- _ .-. _ ..F ~.... ~.c.._.r.~=~c~. : _~ s. ' Vittsintrgli MONDAY BuntNnco:::::.zmtNOV. 2A, 1668 CITY AND SUBURBAN. pi - OFFICIAL PAPEIt.-sa Death of Thowas Rattlgen—Coroner's Inquest. On Saturday afternoon, at two o'clock, Cor oner McClung empannelcd a jury, at the office or Alderman Donaldson, and proceeded to investigate the circumstances connected with the beating of the late Thomas Rattigan. tbr. A. C. Murdoch was called and testified in substance that he was called upcn between one and too o'clock, Sabbath morning, the 15th Mat:, to attend a man at the Mayor's office. Ito dial not recognize the mon nt first, but soon discovered that it was Mr. Halligan, whom he bad known for many years. Ho was covered with bloc:1, which had flowed from wounds upon the head. His face was so emeo.red with congealed blood that be could not recognize his features. The doctor wo±nnder thr its pros lion that the blood upon -theft:Lee was several hours old, and that the injuries must have Leon inflicted at a much earlier hqur in the evening than alleged by the 'deceased. The wounds were not accident al. One-half of the scalp had been sepa rated from the skull. The wounds were all full c f sand, as though the struggle had taken place on a newly paved street. The grains of sand averaged from the ordinary grain up to the elm of a pin's head. These grains were found under detached pieces of the scalp,. and were Very difficult to remove. The hair was matted with blood apd sand. He was also bruised all o ler the body. The inside of one of his hands was badly lacerated, as though a rongh, hard instrument had been drown through it, tear ing the skin. He appeared to be perfectly a,, her when the doctor Sent saw him, and talked rationally. lie stated that he received his in juries on the Hand street bridge. After be was removed to his residence, ho was coined wfi'd inflammation of the bowels, which was rtlidved. Subsequently erysipelas set in, , which developed itself in the head and breast, and lse continued to slab ropily until lead,. 11., oedlh was caused by the injuries inflicted upon him. TL wounds could not have been made by falling, utiles. the deceased had fallen half a dozen times. The cuts we:a made repeated strokes, with an instrument of iron or hard wood. in reference to the men who attacked him, he elated that they followed him to the bridge; that they were four iu number, and that the struggle. took place on the bridge. Ho stated that lee would put e prosecute any of them. He torga, e them, and he hoped God would forgive them also. Ife I said he might know the men, but he would riot proseeutir , them, as he might bo mistaken as to who they were. This was about the sub stance of the doctor's testimony. John S. Adams teittified that Mr. Rattigan left his 02i .0, m the Monongahela llaa o, Water street, between eleven and twelve o'clock, on Saturday, tho 14th last., as though lie intended going to his dinner. He left his books out of the safe, and the ontor door of the safe open, as he was in the habit of doing. fle did not see him again, that day, and after seven o'clock in the evening the witness sent his son over to his residence, with the key, and this was the first intimation that hie fern .y received of his atienee. Patrick Doyle testified that he saw Mr. ltattigan, about twelve o'olock at night, at the railroad crossing on Penn street. lie was Burt then, and said he got the beating on the Hand etroet bridge. J. H. Lenahtut, tavern keeper, Penn street, testified that he now Rattigan, about midnight, near the canal bridge. Did not ask him how he got hart. Doyle was along with Rattigan. They stopped a few minutes at Lanahan's Eichange, and then went down to the May or's office. A tall man,unla >sn to Lanahan, loft Hattigan on the canal bridge. Officer Hobert L. Johnston testified that, on Saturday night, about eleven o'cloch, Doyle brought a bloody moo to him. He asked Doyle where ho got him, cud he'said at the centre ..f the Hand street bridge. They then took Lim to Dr. office, but the dea fer's wife said the doctor had gone to Wash ingtrn. After visiting some other doctor's office, he was taken to the Mayor's office. Hartigan stated that he had bean beaten with an iron bar, and robbed. He said three of the mon wore black soft bats, cud the fourth wore a white flush cap. One had a roundabout on. lie did not kisow them ; would not swear posi tively against them, and did not want any body arrested. lie said they were smooth. faced men. He said ho did not want to go home bloody to his family, and camp to Pitts burgh rather than to Allegheny. lie stated that he believed the men were robbers, and remarked that two men had been in his aloe. that day, asking about passage from Ireland, who were suspicious. IVhan he was taken home; a lady remarked, "Why, I thought you had gems to Wheeling !" Dennis Lawton was called and corroborated tLo above statement in ine main. D. B. Wakefield Superintendent of the Hand strec. bridge, testified that Mr. McKee, on hearing the report that the beating had occurred on the bridge, asked the witness to prevent its publi:ation, as it was not true. Thomas McKee, collector at the Pittsburgh end of the bridge, testified that he had known Rattigan for twenty-fire years, and teat he did not sec him dia. day or night. He did rot cross over, followed by four men, at the hoer of the nigh' alleged. The witness, about that hour, was in front of the office, washing the rivement, and it wag impossible foi the men to hare entered the bridge without his seeing them. He bad also examined the bridge, and farted to find any blood whatever. There was no sand on the bfidge either inside or outside. Tho Coroner then .adjourned the inqueet unt,l Friday afternoon next, et two o'clock, winu the members of the family and other 11 ... ai11e,05 will be exaa.ired. Ch ristian Commission. Roy. E. P. Smith, the Field Agent of the Christian Commission, in the Army of the Cumb.rlani, writes thus from Bridgepo,.. " We a. o just opening boxes of jellies and jr n.to The demrnd for them is fearful. I he Surgeon in distr . :: of the Convalescent Comp sent ne word this evening, 'the scurvy is treisithig 014.1111011 g our rasa.' lion would a barrel of pickets snit yon ? 'A barrel of p.a.els I they nre just what wo need—there could be nothing better.' In ten minutes one of your barrels was on its way to the camp. These piekcis are beyond all price. Send to, VII)r. Woollen under clothing, soaks and mittens, we must hare, and we depend on the , Pittsburgh Committee to send them. I am altaid cop supply of good, earnest Christian Delegates is not adequate to the work. Twelve men cannot do the work of thirty. Lo nut cut short our suppi j or working del egated. We are getting a groat work on n ds. S let' ons are multiply ing—four armies c,nbis nd.' Send all stores to the Christian Commission Store Room, 1 , 70. 