The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 24, 1863, Image 3

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    . . t,,,,,,,,,,,,,5,-,sers-,FissceJets.t.t.rosess;roaveee--,,-s,-co-
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- so-day the
..1 ,
e established pupa-
. 1 4
. the information of our'
,''', wo may state that its founder ;
.ii The President sultan ie.. .-... ..... -tg held a high place In the esteem and ' T ”'
a fee 1
; confidence of this cam:amity. He has earned
• Allethenv were about to reorganise the de
• ..._ -_. ! his title to that position by many years of
' # - ell done professional service, and Mr. Duff, main I
t' - .linger, has already distinguished him- , 7 ° •
atmompliehed business end erne- P t '''''
an. tame!
ir!li 0
t minion of the relative merits , into:.
.. 7
-ed institution, we do no ; ow
'stating what all must 1 to to
eons several prom. • ~,
limas sudent al- . s. '" e
il - at--itil estab- j "ter,- , actor , of a.• then
is Ott- 1 F'
e l
'a nor .
. 11
-• h. .
' - ' - The Criminal Court.
• 5 on Monday afternoon. John Jackson Tra3
If tried on a charge of larceny and acquitted.
John Pox plead guilty to illegal liquor selling'
, t .
91 and was fined ten dollars and costs. Cheaatins.
Arrdari was acquitted on a charge of &Beanie , ---o-• Loore ZeWitCbed am ial .T...-i- .• i
,fl and battery, and the prosectitrix tAnna Hors
t in was ordered to pay the °Otis. Jeremiah.
Drescoll was acquitted of a charge of larceny.
Iron AULain was ac uited of a charses of
1 assault and battery and t the prosecutor, the
t Inevitable Charley Taylor, was mulct in the
ti exists. Sarah Leslie, a lady of some "fame,"
1-: was convicted on a charge of keeping a din.
~•j orderly house, but sentence was deferred.
$ District Attorney Kirkpatrick informs us
4' that all the jury trials for the present term are
e t- concluded, with the exception of some fete
;•4 liquor andother cases which . could not be
brought to an issue. At nine o'clock this
ie morning, arguments fur new trials, and other
8 matters in the Criminal Court, will be taken
up and disposed of as rapidly as possible. At.
torneys should be prompt in attending to their
unfinished. business.
I • Immleation from the •' Old Country'' ,
The -high prices of labor in the United
! - SMlcs;are attracting thousands of mechanics
and 'laborer's fcrizn i j'tha mother country,"
Where labor le abundant and wages extremely
IoW. Owing to the war, the prices for all
kinds of. labor in this country will probably
. rule high for years to come, and in a few
months the immigrant can clear the entire
costa his passage, and earn a good living be
side. Bold le now advancing, and those who
intend helping their friends to mme over,
should sitars. passage for them at once. The
rate 'by the Galway line of Warders is now
ban $3O, and' by the .Liverpooland London
derry line of steamera, : s2O. Both are mail
tines and comprise some of the finest steam
.ers afloat. The rate by sailing vessel is but
.8•21 in cuireday or $27 through from Liverpool
.•u, Pittsburgh. For further particulars apply '
' 10-D. O'Neill, Chronicle Building, Fifth street.
434l4drafts for sale.
• '- ' earrlblc , - Aneldentooraplosion of a
A .eatal accident pneurred at Gettysburg, on
. . .
rriday;, Which should prove a warning against .....-__ /JVE'S&
_.... 1..1.119 as seas
. United States '
the bans Ringo! dangerous missiles. A gen-
I Pot 1? Al; Wrier - in Waut--The Elam- lu. S. Debt , '
tleman mooed Willionle, of Philadelphia, at- mar is past, and by the moming'e frost, we I 1 '-'1"
tempted trAremove the contents from a bomb begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
s h e ll wh en St explo s ded,
_blowing off both his shortly he upon al, and we twat provide our- ...„....
hands, and thattering one arm to the shoal- Sahel with the material to keep us comfort,-
der. A portion of the s..N;ell also struck a. boy able. A nice fall suit, or aimed and well
who iras • standingnear,•.hilling him almost made overcoat are the very thing, and wade., -'-
instatitlyi ~ Physicians ampatated the ghat- not know of any plane where our readers
teted arm of Williams, hut he died direetb- would nit themselves better than at Messrs.
afterwards from the - affe c t s 7, thereof.' Wit- W. H. McGee & Co's elothing estibllalunent,
Dams had goes to Crelly s h us „ t,. . take home Coiner of Federal street and Diamond Square,
the, body of his 60i; the 42 . b ee . Allied in, Alligiatuf y. They have also received a men
the feat th a t va s ,. , T f utltg 4
curit. -eity plate assortment of gentbrmen'e furnishing
he also lost his INN and •MS retaalos accO4l
. 4°Bllll
-' goo , ds, and a great variety of new patterns for
ponied thoswof Woolf' ta thelf !Male l4 144
litexuat ar Du Pam Jame" Karruer r - alimixs Arrucums.—Mrs. Anna i "------ • -
, mer.--Itev.
_ .•
kswetlejr, D.,17., will deliver a lecture ii the Rants, of Louisa: 11 4 ° K -'
4'' says in a letter
ctl Vatted Presbyterian Church, Sixth ." When In New
~ ~,
-'k, this summer, I
..emiseee S some of
- street, on Thursday evening next, ( Thanks _ Enthused by way
of s- - . Hair Restorer
• fointo for the benefit of the S a bbath School. oars. S. A, . Alien's celebrate,. „
Thosubjetitil "Mount Sinai." - ri„,; l i c , am - and "Zylobilsamma, which I 4..." T• found
,leitr:do4tleit prove unusually interesting valuable. I now write to have ye:" l '''''' - .uenTri
since - theliffmeti doctor but recently enjoyed me a dozen of each by express, for the .." 10 _.... r .,__ . --
T 4 "u
the advantages of a visit to the "Holy Land," of m y Mends * "
and will be ahlo to give some valuable info' - Sold by Druggists everywhere. Depot , 198 , -...
' thatloWbased upen-pertteml observation. 4iireenwlch it, New-York. mt.
Jam Itscitom Alb BUDS' roe Sail.—The
New Boors.—Letter to the Joneses, 7 fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, la
Timothy _Tittaamb: -My Farm of Edgewoo , lately received by Messrs. John Wier .1 Co - .,
by' Ik Marva The Fatal Marij,ege, by Mrs. Merchant Tailor+, No. 146 Federal Wein, Al- fly
Bouthworth. Police record of Ihe Army of leghany. The stock of cLothin consists of 4le
gle.ettmberlettd, a Strange Story of a De t es t Me finest variety of gon e ' _ pant i lloons, vests,
.I' u ..
'Live, and a new editioh Of the Sketch Illok— mate and overcoats e style et patterns is
• 'bille' And l eld ' -f or . eele''bi "Frank P- Cue, tasteful and fashionable. _W would Invite .1, t.
084rOhlela Duilding Fifth 'street. • ,
all of our readers to give th e above . gentlemeh
a call.
t, -"'....`,.....,
General Synal oftheGerman Reform- I The Slaves of Prejudice-Death Rob- 1
THE LATEST NEWS, The Adrance of the Potomac Army. 1 Prom the Department of , Agriculture. 1 iiii 74 Eterurint,tlGE ` lieg: -- '-
ed Church. ; bed of Ids Prey.
k nown Nov. 23_-The &tor says it is --.
-- I Menne rArrzezroosSeestoe.-Ree. D. Win- There art queer people Pi the world ; pef° BY TELEGRAM not known in of circles here that the • Tao Fall Orsve of iss3-27.. &op. of iva.of, I :lb& er , ..t 0113, retxtrut&a to . 4 " d ''' ' t
iIF,SDAY M OBNING::::: -- :::NO - V. 24, 1863. tell tem Poratily DeetreeTteg
Army of the Petomae bas mored, nor is it re- ee,•,,, o f e 5..... • • / • I
reee p er , my!, roty,- wormog , ~.-:, ~ .: - ,, ,r I a +taco, nith ire I tees..
feasible prejudice! For example we hare met
the c w t ., th e with the most absurd, unreasonable and lode- , ut Barley
_rim 1864-77ie Amber wit j Sendey light end ae•ti etstat'eatecrelletyelte.ei
FROM WASHINGTON . , expected it w il l mos o to-day.
