The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 19, 1863, Image 4

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t Trial of Bernhard Leath for the lliur_
AFitrgit — 05rtzttiqe der ofJohn Engler.
C0V8.2 or OTra aka Teams:am— Wednesday,
_ram Issas Nors.lB.—JudgeaSterrett, Mellon and Brown.
At the opening of the Court, the defend-
CITY .4.217) SUBUIiBA.N. ant's counsel submitted a ;Magma of . the
ground upon which the shooting took place,
for the purpose, mainly, of showing that some
FromYeaterdav'e Evening Gazette j 0.,
too witnesses for the prosecution could not
The Amended List of Draft Exemptions have seen the shooting, as described by them .
—Diseases and infirmities Exempting • Jacob lienntgan testifies, that on Saturday,
from the Draft. the day of tho quarrel, he saw Louth in front
•The following important circular, lately of Grserson's store, where ho was laving stone,
when Louth said "I must go ; ttiere come ,
Issued by the Provost Marshal-General, re- Kunzler; he wants to fight mc." Witness
daces thcinntaber of exempting diseases from I advised. him to go to the next tavern, but
firly-one to fo. ly-Dne, and in regard to others Lanth preferred to eke Grierson's : liunttcr
Is more specific than before. As now emended j came up ma instant afterwards, asking for
Louth; witness said I:^ J.l not see h i m,when
there will bo much loss cause than heretofore Kunzier remarked "If I fi nd that —d
for complaint. that men — aro permitted to re- Dutch son of b—h, I'll kill him." In a
main at home who axe competent for field foot minutes afterwards he said . "1 saw him
going into that store there," and went to ,
duty. The render will see that the meshes of
Griarson's store, returning instantly to pull
the net are reduced ill number, at any rate— I off his cost Then witness stated that ho
though doubtless enough remain still to keep went to the store, and witnessed the scene
the otamrs of the boards of enrollment on the j with the pitch fork, dedertbed yesterday by
alert: another witness. Kunzler on coming out
{Van Dreaunnoir, I threatened the life of Louth, and witness
Pativoirr Dlasumal.-titotnee:s Orrice, asked him not to sweir, (so many children
AHWrobt, NOT. 9, lead being present), when Kurisler threatened to
CIRCI/Ll.ll 100.—Paragraph 88 of the Begula.
Hone for the government of the Bureau of the 'Pro- knock witness down.
vost-Marshat-General of the United States, is amend- John Brown stated that Law, a witness for
ed to read ea follow. the prosecution, had told him that he heard
85 The following diseases and Infirmities aro thole I the report of a pistol, but did not ice any fir
which dlisquallfy for military service, and fur which •
onlye dratted men are to be...rejected as physically ing at
r mentally unfit for the &orrice," els Robert McCoy testified that he was strong
1. Manifest in front of Grierson's store bn the lith of No
2. Insanity. This include, well ottabliebed recent vember, lbffi, with the defendant, Leath mod
"'sanity with liability to recurrence. n the first was admonished to hide
3. Epilepsy. for this disability the eiatesaent of ot h ers , wlie
the drafted man is sufficient, and the feet must be
estiblished by the d °meelf in the store, for Kunsler was just cora
uly attested affidavit of a physi- ing up towards them. This obscure language,
elan in good standing, who hue attended him in the as testfisd to ' 7 previous witnesses, wee re- ,
disease within the six month, tramethatel, preceding i pealed. together with the ensuing scathing
htsexambuttlon by the Board inside the store, and their quarrel after con
i. 'Paralysis, generally or of one limb, or
their exietence tu be adequately deternimed De- in out, which ended in Louth's escape.
emol utrophy of a limb. Nicbolnz Buchleitner testified that he walk-1
5. kerbs or orgeu.„ et of th e brain or spinal ed past Grievon's store -n the lith of Nov..
,or the heart or lunge; or the liver or el:leen, 1 9 50, Where be beard Knnzler's sibs cone me
f the kidneys bladelsr, visual have so
Impaired his geeeral health as to hare no doubt of namng of Louth's life, and he didn't think
the man's Incapacity for eithiady service. Kunzler to have been under the influence of
elonfirrard OntortMiglol3. incipient C 0.1112111 1, l i quor at the time.
tiara chat not exempt. II en i e Les eke 'sated that no the evening
(lacer; aneurism of the largo arteries.
before the shooting, Kunsler came to'. place
8 inveterate and derisive disease of the skin,
mm e eo n necessarily ale e ffi c i erm y e ith a big dog, praising his and his awe
titer, grits as the two be=t of their kind in town,
9 Decided feebleness of .onsteruti, deli-11.n! and soil W‘ , 114.1 whip that Dutch SOO if a
sire of °he, eurnment hi degree to lease no do u bt ,
h—h, or any body who w. old Like his peat.
the man's urifituess for military ssrriee
ktne, h ad clo-ed up his house for fear of
10 &retie , or cos-tatutiouel cypleles, which has
so serious* impair, ,1 his general health as to leave Enlister and an associate, who had attacked
no daub[ of the s incapacity r , r military or- him in his room in the morning. Now in the
riot. evening he called his customers out into the
11. Habitual and confirmed intemperance, or
tar) ha ll , so ne to make Kontler leave, who, as he
stitution we to lease no doubt of the moo's Int Ara•rity supposed, would not stay there alone. Kunz
for military service. ler asked repeatedly for Louth, in obscene
12. Mronic une unless mantreated' by f orme , a nd t h re atened his
i tlV O ";hVZ: f o .r d ru i, ,,' „ ,T o ‘'.7 , r, °,. . °f l ,27 ff " es :':::: The ,rose-examination revealed the drunk
enness of Kunzler at the time .
exempt. Impaired mote, ef Joints and contraction
of the limbs alleged toarise from rheumatism, and In Joseph Young aid Reinhart Lockingor also
which the mariner: of the limb is not mantra:di, e testified to the threats made by Kt:miler
paired, are to be proved hy„ examination /ilk in a againet Louth's life.
state of era • etheais induced ,by ether only. Mrs. Barbara Itashbach, nunt of the de
la. Perm, !tether ntimitlating heoiaehe, neural
gin in any of its cm, , rheumatism, lumbagn, or me fondant, testified to staving dressed Louth's
f eet i oro of th e muscloi, bones er Joints, is a symptom wounds after he had been attacked by Kenn
er disease w easily metendrd that it is not to be al- !or, in the at ternoon. She also stated that
milted ee a cause for ..^.,'"°°, unl^es ac<wlpanini oho end her test induced Louth to leave for
with manifeet derangemeet of the genteel health,
limb, otter lenitive mzri diriminf ,. Europe, whits he Maisel! vra,nted to stay hero
setts lag lorl disease. end sand his trial, fur he was sorry for his
14 Great injuries or &s.a.e. of ter 4.11, oe. oion deed.
ing liniodmacni of rho mtellectiml faculties, ce'lef I Court took a recess till tn. o'clock.
or ether manifest n,. ot ,leis Bello symptoms.
15 ei
Toted loss of eight,. ne
total le, oi sight of right
eye; catantet of right I ~,,, <maudlin/ S im ,f The Enrollment of Coal Boats—impor
daht eye tent Letter from Secretary Chase.
16. Partial 100, of sight of lent, eye.. own being
meeting oi oal merchants wag called this
as greatly impaired a, to leave no dente of the men s
inability to perform military duty. Serious perma morning by Capt Batchelor, to lay before
neat disease, of thee'', or eyelids, sea manifestly af
fatting the use of the eyes MI to leave no doubt of the them an Important letter Just received from
mimes incapacity for militaryNeersiglifed - Secretary Chaco, in which he decides to let
new does nut exempt if found on trial to be so de
eldal as to Incapacitate for heldservice, the man may
the whole matter relative to the enrollment
be transferred to the lavelei 0/Ts of coal boats, barges, etc., remain in abeyance
17 Total less of nose deformity of nose no great ,
es ',mealy to obstruct reemratien, ozsena, depend- 1 until the meeting of Congress. It must be
last cm caries In progrees distinctly understood, however, thut the ex
-18. Decided deaths.. This dietthibty meet nut be
admitted en the mere statemen t of the drafted men, kitbag regulations governing internal trade,
but must lr mused by the extet,iee of positive ' ore not affected in the least by this decision ,
ease, or by other ait.afaetory evidence, and it must
hew decided is leave too doubt of the man's Tlllot and all boats will be required to take out per
neel, ffr military er, leo Chronic purulent otorrhere
ionic and clearances as hereto f oro.
le. Incurable diseases or &formaies of either Jae ,
such as will neveetanly ere tile Impede oWititiontion owing to the excitement consequent upon
or epee, h. Audi) I Ai, of the lower Jaw; canes of
the b oors of t h e f are , p paintsthe rise in our rivers, the real merchants
(bony). extenmeo lase of sub.:latex. of the cheek., or
salivary fistele •
20. Dumbness; permanent I, AS of voice. not to be
admitted withont clear and eatheeictory proef .
21. Total leo of t•eigne , hypertrophy, atrophy, ,
mutilation. ..r obedient,' chronic ulceration of t he
tongue, ellfficiera in &ger. to Interfere wriously with
the O. of the organ .
V. Stammering, if ex.-wire. and confirmed; to to,
established by entisfactory endeeer , under oath .
11. Lost of suflictent of teeth to prevent
mastioation of food This opptlee to those cues,
where the loess of teeth in so great that, if the misu
were reetrleted to solid food, he wonlet nom leenme
incapacitated for military
24. Tumors or lemmas of the neck, Impeding re
spiratiou or deglutition, fistula often sate trachea
cortical* trot long standing and well marked .
25. Deformlt3 of tb, sleet, or convolve ourrotare
of theaulne, sufficient to prevent the carrying of
arms and military equlpments, caries of the spa.
tile, or storm=
2,1 Abdomen grossly weevils , ' rent consoles obesity .
Et. Hernia
2s. Artificial ann.x tincture of the :lectern; pre.- ,
aol. VlStitla hi ono 13 nets poesitsve Deemed
iffestion, but may he so, if ,mtensive or cermple ated
with visceral dewase.
