The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, December 01, 1863, Image 4

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E 2
Erom Yesterday's Evening Gazette
Another Grhit Operation—How
Money )taken the "Mayor* , Go
A gentleman doing business on Wylit,
street, in tho Third Ward, bas just put us in
possession of the following (ante, which ho ii
willing to substantiato by affidavit:
In July lad I had the luck to draw a prize
in the draft lottery, and not being able to
leave my basiness, I engaged a colored man
named Massey to hunt me a substitute. A
ley evenings after, Mr. Massey came to my
store, and stated there was a colored man
named Phillips in the lock-up, whom I could
get for a substitute. I went down to
the - Vigor's office, and saw Phillips. Ife said
he Would engage ea a substitute, if I would
pay him $275, and take him out of the lock
up then, as ho did not want to be kept there
all 'night. I then told the Mayor that I
would pay any reasonable costs agalnat
but the Mayor stated that he could not
let him out—that ho had assaulted or threat
ened to kill somebody. Ile then told me to
wine between nine and ten o'clock the next
morning, and he would see what he could do
fur me. I said, "If you put me off till then,
there will be so many hero that I'll stand no•
chance to got the man at all." The Mayor
answered, " I eau do nothing till then."
I then started out, and met Massey at the
door, to whom I remarked that "we would
have to give it up." Massey advised me to
go back and try it again, and I did so. The
Mayor said he could do nothing until nine or
ten o'clock next morning, as "some men from
Allegheny had put Phillips in the lock-op for
safe keeping." I then started off, when Mas
sey !Ingested that we should find out who
arrested and 'perhaps we might be
able to effect something. I made Inquiry,
and found a large, full facedman,(ono of the
Mayor's police) who claimed the prisoner. I
told the officer that I wanted the black man
for a substitute, and the officer replied "I can
got $325 for the man to-morrow---$25 for my
calf and $3OO for him." I then asked "Does
it make any difference to you what I pay the
bladk mon, get your ttrenty•Live
dollars "" The officer replied that It did not.
I then went lack and told Phillips that I
watild h r.e to pity twenty-five dollars to got
him otife: prison, and if ho would go f0r52.50,
I would' pay the fine, (or whatever it was,)
and take him out, lie said he would not
take that amount, and I answered that I
would give no more, Is I might as wall go
and pay $3OO to the government, and have no
Deihl!) about it. I then started off, when
Phillips called use back and said if I would
take him out of prison that night he would
go fur $250, as he did not want to lie there all
I then went to the officer, who was in the
Major's room, and taking out my pocket book
I counted out twenty-five dollars' in green
backs, I handed the money to the officer,and
turning to the Mayor, remarked, "I suppose
I can get tho Wan oat now." The Mayor re
viled: "Pr, f certainly l",and ordered the ufil
cer to bring the man in. Nelson was imme
diately released, and at my request the Mayor
"swore him" to =tick by me and do what was
The above is n plain statement of facts, just
as they occurred. Our informant is not desir
ous of appearing in print, but any person de
siring his name can obtain it at this offtee.
At the time above alluded to, his Honor
anal attending to another substitute ease, the
facts of which are equally interesting. What
amount of money the Mayor pocketed by tho
above transaction we do nietspeteidio my.
It eau only be inferretiriithe lawyeris my,
"from all the circumstances eurrounditig the
cuts r
It is certainly pot-gdenaant for ger to ex
hibit the chief magistzate`trtlie-eiti in such
au unenviable light, but as he is now before
the people for a re-nomination, and daily so
liciting bis fellow citizens for their support,
we deem it our duty to publish the statement
of one of those citiztow, that the public may
judge of the fitness of the man who thus ask,
the pabli, to radorte his past administration
by nominating him fur a second term.
Pennsylvanians at Anuappolls from
The subjoined named Pennsylvania volun
teers wore among the number who arrived et
the .. Naval Academy wharf, on the 19th inst.,
from on board the gag of truce steamer New
Yerk, and admitted into the Naval Academy
ho?ital fur surgical and medical treatment:
Sergeants Leander K. Zink, Co. B 13th Pa.,
cae.; Matthew Silk, F Pa., cav, ; Henry Bei
nor, ff 27th Pa.; George Mulholland, P 69th
Pa, Corporals KeiTor, F 73th Pa.; Christo
pher Smith, 34th Pa . Privates Wm. De
vine, L 3d Pa. ear.; Patrick Delaney, P 4th
Pe. ear.; A. E. Moxwell, K. 13th I'a. car.;
Alpheus Worday, E. 14th Pa. env.; Wm. 11.
Wible, G. 14th l'a. car.: John Kepler, 1..
14th Pa. ear.; Joseph limner, D. 14th l'2.
car.; mires" Garton p, 026th Pa. car.; Ames
Bunker, E 67th Pa.; James Kiniela, C Ist Pa.;
John Fisher, A 74th Pa.: Joseph Meeks, D
140th Pa.: 11. Shaw, D 140th Pa.: G. 11.
Char* D 145th Pa.; H. K. Campbell, 145th
Frbe Lectures by Dr. Paige
Dr. A. Paige, the author and teacher or
tilectropatity, will delivor a course of free lec
tures, iu Masonic flail, commencing en Tues
day cvcnia.g, December tat. Ills subject for
thefiret evening will be " Electricity, as con
nected with the cease and curo of diseases.'
On Wednesday afternoon, be will lecture ex
clusively to the ladies and in the evening of
theeamo day, exclusively to gentlemen, to
which lecture, the seats will be free. These
lectures will Le introductory to a full coarse
of Demonstrative Lectures, to be delivered in
Wilkins 11.11, Fourth school, commencing on
Thursday twining, December 3d. This course
will occupy three weeks, and the Doctor will
guarantee to fully qualify ladies and—gentle
men in attendance, for the successful practice
of this now branch of the healing art, either
for domestic practice or for a special prefer
Another Call fur Hospital Stores
il'e are apprehensive that mane of our pre
vie ere becoming "weary in welt doing," as
wo.undrte Land that the last call for borpital
meet the wants of our wounded
soldiers iu the Into battles, was not so fully
respond e d to as hoe been eurtomary. It may
Innhowever, that the importancisof the call was
underestimated. If co, the following dispatch
should awaken a vigorous action on the part
every one who sympathizes with our
wounded soldiers. duct think of it—rix Moos
oodicouoded, and large sappliat needed :
Nov. 30.—Thomas Itaketnell,
esy., President Sanitary Cusunittes : A dispatch
Ot4hls date, from Bridgeport, just reoeiled,
elites our wounded to be 6,000. Largo 8121,..
piles are needed. R. T. THoultu.
.tillegheny Teachers' Institute.
The Teachers' institute of Allegheny con
voned in the Sandusky street school building,
on Saturday—President Squires in the chair.
The morning sosskri was mainly occupied in
thst delivery of an interesting lecture on
"Celestial Mechanism," by Mr. Goff, Princi
pal of the Third Ward Schools, and a lecture
on the " llo , obination of Sabrocals " by Prof.
Osgood In the afternoon, the several clns•es
of lb., Institute recited the lessons previously
assigned in Physical Geography, Grammar,
Arithmetic and Algebra, to the Principals,
Messrs. Chamberlin, Stevenson, Goff and
SqUires. After ant.;nneing the lessons and
appointmen✓ the next meeting, the Insti
tlito :-..trneiL
—The December number of Frank Leslie's
body's Magazine and Gazeuo of radian is out,
cobtaaning the esnal attractive illustrations,
colored and plain, patterns, etc., etc. In the
literary department wo find a largo amount of
interesting reading matter, which will agree
ably occupy many an hoar during these long
Hinter evenings. For sale by W. A. rifilden
tenuity, 45 Fifth street, and by Henry' Miner,
71 and 73 Fifth !Unlit.
11.1e.Exess or M. GEN. Hanos.—Mr. J.
W. Pittock, Filth .treot,has leceived a been
tiful likeness of Major General F. J. Herron.
The picture is engraved from e photograph,
ands exceedingly truthful and life-like. The
numerous. friends of the thsnugobhed gen
enil will be, glad to avail tbecuselresof the
opportunity to . procure coplee,,wb.ich
doubtless esteem its a most fitting 160.1ir.
Our readers ail familiar with the circa/a -
Ptanres attending the death of the late Dr.
McGrath, It will be recollected that the
Cor, ores inrcstigation resulted in a. verdict
to the effect that the doctor came to bin death
front Injector received is a scuffle with his
James Boland. This FC,lfilf,
it was in cv.tleam, took pLice in the doctor's
own i.sidenco, and icsalted in the doctor fait
lug throwu down the stairway.
Boland, who cold not be found at the titer,
gave himself tato the custody of the Corns,
to-day, and ente-ed bail in the sum of $3,000,
to appear at tho smut term of Court. It is
hardly probable that the case will ever come
to trial, as there are no persons interested in
prosecuting it.