Voice of de Tecate.? tarn- lac Actrnirt ef lin the elm/met lei the otter pert of the dsy, it .... ix
Synod opened with singing and prayer by I • • • - •' •
with intriduals who hada miorind nat ty thy to I
I, ultimates that General Thomas is elsout
Old then.
teemed to recede, eed tee evening the rt., markeln
anything that was exteneively advertised, ,
8 Dispatch to the Pittsburgh 0 .t. taking advantage of Longetreet's moeements
_ _ _
1111 falli
! Spee's• oe-eeponeen, -r the Pi tt sburgh Clutha I elelted acne feet ei g ht hi4h "' a". ' '''
- 1 The Committee on Church Publication pre- Ino matter what might bo its actual claime to I • " e -.,., against Burnside.
In the Monthly Repert for Septemher, the ' . 1- " "-..
-51FFICIAL PAPHltettat ' i seated their report, the discussion of which : the confideneo of the public. These eccentrics 1
The Rept:Mee., extra, this morning, rays • 1
; looked with especial disfavor en advertieed OCEMIAL lIMMOODL. Title morning, at dawn of Jay, the grand
neer the ; amounts of rho crops of 1862' were given. I ci g ,,, '" n 1 a t , 4 .7 a b r i f e Z i.t r i f ;T::,,:c,7,,,,:t.,e13t,e,Vt:
...-___,,,,,.........____ eon/timed the greater part of the ursine .. medicines. They could not see, for example,
of the Potomac broke camp
JilLeeUng of the karemen , s AlacielatlOn e ' There , appearing to ba a misunderstanding 'in Dr. Holloway's magnificent system ofadrer- The announcement MC ado this morning that
north Aay b..iik of the lia idan, anti with tee, I The 6,0 elves of ce-n briArnhe.t. and onto 1 4 • le
. '•
• ''' , meta. the ricer Is rasing ail the way Zoe u, we have
General Burnside has been relieved, coining
iekU 1140111 Med meeting of the Firemen's : with regard to the instructions • his
given to t I tieing, corering, as it does. all the mediums
days' cooked rationg in p her ersacks and wa : - '
g - toes wero eta ted in hie-Lel, for each State. • no •
do u b t ~e.„-e ~,,, 4, f.
• b ,ut. Lima, m_.
I°{ Publicity which the world afford., anything at the very time when that officer in engaged one, commenced an adrence ...cement upon :
Aesoeititibn War held last evening for the par- I committee, these instructions were on •
The estimates of their emounts were hated on , On the Allegleenr, ba.iiiies has be= brute it to a
, bat a gigantic. scheme of mero speculation. with superior numbers of the enemy im Heide the enemy, nroier urdees of General Meade '
'pose hearing the report of the Committee
rescinded, and the report was referred back ' Truo, they could not gainsay the testimon ' - • dthatbefore • their en eons., only. But in the circulars I
7 at fiat eight to
,nioriott,, mi t , c0n " 0 j,,,, , ,. et .... suppo. c noon to-day the earidetilf almoni In c, i.,..,,e.A.. ~.f tto
Of Conference and Inspection. t o th e com m itt ee, w i t h he . h hi h rhe tt oh . to pouring in epontaneously Irom the hlgliest
whole of our arm will be beyond tee Rap- for October, enquiries of their 6111.0./eta Were , "'" I. '" -' r t " : " ' .."
I ' 6 ' l- ' ll ' h l'lgled It.'
Pre.zent, Messrs. Tuts, Hare, Dorrington, report only on the subject a a Sim& S h I 1 sources ,
y o ooin favor of his incomparable Pill, It is proper, therefore, to elate that General idan. Generel Leo moot 8 4 15 or ro.. If Lee d , w ith the crop of lee" I Rmlenteas, and left on Fel-by evening, was compelled
, and Ointment, but still they "hook their heads Ituniside is cnly relieve,' at his own request, : has resisted the crossing of Mende forces, I ma
compered - ' ''' et") Ito di her mug° at Cl.Onsh, there not heir;
Mackey; Sims, hfcCartby,Montgomery,Rans- , Artectiation.
I upon the returns to the circulars, tables of
and muttered " humbug." Of course, there is proffered for the third time, b ut a few weeks there has been a bottle before this ,if Lee
t o tt that p l ace to let her through. She
ill, Cupples, Rosevrin, Tibby, Little, Sawyer, 1 The following ponces were elected mem
no poreibility a arguing with men who • „ does not resist our cYosFing, it is evident Le is : these crone and a tolnetco were made. The I sect stn ~,,„ +ex ,„l„ht ~t i. i
that p.ace, strikoag . roc; ,
' 1 ben of the Board of Directors of the Orphan
ago, and preffered because of but re..l desire
and President Irvin.
1 Assylum, vie: Rey. J. W. Nevin, D. D. Rey. wont reason. The best way is to let them
• not rt rong enough to fight or furteles- I ainounte of the es timates for September and , nod knoelleg a bole in her I.,ttutc. lllit. tab Li..l
alone. Fortunately, such epeenmene or for purely private and personal reasons to r,., lions. It will coon be known where Lee'. t -
The credentieb of Mr. J. H. Stewart, as a I G. le Ruzsell, Elders Chain Santee, G. S.
• October are as follows: Estimates for Fep- j ! bon en Smidav night liebt and went dawn to the
delegate from rho Vigilant Fire Company, to Griffith and W. E. Schmertz.stupidityare "few and far between" in the, oat
1 of the service. It may, perhaps, be pro- army is, orally • for alead% will not stop I tember-Cor 449 163 fr • h'' '- '''
n „.. , L.-tele ea. 5 ,,. , roe-;:r:. _ey for renews The Oil . sty took it este-
The evening session was devoted to a '
~., , enlightened era. The genera} feeling is, that
pert] added that new, ha. boon received here. •
an he fled; Itif he has to oto the walla .
. 8 ,v. ete, Pewee. 97;570,035, Tobacco .:ae,- 1 for Rationing and Redhank, and leg '' " 1 ,
yesitt.., ic,..e
Fill the sett of Mr. Robert Galway, declared
th --- if a thing is in itself caieellent, its virtues
, of Richmond.
terests of Missions. After the usual 1 ~
throe h elßelal sources, from Get. Burnside,
• 462.413. Estimates for Oetober-Cons 45" -
~, -, noon.
vartnt by the Association were received and t• • i
, , re irons , Home a, Roy. Dr. Bomberger ad. "
i s ould bo proclaimed to :the four winds of if
,A i • •--
• ' --'.----
rr Tea of Eotton-lill. lonan. Ky.. Plun-
I 44C Ine B k b
,- i ne w ^at 15 , 821 , 305 ; r n i-etties The telegraphic Lien,. Penn Oil Cii, ye5t...:667,
Ur. Stewart duly admitted as a member. dressed the Synod and congregation present. I heaven, for the general benefit of mankind down to as late an hour ....even eeleeit .Te
dered b Guerrllas--Lueleu Ander- 101 ,457,144 , Tobacou 267,30..,6:0.
were to the effeat that th e river ...II r at , • n ti-1
Mr. Hare. as Chairman of th e Committee on He aarILIFO Meet WS evening for the purpose I Mene° ' the proclamation" made by Dr.llol- terday forenoon. At that time toe rebel atta-t, son Rellased. ; The,: estimatel exh - bit a remarkably close
of mutual eneolawny, through I ho entire newspaper press of on hie fortifications at Knoxville was still
approximation, and ,peak well for the syttein ; "tile acyßotiatia M. in etc ,_oannel. The weather
Conference and Inspection- made a verbal re- or
mio urzgem7 r at . in the groat. work
~,,, the world, of the properties and operation
CA mo, Nov. 23' - The r• - enier Anderson I adopted by the Depnrtment to ascertain the 1 "•°-:`'''''' '''' ", with m " C' ee P ee " el ' e'''` _tie
port;l7) rho effect that he bad ea to edge aa much aa " to m b. setdonnt°ret r ed . "4.- .... lof his remedies, meets with cordial approval going eni
-limping and Gen. Barnette had confldecee arrived with lax hundred bales of Cotton from
amoet it ate eado s of the leading CI}ITIZIRI-4111 i l '' "" '"'-' '"°' "‘" °' 4‘l.lh6"Pis'l,..thh“.
