The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 07, 1863, Image 3

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4iffsburet dantift
. The War ,IlrldgisProkierte—Public
"," . • Meeting.
.1 large and influential meeting of the Com
'' rithelancia and subeeriberis to the stock of the
;.:...proposed bridge to be erected over the Mo
. ininipihela •at the Point,lwas held on Sta
b:day afternoon at Hare's Hotel. A great
'llea/ of illtOrert ROE manifested by all present
at the utecess of the project, and when once
" '032 11)1331, /3 properly - organised the eon
-#ineth3n of the bridge will be communed and
rolhdd rapidly to °obviation. The interest
taltutiln the erection of the proposed hddge
Leta confined aXelttlitiale to those more di
redly ooneerned,L whose property will ho
benatitted bylthe,lmprovement, bat one oapl-
Vats look upon it as a most excellent °hence
for littestment.
The meeting on Saturday was organised by
' calling B. O. Sawyer, fr. to the chair, and
eilipointing Thomas Sal. Esq., Secretary.
'The /Leto( Alsombirappeinting Commission
ers to receive subscriptions to the stock of the
- proposed bridge wee read, after which a state
nurnt.of the proposodingiii already had been
.Yr. Steel euggested that they should go to
• work more eystematically tha'n they had been
doing. There tem the best of feeling in the
etexonunity toward* the.erectien of the bridge.
Illreferring to the MlCCeell Of the project, Mr.
Steel salt - Wed to the ads - instates this bridge
would have in comparison with others in
bringing the multitude into the city. The
Birrofughten and idonongalicht bridges had
. Illtettfiiro roads to supply them with travel,
:' wbll.'the new bridge would have four turn
, pikeireonrerging 'to a point at the bridge.
' AgainUwith the facilities which this bridge
would afford, property between Pittsburgh
aid Mansfield would increase in value from
fifty to one hundred per cent. Land now In
the setae direction was looking up, and that
was the only part of the country about the
city that bad not been exhausted by specula-
lion, which will induce people to rapidly set. ; John Zundel.
tie in that section. In addition, the interests. As this celebrated composer and organist
invoiredin the great manafacteries such as is about visiting cur city fur the purpose of • •
Zng I Painter, Singer, Ninlick 't Co., jam " giving instructions on the organ, and in bar- .' o o
Wood, the oil rellneriea, the-population of ROI r ALL AND WIN/114 WI/A.—The Sum-
Temporaneerille and surrounding villager, . loony, it may not be uninteresting to know I merl s past, and by the morning's frost, we
together with the coal and lime bu s iness, are j who and tenor he la. Mr. Zundel, who in a begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
'' of sufficient magnitude to make the bridge I pupil of the celebrated Rink, wan for eleven shortly be upon us, and we must provide co r.
pay. l/o thought five or more of the Com- • selves with the material to keep us comfort
, years organist of St. Ann's Lutheran Church,
mtzsioners should be instructed to inform the ' able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well-
Governor that sufficient stock hod been cub- 1 in St. Petersburg, Artesia, dazing which time I Made overcoat are the very thing, and we do
' seribedto warrant the commencement of the . he gave frequent concerts on the organ, the I not -know of any place where oar readers
bridge, secure letters patent, and then organ- ; 6rrt few of which yielded him 2,000 rubel., would suit themselves better than at Messrs.
ISO and go ahead. j each, (about $1,600.) Ho founded an orphan 1 W. H. McGee A Co's clothing establishment,
-Dlr. Itobert Woods desired to know whether ' asylum with the proceeds, which is at present earner of Federal street sad Diamond firlearc,
as many eubscriptions could be obtained after in a very flourishing condition. Such was tho Allegheny. They have also received a com
ets organization as before it. He was of the !attraction of these organ concerts that the plate assortment of gentlemen'. furnishingOpittion that those who subscribed stockrrould ;
music-loving Russians nightly crowded hi, goods, and a gre at variety of now patterns for
like to vote for the organization. ' church, to the dotrimatit and neglect of their , w•littosil-ngi eke.
After some further remarks, D. C. Sawyer, own, and the jealous Ermine authorities wet-.
'Jr., =Wed that fire or more of the Commie- ' thee induced to withdraw their permission for DIED:
doter. be Instracted to certify to the Governor
the continuance of similar musical feats. On ,_ r0n0...43,, &unpin", Dec. oth, of infiamation of
• ' thepresent condition of the project and apply ! the representationr, however, of the famous . she inns., GEORGE fiAltklY, infant son of Willis,.,
for letterer:atone The motion prevailed. , Madame Sontag to the Emperor, Mr. Zundel W. and st ar A. Ford, arid 4 months and Id deist.
In relation to the matter of procuring sub- i (who for three years taught Madame S.'s The friend. of the family are respectfully !welted
'' actiptione Mr. Chess informed the meeting ; children in music) was permitted to re
so attend tic enured, on MOSLIST 1,101,L70, at 10
that Ociree persons were backward about sub- his organ exhibitions. A Boston family, Re- . o'clock, from the residence of hi. parents, Na. in
:'setiblig on account of their anxiety to know ; per, then resided at St. Potosburg, induced '
In reet, "forth Commune , Eleic.wid Word, 3.1
Seartap g.
W110:61611111 be the directors of. the company. ; Mr. &andel to come to this country, since '
lec hen y City
He had suggested to each persons to subscribe , which time—twelve years—he has been the _ - •
erodible:raid in electing the hoard of direetore. organist and member of Henry Ward Beech-
. Mr. WM. Hall asked for information if his Pe! church. Here,- then, Is a rare chance for
anbabrlptiort of $500 . , made Seine fire years the musical improvement of our amateurs. ,
ay, was still - binding on him. Mr. Z. will produce, in his forthcoming con- n,. riser Is still receding Costly at this radnt, ~,L
. Triniek informed Mr Hall that all the certs, only sacred music, of the moat orthodox our feet six inches m the channel by the pier marks
mibieriptionalnede under the act appointing masters, and we trust that he will receive such Ise: evening. The tewtthee ens new end cold and
Piteraftellioners were valid. Since the lent • welcome at the hands of oar pastors and the prupect a f rein is not iiiiiii , ureging—for the
/3166141iltire - Trsunok had obtained some in,- choir' 63 has been awarded to him wherever p rn ' • ''' i " i '''''
0063i0WalftibSeriphiOng, and agrees many who he has gone in his works of charity and art. 805 t.., was prat. aratas at lb. levee, on Naito
!4olll,eribed Wife anitoU3 to know who 'would Mr. Zundel is expected to arrive in Pitts. day, and with modera r reci.pta, the ablimeste
;Alli thedirectors. burgh on Tuesday, the Bth, and will be pleat- was. fair, though eat up to the impact-alone of •liip.
. . ~
MT. Mal Was satisfied with Mr. Truniek 5 , od to have all who wish to avail themselves of ' pers. Thare la no parcertiblo falling off ie tee offer. •
explanatien t und subscribed $5OO additional.. his instructions, meet him promptly as hie loge of freight, brit the groat dresv•book now I.
' Mr. Cheep , in alluding to the backwardness I stay will be lim i ted , et Central Hall, 3d story „..,.,.. i , ~ i t 0 .,. g .
of persons to subscribe, remarked that some of Dispatch Building on Tuesday evening.
had paid in one dollar per share, of Which they --sesse
—_ moon!, transient errio•l we hare t i recisrd Is the
. /tad *Mee heard any account. i Arrest of an Alleged Imposter. • L`'ild."
rlnthm"l '
" '''''''"
th ' "
• Mr. steel remarked that this feet sheared . nn sLle to Wing an of e.r urge alasse Wheiciltiz, In
On Friday, Col. Cross, Acting Quartermos- , ,„,,,,,,,,1,,.,,,. or i,,,, ~,,,,,,,, c„ pr: ~,,,,,,„.,,,, „„ s
the necessity of Cu. organization.
i ter Geueral of this department, in nempany i mood toms( ant a lop
of It at the: VAII:. A 4115
On =llion of Mr. Joseph Ross, the sub
seription books were epenpd, and a coo- with Acting Adjutant General Bled, of Gen. 1 deridiargiog ben,the loft again for Wheeling en Sat
i,llllllntlYbei *amber ef.additiened shares us e r . i Brooks' staff, Ind two Sergeants, slatted 1 today evening to bringup tee balance of bee frelabt
atilistrilbed, •-• ',''': x.
