The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 21, 1863, Image 4

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• 4.-•"'
.. • . • . _ • —.- - • .._• . . ~. ~ •
CI T Y AND . 87113 URBAN • . .. .
' From the 14th -Penttaylvania. Cavalry...l.. Aoorrrso Tao ADTaitC; Par Svsrew.—The ', Toledo Market.
.. ._ 1 We arc gratified - to be able to announce that 1 New Castld &areal annoutreeethat after the . N . ,,, 1,..._i e ~o r ..,., f ic,r , th i I. 3„a mpa t h,,; l taty ,, :re . one:.
I first of January nest,iiii Papers will be sent Jo.' y...t..a.:y. tir.iir . or t ~...
_a ,: d
..; in t l., el
___ . From Yesterdav se EvetingGazette ! official information has Veen received from 1 from that aloe until paid•for, an'd ail papers 1
-white...,el--:‘,,,,,h,...N0i.1.mned0erftt.42.k,...i,b0r N - n :- I , , — ,,dt .'''i rtu e . ,;7 . i
1 13 — • -- '.. 'coy. 21, 1E63 ; Cul. Schoonmaker's Regiment, the 14th I will be discontinued when the time expires,
• - stittic the mcion report from New York, holders evince. '
- . tr.:cue:al .S) nod. of the German Reform— i Pennsylvania Cavalry, and that it sustained.l unless renewed. That lathe right doctrine, i „,.,..„ . .„,a firm „,.,,,.. • yg,,,,,,_sre . a 1,,, ~,; , ..I.
ed Church. ! but eight less in the recent marches and en- 3n pre a , Vri . i . g ' i. l . l , f n e z, ni.Cd to !re that .the C , untrY . W‘vat—Thers wee , aside of 000 be aodce Mich
lly coming up to it. yowenlny, a fter nor report, at Irk We do hot hear
'." ov. 25, 18.63 The Synod was opened with i counters Utlthr Gen. Averill. Our informs- 1 . or a trat.A.‘etioo to-..hor Corn—No tinto..tclAoctit.
singing and prayer by the r oll e. 11. Derr, at !that ion ie under date of the 17th inst., and on I A Manna, In aid of the S . ruaitary Commie- Lest e'dee e" . .( 49 ""e1 . • Other gre"V‘ l .." , r,r e 'g kre
9A. g. After calling of the r and reading I —Dull oval ranufual. ealt—Fine,E.l. 2o El bbl . C;ear , e
day the brigade had arrived at New I tier, will be held in Brownsville, on Thursday n , „, r „„,„,i mbar $ . 245. 1 4 , f or N o.
1 Creek, on its way . from I.ovvis" burg and the i evening, the 26th in' st., (Thanksgiving.) Ad- I I`...orl;...—lligbarinea—c2.e. rosia—Lluseel I.A.e, l'r
of the minutes, Dr. S. R. Fisher, Chairman of I
battle ground at Droop Mountain. The tog- 1 dresses will ho delivered by Messrs. Brunet ' trart..o. • Ni ! .taie :. Lard 10titii, tuac.
the Committee on Minutes of the two Synods, ; imont loft Beverly on Sunday, the lot inst., 1 and Shippon, of this city.
reported. 1 and pn.shed directly , down to Henlereville,hav-
e nretty heavy skirmish on the evening of i
On elution, the report was received, and 1 the { tb. on Tinnnany,
the &Lb, the battle of
taken up item by item for adoption. After 1 D roop
Mountain „ too fought. W e h ,,,,,,, ~„
some discussion it was laid on the table to i details, further than that Col. Schootimaker.
j opened the fight with his regiment, whir:hes
make way for other business. I coped with slight less. Half a dozen wound
'l" he Standing Committee on Religious Karr- jod will cover the regimental loss. Yo corn
clout, adopted the following order of servicesmiseioned offiters Were wounded. The noine!
Ifur Grace Charch, and of sepplies for pulpits of the wounded were unknown to our infer=
of other denominations in the city: I meet, as the regiment, after the battle, ashed
Tho Historical. Society, of the Churcirwill tspidly on in pursuit of the ene
my—l 'l eaving
meet-in Grace Church this evening, when an the wounded behind in charge of a dail.
address will ho delivered by Dr. H. liar-
bau2h, of Lebanon, Pa. Saturday evening
will bc taken up with Tot-centenary whites-'
es. The report of the Ter-centenary Com
mittee, provides for addresses by Drs. Bom
berger. Kieffer, Scimeck, (Gorman), Gerhart
and Fisher.
Opportunity will be given for brief remark,
in llerman or English, by any member.
P-operatory services to the Lord'i Supper
will be held in Grace Church, on Saturday af
ternoon, at three o'clock. Sermon by Rev.
D. Gans, of Harrisburg, assisted by Rev. W.
E. Krebs, of Waynesbovo. • On,. Sunday, ad
dresses to Sunday school and Catechumens, at
nine A. r.., by Rev. P. C. Prugh-and Elder U.
Leonard. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup
per will eummen , n nt ten and a half o'clock A.
It.; sermon by Or. M. Kieffer. assisted by Rev.
O. Winters Tho evening cervices, designed
specially for the members of the General Sy
nod. aid be conducted with sermon by Dr.
Uurbaugb, assisted by Dr. E. V. Gerhart. Pul
pits of other churches will bo filled at ten and
a half o'clock A. to.. and seven, 1.,1 is., as fol-
J. - . a Sunday: let Preab. Church, Rev.!J. 1
U. A. Bomberger, D. D., of Philadelphia, morn
ing., and Rev. T. I'. Bucher, of Dayton, Ohio, 1
eceoing ; 2d Presh. Church, Rev. Et V. Ger—
hart, D.D., of Lancaster, Pa., morning, and
Dr. Bomberger. evening; 3d Preab. Church,
Dr. 0., NyPV:II. Lancaster, Pe., morning,
aid 1)r. 1). /..telinri.7 7 .l
. - r; dth l'resb. Church, Rev: S. Phillblis,
The anniversary of the American Re
form Tract:and Book Society of Cincin
nati, took place on Tuesda,y the 3rd, in Rey.
Dr. Hunter's Church, Xenia, Ohio. The
anishal report shows the receipts for the
year ending August 81, $18270 58, which, '
withl9lo ll3 on band at the beAning of the
year, equals $11,210 91. Of this amount
$11,031 98 was expended, leaving a balance
in the treasury of $175 98, which shows an
increase of 00 per cenL over the previous
year. The number of tracts, volumes and
copiesof the ehrisilan-Press published du
ring-the year was 722,350. equal to 32,340,-
540 pages. The Society has made liberal 1
grantS to the army and for the Freedmen.
The. report represents 'the Society's pros-,
poets enoonraging. Addresses were then
delivered by Rev. It. 11. Pollock, Dr. .1. A.
Bingham, and Rev. Horace Bushnell. Brief
remarks were also made by Rev. IL IL
Storrs and her. Wm. Davidson. Letters
were read from Rev. Robert Patterson,
Chicago, 111., Major IleParland, Washing
ton, Pl., and Rev. Dr. J. Blanchard.
—Rev. Dr. Roberts, President of the
National Association of Local Preachers, bus
issued a call requesting local preachers,
-who are blessed with a competency of this
world's goods, and can bear their own ex- '
penes, feel thenr..lves culled by the Holy
Spirit of God to- devote a portion of their
time in visiting destitute sections of the
Border States, to preach the Gospel, re
. organize Churches and Sabbath Schools, - to
do 66 immediately, and thereby prepare the
wap for the future work of the regular
-4 --The Missionary Society at Baecl, I . '
Sevizerla.nd, is said to be the oldest and ' Carli,l,,m-re
efig, and Bee. S. MeISosCAIA . 4. -
n n a , t , i, t i ttli c o . ,. r e ti niaL ,
, : i i t th
ci C h u i rm th r o leld
largest institution of this kind on the Euro- in behalf of the defendant M sed r. Krkp lP t P rrk 6
-Ppitalii i t Until after eleven , which o
peak continent. It IMF organized in ISn. Bev. S- H. Hold, of Runtingdon, Pa. ' Anixig. on behalf of the commonwealth, then " began
.. i , his argument, which occupied about two
Itseesninittee is composed of Christians of • Lor Christ's Methodist Church, Rey. T. 0
eetio.uErami,ttt'i;letlizliodThbeatCo:rttdr then took a re
laple, Greencastle, Pa., and Ruv. U. Faulk,
altllcuominaliona in Switzerland and Ger- hour Judge
- Baltimore, Md.
