The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 07, 1863, Image 4

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'..44ol;dolitgri. - --6371114
C 127 11 -SUBURBAN.
•.- ' , Dom Saturday's Evening Edition.
~.,.....,. ,•,_ - _, - ......_.
A pillion for Volum ?
The aste! ilderMen J, F. If. Jonas, of
emi Seventh Ward, and his commitment to-jail i
is answer'As' chirp of keeping a disreputable
•hutute; ohoelk/terve as a lesson to voters of
- '''thlii' elty n It too frequently happens that'
;:men, utterly destitute of social .or moral
standing;are permitted to ' thrtuit themselves
o-Aira .i. candidates, and at the primary
sure - a vast majority of voters Imre '
:the . _ofto be aeeided by a few iinserepu
tans aril politicians, whoresort to the mean
es homes in order to erect their own par
._,,,-Illnitel. ..In this city, whore a nomination um
::!4.seetires•ait election, the primary meetings'
• are of vital hiPortance and_ yet not ono, voter
In:teriever thinis of coa ting his vote or.eisrcis
-(4 !di ladneitee at these preliminary else-
Von,.: Thus badmen are suffered to be nom
. tusttakiittd an evil is inflicted upon the com
In the ease of Alderman Jones, it so hap
: Vended that, after his election', he could not
• Alai the requisite bail to secure his commis-
Sitin,nrid the people were thus saved from the
'4i:4-administration which, Judging from his
Ikultseqnent career, would have been sure to
'Olio, his induction into office. Having
- :Ibiiidetted his family, he-left them to starve,
and took up his quarters:with : the most ahem
;•,:diiiiied characters, and : aided them in their in
' ''clautous comer of debauchery. This example
-Albin:ad serve as a warning to voters, and
oilleimid.tend to induce every respectable cit.
....Isen.not only to vote at the primary meetings,
'.7.lrut, to use his influence with hie neighbors in
-.securing the nomination of the best men for
arks. .
'. Death of And.rew McMaster, Esq.,
41. few days since we noticed the serious ill
r fisu Andrew McMaster, Dap, and to
;day we are called upon to record his death.
:;!Ite expired on Friday evening, at 'his real
idetse at Homewood station, in Collins town
.llolp. The deceased was born in the Third
Ward of this city, war well known through
:',.ottt•this county, and was highly esteemed for
chi{ imp excellent traits of ohaiseter. Hs
1 Med the several stations of life to which he
ens called, with honor - and fidelity, end his
lolaWill he deeply regretted by a largo circle
- Of friends. He served for three terms as an Al
....dermal' In the Third Ward, and wan chosen
for two terms to the responsible trust of
..I.flity Treasurer—in both of which positions he
;;,rendered entire satisfaction, and gained the
atom and confidence of his oonstitnents.
As a member of the Bar, he was held in high
eiteem by the profession. lie was taken ill
some three weeks since, mid, being of delicate
' .. ..constitution, it vas feared from the first that
! his disease (typhoid pneumonia) would termf
net° fatally. lie leaves a most amiable wife
.and several children to mourn his decease.
Letters with Fictitious Addressee.
,l'estmetters throughout the principal cities
'theomintry are very mach annoyed with
the receipt , of letters addressed to fictitious
partles e runinil in consequent,* of newspaper
advertiseinents, soliciting "correspondence"
isith young ladies. The evils of such wirer
!" tisaments are manifold, and the public papers
halm already recorded instances in whichsilly
girls have been enticed trona their hornet and
7 'j 1114110 d Di reputation by designing sooundrals.
the postmastars.havo an effectual legal reme
dy in their hands; which is now generally ap
plied, under the following clause in the post
alloo law r
' ' "Letters and packages addressed to ficti
:l OM persons or firms, or to ne particular per.
nen or thin, not being deliverable according to
the Bagelations, are to returned at the end
of each month to the Dead Letter office."
Commendable Genernslty. •
Wo understand that the miners employed
'fit Matey, Bleskimen d Co's. coal works, have
taken oat, froe of charge, three thousand fire
;Fiends:4 and seventy-five bushels of coal, tar
J.; :distribution among the poor of the two cities.
,The ACtai is brought to the oily free of charge
.4 bY A:Carnegie, Esq., Superintendent of the
Western divieion of the Pennsylvania rail
%. lend, and. Meters Clacey, Ifiskimen
;$.• lith.theMune commendable spirit of liberal
-- it free, upon the order of the La
- Associations of Pittsburgh and
'Allegheny. This is most commendable on
00 par tof the minertabove referred to, and
should it be followed by their brother real
.diggers, the Relief Societies will be enabled
.` relieve many a suffering family during the
ta-. l ' ea lag winter.
The Atwell Tint e tons Corpus.
Judy Stew. this morning delivered an
-vision in the ease of Yankee Atwell, who Was
• • • jj''' ' ''aiiested herb on'information received by tele
- - ;graph from St. Louis, alleging that be had
lbseended with a large sum of money belong
log to his partners in business. The Judge
rook the ground that while magistrates have
• right to arrest sad detain fugitives from
Other States, the arrest most be made upon
proper and.- saMeiont information--such as
would be taken upon the trial of the cense,
In a court of justice. .The information in this
ease—• telegraphic dispatch—was deemed In
-:. sisellcieut,-and Mr. Atwell was discharged
from custody.
The Approaching "Draft.
A One month from to-day tho several Boards
of Enrollment will make another draft, milers
,• volunteers in suffielent numbere, shall, in the
mean time, come forward. Illinois., Indiana,
. 4 . unclothe: western States, together with Mass
aehttsetts and other Eastern States, will fill
theirriquisitions:with volunteers. Shall Penn
471rania send nothing but conscripts into her
.depleted regiments I Shall we tarnish the
siltuieus record of our grand old Common
yealth, a reoord written to the blood of bet
- volunteer eoldisrs, by each e consummation
Ase thisT"Ood forbid I
. .
j -
./t .Migrunza.—The- theiniereica states that
op-Wednesday evening. Nov. 25th, Rev. Jos.
is Herr wee installed as pastor of the Third
:llnited Prosbyterian church, Ridge streot,
Thiais not correct. Mr. Herr,
.rebelee (rani that. eongrege
i :Mons thp meeting in question was held for
~:;41be,pniposs of moderating- that call. Mr.
Kan hoot yet through with his theological
studies; and his installation will not take
olaiwfok seine months._
Jeinsar Ai:tames:lL—Soma of these
• "'lli* already in 'the market—taking time by
' tharforelltxk, as 'the well-known aphorism
"The Lady's Friend," a monthly
=lonia& of I , llterature and fashion," edited
by Aftli Heniy Peterson, slid ”Frank Lealia'•
Taieesi/dont/4,." ereforsale at J. P. libat's,
$9 VittlistFeet, =eat J. T. Sample's, 85 Fed
,' 4 , - era street, - Alleglioni.
llmanw Lome Ate Soeterv.—The ladies
aenriseted with the Hebrew 'Ladies' Aid Sod
- ono of the most efficient ortabltations in
the city, frill gives grand banquet at Lefa7-
eott6Ball. on Wednesday evening. next, for
the binedt of the'United States Sanitary Corn
silsilen. Invitations have been tendered to
an natty persons as the hallean itc,abrantodate.
•Vostroxv).—TheSabbath School scholars
of :the Central Pvimbiterian sherd', (Dr.
ending so many other.eburrhes en
:- gage_ din getting np entertainments -similar
• •to,Alutt contemplated for next Thursday even.
trig; for the benefit of the Sanitary Cartunis
, ifsonotitiootics that they have nosponiod the
inutterlo,x the,present. •
Pishi.sallt•known ,and, long-known Almanac, sisifig-tbraiutiored aiuns of the great
-man, philosUpliss, aud--triatar, of Phtladol
: p_his, ti for - sOlo et a.r.: P. - Bunts, Masonic
Ball i iiftit street,' Pittsburgh, and at J. T.
Sam • le'r f Federal street, Allegheny.
