The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 26, 1863, Image 3

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THITRIMAY - § - 8, 1888,
• Timm Will be no EVESTNG GAZETIT issued
from this *Mee to-day, nor will our Morn
ing Edition appear on Friday morning. We
' are desirmu that all should observe OM; ,lay
whioh.the President:has Oct apart as a (hi,' of
National Thanksgiving and Praise, for, the
great deliverances which Almighty God bath
vouchsafed to tis, in the late times of nnpar
alleled danger, through which the nation has
Mot Hattie at Cbattanooga—Hospttal
Supplies Wanted.
Tha late battle between the form of Gen.
Grapt and Gen. Bragg, at Chattanooga, has
doubtless thrown thousands of wounded gel
Care Into the hospitals, and increased supplies
are urgently demanded. This is reasonably
inferred from the tenor of our telegraphic ad
trines, and from the following dispatch, just
rooeived by the Sanitary Committee in this
Lomat - ate, Nor. 24, 18113-1 b the Sanitary
Cu nt . l 'tato. , Pit:able:l7A A dispatch from Dr.
Newberry, Chattanooga, calla at once for all
our stocks, at Nashville and here, of com
presses, band:tr., condensed milk, beef, stim
ulants, &c. " It. J. floors,
Assistant Secretary.
The Sanitary rooms, in this city, aro at No
56 Fourth street. Let the response be cheer
ful, generous and prompt.
. .
Sentence of an Abottlonist.
On Monday last, Dr. A. L. dittoed, of liar
risburg, who had been tried and convicted for
procuring an abortion on the person of Louisa
Hullsberger, was sentenced by Judge Pearson
to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, and un
dergo an imprisonment of three years andi
four month, in the penitentiary. In passing
sentence on tho doctor, Judge Pearson ad
dressed him thus
Forgetting the duties you owe to •
disregarding the commands of God through
his revealed will, and the criminal laws
the country, you deliberately and purposely,
for wicked gain's sake, undertook to destroy
the luaus or child with which Louisa Ilults
bergcr was then pregnant. By this criminal
aot,intentioaally directed against an embryo
human being, yen unfortunately took away
the life of the mother as well as thil of th e
expected offepring—thits destroying two hu
man beings. Had yourrnotives, like those of
tble poor distroseed female, been to conceal
your shame, we would have sympathised with
and pitied your misfortune, but you have no
such excuse. Your motives were mean and
mercenary, prompted by a nicked desire for
gain. Yon stated that your regular fee in
such cases was twenty dollars, to be paid in
advanee,2therehy prthing that the business
was habitual; that you followed producing
abortions as a regular profession; and the
whole evidence shows that you performed this
moot criminal operation with as mach cool
and indifference as you would the met ,
itorions caning of relieving the pain and suf
fering of any ordinary patient.
Not only are such prattices abhorrent t
law and morals, but are highly unprofession
al. The respectable physician turns aside
from and discards all . applications of that
character with loathing.
The noble profession of which I fear you
are an airworthy Member, was established to
heal 'the tick and allerrado the sufferings of
poor human nature, and when perverted to
the base purposes of destroying embryo life,
must receive the execration of all well think
You well knew at the. time of doing this set
that you were not only ieoparding the life of
this poor remote, but subjecting yourself to
punishment in the penitentiary, as you cau
tioned her to soirecy for fear of that penalty.
If not restrained by any sense of moral ob
ligation, or fear of the laws of your ceaoniry,
the danger—rthe almost certainty, of bringing
obloquy and disgrace upon your family and
kindred, should have operated seen effectual
prevention. I sincerely sympatlarc with the
highly wepeurtable barfly with which you are
connected by marriage. I even pity your
self, althoug h we must condemn yourarrors
and transgressions . . Bat pity must not find
such a place in the bosoms of those whn ad- -
minister the law a.-to induce thonr to over
look clime like this, or to treat it with leni-'
one!. We are not only
.obliged to punish the.
repetpnpiarstors of crime in order to prevent its
ition by the particular offender, but also
to deter„others from like pratelico, ,3 end we
gr . :1C.6411y hope that all phyaioianshwho so far
forgot their professional duties as to take ad
vantage of their professional knowledge to
beatirlie adwortionista, will be deterred by the
cone. sequences to you, from pursuing it in fu
The poor ignorant female who participated
with you. in this horrid aot has already
stoned for her crime by a death of the most
esamtiating suffering,both of mind and body.
W. hops 'that sbe has obtained forgiveness.
Yon amt.. atone, for- your transgreasions by
oceinnement in the cells of the penitentiary,
11 here reflection wilt probably produce re
• The Guffy Station Riot Case.
Tho Greensburg llexutd, in alluding to the
late trial:of Capt. J. R. Stewart and others,
for alleged riot •at Gnffy station, while the-
Pittsburgh excursion train was on its way to
the Uniontown Conventipn, In October but,
Tl2O Ulan having. stopped at Gully's, a lot
~.; ; ;..of soldiers who were on the train noticing a
, tag Costing to the breeze with the names of
:At Woodward and Lowrie inscribed upon it (and
ntes alleged , Coppailtencl-ledges attached
to Wand: remoikbeAnig_ the aid and ccatfirt
. In the South had received from
. • Z.Woddßard'A Spunk: in_Philadelphia, in the
winter of 1881, and his decision against the
. righter soldiers votingwidie in the field lit 4..
tlingtfov the lifeafßre Government-and for
the protection of their homes, Jumped from
the Rain determined to pill down the Sag.
.11 appears that, they.berame furious and acted
K hadly. A. number otpersons of the higheet .
tespeetability, who were on the traln,vere.
i • inditee4 to get off and ',lnvent these excited
soldiers from violating the law,
or from doing'.
any aetagainst. the peace and dignity et the
:Commonwealth eis
. -Amgit those who lvenf
Into the yard to restrain violence and to keep
; the place were Capt. Stewart—ebice elected.
Sheriff of , Allegheny county—Capt. iforgen,
11x....Rzu-rison, and several title.
i• era. These men succeeded in getting the ex
: eited soldiers•awarfrom the premises. But
fof their laudable, efforts they hhind them
'. fetes indicted . el rioters, and were tried in - 1 -
'f ear Court As snob. The jury found a verdict
"of instil(' tri relation to' Stewart, and a young
titan: named. Campbell„ , but acquitted all the
• Western Telegrams:
. ,
We hare so frequently had cause Of . rdilf- 1
plabitin regard4o the treatmentecthe West
ern press, by the Nair York Astoolited Presi,
thatir Tepid seem that association had
. , .
' lleliata entirely innocent of any intention to
'pertain Ilieir pertrut the contract made with
the press. -ALsort dally , we Ind in Eastern
l ' itbeis,ltents of newt „furnished by the - duo= '
•ciete•Press, and which are eel 'furnished to
ut as per centrist:4.- • Our 'Washington
snondent, recently, avoided sending Ice an
abs,tract of `the, letter, of lion. John Minor
r. MOW. to the Itfclunond Ermaksio, because the
i. Associated'Preer had - undertaken to , send it.
We now and-theta fall ilia tract was furnished
to thri - press In'the Eastern cities on Tur4day
not one, line was ! furnished in
this City. This it but one of many speciiiin •
mutat violation of contract. Let the Won
! ern Associated Press be speedily established.
blanHer for the Soldiers.