76 Smithfield street, and they will be forsrarde&immediately. Ju.rrsd Or 3i P t.!.IVESTVALL—TitiI3 talented dy was unable to appear at the theatre on SAturday night, owing to a savor° cold, which Affected horroice so that she could not play n ith any degree of satisfaction. Many per sons were very much disappointed, but the play of Paul Pry was substituted, and all those who remained were rory much pleased estrali has been re-engaged for tiro nights, nd is announced to appear this evening in "Duke's Motto." CM' Hsu. will be upon on Tuesday and '.Volnesday morning*, from 10 to 12 o'clock, to reccivo contributions for the Dinner on Thanksgiving Day, to our soldiers in the hos pital. and camp. Contributions of Meats, turkeys and chickens can bo made on Tues day morning. Oysters, cakes, pies and bread on Wednesday morning. Tin Km° CAsz.--Dr. King, charged with aiding in the escape:of George Noulotto, a deserter, had a final hearing on Saturday, ha. ford Commissioner Sproul, and WAN hold to hailin the cam of $5OO, to answer at Court. eon was also hold in a like amount. Avvolniun.—Col. Thos. M. Bayne, of Roes Township, has been appointed recruiting ofd• cer in that portion of the comity lying north of the rivers. by Capt:Kirker, Provost Mar .chttl. The selection Is a good ono. Va. PLommen preached yesterday in the Central Presbyterian Church, Allegheny. Most of the eitypulpits were occupied during the day, by members of the Synod of the ierleayt Reformed church. General Synod of the GOrman Re formed Church. AFTERNOON SEASSON, Nov. 2L—ln the absence of the presiding °Meer, Rey. J. 0. Miller, of York, was called to the chair. The order for the day was laid on the table and Synod proceeded to the selection of a place for its next meeting. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo and Cincinnati were then nominated, and the;electioemade the special order fur 11 o'clock a. m. on Monday. Synod adjonrned till 9a. m. Monday. Religious services pre paratory to the Holy Con•munion were !hen bold. Rev. D. Gags preached the sermon, and Rev. W. E. Kiebs conducted the leilargi. cal service!. Ter-Centenary Eirrct.e. o n .shesedee Enemy. —This evening was set apart by Synod fur special services commemorative of the adop tion of the lleidleberg Catechism, three hun dred years ago. Thin Confession of Faith forms the only symbolical standard of the Reformed Church in the L'ited States. It was first published in the Palatinate, a beau tiful country along the river Rhine, under the electorate of Frederick, surnamed the Pious, on account of his deroted piety and alerting Christian character. The Protestant church divided already in the sixteen:!: centney - -en the doctrine of the mode of Christ's presence in the Holy Eucharist. Then all efforts to unite the different parties on the basis of the ! altered Augabury confession had foiled, the great and good Elector Frederick on the ad vice of Melanehtou, appointed Zech...h.. Ursinus and Caspar Olevianus to prepare a new Confession, totting forth the informed _stearin° in distinction from the Lutheran and Roman Catholics. Thasinns was the devoted personal friend and pupil of Melanchton and Ole•innus of Calvin, both were gifted young professors of theology in the University at I Heidleherg, when,' comes the name of the Catechism which they produced as the result of their lobs,. 00 the 10th of last January, ! the celebration of the Ter-Centenary of the Catechism was inauvurated by a gen. • oral Convention of the whole Church et Phil,, I dolphin. Many ra:aable tLcadogicial and historic-I , Church Music oesaye, from eminent Reformed dsrinee of - Europe and America, were rend before the I Mr. John %andel. organist of Plymouth Conventler, and have since Leen pitl , iished ife, 11. W. Leacher's) and editor of in a massive vethme, correctly styled the ,1„„,.„„i , N ow "Ter-Centenary Monument." A criti.il Tri-filet edifiers of the Catechism is German, . Verk. Will visit this city, in a short time, for Latin and Eaglisis, with u ' the et.rpoee , r-i,,tiag instruction on the durtion by Dr. Leen publisio.l organ, and raising the standard of Church inThandsome form. Alteo •iu general. the eie,.ct will 1,, to Besides special religious service, relating t this grand event, a comooro omonment, 1 “I, gather the :0,01 take, id file city for the the baptised and cor firmed member) , of the joint praftee of choruses selected loom the Reformed flinreh di be' 1111...::: during this ; ter,entchary jubilee year. Opportunity , beat 'fate rice (such a be afforded to each and all those enrolled to o and to Li in the ~ thus peer :mike free-will thank-offering terorno bet., thed before the a wanner calculated volent ehteEprise of the I' horch as e toot:SiLny tein-ore Cue re..llration of their besautiisul and of their gratitude for the good received fro, 1., give a eerie- of public nor the Ileidleberg Catechism and the Church ofnm feee• on the ofee , n, connected with vocal, the Ileidleberg Catechism . Messy theu.acds or cienriett• ,be., of strictly roll. have been already receirc•l, and the g h•I gin,.- r and of 11 high order of musical • tv, is slut gTe9 and to open ,moo's for the study of the The Ter-centenary exercises of this evening • 5e,.., ) , of music I th,oeugh Bass sod liar wereopened with the singieg of the Angelic , minty) enabling the sfTlent not culy to road : Hymn by the excellent choir, invocation Ly either reef.; cc instrumental music more Rev. Lichtenstein, the singing o f Luther 'a I easily, hut to appreciate it. food or bad eaal famous hymn, " Sea danket elle Golt," and • oi ss prayer by Dr. Zacharias. The CoUrNo will commence oil the Sth of De- Dr, Bomberger then addressed the meeting. comber, and those intending to join the else, 110 referred to the three-fold division of the , are roguesteo to study diligently tile text Catechism ' which observed the order adopted heel: entitled "Tratise . on 'Harmony and :ii.od by St. Paul in his great Epistle of the Romans. n lei ion," copies of "weiela eau be obtained at He illustrated by the three sacred mountain.. ! sr i Mellor's Mush. Stem. wit: Sinai, Calvary and Tabor. The law which teaches us our sine and miseries is given amid thunder and threatening,s o. Sinai. The only mode of deliverance from this wretched and helpless condition is by a tiring faith in the divine human person, and the meditorial work of the Incarnate Son of God who died for us en Calm/if. The necessary points of Info faith are seed in thankfulnes., eenevolence and loving obedience to all the demands of the Gospel of our Lord and 'fa. viour Jesus Christ. Dr. Kieffer then endeavored to choir the re :alien of the Claatechism to the Bible. The Holy Scriptures furnish the fonhdatien of our Christian faith, but we need some cent,: rule, a true stand