110.1 l 0t ivrgractsta,or
dletst4. v01P1.44i Vermotit, who ha. resided
As Attest Sr' il,,j_cLty. sel,testehte in the Avert
Mewl for,
_!eottststeetitt yetis', le shoat leaving
With his to s froreasorebip to the
. ,
IdearsroV.Thieti who
would okley'ssood share or the fon* things
k . - wstris,.orTha leg lti — seSs going, resyjnet
todlitt qopasitithe Poslettliso,
Old geClitt:. litairlusert:t Iteisembir hudpb
g' Lsscu ' s Tarr Cue-.}tornatr. to
• .2exinary'untaber.cir tble attractive and pope
tar setl cheap ;oriel:Error etala et .1. W. Ple
took'is opposite the Poitotgee.
Ttientoriej meeker hers continues to ride very firm
but supply, at yet, seems to be about equed to the
demand. In cola there is no new feature worthy of
notice, with theatteption that our bookers - chat loos
terierlytdi fiat:Offers at former quotations.
The iew Tererk money market, the telegraph intones
is, wee Moderately active at 7 per cant. Bold open-,
ed Al 152, declined to 151 j§, then admitted to 1523,
and email) closed beery It .1.52 1 ,44L524 . . Sterling
Exchange Is quiet and. unchanged at leackLlCl3% for
Mat clews
The total export. of Specie from New York to for
'ogre porta; =mutt* theaggreipte to 5 3 .7 71 , 000 .
e The following . Is from Thanipson's Rank note Re
porter, and will be found of intermit to purchasers
and hoiden of land ,wariants: "At t h e last semi=
of Congress, land wairente were granted to the
State:, for the support of agricultural colleges.
Thee,, warrants (an In lie acre scrip) have been lo
aded to the loyal vitae in proportion to represents
lion In Congrees, this State getting MOAB acres.
Vermont 150,000 acres, he. Some 61 these warrant.
will OB on the market this winter. Thai° warrahts
have this •pecußarity—no more than one - million of
acres tab be entered in any one State. For prompt
emery they are am good as any other warrants, hot
to Lay them sable forme a.year or two hence would be
Tne y. Clncinnall Casette, of the 2d, asp: "A coun
terfeit BM V. S. Treasury - note was detected In Third
sweet to-day. • Its general appearance to calculated
to deceive, but a judge would at once detect it. Tho
centre vignette of the Goddess of Liberty le very Im
perfectly done, but mom* parts will pus the closed
wrinkly, The peculiar green ink of the genuine
has not been imitated, it is much lighter la color,
and le of Inferior quality, not printing clearly."
Ro-ormenvo or A Carrot "Superb
Carton ill," keeled at Cannelton, Indiana, on the
Ohio river. which bat been closed for some time put,
on account of the difficulty of procuring sufficient
supplies of raw material, is to reemme operations et
a very early day. A lot of Mx hundred bales of cot
ton (mar two hundred thousand dollar.' worth) was
bought in St. Louie on Saturday lest, and will be
shipped thither at once for converelon into the sheet
ing' for which that mill is Putty remowned. The
price paid for the lot was 7O cent. per pound.
BATIIIIDAT,D0011100: 5, 11883. •
FLOURd GRAIN—The grain market *outlands
to rule very Ina, but prices remain unchanged. There
II a regular local demand for Oats, an4we note email
sales fiam first hands at 75e, and from store at 80c.
Wheat is !steady with sales from wagon at $1 ,15 for
fled, and $1,406445 for White. Corn 111 firm with
sales of 500 bosh, In Ears, from firer horde at;sl,lo,
and 1 car do from depot at $1,35. Shollod is held at
$1,25. Barley le study at $1,55 for Spring, and $1,50
for Yall. Flour is quiet and unchanged but firm at
57,00 to $7,2.5 for best grades of Extra Family from
store. gale of 7 tuns Buckwheat door at $4,01 per
FEED—is scarce and In active domand;
stale of 5 tons Short. at 81,35 per owl, au dl5 tons
Chopped Fowl at $2,00. Middling remain about as
last qnotod.
GROCERIES--Qulst but firm, with small sales at
former quotations. Sugar Is tolling at 133,,(3141e
for flaw, and 17(Ilac for Relined. Cogoe tv muff at
prices ranging from Si to 111 e, and IloIn•tos may ho
quoted nominal at fdo.
IlAY—It firm awl advalwit,,, with a demand con
siderably In excess of the supply; sales of IC toads
from Setae! at 539 to SI9 port , 0.
• DRIED FRVIT—Ftro, with t•ut a haute.' supply
in market. Salo t. 2 al bush prim, bright Apploa at
01,85 per bushel, and 30 bush Peach.. at Per
lII:TTER k EGGS—Rutter IA ut •cure request,
and quotations may he fairly given at 25 to Lak for
common to strictly prime. Eggs arm at 25c.
APPLES—steady but without quotable change;
sale of 300 bids at fr0m•52, 5 51 to 82.75 pet bid, for
common to pr hoe.
CIIEL3E--The demand is fair and the mar►et
steady at 14r for prime Western Rosary°.
POTATOES—steady with email of good quali•
ties from store at 85 to 01A- per bushel.
WHISKY—The market Onetime, to Its very much
excited and unsettled, and holders bars again advan
ced the rates. Quotation. may be given at from 61
to 8.5 c, though we understand that too or two
houses urn asking 90.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Markdt.
Bee. s—The Petroleum market, to WO • common
expression, was on the "rampage" to-day. The ex
citing character of advicet from New York, wad the
Intimation that the text Congress will lemons as
excite duty on Crude, had the effect to completely
unsettle the market, and the result was that Loth
Crude and Refused appreciated in value almost every
hour it the day. Aa Is eleraye the case *alder the
esti° chenmet epees, there were any number of buy
ers at advanced rates, bet holders ocetood to be al.
most •troll to pawn a price for rear It would be as
cepted, and CO2l.lllrlltly, thine wort, not L. many
trairmettons as there would otherwies have hems.
The Wei of Crodc reported, amounted in tho ag
gregate to 2,&00 barrels, as follow.: 700 bbl. at V!,,,c,
bib included; 700 do at 23c; and 1100 Ltd, In bulk at
16;4c. The market closed very Om, and some hold
en were asking 184:310c In bulk, and 21@i25e in bble,
but there wore no salve muds above oar quotat ions.
There appears to banter. excitement in Refined
than la Crude, and notwithatanding almost every
holder was completely besieged with buyers, the
transactirme, so far so we could learn, were mmpar•
tively light. Bonded oil was In active demand, and
advanced (rem 5. to 6 MIL, during the day, and we
know that 40c was repeatedly offered, and ne often
refused—hoiden claiming that It would go to 45c,
and pampa 50c. We note a sale of 200 bbl. In build
at 35, on (ho spot, which wee below the mmitet, and
500 tilde In bond, "Brilliant" Grand, at 400, to be de
livered in Jminary. The sole. of Free oil comprise
some (Ott bbl., so follows 200 bulls at 47c; 50 at 40c,
and 150 at 50,. The market closed firm, with buyers
at 40r for bonded, and 50., free, but fete if any
toilers at these arms.
Naptha t. a shadeVnter, and is now I.oki at a
alight advance, but, in the abseuce of sale., we omit
quotations. Iteeidium remalns about a, last quoted.
The exports of Petroleum from New York during
the three days ending Friday, ammutted, la the ag
gravate to 634,029 gallons; or, .boot 15,5 d: barrel,
New York Petroleum Market.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Kars Yoru, Dee. s.—The market has Levu wild
and rampant throughout the day, owing to the re
ported impositlos of ou excise tax on Crude by the
coming Congress. Crada has aivanced to 31a-tic,
and Refined to Loud ranged ill tee way from 40 to
32e. The market closed firm, though price. were en
tirely nominal.
New York Grocery market.
(From the Commercial List, Dec. b.)