Ref the Committee together, by advertising , with Gospel zeal. Without being bi b igoted , we of thinking men. The value of the prepay- that he would be able to hold his poeition with- 3 fassPhis for Incineett.
, or rathvr, 3t amounted to noniluz be.: a ..drterlo" u 0
in the papers, but only three mcmb ers at- I should still possess denominational zeal. rations as specifies for the rarione internal and out serious difficulty till relief should come. Roving ban& of gaerrilles infest the river
The amounts or these crepe fee Inge at ., , that acC}loll. Them ores a eel., iol tiro of two not
tended -two beside the Chairman (Messrs. ; Every chareh is bound to do its art In the I external complaintz peculiar to different
From the knowledge hero of the disposltioe below. Lttie hundred of r. hay, under the note-
follows : 1862, Corn 5 6 6,704A2., Buckwheat 1 at Warren yeetsclay, but it was mit weaae th ent,
Hamill and Warden.) He th oughtsomething I evangelisation of the world. We s p Lould ratan climates, or common to the world at !err,
rims Sol. Street, eniered Rickman, Ky., lest
18. 2f.. Potatees 114,533,118; Tolseee.. ,cairn.
1. cc needed, not only by the meioses, but y made for hie relief, notch less anxious sourer - Thursday, and plundered stores, and houses,
should bo done to compel this Ciammittee to be suonsed by the iri al h
sp tat wants of t oso to •
aOS 807 078
I Som. few ca., 10,0..1 out, cll. rcaclecd the city
et.cnd to their draftee .
whom our efforts are directed. gorermente. men nf science, and candid ob- tude is now felt than has been entortivthed for and captured four or firo unarMe4 soldiers. I - ce__' ' s,' r_
,r-y am .nro toSOS. -Tiro live princip' 4 'le toe yesterday, and we undtremea that there is a Urge
An informal d ude, then followed, and He was followed by Rev. Geo. W. Wilbert , ' senora in every walk of hfe. Can Ruch rem- t h e 1,,.., Jay or two. Ron. Lueiter Anuerson, rucebtly captured at ,
1 of the West fee the preelection of Sorghum
to suggestio were made as to how the I who thought that the hearts of minietere 1
' edies be too widely known? Impoesiblel-Oin.
Mayfield by th e rebels, passed through here
Molasees, aro Ifiere"..l, h., e Tll , eni• fe.c. quantity of of
m bulk and in barrels, egrmarel at
membere of the minor could be brought I shenbi be ins • with 1 ' h
peed sea in t is work
i e-s sad Uhl°. Then' catimisto production, I
up to rho work. -.
definite action wee taken. ivithent the necessity of being urged forward
i r,
Dollar Colombian." TUC COMMISSIONERS Or SICILIAN.. oen route home. He was released on condition .., .
last year, wus 10,202,728 gallons. a his year meets varicias beL}ll-Ca hc.a....},4-1-11CaT.
It seems to be pretty well established that that he would procure the release or Tresten
The Itunberman have not yoshtea Aldo be got the,
C o e than that the Secretary was instructed by special motives. As a denomination I C. Stu, Dentist, 248 Penn rtreet, will at- exchanges are completely blocked through Pen '
__ , only 8,970,882 rallons, a decreaao of near!, I P'''''. 0 .. 4 .. 5 .- . 5 the tElßutloi.troants nam axt
to Coe tho absentees.
tend to an business of his profession.
have not been doing all' that our means and
the personal quarrel between General Mere- Bombardment of Sumter. I three and a quarter milions of gellaai. TL, rwettee t e r•- , tatir m • re , e'V"vied thm th. Tus
On motion It was agreed th at when the As- an
makemournbe •
: amount of ground pleaded was mach greater of /umber will bo very light. Solna far timber eats
l ot span M. Even in ,
dith and Commirtioner Ould. Each has in- New Yeas, Nov. 23 -A .Morris Island tot
sociatien &Veneta it adjourn to meet on Mon • h •
1 thin in 106!, bathe frost destroyed the veld. have trachea here, but CIO board rafts Lave, ea ye.,
,„ • t is city other denominatioas used up our ma
ter, dated the 19th, naps;
suited the other in his °Tidal letters, and
i 5, December 7th, to hear the report I toilet while we w r
e e sleeping, Woe be to 12 Eli ING.-O n Saturday, the 2let Inn, In this city,
Nineteen shells we t j The . renal ransom tion of molasses and
re nn into Charles- P bond their way to our rearket
of the Committee on Conference and Ise , °c- ' 16
.. we proTO recreant to cur tenet , JUBES EWING, el Company ii, let Pennsylvania till now run are put In their places, it
ton on the 17th inat falling into the most sue-tr,eprior t o the war, was about 45,000,000 j Th. p,,,,,„ Graham , tram ianesrille, / stoat
got a et
Rey. P. C. Prugh, who next addressed the ' Ceeele3l ne a t 01 r are '
seems impossible to disentangle the knot populots portions of the eft,. gallons of molasses, anu about 1 , 1 ' n : 1 ,209,09" '
I noon yesterday. test tripe . of Oa ttaeon
Mr. White called the attention of the " As- i audienc also looked at the P d Imm-r'l from hie late mire,' In Muth Payette
ounibi of sugar : the amount per each inheb i ,
in whieh our prisoners are tied up. On Sunday night a very heavy rebel fire Fa; P
ohs return.. again this evenin leaving, y,rocurt4 at
sociation to the fact that certain persons, Tee- of the "abject, as he thought we mgmg
have but few township, on TCCIMAT, the 24th inn ,at 10 a to
!tent slay, excluded borne 3Q
Continuously Regret into one batteries from 1 • • " pounds . ' 4 eloek Tu the clerk, Mr S. c. 21 , ge, wears in
resenting themselves us firemen belonging to men who would be willingthis l''
to enter upon , roads 5.,0 inottcli t , atirLd The statement that the question of negro
tin velvet works. : The in asc of the tnmption of sugar in '
A llegheny, have been in the habit of attend- 1 groat work. The held is vast, and in order ' HOPE --On Bondi'' e
y efternoore rid tent., RICH. MB cers is cann i ng te. in terreption of x s
Nothing .04 :ii the Beet. I toe i cit ed States, since IS4U, eras 13.7 ;• - d ald'`' ' l ' l n aI•PT ' 5 her
Mg fine on this ride of the river, and before to cultivate it we must giro liberally , as "i• sRD HOPE, in the 70th year , r Lc. ace
exchanges, is tie rionded. A "low Commis- New Tome, Nor. 23 -By the Fulton we 'nlt , wallet the increase of population we, •-. great trainer Nt Pate+, k fro, vir•stoneti,
the flames are extinguished they have been is more blessed to ' ' ' I'l I'. '"'' ' ' '
glee than to recefe e . _tO -tiara. w... tees mace clean h er te.l croon., ,
I 613 per CC at. Ibe 1, u,,,,an . t e •••• 'e'er, this ... I err, err, ....0 .t... .r lon the en In last es-nloc,
.rinictr cool.! in all probaloility sot the i.rb on . learn :het the •en well of Fort Somtee has
~,,., . .
known to bog for contr•butions from property Rev. J. /I. Cline followed m the G erman lan- v It" '
.. net it is a upr.sod. catered alytith I. but eh/. n, nennentar, r it,. tn., ... reirrnift
-0. , -ari... Str,t, on Y. 3 .., ar AFTER. toUR , 1,2 2
Leads released, and the quistior, h ee e! 2 , e s il- EIT 40 01r:ere:I T 1 , . Ads were i 000 ' h i . d , ,
holders. Largo sums of money had been ex- gun°.
ors in their
forted in thin way, and the evil should be After dining and ii.
prayer, a jotarned. o'tinck. The friend s of the family are reapectfully
' invited to attend. Of • disputed paroles amid be NIA .1 op ient 1 y ar 1,,,,d,„„ pt
~, , n g . b , ,, ,,
on the ruins. Ti e ho ., , .A., hop ea ..., ana ..cee , the ...entry moa t ce. t -oecr I* eta! rommaried try that erten, ef
still continues. I rc.y ou heavy tepoitations to aupply ns isbn't e ,e,a,,,.. r e,. , te„,, i„.,,„ xi '
neon and F.. 0 ''' all
litOPped. I
New modes, to
supply its sea sugar and m • , , , „,„,
I --‘-_-_____-__________,____- --.. r...3 6 d.
