, . ' . tittitbitrgit ytrESpAY ;1191441310:;•744 - 1 1 0V. 24, 1868 CITY--4.0) SUBURBAN. YromYeaterday'a Evening Gazette . . . . Gtneralltytitid of the' German Reform.. ed Church. MONDAY 'Bfiluivlsn, T. 23.—Synod met, and was opened with singing and prayer by( Itov.-J. C. Bucher. The minutes of Saturday ware read and adopted. • The committee on overtures reported acorn munication Dela the "Christian Commission" 4t Ault luiore, asking the prayers and contri . imtions of tho Church. The report wall re ceived and tho communication ordered to be read. The request was granted, and the gluistian .Commission heartily recommended to the ministers of the Church, and they re quested to take up collections in their several churches on Thanksgiving Day. The chairman of the committee on the ." Orphan's' Home," submitted a modified port, which was, aster some disaussion,adopted at a whole. /o reference to this matter, the following resolution was unanimously adopt ed : : That tho aubje4 of, establishing homes ,for • Orphan Children, beerecommended to the ,Consideration of the classes, and through them io the 'mins/stories' of nil the congregations of tho German Reformed Church. .• 'This committee to inquire, "Ross the Church holds - her prosperity,"-read several documents relating to this matter. In these it was shown that's° congregation, or number of congrega tient, has a right to disconnect themselves from the general body, each congregation be ing bound by the life underlying our church system. A legal document from Judge Krouse was also road, in which the general views of the committee were confirmed. A committee of this Synod was then appointed to report on this subject to this body at itsrierd,,saceting, and also to the annual Synods. Thotime and place for holding the next an nual meeting, being the order of the day, was i taken up. Tho action nominating places was reconsidered. Dayton, Ohio,was nominated, in addition to those already mentioned. Dayton was chosen, having reCeived a majority of all the voles cast. The Ott Wednesday before Advent Sunday, IVA, at seven o'clock r. m., was the time fixed for the next Triennial Synod to convene. - The Cbmmittise on Nominations presented their report, which was received. The report of. the Committee on Missions was heard and received. The report presented a favorable view of the missionary operations of the Church, both foreign and , domestic, the ' efforts put forth to extend the Gospel of Peace having been abundantly blessed. A number of resolutions were recommended by the eom . mittee, which were taken np;separately for consideration. The cause-01'11mm= was ur gently recommended to the liberality of the Church. The Synod resolved to hold a Missionary :Meeting-in Grace Church this:evening.. Rev. Br. Bomberger, P. 0. Pugh, G. W. Willi:lrd and J. Kline were appointed to address the meCting. Bishop Potter on Thanksgiving. Bishop Potter, of the Disease of Pennsylva has addressed a communication to the clergymen and congregations tmderhis charge is referenie to thriolMervanee of Thursday neat as a day of thanktigiving and prayer. The Bishop states in his address "that every • consideration urges to a general and devout observance of the proposed solemnity. The abundance of the fruits of the earth, the pre vailing health and prosperity, the signal man ner in Which an alarming invasion of this State was arrested and defeated, the progress .which, during the past year has been made in establishing over extensive districts the su premacy of the national authority—all call us to bow with reverence and thankfulness at the feet of the Most 'High." The Bishdp recom mends that collections be taken up irsall the churches for the liespitallitiltil Piriteitent Episcopal Church-in Philadelphia. ea. Findley Township Teachers' Institute. The Teachers'. Institute of Findley town ship, met at the " Valley" School House, on Saturday, 14th insL Tho school was in session during'the - forenoon. - The scholars recited admiraLly, and the teacher, Milli! Kat&Smith, displayed much taste and ability in her man ner of teaching. In the afternoon Miss N. J. Brown drilled a class of teachers in read ing. The members of the class prosed'tliem• selves to be excellent readers, and also dis playca a thorough knowledge of elocution. Miss Kate Smith gave a short but pointed and • excellent exiliitition of the Square root. Mist -McCoy, of the Clinton - school, followed in an • entertaining and instal:mare lecture on the "Structure of the Eartli." Tho hour of ad . jot:truing living arrived, a number of tamper. formanees wore postponed. The Ele Metall) g of the Institute will be hold at Miss I. V. Jeffery's school. • We obrenee that the citizen of Indianapolis TWO very mach disappointed in consequence of_l_theinablllty of Col. John B. Clark to be present at-the opening of a aeries of meetings and entertainmente for the benefited soldiers' families. Andndianapolis exchaegosays: "It gives tat great pleasure, however,, to be able to state, by the authority of Captains Ekin, that the gallant colohol will be with no in January, when he will deliver, for the benefit of soldiers' families, alectur) on ."The Amer lean War : Its Cause and its Results." lie has the' qtialilleationti to . giio a full' and elo quent doseription_of the "cause of the war ;" and his ardamis end gallant connection with the armt . ea,Colttel of tlint.23l Bennsylvanis Volunteers lois" :given 'him a position from, which he can correctly judge of its "results." 71'ite " will b e duly informed of his com ing.' In the Court of Quarter Sessions, before Judges Mellon and Drew+, the following eases were disposed of this forenoon : - Edward D. Watson, of the Fourth Ward, ffit kidlinie Urines , without license, was fined .$lO and costs. Rosanna — Dolton,. of East Liberty, plead guilty to a attarge of illegal liquor selling, but the sentence was diferred. Holtnes, of TealreraPeesilleb 4, 'lid about twelve yeara of age, was tried for a .felonious ' , Assault and hattedrratabbing Aliothet.boy in the knee. Acquitted. - A.T-Atatousinst Slltstn.