The ladies and gsntleinen.'ctlmposing the
4 1 -4htistilMee: COmniittee are _having a busy
• time preparing - ;for the Thanksgiving dim
- which
;not, - are to he served to the soldiers
::in:this Li scoTed at the
. ;.Respital in the Magi Ward; to. the sick and
;:weita_ded at the Girard Masai re the Pro
. typist uslard;,at Camreopetand, to .the troop,
Amy. The' number to be provided for will be
_thOlweinftbree and E3ll 2 handsel . The Com
- wiltteehave. the requisite materials on hand,
'and' the • tables will be epread - to the wet,
boentkfai *saber.
s- z s
Genera. ono of the German flobrettelf r CUES Cottii OR COLD
Church. Some will tell you to sweat, bathe; and take
Atrium-jos ggssiog,A' u c . .S . -S ynod cop _ burnt brandy and sugar; but we say no
remedy, better than
There is a safe and rare
coned, and was opened by singing and pray- : either of th e above, In Dr. Keyser's Pectoral
Cr, In German, by Roe. R. Koehler, of Akron. Cough Syrup, which has stood the test of
Ohio. I years of experience. Dr. Keyser says that
prepares evebottle of thls medicine him-.
The regular order of the day, the discussion be;
and the pa lie may rut eatiltiled that it
of the Liturgicalquestion, was taken up, and ! be prepared with the same care as here
the discussion continued. tofore. One thing we know, that fora cough,
Key. J. nnetereqh„ in b e h a lf o f t h e G er _ , ! co ld , or lung disease of ahy kind In the in
man portion of the Synod, spoke of the im- • e ipionev, it has no shad. We say this much
as pule journa ,
ts and are sure we will de
portance of being properly educ.ated. The ! come good by directing public sttention to it.
German ministers are mostly missionaries. ! Dr. Keyser makes his Pectoral for two rea-
The material upon which they have to operate I sons to satisfy public demand, is one; to
is widely different from that which the Eng- ! make en honest living is the other. Sold at
dish Dr. Keyser's Drug Steak, Sr. 140, Wood
missionaries meet.' They have Liturgies
which are orthodox to the core. The "Pre,- ; street.
visional Liturgy" b not, according to the do- '
cision of the majority of the German minis
ters German Reformed. The Germans , he I Clung held an inquest, yesterday a ft ernoon,
over the body of Mrs. Warner, found dead.
end, could not be educated into the adoption
early in the morning on the' pavement on
of the Liturgy In lie present form—they are
heartily in favor of a revision. Fourth street, in front of her daughter's'
The amendment to the amendment . was
house. A newsboy, who noticed her at first,
then " ado r ned . brought the infosination to the Mayor's office,
The original amendment was then taken u
i when officer Barber hurried to the plane, with
for consideration. The President, Key. J. P I
several others. Deceased, as already noticed,
er s
Nevin, D. D., then addressed the Synod on
the resolution, to revise the Liturgy. Ile did I lived with h
weak-minded, fancyaughter, and was
herself a lately rather
not think that this Synod had a right to.sub
' gore, etc. ' The verdict was—death front nattt-
Tart the action of the Eastern Synod two years rat onuses.
before this General Body had come into exist
ence. Be had been opposed, from the begin
ning, to a revision of the Liturgy in the pres
ent condition of this Church. The ground of
revision has not yet been heed on, and there
fore the difeculties In the way of revision are.
at present insurmountable. We are not pre-'
pared to go into this work. The work cannot
be altered without killing it. If the Synod
wants a mare pulpit Liturgy, it cannot be
formed out of the one now offered to the
Church. A pulpit can ho formed much bet
ter by casting the Provisional Liturgy entire
ly aside. Would we be prepared to repudiate
and renounce our eacrantental ideas ? A re
vision would involvd this elimination, and
land us on the bleak chore cf bold Puritan
ism. Are we ready to say that there aro no
powers conferred in the solemn act of ordina
tion, by the laying on of hands ? Ie then no !
Grace in the Sacraments: corresponding with
the outward signs ? Do hoped the Synod I
would vote against revision, no matter what DIED': caLLAGII/lII.—On Wednesday morning, Novato
individual members might think concerning a b ee 25th, HANNAH GALLAGIII2II, in the 73d pair
Liturgical worship. In view of the general of ber ag,
principle involved, we should not vote no- The &loath of the Welly are respectfully Invited to
cording to our individual notions or pzedilee- attend the Intim!, 00 TRTM2IDAT ammo's, at 2
'clock, from her late residence, Fulton a il-ea, above
Elder 8.11. Kieffer, M. D., then addressed o
the Synod in behalf of the Elders present. Ito Webit.,,r.
thought that altwere satisfied as to the great w A li gNgg ,
WaNgg.—N..rember 2.3 th, Ism, ELIZA.III2TH
want felt fora Liturgy, and that from the The f .,.;. di . 0r t h e tamer icava a i e d t o attend
open and free discassion to which he had lb are
' toned, the augurs of this want war tolerably I the (sorrel, on FRI.} MORNING, rot 10 o'clock, from:
aidonoa of hordeugh ter, Mrs. Moori•. No.
well understood. lie hoped the amendmentthe n
would not * carry, inasmuch as the book would
not admit of sucha pruning as is proposed. In
that case, it would come before the world
“likora rooster With frozen feet.”—
Benefit, .red positirely last night of
ThOyOte.erde taken and the amendment vo
ted down.
The original reeoletion Was then adopted, VESTVALI,
which gives the Synod of Ohio the liberty to Whcrwill appiar rot C1A3022.k0d STAITRO ORSINI.
go into the preparation of such a Liturgy as
they may think necessary. The report wee
adopted as a whole-
Thecommitteeto nominate a Sunday School
Board, submitted their report, which was
I-adopted. •
The committee on correspondence reported,
twhicb, after an amendment, including the
"Erangelischa l ereia del Wed.*, was adopted.
A committee of three was - appointed to open
a correspondence with the Reformed Confer
ferences offlermany and Switzerland.
Dr. Gerhart repottod.that the opening ser
mon preached by Rev. Dr. J. W. Nevin, was
ready for distribution. Tide able and pro
found address will no doubt meet with a ready
sale, as it fully Graves, from the Incarna
tion stand point, the peculiar animas of the
Reformed Church.
Rev. J. 0. Bather offered a re!eolution, ask
ing Synod to requaif the classes to luirsce
in the teetoration of the name "Reformed,"
and in the cream= of the name "Germ‘.."
Adopted. Adjeurned.
synod met at 7 o'clock—the Presinient
the chair. The sessiou was opened with rirg
legend prayer by Rev. I. H. Reiter. Tho
rerort :he Commit', cen the state of the
Church was submitted, which was r , -eivcd
and adopted- The report brings many poin t,:
of interest to view. During' the last quarter
eta century the Church has grown very rap
idly, in numbers, in life, end in Christian
zeal. Ger n=mbers are gradually be
coming fully aroused to the great imL
penance of the mission which the Le formed
Church, in this country haa to fulfill.
Wo hero now one General Synod, two d i strict
Synods, twenty-seven Classes, about tee hun
dred ministers, twel to hundred emigres-ad:me,
one hundred thousand baptized members, hod
about one hundred and fifty thousand con
firmed members, aboat ono thousand Sunday
schools, two theological seminaries, one mis
sion house, (oak colleges, besides gaits, a num
ber, of: colle g uite institutes and academics,
21Cr41:1: mligioas papers, one monthly magazine!
-and now one quarterly
.review: s a board of
home raissions, a board of foreign missions,
g If Id 6 si'S rand, and an orphans' home.
Resolutions of thanks—to Grace Church
congregation, and others, who so hospitably
entertained the members of Synod; te the fol
, lowing railroads, for Allowing the members of
Synod to pass over their roads at half fare:
to the Zeit:imbue and Steubenville Railroad,
Allegheny Valley, Pennsylvania Central,
Cumberland Talley, Lebanon Valley, Last
Penniiilvania, and Northern Central; to the
repel**. Revs O. Cort, G. 11. 'Johnston, T.