The meeting than adjoerned. • . Cleveland, for the purpose of arresting a mats i The Urlida, with no exrellent trip, cleared for
: Cincinnati on Saturday owani•g, isa ald ale, tbs Jo-
The Commiesioners present afterward,' held passing under the name of Major Al'. G. Crow, 1 a _ .r
t i Zwnerrille. The Adelaide icrt ecrtscnotilL to
• meettng, and proceeded to frame a commute- , who Is charged with being a common swind- ~,.„, ar a 1, ,,,, of metal.
:leaden to the Governor, with the vie* of pro- ter. The pretended Major was in this city, a n a , E.,,,,, L1,,,..t,,,.. from guinea:lla, and the fie
curing letters patent. As soon as these are
,rebeived, the stockholdere will meet and or-
few days since, and stopped at the St. Charles ' sena from Cincinnati, were Nub doe tart night and
gentle, and the preliminary steps for the exec- Hotel. It is alleged that, while here, he pro- ! will doubliewo be found at ths wharf this moral, g
lion of the bridge be taken.. I tended to have authority to settle claims 1 The offictre of the Jana rialto that on her recent
' against the Government, and by this means I upward trip, ohs brought more freight than was over
succeeded in swindling several persons. He i brought hen Wore on the same stage of water.
wore the United States uniform, bat unfortu- j Notwithstanding she was loaded Sown, she cams op
:lately for him he is said to be without a coin- cr ,„,. G I ..
,R,,,,,,. , _,,, u „,,,, a a a,,,, aa m aa , p b ra „,. —
minion. His operations here came to the 1 „ without ever wetting a spar."
knowledge of Col. Cross, and, hearing that he 1 . .
. The 111.14 %hit e flue, and Augula Dyers, wane
had left for Cleveland, the Colonel deteraieed ,
advertised to lasso Cincinnati for Pittsburgh.. on
to as - rest him. Their trip was entirely success- 1
ful, and on Saturday evening Mr. Crow was j Saturday. Tb. s " .rl igh' 'en the e. '" 'hi' 10 ." .'
delivered into the custody of CapL Wright,l Friday,
Prevent Marshal, who committed him to prison 1 Among the arrivals at Cincinnati on Friday, wa
to await an investigation of the charge pro. I ths Westmoreland. Notwithstanding she hal teen
tarred against him. la the Government: eon Ica for over a year, she he
, sad tr be In excellent order, and only requlre• a . - ..0•
' of paint to make her as "goad ea new .'•
The Itessersti, ('apt. O. B. Herren, clerk, W. 31.
List, Is annum...l to leave for Cincinnati to n,.,,,,
Belief for 'the Families of Soldier(—
' A Commendable Project.
OitSaturday evening, a largo meeting of
the citizens of Manchester was held in the
School house, for the purpose of devising ways
and means for the relief of a number of sal.
Alert' families, residing in the borough.
Jitit . gess Sprott was called to the chair, and
Sum Miller was chosen Secretary. After •
' the object of the meeting had been stated, two
!ettarewcre read from soldiers' wires, settiag
forthf the destitute condition of their faint
' !. After some discussion, it was proposed that
- frith Lair:ger should contribute an amount
'borough tax,
(five mills on the
.:SollarrY trzeenstituto • Po lief Fund, which
. ithonld be disbursed by a committee appointed
for the purpose. '
Siren Objections were urged to this plan, be
'.there'witst no law' to compel a man to pay the
'tai. Those who were generous and humane,
. would pay prompptly; while tboso who were
WigguMy and selfksh, Would contribute noth
me pretty sharp talk followed, in which
• asserted that the law of pub/ic opinion
would compel those who were disposed to Act
lntleanlj to pay their full share of the tax.
' The . natne of every man who refused to pay
.iso small at sum for so worthy o purpose, would
be published to the world.
A terta',Was then taken, and the resolution
wed nianlmourly.
'Meters. Wm'. U. Rosa, Isaac Stewart, Samos
Miller. George Motkerell and Wm. Kirk wore
,opptdeded a committee ' to' transcribe tbo bor
allffh daPlisztes colloot the tax from the
Oa`r Motion" Thomas D. Updike, Erg., was
Chita ,Terittsitrer of the fund. .
It the tax is ealleeted, al anticipated, a
3nnd of somes2,ooo will be accented for the
*Set, of 'there' famines which may he in
.m...l4.kio..fitegttence of the absence, in 4 the
Arm, or those who support them. The plan
certainly sa good ontv And we hope to see
'the examgoionolvedin'etery distrtot In the
County., 'Thor 4 certaiaty no better method
tho object than by uniform
t. Satiation, The millage, of course, should be
t regulated so as not to impose a greater tax
,opon the people than is necessary.
.17 ,, The meeting adjourned to meet on Seism
:.Artillteidzig, December Ileth, to hear the report
of the Gommittoo.
Brent the 139th Regiment... Two Men
Shot. _
/I j'Wo loam, from a reliable source, that two
ttstn.,..ed Win. Cherry and Anglian
lis.4ll4lnvoshors Of Co. F, I39th Pennsylvania
:,!°:l:eklinonA( wore shot on the lit of
ileeentbei,iiy tome rebel cavalry In United
.4 States. uniform. Cherry Is supposed to have
; . 4,
Loin Aughenbaugh was wounded, but
.I.,,ntarmed :to :escape. They were moparsted
from their company at the time, and were
.4011141(iby the disguise worn by the treatob
letter from Colonel Collier, dated the 3d
ciAttel4itatris•tbat.the legiment is back in the
45414 4 :111p at' Brandy Station, and all are well.
.c,4 - ,4 Snit.. -- We - hilderstand that one of
-21_010 melt = known druggists being so well
otesti , with the wonderful merits of the
:; • iitieh 'llair Restorer " Rejtivinator," as
"'":geii r ted - 111.1ht gases of several gray haired and
tsald !Leaded persons, has itarehased, for the
- earn of terihealand dollars, the collusive
0 7' Ifrafto,*llll4lKttatOand_tell the article In
We etatitry.l - This will. be_ good news to
. ". - • '
Arafat stts 103 D itsanaurr.—We ire under
obltptiorte to OoL J. S. Lohman, of the 1033
::- - Pentufltmmiareitment, for late Southern pa
. 11 , 140.:- , The seems:ale now 'fatigued at Ply
"mmtb, North Caroni"; and the MOP or. en
, ji,*llll4lett Ma pod With. • • •
.....1:43331iat---*;,3llles. the great eqUestrian
a,ristri; gran:this evening in an entire
eerStam‘ Bee ord. =
x 4:
"4•Ari:A a tSWe ,1? 4;4', •74:4 •-A
4 . •
LC '
• --
The Rettig's Cstse..Pnether Investi
gation - 3 - '
On Saturday afternoon coroner lifTlang
confirmed the investigation of the circum
stances connected with the death of Thomas
P atrick 1 1. / 411100 . Sr.,: testified that ho wa s
with itattigan on the evening_ before ho re
ceived his iojraies, but on the evening of the
assault he 1111.3 not out of his own house. John
McNamee, son of the first witness, testified
that his father we/ not away from the hence
on the Saturday evening-on which Rattigan
was injured.