—lnformatfon has been ricelved by the relatives of Samuel Bowden, a member of Co. %Second Virginia liftntm, conveying the intelligence of his dtath in the late battle in 'Virginia between the forces of Oen. Avcrill and the rebels un do .bola. • Mr. Bowden served through the ree mo'nth's campaign, afterworde to-enlist ing for_three years in Captain Gibson's- MS- Vi . ity, from this vicinity, which Was attached to - -the Second _Virginia Regiment; lie par ticipated In all the battles in which that reg iment was engaged, and had always shown greitliaierf. Ro leavee siirtte residing in - - . :*_-Antunsorr.—A 4inuit man •niniod henry alit. Strom, gittegr, .coiner - of Elm and Wynn straetit, met with a Seiinui4beitliint on gattirday arming, in this .violnity of Henry, ftea's tavern, on. • Fulton:street, lie was driving a furniture theCitreert, - when', 4 coal team which - had stopliel.W water, liecame frightened a*(l, ran away at a Inflows spied. Before iramhuf could get out of the way •hie wagon was ran .Intacod : hoFas. thrown ont,.and in his fall (ho betaktli-- iniungled in the trinel of his borlei . 10.4.:;,:waizdsagged for some distance. lie to "'nehre.dairery severe eat on the head, and wns erir_l,o,4;bralp ea: • M *nitro: Dnatt.—Ott. Slanting. tho , s ehocklivaceident Immured at the' Fernsee,Volninbis county. A little -;t - igfet, - . aged foie yeela daagliter of Charles sit:hor'eliattiingOtilire; It the tent . ponari,l4 ro;etemtof her :nattier' and threw hitt- - self' . o*...et-ciadle, in -• which an infant was Vilest the mother entered, she .fintOPt.fie:.disartili*ldavi;c:-)Tlis Ate woe eitingitishet4hst the little girl ysae so'slichtle;. in 11, Dam thet.ettioditd in foto beim The infentfirtul co ' buried opin the clothes that it ens ME - glitOWnyvallix tie in- Oink titan of muide, utainriothigic iawm ikpienNiolifteions seweggi.o- . • 1,-.-.7 :PT..44 .- g-t5 " : 1 411.2 e .;f7 .:4..'14,';41,-.74;`,..CC.434V.. _® , . ,Dainsii awn ticsrxama History .tilahreat lallicia4Adateanso., ty„Lizat.WilganaPlitlnger, Clarke tho Adventurers. With an iriticalartiOn.by Alexander Clark. Philadelphia J. Daughaday. Pittatmegh't for sale by W. Pit met, SLIM stmt , oppoeite the ♦ Post - dce. We have already spoken pf the interest of the narrative given in this book—recording the ,reatill,lll . C911C03 of ono who took an Impor tant part in an expedition. which, in the words of the lion. Judge bolt, "had, in the daring of its conception, the wildness of a romance; ` ,and was described by a robot wri ter at *deepest laid schema,- and on the grandest scale, that ever emanated from the brains of any number of Yankees combined." It is a history written by a prominent actor in it, of one of the mostremarkable and exciting episodes of the war—ono which exhibited so much of "daring," and involved so much of "suffering," as fully to justify the title cho sen by the author for his book. NEEDED Wssnrso.—A physician, in attend ing upon , deranged young lady, at Zanes ville, recently pouted a pint of water upon her heal to see what effect it would have. The girl was then permitted to go into on adjoin ing room. The doctor was just about taking his departure, when she called him to her, stepped back into the room, and as ho was about to come in dashed a bucket of water into his face, remarking that his ck face needed washing as much as her's did. Now COONTERSTJT.—FeId and , Lose, of the Notional Bonk Note ilepoyter, reports new Im itated five dollar note on the Admits Bank, North Adnins, Massachusetts; vignette, two females, anvil, Ilacketnith7rears square, V above and below" on right end—lndian erect, V below on loft end—well engraved and calculated to deceive good judges. GILEILISWOOD (Mrs. Lippincott) mado an address Tuesday night at the Tabernacle in Jersey City on " The Silver Lining of the War Cloud." An eloquent allusion to the President brought out rounds of applause, which, when they had died away, were throe times renewed before the lecturoLcould pro ceed. Nearly two thousand persons heard the address. Col. J.. $. Clark. Th. Criminal Court. aid &Oft GRAPE Scow.—Mr. Knox will exhibit at his horticultural rooms, No. 29 Fifth street, on Tuesday, and during the week, a rare col lection of grapes, including Concord, Dela ware, Diana, ilerbenront, Elsingburg, Union Village, La Radon, Anna, &c. Persons in terested in the culture of this delicious fruit, would do well to call and examine these Ono specimens. Dzsern oc zu OLn zszFltasecorso Crnzaa.— Major John Sturgeon, an aged and respected citizen of North Fayette township, died at his residence, on Friday, the 13th Inst. Re had been suffering from rheumatism for aeon sidorablo length of time. He was esteemed and respected by all, and his lose will be deeply mourned. SOLDIER'S PUSEILAI.,—Tho body of Joseph R. Baldwin was brought home ?rem the Gettysburg field, and interred in the United Presbyterian burying grounds, in Nobleitown, on the 20th inst. air. Baldwin was a member of Company D, 149th Regiment, and fell on the let of July. Ilexa Hrusst.r.—Arm Hendricks, of Canaan, Wayne county, bang himself the other day, because his son had been drafted and failed to get exempted. COMMERCIAL RECORD FINANCE ANDTRADE. Vlore ia,a. ontinurd good tkroand for money, but to •opply appears to be sufficient to meet it. Gold as up mm In in New York to-day, Our noon quota ion being 154. In sympathy with Gold. Silver has iron oiri to Usk Ilere, our brokers aro buying what ttlo in °Clem 601.50 too Gold and 1446114 For Sit r. I:astern Cschange 1. steady at or buying, and ,i', to ItA TI cent. prom. In Chicago the dentand Nr ttootey still ezrethl4 the tlply, and it Is mid that mane but those who are rout y entitled to it, eau obtain a loan at any of the totnlns in that city. . . - Tim New York bhippisee Lid, in making the Min. gene) , to lirusncial mntters, aml the recent advance in • Gold, stya : The continued stringency in the money market, and the admit, in Gold,hs to been the chief features of the week. The advance in gold is generally attrib riteil to the receipt of ofdere from France, per Per. tee IniY and mutts large amounts on account of the Bonk of France. •is amid that the Fl, , Yin,ooo lately pnrshasisl for “shipmant to Idexlco,” was in reality I.,nght for that Institution. The adssance to the mt. of int.mat by the Bank of England and the Bank of rrance to 614 cent., and the rrported prolw let, further adrance to 7 11 cent. by the Bank of Eng. land, will bare a tendency to present any further dealt, upon_ their reeerro bullion, and thus crate a p.siter demand in this market on European account. The brut effect of this is already aeon in the marked once In g.:l on the receipt of the Pasta's new, PlTTSliilitGli MARKETS. ‘ M.DAY. Isisssmber Z 3,160. FLOUR &;min market is vtry firm but the limited stoc.Lt zed light receipts, restricts ap• oration,. Shelled Corn Is firm end higher, being held et 71,DJ by the carload, though on ,ales have, as yet. ' bean made et the &Ivan.. Wheat is In good demand and Red sells readily from wagon et 51,30, andinatis er 5t,35(41,40. Barley Is Weutod, and ... Spring le taken readily as 01,30, and Yall at. 5450.. Oats quiet bat decidedly firmer; qlotations may be fairly given et 75 , c an track, and n(35.0c from - store, Floor to firm, and the recent advance Is well mistalne d; small aales from store at 03,50,46 for Ezten, and 56,75g7,00 far Extra Family. Itrickarboat flour to steady at 84,00 per cat in bulk, and $4,!.