J. Barkley, T. P. Bucher, end J. I. Swander,
for their-efficient Inhere, in furnishing a sy
nc/Pell of the proceedings of Synod In the
Pittsburgh Deity Coorunerviot e pia notch, poseur,
aeon:Wanda Porg—liciennammomsLysolopted.
Resolved .That in conformity with the ad
monitions .of the Italy Scriptures, and in
imitation of thee:inutile of bur ecclesiastical
-Tethers, during the period of the Revolution,
this Synod admonishes thapastoraand mem
bers of - the &ratites...under care,to remota
-her that the ''Powe rs that bi are ordained of .
God," and. that it it the solemn duty of all
- Christians carving, the protection of such
civil.. =Lore, topray for them, and that wo
should feel specially obligated to do so during
thlgtime df petit like that throtigh,whintrour
helovedeountry is' ne - se palming.
The;ntinutes. were then read and adopted,
and aftereheaulL had' beer' called, the Synod
:tdjettrzled, and was closed withsinging, and
prayer, and the Apostolic Benediction.
... •
,- - -
A TILL Or TIBI . BILIf 'I/1A511710x. By
• nes Hargett: Ntow Tarr: Catletot, 413 Broad
- f_ l lttabmstr: Ter salt by ileum ea Miner, 71
and •
7Z ilfth street. 50opp. 12 o.
"There aro a hundred faults in this th ing,"
'.*role OM author of "The Vide: oixiVakefioie,"
Jo the few prefatory lines with which ho in -
IM4tteed that exquiAta story to the readers
of a hundred years ogo • , -7httt ho Immediately
added, with etuerming:tiAvelos: "a ; hundred
thiugamight be : said to 'prove beankal."
$o :probably,. the reader of Epes Sargent's
book will feel, after closing the volume, as be
:paOsiatit u retiorti critio-wise, the plot of the
stair Mrd Iteclutracters. Be it remarked,
however, t3bt . ur to that trine the critic will
be thoroughly lust in this eager, onward bur
theBlloontitsw intentness of
model reader whore Sterne has eh troll de
. ilfAelyPX.ltktTilitillg. bienseltup.
morn o his author, and willing to be pleased,
Nus knowa not why an,d s cares not Whorefere."
:43nikisis k kirk:lei - to oey of tll6 - 11160, that it
derives not a little of the interest which it
ee"rfite7y Lae, fieio Itio fact that It deals with
living questions and living men --which gives
*moreover a dogreo of piqUithey, never to be
:expected Ifi.'znozejy liktoebbil or doctrinal
;norelForitteg..: We are,, firm fret to last,
thYodklient.the 'entire' Conn* of , the story,
brqught L into contact' with both men and
events, whose Mimes are laminar vapour ears
as household werds:—We -have no manner
of doubt that "Peculiar" Is going to be one of
the most, pepular books of this exccedldnly
TMti pitbliehlog..season. .
0. tei.44 l l l 44 l ixailVijoien to the
Board of Health, reports the following. deaths
fbr the Weak commencing Nor. I,sth raid end
ing Nor. 22(11'Slates .
Whlte 27 jTotal., .... 27
Females.... 14 Colored 0 . ,
Of the diseasos tharo were: T yphoid ibrer !
2; unknown, 2; consumption, 2; dellritim
tremeni,l; inflammation of bowels, I;' typhoid
pneumonia, 2. .white swelling,- I; ehronip
bnchitis, 1; dropsy, 1; still-bore, 3; olden , • - 14013:1m
tie, I; diptherlav-21-tneaslcs, 1; convulsions, - namityrity.
2 ; .ca r b i tin s , 2; pneumonia , 1; typhoid toter, j_y
I; abscess on epiglottis, 1.
DIZ, F. PrlibigNßEttia
. .
• BROWN'S Baoircuran TomoEs, for Colds, Hu mulcted itn , PloggiceOhl!Prertnikm.B4
el "g h2, Pnimeass i and Asthmatic trcu i d a l, No. 143 PENN eTtarr two don below Pitt.
are highly rocomanoded • and• prescribed by
Physisns and Burgeon' in The Artoy. lettsborait, Osetber!itl!ti&
Oar Book Table.
Hones STOLILT.—Mr. John Fox, of Middle.
town, Trastleoreland county, had a valuable
horse, with saddle and bridle, stolen from-his
stable on the night of , the 'mod inst. The horse
was a light bay, with a small loptp 010411 left
phooldor. Mr—Fox offers a rewartijnrlsrty
dollar" for tho leonvery of the ho.l3ite:llnd
twenty dollars for the erreet of tho-thief:'
NOTIOL—The Postofileo will iii4opiin to
day (Thanksgiring day,) from — half-past
wren until half-pant eight o'clock in the
morning, end from half-past Eve to haltpast
six in the craning.
Owsrsus and carriage call' will be taken at
the Omnibus. office, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All orders left at the above place
will be promptly attended to. AU calls mot
-be paid in advance. •
On FBIpAY EyENrsu, the ci.labraied drama of
Overture Orchestra.
A MLLE YETITALI will appear as OR
SINI, and sing OA oriebrated "Drinking Song" from
"Lricta.tfa Borgia.•
IV t (~,
Da . k 1.: e,
Light Hue
gore 11 , ...
Dark Er, ,m,
Is* /imam,
~ .kA cr...
c hn-ry,
bq l / tb,
/AA, Drab,
r n. Drab,
L. Fatal. D
roi• Dyeing
-ed Goods. Shawls,
...totes, Bonnets, Hata,
Feathers, Sid Urea Childrett's Clothing, and all
kin es of tV:ariteg Apparel.
SE - ADAY/Nli pr so PER PG
For cents yon ban color trs ma ny ; rte , dl as would
others'''. clan nye times that lard°. shades
can M prodt.-ed from the stele dye. The pressen, is
eimpts; and any ene'ewn woe the dys with perfect
•-oeres. Direction. in English, French and German,
it tde of rad, package.
Per timber itifbresiithiti le , r Dyeing, and Owing •
perfect knot , ler4pr who: colors are beat adapted lady.
over others, alth many valuable reeipee,) pp reboot
Hoer & Steens' Treatise nn Dy e ing and Cektring.
bent by mail on receipt of prire--10 cents.
Slanaticturnd by t IIDWE & STETEES,
Pfr) Broadway, Boston.
pons!,For by di - sigh-Ista and dealen generally.
TILE SIII,..'CRIBER will offer at pri
.nte sal., on the , sra. Gra AND Tra DAYS - Of
DKCEIIBEN, Tafil, at No. 111 Second street., Pate,
burgh, Pa., the Wowing Improved YARNED, elitist+
in Nuth 2. 1 / 3 r and Chippewa townships, Deana
coomr, ail being witf. in from 3tO miles from
EtallrOad Stations, convenient to chnsiiho, tichooln
and village market. :,
• .
316 acres, e. fable of dividing foto throe neat
farms, or be sold as ..hole.
100 emcee adjoining the shores to he mold as • II•p11-
rat, rot, 2 mi 1.41 from rallrcarl Station.
5/ acres 4 miles from Nem Brighton.
66 acres 6 mike from Non Brighton.
142 acres 6y, miles from Neer Brighton.
After the 7th of December, all of the slave not sold
or under emselderation from bids II &led, .111 he
elthdrown from We.
n024:1 DAVID DUNLAP, Agent.
ulled States Tax System.
.Iff i'elltical kkooony, 2 vole.
Tbackeray'm Roundabout Paper.; Illustrated.
Eitetory of the Sion' War of latl2-3; Plyetrated.
.rik Marrero New Work—ltly Farm at Edgwood.
13,./lendablp_ of Christ, by fingh iller.
fitzw,Cl oar Roma.