; James Taylor testified that, on the night in
question, between eleven and twelte o'clock,
he saw two men running seeress the street from
the canal bridge. He had heard a fuss
fore,and ho asked these men if there was
any fire, but they made no answer, and acted
as though they had done something wrong.
John 11. McElroy, who wan In company with
Mr. Taylor, corroborated his statements, and
stated farther that he hoard the noise of bro
ken:glass, loud talking, and a sonfile k as though
some one was being put out of doors. Be
could not tell where this noise came from.
Joseph Cupples stated that he-passed along
Peon street, near the canal bridge, a few
minutes before - twelve o'clock that night, and
saw an abused man, who said "it was done.
in the alley." There were four men standing
at Lanahan's Exchange, without *Hering to
help the injured man. Witness did not know
the man, and could not say that he was Rat
tigan. Ha took his arm, and started with
him to get a doctor, but on reaching the curb
stone a man earns from Lanahan's, in his
shirt sleeves, and as he appeared to know the
injured party, the-witness left him in his ens
Thomas Rattigan, Jr., eon of the deceased,
and John' Crictin ' testified that
they had been forbidden by the attend.
ing physician, to talk to their father, owing to
hie dangerous condition, and they had no in
form at ion from him as to how he received hie
injuries, further than this—that on biz being
brought home he ettr,ted that he had been
beaten on the Rand-street bridge.
James Farley, watchman at the railroad
crossing on Penn Street, Butted that lie did
not hear any unusual noise on the night in
The investigation was then adjournod un
tii Friday next, at ten o'clock.
Telegraphic Consolidation:
Vim: Now York and Buffalo Telegraph Com
pany's lines, extending from New York to
Buffalo, have been consolidated with the
Western Union lines, and Anson Stager, Esq.,
of the latter, has bean appointed superintend
ent of the whole. The Cincinnat I Gatenc
Mr. Stager commenced business at Pitts
burgh as an operator., upon the first telegraph
line built west of the mountain:. Ho was
subsequently appointed Manager of the Cin
cinnati °Moe, which position he flied with
great efficiency for several years. He was
next chosen Manager of the House Line, and
rubsequently Superintendent of the Union
Litter. Noir he is General Superintendent
of the most extensive range of lines in the
world. Tho position is one of great responsi
bility, but be la fully equal to it.
ae-Enlistments to Le Credited
Capt. John Cnthbortzon, Provost Slorshal
of the 24th District, recently addressed an
Inquiry to Col. J. B. Pry, Provost Marshal
General, Tie: "Will mon In the three years
regiments, now in sorrloo, who ra-enlist un
der oircular No. 95, bo credited to the quota
the President's last call"' Tho Pro
vost Marshal General answered 11111 follows:
"Itusnlistments in accordance with eirealar
No. 95, soil be credited to the quota under the
recent call."
Vigorous efforts aro being made in Beaver
county to fill their quota without a draft, and
hence the above correspondence.
Funeral of Capt. Atwell.
The remains of the late Capt. Charles A.
Atwell, were interred on Banday afternoon,
from the residence of his father-In-tow, Mr.
James Gregg, Craig street Allegheny. The
remains wore interred with militiry honors,
and the preeession was headed by the Provost
Guard, sender Capt. Griffith, a detachment of
Knap's Battery A, end a squad of veterans
frorn'the Military 'HospitaL The obsequies
were moot solemn and impressive, and the
cortege was one of the largest ever witnessed
in the city.
TVIST Itectnuu.—A fresh safok of Photo
graph Albums, of the best styles and at low
prices, also all uses diaries for 1884, and all
the new books, =gasifies, papers, .to., at
Prank Case's news depot,Chroniele Building.
Baowa's Baosontai Taoams, for Coughs,
Colds, Pulmonary and Asthmatio Disorder',
have proved their efficacy by a test of many
years, and have received testimonials from
eminent men who have need them. dew.
Tag RRICTZIATOI will prevent the hair
from falling out. Priem one Dollar. For sale
by all respectable Druggists. Simon John.
son, general agent, corner of Fourth and
Smithfield streets.
Orman and carriage cello will be taken at
the Omnibus aloe, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All order• left at the above place
will be promptly attended to. All calls mist
be paid in advance. •
Flavour's daiiocumov—A mostiog of this
bOdy will be held this evening, at their hail
itrtke city bonding.
an - inaAnis la Carpet', at J. nob's,
.eorner of Grant anti Itlfth strati.
. _
1 SPECIAL LOCAL NcYncE 6 . - r ITHF LATEST -ICEWS i hundred and eighteen acres of land have I.cen ‘ . _ ,
Late. Flawtheria.Nawas --....-. . --...steariltp_Eakinalorle _....„..-
• .. - ~.....
Fiera roz straYaortn.;;-.Embroideringtirs- •'. - ---,..-- . ' - ;or d ered sold, pnneipally, in western 14 ' 11- 1 Yonrhass Monte*, Dec. 5:-:-Tins (nitersint Aituri, Dee. 6--:-.l'hie sixlboileviteamer
chines are not: the_thing for family_leaing. i ; ties-Michigan and Santos. diapatehee are taken from Richmond papers.
. Lau Netston. exploded . last evening" about
; Read the following :
i Calms DISCOTLILED. Otarlerteri, :tier. 30.-The Yankees to-day hallapast nor en o'4°a-, wheeopPosite ' Spay
! One prominent defect of the double thread i
' man was
w tw o c e nt t y ii t , w d o raortarattells atSumiter. Ono_
f rz m yk t e h l , Cr f eck, „„ jns ,r t ., bc . l . orr Yonkers. Tho
; loop stitch is the waste of thread la forming ; OUB. SPECIAL DISPATCHES. j Fronde 02 the:Gorcrnment amounting ta
otowa -- hrtartintr ea
( . 4 0 , 1.t0.. /,-, 1.-Tho Yankees fired thir
: it. Each yard of seam requires on an aver- ; __— ; the sum of $640,000 has been discovered in i
bin and woodtrodk, which took fire - and
age 73j'ynrdsoI thread, or twice and one-half ; the at-counts of Capt. Iv o , Stoddard, Quarter- j toes shells nt the city last night. Tare,
; The enemy rerinnoltered to Pocataliga and spread with fearful rapidity, and in itt - fier
fiercely. Fortunately two tow hoots were
the amount required by the "lock etlich." An FR( )I‘.l WAS-HINCII'< )N. roaster at Alexandria, in the receipt and doe ; baildings wore struck. minutes the centre a the boat was burning
estimate may be easily made of the compare
000 o.T or forego :or too-teeny cradle Potomac_ t .
, Mire expense of using the two. In the ekirt I Spacial Dispatch to the Pittaburan Gauss.,j carried of twentv-scren e
es. near by, and immediately went to the roseate
manufactory of Messr Douglass A: Sherwood, , Stoddard has been arrested 'and soloed in 1 Sean,/ disponi-The enemy fired sixteen a the passengers, who were all nitnured,tuall
W.A.SRINOTO:C c'TT4, Dec. 0, 1063.