`3 to tracka. have to report a continued Orm market, without, however, any further change to velum. Sugars are firmly held at 134 to 144 t: for Bow, and 1734418 c fox : Relined. Coffee is stiff with small sales of itio at 34 to 35c for tlir to prime. Mo. UOoes may he qnotedat from 62 to GE., and Syrups nalge all the way from 65 to 85c. 110Gg—The market la steady, with a fair demand, and good hogs, averaging from 2W to 2S O Ibs, may hr quoted a; from $5,49(3.5,i3 per cwt, gross. .We note' wale of 181 head, averaging Zni CM, at 5,604 and 269 bled, iveraging 280 The, at 55,80. 'The receipts are only moderato, and thoso offered; are madly light /14,Y—is tutu, vrlth's catitinnott sum/ doom:l4,4nd light app}). balm from =karat 30 load. at 536 to on per ton. 'Baled Boy io arm 0.535 from 2 tOr!. SEEDS—There is an Improved demand for net Surf, and an advance aware to hare been eetab- Belled; le of 130 lomh et 51,bn per bushel, and 1 car too lat 52,0. No transactions In Tlmntby or Clover Seeds. L'IIE,ESE—We note a sale of 11 has Goshen, aver. aging about 110 pounds to tho box, at IGc per A; aim -small antes Of Western Berm at 13% to DOTTER' 11.'004 re mtest, and may ho quoted firm se from 25 to 200 for COIx111)013 to strictly prime. Packed t unchanged at 1 7E41R0. Bm*kindes 0f F,R, stZe, par dove. BALT--.teady but unchanged; :id. of 120 blds at. $2,50 per bbl—delivered. APPLES—Nominally unchanged. Regular lades front otes at ".'from.: Vt. i , b/,!:rfor fait 40 prime qualities. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. blur. 72 7 -Themmeltet. for Crude has biPtT gnueeelll active to-they, sem a Mbit domanithpth the home tiall and ihipmoni. 11le tale. conOris• 4,212 MA:, sad brio:taw:mks= „4ri nal cent per gW better the market closing Cum at lac in balk, ahtt ts!,.,l r c in ,bbl.—bbl.. Ificittafra. The following sales were reported : ICAO and MAUL: in bulk at .111*; 400 and 700 iiihlM'and 60ebble at 17s/e—bble Incled -142 at 1 83.4 0.3 at B Yee, Leaned In bond Is a-shade firmer with sortie InqulrY, lint, aa yet, thin tae Dna nu isenqpilblischamPe Jl,lPrlaff• Qon team, may he fairly giceo MAI 40filk, on, the spot =the told. Agar-offend, end the outalde figure Asketl., Ym ay pastillas about Ms Lust ciliated, and the genie renalkoalll appiy ;fitptha. 144,14. Is "nulatitedt rather dull, and the nominal uuotatlola is ig.` itit: • 7 , lifets^,Vork PetroliMm'Market. SpeciakDispilAcli y, tbo Pit.telnogb4ll;446?.. - Tizar,Toss; Nas 21.—Ctrude is *Wady- awl mite 4c. drir, with raks on the *pot Thare - ls sa sot., Pe demand ran PafaM_.in.3;o°4; on Ofeitl__ . yo“. Nattesd fo ll y 2 cents, trim sates an the *pot 4.12 to fnr strew to prime Tree ollogio, heti ins ittoTod, end ea, be 53 3 C Kap- Clua Isselling at leo for Crude, and Rimer Zane& - . moictiai t±YtlS ,Tf varke't.' • ,!! " ,ay.%-.ll'be market "kr" qOat,-- and prices. have eased airs: a1uide....410 Gzaidd rank sip@ try .147.0. 0,5060,T4 loose and 53,50 pieta& Bak* minus .at 1,41.51 rap*. a. 5i.12.04 r 144.rnlig*Iftes 4 /, tinl.3alPi--lugy re- Wins the.dtanand Ja, ,Ikan active. 'Sake of No I it savi, N0,21,4-4nak $M0 . .910, and wall= at s?:' /in. .1 large St , a1.a...41-mfisga .I.bra iaalankfe'lletainitat4Aa. 5,60. *Mk *Wald Heartagnti.~ anddall igal'aakand Labtlidedia, $ 3 , 60 e 6 nalealat.643 s D Viler**. ZMIIMI .. * . ekiiiibirie;it- - eir the Neitclrerh Pe- - . treleam Elarket. . . '' [Reperted ExprAlyifor the Pittabusgk Gazette.] SIXTH:ARRIVAL •• 11.13., i O ,A L.-: 1.01.; 111 . 1' Y I P,t I. LI:111/ SALE—A thre'c,,tory, tn. - 61ern 'p . STABLISIII:D l'liiti:' ::',1 ,, ...,:i . • 12 ..”1.. treat. Br o. Building. now occupied by , _L'A Iftw Yoga, Nov. 21, 1851. 1_ 3L. -: L 5- . ___ The market for both Creole and 'Reflood Petroleum , - 7 li,• , eri.. Dunlap A I.ols , r, dry maxis marcitenta, on ' Emleral ot met. necor the Market, Allegheny City, PETER LORiLLARDe- - --- kart been rather quiet during the week, but pie. NEW cooDS, ''''''''' ° S r . ' lt ' Ll . t..%.ll'.‘';'N,.l::''.ll..l‘t,"ls.',••••ts'' ; lolling a front of 20 feet, and 110 feet in depth- , SNUFF AND TOBACCO DLINDTACTIAIM Seeded • l't “1,,,,i1s • ill Le re. eired at thi• 011 t... a: - bare nevertheless fluctuated considerably. During i thafirst part of the week, them was a strong down- AT tr,,i,1E.,:h41,,T0.i,',..,,,itii,:...,,,ik.ii,E,ig,....,5ii..iy,f,,i,:ii,i0it,,i:,,,,rii:,r,11Lii5.11,.,,i,irE7,5"1F;.1.:!,11:_trk.r1i., 1 J 1 ::: ::i r 1. ,,, '- r y ,: ,., :. ,: ' ,, (:: , ‘ , : r. 1: ' 1. 1 , : t . „,r , , 11 , : . e ,..f . ;: ir ... " ,.. } ::: " .3 • " . txr , . , : ' (: : ::( l : ‘, : i i : * s h -:: 3 1 : 11. 1),, 1 n i...i . T N: o li i i : : l , :(: ff. oG A N Al iii d. : 1 , hi,,,w o,....,(l7:7lLl:ilit;:ille,:2;chaelit:i.a...A.3if 13 47 ,Erg: . 7 toli etHE .r ..h.T.rtico.:l). of woe tendepcy, and on Monday allentoon a large ' business Ln Cruderwas done, committing about 12,000 J. M. BURCHFIEI , I ) 'S. lible on the spot, mostly at 24%(325 cent. and soma -- AT 711 E %VAT ERTOIN 14 IllnEN 11., II Ass. :nog , 15-inch ballet tog •hot. „I . ...,. mkt , . BauNry. ffstrirr. 6,0066616 for fedora delivery, Tho lowest point was ; 2,..., foincli shells I FRENCH /MERINOS, fur El : 5 , chool, ....'11;10:1.-;".1"1:t..t,'",r'7.11[4:'nc,i.4177.,1.11,%."..''''1.1ai:nr°';''''nesi l''' t '' 'h g°° fr i , .. 'm g .' o tSh ir cii‘ L tr°3l.. . : Macaboy, Fine Rappee, Goatee Rapp.% 1,,,,,,, r i e ., touched on that day, mul since then the market hot t '••,, 1. , n!, elcul. _ a.l • a ramie. ••, le 00. Log. a-,, • r fail.); sPrO. , ; Gentlemen, Demigroa, r.r. Virginia, Naenre,..L., Ixen growing stronger, despite the moderate demand EMPRESS CLOTH, to $1 h., cheap. " .io I , -.wit „1i.i . ,.. ••.