The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 02, 1863, Image 4

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    t .V.#041(11-6
WEDMMAr lIMMF'''bEC . 7 4/ 863
}Wm . Yesterday's Evening 'Gazette
Prcdected Bridge at the Point.
Wo hare already reported the preliminary
steps taken towards the erection of a bridge
order the Monongahela river, at or near the
Point, 'and we learn the project Is succeeding
admirably• Upwards of SlOO,OOO have al
ready been subscribed, and this before the
Commissioners have organised for business.
The subject of constructing a bridge over the
Monongahela, at the point indicated, has long
engaged the public attention, and in the esti
mation of many intelligent minds the im
provement has become a matter •of public
necessity. It is argued, and with great
force, that the facilities afforded by the
ferry line ate wholly inadequate to the
present wants of the people, and that a
• constant and r dri tellable Means of IlaeSS ie
luipenitively necessary. Them are, doubt
less, those who will oppose the project,. par.
Veularly those engaged in boating, but it is
conteMplated to constraet the bridge in such
mantior as to greatly reduce, if not entirely
obvhile this opposition, by leaving the chan
nel otitis river free and unobstructed. The
data now in possession of the Commissioners,
leave no doubt whatever, in their minds, that
the investment will pay handsomely; and as
they will have no difficulty in securing the
reqiisito capital, the enterprise is already re
garded es tt fixed fact.
' tmderstand that the Commissioners, and
all Oilers interested, will hold a Meeting, on
Saturday afternoon next, at two o'clock, at
llaries Hotel, when an organisation will
doubtless be effected. Tho following are the
naMds of the Commissioners: B. J. Brooks,
James. Wood, .Christian Zug, Samuel Hart
man, John F. Singer, Caleb Foster, Elijah
Heath, Hobert Woods, M. B. Brown, Robert
Sterrett, Jas. Trunick, Samuel A. Low, Isaac
Walker, Jr., Benj. McVay, G. Y. Coulter,
Meies Chess, ,Thomas Steel, Alex. McKee,
Roily Patterson, James S. Craft.
Water Meters in Allegtterty
We learn that it is the intention of the city
authorities of Allegheny to procure a number
of water meters, fur the purpose of having
them applied where the consumption of water
is large. 'lbis has been determined upon, we
believe, in consequence of complaints made
by large consumers, that the tax which they
pay to the city is exorbitant. For instance,
the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne A Chicago Bail
wis Cquspany, whose outer depot and machine
shops mi. supplied with water,
is taxed nine
hundred dollars per annum, an d it is contend
ed that this is too high. Two similar com
plaints are made by other large consumers. '
new water meter has been Invented, and is
now in , use in some of the eastern cities,
Which will measure accurately eyeey gallon of
water used, and is placed on the supply pipe
loading from the city main as gas meters are
adjusted. Wo ors not a dvised as to the
amount which will be charged, but one cent
per hundred gallons is the fignm spoken of.
This would seem to be cheap enough, as it
Would give two and a-half barrels of water
for a cent. Before the days of hydrartts, the
good people of Allegheny were glasito purchase
river water at twelve arida half cents per bar
rel, ara had to pat up 'with innumerable dis
appointments and annoyances besides. It
makes housewives now-a-days shudder to
think of the inconvenience and expense
which would be occasioned by the removal of
the hydrants, and a return to the "levy a bar
rel!' system. Bat we aro digressing, and
must return to the subject. It is proposed to
placetheso new meters on the supply pipes of
- the loading consumers of the city—ray the i
railroad shops, penitentiary, cattle yards,
and the principal manufactories--and make
each pay according to the quantity of water
. Used. We presume no ono will grumble at
the price—ten cents fur one thousandgallons.
indeed, it is plain. that most private families
pay tit a touch -higher rate. Six dollars per
year, which is about an average tax, would be
nearly two cents a day—and what family uses
two hundred gallons, or five barrels of water
or day? This quantity might bo wasted,
but It could not be used. But it would be im
-1106.111i0 to adjust meters in the houses of pri
vate ronsumers, for the reason that the cost is
very bigh, and would hove to ho borne by the
party.requiring it. The price of the instru
ment proposed to bo Introduced in Allegheny,
at the places mentioned, 'is two b.undred and
fifty dollars. Until a cheaper instrument shall
have been invented, therefore, water meters
cannot porno into general use.. Their applica
tion, however, will doubtless prove very use
ful in determining the quantity of water used,
where the matter is in dispute.
' Allegheny Ladies , Aid Society
The following donations were received by
the Allegheny Ladies . .. Alit Society, for the
rich and wounded soldiers, since November
Mrs. Veltman, 1 white flannel shirt, 1 pair draw
ers and 510; Mrs. Black, I pair socks, quantity of
onions and dried fruit; Mrs. Mower, '2l cans ft nit ;
Mrs. Redpeth, number of religious papers; Pars.
W7lton, of Sewickley, 111:, gallon can tomatoes, 1 do.
cherries, bottles blackberry wine, 1 bottle catsup
and 1 Jar peach.. ; Capt. Pollock, 1 barrel grape
wine ; Mrs. Frances, number of pocket lumdker
chiefs ; Mrs. Juan Lockey, 6 pairs knit socks ; Ilm.
D. pilot, $5; work by the ladle,. of the society, 77
flannel shirts and 25 pairs knit socks—ant shirt con
tains a pocket furnished with a handkerchief and
some religious reeling.
t' he Society gratefully acknowledom the receipt
the following collections token on Thanksgisinr, Day
Ist , U. P. Church, Allegheny, 80, Dr. Pressly pastor,
$64 ; Central Prosbytorien Church, Eon. Ms. Orr,
$l7. WI; Beaver Street Methodist, BAIT. Mr. Aiken,
$113.; Presbyterian Church, Manchester, Dee, Mr.
Contxtd, 516 0.5 ; Saint Andrew's, Pittabtlrgh, Ben.
Dr. Preston, sss' 51; Christ's Church, Pittsburgh,
BAY. Dlr. Suively, 5.50--part only of their rollertion
Ist Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, Dee. Dr. Swift,
$5B TS; aLso from Thomas Day end several other Ilt •
tie boys, 52 35.
We are pleased to hare this opportunity to tender
Mir thanks to Mr. Henry Wheeler for his pn-sent of
an excellent slim. '.l,mliss Soldiers Aid Society)
corner Sonth Common and Federal street, where do
nations may be len at any time with Mr. R. 11.
Dash., and wham we meet every Thursday from 3 to:.
o'clock. to give out work and to receive and pack up
for immediate use garments, etc. An urgent in vita
- Lion is extended to all who snort with as.
Entertainment for the Benefit of the
U. S. Christian commission.
The friends of this worthy agency will be
pleased to learn that the Sabbath School con
nected with the Central Presbyterian Church,
(Dr. Jacobus') corner of Sixth and Smithfield
streets, propose giving an entertainment
on Thursday evening, 3d Inst., for the
benefit of the Christian Commission, The
exercises will consist of addresses by Rev.
John 13. Clark, Rol. John Douglas, D.D., and
Prof. S. J. Wilson. There will also be some
excellent minis, Harry Richer, with his justly
celebrated quartette, having volunteered their - -
services, for this occasion. Prof. W. U. Slack wind ter Butter and qoolstfuns way be fairlyservices,
will also lead the scholars connected with the fit." n eguro .0Y (or straitly
110/1001, in singing some sobictions or made. Prim. Eggs swarm, and we note small sales at 1n to
As the occasion will be a - pleasant llen of Pic Per donee.
the friends of Sabbath Schools, and the P1101(1810Si3—selea of 10 bbls 31tas Purk at 510,.".0
friends of our brave soldiers, we have D. per Idol, and sal tcs prime So 1 Lard at 12c.
dorlbt the church will bo crowded. Already APPLES—There is no chancv whatever, and while
*a.torge number of tickets have boon disposed ml. mar k et Is woil pr " , last
Of. a quoted, ranting frn;n't,2,2s to 32,7 for hbi, P.r cora •
mon to prune.
Officers Sworn In
• - -
This morning in the genitor Sessions, Diu
commissions of Wet. A. lierron,.. Esq., Clerk
of the Courts, Abdici McClure, Esq., Record
er, and Wm. A. Richardson, Esq.; Register,
were read in open Court. Judges Sterrett,
Mellott and Stone were called upon the
beach; and by invitation, lion. Moses Ramp
ton, President Judge of the Distriet Court,
was present and administered the oath of
°Mee to the respective incumbents. Messrs.
'Merton and Richardson are tiled publio seri
, A nts, at,d have both received the high en
dorsement of a second election. Mr. McClre
is a new official, but he will /al -011—.01S11 fatty
satisfy the expectations of his constituents,
and prove the fitness of their choloe.'
The retiring Itooorder, Jonathan P. Item,
.Esq., boa •disclurrged his duties In a faithful
goodatory manner, and retires with the
opinion and best wishes or his' fellow
' -
Till RPlillra of the late Capt.. Charles A.
Atwell, of Knap'e Pennsylvania Battery,
' having boon recovered and embalmed, aro ex
etis•l to arrive on Wednesday evening, or
Thursday morning, by express. The funeral
will - tam race shortly after tho arrival of the
. body, from his Into residence, of which duo
' notice-will be given.
• - We tuiderstand that the members of Dal
.- ' ter? A, of thie eity, Intend to attend - Abe fu
east, together with an escort of the Provost
Death of a Minister.