I .Mellon will deliver the charge to the jury.
mry. At the commencement df the year For Methodist Ciotti h. iouth Common, Al
a heavy debt rested ut.on them, but done- ' 4'lenY ' II "' j. L'ar ' a Alle'te" ' Pa. ' ''nd
Dev. IS. MeConne 11, Stoutsinlia 0 AFOTBER BOLD BANS ROLBERY.—The bank , '
ticitis and subscriptions - in response to the 13 I Church,Groat.- II 1 I
art.s. t strcat, Dr.--ar.,augi 1 tog house of W. 0. Ster!il.g, at Wilkesbane,
appeal of the committee came in freely. ex. 4, L e banon, Pa., and Dr. I%a:or, of Tiffin, 1 wag entered by burglars, a few nights since.
I. The sofa, "a LOH° patent burglarproof,' was
coeding ami 0 ion of frams. There are now °h"
Lutheran Church, conusails street, Bev• p• . blown open by drilling through the "chilled '
lathe institution cighty-one scholars, and C. lbssis, of Nom isteo n, l'a., and Rev.: P.
door, and inserting a charge of powder. The
... c..
door was a porting wreck, and rho explosion
th/riy-acres young persons ha, ..: applied Phi ' ll l '', er " aisle ' was hoard in various parts of the town. Only
fo ,,e. ~...0.,u care ,i,
. n , Lawrenceville Presbyterian Church, Ituv.
' ;r. 11. Del, of Iluntitig.ln, and Rev. J. J. a few hundred dollars were obtained. A roll
se:leetin, candidates who are truly }sou. 1 Swantler, of Chillicothe, Ohio.. of $17,500, which bad boon placed in a pigeon
sincere and fitted for the pastoral career. ! !!(..4 7 .. :i . :M. P e rthy i lerl i vi t i! 'in i t ! rcli ß ,
t;Allogry, haoylen,owLszeanitte.d
d b i e d i e ng w cov h er d ed with the
as a to rho rb
T4oy prefer quality to quantity. The mis- 1 t0n . ,.017 Y 0 and i lie.;oflarerris'obiarg"p- b°"• ___—.......------
Mins generally under their care are .pros. I , The item relating to Sunday School publi
- iicasiuns, io., was referred tu a special mm- TOBACCO GROWING IN PERNSVININIA.—\.
paring. , minim, consisting of Drs. B. A. Schneck J. farmers of Pennsylvania are paying increased
(.--The annual electing of the Cong - •,, .7,a- t U. A. Bomberger J. Bossard, and Revs: 0. attention to tobacco cultivation, and this jeer
E. liosseil end G. ' W. Willard, and Elders S.B. the yield of this State will be quite large. In
thonal Union of England and Wales has '
fist been held at Liverpool. There were I,•eil•.,l7f,si„nddr.tlt.i)S..,t,,iisiditt.tih6o, w w ith re in. p yrtir,uoc.tioengscato 1L , 50 th u e n re d„ wo r :v i t ., , ,d hy
iti the t c h e is na s ui td s rt te nu t r h ns ie , 3, 1. 1 tTI . ,-
fite hundred ministers and delegr-tes prey- ~ riot plan, by which this Synod " may assamo 0niXJ12,65.1 in 1850. This year it will prouLg
guntal lit . ratu i re of h the a r b a ly i be much , la d rger than in MO, as cut/64k
Gritfrom every part of the kingdom. From ; tchbe,,,.7;,'"','l, of '''',
the report it appears that the Di-Centenary boobs, ,tiV. '"' 'l ' l
' Looks, Sun, ay se 00l e a. : . y
T m
h o
o r e lar n ges i t ut i a n., b , o d e u ti ct r o a n t.
o u f iad t e d r h fi c l , tttri d ;
Memorial Fund had reached £210,000; that The co mmitted, appointed to prepare a re- in Virginia before the rebellion. In 1650 it
11„.',.J.r.s,:ilt,insia0r0p,,liasatIAley,lomi s t ubmi f tic r idhvardioua reached'ltlSS,litifl,ooo pounds.
Gicre were three hundred new chapels in
pirogress of being built; that during thelast i tion of oyuod, whi, , h ga - ve rise ' to . a len e
gthy DM,: TAI.R4.—Mr. Henry Miner,
fifteen yimrs, more than three hundred hal ' dh'",`i"oi Peuthog which, Ftynoll adjourned• fifth street, (next door to the Poe my has
received the Ist and 2nd numbers a a new
, .....__
bhen erected in Fiteland. at a -of
• e cost l="ollY • BraLesman Balled at the Outer Depot. '‘' - ri e ' "f D'''m Boot., Pubt•l''''‘ by Beadle A
g, o Co., New York. Each of these contains fol
liblf a million of one,. m The nutetwe of r ibis amm ~ o '
utWen rOren and eight rages , well-pt • red , • •
chapels occupied by Congregationaligts is 0 %4.7k, a brakcsman named Joint Baird, em- iII irs. ;l.s , i onswq ich s a h n o " u I ,1 1. L ' t e e e •o e u rs : d tts ‘rith
oiler two thousand. ',Fhe educational de- ploy tdon a (right train on the Ponissylva. poet for n dime: The tales --••f w ' liteh th e e l re
a c re four in each number --embody the • tredi
were reporteu to be ill a pros-; ale it.`•,".L'h, was hill" at the outer de p ot ' was and romance of Border and Revolution
pa rtments
state. , under the following circumstances: His train aty Tissue."
—The First Baptist Society of Dayton Vrea - ched the city athalf past o'clock, and
the had ittion sitting or lying in the dispatcher's CGs" . T .° °F MunDßlA—Cliarles Ridley, a
0., has just erected an elegant and romMo-!'colored eitbdur, bat been convicted at Norris
'or co until •ifter seven, when he started o •
diens church edifice, 112 by 74( - hnd height ' . ' ' }own, of the murder of William Pox at Cum
linginS No. 107 was theritaiking in towards William Penn. in August last. The ' evidenc i :
cti' spire °On feet. The main audience ream
the shed. hauling soma freight 'mare after it, proved that Itidlcy shot Pox inpursuance of
still seat 800 persons, though 10,0) can be , while another train stood on the adjoining, his duty as a sentry, but in the f of this
aceOrtunoditted. The entire cost of the ! thr:.:k.,,,,',fn,reo;otatuh,ttorr,off trlite
Li:i f ° ~, :. 7 train the jury convicted him of voluntary man
s„.lit.siagthter. The sentiment of some parts of
Building and lot is about j'ili,ooo, and every 5 and saw Gai - rd; [shout ;evenly fret dist:s r s ' t • . tensely . copperhead,
engine, Lnednearery county, I,i in
dollar is paid, so that on dedication day walking directly towards the hacking
• i ; h probably reacted on this poor negro.
iris- was moving at the rate of about. three
liotlßng Was'said about money. , tailed an honr. The conductor sereamed out
..; • —lt is estimated- thiWnelltbers of this at the top of his voice, but Baird did not
Cong,regational Churches in - Coney etic.i.. TermT e ngineer, t, hear him, and
s a te ndi ly on.
censlitute he: per cent. of the population.. ing, snagidtbar s r o i m ng eth t ing w c to " w u re cto o r g, ye an il d
The rate per cent of Massachusetts is six. reverSed his engine, but it was!. late. Baird
The former show an excess of festal,' Ines, .
s,vrrst,roil,!;,,lthlityhethteentLitrile: and knocked do h wn i
berah(p over that of males of more than two of the first ear par.rd 'OrnerPhi'm.'cria7h7nwg his
to one. bo ly, slid killing Isles sliest instantly. At
—Dr- }fall, the editor and l•roprietor of ti,,e,, eI , i s t u , c ,, •, t: “. t , l i m e
. ru d • i s.. ,. .i e d e w n o t r , e t he
, ti ,, m i
I s
g k o d a , n w a n is team
Hall's Journal of Health, a member of she the tyi Si, which poi:vented the engineer XL '
Old School Presbyterian Church. don't lice s r i ,.. .i m it l i r g, k iiits l : , ol.. ' . l , he einniu i ct if liai i r i d was most
the Presbyterian style of sitting during biothe dan g-er. 'l7 ' fart ' : blme
lie g :p i p e o r had ar ' e u d ie l e ilt i O
prayer, it would seem from an article of ' 'h.'. th e kin 5 h hi ,, " 1 "P. been
' the road Lot five days, and RIF shout thirty
his Oa the posture of prayer. 5 fir.• y..arr , of age. Ile resided near Greens
-A Boston paper is deice on the part hurl where he learns a wife and family.