•1 a lase.. plant it. of foto loarin9 t , a , -, graperie , , 0pp e .,,,b,,,,,,,. AT TOL '0 Al 11EVL11.1 . 1 Its r... , I',,' I -7 ' r . .... , 1" ~, ~,, ,„...,k,,,, YELLOW SNUFF. and continued unfavorable Pirehrn news, and to-day IRISH POPLINS: • NEW 1,11:11 &c.d., Rich Twat , .tsh, Irish High Toast or Muds at about 2.(,33 routs better Loth . ('redo and I. o , . Ill' ‘I 1.... ,, .r111:7 rh-b. rot •ale, on Itig 144 a 1..,; .. iti,t•-in, 10 acres of LLLlldyfuot, Honey Dow Scotch. F••••sh Horn Scotch, Bennett. The ealess for the week comprise D 9,0410 bbls PLAID SILES; t.".•. , 1..-tnel• ~, • tle. - gt •L ad, situated near Ltvadale, ou the ra 6,16, 7...h. , Freidi Scotch. Crude at 21,;(A2G cents on the opal, but including 1.. , iii- ,tol , .hot yet Way. A: Clciram. U. F on the ban] Cr the Attention la called to the large reduction in prices FANCY BILES; _. I. doil, a Ite: . .e. '.. ~ : 'f -rill. . my. Emlutre as above. . of Fine Cu[ Chewing and Smoking Tobacco which .10,000 buts for next month, buyers option. at 25 to Ai 1 LIE VS. AP.SLNAL.hot LllNult 8I- L \NI , . 5- 1 - ',AI. S A L] _ LUII.N.N. w•Il be tuund of a superior quality. _ _ _ _ _ 27 cents. but nearly all m. 0 .-56. There have likewise PLAID POPLINS; NEM YORK. TOBACCO. been sales of 4,80 n bbla in Philadelphia of g3cfr2.-e. .. I .•ird•l: battering ch. • i 4 . )," 1.3 . 001/S STORE FOR SAL.}:, In Sato:oho-Long, Na. 1, 1:a. 2 Nog.' and :mama, The market doled very dun at 25420 e. SHAWLS A.:. D CLOAXS : :.i.. I „ ie. I. slteil• la Refired In - bod, the sales for the we„11 are &butt i ,i v, to-io, li do t. t i lr.z..l',',iri.'to.g7Letuitn,s7r:m°liitiLs'briirgrh.,n.ot ; G 7:T "' i.c.. i. ; LUMP., P. A. L., or plain • Wen -25,000 bbls on the spot at from 213 to 42e, hut nearly ftLttAINILNG CLOTHS ; , ~.., it ~,..., obelo o. lll.: I, I,ri. and proetable trade The ;dm kin 1 dmh, -o- Sweet ; Sweet scouted or p ia ; Tin Foil all at 40(4 , 41c. 5,500 do in Ph i ladelphia at 3841 ne, mild new add 1.,.. Levu net ~d . vrith reference to the s i, : rehdt...,,h. AT TII I. A 1.1.E4111. NI A RhEN II„ Pc , ; nII I: Loll. w. •, , , 0. ~, a. 1 1 4,,,. •-1-o. Pr cash M . ssoetsu-S. Jago, Spani.. Canaster, Turkfah. • Lo_,U;o do tor December January and February- SATINETS AN It KIINTLA'I 4 Y JEANS , ENNAsI L\ AM chiefly buyers option at . 41. to 42%c; also 13,000 gal- ~,,,, i..,...1s 1,...tt , v. „. ..h. t lee 0.0. market pr...:11. N. It. -A cir.lar of prime volt be sent on emptiest tons in tin, at Al@ls2c. Tim market closed very dull ROBROY FL AN'NELS ; la •• ': i i.',l i. IP :IS. V, proeent ri., rater has decided to retire from . ~.i, ',Wily , a 40% to 42c for light straw to mime white. ... • si iminell .h.t. I` • i • ' oa-Ing to L... 1 health, and now retoctently , hi free the to compries 4,800 bbls at sGsl3cc CANTON F LANNEL , }nice :, 000 icolhilmle.ll.. ; 11,•re the •tecelt for male ; also tie gee , wlll of the re- I.ll . .NitY e l.i. DALE 4: CO ~ for light straw to hite, and 4Wc for e t a and Lit tr, party The house hue a large and re:stow-table 10,0al gallons in tine at 61 to G7c, chiefly Maftic. In SHAKER FLANNEL. Alf TRE rT. Li cl:11 1 . A RSEN A 1.. :t'T I..•I•O. Nltc. „,,, , gh io,, c ... 0 1, ~...,,,,o ga . Th. p re .. e .., ~,c a .2.000 Ilvturli ,l , t. will'. rat. from fovea .0 itut thousarld dollars, but the first mart of the week, about 7CO this Naptha sold 2., YIP/ pi. in. h •!..1... coahld be reduced If desired. at Inc for Crllda, and R 16.128 for Refined. The rnar. A full utortment of NEW GOODS. Call and me. ket Dos Met. been dull, and price. are entirely num'. AT 'I II 8: WAeil IN OToN AUS EN AL, N. A-II 1N... Perth , . wishing to know the particulars will please ToN. It. i. eddies., of tall V.ll•olUktly On sal, No sales have been n o four Mays eXcept N. E. car. Fourth and 11Ia rk et St s. a little lot into , on private terns. n 023 la- , 15 It , 1, Lath:ring Med. LY.DAY a CIIORPENNING. . ._ . _ ' 1.1•• , 1 'a. h :Acetic,. ,), .5.t.f 59 Ilona arms[, Pittston:4.la r,,.. Chicago Market. JUST OPENING, • .a.me , 10.1• .11 shot. (`V q.' Nl. iiY IZE!'IDENCE IVANTED. ims• induah Ithells. Nor. 21.-There wu a moderate inquiry for Wheat by speculator! and the market ruled steady at gl,lo . A FINE ,r‘wii OF me T t I .O. c r l ' hrt:;• l ‘ . ....et “,n al • , 1. i ' 1, 1 4 -' tt m le ' r h i . :le o,r 11nh,..3 ; . , :0l „f ‘ l, ' I f ?.. \-i ' ...% '-," \A ,, V ... : : 'L'E 1 '' .',„' 1. '' ' ,. 1 : : " 0 : 1 a ' :17:1 7 7 W :1 111 : , .., 1:" ,, A .. R.W . ) , ,1 . ;'1" w )L. it7 4, fggl,lo%for aio. 1 and 91,05Yaa1,06% for No. 2 the' , -do .o. • Ita. •• I, m .0, the extelove ..f the I '--"".•,•'• ." F;; ' , would . Spring. Whiter Wheat was quiet at $1:,15191,17 for ti. G nobs on a guou r.".rin, • ..). , .swor. o. 2 and sl@l.ol f Rejected Red. Flour waste luel , ICI I 11.,.. •11..'. ‘, I, .1 NI•• {.. IP , toad.. f vo , . • II , . aa , a , 0 , and . i. , us stet BEAD ORNAMENTS - , • , . , i.• ,- ~- ' l'r • cr'" , ''‘. l tot m to , . - , ..t. I .' """"'" ". “' '` ° g bd. farm gud demand and tu mor ; about 3,500 barrels wore wld e , .. , 7 t•• , 0 , 1,114 Al.- the net'essary stable . at 57,75 for White Winter and 84,8055 1 3 for goal tn r:C ::::; : ' ,To n" r ' o l. rr l r ' l - . 1 . 11 1 -' l . t.:r in y ' c r, ; " Is l Tc l . S i h r * i ' ra 4 4 ° .; "'" ' ' 1 , 2 ,, , i I , . 1 1 1,f ,..0 „7::,,:::: ‘ '. 1 , " % ' , ' ,.., i T r , 0.f..., dc. g."' 1 quality ty,,,,,,,,710d 'piing SALM:. Corn we, very excited and .el Pr .00 •,;• . • all the 11... m.. dm tail 1p.........1. , a .., • .. . . , ~.,..,. b. ad how 445 cent, r bluthel. The transactions, ~ua Fa` .hay mu a -cute , . 1... .. 0 s il l nog a , pt re:: however, were light at 99c for No. 1 and 98c for No. faimpes- and 'lrinlmin' gs. ,ofII .; • o 'I- ulcer 0.. ate ta 101. to end. • 1 - 1.- . i ., I c ~, ,;„. I m ,,,,,, rgs ~J.,,,... pr ,,, t 0... , - ta 1.. t t .0,04.4 a. ,L.- f.aci•ll; o:, o 2in etore. A canal boat load sold to arrive at 51,00 it. , core Pomo r. 1 roe, 111.1 , r of rooms, and par afloat. There was an active speculative demand for ' I ~c, to , tam, 1 , .. d. h• hull or the •arions ar.u,l4. ~!;., ....,..., ~., ~,,, ,r ,,, , . ,,,,. A FELL LINE 4 , 1' Oat!, and the market advanced 2@.0„:.,c ~o, bunhel, Ica. of e 10....