The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 28, 1863, Image 1

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.rliParEfttis . burgh Onettit.
S DAY MOBSINth ------ NOV. 2% 1868
tirtyggrp, b 7 Isla, per year ...... --£0 00
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Hmuials &mos, by 11011, per year...--. 4 60.
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- . c - ylnlmalOtor mare " 1!A
—Asa ewe bates to th• party .ending els'. For •
dab of Illtra, Ike .111 send Um Ser e '' GAZILITS
tali; 101 'Slab if twenty, we wit .end
- Koalas' GAMIN doily. Single ooyiet. 6 mita.
PiloPiPtipt , 404/ ;,..A.,,i•-•<4l""ti P.Pcl•
dwaya stepped wk.]. H. Ilme entree. •
Ike EXOttang•O of Prisoners.
' The diffivaltios in the way, of an exchange
6Cprisonerr -are' very "fully explained in the I
following letter from Mr. WHITING ; Solicitor
or the Wir Department, to a gentleman of
Philadelphia, who had written to the Depart
nent subject. Mr. WRITING charges,
fwatly r that a the rebels have, In violation of
agreement, returned to witive service many
thousands of paroled prisoners, without re-
Nusing any of our own troops ; and, secondly,
they have pereMptorily refused to ex
.ange colored soldiers and their whiteollicers
upon any. eirmet whateser. Such being the
•tnte or the ease', ne alternative remains to
our Government but to suspend all negotia
tions with the enemy ; and from Mr. Weirtle's .
totter it would appear that such a determina
tion has been arrived at. We can think of no
action of the rebel Government that has more
clearly revealed its perfidious character, or
that more happily promises to bring_about its
own speedy downfall thatkits conduct In tis
matter. It would be a false and terrible phil
anthropy that would 'dictate further conces
sions to the enemy now. For now reasons of
humanity demand as strongly as any reasons
(if " patriotism can demand, that Richmond
obeli be taken, and our stets : lu prisoners re
leased. There millet somewhere be an end to
Oupromising with our enemy, and the sooner
that end is reached the better it will he for
the nause.of the k'nion.
at: iflaTING ' l3 LETT!
WADElitdrOS errs, her. 20,1643.
Deal Pax:. Your letter of the 17th 7has been re
eeivad, in velsli"you inquire whether any documents
are nowsecessibleorr , will be likely' emu to be pub
lished bi our Geterninint..ralating to, the exchange
of pritomers of car; and yet luatty remark that the
Taes4 o.:ll:,,tathutieurecett=ichuseynence otthe
Theerfhg orylitdegrnriklis_hed to the Bleliniond res
pire it Is thoughti present th e. Matter In its
true light. n a few days the entire smrtespendeuce
will be made pallid, bore by authority.
There are eerend verious difficulties in the way of
, cootinuirm an exeLauge of prieonera:
Onie le the hoed faith of the ;enemy in putting into
actileteMlce Many thcmtands of paroled prlstuers,
captured at Viclaburgh and e 1 . ,. here, without re
leasing any et our soldiers held by them.• But &n
-ett= diftir.ulty of still graver importance is theiper
einptoey(refutol kVs.rev rarr.l soldiers
owl their Oars officer. epee any term wearer , . It
well known that they have throateued to sell colored
captutrLielOsnett.,a slaved, sad to hang their u kite
offieses: - •"'
The government demands that all officers and
&era should be fairly esilhinged, otherwise 00 more
prise...card war:ill he ti.. op. The faith or the
ilommtatent.le Wedged to these of and troops
that they shall be protected, sou it cnnoot, cod will
no*, abandon to the savage cruelty of slavedoeliter•
elle officer or soldier wbo haa'been called on to de
` fen the - flag of his conntry and thus exp osed to the
h..aanda of war.
it has been auggeged that exchanges might go en
until agekeept the colored. -tlroopei and their white
officers beer been given up. Bet, if this were al
lowed. the rebels would not only be relieved of the
burden of rdainheluinrour troops, but they would
ter feet thadi own midi, retilning their power omr
the very persons whom we ore solemnly Irnind to
mane, and upon whom they multi Mesa .wither.: tear
"of retaliation, carn y into eiecntion the inhuman
cruel Led tles lot re eo basely threatened.
..The kreaident has ordered, that the atom law of I
retaliation shall without hcsitatioh be entered, to I
strange the drat. of the Shut, Union soldier, of What-
eier eoli , r, Whom the enemy alma in cold blood de- I
steel of all lute alarery. All other onostlons be
tween us tea) be postportml for Itiruse settlement,
but the fair,, of colored soldiers and of their
white officers will. be insisted on by the Covern•
ascot before another rebel soldier yr officer will be ex
pteilidia;46:tor Men' tft tilchmond are the
oulkieht of deep regret and umparhy here, end there
has been whored effort to afford all possiLia re
lief. Very truly yours,
• • V militia Wurnsa.
r ,
. -
_- :4
, • V
The Battlefield near Chattanooga.
The following bird's-eye view of the now
auspielousfy memorable battle-field stretch
ing arentid-Ctiattanonve. which we find in the ;
Cincinnati Gazette, will amble our readers to
understand the dispatches relating to the re
cent military movements bettor than anything
of equal length which we hive met with:
West of Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain
stretches from the river to the south. The
point of this the enemy held, emari.tanting
the river and overlooking Chattanooga. East
of Chattanooga, Mission Ridge—a range of
hills—stretches from the river to the south.
East of this Ridge is the Chickamauga, fol
k wing the soma general direction, and hav
ing an interval, of, considerable width, to the
Ridge. These mountain ranges are eight or
ton mile apart, and, if held, would bar our .
- : rtktpr progress into the Confederacy in that
quarter, white overlook Chattanooga, and
• ens‘Of .4102,:Lookoutsthreatested the town.
On the west Hooker flanked Lookout and'
cApture , 4. it, opening the and railr oad to
~•asnooga. On the east Sherman crossed
the Tennessee above Mission Ridge, between
that and the Cnickamauga, and marching
along in the valley east of the ridge,attecked in
turcersion the enemy's fortified positions on
the succession of hills. In the Meantime
Ilioker.awept round tolhe south, to the ene
my's lift, and toward die position on Mission 1
Ridge, to which our army fell bock on Sunday
night, after the battle of Chieamang... Li rant
marched direct from Chattanooga, between
the ranges toward the enemy's centre. These •
operations appear to have oecupied three de'll-
'resulting In ncontretierptortt won. by ski
fel strategy and heroin fighting, with a loss
on our side small compared with that of the
enemy, and with the important results
This success secures the results of the Chat
tanooga campaign, and worthily crowns the
- • brallatit ;career Ogritte Amy 0-11tei Wet. It
daetiai'4lV - the Loped the Confederates have
built up on the situation at Chattanooga, and
sends them backs ruined army and a ok®
down general, and leaves them without a sin
-101?-tallee.mtfro they mak•ltopo to break the
tf dosinglif upon them.
• .