point from which to view and un derstand the Scriptures. A good eatethism gives us such a ride, sanc tioned he the authority and hallowed by the faith and piety of the Church which, under the guidance of the spirit, is eettaindy,more.,.l:fete peep% for the work than any Merely private judgment. Individual interpretation, apart from the faith and authority of the Church, as set forth in her creeds and history, ,g.a.cr ally runs into heresy in doctrine, and fanat icism and schism in practice. We are only safe when iu living union with the faith, the piety and wisdom of the Church in en ages nit tilt- is expressed in the grand old symbols, and creeds which hare come down to as L.l - by the dearest associations and meet eheriahed memories of tho universal Christian Church. "Rel. Knelling made a good German speech, which we were unable to report. Father Rebaugh made the closing prayer and Rev. Winters pronounced the benediction Important Arrest or Counterfeiters On Wednesday night mat, Provost. Marshal .1. W. Cromwell, of Fairmont, W. V., ar- rested three men as suspicious character", upon whom were found several hundred dollars of counterfeit and bogus bang notes and counter feit portal currency. Two of the men came from thu direction of :Morgantown, and stop ped at a lintel in Fairmont, where they were arrested and committed to jail. They gave their names as John Wilson and John bmitls, and stated that they were from Penciylvanis and Ohio, and were going to Grafton. Wilson had $l6O in counterfeit lu's cn the Merchants' and Mechanice Bank of Wheeling: $76 in counterfeit 2's on the Caine hank; two b's on the Western Reserve Bonk of Ohio, and about $l3O in counterfeit cent Government our renry. lie had a!, over •,‘; , :i-lo in good money. Fsnith hod no counterfeit money but 5,C, in silver and $4.4 in en,reney. lie pretended lie had lost a pocket-book conta,aing the greater part of hie money, and wa. en eir , nreet 'Tito 41 lantern searching for is when arrested. 1 hey bad each a splendid :evolver, whi.h they card they bought in Pittsburgh, anew a week pre vionsly. They are both processed river won, and, according to their story, total the coun serloit money in a busted pile sit Brownsville, Penn's. The thud party got off the night train go ing west, and on comminution was found to l.'s, $11 . .1 of npurioils bills on n Railroad Bank, nod owe SIS in good money. Hin raw-, on written on hin pun from Col. Wilkinson, in N. W. Ilai.ernan. Ha saye he is from Pendleton county, Vit., and a deserter from the rebel nrmy. Foe alSit \Vivien 15:Wt.—The Sum is past,..,nad by the moroin-'s frost, we begin io apprehend, that f,tl and winter will se, tly ho upon us, and we must provide our _ttivos with the material to keep Us comfort -- I Death of a Gallant Ymttir, Soldier. o A Ver o co hm e c t .!%I suit ; a good and Well made the very i hng and we do The war ie fast thinning the ranks of our hut know of any place where ! Oar readers young and vigorous men. Another, of our would suit themselves bolter than at Messrs. W. 11. McGee d C' ' l3 clothing establishment, neighborhood, has just fallen in the servile, oilier of Federal street and Diamond Square, and joined the great army of martyrs who ' e Alleghemy. They here also received a mm bore laid down their lives fur their mono try. plate assortment of gentlemen's furnishing James Ewing, Into of South Fayette township, ; guudr, and a great yariety of now patterns for in this county, a brother of Thomas Ewing, H"';'"tingt • Esq., of this city, died last Saturday evening , JUST RICEIvIeD sir 1. XIALDT 1011 Seta.—The of injuries received, and .disease contracteii , fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, in the service. I lately received by Messrs. John Wiot k Co., Sixteen months ago this excellent young Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al citizen was surrounded by all the comforts of , legheny. The stock of clothing consists of an affluent home, a wide circle of friends, and I sho finest variety of genie' pantaloons, voiti, good prospects of prosperity. All these he coats and overcoats . The style of patterns is left from pure motive, of patriotism end duty. i tasteful and fashionable. We would invite Ile joined the let Penneylvanid cavalry, and . all of our readers to give the above gentlemen was soon in active service. Active and sevtro • a can. service he saw for many months, especially • during the late invasion of our State, when, I W.reitra, Jeirtutr, ko.—J. M.' Roberts, in Gregg's division,be was for days and nights ; No. 17 Fifth street, is now opening the most almost constantly in the saddle; and during choice stock of fine Bold and Silver Watches, all his service he acquitted himself as a breve I Jewelry, Silver ware and Laney Goods over end faithful Christian aoldier. Disease at i itispi.sed in this city, and is selling them at length prostrated him, and with only suffil - remarkably low prices. i dent strength to reach hie borne . he, too, hee • - - died that his country and freedom may live. 1 Osstritre and carnage calls will be taken at the Omnibtui office, No. 410 Penn street, day „ The Old Folks. jor night. All orders left at the above plain I will be promptly attended to. All calls must Tho Continental Old Folke, whose presence , be paid in advance. is never fail to awaken the memories of "long I • Fyne," will give their first entertainment... t 0.:. • C. Sew., Dentist, 248 Penn street, will tend to all !hottest of hisprofeetkn. at evening, in Concert Rail- Tho troupe is , . headed by the popular and talented songs- "*. DIED: trees, Emma J. !abbots who promises to pro- I IfF.SDKILSON.—On Fridil evening, Dinh inst, sent to her numerous a dmirers here several second EMMA. ond dau ter otJazie and Samuel DOW productions. She will be assisted by firodorton, aged yaall an 3 mouths. Edgar Browne, the distinguished harpist, Ths.trionds of the family are Invited to attend the together with a full company of first class vo- funeral, on AlonnaY, at 10 o'elook a. m., from the enlists, all dressed In the unique style of the rewdonce other parents, In the rear of Dr. fiproull's "Continentals." The first matinee will he thumb, Allegl,ny City. given on Tuesday afternoon, at two o'clock. M Saturday, the 21st et.. in thin city . Go early, if you don't wish to be ou t. crowded „i,t sits Etc' NG. of Comp., K, Persons desirous of avoiding a crowd at the w,oin, tip, at yrais. ticket Dtßeo to-night, can procure tickets Funeral from his late rmidence in South Fayette during the day, at Eleber A Bros., Charlotte townellip, on TVZSPAY. the 24th Met., •t 10 a. m. Blame's or at ?teller's music store. Friend. an invited to attend. • .. ,•••• . " Relief for the Prisoners at Richmond ---Important Information Tho Visited states Claristiar. .Commisson ha, issued a circular containing