The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 25, 1863, Image 4

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    - 1011 -- ii* - : Su*.
FromYesterdai'i tvening Gazette
Hogging In a street Car.
Hugging As pretty girl, at the propertimu,
and in a propor place, in doubt very agree
able, and perhaps altogetheratiowable: But
It maybe doubted whether a street car is the
proper place to indulge in this luxuty:„, A few
evenings since, in riding from this eldrief the
river to Allegheny, the paliengers bad a pub
lic exhibition of this character. A very pret
ty yobng miss, and a tolerably handsome '
gentleman; took a seat in one corner of the
car—sitting close enough, considering. the
fact that there was plenty of room. Grad
ually the car Idled up,' bit long be- .
fore there was any necessity for his
doing so, the gent shoved up a little closer
still, appearing very much concerned lest
there would not be room enough for all the
passengers who might COMO in. As the ear
started off, the gent's arm (the arm next the
lady) became restless and uneasy, and one
might suppose it gave eyruptoms of rheuma
tism. Is finally got relief, however, is being
circled round the waist of the aforesaid miss.
The magnetic influence, under each circum
stances, must be very consoling, for there
was no more uneasiness about that arm. Now
the hugging commenced in 'earnest, and was
continued all the way over the bridge, np
Federal street to the Diamond, andhow mach
further Is not exactly known. It was amus
ing to witness the glances cast, by the dozen
or more passengers, at the " loving pair" in
the corner. Everybody knew exactly "what
was the matter," but nobody " let on."
There was some ogling and biting of lips by
the ladies, and no little staring and smirking
by sedate and elderly gentlemen, but the hug
ging continued. Several passengers had al
ready left the car, and made plenty of room,
and it was naturally supposed that the "lov
ers" would soon "lot go," but they didn't.
It was "lengthened sweetness long drawn
out," and they seemed determined to onjey
it. They did not even indulge in ordinary
conversation, lost the "magnetic current"
might be interrupted, but numerous love
glances passed between them—"eyes looked
love to eyes which spoke again." They
seemed wholly unconscious of the mental crit
icisms which were being passed npon, - thetn,
and evidently bad no idea that their "hug
ging match" would ever find its way into
print. We commend to their consideration
the familiar wards of the poet:
I I would sumo power the gtftle gie us,
To see unreels as Ithors see v ;
It stone true many a blunder free us,
And foolish notion
General Synod of the German Reform-
ed Church.
MOIMING Sttsstott, Nor. 24 —Synod opened
with singing and prayer by Rev. E. E. Hig
After Lb° transaction of some unimportant
business, the special order for 10 i. x., being
tho election of five members of the Western
Synod, as its complement to fill the Board of
Foreign Missions, was entered into, and tho
following members wore chosen by acclama
tion : Rev. E. E. Higbee, of Pittsburgh, D.
Winters of Dayton, Ohio, G.F. Williard, of
Dayton Ohio P. C. Pugh, of Xenia, and J. 11.
Reiier of Willlamsbar:. Ohio.
The appointment of a Board of Domes
tic Mi,i,ons was then taken up. Revs. Gle
bes, Millard and Kremer, were appointed
to nominate the members of this Board. Fif
teen hundred copies of the minutes of the
Synod were ordered to be published in Eng
lish, and one thousand in German.
The Committee on Minutes of Synod report
ed a resolution of the Eastern Synod, which
recommends the exclusive use of the Heidel
berg Catechism in catechetical inatruetions,
and, as far as possible, in the Sunday Schools.
The subject was laid on the table until the
Committee on the Sunday School Association
shall report.
The Committee on the Consolidation of the
two Seminaries reported that they deemed it
inexpedient for the time being, to thus unite
these institutions. The report was roce.iumi,
and, on motion of adoption, epee:ohms were
made by Rev. Dr. Kieffer, Rev. Samuel Phil
ips, Dr. Gerhart, Rev. F. K. Levan, President
of Westmoreland College, and others, in which
the advantages and disadvantages growing
out of such consolidation were fully brought
to yiew. The report was then adopted as a
Alleged Charges Against ten. Negley.
When fiTn. Negley loft bis command, to
visit his home in this city, it was asserted that
"charges had been preferred against him,"
that "he had been relieved," etc. It was well
known to his more immediate friends, how
ever, that ho was absent on regular leave ;
and that no charges had then been preferred
against him. What may have happened since,
°rearm we have no means of knowing. C.
D. Bingham, writing from Chattanooga to the
Nair York Tribune on the 16th inst., says
"Gen. Negley teat Nashville. It is not proba
ble - ghat he will come farther until he shall
have asked - for a Court of Inquiry, and that
Court pronounced him g.ailtless of the charges
under which he was relieted. I think I may
ear that this has been communicated in an
official tot& to Gen. Negley." It is very evi
dent, from the tenor of the correspondent's re
marks, that the charger against Gen. Negley,
be they what they may are not regarded in a
very serious light, and are
the General will be
triinaphantly vindicated.
Thanksgiving Dinner at the Army
In connection with the dinner to be given
by the Subsistence Committee, on Thanks
giving, at the United States Army Ilospital,~
there will be a thanksgiving address by Rev.
Dr. Passavent, at two o'clock in the after
noon. En. Gov. Johnson, and other gentle
are also expected to cheerthe soldiers
with their presence, and suitable-addresses.
Col. J. B. Clark is engaged to deliver an ad
draiii in the evening, at seven o'clock. In
both 'afternoon and evening, there will be
music by the soldiers and others.
The entertainments will bo in the capacious
-building just erected for Chapel and Reading
Room purposes.
It is suggested that persons attending the
seryices,or.visiting the Hospital on that day, ,
not directly concerned in furnishing tho en
tertainments, can do good eenrice to thein,
valid soldiers, by adding t least one fresh .
book to the Hospital Library.
papers record a death ,ftom starvation in that
city, almost incredible 'in this land of plenty
and chrietianitv.V.:llthr. Xattiewsilhe widow
of a soldier 'Mired in battle, was found a few
days ago eritteltecil Me ;boy, - hovering grey
feseemb - irs;and elthaal a morsel' Of food in
the housh. She was sick and reduced to a
skeleton, and her mind wandering. The suf
ferer AILS - eanifr, to' the Sisters of Charity,
who did all kbilieromau could do to railcar,
her, but it wasioo late.
Smut RODBED.—Tho . storeroom of John W.
Dooms, in Independence, Washington county,
Pa., was broken open on last Saturday night,
and 5400 worth of golidr taken therefrom. As
soon as It was discovered on Sabbath morn
ing, parties made search nud found tho stolen
goods in an old coal Bank, on what is kno.rn
as Goal-Run, aboutone milt, from the place' of
the theft. No arrests hare boon made so far
as beard from.
Lunen Ecctrar--nn Wednesday. mornini,
the 25th Met:, there will be tt lunar eclipse—
nearly total--obseuration_be&c4ng at this
point at:2:3OA: An.. end eridingat 5:80 m.
The irmatest obscuration will /*Attained at 4
o'clock - 10 Minutes. The eclipie will be risi
ble throughout the American. continent, and
alio partially in Europe and Atiies,.,Nine:
teen-twentieths of the moon wilibe unbdrjhe
Ausancrs Common toncescascere,.-The
Mato tend of AlleghenY. Zollege *Mown..
Males on the Tth of December: /Ironer the
oust hag made huge ittaighte. :clethersttufgati
of old Allegheny, its sessions tire "still well
standord. • Young Men contemplating* Shar
es/0 education would flo well to tarn their.
lON/doll eadoilte. =
raj/nit Mfr . theittestbrieb — aiiiii nrost iCoit
° P &Malt
/4.114 11 ,4110-
Iles tot •
coiqlut l o n - P e r c iil 4 :era In Rebel
ASSILITLIICC4I7II4 been given by the rebel
authorities that any clothing or previsions
sent by the Government, or the Sanitary Com
mission, would be forwarded and distributed
to the Union prisoners confined at Richmond,
Belle Isle, and other places, the Government,
in addition to the experimental shipments
already noticed, has sent forward 240,000 ra
tions, and 5,000 complete outfits of clothing,
raider-clothing, overcoats, and blankets.
The'Sanitary Commission have also sent
forward , large supplies of ander-clothing,
-coffee, Condensed milk, , canned meats, tams
rinds, soft erackens, and other articles for the
comforts of the sick, and the feeding and
clothing of the starved' prisoners. Permis
sion has also been obtained for en agent of.
the Commission to accompany the articles for
warded and attend their distribution. Careful
inspection of the ,ebel prisoners at Point
Lookout has been made by the Sanitary Com
mission, and the statements of our released
prisoners have also been taken. The com
parison of these two reports affords abundant
evidence of the barbarity which has charao
terieed the treatment of the Union prisoners.
The rebels at Point Lookout are far better
clothed and fed by our Government Gum the
soldiers of the Southern army while in the
ranks. Oar officers and soldiers who have
returned from Richmond are, on the other
hand, unanimous in their declarations that
they will never again be taken prisoners.
