~.._z_~.~.:.4 5 :, _ IM:31 0 Phtshro -61(EA4. TRURSDAY:;II.ORNLNP WIC. 3, 180 CITY tEND SUBUBBAY FromYesterday'B Evening Gazette Bold Robbcry...Prompt Artee... On Monday evening, about dusk, two men entered the =residence of Mr. E. D. Fraliche, dry goods merchant, near Oakland, during the absence of the family . texcepting a hired girl) and with a gun they put her under such fear that she lay under a bed while they rob bed the house of a rifle, a navy revolver, a pair of blankets, a lot of jewelry, a diamond taring worth one hundred and twentv-flvo rs, and a considerable amount of lady's apparel. after which they made o ff . On Tuesday morni information of the robbery was convoyed ng to the Mayor, and officers lingua and Moon took the case in hand,. This morning, at daylight, they en tered a house at Ooar akland, where the suspected parties were bding, and as soon as officers were seen be of the robbers began to run. Finding be could not escape, be drew a revolver, but officer Hague at that instant streak him a blow on the head with a bandy billy, end !he fell to the ground—the charge from the pistol passing over the officer's head. Another man, a deserter who lodged in the same house,thinking the officois were after him also drew a pistol, and fired at officer Moon, bat missed him and struck an apple tree. Moon filed three times at the follow, but did not hit him. The name of the man arrested by Hague Is John Turbin a rebel prisoner who had taken the oath o ' f allegiance. Ilia companion's name is unknown, as he was ar rested +without a warrant, but he also wee to the ha d army, and had taken the oath. They had been residing in the vicinity for some time. Most of the stolen property was found upon them, or in the house. The ar rest was well r their promptness and courage. -- Ministers' Salaries. Wo naticed, some timo since, that the Pres byteriafi churches within the bounds of the Synods.of Pittsburgh and Allegheny had been , LAST F.eaSabe THIS BRASoN—WiII be sold at M enjoined to increase the salaries of their re- ; ekelvy s auction, 47 Filth sate), to-morrow speetive ministers, in view of the increased • , Thursday) afternoon, at two o'clock, the last cost of living. What attention has been paid and only fur sale this season. Ladies in want to this injunction we have no alone of know of, furs should attend the sale, which will late ing, but we presume the matter will not be without reserve. See advertisement in this entirely overlooked. A cor respondent of the a, p pe SPEC' AL LOCAL NOTICES. r. Banner, in alluding to this subje po ct, advocates , ----...11.11.e.------ quarterly payments of salary, in the following I lartimaga : It used to be that men could let their bills Tactual PARRY, Plain and Ornamental run for ti year without ever thinking of pay- ; Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and ing them; but th9se days aro for the most part i numbered with the past. Business is now ; Vermont slate of the bast quality at low rates. done more on the cash principle than former- , Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water ly, which is all the better for buyer and eel- Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. . tor.. Three months is about as long a credit . . . . _ •8. —The Sum as is now given. Hence payment of salaries I Fox FALL L AND WIXTER WS A ba-IL-yearly will not suit the minister. The , meri s post, ehednd, an by th t he eat mornll and will later sod people. It is much easier for the shortly be upon us, and we conatcrovide onr people to par what they promise yearly to the solves with the material to keep as comfort minister. if divided into four parts, and one able. A nice fail suit, or a good and well part paid at the end of every three months. made overooat are the very thing, and we do N 9 Argument is needed to prove this. It is not know of any place where our readers manifestly unjust to require a minister to would suit themselves hatter than at Messrs. labor six months, and more than doubly un- , W. H. McGee A Cos clothing establishment, jest to require him to labor a year before he corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, receives his wages. No church ought to ask nilo o on y. They have also received a tom it. And may we not also thy that no Presby- plots assortment of gentlemen's furnishing Tory should allow a call from any of their goo d s, an d a great variety of new patterns for churches to pass through their bands into that 1 ~,i.teoating, Ac. of any minister, which does not contain the aent of the salary. ; Kr-lin:rev BR M I ES A eraccrara.—Mrs. Anne promise of quarterly pym Nauts, of Louisville, hy., says In a letter : liotel Robbery In Allegheny. t "When in-- New York, this summer, I purcbsoed by way of experiment some of A daring robbery was perpetrated, lastli Mr s. S. A. Allen's celebrated Hair Restorer night, at the Allegheny Hotel, Federal street, and Zylobalsamum, which I have found kept by Mr. Adam Bopler. This morning t valuable. I now write to hate you send , m:3f.elmrydri:bedoLe, each by express, fur the use when the lodgers got up, several of them dis covered that they had been robbed. John s o ld by Druggists everywhere. Depot, (PS taldwell. of Galilee, Beaver county, formerly w i ck Green s ciirtet , Ne AND ROOST roe SATs.—The w : York. of this city, was relieved of $27. Thomas , Cy c sa.O ilevrington, railroad conductor, was robbed fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, of $3 in silver, which he had kept for s. ; lately received by Messrs. John Wier A Co., long time, US a motnento of the past. A Me rchant . Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al yot,g maf, Homed A. D on n had n s il ve r to hen The . stock of clothing consists of • the Onset variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, watch stolen from him. together with a small sum of money. 11. Alfred? lost $5. N. L. coats and overcoats. The style of patterns is tastefulsad fashionable We wu inviteemen Ball lost a pocket book containing some phi- .. bti ante papers, cheeks, a railroad ticket from all of our readers to give the a oc o u ld Norristown to Philadelphia, and a small min a call. of Money. • ! VOLl:Nregas, Rase Tots.—For the derange- Mr. Caldwell states that some person came meat of the system, Change of Diet. Wounds, into his room, about two o'clock in the morn- . Sores, Bruises and Eruptions, to which every log, and appeared to be searching for some- I N'eAmteer is liable, thorn are no remedies so thing about his bed, but he was in his shirt safe., convenient and sure as HOLLOWAY'S sleeves, and was not suspected of being a piLli ,k OINTMENT, thoroughly tested in thief. The persons robbed slept in three dif- the Crimean and gal an Campaigns. Only 25 (wont rooms, and the thief must have been , cents per box or pot. 234 familiar with the place. Suspicion falls upon Ga mes and ...in. s will be taken at a man who loft the hotel about two o'clock, , "" the Omnibus office, Mn. 410 Penn street, day to take ono of the early trains. Mayor Alex- or left at the above place sailor's police searched two men, who 'sera ~,,pr_emslattended to. All calla mat arrested on suspicion, but they were honors- ! will b e bly discharged . ! r''' ' '' ' "'_f_ ° ' -" _ ____ --...------- ! DERRAL Imerrrt-rx, No. 251 Penn street, is Bank "ite Quotations, 1 the place where you can get the beet cheap Corrected especially for the Oatette, by Means. ; dentistry in the city. Don't forget the place, Feld le bare, of the Notiotto/ Hoek Note 12 e - No. 251 Penn street, near Hancock. ' porter. Rates uncertain at present: IC. Stu., Dentist, 248 Penn street, will Ist . /-rr"."'",1"'"`"‘1"" 2 . I "' 1 tend to all businees of his profession. • Lawsaasf. p,,,„„i. 1 Neer England States.. %. Virginia—lnterior .... —., Now Turk State 3, - ; North Ceuvlina ..... New York City par South Carolina ....... ... New Jersey ............... 141 Georgia . ...... ......... \ Peuna.—rbila ..--. par Alabiuna .-- —.— I Pittsburgh. 1 41 y ...... -.. ...... Diced Pittsburgh, pr. 41 Emituely ................ par Ilk. of Beaver Co., pr. 1-1 Venom.. ... .............. Bk. of Fayette Ce., pr. Im Ohio ........................ par • Monongahela Bank, I Indiana, tree ............. 1 Brownsville ...... pr. 30 " Bk. of State. 'Fla' Pa. Country Banks— h,i 1111000-- ....... .—.1 5, 1 DidiViriare . ..... .-.. ...... 3i, Wieconvia Dist .of columbia ...... 