DEC. 1, 1863
J. A LEXA :CDER Frtrs, Esq., of lii att.aning,
not content with a little prsctici at the bar,
must needs turr. editor. For some month.
past he has been publishing a weekly paper
called 7 1 , the most intensely cop
perhead publication, perhaps, in the State.
Ile is furious against the war and everything
pertaining to the war, and would, if ho could,
foment a little rebellion at home. Of course
be cordially endorses the opinion of Judges
Lowrie, Woodward and Thompson. It is
plain that ti,e fellow waLla to be a martyr in
a small way ; hut ha will miss it, for noLiiily
will pay any attention to him. Ili.i treascn
is as rile as it c - .a be, but it is nut dangerous.
Let alone.
Inv Excetscii PRUPETCAL AI-n.O: r
floury Miner, 71 and 73 Fifth street, has for
sale a Card Almanac having the above title,
which may be consulted as en almanac for
the seven craturses from January 1, 1401, till
December 1, 2100. It may be found conTe
uient and useful, for reference, for some pur
poses—and certainly it is a curiosity of tabu
ar arrangement-
Il OiI.SOLL COLLECTION.—The Thanksgiving
collection in the Sixth street Presbyterian
ohureli (Dr. Prostlcy.) amounts to about $2OO,
which was donated to the Christian Commis
sion, and r . ." the ladies of the courage
tion prepuce to invest in cloth and to work up
in garments and other comforts for our bravo
J A 116.4 RI, ND, E:Sq., for ~Jane
months employed is the machine. shops at the
U. S. Arsenal, Lawrenceville, has been ap
i..-hrci 1.1 t...o..tant ragincer Ilut.lort
ricer, ,rll.l leaves for C:\11.0 to-merrr.e. W •
ertntr him Artery success.
£7.-A grand ban q uet ail! I e gtver,
on Wednesday evening, December 9th, at La
fayette Hall, under the aupiees of the Hebrew
Ladies' Aid Society.
CO 31 ALERWAL RE00.1?1)
There in no new fratnno in the thnn-wtic wonth
mnrkecwortb) of nherial Laill wiran -
ring. n tati-n from No.4r Y. I
14tP j. 14.4 r, 1, ring ad4riagrd to
fir ULLA,. art, 1,..1 . 41ng 115 :or gold
and 141 Ira elver. I:Ard.:rn excleungn rirad)
igkr hiring and''. t , .., per • vut•, Id,rnit,al
t, E
11211.11 of tire maLuer la xim..ll S 1 rlli,.r I:+xlmllGr
computed wt. tale frtuu gr Th. 1.11.11: rr
,er.,te ro•preneu:ed : • ..rolct.,
be ulna). t:truth', IQ, Loa •.,.“..1•4.
ti4.4i11.4, 14141,13 is -thc pa.. If I:,
lion for .terliti is DO rest., its• 1011 s,
'L.rty.four rants and fur
anti the IrriatratAtk gat it4u, lOU m u It iplra t. 4 H,l
le 8711, [ha: is, Our hundred awl rix ty itt.r reta 1.
e.otale aovuu busts and el,tra cent. I. ti
.Ito hog. ariots , ateator have In-en wade tu c.'n
form the ,outatitors for the t,f
by many onto 1, t 6. p bot thoy I,ithp,;)
qn. , ,A111.• .111%11 1 . 7
It 11,1",„!,40 t
14114 , 1,..1. 1..1,1 at t1,204t1,22 vt, truck..alv ~ f
blob, in E•trt, Lr. 1 11) ,•;v, at -r..t
Ia arDro Itiquir) mArket in ,rat At
Sc bum uddwv, and ait 'rout oud - e; adm
Luali in Idt:Lnd 7c• . ktataa:sl , nt
*I. , bin
::• Lt : • ! toida a•
inn;n.4 :;n4.
r:.. uuy
for IL, tur tklianrl du.
34 a, and
not- aalt, V. the Los,. R C.lffe, ;It
7.5 c.
BUTTER .1 EGGS—Honor Tim w.lll, :lath, of 4
kz,t pro ko I Lt I7' R . 2.F.:; and 4
1,h14 .1. A: r y And 4.. R utt.f.34.24
1... r
.9 %LT— ~ 1.“ .21 0
N.. I fr tir-: linu .. lAA! No 1
APPLM—Tne nrar'nat I- ',al. . . ar:rde
nary Cartaldaraltly, win{ alt—lnality.
note salna or 3W tarla and ?_.7r. V r
larl. Pals of 20 bush dry app.-. pnr laanlral
CHEESE—firm with rr-p t. I .mil.. : Lo. E 1.4 •
Dairy at 11;47, l uv.l M Ilandalrg at I
II Al—is firm wall a j deot-rs-1 and 1.11 little in
mart,. 5..1, kr •1:4 .alts n , E. 36
tott; at, I Ltel.- I 5T.,7: . / . ad 0utt06.,.1
BEINS—JoIt and 0•••41,41...t. th,3h
.1, of - 50 1,,11 ,t Site ,
;.1.1 Ltt3lael.
dcw..13.1, Jr , 31 , 0,
pay Ing t,. p-r
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market
No SO—The rise in k . 1,41,ny ri , er the
prorstoootor of Ooootoratoloof rect-otot•, hood n It 000loot000.) too r
opnrutlnl, In Crud+, and buyer•, gruvrally,
luvre Ingurt/n_ on u .I'l,lll declinr. TI. I, Lam, us rut,
Lean no tuattt lu quottilieua
may h, fair') glnr , to Itt 131 hulk and :7. Y 1
iu 1A44- 11/Cluak,l -the intuit tau, otretatal and
the tettetle liaure atAtal. We Ind, Kale, of VU bbl,
In hulk ut i 5, ITt 1.1.1. rettlenesh 11nd n
ash. of 12.1 or 1.3,3 v paekautat
tuclutlett. A RI& .31 Ph. 13..19.3 in hulk. not hefune re
leatuth nag made 1..
, . toneiderable ;adaio., !at genoo..d, th ,
t. tdr 1,11 , ,t0d, ladaurat. d talyd, and mall
ard. hae a tatntlik, 1.. ,Ariet T-rat!..
e.t.a...lard brand , dreitniol po all, -ut :tr. on natal.
aud Ca - Itaa, madonna. •ao,nr rnnoter4, It in is., r,
fu,.•er.o n mall at W ot, a sale, ~r
NYJ Lnle Ite I.N .rth lor and, at air;
mU bbla “Etondne . brand at 31 , .0 . boa I bin, Tornad
not usinad, at Fan", r 4) Was, ut 45c.
Tnera appeale to 1.. Lo intuatml for Nag'ina and
the nominal qu , Jloll(M%ore 1 , J,r17 4. it
quiet, but firm at tel,OU 1-1.10 per 1/1/1.
The exports of Petroleum from New York lett
Week to foreign I..tela, arra larger than orinal,
aniiintutog th th. aggregatt to Lima) 20,1410 1/hts.
pp, sto,k iu ilmi /it, at meseto, ion as large i.e
had tw,n ' 1, ..111, 1/./ite tatiingseil
lidlogia. 6,/ , m , , , i'
~1 Crud,O,onft it.
hl/L. of Riefoeol in I i/got t o 4,nou bid!
New York Petroleum Muriel.
1):41 , atzll i • Pit lal.nrglr thrztite.
NtIV Yuaa, N•• 1. .—Crude Is steady I,IA. •
rat:4lll.g fr.= 21
tord u loirl and Alin.' nominal .11431 k for
lamdcd, oo the apoi, and scor.4.,fte. Liefint , tt Nap.
may L. ,otttt..t at , 2 , awl cuiet.
Weekly Review of the New 'York Pe—
trelettin Market.
prwte., Exprnsly for rim PltL.l.llrgh uazeu e.)
Ther.- yr., 'ale eoloaderable actin yln the market
fettle:AU Crude and It-cloud daring the early part of
week, when prilTS rec , Tl.lll somewhat from the ex
trema low prices provioutly plush log. The know se
of holders cheeketh,t he . demand, howover, and .Lo
market ban since rule& dull, heavy and lower. The
European advice. cUldhitlO trot - tearable, yet, a fair
proportion of the tales here heel reported "In". on
Loan]." The bunkon for the three days has been
nexterate, (daring the last half of the week very
light) wmprialug only 16,000 Lbla Crude, at from 25
' to 17 centsen the :Tot, and 20 , V3,t7 for future de.
hoary. Moo 1,00(.1 bbls lu Plabvielpfda, by a Now
York brukur, at 4426.a1th1y in the rook. Thu tuar•
bet closed dull' and nominal at 2.5426 e.
lleflued has told to the eitmtt of 17,000 hbls,
ehkay on the spot, at 40.0045,, but mainly at 4l(
+634,1044,6 00 in Phllidifpldn, by a New York bra•
bat, id
al al 60 to 41, thought cake were made at 413.6 k for
apart.. Also %CO gallon in emu at 54e. or free,
azalea Wera.6,ooo bbls at 60 to 6.5 e, newly all at 61
• 431.3000 galleturna tin at 63y, The market clamed
Aptko Las been' very dull, 'with sake of 500 LLL
.r to 13-Ylbr-Vnido, attd ',..1(92.1r0t• Relined, elnakig
and tunalual at 10 to 144 for Crude and Refined.
