THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786. ii R 0 CER lES, PROD UCE,Nc. ~HdRLEB C. BAIa3LEY, Produce and Commission Merchant PftIiCEL&NDIPIS BTIOICKIt, And dater in AR kinds of COMPTIT PRODUCE, NO. I 7 LIBERTY 8771,E8T mhtly DONCLI. 21 . 001•121, 4 11A31. • .1110..1/11111.4 . 1,1.1:, (of the 4t. tiro. of D. M' Donald } Pittsburgh ' I Co., Welsyille Ohio.) MIX)NAJAD it, ARBUCKLE'S, Whole anis Grocers, Products and Commission Iler• chants, Jobbers in COFFEE, N. G. SUGAR and MO L•SSRII. REPINED SUGARS A SY ItLiPtit, FLOUR, RADON, TOBA et X), TEIS, RICE. OH EF-SE, SEEDS, kn., Nos. 242 nod 244 Liberty street, Pitts berrgh: no14:17 S HRIVEN & L.AZI3AK, EOM!, GROUSES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Eoa. j 7 and V Smithfield tit. , cor. Second Jaftly P ITTS BURGH. IBZIR MADELOWN attsua 1.011,1111, ATACK KO N S UNITARY FLOUR .131. AN. CllAiN lemons, PRODUOZ AND Coanrtastos MARCRAATA, ter the sal* of Flour, Grabs, Pork, Os ma, Lard, Barter Eggs, Claw., Beans, (hare, Panther., Potatoes, Pot met Pearl Ashes, Liasewl rued Lard Oita, Dried and Green Fruits, Timothy, Glover, Bias mid Grass Seeds. Bluth advancements made on Coasignments. aptay No. INT Liberty street. Pittsburgh. r • M. GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, Nu. 271 LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Fleeing port:Lased the Interest of his late partoese, will continuo the hominess et tho old stand, and isill be plow,' to receive the patronage of his old Mends end customer, inyl63f WEBB &; WILKINSON, COMMISSION I HMICIIMITI, Wholesale dealers la WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, DRIED FRUITS, RUTTER, EGGS, GRAINS, and prate. generally. Arra, LEA.TMER, HIDES , OILS, Lr., No. 217 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ONFO A sh advancements made. Consignments so licited. Jel2.6tad WIC P. DECK TUOS. MITCHELL W,AL P. BECK Jr, CO. No. ]B5 LlB erty Street, Pittalmrgh, WllOll.OlO Gro oarn,lota Merchants, and dealers in COUN TRY C I=CE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CHEESE, FISH, lc., PRODUCE. FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, Le., SALT and LI3IE. JOHN B. CANFIELD, C0313113510N AND FOILIESELDISO Meacnas - r and wholesal• deader in WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, I'OAK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POT AND PEARL ASHES, SA LERATUS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Prodoro genet-any, Rao. 141 and 143 Front +treat, P/Haburgb. onS 7803. LITTLE, SR J• 1113 TRII.2Wi. 'ritlMßLE'Wholesale Oro- ALI sets and Commission liferchmits, desUrti 13 PEODCOE, FLOUR, isecobr, CEIRESI, FIS/I ()ARBON AHD LARD 011.,1R0N, NAILS, GLASS COTTON TARNS, and Pittsburgh manutartnrcs 'suturally, 111 And 114 Bosom! street., Pittsburgh. r. S. S. D. DEYMBR 1,7 BROTHERS, (successors ..s.A; to Ramer & Anderson ) Wbolessi• Deakin In FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS AND SPICES, CON FECTIONERT, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, Ac., Nos., 11263 and 128 Weed street, above Mb, Pittsburgh. /f 22 ./7 RIC en? Jams SWILASD. GULP& 8 H B - P H A R D, Com! issioN llcncumers and dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN, AND PRODUCE, No. 143 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Moiety brands of Flour for Baker. nod Family use constantly on hand. Particular attention paid ho filling orders for Ilerebandire generally. ortitilly"' C4l - 1A '4 LES E. LEECII, FLOUR AND vv Gasts Tama Aso COTISIXAMS Plencuss-r fur Ibis sae of GRAIN, SEEDS, CURES. E, PRODUCE, La.. and agent for the celebrated Uniontown CE MENT, Nos. 116 Second and 145 First streets, he twos Weed and Smithfield, Pittsburgh. sA VRANKV GUILDER, Produce and AY IL OconmErsion /derchent, denier In FLOUR, BUT TE/,5R003111, SEEDS, LARD. CHEESE, PURR, DRIED AN) GREEN FRUITS, and produce gener ally. Liberal mob advances on consignments. Warehouse, No. 116 Second Street, Pittsburgh_ GLOW. H. 11.0.-- NM WAIL. HEAD & METZAIAK, Grocers and Commission Merchants, and dealers in all kinds of Onuatry Produce .d Pittsburgh Itosaufsetures, No. 245 Liberty street, opposite head of Wood street, Pittsburgh. ap9:ly 0. D. JONES ..... JoNII3. ACLI . EO. R JONES 1 SON, Wholesale Qnseors and Boot Furnishers, dealers In MA NILLA ROPE, OAKUM, 011;9, PITC;11, and Pitts burgh manufneturnd article., No. 141 Water street, above the Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh. 111.011411 i L2I - LL. . A. r. I.S.F.L.L. ROBERT DALZELL Fe; CO., Whole mle Commission and Forwarding Rs, chants, and doalem in Produce and Pittsburgh. man ufactures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. WALLACE, Commission Merchant, • and NTholenela Dealer In FLOUR arid GRAIN, We. 353 Liberty street, oppendte Penneylranie R. R. Paasenger Depot, Pittsburgh, P. Storage Wire h...., corner Weyne .d Penn •treote. no17:17 ISZNAT LAKEr.SIT ..MIN MI/TON A. WALLACZ. LAMBERT, EILLPTON & CO., Whole.- sale Gromrs mad Produce Denlero, No. 6 Sixth street, Pittsburgh --lOUS WILSON. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Gro- Vlf tors, Commission Merchants, and dealers In Produces AAA Pittsburgh manufactures, No. orty streot, Pittsburgh. J 026 ei ATOM LISIPASS, .111. -lei Terror,. LINDSAY & TELFORD, Wholesale and Retell GROCERS, FLOUR AND PRODUCE DILALEO, 187 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. aptAm QUEIOMAKER & LANG, COMMISSION 1.3 MsnotatriN and abolemstle. deaden to GEO CERIM, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, he., Nn. XMI LO^rty Plosburrh. sel3:dly JS. LIGGETT &CO CITY FIA)UIt . IXO DULLS, corner Liberty and Adam. .treat., Pittsburgh, Pa. Iginlapacity, 400 barrel. per day. ap9 T AmEs I)A,Lattr,l, Kos - ,- ifanufac- G 1 Wag. of LARD. OIL, and Ootaatleaket emote fof the parches., and .rib of OZIIDN AND neri=„l-xtEllioLsolf, No.. 69 Arid 70 Water, ittreet,Pittahprgh. Ailatice made on cum.igaturala. - WAN alstraTasra.--- zoo. ICII/SPWITIna.• 1 KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER sub .. temori to Eroars A KOSpattleka, WHOLE SALE 4E0C1115, X&.191 and 193 LlLact7 Otiroot, PlttabumS. " 34 " . " 4 ' l 'l Oen'l Part'a °.'"' • 11 ~. A. corns, ' 1 Spada Partner. ITEANS COFFIN, SUCCOSSMIS to 111 IrCsadlesa 1f... & Co., WHOLESALE CROCE RS, corner of Weed end Vistas streets, Pitts burgh. Jy3:ly (1 . .118 ESE WA_KELIOUSE.