at • specified time min Inlthint tha
contractor to . forfeiture of the number be may fall
to dallier at that time.
Separate bids most be make for emit Arsenal, if
the bidders propene to deliver at more than ona. No
hid will be eonsitbrred from part'es other than regu
lar founders or proprietors of works, who an knows
. to this Department to be capable of exaentiag the
work contracted for to their own ntalil lehruents.
Each party obtaining • contrect will be required
to enter Into bonds, with appr,real rarefies, for its
faithful ramatlon.
. .
The Department reserves the right to reject my or
all Lids, if not deemed satisfactory, for soy MUM
PrOpo4/1, tatty be addressed to " Brigadier General
TROUGH D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Wash
ington, 1 C and will be endorsed "Proposals for
Mortar Shells." GEO. D. RAMSAY,
nolleotild Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
Orden Or TUC Caner Quencrentsmarm,
Washington, L. C., Nov 23, 1863.
Propenals are solicited, and will be mooned at thin
ofllce for the furnishing of Cavalry Horses, to be de
livered at Washington, D. C., Bt. Louis, Ito., and
Chicago, 111.
Th. Rowe to comply with the thllowing wpeciflca
tions, viz . To ha from Aileen (16) to sixteen (11)
hands high, from Qin (5) to, nine (I) years old, well
Draken to the saddle, compeetly built, in good flesh,
and fres from all deiects.
The ability of the bidder to rolfU his Agreement
must b. guaranteed by two responsible persons,
whose signatures must be appandeol to the guarantee.
No proposal. will be entertained Utilatl the oath of
allegiance of the persoo or persons bidding shall di
on file In this care.
Th by th e e= b ai li rt it rd o ca r ttbee ton
of 7,,the art b6 na hown
District Court or of the United Nies. Dtherict M.
prop~ooseaall. must be addressed to Lieut. Col. C. G.
BAWTELLE, Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau,
and be imdoned on the envelops Proposals for
Cavalry Horses agreeing erilb the above spacteca-
Bow wlll be purchased In open market, at Gar prices,
at the following place*, els: New Pork City, Albany,
Ballets; and Rochester, N. Y. ; Pittsburgh. Pent. ;
Coltunbus, Ohlo , - Bates, Mass. •, Animate, Me.; and
'Mut. Col: and Chief Meartermestsc, .
tudg:dtf - Cavalry Dineen.
'Washington, Nov. 17th, 'lB6l.
Sealed _Props%ls will be received stibis crate* un
it!, 1 o'clock - St in. on Oh- 15vn OF DECEMBER
NEXT, for the delivery or 2,000 of more tons of
pare soft LEAD, 'suitable for ordnance'pnrptatel.
the Laid Is to be of approved quality, and to be
delivered at any time, within ninety days, from the
acceptance of the bid or bide. It is to be delivered
at the,United States Amami, 03111/120fil island, N.
and at the United States Arsenal, St. Louis, hio.,
1,000 tons or More at each place,fres of sit chug. for
transportation or handling, and sill be paid for is
regular certificates of inspection and receipt, by re
%attrition on the Ercamiry Department, In the meal
Ride will be received for toy portion of the guard'.
ty not low than 100 tons.
Hide, with approved sureties, will be required for
the 111111llineot of any contr.% that may be made in
pursuance of this advertiliemcot.
The Department, [nerves the right to reject any or
'au mai; If rot deemed satisfactory Attire mu..
Proposals Inuit be addteshod to tilt ler Gesoral
GEORGE D. T o ' Chief of 0 nanne, Wash , .
legion, D. O," and will be endoreed "Proposals for
nceheodtd Orig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance.
SEALED proposals are invited until the
22d day of December, 180, at 1^ m., for the
lIIDES,TaLt,OW, 1100Fd and HOUNB of all rosy.
ernmeht Cattle, alanghterod within the /Indent lime:
Itself the 1/111flet 'of, Columbia, for throe menthe or
,more from the, commenudnent of the contract.
The abase articlesto be collected by tbehMitractor,
sad rentored from • the TlkliMy , phut* atarbleb the
cattle are Wed, at such times at may bo designated
:bathe aillter innharge.