'Clung held an inquest, and the
which some of the women in the West hik I
'' e ' €:
a vardi't
accidental death. ''''''' :Ni
'in the public religious meetings. It thinks l
_ _
the Bible "emphatic and untaristakhicin its ;4,tterllpt. to r
Murder a .. Methodist Minis
condemnation of all share by females in the I
public prayers, and exhortations of the 1 W' learn from the Mere" ii4"'eh.' that on
Tuesday night, the 3d inst., in New Wilmiug
churches,- especially •:t.hese Colenso times.'
—Bev. James H. McNeill, (formerly , t'' ' '' r l'm ' B u'mPt :°,,,' motto
one of the Secretaries of the American Bible. simile
S. B.
Utwi-' pastor
°C too
E. Church of that place. He was returning
Society) Major of the sixty-third North ' -
: 0.. r!oe poet..liiee about eight o'clock in the
Carolina cavalry, was wounded in the tight evening. when same eowardly ruffian attacked
at Gettysburg, Pa.
him, Gres knocking him down by striking him
on the Lack of the heed, and while ho was
--The statistics of the United Mo:a
vian Church. show that the total commnni- ! Ltyl p e t
i n n s; ~ ,,c . from. : o ttth. h
i t s t e e ifheyects.
t g la
t a b blew, I ow, t
cants in the three provinces is 11.821, and ' vein. The instrument entered just back of
, rior the . rein, cutting backwards and inflicting a
the whole number of souls "l ' 5 5:1.
Continental; European) provinces . has T'.(,000 . p . ‘„ i t o , ti t, tf iy ao t t h f , at../ e I
a vi d o: r n e t t.
a li d e . h y a had
D T; received
souls; the Foreign Minions have 77,418 o,nm:ening his life, from what source is not
converts; there _are therefore, in all, under
the religious instruction of the United r ra- The Shipmenta of Oil.
trum,l77,f , bi/ persona. Th a
e limekiln an:. says: says: "The amount of
—The Church of England Las just held oil illippe , l will not be as large as was antiei
id. Ike intention of Pittsburgh specula
at Manchester, the third orhurch CongresS," pa,
ter,, rea.le apparent in the market reports of
a free gathering of prominent clergymen thin elty, lot opericdtho oyes of producers,
andlaymeu, to discuss important Church .. h
questions. The , High Chetah pall up. just h ove
„,w. d tni not to
There•rm nsdtirdd gi nt
when tho tho market id,er
peered to have the a , mendency, ut least tho wa
m s the only outlet for this geat article of
c neree, but forme ately chat s ay has passed
organs of the Evangeliml pirty in Ell 6 away, and producers are not dependent on a
land make the charge. 1' We rain to gee their oil le market ; nor are
-- - --At a meeting held at the Presbyterian t to hey forced to he roll at any price se obtain fund,
House, (N. 5..) Philadelphia, on. the 2d, it the ca tr rr aL o w n a t s in it u s l i n nra ' n ' ey m . m T a h n e y l;ct or stu w r h g e h n -
WaS unanimously resolved to take measures ors need not, then, 'hold off a day or two' with
They aro
for the establishment in liardillon College t a h lr ° ea e d l rt ' onT t ' o f titk w : r tE i b " u ' s . '
mesa getter
of an Albert Barnes, Professor of Intellect- I ally romuncrativo.”
nal and Moral Science, of which he is an
honored graduate. •
—Mr. Knowlton of -the Kipp° (Chi
nese) Mission, reports
. fifteen applicants
for baptism. A native preacher of the Tou
ogee Mission has been out on a tour, and
returned to report the haptisut' of one'hun
dred-and fixty,three Karens.
----The number of Baptist members
now c ref.eited ln Philadelphia he 12,88 0 . .
~.--.7--The Sidfatern-Sentinr/,publisdied week
ly ott ,5411.paixtrolit Alexandria, l l La, says
!but lien. Petit, formerly Bishop of the Dio
cese; 0 'now a candidate for Governor of
ratdelenti.- The editor. ;thinks Ii will,ho
The statistics of tie_M ti Mlst Epi
copti'eliiirch jai' (SOS, Chow a 'm6bersbip
. ...
Of Vldil,zl9.l-AM Otatt the totals of last year
i v ,-*04.. no..the ie Aiieinetti l
more:. Conference!Alone,. n'ilarge!' patelf
' iht therebel
whopifertitory:lies wt n toes,
is ilititeit V.;05.. 1 '::-liiitozno , of
~.t he ,b6l„er
tottfiiitetii,titie hiiiiilsWieeit.s.it4oVl
lag off . fti the other Conferences, the gains.
genoralli, 'him been in excess of the losses,
4.‘ ,
K4,,CM , , , Z;.a.•, , q;L: 1 71,,Q;11,,T,, , r 4 VA.:.:L,'-.f --‘1;ii:,k*.".•..,-.6",,,,4-'::',:,,i,- Ziqi,:.,',r-t3i.,'''',4;i4l,-1.:74-ViS,:zr.l&F;4lzdzt'Na;‘'if,?-47',.:,...;.5.,-4,-„a„.- ,' - ` l Vt - 7-';'LL'4..' 4 0 , .. - <. l " 'des' ; ' ;
---'4'.... 4.-'-'-F,4"1-'''.457• -''''-'="o''rl=atgr'XlNlZiAJAV.:l4ezv-,. 44.-- , a.u.a 54 . - •
' • '' 4 -F, `• .4 - :'0V.444-,41056,wwv•-• ,
A. DrLawler Starved to Death.
The Burk-rye Stole, published at Now. Lisbon,
Columbiana county, Ohio, says: "C. McClure,
eon of Seth McClure, formerly of Elkrun
township, in thiceputity, was taken prisoner
by the rebels in one of the desperate charges
on I•'ort Wagner, at the seigo of Charlisitom
Ifs belonged :to ait Indiana regiment, and
had been in four desperate, engagements, and
was regarded by his comrades as ono of " tho
bravest of the brave." • After his capture ho
was taken sick and placed in a rebM hospital
in donth•Carolins, whore ho literally starred
to death ; fox tho want of peoporlood, and the
cares anti attentioe. nonouaary. to Ids helpless
condition.. Vbatneonmentary upon the hu
inorlit4 of that God-forsaken State.
Uswr..t.--The lathiest in this pew drama
continties unabated, and each evening the
theatre is filled to overflowing. Vestvali
certainly a strong card, and her success can
only he attributed to her merits as an actress
and vocalist. She will appear again this even
ing,..4 "l'ho Jewish. Mother."
TIM Of. FpMg their first appear
ed:Me, thbrsertion,:on 'Monday evening next,
atConeortsiilt,Emma.Nichele; the
popularselngetressorill.appeu each avimini.
She itainiaitt illidudrers hero, and will re
ceive a most cordial ilsolcome, as will the other
members oC the troupe.
Au Appeal for Aid,
The ladies-of the Allegheny Ladies' Aid
Society have issued the following appeal,
which we hope will receive a liberal response
from hundreds of our citizens :
The Allegheny Soldiers' Aid Society ask
for a Thanksgiving offering on Thanksgiving
day, for the Soldiers is Tennessee. We have
been requested by Mrs. Harris, of Philadel
phia, (who is personally acquainted with the
particular wood of this juncture) to send wool
en garments, and we are in receipt (through
the Sanitary Committee of Pittsburgh) of let
ters with the most earnest calls for vegeta
bles and clothing. Our Treasury is entirely
empty. We are willing to work if we had the
material. Will yen not work with us by con
tributing to our necessity
Liar room, corner of Federal street and
South common, second story, is open at all
I times for the reception of fruits, vegetables,
"cc., Mr. R. 11. Davis, kindly offering to re
ceive them, and on each Thursday from throe
to five p. in., for those desiring work, or
i bringing contributions.
The Lauth Murder Trial.
The erattre forenoon was occupied by the
arguments, oftouncet. bir. - itiarshall resumed
. o'cleer, and fititatted-about
ten. )lr. Swart:wader followed, and spoke
Tilt: CONTTNENTAL MOvllit.T.—Mr. W. A.
ti ilden fenny, 45 Fifth street, has received the
December number of the r.nt; mental , which
contains several very readable articles by pop
ular writers: for instance,—"The Nation,"
by Hugh. Miller Thompson ; "Buckle, Dra
per, and a Science of History," by E. B.
Freeland: "hatter Writing," by Park Benja
min ; "Virginia," by H. T. Tackerman "Re
construction," by Henry Everett Russell, etc.
horn, of German township, Fayette county,
met with a terrible accident on the 11th inot.