-!,•stodispaSehiusa.jost -hees-received - by his.
relatives in this city, that the Rev. George C.
Arnold, pastar_of _dui Fourth U. P. Church,
Philadelphia, died in Chicago, Illinois, yester
dap. Mr. Arnold was a native of Washing-
ton county, in this State, was well known In
this vicinity, and was an esteemed and poles
tar minister, in the United Presbyterian
Church. He was united in marriage some
years since to Miss Jamison, sister of the
. Messrs. Jamison of the firm of McCandless,
Jamison & Co., Wood street. ile was on his
way home trout Wisconsin, whither ha had
gone in hopes of recruiting his failing health.
Battery H.-Nerinta flattery
We direct attention to the earl of Lieut. T.
M. Finley, who is authorised to enlist men for
Nevin's old battery—a very popular Pitts
burgh organisation. The highest bounties
paid by the Government can be obtained on
application to Licut. Finley, who to au
thorised to recruit for any regiment of artil
-1017, infantry or cavalry now in the field.
lie office is at No. .17 Fifth street, and we
can recommend him as a most gentlemanly
and deserving officer.
A Butt Chroniela, In trying
to translate a French phrase, which occurred
In ono of its telegraphic dispatches, takes the
adjective amen for the noun amour, and trans
lates lora instead of bitter. Tho Poo under
takes to correct the 01$11miale, but in doing
so, it commits the grammatical mis
takes--thits :
“Pusisuos ut mmer, SON Putt. sent dour.”
" Patience Is I.lla, but It's fruit Is sweet."
no quotation, correctly given and trans
lated, is as follows :
r4,arse, 'unto wlt frna re( ,fug.,
Pntieoce le blttor, but Ita fruit b sweet..
all cases where exemption from draft is asked,
on the ground that "tw6 or more eons are
'Lahti) to military duty," the choice most be
mule before December 20th, and not post
poned until the draft has been made. - Last
draft, owing to the law being new and imper
fectly understood, parents were allowed to
exempt one where two were drafted. This can
not be allowed in the January draft.
SAD Acctors - r.—On Tuesdisy evening, a
young lady named Annie Jackson, of Carlisle,
was horribly burned. She Wall sitting by a
stove, when her clothes took fire and burned
some time before she discovered it. She then
rushed into the yard, when her cries brought
some I:iersons to her assistance, who succeeded
in extinguiehing the flames. She Is still in a
critical condition. •
Lv.rr von NV ASIIINOTON.—Gen. J. K. Moor
head, of the 224 Congressional District, left
this oily yesterday, for Washington, to be
present at the caucusses previous to the open
ing of Congress. flop. Thomas Williams, re
presentative of the 334 District, will mace in
a day or two.
Tho Stato Superintendent has issued a mill
for a meeting of the County Ezuperintondents
at llazrisburg, to commonce on the 12th day
of next January. It is hoped that the moot
ing will he kfull Ate, and that much good
may result.
Th., euly lidw feature we not'', in coin, is a de.
cline of oat-half per cent., In gold, the New l'•.rk
quotation ut :loan to 'lay, being lie', Siker .
Is I,ser, quoted at Het,., ma "stiller.
are paying lido lot gold, and 141,31 P! for Sitter.
The relsrted capture oft., rebel nor. by :on
Mende, which was trlegraphe.l on Monday, nppsars
to hart crented quite a punk among the 'taxi: )-1 ,
tiers and gold dealers in Now Turk. 1,011 alendet
itisLlntly on the meptiou of the two , In hued It,.
per rout., but subsequent', rslllr,l sp.°, al, the
rumor 1101 been ventilided. It tie , douhtletts 0111"'
~keel fot tine eery purp.ea. %111:C11 it ac..•myl robed.
The loan land rtwe b, amounted the ag
greg.te to Sa,mirc..lsl/. The miles do in t egg r.g ,1111.
a. t.“ a. the peesione week, hut show a daily
rage of 5i1...5,54 I . The most remarkeble fest nre of
the exhibit is the large atm-nate of the bon taken //:
lliatrirt of Columbia and ohm. Up to the
prieent mime there have leen sold of tbe
millions aulloimal ills4.00o,o 0 ",
lag one Mandrel and sixteen or ,V 1.1.1te.,13 :mann.
yet tmed.l.
The dividend prorated by the Central iu
January will to the third dividend within twelve
toontlis,.two per cent was paid in February, two per
cent In July, and the four per cent to Le paid makes
eight per cent. The next income tide year in largely '
Increanod by collections upon the land , , %ebb h aver
age over $lOO,OO O par month, for twelve months tout:
the onion of laud since Januar) exceed two million
The Asaoclated Manioc of New York have Just dorm
away virtually with the equalleation principle In
reference to the legal-tender currenty held among
thenuolvee. Hereafter no banks bolding 111 per cent
(In proportion to capital). of the aggregate legal-ten
der reported to the Classing Ilium from day to day
will be required to allusive by borrowing of the loan
committee on sin par cent intermit. The loan rem
ntiltee Is continued until the Government delivers
the $55,040,00e1 5 per cent legal-tender contracted for
on :Id September.
Torsos?, Decairll:ol . 1, 160.
YLotJ S cILAIN—Wbeat Is firm but unchang
mi at $1,31.1 for 11.1 from wagon and 51,3541,40 for
White. The rsoelpts are very Umltod, and the stock
In market is light. Corn is firm with but little in
market; Shelled Is held at $1,2031,240n truth; .le
of 3110 busk ifi Ears (rout depot at 51,15. Otto firm
at 75 to Sao from first lauds 11211 store; sale of 300
bush at 730. Burley In glalet but firm at 51,3:5 tot
Spring, owl 81,50 for Fall. Flour Is firm with small
sales from store at 5,,00 for Extra, and 57,00
to 57,25 for Extra Family; sale of ?AM bbls "Star of
the West" at 57,25. Eye floor tatty ion tooted nt
from 5t1,b5 to 55,73. ilucloshtast is dull and nominal
at former quotations.
HOGS—The weather being very favorable for paoh
there is a good demand hd flogs, and goal ov
erages sell readily at full quotations. The ra-eipts
aro only moderate, and Go...offering are mostly light
weights. We note sales of DLO bead averaging about
2 . 51 fie, at 5.5,:a1 per met, gross: 178 head, ar B ntring
We , IT, at SS,6O, mid '2OO h sad, averaging laid tto
GEOCEIIIES—Tho grocery market Is exasrlingly
the demand being very light, and the trans
actions mostly of an unimportant character.
however, ore well mostelnal.
MILL FLED—firm with a good demand and lint
little In market. Sale on wharf or VI toss Shorts at
$1,30 per mat, and 6 tons 811.1d1Ings at
FIAT—The supply is very light, and falls far oltutt
of ties demand. We note sales of loose from scales at
S4O per tun, and haled may be quoted at to $37.
SEEDS—There in conelderable Inquiry for Flax
Seed, mostly on eastern arcaunt, and we note small
sales from first hands at. 2,G0 to 82,6 , 5 per bushel.
BUTTER it EGGS--Thera he a confirmed good ile.
UREAND—itale of tP) bble at li!ic per
SAl.S—u.loot GObtoto No I Extra front first handl+
t 62,50 per bbl.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market
Dr.c. I—no market for Crude was rather 'lnset tied
and the transactions In the aggregate were
light. The rise in the Allsgheney riser, end the
proepect of improved receipts, caused buyers to hold
oil in anticipation of reduced prices, while on the
other hand, holders appuarad obstinate, and refueed
to make any The receipts, although
larger than for smite days prat-lone, did not reach the
expectations of buyers, and It is but proper to remark
that the most of that which did arrive, had either been
previously cold, or was consigned to the eastern
markets, QUOlnliOlIN may be fairly given et 16eyinc
in bulk, end I:o€k2lc in bbls—Leis
than are the extremes of the market. The only rale
of Crude ne could hear of, was 400 bbis et 21e—bide
Them:Ll a decidedly better fooling la Refined, and,
while there Um been no marked change in values,
the market to former, and the transactions, in the na•
gregate, more liberal. We nt to tales of 10U, Zig and
COO Ude, bonded at 36; too bids from nt 44 and and
300 and 200 bide at 45. Some of our refiners ore
arkieg 3COM for bonded, and 46.1445, free, bat
salts hare, as - yet, been made above our'quotatioilis.
Naptha In dull; Inactive and ruglected, and, in the
attsionce ' of homer .4da sales, ten gnat* nOtalattlly at
16017. Rexidintu le quiet, but dna at E 4,00 t 414,26
per bid,
New York Petroleum Market.
OsecialPievacate the Pittebergh:Geortte. •
Kra- Tong, Dec. 1--Crude is quiet but firm at
Ltfir. 'Refined in bond is aLso Ewer but unchanged;
41c Is offered, and 1!o b asked. Fronoil is steady at
SO Co Mr, and liaptha ie quiet at former quota-
The Supply of Food.