a day's work of ten houra for one :person is
the Old Capitol prinon. Capt. Fmgenson has I its into the city this afternoon. Sercral taken off. It is believed th : all not
estimated at 1,000 yards of straight seam, ten COLFAX AND 1 . 112 spc‘stli.sHlP. I Eorlildings were strata. One Woman was sc- instantly allied were azirisi. ;The luggage
been arrested ca' a sinsilar:chnrge. Stoddard's
atitchas to •the inch, with the look-560h ma
rarely wounded. master, ;Nelson Dederisk, Must hare been:
General gratification is expressed to-env •
chinos, which they tins; thin length of seam - . , • frauds
were perretrnted i hy:rellusion with co • 1 Caitscieston, /or. 2.-The enemy opened tiro blown to etyma, on he Was tithe baggage
; requires three thonzand yards of cotton thread, tractors, who faroished mix I trait , o f ilti-ty- j this a ft ernoon on the city and throw sox shells , room, between the two bailers- . Tang firemen,
' over the harmoninas result of lastnlgh: s Ad
: and with the double thread chain or knitting- ; ministration caucus. Colfax Lae made, in two po„n t, t
to oho lin :
.hoi. in
whit. , „
~„ A eoricentrat e d Urn from our battcrjes encase Christopher Smith arti Richard Jarman, malt
stitch machine, 2,500 y ea & 'ream bereqtati•,,,,m, epeeii,etc , w ,kok. teee .. He . . ,
Lama to cense firing. hare been instantly killed, aa their bodies
The cost of 3,000 yards of cotton thread would ! 0f,t..1...F ono I odor 1....„.a. • Brirto/, Lea . 2.-The firing at Enos, t ile i ts , were seen in the boiler room, and 6ida 'not
be $1,35 at wholesale, and the colt of 7,506 Corn. nt the ric e ,f a 1,,,,e5i o f i t ,t-, ',holt coased. The surrender of Bornside . bereached . of ' d - - Th
on acconn. too ames. 0
; has passed through the contest, which resulted
is not
yards would be $3,10, making a difference of In finally crowding arm competitor he had '
was higher in price in ple.p •r, ot to the . otleially confirmed. head waiter informs us that he saw too bodies
$1,85 a day in this item alone, or more than ; off the track, Without making a single pledge : oronoe (Inert House, 7E, 2.-There has been of three men, believed to be dock' passengers,
$5,000 a year ; with costlier thread or eilk (at ! weight th is mesa's he and Lis oonfeder- ;
; nu fighting to-day. The enemy still make a lying in the gangway, but they could not
present prices at $ll perpound), the difference ' ales made as the rote of fi - teen cents
of any position to a single member, without -. B y
, '
p er j show on our front, but is believed to be fen- be rescued, owing to the rapid Spread ; of the
would bo much 'greater. In shirt and collar I bushel on an the grain pue,Mn s e.l for the i fine back to recross the Rapidan without fight. dames. A man named ThOmes Snider, Zed
entering Into • single combination of easy kind
manulaoture, where the stitch is finer, and less with any of tbo candida tea for other offiees,
in t r o or they are going to Fredericksburg to after reaching Yonkers. George \Wile, of
length of seam is sewed, the difference per ' without any bargains, and without a drop c(.; . , e , winter. Rochester, was sralded on th e faro and hands,
day is only ahout7fr cents in rarer of the look- 1
l'o is: his rooms. It is a high tribute to CoNatTlea Or Tag krti_rtvt. Ern,. ,
, Afobil., Don. 2.-Banks, with fi fty th.taand hot not seriously.
stitch madams. In a manufaatory like that ; 1 •"' . The Committee appo i nte d hy Secretary j troupe, has etptured Brown cites , but lie did Thos. Hodson and brother, of Cohocs, wore
of Winchester ik Darla's, where one hundred him that, after a caucus like that, he was
Menton, oonsisting of Messrs. Chester, of ! not capture over fifty hales of cotton. very seriously' scalded; Michael MeLatighion,
and sixty of these maobines are need, the nominated by acclamation. The plot by
Atlanta, 1),. 1.-4: I sib° rn is division en- st. fireman, nots badly injured, abso .T. Prot:-
Illinois and other, have ti.ited the military
oaring is $l2O per day. The remit ix that the . which the Copperheads hoped, through the . ; ..,,, • . . ~e d o,: or h atis ono w il e t hf e a o of }ti n . de . rgast, another fireman. Twelve 'or tiftar
chain or knitting-stitch Is not used on this
work. In quilting, where silk is nsod, the , defection of Emerson Etheridge to carry the or- prisons In the distri .. The prison, rs in Oft ' ls'erd, on Friday, driving him back. The en. of the injured are at a enacts. W e bane no t
Old Capitol prison were found to be wed pro- emit arc is our front at Ringgold. and one been able to ascertain ate names, lint hopo
difference each day would amount to more ' gartiifffi". has boon to-day ererywhere the
tided for. They aro priocipaliy rbals. The i ',atop aro in lino of battle advanoing. to, soon. Tho boat tens burned to the winter
than two dollars and twenty-five cents on I topic of earnest and angry discussioa. Tho
of . C entra l , , H ou s e , +!t/onto, linc. -Ti 2.o enemy is intrenching edge with an th e freightand bsggagto * less
. con di t i on the l,ttar. an°
each mahine. 7 •Scient(fic American.
' law passed In the last days of the last cession at Chicken:sutra nacre was' henry fi htin than thirty minues. Total loss between
The Wheeler a' Sillson is the best machine I •
yesterday tit ' Charleston, Tennessee. M g t th roe and f our hundred thousand dHa
hasa Ts.
for family ttse. Odloe No. 27 Fifth street. , requires the clerk to pilot upon the roll of the Georgetown prisons were ❑renouneed bad.
twit:4w n:""o on names "" those who ace eertifie4
, Louse of person, r4b6nvd tir•ri no specific enemy horned a pontoon bridge to-day, No passengers in the upper raloon or Indies'
: I charges are presented dr di , eharge, are on and attempted to destroy the bridges and " , obio focro injured.
to him as having boon duly elicited under . trial . ; railroad track at Chickamauga,
the laws of the ;State or of the United fitator.. ; Tho Yankees hold Cleveland and are ad-
Tint rassitaasr's 2,ii,,111, Cr. '
rancing on Charleston, Tenn.
Th e object of the law was to prevent the :
The Priaident's message i. not yet finished. , Tho Rtehmond papers of the ad bare been
possibility of filling the House with bogus Ino now expect. to furnish the last p.„. to ! received here. Tho Etareiner states with ear
members from the Southern States, who had
hc i , lt . y
. t ho o t ,.
tn,ou g b u y " e '
then at
P a'
r :X C I
dent, one,a" Harden t ae
parer been really elected, but who might, the rioter to-morrow forenoon. It eta make :
about a sixteen page 'pamphlet, c o arse type. ' row commands the army and will continue t ,
nrvertbelesS, peretint , certificates of some sort, ~.,,,,,,„t„, Chase's re p ort wi ll p e; h a p, toa d.° do or till the Chief shall appoint one.
and gain admission in sufficient numbers to The Dime papers says that thy reverses that
throe or !bur more pages. It Is not yet fin-
cent" the House ' The words, however ' ished either, hut probably will ire to-morrow. !p o t , :
i r i e o c r,n n
~.: 4„ l ,, ,e fi n , d l, 7 3 .t o h n n a t
, o k iti t eral, , Ir . ril ;mn ir,
Etheridge claims, require him to insist that ;
The other reports err non in type. Chase . , tifiing to learn the.' to West Tennessee °or
each certificate shall distinctly specify in this
hod to be delayed xs reel:lto estimates from army is f'Priffxf°O; up like '. 3 s7i• It rt , i ,, `
int en form, that the member was elected ao-
other departments. It it kno .. a t Lit the main . t r L n a n n
nin,:;,a.o tine
t i ' e h. "' ;
n ' t :' , ' „ l l,
T dc f t :t:' i d ' S N t o b r ", h 1 : 1 7:'
cording to the Inws of the State of the roiled „ titere
el . the p t i ti ,i,„,. ,
otopsA ,,, , i i Ise 1,,,,.
snarl to the T alk itacbte, ad of which thetric:
States. Now the certlneatee from Or e gon,
'ion on reeartetrnetion, 4.3 itrimatcd some dal 6 lins been farmed int., n Itepaetnient. to bc
Miontssota, West Virginia, Old Virginia, , hi , vote , i c kri. en as the Dope.; tosent uf West Tonnet sun,
Maryland and part of
go in these dispstches.