Correr.—The recent large supplies of Rio funnelled
to the Gournment,takon almatentirely frem mewed
hands, left the market in an anomalous poeltion, the
stock being quits moderate In Importers' hands,with
little or none to those of Dealers. This, with a specu
late. inquiry, loste,indladed a much larger business
than we hare noticed fur some time put, and price.
hare advanced °uncut 1.4 lb, closing with the stock
reduced to about 20,000 bags Rio and Santa, and
much concentrated u to present holder., both in
flat and secondliande. In other Made there Mu also
been rather morn doing, but values have not export.
owed much change. The sales include 4.300 hags
Rio, per Adelaide, at IC% cents; 4,l(ti do per Union,
333. i ; 3,104 . 46, lid two Tots, MIK ; 323 do, to smeller
paras;lo4l34,l6e lower rate for Erldmminge; 4,000
do per Tyreei, 3,:00 do per Jaen, preview to arrival,
and before reported, on terms not nude public ; six)
btarseet., 52%C34 cent, ; 50 Angostura. ; 2 4
6611 Porto Rico, 24 ; 12.5 mats Java, 40, 4 me. ; 1,432
bags tit Domingo, part 274427:%; 100 do, in bond, It,
ash ; and 04 bags and 1 bbl Jamaica, on term. we
clidaut burn-
. -
Nuosn—There is A little mod inquiry from eonsum•
era, and the market, though still reactive, closes rather
more 11rsoly at the velure current In the early part of
the week. befitted is quiet - at prelims rates. The
aales of Haw are 1,225 bad, Cuba at 11 12jdc;
hbda Porto Biro I.9aleiar ; '25 lihda Ma:Unique 125ie ;
349 hhda, SS tea and 1 tibi Demerara,l24l2y.c ; 101
Iskids Now Orleans, 19.4(314e ; 10 do clarified, 19;:c
(cash), and 149 bus Havana, part Mic, 4 wee. By
auction, 169 hhdo New Orleans sold at 12.44514.23, 4
NOLAVEVI—The market =lianas quite dull; the
Iterosod being restricted to the Immnllate moire-
Monti of the trade; prices In co:LW:pence favor boy
ar*, sad aro about 6c lower, and from Ore highest
point shay barn declined nt 106 fl valor'. !Was
Include 210 bbda Dan:gran at 63c; 16 /Inas Porto
Rico, 6;466c; 66 ,bade ` and IN teat Cubs Ntricarado
.412 ,
3606 ; 360 bbls old nrop New Orlsans.'47667a ; and
SO de new crop, 70371 c, (mon. iri3 t c uctli m , 2111 bbls
new crop New Orleans sold-at 70c, 4 loos. At
Baton, NO Ivor Cuba gold at , Cash.
Chicago 3lartete
Dm. 4.—There was s good attendance on 'Chasse
to-day, and tome &volition to °pirate, but the as.
trestle cluenewtof the money market pulsated much
of a movement In that direction; modular for near.
ty all, kinds of Min favored the buyer. The wheat
market was without ountial change, and ruled dull
at 151,11:01.11,31 for No: t ; 61,9641,07 for. No. 2, and
reg;il for rejected Spins. Winter erbsateraignlot,
end ultra wertrulgtog aY st,tr for No. 2, and tttas
for rejected , Tim' was dull and noel, cud.
There wu verglittledst, fa earn, and tbs market
was without (sunlit! any. No.l Old at 90e, and
NO. g ildr,V'Tte dertata for oats vas cow.
parattmay ht 4 ebo tneltrat . &dined loodtb
sales at tea. fer.Xo: istdaddi Ms t-o•
WO. Byeens mand dep=i andanto at AID •
WU. owo,e. ma.' being 81, Xa1,07. The
offerings emit Bade, we. quint - tont Ores at
$1,22d91,249,r Eto: 9 In stort..• roubj lamp, gold st
11,2.601,28.--Ifferwlner wore gm, and we have fa
notew farther admit* tit. 1(32°, WittiCaalte at Inn
Madolptaa-?seelis *irked. ;
" Dia. 6,-TbahoeviiptAcaCkwer.cei comma" tams
intli rb.
ft , Win' Gottsta.r thitto at= WWI to
%liar itl7 tiorlale.'lliti2o46tatior
szwoM - as 1 Ideate. Timothy mom tmas Iwo
t011h,76 pa I, sad thee to mote - atuir7, Ras.
sold hu Win somewhat armettbd. =ging hem
sath 'so IVO, with mks of 12,000 hookah,.
Toledo Market.
Dec. 4.-4Mr...triarket continues quiet. The de
mand for Flour is confined to the long Crede,and T_T OLIDAY SALES
round iota could not be soldat our quotations. DM. j—L.
was a fair demand for wheat this forenoon, at an ad
rance. Core as quiet and firm. Oata are in demand. AT
'Float—No antes reported. Last ages of XX at $6,50
7,0 n. Wheat—Sales 700 ho amber Mich of $l,Ze; •
bu do at same. Corn—Uald firmly at 1f1,03.
Oats—fio sake; !mad readily coma:Laud nee. There JOS • 110RiNt'S TRIMMING STORE,
is no Barley or Bye in the market. Droned flogs—
The weather is mild and unfavorable for shipment.
Sales 72, ell over... Vol lbs., tanning from fi.,50 to 6,70.
1 hog, areightog 4201 be, at $7,5 6 , all weights, raugmg
from 64 to Ed/.
The amount of grata in st o re bore on the let Met
u reported to the Board of Trade. was as follows
Wheat bu 464.nn0
1 Corn, bu 43,731
Bate bu 24,7tr7
Cleveland Market.
Doc. 4—Flour—Sales 300 hiol XX red rontheria
Ohio at $6,00. Wheat—The sales to-day ore . I car
white on [stark at 1550; 1 car rod from .tote at 125 c
1 car do do at 124 e; I car do on track at Mc. Corn
—The receipts are very light, market quiet, and hold.
etc are firm at 110 c from store. Oats--Market quiet
and steady. No sales reported. Held Ornt at 75c
from store. nye--Qufet, light demand, and held at
116 c from store. Barley—Woak and meets with lit
tle lutinisl, nominal at 1250128 e from otore. Mill
peed—The high flguree at which Corn and Oats are
held has increased theademand for mill food of all
kinds, which moots with ready mla at S2O 4O per ton
at the =Mc Liighwinas--Market leas excited. Small
sales this forenoon at SW, closing at 608431.0.
Imports by Railroad.
Prrtaarron, F..Warta ,t CHICAGO RATIAOLD, Doc,
6-100 Dram:idles, F &Dern & co; 15 bale. rags, Hod=
and & Cottrell; 10 boo soap, Martland & Connor; 351
oil blots, Jut McCully & co; 45 doe brooms, 8 Swart &
so; 6 bbl. apple., 4 eke nigs, 11 Riddle; 37 bbis flour,
Shomaker & Lang-, 20 do do, 31cClurkan, Herron 4
co; 1 kg varnieh, J P Scott; 11 eke rags, Markle & co;
28 bble pearls, 14 Koatt; 20 this broom handles, E B
Mathews; 58 bbl. apples, 4 do beans, 1 do •gga, sdo
dq apples, W M Gormley; 65 pka wire, 11 Townsend
& co; 27 eke wool, J L Marshall; 3 do do, T W Rollin
&m; 8 rolls leather, C Keefer; 3 bales yarn, II Ger
wig & co; M aka corn, D Wallace; 100 bbl. flour,
Jae Gardiner; 248 eke mill feed, & W FairleY; 9 0 C
do do, Joe borrington 3 can metal, J Moorhead; 100
bbls floor, Jut McCully & co; 1 car cern, Hitchcock,
McCreery & co; 10 bbl. beam, Little,k Trimble; 20
bbls apples, L 11 Volgt & co; 17 plge produce, G
Aurentx; 25 balm broom corn, McElroy & co.
OLXVILAND A Prentanturn Harhadan Dec. 5
6 kge butter, 65 by dry peaches, 107 bb l. apples 1
car turnips and potatoes, L H Voigt & co; . 1.1.10 bides,
Delange; 100 do, Soibort tt Kellerman; 429 eke
wheat, J 8 Ligget & co; 6 bhde tobacco, J Grazier;
1 bx do,J A ithasurle; 19 butts, 20 addles do, W Greer;
21 bales hay, 8 B Floyd; 16 aka althea, McKee & Bro;
6 eke buckwheat, 3 do starch, E Frey; 11 cks cider, St
Angel; 110 eke oats, P McKelry; 1 bbl butter, At
well, Lee & co; 25 bbl. floor, H Gentle.; 293 pm pipe,
11 H Collins; 10 helm cotton, K ing, Pennock & co; 1
cask dry peaches, G A Merlin; 13 ohs feathers .1
Kirkpatrick & co; 95 blot. tobacco, Hreallistor 9.