Nee 21,-,There has neon s derfdettlmprotement In
the Petrolemn market since our last report, with
m. re demand both from expurters and
tad fur :'rude 'mkt. at the el,. advanced an is at
per gallon. Thy toles have been larm, runsprisir,
;,.so t,ble 'soda, part fur c o astut u eth / pm t at, at
r, the latter 11,tuth being bbd at the rl.nie; bats
'Leaned to bend, at :lA,. W.'S du at no, and A.
tat, ft, Refined nt 47qs:A . , out. In N Ira) at
the latter rate. Iteeidlurn has •Itorly at e.5,7:.@
f here !0 rsry demtal fur Saptlis, atat it is
/u.PI,-1 at 224:23c for Refined, and ltte for 'rude. A
11,4 t Ittading for Falmouth and ',tiers a, is, a
barque fur Marseilles at as t'st . , a barque for U.S,. at
us 61, s.n.t three tiehormi re for / s istwisi. p e r.
Irehriits to ',moon
ar. , the :erript.n..f Crud , and ELA
lirl/4,A1 Prtnnleugn at thin port daring thu p.ast wool
Cr ride, 14)6 4,7.0
T Ord, bbla 300
Nov. It —The scaacin edema .d i, utterly incapable
of tea:flirting with the denreelating circumstances
with which this art isle is nut-rim:ldol, and all echo te
to obtain a better state of triattere tiro istWe. The
temporary advence Iv both scrbt tins soon loilotvral
by . corresponding decline, nod any arrivals at the
prieetut moment would IY most inopportune. The
•tocks as thee are, do not all cayerien , c appr,
pnate, or even an expected dimitnition and the
saaluel of the pesoant tiorontunerativi• Neil ion of tirbi
art icio will be found. in the too high inlet. err the
nature! demand c
Carne-115 t. Mare tb, twar,,t gta.tations that Ito hatitletl far Annuri‘Mtl—the "nly traa.action
rocuttled Watt two of 1.5 W barrols at 1.35 15s.
barrobo Canadian, at a nrun. not Id trunvpirr,
nupposall to
ItErtriv.a--3,(0) rank, Ann., Iran, •pot and a., rat,
at In 94 to 10 Ind,clovUr . frvo
OontraCto have born Oleos for th.llvvr) next tvar. at
eadlere option, at Is W.
Ileavrax—Vor3 quiet at about Is hi.
—Flour quiet, Wes :8) turrets ca.tra at
11.:4.50; 100 X X Rod at S6.OJ. Wheat aalca
tai bast - lets :led frac oat $1,.5; '.7.01,12/11061 white afloat at $1,58, and s3,oiXil battlich Ceti
frt. private tartan. Corti; salas 1 car on
track at tor; tad 1 car fn. aura at $l.lO.
ate ; sales 2 cars au track at 73e . 600 bushel adeat
at 73e. Badlay ; sales 2K/basin:le last!, a 1 SI,IS on
track Itys ; msie I .ar front itoru at bi 27. mII
Feed %tddy dnusand at batolo per t. net tla
—flour du . ... Wheat dull nod lower,
*1tut , 41,09. Corn dull an.l 3o lower . rules at
@.9lc muddy . t+ nt 61 . Let,ipt.
50, id !a flour. 314, , .. 3.sOtr , Loeb torn.
yroulpl,l, 1•• tu/NI, ‘.).„,t,
‘ll iyu, 11 •
/ 1.1/ L .1
\ E. 3 Gia,ll., 14.1,
51i Kelp, 3 hhde te.barru, Gates; 5 Pk% I'e e dly;
7 els bee.. and fruit, heigter; 1s dodo Rust
Wright; 8 d 0 do. Wlegel; 7 40.10, lir ler; %bogy, Z. Lee.
10 , 11, Band!: 7h 11.1 e apples, 1. 11 Volglit dro;1 tribe
i.lll I..:hette, Jamb 11,11dIngel, 5 J. , ,10, D Jeto,y; 5
bids apples, liehger; 100 on Lhl.. W 001 , 11.010 e & red
I br., I bureau, Jas Moore; I lirk apple 13.-k. I
Leg rider.B J lienuedey 3 13r0. 10 bide appl.o.,
as P Tanner; 1. do peteb , ev, 1111. n
5 ch. hppkv, Jae 3 1 44.1vee11; .1 beg igdid, 3 bblv sort:J.lnm
zi to apple, .1 h bidevor,,e hum, 1 do
vinegar, 13 eke learley, 11 Druber, 7, 0,1 I , blr. Luever. ,
00 do; 1 330, 11.331 . UMW, 11 A Uni
1.1.1.- apple.. Mt k.1.1..,c11.1 , ,k 2 nit At Auk .1
\\ a rsl .10 th. apples, It I: Ttat, , I 14.1
T Crut hen. r rlas r4.4,+, I. II 1 I k •1r y troll
01,V Lk. 4 1,, .10. tll 100.
J• hrootui. I I,
Stela , 1 / 4 11, 1 I y . .4 1..101 1.4 trca , rye
It'' 14s 1,11 1. 11.01 s W 11'11410r
1 ' , urea°, I bk . . Jas 11,01,1,4; I br, I Al, I
61,1 uti.o.m. 24 OA , 0f0n1.4, NV J .r; II mks w.-1,
I be r
:oho 11111 .t to. 1 Pa poultry, Jolla 12 pkgs
; Wm 11 un:. 1 2,/ •.1, 11, gat., Isar,
k•ra pot:, .Lo. 11\oral.
retaor S .trtnstrong. I ran ',mate., 11 N .1
t, t„ burro, Mr Ch.gar. 1 ,1 1,b1s apples, Mt nu, lA.
app1e5...214-614 aae port, '. .1. , a.,
1 1111 , Slll , -111111 1 ,11111 . r. '.ll l L.,. i awl r_,,.,11 ark
1,1.1, apple., tt Lo.
t:INCINNATI—sta 111%8,-1;0 tc,, e I. Cell
Int .1: 11/0 81111 fel,l. hu.. o 11c Eics, 2 p 1.,. 11l I.r.
17 it..wJ S CO; 1 IL) \\..lfB S D u ct ;
Alarklo S c... 10 1.1.1,.. , 11, Knox. S Parker
to do, Luna. picker dt en, 1 1,2...1 V.' 1 ,,
1,1, S.. 11 nt , l , ,b, Y ck, glaasei wars, 1181,,, 11. rear. .1
5 LL{, oil. 111, k sk • mill fts. , d,
.1 S S 1: 1 .1.15 whisky, , Jon
, 1, 11,81dt 1 d..0i1, 8 t' , ..diser; 211 r .\i...•11, 1
r • 1", J raint, S col Pit Joe.IICIILY, Jon
s sent. fA/
Sr, Ws oil. C 18.1: Ltd,
sirdds, .10 1. , .1, , , J Je,
' !It ..•
rr.rg,• t
I.l , !ryr, •:.. I t.lntor IPA,I
Yrt `rt. thle -Li , I
itsy a liar. r.lle Lynth , r, unit A
e. nvt vu , i ;,:tt • r A
o'INCINS k A• —7.4
IL A J lrer i.. el do do, Vi 11
7 do dn. r..'• lead ,
barn, 15 tin tallmr, At , ).1 lar•i., 2 nn,
lil.lll nog, J 4 .lrartlifler. 9 pkg. , , Menus t
II P., rata.