Bierman arri Rattle-If fold by ()apt. Nova..
Flower, I , raft C Thom Pieces, by Jean Paul, 2 'to.
Tlbur, " f via.
Levens., or thif Doctrine of Ednytion, "
Bayard Taylor's New Work—Hannah Thornton.
Aragon adomna.—• new novel of great poor.
Peter Curradlue, by Caroline Cheseboro.
_Author Rallam's Ltterary Eternally.
Zr.. }Re'. Meditations on Life.
For rale by. • KAP & CO., 56 Wood street.
A.t 'Wholesale Prises
We Sr. now obtains out our large and IND selected
'stock of BOOTS. Ahm.snor9 at,wEloissals prime,
And oontinus to tio se until the first of Doom
bor. Persons nesdlng .4 . 1001111 BILDItih will get
bargains by calling this week at
WOO. it. 8081A.1013,
non. STRESS, 9d door from 6th.
EW JiOOKS 1 NE4 - .130010 I
Daring and Buffering. A history oi the Great
ItadroartAdmenture in. Georgia, by Lieut. Williap
Pitt Inger. 1 vol.
Ike lilarrel'a Raw Book—Ally !arm of Edgenrood.'
'I Tr lexatt. • •
Ths Last Timm, by Seim
Minden Phillips' Speeches end Leettireit.
Oar Sunday SclutoLazuLllow we Usually, It.
bew supply Just received.
J.. L. READ, TS Fourth street.
' - - DR. BAEILZ' c itV,'---.
-1 , y ----
Not . 0.41,, ' . .t,adrion to th. - : . 'f" -4- Tt . "'
01.11 IONIC I , ISEAS6B, the Elli sreSlin .. Wei
_,_satl all
, tr t m
and all dlaciees'iffeiani the Eat and leading to
ORkoNI9O, iMP;ST I Brr"-- • .., , • m 7 P 2 : 1 0 8
ItfcCOLLLSTER .& BAER, . , '
iyi ... _.. .. .. ....,
Are Belling ad their larp clack of
At the very tower figures for matt. All onion
promptlratteroded to. not?
xpyrics TO CONTRACTORS.,--Pro
_l . pout, are Intßed and will be evaded by the
Committee on Street/ 'of the.Clty of Allegheny, until
FRIDAY, gummier the 27th, 1/68,ifkir the grading
of Ridge strest,trom. Irwin's avenue_ to Mutters
street, fnward: Payments will b made to
the 'contractor am' tut as they are eolleeteil og the
property. Proposals will %Jett with A. HORROR,
treesCotmattsfemr. or" •
no2litd JOHN WRIGHT, Chairman.
Priam 1ac . .4 r/a?art,s Roards,
18 feeticari. widths, tbs. silo 17
stniqUicce * LAZIO,
. .
P'M libeny rad.
_...,.: .
FR OM InflillirGTOJr.
Special Dispatch hs the Pittsburgh Gazette.
The indications are that the amount for
which-the Treasury is to be called on to carry
on the war, and to sustain the several branch
es of the Gorernmont through the ensuing
fiscal year, will be very considerably lees than
has been anticipated: The exact figures of
the War Departmentestimatos are understood
to amount to 035,000,000, and that of the
Navy Department to $142,000,000. An ap
proximate statement for other expenses will i
he for the Interior Treasury and ether depart
ments, $26,000,000. The interest on public
debt is $88,000,000. The diplomatic, expenses
are increased, but this will be balanced by the
docreause in the amounts asked by the Land
and Indian Bureaus. The estimate for the in
terest on the public debt is believed to be large.
The debt is largely increased in the item
of five-twenty bonds and deereaseein certifi
cates of indebtedness. Theweven-thirties fall
due during the fiscal year, (or which these
estimates are made, but it is yet undecided
whether to pay them in gold or paper; and,
as they are convertible into sites of 'Bl, It is
uncertain how large an estimate or whether
any is needed for their redemption. The
whole amount of these seven-thirties payable 1
in the ensuing year is one hundred and thirty
nine millions, partly duo on the 19th of August
-and pert on the lit of October, 1884.
Certifisates of indebted/mom cannot be gives,
as their amount will depend on the number
yet to be Maned. It Is estimated, however,
at about one hundred and forty-fire millions.
In addition to this the temporary loan is doe
any time on sixty dayenotice. .This loan bits
been reduced, by payments, withi n the l ost
mouth, from ever one hundred millions to less
than sixty millions.
The following are the latest ollcial dis
patches from Chattanooga:
Chattanooga, Nor. 2 L—Yesterday at half
past 12 esloek Granger's and Palmer's corps,
supported by Howard's, were advanced di
rectly in front of our fortifications. They
drove in the enemy's pickets and carried his
first line of ride pits between Chattanooga
and Citico creeks. We captured nine commis
sioned OfficHTS, and about sixty enlisted men.
Oar lose is about 111.
To-day Gen. Hooker carried the north elope
of Lookout Mountain with a small lees on our
ado, and a loss to the enemy of 500 or ano
prisoners. Tho killed and wounded 'aro not
reported. There has been continuous fighting
from twelve o'clock until after night, but our
troops gallantly repulsed every attempt to re
take the position. Gen. Sherman crossed the
Tennessee river at daylight this morning, at
the mouth of ths &Inch Chickamauga, and
crossed the north extremity of Missionary
Dark Gramm
Light Gran,
Soya Pompls
Our success so far has been complete, and
he behaviour or the troops admfrable. •
;Signed,] G. 11. THOMAS, Maj. Gen.
Cdattanooyo, 24.—The tight, to-day pre.
grated favorably. Sherman carried the end
of Missionary Ridge, and his right is now at
the aunts] Of and left et Chickamauga Creak.
The troops flow Lookout Valley carried the
point of the Mountain, and they now . hold
the eastern slope and Point liigh. I cannot
yet toll the amount of casualties, but oar loss
is not heavy. Rooker reports two thousand
prisoners, besides which a small number have
fallen Into our lands from Missionary Ridge. I
U. S. Ga.isr, Maj. Gen.
rucranstooxfsi musky'.
It is well understood thet o Pre:Mut:f.'s
Monaco is to discuss the question of the re
construction of the Union in some of its hoar
lugs, and it Is given out that the position ho
is to take will be the natural aespaence of his
proclamation of.emeacipatlon, and it will be
regarded by the anneal friends of liberal
principle' as guaeanteeing security for . the
Nines in ficasporltion of the question.
FILO3II :MCAT! rnilllTO It T.
The Land Office has received from Esmer
alda, Netada, epecimens of iron, plumbago,
gold and silver rook, gypsum coral clay, and
chalk. There has been large sales of lands In
differont parts of the conntry. Berenteen
thousand acres hays been taken up by war
Gen. C. S. Hovey, of 'Mole, to undentood
to have acknowledged before the McDowell
Court-Martial, that • he had been engaged In
cotton speculation!, and hod transperted,the
cotton In Government waiving.
Jed Davis reviewed Ewell's old corps, now
commanded by Xsoneral Early, at ..liorton's
Ford, over the Rapidan, yestorday morning.
Ewell gave up the command on account of
hie lame leg. •
A messenger from General Henke, •ho came
through the rebel Lines, stopping at Castle
Thunder, reports that Lee's army is strongly
patted, but. numarleally not en strong as in
rou tacos WAJITID
- .• •
The Qua:tent:as tor General is to ash for one
hundred and tlfty more clerks. Other Burenn.,
are also scent, and need more force to keep
up with the bindtiets pressing upon them.