Letters acknowledging the receipt and dis
tribution of experimental shipments have
been received from Gen. Neal Dow and others,
who express in the warmest terms the joy and
gratitude of the officers and soldiers. Many
were still nnprovided, bat those most needy
bad been eared for.
Ohio, an old man of 72, was on his death-bed
at the time of the late election, but was earn
est to vote once more for the Union cause.
On learning this the Judges of Election took
the ballot-box to his bedside, and for the last
time he voted for the Union and for freedom.
Cot.. E. F. Plan, whose severe Illness we
mentioned a few days ago, has recovered suf
ficiently to appear on our streets once more.
Ho looks considerably "shaken," but is as
jovial as ever. We hope he may long be
spared to gladden the /merle of his numerous
Coxceirr.—We learn that a grand concert
will be given, in a week or ton days, by Miss
Lina Saliba, a young lady well known to the
musicians of both cities. She will be assisted
by a number of first class amateurs.
ASSAULTING .1 WOXAS.—David Shaw has
been held to bail, by Alderman Taylor, to
answer a charge of striking Mary Smith with
his fist, and otherwise abasing her. The par
ties reside in the Fifth Ward.
FINALLY Commirren.—Edward Spallen, Wm.
Garrigan, Edward Fay and James M'Carty
hare been finally committed to answer a charge
of larceny preferred by Lori 1)e Roy, second
bend clothing dealer, of Smithfield street.
Coax..—Notwithstanding coal is so high in
price, the ',reduction of the Pennsylvania
mines for the past year is said to be 1,700,000
tons greater than the previous year.
boon committed by Alderman Kelley, to an
swer a charge at assault and battery, preferred
by Jane Flowers.
ALJOGGNIIENT of the Young hien's Bible
Society from Thursday to Friday evening
next, in consequence of Thursday being
We laud! sell, during the preseut month, at wbolluale
a full lino of •
Floor Oil Cloths,
These goods bare advancod, ip find handii, from
TEN to TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. within thirty
days, and we are now selling at LESS THAN MAN
UVACTURER'S PRICES. Onr stock is almost en
tirely new, pH having born purchased within ninety
days, for cash, at the Trey lowest priers of tho year.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Between Post Ofnuo and Disnatek Buildings. n 023.
the NEWEST PATTERNS awl every width; at the
Lowest Prices for Ci‘sh,
Crumb Cloths, FeMugs, Rugs,
And having parebarad , for OASII, bans tho tats
marmot:es, tre ate obis to seal at the mannfsctutan'
pricea, an anoqualled stock of
Window Shades, Mailings, &e.
No. 23 417TH STROM.
John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash,
I. constantly receiving the uaie, wbtch ha will ■olt
on tho moat tiverahle tertba. This Mb is particu
larly adapted to the nuttintaCts, of Ghoul.
C. W. cln3llollmin,
sotrru ram nazi; Philadalphla.
1864. - DIARIES. ---- 184
A hurl' aseortment of POONET AND COUNTING
'HOUSE DIARIES, for 1864—1 n Owe, ha cloth, In
men, In imitation Tozkey, Alabarkey Morocco
with gilt rdgerwa with marble edges—with Welts,
_patent clasps Oa elastic featenhms. AU sicat, and
from the commonest to the very best— For soli sif ,
iemoueble rates by
Wit. C. JOHNSTON A CO, Stationers,
ocllsaw•irram , 67 Wood Street.
HOISHL—Jand opened, • large siock of
AI" ENVELOPES, In roof varieties, =ION and
drudltbn, forevery tune. For We by
W. (j, JOHNSTON a CO., Paper Deem,
onallts4nno• 51 Wood dm!.
z. feciszuerza.. • .a. ILZL
• IfitzufZetams and &Alm In dl kind. of
TOBACCO, BBlllll' ANI! amens.
IVO. 109 WOOD srErzr, rrrinusan.
Kassa constantly oa tumid a Isar nest: of Plpn
and Smoking Tolima,.
003thilSSION YRODUCE..—Roceired
tut day--0 air loads Buckeye Potatoes, in saskr,
4 .r loads York Etas Apples;
SO bbls. Tnrnlps;
SOO bush. With* Pasts;
JO bbl.. Sweet Potatoen;
tons Duciorksat Flour,
bids. THI.4 Annie.;
20 do Hominy;
Now in stars and for sale by
ecee L. H. QOM di 00
NEW MACKEIL ItL .=.9OO packages,
bW, half bbla., qoanars-and hits, How I t 2
and 3 bagd itodkun, In 2 4torn aorta nab) by
30 boas. prima large Goshen; In store;
100 do do Wadarn qtasarn, to arrive ;
at. & WILILINBON;2I7:LIbart7
fIBILESSE.—Westoric - iteierve Alheese
NJ 'elated Thr tetiatatttog tbr sale
eas r. -Boric k co
S ALTI;I24IUIII—, Orders. solicited foe
Elsa, by - P. IrECICI CO.,
Wholaralo Ototeri, 185 Liberty stmt.
AP44.03-41 - barrels &Elbows, Bell
CFl.l3Af' W • PAP • --.l3eluitrk
r .
The most remarkable feature we hare to notice in
money matter., is that gold declined per cent. to
day In New York, the noon quotation being 151%.
Sliver also, I. lower,. haring declined to 140. The
decline there hes produced a corresponding result
bereand our broken are now paying but 140 for
gold and 143G14ifor carer.
In New York on Monday, the demand for money
was fair at 7 per cent. with an abundance of capital
oaring. The hank. in that city now hold $24.000,.
000 in legal tenders, and owe $.5......5(A0(10 on account of
the loan which it is thought wiil probably to relied
in thirweek.
The subscriptions+ to the'sfive-tweutt bombs con
tinue to A fair extent, and would undoubtedly be
larger If It wore net for the delay in delivering the
bends. The fourth series, will nhortiy be roesly.
Ttka eutoagenta are not In debt to the Treaeury De
partment es has been atatod, hut there are millions
of dollars that have been paid in for which u+ bond.
have yet been deltiered. The Government, there
fore, la really In debt to the agents,
The St. Louis Dratacrul, of Monday, has the follow
ing in reference to money matters:
The money market of this city is decidedly tight at
present. A good deal of money has horn absorbed by
subecriptio. to the national Ivan; a large amount
has gone to rho country fur the parching, of hugs, and
the requirements of Government contractors fur the
purchase of are mealy no large ai heretofore,
no that the aggregate demand for money is muck
greater 'hewn liras a month ago, and ie fully as large
as our banks and institutions ran con venlvutly sup.
The Philadelphia Peers, of llonday, says
The week closed on a somewhat excited gold mar -
het. Eamon of heavy ehipmenta and military die
eateru have contributed to advance the price of the
price of the precious metal, and keep It firm at the
advance: 152%9152 were the ruling figures, though
some operations were made at a lower figure. Thu
market at the Olcufe am Mead). at 1523•113, with an
avendency of buyer.. Government securith+ an,
without change. Money is finite easy at tifr, the
demand being somewhat heavier then for a day or
two. Operator. look forward to a mill realer time
next week. •
TerseAT, November 21,1863.
FLOUR& GRAIN—Almat is firm with small sales
at former quotations. Corn is firm with =len of
2 cars Shelled, to arrive—one at $1,15, and the other
Holdors are now asking $1,20 on track,
and 31,23 from store. Barley is quiet but steady,
with 11111/111salevi from wagon at 81,35 for Spring, and
21,50 fur Fall. Rye is !CAR , and wonted; 8t..5 w.
offered today (or 10,000 bushels. There , is a decid?
edly firmer foefingfin Outs, and bottlers, generally,
are asking an advance. Flour is steady and firm'
with stnall sales from storo at 5L,7540,00 fur Extra,
and 86,75 to 87,00 for Extra Family, Sale of lOW
lbs Buckwbast tour at 84,00 per cwt.
GROCERIES—The market is quiet and rather dull
the demand being light, and the transactions conse
quently of an unimportant character. il - econ tin us
to quote at 13S to 14%;c for Raw Sugar.; IV otlOc
for Punned do; 2l to 330 for Coffee; 65 to 20c for Mo
lasses, and SO to Ric for well-known brand.. of Syrups.
BUTTER & EGGS—The dell1(1.11.! fur Roll Butter
brisk, and the market Is tine et 23 to 23 , for eotortem
to prime sale of S bbl, at I:7r. firm a u •l higher
t lth sales at 24(321c per dozen.
MILL FEED—In actire demand and In light sup
ply! tale of 1 oar Otis-mode at 51,60 p,o,
may he quoted at SI,DO, though some holders ant ask.
tug 52,01).
HAT—Ths demand atiptiers to he lo PM'S. of
the rupply; and the market I. tirm with solo. of bate.•
hem scales et $35 to 840 per ten.
APPLES—The market le an I rather
though there L u., tomtattle clitit;n hi pe briis.
