ME Obshargh 03'azttte. 11 - ; -- RT - DDI It & 00. , maruzro.. SVIVIIDAY MOKNING - NOV. 28, 1868 Judicial Nullification We have spent about as much time upon , the opinion of Judge Lowetc, as most pee- I pie will. think it deserves. We cannot take leave of it, however, without a word or two upon the objection that the power to draft is incompatible with that 'reserved to tho States, "to keep np a "banding force, to secure domestic tranquillity, suppress insurrec tion and repel invasion." Judge Loweth was either ignorant, or very strangely forgets that all those are duties which belong to the General Gov ernment exclusively. One of the objects , oxpressly recited in the preamble to the Constitution itself, is "to secure domestic tranquility." The very section with which this law is claimed to be incompatible, ex pressly authorizes Congress to call forth the . militia to "suppress insurrection" and"re pelinvasion"—and the Tenth section of the name article provides that "no State shall, without the consent of Congress, keep hoops or ships of war, in time of peace, or engage in war, unions actually invaded, or in each imminent danger, as will not admit of de lay." It is clear, then, that instead of the reser vation of a power to the States to keep up "a standing force," for the purposes enume rated, the objects referred to not only per tain to the General Government, but the States are expressly prohibited from keeping any suobforce at aIL What, then, must be thought of the argument and the Judge who employs it, ass reason for denying to the Federal Government the power to raise an army by coercion, in ord , •r to save the Union Would it not he well for him and his colleagues to abdicate, and go back to school, for the purpose of learning what the Constitution is, and what it contains? , -The clause just cited is an answer, more- ! over, to all the other objections which we I have recapitulated, in the fact that it shows 1 the militia to be, in the view of the Consti tution, no soldiers at all, but only those of I the citizens, wheare capable of bearing arms I and out of whom soldiers are to be made when wanted—and no more than the passe eolnitatus—or the constabulary force of the community. What difference though they be enrolled and disciplined? That is for the convenience of the General Government only, as being the only power that can ern play them. What though it may take the soitofe, and convert it into a national force? I That is its only legitimate employment. What though it may take oven the Governor, i and' the Senators, and the Judges If wrofig as to them, it would not make the law unconstitutional as a whole; but what arc their privileges above those of other men? What though it Confounds the reg ular array and the militia, by allowing the President to assign them to such duties as he pleases? That is the necessary conse quence of the process of absorption, if the former is to be made up of citizens, instead of But there is another consequence which is strongly deprecated by the Judge, and that is that it would render the States, and the political party of the minority, defenceless I against the General Government! And here we have, for the first time, the enunciation of the doctrine, that one of tho objects of the militia organization is to en able the States, and not the States only, but the political party of the minority, to citfind theinselves against the Federal authority, whtnever they shall,choose to think that , they are oppressed by it! Mark the words! They do not stop at the idea of State Sove reignty, on which the rebellion is founded. It is not the ruling political party on!y, but the party of the minority, which is to be ren dered defenceless by the absorption of the militia. btvattra objected to the draft, in the name of the people of the State of New York, whom he mistakenly supposed him self to r.present. Lownts., and Woonweart, and Trtonrsos protest, after the election hod opened their eyes, that the nunority have right to defend themselves by arms, and that the: corapulsory enlistment of Copperheads, will leave them without means to-wage any other than a judicial war against their own Government; and therefore they insist that the law which compels a Copperhead to fight in the armies of the Union, is IMICOLISLLIU tiaIIti, I 4 is a little curious, however, that these gentlemen draw all their erguments, not from the letter, but from the spirit of the Constitution. They are estopped, however, in this direction, by what they have already ruled. When they decided in the cases of municipal subscriptions to railroads, that they were not contracts, but only an;:exer cise of the taxing power, and that this power, although resting on no express grant, was illimitable and uncontrolahl e, and its exercise not subject to review, how ever unequal and unjust, they scouted the idea of a reference to the spirit of the Con stitution, on the ground that this was too vague, and there were no words to forbid or restrain it, although it involved the power to take, not a fractional part only of the property of the citizen, for the support of. the Government, but the whole of it, for any purpose whatever. It will not do, therefore, for them to change their ground now. If they did strain a point then, for the benefit of the money dealers, against the people here, they cannot be allowed now to shift their position, merely upon the principle that it is their duty to be, at all times, in an attitude of hostility to the people, and to the great doctrines of civil liberty. We cannot take up the opinion of Judge WOODWAILD, as we intended to do, without tiring our readers, if they are not tired al ready. Its key-note and spirit will be found, however, in the base and unmanly sugges tion, that this law, in its provision for a commutation of service at $3OO, presents "the first instance wherein a burthen has been laid upon the shoulders of the poor." Such a remark might have been pardoned in a third class. copperhead newspaper, or in the month of en ignorant or noisy dem agogue of the same type; but in a judicial opinion, from a man claiming to berespect able, it is without excuse. We are not sor ery,however, that he has spit out hie venom In ibis way. The people will only the better understand the motives which actuated thoie gentlemen in the impotent decision which they have made, and will be thebetter prepared to call them to account for the mischief which they intended, wen the sup—', pression of therebeliicrn,;aadlhe return of .11 - MERCANTLLE . LIBRARY ASS°. peace, shall afford the leisure to separate the u - v , ' CIATION LY41.01..E5. sheep from the goats, and mete out respect- : The Lecture Committee take pleasure In annentic tively the rewards of loyalty and of tree- the t h e t h . anatta l eour .s or L'''""" all be op.a. ed by Mx. GEOUGE VANDEN/10f f. The re sort. Gratitude and justice to the soldiers, , mitt. picot to make the coming oimmo of Lecture. who have borne the heat and burthen of the ; 1 1 ,7„.