Tbe contractor shallballable for all the II Idea and
tTallon Hoofs: and.flons coralon.from weary animal
slaughtered, =lna it= be matientiefaotory tom..
pear to tbe Sidandence Degartomut that all due es.
on, diligence and care vas made to obtaln'the
sold articles. .
:Bement 'will be natulred army ten days is 00,urit
, Bldg should be itiade la ditelleate, and atioatb of.
allegiante mat accompany tba bids.
"fbs`rnntMetor trill be bold ntable for tba
dte4cemireelt alter tholligulre -o itUcantnet•
ntoettvelltbe'red upon the matoptance ofthe
faithful fulfillment tif tbaccattxnet.
Po eour will lemaceired which le not Beet ground.
Bids to be directed to M.O. Cot - G. BELL, C. e.,
11. VA., Wasli 2 =, , D. C., and imdoreed "Proposals
Orr 1111datand dalisodtd.
Dylipellaill t Dr§pCpSirn I
Da. Wllll.lll, l hate been a eenetant sufferer •
with Dyepemia for the last elghtean years, Moths
which time 1 cannot say that I ever enjoyed a per.
foray well day. There were times when the symptoms
were moot aggravated than at others, and then it
seemed It would be a great relief to die. I had at all
times an unpleasant feeling in my head, bat latterly
my sufferings so much increaard that I became al
twat matt for busineas of any kind, my mind was
continually filled with gloomy thoughts and fora.
dings, and if I attempted to change their torrent by
reading, at once a mention of icy coldness+, In con
nection with a dead weight, as It were, mated opon
my brain; also a feeling of sicknou would occur at
the stomach, and groat pain to toy eyea, accompanied
with which was the continual fear of losing my rea
son; I also experienced great lassitude, debility and
nervousness, which made it difficult to walk by day
or deep at night, I became averse to society, and
disposed only to sechmion, and having tried the skiff
of a number of eminent physicians of various schools,
finally came to .he conch:talon that, for this disease,
at my present age, 45 years, themes= no cam in ex
istents. lint, through the Interference of Divine
Providence, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I
at last found a sovereign remedy In your Dymiepala
Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually
removed almoal the Int tracwof my long list of ail
ments and bad feelings, and in their place health,
pleasure and contentment are my every day corn
peelers. IA.IIES IL SAIIND=n
No. 4.53 North Second street, Philadelphia,
formerly of Woodbury,
Dr. WISHADT'S office, No. 10 North Second et..
♦ Positive Cure for Dyspepsia
Bear what lie. Johnll. Babcock lay.:
No. 102. Olive Street, 1
Philadelphia, January 1861 I .
Da, Wisni cv--Sfr r it is with much pleasure that
I am now able to fait= yon that, by the nut of Yet.
great American Drape la Pill; 1 have been entire
ly cured of that most os complaint, Dyspep
sia 1 bad Won grievously afflicted for the last
twentyasight years, and for ten years of that time 1
have not been free tram Its pain one week at a time.
I hays had it in in wont form, and have dragged on
• most miserable existence—in pain day and night.
Ecru kind of food that I ate filled me with pain and
wind, it mattered not how light, or how small the
Quantity. A continued belching woe rare to follow. ,
I had no appetite for any kind of meats whatever,
and my distress due so great for viewers' months be!
fora I heard of your Pills, that I 'frequently wished
fordeath. 1 had taken everything that 1 had heard
of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit; int
on your Pills being recconmetided to me by one who
had been cared by them, I concluded to give them •
' trial, altlumsh I had 0.3 faith in thorn. to my ae
tordshmont, I gland myself getting better before I
had taken one-fourth of • box, and, after taking half
• box, 1 ass welt emu, end ass ad sorptisiata ri.h,
enjoy a hearty meal three UMW • day, without in
convenience from anything I eat or drink. If you
thinkproper, you are at liberty to Hake this peddle
and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all deed rabbi
information to any one who may call on me.