"tote regular tale+, froth store at frT,
per till, f..r tolr to choler itu..lo its
CLIEESK—nr... with sales .4 .an has choice ‘Vosiern
Reserve st 14c, and IS had ❑. . ashen at Rs, Oi
'Western Resort.• it selling st 1:11 1/e.
Pittsburgh Petroleum 31arket.
Nov. 24—The rani a blc h set in this morning, and
esitillnued almost without intermission throughout
the day, and the probability of anotist, rise In the
Allegheny river, had a trudene--in the views if
boyerot---to depress the oil market, bet,
standing all this, thyme - an a brisk demand, and for-
tuer prlewl were fully etwtaint,l. The transuctloculh
• " --•
fIISSOLUTION.—The Parther,hip
lJ heretofore elottug under the name ant firm
,! L R. LINDSAY A CO Is this day dirsolvechby
mutual routeut. All business evnnotited ail., the
late Arm will be settled by J U. LINDSAY, nt
llpsel street, np stairs. J. H. LENDS Y,
.1. . LINDSAY.
I hare also Alepesed tart In the firm .l, It. AS.MA X NI ELL A C.l, LINDSAY.
Are 2 , tettit LINDSAY. ,
Raving purchase/1 the interest :11. LINDSAY, ;
in the Arm of .1 R. LIN Ds'A I I ro.,lls t r,lbsw-b ro t a •
Cutlery ll...nese: also in the Arm of J. 11. A N. 1
MA X W ELL A Co., Bellows SlAnufarturars, the tool
ll,{ol will continue es annul. Hardware and Cutlery,
by .1. R. LINDSAY; DeLlows, Re., J. W A S. MAX•
New York Petroleum Market. IA ; ELL CO.
' N., 2. ISO. no4.lin
Crodr x err cu..lorate, •5 Rd
Ina.. Dial Mile in bulk at and RN,
lattjc—Lbls includel, tat° at tin al whit h
Ittu &rd. resold Thare
w. ixtnaidernblr inquiry fin 1.1/dinr.l, eatiratally
landed, of 14 hick there acre -o•tte p
nalen on rivate
torms, uuderotood 1.8 n ttlingt advance. V., note
utle orzu bbl. In bond;,at and :I'2 ,ca. offered
for 1500 bblc Free oil, also, le nor. art Ice, Nytt It a
sale °MVP a/timid° brawl, nt Tic; and itto
city brand, at 42. Natalia :s 11 , 111 anti attglcctcti.
10141, In th, aboance of rail., yr.. quote. n..r..t.a11y
17(g11 ,1 / 4 . Iltehllum v quiet, mud the no.ual qe eta
don 1+ /1,00 pt•rl,l,l
Spacial Dispatch to OA rlttsburgh.Gazette.
'Stec Yong, Nov. 24.--Crude Ia doll hot unchaug•
nil at 23c, on the spot. Retina-I ;0 bond. In quiet
at former quotations; solos at 4.2 .. ..;i314c on the spot,
for tunas to prime whitn, and S:D e ic for Ihicernber do
livery, boyars optiln. Fror oil ie nominal at tile,
b3c, and Itsbued Naptha dri32a, The market teas
vary quiet throughout theoive, and there lAs almost
nothing done.
New Orteatts Market
Nov, 13-414 ton—rho movement in our toarkot
to-day was interrupted by what appears,' to be • gen.
,sal oeintre of the entire .Cock, In and out of the
stook peewee, bat we were officially informed, on in•
mdry, that It wis confined to lota previously under
wafture, which have now been taken poxecesion of by
the United State. marshal, that they may be formally
'Healed If there shan't' prove to Iwo canoe, or if not,
that they be finally released and delivered to the
claimants. In executing these write the doom of the
have been tempondly elowel to dellveri.,
.bat have continued open for recelpta. We preennto
the whole matter will he adjucatol without delay,
and with the Iraqi possible inconvenience to lunticeut
holders. Under these circnutstaurae the only Nalea
reported to-day were 32 bales low middling at t - ‘,14,,
and 20 bales particulars not given. We ore informed
that at the departure of theJeanme Rogers from Nat
chez there were may about 1200 bales left on hand
there, with no expoctations of further recelpe ofany
moment, al least for the preeent. Sager—The mar
ket was dull to-day, and part-11.0n would not oper
ate ontAns at easier prices. Holden Atte rtniintlll to
m .
all, and they submitted to a decline of fully I,a)
%o, the males embracing 300 hints in varlets , lots, et
ha for good fair and 12b4c for white clarified, new
crop, and 11Wingie., for fair to folly fair, ere' 12c It
lb for cholee old crop. tdolaseett—The mpply to Met
bands la extremely light, and the Wee are conse•
guently coutthed to ltM bids mew ordinary at /lc is
Cleveland Market
Nov. 23.—The market opened this morning with
more activity. Corn wm much excited, and advanced
4c over Saturday's rate., reaching • higher !Ikore
than it over mid at bofora In this market. Onto were
alto excited, holden evidently expecting a further
advance in both thesearticles. Flour-3larket quiet.
We quote XX red at 65,76/) 5,50, XX White at b%Cd
7,50. NV heat—truchanged. The mien on 'Change
Were 1 car red on track at 125 c; 3 corn do do at hide.
Sales this afternoon VAX) Smelt red afloat at 1177 c 0(0)
hush red free on board as 121 c; 3 can white on track
at 153 r, 2 ears choice du from store at 160 c. Cunt
excited and 4c hotter. 'Sales COM bud, at
1040 'free on board. Oats—Nominally better. Nu
Sakkr, - hidden asking 74g1i76e hoot store. Doyley
Quiet, No transiotiono Llold at
12 t 1 5i. .ItJJe—
No 1001ot:tants reported.' lioWto an trot at ilk,
California Butter Shipments.
On the &Init. the Calllbrishi slower. wee freighted.
with 1,761 firkins butter, and thn Stunner that loft on
the 13th ultimo, had 1,312 firkins, and the Panama
Hatiroosl brig of the same data had 613 twist.. The
steamer of the 2:14 ultimo took 1,124 firkins, and this
Panama Italln'ul hag . 1,173. ..the steamer Id lout.
had aboard 1,363 firkine, mid the brig 2,1153, and on
the 13th by steamer 1,61 firkins, and by brig I,2bs.
T he freight demand for butter hem freeman.] euhesm•
ly as to Induce the l'enarati Railway llompautlwpar
chase the largo steamer Atlantic, as a much lary, , er
qnantity would hare born shipped If freight !mutt'
hare been secured. It is estimated that **am. 3,i510
firkins will be shipped aboard of this and the nest
steamer of t h u other I 1te.—.14. TrfLuee.
Import!' by Batlroad..
04—'7 cks brandy. OAI ; 4 cars metal, ,1 Moor
!mud; 40 bblawidaktr '; 4 Illids, a by to.
bacco,J Price;-1/1 Mad& pies, 11 Onrwitt YO discloser
seed, 0 K Unstop lillb atheese, Lambert & Bblpton
111 Wile-apples, il- Rale ,26 du rags, Vr•r A U O - 10 ..1;
10 bbl. oil,' Dickey-4 co; 16 4. do, Knox Ji Porker.
246 tat 1=4°07 Oa grouse, P tabors & ro; le b(1),1
hides, J Taylor 4 co, 760 pip lead, .I It Hoollolik 000
egg barley, Josh Rhodes; 131 do d0,k05 dotye, Thee
Hall 4ad (10 bbl. gold, Hhosusitar & Lang; 110 hides,
J Y AlolAughlizo 100 bids high whom, Lambert &
Maraca, 2d do apples, 0 0 Hubbard, OM pigs lead, U
II Puffins; 100 tea hams, J P Hanna; 0 pkg. collets,
McKee & Dro; 6 bbl. spirits, Win Usenatt; 63 bbl.
floor, HegA Ken; 400 bides, H NA.; IOMI lcs hams,
10 do last F delkirs & co.
144 ski rya, Moo Ball & ow, 66611 eranberrles,l, lost.
Islet; 96 eke potatoes, .1, 11 Vole & en; ST Wet
bay, 8 B Ylsyd; 20 bbh liquor, 11 & F Evert; 40 bides
A thdrtelaa; 152 ski *beat, It TKeznady 0 Dm; tat
Mu, Sefton A Kallertaaa: 3l= tobacco D Paha! ,
on; 24,5 do, P Duthy; 6do 110, WRIADU ar 110;* Ito
bbl. dour, Graham de litonlaa; 30 Miss tor,/ 11
Mild% Saks teathors, P Docker'.