the following Important information about sending l^•ters, money and supplies t the prisoner• in Rich mond, as follows Lctiert- - . ..,;t,rs should be written on a half sheet of note or letter paper, and only ra one side. They should rotate soioly to matters purely domestic. Inclose the letter in an un sealed envelope and put in five cents fur post age. Address it to the person for whom it is intended, giving his company, regiment, and the prison in which ho is confined at Plchmonl. Virgiuia. On the left hand corner mark, •• Via Flag of Truce, mire of Brigadier General S. A. Meredith, United States kom te.issionerl for Exchange, Fortress Monroe, Virginian' Then inclose it in a sealed enve lope, addiessed to "Brigadier General S. A. 31eredith, Fortress Monroe, Va." Mousy— Money to be sent in the'same man ner as letters. It will be taken in charge by the rebel authorities at the prison, and given little by little to the person for whom It is in tended. fior , s--Pcrsons sending boxes will do well to oh.orro carefully the following directions 7 Mark the Nam• of ike person, ...... neyr. Nison, "By rb v ,. , Truce:* Richmond, Vo Caro of Brig. Gem. S. A. Meredith, Vommissioncr for f;rehangs, rorrress Monroe, Virginia Put in an unsealed enrelopd, directed to the party in the prison, an cruet lnvoice (marked freight paid) of the contents of the box. In r'',.se thin envelope, with tho Express Com pany's receipt and five cents for postage, in another envelope, sealed and directed to lien. Meredith. Send this by mail. Send the box by oe press, fr. •It raid to fl.-tre. Monroe. If rhero are wore boxes than one, number each our, mid mark opposite the number In the invoice the contents of the box. Very etuall pnA3gos may non Le Pent t,t th e RIOT room of the Christian Commivion, N. 76 Smithfield street, Pillebargh. llis Identity. pa:hrt, r. •rr of the deed Union sol dier f.•und on the battle-field of nettysburg, with a photograph three beautiful children •leo +.2 in hie sligened hand, it painfully Lonlitir t,, ail our readers. TLo identity of enat dead hero has just been aoccrt.tinc.l. The nom•. .1 the • .taecved wa. Ilue,nterton. Ills and three children reside at Portrille, Cat rerettgua county, New York. Larl.,, nom- here of copies of the piet,:re upon wkii...ll the dying oyes .t.` the Tr,rier-fath •,. eloped, hat, been Thu profit realized from their sale will ho aitprspri.tted to the t,netit of the eitiblre, It is Loped that a ..utlit—ent sus w.y bo noticed in this way, , and by future ',ales, to aid materially in if., eciusltion of the little ones lc'. , were made 1 .,.. arphans at Gwttys I, “rg. ,. The Municipal Elections. Our citisens are beginning to consider the , sub.; c....t of th e appr. aching municipal elections. Amongst th0,,0 gicon to city polities, the ..r., - .1i!• atilt. , andidates for tho mayoralty are hclog earnestly discocsed. In this city Messrs. Tames Lowry, NT. C. McCarthy, and his honor. the present incumbent are candidates. In Allegheny, Capt. Simon Drum, and his honor, A. c. Alc.candcr. The candidates for coun cilmen, and other li:tunic:pal officers, hare not yet beta i.rtmed. RAPID TELEGZI•r::ING.-011 Saturday night Mr. Kennon, of the Cincinnati office, received from Mr. R. C. Duncan. of the Western Union Gee, at this pines, eighty messages in fifty minutes, without once interrupting for repeti tion, each message, averaging twenty-five COM 11...y0u want dry goods, boot, and shoes, hoop skirts, cloths and cassimeros, notions, etc., go tc McClelland's auction house. No. :,3 Fifth street, where may be found a large stock, and at very low prices. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICE". Tizo PARRY, PIAIII and 0111.011111LIO Slue Hoofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont elate of the best quality at low rates. ioe at rtiax. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • SVIOND A IMF,' 41. OY FALL /JED GOODS, just received or bam'l Graham & Co.'s. Mer chant Tailors, No. 54 Mat ket street. It con of all the very latest styles of cloths, ca,xlmeres and •estings; overeoatings of all binds of the very finest quality, all of which I. selected from the latest importations, and will Is, wide ap in the most fashionable and be :t manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of goods to ~clect from, that cannot be surpassed •• . y any other In the rit , every garm , nt warrar.te4 a pc.:leet fit, would do well to give as an early call. SAMIAL Goonac & Co., Merchant Tailors, No. b 4 Market Rt. GRAN/AI, - Gat. ItiCC.O.xxsa. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. FROM WASHINGTON Spacial Dispatch to Ow Pittsburgh Gazette. WASSINOTON, Nov. 22, ISZS =I The printing of the National Bank Notes commoneed on Monday in New Turk. The Treasurer puts a gilt letter on the paper be fore sending it to the engravers. The temporary loan having greatly de creased, Secretary Chase is enabled to draw upon $50,000,000. ADTICT.B MOX TUA-TANDEILDILT Tha Navy Department hem advises from the Vanderbilt, tvbieh was at Mauritius at last aceounts. The Alabama is reported in the bay of Bengal. Early in o . etober, the Vanderbilt, two days out, fell in with a Dutch vessel in distress. . , Sho towed her in, losing fOur days. The Van derbilt was thus informed that, the Alabama. rrt:en last beard from. was in the Day of Bcognl. RIALTEI OP Tll2 Tr.trIITCIULS. The report. of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, will show that the fol lowing territories are rich to gold and sil ver: Idaho; Norada, Washington, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. New Mexico ■nd Idaho aro especially rich in gold. In the former it is now being dttg out with the rud est im,,le..tents, M astonishing quantities. There are also gold deposits in rtah, but the Mormon/ do all in their power to ttrevent the settlement of the country by anylithers tarn those of their own faith. Tho richest mines yet found in Arizona ate on the branches of the Rio Colorado, which runs into the Gulf of CsitfernM. The Territories of Idaho, Colo rode and Arizona hare also large beds of coal. llep?rts front Gurreyor•Oeneral Clerk, of New Mexico, fully establishes the truth of rich deposits of gold in Arizotte. I= The scceesi"nlete nro exulting over the re p•irt et' elev. Bradford's reported intention to rctuse eettin ates of eleeLian to the Marylona Corgress:ocu. inesinosh as it amounts to tak ing the State Ott: A* the 1 7 Ilinn, BO far as hir action conid affect it, by rofoiir.:: to %Noir it to Lc represented in tho United States Con gress, three of thriso electct haring hail no opposition through the entire co.nrass. sitiss'isio AT JOHN 01000 norm'. General Meade sod Staff and Corps com manders dined with Jam Saner Botts yester day. Mr. Botts has written a letter on =- donel polities to the Itiehmond E.vomitter, which the 3:c rthern Associated Press will give to the country. AILEO ED ournAura, Postmaster General Blair has been calling the President's attention to alleged outrages in Crisfield's District, In Maryland, and the President calls for pruOrs, and says when they are prod“..cd he will punish the officers who here committed them. =I Blair't speech at Rocketlle, anti Jiatriltuted among tho postofficte clerks Is headed "de fence or the polier of the Preeldont, and in opposition to thn efforts of tho ultr.t nl.oli•ion i?te to blot out the touthern Stntes, E ITU .1 Balt 'CORPS LEVI NW MI. Th., review of the 6th army corps l•r1 Frilay dellghted the English niZeors. The sth corm uv hare been reviewedter•lay but the rain prevented it. =I Much solicAtle*lelt here for the condi tion ortisrnaide's rorees7lt is believed that when the facts are •ll known. It will be seen that there were satisfactory •.