, cell 4, laic again 5 r ''.... /e• th • t.' ee'n';.
The President remarked that he did not l Dulls Mercantile CII PI
o ego, ttcburgli.
•treug - te of the Rebel Arum - Lee lex- I :m.we-et be adopted
ee the eountrv, and
-A" .. 1 ..1, ' •
know of an means i
y n the power of the As-
S P ECM L JrOTICES. Elle "TIMES . ' IN iatCR OF COI} t X 1 , 011 Brea Km,. peeling an Attack by Meade. liee trio monthly repor s ror Octoiser re' ,•-• *- •at f e lt otre Jost weck appear to
Such of our reade '
rs as aro desirous of ob- ; --- ---
!mope ily directs public attention to the ere ... ' h e re none "'''':' '""`" l'" ' - ` l42 '''' 3 "" "" '-
sedation to step the evil. If the firemen on ,
' , - - ,:- , " - TLe Now York Too", to dr r ro.
, se. o 0 WASII,OTO: Nov. 24 -Atli ,ees reeeired
this side wield rarest, to giro water to the j raining a thorough business education, will ' •` • "" m " ° ` an '
' I . I .4..1. -a this rea2le-,1 torsi
Itnislitedlee to f tbe ne it srier en et ni w leek- "" h3 '''' "' 31 ' 17 ''' • 7 -
Allegheny firemen it might have the effect of read with interest in our col ne to-da
y the ct..De'
it -- - PULLIONAB.Y CONSUMPTION k., Its at e o il Una the r
for Seim) ler Colfax for tepee r LI A my of the Po'ol I It', LO- night, say
conclude., 113 , my; ng "Wo are Inelined to deserters some into oar lines almost hourly. j ing to stow the sugar hart and to uranufee , 6 eta.. e ,
, Oho Rate Robitiedn, c tro Re•cr; t om a.. r .
stopping the begging practice.
The most intelligent and_probably well it, 1 s 'ire s ee''' . Lam ".•
advertisement of HMI long established ;Kirin- A CURABLE DISE aBE.
Ate, White thought that if they had e Hook i •
think nut his election will be deomptly end formed t
Sid 6111.t.0 01 hoe's 011ectlY0 etiongth LI The /all crop. for 1864 1 864. - rh o wheat, rye, ;er ".. .. - mous to I k 10, • eteamboat, 4,1.
and In this city they Could ' par institution. For the information of our '
4 c.isp-rn CONSUMPT I VES ;comet.) conceded as emievo tip fit and prep , . from 50,000 to 00,000. anti barley 0201.18,JU51 Sown, aru fuli average ' setup cannoned, wo deal •; not, will reran.
dispense altogether with the aervices of the I distant readers, wo may state that its founder
A man In the confidence of the rebel, rist, crops, both in conootet and appearanee. Tho fell I th
or. Intimatitne from other uarte-s that '
Allegheny firemen. has long held a high place in the esteem and Tb*°°Unig°" hauler
ir• q • th tL • i leatherh be I ' Y '' any
ens the
4eeis n hourly expeetati. iof an atta, as been Mg 1 1 y favorable to the • , teen built hers .. n- t, -7, , w-,... cut. nob-
The President elated Unit the Councils of
.e few weeks!, a Yew, imp remedy, after heving all oppos-tion to him may be withdrawn be
, confidence of tins community. Ile hoe earned
by General Meade, and is prepared a t every I and the correspondents of the Departm4t ieeon expe is .:., beret!, Lets -o ..:y f, r Luatt a a
Allegheny were about to reorganise the de
euffeard reveral year. with a bevel, how art tlon, fore the townie A' Congress , are not con Erni- plant to giro him a terrible reception. The
of them most eneouraginr,ly.
postman in that city, and perh a p s th e 0 , 7 /1 ; his title to that position by Marty years of and that :Arced &erase, Consorsptloc-'s weal nte to d g - '
Washburn°, who is the only serious op- permanent and temporary reb-I works on thet The number and condition of the fastening 4, , ,, iln ' but t two weeke •
complained of would cease with the present : wail done pro f essional service and Mr. Duff, snake known to his &How euScrom the MCA. ,s , ewe. * •
-end eetife.-The bog choler. scarcely exists s.: The Reserve, being enable te c.iernie lair rAise
Repidan ere being strengtheued and enlarged
-organization. I
ponent, is expected hero en S aturday, "
the eattern and middle States, but in Indiana I6 ' Erh Oi d6llltl X l,l o f f o aN.l , os,. Ni- ~.- 'lL'ox s •
the younger, has already distinguished him- To all who desire ft. ho will Bend a copy of the
to a vast extent.
Mr. Tibby directed attention to another
preecriptien used, (Den of L:utriie) with the t erra 1000 CiltaNT . s .our .
and Illinois it prevails in so many eountie', rot cinct.n...l.-d.f-r-miti,el)-
evil-that of pilfering at Bras, He was in self as an artomplithed business end onia-
I Steno for preparing and ming the same, which Wry There is ii current report hero stating that
c rAdvance of the Potomac Army. that there le peat danger ef it spreadine
prowrddeis filling op foretneeertaii, Ituieville
favor of reviving the system of Fire Warden,. , mental penman.
h WAiiniNGTO‘, -Nor. 23.-It was publiehed among the fattening hogs. In these States ii aN..hille, wale a talc, e -la: . c.' . ...god to
ut it.ll End • • sere cure for CONSUMPTION, asTanA, Gen. Grant's army has moved from Charts -
prevent goods from being carried away I In giving an opinion of the relative men I BRONCHITLS, COUGHS, COLDS, Aa- Tim only noegs, but it does not receive aredit in the ere to-day, and telegraphed Norte, that the large number of hop have died of this dis. morr mernine
daring firer.
of this time-honored inetitution we do n
n ar o my of the Po tomer at dap dawn comMenced I ease during the summer and fall.
The President thought that if the Mayor injustice to others by itatin
.... t 1 objmt or the advertiser in sending the preecripti to heat informed circles, but enough movement advance on the enemy, lint gentlemen who ; Tho noioter of hogs in the peat feeding . 4 TE.Z.V130...1! TS.
would dints his day police to attend regn- admit, via: that ft possesans g ser I prom}}'-
Its to benefit the afflicted, and emend Informetion i
a that region has been made to remora the arrived from the front to night are entirely 1 States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Illinois
tarty at fires, there would be less stealing from neat ad fa the business student ii- which ho comoisci to be Inralualolo , and he hope.
ignorant of the alleged movement The an- is oro-ventlis lees than last jeer etosino a re
beeping building".
together peculiar to itself. First-its estab- 1 °Tory sufferer will try his remedy, sw It will wet fria • L P
c an reheneion for Burnside and to ran
- ' nouneeruent was ductton in the n • . eau=
* Stales'
umber foxtentri in !beau
The Mayor remarked that nearly all the Ilihment &tee bulk nearly a quarter of a them nothing, and may Neve a blessing dor Longstreet't position an exceedingly pre- ,
of 806,139. Their ex:indite:A in these States is
members of his police were fi remen, and that century, Second -Its permanence is lin. 1 Pm , •I "wishing the prworriptlou will please earns canour oc., Judge McEunn Elected. still lower, being3o percent. below a general
they had made several - arrests at the late fire doubted, it never haying changed hands nor Rev. EDR AHD A. WILSON, 0010000 VERRIVORT. New Y0ax.2.3.-The coati ty canvas.- arerage.
it is belies ed o:albeit tow hogs will,
in the Diamond, but it wee difficult to prove the ended business. Third-the proprietor WlRLantsburgh Slap noway , Now York All of .Ineona norther Gila re, er and west ors to day decided that McCune WnS eleeteta lat euffeneritly fattened to make Ili, , peek or
felonious intent, as the parties, when arrested, have their own textbooks upon Bookkeeping ' ' .