Ills horse became frightened, ran n•short dis
tance, stumbled, fell and threw him off, mang
ling and bruising his foee in a horrible man
ner. fic was carried to his hound in an un
conscious state, and remained se for about
an hour. Ile is still in a very dangerous
Tun EASTERN Whim - mi.—Full illes of all
the popular Eastern Weeklies, received by
express, ao soon as possible after publication,
will be found at J. P. Hunt's, Masonic. Hall,
Fifth street. Among those received to-day,
we find The independent; The Weekly Tribune;
The Weekly Herald; The Weekly Time.; Time
Weekly World; Street and Smith's New York
Week/ p; Frank Leslie's 111.a:rated N.neepaper;
and Harper'. Weekly.•
Banc Etr.cmon.--The stockholders of the
Franklin Bank of Washington, at their annual
election held on Monday last, chose the fol
lowing named persons as Directors for the
ensuing year C. M. Reed, John S. Brady,
Jacob Stogie, Win. Davis, M. I.l.Clarke, Thos.
McKean, Harney-11. Clarke, Joseph Hender
son, A. W. Acheson, Jas. Watson, John Stew
art, Alcraniter Seaman and John H. Ewing.
Ba.aCU Rstigozo.—The citizens of Jiaa
sillon, Ohio, nro taking measures to connect
that town with the Atlantic and Great West
ern Railroad. A meeting of leading citizens
was held last weak, and a committee appoint
ed to confer with the °Encore of the Atlanta• and
Great Western Railroad, who nroaaid to be in
favor of the project, provided 06 iron and
anal interact, of that ,action are e 3 extensive
as hadlt been represented.
election of. the stockholder,. of the lieulphold
Railroad Company, held in Washington, on
Monday last, the following persons were
elected directors for the ensuing year ; C. hi.
Reed, William Mc Kennon, Joseph Henderson,
Washington; James Clarke, Greensburg; S.
Brady, Sweeney, Jas. C. Acheson, Wheeling.
Huy. I. N. BAIRD, D. D., left this city on
Thursday evening, as a delegate of the Chris
tian Commission. He will visit the Western
Pennsylvania Regiments in the army of the
Potomac, and also at Fortress Monroe, and
ma • extend his visit to North Carolina.
The December number of this well-known
publication, with the usual attractive Matures,
comprising illustrations on steel and wood,
colored fashion plate, etc.,is fur sale at 11'. A.
GILDFNPENNEVS, 45 Fife street.
This new number of this popular series, is
just out, and way be had at J.-P. Ileav:a, Ma
sonic nail, rifth street. It contains four
stories,embodying " Traditions and Romance
of Border and Revolutionary Times."
LECTLTIZE.—The Rt. Rey. Bishop . Domenec
will de li ver a lactase SL Peter church,
Allegheny, on Tttursdny evening, the 28th
inst., et .o'clock, fur the benefit of the
schools attached to the !louse of Industry.
Admission, 25 cents. „ •
Sous W. PITTOOK, opposite the Postrodice,
has jest received the D9cember number of
liarpe'l ldigasine: This number eommeticer
the twenty-eighth volame, and is full of in
teresting and instruct We matter.
-• • ,
• DeolOitiox..- 4 0n ..Thtimilay next, the 26th
tnsuirtho R. Rim Bishop Domineer will dedl r
cats the titer *tweak Catholic chow:hut Bt.
Angeline, Lawrenceville. The services will
commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.
- -
Chicago Live Stock Market.
illhrsll-Tfla DSCEBIIEO.—ar. •f. P. Runt, tior. 10.—in Bee
ttattleC there have been no ri-
Masnate 1141,1, Fifth street, ha•reeeived /los- ta..
today at any o ards, and but a Lia..•, ,
1r for D e c em b e r. From , b o sh, g l oo m o h amounu lin,itwel hes bean done, the entered sale ,
the eontentib ire should take it for an interest- sniewnir rig only to 24:s head. There Isettll ott actbo
keg Comber. dcmaiiii Col Ineditllll grade. en d r hcra grades at pre
` `it.. quotat:one. to lino the rereipt• have boon
---eiswe.--- mailer than for several days previotodv, and the en-
A Ste . Peones.—l ron ore from 1.n)(0 Su- tt•nd rade. ionoont to 10,1113. The pilees for prime
perior is now shipped by the Atlantic and q ualiths have ran t ied higher than on yesterday, lint
Great Western Railway, to Franklin, and there I. Iron confident , " ill the markol, and boprls are
thanes down
river to the Great Western " t " 4 " " ""'' Aut"
Iron Works
La. N mull, editor of the Chri.tiggo A dru , ale , wt:; _ i_it', 7 l l. l,`,7 . 7., „ 4.4 '''. . : 1 3 t b r . b1 :j 0 i X ,..7,1 : t i itt
is 'announced to deliver a free torture, at on track. Sales this aicernoon I car choice white
Brownsville, on the 21st inst., on the subject i Kentucky at al,tita 2 cars Mel. sultan on trask at
of "Christian Missions." , $1,15, I car choice rod do atil. s 2S; 2 cars no from
' atom at *1,20. Corn--Sales 1 car on track at talc; 2
THREE PIaKPOCK.Kr9 wore arrested in liar- I ` a " fioallwr" 9><: 2 a'dne2—..'t 2 Z. 0 r " i ' ; ,.''''' — ' 44‘l" 2
ca. o t co, on track. „
....a., ales reported.
risburg, on Thursday, while "operating " at 1 ILve-.l.ocht transactlons
rho raitroWl depot. I . - - - -----
__---sw----- Batralo frlarket.
(lon. rased through ril attic illo, N.,. le.—Flour steady: Wheat market 2a,..1e lett
on Wednesday, and was warmly received by I t„,,, with a fair •Lernand; calm at Is4lo for red vest
the citizens.' ! stn. torn utarket243c better. Whisky nominal at
64,. I' T.,;;,1a 18c on wheatko New Turk. Imports.—
- -
I 2,otte 11.1. a...040J= bash wheat, 614000 Loan corn.
Esparta-0;M barrels lloar, 001101 boat; wheat, 2002.
1.;;;;;; r,,,, ;;0,01.(1 bash oats 7,0 W bush barley, kW)
1 bush rye
Chicago Market.
The weather feting irrt end naeleaexint toolay hal Noo. 10.—Flour firm and 1W better. Wheat m
all unfivorabla Ingettnee upon humans, and rho live tlud lc higher ; eaten at 81,10. Cam firM .00
nantaetletka in produce getter:olY worn 11 0 11 I.ld of i t i -elp 2e hi.r i, h oZtJ er ' ' ht . tou tn r o. 44l ° : " := ll,64 - 17. iL 8,1471
°4 anim P °rtnat ' i n.r a S , C r • -W. are 111 hulas, how- busliteom. tildpmente- -5 ,0 00 tibia flOnr, 82,000 bush
ever, as we, are once moot far trttd with navigable wheat, 78,0R1 bush corn. Yreightaqulet.
rlvere, that,tradt t rAlL9 . poriliire cornet, and that '-- .. --
the highest eipertarlona of our basil:Lose are will he C.IILPETS, OIL CLOTHS, A•C•
realized to,lte fawn extent. *CO I ,OO it hi tree that 1
bunt,. generally has boon very po•rperert4 thrvtigh. ,
oat the ram eatemer and fall, it is also trot that It D FLUGGETS,
haa.ben reatrieted coroadurabty by the want of t race- ,
IN ' t ' IA ' n —4he 1-11.1 ' r 1.4°0 1 "" 11 ' 1 ' 1 " " I ° ll I ' l. 11 . 1 ' the NILWILST PATTCHNS aut ovary width, at the
nation, and the railroad! , idtedothel, ,lrood, from 00.0
"rill i U Iht other.