29. Old and ulcerated internal hemorrhoids, if in
degree soillcient to Impair the man's efficiency Ex
Weal bemorrhoide area no cane for exemption.
30. Total loss or nearly total lase of panic; cove
din or hypermedia at the =Maser near the root of
the peons.
31. Incurable permanent organic strwrtira of the
nretha, in which an o permed drop by einm, cr
which is cumplioded with disease of the bladder.
urinary fistula. Ureent spasmodic stricter, of the
moths does net exempt.
88 Ineentlonence of urine, being a Mamas In
quently feigned and of rani occurrence, is not, of
Itself, a cause for exemption Swat in the bladder,
utxrtained by the introduction of the metallic
catheter, lea veiny° disqualllkation
33 Leas or complete atrophy of both netts!. from
• any =US., permanent retention of one or both Ink.
tidos within the Inguinal eared , bet voluntary re
traction does not exempt.
SL Confirmed or malignant hydrocele,
11 complicated wan organic disease of the 14,41.1C1e
Varicocale Is not, in Itself, dtsqualtlying
25 Loss of en arm. forearm, hand, thigh, leg, or
X Wounds, muscular or cutan.cie contraction
from wounds or burns, or tumors, which would pro- i
vent marching, or otherwise manifestly inergactivit.
this man for Milltary r eornos.
37, .sactores,lrreduciblo dislocations, or anehy.
bads of the largejoints, or chronic dememy of tie ,
Joluta or boom, that mond prevent nom Ling, or
other wise unlit the man for military service.
38. Total lose of thumb; total of the index
finger of the right hand. permanent L is or
de forrnitice of the heads, so deridod m to Irate
don t, of toe man's Ade.tpacity of military mrv:re.
Club feet; total hew of. gnat toe. tmr•
maneut datums or deformities of the fret, voch as 01;.
nactenrily prevent marching.
49, "Varicose, velum of Inferior extremltiPs, if largo
mut numerous, and accompanied with chronic swot -
flop of olcerat.oos.
41. Chronic ulcers; CMICISITO, deep, and adherfoit
' tie:atrium of laseet extremities.
argerniinf Ib:.anbt of Enrollment in reporting th n
etilt.Witled of the mined of exemption on account of
will hereafter, In addition to the
=p a th* Jilt of disabilities required, by ir
froth nth, ollke, report the number rejected
nadeireach paragraph of the abovolist of disqualify •
tot tufinnittes„ • Jests B. Fur,
Provost Marshal General.
The Endowment of the linked Preaby.
terlan Seminary.
At a late meeting of the Joint Committees
of the Synod of Pittsburgh, First Synod of the
West and Synod of Ohio, htld in the Second
United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, Rey.
1). 'D., was chosen Chairman, and
- Bey. J,. D. Clark, Secretary.
Afters full conference on the general ques
tion of endowment, the following action was
- taken by the Joint Commitu,e
Wager., The litynodii by their late attire, bare In
dicated Len . lolled In the I mpedieney of Endowing
the Theological Seminar) in Alleghc,y city ; there
Seeolied, That we endeavor to raise at least thirty
thousand dollars for this purpose.
Bemired That no collections of eutiscrlptiou be
madenntil they amount to ten thousand dollars.
Sealed, That Reel. It. Cruel; D. D., D. W. Coi
ling, Joint C. Steele, md elder Jenne !readies@ to
,= endows to prepare a charter, under which the pra
nced Endowment Fond shall be held and managed.
Raefwet, That one agent be appointed to canvass
the Cb arch in behalf of this Endowment rand.
itsseted, That our agent shall be a minister—that
dm monthly Wary to sixty dollars--and that his
traveling expenses be paid.
TheaVelf, That RCM J.S. Clark, John G. Drown,
end We,. J. Said be appointed to secure the serricee
of • suitable agent, nod to report to the Joint Com
mittee eta future meeting.
BEADLE'S DINE TiL6l3.—Wo have received
the drst two bombers of this series of Dime
Books, which is devoted to the "Tradition/
,and - Romance of Jbardor -.and Revolutionary
Times," and promises to be exceedingly pop
ular. Each of the matabers issued contains
four tales and seirerSl illustrations. Sixty
four welt printed pagel of interesting narra
tive for eifime is certainly cheap reading.
POsale by J. P. Hunt, Masonle Ilan, Fifth
street, Pitteburgh, and by J. T. Semple,
Depot Building, Federal street, Allegheny.
. .
Jan Baaterr.—On Tuesday afternoon, as a
number of boys worn amusing themselves by
4 1 00440areabed, 0n.13 street, Man
eitestir_f 000 of .them, Willie Lord, - eon of Mr.
trlppud , and upon his aide,
.4114001,42SbiaMM. -She wound, though
painful, is not serious. • •
rrm r ..:: ....
exam-->. - _
could net meet, as requested.
The folldwiug ie a copy of the letter al
luded to
TREISI -1 / 1 " DcrauTxesr, Nov. 14, 1662.
I'. It. Bute/Le/or, Erg., Surveyor of Cueoona,
Piurburyk, Pa.:
Scar I have re-considered your letter of
April 21st. 1863, relative to the enrollment
and license of certain vessels navigating the
Ohio and Mississippi rivers and their tribute
rice, and my reply of the 2Gth of May, in so I
far as they apply to the coal barges and other
vessels used ma-said waters, and not hereto
fore enrolled and erased. It seems to me,
that the construction of the Mw, es given in
my letter of 26th May, is the only one admis
sible ; but, in view of tip fact that my letter
did not reach you until within the last week,
the consequent difficulty of suddenly enforcing
the law in regard to said vessels, (to which it
has never before been applied in practice, land
the hardship to owners, resulting from inch
sudden enforcement, as well al a doubt of the
intention of Ccmgreas to require tonnages tax of
such vessels, to which under the provisions of
the law, they would, if enrolled and licensed,
be subject; I think it expedient to omit their
enrollment and 4 license, until a further cx
proration of Congress, now about to meat, and
to whose attention I propose to-bring the
subject without delay, may be had upon the
With great relect„ 6. P. Corer..,
becretary of the Treasury.
Bank Note Quotations
Corrected especially for the Gumter, by Messrs
Feld L Ler", of the Nationat Dank Sore Jr.
porter. Rates uncertain at present
Pirreernan, Norember 18,1861
Liwovat. Duansnf.
New England State,. y, V irg Mia—lnterie r
New York State 3.;th orCarolina
Now York City par ritoath Carolina
New .1 einlej IGrorgia
Pen na. —Ph la par Alabama
•• Ilttaburgh. par
Bk. of Pittsburgh, pr. 41 Kent iicky
FM of Bearer Co.. pr. 44 Tennessee
Ilk. of .F3yette Cu., pr. 23 Ohio
Netiongulicla Bank, 'aria, free
111,14 1.1" lilt , pr. 21 '• BO . Si ate. per
Pa. Country Batik.... _I 'in:.
I bilakrare it Wieconein
(Diet. of Columbia L . lowa ...... ....
dinrylmeil, Baltimore pe 't lc b igen ....
i mot (0r... 2,31115mnd .....
Virginia—Wheeling 1 leans& .....
Wheeling Branch.... 1;,l
Excuasick.--belllng rat. on Now T'urk and Philo
delphLs i 1 ct. over bankable funds.
Com—Vold, buying rata 441.3.4.5, and Silver at 38
(37 over bankable binds.
A Lecture by Bishop Rosecrane.
Under the auspices of the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul, the Rt. Rev. Bishop 'Bose
crane, the learned and patriotic prelate of
Cincinnati, will deliver it lecture on Sunday
evening next, at 7% o'clock, in St. Pauls Ca
thedral, for the benefit of the poor. We have
no doubt the Bishop will attract a large au
dience BA his recent noble stand for the cause
of on/Union has gained for him thousands of
friends and admirers in our city. Aside from
the distinguished and popular character of the
lecturer, (who is a brother to Gen. Rosecrans)
the object of the lecture is one which must at
all times appeal to the charity and encour
agement of our people, more especially now,
while dread Winter iv approaching. We be
speak for the lecturer a large and intelligent
audience, as few will fail to avail themselves
of the opportunity of seeing and bearing the
gifted , Bishop Rosecrans.
stockholders of the Pittsburgh and East Lib
erty Passenger Railway Company hold tbetr
annual meeting for- the election of directors
on Monday, when Messni. John McDevitt,
Springer Harbangh and Charles Merlin were
chosen. The directors met afterward+, and
organised by electing Mr. Charles Meyran
President of the hoard. The,amount of stook
represented at tho election was $lOO,OOO.
SfiCOGLAIL ESCAPE 111011 DT.1.112.--On Friday
last, at a number of workmen were engaged
in altering an old warehouse, in Zanesville,
the building fell in with a terrible crash,
burying Jacob Young, sr., awl. Jacob' Ming,
jr., in the ruins. All hands went to work, to dig
out the bodies, as it was supposed both had
been killed. Strange to say,both wore taken
out alive, and were able to walk home.
ARRIVAL 07 W0r7137.0 SOLDILD7.—.A Car load
of soldiers, very badly wounded, arrived In
the city to-day, and were kindly received by
the 13nbsittence Committee, opposite their
rooms on Liberty street. They were wounded
ft Gettyeburg,and are stilt so crippled that
they could not leaie the car.
Graham and Wm. Kerr were
yesterday lined two dollars ; each, by blayor
Alexander, tor' willing - most tbes market
'Witisaittliwiing k Wlighed on the - eltY scales.
- ~~ .~ r '.rte' 4?: ~.~ u
. .. •
Arrival ofTroops-A Demoralized Reg- • Chicago Market. RAILROADS.
Latent. Nor. IC.-There was an cictivo ismand f it , ~,,s 5 31.., -- . . .