The monthly report of tho Commissioner of Agri
culture for October gives pretty reliable information 1
to the suppply of food for tier enening year. Tb is
report It founded upon estimatia from all parts of the
r•ientry. The bushels of corn are put at 432,441,128, i
against 386,704,474 last year; buckwheat at 18,321,303
bushels, against. 18,7 1 12.004 last year; potatoes at 101,•
157,144 bushels against 114,333,118 last year, sorghum
molloses at 6,070852 gallons, lutanist 1U,..333,7104 last
your. The hog cholera prevails In India.' Illinois, 1
Ohio and Michigan to such an extent that tllO U6lll.
ber of hogs is ours-flfth lea, than hot year, and their
condition 30 11 cent below the general avenge. It le
•lailieved that bet few hugs will be sufliciently fat.
twood to these Staten t. make meat pork or to pro
duce a supply of lard. The foreign doomed for pork
last year woo 2013188,86.5 pounds. It will probably
bo as great or greater the ensuing year. The Eu
repeats demand for coca sod wheat will not probably
be au largo as during the two or three neon past. A
writer in the Loudon Timor says the English wheat
crop of the present year is 40 1 4.1 cent better than for
the last two years, and the price is low. This wri-
ter, however, urges the English farmer to give more
attention to cattle and the raising of barley for malt
ing purposes, and hate wheat to other countries, so
lung ue it Call In imported at half a crown.
New York Wool Market.
Nov. 29 —Wool has loon lass active, during the
past week, especially towards the clom, in view of
the groat depression in Gold, which had the effect of
deterring buyers from purchasing freely at prevail
ing prices. The principle holders, lAA...yr, Wore
reluctant to make any important COneetniOna, as sup
plies bare been much reduced by recent heavy salon,
and those now in market are deemed quite mat,
gable •1 present, with money easy at cent. The
work's sales include 175,000 lbs. domestic fleece at
from 7.%(•5e.., the latter rate for tub-washed, 100,000
domestic palled at 72;c(31itic; 500 bales California
at 40cVslic; 350 bales Cape, mostly at 43c1045c; 370
bales Stestim, part et 35c,g,113c; 500 bolos Donskol at
4iicqS-luc; lAtO balm Persian and Smyrna, unwashed,
at 2134 c: and sundry small lots of foreign at full pri
ces. A public sale of damaged Cape is announced
far December 19.
Flour and C rain
Tho aggregate quantity of nom, wheat, corn and
barley left at tidawater, New York, from the com•
mmicement of navigation to the 224 irn., inclulive,
during the years teui and Bz, was as follows
Floor, Wheat, Corn, Barley.
Olds. bush. bush. bosh,
1003, 1,5?-1,4M) 29,140,30 d 21,167,500 1,819,1M1
1,34.4,7000 11.1,0111,1410 10 , ,032.300 ) 2,302000
De,. g1e.,70011eii.10,r32,300, lienfies,loolucesfs.4,(7X/
By reducing the Wheat to Flour, the quantity of
the letter 101 l at ti Imwater this year, compared Rh
tea peri•el ‘if last year, sheets a den.
clency equal to 2,30.5,1tal Mile Flour.
Cleveland Market
Nor. ;122.--Fldur tuarket gala, and sal/a; contintal
principally t i Iho ratall trade ; .1114.1 512 hartale X X
white at 57,1122. What market eery . nd vibe
raw/rte.!, buyor2 not disp/aaal to parch.° or tuakr
utter. at any pr. , . Corn maikat quiet: mules 1 car
while ;rata/ on Ira/1 al Oat., Fad, lcat I; sal
at 7 3 / 2 hart...). nut much it/gutty , gudnal At Si .1. 4 .(tgl
i On truck. arc:or/tang to /pant, 1421,2 /alas
(n/nt -dam at 2.11,1".
Chicago M a e t
Nut. Flour attn. W . boat ytiet 41111 . /.. - car
ter ; Nil.. 1. 1 1 ,10,11,11'..,. (1%.tr0 urr , t , anO
better; -aloe at Outs ; bus, alit
at 6!...;0:1115... hogs 11,Olvt• 110 g.,01t" duo ,
&wand at
17,100 ' , ugh wllent,l.l.l; o bush 1,11 . 11. --6.:5.1.101:4 11... a. 211;515 11-1.1
bush c‘inn.
Toledo Market
~v, —F1,41. - e , blils XX .tt .11.1
extra, SL, 7% 100 WA N N N do. at
14.1,4 •xtr, at $.,,11t, "City Fa , t 4 •
tie . ' atWI/rat - of I,sto 11 N. , . I Itel
at i2rz, talcs ol other grate. ,41,4.444.1. Silt -
I ochaupul, Viso, 4 , 2,21214 1,14. Coatare at/el 1.41 - t - ettn4
S4.laor, 1 , 141,1 ME'. at 816. ,
Hogs Sale 134, all atglit4, at V,.
Philadelphia seed Market.
Nov. .11.“Itt •..h1
33,1" iklißiltd. 1 . 10•011,4 , 41 gauger fr. , . $l7 t• 0
tth mir• httretwl. at the hitter rate, tth4l Til/1
Only ft , tt, 52,7.1, art,: the f...rner
Imports by Railroad.
C11'1,1,41) A PlTTlittl'llGil 11‘11.110... D.C. I
111.11.8 Snm Ilradlvy, • plot • E
11 G..rvrtr It.' hide, Elm. I , K,
I. C 01.,. 13 ilit•W tobacco, .1 Ora 1 .,0,., 9
J W I,olor, d.. d.., Jdo do, .1 Uri,: 1:12
11 , 11 an ., 1 110, --usrtg
Smun, rm. It T Kultu.. , !) 5
I+l , ll 311:1, ,Al.1,1”-ad, 141 klot .1
£ ~,, I,orl Mark, 3,1 pkg•
J tolttentiorl. 10 Inns, . 1,1.1,
11a.lrnau, Itnlont A co.
rtrn‘rvc.. FT. WA s NIL& ruicn.l.. It .UtmuD.
elks bet I. y. Jla . hi..
11,rkot; :441 , , A , ag..
A r,ltitt 11 If 31 P. rv, 1 1.1.1 1 .1"
~ I. II V•.11;1; y .Icm raw,... ro; 1..1
A MA. .1 A Brown: bra 14.1 11
yuor, lkw t. r. 1.• XOl.. J
ow tal. J )1..4 Ilra.l. II
14.1, Wm If at.1,,1.”. I 1.1,1 :.1.1.1e5, I J.. iI v.:, .1
11.. tuna
Imports by River
N.N ATI —l . ra t DON, 4-12 A, L,. m , ll
Kn., A 3I ILL. 11... tr.
low 1.t.1..11..ur. 41.,1A 7:,1.1.g0. mot
A 1/0 V A
k ,t v.,rui..ll.Straul. [t, I
d o d o, Idol. Ititor,l ..11. Poona Sad t
Z, 1 IYaQ II pkg” rap,
ll...‘rxrd A t'. droll.
the ti EW SST PATTEUNS and °eery width, et the
Lowest for Clash,
Crumb Cloths, Feltings, Rugs,
And haying purnbased for CASH. Indore the late
advances, We on able to well at the asanntactorsn'
prin., an unegoalled stock of
Window Shades. liatting;s, &c.
We abal during the prownt month, at wholesale
• full Hue of
Floor Oil Cloth,
In sheets 3 to 24 feet wide.
CO% ERA, 111'0S, lIATB,
The.. goods have advancer!, In first heeds, Imes
TEN to TWENTY-FIVE PER ('ENT. within tide('
days. and we are now selling at LEES
OFACTUIIKE'S PRICES. Our stock all:newt en
tirely DM, ell having Won purchased within otnety
days, Ilia rash, at the very lowest prices of the year.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Dela/v.ll Po,t Oaleo mad /h6ndle/1 131111.11ecs.
11,11 im CUlliillll o to well, until further entire,
good. 111 onr line e t prices
Reduced Fully 20 per ('eut
From last emlyaiee rate.,
W. D. & H. IrCALLIM.,
Noe. 17 AND 19 rim STREET, Pernatmuu, PA
Bole Aponte for
Atkinson's Steel Collars and Cuffs,
Enamelled White, having the appearanoe and ema.
fort of Linen. To military men and traveler& toe)
are Ishaletabla
CND'', Standing Cullen.- 03 each.
" Trirnever ....... 100 ..
150 per pair.
Ladles' Nam. Collars Ile each.
" 1 60 por pair.
Stin ts grl_past Ott reeedp2 ell la.
Collars re-enamelled for 'ZS cents ; Jr
exchange • NEW - WLLAD. for an OLD ONE, pro
viding lt to not broke or bent, for 213 mote.
noire& supplied at the Now Tort AIN. , '•
V. Fire lid addles.
EATON, 11A01101 1 & 00. taburgh ,
Dit, Ds.
77 and 79 Market St.
To-day wo commence our Regular !Milan) S.olco of
Embroideries, •
Lace Goods, and
Linen Handkercheifs.
Our stuck of (lime Goods Is more complete than at
au, former semen. The prices have been marked
dime. Wu have else just opened a choice lei of
Worked Slipper Patterns, Taney Money Bap, and
Fine Oashimere Searle, suitable for
Our AWOL of other Sossortabh) Gorda le 1.41 oo
erortr.l to
Cloak Ornaments, Bead (limps,
Velvets and Gimpure Laces,
Bilk and Felt Hats,
Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons,
Wool Hoods,
Baoques, oats s,
Balmoral Shirts,
Quaker Shirts,
Men's Undershirts and Drawers.
%MALL W AHEM GEN i?,11A1.1.1i
holeralu Rooms up rash , Itterolinta. Blot a
oaha no who buy to eel' agaiu au ppilo.l al lotrott • hol,
lotto rate,.
77 and 79 Market Street.
Cashmere Gloves and Gauntlets.