PITTP3I'.ii. To. WASNIt S Cutr too na11..11,t1., N. •
J Y Alci.earhtin, to bale. lode, W
Pirytiut; Itl do 11cl:try Kant:. 212 t ommo, Seiko
A co; 7b do do, lAtiox 0 Parker, 190 hog ekine,
1.0 bbly floor. riliorsisk•r .t Laug: ILi -km
at,, do, I , Wallace; 10 , ./ bids A..uo, 10e
do do, t•togg S (7enilimulng, lie , J.. , W i tt t
eon; 11 bbl. apples, 2A bg• buck ',best dos., I. H
Voigm; II lots Opel, blhrlr,r S Las., r L
am Sle , Ag; bble potato., St H Smith Sw; lo
do, Little S Trimble, 25 J H Rieletmo, irgA
bmrley, Hitchcock, 3lcCreery pel Lb 4 iloot J
Steeitily At co; PAO do dr., Orshato Y Thommr: I iar
limy. P Alcheley; riA5 eke evbent. .1 S Liggett & eo; 1
summit , . J Aloorliead; 7 Mile pears, Iteketvell, !teen,
.0., 2 dressed hope, J P Henna, al pkge wire•, it
Tootiseild Sato, 10 bole seeJ, Ileemati A Sr. . . 0 .lie
Alcelnritan, Herrin S o•, .1.. li•. t N. °lose:
'au hog skim,. A if artmott.
n,1.npfk1..... "i 0 00 tlour. u k lint•‘: 17 .ks
rlvo, 1;111 Thus 31 110.,
1 , 4 J 14..r0n, .1 , B. I 001 r, hay,
Ylui J. 4" :.1.4% 01.1, ' .'"l Auw,' i. L II
7 .10 II dI 14.1 n oil, W
& I/1110.y, ph As rp . •
Ipble owsleo, J I' M,air J d.n, L.t i'..aurbi,
Caoutz;L.4.. r.O.J, 10 1,14 a J
Adler i ro, 1 , 14, whisky, GuAtnltt . i.Ml r 4: tln., ,
Lv totra , ., 51 , mq - re, k 1.11, I Murphy,
dodo, 31 ' 140 pork blrls. 01111, 'I, 2'47 r.ka
wheat, II 7 lianawly S Elro.
dreerart, Nov. :41-10 J
Herbert; 16 do do, QR . .. t Kennedy do do, A C
T0.,6,6ett, 12.d0 do, I) 1111.46de; 43 do do, 8 Pyre. $9 du
do, I do dry trod, 24) do crier, PralicL A .o, 144
flea seed, M day.tern; II 41. e do, tl Crui,2.; 1 mr
Loon, J P Ilenns k rv,, 25 111. top, 17 kg+ bottor.
1.146 beam. 2du dry peo.clote, 812n1r, Sou ar co: I ILI
butter, 1* .1 Hamm; J pkge pralttro, 11 Trualck;
Lido., Seibert k I:ellrrtomn; 215 olLe coru, J II Sprat':
2.31 do wheat, Il T lionotoly 6 Pro; I 16410 'urn,
II irk ,4)k+...14. 11 Trelt4ly: 1.41-4 ruge, Hoe -
drd A Cottrell.
Those ES were an arlea digh-at Preml
- erae- an Mtn:o64llN, for the Boat family Encino
!(alien, the Bea dfankfunatrim ..I.l.u•traw and the
Eked Afacktua ivy, t, at the foLlorriur eta T yx init,
of ISM
New Turk Side Fair,
First Premium for family mriadoo.
Fire/ Premium fur double thermal
Finn Premium fur roarhtne wort
vCIAMMaI mute Fair.
Pint Premium for family Inacitlme.
First Premium for manufacturing machine
First Premium for machine work.
lowa ado Aar.
First Premium for family machine.
tint Premium for ruituteunlUriur, machine
First Premium for machine wort
Michigan rime Fon.
First Premium fur family tem - him,
Fimt Premium for ruartuffulurlng
Pint arenrime for machine wot k.
(slime Shirr Fair.
?int Premium fur mediae f
First Premium fur machine v., I b.
Pirrioir State FY r.
First Premium for mealtime f•r a. ,
first Precubun fur 111.0.11 V.,
Kestitety Stunt Fut,
tint Prelnitllll OT tuvbin., r."• all po: poses
First Premium for turehtme vett.
Prosaryfraolo tots Fur,
First Prvraluill far unmeant= in,: machine
First Piet/11414 Iv, iroaillifui future work.
Ohio Shire Fol..
Fast Pr. 911.11 n for Insuhlun work .
And at mho following Courity Fain,
Claimant lla. (TO Aviculture: Sandy .
First Premium for family mechit.u.
tint Premium fur ruautifacturing Latithitui.
First Premium for maeblne work.
Chouspluise Fallext (Ft.) Agrkulawal Soddy .
First Premium ha fatally inactrinr.
Fir s t for IllaUnfUtUrill:: M4C4411.•
Firs! Premium for mat Line sort.
Ifermaint Os. (non.) Aprirtelharof Starieet
Diploma for !rattily machine.
Diploma fur naroilme 41.01 k.
Fruarlis Ch. (hr. r.) Fare.
Fleet Premlcw rot family mach.",
First Premium for manufacturing
Qtlo9/9. fro. (X. I'.) dark...aura/ Rocetic.
First Premium far family mitahme.
Wruhroyirro W. (N. P.) Fair.
Fret Premium for leerily mactitue.
Sarctcwo Co. (N. Y.) FeEr.
Irlent Premium fur Welly machine.
Me:Aarac'a Inoratoia (Pa.) lair.
First premium for machine for nil polio..
Pint Premium for machine work.
Tim eimee comprises all the Fairs at which the
DROVER h BAKER MAC'HIN'ES wen exhibited
ale year. At nearly all of them the trailing Sowing
Machines wren in competition.
The welt made upon the Grover Or Baker Sewing
nochino hat nmeirod the Vint Premium at errra7
gran Pair In the United States where it has Imm
exhibited to thiselate.
gales Booms t No. DI 1111TH Err, Pnabwgh, Pa.
011145trairT 4. F. 011ATONIKI", Agent.
N,w I , LLK , NOV 111., 1.43.
Phibtdetphia Petroleum Market.
_ (CeNn 11Pernl-ert , ' 11 . .. ', rr )11.r )
...... I ^
bd • •
.70 rents "
45 etu.a..
Petroleum in Liverpool
A. S. Ma -r.t. •
Cleveland Market.
Chic ago Market
Imports by River
arArt. U. V. hal
At:lU. 1.."1.t•
I I IL • 1
Imports by Railroad
P• •
WORKS.—By Thine of as order of ealo oletsod act of
he curt of Common Pleat .1 th, County .d• Lew
refire, and Stnto of olain, I will on, or pul.lic eu
at the front door of The Cart Hon. in Ironton,
. . ,
On : 4 ATL ILDAY,I.I, Ltl, Any ot I...senile,. A.
at the hour of I P. M., real estate, suit ccinini,
situnts in said Laserenen, and kn
the lime Grose Yuma... Lands, Banging lioek cult!
Worins, with the Itsalrinid, in the suit 01 Joseph S
lieoldes sersto John U. Pooli!es el al., in par - tato:- •
lu toerrahip to, ,„ ran,. :oli:too:1 ,Pr,
rat quarter of seetion eight mull, ..f seethe
time (v), want half of wettou elcem 111, whole f
tees oast half of northeast •/ carter and south
east quarter of section sixteen (lei, wholo of section
seventeen ill), east hall of northwest gearter, north•
east garner and south half of ecetra twenty-tern
IV). Anil in township two (2), range Ifs,
Use following West half of souther,' ,Loegior of
soction •ightoon (In), southeast qu.o for of touthoist
quarter of section (18), southwest quarter of archon
teaventoen )17,, whole of section (19), west belt
tion (1w), cart half of tontheest quarter and wit
hall of northeast quarter, and west half of et.rtheast
quarter of sectiee twenty,2o), west half of south wen
quarter, and east hell of southeast quarter of rt.:-
lion twenty-one (21), whole of section thirty ~
west half of section twenty-utile (T)), northwest
quarter of section twenty-eight (29), whole of suction
thirty-ono (31), west half, west half, west bed of
ti - orthiest quarter and southeast quarter of
thirty-two (32). to township and range 19, the fol.
lowing East half of northeast quarter, east half
and southwest quarter of section one (1), moth hall
of section two (2), east hall of southeast quarter of
section throe (Si, 'anti:tout quarter of northwest
quarter and northeast quarter of section ten (10),
north half, north half 01 southeast quarter of ace
t...n glover (II), oleo part of northeast quart-o: of
southwest quartet of eeet(oe oh ran (11), that is to say
otortmencing at Um centreol sold suction, running
thence south do degree. and 30 minutia. west, 17-26,
chains to a stone lo the northeast corner of a lot at
land, fortuarly be John theme south 1 de
gree and 10 millet. west, 12-12 chains to a stone in
the east Una of said Campbell's lot, from whieh a
Imocl. 18 lodge le diameter bourn north 7! degrees
out IS links and a dig - wood three inches in diameter
bears north 19 degree and 30 flaunt. east 15:50 links,
thence north hi degrees end fir losout. root 17.26
chain. to a stoito ou the east iten of the southeast
quarter of said *action, hem w hich a beech 24 loch.
to 'glamour bears north 61 degrees east XI links, and
a chestnut oak 4 imbue in diameter bears north )7/
degrees tent links, then. north I degree and It;
minutest 19 . 47 chains to the pixie of legintous.