Your+ rcapeatkill,
For sale at Dr. Insiwars Medical Depot, No
North Sewed street, Philadelphia, Pa. Price,
One Dollar per box. Sent by mall, free of charge, on
receipt of price.
Dirspepata I Dyspepalii t
I, Moan Toms, of Cheltenham, Montgomery Co.,
Pa., have mitered for more than me year everything
but death (t elt. from that awful disease, called Dys
pepsia I employed, in that time, Clore of the most
eminent Opticians In Philadelphia. They did all
they maid for me with medicines and capping, but
still I was no better. I then went to the Pamisyl.
muds Unlieraity, in order to place myself In reach of
be - medical talents in the country, but their
medicines failed to do me any good, and oftentimes I
wished for deattrto relieve me of my sufferings, but
eeeingDri Withart's advertisement in the Philadel
phia Bata* I determined to 'try come moms, bat
with little faith I Ballad on Dr. Wigan, and told
him if I maid have died I would not have troubled
him, and then related'my salferinp to him. The
Dr. seemed me, If he tidied to cure me of DlVeleis,
It would be the find we in two=io put my
self under his thiatment, and- I bed been
-for months vomiting nearly emir g - I ate, my
stomach swoen with pain yond
Wight bow ll able Dyspepsia be POls, I need them description, as
directed, and In ten days 'could eat an hearty a meal
as any persons the State of Pennsylvania, and in
thirty daye WU a well man. I Melts any peraon
, mfferhig as I won tocall and see me, sndl will relate
My mitering and the groat morel received. I amnia
say to all Dyipeptios, everywhere, that Dr. Wishart
in, I believe, the only pen= an the earth-that can
cure Dyspepeis wish any degree of certainty.
Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., Pa.
Dr. VIBRANT'S office, No. 10 Tiorth Second at.
Office hoary from 9 a. tn. to 9 p. m. All examine-
Mons and timumitations fem.
I; EftlkeliN iSitilifoA, Cr fiend no. Del., for
rectly,of Old Meader,' DeL, do ce ' that, Ow one
year ling *half Legated everything at death 40111
that isiful'dbiesae called Dyspepsia._ tly whole W.
tem tom prostrate &with ermEntas and - disability; disability ; I
lbuld not digest my had; If I ato wren a cracker or
. caludlett Amount of ftewl, it would return tut as
astalloWed it ;Ileums so costive in my
that ; I would not hare a passage in less than from
roar and often'aight days; 'under this lielttenee
fori my Mind seemed entirely to give way; had
dreadhtl Idammind Orli forelexilop; I timed overe
body bated me; and I hated everybody:l could not
bear my heuibluid ray own children;' Ore
appeared to torrovstricken tome ; I had noVl t ib
EMI* do anythingl lost all my Dm of Tinnily and
hone; I wbuM• ratable and wander fem place to
place, but meld hot he contented; I felt Out I was
doomed I, hell, AMLOtal the:ewes no heaven for me, -
mg was Ellen tempted toctimult Weide, so near
eras ray wholehervots sfstem destrod aim my
Mad, from that awful complidat,
my friend. thought beet to hare me p in Di.
Hirkbridei Hospital, at West Philadelphia. I re
mained there nine weeks, said thought I was a little
better, but In a. few days my —dradful complaint was
raging as bad as erer. - Homing of the wonderful
CUT% performed .by. Dr. Wistuags, Great American
Dyspepsia Pine and 'lds Treatment for Dyspopsl4.
my hatband Called ort Vbhart and 'stated my
'am* , him. Ho eta belted no-donbtheamid cars
me. 'Be in three days after, 1 tailed end placed my ,
self under thaDocter'e trehtmcnt;suulfid - two w eek s
be:into diged exd, andTelt that my - wawa iree
rut giving.way, old I continued to recover for shoot
three months, and at the present. time I shjoy per-'
feet health of body and laird. and I most sincerely
retsina mythaaks tea mardAti God and Dr. Wlshart,
and to hi. great Asnettead , DyspeyelaPillitand Pine
Tres Tar Cordial that' save.] me from an-Insane Alp
lena and a- pretreat:eftlmre. , All persons entitling
With Dyypeptia ars at liberty Wean en-Me or write,
and I wfli try do all the good IMS for Suffering
Brandrahts, Del., formerly of Old Chester; Del.
