...2 - • ,~: N . . f ✓ • " • FRIDAY MORNIN4..I.I*:::.:NOV. 20, 1368 CITY AND SUBURBAN From Yeaterdife Evening Gazette _ --Battery A; at Erie. The miee of Battery-'d, who_ have just re turned' from Erie, sneak very freely of the iridifferent treatment which they received at that taco. They have also solicited the pub lication of the following letter, which will explain itself : . Pirroenoog, Ph., Nov.lB, 1963. Editors auras : Contrary to my own wishes, but at the request of 111 r. Gilson, ad ded to the - milleitation of the members of the Battely, Intim 'the "itecompauing letter of your:diiposal: L EL B. BeArnicserses, Prrnsonair Barger Al • Erie, Penn'a., 18 63 - Ka. Wm. Gruais—Prowilirr !laving received o ere from Maier General Brooks to that effect, I shall, with the members of the Battery, leave - Brie tomor row at 3 o'clock a. and before doing so, beg to thank you for your kind attentions to mo and the men of my command during our short stop here. At the same time allow me to say, More in self vindlestkei than otherwise, that had' •the men re ceived from other citizens of Erie the same rotates) extended by you and the Bev. Munro. Lyon and Spaulding, my politic:r as commanding officer would bare Mona'. more pleasant. But ther e . is no deny ing the fact, that upon our very entrance into the - city the moo were poin ted at and intuited for com ing her e where there .Wes no danger." This, as a matter of coarse, Incensed the men and rendered it aornawhat difficult• to enforce a very strict discipline, Inasmuch as thl men bad not boon mustered or sworn into either the State service or that of the General Government. Further than this, the gieater num beta the men were without uniforms, and cense =could, if so disposed, buy whisky at every In the city, which toe limited extent was dona and given to those who otherwise could not have procured Wearers here without pay, is part wlthout uni forms, and, as wo felt, without thenks, ,are t hew wkiek we Ma 'appreciate, We 0.41.11 eI ]icier Gowen( - Erecob, and a few honorable exceptions amongst the cinema ; feeling myself somewhat acutely on this point, I have been the more disposed to excuse nedight manure of legume In discipline, provided that the men were ever in readiness forduty. But, while admitting this, I must, at the 6.113, time, say that ins discipline in s - number of Onapt that I have known, bus been costidered ewypood °inane; a little singing and dancing on, the third floor of a building, at times during the day, may be &slight annoyance to those occupying roomsbetiestb, but to camp, if noticed at all, it would be encouraged rather than _reprimanded; and be pleased to bear in mind that this singing math dancing occurred during rho day and not aster "taps" at night. Feeling under obligati°. to you for procuring us the hall we occupy, 1 mast begyrou topty no bill for damages done the building; since, AS you asente me yourself, the entire damages- could be repaired for lees thaws dollar, instead °flab • times that amount and more, as claimed by Mr. Mullin. The mere damaging f raithig of what was by the men considered bate mule,. remnant of a nor .lesed stairway, is but a small matter, and when I reported it at headquarters, a. I did. I wen told the, the city of Erie would be glad to pay any such bill a.. that if ally CILLYS way eamemptible tuoup4 to made +4. We have heretofore paid from our own fund. dam ages done to private property by our her, or men, and should gladly have dorms° in this histance'had not Mr. Austin manifested suchan'entire absence of public spirit. I may Judge wrongfully, but with my present knowledge most consider him simply ,eseemprible. and have endeavored to treat him accordingly. - - I —wan thank you and Bor. Mr. Lyon and family, Ihrr.lfr. Spaulding, and a few other