And In MAl:whip gee (I) niegseightoon 11,1 whole of
wation six (9), weer bettor northwest quarter of •
lion Lee (fr) much hallo( moutliw.l. quarto:
IT); else north hallo( met half of evert
half of southeast quarter of election setae , also a
tract of land atetttorl in the zenith half e-ction 101.-o
ill), and north half of section twelve 021, towtoblo
one (11, rangenieeteen rand es lot number
one In a nurrey and plat made for Ilattilltott
It Cole., by John Rowe, April llst, 1854, and recorded
August 71.1, 110'4. Also, lota Lumber. too ono
)31 of rein idot nude sey also of I t+ 1111
beenoturizty ar
..111 on. audit o
001 of the Meg, of /lasting Ito. , am,. att
laud adjohrlng said tillage,W it • I'ollll4. 1:,!. ta
; h.o northvvrot moor of butt! UlibtElg
a otttllvir,sterl,v ....ttr,•••%;.,t;g th , Ittle .f nu;•1 "1r.., r
tha ......almest can, la, • u
—r hi; ty
t Malt. tatrvot, thenct. n voemtvt
1111 r ,;( etrc• t,in the hue of tie .Is./
Wing tuelco fe.t fr;•ot the c;•htt.• s •;.;
; track, Ihrtt. nlouy Ito• lute a tail
Lk nor:headier - 1,. t. iilad 1.4 t;;;:ut• ; •••;••••
• .;fJolnt Iktv;;;••• , l.l;;;; !. 11 , ,
• tow tualtp one (l), I 1111.„
I the egwtorly lanaiiat.l Ira nnud., th;., (t), U. the
plrux of I.Pogitsnluiz, it t—tun .11 th,
;u1.1.1 village of 11.1.4,9: IL; ~J
' ,r1;•orhIs
111 t. purt 4 nr:ttou lx. ul , r-11
thr., , 41. t- • , P•
gnarl r 9
In. ~It Lim euot t 4.• u••rthrn•i
oarter .1.,10p L. •
tb' I it
a 0.1 ItoL,rt by bk., v•rttimg
Atigttet 1 , 111 t ..•.11,
r• t.. eat,l 11.up.t•11. ttutlirtd....ltl„,hti, 1..L.t
Att.l Sll l / 1 . I 30. I.• 140 .; i'• •
iph•tded I .“1 - 111 pat 1 •
!OZ. th •
lit. tAtt.• t • a.. •,,t”.
Is he .1/1 I.y .1...1, du .J .1. •
shirk eon v..,tc.. raid 1t. , !...rt ,r•
•Ird Ir.,.in dr I,mi:4 thr- Ita •r. tr
wit th, rrtr.irth \ Ir I.
• Irv. will awl tr,r.cur tit rr rrlr .d0.1.J..1611
bins yrs.. alb rt.., la Jrl/, r,t1J1111c41,3, / Ille
liJoar.ton. Jr , uA )I.r) Ilrrirr, -rr
6 , 4". -I law. and re. Irr..y
fed volaze••I flntagly: vii , fl.
the nath v.or u-r of Int
vry airvu 1-e.rt .rd In,
• ollttt , I. AX 1;1. rk•t ii•••1111:owl .1 , u 1.11.11,.• •1 'II,
dn - Ar.v. vaFt , ik,n'.ll • I_!
ti. t “ u ti...cur4•l3, ti..p , •• .4, :1.14
t sw It, its :
4 L.. a 1. , 1 y I
lls di.sup.ter. t lnes ..,646 4:1 t
CPA., a 1.,. Vonti 4 : •••.; na:
of turo
- I I, 4=1.11.11a, of .
ortlsvr..t rl.ther .4 IA • I . mt.:. • nt
J• ot nuttLlK.. 4 10.,:.. to Ulu
Lan h of tit, tn,
tovo losivt /f0r.....01d to C. P. 110b , 11.,•1,
much a* grutapsl to the ty
TIA 1,114;:: Rot - 1,-0..1,i. tI.Lor oi,t, It• erected, .1 0,
‘l,l to z11;;1 14a
lantr 111;1 t ft,lll. ~.k••
r :
, , •I•tt• ,th.
l't••• itt t• I lb. , t11r.,6•: rtl
iu tInu;.:1114 Rob utd Ihr aiuuu,l 11 •fl
0.1.0 stanar, r 01th lb
t. ••tru the tatitl 0.u.1 tl., Is. 1•10, .4' to. 1,,
”nd track end Ina 1.1,1 vrzthtn the
t•ild vLtic , titblitt, pr , ,ltt.;•at to nat.!
Abu the hillotrin.; ram uncut, and way , . to
. The em 'naive tight mod prtvilt•hm to color upon
any part of mction eleven tit), lowitaltip 1:,
tn. y•••• miuMet ( mi. m a t o f wettuu (7,,
oe uplut. ••sa• rkzJ,e i 6 tin), t u.ta apt .u, m-1,
of a.• a. ',toll 171 1. tt, the Ohio
rtrar: for is (pert. of txtutotk.jtve t sar
front it. •
day of A ugu.,t, A. D. 1 , 4, to tsar ti,creon
the use of trovn Portia, ••r ro nu.. that
tn. said Pius Oruro Furnace Cuts pony, on It t a
...I lands, hot tar . ti... use or purl.., what, t er,
any or all mu ara that may hr fontel upon
I.retnistn. At., tlte tight of way lur ...own and wagon,
or If so electml, the prt,tlr4e of lay Mg. ~ .a
track or tracks upon aty of ttotlatal owned by tai :
Hobert on tho 01 A agnat, IA , I,
aid to pas, and reap thereon tot on. as um) I.
pace:mall to enable the proper (tart..., to tabu aril
carry to thou reap,,,•tiva Furnewet or Furnace, any
eitart•onl or 1.11111,.r, or. or ollor material which ',Lai
porn*. may hays ttit- right at any tium to take fr.•m
auy of salil
Alm the right or %,:, 7 4.1 r. nailr..tut Ern. feet
.h 1.., 124, Imt hoot the rotary lint: earl. way of the
nt 11.411zettl tt ma L. nod extetht.,, 1; elet the nos th
ettA,t itl ttoti lot number i.),..1 tt..he's
rut ley, 1, the boutts of Ihn ' , et half of the ...tall
heat totarter of turvti. , tl ye, et; ItphtutLap 0ut..,1`
ra' A " t . . " , il ke 'T' pr n tt% ' l%eso h latch the Hobert ih.iuli-
h•a, Sr., reser, ,dt himself I u wt t.,LtrotJ
Its ahtntr nny of the to Ilttatottg 11,1.
Al.O the right or utt„, ntleahh• trat Is of r.hh•....1.1
fromlot Lauber emu., t I), :IP relefete dow t area,
nlueg the prereut rmilrend Llama h te• 1..1 ,i 1• Ol tit
tar aulltutr 31 ill stand', 6
ALA. tbu right a tiny fora x..guu tutut ur
track n w lhu ,st4ttbtr.,t t.ut:u.r wunt 1.
thy 1.4 ku.unt. Cho Lat'unt lot In Hanging Ito.:It.
Al,. the ['tub, uou , l, rio,bto, pfortluKus 1111k1
1114 , 115, Conv..phl by Itubert tu 51,
sof Ilantsitus, l'eebies A Cohan for a utoro past it II h.
,lo.cription oof widen reference v Wk. it. it.
executed September 19, 1b: - o9.
Apprateed ot llass,orso, throe-eight• of which suu
eultseet to the slower osswilisy of Alm. Itsochel Housi
ngs, of tit,'" per annum.
Tutus eggiat.-410. thin! cosh us hand, ono-third
ow ono yerni., and ono-third lu two yours, with inter- !
Pet on the &furred payment from thap~ton of !
0, 4140 1 001 •7!
Sheriff or Lewitt:44 ,
L I.\lti- NEAL, A t.t0ru, , ,,T,(0r.,'
1.40 4;k 1'
L' :. {I,R.-1 after for eats tott 7 */' ,l teitilb..tOttrßt.
an.. , tiettsiste Iron Worktildittlr. , Vwftlito AULZ , V 3 H
MK" Tbi►
lug k, ost the Ohio riser, in the heart of ]hp COAT.
..4•1 I ItOh region or Southern 01410, one hundred and
• •.y ukiiw na
ithiciuti, and immoillstely Litton
tho risuq arcumlble at all stages of water, and there
fur. pusteosslng factUilos fur sh.ppitm imperior t any
utills shore this region.
This mull is inferior to none in tit, ti tot. "al! ,
I'.iI'ACITT or 1,11.141411L1TY of finish, bolt,: rti-
Ural)! NNW and In the Mat of repair—is no pioied
with COAL, &Alumni In lb. 13111,L willw. my
tumid° whatever, uratept unloading it Nu. du ,
Them I. GOltiteC‘Oti With the prop,ity about
of ground, and l 7 dwelling houses. all wlth•tt too I
hundred yards of the mill, Also two well, of tool
stator close to, the utlll-I..uppl 1. dss wit am, u,ory
5 double flood toiler., 28 lout long, .
amator, , 1 Irwir eughte, eight tint •t,• 2:.!. 2 Ito
diameter al Under; this angina drivot. murk mill, tar
chats Will , amen mill, nnturry Moat, sitolt
shears and riparrotra I 111,1 a air* roam,
stroke, tilif Maher dlatnater,cirielng holler plata mill,
sheet mill, !tattooer and *hoot elonts. I dool , lau
gi net, 2 Pant etroka, 10 Incite. dlatnoter, dri i 1.111,,,
grind riootta, tar and email will sheers, and pti IN'
all the won't fa HI „ mill nod !anoint.