Hr. wtsffewrs Office, No, I) North Secondat.,
- •
DR. op. t0MM.4,4 _
Bote Agent for Pittsburgh, Pule*.
.. - ,:•••.'. , 1'., --- ..,: , , , . , ,>..-1'i: . '":1:f
_ - r.4:~ „' r ~`~ ~'~x. r ~.d .i'} { ~'~ rc .-;Y E S .sr~ h ~
~'' '~3c~i'^~.,a~: '~y3~Puc,`x. Yz~i's~z~ ~~^ ~w Z .rr T k _ .~'.~,i~~ ~+:
, .
lONDIT, November 16th, 18 D,. Trafm mrl3l' Imre
the Depot of the Penueylvanis Thellraid, In ems.
burgh, ea followe : , .
Pgaburtds and Wheeling Liao. - -
Leaves Pittsburgh 1,43 a. m.. &SO a. nt DM p,- wk.
do Wellsville. 4:10 " 8:42 . t. 11.5 "
do Stenbenv'e 5:10 . 9:45 . 5:06 • .
do Wheeling. thoo. 11:00 . Saki *
Arrives Selina._ 0:10 " ILLS . .11./8 "
Connecting at Steubenville and Senate With Steu
benville and - Indiana Railroad and Central Ohlaßall.
nand (or Zanmille, Newark, ColuMbria, Xerdianty.
ton Indianapolia,• Cincinnati, Lottisrille, carom.
Lda.., St. Joseph, and all points Want IMdettnlarliellts
and at Wheellim with Baltimore and Who Zaibtad.
Pindnergit and Ckse/dad Van ,
Lear. Pittsburgh--.-.-- 1 .'451. to. .I:4Spa in.
do Well s ville....--.....- 4 9 0 . LIXI. V.
do Bayard..-.. -... 5:50 " IMI .
do Alliance-...-.---.... '616 " *lb '.
do RAVe111.......—. -
..-1 7sl/1 ." • - Eli "
do Iludson. —.--.-.... Sal .. Tin ."
Arrives at Cleve - land-.. -. iIeAS . . 8:40 , "
Connection:at Bayard with Tosenrawas. ranch dm
New Philadelphia and Carrel Dover, atAillance With
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Bailioadi id
Ravenna with Atlantic and Great Waiter's Billioad
for Warren, Greenville, Meadville; Eatoacciorry,
Jamestown and Salamanca; at Iludilmi with Clow.
land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Banta tZeltitton,
.Cuyahoga Faits - and Millersburg, and sitteraDaul
with C. A E. R. It. (or Erie, Dunkirk sad Balialo
with C. A T. lii IL for Flandunky, Toledo, and plaw
with steamers for DetnaiE
Steubenville and Wellsville Accommodation leans
Allegheny City at COS p. m.
Returning trains arrive at 19.00 a. m., 1:60 p. es.,
&Oa p. m. and 2:10 a. m.
Through Tickets to ail prominentnotate COI ha
! procured at the Liberty Street Depot. Plitaksuglt.
. ...
And at Allegheny City.
A. Q. CASSELBEARY, Ticket Aleut.
For farther information apply to
At the Company's Oftics in Freight Station, Fein at.
nal° . . -
Orme or Costrrceuxa or an Creagan;
Washington City, August &BOWS, j
Wetness, By mtlelketory evidenn preen to
the m•s e rsigntl it has been =de to_appear, thus
in the County of Allegheny, and Staten. fN.Z.ln:lgiva
n la, has been duly oranined wider ardrateending to
the requirements of the Act of CongreeS, - Mititket
"Au Act to provide • National Currency', teetered ' by
• pledge of United Suites Btoekv, end to provide fbr
the circulation and redemption thereofe's approved
February :COI, 1863, and has complied, with ail the
provisions of wild Act required to'bef. eimaptled - with
before commencing the business of Banking a
Now, therefore, I, Urn incent.onf, Com i troller
of the Currency. do hereby motif,. that • - said
county of Allegheny, and State of Pehrowlreiele, le
authorized to commence the busineea of Bonlineg un
der the Act aforesaid-
~.... In testimony whereof sitearni Ely band
{ B. s 1 and !eel of office, dile 6th dinUBLOCE of .4.-vt,
Vitali M,
;--e- , Comptroller of cC tbe Currency.