.Onsof tbemostacceptable results of Grant's
great yietory over Bragg, near Chattanooga.,
will be the immediate relief of Burnside at
Knozyillo, fay,imasediate, for Lonptreell
dire pot' remain 'to"path the seige of Knox
ville, wherfche hears that Bragg has been de
feated. If Bragg can save himself, by prealp,
state flight, from further than he sustain
ed itt:the bite little', it is not easy to see
.how..Lottgetteet ma, even by the most precip
itate-tight, bring-ens tail this tapir ont of
Seat Tennessee," What , already appears a
work of the greatest difficulty for Bragg to
aooomplish, hardly appears less than impos
obßity with referollCO to Loisgstreet. Truly
there ices much caste of thaaksgiving aud
nraistsyistarday •
• 4-4CosizszolDlßT of the Chimp Journal,
_from the Army of the Cumberland;
opetim 'ollie new military raikoad which le
being-hunt by Govirmor Johnson, which con.
nests Nashville and the Termessoti river, a
distance of a little over, sixty miles. A gang
of *diktat itte %engaged ! itr.iti construction,
and it is said that it will be in running order
in a couple of month'. This will ho a great
oiotoveglens,,npew the lowilinfllle lad Kash ,
filtjtota, tittettindrbd' ea eighty.
nine. pueo.-411 Jougor And alms through a
country. full Of &minas.
. _
i . 4 :
EVINING GUE'ITE TELEGROIS , departments and places of business, .sheens mission is likely lo; bti m at Germania Ter I.
i exircises, big dinners, be. Preeidem Lincoln tairesThe responsibility. OUNCE a GENERAL MEADE'S FORCER.
_ _____ . ! Brig. Gen. W. S. Smith is announced by The rebel line eaten n the south side of The IYhole Army South of the Rapidan.
OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. Gen. Grant as Chief of Cavalry for the milita. the Rapidan from * Ford to Mile lion. sae
Missieu Reports are The atrcugth of L_cra. my is reported tit
ry division of the sippi.
to be made to him at Nashville. 36 000 infantry arid 10, cavalry. General
LATEST PEON CHA'ITANOOGA. 1 Ninety-fire of our. Surgeons from Libby Early is in temporary mmand of Sweii•ii ---
s Ariny.
prison arrived here to-night. Drs. J. R. corps. Ewell is report to hare died recent. , F YI eng al of. Lee
A GREAT VICTORY WON BY GRANT. Betts, Ford and other Surgeons captured at ly, , alter a protracted ate nose.
ise , ee., be.
Chickamauga, are among them. By the arris al of the Steamship North star, :
The Storming of Missionary nidge. m i me. s am e! , h im b een ra t te d for a Ni- from Aspinwall, s , have interesting and he- Special Dispatch to am Pittsburgh Marine
Gonad Bank at Now Orleans. portent news from Central end South kmerica. W s -, aesm sue Cies, Nov. 27, 1868.
By Amoebae Preas. llostilities are movitable between Ecuador At daylig,iit this morning Gen. Dieserisla
GALLANT CONDUCT OF THE STORMING TROOPS. Wssmstorom Nov. 26.-A g entleman who and New Greuada. Thts. Congress of IleumM e army' gan forcing the pezeno of
ere)th Relit
reacheri this city, to-night, from the Army of authorizes the PresidiM to declare war.
eermania Ford and two oth oints.
Narrow Escape of Gene. Bragg and the Potomac, says that Serb Davis reviewed I Gen. Camera te in sal
on of San Solve- . The hardest tight °cowed at Germapla F . efsl as
Breokinridge. his troops yeaterday. The roads are now in ter. Gen. Parries srq defeetist. San routed where the rebels had massed their forces.
tolerable good traveling condition. Ties news
hi . m severe battle. si. cod engagement took • lice eghtspg lusts i along the line for about
- from Chattanooga, telegraphed Meta Wash- three boatelsThe ProvielOne and Clothing, for our fag to headquartem of the Army of the Po- place in the harour%l sim Union, between the
Priso n e rs Used by the Rebelm tames, was goon made known to the soldiers, the steamer SalNedo - And the g. ird
h , J.
1' mr whole army is now on the south bank
who received it, throughout our now snoring WW.J• J. of the Rapidan.
_ liner, with the wildest delight arid , cheers. By Aemclate pre... m''
Tsm line of the Orange and Alexandria
UN. BUMSIDEBAVER, Tllkli 1118.k.SSAILINTS. They aro all enthusiastic to follow the bril- 'Weenier. roe, Noe 17.-Ileadisuerters have '
lent example of their co-patriots, sad Will Itailmad hue been abandoned. The supplies
'received a dispatel, from Gee. Grant, dated
very soon have that opportunity. k i s r .liser • for the army will hereafter resell it by wry of •
ill a nt statin • that
Very full semi-official dispatches of 4git. Chattanooga, 5ec... .• • •• e
The Rebel Financial Troubles. eriptive operetione in front of Chat i gak; the route of the comm. hi ettemlete. They aerie • ;;rang. Creek, Falmouth and Fredericksborg,
t 1, - awl werlomen ore alreedystbere with materials
was received hero to-day. They
~..An, doped over) thing. slissietins, 0:stroll+, and
terms of moat enthusiastic admirottedo the
REPORTED PLOT OF UNION PRISONERS TO ESCAPE DOnduct of om troope rl and particularly of the see
pieces id artillery me found every where . for repairing the railroad. mm
FROM RICHMOND. utetsions of Gene wool and Sheridan, now Ile thinks Siragg's loss is fall 60 pieces. A The fact thaMthe passage s of the Rapidan'.
• large number id prmone have been captured. was so easily ?tweed is musidered as condo-
embreced lathe command of Gee. 'Hooker.
ix., ere., be. . ' l'umuit will be con slue o Red Clay, in the sil eIN showing' Lee'leMarlify has been
These moo, excited by their elleneS , in nor-
morning. Grant says is tarts for there Tii a '
ming the rifle pits on the elope of Misitionaty 1 law ,
_, greatly weakened. Deserters taken 'ytlter-
Ridge, which they had boon ordered to take 1 n ee ' • day estimate the rebel army at forty-two I
Wasoncerrox, Nov. 26, 1801. at rill hasardsrushed theprecipice beyond
and carried the crest o the ill, taking , Mule '
Dispatches from Chattanooga speak in the thirty cannon and thousands of prisoners: , --ems's, and ape hundred end lump-five 1 1iees of ar
most glowing terms of the conduct of that Neither Grant nor Thomas believed the bill , TH E ENTIRE Avy movING. 't Mt ry, but the probabilities are t ought to be 1
part Of Hooker's corps which stormed Alia- ere
could be carried by direct attnek,and no ord that this le rather under Livia ?ter the figures...l
for the assault were given and the officers were. ' --' re
e i ener i ridge, and subsequ euri t Pursued their almost literally swept log in the current of , NEVIS np I ti i mei is i m i .p. l% !a p t run
by t he by attacking other positions held • Idlers. enfiladedeel lee being eseeedingly ,
• M the strikes in New York hes juet occurred.
by the enemy. Sheridan's and Wood'. divi- steep, was by ar:illery, both to the I ----!17 The tent makers (males) struck for higher
right and left. The num . or of
skins, now under Hooker, wont crier ground wages, being refffsed sl,Bo to $l.BO, whil. the
soners were reported at 3,400, at it en e ;
which wan doomed perfectly impracticable, l argely EWELL AN . ?GSM making women of the veer:rue trades have
increased Soy bungleie, of wh .1.1 1 irge '
I Ac , 4, As. also been on a strike. The latter, however,
and climbed precipices where no commander numbers are etill coming in thin menung are very willing to do tent work for from ee
would have thought of ordering his troops. This morning Bragg's foree. were massed , -set- cents to a Millar, and emesequently a number
near Roseville, in the forks of the , s s.