Alm with IN ladling, a bunting, litho, act I t , lat
plata fu roar,. Also enoth end oars/enter Hiatt, v , tlu
nit the narroatry
TIC. oar o, take place at lice door of t ar t
Howie, in !rollou t ULA Saturday, ik.V. 121 k, 1e..2. at I
a dark r. a. H. IL):lll'nTEd 1.,
di tornoy for 51.7 A. Hointst.-td.
flanging ~ Ist:3-note.
HOTEL FOR SALE.—The it ,, i , erty .
knowo ae 31EAN011.'4 /10TEL, *float,' an
Fourth street, tietworn /ferry and Ilarkrt tae
Thu lot Is 40 foot trans on Fourth street, 11 a 5 font
deep. 'rho Hotel is a three story brink, 37 / , ,t la
73 feet. The bourn was lately built, and I.
good hnoltirm The farnitrun will bo ~Id with •ho
hotel, If required.
Fur further %girth:U.7, a. to terms,
giik lMo.l 4 4o t l l ;he' ! ifth 'tr".4 or of d B.
Part SaLE,
LX1I:- 1
„L' : 1:,
Jr c
If si t
st Pul ir
••n o F• ti 1 11 . I,
.0. a al, ro ad,1•11.,,, a • .• ia.lina ••,,
and Ft IV., , I
atm. la r, ~
For •41 , . ~ srat.-1,1 •
;roar cf. auunoal ta Le. os the Pit iat. , ,r_.
Fort 11 . the 1,„4 • I II
Ohio ilv•r 7 arm.o.a. F.: r.
noi SALLIE L( l '
r,icr sTuRE FOR SALE,
_J-1 a dosiial,:“,, Weltt fe ti•tt the P. A
E. 11. 11 . not over AXI mil.. from
doing. ! aial profitable trade. TI.•
rinw, and law bra. !lei.' as, reforen‘d . • -
country Ha m all boea purcbdarsl 'or dael,
1,11.4 ft.: hit prided.
The t fr , rprfeh,r h.. 1,1•1,1 tJ rt Lir ri
tha tra Se owitla la 1.1 h. dal', and new
offer. Ilia !kir aalo; ala. • ho g0.,•1 ;•
tiring part, The hauw , law a larire rt-1.
trade, can ia
reiadal. •
will taro', try'r..l,.l W ha, I hi. 011,1.,
edal.l I • reduaal Swirad.
Parties ulshing to I..nuvr LOY yv ticul.r. w i:1 •
ar rnll pergonally ou
LYDAI & g'Ll.ltl'e:VN I.Nt.,
ucl.N 1 . 3
E ti: - C,RIBEit utkr at. pri
-141.• Sal, 011 1110 ht 11, ANL) 7 - rei DA .pie
DECE.V.1.;1.;11.. al Nu. 111 Put,
i•ilo•Auf .111:01r
I. SOW:. nukl ett.i.i.em. ;0.416,,
1. • , .11. .1 {•
,j lra ..
trotil N•r, X I.
Nuper.• r
3 JO :4•
/It, ;lan ;I ry
ry.l 6, IV:4V,, 111
,t,h, ,
...yen), W.. 11 I.• .
.`"t1. , •,1 n. ut. 111;1...• tli.
A. I iau..•
bu.b 3,1
t y • ',lay. 1!,.`.1..
sucht, rll
11 , ji
For a, rat J qr. apply
LA!' R
~..u,.~ .~~~ w~.u.
)1: -A 1 . 1
_l_ - I
W ..ak les.• a: I 11. k•
-ry Plank t•pl.• Tanza,a, 1.40 x•
aivk.a mud a larg.• •.I Tarrlo-.1
n„I" , 1/.4 L-1.. tt.in4 ballt,na
.1. 61t.‘li IM.
111 IT TO IiEN I
A Firpl-l'ln..llutt I h. 1.:•litide1p111.1,
t,ittf .. .„. J.tim.try lot. 1,4
rit }if'
fl: L..ue._ ui'.11.... -.11
1 4 , ..11:)1 .1;,/,0•1
f0r11.7 •iA ,rontl, • `S. rth
UNE Nl , aLi , ,I\Tl
v„/,. o ft
t'••• • ; . .1.
tih, 'HA hi& . ;r. D.ah.4..1 t.
VOR . * :' , ALE OR 1, EAz-E—.4. large Lot
I: In Siarpaborg, ear thr l'az,eFi•rt ii.aCts•
males from Yttlxburgh, -st which ' thrrct inn
owelling /I• . u. of :Ito.. rrri.t..., hev,,L) ..theyllothwe, rt . St k. wrll of •I r
ut. yard, j.irtst) f• arrl •rhyr:ll, t t.
slturrtro .1 WI h
Irrr p..rtierlarr a.b.; rr , •r rt)
G. T. 611.1.1.111,
11',..,11 I
FIN lot I land. 01,1!:1111
7b acme, tint.l 1 Imryn •nt
,q 1 r. , It r,..7 1,, to•
The el.ore pr•-••,4•r•) i, • 1nz1...• , t1. ,;1!, .
ng on:hard rd . bearing fruit tie, ,•••, • •
will 1, n..1t1 ot rt,tounlrle trrin,
For further pal-tic:Nary ltddrcs3
txtt - -.." IC C. 31cMA1•TF.A.
I ! ) I T II)N —Thetne!-'•11
X intin4 1.111 , 1 Ur (IX nquor and
oSAY th. dA)
IA All bn.tin... c. , ttnecl.•.t
a ,111...1 I r J. N. LI\ItNA C
.1 LINL, , AI
•• q• - •d.4l•4“Ater., in !ho
A A. T. L •
N\ is i.l. v•
If l'Ai?l\ ;.liZ,- , 1 1
,1 I'
Li The part..,!..,b r•• el h. th, I , lv , en
riht is .• I, • . 11.11 1.1. t
HA .0111 , •,•1 I 11. : . a•
C•T 1 1 11:1.1,11';
11. 1 / 4 1,11., 1, hII.I 1.7
.% IN .11 , ,1 !•
i A1.,1 10th,
L ocK IL\
Producers and Refiners of Feta oleunt,
tar At ALBION OIL WELLS, Venan, county
01lee. 172 1 171 WOOD STREET,
11°1.W.,-,, i
I Fad. im re g
Pinamoott. I : 1 , , . .- -- -- -
a L 16,7%. ~f lira Wye hue. Ital., for•
-___, -_,_ i :''' J,
•-',.',' s.,•,°' Bar, Dui., do certify Wat, for out
TS 4.Aria SIWIES. 1 )far titer - -,,.' r ' ,1 ' alder `"- , , ' w , der 41 ~,, uryth lug but death from
~,.."ailed liyaa.i.a".A. photo apt.
- 'I,NIEN Zi %V I N 'l' I.; 11. 4( It I I ';,.. i t° ' '''"' P r '"'' ss Led with weakosew and Au m' ; I
~. Yz,,WO if.0..f.'l it`Vilo the Ai . ..Nil.. of aettil- tic-. 1 c't,"id mull ,ale fat my 1 . 1 . 1 1 if / oC.o even a cracker or
•W_B ? learr dill'. tally Iti ~.tetting 80-, 1.3/le, te ,or I i 'Zit o : .amount of food, ;t• ~,t ad roam .1..1 r.
. liir . 0 i nasort.• , t of al It; I became wo costive in tity bowels
that Iwe ~.
I'IOUBLE t' \ I.l' 11. ,, i1:-. . 11 . oat cc , . a P.AL• g lf in leu than from
TAP , d . ,h, 4,. • four an ,
f,. ....... . ellen elght days; under this Intl:arose ref-
TRIPLE do •1•• I th ..":l; any wind accrued . tcrely to give way; I toad
I," do WATER 1 . 11.t0f lilt AIN 11‘11 , 71.1. 1,,,,1, .. 1 horror end aril to adingt. 1 tbottaltt carrY
l'.,, i: it LI: ~,,Li: A N,. i: it it If it t:A 1. I.' .1, k „.., ' hated use, and I hat everybody; I could not
Tb • ~.,1..,.. m.•. 1 .v. -,.., be ..t.1.1.....1 foroisiit. ; t . MY nut , bnrl nor my o children . everything
n.......... dor akii:) Jr.. 0..rrati1...1 • yli• to Ait) i it, ; P 0 • 1 •4 to ho comer-ctrielts Int' 1 Thad au .01-
.oa to do anythlog; I to, t all ore of family end
GEO. ALBREE, SON a CO., , 4,,L... ; t would ramble end • from place u 3
pls.., Int could not tat cootente It that I sem
1 d , ounrd to bull, cod au it there w too for me,
and tea. often tempt .1 to commit , so near
I wor nay Whole ,1,, r‘ 40 as syste, deg ' also my
i mind, from that av ful complaint, . that
CillEtT 11ltDreTli,5 ray fri ends thought best to have me • r.