gentlemen, to whom you were kind enough to Introduce me, for their court...us attenttoror, also eltecially, to thank the members of the Union League for placing at our agouti the we of - their Beading Room. Trusting that at tame future time I may be able to weleotne pon at:Pittsburgh, and In tome mtaburr return your kindness, Tnm, respectfully and truly yours, L. H. liana's, Lient.Comd'e Pittsburgh Flattery A. Low Price of Fresh fleet, During the put few days large quantities of country cut beef have been offered in oar markets, and as soon as the weather becomes sufficiently cold the amount offered will bo greatly increased. The prices rule.very low —some holders offering fore-quarters at two cents per pound, and bind-quarters at three and a half. The meat, however, sold at these figarea, was of an indifferent quality, lacking /sinus. A better quality brought two and a half cents for fore-quarters, and four cents for hind-quarters. These are at present the rul ing figures. The farmers throughout Western Pennsyl vania, in consequence of the failure of the grass crop, and the high price of toed, will be compelled to kill off large numbers of their stock cattle, and sell then at whatever figure they can get. They eutoes afford to feed them through the winter. This will throw immense -- qttarilllle:-.7.ithiesit into the principal markets, and prices will role lower than for many years put. It is tree, much of this beef will bo but indifferently iatienesi o but the rates will be so extremelylow that It will no doubt meet with a ready; sale': Those who have heretofore been misfile to provide a winter supply of meat,-owingrto the high prices, can afford to lay in a stock . thisfall, and will doubtless take advaiatageef the opportunity. —Some 'persons may be disposed to inquire why it is that they have to pay so high a price for their steaks and roasts, in oar markets, .:since cattle calrbe purchased sit so low a figure. The reason Is this : Prime fat cattle are scarce, and command good prices. - The butchers are compelled to serve their customers with the choicest quality, and hence the retail rates remain about as heretofore. The best cattle now command higher pricesi than they did two months ',ago, and there is no probability that the butchers will be able to lower their `prices. Geniari Reformed Synod The Synod of the German Reformed Church comincrqcd its cession in this city, in Grace church, comer of Grant and Webster streets, on' Wednesday evening, and was opened with prayer by Rai. Mr. Winter of Dayton, Ohio. Rev. Dr. 'Kevin,- a Lanca ster,delivered the r'efitisting sermon, after which he Synod ad journed until Thursday morning. Synod met on !Thursday morning, and organized by.the appointment of the follow ing officers: ._ President—Revaohn W. Nevin, D.D. VienPresidentaMoser Kieffer, D.D., and Daniel Zacheries, D.D. Secrete:les-4'Bsec R. Reiter, (English,) and 11. S. Ruetrick, (German.) Corresponding Secretary--George W. WU nerd. Treasumr—Mr. John Wiest. The 13 0913 or meeting were Bled as follows: At hires o'clock in the forenoon, and two o'clock to the afternoon--adjourning at twelve and at four. 0/1 motion, the following named gentlemen were appointed alionmaittee to prepare Mal aita/liar. the Synod: Beir; q, Sieber, V. Gerhart, D. D., D. Winter, Georg° W. Williard, H. liarbaugh, DOL. - Kieffer, D. D., and Eiders H. Leo pout and'S. C. Kieffer. • After transacting some unimportant basilicas ,ther - B,ynoll took a ream till two o'clock. Eztraordhiaty Enterprise. the Tie - porter of-the PA who is usually content to jog side hji) side with his profes -6041 hretheen, nifide - i. grand iiineh for the lead, on Wednesday, and succeeded In getting a day ahead: If is column of Thursday morn is graced with an article, as long as a ~ Faber. pencil, descriptive