The 24th llegiment of New Jersey Velma- Pork at $1610516.75, hut the ofto - tcp etre 1. Lc. •FL 11: .". A. I. 1 - : --A t .-, •- • ,t, •,. „; ,•;-u G i t Ft( IVER & BAKER ,!..
and holders, were generally rery firmer .5.17..-.. 't , I_ .11 Mia P. a 1.- 1 57, -- a - • -
teers, numbering about Loren hundrnd Men, refusing to sell laclowSl:,69 The sales L , -w,:dr, snit 3.1,„. - 1. •....i a L..t., . ' . ... • ...., .., • ':
Under the command of COL W. H. Lawrence, b L, 17 4 1.3 .,, r -l t 1 ,, .. 111 ",„ ° , : ,, 6 TZ L ' 1 L' i ,: i „ 3 ,17,,,, P „" r r . k ,', ) ,J, ~1 . 1 . ,r.' r i,, '''''' . l ,, - ,: - , - .. .,',_1i
.'-',','. ••,..-'.
,---,•,.. '••
inn officm of great reputation in rho regular • 'slim-ally NINE DAILY TRAINS.
braced only about and i•kg••, contitrr Cralic/pally De .rn IL icy •r i a P., or .1 II- ' , tit 5 L. ..M N.
army) arrived in this city last evening, en mole , Muni • ~ c ii • I • '. "• - '' ' "
ogton• at rah reem rara• as, in go. n ~.- Jr ...., . ruff 4 ~4..,,,, ~, .:, • • ,•.. i., :• „, .... A: .
A m tria , :r .: 1 n .. 1 , 1 ,,, U 1:0 LS ' T .
vr:l r ti:g . L . 5 : ' , 1 ' , .; . : 1 .:::.. P ,w A R :M I
‘ 1 „ 11 , t
p us:l. d .
.. '-' , ,,..,, 1; ' ,4 : 11: , ... :. , , h . ,„]: ‘,... '; ;;;1 M11N 1i,-::1 0.41 1 . ;::: • . A. :,. .,: . !A : ._ : 1ri ,.; C1' ,... 1 ° ‘ .;; 1 : • , : d,, 1 .,,, °1 . F ., 1 , A ; 1 T/1 1 1, :? . " , ;: p l i :„ . "- ' 1- , : ") ;i
to join Gen. Grant's army. The regiment 1 Maud and active at 7 , from
hi'-'k. \Vb.' el.-. illy.
I Grease was oold .9 1 , Irnwasl it are .. gotsd II ~., ...,4,1 is.r . ~, oa.• •,. , . • :•.. .. •.,,
was raised in New Jersey, by offering high . d 0 ,., :m ,,d ~,t d f r „,.., ri1,.i..,-;,c,te, , ‘ „,,,-,11,,,,,,,, wog h, , L , ; „,,,,, ..,,,,, ""
' • I - - " . I. '''
' 111111 i. Or , All ,dodo / , 54 5,5 ..,, the 8., Igenat ~, . .7 ch.: fur New I orl ' .. l . P rd ' Ph . :la nt i:tite ' . 4 d'5.....
bounties, and consequently was Tilled up by ! and condition, The demand for Flour Iris lint and Al e. to
11 ". I "' 0 t.•'. " '''''!" '''" '-! • . I firoboow the 1, ,,, . 3f..." , '.. :.,• ..0 ..11.,, , Mm:5. stL.: tt.- The T 1.1" ., I. cli 31.11 L Tlt AIN bases the rt. ,
then:lark - et dull, with ales Id only alemt 1.:a•-• 1.1.15 • and s•mtt 'Ma ore. , -IL ILL. 1, LL. 1.. •„, ..,,„,,,,,, , t __, ~..,,•
~.. ‘,...,,,
‘, ,
~ , ~,,
,dr . a ...,.. -,,. is All , •o'itiar , i''''"r i `'" r ` ^r F '"'''''..L; s''.' , l'' imlidss) a
professional bounty hunters, who take every :et 47,p...ix; co icr t t
w.mte elm., 5'.,1...•4... . 1, „,, ~, . 1.„,,;„„...,.,, j-, , t, t , _
~ , -,., ,„I. 1 -- -'-• --- t •• ••••` .-- s• -• 2 . • • '' ' 1..4 a. tn., i 15.511.51 1 14 15, 5) at pnr.cip. straits anti
opportunity offered them to tiosert. The re g-- ' 8 1"'"AlI '• ' 5 . ' • ' •" - ' 11 I • .1
• ''-'• '" "'l' . ' ' ' ' ' "' f ' " " ''"• • ~,t‘ o h ; .Itr..t 1. at 116 r, bag for F.sltis
, 4,25 for Sprin^ Rupert... Ti. , %%Lest tuatl.-t oat at , . it, omod •. • hi. -, •,• -. • • :,.., N ,O " T'"k Se."' r", more smd NN ash to_t,-.., sod kr b..,- York fcr Philtre
iment numbered originally eleven hundred 1 nmisundly rittro, owing to a very Hunted 'Li ~ l i. ~,.., rr, ,t t ire% l'.•m.. C. 5.11.7 to.. 1 ••••e. ' 1, , 11.1. in.
' dem an d , and privearnhil about iar por bus`o.l 1..• es •"- ~. ~. . . ~ . }trot Promodu L. do - .L.-throad maclon• I., TR F. ti." Cal F. \ PRY-, ME 11N 'donee daily at
men, and already over four hundred men '„. ~ _.,_ .... , . r . . , '' ' ."-i" •... '
: ~... on oatuawy, whs. ants ol u ~ a t -.Mat buena. s . •.„ l a , ~,, 11_, ~, ~,t• s i, •• ~, p• , ~,, .., 1 net Prom ..kl.ll 1.4 nto - tine a wk. . a ;:a• p.m....11 ..,d ou:s at prior twai atatims, making
have deserted. 'at el • o sal o on for No. I Spring: SlArnwl a 11 .5 ft, No. 2 ~,,, : .1...di • t. , ..- li • • •,.. .. • ••. P:1 /,./t.41:,... Ve•-•oonl Sole la.r. .I,r. t _.zmei_la , :u. at ibar.iatur• I. r F•altimurs , and
The Subs is ten co Committee had a nice : B ,P`L''''' an d
,PA"' for Rejected sprlndt-the market y,,,, ‘,.,„.. A. , ~•..,-. ..: i: ..„ 0. • , ~„ f 0 .. Fiat Familiar fo. tdmily n.s. L. ine• ..b1u.:"...... ••!f - • . • Itsrn •i. Al:mbar-a route
.Log IA all busmnt at SI.IVI for N m o h . , ..i r at r l ., ti f .. 1 i .. , ff •-,., ;'•,. ah,:u.5,..,-,,......,,, a „.., 1 , ~..., . ,; 1„ : i, ;. ,. . , 1. ,. ,„.0%. Fir, Prntior. ii,nanufarturing untehtor. tiLl Inite.i..iphiA.
r 51.5 1 .1,4 -LINE kaoc, 0... t :h.' . . ' -- Wsrept
warm supper prepared for them, but ow SC- , S r..N I Spring, wlntor rroolPt. Fula Famines lor machine , wirk.
' inclement! as AM lan Then. w. a is.tter inquiry - Ana Slade Farr. Sur. dat .A . 9 / S i p. km., atoppl,td, 71,1•• at prim-Tat .•..-
count of the character of his men, the Colonel 1 for Com hy shippers and the market witanenl 1!.,03. I I
kill Cr ( 10 IP' :", FO I: F , 1' . 1.11t ~ 1 1 . 1 %. la First Preauskt. T. t fam's wackier. t . wt.:contacting at liarrteldrg for I.l6lllnowe and
would not allow the regiment to get out of t 2, Per Mattel-with ...on( .boat „5 , ,,, e , 1,,„4„:.,
_l_, ~, r„,,,,,„1,,„,, w :'ern, t• wt. oh the r. r xv. s' Fiat Premium fOr timautsanring msee.... kiss...gin, end a.. r:. , •tipli at for Now kura..
t 643Asar for Ni,, I Corn odour ; 5.1.1.,a1 for No. lln store: •C. L. IL, out oto :0•. tutl.-. from Pak/op-dn. now Fiat Null.= ior ruttaLl. work. AACC.2IIIt/DATTOM TR A 1st":
, the care. The Committee not wishing to see I ,05fax,,38. , ,,, forgo. 2 Core in etorn-closaig at o 6 for • doter; a large at. , l prentatie trade. 'ris owl. a Abehigen Rate Poi,
the men suffer, provided a wagon, and bad ' 1 1 1..1 end 515 - for No. Y. truss were In but limited or, ' 11, li t Add Is. 1,...a ...1...1• , 1 m PI. r. retoto .. to tln First Frominra for family machine. The Jot...Mown Arconnondat inn Train lea...
the provisions taken up to the ear', and die- quest , and the market fell Avii le per laishad-with cotaary trade. Ho,, all boeu purshaeo,l Is, • ad• al Fast Pre mime for nonntacturnig, menhir., •.5... pt Suuday ) .dt4.5 p. rn., stopping ataal Stat..,
itributed to the coon . 1 sales of only about 60, 4 4 , bushels, at 634,1 , 1. r No. low -. c market parse. First dromuni for machine work_ ..5a 1 min ton IV far aa t ,t•-minugh.
1 We Were informed by the Colonel,l and 01(063 for No. 2-tho market rlwing at , ":3‘ , 1 . The preemt }reprinter has &Oda! to r•, f- m Didiaat. Stat. Fa,. First Ace tt, !..-dit Tram G. Wadi's Fitatiran
that I fit ' The for So.l. Rye was stall and le per bushel the trade owing to lad health, and 1.5,... re1,,,0,1y . Fir , Preston, far machine. for all purfa_siosi :,.e war (exret t it Sno.L.y) at CG: , ...LLL. 01.
i while they Were comi n g through Philadelphia I looter, with light receipts of No. Int 93, Barb y °flit, the d•sh for sal. : rtle, , 0... g,s.l a 111 of the ro- First Prozomm for machine wars . , icend ;Aecurnntodation Train for N 1 all's Stn•leu
Lava daily (. zaps hunday) at 11• Sh A tn.