„7, Ac t ke rt, ut t y kt t dLu t r: o rV, the „ ci ;Nr d r e ; strife, will then require, that the men who ; be halfzet t i he thz . mt i r o nf . of the Committee or denied them vote; and then endeavored to I NEL VANDENHOFF prevent their re-enforcement, upon argil- I Will read at CONCERT HALL, TURSDAT TEN meats such as these, shall be dismissed from I INo, Dec. let, Dulwer's celebrated play of the employments, and stripped of the trusts RICHELIEU! proved .ii Dickens' Sl,,tch, rs arranged and read by bun and honors of which they have themselves so utterly unworthy. • Volunteeringin Indiana—Gov. "for- ton's Appeal. We have already, on several occasions, drawn the attention of our readers to the energy and seecess with which Indiana was applying herself to the work of raising volunteers to fill her quota under the.Pre eident's:call for 300,000 troops, and so es cape the draft that must come to supply deficiencies in January. Here is an appeal, just published by Governor MORTON, which, like many other previously mentioned acts of his in-this work, might be worthy of im itation in Pennsylvania: EZEIE I appeal to the men of Indiana, who, from age or othercauses, are unable to volunteer, to come forward at this hour to the help of the country. If each man will attempt to procure one recruit for the army, many will succeed, the ranks can be filled, and the Stato saved from a draft. !Sony are able to make special arrangements with a volunteer, in regard to supporting his family or providing anincrease or bounty, and cannot serve their country better than by so doing. Individual efforts may in this way work great results, and many be repx minted in the army who are unable to go themselves. Persons procuring volunteers as above suggested will please forward to me their names and residence, that they may be entered in a Roll of Honor to be prepared for that purpose. 0. P. 34011.7X)N, Nov. 28. 1863. Governor of Indiana. • An Eng!lab Clergyman on the Amerl. 1212101321 The Rev. Baptist Noel, once a clergyman of the Church of England, and chaplain to her Majesty, from which positions be seceded to become as worthily illustrious in the ranks of dissent, has just published a book entitled "The Bebtilion in America," of whose vig orous championship of the free cause the fol lowing is a pointed example : 'Some writers deal with the United States I as flee with a horee which has been galled. The beauty, fleetness, force, and good tem per of the animal are nothing to them. They are.all eye for the sore. Pouncing on that, they suck, and suck. The Bore is everything to them—food, delight, triumph. So they suck on, and, by their hum and flutter, call a swarm with them. Others are like mosqui toes, who 0.17 exist to sting. Whenever you hear their buzz, you may be sure they are going to insert their venom semewhere. Sometimes a correspondent, led by his princi pal, seems to mo like a bulldog led by an ill looking owner. Both are bent on mischief ; the brute is never to well pleased as when he can make his teeth meet In the flesh of any one; and the master grins with exultation to see the prowess of his dog. Hatred has been ex alted since the beginning of this American rebellion to en unusual eminence. We used to think it one of the works of the flesh which exclude a man from the favor of God (Gal. v. 19-21), and then we supposed that charity was a virtue. But all things are hotel against the ' turbulent De mocracy.' Hatred, therefore, is put by some Irritant in the place of charity. Their creed in writing of the Yankees is ' Though I speak with the tongue of men and angels, and have not hatred, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.' Now, abideth know ledge, talent, hatred, but the greatest of these is hatred.' The character of Jesus was marked by the holy-Spirit deseending upon Him in I the form of a dove; but the inspiration of j these writers, though they call themselves His disciples, would tn rather symbolised by , the vigor of the tiger or snake. The endeavor ' to prove to them that the people of the United States are as much as ourselves intelligent, orderly, patriotic, and humane would be like I trying to prove to Herodias the excellence of John, or to Calaphtut the divine miesion of Jesus. If you give them evidence that the elaveholders are made by their system cruel, selfish, imperious, them th e ando lees tyran on thatnical,t accent.hoy do tot seem like Pharisees did not love Pharisees the less be cause Jesus revealed that they were like sepulchres, full of rottenness underneath their gilding. Why should the rotten dislike the rotten ? "I should no more expect generosity from such wrirere than I should gentleness from a boa-constrictor, or fragrance from a entsmon I sewer. STOD their charity has bitterness in it. If they deplore the distress in Lancashire, it is that they may make you hap the Ameri cans ; if they lament the bloodshed in the American mar, it is to secure a triumph to the r..l.ellton. But if any American meets with this volume, let him be assured that we are not all of this stamp In England. From Lord down to the /Lanett weaver* ix LonenAirr, are Irish welt so , the United States; and ehould it please God to restore the Union, we shall rejoice in their prosperity as sincerelg a we do in our own. Leaving the flies to such sores, and the mosquitoes to sting, we shall thank God for his blessings to America, as we do for his goodness to us." GUERRILLA Deragnarrose.