of the consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. It is gravely announced that the consecration .flook.place'yesterday;"'' that "the number in ittendenee was very large ;" that "most of .fit• Governors of the eighteen States having - lots in the cemetery were present in person ;" that "the procession was formed in the town of Gettysburg .yerteniny e morning, at nine d - to the cemetery tobk place.' V~lat' so enterprising a SSeep Arafat her b just one as the distinguished , "a leette previous." :le for the' next issuer Oa, it will be much, Into. • more. Malt , fellll4 COGillrinnl *Miami fertat; froo dirtiTt* . .4 — atisnrur by:h t . -AuSsit4". 2 14'0,- , t.fq•-? - ,:t "=. . - ",-P,rti" - 1 • t . , .. . , '- . • ,4. , 474-- `7 ,- . , • -"*1"4-^•-:-"1.4"---.",-,7r,,,•r,t"-'7'Z-""'.1",7-"•.`-•',-; ..,,."r:f,,,.....•,i.„......7,:,5•.;.;•,!•-;'..••,4..,.',Z"!•:•:•....,,,,, .7i,i1,.4;,...-i.„70,,..:-.., ):',eXl4-l'-.V..`.1i41.--':iit7e-i1...5?1,45.1Vi-1"-"i•.,'-'...,-.7",.,..,'itVX:'.':42:4?'''''''''''''''''';634''''''''''''''''''''''' ''' '''' '''""'' ''''l-147:4A;--,k1.t.,400'iriN,:.3gR6,4,1t.1',:47Ap-4-.- ,- - - - .`..."5;';•-,7.st,*Vitta.,-,s'.;A,iet-;41.11ee....-;:.-.,-•. 7411,4A-taMO nth the Mur. ColikfralF.OttE. iatOTAIOINER-- Thu ndah , Non, 11—Judges Sterrett, Mellon atoißrown. Court `tiet at lane o'clock, when the ex amination of witnesses for the defettetrwas • inteafid: - ••• Julius Parasky testified that, on the night of the killing, ho heard the shots of the pis •toL He was about going to bed, andjast be fore the shots were fired he beard some one say : You:son of a b—, Twill kill you." The voice was that of Hustler. The witness sta ted that he was a music teacher, and was a good Judge of sound. Several witnesses were then called and tes tified to the physical superiority of Knauer, as compared with Leath. Officer 3i. B. Hartzell was called to testify in reference to the violent character of the de ceased, which was objected to by the counsel for the prosecution. After a lengthy discus sion the Court overruled the objection, and Mr. Hartzell testified that Kreuter was very ferocions and violent when under the Influ ence of _liquor. Officers Hague, Hamilton, Moon and othors, testified to the same fact. Jailor Small testified that he knew Hutzler, as uprooter in thojail, and that his reputa tion for peacefulness was bad. Several witnesses testified that they would not believe Kauf and Lau (two witnesses for the prosecution) ander oath. Their repute- Cita for truth and veracity was very bad. Mrs. Magdalena Trimbet, aunt of the de fendant, testified that, after Kunsler's death, eho insisted upon Lauth leaving the country, and that lie did not wish to go. Bernard Louth, Sr., father of the defendant, testified that his son was born in September, 1840, and was a little over twenty years of agd when the difficulty oceurred. The wit .nese was then in England, and remained there until July last, when they both returned to this country. The testimony here closed, and the Court took a recess until two o'clock. rocs° Dian.—.A. man named John Moyer, aged about thirty-five years, was found dead in hisloedrai the.hemse of Mr. John Rico, in Meadville, on Sunday morning last. It ap pears that he was a laborer and indulged pretty freely in liquor on Saturday evening— came to his boarding house in a state of intox ication and went to bed. Not getting up as usual for.breakfast, one of the family went tip to wakeldin, when he was found ac before stated. COMMERCIAL RECORD FINANCE AND TRADE. r.1,112t, advanenl in New York, the quota Hon to-day briar, 11.2%. Sitter, 01.0 a higher having advanced 1. , 145. The adeutce in the rates of coin there, has produced a corresponding result hem, and ourleinken.are now paylnaletk4l4l for silver and lagaibo for gold. the New Toes Banks on Wednesday, paid Into the Stab-Treasury in currency another instalment or, three end a ball' million dollars. They have noir paid 75 per neut., leaving (8,7.40,000 still due. 