2 lowa ..... _.....-- 1 Maryland, Baltimore par; Michigan -----. .1 i Interior... 2111 Woe,' ......... ----gain Virginia—Wheeling .. 114. a- ...... —. ..... Tr. 311 Wheeling Branches... 1141 ElCll.oioi.—Bulling rates on New York and Mlle - ~- delphia i, , '4l et. over bankable fonds. , Own—Gold, Wiping rates 44@15, and Sliver at 7: 6336 over bankable feud.. Tim Late Thanksgiving. TIN, editor of the Presbyterian Bowler, after noticing the very general observance of Thanksgiving day among the churches says : "The after put of the day, it we may credit reports in the daily press, was very eaten sively devoted to dissipation. Thu is tavern.s, grog shops, theatres, and other places where runs riot, were crowded. The revelry and dronknennoss is said to have exceeded that of any diy in our city, for a long time. Such evils are greatly to be deplored. But In times of prosperity they will abound. Every pub lic day will thus to abused. We do not say that this should prevent the appointing of a day of thanksgiving: but it is a reason And it why we should mourn as well as rejoice. is a pOwerful reason why haunts of dissipation should be suppressed. Why is it that a hu mane - people will tolerate grog shops ? It astonishing that enlightened Pennsylvsn and especially that Christian Pittsburgh should not remove, utterly, all public temp tslioni to the vice of drunkenness." Presbyterian Items. Rev. Philip 11. ?dowry has received a call from the Mehuning church, Danville, Pa., of which Lilo late Dr. Youmans was pastor. Mr. F. A. Wotring, late of Washington Prosby tory, was ordained and installed at Portage City, 'Wisconsin, by the Presbytery of Winne. bago, Oct. 27tb. The pastoral tag between Rev. Wm. Pridlocri/X and the church ot Schollsburg, has been dissolved by the Presbytery of Carlisle, and Mr. J. 11. Donaldson has been engaged to supply the church for six mon e ths. Rv. Matlock Arm strong has been installed in the church of Mbasourootun, Pa. Rev. J. W. Wightman b titian installed, by the Presbytery of Carlisle, . at Waynesboro', Pa. SALTtso BEF.P.—Tbo following is said to be a suporior receipt fur caring beef for wintor use : First, rub stilt into it and let It remain for 24 hours to draw off the blood ; then take it up, lot it drain and pack as desired, having ready a pickle prepared as follows Far every 100 lbs of beef use 7 lbs molasses I oz saltetre, I oz Cayenne pepper, I q.t. and ri p galloon water •, put those all together, boil and skim an& let it cool; then pour it on your beef. It is supposed this amount of water will make brine enough to cover the beef• r NJ dassvvr AND Bwrrattv.—ldiehael Mullane was yesterday held to ball, by Alderman Taylor,- to answer The a char Rowan e of assault par and battexy preferred by John . ties Frreled, while rolling oil barrels on the AU eny wharf, and McCune treated Rowan to a noctt-down. ■ - k. - Anecdote 'of PILTSELII BrOWBIOW. I comm EnciAL RECORD. 1 -*Markets by Telegraph. 1 •,--- Tar: 2lwdloy Browne, chaplain of the 100th i -,; ,e, ... - - -- - _---- • for export and bomanw: 3,lsat bars - kb Extrs F..mtlyt• 1 Qt.'s c..clikl•Tre Ctsrs. iI. ~.. r• 4E. 1 • p,,z, 1 P"'-'""'"'" Dm. 2" Fi' nr gores l' Li. t"th Cr9 l- 14 EATI. A N' Tll' 111 1 :-' 11 &la. l,, ' ^ 1 TTIN ' E el: ti F.: t'OR DYSPEPSLA. 03.ou.ndhearteginscat, in a latter to the 1 FINANCE AND TIIALI.t. -14 ." ': -,..- --. and . "tm.li I °l °I l..l.Prtthe a. i lit,) kI.‘IAIIOT k. A NI !..t, t. I ~..\ ..g."0, , , . . .. ~.. , lAttshurith, Do.-. I, le -. • United Presbterian, relates the following in. - ---- -7 , Rye I {ma firm at IA '..0. an 1t . :11 Mood 1., , tt. TI,LoN 4.p.1t I.A:„ I iii i Nil' 1. L:- -Sr:ilt:a p r„p,,,,,.h. , 111 Dit. L. 4.L. C. WISIIART'S ' oldest ettioh occurred during the trip of Par- Tic , le ono tow leastme la itioney Mail., het. at to. Ti.., , lot , done tr, Ift.t Y. h.,. the , we, L.., t., AI.tvAII. I I: E. 170. r‘ rI- rn.tvoo at this ••91, until the volt Ow 9 worthy of special notice. Goltl has uitdergons but , ';' A..iiil•l''''.CN,4,;',,r7:llll','43r.,Frdoor".,l:e,'"':4,,.,,lr,'"'..,''nr.‘il &I , 111 ATV% 1.30, Iloreo.,,wsr. 4,04. ~,. • I two . col., lied, f, furnish's, and delreerind at GREAT AIIERICAN son Brownlow end Home° Maynard, to Knox - ' little changesinee our last lame. the no.in report ! „,:'''' r" "." Z' r , ~,, ~,, Lulli.:lLN lA. lass , ilorw•power, 3as el tons. I 0,1 ttr.ih, Ps-, t too thowainethwel, w tuna, laror vine: ' IV of Rye at c 1.30. LOril • n go. et... , •.. - cot c)1 pd . , Lo o n tha5...,...t, aoot tons. .n. Make trent /s•or . fil.dl.' Y.• .''' '- . I•I Dyspepila Pill and Treatment from New York quoting at 1.1. , °. There L. but Ilt- bt,191 9 yollow eh! at :1.33 for othi, al_d 5 4 1 0' 94,9 1 0 . I A lyo. Horse • is set.. •Stse. IOUS • • , 11,-. nsul , mn, be In good t , nlor. wmnd 111 ll' ' y tat e.c. Clovers...l At Pitman , four miles north of Loudon, tie c e le, offece,g . th,, market and pnototioos re- , fit'r:i4e,,, r”..,,,,,,,.y!....,',`;,,,,77..)...„.4 , ..!..,..1„,,iip.00 The ntovillicent Men.ite.l . l , :p A Mt.: ATIC .111 ~,11 ‘. •!. 1 des.l. r.e..1 and /.II jeer,. Loots h.fh Ey., whore they halted all night, Was n Cap- 1 mina alinnt as lest noted. Eastern Es , hange is "toad ills .1 nt".'»t. S3,lfi. Patchtt, le eacittol and fer.no.s.:.,,yoarri, fat Litori• .1 on T 1 .tottA Y, th.• nu. ' C . 1 1 .1 ' ........ ' ,... i . re. els •lin h I.". fT. Ho iolt•A cr Two A Phil- ITIVE CURE FOE DYSPEPSIA. at .il 4 TT. N'l I ill' I, We, V All, 1.140, illlttil I- li , "In of a Kantuca? cavalry "glinont, an d a ! stalitmary at pat buyttne, and 1; to %. per rcitt pr m' login , : mice of Crude at ee, and 11, at 3settk; "'L.., ,e ,, „ 0 ., , e , , . , 0 ,, ~ 1.,,e,,,, v. ,_ , .„ ~,, re ~,,,,, ...t,., ~. , ~0 , ,, .; w 3. I, lifll, ,YI DE W tail ART lls , 1' T aE1..1, ITT the Fist two years, squad of bis men. The Captain (whose name i .nt.g. to, w,li range fr.an P. to an cent. There ,. nAchange ~,, i „ ~,t, , , ts rqtt ...• •. A h.i. J. PE1.1%1..3Y , halut now lb. usand tbres. Iscaldred and touchy 1. 1 forbear to give) naked Brownlow what. pal- • . • icy he designed to advocate in his paper. l is Prei Imams. Cotloe. Sup"- atol 11.Asasea arc Ina..- ' Flat ~...,,,„,. .... ... .... &,,..,, ~,..,., ~g. An mitre...so alottraatoo of Ow evils of •eurron Y t ~.. W1,1,y is no-a:tied and hm. advanced 5 cont..: , , t ,„,„,,,,.,,,, , ~ a .... S3O Lt 5 I IS. on, .. . inhe. n a , i I_o, is •, I- tA tits La 1.).1.. L ela, m .t. N'ltloll. foo-ms, and in i .-a ['solo! le.y,me the t 001... ...,0,0 , or 010131.41 , s sal , sl:no barrel. Al(o at cO.: - .° o ' 11811 Inkl.°Y. . r...., t,„, ,„',. ; , ,n r,,,„,,r4,j ~. •. L. ~„i„„. p.,,i., 11.,„ ' h .. ' ' IT 41) T a.. 4 hero the m• tilt .its vett! 1:.1,en rut thrertod, "I intend," said he, .`to support all the" .'. -" ' . I.th •• INT.. acts of Abraham Lincoln for is the ,or the country, may be f.und In the following table Rio Tons, Doc. 2.-Flour pilot and on. bunco berg II also, Ert m. n. R.:tertian. Antwerp, Sc., at • rebellion ; and then I intend to give it to him 1 which compwre. the Ittohm,,nd sal t'inctonatl pH°. , ..,_, .. i.„, it inul.• to io , nevi rule. A ituuttar of Dm shose caw , . , tint.fiti„,r,t...,15,.,13.t.t„,,f00rre0..5t1,r,..a,5it5gti.:•,,,..ri1u:,7,....16.5tt1n,1,e15,,f,,.;,r2.10. d i e r. l, ...r..,,,.:,,imatz.,....,.,..„ 0, ,„00. ~.. N.,., 1,...rk ..,,, ~,.. 0,0... ‘, .. I. ‘,..„.. , ~ ~, ~. , ~,,.. , , ~,.,_ . had . been trtat d 1.1 the un -t orolinnt physictans in II oi ean nuts a nd IcatrApe llothtitos all persons Buf as hard sui I can for not having done more." 1 for a hoe loading article., the latter In our mammal . arms l •oan i n n..• 0.1 i• 1101 , i a that tl,a u• A . 1.1.,... fr, rn 11. 1,1. se .i....T. to give Alm a call. • - -50 a., -111.40,0. 44`' For p. . -sagu appl , it Lite . ,h• e • lie. k,;, ot . "And do you design to port hie doctrine i ramose, and the former in the treasury tote> o 1 the w a1p...1 , . t 12,u11,45141,;"..1,11,04rti l'Corbi744".' 515.01:7,.::::i11',,...1- t 13''''“ iII'I'I. 2"":1'.. I''' b I'. ".• .on e :to I ...l T. No. IA NOILTII SECOIID ST . of nigger egwatity I" demanded the Captain 1 r ebel Bu te crameut, which have l•nott Milted until their I .20,1 5. htr IS Inter Red Wee. rn. SARK L S 1.. E ., AIE. 33 Btoada a) . q it- ono , for V,. .1-tintti...n. g•.l c n•lt.. ll an . I ~,,rvrt•ii •• ,4- 1 512.170-Ll;lft...lX at SLlal3 l,° - 3 In atAr.'