Missouri, real tint the order the command . f Col Taos
. :esti.
:ill not diaer materiolle (lota the vi ews :a. ,
___ __ _
_'_. _
inelnbers were duly elected according to law. '
neinin:3 ho chase in his m-.,, , hi.l
7, ,
Thit Etheridge holds to be insuMoient,and ac. P
cordingly throws them out, thus taking away
at least sixteen of our to co, and possibly eon •
hling the iiiiiitisltion to carry the House. This
might possibly be regarded as simply an ever
nice elm in in gof verbal technicalities wore thorn
not this proof of deliberate scoandrolism,to wit.
The Slates of Illinois, Indiana Ohio and New
York, all having Democratic insjoritie6, sere
notified by him in ample time, to hero their
certificates corrected In acoordanee with his
Interpretations. During the Met month, how
ever, certificate, from the dolcgstion, that
were thrown out, wore also presented. The
certifiente. Etheridge examined, and pro
nounced all right. Then, after tilts, ~n last
Saturday morning, whey It wa, t.° I..te to
procure. new certificates, he notified them of
oliego I informality and his consequent refusal
to put their natneS on the roll. Oy eon e, this
TUC Qrece or BAVARIA (Germany) has or
tiered a Sewing Machine to be made in this
country. It is now finished and ready to be
cent abroad. It wes manufactured by the eel
dusted Grover ;!k Baker Co., and makes the
Geover Sr Baker stitch. The Bavarian royal
arms arse beautifully inlaid with pearl anti
gold on the top of the iron work table. A.
all the different part, of the machinery
(such as pivots, cams and wheels) aro of di- 1 .
Ter, their simplicity in seen at a glance. The
whole is to be enclosed in an elaborate case,
and will be forwarded to the Queen by a..
early steamer, so that it may reach her by
the Christmas Holidays. We would advise ;
all of our readers to go anti do likewise--th,t
is, order one of Grover k Baker's celebrated
Sewing Machines for a holiday present, 1,4
there Is surely no more useful or accepts b'e
gift than one of these machines.
eV [ling
The new and rotratiolil i vois steamer Darling,
Capt. F. T. Batchelor. II be seen by card, la an
nounced to loses for Memphil on Ttraelay.
Tics prompt and ponetnal steamer Emma Graham,
Cspt. Ayers, returns to Z.1.'4711161 a. mual, losces-s
row at 4 p. m.
Market. by Telegraph
Bair 'roan, Dee. 3.--Cotton steady, and in fair dr
mand at 79550 e. Flour lees active and scarcely 10
firm prices nomical without decided change at se. :A
aTir, for Extra State, 57.4u@;.50 lorExtra 11. 0.
and 5.6009.00 for trade brands, ri o s iag dull and
heavy, with no buyers at outside quotations. WI 1
ky irregular and unsettled at 5k for Watorn ; I. r
largo parcels, favorite brands Wusiern,t& it refused.
Wheat Icas active, but without decided dotage; 51.43
11.46 fur Chicago Spring., 51.4441.45 fur Milwatike , .
Club, sad 51.5001.5 ti for Winter 11.1. Barley tu,re
active at 51...1 5 / 4 1:15 for State ,
including 10,000 inn
very choice at 51. 9 0. Wool quiet and anti nominally
=changed. Petroleum excaed and firmer; Reflood,
(roc, 50(Pic ; 4,00:1 Lads lu [wad 50(210()%c ; 15,000 de
do for December, 51c: 100 40 do for January 50c.
Pork firm and in fair &mond at 516.7.1 for old Meal,
51587V311.n4 for new Prime, and 816.00017..i0 for
new Prune Mew% including uew City Prime Ales. et
SMCO: also I,:xiu bids new Mese for February at 521.
Beef quiet •ad steady. Bacon Sidra in moderate ra
ga& it Ilt? for city Long Clear and tong Cut Hans.
Dr.xl fogs a shade cagier at 7? 97! for city.
Lard quiet.
New York St ock and Money Market
Now Toe., Dee. s.—Money moderately active at 7.
Starling quiet without material chans . at 1869166 X.
Gold opened at 15i, declined to advanced to
1.52%, and closed heavy at 1.52%41 ' ti. The total
exports of Specie for the weak were sl,l`l ore.
Government Stocks quiet and firm. C. S. 6'e, I.
Tear Certificates 93.
Stocks dull and lower.
C.* 11. 1_. .... ....... _. 103 ;Needing ................lll4'
P. rt. w. .m. 0......._ ............124
A. & T. It !VIM. 8
C. £ N. W 4634 111.. 0. Scrip 118' 4
T. & W • 53 C. & P........ .............104X
C. & Tol 113% Eris DO A '
G& C ..- 107 N Y 0 134
Eris, Pfd.... 1025: Quicludlver Co 85
Hudson 12,r,4; Mo. r........... ..... .... 08
Sr. Loco, Deo. 4, 8 P. sr —Cotton dull; light soles
at 73c for Diddling. Flour Inmate., pending letting
of Goeernmont contracts; bid. for 40,000 bbla opened
to-day. Corn advanced Oats declined leZt.
PHIZADILLIPHIA, Dec. 8.-710tir quiet; pales Low;
bbls Ohio Extra 87.75. Wheat hooey ; pals 9,000 ha for Red, and amsll eale. White Le
Corn quiet ; isles B,IDO tar at 111.2151.22 for
old Tallow and mosaliao for new. Whiely 83@ be.
Petroleum very much excited; sales of Reflood at 38
Vic, and 48452 c for foes.
wmpr atoms? EMMA (MARAIS, Roams Ayres,
Cleatraandar, balm Pittsburgh every TUESDAY, at,
4 p, ra.,_and ZArivertils arm FRIDAY, ate o'clock
a. as. Thus nun flamer JULIA. Win. Chan% ORO •
wander. Dam Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at 4
p. m., and tanassills stony TUESDAY, at I a'clock
a. at. Tor itylght orapply on board or to
U.S. Plums a CO., Astuats,
non'l Zasearifla, Oklo.
eldo•erbeel steam? DARLIICO,
amt.'''. Y. Batchelor , reUl loan as stools ce 'lla ft
BAY, fith last., at 4 o`locki. e.
for *slight or pomace y on hoard or to
.D. - 00 INOWOOD, }
de7 JOHN /14011,
psronituNATl & LOU-
Errais.—Tb. oplondld stoma
THlSlgglialle.C7str D. 21 * -15147- ro o' P ekelt. D. "lo,ritt;" aeon
etkualtVer ;MS* to
I. D. oniaardwooirt Aram
id just the same sort .r_.7l.rform.n,
playing with Laded dice. When the matter
hail been fully dlsenseett in a mance.. t—
night, a Committee of Ire was dean: op
pointed, to mature a plan of action. This
Commute, hare decided to follow It. The
foment John Quincy Adana', preeo,lrto. of
Eitherid;o, persists in the plo:. Tliaidcus
Stevens will move thar:Washburne the olicot
' member, act as Speaker, pro tem. The motion
of r,or.e be carried, end Wall:home will
at once he escorts,' to the choir peaceably, if
postible, fnrail.iy ii need be. Meantime of
forts are making to induce Mr. Etheridge, ty
abandon the plot. Secretary tieward gate
him (ate altunoota ophefon Inv the
proper interpretation ttL.l/0 law, If Etber
Hge Wait.s to accept bit" laterpiflatlon,
Bate. will probably glee him one In the Morn
ing, which. e ming from the Attorney Gen
eral, may o,tepol him to see the enunniry of
thy mime Le is trying,to cLinmit. If all this
bowers', tho Speaker pro se., will ho
promptly put in over his bend. The wombats
here resolv,3 n I to Lai forced 111(0 filibuster
ing for delay, and en organization to-morrow
to determined upon. It is hollered that Ibis
plot war originally hatched some months age,
when the prospects indicated a much smalls),
Administration majority, with n view of elect
ing Toraoudo Wood. But they runnel likely to
take the odium of voting for that person, sin
less they are sore of electing him, and 13,re
probable, therefore, that their vorr, will 10
cast to-morrow for Coo
A ny nopsio of the estimates for eXpetalel of
the ensuing year, it embraced in the forthcom
ing off,ial report of the Secretary of the Treas
ury, cello for the following soma for the
year commencing the 50th of June, 1844:
Army and Nary, seven hundred millions of
dollars, of which one hundred nod forty-two
millions are for Navy. The civil list of Indi
an elpenfer amounts to one hundred and two
millions of dollars, making a total of eiFly
hundred and two millions of dollars. On the
30th .•I.fune, loot , the Tronsurer entin.ateq he
will hove a surplus from last year's approria -
eion of about eight million of Jollars. Heti
mate, hors been carefully prepared :
ores put as low as 'manacle.
naposiT or Tr.n rOMMISSIONZ P. OP TM! ocncs.r.