•azons for not f urnithing reinforcements. TUE DISMISSAL OF IDWAIIDA Mr. Lincoln's friends are still r ery busy in insisting that Bates' letter, dismissing tho Missouri official, Edwards, (or being n radical, had not his authority nc laiowledge. =I Our engineer officer, hmT, born making tii pographical views of the Rapidan fords, the enemy's woks, places to pLnc batteries, it. Among the late arrirals hero are Cul. S. H Cong-resetnau from Missouri; Borer .re Brough, Dennison and Morton, and Glen no Love RICLIRVED FROM COMMAND Colonel Mclic:,.) nms , been relieved Crow tae command of the Conralescent Camp. tie!, Abercetubie bucceeds him. I= The copperhead candldatst for clerk a* c Edward Wendel', old contract printer under Iluehannan, and Thomas J. Florenre. of Phil adelphia_ The IntePigene or Satniday, it, out d.•• nouncing the elec er tion in Delaware n farce, and naying tt waa practically no election. EtE:MIEM! lau friends of Judd, R. S. Minister to Prussia, are representing that he would be a good man to make a vacancy in the Cabinet. DECIDED MBE TAXABLE Income iltsgralng from professional or other sources tJan inerestments. is derided in tie tenable. Thll Omen, Bureau will hare three volumes of the:toll report of the l sited Statea census flr ISP.O, r., u i c ot.t! week. Emerson Etheridge and Chester, of 111., appointed by 'Stanton on the board I, visit the hoepitals, are compelled to dr,litto. FEE= Rdwaril Everett is hero. Bo is the guest of Wise, the hoad of the Ordnance Bureau of the Navy, his eon-in-low. EL= Cols. Carr, Church and Monk, Illinois Com missioners to Gettysburg, are in town. EISIMMEI3 Stadium Court Benno bee not been ocoupied yet. Mar TUE Lair. The newe from the army caused diehpoint moot. =LEI Six per cent. interest-bearing notes are nearly rawly. Er=l Moro hat been no advance yot Important Captarea—Captaln Wadden Accidentally shot. oe ettao, Nov. 22.—Cois. Bell and Faulkner, of Jackson, TODD, with about 3,000 rebels and two rebel mail carriers, with about 1,000 let tars, were recently captured near Somerilile, Tennessee. A train of ton wagons, loaded with eavelry clothing, f WI route from Little Rook to Renton, was captured by sixty guerrillas4atte wagons wero burned and the clothing carried off. .., • • . Capt. Bradden, of the gunboat No. 9, was accidentally shot on the 14th, near Skop- Asith's Landing. From pew &Miaow'. New OIILLLNB, Nov. 13.—The 13th Army Corps, lately operating in the Teohe country, embarked to-day at Brashear City for some unknown point in Texas, by way of Berwick's Bay. The steamer Caroaesian arrived here to-day, and reports the disappearance of the yellow fever from the blockading fleet off Mobile. The trade with St. Louis, on private no count, is rapidly increasing. A rumor is Prevalent to-day among the secestdon sympothisin of a rebel defeat in Western Louisiana. •Kw.Pg New Yore City Itamo. New roar, Soc. 'n.—The Edinburg tosk ont half a million in specie. _ Pepon h Naito. via dealese, tailed ycitsr d The C.nrenticn in this city for raising fug, hiss raised the fare to Chicago front .TlB tog :A. Mr. King, .liinister to Rome, ant John E. Marks, sailed to-day. The The..' speciai, :bred Washington "_oth not., says: T.o regent captures of blockade runners off Cape Near river has so frightened the North Carolina rebel State authorities het they hare srittnirewn from the business tbemzeirue,and hare farmed out thepririlege of importing contraband goods to private partica. . _ Thn Hospital Exam !nine Hoard has been ordered to exatnine.tlie Cni Statos general hospitals hi Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Saint ,Louis, Chieaso, Mound City, Cairo, IL 114 in the vicinities of each of these cities. A:so to re port on the manner of furvartung (*l:wales cents from these hospitals to their regiments, and to +uggestinespares to facilitate their re turn. New Toxic, Nor. 22.—An Army of the Po tomac dispatch of the .2lst states that the ar my is not adriuscing. The rain bee .eaused some mud, but the loads will noon be dry. A Washington special to the status that spFtehension is felt for the safety of Burnside. The junction of Eherz.r.a with Thomas enables Grant to reinforce Barnsi•ir . A Knoxville lettor to tho Herald of the ith, mentions tloo fight between the Union ,and robe) North Carolinians, on French Broad Trot, in which tho former whipped the letter. During the fight many of the rebel troop? ?hodaddied to the Union rft , ' es, and poured in their fire into their former oomrade?. The Herald has a letter, dated Annapolis, Yovetri` , er list. of the 350 rowelled Unionists, who arrived there from Itichtecnd. Six died on the passage. The 350 were the best that could be pinked out to send. Thee ail confirm the previous aceounts or horrible hardships and sufferings. A Memphis letter, of the 10th, to too Ames, states that the Memphis A Charleston Rail road is being abandoned by our forces, as the ex tre s te 4 , arriving from of if ding belowit is ito repo too gr.M. rt repeated attacks by guerrillas on th• river. GOT. Ramsey, of Mionesara, has brought to Washington a treaty with the lodhar..; GO the border of the Red river, by which wo acquit 11,000 acres of land. ( I, ,strertion•rt., traders from St. Pant are removed. The HeraiTA r.--ay of lits.:.Pote , mae patch. •tat, :bar , •or rAralry ..m•upy Cayerper, but our infantry Itax"'not—yet adraneed to that point. it eeme rnmor,d iu corn}, ehst Loo h fallen book from IL, Derree in the rear:Of our forces r' o to be mostly by deserters from our oseu arm). The Texas Ik";ximdition Tone, Nor. 21.-.:The Port's cur - es ' , undone say. • Gen. linnit'n gyred Browne villa on the sth inst., ',Wildman force. The rebels had burned i e old G. S. ltxr • rick.) there, and a large aut44at of other pro perty, and part of the town, plutdered all they could, and fled on thebitt. Our prospects aro good,.