I quite a number deserted, and in endeavoring I was doll at 51,16 for No. 2. There was a .raker nol- tong party. The Tense ha.. large and real... Leads . Mooa sloe gnu.
CU.they were Compelledto shoot
to arrest them, 'fug In Illghwin ,, , and Iht• market aimed at /I do- trade, which Call 51./C atatued. The preerut eta V First Premium for m.hlos for ail purpose.
' • .11 invoice Irma raven to ten thousand dal., '• t First Premium for mes 1 ine work. Thad A. 0nte. ,,,, t. dram Cr. Ni milk Station
oatiy c.xcept norm.) at AAP p. tn.
could be reduced If i 1.111.1. .' . - Esorraciv Stole F.r. ' '
three of them on the street. The wounded ) dia° of is l'..gailota-light noise being made at 5,..1
Ok. Fourth Accorumalation Train fur Wall's SWIM
I men were with them. While on the road, I Par.., wlehing to know the particulars will please First Premium for machine for all parpows. lear..'daily (.. :naps Sunday) at 6:10 p. m.
. -
I ono of the men stabbed the guard and jumped 1 Cincinnati Rog Market. address or cell iwrsonally on . First Prentlnna for machine work. The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sau
-1 from the cars while in rapid motion, but fall- i ~,..,.. t0. _. i .,.. r ..,,,,,, of Hugs „ 0n ,..,10,___, n .
al , , ( L ILIA 11 1: lIOR rFN N I NG, Penmkkona. Stoic r.r. day at Wig , ta. M. ; returning, lava Intuttlturgh at
Im list. I ...tam, Patrburrh. Pa. Fa, t Pronnum for sowarfacturtng mat laire 1.45 b. ILL
ing on his head, was almost instantly killed, noylegl) rn to packers, aims- the caul stock on the Find Premium for Leant ill trwthia. I. Emunang Tralm arrive tr. rittabiugh ea Rhlotent
While going through the ears, we overheard I market kap.' .1-were well fortified in thmr item:intl. . 'Ll()IL SA LE.-T, , . superior t... vlindor 0.... , 5.,,, rllir . 1111M1 . M..1 . 12,1.1 ' l .I , 1.. Mg,
a very self-important officer, talking to some :
for advanced figura. Then i't much feverblinew Ice
.I.' Boiler, 35 Cr,,!,-, .1... noo t . :In lout 1..;•,, mail , First Premium for mead, work.
L'I.:1•1 . ...1: D.: 1 . 011..5 1 , - ._ 12ounrp Fliirn • Ithil.,..lshi. Expre......
bv-standers. lie t
h u mb "via whole con- I the trade, although the weather le very dhogreentile. . „,- 1,.. ~,,,d, ~,,,, , t .,. 0 ,,,, , ,,, , r ,,,, ~,
~1„ ...,,
... i .,.... Vaal Lin
1 and still too soft fur packing with safety. la ten- ~,.., ~d , ,,,, t ,,, dot , .. ~..w .
I :ern budget to bo a humbug,'' that "the war, deney now, however, for the helm, • Sal.. :•.-A, A.,,,, ,I, l r ,,rtade F, •,,, h , 4 T,,,,,,,,,, 1: ~, t ..1 Cl4f.:'""dr,•:`-'1,..,,,,C.4,•,•‘f,,A.,Fr,...•,7,:f71•1,,,5°''14L.C,.,. Jobe...vie An. tura- is off
1 as far as the North was concerned , WU ployrri were at materiasy enhanced Ilgunz, OdlC-fILIf eevenil , „„,,, b or „,, ra ,,,,, i, ,• d r h . ,:,-,,„,.,:,,„,, , 2 „„,, '„„„,,... r,,,, W„II , 5.... i, ~ A • cboamodat tun...__. 1..2.: a. to.
dal • rrnatuto f•••• no.••••fact-siu6 m .,,h, t ,.
m i d " and a number of equally disloyal senti- I Ints of NO to 'ILO 11a areraltwhni $ 1 ot. I" tAl.f'°' l or 1t,,, ill, h a b.r• dto v ..ol a 1t....-t sal ft, .1••••• ~., , p - ' :••••••.od 'A adr• . Law. A sconamdatiou...-. alt . ‘...
media. On inquiring, we discovered that he : "'ma dividing aa "'-' ll a' , t'''' , "" ° "l l - 6, •' 1 " , .1111 I . 4l " • '''''''• And . lIIIIIIII.Idy 10115151 , A Id that khat ot wont:, or co
ttt r 'l . ..' . n ! . . -. '".. --b“.- -"'-'• Thin! W.d''. Oiat ion A, i' , MINI-Ilat On 1, 10 p. to.
was the Sergeant Major of the regiment. We I line large lot to asemge IWl@l7o 1ize., ,, 5 , 01d
t al 5 . , ...11.. , t t „i„, , s ,„„, f t , 1,,,, t „, • ~.. ”11'1' a t I';-•.I t •rwoere: Norton
• I'• - Psoulunt for L tally rukthine. Fourili Well's Cantu. A dttommelnliut.... - 105 p. ot
A i""• ' , L.' Y-'.F.'n'• i'''':' ''''" i'''' i' li ` r " , " i"' i' First Preadbo , f., manor.. •ortna -1... hi, Bant:op- En,. wit arm,. with Philadolidi.
' fr o m k the sooner such officer' are dismissed , 'ls'i.ll'l't
gr'"*l.l4l'" ''" attain al
I"s ' -II ' I I.'"4II
;holm, Ita 11. 115551 15 tr,,1,” :to ••••1. LII la 115 I: ' . v. ss • Pr ::elm„ ft.: . • Expross at 1 - 2..d . ' ~. rt. on Mondays
I the army rho better, and would like I Chicago Lire stock 'Market. governor. M ell .. 1. ;'d h. i at... drat 1,11 , • -", eit ,,,,,,,, ~...,
L.,t. , 4 , , ,, ,tt , t ,, , , 50 „ ... 1 r.ies fot 8141,...1.. at, . 1.-. aa lama.. a. Blab.-
very much to see this particular individual ' Nov. 16.--in Beef Cattle the receipts einre Nett,. L... P mtli ' It dame for Latino mania.. eilt,. i„,.,,,,..1,,,, ..11. - 11...0,dt. 0 ecomt.-la:lon.
among the very first so disposed of. R u a hopo day am--.t. to nearly I,lkto head, and the enterod . Ludt. te et it 'l. lutLE S, J0hn... , . A • soon. -habit e•••I Faro. one .., host
a h Ea
1 that whoever has the authority will see to it. I salsa to 1.013 at prin. medtt!;'• from ~ • '1 ,1 0.7 " . • ..° 5 55r1.5 . 1.151.11 .511 , y and 1 , 6.00•5i0. 1..0 , • ~,,,,,, 5•, ,,. ~,.. P.) ~
itosiat i, 5 , ....
I proportion of medium and prtmo 0z.... , os at.. Ime., .. . , rn r• ,, 1•0rJ . • 1'.... Premir. tor 'so. :y /nacho',
fully sustained ill the receipts and the demand hen s F•••st Preto atm tur Innuotat tar. tuna /. m
SLIfTEN .:'ite.-In the l'uited States District ;ben ..,,. L. I . 1V ir ESTEEN LAND` , 1- 011 5.".1.0, 011 • k . , . • . .-• ' - d.. Trait. u-d 3:•• .••••am .1 a 3,1, Through
with prima .rtu at stet .p.otattue. tt
Cone', en Tuesde,y, Judge MeCatak's. ever - 1 Its-s the nic.wit , ts AM. E...turby ',moue, s. ,e,,,,... lEX Cli .11111 E .3,•at Orr. in 1... I, to .-1.,-a . Fi,, p,„„d„ . ,
~,,. ~,,,,,,,. ~,,,,,,,,,, .
Riled tne motion for a new trial in the case of t 14A0 and the entnred fa tes to 15,151 at prices ram, saryM3 tram 4.. to .7_s- a MI. liiIIIMLITO 151 51 I , LA,.., , 1 „ . „,„,„..„, co. (~. ~. , ~,,,c, .
I tat from etEel, - .ls. There 13. learn nn art .•. .. Llllllll5, it , Ida , . rot - , . - • .-. •• • lck-at rretutnin 1., 1,11117! ...Mile. gsing Eba or Meet, to traysl a not rbo.••••vania
Bornar! Trainor, convicted of perjury, and • enind Maimed, eti Ow nom 1...0w:10ns tow ot•-teed
' end shipeen and packers base bouklat freely at the In 3111113.,/g, 3 5 0.510 115:rei it th• s oo t,. a el ....m- o ; ~,,,,,,
, t. ,, t , _ , „ , „_,
sentenced him to pay a fine of fifty dollars,
,quotas tone u[ - , )I „ d, . I , . i ., .., ~ d , ~ As'• k ,7 - i• " r , ,
toos u• naturday , , at t /5•1.•
.:-.., toe mat, •1 . a•ilit •an o' ••• rce tri n , tuna. o• al • I 5.1 I',IIIII. IT I - ten . j raison., • b canr a.lad, ! 1,1,1 i e. •.. ~•1 I. entirely fros, from d•-•i.
and undergo an imprisonment of two years in Li,,,,,, 1.,,,,,,,,, ~,,, nr,,,,,. kive hem carefnity ohs tell, a :1• a i IoW rad. It .•. :•,,,,,.a„„,„• • j,„,„,„„, ip a. , r„.,. WO can prom,. aafety, spiod, hood ~,•• -• Ls all
the penitentiary. _ - _-__- ' , LIT local rtionutakra. soil, Sc , an•l w•'' bo ale; ,-•-• ~r. rolUul 1„, ~ A, • hie. for all purpoeca. who tabs h., to Ls 1.0,1 aII C lb.-0 p.itrnay.