&Women Statu', Noi, Z 3-300 pigs lead, II A
leabasslocY & co •, 1 tar
_A Taylor • I tor Irma
Geo Banes; 200 by bat , tiatb;tient ; Om
halo. SW Sibitsb; 15 tow, P BeeekattAk . co ,
0 e9lidaseber, 3bp CatllTChatzetwat A 606 IQ bg.
betamilialsblet 1.=3 000 n brooms ; J Moto;
t1111 110116 .9 -03 fialset! P ,1 4,4 -AietriAkr;
WWI shistjTWAtty.,,, 4
nL'.';Zl=.rSi-,7Zaa'Ag,g4'''az,?..,::-.-,-4%. -4J ,
Po;ton My...Gcombillfarket,
The Skipiaig ad, of the 2I t, says Bak:loos fe
<Lion, the LLling ur4ens trom the country, and th:
supply of a moderate cad ,ton.iy col! from tho re
Shirtings Sher tinge lan Cotton Flahnes tie sell
ing at at price, with some o f in
w-4 nativity for the last day er wo, it moult
not be surprising to am a moderate advonra to de
sirable style.. In fact, sellers art not disieeted to
part with their geode nt the current pries, nam ad
vance is confidently looked for. Bleached Sheeting.
and Shirting,. „letting very erne" and all told up.
Leavy standard thectinga are genertiliy held Ilan ut
Ida, but outside lot, have been sold at (g . , f, yard
lees. Bleached and colored Jeans motion. In lair ie.
mond and stock quite light. Fine Je.die have boon
mach sought titer by Jot ten. Print, and De LairlCS
arc eeiling moderately st previous prices.
The stack of Woolens on the market le light, the
Ans e baying continued bite nod (etude are sold up
Imports by RI% er
i:1 N N NATl—rik Hr. Paten .-3 tail.
w.,ap, Atwell, Lee & 00; U 'Asti sundries, lictiwrito ale
Boat; 70 One roar, 30 an canilleA, Wra Cooper & co; 21
Las army goods, T B. Burchfield; 25 bble oil, Jaa Dal
'tell .0 88.11; dp do, 0 Loon map and candles, J
Deolevy; gr libl4 oil, 50 11 soap, Dilworth j Co:
60 do do, B Itaietat at no; 10 do do, 5 Ibis oil, S &wart;
sdo liquor, 11 & F Evert; sdo oil, L Fahue.stock
co; 10 do do. 10 his map, W kI Gormley; 5 1.1.1. oil,
B liars k co; 1U into candlee. E Bra:Jct.; 25 bbl.
18,1, nit 19 tilde oil, SU hss map and
candles., .1 Kirk patrirk & Bro; 5 Wilt oil. I boo .1,
dies, II II Jack bas soap, W Si K irkpat rick
10 bids oil, Kno., S. Parker; 16 I.v ,
art: 21 do do, Lindsay & Telforil; 25 do dn,
Connor; 15 lads oil, 75 boo soap and candles, Miller
Illeketwin; 40 I,ce wwp, 5 Mils oil, E 11 Myers Y co;
2. do liquor, J 31cCiellough & 4 0 SU. ..op and ,00-
J Porterfield; 20 1,51 e oil; 40 lite soap atid can
dle., 11 Ftohimn ,t ro; 55 lies map anti raudlet, J A
Renshaw; 10 bble oil, SO L. map and candles, 8110-
maker & Lang; 10 blue oil, 20 bon soap, NV .0 hileath
err, 16 lible nll, 20 bze map and candler, J 5I Bnow.
den; 118, do do, !uaver & Loret, 52 do do, Tiernan /t
Getty; 104 ten hod, F Sellers Sr on, 12 Ler soap, Watt
A Wilma; 15 lAN chair., T B Young; 00 oil Ltd*,
Brewer, Burke & co.
ADRIATIC, I,DY) Horse-power, 4,000 tone.
RID&RNIA, Norm-power, 3,0013 taro.
COLUILBIA,I,OO:III.rsc-power, 3.000 to..
ANGLI A, 1,(01 Horne-power, 2.040 tom.
The magnificent Steal:natal , ADRIATIC will
from New York for Liverpool on TUIDAY, the 17th
of November.
&Mee of paaelige from New York to Liverpool, pay
able to gold or its equivalent to currency.
First ....... -58013trarsg. 530
Intermediate._. 401
Paesengera forwarded also to London, Paris, Hato.
burg, !Imre, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, .4r., at
the lOW./ rata.
Faroe from Liverpool or Galway to New York and
Bo.tou, 555, 355, 375, 580; 51 05 .
For passage apply at the ram of die Agent,.
SA EL tiEARLE, ' LID roadway,
Mama Joao, lianager.
or, D. O'NEILL,
Evening Ch , onichlldlug,
JylOilysta No. 70 FOIL .trees. Pirialokh.
--• • 0 4
Si:WOOL, touching at QUEENSTOW N, • •
Icons. 11A1UPOR. The well-k town steamers 'I the
Li'.lo‘ol, Neer York and Steamship
Csimpony aro witouiled .
CITY OF LONOoN , othriloy, Nos. SS.
CITY OF NEW YOIIN •iaturrlay, Dee. 12.
And ever, sricivedlng Solurtioy, (rum Pier
44, North Ihrer.
...rt. or PLIDIArIi.
HtvALe in G,hl,er iL eveintleuf is, CLn n.
/far,' ...... Lk. ...... 530 00
do to London.... CO 001 CO Co Loudon 54 CO
do to .100 do to, Paris... 40 60
do to Wand/um . 00i do to !lambi( XT 00
Ns, t.,.,-ers el., forwarded to I.lsrre, firent , r, got
ter!lant, Antworp, at wholly low Mt..
}atlas front Li•rrpool or quecnstotrO ; lot Cobb..
Irrn, 535, 5105. St,-rage, 570. Thos., oho wish to
.rod for thoir friends ran boy tickets bsae at those
rill es.
For lurtio , l itrforsurrllorr ripply ror rho• rout; a:.).'.
01711 r ,r. JOHN U. DALK, Agent
Broorhorty, No.. York.
JOHN' TIT. , MPSON. Agora,
lbr,i.trlrot, [lna hum. , Truro :be brolgo.
ruhlo ?Mello ch.
• • _
CUNARD LISP'. ' oao.
V. 1.5 In gold,: Ln its egnirstent In ,:rs.ncy.
FROM NEW YORE, H W ,urro“c7
&As ..Trry wank. Apply
111011A5 RATTIGA S. .14ent.
5t2211 suly
The parturrehlp hfrot...bre silting harawn
oLet bscrthern under the urns of
PREPS CO.,has thin day bp..n disAnlved, CP A 4.
chea-d :be enOre Intenata of ii other partnere.
Th” ha...lame of the late firm silt to settled by LOCK
ABIt'M V /i I PP.
Pittsburgh, AnzuNt lush. 1K63.
LOOK 11 Airrk. I.'ll I.; NV,
Producers and Re/liters of Petroleum,
All At ALBION OIL WELLS, T.riangn county,
and BRILLIANT OIL N 5 0 RliS, Nei;Ley's Bun.
.0171 m, I 7 d 174 NV001) sTnErr,
%A We would Invite the attention of rootlet:to,
who hare difficulty iu getting Breda mole, to our
large atoorttnerit of
TAP do do do.
TRIPLE do do do.
The good. non mode to special order, and for best
ow...l durability ant warranted equal to any city
work. . .
mag Comer of Wood and Fourth .tr..t
B uirrg /Oki
Ladles' Eng. Laat'g Coag Oalt r,, 4l 75 worth SI 60
160 2 n/
0 1 " 1 76
All Aber goods selling very lov.
ant 89 MARKET tinier.
_1 ofrti CA M PBE M:in - Z,47t.uror of
TIOOTA AND PROFS, of every deievirtion, No.
as RtnitAlleht atreet, Dittehorgh,
l_A sal, and Retell Deedentln DDOT3 S fi/D0:1 4 , de.
corner Wood and YonratiOntett - Plitibufgh.
tPiffil)t - 41 7 A,YETVOTRAPIXIN ' t
Of the Anemias 4mixiitami locatiltlom ' •
.. •
ltaatnint Virginia •• • ' l ,:rfrvi'7s ethte,
Virgtitle. ....... 00
310 0.t;in .11.00111 of Zurll
Carolina and Vonnwaree 100
Looltiana and XlMLisnlppl,
Chatlialtan Ilarbor katiproacina. ••
Vol .lo by RAY
0013 No:AA Wool atrr.F.t.
. . .
AMIOI/11..161, qr 14.41 1 ,141175,1 OrVICO.
Von., 0 and 1...:41
• 3y.hf,gtou, D. 11;, 2:14,
littt.l.l AT VUL11.,1.1 .
IND DNOIND um/ Jr 011 Nan Phyf.
N44DAYN, 111 h and N"."144/ of ro.
noir thr. \Vantilngloil 't)Mtorrotary, a 1111 V Ign
/1011fIZSI AND WIULY.H, 1,111t11 , 11110.41 110 10111 Cr
publioserrino. ,Sato to uouunence at luo'clork a 01.
Term, roph., In Chola !talent Yunfls,
011. Ad. Ii TOII.I It K I lin,
• 0c2t13/1 Cy 0"
Ulla It.. Q. ~ 17. N. 41o).