Judge Edmende, gie es a total of five closer.
on lands disposed of for the live ',lndere end
ing September 30th, 1803, or in,oo• million
eight hundred and forty-ono thousand fire
hundred and fifty lore'. The aggregate quen
thy of ilurroyod lands offered and undispoked
on September 30th, 1063, was one hundred and
thirty-three millions four hundred and eighty
lefell thousand fear hundred and ninety-fire
acres, of which eighty-throe million, two hun•
dred and sixty Ore thousand five hundred and
nineteen sores were offered and fifty millions
two hundred, twoutyono thousand five hun
dred and :torenty-six tutofferod lands. The
commissioner recommends legislation that no
pro-emptlon be recognised in which the set-
tlement is not continuous, and at least fur a
varied of one year upon unoffmed lands, an d
for a whole year on offered land., from the
date of settlement, and that settlers upon un-
offered lands be required to prove and pay up
within two years from the date of settlement.
He recommends that the homestead ant be so
amended that parties entering lands shall pay
fall commissions to the register, and recover
when the entry is made, Instead of paying
only one half at the time of entry, and the
remainder when the final eartifloate is timed
at the end of Ore years. Under the military
bounty laws, fifty-eight millions, nine hundred
and sixty nine thousand four hundred and
thirty scree IM , re been entered.
Tho following States hare accepted the
Agricultural and Mechanical College grant:
/own, ICsnus, Michigan, Minnesota, 31ta
'oust Rhode !sand, Illinois, Kentucky, Ver
mont, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
Massaohusetts, New Hampshire, and Con
nectient, absorbing three millions seven hun
dred and' fifty thousand acres. Under the
grants for railroad purposes of 1838 and 1857,
twelve million' Bevel hundred and Bfty-eight
thousand eight hundred and forty-Bre acres
have been absorbed by lowa, Michigan, Mis
ilssippi and Louisiana. Under the Swamp
LantLe i nt forty.four millions live hundred
and eighty-eight thousand eight hundred and
eighty-fire sere" have been approved In the
States. EIZOIIi lb, last report, due* millions
ens hundred and eighty-was thousand eight
critic Lau an WtaIIINGTON. De-. 3.—The roam or Repub•
Tito General Land Orace
1,,,. sent,•,
ot to , e . lira° members of the Dente of Representa
ii tives, held a caucus male;; at the Ca riit ,
.i•ornor a lowa au to 1,,t, twent L.,
nigh , .
or 1,,1,,,..,
t•. hundred mere. of Inn I it, indentitit) for a tiotuit.tion Mr. Cdlfax, and this was agreed
like quantity in 'lag,. r dounty, lowa, claimed to withal dissent. Nominations we:e made
ns swampy, but ...Id a, AT citable publid land.
for i
t thi ' n r g h ' h ' elti c ri e r r ese fl r f v e t h fr ° , ll f o tt u t s u e r . e c n n e s :A l a '
Returns from the Survt•ydr General of Minn,. Lion, a long discussion:took place beginning-
lota, show the progre, of ea-nest on bo:11 ' under review the nets of the present Clerk of
.., do ,
of do , , 2 „, 0 , ,v,„ t . „ I I ,
~ p„,,i„ re. the Holler, Mr. F.theridgo who, it in said, had
serve, omitted from the het the name of legally con
. •
tificil members elect for informalities in the
onalits tso a•... , 1 n naTTOILV a 0. , U , ar eertilientes. IYhether this in en or not it it
rt e) ,,, t i s ! te n, th e esp t •dir,,, t-. re ., t h e certain that the printed official not of mem
boundary lice Lone,. t - ,,,,, ~„.., ! w . ,,h i ,, g has show, no each omissions among the mei:c
lot, Tt''rili"l . 'II.'" ti'''' 111 , 'or'!" "e de her L'"''tatthec'u-uscr'nth'lk'ieg
from eLordtr Ststei . .M;srsqmittAnsi
(oda toschlng its •I....ititisnh a till inter I ron, of Kentucky, Boyd, I.,an, McClurg, il
tb,,,, , 3 ;,,,J,...1 hr th e h.,,, i ,t, 1 : ,,t,,,", s.„ 0 „ Mi,sitsi!, Cre,vell. Dar., Thorna, of Mit ,
and . Segle, frian L . 34 t Virginia.
had C•loalonced dit tho tilde Moontsins, and
2h, De triveratie or Opposition members held
the tv.i•lt u• I.ld 1.4ll'• I . L l. '• . 1 ,,,, i 'ill (n, a meeting in one of the Committee Meow,
II 11.1-lahtt, ~1 object et the ounsultatton wei tetgp-et •
,„ n
tie t
frn ttfre apontio:pe 4100118toee,entrao
thew to
tho t ,i. t r
that State, h tie ..I he , - 1.. attend C o ll.rrryt, c E k. e nts. No e,„,i. j .ti en . Wire
tad the meeting n.ljourne..l to meet '
, Jain en Monday.
mooting iho tit 11. I !
11 rd L tt
i, he
P. Blatt. f t't
u. g •
preparing fur the organizatiun of the Moore,
posed a f '`'" ptised ILo .at of March taut, provides that
M‘lne V • etiiil.te I• n l'f'd if before the fir,' meeting of nest Cenci,:
Irs inn: hurl. t:100) a hi..4.l.4uartore. ant of e•ery rub,equent Convert. the Clerk
of the nest p•e ierling non, of I:epresenta
ror L1.,,157r, rile 1,1 . 115.,•
tived _hall make atoll of the ropreiientatitiet
At s•r••L Ile' elect, and liner thereon the names of all per
t (o.r ,esit..,“. eat S. "1 - toy 11 , 14 rosary lon and of ruilt persons only niti•se eredeu
the n ort h a to a , I tide :hot they were regularly elected in
in trio after', §l,lll - 441, -eridi the tins of their State
.enio t Le Q t o t r iti c , u u Ie p
. t 3 i l m in e res
. i A o ,
ll t
tar Viun'" SI-c he otbrr
r , have Cie ,1 ned all are correct, except
IVe.t Virginia, Orr goo,Vertnont, Missouri and
Lii•t Friday the Clerk rent a tele-
a Mil° ta.• enmp, ri,nt ,3•/01,
OPUS ALT scorn at Z . Tti:ILI.
Monday to correct the
dt half-pait *ix o'clock ,atordny e n, . gram to the i t . rotary of State of Western
,on, the gne rri I n t rn i„ , near ioia to be born by
Boalten. Thu cogiec we. a truck he arrive in time.return,
O t n B th " O " S ' a . m il e ' da wn : d' i ubtle"
twenty hol:ct, The engin,: wog a1..0t diipatchei t , Vermont, New Il r atop o otti% c a a n n l
throogh the vet}, : Connecticet—the last two of which hove al
- , ready fled corrected credentials.