--The attack of the guerrilla McNeil, made upon one of oar wagon trains between New Creek and Peters burg, on Monday of last week, was more dis astrous tone than was at first supposed. The rebels destroyed seven wage's', took two hun dred and twenty-five horses, and quite a number of prisoners; and worse than all, they killed three of our men, including Lieu tenant Hardman, and wounded nine others. They would have done much more damage, but that our forces were within three miles of tho place and the rebel" hid not sufficient time to complete their work. IT is related of Madame De Steel, that on one occasion when assailing the defects of the English language, ebe said It had not a single word or phrase which conveyed the idea of the French "sentiment," upon whisk Lord Pal merston replied thadt bad, and on being ask ed what it was answered—"lt's all in my eye and petty Martin." De. C. H. Ray, the originator and chief editor of the Chicago Tribune, has disposed of Lis interest in that establishment to his part ners, and has retired therefrom. Ho is one of the ablest newspaper writers In the country, and the readers of the Tritoue will miss his pointed and sarcastic" min.—Chimp ✓oeroeL Tux Missouri Senate has passed a bill re pealing the old law prohibiting whites teach ing slaves to road and write. The Senate on a test vote iras tied on the second reading of the bill to oall a State Convention. RELIGIOUS XOTICES. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, ALLW amnrr Orm, ELDER JOSEPH KINO, Paetor, meet m EXCELSIOR HALL, corner of Federal and Leanxk amts. Preaching every LORD'S DAY, at 103 i a. in. and 7 p. in. Prayer Marding WED NIXIDAY EN DAY • public axe mrdlally In vited. • no2sat O.THE FIRSTCONGREGATION OF DISCIPLES, Of Pittabmwb, mail stated ly, in Gig IRON CITY COLLEGE BUILDINGS, corner of Penn and. SL Clair streets. Preaching LORD'S DAY—Morning and Evening-at the nen4 beam Sunday School at 23 teekalt p. m. Prayer Meeting emery WEDNESDAY EVENING. The piddle aro ragman:Lily invited. poo.sat CIONSIGN Nrerra %.../ 15 bola. Mat Houton . 75 bons extra largo Goshen Qum; 60 do do Hamburg • do; 100 do Zoglblx Dairy Chem. 757 7 Am' ; 75 Obis. ,s e h!„,i 25 do .mo Beans; 6 do mooed; . 90 do Turolm 10 do Orantrorrin; 10 do Onions; Jost mend and.for ulo at 3..146 Second suet. n 025 TRINE VAN GORDIR. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER, the bat tad.: Another Lula aunty just re calved. Call and pea them at the /ad.* /anbe. to. pot, Na. et and 211 Bt. Clair street.' 3. k N. purntes, not. 8010 mato for &leeway - county. PIIINLIC JMOTICES Was. 0 ASIP Rijn Ingle Tickets 25 cents, to be hod at the usual Isom. Doors open et 7 ; DeWitt; toccrennience M i7i. W. U. KINCAID, Gconos W. Wsnisx, SASIUgt. A. Lona, Twins* BAAL. ELL, Jr., WILLIAM W. Ws an, User M. Ariroou, no2M:t4 Lecture Cemmittee. COLLECTOR'S N crn CE - -The Annual AsseesinerdsLlst for 1863, containine Taxes on Income, Oliver Plate, Carriages, !Lc., and License Duties in the 4th Division of the 22.1 Penn. District, comprising tho 6th, 7th and Bth Wards of the City of Pittsburgh, and Pitt Township, except ing that part north of Penn street, has been reenived from the Assessor, and the Taxes, an, now doe. I will receive the Taxes as afot,..eaid, at the office of Aldermen BUTLER, No. 120 Wylie street, from the hut day of November until the 15th day of Deoem• her, 14415, inclusive, between tho hours of 1 and 5 r . after which time the penalties prescribed by the law will be exacted. 101111 A. SERGEANT, Deputy Collector 4th DITLIdon, 224 District. no2l:e6d4w a ..BATTERY H, INDEPENDENT PENNA. ABTILLEBT, (the old Nerhe's Battery.) Bounties 84021 and 8302. Recruits wanted for this well known Pittsburgh Battery. Also, • BLACKSMITH wanted for the same. Recruits enlisted tor an) Pennsylvania Ar tillery, Cavalry or 'lnfantry to the Aold. Apply at at rum STRIST, .0000 d story, to T. M. TINLEY, ao2-keod2er let Lieut. and Beerniting °Mow. jr - _ - THE NEW GYMNASTICS AT HALL.--Tho Closnoti are open for new members at each time of meeting. Ladles and Gentlemen, TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVEN INGS, at Y.A. L.laidl and Children, WRDNRSDAY and SATURDAY ATI'ERNOONS, at 3 o'clock. , • A0T11101: For AdoLa, course of 4iinnty loesons...--.114 00. Far Lade and Kim; 4 00. For Children, nol7:tf _ . l TO STUDENTS AND LOVER.R OY CHUNG'S. lirdlG.—The well-known composer, Mr. JOHN %U.:4 DEL, Organist sod M. rector or kiwis of Henry Word Docdherk Church, New York. will visit this city during tha soot toordu a short courssuf hastruction to tiermouy, the °r i l r polll! ' purro:ton c uttru g i r 'gi so " , Concerts: Circulars, Ortlng tvrmc g etc., cony b. ob tained M the Huslc Stores of H. Kluber d Urn, end C. C. Mellor. lON CITY EXECUTIVE CO:11- 31ITTEE.—The member+ of the Union City Executive Committee are requested to meet at the office of the North American Oil Company, No. & TIMID STREET, on 3.I.ONDAT EVENING, :Ugh Inst., nit% o'clock, for the purpose of tokiog Lc! ion relative to the approaching municipal election. k putictmll attendance Le Bl' j ol i u; R. F o 5T,,,,, tift2.6 Chairman City &seentls• l'emmittge. NOTICE TO STQCKIIOLDERS— The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pittebargh R Conuelleville Hatiroctl Company wiU be held at the office of the Company, (Jones' Building,) Fourth street, in the City of Pittslairgb, an the FIUAT MONDAY day,) OF DECEM BEE NEXT, at 12 o'clock tn., for the peeress of electing twelve Directors for the ensuirg year. no2l,td K. 0. IFCCHAUT, beemstary. Orem% et Mommoaners Isersasts Co., Pittsburgh, NOT. Wal, 1803. DIVIDEND: —The Directors ofthis Company hare this day declared a Disigland of TWO DOLLARS upon mob Mare of the Capitol ettoelt,lo he applied to the rednetion of the Stook Due Bine. uoM:huiel B. IL DAVIS. Secretary. - 12.11.1:46cg t . Pittsburgh, Noe. 'loth, 1863. U.AN ELECTION FOR FIFTEEN DIRECTORS of this CAmp ft uy, to ... t e e ft the ensuing year, sill ho held at its office, No. 88 Water rifest,' a6BXIILSDAT, Meerut., is t, betwcos the boom of II *. m. and I p. m. /I. E. DAVIS, Seorstery. 7P . THE MAYORALTY OF ALLE "i airro..47 —Copt. Anton Dann, at the urgent eollettstion of many citizen/ t bs. consented to permit hit name to he used as • Candidata for the 213...t0ta11y of Allegheny City, at the ensuing monictpel nollCto srE W . a D rERTISEMEJrTS BOYS' CLOTHING A fresh oopply of Cape and Sack Overcoats, MELTON, BEAVERS, CHINCHILLAS PILOTS, and eassim ens,. Garibaldi and Cutaway Suits, I= And . Ml rum/meant of snit. of all kinds, for BOSS AND YOUTHS GRAY dy LOG AN. No. 19 if fit St rulita:2l, G RAPES.—Wo can furnith, or the BEST QUALITY The fullowinz chalcu kinds CONCORD, DELAWARE HEItBrMENT, ELSINGDUAGEI =1 I=! I=l J. KNOX, No. 2 ilfth street CEIECI CARPETS HAVE ADVANCED IN THE EAST, But no continua to sell, until further notics., nil goods In our line at prices Reduced Fully 20 per Cent. From last season's rates. W. D. & H. M'CALLUM, No. 87 FOURTH STREET. n 025 BC'QUETS' CUT FLOWERS, AA , forwarded to order from NIURDOCES OAKLAND GREENHOUSE. fourth &tenet oara run out to tho Groonhonoo emery Moen mtuu tee. nothtf VINE DWELLING ON PENN ST. /OR 13/113.