Carrion, 04.00 000 with prisileptelmoreass
to 6.1,0(30,05./0.
The Pittsburgh Trent Octopus) hastigorkenlreth
nada the its to provide aliatiomil Oman
the title of the YIRST- NATIONAL B Or
retinUi ear ite wanks.
for the collection of Notes, Drafts; Bills orßeelumme
dm., receive money on - deposit, and bertml sell- &
change on all parts of thsrosemtr7.l•
The Imam which. bee altrsCuied 'the •Plttsbacro
Trust Company, aimed Its argent:ail= In,-/$3l, win
we believe, be a enfficieitt tes . .that. - bholnees
entrested to the new, tion will scathe the
same prompt attention. -
Having r rei7 extensive CUnn.inuhriMe with Banta -
sad Beaker, throughout the country, we believe we
can offer nuarnal Cupid to thou who'd* hewlat.
with na.
The natural will benondicte ay td he wirsurOßsera
and Directors. , . •
Alcsaader B""
irmic Cr.
Alex. Snld/I7x • -
Samuel Rat
' I
Hobert 1
Thomas la,
Thomas Wightnauk,
Win. K. Musick, - I
ebyrul bah ON&
Levoina rreOunt.
Fonwen Brower. ..
Open daily tom otoll 0da: 4 4,14r, On.Wedturedal
and Saturday etenloist. ,frolW i _ 14.4_ 4mm:dm
tat, Onto 7 to 0 o'clock, and litontalper ]at to
Lint lit Corn a_to_a_..o!slor,li'' ' '
Depoelte melted :grin ;mai not. Ora than One
Dollar, and a the PreitCdocistrd t wig* •
pint, in Jnivi and: DOMMUM4 :Wereqt ben ,beet dr.
dazed wisa.favitialy; hi Jane and Decriaber. stag*
the Bahl was orgatalod,aatba litaer alxlat teat.
....... .. -.. .. _
• =rest. V net draWn out, Is nlanat to r thAcnellt
'et tbadepealtor u prtaellaa . and bestnaboaantei In
tend fr.. the drat days et Jane sad Itonontate,, onn
pouting twice a year without troubling thi'depeat
tor to all.. or-trees to preerat tits.renwhow.. -- ..1.t itai
ralesnowrikut double il k pve tb4ionteuwi; -, ._.
Booke, containing ,the Quarter, .-Gistatri; Baba
and Bra'ulnqcmi f•r•tabtd VOW, itl'VUejttlon at
^ - Patsmort--47Eclial 7. aillr. .
..- ern resentattat 1,1 ..,,t;
d I.••••
John B. Iteltadden.....,-
Johnitolinei, -_, . . ...Milt% .13 .4' ria1t, 1 . 4 '
Alexander Span., "• - ' Juni B:D.,lll2ada,
Benl. - I,Tatatest,lti... - A. Id.: - Dolloeltilli. D.,.
JantearateAtlel,— .--: Ailllihnlatletp.-.,
Ja m e•-I Tt • •'!i'' . - AVI/ 1 / 2 •• 3 , 44110Wn1, .
Ay --__ ......
- ,,Peter .atadadra.
• Wa11atr.244434.
, John. (kr,' ----
`H Robert Dabbinrl7
__,lr Blrosank
, ' , Dwarts
=Johnß. S Eikl4l}- hastiSentier,
, WO= ri4.1501111111111,.
grtilll . ..„._
' uataolltarr,
Christi= Tame,
John G. flectoft...
.JahnC. Zindleb,
Alonzo 4 , ll 1 7 1Ci'' '. ;
cumin &-cznot,“'
WllllaaDoratese- -
John.rlll4llg , 4
,Peter /I.
With= B. Lantly.
einutin * •