1.41)1E5 . CASH'eIERE tiCARFS
Real Maltese Lace Collars and Sets,
Hosiery and Worts!
FRENCH 11E11.1N05, 115. ct. 4,
KM PRESS CLOTH, for 26, cheap
A roll m4ortmeot of NEW GOODS. Cell .d Iwo
N.E. oor. Fourth and Market St•
Gent's and Boys . ' all 7 '
Hm.monAr. 9
Al.o, a 1.,,a1 Invoin.
II If M. 11,14.1 NI)1.41
Th' lxrg.•.t k
78 JIAa ET 8T 11.1:1:T
Elvtwom V. , nrth owl Diamor.l
Nos. 17 AND 10 119111 STARE?
---_-_.....-....---. -.-• ..... , . . ..... . ..._ _.... . ______________
pußLic sALE OF To, PINE ri 'RON' I
^TBS(RIBE-lit will offer at poi- m- .0 .;.--,- -- ,. r , , „
./- FURNACE A Nit II t:3 t.lln, Ittnik C,'.IL mate rode, on the bra, Giu AND Tin DAY: , ~,k. \\,. ~ i .„.. „I A,,.. ,_
WORK S-By vsrtuo of at 'order of 1.11/ I•401./3 0111 1 1 , DE , E. m ut:a, : - .....c so. 111 Soared mud, Pitt,- ILA NUE3I E NT. ~ _ ..-
the Court a Common rt. 'a tle. . onto) I I.t v- burgh. Pa . Oh , follw - 1n: improved FARMS, attnate and after MON It Y, No -
r"1"13'• tutor" wr °bin. /u:l on r ii hob , . 9 , 7 lu North Busier and Chipped townrhips, Bean, v e i-e ler 1..... h.
at the it door ( the t tot: lion., en Mod • , t tart, ,al 1..r.r ii ,th,t, Iron .; i r irk, maven ft ru RA / LL'a AP- N. I_NE DAILY TEAnsa. vtAIN
of SAT( RDA I, Mc LAti day 0/ knit tabor, A. fi . • Prnil-ntl Stn lanai. cont-.lvnt to Ottlatn, ' The THROUGH ACCO3IMODAIOBY
leans tho Panatger Natant daily, (except annay.)
ISGI, at the lad tit I o'clock. P. 31., the follow t tc. I "red I i l logi . mar. .
dtwarti. , l r. a: ,rt.tle, rights, ou).. ao I at., , en, •T..• Arno., capable of dii rd.; into three te at at 3 ...., a. m.,
, plug at all Statatua Imotress Plata- ,
"tra, in
on Founts 01 Lao non an . km , ati a. ; farm , or I.• sold as a whole. harsh tord Ph iladidhlthi, and mak mg direct Connee•
the Pine Mon , Furnace Linda Hang" g 11,, k, a , 100 a ~,, a „) , ,,,,i,,,r, the above, I e Ire ....1.1 nn a , p-t• I, n I,r N• e y .rk and . a.
Woks, u It. the Itadroad, iti t!..• •tnt a .1.5. ph 7. rti , Iri• 7 'b.' fn in r"."... 3 - 1 . 3 i'. l- n 1 lie TLlBAtball !JAIL TKAIN Inters rho Pal-
Ptabts i 1311. .1,,',,u 6. l', .1., . i AL., lo 1....1,, ,ii, .L. , , St at its 4rh ilea ham New Brutal 41 r/ 1..2 r Smoot entry u era Int b.z.opt burday,) at
wit . , tuna u unln tr, m New linmltton ' k.. a. at , stoppihg only st prlnci pal atatruna, and
ranking . threct nunectiomm at Harrisburg for Mani
la ...helm,. two ~, ,r, r_ L 5.... , , ... , I ~, ~.,,, 142 aert et 0'; mil... kon, 31, u it: •1..
east quail. rof ...anon ..L.lit -, a eth hal. • , i a.. p Alter tho 7th of [racemes, all 1.1 - the an ve re t -,d more and in .hurgoon, awl for Nos York via Phila.
m ug ~. , n ., ~,,I, „, a ., ,„,„ ,I, a ., ,11 . a ~d,.. ~ „. .n . ender <odder. ion 1. om loola entered, will be d.'phut.
Ti.,' THROUGH EX PRE.i.S TRA : h Ie4VIS dolly at
Got tea 1. , sea, Itslf of tedthoaat •01.1101 au i -oat,. , w tilidrawn from de.
east truant , , 1 ir,ttrn atxtorn Orb whole of r--,1, n 1 . 2, lw DAVID DUN L.{ P, .k -cut. 1 .trt p m .ctrl , ) , :: g ontv at ; rim:pal .A.•‘ loss, tualips
. l
tit, t t no: ration at Ilart - aldirg PT I,...itihore at:l
dent.. 11 17., e.,, hail a 111Ulak . nt plat tor, It trnt. , D . ,
~,,, ~ ~, ~, „...,„,,,, t ,,,„,,.,„,„ I lAA 4,001): 4 STORE FOR SALE, in n ~.i.:,,ii ..,,,,t 1.,.. hew lora ,'a Alba o wn route
(22). And In tow d.j. two t S , tango eighteen tt-e, a tonrish tug W.ninan trod on tht• P. IW. t no , " Pit Awl, 1.1.t.5.
the PG.-oat, Nk ci 1, 4 11 of aa ottaw, , ~,,,,,, at C. IL It., tot gra nd an titles from rittebursu, m.o 1:t FArl lISEI an s the Stallou daily (except
wand amt.-. t. ,1- , . roull.oart .in.-trler ol worth , oat Mous a large a pr' tin 1.4.. The anis is rit i. la). at a , it. la ...Tying ouly at principal all,
seven.: of sni.. I a), atom ho. kr qiho hr of -., t,,,n lea, aril has lawn wI. ctol with ref. retire to the it. to, 1 . .30.41::.: Al Ilatralthrg tar Baltimore au'
sevent....l7 vied , of hlllO l ll I" . weal halt or - ... cantor) trade. Hut 021 t./10 . 0 for carb at V. ,01titg1..... read at Philattoptna for Nais York.
„ At C , •3131 ,, DAT10N TRAINS.
half (ho, ea, hale of ,011,1 quarter and weir town. market P. 1.7 10,
half ..: 10 , 101134 quarter,
ac t' i t
oat Ilan di u Ith , mit . The prument propriotor ham eke to ratite fit m The J . 3 ...stowt, A -cominslatmo Train leave* daily
quart. r tti .. , too. tot Ili) ,to , I. ot, !Leif ..1 w tithe , at ! the ii Ido ttwrnit to bad health, tt ,l now '"7. 3 .'"rirs (easopt Smola) ; at ..; p. at.,11,11.1.111g at ail Station
quart, ~ mot ow, half of eutothea, quartet id e a - oil. ri the soak for sale, alter Oa . p. 32 a,ll al the I , - aa ,.. , a ,„,„, as. k..„. in , ~,,,,,,..,,,,,,.
Goa t `no.) ow t-11), whelp "f attthor M. , ' . tol, I tiring party. Thu hot, has a large and resta. , Gad , ' Heat Atoommalattou Ttain far Wale's Statics
want tail of w act too t a en( y oettio C- 7 .". 11 , 411/ at, , trade, a . ,110,1 ran be retanted. The greet' ,to, 1, 1,,,v,4 dally (ozrept Sunday) at 0.9 a m.
quarter of Patton twenty...mitt (28), wit de ot tans acre I will Invoice front moven to len thoutwand delLsra, Lot ' ~,,,,i
./,,,,,,,,m..,,,,,..,. Traia, 1 . ,n . wawa sanoda
thirty-de ‘ .11 . 1. tent half, west half, te. it talc a I could In reduced :1 doetnl. I, ana d (ext, pt holiday) at 11.10 a at.
northead qtarter and southeast quarter of eat., t. , Pat ties oral to know It's Partbritlwrn wit' li""nn Thu, Kccommodarlott Train for Wall's Stattor
thlrt) -nut tscSo. I o toomushrp ad tango IJ, the 1 .1- add acne or call
uu It ~.., del ti) fax.ropt autala)l at .t.ble I. in
luvriug liner half of notla quart. r, 1..111 half , ' L 113 A YA Cn onrEN N 13. G, Fourth A.l,lllteuda:lue Train for kit all's 1312313 1 . 1 1. 1
003 otulltivont Inge her of wan.. toit, tl 1, worth Lit. . eel , tf 191 Hand street, Patelenrgh, Va , .tails
_. ..,els
of a-, t , .1i 1 vo. IL, c.,- , knit of nootheu.ri. quartet of I i i -, ~, , , ~,,.._,_ , _,,,.; .. , •,.! i a d i , 'rite • hunt Trial, wan,. Wal, a etat leo a,ttry Sac
t wat, .1, thaw , t., ...0111..aet qua , tt r ot ihot 1. 0,..., 3
n.,,,,i1::,,,5.,,,i, %. „.h„ . ,i , i .: ‘,.. . , ,,. . r. ~ ., ,. ., , r , , , , ..
I -- ., i.L .