—The large tlarewatory HEIGH DWELLING, No. £5 Penn street, below Hay etreet, Is offered for aria. Price 00 5 0 0 . The bow* le balls, tarnished with marble mantel., gas and sneer. Large yard and alley In the rear. Any one wishing 1* see the lipase can enter through the aide gate ro Penn Area. JOHN WAY,Jr., -soteamlat • Elewickleryrilie P. G. BUTTER --- 1,000 lb& fresh Roll; HIIIRING-60 bbl.. extra Labrador ; BEANS-60 bush. Small Nary ; TURNIPS-5) busk. White Globe ; PPLYS-50 Dbl.. /Inmate; Revolved In Mom and for sale by nolls H RIDDLE 250 PIGE! GALENA LEAD, In store and for mak b AT.XICAXDZIt GORDON, CEM STORE FOR RENT ON MARKET FIRNICT.—The handaomo Iran Front, No. PA Ilarkst atreal, pant door to N. Holmes a Bann, N of- Cued fbr rant on Mt of January Peat. Addrcra JOHN WAY, Jr., nolllaytjal Saplekloyo.ll. P. 0. CLOAKS In all rtylor and prices. atILISLEI : A very large stock to select from WHITN, OM a CO Imnm BLANKETS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, DOTIBI-11971eilSHING GOODS A largo deck. .WIIIITE, ORR .1t CO ECM ABETTER SLUT came to 625 Penn Stmt. The corner can hare the same by say ing apeman and proving property. notintit N. SWETT. DRESS GOODS I na2o:3t. A fall Me, evaz ilT r_ar_ l l 4 7• N. OEM d CO CURTAINS I A variety of style. in Lace. OBS & CO Im:a .7rEir 4Dr:EATISEMEXTS. L OST —On Smithfield, between Fourth and Stith street', a CHILD'S SILVEU BAT TLE, with a ring. The Mader will be sait.hty re warded by leering It at the 411, of the GAZETTE. L°BT-t . 'lO RIVARD.-A POCKET BOOK, In or about the Theatre, containing wine money and some valuable mere. The ender sill receive the above renal% by leaving It at TRW OFICICE, or by leaving the papers, through the Poet Mee, directed to "P. S, Gianni," no of:meth:me mill be naked. • noZelt TO LEASE FOR TWENTY YEARS. -R- --Seven Building Lota, each fronting O feet on the east eide of the Public Nunn. near the new liar. Yet Bonne, in the. City of Allegheny. Tor terms apply to GEO. It. RIDDLE, Conyeyszccr.2Co. FD Diamond nt., Pittsburgh. noTe:lte - 3.000 feet yellsar 14.11.scour1 • Parting . . Bails ; 2,010 Pumpldg for Coal Boats SAO Wagon Spokes ; 10,1001 Barrel Ehnen ; 20,1010 Ham Poles; Now landing sod for sale by 11. RIDDLE, no2B to. 183 Liberty at rout, DWELLING ROUSES AT LOW 11 Ptilt.,M,.—Three brick houses and lota fronting on Pine Street, Dustmen. borough, each c,nr or flys rooms end collar. Prise of each $BOO. Tat am, one half cash, r e mninde'r in one and two years. Also, three two-story frame dwelling hotmes and lota, each thre., room. and collar. Price of sae s4to. Terms, one-half cult, remainder In two arm pop meets. S. CUTHBERT a 8010,-31 Market st. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Letters Teo lament/ay on the estate of Jam., Dow.. late of Oblo township, deceased, haring boon Issued to the undersigned, all persons haring derma against Said resat. will present thorn, duly authentic/U.4Ber, settlement ; and that., Indebted are notified bpi • - the undersigned, at his office, Ito. oa Mamma Pittsburgh. GEO. B. 11•11/Lin note-ttwT Executor of James Dawootirdbis GEORGE R. RIDDLE, _ _ CONV.E.YA:NCIRTL Oaks, No. 89 Diamond St., Pittsburgh, Ps DEEDS, MORIGACi ES, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, MEW:LASH...Yr LIENS, and other bairn:neat& of Writing drawn with neatnus and legal accuracy, Accounts stated for Executors and Administrators, Title. to Bud Estate, he., examined and Records searched f r Liens, hr., hr. no2S.SmiiusT r. B. MUSTLII.I,IO LCD D15TW65.17.6 Pittsburgh, Pa., for. 27th, let*. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUC Yrr TION, at Camp Howe, nearPPittsbu r g h , Pa. on TilUllblUAL Ileemnitter 10, len3, at 10 o clock a lnbe D.. Nellwaine, Anc.lColecrs, the build Ing. and other property at Vamp libue,convlotlng ibutedv Scantling. Stoves, Pump, Lock.. Sr. Th material tots/ removed with , - ten 137. from day o vale. Tom, enth..locernment . . ..• •. W - • ILLIAM J. MOORHEAD, A,, 31 , 1•freing & Lubursiug (nterr ACARD.—The undersigned haR, tin der the date of the 19th MAL, taiga charge of the iZeorery iatabllelmient hitherto carried on by Mr. MA71111125 RAII6, at O. 149 Penn etreet, oo his own account. All pereitaa knowing themeett ea In debted to the old drat •11l please make paym ent.ul . those haring clothe against the old firm will neeetiot :hem to On IlfeN l T 14 .1 IIE. . In retiring from at:tiro toning.* I MI, phouure won/mondial, nay non, HENRY RAUL. I n •rls and mantom•rf. MATRIAA RA dr. ESMICZEDEEB B - WEAND'S f'IIICES. 3lea's calf douhl , sole rind doohlo upper 800t5..24 00 •• .• Drama Boots 30 0 •• donble solo heaYy Balmoral.... .......... ..... 1 en " calf do Conmas Gaits , . 2 2.1 Breit.., of all :lads, tree 11l to to 2 of Women's Islorocdo heel Boot.. el' '• double sole soared steel Boots 1 60 31orocco do do Balmoral' , 125 ''' rusiom-r.nule Boots 2 00 Lasting Congress Gaiters Lot Also, a rery large assortment of MISSES' AND 0111 LDIIKN'S 'HOP.., at eery low prices, at Nu. 9.1 Market Street, WAR CLAIMS. PATENTS AND v P ASSPORTS. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, SOLICITOUS or CLAISIS AND PATENTS No. 144 Fourth Str.el,2d tlwr We ;amtn unequalic4 facilities for • ourcessful prosecution of all claims, against tho Brut* and Gen eral Government, .fur BACK PAT. BOUNTY, PEINSION, PRIZE MONET. SUBSISTENCE. RE.- CRUITIISO and other *sperms, and horses Idled or lost In the service. N 1 e are also engaged In proenr lag PAAciPORTB. Information Oren tree of chargeto' 2,o • DR A. WE N NN • DENTIST,) TOOTH-ACHE PILLS The preperatlon a ale rill !me been the mehlt of are of 'lady .ml prhotice. They are poorly reg., table, and th.,refora VIII not Injure the teeth or gum. They will rurn the meet violent To,' b Ache In a L•v rnlnolea, 1t1,3 properly used. erviiee..--.Cinan not the cavity et the Tooth age...t eat. and dry It well with cotton; then cut the Pill the size of the vacuum and prets It tight Into the t ooth, and cover over with Ir. Or cotton. Thene Pill. nre otie of the best refund' , " izr - this Plvparnl end gold allulrealo and retell, by AVG. WEINIIUNN , No. 214 (min STREET. Angbony (Sly 0t.2,b1m. PROPOSALS FOIL CAVALRY lIORSEq. Drazar, Orrice or 'ov. enter Q r s,rtvrawars au, Washington, D. C.. Noe. 23, 191ZI. Proposals aro solicited, and will be received at Ibis office for the fornishing of Cavalry II ,, to be do at Washington, D. C., St. Louis., Mo., and Chlroge, Ili. Tho Hunter to comply with the following wattle-1.