• fd It' umport .1. •c, : lustell... Intl. `•• ..,.. F., _ ‘ ,.. ,0 , , ,, a a , 11 ,, , ,, ~.,, ~,a a, hr a ,orm of ' with closing nutty of No. I at Iliattnic let store: Itye -,, nreeelml the us nor was cad dlcipused to sell. at the ;al ol .• t I.:- than 100 pm mat - e w.. Is F r ": • . was ha goal request and improved any.iSc, with ~, -„.,„ E T R I „i_ „ ~, of lio. lat sl,tht Barley was quiet and steady at V r_. ins N' . .j . ',' I . l ' 5 : ''''':'.' ''' T ,. '. I . I ",, - r,":,' • - $1,16!.1; for Nu.: and SI for Reject:9lln store. high - """ 11- I. ."' " """'" I " ") "'''. " I " ° ' °.. '''' - F ,, it SA I.E.—TWO Superior l'ylinder wind opened quiet at G2e, but the New York news • AL' ~, ,tla , c.i. a, tau 1 y., 1.. I,r, LO 11.'1 ~1 , , opect. ft 114,.. le' 'oehm diameter , iv, trot long , mach. caused a timer feeling, and sales wore mode at 6,34 a Me; at the close holdera demanded tise. -Pressed 1 .1. • r ta. um; fad to det, , er ,t th e . tin e.. ' '' .4 0 '.' ""' " "11; ; 1 0 " ."-!°"; ; ' •' ;'' °; " 1 " " ' "; '1 ~i. ~ 6. 1, iron, Wrou,litt iron ~, , l , ~ ton.. 841 Seasonable Gloves and (roster), ..,„_„...,,.,_ „ ~... ,„ „,,..., ,„ r ~ , ~; , I; , ~,,,t .. g —d....,„.. Hogs were firm and higher, lots veighieg over WO ,. . . ,„„, 1 a „ ~ I' „I 1 ,.,. 1 ,, r „,.... ,„ , c ,c„., r ~, ..,., Ono PortsLle Eugcoe ... Tubular 11,1:1 . 1er . of its maid at 515,254315,50, and bght averages at from I I. • . ..1 , ice 1 . . ..0. o and 1- melt .. . la. Of ever; •tyle, and 1 . rant ever; la•l• 8},51haf.,00. Livo Hogs were steady and ..,:lve at 1P1,00 , 45,30 for m3ml to prime, and 5 ,90 for corn- i lo op s, F0i " ,11 ., 1 .L , E AN L ) ti,; . ..,• ... ~ ~, ~, ,h ..,,., ~., , ~. : ... ~.. , .. ~ '.: ~...,.........du nkflo,lryl 1.101-c , -,1 .- to. 110 , ”' work. or mon to good. Beef Cattle were, in light supply and .1 Uorkr. uI, .tr , '''' ' '." Lim at former quotations. Timothy Seed is quiet at ' " -"I"' . "".• ' . ' 1 ' ' ' " i lb, 01. Engl.., heavy m n LA plate. It tn. 1PJ,WC:42,2.4. Clovers,. is scorer and In demand at Skating Caps , ° ""4 " 1.." ' " P"l'l,'""'""°'°,.."."'""bk " 1 , ; no " uh " ~ itud., :to Im•lee 51.4.. , , sceh, huh balance vai„ . .• .1, contract , u 1 - .4' tti LAI.' oa a .*: al). tali es, ' a te. 17,50. Flaxseed dun. rover.v. W ell adapted to run a grist mill ,d• small I - lt party ebtoincun a c • atenot wlll be ~-cluo ,a .... ~ . c.• .1. Into howls, o Ith apt r 0 • I ...creme+, fot l• • 0 ".1 , tool ..., • I ...! oa ii 11 , .n. Ltelotre at R. 11. BULL'S, corner !Point Alley and Duquesne Way, 10 711 10 .. 018 pa 01.rne. t, Ito , •ir the right t Co . ~,,.. Pittsburgh. ;o • al, or ali .1., .r .t .1- r"..1 pal .•far. , ry, lot • ' al c „... VES'PERN LANDS FOR SALE OR I." p. • o volt be add , -I to • Ittlacole, G 0 ,al 11 , .01. 11. RAMSAY, I ..ed of 0 0,103.1 ,`1 am- EXCHANGE -2,500 acres in lowa, in Meta , .. , .„, II 0 . ,•, ~,i „ ~1 1,, „,,,i , „,.,1 ..p r „ F , ~..,I. ~,„ eery tog 1i....r. 40 to 320 acres. hiu wares in litchis., co trine varying from 40 to 3NI scree 2,000 acres 11,•;..; Prov, ~le: ' GEO, D. LIAM,AY, c.„ cl ,„. h. r 0 ,,4„,,,,,,, on 111.one•ota ;OM acres In the soutbeut pelt of n,i ,. , 3tisamri I and 80 acres In Indiana. These lands __ ( )IZil N. ANCE tiFFICE, have born carefully selected, vrith a view solely to their local advantages, soil, An, and will be disposed tt a.bina ‘ t ‘ ou 'u . l ,. . '" V '. ...2U ßT di '' , ' l ' io . '. I . p of ropc 'r :rTy l i n it" A r l 'i leg t h e e r n r Y ' co r nta or ty " 7 4; or '''h'.'g"l for T 1.,, ~.. v. nof the toecap. an advertise.. ut a ht• a , For terms, Sc., apply to • ...• .1 a ... 1 , IL,. ng elmt, 1. eltbdrae li for 0 S. BATES, Commercial Broker '. 1.1 "•. ~t liE' II It \M.:\ y. ,n, Butler street. Lftwren.vlll. 0a .. .4:. 1 It qe. ~.u., I'l, i.. 1 01 ...Inane, , . pLounisu MILL FOR SALE.-Tho 13(. , 111'1 ' . .1 (1F COA L . (;()()( )0() ' ''' subscriber offers for sale the ALLEGHENY - - CITY 11ILLS, situated In the Furth Ward, Alla. la 1 ern Qi 00500001 0000 .r' ,, ... ,, ...r. at gheny City. This well known NIB has been rebuilt ~ 4 r,...66, - 111, r,.., N..,......., 1663 i lately, mud metal& fore run of French BUMS, with ,' 0 i'' h '0:- 0:11 I••• ,e• et'''. of this ' , Flee on- all the latest Improved so achleary for suanufmtur Mg ,i la a',b , cli ma the 2.5. PAY or NoWE tIIILIL the best bran. of Flour- EnJoye a goad local ea 1,k..: li.l furnol, lug and drill - 0010 e SI XII I M INT- ii ,tell a• lormg,n ctl•tota. Thal is a rare chance for I'lo ,1 •••A NU 111:8IILLS 4: E G. sdi 31E 1 ti business men, and we invite any who wish to engage NULL Iu A 1., ¢(t a:- , . 111 , )d.,,, p 1.., Tom.. Woke- In a profitable Lusluess to call at thy Mill, where NI tot , .-0 New Orlestm, Ls. terns will be made known. Prop. eal• meet elate the price, 4141 Iv, r.. 1 _t .! , oe'.ll..LiwT , O. TOEGTLY. 5t.... , Uame.l pla rec. seperatety. - - - - Bald." , to take the ask of the strata- of water. rb,. LAWRENCEVILLE IMPROVED /111, ..: th.;.orr, t be arranged hooofter. PROPERTY TOR SALE, Innate on Butler Pr , -ante moot be marked `Trout," th for Goon° scrwet, &or the forks of tho rVall, a lot fronting no II ..), or 1"1,.. a nd nTlarr.smi 1., ..1.1..nt C.. 1, 0, Butler street end extruding Lack to lailayette alley, .110:-..1.61.510 Q. M. tien U.S. A.. Pittsbargh. - lon which there taeoaeteo two 2-a 10 , Frame Dwell• Git..rantre. , ingeo-eme new, the other e•arlso, with the num li, .i.. oily of the bidder to fill Ole contra -•• -Could 1 's°l improvetecuts, all in good ),ler. Tile location 1: I.' vest .1,1 to hint, Inget Ile gnat antrod by two for !Autumn, Ac.,..1s one of the best in the borough. togas:Obi , terser., wt. o• etre-tomes mast 1,, ap. ' T0... 4 y. apply to t-, .led to the guarantd, , G. S. RATES, Counnerchal Broker, f h.. r.•ponochillty Of the guarantor , most he •huon , noll Ruder strut. Lawrence , ill, - . _ . ly the oin sal „a 1 watt. o C 1... ri,,,b, of Oa aermost "(Alit SALE OR LF...k6.E--A largo Lot hiss hire ( . .4‘ll or of Ow Votts..l Stem, lOntrirt At- , be 8,,,,p.,..tt,,,. the i„..,,,,,,g,,,,, Railway, Leo miles (mm PlAteburt, on which there le a good Mahlon must be plasetct In pe team when the bide . r5. .._„,.. n ,„ „,.. ~ ..., ..,.. ...TA otter n r... p.m d, or their propo,als will not tae onside red. 1 .' e - • ,, .°11 ..".,..,•• l Routes all built of brick. A well of t good water in Bolide equal in amen. to ball the sum no to' re. . th e Rouses, all la, of _6, 1.