- Tho resent advant, in 011 11:14 had the. effetd to . I ,owest Prices for Clash,
enlian, kill mote tlii• I.Llito of 4 •ole of I.te lri
art!. lei of t rots. 111 stow York. • •Il Thin . ••I,•) , •
advanc..l fully one rear per ' , ciao, za,;ar , of all Cronlb Cloths, Fehinge, Rugs,
‘h•stunpiumt, went up n,u , .•:tc lat3itu n"Rr t " r*-
Wt. ar , nut a,Priatal, but :lie pn autupth , n to that .n
gtn.l4, and tath r amid, of ,t akru,:at at
ter, ulll, ale, tolynare a, ha. )1 , reto
rt... , and, of court, t!... :vivant , there will ,11,ew And haring pwrolutwod for CABS, before the late
c, rn-fr{x,ndln; n.olt L~•r~
1 1 , • , r, the .• et tfr• rather t.. •j• u.. 1.4, has
advanced from 3.lcente por I.:arr. I, mat .0 Yde..., nrWilmdied dock of
L 110.5 V lirm a.d !teak ing upward. l'etry!enn. ap
penny to Ise I kit the only ar , • t.. 1 trade that ! de.
pretlattru; In v‘in
tustl (saw, einotatts•al are rs as.taswnl. \ Vista t
IS' toady wash slates from waitt•ts at p1,,A1 r.., ass .:
$1,4"-"I. hl fssr Whites. Cores is tlrtn an.l higher witts
or m,11,t tick at 5,1,tr. huh
PEWS (new crept at 51,05. clsts .1•11..1 Wit r,t.. - ty at AT THR
Itarley i, sett log frovi srodwn 04'51.25 - for Nicw
e•prtriz, and 51,1.0 for Fall. is 1100 add higher
" U,e trade
n ' a . l ' r h o: 1 01 1 1 r i Ng l itt i Ll4 h ; tfY " Tri"747 k 6ll: ll: l i irt n lt
Pa Tbunaday re, 1,51, , d41ivr.r..51 at lieu ,
hssos within tts's vstra fru Sal.. of l'•. I, fe CARPETS,
om at .5.5:5t1311,0 sr t: ora drl' for r. •
to Parudj . . Flnikaheat drmr i• sfeady a - Ph Floor Oil Cloths,
I n starts , ' AO 51.00. Io aborts 1 to 24 feat arida.
GDOCIMIE2--There Is Aran , sn the
Eastorn sorket, a nd 1, e 11,, 14 , 011 I\'..Ol,EN DRCOGE 7 I - 8 AND CRUMB CLOTHS,
salt, of tsOl,ps a 31lic:‘,. ' , Hato t•• WI IN DO W OVERS, R SHADES, TAIIUGS, LE
rlg,g tea, 1.0 I. I: ftda. dad STALD. NODS, tr.
17' 1 1,;le• f r Defined sl.s. Nl.,lawscs sl.l I rims.
baotts ' from
a " "nip.. " r.n
T FliarEdl'.l teithinthirTy
of to ars.,, , dart, and TM arsrt• now telling at LESS THAN MdLN.
Cr. k- •Tid'rr i. 0 e- 01 soar d eessl Ili"ACIIINER1 1 PRICE*. Our Weak fa MmTiet en
ksr Its II lPdltrr, and markets 3 sistss• to-1! urea, nil haring Woo pareha,o,l witbizbiieety
Inns, br Nub, at the very breast prteekof the Tear.
tad true at McFarland, Collin*
-I"lart. Soodudull and ha wit!. of
1011111111itt , 52,7.0 i.e. nosh, null SL/III.• '.ere Ned. 71 AND TS ITITE PITHEET,
Idi: .1.2.1d1;P?..1 , . Nu Itan , adliaug in Timothy Re Peat U/Ete arid Dimatel BuDdhip. li‘
or . - laver Reed, 1• 1 1 W STUCK A_N D NBWILST. , .
HILL) . EF:ll—i... farts wstl.l lea.l.aa.y.
"I I car Ste, L. at d-0 •dr I' o m. 3 STYLES 011'
qs,stesl at a -I )11 an
11 IN—ls trueltadaldr ‘1.40, Ca r pets, Vii V1V14.10, DruggetB,
rruza stwlsw nnl. Ida I: II prr
SIUDES, &a., at
•• ~o dad Irani .tdro La.*.
.toady well, d tab. .4 ISi LLl> Nn Cairo NicCALLUM'S,
FLiunt, N"yesul,..t
4.1.4 at . at ,
St,:u per eacl for coamr, mei s3.2:r<g, for flux.
—Tbe nun ket is giur•, tht. tic'nuald • A of .11 go od. In our line,
berrig Ii gLt and al.u..ther I,al.:tholgh prreerr:are u, ll trougltt at the loamt point reached in the Eastern
, , Market this season, and uftich minced from hurt aea
ytlity errri•a
& Ni . sTE.Ear, thu.sS FouNDsas,
V • GAS Ann &ream Furors. Particular attention
paid to the fitting up and repairing of OIL 11E1 , 1-
sis.air.s. All kinds of BEAUS AND 1110 N COCKS
ti... t.. b. tilling MT
thn ruarkst is s shn,in tirtu,r, though ' , riots
uu -ratting Inon ti....,:+13.t.75 per 1.61, ns
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Nor. - lit—The oil market let. trust Itilerable active,
taking all things into rimaders :lin. Boy iif role
a, still bolding idf in antieipatwil iif lower prices ,
while holders, generally, appear prey let hi
make nu further wincessiatis. In the me:intim , :he I
receipts are large, and the a tap: k is a. I• , ating, awl
while 01,1110 of the Crude men wilfprebably he
:ow 11, others hare withdrawn their oil from wnrkat,
under the impression that [bore will lit,ll 6 0 a awe
tiial:and then an Improvement. These, °Coeur., ace
mere conjectures on the part of the punier interested
and in the meantime, we wiwohl advise taqh buyers
mid seller. to act as their owe judgment may dictate,
the isles of Crude to-day were °illy inalerat, rens
prising 2,0 e barrel., and quotation. may (.e
fairly given at 12°3j*jo in hulk, and in
litils—bble included. Itofined has
j been more active
to-day, eepecially bonded, sit eshirli eomu 2.:00 bide
changed bawls, but the terms wore nut used, public
—a rather bad onion in the prceent condition of tho
market. There were no Liles of (resell that we could
hear of, In the absence of which, we omit quotation..
Saptha is dull and the nominal quotations tea 176
glBt. Besidium Is quiet though still held firmly st
..34,00 per bbl.
By tho arrival of the etentn, Portia, nu Lave Lit•
orpool asivices to Nue, 7. ltoult, Englibb, S Bran
clop, report n further decline In lbetroiruon, and o
Crude et 117, .d npflued nt. It 10.1.
Now York Petroleum Market.
Spocial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Now Yong, Nov. YO.--Crudo is dull but u ittlout
quotable change, ranging boot 15' 26. 14.111041
wvy le• quoted unrolustl at 40 to I_•' for torrid and
10 to 51 rive.
Imports by Railroad.
Ptxaacun, Fr. Wersn.t G11.1)0 RA11.0.11.0, Nov
70--2 to 41,1 s whisky, Lambert A 8loptou; 10 Pe' eoP
pet, Earl, A co; 6 can lumber, 13 Doan; 23 bile
applea, S Hewett; 3.5 0o do, Wm McClellan; 33 dor
pall., Little 0 Trimble; do, Shrlrer Lazt r;121
do du, 13 Ilestak tote; 20 do do. It Ilubleoa; 14 do ad,
Watt A N llatm; 10 do do, 3a eke raga, 41eCtlffuogh,
'South &co; 14 hgk & McKay; 3 .11-eired
hop, .1 1 . Ilatom 0 co; 0 bp-harpy, 11 W Peck & Cat
2 Ws beam, 14 do apples, 40 do hominy, I. li Volga
& co; 23 du tags, Godfrey A Clark:4 tibia elder, T.) do
apples, Atwell, Lee & co; 67 bgi Watley, :.1.1 do oats, A
Elruhrout; 115 bp rags, Markle & on; 4b pic g l c zal ti
B A rel.:shalt 0 04); lull bga wheat, J 8 L
13 balm cotton, V" Arbuckle; 14 NO WWI A It
:4101.; 3 ears metal, Joo Moorhead; 10 tons mill fool,
Simpson & snot; 1 .r pig mural, Graff, llulttlett
co; 40 bids grease, E Ostlers & or, "LS do do 10400
rags, 7 do feather*, Isaiah Dickey; 11 do du, J Kirk
patrick S Bre; 140 Obla dour, Jus McCully .0 co; 2.50
Pigs load, A Gordon; Ii bin cheese, J M Canfield; 69 do
or, LI hits eheefte, it Dalo.ll .t co . 4'J hoe flaxseed, 111
Lay; dog palls, .1 1 hove, k ou; do J 0
worth A co; .0; do do, 1161.1%86 Collin; 1 bbl whisky,
Jas McKay; 4 rolls leather, Chas prof'', M 101.11.
tote., NV 0 I) alnehart; 11 Id , ' apples, W O Lyday;
1 car 11,1 i, ..6JO 1, ; p1 110 .10.11 le7 dos
Moore; a 01 , 1. older, 11 heeler; 8 1,141 Dieter, 41t0-
looker & Lang; 36 ho oaks, .1 Ilutalltun; 33 bids dour
hlclaarkan, 11prru0..0 ft,;141 bad eaudbx, la' 11 Nye.;
pkg. hameca, E 51cilrow; 1 ear corn, II Wallace; 2
do do, Ifltchcock, : 1 1cCreery 0 co; 140 bgs seta!, F.. 11
A Strong, gin 140 mill fern, J & tti Falrl.lll
Dew; ,t co; 2W do, Slac11411; ID pigs 'k.4. Zit
Illthrldhe; le cio ash., 3lcKeo4 Ilru; 131 lnip rye,
Thos Melt A.Cr; 501.011 door, C 11 Lefechl 1 0 Llkial
eohol, 11 E. Sellers A co.