• ...I rir' l l"g l'l i UAW.. Job . Eartalil, .r.e• !: in de!.. is. "When your father used to put you in the •1 etzgregute It at last many tint. greater than a ball 51,21 Oats dull and lower at ta . o.r. , rota. a shade or, D. O'NEILL, P. n. a ~. 111110 te Toni C, d . I`, - •it oats f , I NI ..loo. " field," rotorted Brownlow, "to work with a • . and sufficient currency would be ' firmer at glk.'enilln.a.d., far old, and 51°,35 tor neer , lacensep Chronicte Buildolg. a... nt ok..l in-itte the Nttnil,r . r the Lot ,1.,. 0.., it PA 7 ' IS 1,1-SPEPSZA / black man, did be make you his equal?" ho. In Ilfth strict, Ptosthargh , I ..t ts int.....t..1 fAr. And 0 tdr0....1t.. Al t•.!i , I t s. Ci.,,1.,,,,i. 1,,,A,,,„,,,i ne.e. rot meat. quiet lmt firm. laird quset at 11',13 410 tylei Whereupon the Kentucky captain of cavalry .....6. , 1 , 1, pot . dollar •.1,45 an. T.o4Se. Petro- -- 1 ,.: .. :: i'''''. o W ''''''' d'o'd"alYer.trf"o". crude. Una ad., for I QTEA m w EEK. I. Y TO I,IV- Ca, '. • 1 1 .• p .1 , tzoort. ii,let 1. !V I•Pii, L I ..‘, k . riti.i 'T•gh 1.0.1, - • on us I . lil. I ILION TN° ormmous. Pro to treat tho parson and the company Wheat, par bath I.S. generally to a specimen of politics teo much Corn, II bosh 1.10 i . ,, , 1,.,,, , . 1r.,.',..iu:',.,,,10‘:11t51i0:i..:1,1,..2;5i,.W:.k5it,m1,,t0r,:":,.1.1,11...,.n.ie oL ., t h e. ,,, , , t ,4 e ,,,, 5 i .. ', 1,3 (0. 1..1 It i ti0: ,.. 1 . 1,, , , ,, h;tn - T h h., lng V o lr , 1. ,, 1,L .‘, E1 . .T . 1 . 11 5 , 1 ,:. , 1-aiIEAE ., I the The nisi AY of tie h. tai ,b.,..„,,,,, , ~, „3., .: ,- ,.. Nt . .1: I L e. ~ .. ....1. 1 , ) . o. 1.. :111fan,int I,twittuacrt:w: 11 - 2; ,Pohl 14,,,,, sti. N l . ti Ir. i ll 1.4. o r 001 11 u:, 13.1 i, 1.,!..,,,, 3..5, York and Iltandelphm bteentAllfi t,t,.11.,,,a,,5,,54r,1.i.,1..,.t...,•,,,,,th,tt5,,17L:t.1.e.1.0.1rr‘w1tt0t00t„..,1,1:.), t 4 :, 1..,;,..,,,:, :.L,,,,:.,,h41.,1•.,::.1it..1.1.....1.,,,,..,/1.,...e .. r, , t..a . . 11, 4 ", in vogue, lam sory to say, oven among pro- 1 . 1.1 . , ;:! , :t.l:6_ t famed loyalists in that State. We have all I '' ( „' .,41 ,,.... , Y:, .4.: ...... ... . 4 ' ...Di" tompon4lll,,,T.S. lotilsi, I year cortint ......Itti. g omps „, g ,.,. ,„,„ r „1,..,d ~„ 1 „ 11 ,,,,,,. heard it many times in other States as well. Sugar 11 IL 15 I CITY .."E 1 . 1 0 I,llMttlt V. ......... _Saturday, P.c. (I, pt n.ted to the guarantee. In the courso of his talk, ho called the Sres- !the...., ro ~,I en CITY OF li EW Y o ICE .............. Saturday, Ito 1 . 3. 'l ly r...i.en-itolity 0 . f , i ,, .• .:". , tr - ni , 3 . 1 a. n. ust , i. s h a , it. 3,0 F u 1. , :t . nteu n.i . , ....7 ., :i 0 .4 , .: i 0 r a „, c .. „ , - : Tti , - , se . ~ ..i, 7 , . , 1 1-, .. .., . .:, : :. . .::; Wont "an old fool," and ' , a d--1 itospot." Whisky, set cal , , , ETNA .................. ....-attirday, Der Lt ta the ...taint . erttn, a ., ,r 0,, h ..t,. „r ~,.. ~. ,„,,,, , ~ , „„ . Be was allowed to fmish, when Brownlow French howdy, le gal .... 9,0, ' And e‘ery ensaeohng nuturaay, at .nos, from Nor Die. ~ 1 I •.urt ..r.d the L clod Stat. 0 Pig a t , i t ... - t , . 14, Eat ili QOM, I' rl T '') • Butter "ft lb 3.t commenced a reply thus : Eggs, - r , Soon it.rrail or roost. ' Padden. must br. prownt In person when Ile hid. °,,,',.. 1 . i..• .d.. - t• •ft to la. TILT 41 :4,,110.3 01 , fnoll In I Payable in Gold. sr tA eq.ralent fu Clarrenct. tiro ote•twol, or then. prophets sr 111 not I. eoheiden.,.. I I TTIAT ti, old the NTTI, .i 1. ••• .T/ 0 T.I. 1: -.."" "Now, Captain, if I was a profane wan, I r0w..., - 0 bast. . FM.. 1'111"1 t.TT ,r arrywaos $.lO DO Rend! equol in annum. to Lin the suai .1. re- J. . • ''" o'.‘ 1 .... • .so I .‘in n 3 t n would say you were a a-d fooL But as do to Isaalon .. 55 to, do to London 31 AO i, to aon ll...contract, tirnoil IA the rotioneter .111 , 1 1. I.l _ ~,,,,, ~,,,, ~.... 0 . , , ~.a..__, t,,,,,..t.,001, - • " do h. Paco 95 0 0 , 010 to peel ..., 40 AO 1-th -.1 Iwo tinornniont, mitt to reiolii , l of 111 , tau , ~. , ~ _ ~,. , ~ . _, ~.., . y , , I , , w , , , t.1,1a.,..... ~,, do to llanaturg .AO 00i du to littroll; 37 00 cossfol IteHer upon .. 1 iv. the too at I .1, oitz . ' , i , • ,, ` , : . i . ...: ~ ~,1;.,.:,: ~,, ~.• 1,„,,, , . , , ,. ,1,,,,,:t,r. 0; - - al+. fut wArti.ol to 11, re, 13rcuteu, Rut . 1., ot.l moot accompany the runt raet, It .111 le. 11,..- !'. Ir. ht •,I ).. . 1 ,,,, 1 .. . , , . 01 7 ... 4. Ili. 1.1.1T1T ri 1 , 111110 their bondsmen 01111 " l " ° L.l e. " I "s- d lr. ° 01003 1°' , •Ille "..." _ . . . • . . d rah._ 1 bare le a t Anstaat fi.rel.slmg of esti, atm 4. ' •••• , •••loit'o to p. rform the ot I am not, I will simply *all yen &consummate After this pungent osordium, the Parson raked the captain's arguments in his peculiar tyle, and left him sadly the worse for the en counter of opinions, much to the amusement of his moo and the by-etandere generally. Death of el—Alderman Rodgers. We learn that 11. J. Roger, Esq., formerly an alderman in the Sixth Ward, but for some time past acting as Quartermaster's Sergeant in the 102 d Regiment, died at Alexandria, Va., a day or two since. It is stated that tie had left his regiment, without leave, and had been absent for some time, whoa he was taken ill and had to be placed in the hospital at Alde r lexandria, where he died. lie served as aman in the Sixth Ward, for several years, and was well known here. Ilie wife died a few months since, leaving a family of several children. CaltiETS, 011CCL0TILS, dfc A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF D BUGGETS, the NEWEST PATTERN'S and every •idl4 at tit Lowest Prices for Cash Crumb Cloths, Fetangs, Rugs OIL CLOTHS. &c And having purchased fru' CASH, Datum the Into advances, we are able to eell at the manufacture /a pri ,an unequalled idock of CARPETS, Window Shades, Mailings, &e. OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & CO.. bo3 IiAVE ADVANCED IN Bill tee continue to sell, until futtliot unties good“ ‘n unr Ilse at privet Reduced Fully 20 per Cent Pnnn I m t10011 . • rah. , W. D. it IL IrCALLIT hi, No. R 7 FOURTH ST UEFA STE.I.IIB OATS. 1. 4 1 01 t CINCINNATI, , LOL -12 ISVILLR, EVANBUILIS, CAIRO nod hi EN PlllB.—Tbestoomer PRIMA DONN rts A, on A. M'Oovron, Rloster, %mire for the above pa THIS DAY, 24 itod.t, at 12 m. for (night or mango apply on board or to del JOfi r t LAOR, Arita UCH CINCINNATI A, LOC .I ISVILLIL—The splendid rtaamer -- 6 / • ; 51 J ENN IE lIU DRS, Copt. N. IL Direnney, lear n so abase on TERI R.SDAY, 341 tort., at 4 p. in. FM' freight or passage apply on Wird or to • '2 JOHN LAVCK, Agant. LIOR CINCINNATI, I.OUltatitag .1! !STILLS AND NASHVILLE. The line steamer ADELAIDE, Capt A. Miller ' will as leave above cm TIIIB DAT, the :tuth Instant. For Deight or (Nrra L pi t li c. on board or to no2l J. p. COLLIIIIIIVOOD, I Agents. VOR WHEELING, M A ILI ET_ .12 TA AND ZANESVILLII.—Tb• fine passenger steamer EHMA GRAHAM, II onkWs, Commander, leaves Pittsburgh every TUESDA, at us 4p, ~ and Zanesville every FRIDAY, at 8 o'clok a. In. The now rteamer JULIA, W 61. 00121/0111. COl9 - manlier, leevaa Pittsburgh enemy SATUI/DAT, at 4 p. to., end Lel:mottle evnry TUESDAY, at 8 ecinek ' m. Too l'ighl.7).=ll P lagir 40 d . I , "' pitt.burgb; N. 8. PIERCE Az.....,C0.. Artsoiao. neil DIINCAN, HER AN & CO.'S Sight Buis on the Onion Bank, London, and Sight BIM OD OTOri Important town la Germany, Trance, Switzerland and Ititly, for sale In num to milt put , .h1.,,.ni by WM. M. WILLIAMS A of Cl:t. "373.. .cYropdatireet, corm Third. - _:F r .2.5 5.x., Imports by Railroad. e 6 ."' • PIT, nrcr. 11, FT. WAT.Ir. A C 1111,... F. A. 11.110,111. P..,. 1."."" .4-4 , bids logitwinte, Latnletrt 3. r1lopton; Ito libleo, 511 . Shomaker 0 Lang . . 110 do, .1 Y 91.•1.tinghltn. a pkint 2 t llo I wrap Iron. Loyd 0 Black, 31 .10 do, Jonas .1 Louth -I,sl o i,°° 1111; la stoke w.eil, All abtarc, I', seek. w,stl, 12 1 t ,ll •It Scull Jr. 41 pkgs wire, It Townsend 0 re, .• mks 2, abet -outing tbe evils of n dopreciati 00 mu - •' 11 , .. 1 , , a 1 ,. .0: ..i i . M . IT:hail:1 ••:,Ikr,flire.r.t.'litit:, 1t.,..1:11,1,1,,,.:1,i1.;.; ..2 ret ry, and the certainty that depowtetton may be 1 d 4 relisis[h ' es;, J ' l'll ' lt i rt ' sl '2 bids ci der, 2do apples, J resented on excesaiso Juno , there are Lint. , who 1 C Nelson; 13 do do, Rea A Keil; 4 roll. leather, II W Ingo lie. Chase to Issue mom currency, and to .11, (.11Vt.r; S 1.1119 applos, Tito, Moore; 6do do, lAIOO & Trunble• lo 40 Jo J S ISSKorth I Or, W t' e gtesse, - -r to relieve our national tremor: , by sacrificing ! , ~,,,,d,',.. ' CL.F.TCLAND .1.. PITTERItTVIII Set; Little Doc. 2 s tobacco, lot It h goals. John McCully m; in la Little 0 Trimble; 23 pkgs firth, Shoutaker 0 Lang; 17 little tipples, It R Regent; 2.1 It•ts starch, J hirkpat • W"'""'' r''' !