_paring und So(lnfing., ~A history ut 1.6.• o frh t
Itohll4 id Miautnr• In 41 ,, prSio, blon 4,
Moto i Or, A Klink. PrlAnno
In Mao.
k• Marvel'. Now Dunk—'My Farm of E..lgea
I volume.
....Thchust Thant h 7 t 4 .111 0.
Our HUnthil and 1101 r wa Iblatuga 11. A
new supply )U6I. re,,01 vol.
nn4 1.,4111141) 711.Vpurilt
NJI • 01 BMlTliffilliai Oirt69l:l will Nail cbooo
for tab a audit - 'UNION HVIT YOU 1111;
REBA, Al.ll . Wilot,llo6 I BLACK 04 0 711 1 4 MT, 1:1A,
A Iliatsfillutb ni646*ln.torolvebootro , s o
. • •
600,000 EUSIIELS OF roAL
('jr, c,t
Sealed Props/anis will be reemsed at this office
1.1112 o'clueL m. the . 4500 DAY or ....;,.1 - I:3lr.lnt.
uszs.r., furnishing tool del keel ng SIX BUNUI.IIaII
ABLE COAL. at Cairo, 111., Memphis, Trnn.,ll , As•
burg. Al Ems Orleans, Co.
Prt)i-.04 moot state 111. prier, de:llreSTl et Ti,..
Pbo,oll.l , ti pie•'es, separately.
Bid& en to take Els risk of um stage of water. Thu
time of delivery to In sirrdn- ' .ol 10-reafter. '
Profastals must in. marked • Proposals . for 1.1.1,01/
Bushels 01 Cool,'' and addressed to .• Load. t
(-MOSS, lteputy Q. DL let.. C. S. A.., I'ittsbati.,ll."
Tito ability of the ' , hitter to lit the eoz.tract,ehould
It be awarded to. W 111,11 1 ,1.4 be guaranteed l.r tiro
riirponethio ryvaora, whoac sigh:intr.a mull he ap
pended to the plantara.
The i_ianotbility of the guarahtoes mipit be shown
by the ofttrial certificate of the Clerk of the ciente:a
Dietrict or of the l idled Stat. Iflatrict At
t, ',icy.
Bidlera must bo Inivxmit to when the bide
are 01.•intl, or 11lea prle:els r ill not be cc...mid. r• 1.
&min £OlllOl in amount Ii half the mum to he n-•
on the contract, bigneti hi the ton tr... 1.1 nod
both .4 hi. guarantore, will he required of the moo
motel bidder upon itining the contract, A. the
bond onnt aniompany the contract, It will be nen.,
airy foe thn bidder,. to. have tittle bondsmen with
them, or to have Londe 0.0..4 In auticipatiii:i, tool
rends t., pr.loretl when the .I:Llm%
.rl /I of 4; ,e.mowte,
ILo coouly or —. and States of —,
and —of the e , ,nnty -- and Slat,. of —, do
hereby guarantee that la able to fulfil n entatta.
in acronlainao with the tenor of L,e proposition, ano
that, should his proptad: non be accepted, he will at
Om, rider into a cowl art therewith. Should the
cant rart he I,%tallotl him we are prepared to
Lin Permit lest.
[To thin guarantee must to appended the oJH al
cost iticat. sheer mentnitusl.i
Proposals from disloyal parties will not he consid
ered, mid an ualh of allegiance will 1w required of
surcessful hidden, Issfore signitio contracts.
The undersigned reserves to himself the right to
reject say or all bids that hr may deem ton high.
Payment to be made upon the mmplution of the
contract. or • soon thereafter as tie undemigneal
shall he in funds. u. (;Ruby,
nor2o.ld Lieut. Col. and D. Q. 31. Gen.r.l
r10.11.' COAL ! COAL!
DEPOT 4CARTI I / 1 4.151T.11 . 11 Orrl,, I
Louisville, Kx., Nov. 14, lato:i.
Prot...mho are invited and will ho retie" ed
at Oil. Alice until 12 u. oo 'NOVEMBER .Itrrn, MA:,
for furnishing cool to eteamors under ellarter by •he
Qua: •rmaster's Department. The conl to he fur
nished at Louie-sills, Ky., Cannelton, TIM:, 11a0
villa and Caseyville, Ky., tlinwnoeuran. 114, Net
Albany and Evansvlll4, lou., or ilmithland, by.
The ,vol to be delivered in Loans, barges or tlats,
nionnlde of the steamers, and the contractor. to fur
nish shovels, boas., ie., to 1-ad the coal on the
steauterul -
Pruntnitiona will also be considered for furnishing
ci,aldeliversil into boats or bargms for Government
the barges being furnished by the Quarteruids
terle Department.
Cant ractore will please sta pi the length of time for
which their proposals will be l considered binding, the
quantities which they can furnish weekly to boats or
for other Government nem, and the price at each point
to be separately stated.
Priipmials for the delivery of 50,000 or more bushels
of coal, tnouthly, at Smithlancl, Ky., will also be con
sidered. This coal it to ho delivered to the Quarter
master at Smithland, F v., In boats or barges. If in
limtel, they ore to Le famished tree of charge to the
United States; if In barges, the Government to have
the Ilse of them for (30) thirty days from time of de
livery, and if detained longer than thirty days, then
the Gov...meat shall pay for the hire of the barges
ae the rate of iS3) throe d liars per day, cemmencir,7;
after the expiration of the thirty days, until the
bargesa retorned again at Smithland, Ky. If tli
latigie ore retained by the (I•••• , ntnent oral! their
It: e Ninale In amount the appraised value of the
barge., they are to heoortre the property of the ildited
States. wOrnrpl - p 1•11 ts of the Tali. , eacu
barge delivered at iSnothla.nd must he trird with the
Quartermaster at Smithland ; also sworn measure.
meat of the content-of es.!, Los ge . .;
tit proposal, ritrpl4.,te. rytrmno frill in.,..nrta
r...rt, trit.s Ile Ile and pull wee cadre.. .I.lers,
5 , ,1Fr0 , 11.4 ('qt. smi A. Q. M., U. S. Ai my.
aellington, NOT. 18, 17,63.
Soa will be reetived th.s cifire un
til 4 o'cloek p. tn. ou the DAY or PECE3IBEII
Nr.:4 T, for the or fifty thole:and lotaeh
Meru, Shell, in the following quantitiea, at the fol.
!awing Arw,,l4, oto •
At the NN alert own Anrnal, Watertown, MA.,
At the 1 1 / 4 aterrliet Are z... 1, Neat Troy, 3. Y,, 5,041.
At the New York A raenal, Goya:nor'+ Island, 2.5,1eg1l
At tLe Allegheny Arnennl, l'itteibargh, l'a.,
At the Arsenal, Wat.hinglon, C,
At the U. S. At..enal, St. L,.114, 910.. 5,11 C,.
Th., Ocilla ore to be made of the kind of Inekil.
and incpectcd after the rules laid donna in the Ord
nance Mannal. Onoringe ran be `,1 . 11 at any of the
Utundi tile... Amount. The then, are tu be inspeet•
at the foundry cast, free of char, ..aneporta
or handling, of the Anonal.
iced own c tenet he made at the rate , if not lees ,Lan
ton per emit. per week of the number of pri.ii . tiler
enntraruel for; the bloat delicacy to be tniele within
twenty days after tie - datc the oontratt, end or.,
Utile, to deliver et a Niue-Med time out itobject the
iianielo for toe forfeiture of the 11111/I her ho may fail
to deliver at that time,
beparcue lode must lie make for each Areo.rd, If
the to Ito' priw to deliver et more than one. No
eld will L. i.on.idered from part{. other than rvgn•
ler (Minden or proprietor tlr works. who are Ito , wn
to this Department to be capable of executing the
work - imntractml for in their owe oc•taell.lituents.
party obtaining a cent reet will be required
to enter int., bonds, with approved surette., for Ite
faithful execution.
The bapartmasit stserrea the right to reject any or
all Ghia, If not deemed oat..f.n tory, for any moan.
Proiroasla rill be addressed to " Brigadier Getaral
GTIZSCE D. RAMSAY, Chid of Onirmace, W.ll-
froion,i). C ," and sill by endoraod •I Propuaats for
Mortar Shell,. CRC. D. R.1319A Y,
Brig. Gym. Chief uI kiratultice
przorosAts FOIL LEAD.
01LD511,11 Orrtco, Wag DFTAJITY.IO(7,
tVashington, NOT. 17th, 1863.
Scaled Proposuishrill be received at this °Eire un
t d 4 o'clock p. to. on the Irrrn OE DECEMBER
NEXT; for the delivery of 2,00 u or more tons of
pure, soft LEAD, suitable for ordnance purposes.
The Lead le to bo All approved quality, end to bo
&livered at any timvithin ninety days, from the of the bid or bids. It is to be delivered
at the United Statue Arsenal, Governor's Island, N.