-2 bxs tobamo,./ Crazier; 5 blots do, .1 E Eyrleb; Gal
prltAtors, L 13 Volgt S co-. Iso !Arts apple*, S Evart
G., 10 bra tuba." Hem: .0 Alategu; 15 kg. do. At
well, Loo k co; 10 bids do, Shrlvorl Lama; lode do,
Mean. Cuflito 10 dodo, S Ewart .0 co; hdo do, Watt
A Wilson .10 do do; . .1 B . D7lwortb A out a 0 dn do, 6 kg‘
Murtlinid S Connar, Ic. bolus broom earn, McEl
roy & co; T./ picks product, Al Lowe; la Ws apples,
01 Dorsey; oslMbutabaeco, blormaker Lang; 445
bbl. potatoes, 33 lie clews, 11raeletua; 100 bids
aPples, A Taylor; 152 do do, 1' Dom.
BrATIOX, Nov. ...4.--319 bags flaxseed.
M II Suydham; 50 bags oats, Simpson mol Knox; 23
bbls apples John 13 bbls tipples 6.lderr,
12 do do El Dyer; In bbls cider 11 A[
produce II • Lents; 28 lads app... A Emanuel; 15 sks
P o latrers J Craig: tf1..b.,0 potatoes W. Seddon; 24
pkga, produce Wllley:h., Weaver.. 11 do do
149 ski Wboat SbaW; 277 ,A• Vtli , st T Ken
nedy 1' Urn: 1 ear flro bitek?snA (wire.elm state.
A Tsylun 22 bid. flour 1' Peterson; 2= P l, lO Pr , s l nce
11 Meyers; Z. 3 bids apples A C Taggart.
Cleveland Market.
• e4vszomo, we ate able to WI et du matottnetorero'
Window Shades, Mattings, &e.
STEW c3A.nrirr wrt,u.u.
made to order. Aloe BRASS CASTINGS, of all
Imola, made at the shortest notice.
All order. left at Nos. 31 and 34 WATER STREET,
near Lilert), will be promptly attended to. •
nall - The members of this firm being practical me
el,rias, of many rani nzporlence In their business
1111 imoire to give satisfaction in every respect.
We are . also agents for Gnild, Garrison g Cos
STEAM Cl'Air, for pi:miring Water, Crude and Re
liTES'l'Eft,N LANDS FOR SA_LE -11 6i.
T XCIIANGE.-2,50 0 scree lu lowe, in tract.
varying from 40 to 320 acre.- 640 acres in Michigan,
in tracts varying from 40 to 320 acres. 2,000 lures
In Minnesota. ;OW cures in the southeast putt of
Ilimonri ; and BO acres in Indiana. These lauds
have been carefully selected, with view solely to
their local advantages, soil, en., and will be disposed
of upon liberal terms, for co sh, or exchanged for
property In Allegheny county.
/or terms, Ar., apply to
0. 6. Li M, Commercial Broker,
Dolt Butler street, Lawrenceville.
- oLCitiftis; . (3- Dll la, FOB. ISALE.—The
1 subscriber Oran for sale the ALLEGIrENY
CITY MILLS, situated to the Fourth Ward, All.
gheny City. This well known Mill has been rebuilt
lately, and contains four run ol Trench Burrs, with
all The latent improved mitchliß thr manufacturing
the best brands of Flour. ors pod local as
well as foreign custom. This rare chance for
!mine. men, and we invite an who wish to engage
In • profitable brain.n to nil at the 11111, when
terms will be made known.
.1.1 Derlug and Suffering. A history ~f the Great
ltulln Adrentnro In Ovenla, by Lieut. William
Pluingt.r. I vol.
Beyond the Line. ; or, A Eankee Trisoner Loose
In Dixie.
Ike hirtrsel'e New Bunk— .
I ',aurae.
The Lallt,Tlnir, by gels,.
Wendell PhilllpiSpeechca and Lectures.
Our Sunday School, and Boar wellfetugr„• It. A
net, supply lust reeetred.
I. L. HEAD, 78 Fourth street.
qty Farm of Edgewood
(Sucortutor to Holmes It Co.)
Denier in BACON, LARD, Bio
136 WOOD 13211118 T.
I:: V itu,u tee attention of Sportsmen and others to his
gplendld stock of GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLTERS,
nitwit inn of every kind. Ilia stock Is the inmost ewer
brought to this market. oaf
ASILIATLIST truastaaarearewe
Corner and 22d etreets, '
• ' VlLShingtoll,D. C., Oct. Vld,
-310N, on the SECOND and FOUETU WED.
N'iSDAM Ilth and ttntb of November, at the Corrsl
neat the Washing - ten Observatory, large tot of
El - ' A N D 'AND MULES, eondeMeed mat for
public mralcd. Sale to comments, at 10 o'clock {Lin.
Terms man, In Gorerument Funds.
cues.n. TOMTKENE.,
oefetd Capt. and A. Q. IL; U. B. Arms.
M couffriii—a7l3AEß,,
Idanufectrtrere and degree to dT Ittede of
NO. 108 . yrooD szarsr, rmirmas, PA..
Kara constantly na hand • largo varbsty of Pipe
Rod Pla.klng, Tobacco.. mV&Iy
SA Ws. /dees DONALDre wild tar sale by
Wholesale Grocers, Produce & Com, Hercbants,
or( 212. and 244 /Abort,' street.
- - H -
11. DRIE DCORNL•SweetCorn,
Eirledaibtiott up by the Maid . Society of Sha
ker., Iwo recolve.l end for pale by
note comer Liberty and Head
&wiriera .7rl Jeuti:E.g
1 V F.ANCiniENT.—On `s.e. -
PREMIUM SEWING MACRUIES. h 9 sti,,,y. - - _
mb.l- I , th, is,z.—PENiNSYLVANIA
P., I Lito.ll , —Nlls E: DAILY TithiNS,
Peer Awarded to Sewing Marinate In IBLoods. 1,..,,.. the Pa.seuger StM km ,1-Ily, (except Sunday.)
ai • `..., a. m., stop p...g at rah Stations bate, ti Plas•
These Machine. were awarded the I:Ugliest 'Natal- b :gb and Po im,l,lphia, and making ihrnt connec•
arm, ewer all compergers, for the Beat Fanay Boma tom for Now York and Philadelphia.
Ilmaime, the BM ifneniothe"" s 31. " - " . • ." the nob, Station mei", anemiafaseert L th od:y r ' )Tt
Bit Heehaw Wort, at the following STATIC PALES, ..t..5,1 o , m ., a c a priog only at pr i pp i y a . p . u .,
et 11033: making direct connections at Harrisburg for Baili
e mop and Washington, and for New York via Phila.
hive fart Flee Per, delth la.
First Premium for Madly nischine. The THROUGH EMPRESS TRAIN leaven daily at
fast Nem tram for donble-thread machine.
, 4:2 p. m., stopping only at priudpal Mat ions. making
lint tramline for mmtrine work.
' dir.-t connection at Harrisburg Mr Ilaltirmre and
Yarned State lair. ' IN o.hlr -too, and for New York AU Allentown route
first Premium for family inmhice. awl Ph inalelphia.
lint Premium Ow manufacturifig troachl.. T. FAST LINE testae the Station daily (except
fins Premium km machine work.
. Str .lay, at 8.:;.5 p. m., mopping only at principal om-
I'm,* Skin Pair,
it -, ...unecting at Ilarriebing for Baltimore sad
first Premlina fur family nasal.. W,...litti;;ton, and at Philadelphia for New York.
first Premium for mannfacttuing rosobine. . SCCOMMODATION TRAINS.
first Prefab:tater machine work.
Aficlatam aegis Fe,. Thr Johnstown Accotrunalittion Train leaves doll
l'lrst Premium for fatally machine. (. xcept Sunday) at a.) p.m., stopping at ail Stations
TIM Premium for manufacturing maetithe and running as tar m Conemaugh.
Tint dreinium for machine work. Pint Accommodation Train for Wall's SWUM
Indiana SOU Fair. • leaves daily (except Staidly) at ft:3o a. sn.
first Premluni fbr machine for all mimosas. I S-corrd Accommodation Train for Wall's Station
First tramline:lhr machine work. leuvm daily (except Sunday) at 11:40 a. in.