1 . 17V.C . 1 311ssisstppl Steamboats Fired into.
Th. Is manager of the Norttlwevtern Celt°. Dec. 6.—The steamers Fanny and
, A ~,ugh fir. Welcome hare artirod from Sow Orleans.A u
of a, nlcd
th, Both roor, were
o refirs w d . late th
Them u w a r, k t o , t h ry .s e b t tteLs
p on gol d watch, 11,. donsti.,ll or Jam , t 11. 11,^e, former wa• slightly wounded. The Sultans
£Ol , of Catongo, t Proeidont, as the pet- and Bread were also flood -into at the same
can hat mod.. lr • I it,gt,t danatlon to the paint.uil
d,, The cook on the latter was seTerely
Fair, is the bal.° r E.. ' i f'" i " Pr° Mempbte dates of the .Ith report “Atan de
whi,h AO; i rs•, . predated. S.:C3 b.t.lio at 62 to ri! . -,r for
No now °I - fleet in lb
Elquee will I. wtu 111 n `l , • th,
elect; m.
The clot kship F•.U.5! Cie morn int..rort
tad i• greatly mixr.l. Gres, A•larus. MePher.
sou sepl flatflp,zten seem t i hate it le,
tween them, but srlie•li hue the het.tehan... , ne
mortal can telL Iluftington he, been gaining
immensely clown last rlaturday morning.
Howe Oreely in tutoring eitke-
OF lull -ther reliable man.
The Rebel Raid Into the Cherokee
Wzairtsoroz, Dec. I.—Thts Indian Superit. -
tendent, Mr, Conlin. hes this city,
bringing to the Indian Bureau an otfichil re
port concerning n raid made several weeks
ago into the Cherokee country by, it is sup
rOi I 11..,Te1, posed, a party of Quantrell's guerrillas, ir be
Ihe chances of Broths,
destroyed tho public bhildings at Tamamut,
and the property of the Union citizen., inched.
postmaster, is first C.I.A. ing that of John Ross. Tne latter'. son-in-
SUE[OCON . usvu, , x. law was wounded.
Si nee Sargeon General Liam. e :Ile to I Guerrillas Captured.
the West, the Board of Investigation have N. C.. November Id. —Captain
discovered the gravest corruptions in his late I Graham, of the lot North Carolina Union Co
h,,,,,,gemehi of hi s 4. 4 n rmunt, so, n dt oa in entry went into the enemy's HEM some thirty
contracts, purchases of drugs, etc. miles with his Company en the 23th instant,
and surprised and captured Captain Wheeler's
entire Company of Guerrillas, which mere
about seventy-four in number. They arrived
in Newborn this morning. Captain Graham
is the cavalry hero of this department.
The border State' may present (Sr Li, ~,,
kftporlwicius, but Taylor, or I"ea, storriA
to he nhen.i.
Cotton at Memptita--Rebel Raid—Gra.
Forert—The GoTernnient Frand—Ar-
rival of Prisoners and Deserters.
OkIRO, Dee. S.—The steamer Hillman, with
sixty-five bales of cotton and Memphis pa
pers of the 3d has arrived. The Bulletin says
that cotton is lose active than any days pre
vious to October tales. Seventy-two bales at
forty to fifty cents.
The rolosis mode a raid on Saulsbury on the
2d and tore up the railroad track come dis
tance, tearing the Gee up, bending the rails
and cutting the telegraph. Hatch's cavalry 1
was In pursuit. We have forty prisoners and
same number of horses. Tho railroad wee
repaired In twenty-four hours.
Report was brought hero last nlgfit from I
Memphis that the Rebel General Forest wee
encamped at Rocky Fork, fifteen miles from i
Holy bprings Thursday last, with seventeen
regiments, numbering peril/bps eight to ten
thousand men.
Maj. Devasseo returned hero and says he
san refute the charges against Man in regard
to defrauding the Government.
Ninety-tbteo robot prisoners front Vicks
burg were brought up on tho Hillman, to ho
sent to Memphis, and forty robol deserters
from Louisville, have also arrived.
Motors Sent to Fort 31/111tn
PITILADCW . II/A, Doc. s.—Lioutenant Lot on •
ty, with a detachment of 14 mon, arrived in
this city this morning, from Reading. haring
In charge 160 men who were concerned in the
recent outrages in the coal region.. fly
order of Maj. Gen. 13 . jgel be delivered the
prisoners to Gen. Cadwallader, by whom they
were sent to Toot Muffin for cafe keeping.
These men aro the worst and most dangerous
of the rioter,. The rest, about forty in num
ber, will be kept at Reading. The prisoners
are eharged by the Government with murder,
arson and rioting. Some of them ore impli
cated in the murder of dim - Stab, at Summit,
and various acts of Incendiaries.
Caucus Mecting•
sixty or seventy member' Were present. in•
ladmg several here the border States. Toe
From Washington.
st‘GTON, Dv , . C. —Tho Preeltiont'3 i
4 , r,e, 'lr.:of - ding to the preseut e•prrt, trill pot
I. , t , v.irded to C,,ogress until Toot4day.
There i• mu-b conTemotion rekilise :,-. the •
..oitrre or tho Clerk of the tiots , . , of Itrpre
eon:start, in waking up the roll of member,
Thr low to regulate the dear+ of the Clerk in
a ,or or the United States. On In
quip t in,e2ct.ainetl that no credem
The Rebele Again Acroms-the Rapidan.
litarictrt or' TI: POTOMAC, Dee.
I.—A light dimsion of rebel troop/ creased
• the Rapidan :hit afternoon, at some paint
! above Raccoon Ford, probably on ta recon
nuie.ance. Sinca this information came to
camp, there has been enn.,iderablo cannon
. a•iting heard in that direction. It is eupp. , ed
the advance of the rebels has been checked
be oar light battoricit attached to the cavalry,
in pursuance or Den..licado's orders.
Colfax for Bpeaker—The Clerkship.
Nur Your, Doe. 5.--A *octal to Um Prat,
dated Washington, December 4, says that
Colfax will be nominated for the Speaker of
the House, at the Union cations, to-night by
a large majority. The Clerkship la still at
sea. The Numerate will probably nominate
' Mallory, of Kentucky, for Speaker.
Shot Tower and Sloop Destroyed by
Nrw Tom, Loo. h.—The ebot tower of .31c-
Culloagh .k Co., at Stapleton, Staten Island,
wee destroyed by Oro this morning. Lem
$200,000. A sloop laden with hay for the
Government was also burned, tho crew barely
escaping with their lives.
The Bombardment Still Progresallig
FoILTRE33 MONTAM, Dcc. 3.—The tmepollor.
City of Bath, from Charleston Bar, Sunday
evening, arrived last evotang. She reportauo
additional news, but corroborates the reports , . .
already published from the Richmond , The Putwaac AMY': --
nab, that the bombardment is slowly but I WAsmzoros . Dee. '6.—Advleen from - the
. steadily progressing. , Army of the Potomac to-day stata thatiOth
lug of interest it transpiring there ;.. - Every.
Steamer Burned. . thing is in tram quo. - ,Thtt - remote here that
' New Yens, Dm s.—We learn that a diem- I the army Is telling hug prohol-9' ealginated
ter happened to the steamer Isaac :Newton 1 freer alight I
; 4a-writ eC l s i Pe.-9! .4 TPle . he erePilm•
- - this evening, when opposito Yonkers. It is ;
e' .! -'• '-' ' elated that she caught fire, and was entirely . - Idaho Ethetietr
' D rtiii : from
destroyed. The passengers are believed to ' Dee'rze Car, Dec . S.— a .re ds.rna
bare been caved. We have been usable to : the recent election eri.Li!lho indite...3lllst J. learn, ea yet, any , particulars. i 31...13anniday, Denpacrit . ,is ejeeted-,dele-ate
• . : I to Congress , by aeonsiderablo Ash:l4; ~*
1 Farewell ' Order of en: sr . Hertel.'
'Boarded by the Tuscaloosa.