E., .cad at the United 81.44 Arsenal, St. Louis, ?do.,
1000 tons or more at each place, free of all charge for
traneportation or handling, and Nlll be paid for in
regular certificates of Impaction and receipt, by re
uisition on the Treasury Department, in the .m 1
Dills will he received for any portion of the quanti
ty not less than lUD tons.
• Bids, with approved surette, will be required for
the fulfillment of any mmtroct that may he made in
purulence of this advertisement.
The Department reserves the right to reject any or
off bide, If not deemed satisfactory for soy
Poleautis must be addrosud to "Dr for General
GROII.OE D. 'UNSAY, Chief of Ordnance, Wash
ington. 1). C.," and will be endorsed •'proposal. for
no2omodid Brig. Gen. Chief of Onltionce.
Ever Awarded to Sewing Machines In lllinola
Three Medlin. were awarded the Highest Premi
ums. oem ail competitor., for the Berl Paynffit Seoeirp
1/fuelias, the Beal Masiifeauriag Hee Janes end the
Bed 21faama Wart, at the following STATE FAJLEB,
of :
Nets York Mae Fair,
' First Premium for family machine.
Tint Premium for donble-threed machine.
Vint Premiem for machine work.
Veratossg Stat. Fair.
Tint Premium for family machine.
First Premium fur manufacturing machine.
Vint Premium fur machine work.
toms State Fair.
lint Premium fur family machine.
Fleet Premium for manufacturing machine.
.Flat Premium for machine work.
Mithipala State 'Pair.
Pint Premium far fussily machine.
Fleet Premium fur men4fecturing machine.
lint 4rernium for machine work.
ludic. Oak Pair.
Fleet Premium for machine for all pi:dooms.
First Premium for machine work.
mu& sat. Far.
:lint Premium the machine for nll purposes.
41lret_Promiron - kermathine work.
ltinifeirks/ Rafe Fair.'
First Premium the mushier for all purpose..
Vint Premium for machine work.
- 7ltet Prot:than fir monult.e•driug tumble.,
Tint Premium for beentind machine work.
Ohio Oat. Fair.
First Premium for machine work.
And at the following.. County Fairs:
ladsciatm Ch. (11.) .(,7..1k-offend &Nati,
Vint Promitim Air brolly machinc.
Pint Premium for mstentheturing machine.
Pleat Premium for runchise Work.
et,e ``l i.) Ariisatherel Poeinki.
Find Premium fes family remdlio ,
Fleet Pre:elan for oinnitiketuring machine.
kind. Vinniurn, fOrtnechirma ark.
Ilonkaort.s. - (Stril 4016011. d &deg..
Diploma for family macho..
Diplome fee rimehitiel work.
Wankhe Or. (X..r.) FL4. . •
First Phanilunt for Wady machine.
Pint Pnyrium for mattplaciaring machine.
Qe m} II4XIY.
lint 'Mullein for family machieo.
nahipatmt Fair.
Pint ermlitim far family machine.
SMolose hl. (N. P.) rate.
Vint Premium for family luschine.
Afecande's /esthete (Pat Per. •
Tint premium ler machine ter all narrows.
First Prentluurfer machine work.
ablica rorntriece Ali the Fain at, which the
GROVER I DAK.I.II 11ACIl1tilld army exhibited
this year. At wady an of them the l4ding . Bewing
Machines were in rompetitiou.
. The work route open the Grover A Baker 'Sewing
'Machine he. received the First Premium 1111 stssy.
Siote,FMr in' the thilted.Stetos when it has been
ieshihiled-re thledide.
AltnTql IFP,Pittabergh. pa.
.ocatitswirv ,- A.ll. CtIATOKET, Agent.
I GUM COATS 1---A large
kiv eteelilam tatlttl ma fox alga at—ntaMik
, aidtbsr "AVM 41tiRILLIP8.
bcoti 4 . , -.726 and 29 Si. faille' street:
e~*..A.S^.;iL+'~i~Y' I'y ?" K~iit~iliM . ~i'?-If.,"+i~Tr~ii'%%~'4~~.
Dyspepsia Pill and Treatment
♦ PUSITVVE crUE 1%,r.
DR. WissflllT has troll.A. I.; the pest two years,
nine Mel:sand throe hundre•l
tients ter Dyspepsia, Is lie rariens (orals, and In
elery C 11,43 where the inoileine was taken as directed,
it wade II perfect care. A. number of the aliens cases
bud born tri skid by the 111 , A t eminent physisiunir is ;
this ooinntry and Europe. Ile Invites All persons sof
from this shore disewse 4. giro biro a rail.
0(11 , 0 sad Store, No. Lti tiONTII iSii.:CONIs ST.,
DT6”6.1131.1 6.1 S TUC rom.arrNo 61 MPT031.6
1. A coa:fardpaUl or bureaux...4 at the pil ce l the ✓on,
hirh id eatua.l by a le rturau.nt
01 We stomach undigreterl 11,.,1 It generally
b.g,t•v hauuedurtely, GT • * hurt tuna alter erring; Is .
‘.l l leur very secure stud ‘Jteutrde.
~ l aNkurs end .popton. ari••••
1.1.1 m the of fl•••tl, n hint f,inontx Justrad
of dt•joalug.
3. Costorenoto and bus of apnea , —now symptoms
nre the eat:tots of the unnatural condition of bnal to
the ...mach, and the rant of pure bile 1.11 , i grootrie
Jona. Th., stroniacb is often Into rthlly oihotcnd d i.e
mad . ; the appetite is sontetintr.veracions
4. earl f .p..—Tlits state nil too
runny fior th e enjoyment of life, and in caused b y the
impure toloo4l Yarn tolled by imperfect dltattinto. It
tide stage of the disease many pern.ous on.rionott out
etde. There is % constant tomb...ling of evil, end an
Indifference and posture Inability to perform the o.f-
E• no of life
t. Dinerhea.—Aftur living at flr,t the •uf
farer i. Afflicted with iliarri.ea. vinyh in awing to a
illeensoit condition .4 the I. vela. jinx:need I, the
hail, a Inch im PTSCII3IIed In the same
ti , d) m w bon and ~ 1 Cnnlreli gine, no ntrutigth
to the eyelet!,
a. Pains on oft p: r, of It. rhe rr-m tb.
notion of impure blond the nerves. The) sue chiefly in the hand, ealin and broaet, and In the
eadromittes. in many coat.. thero is an iniensionoi
lu the throat, with w eon*e of cloiti:ag.,..r suno , at told
tho mouth in often elan:to, t. ith a bad torte arid
furred tontine.
7. Clutzuouptirt• rytopt ,, .• • ..1 ;,r
—Many peroon. :.ronunuc,i. having the,•
in fu,t, I:Lott/Int: but the tun, mud
!wart &Aust., b.•.ag cou;y
eough.—Thls pin ~.....rts .upturu • f
end lea& v••ry Cl ntirtu.-1, it,usup
O. Wont of very dour.
suiting often innientail derangemeLt
10. Hymminms of external ...latko.—The patient ix af
fix-rad painfully by cold and'a..t, which is owing to
unatural dryness of skin, and the shin to often al
frxnted by eruptions and fetters. The gloomy tlys
pepti.: avoids society no mutt poseible.
11. renijing.—A frequent and distressing symp
tom. It relieve, the pain, but eM3Ci.ites and wears
out the patient.
12. Dr=inAss,,lian•As of rision, hendarhe, and stag
prrewg in tralkvp.—Theao are very alartuln s t symp
toms. which al, speedily removed by our medicine:
but if neglected, • re quickly followed by lIIIMbII/18
and sudden death.
13. It is impossible fir us to give all the symptoms
of Dyspepsia in •e vinall a spans, but the above are
eomidenxi sufficient, If we add Diet the patient 10.21
his memory and attention to surrounding objects,
and frequently becomes morose and sour in dispani
tom. We slioultl soy, however, allot pains in the
joints and stiffness of the limbo. which go by tho
name of ihoumatism and neuralgia, era very often
produced by byspetsiLa Ale , , a hehinres of the
muscles of the abdomen, which become contracted
at: , bard ; and in some cum the belly sinks, instead
of being gently 'imminent.