//M ani Ran Fair- Third Accommodation Train for Waits Station
First Pronitmarfer machino for ell purpome learn dolly (except Sunday) at ..1.2.0 p. m.
lint Premlutalbr machine work. ' F-mth Accommodation Train for Wall's Stailon
feranicky gab lair. leaves daily (erupt Sunday)) et OAX, p. m.
lint Proud= Par machine far all purpema The Church Train bares Wall's Station every Sem.
First Trentham for machini, work. I day at 103 a a. ; returning, learns Pittsburgh at
Peemsylear. Stet fair. Ir. ,-, p. rt.
lint Premium for manufmturing machine. Returning Train. arrive in Pittsburgh no follows:
Pint Premium for beautiful =add. work. 1: .I:imore Expreas..--......--...........—..12,50p. me
oth Rea Far. riiiludelptila.Exprce , .... —... ...... --. LiM p. m.
First Premium for machine wort. 1:PAII a. m.
Aed at the tollouluz County Fairs • Through thillirido —.
Clittelan. Ib. (TT) efpricaßaral Sem*. Jo , ..'own Accommodati.,..... ..... ._....-10MS a us.
F.," t Wail e Simi. Accommodation..... .. 6.23 it. m.
first PraMitlln for family machine. Sroond It ai I •5 notion Accommodation...... 0211 4 . O.
lint Pmmiltuto for maneraetttring machhia 110 , Wall's Station Aerommish.tion...... 1:45 p.m.
first Prenatal for machine work. I Ftairlb Walllo Station Ace,tmodation...- 6-06 p. ni. • ,
Owaiplaiii Pam (VA) Apriminwal &arra- I - Baltimore I..rprme mill mole. with Philmlaiphla
lint for ficAllj machine. I Exp. , se at ltni p. m. on Monday.
first tut frit*rdnufacturing machine. Trains for Blairsville tool Indians connect at Blahs.
first : machine work. rill. Intranet= with Through Amornmadatios,
, flaispden Ow (Man.) Asricultand Seeing. Jon ~,,t own Arr., Mss: , I iii-, , en d y, , ,,,,e, Troth - test, ,
' Diploma for Dimity mantillas. mid witi. Baltimore Express andlotinstaw a Argon,.
Diploma for Imola. work. 01,..ttiOLI Wait.
, Praskifis Co. (N. P.) Fair. Trains for Elemsburg connect at Ortesou with lix.
i Finn Premium for family maohine. plea. Trait,. ad Bail Imin V, ,-et, ...d or MI Through
Find treat= for manufacturing machine. Accommodation and Etyma Train Peat.
I (Jones's Co. (N. Y.) Mmlevireral Seeirti, The public will find It greatly to their interest. in
I First Premium for family machims. wing East or W(.l3i, to travel by the Pennaylvania
Wadthiglati (b. (N. T.) Fair. () a :, tool Ballomd, as the accommothttiona now offered
Fiat Premium for family machine. cannot be surpassed 00 any other !EMI!, The Bend
Berme. ('0 (N. T.) Fair. '.ballasted intik stomn, and is entirely (roe Rom dust.
Tint Premium for family mmhi.. ' We can promise eatery, speed, and .mfort to nil
Meextee. Ingten/. (Pa 1 Pox. , who may - favor this road with then patronage. •
Pint p remium for machine for all purple.... I FAME ..
Fins , T ‘,1171 for machine -mrk.
The above comprises all the Fairs at which th e I To Nov York.--112 8 , 1 - To B a ltimore _____lfil COOO
Gitowgri S tug teg
of sr ,. ex hibmd STo Philadmphia..... 10 5O To Len star —.— 580
this year. At nearly all of than oh. leading Sewing 1 To klarrlsburg..—_ 7 C 5
Ilachines were la compt :hi n. , Hasp:cage chocked t, all 66411000 on the Peamylv, _; I
The work mad* upon the Grover & Baker Sewing Ma Central Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Ilaitimnni
Machine has received the flan Premium at eory , nod New York.
801/• Fair fa the Halted States where It has boon Passengers purchasing tickets in the aim win be ..,..!
exhibited to this date. t charged an racing, accordiri,g to thedistsnoe Minim!, ... •
Sale Booms. No. lb TIP nu ST., Pittsburgh, Pa. iia addition to the .taunt rum. , crxit, hum station. 4; - 1.,.,
oct9:2xzewl A. F. CHATONKY. Agent. wit.. the Conalum7 kati ao Meal.
- I NUTICT..—Ii. ..i.e. of Ines, the Company will hold.,
then...elves responeilde for pgmonal bazialpi tin% l''
I, and for an &meant not sawed/lag 5100.
?splayed ...'.. • . 4'
N. D.—An Omnibus Li. has been tq li. .„.,,.
eviivey passengers and baggage to and from sTitel,, , ii
pot, at a charge not Woloond 25 cont., fur catt.4
~ itatirpn -
mitcn sod baggage. 1,..r tleliete apPly-fai-. -- .. . .
J.-sTrarAAT, itif.e.,, J .,
At the P011119y11 . 001.• Oentrai RalltnaW Passimagesa a- ,
Station, on Liborti and Grant streets. ode •.r; ,
Higbee prersien , • M the London mid nes Exhi
bitions, and at all the imporbard liltddn and idachara
cal Tars where exhibited Ws season. CaD and ex
=We these macblinro before parctuving.
We offer for Lae
Foote'll Patent Umbrella Lock Stand,
which harmer perfect 'natty to . article proverbially
gtion to be led ostroy
WK. SUMNER & 00.,
Valilll4llo, 1,530 Horse-power, 4,000 ton..
nrmitau t 1,000 Horse-power. 3,000 coos.
i.itiLliT/PriA, Liao Elore , -;..trer, %MO tow.
AO,GLI A, 1,000 Huras-powor. 2. 00 0 iour•
Theimeguilicent Steamehip ADRIATIC will .11
from Raw York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, the 17th
of November.
Bates of passage from New York to Liverpool, pay
able in gold or its equivalent in currency.
First Cabin—..............-1 80 1llterdne
Intermediate-- 40i
Patweng - r. forwarded also to London, Paris, Ham
burg, Haqrvi, Bremen, Rotterdam, Ants - ern, Ac., at
the lowest rates,.
Pares from Liverpool or Galway to New York and
Berton, FA $25, $75, s&g 8105.
For passage apply at the oflioe of the Ants.
SABEL SEARLE, 72 Broadway.
Swann loom, Manager.
or, D. O'NEILL,
amnion Chrowicle Building,
Jyllkly.o. No. 70 Fifth erred., Pittsburgh.
(Cola RA112021..) The well-known steamers of the
Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steamship
Company an intended as follow.:
EDINBURGH -Saturday, Nov. 21.
CITY OF LONDON.--....----.Satoriey , Nov 2 S.
CITY OF NEW YORK Saturday, Dec. 5.
And every succeeding Saturday, at was, from Pier
44, North River.
11/15 0/ PUSAGEL
Payable is Gold, or Us salvaged fa Oarreses.
First Oaux--......589 gar-. 130 00
do to London. uB5 00 do to Loudon 34 00
do to Paris..—. 95 00 do to Par.... 40 50
do to hamburg. 90 00 do to lima g 37 00
Pawiengers also forwarded to Morro, Bremen, Sot
terdam, Antwerp, An., at equally low rata.
Pores from Liverpool or Queenstown let Cabin,
$75, VIE, 5505. st,r"-s, who wish to
wind for their friend. - ti t an buy Masts here at thew
Nonce—The Steamship GLASGOW, of this line,
will all m an extra steamer on TIIIHISDA.Y. Nov.
19th. HM splendid accommodations fora few Cobb
and Steerage Passengers, at reduced rates, payable
in U. O. Currency.
For farther information apply at the Company's
Offices. JOHN G. DLLS. AV. , .
/5 Broadway New York.
JOB'S inosirsos, AFr t ,
Ham! street, Sat tunas from the laridge.
mblfhtf Pittatourgh.
CUNARD TlNE.—Steam from
V 5 In gold:or its equivalent bo ettrreney.
PROM NNW TORS. $36 In nuEE.nn7
galls airy week. Apply to
7 1 3011115 RATTIOAIq, Aent.
stakassly eittsbur.
DISSOLUTION.—The Partnership
SOL eretofore extedng under the name And Elm
of J. B. LINDSAY di CO. le this day dissolved by
witnal consent. All bushman connected with the
late firm will be settled by J. E. LINDSAY, at 201
Wood street, up Weirs. .1. IL LINDSAY,
I have also disposed of my interest in tho firm of
800. 2, 18013. .1. 11. LINDSAY.