Bauer; 10 do do, Lambert & Shipton; 5 do do, G 1511-
6013; Ido du, O'Mara.; & Kolutu; 11, do do, HeCul•
lough, Smith & re; 2do do, E - ilegraw. 16 bgo dry
peach., P. Thompoon. 101 hides, J A Kenai; 1 Mot
tobacco, J Murphy; 2 do do, A Schaub.
ALtroncrr STATION, Dec. 3-138 the it beet, Shut,
mn d Knox. 9 coop. poultry, Willey it Weaver; 1.
bbis apples, T Brady: 10 bbl. floor, Pot, Prtorcou, 3
dreeeM Logi, E 11turtin; ft; pkg. potatoes, Wot Sed
deo; 13 roils le.aber, C t.; roottiumir 6 Son; 0 pkbot pro.
11 Lents, I pkbt tmer, S litemitnith
Imports byttiver
7. A NESY 11 L E—Pre J , 344-121 4 001. flour, 23
pkg. dry apples, 4do l o t ter and egg.. Clark 1 co; 31
ski. eats. 1 la poultry, J 11 •sals, 7 pkge randrie.. W
Bagley: I he lamps, letkewell, Prate & co; 201 bbl.
tlour, Vueghtley 6 Kepp; ".10.4. apples. I kg, 100,
Kdgerton & Stewart; :41 011 4.011, .4 Potty; 1 bid,
table, Jo. 31 Moore; 14 .6. md.o, Robt Dalrell; lou
oil bbl., Antes. 011 co; 7 pkgs sumirle., Alhm, M.,
Ourtalck & co: 40 de do, W P Berk & co; 1 bbl apples,
.33/I Wood I co; 50 do do, .5 do 41.4. seed, FeHur
4 Armstrong; 676 bbl. apple., C 11 Cook; 3 bbls 0 rep
iron, Daquesno Iron Works; 7 sko dried apples, Plem
lag & Steele; 11 bbls applor , J Herbert; 341 aka mint,
162 bbl., L & C H Greene; 219 sks coal, Ilcßane &
Aufer; 13 head cattle, 1 horse, 1 bid, Winter. t Cook.
74 pkp mdse, C Jericho.
CINCINN.STI—PIin Lec31455-22 pkgr laid, F
ftellere d mi; 9 blds Iron, Chas clearing; 5 do whisky,
F W Spreen; 2do do, half lad brandy, Ja. Fagan; 1
pkg earnioh, J Baldln;er; 1 to do, J Wertz, l do do,
L thickets; JJo do,). Guckert; 37 Mils hour, .5
Gockenheineer I Bre; 23 bbl. linseed oil, B L Fab..
<stock 2 co; 4 bdle leather, J 11 Llndsay; kg. oil
meal, 5 & J Carothers; 11 pkg. iron. W B Sealfe; 21
Ms soap, 10 cm candles, limns & Coffin; 15 do do, J
D Wilhelm; 151.01. 011, I/ Haworth .4. co; 54 blits
flour, E Ilecaleton; 7 l — ta. veneers, Tackinor S Ir
win; I pkg. hardware, Whitmore t Duff. lot coal
boat fixtures, Mout & Johnston; 1340 by bra wheat,
11 'I Kennedy & Bro; 55 651, pork, 120 do whisky, 49
do oil. 65 bias pork, 2934 bbl, fluor, 2)1 hiltl3 ba,bn,
17 du tallow, Clarke & co.
T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the
lecindsorn er •visorr I
W Please mention the date of the lio •
iu which . EATON, 11 ACRIE 11 %i CO'S,
the letter It advertised.
OM. hours from T% a. .1. to 6 r st.
A Gittain Livri 'McVay John 17 A.N1)19 FIFTH ST.
meta Annie i t:muter Goo i McMullen 31 A
Arnold Mrs G C I.3ityiloul JP , • McGinnis Wor Wholetsale purchase will find our stock equal to
Andes - eon Jam Could Jno McGarey Meg any In the city, while um terms for wish aro the timid
It !ilibron J. E McElvaney Kam 11112,21 and 121thclrili• del
Bolden, A..-
,Gilliert Juba A ; llcCormac J.II Q I IXTII A littlVAl.
Bysinger Como 1 Grail 111pry 1 cKensin Elltal, L
Brown Cora !Gray Margaret A McKee Illinor
11111 en Christ Givens Robt 'McGee Ann
Bennett Eliza iGrunt Alex • l i
Braden Sarah ! II Orr Joint ti
Brownlie Jam ; Hall Isaac' 1 I' •
Bamford J 131.1 ' Ilawthurn .1 Payne Anna 11 2
Bauer Jaa 1 II tinter W ,Powers Annie
Bolters Jno WI I (look Jno T I Patters /13 SUSlti
Belcher T'Pierce Jame.
Brown Mary inglirani Mars F. Porter Martha
Bartley Was Jh, 'Printy (But
Borer , ' Bohr ,Johnatini Sarah , Ii
BrownßV 'Johnston Bowie ,Reno ft C
C I.lonsts LI i Reed Eism .1
Carierth Lae, 'Johnston II B !Rich Sallie C
Cain Itobt :Jackson S S Iliolnutinn 11.1 y• li ,
Clamon Peter 1 K A
Callloan Mich Kinney Jams% Smith Edward '
Corinan Mary 'King lino !Alierrett Frelk
Campbell Jim C Ed S :Stephens G F
Cullen inn 'King 31 'Scott Samuel
Cutler inn 'Kings: Rola Smith Jam
Cellar, James . I. Shelloby Jno
Creighton S J i Loons Elisabeth Stet. art Rohr
Crow &LEM ILarlmer Geo I staritt Matilda
Coakey lihnlie;Locker S Scott Wni S
Cathinharber II !Lang .1 I. V
Chew Pier Geo S Lovell Seals 'Von !'inch J
Cornelius Em J iLigett WW
Cook David ;Lee IBm A Woods A nonnie
Conner Cobh !Lang Regina I Wivistruff A
i Coon Mary .1 I 31 i Willin ins Ellen
Busman Stunt F jM i nerdy Ann Wh it, Edo 2rd
Davis A C :Morgan Annie Williams ll Nt
Duns J .1 Horgan Kate B 'Webb Isabella
Dunn 11 'Mitchell Kate Webb John
Dowry Slay I Moon Ellen Ti ( (Client in,.
Dickerson Mar Mann San 31 1W eed J 4 .2.1.4
E Minor Sum DWant John
E.nianuel Jon . '• M astern John it I Wells TII
.. ... . . .
F - Miller no t Lnuu
Frew Mrx R J 'Mut..John Watson Mary
;McHenry Jamea,
Gilbert Celinda 13101(.417 J 3 ; Young Nanni.•
Green David !McGann J.. Young Elite
SAMUEL RIDDLE, Postmaster.
DlSSOLurro.irs, Nc.
.„ .„ .
Prriwnhai NO
J—/—Owing to the death of Mr L. B. Llvitmetou,
and the voluntary withdrawing of htr. Copdane, the
firm of Liv Mot a, Copeland A Co. Is that day die. !
solved. All debts due said firm, and all del ea again.
li, will be witted with and by Adam., M'Kee A Co.,
their /WV... in bualneen, whom we vary cordially
rpoommead to our customers.
By his adminim relent
J. K. 11008 CI EA
Prrrentiston Nova Lief E . 0.m., Nov. .Xl, Po& NEW (1001)8 I
rip PAICE IN ERSIII P.—The busitiess of
\_./tlie "Noe.ityJNiorks - will be continued as usual Jolt reeinteed a
by the nuiloreigaed, under the name aod style of e A Am , A ., „ e A „.,,,,, , A " ie .,
Adams, ll'Epe A Co. The extandea nod liberal pa• lie Ai ill Ft, ifl 'AL 111%. IC CIL liar.' m
trouage bestowed by a diecorning public on nor pro
d...son, require. that we Bhould only .ay It Is our No. ifti FEDERAL STREIT, Allagamir.
&item fully to ettetain the chwuoter of the "Novelty .02 e.
works," It. Manufacture", its punctuality and 0.
probity. 01,6 . 81.NOritil OF
, h. S. ADANA.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the altseribere, ander the firm of PHILLIPS,
FREW f CO., ham this day been dissolved, CHAS.
chased the entire Interests of the other partners.
The business of the late arm will be eettled b) LOCK -
HART t - trietW.