~,.,ao d„, „
t , ti ,i., a, a, , ',taming, loaios Pateborgli at
" I ' ll ' "" 4 " I " 1"1 " " I I"" 11" " r !71'1 "' " 1 ' " '"'" •,fI , it . h iron, ' tarot I I I 1 • 1 I, B '
stt Iron .. a , a. a l .. . ..„. ,
dart bait north hall a worded yaw {4, ..I re.. , ' -t, ' haturtue 1 raw. .emit '.. Pitt. , orgh as fonowsi
f I nrr tllnnowt p.v. wm,kl. new.
tio, teloa, ~ t it ~,,1....1 port of 11/110"-st quart, rh. . Bat t isnore hare., 12 ro p. nt
k lot One Portable Eno, and Terladar Mdlot td
south w.., quarter tit wet I'm eleven (111, that is to say 1 , I . - , , , , , d ,,in .h , , Ph ...nip , . ta 1..1 pt. ea . ....... ... ..
comment:ll , 111 the cant, a stud wadi, ruttneog i ......... knew cit ir3 it. , ran -,!: , ate ..
, a tint L.. 0.... - ............... .. ... . ._ I,a !V
then;. alll ' i , 411,14 , 6 0114 3" nOnuto4 n• .1, 17 -',.• , T l ' .3 ' 1 " 3 " 11 I ' . t^ "' d ' 3 " . " 7 " ra ""`“ '!" 1 ' 7.1 " P• , 11..0, Imo Tr,,,,, 1 ti.
c , a ,,,.. ,„ a „„„ a ,„ ~,,,, ra „,,,, ~,, ~ r „. r
~, a , 4 „i and Is admirably adaptod to that kutt: of soak, or ,
. 1,,,, , ,, , L
~,a,_ ,., ,...,.
l a nd, t o rr a , LI) I.) j ‘ ,1.0 1 atope. 11 thence aouth Id. - 1 r.i . 1 . .' 8 3 ` . I. ,';_ r l ''''' l , l! ,":"" n •_ „ ta ., ~,,,„, ~a ~ Vint n all', a tet1"11 A. t00tt0..1,1 eu . 4 ., at
grea and I.) num.. , west, 1 ',Li chaltrant II ...on, ,n , !“-
~ 0ne, , ...g.''" '',..')
s r' n , ` • l 7 I . ' l
~,,. lr,,d N% alle ,tal, uk. . 0010114, WO ... t...Z. a. tu
the ~...4 bus of said Campbell's lot, tr. ois w li a 1 ..." 3 " n . ' l3 d i . 1 ",.," " ," I '"'' ."'" , . 1 ' i "' 3 • T,. a . 4 n ~r, , ~,,, ~„ r„, „„,„, 4 ,..
.„ . I ~ 1 ,.. a ,
Novak 1 , nob , . in dhouch-t, ii. rlll 72 tit o areas 1 II,'"" rn " r • •' ''" ' . ' nl ' ! "" 1 " ” I " " '11" will'
l I,I M /11 ,% all .. 0 1 101 ion 1, ~.1nt,..1n11 , I. p rtl.
east IS linkm mid a dog-srtael ihroa inches lit di mho, - i''`'.l' """•
beam Imo hln deg naw and 4 , , Int nu ton ea., 11,.:0 rinks, knqt.tre at II 31. BOLE'S, , ItOttmore, ',paws will art to o Ith Philadvlplon
nonce nor th a. , .I..,groes awl :. t retnutos awl 17 .... ton. Front All ) Itl.ll Duquesne Way, F. 'S' I ' ....1 t ' ll . 'I I 1 " [ II 'MI . ' I . • . ..... .
pffi,,,,,0, ! 1 rump, tor Bl U ain-saw Ind I rt, 11. ‘ ....01.-, Int tiltirs
chants h. aet .111e."11 010 1 1 .1 W 11113 ~r the worthea, n° l " 1 .• . tile lota , town a ..I_, 'l' ....,, .1. -tutond o iota.
quart. r a wrid w t tott, ft oh a 1.. , I. ti I e tall 21 ittlew I V I A IA:, A L;LE LA WUENI: E V 11.1,E ill- J..loat o w A .-- ~,„ ..„; ; ~, d ,,., .. T tam Eact
t ,dot. r lwar, moth .1 thuitam etot .1.: link-, awl ! P fink ED P ROI' I: ItT Slolt SA LF.-.k t,n. ahoy y and 3, . 1, 11 --"•'' 1 i , ' - ; d. ; . '''' '" .1• ''''"'
a . lowt nut ~ 1 Inches In dtameter bear , horth tit Slick Paining, oath but I' 1.. 120 fee,. ~,, -alai, utota. o to., ,
dean..., dd., 30 link., theme turth 1 desint• ant Iti , atrt et, a two mtur) Frame Ito etidts. a lib I , tt I - 0 fl.. TIN", f• : Ito • . o ~. . a t . .
a.m. a east 19 47 t haute to the plan. of beguttoot ~, , a ., a „ beau . a „, Ea all
a „ .., , , , a ~,,,
ai, „,, I. „ a , a „,„, a ,„; ...„,,„ , , a „ ••
Ahi m 1•twa` 1 .1" . .." 01 ortge ^Mimi". Ilr i, ' l ' l ' l ' n f 1... c.a. IN elliug, watt lot 1.. to 117 P...t, .o t Ito n • At , 0ntm."...". , a.ei 1 :31 9, 3 3 Tr it" t.- , -"•
w, tato at, 00, tent half or torthwa, quart. rofan . - ~, r , d i t n ,,,, ~,,,I i t ~„,,,a , ,,,,,, „ Gr , a B r ,, The maid', a 1 t Mot IT go a:1) to 11, lr - toletvol, In
11..0 11,1/1 .1 1 tu-rth ball a, quart. r, f .... • , ,
I on. tret.., it, ith I A .10 Li .i , art, ,t, on I'llernnt reti e , going East or nnt, tu grand or th , l'enosylVenio
heel ruv , ll .7); al-.0 not 111 half of what half of inat , ~.„,,a , ~ , ,g . on g,
111 airll 131 7by her hat, con 11.11,1,,0. 1 ..Lila li.,Lilr , a.l. n., in, a, 0n:n.°.61 John wok offered
half of noutlwaat •Fuat ter of so, oat warm t 7; , el.. a ' ~..,,,,,,. , 1.13,1111/1 In tarp on an) Lola r norm. Tho Rothi
trot tof land natt.tted In th, wont, half are tits . Mien e The ~,a , ,,, ~,,,,,, ~ a il ~,,,,,,n, dm i alit 1.....1,1 ,Is hall:Lit, will: stone, and is euttrel) ft, from dhst.
11, • and north half of t.4.01it.11 La 1 . 1 .0111 ki . ...1, 0,11111•0111 I ~i .,, , ~,,,,, ~.4„ .' A ~,,,,, ‘,. ~
~,,. 1 ,., E. ~,- ~... ~,,,,,.1... „ i n,. ~,,..d, a ,,,, ~,,,p,, „., a u
"n" Oh r . 3.4 1" ''''''''' ,t ' l, ''''' riled o ' I''' nr ''''''" , U-411131 , rn nil Broker 1.11,.... Ballo, st, to to .i :1 w Loma) brit , 0..' tow" ;It'' , in , . Pntrunnit i ".
on in aOm o• nod plat made for flamtnon, I''- :La, '''' I FARE
~ , •
3.1...13/41, by
lc I . April:llst, 1.a.4, and reconital I(1 1 EAr FARM Fllft I - QII.E, Sitlitlfe 11l T , N o w F01k....... 812 Sit To Ball don 11l 00
Angnet 7th, IN.I. Also, lots itumbered two rift and , Weil Deer township, o f county, raw, 7. To 1 , :a',Tu Lam ash r ...- BnU
three cm or void Plat and w e n t- ; alto of an, 1111111. 0,11 .1 from the, hriving N alga uf Bakuratoo a ‘,.4, Ti' Harrisburg. _.. 7
ban, t truly-eight, (2a, twenty-mtte, t-'or and thirty , t.,,i. 'lob arms, 711 of nblch 14 Llear,4l. The unworn . Baggage check' dto all brat ions' it tiro Pet nmylva
co, of the \l/111,2. 1 .II Iltrugult; Ito. k , ahr. u 1010, Ili . .0.1101 consist of a t trmfortable do tilt int Imo., barn um Cm. ral Ittolruad, amt to I'llll,l ! d Inn, Baltimore
land alp , . mg mid i dlage, to tilt Commencing at I 311330. a all extensiie stabllng , on orchard of It s' ' and Sou'T. rt.
tin rho iltweat ' , GI. "f awed "Msgr ., . atm." Goon , ! laarlog fruit trt.oc, a trier fatting spr mg of atm. at Pasaottpia pun Lades to krt. In it. ran will let
a sorribueet.. l 3' oat , . tiong Go' Ime "f uud 3 rilat" tr. , 1 the dat water tti every field. • oar web, ill , . alit 1., t Itarrool an ex...-a, to ~..1 mg to Ili. de .oltt 4 trui clad.
tile tooth., corner add h.t, tontlar thtrty 1 it" ' pla. e Apply to i lti a 0/11001 0 1 110 b1.1.11..0 rat. it, e. ;.r or t Mow mutt twos
--a Mato street. then." a we. , rIY rotr. t1. ,1 04 Ow • notll It Mc LA IN St C , I . 1.1 Fourth stnwt. who n :he t .0111101.) 1.., r hrl.o
11111 1 4 Blain mid-Lb , the Istat uf the rant owl wound, ' -,„ ~
~ , , Nollt E -In .a.w. of tea the t t0r...) w ill hold
being twelve fotO fro. the cattre of the railroad Fr /Is .1;\ t. r:---A lot 01 tand, contain ItlbS th. ttn,n.a rsp-toted. I , r pon mai ou.n. , ege only,
track , th, itre alohg the 1.e.( raid rartrowl around, . la I\t'ffa, 110010 , 4 I'f mine Dom Its moot eta" „.„1, , or ~, ~,,,,,,, to t t ~,....,,,,g Bita.