-HENRY N... 1 11. COLLINS, Forwarding and Commend= bier ehmit mut dealer in CU SS, BUTTNII. LASH 111511, .d Produce generally, No. 28 Wood-street, above RAW, PlitabnriCh• my 2 HOLLAND RIDDLE, successor to Jno McGlll & Bon, No. 183 Idborty •trort,lPltta burgh, world PRODUCE, GROCERY AND COM MItISION MZIIOII4I2Pr. Consiganiants relpact !any .chatted. &Ma, "RAiin DICKEY & W., Witialesale Groillira, - Cotatalsaton Merchants, and dealire la ProddolOioa. 03 Water erect and 68 Pont greet, Plttab • • . 610. W. ...... S. DI/MOST/4 T S. DILWORTH. Sr. GO., Wholesale PJ • Grocers, No•. 130 .sod In Second street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. not JOHN FLOYD & W., Wholesale Gro cen and Commission Merchants, Nos. 172 Wood nod 72S Llbertx street, Pittsburgh. Jel6 (IFIARLES L. CALDWELL, (successor lJ toJitnes Roitnee 21t C 0.,) PORK PACICER and denier In PROVISIONS, corner of Karket nod Pront stroots, Pittsburgh. Jae J.:rOWNSEND, (surcossor to Jack- NA • PontTotensead,) PORN PACKER and thud rr in PROVISIONS, No. 12 Fourth area, near Lib erty, Pitcsburuh. noW 131.1fIZL *lntr. - U. VOIGT AG' CO., succoessore to lls L. G. Graff, PEW= AND C 021221824024 MKROPIANTS, 947 Liberty shret, Pittsburgh. • JOHN I. worn. EDWASID MINI& [OLIN L /LOUSE & CU, Wholesale GILOCICREI AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, corner of Smithfield and Water streets, Pltteborgl. 000 CO., Commission I.J Merchants, and deafen In Puonunn, FLOUR, BACON, WOOL, GRAIN, du, No. 12 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. myLtly EDWARD IIEAZEig " ON, 'Wholesale GROCER AND ooßnassxox MMROBBNT. East sonar or the Diamond, No. 18, Pittsburgh. whit:lye& WILIDEM BA - GART - Wholesale V Grocer, Na. IS and 20 Wood stmt., Pitts burgh. JeClaf ALELINDER laNG; . .l l 7aolesal car, Importer or SODA ABEL No. 273 Liberty and, Vlthfhtirgh. mh6 I .114-rUP4CTURERS, I ItASS villsuurga oa2ettq, DUQUESNE CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Ilannfactunpri of over, vorloty of finishod BRASS WORK FOR PLUMBERS, STEAM OH GAS FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND ‘COPPERSMITHS. BRASS CASTINGS, if all descriptions, made to ord“, STEAMBOAT WORN, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, and REPAIRING, promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to fitting up REFINE RIES FOR COAL AND CARBON OILS. Also, Sots Agentafor the Western District of Penn syleania for the sale of MARSH, LAUSDELL 00.11 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the beet weer In vented. flaring na Tabus it Is not liable to get out of order, and will threw more water than any pump oy twies Its size. aptil Pl,surtan, PA JOHN HALL & VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, Hanufactursrs and dealers In all the different kinds of PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS, SCOOPS, CUT TING BOXES. Ac. With greatly Incressed facili ties for doing business, are earnestly Invite dealers to glee ns a all. Mazguhctory, Temperance"llle. Warehouse,lls alley and Liberty St., Pltteb'gh. JOHN HALL, T. d. HALL. STEPHEN WOODS, oc2Aul JAS. J. BROWN. W. Y. INIOCIMPTO4III P. HOOT. MACKINTOSH, HEMPHILL & CO., corner Pitts .d O'Hara streets, near the City Watar Work a, Pittsburgh, manufsetnren of MACK INTOSH A HEMPHILL'S IMPROVED OSCILLA TING STEAM ENGINES AND SIMI VALVES, of all Mu* and beet style. Flaring pot np machinery of large capacity and of the Lava quality, we. are prepared to do heavy Job bing, and solicit work Sn this line, trumlng that by promptness, and the character of our work, to merit public patronage. We incite special attention to mar BALANCED VALVE OSCILLATING ENGINES, on combining advantages beretofeta unattained in this class of Engines. B LACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTERIVEGIR, PA. PARK. BROTHER & CO., BEST QUALITY REFINED OAST STEM, Square, Plat and Octagon, of all alma Warranted equal to any Imported or mantafectatred In Ulla coun try. _ . O °Rica and warehouse, No.. 149 and 151 71118 T and 120 and 1= 5 EIJOND 5T8E)17 4 3, Pittsburgh. *11:1yd W I 1 3 . 1 L . Lit r. 31 ., 8 .d A - S ILN t H IL L Bou. pEN ER N STREET, Non 20, 22, 24 and ta. lron Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the most improved machinery, en ars prepared to manufacuus esery dmcriptieu of BOILERS, In the best nuusser, and arm - lamed equal to say mails to The country. CHIMNEYS, REICHER, yurs REDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and sole manufacturers of BARN• BILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest notion. dalktf BRITANNIA AND BRASS WORKS COLLINS & WRIGHT, (800coovoro to Orlo Xoorton.) Manufacturers of CASTOR FRAMES, MUGS, CUPS, LADLES, and a. groat vs:laq of BRITANNIA articles. Alm, CARBON OIL LAMP BURNERS and LAMP BRASSES genendly, No. 139 Second street, Pittsburgh. ALLEN M CVRMICK & CO., VALLEY Yorsmor, Pittatrturb, P. alTrWarebouse, 3SI LTBERTY STREET, Manufacturers of COOIC, PARLOR AND /TEA T l NG STOVES, PA RLOR AND KITCHEN ORA TF-4, HOLLOW WARE. etc., Stool and Glass Moulds, Roll ing Mill Casting*, Mill Graring, Gas, Water and Ar tize_n Pipe, Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Su gar Kettle., Pulley., Bangor°, Carlfbeels, Couplings and Castings generally. Also, Jobbing and Machleo etulflup =ado to order. Patented ?Orfila° Mill, with Steam or florae !barer. apl4:Ccnd JOSEPH V. HAMILTON & CO., Cor FIRST AND LIBRRTY STI. , Pltlshrrgh, klAosfooturoro of Sr PERIi IR STRAY ENGINES, II ACIIINERT, nay Ita f SSEVERANCE, No. 53 WATP.R ST., . Pittabunth.triaaufactorrr of BOILER RIVETS, WROUGHT SPIKER, common *l'd railroad, of every deacriptioa. Particular aired or ebapod SPIRES and RIVETS, largo or entail, mods to order at abort notice. A rod ataortroont conetantly on hand„toy2o:tia VELLS., RIDDLF. CV., No. 215 Liberty west, oppcialto girth, Mob coanufact wort of WHIPS, LASERS and MITA ES, and every description of LEATILER BRAIDED WORK. Orders solicited from the trade, sad goods prompt y shipped as per theractlous. teddy Ddo W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of . WRITS STONI LIIINA and CREAM COI, OItED WARP.. • • -• Palm mid Wareham at No. 74 FIFTH STREET, Pittsburgh. rshlEdy - DRY -- ' GOODS. - ... _ . oaX 