- oone, Tit To la from Moen 06) to sixtem (If hood. high, from gee (3) to SIM. (11l years old, wet broken to th• saddle, compactly balls , in good flesh, and Imo Dom all defects. The ability of the bidder to fulfill hi, agreement must la guaranteed by two responsible persons. whoa. signatures most be appended to the guarantee. No propmale will be entertalaal unless the oath of allegiance of the person or persona bidding shell be file in this office. The respotteibility of the guarantors must be shown by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest District Court or of the rotted States District At torney. SA P r WM, I I:r le t k r Quanddrtm'erm d t te o r ry C' lt ur C Sa G u, and be enduraed on the envelope "Proposals for Horses." Cavalry Horses agreeing with the above epecillu limn will be purchased 111 open market, at fair prices, at the following plea., via : New York City, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester, fit. I'. ; Pittsburgh, Penna. ; Oulumbos, Ohio Barton, Mass. ; Augusta. Mo.; and Madison, WI.. 0. G. SAW rELLE. Lieut. Col. sod Chic: (tauten:ureter, Cavalry Bureau. MEMO El= AT OLD PRICES! The Pabllebei et HUM PITTSBURGH ALMANAC Destro, to Inform the public that ho RAS NOT RAISED . TIPLPRICE, --- tio caa lON. Lb.— act ... , B. f . ielle ~ .. 4i, ,,, clfityrri: , r iv ic Clfa"7l,-;,,:1....i,V*,:k4,0.:, , c ,„,, par DOir11; ::;:1;f.'"..,' n *kg.*: ~. n- ' ;,....., . .. vritio'sol 1 :7':' - ' Five pm,, 113°s • - • E 2 co per grm• To pm.. or 'abr.' 53 en per ire . tur.ksk for EItrNTT PITTSBURGH AL111.4.31,10, if you sant the beet, and take no Othell. Hailed pant-pald on reartpt 0 two rid stamp/. Addrea all order, to JOHN P. HlTNT,Tablisher, new Naomi° Hall. ■lltb ottrtet 121 ISecvnd trtreot LADLES' AND MISSES' BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS; . Balmoral and Woolen Hosiery ; DODDS AND NONTAII LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS; Boots, Shoes and Gaiters; AT M'CLELLAND'S AUVIION HOUSE, 55 NINTH SUNNI. Iron POR SALE—A Raft of Framing Tim bor. averaging from a to U Incbor equare. 3equire at No. ICCI 1171711 ernogr. ao2Oref altwud • ~ • .t.r , i p•• : 2 , 4i --- - •- - hr.qr;ltr's Mr - 71 , 2F. , . PUBLIC SALI:: or Tait PECE GROVE r.,-,1,-i., ?o,rmb er . 1 FURNACE AND HANGING ROBE COAL NOT 10E 1. `4 I F li. BY GIVEN that WORKS —By 'frt. of an order or ale timed out or ,br follows:7z err.note of Execrators. \ drulo. the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Lase- Istreo•r.. Comedian., SC' . here been duly seem.' in room nod State of Ohio, I will offer at public We, cold Register's Orem. and will ho presented to the at the front door of the Court HMIs, In aro... Orphans' Cmart. for entarcuatem and allowance. on . Oa from . @HAI, the 12. day of Deolnitber; A. D , MONDAY, Doom:goer 28th, 1.3, 186.0, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., the following /account of James Morton and John gawp, Emmet- described re.., waste, right*, ways, and mmennotta. tars of the .01010 of Andrew Morton. deed. Flied , 1i1.11.{{.• In mad county of Lawrence, and known as &pt. 5, 1063. ; ago Pine Gs ore Forums Lands, Banging Rork Coal Account of Vim. Dunning. Admintstrator of Ito , Works, with the Railroad. in tits cult of Jurph S. estato of Jona Patton, deed. Filed Sept. 7. 11183. ! Peebles versus John G. Peebles et el., Lb 'partition. to /kW account of John Bryant, Administrator of wit the estate of John Garbutt, deed. Piled Sept. I, ' in township too (2), range nineteen (ID), tooth -1e63.1 east quarter of section eight ( I), Booth half of eection . Account of Joseph Miller, Exemitor of the estate ; nine (91, vast half of motion elev. (111 Whole of sec , of Hoots Torrence, deed. haw &pt. 0, lefG. : Lion ten 0 0 ). molthxdf of northuat quarter Imdsorith- Ae...mot of Elisabeth Simpson, Executrix of the ' ..unt quarter of section sixteen (16), whg r zf section estate of item. I'. Simpson. deo . d. Filed Sept. 11, I , meadeon (17), out ballot' northwest q r, north- DWI ! east quarter' and south half of z.mtion 'sooty-two Account of A. G. Eaton, Administrator of the on. (72). And Mt... 14 two (2), range otghteen (18). rote of Willhon Eaton, deed_ rii.Pept. 1.1., leer, I fbe following: West half of southwest, quarter Of Partial account of John T Logan, Administrator I 1.,t101.1 eighteen (18), southeast quarter ce eoutheast 'de tonie .0,., NM tetansmen anaszo,) of the e s tate of quarter of motion (18), southwest quarter of motion Thom. Hartford, dee'd. rdeil Sept. 10, 1863. arreutoen (171, whole of metion,(l9), west half of we- Final account of Robert Ring, Administrator oft lion (20), east half of mutheest q uarter and went th• estate of Julah kleffunkin, deed. Film! Sept. I half of northeast quarter, and woot half of northeast 18. 1161. , ( l eaner of motion twenty (20), west half of iouthweat Account of 7. Swerengen, Adotiaintrater of the se- I quarter, and out half of southeaat quarter of so me of D. A. Gillelar. 7 . th , . * .l. filed Sept. 25, 1863. I lion mrenty-ono (SH, whole of section thirty (SO), Final aucront of Jam.. P. Blakely, Adminstrstor meet half of teeth. ta.aty-ahat (29) milloreaff of the eatate nf Saralee! C. Blakely, deed. File ll quarter of motion twenty-eight (28), whale of motion Sept. 2'., lel3.drty-ono 01), watt half, erect half, we. half of Tbe aomtrot of Mary Becker', Administratria of 1 n U ortheest quarter and mothesiat quarter of motion the estate of Philip Heckert, deed. FILM Sept. 30. I thirty-two (Et). In township and range 19, ths fol- Vert. lowing , .East half of northeast quarter, cast half Fatal account of Janie. A. Machine., Guardian I and mothwost quarter of oection no. (7)„ south half of Franck H. Adarna. Piled Oct. 2,18 M. , ,if section two (21, out half of eouthout gamier of Acroont of WU: rot Seibert. Guardian of Sarah Gantlet* three Oh southeast quarter of northwest Moils:try. V Red oct. 3. Vial. i quarter and northerst q uarter of motion ten (10), Acoonst of Thom. Itamilteu, Executor of C o . es- north hole, eorth half of •outheast quartor of see fate of Dr. B. W. Wm thlngton, deed. Filed Out. 1, ' non eleven (111, also part of northeaet that of 1861. , southwest quarter of soction elev. (11), that is toes y Account of H. S. Overholt. Executor of the estate I commencindat the eentte of add motion, running of Benjamin Carpenter, dec'd. Filed Sept. 26. lam I thence south 811 degree. and 10 mittutte west, 17.2 G, Account of J. B. Weygand, Adminlatrator of Bra ;hafts to a Moor In the oortheeet corner of • lot of ' Catharine Bucher, deed. Filed On. 3, 1863.1 land. formerly oy John Campbell, thence math 1 dee Amount of Thos. lielowsll, Guardian of the minor grew and 10 minutes west, 19-32 chains to a stone In 5 l ehilaren of John P. tiakewell, dee'd 3.. Filed Oct. theec fest lion of said Canapholks lot, from which • (ISM. 1 beh IA loch. in diameter bears north 72 degrees Amount of Jame. A. Hutchison, Extent or of the 1 oast IS links and a dogwood three Locher in diameter estate of heed. Hutchison. Filed Oct. 2. 