Toledo Market. ~ 1 I:1 m liberal lona, 1511. C,ls, or ea Lod, I!- First Premium ne- macl•tua wort. - 1.-,
roper,- In All, 1,63 county. Th•. 1. 1 , • ... •••rapr La. all 14, la.. at wldca the Y Ala::
COMING Inn ever popular "Continental I ic.e. )r.-looks freightmont IL to. dull• and .• t'. ' ~,,,. ,;,..,,,,
~ , , ....i n is t ,
Old Folks" are wending their way hitherwarei, tee, tars te est gran. through by canal. but little ne.o. 1 LII.VER A BAR '!-:n mAcnINEs were exhibi•od T . New York__ 1112 So T" It sit ,more Fl] 00
G. N . BATES, Couitcornal 1 1, ' .•••• ,t Me -,...5. At marl' , di a Ih.,m ru., lading Sr...u s - 'To l'islisuielphre:. .... to Sol To LIG, ustar -...-.. S5O
and will give their first concert on Monday i win be set fore ani. Flour. lob WU bbls "Atlas ~01,, Bettor etre.. I awronr , ill , 5:... 41111-8 were In corm . ..anon. To 11errab0 , g........ 7 1151
m 11 ti e .,, w ,, ,
1 - . A ,s. nia r. .l , e , n , p , t , r i n
1 t 11 1 ,, .e
I S • h ir r , o , re r r , d . B i ak m. er ,,, t7i ,, u4
ni. l.l7tg „ a s in., ,l ch , -. l l. r aLt i n ,,,, ell l S ,n ro p u li o i n: ,, or. the rc t reasylva.
eve nin g nex t. They are always welcome i Favorite" at 56,441. Wheat • barite. apart; the otay
, sale assorted wan 3,0 , 10 bu lamb , yuckiges hat sl.2,
hem, and never fail to draw large audiences. .rI.OORINO :.+ll LI. FOE SA 1..E.-'llse ..,, , T...., -...1•610111
F/Illori would accept. 11,25 and S I ,2:1 for Noe. 1 :ales' . . 12 wilaeribm offers I , :r sale the A 1.1.5.....11F;NT State Fair t c the Cnitod Statw whore a Iwo hewn and New fork.
1 ".7" , " only offer 2• 1 :- 12 l•n•I 51. 2 "- ''''''. •- "" 1 " . • I ' l! ' CITY MILLS. situated in the Fourth Werth Alin ' est tidied to this date. tA. ...were purchaait d tbth•ds in the care will Le
dor, Mat our rePort..".. ,l ' fitoth sod 1 -''''''' h." N'''• Sherry hit, This well kn. , u Mill Ilea lan relot'lt , hairs lleums, f.:., Lt FIFTH ST., Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 charged en wer,dlng to the distmte r• 145 5 lod,
lat 92r, no sale, today, holders rota-rails ark an •• i- lately, nt•d contra. four rot of i rom It Born, wah ' 0 ....,.:9 2a kt a-F A. F. cull ATON EY, Aant, lin adds WEI Id 1.110 eta Hon r- • , otters nom st.a.ioba
Stamm. Oats. solve, kodurday pm. 4,17' 7 itt-l. •• 1 •••;-- all lit • lam-st int proscd nauda••••.,y for numufartm...„
the hod brands or Fl•mr. Entoye a ,55,1 local rte 1 AIVLIZELER .."... WI LSO - N .- S
- I wh i:B r c'T ' l h C ' ef.t m lTT l L! "- of 1 1... '4 , 1 . 11 .“ 6 “ C. Mpor y wfil hold
an advahm of Ir.
- - - . well On :5411401 rush... Th... aI. rare chance for , 1 , themalva rencemsfido for personal bemptge only,
Imports by Railroad. humus,. root, and ice Ira Ise any am , w 12.11 L 53 cog..s and for an amount not rxwoling brio.
Prrretatuan, FT. {C.i.f. 11GdOlid ILI, lto •ILN.v in 0 Prolit"blo business to Mil or the 311 11 , wit , i 6 ; ki. 8.-An 1.)000...•, ,, ' .-•_• haa loon •m.5 1, d - tol to
l•i-litd. Ilides. Cope St Meat. 100 ludo, m B e low.. A erts toll la made known. CELEBRATED s`'nfq Ptawongers and lorgnette to and lane ths Do.
in labl.R. J y moLooghlin; Pt' hide w haky, O Cl.- ' 6 'd innii"'T, J. V thEGTLY. I , pot, at a Margo not wan„-.. 2.5 coda. for each pa.
CrickeM k COg 101 bids lard, 1 , asllor d ro. - I hhils -, , . 7 .
I A.ll 1t1.!.‘ CEN ILIA . : I •N 1 PI?0V E D . ranger and baggage, F., Ockent apply to
tobacco D. Craw; 1 car cannel m et, e II Welk, : u J. STEW ALT. Agent
rota leather, .1 Bell & nu'Al ht. 115 , 0 , 11 , 15 I. II Vow! 1-1 Plioi•EltT Y 1 , 114 o, Li:. . tau. La :' .I.r I INI i'RO WED I.' ` 1 :1 = .; STITCH ~.: the Pennsylvania Central Loilirond Peaertger
A co; 7 aim c.v., 31 Burton, r, lab apple.. t; W PI, gnat, roar the fork• of 11,.. read, lot fe.nt az. on . Matron corner L therm and Gnu. atreete. &MA
no; 4do do, R S Ramsey; 6 at , •.ttion, .1 ildi•r, 1 Itol., ,tro. wad c11151A111114 Leek to Laf., .te sfie•,
one oil 1.t.1e, t' Gregg; Pc/ t. I hi., A L. a, I ..... tn . 111 , II iI , 'I, t• er.ctod two 2.•••,•ry Frame L. o 1 . 1 • • fl L E V I - . 1. 1N11,1:41 .4.
metul, J 31.o.rhead. .r,.,-..L., L . ......1 nosr•s e , o:th t 1... LoCIIIS I FAMILY SEWING m A CHINE . , rtrrsßußn it AND , •"-.-i'', - :?ti. r
_ t ,
, ..,, trorr •‘•• woo., I.:I tit good off 7 :•as ow • ' WM:I:LINO RA I LlStta I/ "‘i• • 'sr r.. ---- - " 1..1
Cittilifl d PI, 'ld ono R .L. '• n. '!••• , .• -
Hat blab 11ah... 0 Oinfielti - 4.0 bush corn. ft at ••1 .'r,.'”'•' t ' .. 5 ' ' • 0 Lot 1 1 ta ,• , mt.s. . . Ix iNTII It II L ILA NtiI..IIENT.-On and all,
1. rt••• ••a.y. .• Ipli It. I --
Ington, 12v ban potatoes, E. lisailstoc " Its. loot,. M ,dNI•A Y. Nor':los, 15. h. Pods, Tlafo.• will 5.- .•
11 , • Drpot of the Pt. ntod Iran fa hatratol. :a i'l:l4
I.outa A mbrat, I I, 1551.54,5`. W 1 1. Rinehart, too
n. It 6. 'l'
fl r „ ' ; ' l,: r',..."',..',',.:' i.':,.,' ri;i,. ,",',..'::. lrsload ;.: nn Inn., at the London and Part.. txhi
hhis door. C B :we. h. Pm .155 tili, Gregg .0 I leod, , ~ 1.6 , 0. a . rdicw- :
Photo do, Lttobay it Telford: 1 , , .h• .: -. ,' :11 , , pits. SA LE OR I, EAS 0--A I, rge I sat halo., and et all the important Stab. end :Ft•dita..i. ''''''' ,' '''' i i.i ." . : - w : •-•
Shen- 01; 4 hints tonna, .1 la ...or' 2 row 1 , 5' .0, to .-harpobur, on the I'r..:-ontor Railway, fir• , Ls.l\i, PIGNIIIIre. lla to • •.--st nonl. IIL p tn.
51,16 M 'Aaron, Ft Rohn.. S ao, 46 bd...., t-t, . illng. nMs frum Pittaburt., ou „Loh - d. '' s .. -. ''''
Pennnek 1 c.,; C Mob lobe., , A "sheet 1 ' ^-, B w etheg Hon. of nine rooms , a 1.., mrd ~,,.; : w
111 Hey': 15 do do, II Dalmja, 1..144 I ban -, Al- Pos... all 1 "W , of bowl:. A well -. _. _ I vet, to , 11.10111. thaw machines I.,fore porclaaeng .to Cl 1....10 a ,5, 5
, t ,
WI 11, Loral: co; r• 1,1.0 bongs, Clara. A summer. tlot yard, phut,. of ussi nun, end convenient to 1 A• Mt . Bell, .. .
Chun kra amt Stool nous.,
ALIJA/11,1Ni ETATIN, N... 111. Jo bp tool he d, a . ,„
..riic,, , ,,,...„,i ,
call St n
Ewer I. flantlltsw; 01l Mir apples azol pot•tt..,, I; ' F an : ~ " T.
Berkert, II pkgs produce. II Len. O. 11...1.. .1 t .1.- Sharpstor ~, .111.-gbeny County, Pa.
lantt; 1 car rod., J A Brown. 14 hhk apple-, A •
o•-•. 1 :0 daw F
Taylor-, 5 pap chef:Rm. , 1 d.parl, O Isbla al'lel'e. W 1:
Garrison; 4 do. tube etc. toot Dyer. 4 1.1.. :do GI. 1. 4 101:. SALE-A shush and Lot on nil-
W... 1 id . ' sks IsOato°, J C Cord ' 2 ” d" d". 3 M'l'"" _L . tat start. to the s.l th a:at& Lot 25 fret ' -as
IS tmlla leather, I' M a rkey , -, Ho, whisky. Id o um.. and r. trod.og hack 1. , k 151.. 0t5r51 PI tort It. tat. •1 to
IS I' Baum. hou- us• lats. t0t......ry I.rwk dwellnht. errant , .
~, l e hall, parlor, .11nIng-r,•m, Ido her nee
west, hem.... Sr. new, tire Lau . and bath room
• ou ...nod 6,- r; put and oat, throughout the ursm-
Ft 1 s tiOLUTFII.N -The Partnership "i.•;,,,''',4c1,t.r.'''115fi,fi55,,,tr.,,,1;r,1..--rT:ttrmona- a tine rte.