11111..31....J.5. R. CAi11....1.Y10 111 . CAXIAPSL WI I/SON, CASK A: CO., (Lat. Wits.. Paine A C 0.,) Wholoode dealers IC FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC MIT GOODS, NO. IK Wood street, third house above Diamond alley, Plttebitrgh. &WU( /wet. 1. LANZ r I.TICS !Lt rLTTLa. LAKE, NicABOY is (x)., Donlan] in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DIIT GOODS, No. 140 Federal etreet, (second dair . below new iiarkot Morion,) Alleghorg ltl, mbEly i4AT(TS: - , MAeltarrt, (AL WholnetaTe andßetell Dedeliborlititatisasi EMBROI DERIES and DRY GOODS,ry dia alcerription, Nos. 17 and 19 Filth street, Pittatrargh. . . _ ULYDE, Wholesale and Retell Dealers In FANCY AND STAPLIC DRY ROODS, TRIMMINGS Ake , No. 75 Market street, between Diamond 1.4 FMrit rittitm7' s . • JM. BURCHFIELD,(successor to . Burchfield A. r..,} Wholeaole Ratan Dealer le STAPLII AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Northeast torpor of Fourth and Market streets, Pltteburgh. JOSEPH lIORSI, Wholesale rt . n(1111. 1 tail Dealer in all kinds or TRIMMINGS, DRY GOODS, &e., Nos. 77 nod 79 Market street. BAItKER & CO., Dealers in all J. kinds of DRY GOODS, No. 62 Market street, Wyman Third and Fourth, Platburgh. c 11. PAIMER, N0.'84 'Wood Street, Dealer In BONNETS, HATS, STRAW TRIM MINGS, and STRAW •000D8 morally. DRITCriI W~ QIIION JOHN • -Dealer in PUItE DE 1503 ARV C:1 N.A.tit -rigarumm, FANCY COM EPPS V i trotD;OLLS, 711.111-• iLy invicuris t -b. toyrrehr..l..ll.*. which his offers at aired prism sportier firetweld andlYourth streets, Pfttsburgb. .Prescrlptlorks care fully C1 . 3111p01/21ded at all btoprin 7 . , . D A. FAHNE STOCK & (X)., Whore- - We Druggists, and usgmufseturers of WHITE LEAD AND LITIZARGE, corner of Wood and Front streets, Pittsburgh. mh7 JOLIN P. SWIT, Wholesale Dealer in DRUGS, PAINIA OILS, VARNISHES AND DYE STUFFS, No. 2:43 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. All orders will receive prompt attention. rtlt. GEORGE ft KEYSER, Druggist, Li No. 140 Word 44:404)4 4 corner of V l4 OO 1 U 14 7. Plttaburgh. • 7.1r8 umc.sJrcx ✓I6EJPT6. - - - - - T GARDINER. COFFIN, Agent for U • rra.oldte,Pbnaaeleas and Bollanoalmoranto Comm:deo, Notilinhatcornor Wood and Third etc . . WY. JONES, 'Agent North Annintic • motet PinreoLeht,, tee Ilartronl hour &nee Companfeei Wder Irttert. QAli I L RE." • oretary Citizens' In k) mance Ortakany, corner Market and Water its. 1. 1 M. GORDON,Seeretnry Western In ..,nsoce Company,92 Water Wraet. Dft. - BooK,Socretary Allegheny In ..num Camputy,Willth street. Ife. etHARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer in MU -810 AND mrsicAL INSTRUMENTS. Sole agent fbr KIWIS - A 00.13 PIANOS, LIAISES "DROS. PIANOS, And VitINDE CO.'B, MELODY DNS. No- 43 Fifth ',trot, wend door above Wood, Pittsburgh. Plena to let, and taken in exchange fbr new, apt 9 11.1 - KLEBER & BRO., Dealers in hill aro tarn inmost iNt3TRUMICNTS, mit .we apnea for iirEINWAY'S OZI,EBILATBD n ese.% No. &Unfit atreol;Pittsborgh. mr3i rffARLES NELLO - R, - Dealer in .J fluxes, itaLonacess, se., go. Wood st, between rofifill street Diamond rittet,l. PIITI3BURGU,PJL, Mentillbctttroro of MESSRS. N. A. STRWART, Oliver Rice, B. P. &alma, B. J. Everson, 8. 1. Knoptans, 8. J. Williams, J. barmy and F. Potter, publish the following call in the .Indionapolia fourttai 7 "We, the undersignod, solemnly pledge our lives, our fortune's end our sacred honor, to the cause of this Glorious Union, and hereby unite as a band of brother volunteers In the National army, for the especial object of going to Richmoud to release our unfortu nate soldiers now starving in Libby Prison. We appeal to the patriotic to Join our ranks. We are now mustering In this city. Officers wanted." FHA I:CF AND TIM UNITND STITIO.• In the French "Yellow Book," there is the eorree pondonce between France and the l'uited States, referring en the one hand to tho sup posed alliance between !tussle and America, and en the other to the assumed argoemont between Franco and the Confederates. Mr. Dayton denies the rumor of a Russo-Ameri can Alliance, in the same nay M. Dronyn de Minya denies that the sentiments of the French aoverameat have changed. There has not been any arrangement for the cession of Tomas or Louisiana. Tex EUROPEAN Cosner-al.—The subject of the proposed Congress is still warmly debated by the Continental journals ; but, according to 'Were from Paris, all the invited, with the exception of Italy, aro waiting to see what coarse will be taken by the British govern ment. The Pap reminds its readers that Lord Clarendon made this same proposal in BM. In Paris, the rumor that- Lord Palmer ston was about to visit the Emperor, at Com piegne, is denied "MarOmura," who has written so ably in tho Thos rotative to International rights, Is Dr. Moseley, the author of "The History of the Lowlands." VICTOR EMANICIL, King of Italy, has had an •!tart of delirium tremens. lEEE PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, IS6„ NVEDNESDAV MORNI\O• DE( TERMS OF•THE GAZETTE. MOSNING EPITION, by mail, per ..... 19 00 mouth 70 " cup les Evngiso EDITMN, by mall, per year......... ..... .... 4 50. month 38. week 10. " single copies 9. WW.ILT Lemon, single copies, per year... 900. I=!==l " club. of 10 or more" ... 1 2.3. --and one extra to the party. sending club. For a club of Ltfteen, we will eend the ETINING G•trrrs daily. For • club of twenty, wo will send the blonsmo Gurrrs daily. Single copies, It cents. 17.1" All snlecriptlone ntrictly le *drone., and papers always etopped ales the dove expire.. The Result of the New York Election. Speaking of the result of the New York city election, by which Mr. Gunther, inde pendent candidate and Peace Democrat, was elected over Boole, the nominee of the !de sert and Tammany '•machioee," and over Blunt, the nominee of the Union party, the N. Y. TrTho.,,, of Wednesday, may, What the people are struggling fur and blindly groping towards is Municipal rule in dependent of party. That, Mr. Gunther, is the tide that has borne you to fortune, though you do not think so. With the Mozart or Tammany machine at your back, you stood a good chance to Le beaten. The people saw the great machines eompined against you, and nearly all the newspapers apparently working with them, and they resolved to bow that they could go against the machines and the newspapers. They may bo Democrats or Re publicans; but they don't want their taxes doubled and trebled to run any party's ma chines or feed its paupers. On .the contrary, three-fourths of them would like to divorce j the Municipality from all connection with i Federal and State politica if they only could see how. Your election is an attempt by thousands to achieve this end. • • • In many aspects, this result will do good. It reduces the power and prestige of machines, and increases the consequence of the individ ual voter. It will encourage men to think and act for themselves in defiance of clique or party. And, although it will not immediate ly destroy the power of "The Ring," it shows how it oan and will he detuolishod. So let us go on our way rejoicing. SENT Secret.