Judge of th,. Superior Cunt t i to produce a supply of lard.
of Colorado, exclusive of Port Navajoe, was
immediately alleged that they did not intend which, from the emphatio testimonials from .6
The exports or animal production, of the
Marketeoby Telegrantt.
to ;Mal, and were only helping to save the high and unimpeachable sources, appended to ' E- -- z -- =- •,, JOHN COCK - ILAN &BRO
'-' . :dam ire.tod .to the District of Northern Attunes.
New Toes, Nov El --t ntor, du,i, fumy} amt loar I 186 0 •
I Gaited Stater are repo, cc,: .o or at follow
their pages, are undoubtedly prepared with ' effect... or /BON RAILING, IRON Troop. etre sent there tu establish a military
'4 116 t, lh -
- Qb s 18O1 • '7 I •Qa • 186"
.er at N '1,50k Floe,- a +bade Omer and a err, .. , , ,' " ' ''' e •' ' ' '," " "•
Atter some fuelier discoss - o
. tn, it was agreed great care and no ordinary busineee talent : VAULTS AND VAULT DOOlio, le ENDOW SHUT- poet, called Fort Whipple, after Glen. Wbrp,,lo, ert!to Moline, •1 Br t .fit.,,.", fin Ca ra .a. a,. .
p: au. .- .• 42,^.c rapt,. The amount of Pork which en
' that each company should be empowered to and experience, and the ability that rode- TRs WINDOW GUARDS , A c, N a' aEr 'Os 13
r ~, for extra It. it to and seeseem,e, for trade , ter d Into the come:area a the is,...tly, in
appoint ono reliable man, to art as Fire Woe - 'cad these books must be eqp-Ily affective in s a d Cl THIRD STREET . ' '''..
' .-
, bet Rood and Berate. who fell et Chancollorrdle. The country is to bran -a the tualket clown, eptleq, holdhre srem est , . r 1860, yens ;theta 122,..,,e 501 th.
den, and prevent pilfering at fires. It wile o li o ! teachliag, and reducing to praetiee • the subje at I E . ,,,,
dposed to niahre Whisk, Inn astile •
1 hand a remety of new Pattern+, fancy and be examined nit:a a TIOIT to the locauon of a
t o e T e "Z ei, er„ m ~
v . :
~, - , •ml Of which, there ;res. oported In -
agreed that a Committee should be appointed, 'of which they treat. We therefore cordially I ~,;, • '
r , b,t, Nll,l dy is tors
the le of lacon, 'Led and
boyarsd only in moderate d..,,,,,, n e , aaa cet,,,,,, t fovea at tbo next meeting, to wait upon the Board . recommend this favorite institution to the '''-'• suitable for
gngrn"gg we.
barrelled pork EG,500,00:i
/V l lain . r ettrutton gald to enclosing Grave Lets ..1111411.3 A 1 . / ax- il '-'',"ql.3, °id di, 81.5:1201.4t, for Bfilsre eke. cu t s ,
of Underwriter', for th e purpose of aecertain- • full confidenc e of our read , and ae it is • b dune at L .rt node. aim
The thototor Sangamon woe to lave eat led . 4 .„'i t r , l ' 49 sl fbr 1 :',',,, h "„ T,,,.:',V1,:,":,171' th e l ettrr reran-.
log whether the Board would be willing tu I always safe and fair for all parties to confer :
ed R P.I rr Ityr
contribute something towards compensating with some of our resident business men upon ----- -'N. HOLMES & SONS., Dnamme for Chat-lee
li..y: ton to-day, but sprung a I nl, , ie 1 warteaud Men asl A Ilai .in Barter, quiet at El to
41.57 Corn Lod, higher, gl,Asol,r4 in et re
the Wardens.
such matters, we think they will confirm the 111 FOREIGN AND 1101Hk-btu DILLS OF night at the Nary Yard, aid would ku I
••• eon . tn. z0t.... 1.01 c,, '••• n. t t .N. 11,. I ' „,,
Ors motion, the sum of twenty dollars was I opinion we have stated- EXCITANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT
• at the doek had cots stin ad of 'lien boon pet ""”' is ...Jr. ... dr. ' ' l'"ra , '' ll '''''' *"." , 4 ~1.1,
appropriated for the puspose of havinr,a min- :
'. Bort - teeny rot moats an I hem. s.f
ate book, damaged by fine recopied. , The Continental Old Folks. STREET, Pittaburgh, Pa. on board to hell out. Her crew has been in a s'., for ...loader. , dreese4 bow., firmer to eitag , „
C. } lard ...kyt and enrhen ..1 IOW Ji In Ja mar
The Anociation then adjourned.
a m - c 0 m,,,..„ .. ,, r„,,i, en ill tae pthicirii, cuss elate of partial insubordinntion since .he ;vs
..,, ~,,,...t ) , i,, ,. . • ' )
'2 Oti:l.lsr.
As we predicted, the opening concert of the
Old Folks, at Masonic •
Hall, last night, was I thwe g hetd the United Btet"' ~,.,= been here.
Its 11.. r., No. 11. -1 kn.' ......1y .stn
' --- .7 7-- - - --*--.------ --' _ ,
one riloVoST AAA mitialb Otatiell. • •o-rtloe 0 - , and limn, l scree t U , M7 ,LP.... N, heat,
attended by a very large and apple:m:3de° • -
el.'s/eV a 4 7E.IrTS.
1 , i ...leo or 3,5a1a ....ea I%•Cltuckv 5iC 6 20,1 06
Orden that, ntreetter, all appotnttoonts of (In'rn. ea , at 51"3/.12. SI utsht. Art:m.4;4a
audience. Ererything parted off to theentire ' - --,,------- -
eatiefaction of those Fremont The singing of , pEIsIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PA Y. ,-..oloyees un•ier District Provos t Marshal 1 ' l l77 ,l eedeeee ( ~ h . Tic
generals be referred, •,• tg h the proper than-
~,, ';'... e h * ,,,7,'"i, , ,,". 5 n ',,, T ,',,,.. 1 ,,,,, " ,t 1 : ,.. 7 , • , :a . tr; . 5 .
Mrs. Nichols was particularly fi ne. In the .r. vvA...urirat LIA.le.
nels, to him, and prescribes some rope r regu I rel . , J CO J . tl, , i11(1 y _ilo o ,I Whisky.
song!: "Love Bewitched am I of Jennie," I
.... I thed ..... • highor at 7„,r.
GENERAL CLAIM AGENT. lotions tending to insure rr ore thorongh er. '
and "Kitty Tirrell," she took the audience I
• elik Ai.ol S. • . i Floor, firtu wheat. arm, d
completely by norm. We consider th is lady,
In nation and disotpline of his •übordin it" A. Itettor 51,12y,a1,13 t •
ern, (rue •adc bettor .
Lecensed by the 0.19. Gossemmead.