They acted under no orders from superior offi- ironies, o rho AS , 111¢.K. Nom 27.-e '
o firrolol'. dispatch of them base taken the phases of the male .
t left of the positious just woe etrikers. Oue of the latter is indignant em
tern, but after taking Missionary Ridge inept by one army,. i from the .. .fia Army ~
r tier • , h.. and wants ih. New York Sun to reprive
on in one resistless wave of attack. The Mew Tone, Nov. 27 -Tbe New York Tel- I P o tomac, in the field, ' " ICt ' remt ' er 2b, the ,hi s ,
for thus enabling lotn late employers
says • The entire riemy - Ta, Potomac is to . Mein work at low prices. The See replies
ground they crossed was enfiladed on both tho teres's special tl , ” ~ : Although Gen. Berriside
right and the left, and they were also subject Lm
i li , e n e r ri ti, T i v n isetert, ey the ferme in position en h I
t this Inman:4s. id before this can / 1.01111.,E . Lea that he Is very mean to object
0. side of Knoxville, and altheug t girls getting work when they issin.
to a heavy fire in front. So precipitous wee no direct &deicer' here been receired from him I reach you, we shall have s limdis fight, wiles.. the ; e
the ground that some of the men had to throw during the lest two de l is; it Is believed that 1 enemy shall have taken Me brat and moved St re has been brought against the city of
t ta li k e e i n ni f te r u b re i s .
. s , n w .„, hi: , h ful heis and bms hi n . 1
down their muskets in order to climb up, but towards Richmond floater saw the arins n Chicago by the widoW of Thomas Almiensli,
they still went ahead, and in some cases also- assailants will soon find themselves on the de- I oho passed nu i n , ; ..n to one ed ef o - ti th in e t h o r t i h d e gen rho w r. hil T e h i e t
lately plunged into the rebel rifle pits teed tensor°, with a lair prospect of being 1 better
rnolfieirir spirits
''' o n f th t ' h i e n i .. oriniese diepete's to
token ' the Ilreold, of y the 26th. Metes, that ' thi gi a o t und u cl g o. a Lteh she claims 00,000 damages,
attacked the enemy with their Mts. I prisoners, or-forced into an inglorious retreat. I army momon at dayligllM The rebels hove ie the neglect of the city to keep a lightat
Brags and Breckinridge had rege.rdeil the , only a strong picket firm with some artillery,' the bridge. The city denies that it is
semitl temestelas to the Pittsburgh Gazette .
position se so secure that they had selected WASEItrIGTON, Nov. 28, 18ms,
ee I below Mitchell's toed. M Leh line oetends bound to keep the br.deo lighted.
,fr the south bans. ofethe river line'
has their headquarters, and when our impot- j General Grant's latest dispatches of last , rmir em of White's F mi. is Mile Run, whore Tax New York World says the coming esin
iten° assault tame up they nerter"l/ escaped evening, which have not found their ,it bends to the south, loDening the west book ter ‘.... 'o be tame as gay and extravagant es
capture. The number et prisoners thus for of Mole Run, wh nls sMesimsly fort,fied. At ..„:, lear,r. ;n that city. All the publle ti F ells
way into the newspapern, are eery confident 1
reported is 3,500, but a largo number of rebel that he Sim won a groat rietory, and that the ' stefleirtidesthmethemuentiesmßuteemt,ph:' ml,etehre,slSYmbisle7 are
r engaangsted.ofimmacoefertsLni4lghfotrMiettbeAmiprril
p e ri b:
straggler, are still coming in. result will to the instant retreat of the enemy ,to prevent our scouting portion from crossing, vote bolls and parties were never so flume-
The statement first made that the rebel toward Atient t. This Is authoritative, and I but it io posohle• rtrieo tea I "it." . 0 of ' run+, and us for theaTres, they were serer so
army wan in full retreat, is probably not curs Imy informaut, who has seen the document, I ties Meade P l.o of s , ,,eioent, and rouse thronged, n This morning Bragg was in the forks ~ e quest suopensom cm,- ~, intent,
t' , have ee.a....------
tetaa me further th a t ri„,,, of t h e i r re treat is I strengthened than 1,014.1.., sod. will make 't TIIE eoll4l.leLe rote .1 - Delaware shows that
of Chickamauga C r
Piet to the left of the hourly expeetel at tlie War Deportment and 1 desperate effort to 101 l them Natuaniel B Smithers, C u pgressman elect,
sieeitions to whiels
had been driven, still A bnitio in expected at t Ford. oi and out-and - oat oneandltional Ve.loeiet, ass
White llon , e.
it is tot probable that be can lone end this at Jacobs' Mills, perh MOM ?.... i',..”. majority °VIM Brown, es 00l lector or
Excel Jubilation in UlAntfenleti, ...1 all The c• it t t Of Ir A. 11011 be, the lett „f the Philndelphio, impertedaand put on the course
position tenable, bands will give earnest thanks to -day. rebel li.,e, and lieit of 1: a ell the r ....,, 1 r the 11.'14,r:16e Initiate:
It Is understood hero that ties in. sstiment of
The relief of Bermide, and the quick sic- • till et . rr, nat. re., o• , it 1. 11,1 E, in
Knoxville is on the north side only, and it is ee Luce day, and that o f Ewen v+_- . 1,A., Osriott semi have been mounted
Middle of Looestreet, are the 10p...1 cense- rsait,
also believed that by this tame liongstreet ' lenlay. .o ~, . ,,n •• :d 4 lEl.lnd, in penitier where Caleb"
quences of Grant's movement. I dermal...a has Leon tee , i red .•I a lei. at, I 14,14 eould eiuk any wooden
willhare discovered a force other than Born- For Burnside no !ember apprehension is nature, stating that the rebel lien. 1'..-t ), , ha,
2,shesuld ettempt an entrance. So
side's to contend with. r,,,,, , ..„. ~,,,hin g more than the fear th,.., h e died from wound- me .., i• II A 4 Cur Illtt !I. i the i clod .), .004 in Can acla May suspend
The measures taken by Grant for Buruseires opera us ou ....aKC hile.
may have been overwhelmed before Grant be- Ittlt ''''' ° St " ' ttt •
relief must prove successful, and is, entente in i General Ewell, has born al .ent it ta hi. -..... w .....-------
goo to stir. : corps for sumo tms from s knee-, an lit Is 11,... r l. L. 0.., left Mei:Meath on Theeeday,
the capture of the rebel forces, or an nom
Leapt:set must rejoin Bragg. I reported in the eel.' linen to-day that ho is ' for Tennessee, to take command of one of the
mil:dome retreat. a lso dead ties Elmer i:• eomms.ndis • his 1 division. of thent's arm • •
I 1 I the victory Is' as complete,
terps .
.o 7 .
There seeins to be some grohnd forregardiug
- I - mlPPessefis the last rebel linlita en ie turned ' e Mondev (Me. ilregmmiee4iiiiitiiiimelesass.- Jaktri. - -&- L 6 • _... ; .
as credible the earrent statement that none of
05 ,
but disorganization can fellow , I o f I - ' l d 1' ...e. -
cara.r3, in:corning to ....1 or er ISSIIO rho
the P ruylsiett and Clothing 'et" to
"'if P c '''" - ltur forest wi l l move into the heart of the evening previous, and ern-aid the Rapidan at r ,
,oit SA ME.-A three story, modern
es in Richmond, reached them, hut that . Ellis' Ford, irrth his ehele ,mireond, erg. ' Pittlk. fn.nt. teri. hollEling, now oncelfruni by
, Autl,Ytt Stale', AO the Confederacy will be
did reach Gordonevirle, and wre, of eourse con- taring a few ,pris Mt,. and drit in g the rebel punl n, A. Luker, dry t ..,ele met- limits, en
0 tttrun. pickets La , k with roiur IoSS. When he had . ~..',..eral,..etrn,...rogrfoi,h,e:niritut,f,..i.,l, lu
rafted to tho ore of the rebel tinny. It is
so. ml Dopatal , to the Plttelre , J l, bare... perfected his ermsine he .seen i d ,0011:er
' F n . r .E ' teluo ' S. , le. I • f Mr.oll.llh P LOGAI 4 ,
elm believed that come 5,,,iii0 el rim prisoners manding orders, and was obliged to recros. to B 4 , 0 p,„„,,,,. r .,., . pn . or altr y,,lyyr is momm
were Bent to Danville. • I PIIILADBLPITIA, Noe. 2d, ISol:t. i
l" la•lelphin in jubilant. Cb arch. , or tat- I
I this aide of the ricer.