-, and onivenimoV to retvoll un I liu nnatraCt, signed 53 the contractor and 1 ,„,....11,....,, P , ann, E a. _ LAW .d lin guarantors, add t." ro.intitd of the sue - I `',.,‘,„``„ „..,,„.... 7,11,„.. ;Ik e ., ',,,,1i 0-eintril I, viler upon .4,1101 11n1 C op,rart. As the 1 -- e - - or on G. T. GILLIAII, 1.. „d most co-canoe:try the rualrart, IL win be. net., I Sharpaburg, Allegheny County, P. :. , ,r, fur the hiddara to bait she tr bondsmen w Ali i __,„'"" .fd '... F ti... 0,. or to Mlle bond , . nign,, , l in alit.lcipailun, and . --" r'n , 7 i , l. Pr.itt'"d wizen , b.'-' cmtit't is dined... 1 -1 0 R SALE.-SLX 133.1. ALL 11111 CK rq- en etr re' e I Av.: ae4 • . " • ---• make tr An'g tt • d h e.: ". Ira. mud -of the omnty of amt mate of —, do • I.L. Invests. un le mpitallots, or porsom &string b , nmy a:unmet , that— IF ai 'I ' t. Inliki w confru ~ 1 ., ..„1 , ~, c „,,,,,,„,,,, h. . 1 ,,.,.,., ”......A...e mill: the tern, at Lt. protooitpm. mici 1,,,,,,c 4 , o r 111.0..1..114 Ill' prup4stalun lei a.,,pLeti, he 0 ,11 ~, • . t.er into a even - net therem••ll. Should the " mite;m. t I,• acc az .1...1 lotto e ,I. I, ~1.1., 1 to lace.- hi- ..4 , .nritlrd. I T.• 1.. guarantee Ml,' 1..• a{•pr.t..{.4 11, ruh - t.l 0...0 atte above men ti , .ne , l4 Prop , -al , frorn dodo} al portico w::: ~,O 1, consid r-4, end . oath of allegtan. wall he tortured of 10n...fel bidder: before atgli , uZ cm:touts. I Ica uudet -len.: c 0... m to himself the right to r.J.-rt any or sit 1,1,14 that he tabto deem ho high. Pay ton.. to te made upon the, complmlou of tl, , • IMO, Of 00 4.t. t. thereafter e the undertigned shall lat IL float,. 0. CROSS, huldrotd Lieut. C.I. and D. Q. M. General Iron and Wool In Phlladelphia , Iron—The market Is active and Inn, the want of stock limiting operations to wine 11(4700 ton s f thraclte in email lota at 241042 for No 1: s2.eo - 39 for for No 2, and V.. 51337 for No $, cash, and very tittlo to be hat, most bidders being cold up et them. rates 2.0 tons northern Mourne sold et 27.) club. 01 hip,of SCOI tons are rerted at $0 , 2 , col., Mmufactured Iron it also very firm, and for most kinds, Rails especially, the mills generally are full of orders, and not disposed to take stew ones at present prices. Wool is aiming In moro freely Bald the ma rket less active. Holders, however, an; not diumsed ~ make concessions, and demand full price, Miles r , •,li about 200,ff10 The, in lota, at from nit to :Mc for neon to fine fleece. the latter for Cl)),' art.l tot., ats . webatit•. and e!1 ale. :sail • •• ;: u • '.; nt 140€0;111e, meludlng tome low greutee nwtent, 11111- gie ,'ail,washed, ta die. Pulled Wools an qlll., but some . e. , talonof foreign are reported uu terms kept Cleveland Market. NOV. I.l.—Flour—Sales IV , O Lb)* X X red at $e,.2.1 ' Lb)* nno at $5,5n. Wheat—Firmer and mon , act Ive. The sales at the Board were-. ..3,utst to. red freeon L ,..21 board at 131,..)4m 3,0U0 by rat from *tore at 61.11 i; au* rod on track at $1.116 and 1 car god schtte en 1,7 HID:* track at $1.:12. After 'Change inn rots sales of 3.ixkl Im red brow n hand at $l,•At: 2,'Xto bll • contawn wh afloat at 31;41: I car red on track at t 1,2.1. f. rn getter and more acttte. Bales 6,00 u Loth at $ 1 its It 11 'I., 'tilt* - T.% free on Ward. Oato—Active. g ab f ront 4, j k 1. 4 11 atom on prirat• terms. At t h e 10. t.44lera lank log 7.119aLe (tom By e—H eld--Qtet Nu tmto , ot I loom reported. an at 81,1:,. Chicago Hog Market. Noir. 21.—rtn roccipts continuo large, but um:, an i,ctic demand by packer. anti *klippen, price% art MARICET STREET well matnt•ih tg &rend very heavy ch.. lot* ha,.. t ) • been tiold a* high a* 55,4005,48, but the hulk of 1.11113X.ii01111 at prices ranging from $6,0040,20. - - Imports by River. , ZASE.iVILLE—res. Eves.. iinsuau—Nor. It - I ter mdse., E Raseituti; t circular saw, Lippinrott & oa; 3 tubs awn cheese, Lute & Weis; Lot of 11 U CL( ) A li: S , NiEIIIN OS Goods, Si Dunlarar; I !title bolter, 1 bbl son, 3 it bbls, John Miler. 2, bids roolasses, 1 Ira hoseyq 3ldrildman; it tubs swig eheese, John haute; P taas beans 13 do turnips, 11 Riddle: 2 bbls apples :McCand less. Jamison a co.; 7 oks mass, I box, Mn Moore; 6 aka produce, 1 keg molmises, Sin Wips; 3 sails, A 1 I box produce, Mr Dyers; 57 oil bbls owner; I ball Go lit's and Boys' AA' cz - i r, bbl pickles, 1 tin fruit, A Cordell; 2 bbls potatoes, x", , pkg. it It goods, C ilottnean; 6 bids applar, lot aril 11 S., 3 aka apples. 1 bbl barter, 1 box eggs, 5 lib's pc,. IS-% reTti 4 41-2 A 1.. P.Z ii. I ICI'S. duce, 1 ark fentlarrs, owner; 5 sks produce, Philbp Ilensel: S bids apples John Porterfield; 10. oil bob. Wooldridge Wooldridge h Atwonl; 4 n-r, rod I keg order, Ii .1 GREATEST BARGAINS OFFERFD THIS SEASON. K s , e eedy g Uro; :ari bblsapplar, owner - . Sdo do S ~ Adams: 7 bbla seed, S pkg. butter, CC' Itatel,7, 4 'DON'T BM' BEFORE SF.EINO THESE rolls b iLs bu .o i z soaprartghsp b. llta, IBe ~.,Ipr e s ; 11 , .'..i 0 bbl ( u sund u....., riete,.:l; t. S,l , :ru o us id 1\ . ' .17 - - 1 EW - 116.)it 4 . \% 6 bare I,,AV to htiMo x,pler, Park, McCurdy et lb; 3u half& 3 a WI. ale bbls, Rhodes & Co; 107 bbls Suer, Larn bids apples, -•- . Oration A Thomas; 1 cask wariness's, Phillip Wagner:• oumyleie stock of t arils rope, Wni Dilworth; 0, bids elder, 116nry Wil. Rams; 3 bar ponitry, Adonis Ex ee; ii, Mots all. J ... I FILL AND WINTER GOODS, Tilton; 2 bbl. flour, J Crommonweth; 1 bx , :10 bl•Is apple, II Childs A Co: 3 b.F. ~,, tits, 11 . bbl. 01'. , most of which wan purchs-ed betbre the lots ul ples, Fetter A Armstrong; 4 bar and 21 bb l " uPPD 6, 2 Mar f sped, Cook. Pettit A co. 8 reds leather. Coo ~..,,,, ii, prise, 01 ,d . i n 6 , .. ii et tom ~,,,.... II Anderson. 11 idles sack. A J Ragan; 2jan butter, Crarf, Bennett A co, 2 aria nds. 30 bbis seco Hour,CLOAN OUNAMENTS,GLI PIR.F. LACES, BT ' I*. , Varsity ..k Kopp; lot of honsohobl r.oeds, Mers Moore; AND BINDINGS, 1 ACE COLLARS, LINEN 2 bbls and 2 kegs butter,.M. do loot, ac.' 1 keg, u' COLL Alta , BREAKFAST SETTS, in new bags. 1,6".1. , bbls flour, 3 ars wool, 1 bx, 2do butter. 1 rills.; LINEN HA szTiNERCIIIIO ,B 6 lAd Dibble extract, Libbls eggs and seed, 6 I. dried itp- garsta at old pone; SILK A titbit. ples, 9 bblr rod barns. 12 bbls pork, 14 do beef, 3 bbls I IirCILE NECK SCARFS• urn . 