•but Banks nerds [0,400 or '2.000 more troopv. The people are generally locatable to the Union. The Mexican General. Calms, who was a refugee in Brownsville, was called upon by the civil authorities to organize the citizens, to arrest the plundorlag of the rebels and pot out the conflagration. After thee en trance of Gen. Banks, he, with his tomes, advanced to Matarebrae and drove out Rueis, who was favorable to ns and sought refuge in Brownsville. Ile hoisted the;French flag. The next day Cahaa was attacked by ittlie.s party and Cabs, shot Rolex. lie was again rein stated, but was again forced to fly by Corto was, who has seized Matamorns and has issued a prononeiamento re-establishin gtherMexicfmt Constitution of 1857. ilea. Fenno of the J ear" Government Is to take command. Rules is again in Brownsville. - Cotten., has eb ,rn his friendship for the Union by loaning se, eral very valuable steamers to Gen. Banks. - On tho nigh: of tho 7th, another revolution was orpeerei in Matamoros, but It failed , e eomo off. Part of nor for...es were kept ready :L.t toero.s. and protect the American °usure 1...1VDC, Gen. Siterdiudf . g !tercet Niilltary Order lu 31emplOs. Cara°, Nun. .12.--lidlhptils d'attzar Me 19th soy the recent toilitwf oikkr3 creat•-1 ;TOst excitewent there, and every potion whoa. actions are suspicious is immodiatnly con soriptod. Xn passes to leave the city are granted to any but thoou who are well known an..l Ll,ore euepicion. A new ordor has Lees issued for the pur pose of cnrr:,'ng into cfrz:t the previous order to the following purport : All able-bodlod men who do not enroll their nernos in some mili tary company, within ten days' front the data the order will be impressed into the ro; , si States service. Cols. Bell and Faulkner are Roar Jackson, Tenn., with two or three thousand rebels. Two rebel mail carriers, with about a thou sand Liters, Worn recently captured near Somerville, Tenn. A train of ten wagon,, loaued with cavalry clothing cm route to !Atte Bock, to Benton, vverecantured by sixty guerrillas. The wagons were burned and the clothing carried off. C4pt. Bradder, of the gunboat No. 9, was ccid-tnaoy shot on the 14th noar Skorwith's Landing. Attacked bjo Mosby's Guerrillas-30in Minor Botts—Strength of Gen. Lee's Arm. - . ITsaniknos, N . 22.—Yestorday after noon nI--c t wined) , f Moshy's men approached srirain three miles of "Walton, with ihe inten tion of ranking a raid upon the railroad, being dressed. In Federal °MCorp.. A detaah went of the I nnd Pth Pensylvania Cavalry, who wore in the immediate neighborhood It the time, mistook them for frioutis but loon discovered their error, when the rebels fired& volley into them. The rebate ware instantly pursued and driven into Snicker's Gap. Six of the gang were captured. At the ',test ac counts our cavalry had rt,t returned. John Minor Bock, who is new nt his resi denoe at Auburn, Culpepper county, previous to our recent advance, over the Rappahannock, sent a letter to the Riettpond F.—miner on the subject of hie arrokt and treatment. It is full of interest, and a copy bar been obtained for publication. Impresaions in regard to the enemy's strength on the Rapidan. are I arioul. Some maintain that Lee's entire (nit, does not e.l - 3f,0011, while others place it as high as 45,000. It rained all day yesterday. The.Correepondenee Between the Com.- m Issloners of Exchange. Wsautaarax, Tor. 7.2.—Gentlemen who ar rived here from Fortress Monroe state that they heard there that the cerreeponuenco of the respootive agents for the eichange of pris oners has generated into personalities, and lose of mutual' confiden,. Their usefulness is thereby impaired, and hence the opinion is strongly expressed that if there could be a change of agents an exchange of nearly all, if net all, the prisoners might be effected. The arrangements for all branches of tho public service, for the flees' year ending with the last of Juno, were $003,000,000, of which amount $68,000,000 was for the army, and $86,000,000 for the nary. A sufficiency of money. has been placed in the bands of all the paymasters to pay our ar mies up to the present month. Cen. BarnsMee Andy Barn—Lee , ■ Army Probably Planketkby Mende. Nair Toga, Nov. 21.—The Poses Wash ington lettor says: Tho War Department has adriees from Gen. Burnside to-day, and It is stated in otEmial circles that they are foraging, and no fears for his safety aced be enter. Wood. The army of the Potomal is OM moving southward. It occupies Madison Court Homo to-day, which looks v-try Mad ison like a flank tnovemet. Pontoons went aown last night. Our cavalry has already, it is Pahl, got to the row of Oen, Lee's forces. .No doubts are felt in the minds of intolllient men as to the resale of en engagement be weon Gen. monde and Lee. Another Rebel scheme vett:taros,. Vt., Nov. 12.—Considerablo excitement was.causod yoatcnlay et R 1611301 Point and St. Albans, by ,the reportr that a body of secessionists in lifOntroal bad planned to seise Fort Montgomery 4 destroy the draw bridge at Ramos Point and plunder Flatsburg and Burlington. •Information of such a plot reached Gor. Smith and Collector Clapp; of this port. On Friday they 001:0190131elltill witb the °Meer in charge of Fort Itoatgomory, who soon had its gone ready to give the rene gades a warm reception. This rehema was probably linked with the Johnston's Ireland prOleet. . , I=ll=3 Sales of FITe-Torentles. Peru.i.oZt.rilll, Nov. 22.—.-The subscription gent reports that the sales of fire-tesentise elrtreed V.,011 1 ,.755 cm. Setu:day, mud dur ing the week $5,317,450. The most or the subscriptions cans from the Western end border States. Diaryland, Konsuoicy, Mis souri and Nantes eartezibutted largely. Fire In Cincinnati—Loss of Life. CISME:TAM NOV. 22.-IEI6 Greenwood's machine stops, corner of Canal and Walnut streets. were partially. destroyed by lire at ono o'cic.na title rooming. IC., is about $200,. 000---insnrod for $lOO,OOO. One firemen was killed and several wounded by the falling of the walls. Sentenced tcoLthe Penitentlary. Wanunrcron, Nor. 2:h—John K.Stotler ' of Philadelphis,luts been sentenced by a eeext martial to fire years imprisonment in the Albany Penitentiary for fraud, Lu furnishiig' supplies to tho army- The soutane* has beep approrea by tho President. Gen. Loaan. emetic-Li ^o.—Maj. Gen. Logan and •tall p 4 and through flare to-day ea rowte to Nathrillo. rtiv.tt INTELLIGENCE. The river, under the influenee of the meant rains, eras rising rapidly last evarang with Mil el ht foot in the channel by the pier mark.. This rise appear. to have emhsted entiredy in the Monongahela rtrcr, a. the Allegheny op to lest night, bad riven but a few !aches. Ttcre is however, t pcnil '!!ty of &swell to thelast named :deer, but It le not probable, a. dis patches received from .011 City en Seturl,y roported the Allegheny et the point, with cold weather and no rain. Buelnesecontinsins quits active !ha whirr, with 1 , large eblyniento mina improved receipt,. There hays ; been no ortivale from below On. Friday . The Emma I Glrishem from Zanesville will foood LL the wharf thin morning, end theft. Patrick from Cincinnati le expo, - e-rice a nt 1 .9 new staaloer Julia ch-an,d tor 7...caci11.