a northeasterly noir. to the lure of let 1111111 G -r Ilk n., t r ci, on the Pit tr lo.rgh. t ,rl. Wn3 no .3, Cht, ago 11. R. ,
N. 11.-.1., ~,,,,..,,,,,, 1 „,„ 44 . 1 ., a ~,,,p , ,,,,, to
(3, o f .I,,hr, Rowe'. sub.hyteton of s,ctlon eleven tit), ~ TO , •1.,, , prop., y 11 well tintleotil, null a go .41 , , „ a) „ G A. ~,,...t i and baggage to eel fit. taw p..-
.-e..h , e" , . , 0) , roue' . t.' "n 1 111 / • II."'" inittig I Young orchard of boaritig torn trees. Titre pr.-1.-I) , ~d , a t a oltar, not to ext........ 3 taunt, for each pa e .
the east'
lire. of end lot number throe (. tt, to tip. I will 10. aold on reasonable ter., et. uger atid 1.1.4gte,m. 1 , rI it kits arid) 1.1
I/11V, Of lin,llloing, it ledug all the Gaut, ken roil, LIO 1 For furthor particulars 111I1' mai J. STEW A RT. Agent.
dr a tliago of Ilcugiug Rat; and the ~nil 11111/ ./.1.1 ' 0C . ..,.2.311 . 1 SV.Mr M ASTER, Sewt. k ley vile. Pa. ,At t tp. 1 . , o hiyll au L. C. LI tt al Rat: rawil l'aesenget
ground, purchase a two story ' ~"'": '.,- I. l l'iris 'nil 'cr..' rlw "..- r." . 111
Tho oast part of wictiett tot nty-wa en, (-'7, towu g g rrana, I,nau,na,
nil ja
~..,. c
SI 35() W ill
el..t. 0. in. ." . range • mltteon 0 , , o lii 1. a to.l jet t , I I LKN L L A .:. I ).7,- ; 6 .i ti . la
~,,„ r ,,..,. of ?4_., en s, d o .. a ~,.; ~,,.,, i ante ._ i t: Allenla i r t., tat, tet, villa, lot 14,. a feet from 1 ~,,,,,,,,,,, 151 ,,, . a
1N.,t,1- t lat tr..: at.d lac,[, w red tun 1.--t in on lave '' ,. 'I. 2 feet "..../., "" " I ''' . ' . ' l " . '" ' 7 '‘ ....... 1 ".' Ii • . WHEELING II k I 1.1. t .., 1 tonev. id
....t.D. A, loon. lord land, and .....h1 y. ,h 1 , ~„. , foal, Av. Toms, L 40.11 A igo l y to G..I. BATESS. , WI N T It: R. A RR. ‘ 311Fhl "INT -on and after
Auditor of Lao nnee ct ant). Al, Ott tom 1t I L.:, 1 . "mmen , - ,1 11, ° 11 er 'ln"' 11 " 11., 31 - I .nwr i l" °Till' -.Mt , N DA Y, INevember lid li, 1,41, Trumm will leans
k. mho-, W. 1,1 2ut ni," I , lag 1,- o-4 nall - - the D. tart of the l't 1, nay; 1..01 ft -droad, iti Ma
o( the o , at quit I, . I Ye, 1.111 1 -130 .1 It ,i I ~11..11 11. SIIIPPErG. ' 1 --rsit, se 1..11r
two (2 ) and tango tineteett . rebel.... 111 //I. 1,11 111 1 . 1t ,, ,,,,3. o/r/.1 rr.,.::,, 1.-.
~ ,. .., . ., ) , . ., ,,,t .d , or .. , ..i .1 ,,,,,,, . 31 '7' iii" . "'" ll. rir 11 E AT LA N'l IC 112.1:41.1.rtat. 1,..,..rirtA melt 1 I ato .. 2..11. 111 1.45 p. to.
~,,,t quarter of the tooth.. q 113 1 70 0 and tacit). • , t 0.1 V. • 11.1 . ,.. l,, • , .11 -, 14ro w
110 Y Al. 31 AIL
tweet a. me from ell the oast tad, t•I M. 0,10/1, . . ,
0310 . 1 tor ,t 1.1.41 0111111. 1 . 1111,./'1111 . ./. tow ...1.,:, ~.,,, I TION (0341 ANY d„ at I,„ 1,,
.. , ' -ri " Itch " 0.03 "
(41, rauce nineteen Ott. lb , legal till , t.l . a 111/ II a .1.• - GALWAY LINE ' Act , a Bella, j. do .. Itl 1 , . i. tO w
313.31,/ 11l Itukort 'bouillon hr., do. nisi-, and .It, h ' Amu ATI r, 1.310 n o ,. „......r, 4,1,0 t o „, Com... Ting, at rt hill , 4,, it I• ... a P.. 11. L.: n.,11 Shen
maid liabort Hamilton, r r., 1.) he. tenting tedmatory, 11111E1:N1A, 1000 Ilona-pew et, 3,000 tons. le -loam /1114 1 mbar: 1 Itnon ad al ti . t mt.. Ohio hall
;Load Alum. 10.11. 1n3 , 4 hound It Ittaell to roto ay as CO Ll'3l 111 A, I,OUO florae-pro er, ts , o tuna. road for Zan, i tie, a , v ark, t ..Itirtlon, Xenia, Pay
follows to maid Plaintlff, oto. undliidedt Igh OA part to I API
GI L 1 .1, I,OtX) lionwqm,wer, L."O tons. bon. lad...oho', 1t0...mi. Louravrile, Cairo, at
said Salmi C. le., and to said John G Ptable. -.he . The magnitlettnt Steamship ADRIATIC will .all Low , , ht J , et ph. told 1. , ' I ..1.13 11.L.nt and aouthoest,
multialed funrrh part, so /0/1/11 113 111. .13 ]tare- : 100171 Nl,O York fur Lmorpoul ou TUESDAY, the 17th and ;It ki10... tug ii iti. Italt :more and re l y, Railroad
'lomat... ha , tthould noquiro the title to 11111 1 1 pr..- of November. 1,1,.!..ra1l and el, • , 1.. tor Line.
..., o hit Ii he do' by dent taint A tint, _red, I sZed ' Butes of pante d , from New York to Liverprad, pay. • •
Lanyea Pltt-bnrri, I 13 a. ritr, 1.15 p.nt
w loch 04.0101,11.10131 . 11 Said Itolatrt Ilannlton, rt ~ use , r I able In gold or its ay. - slant It cm-retry. do n rile, ill- i 1..0'1 •• I4UO w
dirt uak, i 1 3 .11110, ,levart , .l this tif.; wen aftor, to ; Tint Cabin Bso Sieerago........ ..... _ ..... $3O ; Jo Bayard e o-3.1 " 1 6.23 .•
olt Hi tha month"( sopteinher, A k, I Nei, I. ni lag 1 Intermediate lei ' do Alltaure ................. .. I tr:.:. " I 01:15 "
ald will mid testament of aho I, said .1 ollti tr 1 . .... ' P.sot,gers forwaded al. to London, Paris, llam• I d" Mommta 7 1. , t• ' 0-.50 "
Idea was aftorwarda duly qua:ln:ll , i En. ot o „tud the burg, Have, Brt n o
n,o Roll. rdam, Antwerp, Cc., at , do Ilthrwin Ir II " 7 . .Z1 ~
Bald ltdoot Hamill tn. Jr , and Mary A. Mutt., rid, ' the law., entree. . I Armies at Ci. et land 1 9.23 ~ 9. in w
Idabel' , at. law, end drtivary deli kag•A M. 1 Farce from Liverpral or Galway to Nes York ..I , t dm« tut. at Bayard Stith 'I rnearaiem. ranch ft.
'rho tolluo mg real date. watt LB, In kw li rta.ra ' Iksiton, 12s, ra.s, 87A, Veit 81.5. • ht., Pitilmit :, , Ida au. • anal Don r; at Alkalies with
lAA T "1.,. of Hats-int Itork, to aril : Ito too toe at I For pamdm i..; , fdi at tho ,111 , n of the Agents. 191t•lor, re; h, I ott NS ay ne aril ' - bleu,, , Railroad; at
tit° tooth corner of lot throe ~ et John do o A nu. ~ S. A SEA.III.E, 'II 13 roaillt py. I Rai on na wo II Att.., ,e mol l::, M I rt, rn Railromt
...y oboe niet rod t don,- Mom. n.l th Its ,1.- ' Ettrasitti Letrts, Manager. 1 lor St at ran, l.r. . onlle, 31.... Ile, 1 tti•-a, Corry.
gria , and 41 lIIIIIIILIT 101 a 7 1 , . 11101119 0/ a I.o l oe, I or. P. (TNT:ILL, J kith...out and halt...tont at Itmlwn with Cleve
nonce north 43 tlegron wt., 7t. i. ham , to a stay., I Ebening Chnnucle BMlding. laud, Zahn; Ole and 1.. 111111111 Ruilnatti for Akron.
thottru north te , tlegren unt a i hums to a .t0t.... i J . l.l(slyns No. 70 Fifth wow,. Pittsburgh. e otarpo, Falls ad 31 , Iteraturg, and til. tit:inland
from o Ita li a o tote oak 4 :nett, to dinaroter lenets ! s • - • •
.. . . ~- -. ,r. .7 - "/ / -."..-,- - ..1111 1 . ' 3
I ..... Ittiol..o. altd Bufttl.