Bosnia, Doe. s.—The chip Living Age, 1 Bumnic iii e, z i ee 6... ,...6 1, - .:., I f ,J. e v. 1ui... . ...
.which arrived at Fainionth, Nov. 17th. from I sued a farewell ' :
- Oa ' i e cr 'l ;f lit'n ' - ' -'-'
Altileb, reports beintbeisgded and bonded by I viti ,
_ex - -1 1 - 7 PiTikitVivq.
the privateer .Trumathera, off th e Cape of I"' gl
~.-'.."-w, Sis-Sinseertieiti. tho coos ,
Good Bops. . . . I, tearta..., -. . . •;,-.. 11
- - .
z , ~~:~ . zc : -- ~~,1 -- ~sre-~t =~r-- Fes:, `"~ ~ r rx
From New Orleaus—ltebela Driven
from Camp Pratt Steamer Ilrett
Oa. . 4
• New Trims, 3d.—The • Avening Star arrived
from New Orleans Nov. 2,, via Havana Ist.
! Among her passenger, are Oen. Tenderer;
Colonel black, blajor Tedder and Major
' On tho 25th, General Lee, with 105 AxtSalry
• and a section of artillery, attacked tbo'4th 4
Texas and 2nd Lousiera regimentkof cavalry
end drove them from Crop Pratt to within
a :cis' wileS of Vermilli .r. bayou. Hors tb.
2nd and :Id Illinois cavalry made a 'gallant
sabre charge, and broke the enemy's tanks,
capturing one commissioned officer and sixty.
nine privates, mostly from the...lth TCI/1.9,
• with their arm, end horses. light rebels
were killed, and a largo number wounded.
A few days previous, General Lee surprised
a rebel camp. twenty miles from New Siberia
and captured six officer., ill, men and'a large
number of bones and arm., belonging to the
. let Louisiana Mounted Zolott 'Cwq rebel
wero killed. No cans :rem Toxas.
The steamer Brazil. irour, Sr. Louis, was
• fired into above Bayou Sara on the 2tith, and
received about forty bails. Tin negro en, k
was injured, but no ono Cife. No injury of
consequence was done to tho boat.
The steamer Black Hack was fired into
near the mouth of Red n, or on the Aloe by
• six uneven rebel:cannon from the lint bank
of the Mississippi. She tank tire and sraarun
to the opposite side ot thy Tirol., where•the
dames were extinguished by the crew. The
Gunboat Choctaw soon afterwards arrived.
' The boat was eared, and the heavy guns of
the Choctaw put the rebel. to flight.
persons were killed or, tha Loma Hawk, two
wounded, and the bast Liadiy d :range!. Sho
reached Now Orleans under escort from our
The seer of enti,n for the week at New
Orleaul were 193 batoa; closing at l - 1.?ir.372j4
for ?Het middling,
Latest from Europe. s
Sr. JOHNS, Dee. 5.--TllO filoazistip Cfs,
bie, from Galrrny on the nth n!t.,
I.toro this (Saturday) owning. her daU.' . 6.ara
tn, drys later.
The 'question of an European Cone Tress re.
mcined unchanged.
The London .I.fornfaj Pw; s oya there is no
trnth whatever in the reported roaignatiiin of
Earl Mussel! an M;ni4ter or F•.; . cizn
It was reported st Madrilthat two Ameri
can ship, with arm, for the St. Domingo in
surgents. had been Jootro:od by a "titaitish
vessel off that Island.
The German and P...71,h fitiCiti' , l94 hat a
thl . look.
att i ir h e e . Polish t • ~, u tilat.E.l to bo vary
The London .11,71;og i'ag say, that Eilalan.l
sin not give in her atiiiertore t as Ettigkinst
Tho London .11,,,:v1 P,s‘ suuouncos that
the English Gos °rumen t is abort, yritUragret,
to decline giving its rolherrnce to,Euro
peen Congress. it says that the purpose of
the Emperor Is regarded with admiration, br.t
the means proposed are not considered as effec
The PutrW publishes a statement under re
serve, that the Emperor, toithout wishing to
draw up a programme for the Congress; has
expressed the opinion that it should be Chiefly
occupied with considering the questions of "
Poland, of the German Duchies, of Rope, of
Venice, end of the reforms to be introgueed
in the principalities of Romania. •
The Paris correspondent of the London
Ve:e. asserts that the believers in the Con
gress grow fewer" every day.
A ativo warlike preparations aro progress lug
in Denmark. Moron thousand aohlinra hove
beell called out, and ox-war roa . seir aro Tieing
fitted oat.
The Polish question still looks threatening.
The arrests in Warsaw were nuinerorre.
London, Nor. 24.—The argument in titer...l4o
of the Alexandria is concluded. The GOT -
ornment will take time to aoc eider it s j u d g .
Lircr7,3l, Nor. 23.—Cotton has an upward
tendency, and prices are partially 3ns!ii
higher. There bas boon no regular 4 C - Ecris
mutat since the sailing of the Scotia, but the
market for Breadstnile is firmer. Pruvia
ions quiet. Beef gales. Bork Inactive. Ba t
con steady. Lard firmer and 6d higher.
Sugar active and prlege<till adtencing. Pe
troleum steady.
London Mark 7 ct.—Drcsaatutri—Tendonty up
ward and prices firmer. sugar buoyant. and
prizes still advancing. Coffee Erna. Tea
quiet and steady. American ec:uritida—,llli
nois Central sham 23,7.321 discount; Erin 164
0466. Consols eieserl on 3lenday at 92.,%@
923 g for money.
Liverpool, oe. dozed firm.
Corn market ffrra. Wheat has an npirard
- Affairs In Arkantns.
31 t` Eta ' Doc. 3.—Tho Little Rock .I);:nto
cunt, of the 24th ult., eiya: eneceasful
scent, under Colonel Caldwell, intutho
lain outintiee, west of Arkadelphicl, bait just
returned to Benton. Several hundred Union
men came into our linos with Caldwell.
- . .
A large tinlon meeting was held at
flock on the 4th ult. Tho Ucion then are
working hard for the restoration of - their rights
under the old Government, and people-Tram
)ho country are daily coming in, taking the
oath of allegiance, and enrolling themselves
into companies for home defense. Tho re*
creating fer the Visited States serrico is also
quite - &Mit.° in v arious ports of thaStato.
Caconditional Unionists, representing tweitty
counties of Western Arkansas,,lieleta mintiest
tion at Fort Smith, Arkansas, op 11/4.30kb, at
which patriotic speeches were Made enf.k.icso
lotions passed, and Colonel JohMsow, a the
First Arkansas Infantry, numb:fetid
,ta re
present that District in tho neit Fedeial Con
gress. The oleetion occurred: on the
.1 3 d of
Novembor, Mid Colonel Johnson elected.. The
Convention also voted Arkansas to bo declared
a free State after too Nos..—
Owing to the numerous guerrilla- altneks on
'tea/ow, Atintant, General Thomoslakiested
orders to furnish all boats in the Covent:tont
employ, plying too .Stississippi ,river,. with
arms and sosmunition:4o protect themselves.
Colored Regixnenta—liozecratro
mored to Command the PotOmee
Army.. • .
, .
New Fates, Dec. s.nrigad ler Gotorid,Tfays
has'iceoired crrders to form colored . . re&ients.
There is a rumor in ctroulaticin tgic General
Roseorans has boon Ratigned to the consmaqd
rattle Army of the Potomac, bstr•tttero is no
truth in it se far as we 1:now at thirtimo.;
,~ ~, , a ;:. ~a•..:,