airkt.ide'• Doerr tad, et West Philadelphia.. ^Mt-
OilLitital there nut carets, and thought I AU a Mk'
better, bat in a f :0, days my dreadful at
I maim; a• bad •11 ever. Head 4 of the wonderful
. - I cures ye tformed by gr. Wishort • Great American
All other goods selling very low. • I I.' , N,rb''..l l l:,: . d . donhtrT.r.4itzfr.t.o,;').l:Vt;
LUTES ROPI 1 Cate to hi. t , y. H. said he had no doubt Le could cum
an. Bo I ~, ifir e , . days otter, I coned and placed ro
w•if Dade
.n . th. Do CLOr • treatment, cud Co two weeks
._ _ .._ .
j r lll Is l‘' ,l ' 'T l l El , - 1 I t " 1 ""' todigeet .food, and felt that my diem.* was
I( t i/\ t A " 1' i' } '; ' sc : Iti anti Iltottirdr (.1 I e Xing ...I, em d 1 c ' utittu " l t° rm ' Y ' r tot ab°B
0 ., BuUTB \ND Slielt,,,;{ „ „ r ~.4,1„ dean ' ' " ^ ad , . 0 01... e nd .at the preterit time I enjoy yet...,
litnithtield Wee!, pi t , 1 . ,,, e aw 1 1'""`'. • ' ' h . . - ......ieh of T adb o d mind. end I moat docent.)
i 1 F a A ). AI. I I ':i kI: ",_r." ---C,-= i 7 21 ''' ;re tri . n "' 7l3 - ithanks to a merciful God and Dr. Wfshart, r
•,, i; •i.s ak CO , IV hole- ; . sad to late pees American Dyapepala Pills and Ina
' - 7 ( Ws and Fee I.),•ehr e in DO ;TS. 13 ' 11 , 4 , 4, .tr , Tree Tar Oordial that eared me from on ]n
- .. r00v CC...1 and /fourth street., Plitebnrab. •. I lure and a
p r ep
pan , All - mil.
FRE:A - 112(11i, BUTVIP.R with Dyryeptia pre at liberty tomtit on 7; O . i , A•
—. 1 •II• 1 will try to do itth i l,seV r l i tnnal lisow.t,
5 barrels ; bamanity.
;0 tubs Parted, to nrriv- •
Wrlllt .4 IV I LI( , ; Brandywine, Del. , formerly of ind Clicvter,DEL'lit .
1 Dr. WllillA111"d mice , lio. IU North Second)kt.;;
',l 1' bbi s. c i - .NS41:•;. J Philadelphia.
• Apples received and for .h. 1 . 0 .43 Groan
man J.ll.
i . Y. 11.0 ICE DIRK . NEW
v_../ rsE.—VII hap to arrive at
' oola - LIT
Corn, of Wood mid Fotirth
RIOTS A N I) SI 10 F.';
4:4117. 7 . F:ng Lant'g Caaera, fq 74 , 1 - ,„7.7 s
," 00
I. .. 11. i
h.a I
•• 1 I
r '•••
H , 'll.ii.
B r 1 1
~~,,, ,~ .
II T u )
DR. GEO. H. KEYEfEII, r ,.. .-„
4ANFIELD. ; xo. Ito nvoDimszszt ..,
itr .,, fii . ant.. 1
.12,3ta.uw E 7
e Acrat for Pithluiegtkl i elWa.
mED fact,.
posrliirii ; Hi — F - bit — niSPP.PSl2
DR. 1.. (4. C. WISIIMIT,S
Dyspepsia Pill and Treatnient
WL , !IIIiT h. 17...4 • Olt ;31..t 1.- t y ,txu,
thr, I.i,“y pa
-ro• f r i++
u.un try aiLd t:ur lM Ile :nTltv, all prrrin
trr in (ru tiro • at, re ta , wr iTa a ran. ur
1 irlprun.
J. p
kirk ILL • 311.
tit , L. 'L
r rttIIDA
m tml .4 I I. h lerumuts
urPea:~.—ai~ , ~. pt~,u,
t t
It. -1,4 j :Ittt tri
nt-Ln. r.. 1.1 c. , atuut .t
vl-fr. 11 coh.ta • • 1•.. t
tr• mkt( JIM) . p. 11. '
I, r 1
t, 1,!,14.1
. rwioul rat!. 11,..Lt
y v, I ••
,4 I i
I ptic tt.r ~•11 •
I, V , nattirp.--A 1.14
• 411. /. s. illO 4.1/1. 4,1:4. I
I t:
r • LCArn.
,".. ••
•r,11,..•.t.t, if %•,! :1114 th, ' •
:•t Itrw
•ii• 1, I tit mirr. .hJecto,
maal Jr
1.) .
~.r) ott,ll
• t 1.1., I VI - r
13) lly•prian
1 1.m , 1.n .•
• I r..“..1 +ay I Y., •
I!. re tame, 1
• - • •••••• "tid tha •• Arrivo s i Bell •
I • 1
op u•• 1.1.• ld gr." lit 4444. . I .
to. r.o; I, .. h. , ,
tout h a Dint be. sun. rn ull :I,
toost lor business ol any 1... a I, nia mit. I was 1,,,•.„„,„0„ oi: d .. d o
gloom) and hob., e . ;
and II 1 all' nti,ts lo ennaAn hair current by a „ • a , ng u A • s a....
oar', a s.usatiou y coldusssa, in con- F1..4k us.? .. I ..: /......
naellon is•tb a dead at. phi, as it 0,0, r ...h a l upon Lt,1,1,,,t
niY Levu.' also a hurling of sinktoss wont 1 ixsur nt
mad grunt pain to my syse...mipahitsi
wit;, which was thr coatlutial feat of res. • ,
o. n, I also esperienaed groat lasaitude, lability and g . . yeaa „ .
rro Lioness, allich made it difilrult to walk by day "I„daaa ir I! •• 7.30 "
or de , pat night, I became averse to society, and Arrive. at Clesel..nd ..; iFLIn ••• I 0.10 5.
Lop., al Lally to aecinslon, Ana hating trios the atoll a .,„,,,. 1•• • „,.,,,d •• , • ,
New4l44 Ca.... /,.‘t• Wit!.
Illsany conic to .hu conclusion that, for this than..., pk •a g„ rg m , yz, • • .
at my present age, 13 yearn, I:Fors... no cum In CS' R3t1.11111% with Atlarll.coil 11 ‘t 1.1 Idulardad
But, through the ihtsrf,•reneo .4 (or Warren, I:1 -anti!'-., 2l. Curry,
Pro,' blocs,. hi alum 1 doroutly offer my thank.,
an • 6,„:„,„ ; ,„ ••;,,,,,„, „
last wood a tavernign remedy is your loy•peps. laud, iruu-n• ‘kat,j,
Pills and Tar Cordial, which weal to have uffectually togn „„.• 31 „•,,,,, aa, slemon
rens led alui.t the last trace of my long list of „ r Ii r . ••• r 1 . ;; „ a „,
111 r LW 3.171t1 bad footings, and in their ' , Lacs health, w,tFt l ; g ; it ; • dr , ; •
1111.11•11 re and contentment ars myeVVI, day C... ni,r t.
•. taa North Oman' stn . ..t Philadelphia .
forrusrly ‘.l Woodbury,S. J.
;L. , .•
••• W 1911 ART'S olihs, 1 a::1. ^,•• • usis l'. m. asel ...:11$
in 'huh lid..
'Fitt t., • - dh • • ,
A Primitive Cure for llyapeptin. i'k 7 • •
it ar she! 'lr. Juba 11. Babtack rays: And at Allegheny
No. Dz., (Airs ntretd,
Philadelphia, Jana:. y 4b.,2, I , Por Partin , tuft runt:., •
n. i'•• in tar - It In with much dual W I LI.I 1... 4.1.
ant ahls to Inform von that. LI the use of your L At! roispan•••• . • :+f •
.•aset American Dy•pepsia P•ils, I 11311: ZXVlll•latire• nolo.
, 5 cat.' ..1 atint tuaat distressing
ma. I had been grievously afflicted for the last •
1,11/15, Will for ten ysiun of that 1.1.111 C I
tda .• t born .res ita pato ono Yea: at p tu, 1,1 : Ls ; i t ,NA B N
1,..• had It Ir. Its worst form, and luta, drag. • 1 ' s
111.1••• S nanwrabl existenee—in pain day and night.
•ery hood .:1 1 ate 1111,1 me with pain and
•I, .1 luatte:rod not haw light, or how mall
.% .1 belching sr.. Ford to 0 , 11. n.