'lain trill be no accumulation lu the Treasury, as the payments are running very large. The each balance in the hands of the Assistant Treasurer in Boston, at the dose of htisisows Novem ber 14, wile $6,868,818,49, showing a decrease of 326, 572,06 as compared with the close of the previ ous week. The exports from New York are at present very small, but our Loper - mare now so hoary that but for the heavy investments by European capitalists In American securities the comae of exchange would be more atlvorm to this rountry. The following will chow the exports koselttelve of specie) from New York to foreign ports fur the cork ending November 15th, and since January lat 1861. 1662. 18Q. For thr Werk.....&3,052,92; 53,780,451 8•=,311.9J2 rep0rwa1_....1111,569,M2 131,548,40.5 150,122,435 Sin. Jen. I...$lll),:id,GSS in.s,ns,asa 152,334,367 The exports Mum Boston lust nest texclwifre of spesue) mere $275,191, ogslust.F4o,27U fib for the cor responding mock in Tue imports were $1:41.974, against fur the ,otrt+pouding week in 1662. PITTSBURGH MARKETS FLOUR & GRAlN—Wheat Is firm, with emtill sales from find lamb at 51,30 for Red, and 51.37(41, 4 U for White. Barley is unchanged with limited receipts; continne to tioute 01 51,37 for Spring, and SI,SO for Fall. Corn is firm with a role of 2 cars on track at $1.12; and coo also beard of a wile of 2 Call at 51,13, but this to cutaldered °lore tha market. There Is but little infiniry for Oats, and the nominal quota tron by the car Load 1 . Flour is firm and we note sales of 300 Mils Extra Family from store at at 56,7447,00. BuawMat dour is staoly with sales of 58 sacks at 51,00 per cwt. GROCERIES—The grocery market continues very quiet, though pricci are pretty well sustained. We note small sales at 13,teAl4,qc for Raw &mire; 1714 (y,lBc for Refined do; 33 to 34,%c for Coffee, and 64E; Gfic fur Molassea By telegraph, we learn that Coffee, advanced 1 cent per pound in New York today, and Refined Sugars j'ic. RUTTER & EGGS—There is a cuatirnsol good de mand for Roll Rutter. and we note adze of 602 Da at Die; 40U Ms at 28c, =lli bbls at 27c. Eggs firm with sales of 3 bbls atAgiatc per dozen. MILL FEED—Ia In setts demand, with but little In market; sale of I car prime No 1 Mlldlluge at I ,NI per cwt. No other eat. reported. lIAT--Continnes very firm, and the supply it hardly adequate for the demand; vale of 16 loads from sines at $35 to $4O per ton. APPLES—The demand Is falr sod the market steady, while prices are without quotable chaayo— ran,tng from 02,50, $2,75 per bbl fur :air to prima. PILT--ts moderate demand but unchauged; of San bbls from tint hoods et 52.474, .A 50 bbls from store at 32,r4 • • • • .• CAA NBEILIMS--Very dull as ala supply is largely in maim of the demand; no note • We of 6 bids Com mon at 212 per bbl. ASHES—in reporting a sale of 5 tons of Pearls in our lam report the types made the prks be per potuid, whereas it should have been 10e, cash—quite a differ• once. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Nor. 19—The receipts of Crude ooritione large, al though not, as yet; up to the expectations of some of our buyers, who predicted that there would tw from 100,0 , e, to 1:7),000 bile bar. on thistrirt water. There fa it continued brisk demand, bowerer, and w• look for an intpurremmitjtrat so NOD as boyars an *Slan gy] that prices can go no tower. The salmi. to-day compriae 2,4177 bbls as (caws too and 420 bbl. to bulk, oa the spot, at i 23 4 Iwo bbtain bulk, to ar rive, at 12e, and 241 hidis at 13)4e, packages Included. There were other !mall ukt made of which Wd has. tio account, at thoSaux• range of prices. Itatiosed is In better demand, and there want pros transaietkoxe hi bond.