. , , , L , , I Itit NI. NN rAnt.l 10 LIN.
worth 0 dogretw au ..c.111111111 , 14 Neat t, 11l •/, i 0.111,1 I altill • 0 /. R. R. tor r..... to ty, 1. It il• , tool al:
south' . . dogreni o•rat 10 , kirk. to 0 51 1 13.1 1 b1l . al, 12 . ERPOOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN, i a ith mod. r, ter Detroit
reels- „u 1 . 1111.1111 . 0 t ,,, L10011, 111 .011L11 . 22 110,11,4,1 1/3/4 2 , , rl ' 1, ,. . ,, .. 1 - 1 -, t , no .t. ) The ~ 41-1. ... •1e...". , •-•I . . :,..111,1,11;; , . aud M .41,01- A r to, --
v., te a obi. wait 21 im lea i.. 'Game , r. them e ; Liverpool, New York and Ph Iladelph , Stedash.P 1t !m,rl.. 1.) . .ty at ...t t it. ui
, ulla Ito do,,as ea, 4 3.3 anon., to a hickory I, ' Company are intend-4'ns fo .
llows, ' . . :cm.- e in...,
,„;.,,,.,, ,„ ~,,,,,,,,„ Gan,,. wan, a, 4'. 4,..,„„ ,net S. !'•, CFI Y i tl.' BA LT I>l "It It E.. . ....t unto .130. 3. s t c, ~ ~, ta ~ , I': d. ~
Mato, to a Idatl, wt. .. at, lea th diethin I , thou.,. , cITY OF NEW 1 0111.: 'ratio-dal. Dec. I -I , 'I or 11-.. i: 'I" kom t t a.l prendbott r.onts ( .. 10 i
. epee 7 , logrne cast 2.1: chain.. thetioe watt. 1 ET'. I . ... Aboard.), In. 1'- i rry. un .: at the Idle to; S,• , , t 1,, ~ 4, P. 1 1 ,1,, rgh.
de dt. tumult" wait GAO ;Iran., thClit.e ouuth 7.1 , And "lnr7 sonionning Saturday, want, from Priz' I Isle .11. .h. PARKIN, Tiolo t Agent
on-I we, _.O t: 1,103, 111,1 1.0 1.3.10 ~1 d. gnats 1-1, North Diver• i And at All, ghat]) hilly.
on -I dII . Matt to Hue of lot t two of K 314 SW No . ), . 4.3503 00 F./ad.:IL A. Q CkS , F.I.III.TRY, Ti kat Agent
th , two o ith tho :,theof said Jul to Gm tenter of t ~.. 1 Putuble 6. Gold , .", . 4 . Nr.f.a.". l 6 . 0 . 1 ..1c. For forth, r tht•ruottott apitle to
ta.rue i Run; tlenco teruth n.. 1 10,, , ta 4 . 011 t 3.37 Fours ream ink tar eitralage .t. 30 DO \k I 1.1. I A 'll ~ .1. r .N% ART, A get.,
chain, thenco north 4 degroot and .i. minutes east . do to London.... 8.5 00 do to London 34 00 At the c0n ,,,,,,,q, 0,,,,.. r:0 4 . : ,
~, 4 ~,,,a,,.. titan el
k cltatos, Orono; along the lam of lot. City it.; two , d. to Pnris 95 00 do to Paris... 40 PO ' ~,,,,,,
, 2.) and ono. ,1 I fraud vtllagn of Flai,lug 11., kto Ott , ' do to Hamburg 90 00 do to Had; g ...._
orthomat natter of lot man tie, tla nee avast around I Pwww . tgers wl. forwitrd ,9l to Haim, Bremd. Bot
lot number thaw „t) of Row., s ...ay to the place of Wilinta• nnt.3,7l', the, at tiPtrillY law tat..
beginning, eicept ro much . of the fore- 'keg rei hale Fan , fn.. Lire
on QUOorittOwn ; 7.10. Cabin,
lawtt herstuftwo mold tot:. I'
ll , ,. Hoshead " , and alio so , 17 1 , I.3.3.btearags, /30. Thome who wish to
mut bas hair Esau granted to Moth.aint r., ot3 end for their Irienth. esti boy ticket. be. Si the.
a flanging Rock, au o 10, It then . thurrh In
in . rate.
~„4 .„ .„ a L,,,,, ~,a ~,„„,..„,1„.1,1 4„,,,d s o n, G . Nomrs -The Steamship CITY OF LIMERICK,
Peebles it, tnutt to .1 , 1 for tho l'lnutor, alai 11,0 le,-- of this lice, will salt as an extra steamer on THURS. ,
Putt.. 11000 as vet forth In the Mt, of said
DAY. Dar. drl• ff. apletdl.l accommodatlone for
Ilamiltd, Jr., to maid U. tr• Fiabint as Trost , , I Pan Clad and Steerage Patanniters, at reduced rates,
Av., dated April nth, khan.r payable In r 8. Cm - retry.
The brick part of tha Railroad at.' Coal taro I Fur further infOrmation apply at the Company's
auto In Ilanglng Rock, 01/3 LllO ground upon which 1 Mt., JOHN O. DALE, At:Amt.
them.. stank. together with the land 1)l,,;; le. I 13 Broadway, New York.
moat raw said alma, and the north line of tio , nest " JOHN THOMPSON, Agent,
road track and nabob, or ilt. the .toot mod w its- , Hand street, Ord house from thin bridge.
lines of maid otheo bolltlnig prolonged to ....ii 1 nail- 1 mbi i "f . Plttabarair.
road track.. ! CHEAPEST 1. ssAI.;F. F .
' k '-'
- itiii \ I . &
Al. the following rights, caument. 0113 May, b , '
oit . The PICIIIIIIOII right and prvolego to eon. 111 1 4 1 11 , "THE ''OLD COUNTRY."
any part of renlion el,ou k 11), tow tod,p one 'ln 1
range number tinettan k ite), and or wand scent ~;, I
Pas , tiger. lonnsht oat in FIRST CLASS MAIL
township de (1), rang.. eighteen (1a), (except sot:mm[l i „,..... , a .. y .
of warn 0 . ) .
aiap . ~, ,,, ,,,a raia ~,a i ,, ,, , .i a stl.ll. , from Liverpool, Londonderry, Galway
nit.) for a period .1 in,...) dive t2:JI lean flout Gm. I ' r ' orb ' kin day tel Au a enal., A. It laid, to take Oland far '
Got tine of lid Grove Furunce ur lure,. that iii,'
tl4l bud[ by atild Nonni - ova Furnace Conipand , °it the And by atifltng vessels for TWENTY-ONE DOL.
sa al 10/11.111, blll. for no other me or purple.whataver. I L , .
A, .h. m kunaucy.
any trr all trim tin' drat ma, Lou round 11/.11.1 sad,
A !di to I). O'NF-ILL,
pram... Aka' the tight tawny for teams and waren, r• r• Brewing Chrorar(e Building.
or If mu eltatnl, the pre, liege at laying down a railroad ;
a„.,,..„ Fifth stret, Prctsturgh
track or tea ks oval nay of the laud owned I.) seat!. ..
Robert Hamilton, on tee 15th any of A u r rust, 104, .N
1U /RD LINE.--Stenm from ~ 4
told to pass aad repass there.. ws anon an may 1, ; •).)
necessary to ettabla too propor parties 01 take alai 1 LIVERPOOL AND QUESNSTOW ,
carry to their respective Furnace or Furnaces any
charcoal or oda., ore or other material wh tett awl
parties may hard the right at any Limo to 1.11, from
any of did land,.
Also tho right of way for n railroad tray k ' .:. feet
wide, 12. g feet from the rentrn Rao each way of the
privet, Railroad track, and exteadmg from nut to dt h
east curter of add lot number too (r), of dive s
Survey, to the south line of the wont half of 'h...., h
rent gitarEnt of station dot (7), towneltrp use (I),
rang.; alghteen (la).
Al., the privileges which the said Robert 11.111.
ton, Sr., risorved to himself Au conatruct railroad
tracks taut; .y of the 'Anat. of Itangtur; Rook.
Also the right or way for a datable track of railroad
from ad lot number olio (I), as heretufonrdeacnbed,
along the prearot railroad through the lot upon o bah
the ILolltng Mill stands.
Aim the right of way fora ingot road or ?mind
track across the southwest corner of tho want towel of
the lot known as Co tavern lot In 11.giug Rork.
Ad the limb, wood, rislita, privilege mad ono,-
manta conveyed by Rolx.rt Hamilton, Jr., to the firm
of Ilamriton, Peebles A Wes; for a rimn• parketten
deacription of which reference is mad, tu wad deed,
011,11,3/11 Septetnlwr 19, 15.50. Appraised at 508,1.100, thriaargbis of which aro
'ottani. to tb. , dower annuity of Mts. Ira , het II mut.
ton, of 51,200 per annum.