Another dispatch I 0 the Herold, of the -suer gher r Or,.
Jr. oornor ..f Federal .trees th Diamond. Allen
Fultsilea if Richmond papers from the 1 "*tie ,
'4,1. ' date, s ims At stanemae artillery Sting WO, , t;.,'1.',,t1i bac.. lies 3 °t h h.' ," , twill 1 . r`ffr"'d
down to the 24th era received,. Thee ten- , G ,
~,r s, m him imees s ~ emismt ,,i i • , y or- heard during the morning, wioch tare Iti .
sim", .1 euEitry Bealden.. .to notes train the city,
tail] little of marked interest. the currency .
....... g .
enth , „ or) , ~, Tonno ,_ be to the threaten of .tee ..,t the f.•rd. , . •'..
~„ . „, rn ,..„. t,
way! „ i. ,,,,,,i,,,,,,
question still sterns to absorb their atteet .•• on the l'tbrlor:hrb., sort e, i Llaleago 11 , 11...
m The retool/ Were .1.. • Ate d at every 1111,“isr"" • _ win st , le building, a nee., railing erring.
There .a some mud tri, It, t. a limiter+ .., n modern Y
Long communications ere published, mod ' ' tout, impedes the proere -of the artillery cud ra:, 1 ,... f. i, -, :; ,,,, t , or froi. oi we ,r ,,, .. gramme,
p., . t_
complicated financial schemes are elaborated. I sui e l ) tra.n ~ bot the r. ..1 --r or oluror ed ";', , . `,. , ' ~:r . „ „ nrrrir ,, ~ ~,,,„
Business in Philadelphia is e holly sus
The Dipoka, of the 20th, in referring to ono ,,, ' .
~ , ~ 14 , ~thing ba• been stuck the. tar. i ' Por sale. cti oig r e nicitiey Bottom. 10 acres rf
1,00.1 I. 4.1. street i"ov"-. '... people. ii the firm time ioi . long i -, d th. • Ile K ~ •,,I mtaatod mar Leetsdale, of thr Ft•tabnrith,
of those schemed, Gaya : ATo /Meer was sung in all the Cattier • Aimy et the Petort.ue her enl tlrell 10.. Er. fr. ei '• ' '' I`Y"`' T A (1 ., 11r1 W 1 % D I ';" ‘ .. " .,1,0 6. ; k " r U.°
"The first thing to be done is to stop the
chorehes. the sedetd s'ssum' s r ise° '°' ••- I n'''' n' ''';'' l Y I ~',II • 's'... t itro r . I 'Y
issue °fedi le Treasury notes, and enlees cols .rains I.lElen Inc a Ion:: tol 4. N h h,': es Liu It ------
be done, all further action upon the sumect is t , ra'd It dts oil the Preform •rl leleltrolr' , hems ~, a mmmtim , I . rave n , i anti mem Emm ft ... 4: Ril s r.R Will o ff u y a t pr i.
orideut l .7 in voin. For le ts th e ' red°. 1 ""'" , it h Mem isw nem in him hands. The l loon celerity no now, core pouisli of llnggi,re and .1 Enle Enle, Ern the 5,1, (to ASP Ten DAYS OF
of eurreney ii , ot hits rale, d the price.. to their 11... Lsl SUL i....i, at No. 111 soLood street, Pot.
, artillery ,A mounted ell every hillock and -amp copitpnag n.
slit n^ i•.r daily u•
present azid fabulon. heght, and that having
T ee er , ems ' having been a r e•tit I an r.. t
ocensioned deprees
etion in the Grit inntane., 1 moun•ain around Chettanorma. ii smi 1, Lear 4,, , 1 Chllll-.0 . 11 lonhohlps, De
" The weati., . , • 1 .
. uag ii 1,11, ....,ty , ell neturr slam, from 1 to f.!, mil. from
minden Its downhill march • :a, MI llte. .. crushed and Ideedrog. The lest se e el], for ter tut non, on 1 In , Ino h„,„ ~,,i ~,,,, ~.. ~,,,,,,,,,,,t ~,, L1...0,m &boa b
volume increases. The Clrenintion to now i - - of the Orange and, Alt,. endria RI tirooll lc rt .5.1 val.. , avyrkete
3650,000,800; this treasury issues $50,000 ad) I
THE BATTLE AT CHATTANOOGA. le-nad to its- arui) late in.ll night, and tarty f .: i. acres zi i p d a n i , de 411widing tern taro beat
n mentb In a Term we shall ham A erectile , this no ming the tierot cOutlill-,, ,- 9 and rotor 'lnlir7...*rmt:Ladlomin: the abort, to be sold se a .pa.
lion of '0,250,000,000. A barrel of flout now lir:misters With ill 'heir tents and calltp rate 1 ,,, it mile from r .„. 1 1,„„„4 •s al
Sella for $5O, and tho price will keep eme I DISPATCH FROM GEN. GRANT. I ~.,olr.ago, 4,......0t i ..‘• ~.nin., 51 at 11 . 4 4 Inol 4 from Neer Ilrlghten
with tho LIICTOOSO Ed volume and diminution 1 ss artee , miles from New Ltehhton
in the value of currency. In a year a barrel The Mettle at C hattanoug•a-Per fee • .is ei rs. • re, i t
from me Bright,.
of lour will cost 3100. Everything continues IBR ilit;'s ARM Y COMPLE ILLY ROUTED. n,,ut lif the R ebela-lihn Force. In An
the 7 • • .: " • -enth-r, all o the e shoes not avid
to go np in the same ratio, and no govern- — Mumma. Ar inel , ..f 00 , 1 , re, n trcas bele aed will be
ettharaer , fr. m ...i•
men/ on earth " rt stand such a ttettem• THE ll ITILIS-fl ill) eTREW \lt ITN •Plill.r; Cllkrts , uot, t, Nov. 26.-Bragg s retreat 0 ,52.1 In DA Ii Ilr DUNI-AP, Agent.
There must be a radical reformation or we are from li s pas lion of last night represen ts a — -
done for. It balonge to Congress to make is perfect rout.
reforms It must m ust nrink from the task-do A
..bout Sixty Pieces of Artillery Gse Sheridan reached Chiekmeuga Stamm I
,I.B;rel•Ll,thn'lLetsr,ll,l4,seleeia memS• e° 1 ,./i.Lii ,
it speed*, and it do it effectually. ° Captured. nertere or IL 1:121.... 1 3 1
at Nut o'clock this morning, capturing fire eis , see k s mite ., c ontaining :Caere., 180 of which
The &Mind of the 19th, is is leader revies. I hundred primmers, four guns and a number me dear s l and antler can anon, eMence wen tim
ing the campaign of 1863, says :,, I --. ,
of poisti3One. le r cl dwelltng of an te , large here, Gone
PURSUIT OF THE RETREATING REBELS Ite mimes' near ly all the
uttemPted t° hum the hriage l'e'l'l'ru-tte"r"..o.;inti...7iirs-ir'f"i'imUirtrreugliin s fl uT r i.ble for a
It her /leased Prov i dence to curtail oar I beh , -.1 trim, and partially succeeded. Ile :; o n " , „
g '-' rno fon„ will no
..wi0n. ..,,,, torno ,.