Dyspepsia: Dyspepsia I
ELIZAIRATII 110000 ts, of Brandyeriao, Del., tur
moil). Uhl Chester, lid ,do cern:y that, for one
year and to belt 1 iieeerod everything but &nth from
that awful dl.. non cull., Dyspelolo. My w bole op.-
teat was prostrated with weakness and disability
conld net diced toy food; 1f 1 ate even a cracker or
the mottled, 8611.OkIAL of toed, it would return Just n 4
1 swaliowed t ; 1 became so costive In my bowele
that I would not have a pseisage
' in boo then from
four and often eight d 0,,, a this immense stif
f-eine, my mind seemed entirely to girt way; hod
dreadful herr, and or iOreilAiLlgO; 1 th-oglit every
body bated trie, and I hated everybody; I rould not
loot nor my or.s oundren; everything
appeared to be horror-stricken to me; I had no ambi
tion to do nil, thing; fleet all my love of himily and,
home; I would ramble and wander from place to
piece, but could not be ronteoted; I felt that I NOD
doomed to Mill, and that them was no heaven for me,
and was often tempted to commit suimdetaio near
mu who:. hervom system destroyed, and also Lay
mind, trom that awfulconaint, Dyetnioia, that
my friends thought beet to have me placed in Dr.
irkbride:s Hospital, et West Philadelphia. I re
mained there eine weeks, anti thought I was a little
better, but in a few days my drctiolfol complaint was
raging se bad as ever. Hearing of the wouderfel
cures perfurnted by Dr. Wiebart's Great American
lippoisla Pills and tie Treatment for Dyspepoia,
my hueoand called ou Dr. Wlshart and stated my
clue to him. He sild ho had no doubt be eould cure
me. So in three days after, I call,' and plawid rr. , •
eelf tinder the Doete: '0 treatment, sad in two weeks
I levin to iligent Led, and felt tilt my WOO
foot eivin;; way, and I coat mend recover for about
three months, and at the preheat lime I enjoy per
fect health of 1..1y and and I nowt sincerely
return my t.. ieks to a merciful Codefid Dr. NV:ellen,
and to his great American Dyepepsta Pills and Pine
Tree Ter Cordial that coved me from an Insane AV
len and a premature gran. All persons sou thing
with Dyspepsia aro at liberty to call on me or write,
and I will try to do all the good 1 ran for suffering
humanity. ELUL/WTI! BRANSON,
Brandywine, Del., formerly of Old Chester, Del.
Dr. WISHART'S office, N0..10 North Second
Dyspepsia I Dyspepsia
Da. Woman!: I hays Lan a constant sufferer
witb Dyspepsia ter the lest eighteen years, miring
which time I cannot say that 1 aver enjoyed a per
fectly well day. There uct e times when the svmptoms
were most aggravated than at othere, anti then it
:add it would be a great relief to die. I hid at all
timed an unpleasant feeling In my head, but latterly
my sufferings so much incemeed that I became al
most unfit fur business of any kind, my mind wa.
continually tilled with gloomy theughtm and forebo
derialr•radtiofnlce''aemPtlloton c o t ri n cr co th lZetesel, c'rr irs ' eo t bny
nrctlon with • dead weight, as it were, rested spun
my brain; also s feeling of nickname would occur at
tan stomach, and groat pain to my eyes, accompanied
With which was the continual fear of losing my rea
son; I also experienced groat lassitude, debility and
nervousness, which made It difficult to walk by day
or sleep at night, I became averse to society, and
disposed only to secimion, and having tried the skill
of a number of eminent physician. of various schools,
finally came to t he conclusion that, for this disease,
at my present ago, 45 yeses, there was no cure in ex
istence. But, through the interference of Divine
Providence, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks, I
at last found a sovereign remedy in your Dyspepsia
Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually
removed almost the last trace of my long list of ail
ments and bad feelings, and in their place health,
pleasure and contentment are my every day com
No. 453 North Second street, Philadelphia.
formerly of Woodbury, h. J.
Dr. WISIL4111"8 office, No. 10 North Second at.,
A Positive Cure for Dyspepsia.
Hear what Mr. John H. ItaboxY care
No. 1028 Olive Street, 1 .
Philadelphia, January =I, 1863. f
Du_ Wnmsar—gir : It is with much pleasure Oust
I am DOW able to inform you that, by the 1.5 of your
great American Dysperpala Pills, I have been entire
ly cured of that mutt disueosing complaint, DY.P.P
els. 1 hod been grievously afflicted for the bet
twenty-eight year*, art.: for ten years of that time I
have not been free mom its pain one •kelt at a time.
I have had It to Its worst form, and have
• moat existence—in pain day eiTi on
Every kind of food that I ate filled me with pain and
wind, it mattered not how light, or how email the
quantity. A contimied belching was sum to follow.
I had no appetite for any kind of meats whatever,
and my distress was so great fur mend months be
fore 1 heard of your Pills, that I frequently wished
for death. 1 had taken everything that I had heard
of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit ; but
on poor Pills toeing recommended to me by one who
hail been eared by them, Inoncluded to giro them a
although I had no faith in them. To my an
tonblament, I found myself gutting bettor before I
had taken one-fonrtli of a box, and, after takingbalf
• box, I am o MA, lied me and rumfAiegl/
enjoy a hearty meal throe times a day, without in
convenience from anything I out or drink. If you
think proper, you are at liberty to make this public
and rifer to um.,/ ehoorfolly give AD desirable
lunirrnatkui any Ode allo =ay all 1.,U me.
For sale et Dr. WISILAAT'S Ida:Seal Depot, No.
Ili North Secoud street, Pldiadelphia, PA. Price,
One Dollar per box. Sent by mall, free of charge. MI
receipt of prim.
Dyspepaln 1 Dyspepsia 1
1, Moms Tons, of Cheltenham, Montgomery Co.,
Pa., have mufferod for mom than mut mar everything
but death limit from that awful dimeamo m called Dye-
Petal. I employed, in that-time, er the mmt
pbmiclorie In Philadelphia. They did all
they could fur me with- mistletoes and cupping, but
cult I ram on hotter. F • than
went to the Pentryl
'anis University. in order Wrist.* myself In math of
tho beet medical taliatts the country, bat their
modiciries Nipf to du money gamed, and eitentimem I
oodled for deathro rolfecO me Of my sufferings, hot
awing Dr. It whart'cativertramteht In the Philadel
phia hisibein, I determined to. try once more, bet
with little faith 1 cabled on Dr. Washart, and told
him If T roil l have died I would not hare troubled
Wm, and then related my mideringe tco him. • The
Dr. anihrod me, If he sued to owe me of lITOMPaIs,
It would Mille first wise In tun years, m put my
elf under his troatment, and , although-1 tad boon
tn. months vomiting nearly everything 1 ate, my
sumach awollon with pain beyond description, 1
bought a Lox of hie Byapcpala PWs, / meal them as
dirtied, stud In ten days Leonid eat as hearty. meal
as any Onion In'{lie &tato - of Pestrogfleinila, and In
tarty days was ag troll man,- -I Writ, any parson
mudeling as 1 wee to call and titome,andl will relate
my muttering and the great cure I received. 1 weahl
any to all Dympept Ida, everywhere, thatorfulViillhan
i% I helloes, the only person onr the Myth that mu
onto Dyspepsia with any degresof certainty. •
Choltonhatn, filontgemery,Co.,
Dr. VIIIIIABTI aim, No.lo North &mond st.
Ofilce holm from 0 a. ,m. to 6 p. m. All examina
tions and consultation from.
V.. 140 WOOD sismiT.
Sole Agsat far ?aid quith .P cur •
~+,.s;.:a ...xa~,oeuu~wm,uc~s-.a:;wsa~aas.*w'~at;=•~.
-11 T 1 V
N 'l' E It A ft— ,
EY Nl:rmrs - r.--o.
and after MONDAY, No--4. • ••••••• 4 atr , 4 , m•
vetuber Leith, In c :: — PENNSYLVANIA IIENTIIAL
The TIllitt0(411 ALtiataIUDATItIVE TRAIN
learn. the Pomenger Station daily, (except Sandan
nr .1:50 . topplug at altStationa between Pitts
burgh and Philadelphia. end 'making dom.: connec•
lion for New Turk and Plillachlphi a .
nenri,, Station every rooming (except Sundayd at
thso ch. ntopping only at principal matin to t, and
ma king dirt, conucctioto at Harrisburg fir Balti
more and Wathington, nni York via Phila
4 p. m.. mopping only at 7,1.1.Kit:11,W i oc ,..yki tr
direct connection at Harriebarg tier Staltltitooe and
W athingron. and for New York via Allehtvorn route
m d Phthalelphie
Thee FAST LINE learns the Station daily (except
Se udayi at 6.35 p. 141.. cropping only to Principal tee.
rornvomng nr Ica. .et a for Saki., and
Wdi a ingtoti and to Philadelphia for New lurk.
J...i......E.m..t.c0rnin0i1at ion 'T11•131 icarce daily
t. xerpt Jtlltti,y) Jyr 3 int p.m., titomoug at all Slat icro,
a: Id running Lbfßr as C04.11,111014;11.
int Aci,nmodat ion Train fur {S'ail's Station
loaves daily (excel.: Sunday) a. in.
.conti Accommodation Train for Wan. Station
4 ..
daily (except Sunday) at 11:40 a in.
Thud Ace:want...l.l.n Train for Wall's Station
kayos dolls (except Sunda) at p to.
F0n.... A ecoramodat ion Train for 11 all's Station
harm daily (. x.-ept Sund.9l a 2 .1:00 p. tn.
The Cloirrli Train leaven station every San
d oat a a. nt : n fernirig, leaven Ptitsburgh at
iteturning Trains at,.,. in Pitn.burgh ea tiallowit
Bal t lute , re Ex prc. —ll5O p. m.
11...lelphia Extdven 1:20 p.
Through Iran a. m.