% but the terms weie not made public, We note a sale of tom Obis ..1.4111U-nt - bread, on private terms. Bennet free, I. selhnit In th• small way at ationviormer quotations. liaptha Is .toady with • !aloof 141C1 bids of prime ,be,dorised at iec. Tiwldlum Is still held at lit per bbl. The exports of Petroleum from Now York during the three days ending on illoilnenday, one. lied, reaching only 1.13,7f4 gallons. Received at tier York slotolstlanomyobillcr.^4B4o Entrterol same time tuft. 16/72. prom tie• York gape. 16,741,60 6 " 201 Other Ports du 1;60073 3,605,:582 ECM New York Petroleum Market. Special Dlagatch to the Plitabutgb Gazette. Niw Yong, Nov. I3—Crude Is Arm and At shads higher, with salty at 24Yers2hc. Ulna also to Ganef with sea of bonded 40@a1e on the spot, and 413 5 0 for Deemnber del very, buyers option. Tree oil Is steady at Ulgble, and Naptha la nominal at forme: quo:ationa. Nov. 17.—There was a firmer feeling noticeable in the breadstuffa markets this morulug, owing m the advance in gold, and sellers bad the edvicebtfl• throughout the day. Wheat sem moderately active, and advanced MAle per bushel, with sales of No. 1 epilog at 111,01R01,08; 210.2 spring at $1,0334(41,04, and rejected epringat inftirle. The demand (r win .ter wheat manliest, and sales were trillggsa, 51,11% 61,12% for No. 2 red.:. Corn was not iodations DO OD yesterday, but boldera Were very firm, and palms ad vanced 54e per bushel. •No. 1 in dare *ld at goo aoy v e ; itb. 2at 85480844 and rejected at Floor la to better demand - end Draw, and on mme lirands an adennee of ba ti tog ♦ rery extensive cormpondensn with Banks and Bankers throughout the country, we believe we can iHrer mescal lecilitiet to those who do =sing= with us. • • . , The Paine= will be conducted It the seamo Ottloers sod Directors. James Laughlin. Spar Robert HQ% 'raub' O. Ha Tboiamv Aled. Etedteß Thomas•Wightmani :Samuel Reg. Wm. H. /Hauck, • JAMES JOHN D. SCULL 14 Aupag 5514 1853.- 1161111 N. Ercsidetd. el. nOLLAR. seNINGte, Be:Isl.; 2%0.65 YOVILTIE BTassr. • (11LARTRItED - Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wedneextp and batorday eromings, from Stay Ist to-November lot, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November let to May let from 6to o'clock. Depceite received of all tome not loge - Dan OM Dollar, and a dividelfd of the Ovate &anemia/los a year, to Jone and December.- Diarist - bee been &- Mend semi-anomaly, In Jane and December, Ellice the Dank was organized; at the rata of sikpor amt. yems. • learnt, if not drawn Vtat; la plimeCto Discredit of the depositors, principal, a:4'km" , the mos rev tercet from the dent der ofjonet and December, ann. pounding twice a year without troubling thti depcwi tor to.eall, or even to Paughtlib Dad book, "At tile rate money will double tales' than melt. 3oa Books, containing the (tart!?, .By-bawle _ and itevolatioue, tarnished gratis, on applimHon at the cMco. Paitipaerr—OT.OßOL ALLII - 1114.' art rarsamovi: lobo B. lifoTadden,l len , ..clid.reelaincite Li John olmee, John Aio.mdider Speer, • SLIMLY B. D. bionat, Bent. L. Tahmetock, A. Si. rokra,lL D., Junes tied oky, 11111 Domain, James lieninion. William J. Ando:wow. Peter A. Modern. Water P. "441310. John (Fri, • ". Hobert Bobb; . Henry LAiingerati JamoaAbtdlt~ -: John IL lbamberper, WilliamlL Ektmsextz. 'Wlltlam 'Alessaier- Mid% Yankhic, Issas Wittalkr, Calvin Adams, Inkin G. Backokm, John ct. Bindley. George k, Mown AlO. so Corder, °barks A. Colton. WU= Donglo. John star. 8.1101/4 Pater - U. lidnket, - kkhard - JainoiD. Han Wifilun SZCILITAiT it • ••1 josfrii— • ' , Vas:l";. - Wytuat .441.1111, - * boa. MEM MINI! =EI 11221 CoiaPanr , Age • 1