, SICII ''l tio-,., ......1 earl 2 to ttor at GotypeA,c.
in her particular line, unequaled by any zinger ;
now before the public. The Flinging of the I los rum STREET, Bd door below the Cathedral. SENT 111 me RICAN. New 1 ark Stock and Money Market.
entire troupe, in these grand old soap and •
The fullowner annenn oc ,,,, , 0 t ~.}, ;,,,. 310.,R ) caslar, with a 1.. 11. r Rurply at 147 per cent.,
anthems, are well calculated to carry us hack I Penesyleante Soldiers we , ^Stint mountains, Ea.. ,
the'' ' , ' 1 ' both o, transaction. In the ,anor Sterling, doll
in imagination to the days when those sweet ere, Ohi o Soldiers , and Wet Vo l l o l a s a ut es ., ~t a, pears here in morning papers Is Known to c o d I. v.,, as 5,1,,, ~,,14. ',l a , ,„11, 1
and simple tunes were sung by our great-great- 1
tale 're th . e: n r cd Peres . tons, Bounty and 1..... k Pay ...cured be comet All the the sick and ( 1,161..1 10, n . ''s le..' . :Penoie et Sr , Itaticing to friki, de.
Ruing to u.. 3,,, and riot., break •t rr, ~orern
grandfathers and mother!. wal L. *at gir,nz WI Information to teen bent to the rear, a large number of rn-v t fork. quiet and ',in, ut ratter - I ' M eh.. ,
Another commendable feature of the Old the Soldiers, or to deceased Mohnen.' Metre, towering I .tock• autl and lou g
them bee -^g ertired m rho city last evco,lig
R. Folks' entertainment, last night, was the ' wbe are entitled to the Pension, Bonney and Back
splendid manner in which the national songs I ,__P•Ee.rld the mans.' of 6 . 6- Tdirig she Lama by apply- Mrs:Real RR} /RUC ix, iris. P. l's e, i i
and anthems were rendered. Their style of '"" w ' Le b 7 IM ‘' ee Le r... Th e Internal Revenue receipts from 0. , m 6 P ° c
Orr No charge ant& co tract , jyttlywe la
C e 1
singing the "Star Spangled Banner" :was beginning to June 30, 136" ,s 337 000 ,
truly grand. Cousin Reuben with his coml. PENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY • ' nearly 'e ;
000, ono to October 30, 1 ni,.3, ~:,. ~ 0, ,, n ~ ,' I
=Mies, came In for a full share of the ap- I L
ill. 1 tc.ll,
plume, and grtind.sire Slocum, although 1 H. C. MACKRELL. and odd
he r e to June :le, to:4, sse,ooo. 31 I . . _
0 I l.
"now-going cn to 90," gave evidence of his t
030. An increase will be reeouneended.
ability to "fine in the sin a." : ATIORNErAT LAW AND CLAIM AGENT.
Rettig! or LI rice ANDERSON. u -New Yore Itni
This afternoon, at 23e o'clock , the Old Folks I
NE.' 1 Oaf.. r_.2.3 -D,
NO. Ila FIFTH STREET, Pmattiama Dirpatchos hero been receiver) hero an
give their first Matinee, and we hays no doubt 1
decrease In t N. . 81, 1L",
ticu 824,44 b . dee mow la
that there will be a large attendance to hear I coheettrete , I . hike,.
and oiefete
. 0.. nounang the releaec of Lucien A etionon , n them. Their second concert takes place this te,,„„cht,„ soeteektleita s erte , °r e t ry deantitt. Kentucky Corigresensae, .vie.':: in the bawls I - - -----
godan we advise these who desire good non , BOUNTIES for all discharged Soldier.. PEN.
Beata to ay. SIONS, for wounded otllbrers and Soldiers; BOON- of the guerrille•, nerd laying he will le here pu l e
_w. ...e. i ii, ~,,,,h , „4 o r ~,,,A ag ~,,,L ,
TI Fa and PENSIONS for Widows, Peron* Omit. next Saturday .
Alen& end the pubic alt) that we am now
i C.hlldren, Brothers and &Wen, or other legal mime.
SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. sentatlirtal of Mom who him died in the service, or (FUSE'S ar.siesattoe.
In the practice of Dentistr, Thum who hare ben,
hare tiled afte r discharge Dom dimes. contracted in The Cincinnati Eriewer'e story about the Postponing tan much dreeded e
v e
1, tray now lay
Taegu Psarrr, Plain and Ornamental I wnios.
O their resin and give us s nil, as the. eppernim
Slate Roofer, and dealer in Peansylvartia and ' aa-Ne ehatzeeatil eell ' cted..t ' d " lee" ' 'lll b of l'hase to Mice Chief Justice
resignation,we nave la use ha* or.. thr:Logbl,) tested daring the
answered unmet • stamp ie hectored_ felatlysis Jewry s place, produces not a little emuse- r tzr, jt e nr r e ''',.." l t t on bi Vb• " f ".. ^ & 15 •1
Vermont elate of the best quality at low rates. 'kir, ILITAILY CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, meet here.
nor Galvanic l=sry tou:d All Moe: Ira%
Office at Alex. Leughlm's, near the Water .1.11. PENSIONS, BACK PAY and MILITARY
• the wrriore of • good and tellable Cretan win de
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. a CL e PBS of every deecription, cottoned by the deb. tre . 11011 sr assovea 2 UNCTIco,
wen to ealt and cousnit with
scriber, at the rottenest rates, vie Pennines 110 CO. It Is„ruireired that the main force of Lee's JAMES & RING, D. D. 8.,
en other claim, 83 60
CC. TAYLOR, Attorney et Law, army is at Hanover Junction, which is about or
84,L tio L 52 Tauth street,
islifield street, Plttiv
just. received at /lapel Graham & Co.'s, Mar- 1 No. 771 Grant etreet, PlttAborgh, Pa
' o U.
midway between Froderioluburg and Rich b rid, jettlinsex
chant Talton, No. 54 Market street It can- NII No charges are made If the claim due, tot
shim of all the very latest style" of Clothe, I .....r..d. sad all iafatassiiaa eid , " ;mita se 4 1 r mon d
COI.FA FOR the I_l AND DEALER In the wilt ar t. -t brands ot
eassimeres and vestinsm; overeostings of an -
kinds of the very fittest qnality, all of which i PEA 1. Kb
'TATE SAVINisS INSTI- Enough in ahead) known re to warrant I ?.‘Kils,'-j2e'r l i l ,e " ( ‘ LVA A ,„ R • s r4 n e d ,A i s t I s ir lVe; f
. ,_ „ ,
is 'alerted from the latest importation', and I
IL 'I"'T
o lON --Btatemerit a lb. condition of rh o the usaertion that over threo-foert hi , or ttie I f/1F
MEY l ti , 'I Ertl PIPLo, TUDES, PA, Ac .
will be made up in the most fashionable and ,ir7TO !unit-ft. oon the 24 .1.5 if :In, ral , cr, Isor,
r.ll variety. I.' h DIM TUE ST. CIIARI,LIS Bo
admintsttstion menthe. ern I ' , le -1 ' 1 01. v •
.1... I I:, ebut, t h. Pa
best manner. Gentlemen dosirier a aleck a 1 pubh--" '"'"""'"/ " the "nee'
n fl -The Trade *upped on liberal tartar
fax f ;r Speak,. r.
goods to select from, that cannot be sorpassed 1
by any other In the city, and every garment I Am"tiet of f Deposits Nor. 2 , 11. 1E63. glttLfea Is
ST-It c nerve IRV Tll.
[um} o Interest dee Detritiors 1,7.54 el
14 IC. A. B ENe -IL ts - tr ro/re^lr.,!,.,
warranted a perfect fit, would do wall to give • ''
kreumet of Contingent Fen 1,4= OS Crawford', statue of Coo Goddess of L•berty D
Informs the citizens of PAtsborgh, that he lies
us an early troll, I
Wien wppolnlnd *Me agent for the into of 7 , ll,EitS A
ie now being ,recut on the Capitol ionic.
11.7,973 oi
, PE N. 4 oltlo [NAL CE3IENT AN Tie - ortitslNY
Merchant Tailors, No. 64 Market at. ,
The first :tee th e! of it is Arcady la position. They am recommend.l by the largest lima,.