-''' l'''' 1 r l i L k i l "''' Dit':6.-.1:). 10.41"5t/d'ann'lTst bt!llmV'e, FLOC It & GRAlN—Wheat is firm end higher, , ,17,2::t0n; i.i. , 0 d,, ~d g ~.,.. i ' . , , do. ~,,.., Rod having advanced to 81,35 from wagon, end White ! bitty &mg 100 eke corn, 1111 , hr-sit . 1 co; 46i i hide'. S $1,10(41,45, Corn is steady, and wo continue to lik%rio,totglbt ,l: o; . 4 Lx. :,:,!Inwrg•er,,,,,,lr;lllmar,r.;kl7.3pnblLlsap... quote Shelled on frock ill $1,2041,22; Kale of 1 car in l l ' , Itl ' de appl7e, GIN" ' \i'clis; 148 L s ' lis whoat, J Liggett ears at sl,l6—ticlivermi. heels firm at 73 to 0. , from & cd ; 17 . , eke barley, aporwer 0 McKay; 23 Ithle cider, first bawls and Otter. Bering is stationary et 21,35 1 SibLal?.;itaohnbt c o; 2,lderweLetlnht,eAlcLuil:4tukito, elp%11:,111 ! for Spring, and $1,2 , for Fat. Flour is quiet but 1 ~,,.',, le W 11a4t1 : 2 Ithls cidor, t J C Tylor; 01 sks firm with email sale. at $3,73@d1, 0 0 for Extra, and wheat, Simpson 0 Knox; 100 We &air, WII Kirk; $7,00 to $7,23 for Extra Family. Sala off tons Buck. ', patrick , 100 do do. tltme 11 Leech_ wt,',7„,,,.'11,"r, t0n5,g,,0,,,0,.7,,t,,0,,,,"h,,,*''',,t0"L',01 ~...,1,2,3 lo'r '-,7,1 kihN4l7brirogg'7.2-re'o:t° Psilt!ck2MT: Ini'euntfP•2l"htlite — ' 7 -- 77 ' 7 777 ' 17m—r " 7770• °' ""' 400 ''''. ! rider, ' .1 11 Crouse; 6 bids pples, 2do cider, ' GIIttI'ICRIES--Wo have to report a continued firm bllteltelf; :13 hides, J••ltn Taggart; . ao Itble apples. market, though the demand continues light, while ToIlr,,I.1,1•1:1;.!.?.11..1!!..3 • I ! 3 t!i i ,,. ' t e ? ! . . , 7 . 3 ' ,.. . L '". ' d " . ,, r ' s h ': , , , m , d 1 :411 velucs Lava undergone uo change. Quotat bus mar ,„y4„„,, n, ~,, m,,,,, 2 1,1, 1.„,,, , 1,1 ~„„.„. let fisirly given at 131.4 to lin .e for Supo -, , ZI to :. M.l hnorr; 131 ate ;edam,. AI. ippat tso 1 Id s for Cot Too, and Cal@rtle• for M..1.1.160e.. . 'l.O, .132 Clot wheat, atrnitscu 0 Imo , . KM tole timid, 1 .1 Kest. WOOL—The market remains very quiet •.t.I titter .......____ Is but comparatively little doing. We do not hoar of _ any of our dealers operatttig in the ctotatry distt tile. and, whtlobnyttmvwmatepoeed to It .1.1 off, holtids do it i i c(•-AR( it i S MARBLE WORKS, not vont &sp. val to make 4,11C.......”.1 I.lires r. ' /11. rn. vary . tenant, At , tuorp, Au, at equally low nit,. g e „,,, from L tve rpmd o n Q tro rrostrarre ; let Cabin. [hem, .r to hoer bowie r.;111 , 1 In alElielpottloll,., , ~,„,.. ‘ ~.., . , ~ ....i.. „ , in,,,,,,,, , $75, Sat, $lOO. Met rage, Egi none who Irtsh to , reraly to ls• posit:red wilt'. the contract 14 riot •1. r ,.... T . L 5 ,.y r 1, , ,, ;" s I semi for theit bleeds mut buy Octets hero nt thew ; 13.rra of' Garironns. rate.. Ir. fharehm.-After being et first costive, tin„ .J ferer is afflicted with din, lora, o loch Li owing 1 , ^ ' 0.1,1-e.--Tho Sheen/eh ip CITY OF I. lid Eh li'll , , ~,;‘,iVi'----4..t'rho,°°-..e°,.,.,°;°,1,"'f -. of -ato.d''S"o.lo,‘S,.i'jf" --"r7a:„ of thin line, will tool oo no eat.. el; ratter on TH C IL , to r, by guaraor. hot -- es ,34,. t„ tonal .... tee , t. 1 1 . ref . ...... , 4 , e .. :ll o rr , l , it . in %.01-t.it,e,1".,..‘nni..00.:..P.rn5dd.',.'.0„..1,n'Y 'L . . O _7, ..' DAY. Dee. C . Has splerolirl acumnuelat loos for a, or a•••••r Litt, -atilt ll.O ten. , of his prep...lion, 111.1 , , 1 ' , .;: ., ,,' ~,,,:.,: eaten, to 'of 0. R .0n, i 0 r n0, i . 1 ., no o e j ,.. " 6 , 5 , !ow Cabin mud Sh.rage Priesengern, at reduced rater., Oat. sierra.' his pi op , i I /UN 1./0 accorard, ho will nt , '' ' to the erten, pa)able in C. EL Curruray. '' ''''." n ' ' ' ' `--"th°-"lnn‘' Sln°l°l on 6. for in nil yarns , 5 0 the Ergdosn-Arrae front Ors 1 , ,, further leiormation Apply at the llorepany'e , e.qtrael Ist air Irtto me are prepared to become . no , ioo or nopor., i0...0. , opon the „000.,. Tno , 0 . Offices. JOHN O. DALE, Agent. ; Lis ~ . ..111'ilief'. lf, rodway, Now York ; ET , . this etrarantne most lo• anoraks' the offirmtl l-...;°,.Tr5.°,1!;',11.:',1n Ili o s n i ‘ ror , l .o d• . ... , .-E . : 0 , r.Tr.,.,.r•;•;.,,,,,; aol_td_isnot: JOHN THOMPSON, Agent. 0 vet t ifi• am lawn moats tor! ...0 "`.. . . • Ii 0 err rr air a .0 ow coo clorkty, or eullocati ott, Bolsi dents foot house frum We bridge 1 Prop-als form dodo) al ;rani , . will not be L'OT.N.I- ~,., .„ a. , ~. ~ .•„ ma.), 5. ,, , a 1..,,i tats and trarlinf Pittsburgh. ' t t red, tool an oath of it:leg more will be rr-r t utrecl of fur .s ~..0. _ • ' --- roteorreef 0 Ithiclors before atglit, coutrarta GI EA PEST PAS SA(.: E FROM j a ITi '-not rrwor.reo r,0,,,,,H. 7. (Y...0np,, 0. 0 ,4,,,,... ay.! p•sitJaaio..tb .1/0w1...TH. 1' ''''' rig" '''' ' -Mani re•rsons fit; sumo .1 a- .140 III; 011 •, 1114..014 04.j.. , 1 mil or all bid. that he may deem too high. I have, 111 tact, notlting but Dyals•fista. OA lutig. me) -THE -OLD COUNTOT.'' , Pay meet to be um le upon OW cornpletiou o t f the 1,0..1 , ,ii. , , , , ,, ~ ,,, n . ~ ,, , y r , ~L,,, , .„ ,, 5T r i . „. ..7. 1 / 4 5.11.1g1-;, Dr o ughtloLmi.l,o,ortrLiii,lll..llT,,Cuil:r.lclyS. c id a . , , ,, l . L y 'AV:i.°', i ° , 7::,!:,,. 0 r,, 0 L, 0, 1 , 7 "nn th'lr""f" ' 'l' thl...ul"'lTO'r'S,g'ed y,Sy,",[•o.°ll%--h,To,ll!%°:,.';:fsr,.;„'lri°o°,oone.',..%?,:yTeet°("Me.,,,slui),oY;" Lieut. 1'..1 too ID.O. M. General. ; • ' _ ; lion. J E'ork, for 1 i 1 RON ANCE OFFICE 9. Wont of 51.<7.-A very distn..ing eystom, re , ' suiting often in mental derangement. 1 -7 vi 0 . I'Ll'l 400 VAT. I r W. Symptoms of externai reletion...-The patient Is af t , ~,,,trir„,bitintgt.C:.,,„..„,B°o7'mtb`°o°-,T'. tVi. 1 tested painfully by cold and heat, which is owing to D. O'NEILL, , P'" .. : o ',,::i: P i . , " 0 . -- :-. on o ",'„ --„,10--i,","',.:',',',.",,L",-..,7}X,' uf,rnienatulbayl ~Inrryu.rrei,,.,ofek.ndine,,,e,,ttiod.theToititigilsoomoftyldi yaf,._ ' N ENT, for ltsranie lidootry Areora nylon., mann, ~,,„. ,y. e0e . 0 ., 3 . 00 ...h o , o , os ihr e . Fkmostl Cherausie Darling. 1 ...,-. to be d 7 11‘eq..clon rho I . ..llowing quan three, to the • • 11. Vona:it/0.-A frequent awl lbtressing symp - Iwo2:tininol Fifth street, Pot.lot rah. 1 eerier ',viral et . . torn. It relieves the pain, but emneintes and wears 1 :I; .t.•.. 1 sets et itie Now Yolk Arsenal, Ciovernr a 0 , a, patient' (31C N A I{D LI N E.--Steam from .. ,.. , ..7 , 1.a...,1. 12.. Drasistleta, dimness oof Mean, iteuriache and rine i .: , ...K. sate at the Frankford Armond, Brideisburg. 0 ,,,,,,,, ~, ~,,,ii,,,,,,•_.n.,,,,,, n „ ~,.,,, ,ruche spur LIVERPOOL AND QUIIENSTOW 1 Pron, 10131., which am speedily removed by imr medne; t 2o , Ersi set., at the Allegiou 7 Arsenal, Pitteburgh, , but if neglected, aro quorkly followed by number . . - I Pen ea.; grad midden death. ks I Yo 1. eet• at the St Louie Antrim'. St. Louis, Mo. r 13. It is impossible fur um to el, all the symptom ruom NENV YORK, $36 in currency. I 1. , ....0 seta at Ora U ulted States Arsenal, Mat, t •WO, Matte, Then acerrenement. ern to be made in etrict eon. ; a ., . of ripardrredl'llli'ic'le°l7, rfierr'," MtO'iabt.°°:.ht.'.7at'ib'envtelf.se's ,_,, , hie memory and attrration to trUrGolaltitug objocts, I f• I noty war the erre-elation pattorns, welch eon L. " • end freqrantly 1'e.0.11,1 mon.• and sour In dlstrosi. THOMAS RATTIGAN, Aqua, I wen at any of the atm.,. named places, and they a' ' tine. Wo should my, i t ow ,, , that pains in the PitU'rgh. " 1' "I '' '' ' i-P'"l''' "1 "' ''''''.l whore d ''' juin. and faithless ~ f the Dinh, whirl, go by lb e ~..., - ..,..-..--- r - --' - .... - liser...l, Ireton Nona roreiveri by the Government 1 ...MO of rheumatism and neuralgia, are very oft en DISSOLVAIOXS, ik Co woo to Ite serefiterl paid for bra such m ere on to end ro limportore. The belts to produced by . Dyspepsia. Al tr bar:rem of the le" ~r v0L , .. 4 , f the rabdrinten, N 11•111 become u s clod pot tet. Pl. ASTON PARIS, iIIiSENDALE AND ReliNS. 