-I- , h.,t.r.,. waist ing nod. , tho oar , . so , "rm uhl I it. el. LA INI CO , 15'2 Fourth street
of J. it. LINDSAY A' :1). In tha day th....tred by ~,,, ~ „ .
Let of
rat:dual consent. All bust.. connected watt the 1.0./11. 1" tot of land, containing,
Isla firm will be settled by J. R. LIN lad Y. I. .., . l'S acme, oituatod I', mil«, Nom Dismont Ste.
Wood at 5-art, up stairs. .1. IL LINItsAY. Met, on the Pitaburgh, Fort Wayne A Chicago R. R.
.1 R. LINDSAY. The above property a well timbered, wall a good
1 liars also dim:rand of toy Interest in the torn .1 young orehard of lawrhog fruit trees. This prolorty
.1. B. I S. MA !CAVELL .t Co. to J. R. LI NI , 5 Y will he .1.1 on remortable terms.
Noe.. 1643. J. 11. LINDSAY. For further particular.. rehire.
oct:Lstn S. C. Mr3IASTER. Sewirkleys - 111.., Ps.
Her Ing . pnreloowd the inters , . on. H. I. IN DSA Y.
111 the firm of J. R. LIN OOA Y A Co., Herds ars and l i i i.) l i. •SA 1.E.-Four Acres of Ground
Cutlery Boehm; ale. In the Min of J. B. .1 n. end a FOllr Sl,•ry Brick Building. Engine,
itl •I:AY6 I. L A Co., Bellow. Mayulacto•cn, tld lord. Boilers and 61adhlnery ; well adapted for a mann
neaa w ill
tub usual, flan
~ and 1 taldrs, fa. tory . la. Ina by Is. feet ; cm. be purchased far
by T. R. LlNDsky ; %glows, Ac., j H. 2 6 NIA i. ,00 ' - i 0 . 15 I.' di If 00 d , ''''`i. I ' riinind mt
WF.LL 1 CO. a
nt WARD,
Nor. 2. 10.0. ,; 1, ME , No. 94 Grant et nwt, Pittatairgh.
.. . _ .
J-/ The partnership heretofore ea .sting l•-• a.. -. -a- 1., :-.0 Owl, Double Flu..'., to good rot:ldaho. with
the otbacr there under the tam of I'll ILf. I I"!, mod on , "tow. drool • • 111'w front.
FREW d. 1r.., has 1111 , day been dtewalmst. CHAS. . LI I:SSE Y, WELLS ..t CO.,
LOCILH ART and 11 ILLFA )1 FREW hatlng pun noir:L:lw roost 1% or: -, Falb Nord.
_ . .
There is a continued peal demand lot Looney here, I
though there is tot material change to notice in the I
rates of Interest. The broker, are laying what lit-
Us coin otters at lita_4l43 tor gold, and 117(ftElb for
silver. Eaat .ru Exchange LS . toadyat former quota.
[ions, and the rams remark will apply to covert,
went Cormticatm 1 indebtedness.
The New I money market Tneedsy was
easter, nut lint claw pertenced no diff..
In getting all the capltal 1!.,y needed at 7 per cent.
The c in gull In New York on Triewity is
at trilnited io the In. men strln,.... vin the Lon-
u Mn.o y Market, and Lb , al anew In the rat,, of
iliterual by the flunk of Etlorlathl; a 1.., to the rtsr,
that the apent of the itot he. [lOl. skip .Z,,,^f
Tho Chiclgo Tues,lay, says
The week opens actively in all ileparttnen 4. Bank -
em all report money close. with vastly more cnll.
than they pretend to accept. This stringency has had
a seneible enect upon the exchange market, the de
mand Mr currency making It profitable for parties to
rapt rather lower rates. profitable
are very firm
at in per rent. end some holism minty. a higher
figure, . with the hind of paper otterisl.
Ths following is a comparative statement of II e
condition of the Banks of Sew York City •
Week ending. 1.04 n. Specie Clrenmii. Deposits.
Nov. 7 ...51:M4X.:41 1'k:1,2+4111,110.1.33. ,
Sot. 14... 1,2;44, ",:.1/ 30, I 77,04 h 6,1,03,14:2. ISI .171,49,1
Tin: flank ,tetenn•nt tl,l,vr,wk .04.,vv., a very heavy
dkvcranar lid , sruount rt end 1/..rx...1t,, the
railing on' beiti4 F 41.3 9 .4311 in ;17,7 . 1. , ,t4d ,
in Deo:mita. d,rea.a.. in mrt - uL4tiou woo only
td11.4,Q--vrhile 113,1".... of 51, - 10 ww F,1.31/3.7ns
Wr.e , mme.v, November le, 1843
FLOUG GR. IN—V.lw. i. thiii but siiehaupri.
at $1,30 for fled, and 51,:t.` , 61.41/ fur
wawa, ('O,O is firm with •u upward tandeney; Kale
of 1,00 4 : bush Shelled at 51,:3 pet bustle', free on
board cars. 14.1rie) 1. sidling front Bret hands at
for Sprint, and 54,00 for Fall. (rate 10101 but
firm, and 75c per bushel by the car load the nonal•
nal quotation. Fluor 0 Ursa, with small sales of Es
tra Family from store at 5ii,75/iSV:I,BS for troll-known
brands. Buckwheat dour is iu demand, and sells
pretty freely at 14.0 0 4ter rat.
tatalCl:ltlES—The market for grooernis continua..
to rule quirt and rattler dull which is
to the extremely high prices now alemandod. Quo
tations may to given at 134, to Ito for'Sugar..32i, to
84 - ;e for Coffee; 62 to 6& for 3tolen.oe, and to to Mac
for Syrups.
BUTTER rt EGi.;:k—There is au active demand for
801 l Butter, and we auto aaltw at from 2l to 2Ar for
common to strictly prim, Eggs In demand and
scarce n! :2423c per dozen
firm with a regular demand, and ero
note sales of 2-", b. Homburg at He, and .14/ 1,4 ling•
hah Dairy at same figura.
APPLES—The mitykst in dull but unilleinge4
qualition may hi , quoted at from n,: , 3 to 52,75
per Lb!, and tuferlor led common et ett,,, , to t,
V1.61.T.11:1.1.5---Potatooe are tu fair dualism!, and
n. ow,. email aides from store at 75 to eidc Per bush.
Sale of rin bids true ru at 55,00 per bbl, and lAbla
AFilltte—t'untinne eery firm ton will quotable
change In prices. Sale of 5 tone Pearle at .sc—cadh.
good demand, and ate note aidea of
Inoue from crake at prices ranging from 5& t,
per ton.
}:A D—us a el.a higher, cafe no Galena
al Dj. , ,,C par pod
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Nov. IS—Thc receipts of f'rmic contemn. fair, and,
notwithstanding there is s moderato demand Loth
for elev home trade and shipment. pries , aro grade,-
alty giving way. The irnpreeseion prevails Among
buyers that prices wasiiii further decline, and the
ronsequen. IS that quits a number of nor reftners who
Are in nerd of Crude, are holding off waiting for prices
to come to 10 to 120. The transactions to-lay ware
only moderate, aggregating in all aLont 1,569 bids,
and prima were irregular, varying from to I cent
per gallon. The sales reported were n. follows : 450
and 125 bble In bulk at 14e; list Ws at 13Nc; 300 and
327 JAIN At 18e, packages included; 2.10 at 190, and 47c
at 14Nr. Relined In bond Is very dull. and the nom
inal quotation& are 34 to 35c for good ray I , rands.
Free oil is in moderato demand, but at a lower range
of prices; sale 0(250 Ws, city brand, at 44e, and 25
do do attic. Naptha is dal! and neglected, and may
ho quoted nominally at 17c0318c. licsidlum Is held
pretty firmly at 14,00 per bbl.
....2 V,
New York Petroleum Market.
Bp.ial Dleptitch to the Pittsburgh Oe.tha
• NT.AV Yntca, Igoe. IS—Crud' la dull and drooping
witlirialre to-day at . 4155@26n. Refined 0.0, la dui
at 34,,tirkttic for landed, and bnc for fr.,. N a pth a
n u ml u al of for., griotationa.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
N.,. 16—The arrivals anti eau. of Beef Cattle at
Phillips' AVerillil Drone Yard are large this week,
reaching about 2,700. Eaten Cattle Pre in demand
and sums, at rather bother prices, het other kin It
are dull; first quality Western and Penn. steers are
polling rat loqt1(0ic, mound do at ti(iaPiAr, and emu.
man at from 747,1tp to lb. as to quality. About 410;
head sold to the packers within the above range of
The market closed rather dull, and several pis, lots
were disposed of at 3.,4 - 114e, gross.
The arrivals and Wes of Sheep at Phillips' Avenue
Drove Tarsi are large thin week, reaching about
head; the merkat is dull, and prices have declined;
fat Sheep are selling at prices ranging at from 4i4geo
pl lb. atonic Sheep are salting at 82,508,1
heed, and Lambs at $2,7ri(03,73, rot to quality.
The arrivals and sales of Hog. at the Union avenue
and Rising Sun Drove Tardy reach about 4,100
head selling at prim ranging from, rag,2o the 100
Ito net.
2,7 a. head sold at Tfeury Class' Union o yard,
at from 3748 this 100 Tea. •
0011 head sold at the Arouse, dross yan t from
37,3068,A0 the 100 the net.
330 heed sold at Phillips & Muth Rising Stan dense
yard at from 117 up to 88,50 the 100 The net, according
to quality.
Cletvland Market.