Sunni. -Gassust, Gan. MoCsismase.
in to. eat, among which ic
Was -Dtru'a Morro.--M.To Vestrati drew
another large-and 'fashionable andlonoete.the
theatre WIC ereging, to witness her "persona
on of ehitineter of Captain Do Lagar
giare,in the-Dake's Motto. The play was 1 a
eozepleteishdeess; atatlsiii be repeated ails
Dasunart ms Coar. - -,Aialbeed:Mw 2 named
Homestead Skinner *wryest:4day committed
Wild! 4-44dermaa Am:midge*. to wsWitor a
• Calitirgeit evereest valued at !Mit,-
eight:doll/warm:a Dr. Dale. „
'BoaCongbsi Colds and .Tbrost,Disordora,.
useilenrtd`a BrOnobial Tniehos;hiiiingprovod
Agit aloft , * by a ton of many years;
Sanaa Cara Gunshot Wounds, and all other
kinds of Wounds, also Sores Ulcers and
Scurvy,. heal safely and quickly under the
soothing influence of Holloway's Ointment.
It hells ki the bone, so that the wound never
again. Soldiers, supply yourselves.
Only 25tents per pot.
°Elmo and pining° eta will be taken at
the Omnibus °Aloe, No. 410 Penn stmt., day
or night.- All orders left at the above place
will be promptly attended to. All calls mast
be paidln advance., •
Norm. Twerrrww, No. 261 Penn street., to
the pleas where you csinjeet - the beet cheep
,danibery *the eity.' - ! , Dotilterjrae the place,
First LiPM 012 BOW Beate
U. S. Debt•berttl.t . statt and Note*, (. 2 nrk.t
Int,rent earned, not du.
Oaks rnrniture ......
Coon on hand....
A. A. CARRIER, Trvarall°7.22.°
The widens's - n.4, Auditing Crinunitteri, have PZIAI
Intel the hook. or the Losutntion, the bond. and once
titles, counted the mill, to., end have found th
above statement to he corttict.
ws. H. SHITH.
Deposits rretivad DAILY, aid EVILUT &MD
luterest paid At 6 per rent. per mama.
ISAAC JONES, ?maiden!.
Ron. Thos. N. Hods, Hon. J. K. Noorhsad,
Wm. H. Smith, C. 0. II assay,
W. B. Copeland, Jacob Painter,
Harney Ohlida, . Nicholaa Tooglitly.
Oita., No. el 3 Tors= BTFIILWT.
4USSIAN PE13131,1 1 : SPE'CTACLir,
. Notwithstanding the attacks of joalnua
gender., who aspire to tho WWII of Opet
dem, the
Are recetvinp the warmest endoreemernta of oar
citizen. An that Is ukod ti to examine other
Moen:4 ode thou all and eremtrie the 1111881A/1.
MOLL °net, For sale by
7. DIAZJOND, Prsetical Opticlaa.
Idontiffacettrer of the Rtmahot Pebble Elpectocko,
39 TIRE Maid. Morning Pod 13_1:aiding
Ito. 89 DIAMOND BTIIEET, Prrtssuasa.
Acinscarledgmonts of Deeds, Depositiotui and A.
davits taken. Mao, Nods, Illor*,,gas, Articles of
Aftfoefoont, Loans and Legal Papua of ovary kind
written. .selikfrt
CARAFES I ORAPES 1-45 boxes choice
N...A Catawba Gripe, pot op expressly for family
r S I WEPABD, 843 treaty street.
NEW OILELt"W3 310J , Amv,8--150
bbb, hlr to prim., on band and for sale by
.1 35,.t10 01
1.0,000 OD
TOL 0 0111 1195101 , 1111 OF OkoWN ' s i n a
Wm. M. O'bougal, is here examining the
workinv or bureaus in the Interior Depart.
11,0.41 79
9 , 50 07
100 00
11.011 24
Col. hood, formerly editor of tho el.a:ta
nooga Gazette, has boen reappointed Post
master, at Chattonoogn.
Governer Drough visited the camps to-day.
The Ohio boys soon recognised him, and gave
him a handsome reception.
The land sales for cub In October in Msr
guette District, Michigan, amounted to teen
ty-throo thousand Ike hundred dollars.
The contrabands will have a Thanksgiving
colobration on Thursday. Secretary Seward
Is expected to speak.
The Gaines' Court-Martial adjourned rin
nfie iMmodiately after meeting to-day.
Aaramed charge of the Convalescent Camp
to-day, vice Col. Maßetry, relieved.
Congressmen begin to make their ep
pearanee to small numbers.
John A. Bingham, of Ohio, to horn.
An Officer and Twenty Negroes
Parttortrars Nov. 23 .- The following is
from loiter da ted at Port, Hudson. Nov. 3d,
written by a captain In the 7th regiment, and
adclreased to his father in thin city.
We have Just received Information of a posi
tive character that first lieutenant George B.
Coleman, of New York, who was captured
about two months ago while on a raid, wu
hung within 24 hours afterwards, together
with some twenty colored privates who were
taken with him. I hope that some action will
be taken on the inhjectrand, that soon. I
know that the officers and soldiers of the Corps
D'Afrique will take immediate and toil lo
tion if they ever get into a light. The mon
of the command will '2 endeavor to protect
themselves from seeps fate, though the ger-
ernment should neglect to do it.
till,. la.. tent mi l '
lin., Ili•ddinc
k W L.Ol,
ill 12914
........ 6.3
C. n. I yr. ekBr.
1.. 6•• 81 rug ti
k Statement.
!vase In 1anna,:55,342,102
=5. .....
Churr,ms - x - rrr
3100.1.[A0 et Co.,
Gtra, PAINT= & CO.,
&rocs & Co.,
Ito, Cm Tarr! Co.,
And olhors.
j -- sm - U3 -37 t
ropers,' DerLICRT DOOMS. LID SPV(lrte.4llo.s,
for nil kinds of Buildings, and soperintsnds their
erection an , ten..
Orli. an Anderson street, bstsrren Lenooek and
Robinson sheets, •Illegbeny efts.
Ant analog off their hula 'Lock of
At the very iOll,llSt Nolen for alb. Alt onion
promptly attended to. nal
/WEN AI'PLES.--306-13bre.
11p, choice
A_pplesols : Gates, Belltiowen, Pippins, Osten.
Kansbchrs, In stap nnkfor sale by
000 E, PETTIT t CO.,
No. 12 Smithfield street.
.A 24 art'. Belleau. jest readvad ; also I. overtner
Steam Syrup, for sale at the tangly Oroisary Store of
nola Corner Liberty and Band Inman.
QUOT GUNS, double and aing:a barrel,
I.J English manufacture ' for std. by
oW JAMES 11OWN, 136 Wood street.
6 Ides. Cure Grits;
In more and for We by L. IL' VOIGT & CO.
.L 800 anortm,nt, for sale by
or2i.. JAMES DOWN, laa Wood ntrvea
- 14 1 EATIIERS.-7 sacks now lanc mg
front railroad and for sale by
no2l ISAIAH 'MCKIM & CO: —
All. B i h RELS, for Crude and Refined
1,-, Oil, for fele by J 18. DALZICLL d SON,
_nen 02 and i'6 ‘ rft 4 r etr....t.
600 B tfB H. - °
in ,,,.°1., ,0 r,„
and k r w e by IMAM At MET2O6II,
eon . No. 240 Lu..nratraat.
kJ received and for sale by
0c24 JAMS DOWN, 138 Wood street
L---300 bmshala prime a store sad *rum try ,
aiREION .0 1 . 4 -74(Kk,bblx. - -Refined ' in
itors arittriria.l• X. D. 04tIMICLD.-;
The doe steamer ADELAIDE, Copt A. .1.11u,r,.....- A L
Irer^ os shoe on 'IDLY DAY. Dm itil ioehr-q•
Eor fa n nbt or pmssee apply ca bvar,l ,
Ju t,AjfkL,.