'Craws or Saris.-Ova thin' mar in haud, ono-third
lu ono year, and ontr.thanl In two ',an, with niter.
oat an tbe defernal payment from the cord matron of
Sheriff of Lawrence County, Ohio.
lIENIIY F. SEAL, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Nov. 12th, Isra. n 02 1 ,3 Tolle
-a: BALE.-1 offer for sale nu easy taros, tbu largo
sad extetwivo Iron Works - known or the "flanging
flock Bolling Still." Thie will IS sititatc.l of Jiang
jog Rock, on tho OLIO river, In the heart oft ho COAL
:and littlti region of Southern Ohio, one build nal and
forty nittkalllthOitu Cincinnati, and imiumlottoly upon
the rialkeltiontslble at all stages of water, nod thorn..
fore I ng facilities for shipping supno to an)
millt abort , this region.
Thls mill Is inferior to W.. hr the Went, either for
CAPACITY or ItUItAIIILITY of finish, being en
tirely NEW and in the loot .if mpoir—is suppllnnl
with ColA L, dolivorwl in tho illlll.l. without any
trouble whatinTer, except unloadingit from mars.
There is connected with the property akitit L on e
of ground, 81.1 12 dwelling houses, all within one
bundrial yard. of the mill. Moo tiro wells of good
water clew to the mill—is streplinol with miwllluery
on folloar
• • .
double flued boilers, 26 feet lung, 92 inches la di
ameter; I let er engine, eight fem stroke,
diameter eylindur; this unglue drives muck mill, bar
null, chair mill, small pull. refinery blast, muck
shears rani stoves,. 1 slide salver 2 Sad
st take,•:, inches diameter, tithing tatter plate mill,
sheet mitt, hammer and sheet shears. I do-me en
gine, 2 foot stroke, 10 Inches diameter, driving latte,
grind stoma, bur and small mill shears, and pumping
all the seater for the mill and boiieri.
Also with 10 hulling, 3 heating, 2 sheet and 1 boiler
plate furnace. Also smith and carpenter shop., with
all the oaccasary tuuh.
This tale to take place at the door of the Vuurt
flows, in Iroulou, uu Saturday, Dec. 12th 11it7:, at 1
o'clock r. a. S. 11.
Attorney for Mary A. Ilempsield.
Banging rock, Nov., 1043-ruOS.
Ila I:Amphora, on the Passenger Bully, Ave
tulles trout - Pittsburgh. on which thus 4 o good
Dwelling House of nine rooms also, savers' other
!louses, all both of brick.. A well of good water to
tho yard, plenty of good Galt, and Convenient to
Churches and School Emma.
for particulars addicts or call un
Sharpstrarg, Allegheny Ooonty, Pa.
Twenty-Five Dollars.
r. 5 ln gold,: or Ite equivalent In currency
FROM NEW YORK, 130 In currency
Balls every wook. Apply to
safkausly Pittaburgh.
IVSSOLUT lON.—The - Partnership
A-, heretofore exintlog ureter the name and firm
of J. It. LINDSAY& 00. thin day doisolv,l by
wawa] connetat. All b . 14 connected with the
late firm will be te-ttled by J. R. LINDSAY. at
Wood street, np stairs. J. 11. LINDSAY,
I have also illepoeted of my intere+t In the firm 01
J. 11. A S. MAXWELL it t'o. to .1. It. LINDSAY.
Noe. baba. J. 11. LINDSAY.
llnring parch...el One inferted of J. Ti. LINDSAY,
In the firm of J. 11. LINDSAY S Co., Ilardwtwe and
Cotl.•ry BIletill(+01; also to the Bret of J. B. S S.
MA X W ELL & Co., Bellowe Idanufart unfelt, the bad
nen will continue or usual, Hardware and ('utl•ry,
by 3. IL LlNT.`ft I Bellows, So., J. B. &S. MAX
Non. 2. ISM,.
.1.1 The partnerehip heretofore existing between
the enbscribers, under the firm of PHILLI I's,
FREW & CO., lots this foy boo diesoleed. CHAn•
LA ol'E II Ala and WI L LIA M FREW twine pur
chased the entire I ntorents of the other pttlent.
The !rosiness of the late firm wilt be nettled by LOCE •
. .
Pittsburgh, August lull,, Itil.
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum,
warm ALMON Olt WELLS, Vonangn connty
slid - BRILLIANT OIL WORKS, Negl,l), Ron.
001 c., 172 S 171 WOOD STREET,
Notsrlthststuding the attacks of Jest°
spectacle Vendors, who aspire to the name 01 Opti
dam, the
Am receiving daily the warmest endorsements of our
clam. All that is asked Is to euamlue all other
Spectacle; then call and examine the EUBSIAN.
PEBBLE ones. For sale by
J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician
Manufacturer or wo Ituastan Prt!lole t‘pectadoe,
Ja9s t 9 48Th ntreet. Morninz rue 11011.11.4
Prime luck Flooring Boards,
16 fort long, rarious widths, for ado by
nol3:ltu 349 Litioty exert
NATio,NAL Ih\ 1
Orel,. or Cum mutat,a or tug Cuttur.a. - E ,
Wncitington City, Aug rat Nth,
Witrurts, By itattifactory et idettc• pax Fj I ,
the nutlendgmal, it ham bcen mode to apAthat
in the County of Allegheny, and utate uJ Penneylvay
Ityo 1,11 duty orgunt,al uuder mud accordiDg
the requiretuentn of the Aet of Congreer, entitled
"An Act to provide a Nat tonal Curry... 7, ',cared by
• pledge of United Stater Stoekr, nud to provide for
the clrenlattuu and rxelentitt ton thereof," approrod
February Vali, mad lens compiled a Mc all tin
pnt.ssiona of bald Act rolutrtel to:be compiled wyllt
before commethe tug the Ranh tug
Now, therefore, I, Broil bleCuLt.ocu, Coruptrollot
of the. Currency. do herelty rertir„v that the enbl
oily Allegheuy, and toate or Cern.) 11 an la, to
an tI t• .ciaal to commence the ilet.... of Booking tui
der the Act nf. .royaid.
In hediutt.ny whereof vituese toy hand
E s , I . nyel seal of the. bth day of August.
j I t 0..., 111 t.II Ni 'L I LOCH
• Uonaftroller of the Currency.
(LATE PI T9nr66u T 0)11 P N Y.)
cArrrio., $400.000, v. privilk.g. to
The Pittsburgh Trust y hating organized
tinder the act to provide . eat Currency, under
the title of the I'lltaT L DANK OF
ri cold reels.. viler its services
for the collection of Nolen, I.:chemise,
be., receive money en ilepedt. , ..! buy and sell ho•
change on all parts of the r.,uot ry.
The encomia which ho ai1..n.1,1 the Pittsburgh
Trust Vompricy, einee its orcatioultien to 1.5 . 4, rill
no bell , , be a sufficient En: tutee that business
entrusted to the new erg:mi.,: tea n ill to - rive the
same prompt attention.
nava,- a cu ry el.tetalitb rorrespicoleure with Banks
and Bankers throughout the e iul r)., no Ls.l tern ve
can offer encored hail!: les te th.ere who do bllbitlV.s4
With 111.
The hcisinrss will be conducted ey the same ow, ers
and Director.
Jame.: Laughlin, I Alexander :peer,
blurt N. Hayti, FC:111CIA G. Bailey
Thum. 13..11, Alex. Gradley,
Timms. Wmhltriam . hamm.l Item
Wm. h. I.: linick, I
JAMES LAUGULTS, rrresks.t.
JOHN D. semy,
Aligtuf StR, 'SSA.
Forum ETC.F.FT.
•. - -
Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also ou Wednesday
and Saturday evenings. from May lot to November
let, from 7 to 9 o'clock, nail Irma frovemhor lit to'
May let from ti to Is wells k_
Dept.tls reeeive.l of all re ms not Loa thou One
Dollar, to o l a diiidend of the peoho declared twice a
year, in "one and Decemis.r. harmed luta been de
clared senti-annually, to Juno and lkieember, stove
the Dank was orgauiled, at the tuts of six gee cent.
3 i ' n ' terest, If not drawn out, Is placed to tho credit
of the depositor 8A principal, and bears the Baron to.
terest from the flnit days of Juno and December, row
pounding tag. a year w ithout troubling tho dewed
, tor to call, or even to present his peas book. Al, nab
roto mousy will donble in less than twelm years.
Books, ountaltilog t h e Charter, By-Lawn, Rules
and W.gulations, furnished gratis, on application at
Patsincrr—GßOßOE ALDRED.
el,. P11.111E411:
Plrrept SOll
John ➢. Maeda.,
Jot= Holman,
A.lex.inki Sneer,
Beni. L. Fahneetock,
Janos Mr A nix",
Jam. livrdman,
Calvin Adtans,
John Thsekofsm,
John [Moller,
George Mack.,
Maur, A. Carriar,
Charles A. Wien,
William Douglas,
Jahn Evans,
William S. Haver.,
Peter 11. Iltmker,
Richard Ildys,
James D. ti,Dy,
William S. Larely,
Surma !yr &
A. LA for 'Me by
lea= M. Puntioct,
John Blarelull,
Junes B.D. 31.ceAs,
A. 31. Pollock, N. D.,
II tll Darrn,,
Wiltlnm J. A.aGIVOSI,
Peter A. lileaelra
Wolter P. Misrah;ll,` .
John Orr,
Robert Robb,
Henry L. RiegWate
James Sbidlo,
Jul; 11.ShoenberPr.
William E. Selmer.
Alexander Thallo,
Willi= Vanktrkr
lt mar Whittier,
Wm. P. W ,, Pmg4
i,7ifj u leno, to arrive
J.l). clairaLD.