Nor, 17.—Flonr rermalus quiet; galas to bbl. X X
red at 50,25. Wheat; eabe 1000 bush red afloat at
4421; 1 car do on track at $1,24;1 ear do do at 01,25;
I ear do do choice at 131,27; 1 car Jodlaria white at
-11,00. After 'ChanAo the market was a shad. bettor,
the reports from Sew York befog more favorable;
sale. 1 car IRMO en track at $1, 5 7; 4 "1" red " truck
at 51,20; 1 car do do 51,25; all the samples sold being
abon the Agawam to quality. Corn firm ; sal. 1
car on track at 05; LOD bush from More 11074. Oats;
bolder* continue firm at 60070 t Cons stern act aa
reported. By. quiet; palm OM bulb*at 61 e 16 from
store. Barley pater at 51.2541111428
awed the entire Interest. of the other partner ,
The liminess of the late firm will be fielded Ty LOCK
Pittsburgh, August loth, lILI.
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum,
AT At ALBION OIL WELLS, Ten=g o tottotT
And BRILLIANT OIL WORKS, N0b1..y . 5 Ban.
otem, 177 s 174 STOOD STREET,
BOOTS Arm 13.110 ES
Eng. Last'g Cong Calton., 81 7 1 . st.,rtb $1 (.4)
.. " 1 115 ,• 1 75
All other goods selling eery low. i Window Shades, Mattings, &e.
TOFPC CAMPBELL. 7ilanuictotur,r ~ 1
noS Nit.. V rum STREET,
f., BOOTS AND SHOES, of rvery ....swot , t i •
:14 Smithfield street, Pit ishurgh. o..ti :y A T 'l'll P . ,
LtEo. AEBREE, SON - TOO., WID,I, -3 -
N.A ~ , le nod Rosati brol• re in BUM'S, rillciEli, a, , ; N kr. vv CA.ll.E.Tirr him- o air.
~,,,. .r Wood and Fourth striteit. Pittsburgh
Invites Ins attention of Sportsmen and othma to Ills
splendid stock of GUNS, RIFLES, REVOLT TBS.
Inuriltion of every kind, fits ,tort il.tho harmed ever
brought to.fhis market. tavl7
(ftecoaor to haws itolcnre & Co.)
.17:17 Prrifurvaan, PA
General Commission Mqohant,
Maw.. R. EL Jack Pittrburfb ;
E. 0. Ku4ht df Co., And C. P. 'Knight A. Bro.,
Ph ilmtelph In. ro3:3lnd
--_ - -
UGA IL CURED 11AM.-- :3agar
(Sued CatITAX HAM Jim recrlyrd 5 tee. 7
and ba . COP at
No. 125 deruutl .treat.
tdl4 !RA GORV MIR.
()IL Haiti-N-6'T001.1.4--(lne Sett, new,
V for olio by R. DALZELL S CU.,
no 4 Liberty stmt.!.
- - _
A'''L I.3S—/ I barrels liambowq,
&r., for .ale ha
.en 7 iIENRY 11. COLLIIIR.
C*lAs" cAßTiv.siirEft.',lkitlL.i7;
.01 1 PER
for.alA by JA IKEA 7301 N. VIR.Wood street._
Pend for Au& by J. D. CANFIELD.
ODD FORKS for sale by
neta JAMES BOWL 188 W. 04
pIG LEAD.--50Upigs 6alpna, to
NFIEL arrive
awl for gale by J. N' CAD.
ti??CLAY.-50 bblb. RisiToTiri Chiy
.1 for Ws by HE.NEE IL COLLINS.
(iBEAP WArL PAPS-I.lenuticul
Wall Pavan, .t IS chat, Ibr tallt , by
WI) W. P.•vaI atf.t..
rrALLow OIL.--JO bbls. to arrive had
1 for We by MAI AIL DICK= k
PPLES. , --2 - 60 • bbls. choke re eived
and Or wlr by J. B. CA2i7/1
the NNWEST PAITICItNB and eve-r 7 vri,lth, at the
Lowest Prices for Cash,
r.d.ain g
Crumb Cloths, Feltings, Rugs,
And having purchased fur CASEf, beton. the 'uste
advonona, we are able to sell at the raanufarturer
pekes, cm unequalled stook of
presoot wrok. At irlioleV
and 1-.4,W, IV lilliiUT ANY A DVA F. PRI CE ,
n full line or
Floor Oil Cloths,
o•ovEltS, MATS,
Thrwo goods have advanced, in Snit hands, fr:
TEN to TWENTY-I'ITE PER NEST. within thirty
day., and we are now selling at LESS Tfl AN MAN-
OfACTERER'S PRICES. Oar stink is almost
new, all having been porchased withoi ninety
dap, for swab, at :In very lowest inlets of the year.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Nos. 71 AND 73 FIFTH sTurv.-r,
Between Pint Office and fasseni.l, Buildings. noln
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggcts,
SHADES, &c, Rc
A vary large assortment of .11 gsmds to our line,
bought at lb. lew.t point too-heel in the Eastern
Market this semion, and much r.iuced from last
son's priers..
W. D. & R. Mee/SLICK.
11 4. M. nsTEE! , :, Fut. N t,Erts,
v • 400 STK..Y I rtrcao. Peon:War attention
puld to the fitting no and repot lug of (0 I, HEFT.
mode to order. Alto 11 RASS CA ' , TINOS, of all
kinds, made at the shortest notice.
• All Orders left at N.. 31 and 34 WATER STREET,
near Liberty, will be promptly attended to.
IFirTbe members of this don Iming prorti./me
elootha, of many years' experiencs in their Liminess
will insure to give .tisfnet ton in every respect.
sWe are also agents for Guild. Cerrison A Co.'s
STEAM POMP, tbr pumping Water, Crude and
lined Oils. Sr. delrly
A...Yr/VC/01T t411111,611111/LIHNIVII tlrrtcr.,
Corner 0 and . I.l.ittrtrni,
Washington, D. 0., Oct. Old, ISMI.
IVI T I114 1; B E on t
ND A 11and I.O B L L .
Ilth and 1111th of November, at the Corral
near the Washington Obsertatery, a large lot of
HORSES AND MULES, condemned all unfit foe
public semi.. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. to.
Terms cash, In Government Funds.
oc2flad Capt. and A. Q. M., IL S. Army.
BOILERS.—Two (24 feet;by
4.../ 42 Inclitial second-hand Bonen, flsr sale by j e"
w•.:..n ~.-.~.k,,.. A:1 .i+.~'-.....3!?~:..._ ~.~.rv.v~:.—~eu. i2Fntu
SE Fri.s•G araCKI-rES
n. (or Isle
• Foote's Patent Umbrella Lock Stand, ;..;',' t.;,`, 1 '„ .- „''''' ll° ' ` ''"`" '''''''''''',':-.-''' i '''
11. , i1^, l, In, “.. .•,, 1....... d, ( n i t ro r‘t.
1.0111-, ,t. J0,, , ,,b, .21.... nil pounts Went 0...1 go , w• - • .
1 .1166 It.totc " p ot-frot "Af c tS to no ' tr e k:. P ro,crbit ' ll Y r..d :.2 M heeling ,'. 1„ njil I PPP' NI and Ohio 1ta1::...d.
itttalnrrgis and Ci.. el, .' b.,.
',tact" Pittsburgh...._ • 1:45 a. tn.! 1:45p. Do.
do Wellsralv ...................I 43%0 ° .2:("0 °
do r...,ya.rd 5.3.: •• 6:3.1 0
do All tea,-
do 1450,n0.. 7, .o.i •, I
rv.too 0
do Chid.. - t•11 o 7 - 01 t
A; at l'ltrentrata i t...A o o a t:! °
G.lloo , ting not, 11.ty:.rd with 1 oz,raromo, oramett hr
- Nro . s l'hiladelphi t WI.: Conat Laver;atl::::,o‘,,,rith
- . . I' It te I, . l'o: t NV nyne and Clii , ,gn Itallroad; at
T liE ATI,ANTIC IRISII i a Itavenna with Adam, and Great NCtattern Bann ed
ROTA L MAIL FITEA Id NAN-14A- fur Harr.. a. t:rttni Mt, Illoadvillt, tna,n, Curry,
TION l ' olll ' AN Y. P.,N,P r EI 00.1 6.1111110.1:Clq PC. if 114.0. ith Cleve
land. ..:.antt. ills and Ontilmatt It...trawl for Atm,
OALWAY LINN. t'dd nhogn Yalta and AI vlltranurg, nne ..: Cleveland
ADRIATIC, 1,300 Horse-paver, 4.200.0 tot,. 0 I d C.O. E. R. 11. for 1:r to, lionl..;rk d0...1i Buffalo
HIBEILNIA,I. 24O . liore,-power, 3,000 Vans. wzth C.& T. It. 11. f..r . .s.".du . ky, T. 1..10, and alto
005.1.. /! . 1.1111 . A, ,10 , 112 florae-power, 3.1)00 t.o.xu. .itl, ....mon. lot. INornit.
.....,... .
;ron to Me led ertnq
ANGLIA 1,000 nurse-wirer, 2,000 ton.. stennenvlile and V. aile.llin Ar oomruddm lon !rover.
The Innirclent Sienra,hip ADRIATIC will Kell city et y. from Newl' Llverpool TUESDAY, the 17. h 14 . ‘ „,„ 1 ,.., train
of November. Sic!i p. tn. Juni _.lo A in.
EA. of paosage from New York to Liverpool, pad.- Tandigh T.ele, to to all prominent Talmo can La
nal. to gold or lie ogolvalont to currency. pri.curetl. the Lioerty nth. it Depot. Pitt...urgh.
First Cabt0.....-.... ..... AlSollilvengs----- IX , GE..RGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent.
Interawd.-te.-. ... ..._. 40. And at Allegheny City.
Panaentn, foruarded al. to London, Paris, Elam- A. q. CASSELBERRY, Ticket Agrat.
bora, Fliolve, Bremen, Rotterdam, Aot ,,, rr , ‘ 1,. •• ,,, For further in:urination Kn..) t'
thr lowa. wee.• WI I.1,1;31 STEWART, Agent.
_ .. ~- _. . , .. . . .
Fr'" from L ' rrr P rK '' or °raw " to '`'°‘` York end At tho Cost4ouly's Office w Frtoght Statian, I rah 3t.