1 pi,,,,,,, N o , „, t o e NA,,, L ,L N ov , :at, Isca Sok., and al the sr ock to Le thn bestxr ak tanned and bard and in some caws the belly Finks, roe teed er belt . .r. be included In the wd. ' •rr TOWN t I.SIS hTo • • 'INS( lirri'iON OP PA RTN F.IISH IP , nr,l ° ,:' uld mt., move be made In rote of not len Man of berag geotty promiuento I j_./ -.4 ,10. t to the death of Mr L. R. Lie inert., ; --- Jyar• I. at 1.. , .01.. s per week for all ,olltriv'tg of brow iteta or t t and the voirintary w Moron - ins of Mr. Orriel so °. the , 0,,,i, r: . 03 i ,..„ 1 , 0 „ t h„. , rast ... Dyspop r sia I Dyspepsia I : - .11 Ai . CRAIG, '''"' '''' I '"'" ," ''' i. " 1 " - '"' I ' t T '''• T. ° TT. ' I. ) . M.- I contra, to for I,l,Orslsstr ; the first ,lirroy to be rna , le 1 Dn. AN ts . . per week on all . . SIA CT • j have been a constant sufferel A tho markt tis emir supplied. the or a contints.l .1...1 All doom due seol ram, and arl ;Mims agnittol , a ,,,,,„ 00000 .,, da ,„, 0 . 0 .„ •0 , d a „, „I 0 .,,,,,,,,,. r.t,... to ' with Dyspepsia for the last eighteen year's, during tie demand, and wo not , eal.s. • of - .so rads at 0. "ors{ 0 I •"1"' L.111.17' SA N.‘" .M. lIA A'S. .0. wiil be .40 , 1 watt .4 by Aclame. II On a Co., wi.,o.ll,llcyh well time d I . 3. 0 a u T u i , 0 ,, t r.0 0 , rty .., • , t , h . , a , t . , 1 ., 0: ir,..r,,,etnii.oy".oted than 0,0 p . e ..L0 r - , 75 Iwo barrel. 'hale TT. ''' n.nr " ITT n T. '" l "' °° • ' both n. '.";-). c'ddn°, tora-Isool",ror.fo't:'-o'reP'ef'l.:Li. oain'irrown'tUt,',"'Sje'd'eltveert'o'l'ettrt'lli'n't het, tw e rp LI.KOII ON Y CITY, '''. ' , stns.'s ° r "'lir cusimnera , „ , I t tii,.. Ihe ~ run. mourn must be boxed in no mual were .stet aßETs:strd Oran at others, ond ll it POTATOES-nteady with au ,were rral ..u0,,,, L. It. LIN INLSToN, , sale. of drei bosh front st•tre, tall., Al :Inc ps r L 0 0,,, . or.fis ouetrooly ou ravel a lame rend trinomially . By 5,8, ..„.,„„„„..„. rt,::•,1....,:011,r; 1,:hrr0xeirce..,1n5,..,...11 a 'god at scot, to 1., dot,. , soornod it would I. a great relief to Me. I had at all ; Iltddrs 01 will atate eird I. illy ll , ' ~, nal "r crwnsls Om. an unpleasant Itellog m uty hint, but latt.ly W . B. CrIPOL AN V, . my suffering. so mach lur rental limb I become al. .1 K. MCNERHF.AP, f b 1 fMud nip mind was BEANS-Contr.< rlrtil ~,,, l ~..•••Irre 'ant srl:10.100, waretneri sho - k of liEco.lNd, ih. AT . A N y 1. 1, 1 1 1 \ 0 , 1 r . , ,,.. , 51 5, , PLANK, MINDoW 511ANIK eft F , ''A hom they polls.. to &line, tool thonitntber of is•ls most unfit or us nen of any ~ y quotable. , Btllgo, dulof..'f ballot. pr, t.• N. too; fr an SeII.SILLS, JOISTS, droCTING, LATHE, PAL. 0 CALVIN ADAMS, lean 1 for ru , ro than I contioually filled with gloumy thoughts and torah, DAY Ili Y. WEER. ' °I.- ' I.°-"V°.' °"dn''''' '°°°.'cb "' ' 1 , dings, and if I attempted to °bongo their marrent by on eters at .0.!.!. 0 rr 1.1,110 IN.;1 1 , .1. , ' , Jr., So. ' - h ow ras will le• recr of t from part'. other than " reading, at mice a wasation of icy coldoessa, in con- II AY-Cent pr1i,„:07,1,... .11 , 11 , ...t t .t r e , r; 0.11;:',....kNY ED STU F' le with Porn. 4 .I 1 S., CI TT Wurar, Nu, 'err, I^6d. regr manufacturer. of thr• article, end lIIIIrb an 11.1. I fled". with a dead wroght } ne it wore, resideupon on eau.. of the salt sib. ~t A bads from r• -' ' d N. R. r.r..Lo. wanting LONC, TI NI DER or vor. , comp-butt tP ' NET beefs; • Meo a feeling of lekness would occur at et" per 1,1. LA It ere pm Hosiery 'netted to otamlne his stook. •Itt• tu there own shops no work proposed for. CI WART...ER:4II I P.-The IlusinesP of k,,, , , , aI. the Drportnoot too b. folly , , tbe “Novolt. o,rrko will be tunti Oiled ••• 0000.1 '.' 1 the ;stomach, and groat pain to my eye. acccarmanied n , 0 ,,,j with which was the con t innal fear of haling my rea- En II party obtaining a contract will he I he eh" tu , b•rstess.r. nut", Oh" nano Idol s°s l.- "I ... Into L ,,, t. 5 ,, 8 h em .,,,,,. 0 „ 000, 1., ~, . eon; (span experienced great lamitude, debility and 111 DE, --firm MO oraltatig.!, ~u. tali •rar not. le "r lT rili oun L't aid ?rent , ^Eras &0bi.... anDAtf A Iwo, SI K.- a r'• The orton rive /111.1 1.11.0 , 01 1., I I'II . '•'''i elven at s tot Los , Country. Irr'73:ll, f. • ..,••• 1r teithfra execution. nervousness, which made it diflicult. to walk by day `1”11. Pry .11 1' , .•.1 ,, , Kul Dry FS, 2...... t ; oume loan 0,1 by x 11V1,11111, VIII , I.' 0,0 1 0000 r pr oo• ~ . . . . ~ ~.• th ., ~,,,i3 O 00 0 .0,„-t an , or Or eleep at night, U rII(II,STE RING. IN ALL ITS BRANCH- ,h,. ,...,,,,, y 0,0„..,,,,,,,, ~0,0 ~, 1 „.‘y it ,0, , Th. Dr fmrinlol“ net r ... l . Aril L s _.. 1 , „, ~,I, ~,,L,....1 ~• .L . 1.,..0..,,t I•• 1.,„ M --Raying purchno,,i n 1,,,,...00 , kOf ,(• , ...J. ,li•atlan (1111 yLO onl.tain thr chxrUcler 4 ttv• . ror, y , I bee.. slime to society, and , •N; I, , all blri.. 1E n e at 11,01.41 ea:mfr.-tory. 1 dreporod only to seclusion, and hoeing tried the &11l .; i .,..„L. w il, 1 0 , ~idr , ,,.,1 t„ - D e i g n ti er G,.,,,,e 5 1 ' of a number of eminent physicians of Tarim. schools, 1°,0%°C,1;10°„':;°,01002,°.,,ab" On -ft '' '''''' L"so ''''' 001 ''. I " ' lrk '' '. 1111 M'IIIIISCIrIII"'I ll ' II”'ICIIr"I'I'r ' nd I " I ~g 0.06 g 10 . iLoysAy. ( - I go e „f ordwatte,., tA tte b. , finally came to rite conclusion that, for this disease, '',"lde".•' -,' '';'' YE ATIIER REDS, 111111,111 SE AND sPRI. o 0 i • . ,, L y I s k it ‘ Ms, •rl AcrtilKINZE.ll, I 111,1-1.. D. C." anrl will ts. ,13.1orved "Prulrarrals fur ta t tlEY Pfnent age , 46 years, thers....... ; _ n _ in . T a- SI A FLEA ,- ES. ‘ , 1.1 1 Al k VTR lssEs. monad , itt ' l ,, v , i , 5 . B • 0 88. . y ~,,E , I , , K. ,y , I ~ try Accontr.e.tid " r , io once. But, through the Illy of /AVM • ' ProVidence, to whom 1 dorvoutly offer my thanks, I the best manner. and FE A TLI ER BF Ird rots:rated. ; 3g . mmufLuLa.tt., S. s. AILA MS. Ali. D. RAIIISAY, y ~,-.„ et InW found a sovereig - n remedy in your Dyspepsia .1 -'' I °. 20''...Th''' -I°6' Gan. Chi"f!-:r--° oth.° ~ Me and Thr Cordial, which seam to have effectually A great eerie" • f 13LIS. Ltd. TABLE, J 1 1.003 I . 81 . y.0 , 11 Eh , .54xv_i,.. . oil. Cl.terll, LilltroCsOlt TABLE Cot EMS. AM- , I ' lEi 1 s. ' removed plaio.t ha bast mac of my long Hoof et '''''' '' Ls Dr, C ItAlis and stANILLA ItlitliEßF.fi 51 An.. OIA [ S SO I, l: 'I I( /N -Tim I',lrtnersliir , 1)1“-WtiSAL-'" FOR AtItITIR :-.} ' - ' moots .d had feelings, and in their place health, ___ rude, earl s t ein 11WIrt rs.eild• ati i . onfiateLlely . A wpOT 11l NDI NESS. and enry variety of i , '"'"i'' 'li 1,.. r, existing nudn the unto o and inn 1 every day on. 01.1.10,ir r Orrin:, Wta DEP•RT3I mil, r . 0 elms and c"IsTIdi . A I ... IsarOsy.l.J.lAy., snots liti le or ma' k• r. Pi 1 s" an firm cod `led so"r`rorsr ''''P l l" '' h. “ "..• W ' ‘"'"' '''''.""'".'n ."( 9 .° ', of J. R. LI NDS A & Co. . tin , tiny deeedr ad by 1 podia punt ally to our W ELL AssollThli B I'N' S . 000000 0,0,. All , 00 , 000 , 0 ~..„0.,,,,,, will no, Washing-too, Nov. IS, 1563. 1 ' San's" . No. 133 North Second street, Philadelphia, W" n '' '°- n" " I ''°'°' '3' '''°' ' l ' ° ' '' ".° ' In° lc' All order.. pro/OW.ly atontior to. . 1 Soalr , I Proposer. will be received at Ibis raft , un• ' 1 lot , atm will lor ...plod I.y J. R. LlNl l sAl.at '. formerly of Woodbury, N.J. gra mended, wool bra and II.; rr lint 71 7 e lit tat Pleosee g1vi , 11.5 son's l t 1%1; FEDERAL STREET, 0 Rant yir ,.,. i , hp , 00. ,.. 3, 11, Liy, 'tsar, , "i I Loll o'rriork p. to on tho • - 'l , DAY Of I.OcEMBER . Dr. NV isniar s office, No. le North Sarum' et.. dat a t to the Ore, s ntr• 1,_5.' .5' I. uri Ills :a Ls% ' Ill o rOrt i l ,, lsny. thesrs I's 1.r . t11 ''' ... "l•" °l I'S Mr. S.sIPI"L , NEXT for the. darns, of nits. th.,,,..ana 1. , il,••I‘ • J. R. LINDSAY. ; - • - - i Praladelphis- LA EK ER .v. N 1 Itl.li 1 0 , 0 , 0 , - ~,, d „. 0 , 0 „,,, „, „,, ~,,,,,,„. 0 ,, f„.„, 0 0 Mortar slot:. In the followtog rorer , rotr•• at the 6 - .11.4.1 trawls oil to ri its tr 0 ior, unior et set s ..r -- . 0 I. 11. rt S. MANWELLrir e to J. R. LINDSAY. low mg Arena., Tl, ' VT art, ItUSS . I A i N , .t p P i : 111 I I ;l E . Z ., i'l•-;,C.l's.ll.ClieruiSErst... . B . o‘ . ..,. i , 0.. .. J. u . Li Ni t e,.., Y . At the w annown Arsenal, Watertown, slase., 3 34.. r A Positive Cure for /Dyspepsia. , • At the 55 eters het Arsenal, R en t Troy, N. Y,, 50010. ' Hear what Mr. John H. Babcock says'. Relined, also, colon.. quite 4. ti, ,110. , min •••• no - firtstog l e ,sr, bbls as follow. 