• on natorday oveeiri, with n fair trip, and the Parat ,' left for Louisville ou Sonday ammo,. The 01 City erriserd from the "loud of groase,** on Saturday night. Titers ato rpitte a...plumber of .•broad-hort." momod In the river oppoaito thy.! Wharf, reedy to leave for Clueinnati r ./amis./11k. inzotother point river, suet ea noon es literals 'water enough to let Ph-na out. &nue .f or -Mtn entertained hopes yeatsr 4 a< of a - 11.1.0 at riso, i o • i:ar taai their bop. will not he realised, UMW/ the Alirgbeoy river . 1 ....tn. fort. I 6. W. Elitiert late of tiro licat..n has con tra..•toil at l'inciuhati for a flue ihaart, tiiwill laum through the present cacti locks at toularlile. She will it Is mud he of march. T. suestner llay Doke sta. s.sh.l on Friday lest to Capt. Sheety and other. of anslnnoth She Is to to placed in the Cintinnatt acd slur:l:or:and river trade. Passenger. an. sialppers should remember that the neat and commodious packet, Reserve, Capt D. H. Herron, leaves for Clasen/nail this evening. Ur, W. Al. List, firmotly of the Sallie List, vs!ll be fauna In tIL., Alen r4dy to wait on those having business alth the Rearm. The Adelaide, Capt. Miler, la announced for Cincin• nut. Louisville and Nashville The Adelaide has been thoroaghly overhauled and repaired, and Is non tret rote condition. • Markets by Telegraph. New loan, Noy. 21 -e-Cotton dull and drooping at ggfing.*!....e Fir middling, uplands. Flour, In better and tommierate demand et fin. extra St "' ; [r ---- --PltrirATE DISEASES; 57,55g7,60 for IL 11. O.; ,nrra,so for trade brands„. market closing quiet. Whisky, excited and Bgrn j bugled"; Part last evening sold at iot,a,7sc, but chiefly Dr..Ludlum's Spec4c e. 701:373c. W brat, firmer, but quiet at 51.4241,1 n; Chl.ngo spring atold On Is the only reliable remedy for diroasea of the ary....1,1 Mliwankee Club at sl,4feii.4g; amber Milwaukee at $1,:441,00, andwinter 4.1 si,ci t ga, , a. of generation. Ti ts the LB. - every of en en:lnept firmer: western $,30. C orn , excityl, and Kyj higher; demand for epee:dation: shipping Physician whose lift AO> devotoit tv the treaty:mot mixed v. antes, st,icgtoi in store, cl..tint; Brit: at I bet:, figures. Oats, excited, and 2.4.1 c higher, with I this clam of dlsemiea, sod with rusprocednuted good badness doing; western and Stank aiming at outside quotations. Wont, tory gnu. P.M:, La- cog.: for more thou twentY.rearg. it it pm - fade, in changed and In fair demand. Lard, :01e; and steady. j Butter, firm; Ohio, itdragnc. state eneera, firm on Itgolf, requlrfn no Jnjoollorot, ate! differing •otir, ty 1351:'.0 common New York Stock and Money Market. ; from the rosettes the "seer'', worth- Mnner Is n unto osn•V', her ennui es art!- , ; lean compounde of r :be put !nc. 1: is eat:I.:I; lag firmer nut quiet - at In:Pal:A% far first class Geld unsettle: wad firm, eovning a; 54, declining to I vegetable and perfectly gat, .IL nuts like a ahem, advancing to and :lades firm at 53}•t. The . total exports of specie to-day were and Impute atrongth and •rigrat to the dta.n'ead career:mem Stocks quiet and steady ; t". F. trs 81; Conpoce., 107% ill sIOC/p. Ins•ta Stocks at Beyond Board firm and active. I Claceggen.,--The Arent etecnres of this remedy Bret. N. Y. C. itarlem Butting parmauent cures hag led in Its being in.itand Erie ...... ......... C C It I 'GT % ,by unprincipled mon. Otworro, therefore, that lbs grading' - I'Lst; MdPDC al I Eno p —..102tn S. Ft. W. k C j signature of the proprietor is around cant: box. Noce Mich C.... ...... .... A .k T , other is gounims. Prepared only by ME P. DAVIDBOI4, dole Proprietor, Cbacirmati, Bind by ill aro. Prier, 81 tor Sox. Mir /or ago at wholesale by GEO. 1 - 1. RHUMB, 110 Wooiltreat. Jo2tlydrorlr BTE.4.I7TISOwITS FOR \V HE ELI NG, MARIET- f - TA AND ZANESTILLE.—The fleas - passenger ssoamer r. id 31 .1 CRAIfAM, Mono, Ayres; mar:under, leave. Plttaburgh every TUESDA Y, at 4 p. m, gold Zane.vtll. ever. FRIDAY... 8 o'rloa. a. m. The nos steamer JULIA, Wm. Coulon, Com. m.ndor, loaves Pittsbureh every SATURDAY, at 4 p. m., and Zanesville every IIiEzDAY, at fl s'rlook m. For ft...lea or psuage apply on hoard or to J. IV OOLLIAGWOOD, Agent, Pittsburgh 11. 9. MRCS gt CO., Agents, Zmoorvllle, Ohlo. Fox cr_ccissArri, LOUIS MILLIE ANp The floe steamer ADELAIDE, Capt. A. Miller, leflt leeve an abnra on MONDAY, the 234 Instant. For ~..„LL or parrage apply on Iv and or to JOHN FLACK, non .1 D. COLLINGIFOOD.} A P"'" LIORCINCINNATI & LOU .L ISTILLE.-1 - ae 11r.e slew atcatner,l I'ABAIION, Capt. Donnell:, will Imre ae &ben on THIS DAY. 21d inst., at 4. p. ro. For freight or paraoga apply on board or to J. D. UOLLINGWOOD,• nob) JOHN FLACK, f agante. 1 - 4 1 0 R CINCINNATI & LOL'- • _ ISVILLE.—Th. epleniLid atertmer - P.CSERVIC Oept. D. B. Horton, will lease se above IMP DAY, Vdd that., at S o'clock p. m- For freight or Tauaage apple no board or to JOHN FLAe'F, non J. D. COLLINGIVOOD, Agents pid.roS, Jlligam, tie plANOt3.—Tho ettbsoriber hse the pl.aeare to announce that hel IV g has Just returned from Fes York and Baotou, ahnre he has selected from the Factorise of Chicketing a Sons, Unitas & Poo, 111,151t0n Pros., W. P. gmenon and otht.ss, • .plendLl wortment of PIANOS, brach,: all nilm of flnlah, (tom plain to ettra carved The.. holt una•tan wall arrive during this and th. corning w,A, and the attention of parahaaep 6 n. sr•ctfolly solicited to them. H' PBIO/3 TO SCIT ALL. 'GS CHAS. C. MELLOR, 81 WOOD STREET. rIEI3K ER'S PLAN OS.— J. F siveaktai _of WI Amihnbi's Oon e„* in New Tork, tho editor of a' Mt... 14 Swim and World mime tho following r. marks: The instruments used on this occeedini were of a comparatively new firm, of the nun of Dicker Brothere, and gars very gratifying evidence of vadellant workmanship and pecirerild and brilliant tone. 'Docker's Planes are turioubtodly the bort manufactured now in this country." Bob 'rata Ibr Pittsburgh, J. 11. HOFFMAHIII & BHA, No. til nrrn STBENT 1:001t BALE.—A three-story, modern m ) :. neat. Brick Building. new occupied In Meade. Dunlap A Luker, dry good. merchants, on Federal street, near the Market, Allegheny City, having • front of 20 test, and 110 Bet In depth. Tor tams, Aw., inquire of Id re. SALLIE UKIAH. Baden, Deaver Co., Pe., or of Mr. .1010 131101 VB, Jr., corner of Federal street and the Dlamoud, dioOy Clky. If nOt auldhafora the 210ttt Mut., It will be eared at. Public Aldo, a Country Residence.. 