—Of the eitisens of Anne Arundel county (Md.), recently taken to Bal timore on a charge oLdieloyalty, all but two— Hon. Thomas 0. PR, tt, ex-Governor of the State, and Colonel Joseph Nicholson—took the oath of allogiance and were released. Messrs. Pratt and Nicholson have boon sent to Fortress Monroe to be taken thence into the rebel lines, under orders not to return to the North during the war. The Baltimore Son says: Ex-Uovornor Pratt was elected Governor of this State in Sit by the Whig party, end was Aublequentl) cb..een a United Slates Senator by the Mar,) land Legislature. Be served one term. Ho was Leveret times a member of the tits 0 smote, and has for thirty years post occupied a prominent politi cal position in this State. Colonel Nicholson was (or many years clerk bf the Maryland State Senate, and sul.viluent!y n Clerk in the United State+ 5,. a,'.- Ile is well known throughout thi+ Stale. Es+ bat theme g,,r.t lc teen is Over fifty years of age. iVr.r.ven BOlLKlLi.—ln.toad of riveting the plates of steam boilers, efforts aro now being made to weld the plates, thus to produce twit. ere free from joints. The method to effect this is to beat the edges of the plates to a welling heat with gas flame, and hammer them to gether. A email ogreish boiler has been fin ished by Chia method. In forming the deck beams of the iron frigate Warrior, the woks of two T irons were joined together by a bar of 11 section called a glut, which, with the edges to be welded, was raised to a welding beat by jets of gas flame; tbe whole H. then welded together, uniting the aegis irons and deck beams into solid forgingi, instead of bolting or riveting them together. In the building of iron vessels this system deserves universal attention. WESTERN ARKANSAS ANDTHE INPIAN TERRI max.—Affairs are quiet in Western Arkansas and the Indian Territory. The Leaven worth 61.ssersatine has advises from Fort. Gibson to the 14th •f November, when under orders from Gen. McNeill, all the while troops left Fort Gibson on the 11th inst., for Fort Smith. They consisted of the I.: arises Sixth, part of the Kansas Twelfth, and llopkins' Kansas Flattery. Cul. John Ritchie is in command at Fort Gibson, and gives universal satislae• lion. Ile has three Indian regiments in hi. brigade. This is the whole of the loyal force now In the Indian Territory. Col. Cloud is doing gallant service in scouting the country below Fort Smith. The rebel Cooper is driven beyond Red river, and Quantroll and Shelby are in Texas. Tue New York Ilerfild say, that the Oar of Rotolo hen directed Baron Stoeckel, hie Minieter at Washington, to invite our Presi dent, his Cabinet and the corps diplornafique to a grand cbiceuer, which i, to be given on board of the Hurffian frigate which nailed yet torday for Washington. The Czar ordered that the affair be gotten op in grand style, end to carry out thin desire nn the part of tho Emperor, a carte blanche he. been given to fielmonico, to provide a breakfast for two hundred. fie sendfr to Wroftringtor,ome fifty or rixty of his aids, cooks, dc., and ail the magnificent plate and ware. A Pooa NORMET.—The London T..<. is not good at prophesying, as the public have had frequent opportunities of observing since the eommenootnent of the war. Its last dis play of this kind was in its issue •f Novem ber 14th, when it said that the utmost that Grant could do during the present winter was to remain quiet at ellattenooga, and omen this was not probable; that Meade &,old make no advance, etc. Everything has turned up just opposite to the predictions of the M.., and we do not think the news by the last out henna steamers will be calculated to benefit Its reputation for good judgment or improve its temper. =MEE EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. Ell FAILURE OF MEADE'S CAMPAIGN. A THOUSAND NEN LOST IN THE lIRTREAT. Rebel Papers on the Situation. LONOSTREET RETREATING FROM BE FORE KNOXVILLE. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. PIITL/DIELPHIA, Dec. 2, 1863 The old story I Tho Army of the Potomac is back again on the old stamping ground, weary and worn, though. Two to one the enemy were posted on Mine River stream. There are tea feet water and five feet mud and marsh on the border. The ground on either side of the western elope was fortlfled by the enemy, with abatis and felled trees. The posi tion Is stronger than Prederieksburg. The Firstand Third corps bridged the stream. Gen. Warren was to have 'darted and turned the enemy's right wing. The Finned Sixth, under Sykes and Sedgwlok, were to attack his loft, while the Third and First were to make a lemonstration upon his centre. The reserves of artillery had all been brought forward and positioned ready for action, but for some reason, Gen. Warren failed to connect, and night found our forces drawn up In line of battle. A change was then made in the pro- gramme. Gen. Worrell did not deem his force ade quate to the tank of turning the enemy's right. lie was still vvinforecd by two divinions of the third army corps, under liens. Carr and Prince, while Birney, with hie division of the same corps, was to support the artillery. We lost a thousand mon in the retreat. There Is little probability now of another movement before spring. Leo avoided an engagement, knowing oar supplies must give out If the hoer of conflict was contracted. The Richmond papers state exactly how many days' raticlos our troops took with them when they cut off from their hese of supplies, on