3s; bras or brool at . Ih. LINDSAY eructs - lo Vsndessr NiE" a°1•Is" r•• The ..."' "f Ue'''• 1 Maytag purchased the interred of J. H. . . ,li Al the New York Arsenal, Governor', Island. '4%000. I iaa , 0 , 00 „. torn , of . 0, K. l AN toe ,y .5 .. 0 • 0 . n . ni „,„ ~„A , At the .11lograny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Pa., 5,1X.0. No. 1112 S Olive Street, Philadelphia, January E.'1d,1F43. .3"..tal owl 90 brae free et 41, ..,., h. gtr ch.. i„; POl , ' 0 .000. ry 8.,1“,.... ,i, u r t h e (tom o f J . B . ,t a . !At the 1 . .. S. Arsenal, N . _% ashingtuw. D..0.,5,0110. Da. NC tonant--Sir ilt is with much plenum . ° that Citc. free on hoard ear, 73 bl.ls air. .0.1 re let I.; RUSSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, , mAx:! - E1.! , , , t,..... .... mi.,.., 51 oho . , the bursi• At the L. O. Arsenal, ht. trouts, Mo., o,msr. lam now able to inform ; on that, by tho me of peter These shell s are tr f las made of the kind a ~, great American Dyepetis Pills, I have been entire anal 7 70 do mute ins Itt. et 11. It t, .• , r1 fir to to le ....e. II ~ 0 11•. 1 as mu. Hardware and Cutlery, x•and inepeeted after the rules laid down In the Ord- ly cured of 110 at must distressiug complaint, Dysper m art that the abr... q uotat 1..114 1111 li .1 I ..1114 II II 00 , Are re. sir ice trails Op wanwet resionne iris of our b s y 5 -O ..O,I I , L A LI t N i. I° ' 1 1-11 ' .'" ' ho " J. MA S. MA-- oance Manual . Drawings can be sec , at my of the eira I had be e n grievously Mllleted for the last e 0,4 I . Vatted Soon Arynale. The bells are to he inspect • twouty-eight years, rind for ten yore of that time I clow. Ail that to imbed is 6 slaratito all ot or r ,, ,, .. ~,.., 5. ,„,.. 01". ""'" "C '-"""-0 ""r° r"'°"°"-. °" .' 1" "°°- h-ol° • S ...lack; then call .d ...lone the IILssIAN. led at the foundry card. free of chare for tramp/rte. have not had free trron Its pain one Week at a Hole. , lag off In antretiat too of better ',urn ri.:I3IILE .1011. For ears by tie. or handling, until delivered emits Arsenal. 1 have had Ida ita worst form, and have dragged. , Ill;sySOIXTION OF PARTNERSHIP. We hear or ~,,,J., , A... e a t sales of roftrosl Nai• Deliveries must be made °[ the rate of not h•ss than sport miserable oxistecin pain day and night_ • .1.--1 TII , p,,rrn,,,,14 her-tufo , ex 'sties 1,..,..,•••. n., por nut. per wirer: of the number of prnP.ctiles Every kind of food that I ate filled mo with pain mita Octal Isetl7 and One am the 1...0.01l 01.1•Lati.,40, J. DI A MON 11, grad wal Optician. 1 the sltscrds•nr, oral, the firm of r1111.1..1 LIP S , contracted for ; the flatlet ivery to be made within ind, it mattered not how light, or how email th. ref ;EU rads Itartialmen at PS. , pro bid. FREW Al 4 ,, , 1.4 111. day Ins, dtseoleed, CHAS. twenty lade after the date of the contract, and any quantity. A continued belching win sore to follow. Han area urea of the hoed. Pebble Sport,. Ice , lld n • E II 't RT end WILLIAM FREW haog pin- Ifa deliTer at a spocifiwi time will subject. oho I had no appetite for any kind of meats whatever, V ort riii.d the entire loterews of the nth, r `arterre. 0 ati actor to a forfeiture of the number he may fa.l and my distress great for erneral months be- Tho lorotto..of the Wea+t, fine will be sorthd by Li ;CR- i.„ .1,4 p,„,„ n o t he time. fore I heard of your Pills, that I frarcrarattly wished arch t; ILA QT ot, FREW. S . ropartoe bids must be make for each Ararnal, If for death. I had taken everything that I had heard n, Is. the 1.1.1,10/1. vrortme to deliver at more than roan. No of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benetit ; but en th . pod will be a...10TM1 from parties other tlmn regu• on your it being recommended to me by one whin ma a X ler founder. or proprietors of works , who dre knot. had been cored by them, I concluded to give them a o to tin,. Department to be capable of exec:long the trial, although I had no falth in them. To my se. 1) work. 00.1ritc. , 41 for in their Owe cAtabllelitllenttl. pent.tonisen t (maid myself getting better before I roe/tato 1 A. F...c10 port) obtaining n contract wiR be required had one-unrth of a box, and, after taking half the to enter into bonds, with approved sureties, fur its a box., 1 ono a tretllnal., and am out anything / wish, ism . faithful execution. enjoy a hearty meal three times a day, without in nem The Department ren.rves he right to ruled any of convenieuce from anything I eat or drink. If yon .oh it all bids, if mot rieemeef satisfactory, for any ono.. think proper, yen are at liberty to make this public , ill Proposals will be addressed to "Brigadier General .d refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desirable GEORGE D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Wash- informed. to coy one who may calico me. B' , inst., I; C ,'' and will be endorsed '' ProputaLs for Yours respectfully, bet lartor Strells." GOO. D. RAMAAY, JOHN EL BABCOCK. st, I" nog:l...Rdfor sale at Dr. WISHART'S Medical Depo*, Pit Brig_ Gen -°-°'ll-1-da of Orrin 10 North Second street. Philedeilible , Par Peice 2.3110 , - p 00POSALS FOR LEAD. One Dollar per box . Bent by mail, haw of charge, ow. -a- r I receipt of price. Oalrameras Ornek, WAR Sea DEVOLTYZICT. 1 , for Washington, Nov. 17th, 186.3. Sealed Poplcoials will be received at Into erate un til 4 o'clock p. m. on the ISr¢ Of DECSIIOEJ NEXT, for the delivery of 2,tE10 or more tt, of Caused by wild or windy weather. pun, soft LEAD, suitable for ordnance pnrpoeus. The Lead is to be of approved quality, and to bo Prepared and fur Bak at delivered at any time, within ninety days, from the acceptanne of the bpd or bids. It is to be-delivered KELLY'S CENTRAL DRUG tit Y., United the United Scat. Arsenal, Governor'. Island, N. .. and at the ulted States Arsenal, St. Louis, Ito., Corner Ohio and Federal Streets, 1,000 tons or more at each place, free of all charge for ranoportatlon or handling, and will be paid for in egolar cort Meat. of Dlspection sad receipt, by ro- Maiden on the Treasury Department, in the usual 10.1 u rah h PITTSBURGH MARKETV. 111.ortt ro but qttt - tte.tt, ranging fr..rn 7.1 t to quail,' and condition. BUTTER & Ei:O6-11utter in ii: 111 and In r, .I.'" TO at full rates; Mil, of good _,Lod :CA% and 6 lins clinic* at 3. , Enc,v and his small mire •t 44,42-te pot don,. SF:EPS—FIax 8.4,1 I, ands front tirst baud+ at Tnn di') t-oti is lodt said , of boob front .toot Sect krls-eitlll,.. i• ti n t .1111:1:1 il• gt ~• Coo rer,tpt an. in MEM Pittsburgh Petroleum Market Tit, _—nitre it 3 r •nt.n 1,1 at r-1. ly 100 'id Fifth erect. Morning Post Building - ---- •`• rrEiall ExTRAt-rt:i) NV IT lit 4:l' •—Cru•l.. in quiet 1 ii• In to sr itli ' PAIN.--We take Ifni m. 1,001 of Infortni•lg •••10 aces on the 111..1 at 20e112111.2.. Relined 010 , ir • friend. nod the pobio generally 1110.0 we IV^ now Lark !Inner nod may Ira orote•l•ii .114 4: IL - 02 . ~•• prepared to EXTRACT T EliTli WITUOLT PAIN i ry. Tincie wlia have been d'd, and 'ddid' fr.- Na ;dha " man ' n4I a' Itr.nwoh:nriVtll7l""mf ul'c'hai'lir'ilowli'l oteirat ion may now lay nai•Vtheir him" 1014 gin. um a call, us the apparatus • we ha,. to nee ha" bet. thnrOUrbiy IVOIG•il J ' , ring the Philadelphia Cattle Market. . peat four years, fully establohing the Pate esiii pain• Noe dii.-The annuls an I .air. ..I Inef i 'at tle at leis throw tor of the operation. No Drugs ••r Chetul `l,llllo' A f<11,1 ,. I , r.orft Yard ,stare large, renal. rots nor Galvanic Battery owlet All thooe wi"laing nj 0,7.5• head Rams • .tole are to daniond. and- the ger, iLni of a good and tellable Inatnit adl do /soy rcar••• ordinary In ...in,. are n•ry doll, .n.l well to rail .41 rousult with ,•rtiow sten% foire iho 10./ at lower than Bort qoted. JAMEd A. RING, B. D, 6 , lora quality o Penny Irani/. atol !A warn nter/ra an. No. 152 Fourth gnarl, selling at Inc/1%., eweirod do at " 1 ,,r44,0, and• • oin• or, I). C. KING, No. 47 Smithfield 'l.n:et, Ma nion at from 1•41 -1 ,, , 11 w1 B. acc.ord log to an, . At burr.h. jeT.Oltaras th e elowith• !nark. au 'Pr) doll, and "ales were le- ! -ALBA R o s A cit EAm t ported at lower Prices than the aler•.