Pittsburgh, August 10th, 10G3
CIUMISS LOClElialr snit Lial
Producers and Refinere of Petroleum,
air At ALBION OIL WELLS, Vonanto omotT,
Oftlos. 172 & .174 WOOD STREET.
830 bbls.prlal• Groot] Apples,
10 Sweet Cider,
30 bust, Whits Beans;
3.000 0:0. Buckwheat noun.
Just, received and for We 11
120a...130 and 132 Second greet
Llbili t
t!i ot, Ixtrs Whit? tor sale by
Alen .nFacsv ILCOtLINEL
K 1 • • -I' RANGE .--
S; '
V 2 boxes LEMONS; • .
.101 rft-otrod and for salr , by
IiWYMEIi& 131108.,
nob Nog. 126 and 128 Wood R.*,
mar aeons, ivc.
77 and 79 Market St.
To-day wo commence our llogalarlida) Pals. of
Lace Goods, and
Linen Handkeroheifs.
Our stock of these Gonda Is more complete than .t
any former season. She prices ham been marked
down. We have al. Net opened . choir„ lac of
Worked Slipper Patterns, Fancy Money Bags, and
Fine Casitinters Scarfs, suitable for
Oar stock of other Seasonable Goods is veil aa
sorted to
Cloak Ornaments, Bead Gimps
Velvets and Gimpure Laces,
Silk and Felt Hats,
Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons,
Wool Hinds,
Bacques, floatae,
Balmoral Shirts'
Quaker Shirts,
Men's Undershirts and Drawers.
Of tho hoot mskos
Who!reale 'loom. op t.t.tors. Mord:v.o , sod MI
othora who Loy to sell again notopll , l at toarent o hot,
male ntte•.
77 and 79 Market Street.
11W Hq: THE 110LIDAys,
Elegant Lace Collars and Sets ;
Rich Lace Handkerchiefs ;
Prussian Lace Pails ;
Stuart Plaid Ribbons;
Embroidered Handkerchiefs ;
Hoods, Bontags, Nnbias ;
Mosquitaire Kid Gloves ;
Gent& Kid and Buck Gauntlets ;
Fine Dress Shirts ;
Linen and Paper Collars ;
, all • min. p an endless Terioty, awl •..tio go 0
every do•criptiotl,
FRENCH 116RINOS, for dI s, d.O"P
'IMPRESS MOTH, for SI 2N, cheap
A full as4ortmout of NEW GOODS. Call sod .00
N. E. cor. Fourth •nd Market Sta.
FALL (I-6066
No. V 3 Woo 4 St.,
Will ssli his entire stock of
Complnto toern7 !Trench
Ia oar amel tatturpateed style at OM Prka, awing
a reduction of at toast
From our old rates.
I mike this • goat Inducement to tboe• orho
to buy bargains, Lein desirous toolose out my colons
stock by the Ist of Januat7, aavottot of reiring
from busloem. TUE STORE TO LET. Pos... t .slop
givens on the Ist of Itetuallf7.
Aaa/anaT.l4oAarlaliAMA'll °Mu
(Jon 0 ao4t °MI Meets; k
M. 1141403: D:O., N0v.170418 . 63.
NOTICE—WiII. be sold at public a ue-
WEDNESpAYEirthe 9th sad 234 M toe
combor. IBM at the Ootiil, near the Obserratury,is
Oda MM. Ott al Petite MOPattatla MS I P B 0a...n
-al at =At for public Swett*.
Tams, cash to Govan:moot host.. Bale to
=mu m lOciellark a. m. C. Q. TOMPKINS,
del:td Captain and A. Q. M. U. a. A.
litatp• Altl,lll/34.401.).
U. , 1 a rrT3CA
uot !1....b..... Idtty,
fth, 1.41
G ,
f M
hi FAT - fit.t m't Lod
&QM via. In 111. r 1.• I 1••. n, 31.t•ht1
Gencrttl, 10 . •iiiirrn.•• 1r ~ .. .4.• ./Ir4 In 11,
Dots". tt
That Vllialt
in Mr..", r I. 111,
I'll 11,...tn1.r (ft. k
till on, .1,4 1.. , 1111 11. 4.1...1,1 and 17.11.
Ititenre it h. 13lial I.oeumnue.l
et lib,— ...1...A .111 , . lu•t
droll ells 1.. I 1
r•lri 1 ., 01.1.
le. ru • I,
Muff !lob. el.f.v. of-ffl f. /....1 ob.! 11..1 by II oo
potrffnl, f.wlt/rl, 111.51 sof,. •, t.. 111111141.
(hay, .111 Ife uol II °of dia. to u„../r.
t 'MLA E. 1 .1 I, pusefltof If off rf off, ff'
any 11nIfIn 1.. dot, of I In.. I • foti I,d I LI.. ff.,.
Mont. or• ulµ. , ll..notify 11.. 11-aifl, loop. ...ff
Mlllug fdtt..ffr, t•te.f. 11,01 fool., luopifr guff, If.
nuotr., owl the. 1f...a 'l'o ((arlltlolts 11,1.
proper Eon UN for flu, f.f.l9••fa may In , pr.w.aftefl al
arty 1.0.1 o nu. In Ilto Walt at tiau .!I.lfr
oltaro ulllreft.! AI other ploo•ns f.lff•fs, st•lfffl hoh, .lu
each u I, llito ~1 10...,11. 0ffr..11,1 nu) he
hormina, Alderman, Pena at
Bops urth, 7411 Penn at.
•lletva A Pollee k, SUS Penn pt.
11111's Planing Mill, ur,.:l Pratt at.
DP Key Ilunac, itr,l Penn et.
Ire. tHy hotel, hone at.
ettanutel Kee'. Lumber Office, Peon at
'Cowley, Grvavr, Penn at.
Smith, Park 3. Co, Foundry.
Park, Brother A Co.
Outer Depot Peon'a Railroad, Liberty
Sievenn' hotel, Allegheny river.
tAt these places full Hata of the city may be !wen
^Forma fur nucleoli of nunta may be procured bore
fv Alderman Ilumbert'a, 77 Third at., car Market
'Foster & Co., l'.•nn and Stanwly atreeta,
Grarey, Water et roet,
"John klarbury attest.
Jacolkf nalerlck, 37 Market Surat,
John o.Conaar, 103 Water Street,
Mts. kit:Laugh' in, 07 Water stet.,
llngh Sala, 33 %Pater street,
Beet in 'lours, 34 Diamond,
.1• Alderman 'Nichols., Grant etreet, Hear Dia .
'Jam. Black, Third street, below Smithfield.
St. Nichol. Hotel, Grant st., corner Fourth.
Tingle Betel, Grunt and Seoind.
Itouse, 5 Itees et near C. B. R.
National lietel, Water sc., near Smithfield.
Arbor Sal.n,ihi Diamond alley.
llugorsne Engine Tio.e,S•rnith field at.
Bla'ar's OM., Fourth et., near Smithfield.
Johnaon's drug store, Smithfield ant Fourth sin
. • . .
FAlderman Mcßride, 112 Fifth
Ditipstelit Office, 6 t Fifth et.
Able `s drug. store, Grant and Fifth sts
"Backofen's book store, Smithfield et.
^J. H. Roush, 27 Wylie et.
Best A. Woodcock's Pennsylvania ‘1•00 , 10 and Obit
ham st.
John Mulholland, Waist., and Twine! HA
DulTy's WOAD, and Grant eta.
Cases Look store, Chronicle °moo.
Weird's Lintel, Grant and Seventh sta.
Mansion Rouse, Liberty et., near Depot.
James Montooth, 177 Smithfield st.
'Eli Young's, 111 Smithfield H., err. Virgin •114.4
Eagle. Hotel. 274 Liberty H., below Seventh
Caselmeres, &c
Uy [b.> yari or
Ko. 13 Wood tn.t
11.1• 1.311 Itonald•ona 43 St. lib it •:.
iarc • Hotel, 13..: Lllnuit at.
rtiAlleghtiny Brehre Toll hon...
Rhodes' Ilrevrery, Duquesne Way.
Thatupuin • European Agency, 7 Eland tit
Idlreiti• Plough Factory, Pinot... Ws
Wayne Iron Works, Wynn at .
Lannaltnn Ronne, r 2 Venn U.