So•tun, 5115, , Itts; 81OS. hula
Fur ptotAt.7 apply of tho of the A trontA
SAFEL ELEABAE, tra Broadway._
raAaira JeNES, Moosgor.
F.ll COOL, touching at (IrrEENSTOWN,
tGoae. Benno.) The well-known steamera of th e I
LiTerpool, Neer York and nth...ll3lphi* Steamainp
Company ore Intended as &lime -
CITY v]' D. 5.
And evf.ry 6ucceoding Saturday, at :ions, hos Pier
44, N,rth hirer.
Payable us Gold, sr U. etntiortleal ill Carman,.
Flarr CLars
to LOIS [holt. ... 85 00 do to Loudon 34 IA)
do to Paris 95 00 do to Pars... 49 60
t" 11.traburu ou do to Ilamb g 37 Mt
Passengers also forwarded to Utters, Bretaaa, Rot
-dam Antwerp, Sr.. at equally low rates. •
Forte trom Liverpool or gut:oust- let Cabin, ,
573. SAS, SIGS, bieetw^-, This.° who wiell to
send for thea frtends can buy tickets hoto at (Los. ,
• Steamship ijhieGOW, oral. line,
will .JI en an extra stc.J..Jer on THIMISDAT, Nor.
Pith. Jim eplendld accommodation. fore few Cabin
and Steerage Pliewngcre, at reti,ed eaten, payable
in j Currency.
For further information apply at the Crinipeny*.
JOHN 0. DALE, Agent..
('li\ AHD LlNE.—Steam frOM
1;25 lu gold,: or 101 - oqurrolout in canon°,
en2SasAsly pitt.burat,
T. .nrugnr, brought nut in FIRST CLASS MAIL
STEAMERS, (rum I.lverpoot, Londonderry, tiahtny
or C , iK, for
Awl by miling vessels for TWENTY.OVE DOL.
Lk RS, currency.
Aprty to
Prn10 0, 01.• Ore invited till the 21e.r DAY OF NO
VEM ~ Ell, 1,6:1, at 12 N., for furnishing the Subsist •
an Departmeut with Ml,OOO barrels of dour.
Bids vett' ho rt....mend for what le known as No. 1, ,
and N 0.3 and for any portion love than the ar.lo,,ud
!AIM Larrep.. D oLLAß .AVINUS RANK, NO b 5
nide In duplicate forrthe different grade" 5i0n....: be I
I' .. ant &TEL,.
op.. separate sheet, of paper. ;
Thr dr' Tory of the flour to I.r commenced wltionl CTIAIITERED IN 18.58.
'r- - r the 0f ,,, a..2 of the Lids , 00 as 0000 ! Open daily front to to 2 o'clock, nlea an 17,1neular
thereafter as the Government ma., direct, nt (ha rste ' and enturdny eornlncr,.s, from :Ply Ist r., llovymber
of hrn', b 00 ‘. 40 &HY, dollarrad either at thy “att` - rt'' I let, from 7 toe o'cladr. and from 1:,,m Lor let to
moot warehonav ir 1:070C 0 Piolyn, nt the wharves, or at :1,,v l e t Cram 0•0 A n'elaek,
tb. ",..lnool dot* t. Wnslong,. r.., U. C.
. ~. 1 lirposia motored of all actrna not low than One
1 . 14.y.n 0 111 will Ine. mode in Cerldinatnil ~ , r. imi.,:,- • 1 ,, IL , ..,„d
„,,, d i.dd e „,„d of ,h,,, 0 „.. 0 , , , dm,„,...„, onto,o
urn, or each other tunes ;lathe Government may have ' year In yd,„..,„,1 D . ...„0.,,,,` - y z , ,, ,,,,.. ho „, 0 .,. 0d do .
far diallyreetneMt.
.. :Aar,' 0 0 n11.w.ikunitr, In Joon and PaYroll.r. binin
„... . . -
The tnwal government inspection w be made Just the Bank woe organized, at the rate of six per cont.
before the door le rerelred. a year
An out h of allegiance must accompany each bid -* interest, if not drawn out, Is placed to the credit
ho bid will bo entertain.' from parties* who nor.- of the deinaltor Ea principed and bears tho same in.
previously failed to comply with their bid., or from tonal fn m the first days of June and Decetnesr„ cum
boklet• ost 3*.nent to tospnrni p* landing twice • year without troubling the &peal-
Tbn barrels to be ratio. ly new, made very stronger ter to call; or CITU to prosont his puss book. At this
now l n ntrrisls and head hoed. rote monny will double in Pea than [trete** years.
No dour will bore.** -ed whirl. is not frmh ground. B ookt, 000,roo„ ton charter, 1 1 ,... L .,„, Ro t.
Bids to 1r directed to Lirol. Col 0. BELL, r s , and It. golations, furnished gratin, on appitention at
U. tt. A., Washington, P r., and endorsed "Propmals i t h e oak ..
fur Floor ." nol flit Pasalnksr—GEOßGE ALBREE.
DCA ?Ti,Tialt - StAl& a. 7 ()(ITs Slghi i rICT. rancor:cm .
Bills on the Union Bank, London, and Bight S o h n B. m,r.d.b., Isaac 11. Pena:ca,
litibs no every important town In Germany, Franco, Jn, Hot, John Marshall,
tswitrarland and Italy, for sale to stuns to snit par- Alszan.lor Speer, 3•71141 B. D. ?deeds.
chosen, by WM. H. WILLIAMS it CO., Bent. L. Fahneatork, A. M. Pollork, It D..
an2tenrn Wood street, comer of Third. i y neteo tdom t i e y, gm Ilnrsprin,
Mff. 4 S PORK! MESS PORK !—I,OOO J..." lierdm", 'Mill:um J. Anderson.
bids Mess Pork in store and for sale by ortree.. —
Mc DONA' D rt. A RBUCKLES, Gnirk* Adams,
Wholesale fir era, Produce A Com. Motrhants, John 0 Backofm,
nc4 212 and 24t Liberty grout. John C. Blndlop
G 1 RE API'LES —3OO Ibis. choice George Black.
Apples, rts Galas, Bellflowers, Pippo. Alonzo A. confer ,
Green- chArie , A. ( . 301 ,.. m :
lugs, Bamboos, dc., in atore ,m 1 for sale by
William Douglas,
ctitlK. PETTIT lc CO.,
nos No. 12 aruithficld stnat. Jobs Evans,
Willtans S. Hann',
Peter n. Hanker,
17.Ichard Hays,
Janis D. Holly.
Willlaka B..Basalre
Ittcyrrane A Twat
cr. P. O'NEILL,
Evening Chronicle 13.2th11eg..,
Ns. 7n Fifth street. Pittsbargli.
.Saturcley, NOT. 21
15 Brovivrey, New lurk
lid street. that hduse tram the bridge.
rdhl , tt Pittsburgh.
YEOII PEW YORK, 1F35 In carro.c7
&4 every Yrltek. Apply to,,
Twenty-Five Dollarc
APcnkhecr Chronicle MAWlog.
Fifth str,e4., Pittsburgh
my2 . firorod
LAIIII.-20t) tierces prime No, 1 Leaf
Cardin Wore sad Dr ule by
nal D. WA MACE, 35.1 Llb‘rty a-taw.
CAREEN APPLES-10 biiliTE:ss — ortea,
yr for ralb by WM. . BZCS a CO.
II I vii
at 10.. k. n. m.. p. Itt
Orrics or ever - MO/LER or let CLMteCt.
Waahington City, August 6th, 1863,
B tome., By satisfactory evidence presentel to
the undersigned, it had been made to appear that
in the C.dinty of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylva
nia, has been duly ot gunined•under .d according to
the etupiunmenta of the Act of Congvese, entitled
"An Art to provide a National Currency, secured by
a pledge of Lnited State" htoohe, end to provide the
the circulation suil redemption thereof, ' approved
lebriary 2.5 th, leW, and had complied with all the
rooriAune of said Act required toil.* complied with
bef d - • in ineticing z the busitom of Banking:
Now, therefore, titan Iticert.tocu, Comptroller
of the Currency. do hereby certify that the said
nullity of Allegheny, and State of Peurisylv.ia, le
authorined u. commen,o the badness of Banking un
der the Act aforesaid.
In [eel imo,4 - 3 , whereof witnen 'my hand
83 , tend tun: of office, this 6th day of Angnet,
J I It mccuLLocrl.
• Comptroller of the ChrreuCy.
Ceram., $51.0 0,0 00. with privilege to 'name
to 1„00 0 .000,
The Pitt,bargh Trnet, Company I. wing orptnized
undo, the act to provide a Nattoual Currency .m iler
the ,{tie of the FIRST NATIONAL BA!d K OF
PITTOBFRGII, nun:o renpootfuliv oar no services
for the collect bm of Nolen, Draft., trine of Fr.eltanet
reve:ve tummy on delimit, nod buy and Agri Ft
change on -II Until af the cottony.
TI. acme. o in.:: au, d the Pitravrargh
Trtod Company, since its organization to Si iR
we Lenore, be rt.i7o tent that Moat:moo
entrusted ltt a
Deft Wi t t...tat...ft 1.11 ft svgs tho
same prompt attention.
li.vang a very extensile earreopundence with Banta
end thronvhout flit rar..ary, we helloes yea
can offer Untl3ll.l it...intl. to Intl. who 00 Luilotte
with W.
. •
The binthees will be cio - ndneted ay the same Of!leers
and Directors.
Fmncim G. Balky
Alex. 11, , 11ry,
Samuel Ron.
Jame Lanza
B..irn tl. flays,
llsouvas Bel!,
Tlmsaas Wlghtman s
Wm. K. ICS:slick.
LArGIILIN, Prsvideol.
Atiout &A, 11463.
Petri A: Slim Wm.
Wolter P. Vaaanal,
John Orr,'
obert Robb,
Fleury L. ginprell,
Jaws Shia.:
John EL libornberger.
William. Z.Schmle,
Alexander Und
WoOtin VIMAIrk,
. Is •I ^C.
. Nail