'produce of food. Both drought and rm. • limped the depot rind ell the stores at Chi , . ior fa ther Inferlont ion a pply to
hire diminished otu:_harrests, and more to be The Position Reversed at Knoxville. I anloga. Sherman croseed the Chicameuga or. mAt ,
lamented still, disci - se among one swine has I
-- till a forenoon. 'looker 7els reported at Ringgold no -2.• It 112 Diamond ro , near Greet
lessened our supply of meat. It is truly an min , ss i im m• fl y, eir y Tiv i v q ,
I hr. 111111.11.4. ut ur.o, th.,.,, At ,t ,lat 6 S. SI• Captures end desertions are rapidly iA W
afilictlon to be them abridged, at such a time ."
thinning the retell army. The number et LA PliorP.ltTY Vitt SALE, situate an Butter
but It-is an aftlietiott that comes from.Rearen, cannon captured thus far is reported at fifty- mrm t, mar the forks of the rail, a lot fronting OD
audit behooves us te bolt to It with revereece 1 11faire in Central and South JAlllerieete two including tho t elobrated Loomm battery Bull. r street aml extendinx hart to Lafayette alley,
and submission ; and truly if we deserved and im ...huh there le erected two 2-story Frame Dwell.
loot at Ceickamauga.
needed to receive ehattisement, it was inercy dv., if r , &e. I Sherman's loss is moot. le's than at first i.g.,...".x.:..a..:,,,r 4 ,.. 11 , : ,,.,... , , rh t: 1 . 17 , .
that it canto thus rather than by triumph of ' estimated,• and will not exceed 500. 6,0110 air Y taislies., Are .I. .iie of ftse beet In the borough.
enemies, for es one said of old, "It is better
se. mil 1 , patch An the Patehorgh I.asst lc , prinoners have been reported c aptured Term, racy Appiy to
le fall it.,to the hands of God, for he is moral- i PHMArslft.ltlftt`, 'Nev. 27, 1581. I Breckeureige's son, end Major Wilson, h. 0. 8 BATES, Commercial Broker,
ful, than into the hands of men." The re- ' k. nett Butler m Lawrenceville.
• d I Am! of mall, learn been brought in. arm le
'Stilt, however, is that while we hare bread A semi-offietal dispatch, jum receive .
hula e himself narrowly es , •apeil eapt ,
ur` VOR SALE OR LEASE-A large Led
enough for oar armies and cur families, says that there us a complete lout of the rebel lA. strong is is
g column
there is not A sufficiency of meat for no army, and that our forces are in het pursuit. 1 and It is not improliable that another defeat miles Orem Pitteburgh. on which there is a good
free a consumption sie we have been aceus- „ Dwelling lion.. of nine roome, also, genre! other
towed to. The people must reduce their m e- I fi Id 'wed with spoil, atom- 1 has been forced upon him.
•t he betties o is sire
Loussviios, Nov. 20.-The Journare special Domes, all built of brick, m W an t et Leese . wr i t; ti ,
sumptlon of moat, or the 'army tense safer. I doacd cannons, caissons and wagons.
from Chattanooga, dated the 25th, says that thmieZiXilnetstsel hart, ti il
The people of Ili cities have already i Bragg loses sixty pieces of artillery, Gen. Breektirdidgo's son bad just been brought 1 ., pnrtwo , ,X, `;',=',.'''''' or en , on
greatly reduced teem consumphog of Snail. Grant has started in' pursuit to Red Clay. in prim Mer Amon tho killed are Captain G. T. GILLLAY,
perhaps Wgh-prioes have bad much to do ... . i W • Sharpeberg, Allegheny Gomm, Pa.
tryto h Dalton,
walls -this, but still the fact is importaoL Bragg will macGeorgia. settee awl', mt. e , Colonel Putnam, re-
„a.m .
' dby I IftlreVyaleonndeli: Captain Daniel ()Tenter, _ _2--------------
With people insthe country inure tenet the ,• As Bragg'a army ales it hi thinned . Ise
x..-.. ,Valitiff.srOUgeiLTolltenant Colonel Gillmore, VOR ItENT-A 01'kt:wive's& Sum IN
same compulsion of neceszim, and they, a, sorters at every mils. If not cut elf it verlkeelek rerseuttsShilloterit Tucker, Lieut. Colonel Is Tint creascentua.-I will sell ton good well,
we Worn, have not stall atinterdtheie families I
back to Atlanta. The rebel governs:M4lAl* th-lifidemblelinston and Adjutant Bond, man my entire s tock.coneisting of everything In the
of the accustomed indulgenbe or
• Wagoornakieg tandems-Oat, Ash, Plne Arid the
allowancess. We reePeettully but earuestly Isstores at that plate, and two canual*ig Of 'Aronaciodian v
. -,, ''t .. - ' -- of ltes last night blazed along the ry Plank, Axles, Split and Sawed Thgnee,_.o o3
entreatthem to give the subject their - atone oaten. Grant will take this ia t tiese s ` l i s
, ' meet Of the whole tidge, a distance of eight 1 et,i'lle"ssmeeedsmlapttantt'et eliheTleinmeemtrtia %lin..
Mim s and
It in the light or their duty Five thousand stand of small. Wit; ten miles . Bragg expected to withdraw under is i o te ; m os Maees ts offered tea G teli Wagon•
ton thesoldiets. The vary meat which the
flags, and 4,500 half savage prisoners cover o gt.
f i b At dark Bragg was in line Inike . r. Inquire of
fether feeds away in superfluity to his ear- of battle to cover the Knoxville railroad. It I Monseettie Tollermall liem.
vanta s his son may suffer for in eaMp.. One are In Grant's bands . Is believed he will not hazard another battle.
or the other must be pia on shrift rodent , . The enemy is laytag waste the country Our army Is full of enthusiasm and eager to
Which shall it bet
_Thie question receives eve whore possible on their retreat. The pursue. Prisoners report the rebel tinny ter-
Pablo emishises alien we remember that at ti
home we have eubstitutes for flesh, and it, the stores end depota at Chiokamauga were ribly demoralized sad unable to offer reeiet
once and that Bragg will fall back to Atlanta.
camp none." burned by them. The prisoners say thatif I
Gene r ral Brannon occupied Tunnel 11,11, which
The Richmond papers publish a resent inter- overtaken serious resistance cannot be made, completes our line along the whole length of
topted rebel correspondence. The Enquirer The day before the battle the Richmond Missionary Ridge.
commends some of D. C. Louis' statements, Enquirer said: The approaching winter warns
and Calls him 'an intelligent and Indofatiga- both armies that their present positions may '
Isle Confederate agent. be their mutual destruction, and the spring of
The Examiner, of the 23d inst., announces 1864 open on the wasted and ruined remnants
the discovery of a plot on the ,part of the of both.