Baring purchased Cho interest of J.U. LINDSAY
In the area of J. R. LINDSAY & fb., llardwar• an.
Cutlery Business; also in the firm of J. B. dr: N.
DIAXAYDLL & CF., Bellows Manufaettirersithe book will continue as usual, Hardware ant
C .
bt J . IL LINDSAY; Bellows, so., B. & S.=
Hoe. 2, 1801. notlm
The partnership heratoTors existing betneen
the imbeeribers, under the firm of PHILLIPS,
FREW a CO., has tills day been dissolved, CHAS.
hment the entire interests of the other winces.
The business of the late tit-mean be settled by LOCK
P. KIP?.
Pittsburgh, Poland 10th; 11363, •
40FKHZE, rari•
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum,
WI" At ALBION OTT. WELLS, Venanp county
and BRILLIANT OIL WORKS, Negley's Ron.
0211e.h . IT2 42 174 WOOD 6THEET,
tjtilTiff STATES 6 - 0 V kIiaMENT
Of the following Important localities
Moroni Virginia-
Tho alountain Regions of North
CaroLiu* and Tennt.-a5er....—...... 1.00
Louisiana and Uhisitogippi cents.
CLarleatan 'Harbor 8 approaches. 80
For sale by
_ _
rrt ALLOW OIL.--12-bblai-aw-stare an
for sae by talUal MOM
i ILE VEL AND, 141,11.,0cu,1....% . _,-r ' 'i
• ''4-r:
V PITTSBURGH AND I".l.ffk_ 9,l ". l ..Skikan . . ' •• '
W lid '/' ki It AILRANGEMENT.--On ante._-ferfar'•' „
MONDAY, November ICiti, 1863, Trains Rif-Ran • •
the Ikepot of Gie Pennsylvania Itallroad; in Pitt.
burgh, as follows:
Pgr , Ons•gli and Wheeling Eine.
Leaves Pittsburgh' I:Li a. tel Gi.1.10 a. m.' 1:0 p. In.
do Wellsville, 410 •' 0•42 a a
14:05 a
do Stetibenv'e 1:1 , ' " 1 1 •0 •• 9:45 6:05 a
do Wheeling. 6:09 •• 11• I toss ••
Arrives Belittle._ 6,20 •• n•l5 •• , 6:21: a .
Connect In-.t stetibonville and Itellair with Strai
benville and " intharis. tiouread and Con I ~...: uhin,itail.
rood for 7atisville, Newark, Columbus, Ye:344 Day
ton, Indiavapol is, Cincinnati, Louhrrille, Ate% SL .
Lou,. St. Joseph, and ail lo 0 ~,s tet and treadrusest
and at Wheeling with Baltimore ankitADV,Ballread: ' e
Piuslokrgh and Clcselar4 U..
Leaves Pittsburgh_......_ Ida. m. 1:18 it. ul. .)
de trellsviDe..-----....4 - VSO .. • 4.144 " ~•
do Bayard....._ ~,,, 5:8‘.. •• sas ..
do Alliance 6115 a 111:15 " •
da Ravenna- ............1 Tit/ " r .„. „,
do II ud50n............... 8:11 " 7.:2.0 "
Arrives at Cleveland-...-....... 0,28 " 8:40 a
Connecting at Bayard vath•Turcarawas branch to. ,
New reiladelphin and Canal Dover; at Alliance with'
Pittsburgh, liirt Wayne si..l O".' :.,;•. P. . I.l,kult et •
no with Atlantic and Great Western ILailroad
fur Warren, Gli•enville, Meadville, Union, Curry,
dm:amt.+ la and Sai.unankvo, et iludisa, with Curse-
land, Zantwville and Cincinnati Railroad fur ALOIS tt
coy s hegn kens and Millersbure., au' s: nevelanef
.. ' 1. C. a. E. R. R. S., Erie. Dunkiik and Buffalo
with C.. 4 I'. 11- R. for, Toledo, and ilea
V • h r , 5 MeV, for Devon..
bteniketiviltu sad Nt eto. , .l '.o _Accommodation leaves
A list:nary City at s:fo p. m.
Returning trains arrive at 10,00 a. na.,‘•3 On p. m.
0.05 p.m. and '2.10 am.
Through Tickets to all prominent point can be
procured at tho Liberty Street Depot, Pittsburgh.
GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent.
And at Allegheny City.
A. ti. CASSELBERRY, Ticket Agent.
For Parther information apply to
At the Company's &Moo in Freight Station, Penult.
Onus or Coarrnottra or TOO Crwasner,
Washington City, August sth, ISeli,
WH1.117,1., By satisfactory evidence present to
the itudomigned, it has been made to appear that
in the County of Allegheny, and State of Pataisylese•
tits, has been duly organised under and a:wording to
the requirements of Om Act of Congress, entitled
-An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by
. liodge of Unitn.l States Smoke., and to provide Ibr ,
tho circulation end redemption thereof," ayprdead
February 25th,1243, and.has complied with all the,
protium...l of soft Act required to ;Ite compilod With
lriute commenClng the bush:tem of Banking: •
Now, •Lorefore, I Draw licentuwn Compton*
of the Cnrrency, do hereby certify hal the add
county of Allegheny, and state of Pennsylvania,
authodied to cowmen., tho business of Banking ten''
der tho Act aforesaid-
In testimony whereof witness my head
{ 23, I.d seal of ogico, this sth day of August.
Comptroller of the Curoonoy.
Carnal., $490,t909 Kb 171,!ilezetaineresse
The Pittsburgh Trust C RIPS 1 ba.lcr, °Ttszitu
curler the act to provide Currency,vmder
the title of the FIRST 1 AT ORAL BANE OF
PITTSIIIIRCM, would reek aft ly offer Ite services
for the collection of Note, 1., eat, Rills of Exchange,
etc., receive money on deposit, end bay and inn }lX
change on all part. of the coon Ivy.
The success which hos attended the Pittsburgh
Trost Company, Mom its organiustion la 1852, will
we believe, be a eutilcient guarantee that business
entrust.' to tie. coo ergrmicution will remiss the
same prompt attention.
Raving a very extenvive correepatuhsocewrith Banks
end lisaketa thninghont the country, we believe we
inn offer unusual facilities to those who ao butioeu
with no.
The Liminess will be amductcd try the Isms Officals
and Directors.
Jam. L.614111:4 thszander Speer,
Robert 8. nap, Francis G. Dailey,
Thomas Dell, Alex. 'Dailey, •
Thom. Wiglitmsa, 1 Samuel Rea: '
LAUGITLEN, Prokk-ut.
JOICLii D. scrux, Cashier.
Anma 50ii 1563.
rourm seam.
CHARM:M IN 1856.
Open daily from 9 to S o'clock, also on Wednoiday
and Saturday evenings, from May let to Novo:mbar
Ist, from 7 to I o'clock, and from November Ist to
May let from 6 to I o'clock. . ..
-Deposits reoelynt of all mins not lose than OD*
Dollar, and a..itri.l,l of the proton declared herbal.*
year, In June and December. Interest has beau deo
chord semi-anomaly, in Juno and December. ants
the Batik wen organized, at tiro pith ofsiz per aralt:
• l e :tercet, If not drawn out, is Idelte&to theeesdit
of the depoeitor saptinelpel, and beal*the same In.
• Wrest rmen thieilret days Of Jane imilDecomber, come'
pounding twito • year without troubling, era &post . -
' tor to call, or eves to pr esent his piss book. At, th is .
rate money will double kez than'tstilvo years.. -
Books, containing the ChartincDabs
and Regulations, furntehed gratis, co applalitiest at
Abe oilb.v.
Paztrimirr—GEOiltiZ ALBAalre.
secs P11.1.15.1DMII: . . •
John D. AlaTioililm, lease Al. Prannott,',.
,yoyaljohinee, . • John Illanbult, • •
Alesimitor Speer; ' James 11 D. Moeda.' •
Bela. 14 - Pahnisetock, •A. M. Policultell,
James larded*, 11111 Buret*, ,
James lietamais,
John Orr.
Robert -
Henry le..ninplOe.
Jame shrdta_
John 11.1210enbel
Willis* N. Stblelarleir
Alazandor'l l ndle,
/PP 3Vhittlaie. -<.
VOL rilorsrp,ql.:
./Ohn 6. &wham,
John 0. MAW,.
George Mask,
Aka= A. Zanier ,
Charles A. Colton,
John Evans.
.Prica 75 eeuts.
$1 uu
- ‘6lllem S. Herta,
Peter H. litatkeri
Stebud Hap,
William S. Layely,
6.1:621 ,611 T 6 hula
No. 66 Wood itroot
8.9.1 SB.