20 tail., emu the rite, end about three minutes walk. from L,gen's duktiou, cc the Pittsburgh, Fort Wins & Chicago R. 8., with a modermatte 'building, plume falling Indian, end • Large quant ity of fruit hearing tretw,graperke, dewberries, &e. Tor meth:eddy enquire es Ogee. • ‘gi Big . 6.,lckley Bottom, 1d ACM"( ground, situated new Leetsdale, on the Pitt/blare:6 .Yon Wayne A Chicago R. R., on the hank of tn. Ohio river. Terms de!. Eterdre es Woes. nolemodivr EaLLIX. !ACAS. TB ifollBlllifinUt • Mig,l4 FOR John Mann & VOA Soda Ash, la oeslataatly wearing the unneodda M Will B .n en the nevi favorable term. Thia Asa . tr Pazi;va• larly Wailed to the menutheont et OWL 0. W. CHI11102:11.111C, . ' lona non writs7:PhilsotilAls. bAtels9o4 I 1 1 ! 1 1 Z 72 : = 2 = M i 1 T.-1860--X Perseus of sedentary habits, tumbled lath w•ass• bees, lamitude, polpitsOon of the heart. petite, distress after, oatht . toryqd ttOO, to., &acres to iftirkr 2f : - they will 0.4 tri the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS_ I , Which are now recommenuel by the. Mgt:Get antheriths, and cArranted ro p.r•dnos an hattelkirl efhtt. They are exceediattly et-reetbJe, Ptelbtiky pap and most supe.-c..,1e all other ton'', .where a healthy, gentle atininlant I. requirteL Thele p=ify, stre:o.hez and tiet,prate. They create a healthy appetite. • They Ir.= ort:l.A. to =Anne of water and dint. They Overoome effects of dissim..t. ton and late bones. 'ahoy earongthen the Nyman anti calls= the They prevent miestratin and intermittent force.. The; purify the breath luel acidity of the ananach. They rzr, Dyspetala end Constipotirm. , They cure diarrhea, Cholera :red ehelera Tay:ram Liver CemplaMi we Nerrette IThey make the weekatrong, the and are. exhaturred nature . l groat restorer. They on taxpow of the celebrated Ca:l,4a bark, winter green, mantras, mote and both, ail preeerry.l in ped , ,ct!y pot, St. Cr.:: Item. or particu!ars, droulars and teetbrioniale around care t...ottie. Beware of truprviere. Ratmalue every tattle. that It hee ti. S. 124rttes' ,ur privet , I". r.'“el - tp arm the core, with plantatim scene, ILL oar firm elquatur• one Sae steal petite eakrovvrint Lae label. See duet our tvttle to not 11,1ti , i rpetrione mid deleterious duff. We defy any per- - n loMiteti the taste or character of our go-le. Any person pretending to fell PLud...-tion Dillon by the gall= or in bulk, le an (water. W../1 only In 0, log gbh, bottle. Any person Imitating thlt botite, or selling any other material therein, wherh, called Plantation Bitter. or sat, is a crlyalust cr.' , • the U. S. Law, nod sill be rn prosecuted by et. tl., ahead, hare em n u on t " parties re.tiling oe• bottle,oho all! succeed In getting thetrowl- - late clam quarter, The demand for Drake% 1.1100 Bitters from led , e, inert.hoott. is perfectly , 0- ,- tria; bottle, is the evidence we oreter.t of their worth and superiority. They are told by ell rz•eta,.l.l:.c drvg. grnernrs. phyeicion4, hotel!, straml,ets Nrtm.uldortm 21..2 -DILAICE'S GENUINE BIT mrs, rtr iralo wboltersle rn 1 rvt,n, by I= SIMON JOB NSTO Gorour Smithtleld and Fourth +trr, to foirolut-usas - T LT , } , - 31 1 1:11113 WIRE 'VENE(}AIt, R!N. BOLLMA Grm.e, ( Flanseriv 111 f 417.4 Bontoons.) The poly Vinegar sirardel with a Prisc Uedal. tlity eredbitors at the luterwtoua Lcarten. Fir W. by ME SPECLA_L, NOTICE. TO THE BRUINS OF PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY The trodarahrued would r.mutali tttomioo to the ;reparation known an HP:SIIENTELL'EI 171iPTEllOAL COVOITII Erman - , For all Throat and Lnog OoropWrits. BITKNEWELL'S TOTAL! ANODYNt, The greet Neonlyrc , Rheumatic, lierul-eolm, Tooth eche, Lora of Bleep, and General Nervous Remedy Also for the Palm to Monthly Mene l troatloas a per lest taller. HUN - NEWELL'S ECLECTIC: PILLS, The sn..t r. , 11,l form of Co tl , .arlo ever clams to Lin pub& , whlch never require mono than tee and W 6= ,oa fur a dose, act trite:int the 'lout gtiptrg. and cure rc..tt e as, Ifyaimsals. Liter Osmplaln% PU•a, Worms, and all darangsmants 0 , stomach of basal& The abate preparation., of such unbounded repu tation In New Inglani, 4 Fll ve the confide., of ~.d are aced by, groat number: /- Ordains, and at prim. within mach of all, are worthy the ins ..11.b., rlin will ri.d Theme strict oonforralty to nature In medicine. Without ree..orting to the cum non method of columns of advertutoz, I wortld ash oasildsam to toot them, rrLteb will be sacred. JOHN' L. I:MIMI:WELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist, Elosion, Alma. For rale by all wboleaala anti retail dealers. The greatest ireptlom or correepondenee solicited. Dealers of good reforce4, suppli..d on oommiatioz. For sale in Pittsburgh at retell by J. IL Fulton, G. U. Keyser, H. D., inseptt Fleming; In Allegheny City by Jas. Drown 11. D., W. J.31...L0s and Geo..L. Kelly. 'it. A. FALD.Z.S.TOCIC G CO., orlarlimeodaser Wholesale Agent., Pittsburgh_ SUPERIOR COPPM KILL t S.IIELTENG WOEKS, Prnsevicz. PARK, M'CURDY & CO" fianufeenfors of SIMATIZING, EEAZIEES• AED BOLT COPPER, PEEESED corrry. mmo=4, RAISED STILL rorroms, Erma= satmEl. Alva, Importers and denlerk . In METALS, TIE PLATE, fig?. IIION,"19111.E, Ac. LaL.T.Lontly on kanp, TIENERE• NACIIINE3 AED TOOLE. Wareborm,lia 140 FIIBT and: IO BE(X3ND.STS., Pittsburgh, Ps. Special crtArs of Oopppr cat to any tlendz,v't 7-.. tern seoZtklydmrT :10STESSIONS,M! IrrkiXe PEllll2iall Of LSI publitiesi for the benefit aides a werniug and Caution to young men who gaffer from Nervous Debility, Prernature Decay of Manhood, cte. , supplying, at the earrie time, A. wenn qf Worn. By one who has erred hlentell after berg put to great expense and Initup through medical humbug sad quackery. Dy enclosing • pod-paid addreetedoneelope,alogie copies rely be had of the cotbur, SATJTARTEL MATFellt,Eati— my2l:Trialrr Medford, Kirsp comity. X; T WV. rt.treSIAIN:O)C, OD ROBITISON, BEA & CO., (ouo•. oornoro to llosrooos, 3lrsis a Iltuasa,) WEBBING TON WODEB,rocoricts BiaeursiTio, Nortullizftrero ot,BOAT AND BTATIOSIIII STEM ENGINES, BLAST Estiste, MACNLNERY, EM:1343,' SDAFTINO, war tics, of all doorriviono ; Ott TANEB STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WOWS,. Agoras for 01171.11 D'S PATMT =MON ROTL7II-4.- VOUS B BOTH REXTT.— A Weer cud tedilezendint, lug been manned to henlib In a **dye, eleAnt4' derv:dog aLL toe tonal rcratteo end trreattlie else melee of treansent,yrttnoet. euemy,eueeptytele. h pawned duty to etruedientnue to MI sfillektict SNIP create:vs the mans of onto.. robe., on *ts:, - .reetii-t' awl addretwed envelope, he erM aentfesu'n'eci,j - di ; thevrt—crtptien A. 'Dina to ,JrOYXT: DAGNALI.. 1118 'FDIC= etreet, N. T..' . eamaydawT 1).,./0 2 0tY,X.OVIXWB; INF.-144qt. . rsa AND:octumiaslON urgniAsTanat .aohme data INFTTVIIt;:tEEDIV, 71811. - sad voices caterally, W.044.14'eur titUbmrib. Pa. .~;. iami MI ME= I= I= WLST At,f:..132TV4. IMM