Yankee prisoners to rise, en make and effect The question in Tennessee is now, not
their escape, whllethe cavalry frog( Williams- whether Gen. Barmaids will be able to hold
burg was to make a raid towards Richmond I out agaluat Longstreet, but whether Long
and aid their escape. It says the guards were ! street will be able to get away. Gen. Barn
doubled and every precaution taken to pre- side is perfectly safe. The victory relieves
vent pie execution of their plan. him from embaerassment. Reinforcements
Avis is general rejoicing here over , the re- are now to be Sank to him. The socessioniets
sults, at Chattanooga. Unless Brant be able hero look atthe diminished map of the con
to pursue en enemy,now supposed to be oom- radocaey and, gnash their teeth, and them Is
"'lately routed, the , belief is that: tab practi- little heart for thanksgiving among them.
.eally ends the heavy fighting ' .. for Mb banter, I This Amity of the Potomac: , is in splendid
sq . eepting along the seaoosit. I epiriti. They are moving at this moment.
Thanksgiving was'obsetved by niodng the i The mar,* began yesterday. The Virst ooto-
gpectal Mosta:tee to the Pittatough Ger-tt,
r.FF Y 2`Fw 'emu- ~ - ~;t~ -~
. ` w ~. xP ~S~~~k~, { ~ " , 'iS~il M,'°~'~i:4~'.'w'Awa~ }~' Z`~ 4 '6.~.k[s.:'3~.e~i~~ ss :~i~ ^
il. _w'..~
_~b~ mra ~.`~a..-~.C#~":fi~A.v~?;s .~ a~rve~~:;w ~,..'L{.,+rgba.aCi4 '...Y?
Cotton at Atlanta.
Wssuisuros, Nov. 27.—A despatch to tho
Herald states that a largo amount of cotton,
amounting, it U believed, to nearly two mil
lion halos, is reported to have accumulated at
Atlanta., Ga., belonging to the people nod
the rebelgovernment. It is thought that
Gen. Grant intends making° rapid movement
to that point. It will be difficult to remove
any considerable tiortion of this cotton in
time to save it from capture.
--- - --
Steamer Telegraph No. 3 Sunk.
CINCINNATI,7.—The steamer Tele
graph No. 3, bound from Cairo to Memphis,
sunk at Osceola on „Monday. She had four
thousand seeks of Govornmentlgrahr and a
number of passengers. Three negroes wore
drowned and two men scalded. Thore was no
caimaltiell among the 'passengers.. She lies
with saran feet of water on the lower. decks.
She will donbtloes be raised.. , '
- i
A First-Class Motel in Philadelphia,
Ceuttelly %creedal, will be to let at Jeautri 1 o.,nat.
it prJ lcatioo m►4o to
No. 113 South Scteuth Artist.
U' f — jet,MALL BRICK,
1101TfiSS, situate on fitnrgeon street, Allegheny.
Tle, heaves win be sold on tome to make it a deaths,
bin 111,1431.,iit rapitall.ta, or persons desirlnt
cbenp and comfortable homes. _
luqutro of
Nu. 40 Diamond, Allegheny i
or of S. B. W. 4.711.14, Attorney-at-Late,
tiolgieeilif ra Filth street, Pittsburgh,
. .
FCA.II.3IFOII76AE: situated in Indiana
eounty,six miles from ' BlntniretUu, on tite North
ern Pike, containing ONE HUN - DEED AND SIXTY
ACitEn, ninety acres cleared and in good =attn
tion. Neer frame house and outbuildings, rung
orchard of choke fruit. el•nuianrr r.f evudient
Navin at theoutice el V:. G. ALGILENBAIIGH,
i.iu. 8. BWARTZ. NO:llll.Distnond street,
.normodua . •
VOR RELLE—'INan. Furrisco
enes, Steam Cy!lndere,' 18 Inches diameter by
four Wet etroka Blowing Tube 3 teet it Incluse tliburks,
eter by fire feet stroke. 111 , In 4 00 4 9rdr; L hOloir.
been ,Lod b 4 s abort I.llP‘ 74/ibubsct ur.4!i y
a Wade , rittrbarsh. co
WOOD, 11.08111trels aOD., • . •
J 01404.14 r‘ •
Prodnop and Commission Merchda: , ,
IifEEDEANDISE EEOIIEB, i lifannlitottenra of every wale* of estialted
And d. i t i a I A yEldrida of COUNTRY PEODECE, -1 au,o , s e r s oux. von,. PLVEIBESS, STEAM OE
; o nier it . A ITVA TIN S i 101111 desertil
_1.111: taade
NO Ga t ;
FITTING, and REPAIRING, r an:aptly ,atton,Lcd ~..
1:111K41 ar005ia50,,,..........,0nit5. • rataccatn. I Particular attention paid' to Bilinear IISSIIVE
(of tits late lino oflo3l D. lieDeruild rit•ln.riek• 1 ELEfi ii oft COAL SiliD CkftEoli 01L8.
Ja CO, iii•alr•Lik..oho,42._ '
„,., j 441 6.10 Agents fur tae Westczn District of Dena-
ArDONI DONALD & AKIIUCAq.,..r.z, 11,"1,01e- t*l.. t r a ~ P , . . the InI4AIII MARSH, LAIISDELL 4
val. Oreeent4Proilhie• &lief:jun=l=Jan Me, i Vi.I.A,PATZIIIT BIP110:Ii PIMP, the A•Cat ever in
......,.. tobb.,4 „, 1.0 1.„.:=. S. O , 4 aGALB, ~„a 310. I retbit. 13.1” F no Taira It Is not liable to get out
LASS - Elr, REPINED itiGI — IES it grniril, nontn, ;07. end tent tiunwienors ma= than any prop
BACON, TOBACCO , TEAS,: BUS,' CHEM:. , ° I 1 " . 1...... cola
6E614, in, Moo. in ima sta Lit.rty. On.o , rit I u- JOILN LULL St, CO.,
lower. _uoia
NO. Ire LOEWY intarrr,
CIP.OOIIItI/ AND oomarauns 11.SliCILI NTS, IttaatiLicturers and d,ltiCgl irl eh. the teek.roart kinds
...• PLOWS, PLOY . C.-UiTlliGh. BCOOl'5, CUT-
S , . 11 mad V. Smithfield et, tor. Phr - ceLul t I,TING et).X.Z.h. ic. With greatly ithlrs.s.-.. twit:
7 sirs for doing business, we earnestly larlth'ilealirrs to
Jahily PITTSBI:ScsiI. - t give uao call. .I.l.anureatory, TeteptrlSMAlle 7
111,10. W Illalsowil.— .... .......--Arn..l LINEL•re. 1 'XsreL. , .... 0.'41. all? and Liberty ht., r itub . gb.
, T..7.411L. •
111 MIR 01411117 MENWEIUMCIL WO AVXMOS.W. • gTrr , n rw worms.
, far the asht of Flottr,Aliata, .Pork, Ita. , 0 e f... ,5. . ~... ami j. Nuo , N.
'6 11 X, 16 M? Better, tat, Choke; TOO* Tallow;
Oresile,.•ritaboloti: Potatoes' , et 'end - Te a r) tithes,
Bel.teffiat Limited =I Letd• 11 1 .18. Wild sad Green
Prultes Timothy, Claret. ruz, Lut.tirwmg.ts•
Cash adviacementi mei/von Consignments.
' apEly No' .M 7 Liberty street. Pittsburgh.