1061. I beers north 19 degrees and .7.lmlunters emt 15:501inka, Account of James A. Hatchison, Administrator I thence month 82 degrees and 55 minutes east 17:20 (de Man nme,) of Jaw. Adams. deed. File: lot. I chains to a eon. or. the east One of the mostheast 2, 1863. I quarter of .1d motion, from u blab • bench 24 inch. Yhaal nrommt of G. If. Beal, Eseoutor of the estate it diameter lean north 61 degrees east 32 link, end of ~race Deal, deed. Filed Oct 13, 1881.• chrstnnt oak 4 inches in diameter bears north 2 0 Acme. of A. W. Howard, Administrator of the I degrees mud 9:03 linka, thence north 1 degree and 10 estate Of W. J. Howard. deed. Filed Oct. 9, 1863., minutes coot 19:47 obelus t • the piece of beginning. Auount of Thomas Marshall, Executor of the es. ' And in township cos (I) raugeeightion (la) whole of rate of Snail L. Martha, dor'd. Filed Sept. 9, 1863. I section six 0), west boar Or northwest quarter of Final aecoaut of 11. P. Schmertz, Administrator five ( 1 ) north half of southwest qoarter of wo of Wm. 11. Cochuae, don't!. Tiled Oct. 26. 1863. , tlon (seven (7); ohm north half of were half of west Final accoont of Obarica Purnell. Gordian ed Johnhalf of southeast qua, ter of eetson say. (7); also a Laplek, m I ed. Filed Nov. 7, 1863: tra:t of land situated In the south half motion eleven ' Account of Morris Joins, suniving Executor of the I (11), and north half of section ;::des (IS), townabin estate of M. Tiernan. deed. riled Nov. It, 1863.0ne (I), rang" nineteen (10), descrileal as lot number Account of A. H. Miller, Ad Mto Istrator of the ra. nr.lf• In a surrey and plat made for Hamilton, Peebles, tate of damned L. Pennock, doi'd. Piled Nov. 10, y Coles, by JO. Rowe, April 21.0., 1858,and recorded len3. August 7th, 1854. Also, lots numbered two (2)and .iocount of A. 11. Miller, Administrator Of the fr• three (3) of said plat and ourvec ; also of lota mara ud, of Martha Holmes. dce'd. Filed Nor. 10, 18121. I barrel twenty-eight, (5), twenty-nine, (TJ) and thirty Acematt of F. E. Kramer, Aimmlotrator of th. ( 22 ) of the 'ill.- of flanging Rock; ale • tort of net „, te yrn„j_renn E. g,,„ . .,,,, r, e k ed . ril e d Non. te , I land adjoining mid village, to wit; COMOStrlarlff at 1863. tho northwest corner of cud village, rormirg thence Amount of Dauiel Hoffman, Executor of Wm. C. ' a wmthwesterly worm along tie line of said vi 11...• - sass C...ffm., decd. Flied Nzr. 11, 10:;3. . I tho southwest corner ".s ai d lot, number thirty .§n) .8 ccoom of John Ogden, Administrator of the ea. ( n Molt street, thou. a wanton/ course along the tate of Joesph Linorod, doe'd. Filed Nov. 1" 7x.0. I Ilno of Main street, to the firma um railroad trtemtd, Aecouut of Borkhardt, surviving Ad. I Laing twelve feet from the centre of the named (riluiettrator of the mtate of Lorr.Burkhardt, decd. track; thence along the line of mid railroad grow de Piled Nov. 13, HOZ. I a northeasterly course to [bollne of lot number three Aooonot of James Carter. Easentor of the estate of la) of John Howse. enbdirielon of *action eleven (11), John Haigh, deed. Filed Nov. le, 1863. township ono (1), range nineteen (19); thenualoin .. k,...,,„ n , of w at tnm stnrc,,..„, and B er u nnn i n g e t.,, the esoteric line of maid lot number Hum (3), to her surn•itut Executor, of the estate of John Riddell, Pio" of beginning, it bring all the Tam , botwomi the 'teed. Filed Nov. 17. 1863, said village of Hanging Rock and the said railroad Account of James McCandless, EXocutor of the re- B ros. tato or Sarah J. Hutchinson, dec'd. Filed Nor. 17, The east part of section twenty-omen, (17), towns leel. ship three (31, mango eighteen, (18) which le (subject Final account of Lout. Stacy and J. G. Patterson, to two payments of f.4'.n,55 meth due respectively E. , ....111 of William dtacy, deed. Filed NO', 10. , December Ist 1863 and 186,, with Interest from Dec. len 31st, Isal, being school hoods, and sold as rich be the A.roont of Louisa Kennedy, Admlnistratrix of the I •uditor of Lawrence county., Also the tract giants of Bole. Kennedy, der d. Filed Nov . 18, 180. known as "Simon Wood P.m." issiole tho . Bet half Fined amount of /whin Weiser, Executor of the of the soot querter of motion sixteen (16). towtship mtate of Auguatus Schlldecker, doed. Filed Nov. r .. . 1) 6.°. 8 .60. 0 / . .. u.°11 ( 1° ) , 00 .68 0 °/°'° 4l ( 11 ) 21, leC. acres on the weer Ist of Bald quarter. Alto the south. Account of Thomas and John Reynolds, Executors mist quarter of the northwoot quest., and term:Sc ot th e tate', . f Thomas Baird, deed. Filed Nov. VI, •°"•°. ....... f.". off Lion rout aide of U . ' °Mb.'" 10,63. quarter of motion number fifteen (15), township two Account of .1. E. Carothers, Guardian of the minor 1 2 ). range nineteen (19), the legal title of which sou children of T. M. and Margaret Carothers, deceased. `lll.k.'d to Robert Ru""*". ar •l °°°° " d, and wh " Fu.-1 Nor. 10, 11100. arid Robert Hamilton, tr. by has writing obligatory, dated Aurr - 11th, 1854 bound himself to core.. =IC • . AC,41211t of Elisabeth I'. Randolph, Adrninistrs• Div of Nathaniel Randolph, deed. Tiled NOT. 23, 1801. Account of John Ogden, Guardian of the minor ch ildren. of Alpha. Robinson, deo'd. Flied Nov. 2, 1003. Account of Jamh E. Panvorhis, Guardian of the minor children of Hasid Wiloon, dre'd. Filed Dor. 9, 1et61 . . Account of Emma Solomon. Admusistratris of Domtla Solomon, deed. Filed Nov. 20,1803. Account of John Oral&head, Executor of the Mate of Elisabeth McCann. filed Nov. 1863. Acrennt of Jacob Roemer, Francis Presser and Fredrick Schroeder, Executors of the estate of Chrii- Gnu Presser, deed. Tiled NOT. 32, 1603. Aresunt of Wm. 31rEee, Administrator of the se tate of Fredrich llonsick, deed. Filed Nor. 19,1863. Arrogant of E. P. Jones, Administrator of the estate of David Harrill, deed. Plied Nor. 24, 1863. Account of D. H. Cunningham and Liasophell Duff, Executor. of John Dell, deed. Piled Nov. 26,18 ,3 . Account of E.,nort Henderson and Wm Dili, Ex renton of Alexander Earennan, deed. filed Nov. 26,1063. Soronel door from Fifth rt. =I MEM IAY29-haolViAScrn, clit 3 9 n est, APrentiAtin TriALckma HIGHEST PREMIUMS AT TIM INTEMITIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862, Industrial Exposition, Paris, 1881, In competlUon with all the leadingUaring Machines in Europe art.' America, and the United Mate" Agricultural Association; Metropolitan 21e clunks' lcurtitote, Mutat:teen ; Franklin Institute, Philadelphia ; Mechanic.' Arcelation. Boston ; al:aerie. Institute, New Turk; Maryland Latin:de. Baltimore; Ileehanica' Aanciation, Clacinnati; Kentucky Lnatitate, Lonirrilla ; Mecheniu• Insti tute, Ban Francisco; and at every State and County Fair where. Exhibited this Seaman. 