I . •LI appetota 1. - any kind of mat, as hates r
• : ••••e L.; • great fora.a. al us di!, 1
I i• ea. •
et a. ur P:116, tint I Sr-IF:catty arie:•.4l
. .•ih. I; nes, thing that I h , ,,
• ~„,. ,• ary nt Tr. y kr.T;; 1
k c.a..a.• oiled to can try utle or toe w• • •
L .• I :••• • to. r •ii. hided „rite 3 n.hir'll,ll eitF. Doha.
ratio It, th ".- T" n'S aatiafach.s, r. men. a it: ',tied to
I I . lting totter bofors lb.' , ~, •ia - s• ti'_. Iso ..*- i• a. pier tiros
1. .1. and. after tat, lug t'd a l o.; : a 1, pa, •dg ; pit le ,a•
tit .na ioa. lit.F n duly
,„,. „. a „
."na kn i`a• I idd t io pro, hie a Na11t,..0 1 prKlif,ti
• ""Y 4".5. a1l f itited iii•••••• , .•• _nide •.,
J'Ai,a• I A , aol d, Fo be. nivii.elni•••
P. /ale at H - 1 II A TIT'S Vedas:lt 'F" •
. o th e
P ti. „rot „1, 111 L..„ 31. i 1.• C•angtrial,
i r "" el' Vs-reray. 1••••••• by ofy :bus the said
Dy 'pepsin! nyegepal hie nee of Hanting(ter
• r ch. 'for the Act aforesaid.
sac"w"l'at•"'rissMatil,n.:gotin"Ye'ne"untdti''. "r
• whereof witness akyltand
"I t 1. sad Kai . office, this nth day of Acgoat,
dhwarn, I , y • is t.i*CULLOtII,
• 1,4 rAr Caritury.
, • • L „., oey
- In yet:Din en,
• -tda ,
: mu any ~..d,a nd ni.entuasa I .
J,•, dale ..r (LATE LUST C , .IIEAN I
.1.111 . 6
1 .i• ' , 100 , e1.1 1.0 tr y our. , Jarrrat..l , :' , Lt )0,4 it)u.n tr tworwaaa
his il• I ratied OD lir. ‘Vielort, and t tor , 1, alt II • ,
hne. • a... I :nos dbal not halo tr. at' Isal
, Pt •• Ih. '. .dated my ruff, Lint. to hlui. the l a r isbhrglo ''''j °r .P' -ir ' i
• it failsd ri to me of Dyspepsia, an ale act toTr., °Fn. et.r,nry, Tinder
L In • 1 poi at:: ti O of the EilL'iT .40N At, BANE 01 ,
nn' l o , ta•dinsno. -ind n1.1111:11 I had be. urrrimuicu. 1. , .15 .o.!e.
I'r ni :,loon' ,cry Cr, thin •lat , • o r
••• Iyand U.... • iptiow i uivo Invory d. posit .1 r.a.,
ha Nil., 1 0..1 thnts c•i• tilt 1.• •
• d hn.Art '. a. -en .L.,1 atisnis
aa any lisr""ii ta Ow 'lnn. P-I.oeylrania, aal la sur, o*
tinny ilaa • a to, n I ;as tie ses fit .- "-so i, ••, n• ,
mitering as I sari .1/4 1 will ..
suit •••.
'V •an•l a Are l tinol. w
'-‘,”! . WWI." I
I 1 - ..liove. tin. • my tyrn. „,
Lot,: 1 , :,11 , , , ,LA wall any,: sr , • . at..., 0 .
r ,
I:r. AViallotla rS oft a. ry Las, c.
Offino honne from a. ,„
till. end f„..„,
olutin i Dysperml
era after Mt.\ - ITE:411-aL
RAILd-t.“— I , III.YTh SINS.
T!..0 A.`4 . , ; \ :
10.1.0 Slath,lL •!..r.2/1
t!or.4 yr I l`bilakielpll4, tntl. mkt
Sow York ..:1!
Ilk • TIT Itt!t." , ; ti 5!4,4 Ytt.l I N Station every 11.1,111 . 1,
.11,1 At. I
Tl, TIIIIOT OH . P.Y. - -tO TIIA:N la, 4 • at
+s. p 171 . stopping ott/y at 1,11.11,1 1,, uaktac
.11r , .1 1 1 ..41...4:11.-n at 11.urrot•or; 1, b. Ittototo tanJ
Wtothiturton. Anti for N.- Y••rL xis 't !lot route
sot! I•l4lLolutphia.
I.AnT LINE leavos tttr Statiou daily • xtati•t
outlt9) at t.•.11p. tut. toopion e t only! pritactrual tou
•l •ro•-••-tin,- lot Iltottruatt • •
to at r01,..!,1;u,,, Ntut York.
t 11•,
n 4
• yl lu S.l". r .
ru.•t. ~‘ ..t plat
a.. 1 riaalitlaK v v I. vontr—,:,;,3
mV Arcurxmoghtt,a Tr 4.3 •• V
Tlaid • Tra,,k
,latily ...gtept ~„ 0,
I,.talth .I , onucuotint
A ,
- t 1,
k n
- .
I laa e Nantatda auaaaan.kaaal la at... t'‘
1 la a: .1 Va . .tira• Strataa.o Al a
drart• 'a•h Wall'. caatuati a au
. t . r p
Cape. es .111 h , uL 1••1111.1eli,nuf
Kap: if lA. ~e k
b ; i. , .a 0.......0t.aaaxt Blairs•
lilts, i , itr 1,11 Aa . ,.aaar ad dival.
TLc pa
1. 11,0“ •-
i 11 iL. I.d;dr
r Iu
a.. • ll'.
-iM In
it ino W VD,
t ;le ,',,n•pauy
, I'l Iti 11 1,4, it)
rettpoul..ll.le. fur ouly,
.111 1611.11L1
Onunibun Lino Liu
lioggogo to /1.1 from din U.
nen,cur ruld boggagt. r ;0,1, ,
J. STE , . ..1-f,
At tt, 1 . 4
I•ltAiion, on L 14'1,1 -i - •
r FAB IA • - t
\VHF:VIA NG 11 Li:.
a d Vi !• TF. It A 11. '.I.NT. • • J• „
31 ti.N u.l F. Nirr int., C.:, • J.. T ..• ;
OF Pli I , Hf liGll
itunei-u/ :4, lilt ma 10 do i•.411,,r1
vo 1.1 tb , .
The Librium...7lllhp contact,: c, 4me 0111 , xn
sad Dar,ddri.
Jam. Lorghlin,
Hobert S. Liam
Thomas Dell,
Thomas Wl4htmon
Wm. ti. S hoick,
30111 4 P. SCULLY. Cr,
rth, .:.
1101.1.,1k VINGS li.. i. Ni). 65
T 0 1 .1,11 SMSZS.
Open dviiy from 9to 2 o'clock, abv Vit , lakl2•ol,,
and Saturday everitnp, from May IA to lebvtizbe ;
Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November: 1.1 48• -
M Lit from f, ton , i'clock.
Ihrposita received of all myna not Its than One:;
Dollar, and a dividend. f the prears declared
year, In June and Decorah., lone rev. has LA.V2 •
chard sonii.anourilly, In Joie and liercniker, art,:
the Bank wax, organ laod, at 1M /Ale an jrer aat..;:`,.•
a tour.
Interest, If not drawn out, Is pL ed Io the orcf4;
of the depoeltor as principal, anti bean. tl.e tame
teregt from the Met days of June and December, ~.emo
precreuling twice a year without troubl fug the depori
tor to call, or even to present his pub At lb%
rate money will double in hers than twelve years. ' '
Books, containing the Charter, By-Laws. Bulea
and Bogulatlons,, furnished gratis, on application OS
the office. •
. .
PturArnrwr—OEollCl: A LISREt,
John B. Mer.l3., lAA+,
3ollu 11.4111vA, Jobe. MarAs.ll.l,
A.kaAuder .siocer, . Ja.m.2.11
Braj. A. 31. V..
Jam. 31cAulcy, 1 DUI Lurob .
Jamey fler3mmu, Wm/:.u, I. A ne..4A-Ans,,
Cairin AAA:Iu,
Join. O. BackorrA,
.I.lm C. BIALUtIy
G,orgo Ill4clc.
Alono.A. - Clatkr.
Chador A.. Colton . ,
Zaht Enna;
Itlcilial:o4. -
Cza.a ax y: 1
,pigitthslena,to;anne , ;
. .
7'• ,
1.1.4 ill
1 , .11. 11,..11,..
1 F. t-
t) yil afr..A
8b tilt
1 aillt% rat
t Rktfsbctrj...t ,
or ,
Franck G. Vql - .lr
Al.. Bradley,
• , :c..ra.:•,1 .
Peter d. ?Iv!elm, ••
Wale., P. Panzetra,•• •
John Urr.
ISenq 1.4.b0rt
L. Bings7l4 - . ,;
.11uncs ELWIN
Job.% 11. titurniberkitifikE. , , -
Vitllllaso r.
Menu:ier Timire,';'l,..
Wm. P. Vkleeis,
o r ia..u. Seta. ,
...;411/6.8. aktat2.s...