Lieut. Col. Hashrouolt Dula, left this Altai.-
noOli for Chicago Yii Pitt/It/Ugh, toroonalt
under the Uorgardutlon u roteranii. They
expect to reach Clifosso on Friday evening:
ni,:.„ '.- .- 4 . 4 ,... z.
tijavestec . with Batteries.
r ot tla
••-c , ye,fiir.-.--,.. ,
kI'AIE - Jgw. - e:..-_____ i
kitisbiashas.4* .- J:
-.,.-„,.... 7. -„ ;; -,- - ENOXVILL; Nor. 12, 113/n.
Thursday morning revealed a line ea rifle
pits which the enemy had thrown up cioring
the night. A house near ore works was occu
pied by . their sharp-she:ltem, to the i annoy
ance of our men, until our batteries I she ll ed
1 them out. During the ds'y the rebels! opened
with a battery beyend the sensual depot, and
threw a few 'hells. It Ti. silenced! by our
w f
guns on Friday. A dentin:ay tiro 'w tope
up between the skirmishers. To d dusk
the enemy opened with•a new bane of six'
- pieces; end again threw a few she ll , In the
night a briniest and stumessful s ortie was
made to burn a house on the oudon
road; which interfered with our m e The The
rebels wens driven from their e pits
and Cho house ,burnsd; when our mon maw
back,.ehelling them as they did sc. I
Saturday a rein set In, hurting nil' ly all
day. The operationsof, the day were ntloed
to skirmiehes.;
mi w
To-day skirmishes have been e stonily
going on along the -whole' fina. - *:,,/ - re thet a
have been ezohangetthetween the ba tteriee.
The enemy have inregtod th ia,Ofty w th bat—
teries. Rile pits ire - qiitteletetn earl works;
and their' ebaxpehooterc ocomsnually rick of
a mem' • • '•- ' ' '' -, S.'
The Draft In Balttmere. ,
Burn - fool,Nov. 2a.-}'he Oman Attire's-
Aill 9.1119,171. :-
_~::r.r.... .d..yx-
TC - Aatuxorox, Nov. 25, 1863
CNATTINOOOA, Nov. 25.—We areocietpleteli
vioterious. The enemy Is totally roiled and
driven from every potation. Chir Ma is small.
The enemy's less is heavy In primmer'.
On Friday Hooker eau se ouocessful in'
his movement against Lookout Mountain,
that the enemy evacuated that petition dur
ing the night.
Hooker took possession early this morning.
The enemy moved Smith and got eit
ary Ridge, on the battle - fieldsomewbere near
Chickamauga. Ho is expected to Intercept. I
the - dying" febrile: Gen. 'Hooker le said to
have not captured less than 2,000 prisoners in
his magnificent assault of Lookout Mountain.
Gen. Sherman being all prepared, began en
assault at Ba. m. to-day upon the strong I
position of the enemy, et the north sad of
Mission Ridge. Ho had the day before takerivi
a kill near the position of the enetay, but, eem
'mended by their artillery, he had to descend
into a valley and then make another ascent to
the position hold by the enemy. Two ensue
coastal assaults were fnado, bylherman, bat
with the eo.operstfon of this centre, he ulti
mately gained the position and completed the
victory. The brigade of Gen. Mine, with a
pvtion of Gen. Lighi.k a's brigade, composed
the storming party In the fiat assault, any
they were repulsed with quite heavy loss after
an attack being persisted in for en hoar,
but being reinforced, were enabled to held a
part of the bill.
In thin attack General Came was Wounded
quite severely in the thigh. The 17th Ohio,
6th lowa and lu3d Linnets were in the attack.
A second assault was made at half-past one i
o'clock, in which Mathias', Loomis' and
Runt's brigade. were engaged. The feral
reached within twenty yards of the stutamit of
the hill and work, of the enemy, wino they
were flanked and broke, retiring to the re
In this assault Gen. Mathiam was wounded,
and Col. Putnam, of the 93d Ohio, was killed.
Their persistent 'forte compelled the enemy
to MILES heavily on his right, in order to hold
the position of so much importanoe to him.
About three o'clock Gen. Grant alerted two
°mum= tiniest the weakened centre, and in
au hour's desperato..fighting, succeeded in
breaking the centre and gaining possession
of the ridge, in which the enemy was posted.
The main force was driven northward towards
Gen. Sherman, who opened on them, and they
were forced to break and seek safety ins dis
qrdeted flight down the western slope of the
ridge and across the western slope of the
We have taken not less than 5,000, and psr
haps 10 ,000=priseners. Gen. Honker will pro
bably intercept the flying enemy in the
vicinity of Roseville, and the region East of
it. There are reports that we have taken a
whole corps. Among this caittalties are Lieut.
Col. Espey, 60th Ind., Maj. McCawley, 10th.
lowa, Col. Omar. 90th 111., Lt. (lel Stuart,
006 Maj. Vl'Llcor;loth Me., Maj. Welih.
111., Mej. Innis, 6111 lowa, wounded.
Maj. Irwin, nth Ohlo, killed. Pull reporta of
the killed and wounded cannot be obtained,
as most of the killed were in Sherman'iterps,
and remained, at dark, in the heads of the
enemy. A list of the killed and wounded
will be telegraphed te-morrow.
Prisoners say Out Bre= was en the ridge
Just before they were captured.
The successful storming ; patties consisted of
Wood's and Baird's divisions on the left enn•
tro, and Johnsen's and Shcridan'e on the
right centre. Some of our wounded were left
in the bands of the enemy after Gen. char
men's unsuccessful assault, but were altimate-
I y recovered.
Wsseisovos, Nov. 25:—Maj. Qen. Thomas
has LJuod goneral orders dishonorably dlsmis
ming one Colonel, two Majors, Mine,, Captains,-
tweaty-siz Lieutenants and one Burgeon, for
various °room", including drunkenness,
feigned sickness, creating falso alarms,'per
misting men to plunder, misbehaviour-in the
ftiCo of the enemy, aluuneful cowardice, pen
disloyalty, dishonest practices, and conduct.
uubeCOming Officers and gentlemen. The fol
lowing was' received here, this emitting, froin
en official source :
Mitkineoyo, Nor. 25, 11 a. is.—We hare
had a brisk engagement this morning and
have driven theaneray entirely front Lin:anal.
Mountain, 'a considerable portion of which
they held up to this morning. We have also
taken Missionary Ridge from him this morn
ing, and the troubleames rifle pits, in the pos.
session of which yesterday's engagement left
them at its close. All firing has sensed for a
sufficient time to warrant the minelusiOn that
Bragg has retreated certainly, leaving ell the
ground and strong points in our possession
for which we have been fighting for the last
three day*.
Our army is In glorious exultation over
their series of victories.
CUATTANOOOI, Nov. 25.-10 r. n.—The rap
tured artillevi is reported at about forty
pieces. •
(300 . Hooker oaßttlred five boxes el tow
muskets on Lookout Mountain. We are 'ln
entire posiession of the field.
We have control over the railroad and
river to Bridgeport.
Two boats came through this 1:110,11111g.
Oar logs will not amount to more than 300
killed and 2,500 wounded in the •three days'
Ate sueoess has been most brilliant.
The enemy is reported . bivouacking two
miles beyond _Missionary Ridge. . .
_.OoL.Phelps, of the agtb Ohio, and Major
Glass, of the 32d lodiana, are killed: General
John E. Smith is resorted wounded; Celtinel
Avery, of the 102 d NOW York, bees a leg, and
Major Ellett la the same as dead. • I
Special Dirparch to the rlusbn Gazette.
Cierismioes, Rot. 23, 1883.
The sneers, of oar annrto-day was tor?
brilliant. The enemy were driven from 'every
position no assaulted with a single exoeption.