. W . , M. GORILY,
10. VI LIBERTY STREET, l'itt.burgh
-Raving purchased the Intereat his lat. partoeva
Mill watts= Um lataino , . at tbo ala stand...a will
bo pleased to rocelva patroo.agt. of his old (nand.
and oostoartara. toylaat
WEIIB Jr. WILICINSOS„,,,C.ust ssio:s
mg.camgrA, tonos.,-1, dolOPre u, WESTERN
RE64.8.V8 CHEESE, DRIED surrrs. BUTTER.,
EGOS, CHAINS. sad produce geoetall. Also,
uratuzir., mins, oiLs. LO,rty
street., PAW/sure.-
CairCuh . advenceroonts trade. Cousizurneuts Po.
ertly'il BE CK
NV t. 161
core. ‘!..191:71t..1011 MercialftddeaderenrjOL;,
BUTS, ke., SALT sod LIMN. .14
FoetwA.E.4 Nato-tot And whokossde
OILS, DRIED FRUIT, sad Produce i;enerally, Noe.
H.l and 143 Front street, Pi:Ltburgh. oc - 2 •
wholesale tiro
cen and Oolson.leAinn Sierulaasts, ia
TAL1.513, end PattAargh usatkuiaccures
gemenilly.l l 2. and 11+1 Second strrea. Pittsburgh.
r. ui~ra V.
IREYMEII. & BROTHERS, (successons
to Replier A Aadeasou,). Wholesale Dealers la
Mt and 103 Wood streeljabuse Pletb, Pittsburgh.
W 9.17
fltiLP .tSEIEPILARD, Comm:lmm
Vindnivri and dodert tn' FLOCII, GRAIN,
AND MODUCK, No. Liberty street,Pittsbargb.
* 'Mold brands of flour fbr Bakon and Family oda
consunnly on band. Particular ettrutlori paid to
:4113101,16P Lot Mr rChand!" aulkerally. ocaNtly=
eIHA , LKS. R. LEECH, lototra.
lJ GILAIN Wsc?ot AND 01.11111.1110 N 11-
.44,, and agent rot the celel•ratod I.7nt , rtna - n CE
MENT, Nos. lid Second and 145 Fir.c &meta, he
t1•0111 Wood and thalthtlel , ', Tit.berzh. . ee.l
Conunisaion llarchaut, Usaler i/l k Loun. BUT.
Liberal ea.dr„)., advances on nonsizuments.
Vin‘Sonas, No. 126 sao®d attest, Pittsburgh.
- .
44.1411/41 Y. 110410. ..... —.06 . 0.01; 14 CMGS S.
•14-Ritirie-METZlUW;tr.,GriFeers and-
Li. Commission Merchants, and dealers to oil t Inds
of Country Produ, and Pittsburgh Manufactures,
No. 2t 9 Liberty street, opptielte bend of Wood street.
O. S. ...... ..... --.0. IS. JONES.
fI . EO. lONE'S SON, Wholesale
VI drown and Pkats. Forniebe-ra d-ales in MA.
burgh manufactured articlei, No. 141 Water,
the ligonongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh.
tiomnrr savant,— T. ns
t, Grocer, Commission and Forwarding bier
chants, and dealers In Prodnr• and Pittsburgh man
cduturas.l.ibarty street, Pittaburgh.
DWALLACH. Commieeien Merchant,
• and Wholesale peal. Le, not n and RAIN.
353 Liberty street. opposite P00r.1...i* R. B.
Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. titomign Ware
-orner Wayne and Penn streets
boos°, c
I SIIIPTON & CO., Whole-
La sale iir.u.sos and Produce Desire, No. G 56th
etrret, Pittsburgh. alit
A 7.
TT . . S
NV A & WILSON, Wholesale Urn
e01.11..104 Merchants, sod &Ida. in
Produce land Pittsburgh mutufsetures, No. 15S Lib
erty Knit, Pitteborgh.
'LINDSAY & TELFORD, Wllr'r , rtio
.1-1 and Retail GROCERS, FLOUR AND Pau Dt7CE
DEALERS, IS7 Liberty street, Pitteburgb.
W. rt.l/01.kILIII- WIC V. LANG
S ° nu
& LANG, CommtsmoN
klementxts and who/suds dealers in Clear
Liberty garnet, Pittsburgh. 5e.13,11y,.
S. LIGGEft & CO , crry FLOU It
INQ KILLS, corner Liberty. and Adman
streets, Pitteborgb. Pa.
ildriNipaeiry, 400 Wirral. Per and
TAMES DALZELL k SON, 11.3Jautrte
ti tares. of ItA.ED OIL, and 0.1.121h11iC11 Mer
chant' for the parallax* and isle of (MIMS ADD
BFIiNgD PFIROLISUIf, Noe-. 69 and 70 Water'
meet. Pittsburgh. Advances asatbson coneirraratit.
WIL IgiganiTgleit J.A. X litireatalca .
• down to Brawn I Kllrlipstiiclia, WHOLE
SALE GROOCIIB, Sim ISL and 123 Liberty etrvet,
Pittabarer apl.3:ly
-- _ _--- _ -........ ._.
wri-Llan anall,ickei p 1 ,...i Dalin areas MEV , .
CM L. Clo.rrln. 1 Special Partner.
MEANS CO.F.FIN., succele , c.3 to
li'Candleaar, Means 1 Co.. WHOLESALE
0110CitliS, corner of wood and Water stream, ritt.-
burgh, jy3:l7_
counis,Forwimilugaudetamw.eatoo NA:r
eheat mal dealer to iIREESB, BUTTER, LAr}:
PIER, and Pro:lone generally, No. Wcod *strre t
above Water, Plttaborgit. . . myb
HOLLAND RIDDLE, successor to Jno
RCOW It Ron, Ro. 1143 Matt, street,lPltt ,
tort, general PRODUCTE, GROCERY AND 0011.
II 011011 XLIECCHattS. ConelgutnantsWe rearset
A S — A—_ TOM YrTk(W.T NFYI_ oleenlc
GrOCerS, CoMMIsaICIU Itershauts, and desists
Prodass.Sos. CO Water street and tib groat street,
SSD. W. W1LW0W111......—... S. PILWOII3W.
- i• S. lALWORTII & Ott, Wholesale'
V • Grocers, fiat. ISO and ITS Second street, near
Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
TORN FLOYD &-CO., Wholesale Gra
es sere trot Comuthaiort Alerchants, Noe. IT '. \toed
Ind nit Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 4.516
7.1" L., CALDWELL. ( Ern ecessor
Na to Jiteigsllolates 0.,) PORK PACKNIt ar
chiles in PROVISIONSitoruct of Kirke. surd Front
streets. Pittsburgh. .
a ja6
a. TOWNSEND,isurctosor to Jock-
N.A . ion & Tovownd,) PO IC P A CKER &el
s; in PROVISIONS, N 0.191 'ourth etreetowar
.erty, :Pittsburgh,
T. H. VOIGT & suecomors to
ItiCACTIANTS, 217 Liberty strrtt, Pletaburgh.
JOHNTOES L }LOU & CO., Wholesale
corner of BredthfleldssetWater, ettrotevPitteboldlu,
Er & Commisgion.
Ml.e O'. and dealers 1:1 PRODUCE, FLOM:
f i A OON, MOOD,. GRAIN, de., , No. 12 Illsolthdold
_,AHD g FAZE I,7osWholesale
EaqTrper of ow Dlinunfik4.lo- 18, PlitAburgh.