making the advance movement from the Rapidan. Rebel dispatches from Atlanta elate that the rebel loss at Chattanooga is net a thousand, while the enemy lost twenty thousand. The Richmond papers clamor (or tho re moval of General Bragg, though Jeff Davis holds him In favor. The doubtful position of Longstreet, and the 41cmpondeney of the Southern people, are not denied by the rubel journals. The reports that Longotreet Is retreating from before Knoxville towards Virginia Is confirmed this morning. The Richmond 1.:•4144ircr says After three years of war, that no officer but Gen. Bragg in the Southwest retains the confidence of the President, storms the public, and unless this impression Is speedily removed, will engender despair. lien. Pemberton's disaster at Vicks burg nearly broke the public heart. :4,141 this scorning Is gaoled at 419 c. The Richmond DJ . . .pitch says Tho defeat of I:en. Bragg, which has long been !brume, has taken place. As far uwe can learn, no body we+ rurprised. W. J.. 1 Important from Meade's Army. THE WHOLE ARMY AGAIN NORTH OF THE RAPIDAN ! The Enemy's Position too Strong to Carry by Assault, THE RETREAT CO3I3IENCED ON TUESDAY. LEE REPORTED REINFORCED BY LONGSTREET Details of Operations ou Sunday. THE CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA CLOSED. Probable Removal of General Meade I,ENs sEllWfilCK AND HOOKER NAMED As if EA LIE'S SUCCESSOR =I QHMEMI Nne Volts, Dec. 3.--A special dispatch to the Tc.boec from 'Washington, dated Decem ber 21, says : The Army of the Potomac to night encamps on the grounds it left on the morning of Thanksgiving. The reasons for this sudden oheoge of programme, without forcing Lee to a general battle, aro those: A council of war was held on Monday night, and the facts demonstrated that the enemy RAJ entrenched behind very formidable earth works, which they were ovary moment strengthening. Tbo fearful lots it would en tail upon us, and the impossibility of succor ing our wounded before they would perish with cold, In ease we attempted to carry the rebel works, by assault, wert some of the con siderations which induced this action. - Besides, neon Cations and forage had nearly run oat, and the roads were too bad to allow further transportation from our distant base of sup plies. Those weighty considerations, it Is olalmed, Induced the Commander to issue an order to fall back. To-night the Army of tho Potomac recta on Its old baso on the line of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad. - • . As late as 10 o'clock yesterday, wo rode a circuit In front of our most advance artillery position. We could look over into the rebel works and see Lee's greybacke, digging away with wonderful activity. Their guns are all mounted, and fronting at no. Rumors are rife in camp that Longstreet had reinforced Lee, and we were falling back on Fredericksburg, but I could trace them to no trustworthy source till about 9 o'clock r. u., when all fell back, crossing the Rapidan by Germania and Culpepper fords. Oar total looses in misilling and wounded are 530 and 60 killed. Our wounded suffered extremely in their ambulances on rough roads, and by severe cold, while lying In wagons last night, and as they must again to-night. A special train has already been dispatched up the road to bring down the disabled men. The railroad track and telegraph wires re mained as we left them, uninjured. Our main army loft the front about midnight on Tues day night, and its advance could be seen ap proaching Brandy Station at four o'clock this morning. A party of five rebel cavalrymon came dash ing up to the west bank of tho Rapidan, af ter our bridges ;were up. They were greeted with shell and vanished. But one train per day now Tune upon the railroad, And that at night. The guerrillas charged with shooting one of oar men, came in on to-night's train from Catlett's Station. On Sunday night some guerrillas rushed into 4 tent of the 100th Ppmssylvantit on picket near Licking Run, and captured dee of them. Yestorday morning three guerrillas caught a private of the 142 d Penn'a while guard ing the railroad near Catlett's Station, strip ped him of every vestige of clothing and shot him doad with his own gun. The guerrillas --,-`_ .. ,~...2 brought down . right aro suspected of har ing some connect.on with this brutal murder. New Year., Dc.c. d.—Tho World's Washing- 'III"fSBURGEI THEATRE. Lou. special, says : The campaign in Virginia is ended, and all forward movement on the : part of the Army of the Potomac has ceased. : _ Ong forces have already nearly completed , }3,,,fit of the ~ , p.),Rtnan artiste, It. E. J. MILKS, their return to their old base, along the Orange ' on which occasion he will appear In two great piece, dt Alexandria Railroad, at Culpepper, Brandy 1 Three horses to.night„ HIAWATHA, WATAMAB - Station and Rappahannock Bridge. and GOLIAII. The retrograde movement commenced on . THIS (Friday) EVENING, Tuesday. , Will LH pmeeted, Me grand tptrtacl.) Drama ent Med It is Said in Washington that the failure , m AZEPPA; or, THE WILD HOUSE OF TAETA RY to carry oat the plans of the War Depart moot, involves the loss of General hieade's , At,,j,',..Pr„„. )). tr. Kamen. position as commander of the Army of the orlinakt ...... -........Ann1e F.),11e. Potomac. ' Ta• W. 1.1 Llorw , . , WaLormh. The reasons given for the abandonment of TO t one ludo with the campaign are, that Leo has so intrenched I CLAUDE DI:VA L ; or, Too KNIGHT?, or Tel 80.. , !'laude E. E. J. Miles. himself, as to delay any rapid ativarteeon our 1 u 0 „., }3, ,..,. ..... Hiawatha. part, and at the same time to prevent an 1 Thu Jackass, by Gol lab. attack. Asir army fell back in a safe and orderly I r - r te"' sue-"- - manner, the enemy being Ignorant of our in• [optima. Seas. Scdgwick and Hooker aro prominent 13t named for Gen. Meade's successor, if any change Is made. The Iferahrs specials also state that the condition of the roads, and the want of sup plies Induced Meade to fall buck to Brandy I Station, which is now made his base of sup plies, trains laden with provisions rapidly reaching that point from Alexandria. Oar army, after the check administered to GOD. Warren at Mine Run, on Monday, fell hark to the Rapidan, and oressed the river in safety at night. The Herold has the following: Mine river is a stream ten feet in width but very shallow, if we judge by the depth o clear water. But it LS very deep when we count the mud at its bottom. At its sides entering several rods hack, is a low marsh, miry and reed-grown from the edges of the marsh. The land rises gradually to the height of perhaps one hundred feet. Half a mile back from the right shore those slopes open,and in many places are cultivated patches of young pines, which extend back to the dense woods, and which crown the summits of the hills. The enemy had fortified the western slope by strom earthworks at its commit—in front I of which felled trees and bluish formed an Im penetrable abattle. They had also dug a succession of pile, half way up the slope, and within easy range of the creek, and another Series of the same style of defenses at the Commencement of the abattis. His line of de fenses extended from Clark's mountain south of the plank road to the mouth of the stream, and was tally supported by artillery, and was in fact said by military men to be a stronger position titan he neld at Fredericksburg. I A Tribune special says : On Sunday morn log General Warren, of the 241 Corps. with the i Ed Division of the huh Corps, moved down on , the Fredericksburg !plank road, which rune parallel with the Oraage pike, and about three miles from it, and proceeded for a mile, when he encountered the enemy's skirmishers. who were driven - st mile and a half to the west. The enemy then opened with artillery on the 2.1 Division of the 2d Corps, free some tem porary works on a hill, half a mile south of the unfinished railroad, but were soon driven out, rind the Corps rested for the night, with the Intention of charging and flanking the rebels le thosmonling. Early yesterday morning, Lien. Warren re quested hie commanders to inform their men of the nature of the task before them, and to exhort them to make a gallant assault upon the enemy's works in their front, which had been thrown up during the night. lie then made a personal inspection of the works, and for an hour and A hal f hu he si tate d to act. Atter an hour's cannonading :ho rear to make a grand charge, and the men were instructed to rOSOIVO their fire till they entered the rebel works. Su chargewe 3 made on the left. At ten thirty .1. a , General Mead-- Call. -lawn to the left, and wag fir a t--ax ti•n• an gaged in earnest e•-nversatian with t-se War. CAA. lAA.I AA. Manic 52f Mc/ to be . r;ag a rebuke to lrart,ri. Gounterrei , ^r• rre,..ted—The Ca ore or. 5,000 I:Owl,' Nut Confirmed '? , at leired int• -Grant's Movementh • : - traband—C.::•. llntgz Reported - Inferred, Sir. CINCINNAT:. Dec- e.ber 3.—Eight persons have been arrested ro for passing counter terfeit twenty doIL.. Treo.ury notes. About 1,505) bales 01 tiuvernment cotton ar rived here yesterday. to be sold at auction en the 14th inst. A dispatch received from lien. Foster's chief of staff, dated Cumberland Gap, Dec. Ist, says that nothing relative to the capture of 5,.000 prisoners at Knoxvfllo. Memphis adv leen of the 30th, say that the steamer Black Hawk was bred into by guer rillas near the mouth of the river, and several on board wounded. The boat put back to New Orleans. Chattanooga dispatches of the 30th says: Tho movements of the army is eontraliand. The hospitals are full of wounded from both armies. Refugees and deserters report,. that Gen. Bragg hes been reinfelee•l near Dalton, by Joe Johnston. Nothing later from lit,uarille The Position of the Euemy in A kamins FORT Sarin, December 2. —General Mc- Niel has reliable information that the enemy is stretched along Little Miseuri river. The right under Price, noistWa-shington; the centre, utr'^r Marmaduke in the vicinity of Murfrees boro, and the left, under -Cabal, at Judd° Gap. Thu., it is thought, they are preparing for en attack on Fort Smith or Little Rock. Cooper is In Red Hirer Valley, and Stunwait is In theCroek Nation. Their total forces aro estimated at 22,000, bet there no doubt but that it Is exaggerated. Gen. Blunt is here. Removal of Gott. Meade Humored— Geu. Thomas' Late Operations. Niro - lona. Iles. 3.--Specialn to tho Tribune from Witehingtea, of the J. say : The rumor that the ilevernment Is considering the pro. printy of relieving Meade gains strength rind currency. The statement telegraphed from Washiog ton and Cincinnati that Oen. Thomas had telegraphed le the President that in his late operations he noted in accordance with the plane matured by Roseanne before hie re• moved, to authoritatively pronounced false. Longatroet'■ Retreat—Siege of Knox _ villa Raised. NIW Your, Deo. B.—The Wor/d's speoial dispatch from Washington, dated Deo. 2d, says : It is understood the government has adviees of Longstreet's retreat toward Bristol, Tennessee, from which place there Is a rail road communication to - Richmond. It is oer tamp that the siege of Knoxville to raised, and the rebel line of retreat is the only one , open to them. From Mexteo NEW Tons, Deo. 3.—The steamer Parkers burg has arrived from Now Orleans, with dates to Nov. 23d. The Era has a report, yin Yore Cruz, to November 31, one week later than those via New Orleans, which contain nothing of the reported capture of Puebla. It was even stated that Juares wan about to retreat to San Lois Potosi. TraJt7W WANTED. An Experienced Carpet Uplioloterer is wants!! Immediately at =! No. a FlMb street. =1 WANTED A GARDNER—A mar tied man without childrao preferred. Ile mutt understand the culture of ()rupee, end not to afraid a • nun hard wart- The right hlnd of • man ran get a penmallellt attention, and good pay. Enquire at Ind Served etrent, Pittsburgh, Pa. deg WANTED.—S6O A MONTH.