All portions of our army fought splendidly,
but plowing the enemy's centre by Wood%
ilteadmail and Baird's divisions, and their
ocoupitiOn oC Missionary
,Ridge, is regarded
as one of the greatest exploits of the wer.„l„
Rooker'a capture of 'Lookout Mountehr,
yesterday, enabled him to swoop around onthe
fLossatia road ta-day,*and °coup, Um right of
the ridge, placing. In force, near the rationed.,
part of Shorman'a force, and with Howard's
corps went round between-the end of *Wan- •
ary Ridge -- and the riror, the plaiting times.;
solves directly in front of the rebel right, The
situation it'ohe'ofgreet'interest,and'wo _eaa j .
edueely know how the Union arias oatellit.h?"
achieve a enitono triumph. '
An our tate woroet. with :4 mtafor
tuna, a hrigade of Olin. W. IRMO - itrtilow.
havinglioan repilmid In attempting to 4E4', a
rebel battery'on RannaliTHl.
- _
MERATI s• 4 id t " . .Irt DP a
Out lossal_aro . oomparatilrely small, and. . . . .. ~
4k .
will not, probably , on ooo d - 3 , 000 :In killed, . AUSTIN "BALWN C 0.,;.: -
wounded; and mintus In the iomtlro three
.. . ,
dope battle. Of- the enemyiwo , hare kine 4 .. ~• 12.1110ADWAY. lallW YOU.. r • r ' '
'and TOtuideil *flout 4 , 000, and taken fi,otta Tiumutimal, id lOW mo m Great ltrthita,ingsai,
orlsonom bpsidel thirty : Ostia of 'artillery, to. -am in_n_itsire_nunt m...,..,,,,,,,
bat the stratlee . and, petal elfset !, si our Pte..'7 :Fra!: 6 - • ''.
grearrinibileannOthemetumred by the ma- - ~- . . any,ramy hmottax,Jr.,Aisa4 . ~1
t,lalloates ortho ertalni • • , '
.. .
W 2 ' rideddijOi M. 13,1 of . the 6th : Ohio ; ctimftior 'Aisiise•atoiisobic:.fmanfie• •
l'lfti7f3a°t4 of -1" Goth Ohio; 4 P 1 3" Onlig*: rboAL.P.KoPERay FOR SALO,:
. . .
qun t , of the; 64th lsl6. . 4 ~.'. '
vrottnow=capa'worwickLot the 2d Ohio; ._-__ _ 240 ACIII2I.
~ : .
141ipt•7°I fi r'd tbal2tk
Qll l Lleat. EnSith
• of COAL ATIM LL2M. on 42.21450 n
of the2d, !dor Capt., Moor!. o the 00th Ohio; Nal= i
. b .,,, outi , thim , La*. i r
CSipt. Lemons, of tire both Ohio' Capt. Ham."_ 6 _, m a *, w bra , 0 . "".. .. At,r,Lesmas coatx:dr,
of the detliOhlotLiont.Rall; of the 641th'0 fo; . or,ltWilailb B. ,
1144 Wolf,' of tho 64th Ohloi - ' Elea. Corse ,..notibmorsollt 110..100 Wad street.
aglilintn. Maglith,. : . ____ L. ~ ..._ ;. , 2,...-.. neminsidowessir cowl those matiM.Alop maim.) 1
' • °' •
• _ -
,411 Pi
Our Army.CO‘ip ietely Victorious
Prom Five to Ten Thousand Prii
oilers Captured.
Lookout Mountain and Missionary
Ridge in our Possession.
is., 4". ate.
to terealleg Case DeeldedThe
R -Pfr-,
eget' (m4'
i =enalties of!
graph Coaep
Speasi raleeteab , th• Pitubmi ,
F/1.411.1.13, VI:USW COLN at, T'LL.
Nev. 23, 1852. 1 .
A CUM was decided In Cont, tater;
Judge Campbell, of greatimpertanca to Tele
graph Companies, Lad the coniMnallY'st
large. A an sued the proprietor of tbsi Oil
Valley Telegraph Line for refining to allow
the transmission of a menage ova the wires,
after ■ legal tender had been made. The
Jade°, in his charge, and the jury by their
verdict, maintained the law on whiolt the de =
fondant stood, that the offieor of a Telegraph
Line er Company was net bound to receive or
transmit a message, knowing the mutilate
thereof to be false, even though a legal ten
der for the pries of tearunnissiou was made.
Latest Forei gnsows. EALWA X, Nov:2s.—The Arable, from Liver
pool on the 14th iris Queenstown on the 15th,
arrived this afternoon. insirtinp throe days
later news.
It is rumored that Druyn de L'lfityx is
drawing op an explanatory determent. eom
prisieg the different lineations which the Em
peror intends to submit to Congress. In the
meantime the English journals appear to be
generally taking a view adverse to the Con-
Passoz.--The Arens& Government had In
formed e 4. Dayton that their views ea the
Amerieerripseetion were enchanted. They
had not reeoguised and eonaadeenly had act
' and
signed t
Louheis treaty far the acqui si tion of Tessa
iana, ar reported.
• Bomar, Oct. 15.-.-The Juarez gotormaent had
inidresied a note to the Federal' Consul, pin
testhiregainst the modideatien of • Republi,
, kan Constitution Ly French insaainn t and
hoping for the sympathy of Switzerland. .
The Bank of France has raised the rate 6f
discount to 7 per coat. The monthly rotting
show lidecrelae of cash in hand of 6 7,000,000 f.
Tho Bonne is ?rutty dull.
Affaintrentain unchanged In Poland. The
withdrawal of the Grand Duke' Censtanfine
from the governorship, is confirmed
bleorpoci, Nee 14.—Ootton—The sales 19r the week
were AOOO bales. Tim minket opened to-day et an
&deuce of hd(4,34e1, bat stietiquantiy tom, claang
Irregiller. The sales to-day were 6,000 bales, cluing
maid. lireidstuflk ready. flour Mad/ et
wheat firm; Bed Mutsu 7.07. 6d, Red Southern
dis 641P1e 9d. Corn steady at 211.34928. 611br lilted.
Provintous :Filet sod usely. Ike( inactive. Para '
quiet and steady. Bacon stM declining yard must
at 30.
and irregt6/144101. Tallow 454131 6d. Petrowsu
Luau, U NW. 14.—Breadsta16 arm. Sugar artosi
and Unin. odals. Coffee easier sod Irregnlsr.
Tea mi./lady- Petrolium dull. Provision. Muth.
American wouritise study; gam mull. Consols lit
923,ar2 . % for !money.
iitcbal New,.
Forma, Mosso; Nov. 25.--The steamer
New York arrived from City Point this after
noes, with ninety-ere surreal from Wok
A dispatch to Richmond, dated Minlottery
Ridge, Nov. 24th, says: Tha enemy massed
• heavy fere, on our right-this morning, and
advanced at two eielock, driving in owl:lick
ets. It la not certain yet whether they intend
an attack in force, or to extend their line.
Then are various rumen of the occupation
of Lookorit'Valley by our forces—nothing of
ficial, however. Two thousand Yankees
passed It ogenville,and five regiments passed
through Jacks borough, en route for Kentucky.
President Davis arrived at Orange Court '
Rotas. He is stopping with . Gen. Lee.
Clevgattow, Nov: 23.—Them was no duffing
last night; but a slow die on Sumter.
A second diipateli eve thatthere had
been a Vigorous fin kept up between the Ili=
emy's batteries and oars all day. Thu enemy
'las tint shelled the city to-day, but divided
him attention between Sumlef, Moultrie,
Johnson and Simpkins. They also threw a
number of shells en James bland. Two
hundred and ninety Ante were thrown in
Sumter last night.