A anat./wit Aev.mniodatiot. .....................Uorts a. to.
First Weal', Station Accommodation....—. 6:211a. tn.
Sere- Station .kccommodatlon...—. 5.:15 a. in.
Than IWall'a Station Accom—wodation 1,5571. at.
Fourth Walt's Station Accommodation_ ... 6.06 p. ea.
Ba.tinium Expreaus will arrive with Philadelphia
F.x ,cars at 1 . 211 p. m. on Mondays.
Iraim for Illairwalle and Indiana connect at Blair.
vdlo 1.3 tameetion w tll Throc,,:h A ecommarintiou.
J..l,natewn Accommodation and Es pia.. Ttaln heat,e
ant with Balton re Eatire-• sad J oli.tous. Arciita•
. 4. 1 " F
11/, htl W
Tr.. 50 Eine.alalrg Tannest at Creenou with Es.
paean Trains and Mall Train Went. and with Through
Accommodation and Elvers Train Foot.
'1 pnOlic will find it great!) 1. • hitereet, to
e,cing gnat or Heat, to travel by the Pennsylvania
G.- ,, lnd Railroad, an the acrootmodatior. now *Maas!
not a10p... —1 on any other The Load
I at on, and is entirely Wee from dot.
Be tairet , e, arnenl, and rotatort to: all
a he noty laver this rod w ith their patronage,
To New York ._..... :12 11.1:::nore tel
To 10 :MT° Lancoater 8 SO
To Has 7 651
Baggage checkvst to all Station,. on Gee Penneylva
nla Central Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore
and New Yolk.
I'LLSACI3,7P, purchasing t l -ttets in the ctrl will be
' charged au exmwis, according to thethstatam traveled,
In takiltion to Liza .tat ant rates, except from atatiom
where Ole Company has no agent.
! NOTICE.—In come of lone, the Company will hold
themmivea reapomible for personal latufge, only,
I and Itir an amount not extending ElOO.
, F. B.—An Omnibm Line Sera been employ.l to
convey pas/angers and ba„witga to and from the Do
; pot, at a charge not to exceed 25 cents, for each ma
, seuger and baggag, For tick..a apply to
J. STEWART, Agent.
Al the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Pamenger
Station, un I.lbertv and Grant street. nett
• \J PITTSBL'III7III ANitiv;rt_ th l. l , t't
II 1: ELI I.A I LROA D' — wsts
W INTEL AltitANtl}l3lENT.—On and alter
MONDAY, N , Toads, loth, 1863, Train"! will !taro
he 1.1.1 t of IS. l'ente,)l....n Railroad, In Pitts
borgh, an follow,
. .
Pitliibtar ph and trArcl iiv Lin ,
Learns Puntburgh, 1-45 n m.I 0:20 . m. i 1:4.5 p. m.
do V. 41154111, 4:10 •• 1 8:4i2 •- 4:05 "
do Ft. ilo , ai el 3.10 i• , 1,45 I 0
0., \l'lwidillg.l :.../ " 111.00 " 4704
A ri,voti Bollair... 1 G:2O " 111:115 " , i5.1:0
(nut, ..,.00 at Ston!", v ill , and Bs Bair a Ith Steu
innivillo and Indiana Itailo•ati and Control Ohio gall
rood for 7.005 :In, Neu - nil, Cullualia, Xonla, Day
ton, Indianapolia, Cluonnalt, Loun,l die, Cairo, St_
Loa '.
-c. Joiadd., owl all iadids west and awn irroest,
and at Whoot•nn with Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Leaves 114.1: a. m.
i d le °
au Alliance 1 6e.1.5 " 0:15 "
do P • TAO " 6:53' "
do Hudson " '7.30 "
Ariives at " "
Connecting at Bayard with Trucarterns iranth for
New Philadelplea and Can., Dover; at Alliance with
Pittsburgh, Fort \v. el , : and Chicago Itailroad;
Ravenna with Atlautfr and Omit Western Railroad
for \Parrett Grectuttle. :Meadville. Union. Corn,
Jamestown and Salamanca, at Hudson with Cleve
land, Zauesrille and Cu:chianti ILsilty.l for dkrcat,
Coyahoga Falls and Millersburg, and at Cleveland
with f'. .b E. ft. R. for Erie, Dunkirk and Buffalo
with C. t T. 11. It. for Sandusky, rld,lll, and lbw
ith steamers for Detroit.
Steoneny ait otya 11:B.:Yale Acommodat lon loaves
Alle,heny City at 3:30 p. m. .
Returning trains arri,.. nt, 3.50 p.
8:05 p. m. and 3:10 0. m.
Through Tickets to sal rronthsent points an be
pro area at the Lierrty Street Depot, Pittsburgh.
And at Allegheny City.
A. Q. CASSF:LBEB.IIII, Ticket Agent.
For farther information apply to
At the Conl - pany's UM os in Freight Station. Penn It.
Orrice or COMIISOLI.EB or rum Crattencr,
Washington City, Angus/ 6th, UM,
Wurneas, By satisfactory evidence presented to
the nndersigned, it has been made to appear that
in the County of Allegheny. end State of Penacylva
ni., hAs been duly organized under and according to
the requirements of the Act of Congress, entitled
"An Act to provide a Nation:rid Currency,secured by
• pledge of United States StOchs, and to vroelits for
the cinniation and redemption thereof,' amerced
February ?.".th,1063, and Ms complied pith en the
provisions of said Act required to :be compiled with
before commencing the business of Ilanking: • •
thaeri,m, r, lit.ll MCCULLOCII, COI* ix•ouer
of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said
county of Allegheny, and State of Penneyleaniii
anth.rixrd to coalmence the business of D+ king un
der the Act aforesaid.
In antimony whereof adman; my hand
SS ' }
and seal of office, thla sth day of
Utz. .Angnat,
Comptroller of the Camper:
CAPItLI, $.400.000. • ch privilege tofu:now
to 431.00 , UOO,
The rittaburgh Train ;_any having organised
ander the act to provide a h Currency..nader
the title of the FIRST ".X I lONAL 'BASK Or
PITTtiBURGH, world ally offer its services
Rm . Rio collection of Notes, Mlle of 3'...c.hitne,s.
&c., receive neney on deposit,. and buy and yell Xt.
charge on all parts of the Country.
The smote, which boa attended the rittishlDTh .
Trust Company, Mace its organisation in 184,
we believe, bo a eufftei..: F zarartee that bushes
entrusted to the now organisation will receive the
woe prompt attention.
Raving a very eatenalre correspondencewlth Bank.
and Bar.kers throat!, ,t the county, Oct believe we
can offer neusuid facilities to these who do business
with us.
The business will be conducted by the pone Mira
and Directori.'
Janus Laughlin,
Hobert & Liam
Thomas Wightman..
Wm. K. Nimick,
.dsrput Mb, ISW.
701311111 Sraussi,'
Open daily from 9 to, 2 b'elock, also an Wetineadag
and Saturday evenings, from May Ist to /Tosenikse
Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clockrand-from Nos - ember ht , to-
May Let from I to iCe . rf-L.:-/...
Dept...lts received of all minim mt.. leas-tbazt-Up*
Dollar, and a dividend of the_proSti &eland Wow c,.
year, In Juno and December.- Interest Imo
dared arant-anrantliv, to Jane and Decemlier, alkott
the Bank uoit organ - km-4M 141.0 rata. lit pttiffilt
Interest, It not drawn out, ti pieced iotbegtedik_
of the depoeitor as principal, find heats theiggai is
West from the bird' days eilune and.Detitiaber; soil=
pounding . twice a year 'without troubling thijekpleili;
for to con, or wren topresent his nos hook:<JatiY
rat. moue.; will
Books, eaniainSig the Charter, By-LawSe Aram
and &Watkins, furnished gratis, on appllugOrsi9l ,
rue °Mee.
John B. Mcraddsa, Liao If. PetMoilii
John Beim's. Johnldamball.
Alexander Speer, James IL B.
Benj. L. - Faltnestock, A. If M. IL,
James - nm Burgerin,
Jam. lieniman,
John G. Plaekefen,"
John C. Bindle%
George Bleck,
Alonzo A. Carrier,...-
Cherie. A. Colton,
WHilam Dangle.n,
John. Evans, • •
William 8. Haven,
Peter H. Hunker,
Hiclum*llays, •
James-184E44, •
WathaPB.l.arely, • '
thecurnir 6 Threat
Dna:cross: •
Alexander Bpeerrt
Francis G. Bayley,
Alen Bradley, •
Samuel Bea. 't7
Peter A,lo4lAgner,
1"; Earths/4'
.7nba Orr. ' 4 " • ;
Robert Babe
04 = 0, 1 rh 4 / 1, 43. 24, .
Jataa Biddle.: 1 t 4,—
• Joltn. Rumnitliot
Walla= ii.
Aletlawier 1111 , 00. 4 4 - • " 4
hag Wb ol 4-re
Vat, Velffirysk
—cm d' 00 TOX'
- r- - - .