12.5,000 OF VERSE ILAWEEINEB RAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD, A foot which speak. loador than words of the .access oad popularity of the oelebratodWlLlELNE A WIL SON "MOLY SEWING XAOAISS--th. cboapeot Machine In Nu world, • EVERY MACHINE WARRANTED FOR THREE YEWS. •I.W • 71 MUTT WI CLII161? AID I•Sruv Tom. air Clrculsn, containing an explanation of the machtp, pith untlatottlab from 1.d1..•c! tb. hfln cot weal standing, given on application, Other In person cr 1p =IL ,A0.,77 Wlfth 5treet.......11=82171212, IPA. ppera lions•-..—CRIOIrSATI, 0, NO IfORIII GRAY HAIR. l'hie Is an mild, but recently Introduced into Mb ronntry, bat Ma long bum faeorabli known try the nobility of imam es their oaly dredged ELIA MISTURICIL It la complete within itself, no other dressing or accompaniment of my kind bang mem wiry to arm the attainment of the iblicrwing drab. Table results, other than inclose magnum with the directions: 1. It cal, smonny'r amsaor. odors Glow Hair O Or original 'rotor. 2. Ostia wake il worm Bald Haar. B. It ofl/ rotorsHo Habra/ Sorrilora. 4. /twit, moors A. Dwadrean.l I/Wag. 5. I/ ImM salaam Nair &eland GM. 11. Foam AiOrigioal Oator t Old Age. 7. II ttdU prevail are Ifidr Avis 1412141 IL /1 ioNI own all &..w Ja ales 4. • • It la not • Tin •, =Wu 4DH/trot* of Ether, or arty Price, On DOL caber lagoodint WLAIL ork= to either Skin or Bak. For salagi reappotabli Driswithi. ON JOHNIITON,HrawraI Aiwa, Oar. of *Maki sod north Ito., Pfttabiroh. nollblourtawlt WM. J lIICUARDSON, Tlegi3Or AWARDED TEM UPWARDS 07 111t01.175i IT IA 'THI BERT arrroaraits WIC NOTHING IN POSCRASLICL =I 'ME SUM BB & CO., Apure for ths Wasters State ort Weston Pa. rrinelpal Mar sad Malmo& Imp:minas, LOI7TIPITLLI, IT LUXIIIIL&W? LIE IT 1361210 ^L'ILIC. ACTOR. Ter restaing and bssatifytaz tiMI flair A I SAGE Sl S' ARE RIBS, PIGS I.lErr, ft., for u&s by ...fakfALTikk.. • follows to said Plaintiff, one undivided eighth pm; to laid Samuel Coles, and to said John G. Peebles one undivided fourth part, to anon m the laid Robert Hamilton, Sr., should acquire;.the title to gild prawn se+ which he did by deed, dated Anted Ind, 15511, wile wave's.= said Hobert Hamilton, Sr., never did make, having departed thin life moon after, to wit In the mouth of September, A. D. 10x6, leering • last will and testament of which gaidJohn G. Pee- Glee was afterwards duly nits/Medan Rteentorarei the mid Robert Hamilton, Jr., and Mary A. Hempstead, his heir. at law, and residuary devieees. The following reel snare, situats In the incorpora ted vtilageof Hanging Rock, to wit :• Beginning at the north corner al lot three (3) of John dlowe'e tor sty above referred to, running thence north 36 de grees and 41 miming greet 7.10 chains to a stone; thence north 45 degrem west 725 chains to • mend than. north 89 degrees wed chains to a none, from which • white oak 4. inches to diameter beam eolith 5 dein, eee and 30 minutes wed (Wales; thence south 25 devisee out PS link. to ,a Spanish cot 12 Inches in diameter, thence brash 22 degrees east b. 04 chains to • white oak 24 inches to dhameter, thence south 140 degrees test 430 chains to a hickory 15 Inches in diameter; thence math 45 degrees east3.l,o chains to • black oak 3 inched In diameter, times. west 57 degrees east 2.13 theism thence south 1 degree 30 minutes wool 0.03 chains; thence tenth 76 degrees west 2.06 chains; thence smith 6 degree. west 2_14 chains to the line of lot two of add surrey; thence with the line of said lot to the center of Os borne's, Run; thence- south SS degrees out 637 chains; thence north Cdegnee and 30 minutes east 5 chair.; thence along the line of bite thirty (30) two (2) and one (1) of told yßlege cf Hanging Rock to the northwest camera! let On* (1), thenm west around lit number three (3) of Bowe'. survey to the place of legion in;. except to much of the /ongoing ss have been heretofore gold too. Pi:l/egghead,- and also so mock in have been granted to the Methodist. Society of Hanging Rock, on which their church betiding Ls erected, which mid premium are held-by maid Joan G. Peebles in nest to arid for the Plaintiff, and the De- Condoms hero asset forth in the deed of mid Robert Hanallton, Jr., to said John 0. Peebles, as Triune, Qt., dated April 6th, 1861. The brick pert of the, Refined and Goal °ince sit uate in Hanging Bock, and the ground upon which the same stands, together with the land lying be tween the odd office, and the north ling of the rail road track cm/ manned within the east and, west Lines of said omen troßeling prolonged to geld Reli ned track. Also the following right", casements and ways, to wit The exclusive right and privilege to antes upon any part of section eleven (11) ' township (t), range number nineteen (t 9), and of section eaten (lb township one (1), mugs eighteen (18), (except so much of section seven (7) as eloper towards the Ohio river) flat e period of twenty-five (Re) years tram the 15th day of August, A. D. 1854, to take thereon for the use of Pine (iron Furnace or /furnaces that may be built by said PlneGrove Yuma, Company, on the sold Lands, but for no other Me or purpose whatever, any or all iron oro that, may be found upon said premises. Abeam right of way ihr teams Mei= or if so elected, thi. rev binge of laying down a track or treks upon coy of the land owned by add Robert Ilsonliton, on the 16th day of August, ISM, and to pars and repass thereon as often as may be necessary to enable the proper parties to take and carry to their respective Farness or Fur/gates any charcoal or timber, ore or other material which tot parties may have the right at any time to take from