1 J. D. COLL 1.11011701, Agents
ISVELLE.—T' apleatlM :warner
E.EttiDIYE. ea t . D. D. Ilerron,
111.1.1 DAY, 24th trot, et 10 01
Fer freight or - Imps,. apply an 1....n1
J. D. Agents
141013. NU. AI.IP ` El'- ,
AND ZA3.33.:_; LT.L3L—Tt.,
Leaving Ln the pan,nger etramer I:1131A 1 111111 t 31, 3lnee, -,
utptton „,
l'ornnunder, leaven Pittvinnrell ' , err
m . , Tttil•A s
Eaot,nu andsl:,:dle Stater.. .`
a. m. eew tvenvere JVL1A , % 1 1v..i..'4..u. Cow
ot. cssat ion • r commercial •ss be- mm.
/It esery SATr ^. 4
twren the loyal and disloyal Status, eta .0/ p. nod 7 ...e.eaville evorx TUESDAY. e
11. to. For ighl.l7vetornatirsttv nr to
this Soo:item consumption of perk, and so re
daced pries, in 1,6:2, tn• Inrulgn demand Li° ;.• "' Th .
inereisted to that year to 291,0Ea1,d66 i H. S. PIEECT' ("`").!-'ittte'bn'ts7";
The rake of the !muted corn (Cr fattening Coal
Ziosra,,ite, Ohio
purposes is regnrded aS very email. Hogg
and cattle will grow on It, bn' no; fatten.
Thu owount of 01.1 co., is mach reduced by the
demand for It daring the summer by the army.
Pen - ivlronia. Ohio, Michigan, Indiana.
Illinois, idissouri and Wireonsiz, there is
thirty per cant less than feat year, and twenty
per vent. lola in lowa. It is Sod oat stock
in nearly r LI; Lair the counties of these States.
The Anna/ Agricultural Report would have
been distributed last seek, bat for the strike
of the binders in the Ootorament employ.
Leaving for ammo+ tle connumr
Of 'hi'',il,. r..•tLoru St,tt,
Si 301 51 b.) ($i WI
0. Sprlnk
Loved. ,
rnlo Hyatt.
be. 5-1 , , tos THAN DA Y, on which nor.-
qi..a VESTV-I..LA will appear.
_ _ _ .• .
'4 . 2 60! E 2 601 *2 50!
63 boi 63 63: so!
$4 00! et (V I ti 00!
U 60! :4 601 $4 o 0
$6 COI I:J: .56 COI
Ed 601 35 :$5 607
Lore than liCholeutle Primer lee. than Itennr.-
larer's P ,4 ...! Leta than Avetfon Prier, •
Every Album vtirronred. and tatistactfon to the
par,basrr omoramorent.M. 'weep rritnded. Largest
kJ - e.t.t anonmca.t, and Invent price
Photograph Album and Card Millie Emporium
nelB rim STREET,/ eppoelte the P. tr.
. .
Mereliant Tailor
No. 70 Pederat Street:
arrow M. wed rabral Streets, .112rphoery,
01;0. A. icrtz.r, rp3rivany.
EirPhydrinzu• prescriptioas earettlly o - nnptnuad.
ifAHELAY,FARM. FOR SAL ,situate in
Went peen tonnnib Alkelem7 emerY, pa
mile from the thriving village of hiatenitown. ; C.
lama 103 twits, 70 af whisk' to charnel. The Impivaa
manta consist of a toinfortabis derelling home, hue
30x511, with artetudva stabling.; an orchard of • t.',o
bearing frail from; a never falling giving of cater at
bo door; water In every hell; =dor the whole
plat, Api,ty
Itte3 n mcwan a CO, DV l'inirth stro.t.
W TEMPritillwrzTlLlM.-1 Will soli to a pod:work
nui a my entire •trielt, coroi•tinp of croryibtog in the
Wellopmakiny BusiDEP%-"-nak, A• 11, Plon an,l hick-
cry Plank, Ailro, Split 'and &toed Tonfroor, 4,1500
fipotoi, and • largo lot of 'roma/ Sirohor, to I tri.h
tollee ml illtOritioP to the /thickamitp busior.
hiak.,r. Ingni
alarm. A rare
re`of cbuinin it ogled to a lifirifOn
' ' J. C ARAN?
rorMeodSvr Tozoporsocetille. ' '
OV11:104011g4S7. Wine Lola .
at Public Auction, by Heisia. }LAY'S &
WAYNE, at Yo. bt Tittb t; on WEDNESDAY,
Now. Wilk ISA at ID o'cineit a. on., lot of ..xn
detanoil V.B. 'TOOLE ' Tboycan bo soon at Hui Mx-
lion Emus on thoTitlt lust
Tercet eaob. E. H. E. WHITELEY,
/.foot. Col. of Ordnance,
Gointnanning'AlloubstiyAturnal. -
brio, Pastoospurzseetopirana Mir raw of
nen and elegant ants-whael steniner.Wk.
rI. Capt. Ilatunvl Navon.
th, above and all Intern... Date Inc dinglTaln LA I,
dlth Ingtant, at 4 tn.
For freight or paPpage apply on board or to
T. D. GILL Tut
_ - _
::c,44% 3 ,, - fl
1.G,~ ,{1.9
. 3 ..LiL r SE.2IEJf'2B
Lcarco sad
Stiniud night of the ni i tingagiinvirt ..ifAtte great
Who trill appear in the grand roman. lc. dtsnta ••ftlat
DUES'S morn)!
As playall in Lontl.,.six bundral night..
with the greatest sum..
Capt. Henri do Lazardiers.... W•wtrati,
who will sh. g ; thasong of tho - Dashln- Cassii,
and the Romance, this Haiti 1 'cost m 3
Views," airs all the original Mooic
740NDAY EVENING, 1% - cmcrlber 235,
rho eel , brated
Afflgist.l by the G.r.farml
ill app elol . o In 1.11 , 4 r
Grand Old Fashioned Concerts,
Crmnaetcing o.q
Monday Evening, Nov. 23d, 1882
dad contionins every erv,z,ing dazing the creek.
A D.V15./t):7
Dcone open et 7 o'clock,
TUFADAY, TIIMSDAY (174iing Day,)
• _
Tito BURST QUAND ItIATLS.EZ wilt tat - i -
Mr Tickets ewn te_recntwd garitlf the'tl.r . at
Ittwlc Stares, lebsr et Bro.'s, C. G. allue• And Charlotte. alwar.,'s
• . co/StSt
Pl 4 os. MUSIC, AV.
DECKERS NA N . OS:-.- 113 . ~.
of.tarl AJWlttli a Coaitr, c •
cort In P li%?A'ork, the editor Of the d ;C : •
Alksico.l &Wow' rood World toyltee th e
nrork ~ The } wt
d' Ca WI
...twat a Matttroarativety • nmir Arm, of. the. arono of
Decker Brothao, and oa•e. Tory gratify - 11g arialtru:
or aDollent nrorkmaanhip.and t
pmerind and brill/not
tuna Doctor'. Plano. aro undcabtiaily:thopat
r r awaractarod in Ulu ,Lotii,t r y..... ' . -
Rol° &Mo. for Pittsburgh,
J. M. 114M1PILIAN 11?11?"'
RN 61 F7FT)I stftickt
ITNASH ET . k , LINk.,, , .-,- ---,--
.W M;
- , --v. now c.ortaldered. the .I.,Mt flaw); -
hi the e'er:, BAWLS iiii lo - 9 -• P l. - . '
.1509 are the • brat Tlioca in 'the coot my; et .30
vrioo. GIIOVUTLIZN-A-CCIA4 PlX:iioii. inn 7 re,
tava resolitood. pity . warranted. fee' f'2sko - - 11 AP
SHALL ~ iiiirt . Ai;:k /t fixtivr Cam 3 - 1 . 4.1%',(15 fer - SP2S.
Jilillifii 5 . 11 .81.0D.F0,14 ,alr; Lv.4... -6.o4,tlices
from &. to C2-.33. - - - - "
' ' cilAf.fdirte liirkZ 1.4 rifth - oti,:a r ,f
AIIST/N - imursiita t~ COQ
Ittsialitatuip at bre totes on Greal.Elltd.
Okaplairie raga Limwsl or wmatairn •
'aciOtooftilmirOatititn partfaftlki;tll4;
`e • Wiiinwe' . 4aii . u * kleidi . loosl4o44l4o4
- I:3K