Mioeicoory Ridge , 23."—Gen. Cooper—
We bold all the roas leading into Knovaillo,
*leapt the one. between • Holston and Trench
Broad Hirer. eon. Jones' Cavalry might
elose that. The - enemy's cavalry it meetly
broken up. Wheeler cut off his trains be
tween Cumberland Gap and Knoxville. •
Signed, B. Bitted. •
A.Taire at Chattanooga and Knoxville.
Ifsarrisoros,, Nov. 23.—Th. . Neer has the
following dispatch :
elonooger, Nee. „ILgs evacuated
the smooth ef Leekont Mountain last night,
and our troops sow peewit, it. lie, however,
still bolds the rifle pits on the hue of /Cs-
Mastery Ridge.
The news of the glorieos moans of Omit
creates the greatest-delight and rejoicing.
The Sear tars: "IVe have positive and re
liable intelligence front our army under Oen.
• Burnside, at Knoxville, up te.noon of the day
bidist • yesterday, embracing twenty-four hours
later dia l bas previously readied here. Oen.
Burnside has not_ only been able to hold. his
position'-without. lon, hut te keep open and
Intact all his connoniestionir. Everything Is
Progressing as well u could bis desired."
Good News Expected from Charleston.
Inv You, Nov. 25.-... The Washington cor
respondent of the Cbeunercial says that good
news may be agreetad front Charleston are
long, bat not quite u soon ea some imagine.
Gen. Gilmore and Admiral Dahlgren us
paring for the Anal attack, so that whe pr n iet
comes, sooner or later, they will make sure of
Ordered to Waskington.
Nastrvittr, Nov. 25.—Robert B. lifitebell,
commanding the 'First Canby Dirteion , has
been ordered to report to Adjt. Gbit. Thomas,
at Waobington, for doty.
.River g. Flfa festal the shoals.
Markets by Telegraph.
Nay Teak, Nov. 2 5 ,-13otton,dal, Mars and di.
eklimlly lower, at ingestdo. Wonr, dull and 1013116 a
loss; this titling la roll hat s vary daproutra; af
fect, and knotted= sant ar bra noadnal al
6,40 Lztra Wats; $7,404x.i50 for rxtrilitit
- o:, snil or t, 4. brood., this osrlfdt
shalom brim, with no buyers at SSA& quotarks.
Whdlk7l firs at 740750. Ws whast tsars, doll
arid unsettle:l, and 2434 tars; tbadiellas la go l d
bay a Tory daprordng affect, "Ski samlnal quotakoad
at 111,24,91,43. for Chicago opting • $1,408, 142 kr
/Warsaw stab; 5 1 , 43 411445 for aolrlC OlawrOlOr
4).4061,1i for e Thaw red astern ; 41,116,TV
saber MlZhin ; salts of 14,472 Isabel. am r 1111-
wanks at 51,61%41,60. • Cork, dull and %So lower,
at 81,19,91,22 stork UAW. amt.
Oats, bevy and arnettlid, sod Zak lowar, at Aro
kb for western and @tate. Wool, 411114, and trios
althea enstartal ebT ratratatim.
lined In bond, 41X11 Pork, dull and a ;kik,
knair,stt 11111,500 61 for old mesa ; $17,41414111 for
now do; inx2,23 r new prim, and 116012,60 for
now prime roar ; also 400 bbls now mar for Laortir
t,r, at .18,26. Beef, vast and steady. Bacon ifdar,
doll sad flud , l7l tam sistarn tong eat bans, dilly.
nnDL 111 . 1 slt, Lard, quiet and without
• material ellaata 1.6 M barrels for Mara, spilt add
Way, at lac. C 0...., las salvo and isumalY arm. at 138111 e. in bogs, steady al 113308334 a.
Panadstrara "Z.—Tlotir, quiet; mask eats
sriparads at.k*6,75. • Shenk kraal'; salsa {1,,000 . bask red at ft, 70; 600 bnah Ssitacky wills al •
;9;06. Oxen . dna; oda 4006 bask Allow at:sl.lo,
rising at VAL Prorlidaes, Wet. Gathsordlst.
firm al 71142000.
Sr. Lama, Nov.2s.—Oottos, dall 75,274 a.
=tit, cad laig ur reattatt, tan prior. arraisa.-
asser vadat ; theta, gatUtlar narlataird,
and old saran ; sanivatina..
Dacca. aashaniad. Bop, la demand at sftQa. :
__4 1 57,4101.; Wr• stiklY ; CMS. 17,ft
wnistorssik virmt. aien• sc. Oora, and dectnid.ddge.
New York Stock and. Money SlEar*ei.
' Soaatiateadl iirtuf actin it T per mat. atetitag,
carob kat., at 153011165 f, naidondi tad de:
, 4104 , treat .p. 5 at 40 51. 55 a 5,5 11 .55 5 i,
' star 0+5 , 1141dd at 0%. Oomarnait 'Wats quiet
gard Arm.. 35e second board to-day.
ISISTORLD Wort pribllrhod, Is .staid s
rag*. Plias 211:13eata. • Lector* ea du Ratans
Treatolont sad Radical Con ot f*smiftoh...
ISszclastlitaalsools biooluitary Doslagoo; "Ikassar
Debatty, sad isapedittosats to IlLarrisite gcassidtt
4AIII/001Mele, Chrosumptiers,44llormy loollitts; Rao.
tat'uld rfirded intatacilfs - reislttei tram" seir."
Jamas; Art, lest J. , Clortunrmy,-/rDi. unbar
onto .
1, Bc• ie." &Oa •is Masao* of
Rid; la "a slles to
any oars* . roan trnt o[ s!: cents or OlrO
tattoo iliimps,l7 DR. Ca J. C., S cut,,
- 1911kfterly, York 1.,* Offal pas 54
rulittadi*Lie • - '
nm4 j Oin.goimica.seir:
_cw neer to nil rending. the roma Was not.
wftbartandiag.aatt.lan wistlag the ale mai& torte
ciated'airrifcet ti.o.mia foun t. rbewalit,
patarlay muss, and cat, .wt won oleo ”Itkaw•
iy obwkstwaiready prebkon that war rlnta
won b stow by less. T 1441 'mediation now Mow
amectAag ws lack flw ItirraFabbe Wows lbw oar
time to corn; n fig no set mbutly en= weir
hekto the Are* ofJatty.
- Within& lioriblonn do Enitow
hats wharf. the thlptoratt mem pis Sow
end the licolpla fro barn , Oh ftweell.p
arrivals teem% Ile Cleo Eton Witstalkki Web
Goody hinds froze Cloclatattibotb'wbb end Slpf
in Bonn. eland tbr Clticolkutt
win once the bat tripe .f *onus% MOS Sea
down with freight, aid erpwd.d Wltb pmpa.
At tho Alba/Any wharf basic= NUM ill w elf
"klayedour trio, co lltrod boot, anlintableillalll
cooorrnod. Sic. Oil City nate Is fine ipi Mak,
sad, after ratan oat her bidet% wwwwll it IMAM" .
lesiwayskto, took co • Iced of cal% awl dm iii 4~
Dbastclume realist fr. on afts
lag, morbid the 'War rttlog
with offbeat', torkw to the saws!. /6 lb eel
able that then 510 be *ay bate tat Woo It ty AL
'spumy for the preacat. •
It. Patrick Idled bigot of 142111aillnalt two
analog ennoncod,' bet biotin PwllewOr
this moraine at o'clock.
Ale outing or the tuallsweint
at. Xmas on NetclaY, the Maytag noes at Iwlpb
tonna flat city and New Origami Into•Wittlholl
Timm, SS per bbl; apples, potelima sad onww.llllll
per bbl pond freight, 111,10 per lotaltre4 edges.
Ins per End; sharp, irk milker it.