—We want Agent• at If6e • mouth, expeusee pall, to toll our Eherfanifitp Prireat, Orin fat lberr.r., and thirteen other new, maul and curious articles. Fifteen intl. cite mat/rte. Addromi gelgigindawl" BfIAW et MARK, Biddeford, Mo. $75 A DIONTEII-4 want to hire Agents ho every coma' , ea 575 a month, expenses pald, to WA my now etwalk Family Sowing Machines. Address, 8. MADIII.OIt, Alfred, Maine aditdarridiser WANT AD TO IZENT, A GOOD WAILEHOUSL, Situated to a business pardon or the city. Enquire et oai:tt 121 SIDON D STRUM A.MUSE.7IIIEirTS. r CONCERT lIALL. •Lewh and Manager. ... arca r W LTC.I.B. Stage Manager t Lt. I • 1.11 ZAP. rn rrna. UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION The management has the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of Pittsburgh that he will open at the Edam o Dail, for ONE WEEK ONLY, commencing on Tin:L.lday Evening, Deo. 3d, With the great Z A NFRETTA FAMILY, Who hark been playing In the principal Theatres of Pgiropo and the United Slants with the most triumph ant succeae, recently from Garden, stew York. mid the Academy of Mooto, Philadelphia, where they played over sixty nigh.. This company only play . its liro CIHAS Theatre-. to , ! Halle, to audiences com. posed of ladle.. and gentlemen, and are now playing end of the more sucoesidul • gage ante eror played Whooling. Mutiume no a wiwk, and the 11x11 crowded with lodioe and children, to n e tile wonderful company. The , r.iiiipanr, am norguiiirod, i. oompo.fed woolly of the members I the RAVEL FA MILT. LOOK AT THE ATTRACTION I ZANFRETTA FAMILY' ZANPBETTA FAMILY' Tho host Pantaluirtdat. In the world Brllliaut and Graceful Dancer. ' The most wonderful Hytu nest ! The beautiful Dauwww. MLLE JOSEPHINE EANFEETTA Tho 'dbnn of ft toed oca, I= LLE ELLA Z.t!iFRETTA The wortterful and terrine Tight ILniv Performer, MUSS A I.EXANDER ZANFRXTTA The greatolt Coet, 'flatus' In the World, CAPOLO ZAN rItETTA Together srlth ths &sounding feats or =I lin the Flyinn Rings And I heir Lookut cORPS DE BALLET GRAND MATINEE On SATERDAY AFTERNOON, To tone LAU. and Flittdoln An oprtrtouit) t. ern The Great Zanfretta Family ! It Adml.4lna, mutt. Re« rrt.l acute At , crotn Doors flown at T o'clnet ; curtain rt,t.t at 77i o'clock• AUCTIOJr 8.11,ES VALUABLE PRIVATE LIBRARY it CATALOGUIS—Tit.REIC NIGHTS' SALE.— On Friday and Saturday evenings, Doe. 3d, 4th and 7th, at 7'. tieback, each evening, will be void by pamphlet catalogue, at the Commercial Sales !teem., No. 54 Fifth street, an entire Priests Libra ry of Euglish and American Literature, embreeing on• of thu choicest and most valuable collections which boa been brought to public sale fur years In oar city. It iv rich In all the departments of Ilistory, Byo gra pby. Theology, Poetry,. Travebs, and Belle. Lot• incltoiicg many old editions of Book Venetia., nod tony apnea rated volume*. The mentionable bo.A. In each night's sale ere too numerous for epee ...nog. Among their. •re London Punch, 111 sobs.; Hoer tla's Worn, ; National Gallery of Pic tore., 2 0,1•1., lime:Lb a's liebeillon mud Csv LI Ware, r. I s , Duels Swift's \ Votive. 24 vo Is.; ihnialey'll l-113. 21.1 vols.; Works of Hearne, the ant Hoary, deo'. Contplote W,rks, 2 volumes, 1710; Br. we' s Taiga, Error., 1846; Bowe.' Lucan, 1710; Ilobbe's Thu, ydedes, lar; Ogilty's Japan nod China, 2 vols.; OW Quarto Edition. of Playa, 2 ..14.; liich• nrd.oC• ler...logy, 2 volumes; Davison'. Poetical ithapoidy, Shakeepeare, 8 vole.; Library of Choice Iteedlng. 10 volume., Stotliard'. Edition of Robert Burns, 6 vols.; Harper's Illuetratal Bible, M'Havin's Protestant. 2 rola.; Crc'. Dictionary, Boston's Thir ty ream, 2 vols.; Bancroft's United Stat., 5 vole, do. Catalogues for the three nighta' salee of title 'ere taluable collection aro note neatly, and the hooka ctuti No examined on each day of sato. del DAVIS & NeILWAYSII. Asict`ra. ()O.K It I ES, TOBACCO, &C. —On 1... X SATURDAY MORNING, Diw sth, at 10 o'clock, wlll tw a.,1,1, at the 'oturnerciai Salea 1ia,m,54 Fifth at met, to thr trade . 1 ,, Castile &.p; 12 b.. g-n , r01,1 Pepper; 40 " P.l. Yell, , ls de; b " Cloves; 1 • ' Petaflllle Cau,ll,e;; 5 •• I ';;;; ;; mon '• best Ind ig"; " " 111.1.11 rd, 4 0 " Got flora " Dairy Charon; 1 ,, cleat. Gr. 1 Ilk. Teo.; " rarond b Tebneco; .5 bre. Rh. Flour; I 3 Not. Loaf do; Vermin , lli; Imported Segni"; pun , Corti Star,At; 3 kepi nix twist Tobacco; 4 '• Bunch Raisins; i bbls. Cut and Dry do; 1 ,, •L ground Ginger; The attention of the trade in Inv, tod. det DAVISS lIrILWAIHR, Amt•n. pUltic. LIQUORS, WINRS, L SATURDAY bIoRNING, Dec.. sth, at 10 o'clock, will he sold, at the Commorclal Sloe Roosts, No. b 4 Flfth street, to the tradcri 1 you'll Irkh 3I'L Whiskyi!l qr. rt. poraJuloo Port; I Lille. CIA Bourb,n do; 2 rabes Claret Int.; Ilyn da; 2 n Cborry Cordial: I cke Palo Cog. Brandy; I choir.. Rhino Wine; 3 Lyle. Comae Brandy; 1 mot Rolland Gin; I Apple do; 2 bbl,.. Cordial; C11:2M23 Ini grtso Corks; =9 The attention of the tra e is Invited to this =la of cle roe Liquors. de3 DAVIS a McILYVAINZ. Anet'rs. LIOOD HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOVES, Ac.—On FRIDAY AFTERNOON, Doc. 4th, at 2 o'clock. will be sold, at the Commer cial SW. Rooms, b 4 Fifth street, Parlor Sofa Beat, Spring Seat Lounges, Mahogany Tables, End Tablee, Chairs, Venillan Bliade, Hearth Ting, Feather Pil lows. Comforts, Child's Crib, Copper Coal Bucket, Mantle Cloaks, Tall C 0.., qjork, Stone Chinn, Best ing and Cooking StnITI, Kitchen Vt.:mike, de. de3 DAVIS McILWAINE, Anct're. ‘ITATUAItY, OIL PAINTINGS, V i - 10L1.211, dc—On Frtday evening, Doc. 4th, will be sold at the Commercial Sale. Rooms, 34 Fifth street, in the catalogue sale of valuable Books, from a Pri vate Library, commencing at 7X o'clock, a Statuette 'opy of Power's Greek Slave, in fine statuary marble, I lino Landscape Paintings i 011; 3 Life Pictures by Illy Ow; 2 large Globes, Terrestrial and Celestial; I superb. Violin, ac. Catalogues are now toady. del DAVIS d McILWAINIZ. Auct'rs. (IIL WELL 'FOOLS, BLACKSMITH TOILS,IJ dc.—On SATURDAY MORNING, Dec. Sit h. at Ii o'clock, will he sold, at the Commercial Sales Rooms, 34 Fifth sliver, ono sot oil well Boring Cable, &T. A 1,,,, three pair Bleekseulth Bel low+, one Anvil, dc. de3 DAVIS & IIoILWAINNE. Avet'st. QECON D-ILAN PIANOS.—On FRI- A) DAY A FTEKNOON, Der. 4th. at 3 o'cleek, will ho Bold, at the Commercial Salm Sworn,. ha Fifth id., Two gond Beoond.hatid Pianos, 0 °clay, In plain srainutinudmabogany eased. deif DAVIS A KcILWAINE. Anct'ra. ilLfOliY AND JENNY LI N USDAY MOUSING, Doc. tith, et II o'clock, at the Commercial Sales Boor., Ai Fifth await, 1 open. top Buggy and I Jannl Lind 'Bow. de.3 DAN 185 Mel LW A I NE, Anti's. precros. music, erc. NEW TESTIMONIALS.