Wallnce'a Marble. Yard, 3114 Liberty t,t
Ronda' Shaving Snloou, 233 Liberty
J. W Hannah, 81 Elbert r . 7,
17 J. 31 Taylor. Alderman, 437 Penn •t
J. 11. Jima., Aidermen,474 Penn et
Daniel Ilerwig, Saft Peon et .
George Schem.ler, 524 Penn et
George Gabriel, leatl Penn at
Lamb Hotel, 619 Penn et
BM!Illar Bowie, ail Penn st
•A. Begige, a'ilt Penn et.
A Greenwotel. 10 Pike et
Jacob Fos, 441 Liberty 0
F. A rdary., Livery Statile.'de Libel ty 01
von,: 11.11, Ham
Port Pitt ratlnAr).
Juniata iron Wert,
Litekton, Stewart S C.
1,114. TH W Altlt.
rAldernian Fditler, 12r, Wylio .
Alderman 11a.1/I, Wylie .itri.t
Rea's (11,1 Tavern, Fulton Fit.
F. Gtadttin, NVelister and Craw ford ei t.
Thrdinnit Drug !Morn, 241 l'enna. .4 vont,
Nlebaxim'e Grocery Ft.,. In 1 eon Cur n
Price's Foundry, Price et.
Cad-ration's Drug Store, 111 I'con's Ai once .
Zimmerman'. Haar Hall, Pa. Au. nod Frdorid
$' Minuet Barclay, '1.7 Webster at.
, F. 8.. Lytle, Grocer. IS Duncan at.
F. Itonornel, ToTern, 8. , Center A - Totlo.
P. Dhoti, .11not Shop, 97 Centre Avon...
Sigel Fat:hone, tireon and Centre A coo lie
John Feesat, Centre Arattur.
Lippincott Shovel Factory.
F. ling Grocary, 331 Penn'. Avenue.
` F. lllebert, Penn's Avenue.
Wm. Ilanseit, Blacketuith Mbop, l`nnn'a Arm
and Vine.
tsThOmas Daft, Alderman, 30 Stevenson et.
V. Itectanns, Barber, 21b Penn • asruue.
Pennsylvania avenue Hotel, 322 Pew, a stye,.
Union House, 210 Penn's arenue.
J. 11. Meyer, Grocer, 108 I'Vlll3'll avenue.
Wm. Smith, Tobacconist, 72 Fauna erenue.
Union Hotel, 245 Second et.
•KenslrVon IMO Works, Second at.
John J. Moyer, Grocer, Magee and Gibbon stn.
Miller, Grocer, Bo id's Hill
Bonovons.—Lists of East Birmingham, Birming
ham, South and West Pittsburgh may be rem at the
south end of the Monongahela Bridge at the Post
ottless In those boroughs cud other public places .
Towson is MAO base been mailNlto the Postoinces
in each.
BurAaiseesors and other public oaken In each nit ,
district, and all loyal citimns, are urged to aid In thew°
corrections, that all liable to duty may to enrolled,
and all take an equal chance In the draft.
By order of tho Board of Enrollment.
Provost Marehar22d that. Pe. and Prekt of Board.
A NORDINANCE fixing and estal,
liehlog the grades of the following named
strata and alloys, Penn Street, from Clymer
street to Taylor Street ; Smith etrest, from Smalltnan
to Liberty street , Sprleg and Mulberry alleys, from
Ts for to Clymer street,
tier. I. IN a erdoieed arid enacted by the Mayoen. Jl
clerlueu end vitae. of Pittsburgh, on Select and Comm , .
(buseth oweevaael, and it 14 h,rrby et-di:axed end enacted
be the wahocuy of the none, That the grade of Penn
street, commencing et the western cart, line of Cly
mer street, shall tall 0.25 feet to the .astern must, line
of the same; thence fall 0.713 feet per 100 feet to the
eastern sorb line of Smith street; thence fell 0.29
feet to the eastern curb line of the same; thence rise
1.53 tent per lOO feet fora distance of 340 feet; thence
fell 0.70 feet per 100 feet to the western curb line of
Taylor street. The grade of Smith street, commenc
ing at the southerly curb lino of Smallman street,
shall fall 1.21 feet per 100 feet to the northern curb
line of Mulberry alley; thence fall 2.83 feet per 100
feet to the northern curb line of Penn street; thence
level to the southern curb line of Peon street; thence
rime 4.38 feet per 100 feet to the northern curb line of
Liberty Street. The grade of Mulberry alley, oom•
mewing at the weettrly curb line of Taylor: street,
shall Hee 0.70 feet per 100 feet towards Smith street,
fee • dietaece of 134.29 feet; thence fall 0.70 feot per
100 feet to the eastern curb lino of Smith strwt,
thence level to the western curb line of Smith street;
thence rise 0.70 feet per 100 feet fora distance of 3(c)
feet, thence fall 0.70 feet per 10.1 feint to the eaetern
curt, line of Clymer street. The grade of Spring
ley, commencing at the western curb line of Taylor
-street, shell an 0.220 feet per 100 feet to the eastern
curb line of Smith street; thence level to the western
earl, line of Smith street; thence rite 0.70 feet per 103
feet for • dietence of 378 feet; thence Sal 0.;0 feet per
103 feet to the eastern curb line of Clymer street.
Sec. 2. That all ordinance or pert. of ordinances
In conflict With the shove, to and the mme ere here
byo7-rtli'lefand enacted Into a law in Councils, this
30th day November, A. D. 1843.
President of select Coencil
Attest. E. S. Moscow,
Clerk of Select Couecll.
President of Common Counul
Attest. lit,. ECEILAsere,
Clerk of -Common Council
A ' ORDNANCE increasing thy Sala
ries lot Street Commissioners.
Sac. 1. ',Be 11 ordained sal enacied by the .114yar, Al
&rmwa and eiiiaou of Pitteberph, ia Select .1.1 (Memoir
Osionege oisembled, and it ia hereby ordoimd oat mod.,
by the nathoridy of the some, That after the first day of
nest February the Salarlet of the Street torunttssion•
MI to Lerma/led from five hundred to all hundred
dollar. each, per annum.
Ordained and enacted Into a law In Connell., this
00th day of November, A. D. 1/303.
JAMES ticartzt
President of Select Comb• 11.
A heal E. S. Monkow,
, dark &AKE Council.
Pre.Went of Common Council
Attcot : 1117011 M . MASTLF.
Clerk of Common Connell.
rparrit EXTRACT .Ell winiuuT
JL PAIN.—We take thbe method of informing our
friends and the pubic. generally Gott we are now
In the Faction of Rentbdry. Those who have been
postponing this touch dreaded operation may now lay
aside their fours and glee us s call, as the apparatus
we have In can bee Leon thoroughly trawl d wing the
pain four yews, fully estahllsUng the rate :Old pain
less character at thooperation. No Drwiet Chemi
cals nor Galvanic Battery used. All them wishing
the •ervicee of a good and reliable Duals: will do
well to call and consult with • .
No. 162 Fourth otn:et,
Dr Da. O. DINO, No. 47 812tithIleld street, Pitts
burgh. juttutzia
MA. H. ENGLiSiI reOpeCtruily
ufbriti the citizens of Altiabargh, Mat ha ham
Leotappolaft d mole Kama, for tho sato of ?STEW
by th• 'argent bong.
PEE. ,They ire • • •
to the city, woong width
Ow?. Disitrof k
Mamocao k
Zoo, Parwrou
!non CI, Tann? Co,
And utbers
~i%Je`iiL't`a:e'+Lf3F39i+t~~~ ~Yw:~'-~i`t`.~::a:s~i"Y_ii•e..:riu... ~..T~...~.~r_
A ni6
dartng the present month, at wholesale
a lull 11n•
Flor,t. 011 Cloths
STAII W , DS. lc.
Taira , Ita , e ad••weli, In Yost hand+, from
TEN tt• TW ENT Y. S. PEP. CENT. s Watt thirty
thosi,lll • e err uov • !Isug nt LIC.SY TIIAN MA}.•
UVAttIUItEIVA PRICKS.. Our atts-k is almost ea
mei, us., all Nat tug 1,c..1a Nl:mei:sits:A 'Mb la c;atety
itatt, at the very hrwt•st price. of the year.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
N 4 O. 71 AND r STILEKT,
r...t °M« , awl Di, HulLfinn. 13
A LA AS.'*-4_lltTSl F,NT OF
_ .
tit. NEWEST PATTERNS arid evrry width, lit th.