• The arrival" and oat.. of Shewp at Phillip"' Avenue i Brave Yard an, moderato Oho woek, reatkii, about L 4,•"0/ head. The market Is dull and pnrea al" lower. l Fat Sheep ate walling at from 41••!,45,.. la B, gri.is.a, Chapped liand•, Mimi and Rough Ski., to dolor, Lana." are rather roar., moo "el ling at troll, 4n454 "1 hunt, according to quality. About 5,,00 bead of Hogs Fold this week at the i l talon, Avenue, uud II tang hut, Drove path, at from 87,50619 the Doi Ilm net, which Is an "lamer. , 2,440 head wild at Henry Blame Colon I) Yard, CV altlE A. KELLY'S CENTRAL DRUG 111011 E. at from 17,5040,75 Bui Use Bo not. 1160 howl in;l , l at lb. Avenue Brore Yard, I, Jot. 1 Oacuer Ohio and Federal Street Croton. A Co, at from 5/9,9 Lilo DM Ma net ' 'd :10 head sold at Phillips A: Moth . " Uning Son , ‘1•1' In Market Bowie, Allenbeny . !moo, Yard, to prin. tangle, fron. two, i thu 1• 1 . In t \NEIL t.t. STUN F.MAN, net, as to quality Market very lira, i‘f 1 New or Petroleum Market. hpe - lat Dispatch to the I'Ltteloutgh Glvette. New Yeas, Dee. 1331211:3 rilfTll STILZET THE EAST r.23.—The market for Ctelo.ll la imiet, mei nes remain without champ. Sales of mean= and d-go at 56,1046,76, sod small st 65,..rfeit5,7: , V till. in !folio mks at $3, - 2.kg3,l+i, and Ponied; at feldsrp 011. In Mackerel there is but littb elienge to note, with s good supply and modes'te demand. Ns e q.t. , No. lot 111401.5 "te bid fur Baand Shure; no. 2 at i erlik4lll,no for large, end 1390.3,nti for medium: and No . 3 p i rgs s t ji g'n,nit, nod medium st tnt 'it hid. in ~,O hio ....,_.., ~ir , ..., ~. n o $.!,445,51.1 "It litil. 1'1 , 4 led lie! stag ar.. so il in g ,o, front 1.4b114124 ft bid, the Int or plke for 1.,, • odor In SaltitOli nothing done. _... ... . . -. • Cleveland Market. 9, I..nrWO WA X X red at ,2:.. Ni 1.1..1..1.. it. LAC barr les els at 5.1,4 0 . Wheat Mdrlet .101 and lower; sales of I ear red on track of IVN.,e. This afterniem tales of 30 , 4 bush red /voltwhit store at 12-1 c; 1 ear do do at 125 c; I one rhufoo (thin . 01% track at Ikema rket reperteil, but holders firm st IPk from sire . t.nta •.e Ka.....11 1600 tonal free on board at moil IL Ild WO I.anh from l store at 7Sr. Ilarley—Not moil. Inquiry, a 1 s iittoted at 194412:i.: on trim It, sei.ddi in.; b .400111 , ' v.• bad at Übe from store. NV , . t sourkrt opeoug One y qulpt. n.ot a Lranm. Dove slorayo on hand ILnd rooke toorder IRON AND trot, in Flo, loolog „;,„ „„, „ 1 „,, BRASS SCREEN W [RH r 1 ; SIEVES, or all ,otordoy. In .heat Is Dui« (king, ro ogr. kind• ; RIDDLES, for Foundry nee; HEAVY , rcr, to entol,ll4l ...Iran. , of It on Solor,ley WORK FUR WIN SOWS, Sc.; DM) GAGES, OR- All ENTAL WIRE WOll.ll, for Flowers. A;r. Toledo Market. istartation. Flour—So pitlooi roport , l \S heal ilt , only 'silo s reported were WS lin ands. Ills h. et T and Lot No. 1 Ned at ISA:. Coin—No trartessesti.ww Iluldnds would accept 10:..e. ual. Nominal at li7c. We have no elsouge to note In other gtalas.--Lake Frolghts--Thore are no grain 1 . G.0111 loa.ling, and the cold weather, tether with the expiration of Inen• ranee Pollciaw, It Is not probable that More will lai any nom , grain shipments thin season. Propellers! will continue to run wink the tiers remains oven. Preened llogn—As the weather la Yes y favorable for slaidnenl, au increase In receipts se anticipated. We root. sl5 lot light and Inferior, to s.ssiy for rinds, Boston Ptah Market - - -•- Indianapolis Market.: -Flour, the trade f o r the work lix. lee lighter than ueua l. Prier. ‘if extra nnivl. , rett,e from sf. to g 11,23, and extra fituilly tximmentle Wheat, the market Is nuetit tied and 1.41111.6 N le rather dull. Prices are nominally unchanged t $1,12 fat and $1,20 for white. Corn contlunix firm mill In hotter supply et Ric for new and low gir in light Nupply sad good demand et Ire. Detroit Market. N ov . no—Flour le very quiet with but 1011 , dispo. aition to operate *idler by buyers or ...limo: Wheat rojoctod sold et 01,V, No I white 01 mot No 1 red at 51,22. Corn, alight dmienelou. tar owe ollore.i. El amm %eked. Oats, no sales, 65n being the itlgisastof red. Mem Pork Is atoady at $ IT. Whisk", Do . troll Itoctitled in quoted at 64466 c, and 74.5 lac. 11411..1nel nailing at 70073 c. Chicago Market. Dec. I lot.r very dull. Wlomt—lnall. Boleti a t nio€o,ll. Corn—Active sod ic trotter.. 6alos 86€1,97c. Oats—boll. Enloe at 670. Decolpte--3,W0 bbls floor; 7.8,00 n srhsst, bash vont. S ment.— —bids door, 30,000 bo 'wheat. Hogs—. newly and Or for choirs at.5;419,4i ms di oto to good grades outgo from GS to b. Orman] H ug s DWI /0 to 15c lama, Bto 6%. -11 ISCEL Et? US US LIBERTY STREET A beautiful sod varied °assortment ci MARBLE MANTELS, Salts over) week. Apply to lionuments and Grave Stones. A net and beautiful propuratiou for MANUFACTURERS OF WIRE %ORR, air All ahem of VI lIIE for sale, al 1,13. tr No. en FOURTH STRFACT F rit FA 1,1, 1863 zoo,noo APPLE , TIRES. Extra line—E, IL I and 5 years old—lncluding ell the old leading vartetlee, and sonny nest womb Alen, n very large stook of PEAR, Ottandard end dwarf.) CHERRY', PEA.CH, rix 11, DVF.ltti HEEL SHAD'S ASP oRNAMENTAL TREE", ROSES, OR A PH, VINE, llllttlitt, GREENHOUSE PLA wrg, Sre., tte. S , whoSlesale sod retell al very root eonoble prices. JOHN MURDOCH, Jr., sett:Laster! Pittsburgh and Oakland NIIIIOPriee. '' 000 I'AVALItY 11()KSE:4 WANf 0, RD.—The ontlersigned will purchase, ID open market, CAVA bit T HORSES fOr 'the United Suttee ettryloa. The Horses to he from MoenMDT (15) 19) to wisteen (10) Fantle high, from fool ( 4 ) lo yearn of age, compactly/both, in Odd flesh, and free from ell deforta. Homes will be reestioni, enbject to Imps-tiro, at Pittaburgh, Pa., from the let to Hie 16th of Dee.do. har ; and et Columbus, Ohio, from the 16111 to the llet of Dseernber. TIF.LOING LoruT, rnyt. & A. Q. M., nol4dateTtf Cavalry Boreal , . _. ... . GNV i)APIIi, NEnCitANT TAIL.R. No. . SI SIdITIIFIEILit STREET, will sell CA t•beap tor melt a good UNION Sl'IT FOIL ' ...lo 1 , SI. MIIIIE, A LACK CLOTH ST IT. 5.:15. A suit °I cloth sleds lu ß tyyrive hours, ut G. W. DASH'S, 11421:211, No. 91 Sin hfleld ok! F LO() Prime Inch Flooring Boards, G fuel long, ♦arlom widtlis, for sal° by no1:1 1m :r24 Liberty I. I r 13 (K/ t I icrS, CUT \ Yorw.rdr.tl to or tot nom MURDOCH'S OAKLAND fIRKENtioW. Fourth street ears run out to the Oreenh• army fifteen mlnotee. nol7 tr ie - „an BMA CHOICE YORK S'FATN: VVV °TUFTED WINTES APPLES. 60 t Ude. POTATOES, of Penc.h Blow, Prince Al berts, Lc., rarlotlen, for sale h)) no2S EDW. IRELZEITON, Plarnoget -Stitt) I) HAND WAGON FOR. S . A E A One Horse Gr.wery Warn. In good ord., 1 ill be_sohl lon, and can be seen no Al tot 301111 A. fLESSIIANV, al comer Liberty and Hand 'trent'. 14 111 P P 1.1-0 Twenty-101v. I.)<,llars LAAklli,l:l:4l.ibio:c.ti„ll::t.;:eirsolA for TW EST NF. L 11-5 In gdd. or Its egolvslont to carreaq WILLIAM PHILLIPS, WILLIAM IRE? 1, I'll Anti:6 LOCKIIAET. YANANSPI..LL, A 111'M V. MN'. PittsLurglt, August 10th. 1663. roLCD rocn 417 , I.IvENN, Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, nd ALBION O WELLS. Tons.ngo BRILLIANT OIL IL WORKS, Begley's Run.county Oalce, IT2 h nt WOOD STREET ESTABLISHED 1760. SNUFF AND TOBACCO tiANUFACTURER, 16 AND 18 CILIMDFIRS STRBET, (Forairrly 42 Chatham 4trent, New Fork,) W 0131.1 call the attention of dooton to tho articles t his manufacture, Is:v BIIOVPIV SNUFF. Mai - ahoy, Fine [taupe., Clear. itappee, Americo Gentlemen, Demigros, Pure Virginia, Nuchitoche Copenhagen TEL LOW swrir. Scotch; nigh Toast Scotch, Irish }Honeyoas or llyasit, Honey Dew Scotch, Fresh Scotch, Freeti Scotch. Attention is caned to tbnlence reduction to prices of Into Cut t 'heat Lig and Smoking Toliaccos, which salt he found of o superior ocuility. TO It A I . Smoatsio—Long, No. 1, No. 2, N.. 1 eud 21:mixed, Otm tante& Fise Cut C.11.1.—P. A. L., or plain • Caven -11 Fur dish, nr Siveet ; Sereot wanted Oron.o Tim Tod C 1,1.114 14 1. Synateo—S. Jag°, Spanish, Cermet., Tnrkisb. N. IL—A circular of prims still be sent on epl &polillce -0: & M. M'S'IEEN, BRASS FORNDERS, Gas •sn STEAM FITTC.6B, Particular attention paid to the fitting up and repairing of OIL REFI NERIES. All k Inds of BRASS-SSD IRON COCKS made to order. Also uuses CASTINGS, of all Urals. comae at the shortest nottce. • All oolong left at NOIS. St and Si WATER STREET, near Liberty, will be promptly attended to. tkirThe members of Gibe firrn tering pendia:lf me chanics. of umn3; years' experience to their business will Itmurs tepee satiefution in every rwrireet. We are also agents for Guild, Garrison A Co.'