04,7 kegs batter, 3 jars butter, 1 engine and fix- : BONS, FLOWERS, FLAMERS b Dir., Clarkeh Co. • RUSCIIES; FELT HATS, 114..A1ER CINCISNATI—rxx Barran - It-113 bgs feather., E i HATS, sax. RATS ; READ-DRESSES A It King; tero ale ishls,4l enc.. A McKay; lot furni• ; READ-NETS. In every style; BONNET V El.. tors. T II Eousg.A e • else Boner, Ttarnan A Getty, ,I VETS, BONNET SILKS, SKATING CAPS, litiODS. S bbls whisky, E Drys . Ilife boat, Jae Reese; 13'bbis I • ZOGAVE .FACKETS, BREAKFAST CAPES, hominy, Fetzer k Armstrong; und bgs wheat, RT 1 SONTAGS, BALSIORKL SKIRTS, entirely Kennedy 2 Bra; 2A bss fruit, Long D ht/ bbls new styles • SLY, QUAKER, end other a l e, W 'tonna co; VA bides, A M ots Hos; 01 blar new floor . SKIRTS, FRENCH A ale, Wm Edmunds; 20 bells chairs, FOW allarr; tars I AMERICAN I,OItsETS ; BAL. wine, J II Sawyer; 100 oil bbla, Edgerton & Stewart. , MORAL STOCKINGS, Barton Di., 213 do do, Titan & cot 45 bbls apples, Wilson, Carr A ; bed, Sinker, Knit. and artier kinds, for co; 144 doll.). Owen. it 170 do du, Fetzer A,, fall and winter; GLO w ES, to every c ry lc and Armstrongtl.oo oil bbls, Ardareo 011 cot 6 dos brooms. I Ous lll l ;ZKI twin ETD GLOVE , ' . dark ,01- Long & Dug; A bib be .1 P Scat; 114 hides, J on and p black, far Al 00; good Wli ITP. li ID 17 ELcLusglilln. GLOVES for 51 00• lit.'s SUETLAND ih VOL 51211115 AND DRAWERS, reel Scotch, and a full Rae of other Undergarments and- Finishing Goods, for 31en, Women and Children. Imports by Railroad. Prrissoaaa, Sr. WA7gs &Cannati r o Ratuwan, Nor 23-173 too lard, 154 bblsgrrase VD to hams Y Scikos & co 60 bbly whisky 3 13, Tucker; 11 bbl , mvi. s H.. - ett; 3do do El Young; 9 bdla paper. W 8 Karen; I our rags, Godfrey & Clark; 3 bus feathers, I by. butter. I bbl =Lona, Kirpouick & Bro; 25 'don brook., Win Cooper; 27i pigs lead, T II Novirii I our corn, {Pict. ', Mt.& Arig.3l 6 bus .111 foed tit .1 Carothers; 1 car stares, Ramsey & co; 12 cars myna, J Moorhead; 200 ! bbl, flour, W 11cCutchcon; 143 Gbls apples, 2 bids on:kw, L II Voight 4 co 9 rolls leather, W 11 Oliver; 2 care corn, Ilitebcock, M oCroery tar, 3 care care. D Wallace; 5 May whisky, M Itheenbangh itu Mils grease, Isiah Dickey & an 10 bales bomp, 1 ruth, Mutton & co; 100 bbl, flour, Shornakec & Lang; 25 labia oil, McDonald & Aibuckle; 5 bbl, oil. Atwell, Lee . & co; 50 bbl, whiyky, 111 McCullough AA; o; 015 bills paper, llartman it Lam; C pkge tobaccos Ibis oil, tirlver .t. Larear;276 tcs barns, JP 1/rosita,& co; 240 plgs lead, 3. It Caufleld; 751' hidos,D3B do, 3 Y 1 Mc Laughlin; 30 ladle bid., D Dean; 316 bp barley, J u T n ik,,r,l23 Md. Ilaylor; S siu wool, D So bum; 5 bbla oil, Knox & Parktirl 5 bble whisky, ll lox. Wine, WI Daum;ls dor, brooms, 11 Robison & co; 5 lise wins AP Wills; • CI.L'TZLAND A Pm ..um UAILUOLD, NOT. 7-- 77 mks oats, Simpson & Knox; 19 bias scrap iron, ' Jones & Laughlin; 612 In corn, W Carmichael; 132 W. potato., L II Volli, & co; 10 bbla M.o. J:3 Dilworth; 308 aka rye, Th. Dell & co; 3ZI bgit mill r e ed, 3os Dorrington; 144 sks wheat, 3 8 Ligget I' .; 111 bads tobacco, 11 Iley1; 7 do do A Schaub; 3 do do A Murphy; 19 tibia liquor, 3 fielfrstht 12 Vila oil, II A Datinestock 4k co; Ado.do, It E BeoYra & co. 7. Mid, tobacoo, Weym. & Son; 1 bbl whisky, E Byer, c likp tobacco, pllcCalllstar & Baur; 4.b64 liquor,ll Mespertheide. Act.cidosr.Bl&2lo7l,, Nor. , 23-1517 an brick ;Kin der Blair; 13 pima produ., It Lone ; 20 tialeabibles, I J scimsli 10 bbl, applo, A WWI; 57 , pork-lu. s 11arbaugh & co; 2 bbtsipearl.blitlyy,llahri &Middle; 283 bu s corn, J 11 Spear; 97 legs barley, 13 do, wheat I l GO, do oats, Sitapiion & Knox; Ifi i dori brooms, 11l 11001 W ..1.4"D SLIDES. crENTLEMEN'S WINTER ROOTS.— We wosild Invite tbi attintiOn of gett r ilothoti o• boo& dltdcultp witting Bodo titbdo; td our innnt ootortotaat of. DOCHTE bOLSVALP 110018. TAP do do do. TRIPLE do • • do do. Do do W J ATEMPILOOP GAUD' WWI& DOOBl4. KRA AND 11,PPLT.,,omi do. Tbo volute mots to .pocial order and for nest .itoorand dttrabllity aro womutted mast to aqy city work. LLBRI3E; SON 6iCO4 v Hula , . C.casteittit WOO and Yourthistrooe. BOO ; r8 LNI) 8110 ES. " • , , • "_ • liltikT 7 . 604 4 41 00 All °lbw goo:121161 1 ln vary law.- , JAMES -ROBB. . , 'B9 MAitICZT VAILP" . BELL, 1114oufacturer of BOOTELOW,1111IOES; of otoq descrlptiOn. No ikoltbSold ofrmVPlttobtagh. oat:ly -- • 11E0. 'ALI3REE,..BOI•T & Tat Whol6- . sale aad nkAii tkalpta in 11001'4.8liPEUe.; eatrazWeal awl Yownh'streets. Pittaburga, IVINOAN ,SHERMAN C(118f 13Ight J.r., osieetesiudr; Loam 'Bain woonter town In Geramlattats, POOPPOInj VOW 44 - iVM6Aq pat, • 4 = ; fftio .1 drink tint Itn !NMI= /Car GOODS, tic Nnbias, Sontags, Handkerchiefs SMALL WARE: 4 AND NoTi(1\;;: MACRUM & GLYDE BARKER & Co.'s; SILKS, SHAWLS, iiitESS (:400D., ear 14'holesOss Boomm up stain. Bnyere 4roin country, arm! citydvalern, find am Mock at Mt Urns *ell ',wend, and pricer, ea low as any other Minna. • JOSEPH HORNE & CO., ac.9l. 77 & TJ DU/MET Stilt:ET. GENT'S CUFFS. JUST RECEIVED, FINE ASSORTMENT =I CENT'S LINEN CUFFS. EATON, N - 4eitllM RC S N0i.:17,A.2iD FIFTY! STItEET STEN. MULLAHS EATON, MCKIM &CO., 17 AND 19 Mir fans?, Pirmrcreqp, A.tkinson's Steel Collars and Cuffs, Enamelled White, hewing the appearance awl a.m.. fort of Limn, • To Military Men el Marcie. 1 1 .7 and are Ideate/0 =AL num or lIXZb c0u...8a *am earn . Gent'. Standing Collar beac h. " Tummy .................. 1 • Coff.a ... 1 60 per pair. Ladies' Name, (rel. er pair. B 1p17141 e laf u eollatitfsTmiblKA tor 10 sotirdiitYrr VS UM a.• NEW POL,F thr•ack (MD •ONE, pro 'eldlng ft cot Mike or. t,3 .0 r 2,5 cant* -. The trade aapptled at. dlievelfealcA4: , Wit Floe. Voiprleialst addlisi • IiSaTON, LWOW!! 00., 1104burr,b, Pa. CZ= ALL4OOODBI NEW GOODS 4 4 LANE; mpAI tov & .cam 11133: frii4,2ol: illekbeat 'roa"kisi - 1 - 74 1K11a5 , 4 1 - ,' NiSW , VROP CU VEtS-zilito pi - 04 4 64A !tit 4E06 ,1 1 tiol9 .*1,,,z,L1111.84-fmidiabg, EM Embroideries Scarfs, BE 7. 