Lowest. Prices - for Cash,
I ncl odttgil
Crumb Cloths, Fe!Hugs, Rugs,
hud hiving purchAsett for CASH, before the late
we are, able to aril manufertattre
pricon, an onelnalled .tuck or
Window Shades, Mailings, - c.
goods In onr tine at price.
Reduced Fully 20 per Cent
ADRIATIC, 1,205) 11 orse-power, I.nollAons.
HIBERNIA, LOW. horsepower, :{.Orel tons.
COLUMBIA, I,ors/ Horsepower, 3.05i0
A NGLI A, 1,000 llor.e-power, 2,1 , 0 l) tons.
The mowrn t stnemehil• AI/111 A TIC sill gall
from Hew Yrr 11 for Lit - torn.' no TUESDAY, the 17111
of Norenk tier.
. .
Bat. of peasture Born New York to Liverpool, pay
ably in gold or Ito apd.alrnt u ennvucy.
Mgt Cabin fen 130
lute rmed . 401
Pumengers forvar;loti also to Loudon. Paris, Ham
burg, Liagra, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, AM., at
the lowest rates.
Fares from Liverpool or Galway lo Now York and
Roston, 525, 5:15, 575, 5.94 51115.
For passage apply at the oflios of the Agents.
SABEL SEARLE, 23 Broadway.
Task.. Jooas. Manager.
or, D. O'NEILL,
lEetrosizsg Cthranielo
Jylo:lysic No. 70 Filth street. Pittsburgh.
ERPOOL, touching at QUF:ENSTOWN, •4
Wont Ilkuun.) The well-known steamers Of os
Liverpool, New York mid Philadelphia Steamship
tkinpanv are intendeil m Pillows:
CITY Oi' NEW 101IK Saturday, Dec. 12.
ETNA Saturday, Dec. 10.
And every succeeding Satunlay, at coos, from Pier
44, North River.
urta or easasoz. •
Panobien. Gv.1.1, wr W. emtiwareivi in OarrewOr-
Trairr Caton ....... 00
do to Londim.... 85 85 do to London 34 00
do to Barn, 95 110 do to Parie... 40 50
do to Hamburg. 90 On do to Ilambg 37 00
Ihnavengen also forwarded to Havro, Bremen, Rot
terdam, antworp, Ltc., at eqtmlly low ratet.
Tares from Liverpool or Qneengtown ; let Cabin,
$76, 113 6 , $lO5. bleerage, 950. Those who with to
tend for their (thuds can boy idolreta hors at thaw
• .
For ?nether Information it ply at the Company'.
°Mom. JOHN G. DALE, Agent.
if. Broadway, New York.
Rand street, first boom from Ole bridge.
mbliktf Pittabirrab.
Pasm.ngrre brought out In FIRST CL.kSS MAIL
STEAMERS, hum Liverpool, Londonderry, Galwoy
or Cork, for
Twentr-Ivive Dollars
AiTh by selling for TWENTY-ONE DOL•
LABS, in currency.
Apply to D. O'NEILL,
Emoting Ohronirle Duiidin F.
my2;finiebd Fifth etre.•t, Pitihburgh.
CU NARD L 1 N —titeam from 416
1125 In gild,. or Ire equivalent In currency.
TIMM NEW YOUR, PS to currency
Sells every ervek. Apply to
LEM:wnly Pittshursch
011,1 OR. ON TOR Casio tltiefTrtMSfTtt,
Washington, D. C., Nov. IS,
Proposals are solicited, end will be recelred at this
°Sloe for the furnishing of Curalry Llorsee, to be de
livomi at Washington, D. C., St. Louis, Sio and
Chicago, 111.
The lloreee to comply with the following specifica
tions, via To he ft - ton fifteen (15) to sixteen Oft)
hands high. from fire (5) to nine tut years old, well
book," to the saddle. compactly built, in good ileelt,
and free from vii defegm.
The ability of the bidder to fulfill his agreement
must be guaranteed by two reeponsible person.,
whose signatures meet be appended tee the guarantee.
Zio proposals will be entertained noloes the oath of
allegiance of the person or persons bidding khan be
on file in this office.
The reeponsibil by of the guarantors most be shown
by the official certificate of tbo Clark of the nearest
District Court or of the United States Dbtrict At
Proposals mnst trt addressed to Lined. Col. C. O.
SAWTELL), Cb lot' quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau,
and be endorsed en the envelope Proposals for
Cavalry Honwe agreeing with the above specifics
tlonawill be purchased In open market, at fair prices,
at the following places, via : New York City, Albany,
Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y.; Pittsburgh, Penna. ;
Columbus, Ohio, Roston, Mass. ; Augusta, lie.; nod
lickson, Wis. 0. 0. BAViTIELLI,
Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster,
tos . 2B:dti Caralry Bureau.
OVIZtAr •,r Oars ,nor
Nary Department, November 16, 1363. j
gaoled propermis, todoreed ••Propoaalf for Timber,"
will be received at this Burma until 3 o'clock p. to.
of the :Mrs DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, for Mr
nishi ng and ileliveting cinder contract, at the several
Nary 'lards at Portsmouth, N. 11., Boston, New
York and Philadelphia, the following described Dm.
her and plank, for Ordnance purposes :
Class I—Whits Oak for Gun Carriages.
Class 2—Whits Pine and White Woud.
Class 3—White Ash end Hickory.
Class 4—Gum Logs.
Separate offera most ho made for the supply at each
of the Navy Tanis named, and for the White Oak
and the Ulekory, Whits Wood, Whit* Aah and Pine;
inn the offers mast lie for all of each description for
each Navy Tani.
Bidders an roferned to the Oninance Officers at the
several Navy Ward. and atations, and to the Chief of
the BUITIO of Ordnance, Navy Department, who will
furnish them with printed utedules, giving descrip
tion of the ••Timber," time of deliveries, and other
particulars. 11. A. WISE,
noM:lawd4w Chief of Bureau, ad introit..
ED.—The undersign.' will purchase, in
open market, CAVALRY HORSES for the United
State* service. The Horses to bo from fifteen (IS) to
sixteen (16) hands high, from fora (4) to nine (a)
yean of ay, compactly built, in good flesh, and free
from all defects.
Horses will be received, trubjtal to lumectton, at
Pitteburgh, Pa., from the let to the 15111 of Decem
ber; and at Columbus; Ohio, from the lath to the
.3111. of December.
is ollidavrTlf c..
DUtiCAN, &LIBMAN eic CO.'S - ;Sigtht
Bills on the Union Bank, Londonostid Blight
Bins on every Important town In Germany, France,
Switzerland and Italy, for sato in mums to suit per.
*hews, by WI(. U. WILLIAMS &
suillbran Wood street, corner of Third.
Nava DteaeTWOrt,
Washington, November 2 5 10 883 .)
Deportment etll , imtil rho Slat DAT Or la
, 'ENIBEI: NEXT, receive- proposals the dolisary
at tsrlo of the Nary Yards at Portsmouth, N. Sol
Charleston,. lima; Brookkyn. New Tork. dud Phil
wielphia of tb• following described aide armor.
ntrin t o :v, and deck plating for our vessel at sorb
yard. She proposition may be separately for the
stiongtone, mad deck plaits& sad may be
for one or more , "'Uric hut It 'mast eMbrate the
whole of e.tch description of Son fur • resell that L.,
the .I,k plating. the str i ngers, or the armor
ruay 1— bid for reteerstely.
„ hundred wrought iron plates. more
1: less. ten 110. foot long, thirty-two in) Mehra wide,
.rue anti ono-half tar h thick-
A port on of then., piate.twill he sheared to mit the
nntrature of the side line of use wealth al., to tit
around lt. tnrretr and hatches, for which plans atilt
he furnished to the contractors. To he of the beet
iron. end. and edger nrinarn, tight, and planed
t ue to the 16/7, Siren. The whole to be dammed
:thin ten lot months from the date of contract.