. STEAK PUMP, fur vamping Water, Crvele 2L nti Re fined Oils, Zr. def,ll TA T E ' SEV PRACTICAL rtemmos, GAS AND STRAD! FITTERS. No. NJ VRDSRAL STRIXT, Allogberay City, wad V 7 Liberty .trout. Pittabcovh j OS Ell! S.NOWIM'N, BD DIAMOND STREET, Pmrsoraou Aelideavlodgments of Detain, Popos!floss sod Affi f davits takes Also, Deeds, Mortgagss, Articles s Am-wisest, Leases and Legal Papers a u,,,ry 4111.1 svrittsu. selflAn3 WIMMAKEII & LAN icftuqVISTER & BAER, Neer. constAntly•o• hand a large variety of Pipet tnr2:ly aod Smoking Toberoo. MR. A. It. ENt;l,ltill respectfully tnforres the citizens of Pittelrurgh, that he haa Wen appolotwl *elm agent for the sale of MYERS & k SON'S ORIGINAL CEMF.NT ANTI-CORMOSIVE PEN. They are recommended by the largest bower in the city, among which are Own, 13.31/1571 . 31. Ca., I SOME. a, m Co., Co., MDOII.IIIIAD A Co., than U Tarot Loo. PAINT= A C 421, And others. jed:ly I= PETER LORILLARD, ......J. •. 66VlLL[ N °TAU , 'Y YUIiLIC Ilatirtfactumn and dpelors tu nll laude TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CTIOAIIS NO. WS 'IVOO/) STIILTT, Prrrnstrnau, .h.e.~~1iTi:::;~".. PROPOSALS Bids will be received for any portion of the genital ty not h. than BM tone. Bids, with approved sureties, will bo re made in aired for the fidilliment of any contract that mop be porsuance of this advertisement. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all bide, if not deemed eatLefactory for anY cause. Proposals must be addrcased to "Brigadier General GEORGE D. RAMSAY, Chief of Ordrunce, Wash ington. D. C.," endwY, w4l be endorsed ''Proponle for 161LORGE D. RAMSAY, no2o:eoltd Brig. Gen. Chief of Ordnance. SEALED proposals are invited until the 22,1 day of December, 1861, at 12 m., for the 111DM, TALLOW, HOOFS sod HORNS of all Gov ernment Cattle, elatightured within the ancient its of the Dletrict of Columbia, for three Mandl" ur more from the comoten.ment of the contract. Tbe above articles to be collected by the contractor, and removed from the various nieces at which the cattle are killed, at such times ris may be deeignated by the officer to choral , : The contractor shall be liable for all the Bides and liosif• and Borns coming front every animal slaughtered, nate. It can be made ea t t efaetory teen pear to the Subsistence Department that all doe ex ertion, diligeoco and core iv. made to obtain the said of tido, Pnyment will be required ovory tql day , in GUTOrTl ment rands. of Bide should be toole in duplicate, and an ooth allegiance twist accompany the bids. The contractor will b. !odd accountable for the ft Lien, he., one weAr after the signing of the contract. isoid will be required upon the ameptanceof the bid. for a faltlifid fulfillment of the contract. Es, flour will to i lbereceivl which is not fresh gronad. Bi4ls to be dlroied ieut. Col. G. BELL, C. '•. 8.. t., Washington, D. C., rmd endonell "Proposals .r II ides and Tallow." td PROPQSA LS 1 , 011. CAVALRY nova's. ' C.V.VALIZT 111'03,11. OrTICT. or Tut Cutter QUAlTE11.11•111.¢11, Washington, D. C., Nov. 25, letla. Proproats are solicited, and will be received at this Sloe for the harnishing of Cavalry llorses, to be dos. liven , ' at Washington, D. C., St. Louis, Edo., and Ch hag, 111. The Helves to comply with the following specifica tions, viz . To he thorn fifteen 115) to sixteen (lii hoods high, from are (51 to nine (a) years old, well broken to the saddle. compactly built, in good flash; and free from ail defects. The ability of the bidder to fulfill hie agreement must be guaranteed bytwo responsible persons, whose Plgtlalitta. mast b. Ilptwildnd I. thegu.Nrastieo. No proposal. will lei entertained unless the oath of allegiance of the person or persons bidding shalt be on filo in this office. The responeibility of the guarantors Must boatman b the ofilclal certideate of the Clerk of the nearest D y istrict Court or of the trotted States District At torney. proposals most be addressed to Limit. Col. SAWIRLL,R, Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bureau, and i.e endorsed on the envelope "Proposals for Nome." Cavalry Horses agreeing with the above specifica tions will be purchased In open nurkst at fair prima, at the following planes. viz : Hew York ' City, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester, N. Y. ; Pittsbnrgh, Penna. ; Columbus, Ohio , Dorton, M.... Augnitg, Yie.;.andi Nadison,,Wla 0. G. hANYTZLLE, Lieut. Ccd, and ChiefQoarterMoStar, Canal Burma. noV at( _ .)arrac. o ;. Dyspepsia I Dylipapala I, Mosta Tonic, of Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., Pa., have suffered for more than ate year everything but death itself. from that awfal bye of Dye pepsla. I employed, in that time, bye of the most eminent physicians in Philadelphia. They did ail they could for rue with medicines and cupping, but still was no better. I then won t to the Pennsyl vania University, In order to plan myself in reach of the boot medical talents! in the country, but their medical.. failed to do roe any good, and oftentimes I vriehed for death to relieve me of my !suffering., bet seeing Dr. Richert's !advertisement io the Philadel phia Benefits, I determined to try once more, but with little faith I celled on In'. Wishart, and told. him if I could have died I would not have troubled hire, and then related my stifferings..to him. The Dr. amured me, if he failed to cam mu of Dyspepsia, it would be the first caw in to years, no I put my ' mit under his treatment, and although I had been fur months vomiting nearly everything X ate, my stomach swollen with pain L. , yond at e, I bought a boa of his Dyspepsia Pills, I used them as directed, and in ten days I could eat as hearty a meal as any pereon in tho State of Pennsylvania, and In thirty days was a well man. I invite any person suffering as I Won to call and me me, and I will relate nay suffering and the great cure I received. I would nay to al Dyspep tics, everywhere, that Dr. Wishart is, I beli l eve, the only person on the earth that can cure Dyspepsia with any degree of certeinty. atosra TOBLN Cheltenham, Mo;tgo mery Co—, P. Dr. WISDARTS °Moe, No.. 10 North Second iC Office haunt from 11 a. m. to 5 P. m. klt kanmlna tiem and comultatlons free. Dyspepsia 1 Dyspepsia! I, rdrriurn Marmot:, of Brandywine, Del., for merly of Old Cheater, Del., do certify that, for ono year and a half I suffered everything but death from that awful disease, called Dyspepsia, Hy whole sys tem wee protested with weaktum and disability; 1 could not digomnost try food; if I ato even a cracker or tho smallest at of fod, it would return just ait I ',wallowed it; I became 64, costive In my bowels that I would not bare a pessaga in leas than tram four tied often eight days; under this Immense suf fering, my mind seemed entirely to glee way; I had dreadful horror and evil forebodings; 1 thoMght every body hated me, and I hated everybody ; I could not boar my linebar:d nor my own children; everything, appeared to he horroretricken to me:l h at so 1101.1*7 Lion to do anything; I lost oil my love of fondle .. 4t a home; I would ramble and wander from - plaoe, but could not be contented; 1 10 - . tto ra • troo doomed to hell, and that there was - oo ht.to,„ for ms, sad arm often tempted to was my whole gem destroyed, and also my miod, from that ae-.oil comp io l o t, that mr trued', ll'Aght best to hare me placed in Dr. Ktrkbritl'2, Hospital, at West Philadelphia. I re thoro onto 'make, and thought I woe a little 'oetter, but In • few days my dreadful complaint was raging as bad as over. Hooting of the wonderful cures performed by Dr. Wishart'e Great American Dyrpopala Dille and his Treatment for Dyspepsia, nu husband called on Dr. Wisher% rod stated my cane to him. lie mid ho had no doubt he could care me. So in three days after, I called and placed my self under the Doctur't treatment, and In two we I began to digest food, and felt that my disease was fast giving way, and 1 continued to recover for about throe months, and at the present time I enjoy per fect health of body and mind. and I most sincerely return my thanks to a merciful Gotland Dr. Wilbert, and to hisgreat American Dyspepala Dille and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that eared me from an Insane Asy lum and • premature gram. All persons suffering with Dmprpela are at liberty to call an or write, and I will try to do all Ilte 4 good I can for tmffering hum , randywlne, Del.. Dr:WM/LILTS omen,lll. 10 North &of Old Ches te acid et., rhiladelphts. DL GEO. a KEYSER, i 0.1.10 WOOD BISIECT, Sole Agent for Pittatquid, 'Penult, nol3:9towdawr