31 \ 11E IT .ThrT:r PRICE WO V ER BAK E R . S PEEVE= SEWING 2IACHINES Theme Marble," won. awarded the Higheet Prowl MIA, aver all eatnprtatter fur the liter Family Surat; Naddilitet the DM Dloaa;factfoieto .Itarilit.tr, and the Pad lil.hese Work, at the following STATE PAIRS, of 1061: New Perk eYate Fair, Fiat Premium for family machine. Vint Premium for auchle-throad moohine. Fiat .Prumium for machine work. Fermata &ate 'Fair. I%mi Premium for family machine. First Premium for manufacturing machine. Hirai Premium for machine work. .lore Safe Fair. Fired Pirriltum for family machine. Vial Premium for manufacturing machine. Filet Premium for machine work. Afirkisimi &ale Fair. Fire Premium for family machine. Flat Prefoinnt for manufacturing machine. Tint dreintum for machine work. feNana Staler Fair. Pica Premium for-machine for all purpose.. Vint Premium fur machine wurk. Mora Nolo Pan, Firei Premium for machine for all purposes. Yir.t Premium for machine work. 6enter/4 Balla Fair. Piret Premium for machine for all purposes. Fleet Premium for machine work. Prnarolrana Bate Pair. Pilot Pnntime for mannfacturing math Inc. Fin: Praniturt fur bettuttrul machine work. Coot , F.or. Fin,. Venom for maeL lon work. Aryl at the following County Fairs : Claitlaalen (VI.) eigricittium/ Some*. - First:Premium for family machine. ri,,,e Premium for m.uf.turing machine. First Premium for machine work. Cameptaiu ;vary (rt.)'allaral Socket, vi Premium for for , y machine. First Premium fur mattuf.turing machine. First Prtmaium for machine work. ffainpden Ca. ()f...) Ageiceintrai %rifts,. Diploma for family machine. Diploma for machine, work. Freak/is Oa. (N. Y.) Fair. Finn PremIGIM for htmlly machine. Fiat Premium for reanufanturing machine, Queen. Co. (N. Y.) chwerairisralßerirry. Fiat Premiumrtor Wally machine. Waekfegroe CO. (A '. Y.) Fair. Fiat Premium for faintly machine. Saratoga Do. (N. Y.) Fair. Pint Prtmulturt for family machine. Mechanic's latstaale (Pa.) Fair. Fine premium for machine for all pp - poem First Premium for machine work. The 111.01 . 0 romprbses all the /Mrs at which the ItIACIIINEn were eBhlblted title year. -.At mealy all of them the leading Sewing Nl:whip:aware in competition. The work made upon the Grocer ft Baker Sewing Machina bas received. the First Premium at every Suite Pair in the thaltal Shaw whore it Las been ex Lis iud to tide date. Sales Dooms, No. 18 FIFTH ST, Pittatmrgh, Pa. oe.9e4NEIN•I O A. F. al ATONET. Agent. ISAAC CRAIG; _ _ _ COl*Stut, for PROPOS.II. B SE WI.VG .11.4CIII.XES. TIIE ONLY GOLD MF.DAL Ever Avrrovied to ir..•tng Machlnes in 'Mud . 0 A LtiallENT MT( , .Itot,outly on hood n Lo o A4 tuirt tboretighly &stool/eti stock of UWE BOAT Yti D Barron PLANK, WINDOW linAlLtE STQFP, LINTLLA, 90D-SILLS, JoISTS, BPOI , PIPO, LATILIk PAL INUO, 11D - orders 'for SAWED STUFF with yrorriplW.4.l aUd of tar tot., D. Permit's irarOltig LOPE TEIBICS or POP. are part.lcnktry lorltrri ho OZA13111:10 Mr dock. 10.111 - 00ite oo Oragotorto, Dear Ltobinson. act2G;tr ()NEIL ,t STUN pi.AN, mAiiiii,thrunsna of - wins woux, nave always on band sod make to order fttON AND DILASS SCREEN WIDE" CLOTIk; SIEVES, of 'MI kinds: 'IUDDIES,- for'Youndry .I slot LEA VT WORK YOB WINMAVS, itc.; BLED OR: kUMENTAL WIRE WORE, Int Flurcera, Az,,, All sisal of WIRZ-tuivolo, it. fallen so.rouirui4;aw. T ARP AVANTI3I)::- h 5 heat' cash 'L7 paid Tor C.c6tit6liita, afilmmr • - Jedri,kALY.ELL a WS, , . 'ten 69 and TO Wata etre* FOR B.ILE. No. 4 Diamond, Allegheny ; or ”f S. D. W. GILL. Attorney.at-Law, loFT:cr,tlf N.l. Su Filth ittre.t,Pittaburgh. f'Alilul FUR :SALE, situated in Indiana elm PURTIANCE would particasily gall the et too t tau of tho AGED AND INFIRM to 31:ke cosolbflity or thlo cotabliohmont, befog reathol b 7 a single shaft flight of stabs. Prins models* and tlce..t anawltend LSOL rd I Tlfli; CAN& AND WOOD CEI(A IBS lIILLIIIO 071 AT 4EOO=O PILICI3, WIIOISSALIC OR RETAIL. J AS. W. W OODW 97 and 99 Third ntreot, oppolte E. FAlmundnou & null lit Fourth stmt._ tubli3 H APS AD CAPS ! qr every - style. LADLES' lirLTIVS Of ann7 kind and gnat,. LAVEES ' exp IMP, 171=1:3 BY WIIOLESALB AND RETAIL, AT .34 MCCORD & ocl7 131 WOOD SESSET BAILEY, FAitRELL B CO, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, a MEE! GAB AND STEAM FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And ell kinds or fittings fel Water, Gas and SWIM Lorre:row AND TANKS ron OIL =TINE BIER, Hied vrttb lead by s curer pr)cess. mow. Foil THE FALL OF 1863 200,4.10.3 APPLE RBES, fttret fine—% 3, 4 and Ay*, • old leading it., I.•%:ei, ',lnd - rainy newwea n.-' Ales a very large stock of PIM; (stemi_dicrliall , dwarr,LCHMRI:, PEACIL PLUM, ZYMOIME I 4 MAD AND OMANESIAL TEEES,'IIO3/3, GRAPE PINES, 813111= eaIIEEMIIO I 3 3 PLASTS, Ac., 6e., wholesale and retall'at way •Tea sortable prices. JonsixtraDoca, Jr., • wlentewP P I ttetrargh and. OaklandAunalea.• CHARLES L. CAL: (t;cleanssor to Jamo & Co.), P 0.,p; B P A o,* z a,' Dealer In BAOOI4 LARD. DIMA:n. Mtn 'PIM SMOILED HEST; Az, - • como, mem? AND 'l3lst Emus*, so 7:1 PrrilartnM, PA. SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, 156 WOOD STTL=T. GAMES SOWN Invites tea attention or Sportsmen ILIA nth= to la i p i.did e ck a GUNS, MILES, REMO PISTOLS, GAME LAGS, POWItEIi 'LAMMAS% BELTS owl POUCH"; Mt.% :11 YUMS:and &it munition of every ben iniliretLeur broo,vat to this market • • z oar 001IING BOARL6, Primo Inch Flawing Boards, 16 fe.t. Iffitg, Tarim" midlis,bx Salo by ~.tEN~~ t Pa. Nor. F. This rdavasadtha Practice efl#l ePieakD it xte; in mans IsTailizt;ro vetannh„ odour ekiiros. , cacti= POT CLIAL--50 - bbl& , Missetri :Cts) 4- lumax im.•colsras. DISSOLVTIO,N73, 10. Dx BscrtiTSTl.ONTlici: -I""3ll"nadt.r the ' and-ena at J. i . - I.INDSAT4cO. Si:this' day: dissolibd bi Inutual lagtaant: tautness ...connected. with ea' late Vie Ada Do wittls4l4 E.:I.I.NDSLIriIt, 7 00 d atritnr. lap . 4.11. 132611M 4 f . '' , J B. LINDSAY lbzr• also dfilioned cf rylnteriotAultofteni.4. -1 . J. B. 4, i Co: to LIEDNIM; . • fa tbi brlerest ,1" the Arms at.). IL' Vo.; - Efardirariand Cutlery BusiaawrodpFtertits - ilnei of 7. 13.:a 8 . auxwELka oo..Belkowa liannfactural.thabud-. ruin will clintliins ay aunt], iiardlian , and Co ver. ...;13ritowtao...T. - J TV, o,o2,,:roadi StitilitT,l — P i N ii:_b 'O er49 F 7,4, h 1njar5. "\WE1130 441140 .. , - ." the "e. ' 4 '7 • 4b. ' ILT" '1 1 red FREW et t t.r asy.-hetu .as , LOCKMART -and- WILLI - AM - FREW harlst closed the,. entire totem* pro*. ;!_.• , The bud toe of the 11 4 o g u il l k b o- , 4144 MR* • WILLIAM rum, . • c jo trAl M l nx s L a c Zt i r - *RIM V. KIPP'. Pittsburgh, Attgust 10th, / 812 . amuse zaccans,......”--- - - ear At ALBION OIL WRICIAI I . tod BRILLIANT - om - wo, . , Omm kfiCIVOO.O,IIPCM,v, mitts PrrrstvSact. Pl. I:i IMI:13 sellobiarom a z.,wa, 324 rt64 - t1 Arai. ..z