any of told lands. Also the right of way for • railroad track 23 feet - wide, 12 feet from the centre line each way of the pracut Nailread inch, and extending from the north east corner of mid lot number two (2), of Zowe's Survey, td the math Ilneforthe west ballot the south wen gnarl or of action MM. cn, township one (1), rang. el (18). , the privileges which the said Robert Hamil ton, Sr. rammed to himself to amstract railroad tracks ehong any of the streets of Hanging Rock. Also the right er way for • double track of railroad from mid lot numbed one (1), as heretofore described, along the peen:dreamed through thelet upon which the Rolling Kill stands. Also the right of way for • wagon reed or rallrond track acmes the southwest corner of the Wed pert of the lot known se the tares lot in Hanging Beek. Alto the timber wood, lights, privileges and one meets conveyed by Robert /rem titan; Jr., to the Ono of Hamilton, Paean Wan fora more partioulat description of which reference is made to laid deed, executed September 19,1869. Appraised at 1838,01311, three-eights of which an .abject to the dower annnityof Mr.. Rachel Nandi: tun, of a,:180 per annum. Su n s or Sazi.—One third nab in hand, one year, and one-third in two years, with Inter est on the deferred payummt from the nutflanathen of sale. :081117A HLIONLNTON, !Sheriff of Lawarnmeoonnt , Ohio. HOMY S. NEAL, Attorney On • Nov. 12th, 1803. no2B.lwitai FOR WA—ROLLING MILL' FOR SALM—loft err sale= easy terms, the large and extensive Iron Works known as the Hanging stock Bolling 111 IL" Thu $ll is situated at Bang ing Bock, on the Ohio rim, kith* heart of the COAL and LEON region of Southern Ohlo, hundred end • forty tans* above Cincinnati, and inineedistely urea the river, accessible at all Itiget Of water, and them; fore seseemiluilacillties Sir shipping impeder to any mills above this r egi on. , This mill is infierior to none In the West, either far CAPACITS or DURABILITY of finish, being en withyNEW and - in the beet ofeialr=ls out an y i COAL.. and 'ln the te without any trouble whatever, except nuke it frost tan. There la tonne, dad with the property about b acres of Sound, and it dwelling all - within ore hundred yards of the milk Also two veneer good water close to the mlll-4a supplied with machinery. 6 double Sued Dollars, 98 feet long, 49 inches la dl. .mater; 1 lever engine, eight tbit mots, 9Z% inches diameter cylinder; this angina drier muck mill, tar mill, chair mill, ,mill mill, runway blast, muck 'bean and aqueezenr. I tilde valve eng,lne, 5 drat atroke,7224 Mobs diameter,drtring baba plate mil, sheetmill - hammer and sheet iheara. I doctor en. gine, 2 fool stroke, 10 indent diameter; driving lathe; grind Mona, bar mod einallm.9l abeam, and pumping all the *star for the mill and hollers: _ • Alto with 10, boiling, 3 beating, 2 'sheet anti butler plate ihnisce. Alto math and airpentershops, with all the nacanary table. This sale to take plats atthe. dam of the Court MOH. in Ironton, tut Sathrday, Dec. LUb, 1363, sal o'clock !: 5: B. HICIIIII=AD Attorney for Mau A. Henspateold... Hanging Hock, Nov, liana& Darns groostgatansa hN vs 'o comoo lizzci l. tubmil l ? PUBiIC " A C. WILL BB SOLD A TlON,traccadcated paldlaßOUNlLat thi Pak Grounds, on SATURDAY, the 28th Itet.t. - at a o'clock p. ca.. The above whiz's err condemned as aallt far public; earrice. sad ertn.b, sold to th e 2110- bidder. Tams cash, Goessalsaat Tanis. 0. CROW, acdChtd Lt. Ccl. sad Deputy Q. K. Geassal. MMMIMNE rti 1 00DB, 1tir. OUR RETAIL DEPARTAMT _ _ _ SLOVEBt GLOVES, I GLOVES I MOSQUITO KID. f&OVE& Cashmere Gloves:and Gauntlets. A NEW EILPPLT,RI LADIES' CASIIMP.ItE SCARPS. 110. 611,K = Also, a new LOTQIOI of Real Maltese Lace Collars and Bets. LACES !MD 13.11IIROICDMILIM 1 3r 2•17 and styli& AT WHOLESALE. The lorzeit and I.rt stock et Hosiery and Gloves I IN TEL MID AT sns_zowxsT PRICES. KAMM Bc. GLYDE, 7* jiTAVICET STIIIIET Bata - ha Filt.rth sad Diamond N EW GOODS.—We have now in stole aomplat• stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, aunt at width weat parchium:d Wan tL. Iste .4. vsaas tin prices, sad will Ds WA at low sates. °LOAN ORNATS,GLTITiIi Lezzajitsro AND BLNDLSGS, LAUB COLLARS, MIN COLLARS, _ R MAMMA'S lilEts mop HARDNAILCII;aI.I good. at old rear 81LE. t CASH kIRSZ NS= icsr—^3, =- BONS, VIANPERS, 'MATHEW & EMCEES; =LT -BATS, BRAM HITS, 811 HATS; WRAD-DRIISSES HEAD - LETS, (a oval , rile; BONN= TEL BONNET SILKS, ORATING CAPIS,IOOII3 BOLETI, BIIRI.EYAST CANA STATICS, BALMoRAL feuLRTS atidreki new aty/e/ ; SLY QUAKER, and oil= new HOOP SHIRTS, ruvort MILBRICAR CORSETS ; BAL MORAL STOCKINGS, Boston BR. Sbak.r, Solt, axolotl:or kiwis. Or tall and vizier; CILOYM,ta ems 7 'tyke and quality; good pair' KID GLOM, la dark od or, sae plath black; fer SI 00; oed WHITE HID BLOTS% tkr SI CO; Meal SHICIPLABLI WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, real Scotch. and • 1411 Sae of otbeet Underpressite and lisdeblarg Women and Ile Wholesale Roo= IT nab% Began tram tocatiz and city &dimwit!" fled our stock at all time asorted, sad as low as say other beam. .T0E0211 . 1101033 at 00.. TT k 79 11.1JIMET 4,; . 2%. ; . NEW GOODS I AT REDUCED PRICES ! At BARKER & CO.'S, 69 MARKET STREET. SILKS, SHAIM, • CLOAKS, MERINOS DRESS GOODS, Gent's and Boys' Wear, 33.A.i.mo1sisa. •KIRTAI. GREATEST BMW OFFERED IRIS SEASON. sow? BUT NIETO= MENG TEEM .'l? SIXTH ARRIVAL, ON NEW GOODS, 'AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. • /MINCH ILVIIINOS, trr Si 15,, oho*. CLOTH, tar SI SA, Os*. IRISH POPLINS; PLAID SILKS; FANCY SILKS; PLAID POPLINS; BRAWLS AND CLOAKS; CLOAKING ; . - SATIN/ITN AND KIINTOCIIT MANS; NOBROY CANTON TLANNZI4 wide; SHANKS /LAWNS:L. asiartmalit et NNW GOODS. 430 . sad ma N. A. ear. Pourth and' narks*, Illts. scat GENTS LINEN CUFFS. • MST Ityc RIVED, FINE ASSORTMENT Or CENT'S LINEN BATON, meeilThECO; .40 te. 17 AND 11 nritt yam. .11EL COLLAR& EATON, nozwill.co4, Nos. 17 £ND Miff ITEM tormoguiS AtkinBoll l l Stiernollaia andel" Mossoollid Wait.. 10114 tbo• ous• Lai at Mom. To sdlitaq moo ask trondoto o 4 ats - mug" mos or iimmaiko tam: - Wash. • (Xf 1 Nozooor,o2l. Mod: bet 117110 oo toostpo of 11,14;:z. Mon o ro-oastoolled tar ••••I; .• VIM Lo=• NEW 0)L/4i Ls 01,Dtga. Pm traortootto orWito , Ifrootti. =aotss TolO!'_111441116 Arty** neraddo " ri , Ozttf =„ittogriN — l4. VAXAv GOODS I NEW ditibps.l _ Jett noiir~.t --- • .WIA - 110.11** tit;( 30440 seasrrientsis wow. +T. golf= Sr MUG - :78 CALKING IRONS juit moire! and Ilbr oda JAXll}SWvaistrist.