KLEBER S 8R0.. - Deniers in 111J
--a.l-111 BAGALtY, Witoliare - H
lu2 H. no
(Omer, Ms. 18 awl 4o Wood One, Mut rale at enta Vor StEnirKVS CEIIIIBIO. P -
taf 17:1.1 . ‘;;; - 2.t. Pletittamph. • 833• M
LEXANDER, I 011 1 11WIES C ISELLOIk. Dexiier in
4.5.C.01 tovoiter of 1101:04 Aug, bro. 273.10berty PlSSOklittotaxn:B,te4 0. 81 ICO.I
,18)01 b4180•111C04/.1 871 . 1 . 2414114"1114 ' l1ttiNg.
T . •
N: r. Hasa.
111 comer Pike and &Mora streste t near the City
Wear 'Works; Pittshorglt. nouteadtirets of 31ACII
ell tdac4 and bort style.
Haring put op t00...0.:L0U of 1•TVI capacity arid of
the bestquallty. we an pteparsd to,do iiinry Job
bing, awi solicit wens to tuts Ito.. Mat.' that by
prOtoptar., and the character of ru. ..,El. In warn
Ptabilo patronage.
We bolts sp , chi stiontion to our BALA NCBD
TAUS OSCILLATING EtiGLiZl, .a onmhtnlng
adraittazta heretolure in this close of
Fog-Inas. Jen ly
Pr:T.ll(l2a F 7, PA.
Diaro:d%wc‘ams of
*BIM QUALITY RE1.11 , !7:1 , CAST ferEICIL,
matt, Plat and Octagon, of all sisoal ITarrat:v.t
eyu ,t to any harried cr Man afictm , xl Maabi• man
tra - Officeand warAunso, Nos. 140 and 41 TITIST
.14 172 BSVONIIsI ittsbnrgh.
Ivtl.s,T AMB TI.I. CY) ,
Makers a 'nd Sheet Iron ".Vor? - _ rv.
Not, 20, 21, 24 and M. Ha. In; *wowed
laere earl a nd - furatehe. , ft with the-more latprov - I
tareainery; wa {l." if prepared to reanntattare rf.ry
dowription of BOILERS, In the. heat snooper, are!
warranted elnal to any mad. to the couat - y.
SeGAII PANS, 1111fi 110 b 111,0 1111 T 14
tht snortrat notice. delfhtf
(13ttecera!4irs to Ono Newton.)
Manancturen ar cOsTior. 1 . R131 - ES. swag, CT' rs.
LAI/LES, and A an , nt r.rietl of BRITANNIA
and LAMP B.RASSEn gene.raily, N.
IN 13.... d
istreet, Piltsboml.
Ll FoO!fula, l'itl,bur.,ll.
atrViarehmile. 311 LIBERTY STREET.
711unat:tur,re of COUR, PA RI,OR "/P H EAT
HOLLOW WtIRE, etc., and Blase Moulds, Roll
.lllll ewe ings, Mgt Bearing, Bas, Water and At
titan ripe, Sad Irons, O' W egan /3". , re, !'tr
• Pnileys, Hangers, Car Wheels. enupllngs
and Castings generally. Also, JuLl.; snd Meeltine
Qnstino to oxiler. Fateuted. Portable Mill,
th ME ,. or 11or,e Power. spit:thud
car. FIRST A.,ND LIBERTY 671., Pittsburgh,
Itfatiutacturors of
sr - pm:ion EITRA)I ENGMES, ACHTNIIRY, &c.
rayl:tf a
kJ. Pittsburgh, manufacturer of Ba al LE tI ILI Y ETS,
WROUnfTT Sri - NES, canna.lP and naltradul. of eTery
Particular sized or sharaCt SPMF.S and EIVETS,
or sma ll , !nada to order at short notice. .1
cod assortment constantly on hand. earawair
'WELLS, RIDDLE Sr. CO.,' No. 215
V Liberty street, opposite Sixth, Pitt_sl.aurgia,
manufacturers of WHIPS. LASHES and SWITCE -
ES, find every drxription of L E.t TII6S III:-+I 1, El)
I 1 solicited from am trate, and gia....13
Chir p
no. per Instructions. fanily
D 4., W. BENNETT, Munnfacturers of
L . willTE STONE all N raidl ,-
Oak* and Wareham., at No. 74 FIFTH STRFF. r,
Pittchurgh. rub 15.13
D lir GOODS.
301, VVII-SON.....ICSVE 111 . 01. NOLL.
11171,L6uN, CA.Rit A'. CO.,
(Lets THU., Pnywke C 0.,)
Wholrmlo Settlers itt FOREIGN ANT) TOM Rol 10
!MS GOODS, No. SS Wool greet, third bottom obore
Diamond y. ritreborgb.
F. , 01 . 1 U. LkNC J. Lriris a'•nor rt, yrrrr
"LANE, MnABOY (IL CO., DealerA
m _ , 1.;••.
140 Fellers' street, (second door Nies.. neer Market
Roue,) Allegheny City.
EATON, ACRUM (k Co ., 11 . kofesak.
and Retail Dealers in TRIMFIII , ,GS B G.
Noe. 17 and 19 Fifiti street,
XifiCRLTM I4.LYDR, Whole.ale - nrul
itcto Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY
m, , x , r , ".-ralmbitnms. 3c., No. Merk.4 emit,
batsmen Diamond and Fourth Fiusburgh.
T ignrcilFlELD, -- (sun:censor -- tO
Ilarrheeld k lir holexale and Itall Dealer
in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY G"01);:, Notthes , t
corner of Forint. gad garket streets, Pittsburgh...
Jf../.4.lFir BORNE, 11'11ot7;snlonnd R,
tall Dealer In all hinds of TRI3I3IING 9 , 0111
GOODS. Ax., Nos, 77and DJ Alarket street.
Tb.a.-K-E- Dealers in nil
J. kinds of DRY GOODS, No. 10 Ffarkil street.
lateen Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh.
RIL PALMER. No: Si 11'onTrlicre , ,t,
D^aler In BONNETS, RATS, namv T ELIA.
MINUS, pnd STRAW GOODS generally.
ILY MEDICINES, &c., of eulcuy prima, quality,
relefele he offers at lowest prices, Corner "Sneuttfleld
.d Touren etreenr, Plttstrusgit. Dranerlptions
tally compounded compounded et all boar.
eatm, rirenTE l, g arid unofacha ofVa
LEAD AND LITILARGE. ,, rnqr of Wood and
Fr o Front
JOHN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in
DYE STUFFS, Nu. rz.lf.. Liberty street, Pittsburgh.
All onion. will mealy* prompt attention. •
So. Ho Ntiow, exert. corrar of Virgin alley,
. Philadelphia andjtellanciimmras.
Companies:Northeast corner Wood and Third sta.
W. SPtat. j O O Of .NE pm S,
:i tit h4 rit . W .d or u it t Am roa cLiza r
mica Compantes, 87 Water If
pA'AftrEL REA, SecretaryCitizens' In-
Ikalinc•*"..Parl, tomer 314aLa and Wen . ate.
1' M RORN)N,SeeTretaryWettern - lu :
• =Race Compan7,92 Wateritree '
`11 1 ,. - . 31.. m — t0 c0 0X,.. - 14. ..Se ' ; , e 3 c — Arertry lfth
rtr„. U .t egh.. en:y
qlO. AND 31.1/.4,;.14 LI:STIMILENT& s *olo
oßtmt fnr Kl 7 KBE' d - 00.13 PIANOS - , LIXINES
BROS.,PIANO44-and 47,15:111520P1E
0N& No. 44 Fifth gran, sernuti door Oar" , dk.od,
l'Utaboneu: . Plana to tetodid In oicr.hong*
for am.