- ~,,_ The Musical Masters of the East speaking out in favor of DECKEIt's • ' y I PIANOS! After haring examined the Nano Fortes of the Menem DECKER BROS. very carefully, ere bare conto to the conclusion, and cheerfolly testify, that thy are in erery reepect superior instrumettra. Their that Is pare, nob, brilliant, vary di duct, and of an entirely musical character. Their worlmansitlp it o f the Tory beet, plainly demonstrating that none but the eery beet materials are used, and their lunch, even amts and equality of tone throughout the whole competes of the key board, uneurpuseed by any other Piano forte an hare yet seen. S. D. Mille, Theodore Thome., William Maxon, tits. rradell, Theo. Ragan, editor of the Masfeet Resins and World; Carl Anshots, Director of the Gorman Opera ; John Runde', editor Jenumel of Polo. Worship; r. d.. Ritter, Carl Wol[ll9llll, Phila.." A choke lot of thew .portor Instruments Jnotor J. 31. HOB►MAIQ 41t, 8110., r V \AHE S PIANOS axe . oow mmildered the beet la the world. BAUM BROS. PI- A NOS are the beet Mom the country at the GROPESTEEN A CO.'S PIANOS, full 7 oc tave rosewood, warranted, fur UAL &LAB SU A T. L & TPA YEN'S Parlor Gem.PIANOS fur PDlNcm's MELODEONS, the beet made. Prices from 7(7 to 1 , 72 0 . ' • CUARLOTTE 11Lti41E,43 Fifth street. Sole agent for above Instruments. 11E.,1L EST4TE AGEXTS. AATILLIAM WARD, Dealer in PROM VV InSORT 'NOM, BONDS, MORTGAGE'S, and nll securities for money , . Persons can procure LOANS, through my a g ency, no nom:able terms. Tlevo arlahlng to turret their money togood advan tage. can always And drat and second clam paper at my omoo for tale, All commonlcatloolf and Interviews atrlctly cane dentlal. Medi 01111111 street, oppoefte tat. Paul'. (Inqnxlttd. lett( ZVJ,'4'il,l3:a.;i«L;'''liY,if';'.''.l';'''•,:.';''''''''''"-.'-:'''-"".'-''''''' .. f.'''..l •- ~,...t,1,.,1.Z.-,..t4-,t32. .t5 ,,7 1'-',:, ' '' ' ' V :'''''''''''''''t -*'l, 4,"1" ~ •,, ~I••=.'-,' ;1.:4::-•..%.',.':;'..%''''.741:4;11.'''i.-- VOLUME LXXVII---NO. 16. Rica"' qON, HARLHY & CO., COMMISSION !I TOSWARDING mitconeuris, Crude and Relined Petroleum, Ha 19 IBRDI STREET, PITIIII3IIEGR. 031 - Liberal Cash attssacts en victigamenta for Pittsburgh or E.mtern Markets. &imam J. S. Dilworth & Springer Ilarbangh, Fag., Thompson Bell. rag., Prot. Commercial Bank. mhlo76ro TACK & LIKO., IMMO MI Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINR, 132 WALNUT BT., PHILADELPHIA. B.loess entrusted to ear earn will niesplen oar prompt personal attention. Refer to Messrs. Richardson, Harley A Co., Brewer, Darts A Ca., and Bic-flatland d Darts, Pittabmgh ; Than. Smith, Eng., Preet. Boot 2i. A.; IL L. Poster A Co., Philadelphia.. aus-1, IRON CITY OIL WORKS. LYDAY & CHORPENNING, hintrafactarere and Refiner" of CARBON' OIL, HEN ZINK, AND LUDItIOATING OILS, and &alma 113 CI U>lE 1 , 1t71•12.0 LAI; IJM Works, uppaelt• Sharpebtug. °floe, No. 69 HAND EITUIEILT. apt' em D L. M I LLBR, .Ia , Aassr, 129 IVALNL7T ST., PHILADELPHIA.. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM On Cemmlnslon excittetvely. All chug. at mint nnntonehle rune, STORAGE FOR REFRIED In owl onllarn. run CRUDE, cinder god .Leda. • •. Particular attention paid to OIL FOB EXTORT Foa Sets—CALISTIC t+ODA, SODA ASH, kr CA Burk PEN BE RTON, General Merchandise Brokers, SOPIII FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, ('ACETIC SODA. SODA ASH, ISSIAL,TONE DlLL'flc, OILS, arr., dc. Orden to buy or promptly attended to. sully ALLEN 4 N EDL 001IMISSION If ER CIIA Particular attention paid to cotiatomocita of Crude and Refined Petroleum. ear Liberal advances made. aultly HIC.N.RY-111E, 13 NORTH FRONT ST., PHILADELPHIA Broker a: Comm nseion Merchant s■ CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, LUDOICATING OIL A ND BSITZOLIit, And dna!, In Cato and 11,41.1 PI:TROLL - Cl] BAJLELELS: BURKE & CU., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GLOBE, j'AOITIO AND LIBIIIITY OIL WOBES. Lama mob attranoes mods ona ormaignmeats of Refined or Crude Petro/turn MB. DUQUESNE WAY A HANCOCK SYS., ME OIL MEN need not be embarrassed by the enforcement of tho Bulk Ordinance, when they can have their OIL barrelled and shipped with out touching the City Wharves, as cheep, more prompt, with lens risk, lea trouble and lu better order, at KIRK'S OIL YARD, On the Allegheny Valley Railroad, above Law-ream ille, when Oil is pumped from the bowie direct . to the rani, and skipped to any point, East or {Teat, telthent soy drayfrm er re-shipplug. .1 1 / 4, 11 , 414M0:a pramptly attended te. dim at Yard, en Chimes Paseeoger It. R. Peat 001 m address, BOX 902, Pittsburgh ; or I can be wen daily at the Om Excaanaa. ap2ll DAVID ICI EX. JOB! ............... MIMIC t WALLACE Sc CURTISS, Commission Merchants, 0: 1 010):t4:434.43114:i00:(08:41y1 BENZINE AND LUBRICATING 011A1. N. 134 SOUTH WHARVES, THILADHLPHIA OEFr Storage capacity (cinder corer,) for 15,000 !Ala. Also excellent facilities for chipping to American mid Foreign ports, at our wharf nu the Schuylkill Ricer, near the platform of the P. R. R. 1e25:1y WALES, WETMORE .3: CO., COMMISSION M EIICI3 A NTS SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, =3 Ample likeilltße (Or STORAGE AND SRIPPING, at their yard sod wharf, RED nowt. myl4:tf - - - DIAMOND OIL WORKS NAYLOR & BAUM Refiners and Dealers in Carbon Oil, thzenrpassed by any tn the market oar Orders left at tbotr office, No. 41 MARKET STRltitr,or at (bete wain) to Lawrenceville, wilt bo promptly attended to. Buyers of CRUDE OLL. albeit ROBERT ASHWORTH, No. 1 ffT. CLAIR ST., PITTSBURGH, Forwarding & Commission Merchant AND DRALES IN OITA oar I LLIEMTHATTNG. LUBRICATING, CRUDE PETROLEUM OILS, a... constantly Ms hand sad for sale at the locrest market prices. Consignments and orders solicited. ap7Ass CID. w-4°`44-71E,-OiriaTlTEßT44`' WOOD% I . GEO. W. HOLDSHIP & Co., Mannfarturen. of BURNING OIL AND ttrharcA- TlNG limp constantly on hand tho very best quality of HL ENING OIL, clear and without color; alma, a good LUBRICATOR, pure WILITZ BIN ZOLE and GAR GREASE. OEM= CT All orders 101 l at No. 3.5 PIPTTI STREET, Bank Block, second floor, will be promptly attended to. othrtf R S. WARINET, CIIDUF., fl TTNBD, MACIII2iEBY AND PAINT OILS. And dealer to Mentos Materials. No. 33 KARIM fir, Pltuburgh. mam LUCEN t i OIL WORM. • DtriOAN, DUNLAP & QO Idamfactorofs of Pure White Refined O arb " Oa% No. lei Lunn= smut mytkemax OILS, Jrc. r==M El= Agonto of ttoo Prrrarokaz. PA. Aed dealers le EL=CI pniseosev,