Theft,* ?Heade, 041. float, r Wlll bollllll.
by wad, 6 . aaroitacs SO ISOM ter Cbtetwaett iE
Si- Loafs tomorrow Amin. rundowns saddlitp.
pare coo raly en UI taiSOOPO 4 kOirgOIS 02 . 1 0
.ater old Wend_ W. B. Parma, Negates of law 111 114.
ro hi , boa °lmp of the Wan
The Qua, In consmas4 of Alt. 7. I'. (he,
loony cf tle 6allfo Litt,) y upjer edisfiguilt es Ili,
dx:, nursing. Vsasesastrd sad MEN.* /WO
mind, inad act szeoHliigti.
SPECIAL .ortirlttlill&
. _
1 , 04 T.-1880-7-X.
Paroant et madostarylubtla, arailad %la ...a
my bum ttade, palpttsais t ilup heaa. hat of dirt
pelt., Citrus saw rain, 1571/1
non, ea. drum . Mt ettebr 0' thip 0111
Witb a sow racmanstadid by timbigirrst tacltea4
aathatitlee, sad lemma* ta. peed= -
btaeleaal dace. They saczadigke letwellak,
parthea4 pus, sal t an atadetdi Wilk
dase•kealt*,-ewatie ellen/ad wail;
rtivinuttr, ettwagtkas mad ferlheists.
They creed a kealtly apretlte.
!bey ere as amides* to Asap if vas .011114.•
They Oen:woe /Deo ef Dogteeth* see toe how.
Icieriataingthen due eystimmead Whew De MK,
Theis:ewes Ohnituthe sod inerreetterethetele
The/ Po* the heath cad wilt* etas eteasuMt.
Shay woe Deqoptle end iliwzieettee.
Son ewe &arches. MOW'S 'Uri Meters //whota..
They care /Mar Ocesp/alate sal Nottying ItistStaha.
They lath the meek ittenej . thelitereil
old ere cleaned esteril goat Dame. TM, moo
anspeeed et Dee'ealebrated Winos beet, eteletet
peen. leinenD, map end lota,' i poem. to
perkily ion Bt. gratz Swat. Tie ru-116“Song tr
citcedan and tastlassla/a
,wrinced. sack Deedin
Be«ate of lakitelerh. althilho •"17
that it kw D. I. Dery e' Wend= ea saw Meals U.
a Stoop ewer De oak, with pleatitire emek cal
ear ,eft Mostar, es • use oad putt iberieviq he.
Ode Wet. Bee that car het. rerDed e ta
mark= sod deleterious slef. We Ott may polo (
to much the Doe or cherieter d ew rode. Am
pump pretending te-a4l Plesdadtee Briton q do
talon at to tatlit, le, ea japikwar. Pena 4417
ear tee cable bottle. day perms lane.**
battle, or wan enztotheiteettelet thenite. WhDher
tailed ilantatho !Mao Di Iv* ► s olseizei =liar
abs 0.8. Law, sad wal he se preeentie leap tit
alma, Uw air eyes Ise perthe wellUor else
Dense, die., who , wfil otereed b pet* ,
latb claw quarters, Th e dtrand ler Math OD- L . '
Atkin Balers ftet .clarmwes, merilwels, 7
to., rerfectly incredtble. The alateda kW
b;ottli; b the evidence intenreee d thine 444 M.
, nrPertos#7. Tho Did by ail beepeeDide Dot ,
AWL smonr, Ithleitfue. !oath inesakeee aid
cowry storm
P. EL MULE a 00,
DRAKICB onxuris ins
as br age 'Wass. lad imimAs b 0
grAom sousivam.
armor !Mahal/4 ad IMMO WOO&
X. BOLULA/t, thwico%
(Amp* Nada ah.iator..)
1 U Gab VbEbir ineirdsi , 6.1110 Mita et
dr* addlatan U r hamessehral
Landon. lye oak by :
p. M. BOLESLiIi,
RITE gi - Tsficka op '
libutshattrnsrs ININATNIFO, MEM/ Lim
Also, imports.sad desists 13
2T.ATZ. AHNIT IND* WINN. Art, cvaraiity
'trans. tarmacs' NUMMI AND TOOLA.
Warsboass.Ne.llll VMS sat LIS SWANN 1 1114
Pittsburgh. Pa.
Special buten *Moppet gut to gsphmtbsof pg..
EOTR BLXVd.-41, senresed pegesesh Woe
log beta restored to health --b • lne dem sae ie.
tergatros ell the urael scostles ant termiraller erISID
afro lawlaa at tnostaarat.vrithaatt
AL aacrod daty to etrmatrmieete to his ablated 11111Drir
dnataraatla'maaas nial* 'ea tbaralt42o
at aa aditnamal eaVelapa, be win 002410Tra a ow at
the preserwtom med.- Dino se Dr. MIN 16
DAGZILLL, I/Spilt" cheat, W. T.
whlldydawT '
INV AND. CtoNnititrialZ /11111.11WArr
&rim. in moan. Immix CM%
Mit, Andre, porrally r ll%. VIM:.
,' • 4110170.4'441.7.16/3.
PUBS: L1Q110119.--414 SATT.7III:ei
liOlfflNG. Nev. iStb. 010 s'aieelltiel S 6
a m f. bi pekks o sctkr stpaz*V=
Want- 7 mA Scottb.:n aa4 ,
110ilaad 91E4 Wine. I. Apple Saw :aft
- 11413 • DATIVYWALWAIIIII. averts.
Er DAY 311.011N1N0, til•Athh, u 11 oNdhele, tea
be sold, Att the Onanerclsl Eakin Itaans, aril% at ; ,
• =all sad 211130.10111 P Jack, Lertsel &ow
aid took th• -foe beauty a • eta* itallnr i t
path:o7l with children.
tue2G , DAVI. NonarAINIL Amen.
CARPET. t5.,411' Aranos..-os 711114 N
moanua, zroiv. Nib, at 10 to'alsat.
Nall *wilds Nom, as Fifth *reit, 0111
4tlaktejit"Of NontalioNlrelattM•i, salutatuillall4
sok, PaYlor sad as. Ilest , Oliths.
„...m...ltnidivozatio SoakNintrals._
Daily Nadas! Waalt_pivark
ittliMuub, Ouvati, Nati, tri. •
p.hi. -- jui . ....0 t Fk-nr- lt ,
teld;MC l t ) 211111 isfo th igta i ll
6 gooatirg of rim-for 2tocroto.4 1= 1 , 1111 %.
log Itio2oirzog Ala. Wigan
presthir • Wattiobe. H r some Ifilaapay
gbignalgoiog Loyagoo. Yabowy. 61, 1066. V, olot
.D1•134:2•310. BodooootC 0 3330t0. Moak flog&
Coor Nottfog, UMW!. oradr, 1 3.1,3!!!i0d. am%
Cbion2Woryilra. Chat lloiloom, gew
:.:;..1-......:222•13 dderialr zr .
,kjed.-Lee TURVAT NO Nay.
03 elk a*
2.3613 olk Mg orswin o ,in: ,„,, m
1x2 4 21 22/03A — . .
,3 do --A* T.Ranet mototgg -:
.' 1 etOgi_2: do tog_ ," • • •
2 do ' " 423. , Stoat Mg •o a Tom .
IS Geniggfoci_ t ' Ina Otte; 7
.. 10 'de. ' 4 YellinitSelip_ -; . •
. . 20 .140.;(2312.362. Sow . . . ,
6 do 0im031122 ?obese%
31.32mi1a Ott sad Do, dot
.....- •
- - 20 bozo laved &gam "
. 4 b0t2(200: . • . .: 1:,.:. W
12:26 • • tilifisiorazititiki j o i , - -
feliniatirm L T