Three thontand and t woody (3,o2o)lineal feet of iron
el t.nger6, eight (0, iaoha square, except at the darn
nod stem, whore they will taper out lif•1 for the
l•• (kV h of uhont forty (40) (het on each end of the roe
rel to .1..01 thIV. tat inches. These atringers to be
length t twenty•thro• (231 Aet ail (6) inches, the
rods to he fitted ntgethnr Intl • proper smith one
1) fool long; ono•totlf of the acttryh to be taken hum
the end of each. Then(' will he term ranges of these
ringers on eto.a ride of the 'noel. To be made of
the beet Iron, ends and edge eqsare and straight,
tr, to the eir...e glivn. The whole to he delivered in
.eh months from the date of the contract.
On, Iturobvgi and forty-six (1461 plate. of
Ir., throe i 3) Inches In thickness, of the = L b :
length, end widths, via:
I p:ste 18 hot long by .9 inches wide.
t la (eel G Inches long by .1:3 Indies wide.
2i 4. 33
I T fl"
" 7 " Yia
•. 7
I 7
The wbele of the Bide armor, to bo mad, from the
Lest iron, ends and edge. te be equare anti stislibt,
and planed true to tbe eines giro,. To be detteeeed
In nine• .e nnontha f.OlO the date of the contract.
The whole of the ire t he of a quality that will
bear • tensile strniii of twenty-two t.2)United Stain
tom to the square inch. l,y ,
No 101 l will he received except ft am partte*Xar
log entacliehmenta capable of doing thin worlt, Wad g
t twit establishments will he examined before
tr.ct will be awarded.
Penn.tare will he pose on application to the
conummdmt of the Ernoti3n,2iew York, Navy Yard.
The contract will embrace the usual conditions.,
and the Department reserves the right to reject any
or al: the proposals that may be made under this ad
eertownient, if in its opinion go public intereete ns.
The pr - tposttion must state the price per pentad for
which reelt class of the iron will leo delivered In the
respective nary 3 reds, and mnet be accompanied by
guarantee that the parties will execute a contract
if awarded to them.
Fide armor for each yowl will be Cum •
blo the quantity of each eine above named, amt. is
two hundred and ntnety.t (i.." 12) plats", in number.
Oaressvce Orrice, Win DerarthisNe,
Washington, N0v.16, 1169,
Scaled Prapaaala w W he received at this celesta
-4 .."clock p. m. . tho Min OP DEMME=
N EX T, for HEAVY PROJECTILES, to b 6 &limed
in the Rollowing quantities, at the tmdentalrtad r
, .
2.000 lb-Inch battering .hot.
2,000 6-inch shone.
8,000 10-inch shot.
5,000 10-Inch shell,.
1,000 17.-inch battering shot
-1,000 15-1114.6
4,00010-inch shot .
2,00010-insh ehell4.
3,000 15 , /nrirbentt4rlng abo4..
S,OO 44,114.
10,000 10. inch sbot.
8,000 10-inch Isbell,
1,t0.0 15-itich battering shut.
1,0 a)
6,000 10.hetch Met.
:1,00010-loch ehells.
2,cou ID-loch shot.
2,w0 10-inch shells.
TON, D. C.
1,000 15-inch battering ehot.
1,000 15-Inch shells!.
2,00010-loch shot.
3,000 10. inch shells. •
The Projectiles are to be made of the kind of
metal, and inspected after the rules laid down In
the Ordnmoo !dermal, with the exception of tho 15
tech battering shot, which see to be made 6;as
metal. of tensile strength, rouging between
and 20,000 roan& to tho Krum Loch, and thesemest
he east from a reverberatory or air furnace. '
Drawings of all the projectiles can bosom at any
of the arsenals where they aro to be delivered. The
projectiles are to be inspected at the focmdr7 where
cast. but most be delivered at the verbena anerials„
free of charge for transportation or handling, lentil
delivered at the arsenal. Deliveries must broads
at the rate of not leas than fire per cent. per week,
of the number of projectiles contracted for font
delivery to be made within thirty day. after the date
of the contract, and any failure to deliver at a speci
fied t ime will eutdect the contractor to a Weems of
the nom her be may fail to deliver at that time.
:Separate bids must be made for each kind of pro
jectiles ; and if tiny bidder propoests to deliver at
different arsenals, separate bias moat he made for
each kind et each place.
No bid will be considered from parties °Mar than
regular founders, or proprietors of worts, who ars
known to this Department to be capable of executing
the work contracted for In their own estahnshasenta
Earh party obtaining a contract will be
to enter Into bonds, with approved aural=
faithful execution..
The Department reserves to Itself Use right to re
ject any or all bids, if not deemed zatiethoogr t for
any (.1.1•E.
Pnspreols will be addressed to "Brigadier General
GEORGE D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance. Wash
ington, D. C.," and will be endorsed l'Ettiorporlisla for
Bead Project H.." GEO. D. BA g
uol9:eothd Brig. 800. Vhiet of Ordnarow.
Nraahlngtott. Nor. ?Ceti 1813.•
That portion the foregoing aagertisengetrt which
relates to 3-ineh Battering nnot, is witkdzom for
the present. D. RAMSAY,
n.atetvitd Brig. Gen.. Chief of Ordnance.
Drewry (tc.ara6.lLCar.P. GLYTTLAVII 01110,}
Yitteborgh, Dec. 1,1803.
1 000
be S. —t at 9 th e b al o ed ifice p un ro t gort h %
of ; December, 1863, for farntshing and delivering at
Pittaborgh, Pa., One thonsand good, mond, huge
Mae Hulce from liar to Ilig* Yea. Old
These mnles Mast - ha lu good ender, maul in every
leoperi, well developed and Pat fourimi beads
Bide will he received In bite of Two RtIItdIVCIOTIDOM
at the option of the bidder. II any bidder intender°
bid on more then ono htte,eop.n.t e bid win boopkgsg,
D ELI V 5.8.1. • .
Lot No. 1,330 to ul..e to ho delisTrol ottEttli D 212.0.863.
" '2.0 •• 16th. IBM
. ..i . 200 .' •• 12th . 1863.
• • 23d ... 1863.
- 26th . 1863.
Tho moles will be barn-Med b 7 s competwatimpec
tor. siel PO mule will be itelpected that 6 not well
developed, and corresponds with the notice to tide ad
vertisement for else, formation, good condition, end
free from defects.
Proposals must be muted "Proposahrfor Muir,"
and marked inside! tho Number of the Lot *hide the
bid to Intended for, and addrestod to Lt. Col. 0. Crum
Deputy Quartermaster General, U. 8.A., - Pittalmitith,
The ablllty of the bidder to 1111 the contreetodundil
lt be awarded to him, must be guaranteed- by tem
responsible frontons, wheee signatures Mgt be !sp
routed to the guarantee.
The responsibility of the guarantors mast boehpent
by the official certificate. of the Clark of thansamist
District Court, or of the United Obits Died** it-
Carney. •
Blame must be present In pawn whisa.thoblds
are opened, or their proposals will eat be assaideewd.
Bonds equal In amonakto bag the sum to,bo tar
oeieed on tVe donfeiot; sjitnarbithe contractor and ,
both of hie gosranters, wIII bereqotred of the m
oon:of bidder upon st.druf tb, mattes*. Asa!,
company eco
bond must accompany lb wit ba mow
miry for the bidders to ham thelt.bontlannin vitt
them, or to have bonds signed in+ -11111 / 14
ready to be produced when the cuntrapf
j We, of the county. f-. an
of the comity et e...—and finite of_wr." do
hereby guarantee that able tettatilicolittects
in scourdance wittithd (tiny of his prevent-Mk and
that, should hie proposition be acceptedebsi-WOll •at
once enter tato a - tenth= therewith. Should the
contract be ,awarded him lease trepoll.lilbecame
goals guarantee Mini be :spistinkitt,-*Off4 l
certlfitais abets mentioned.) •
Prepmels tram &days' tiaritint io ' fbii ea-W
-end, and sus milker*DTl* NOM* of
sucomfal Man before etuttoicts,c-
The "gtflilPed..rmerapannidanoWilla flan to
reject or all bids that be nay_ slessu 10 91111 5 16 .
?Emma tO mactipov the Pk'F lll !
contract, orTso lots thireimra"
W:nai delsed be Lient. Cot. sad
BUTTER !1W lbs raokixtßuttarSor
JJ fah by W7I. P. 110 X QM,