The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 18, 1863, Image 4

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A Note from a Rebel Officer.
As the rebel Officer}, lately captured by Gi I. •
+ Meade, were passing through this city ou eat-
Largay feat, oue of teem threw from o +..or
window the following note, which tee wrote
nr 313 the page of a small blank be.. k. In ex
planation of the note, we may state that one
of our citizens, who is a very 'twin; Enloe
FromYesteilav'e Evening Gazette MED, had uttersol SOMP severe reflections in
till hearing of the rebel ethos}'—io about
extermination, etc. The note reads t •
-Natives of Pittehurgh Phoollt to at rit L4i TIA of
New Orleans with mspent Veal htnaneeot n .1111
be reels Let .
Cain Co F, nth Lohman& Regiment f-LL Lel
of Mr. James Nitpick, coal merchant."
Vittstrurgit Santfil.
It LT' rcT 44 . 7 MOIL9ECG:::::10V. 18, 1868
An Editor Shot At
A few nights ago, while Mr. John D. Ken
nedy, managing editor of the Commercial, was
wending his way Immo, he met with a most
Indio:woes adventure. Be bad finished the In
enbrations of a "gifted mind,' and was I
repairing to his residence in the upper and of
Manchester, to seek that rest so essential after
great mental effort. John, like nanny other
men of talent, is not remarkable for phys
foal courage, and while turning dark corners
be is very apt to kqep a sharp look-out for
"obstacles." Be had reached the corner
of Craig and Ann streets, in the First
Ward, Allegheny, and, on rounding the
corner, his eyes caught the shadowy forms of
two men, standing close against the wall of a
building. He halted for a moment, as is
hesitating whether to put on a bold, honest
Irene, and pass along, or turn tail and retreat.
Ile concluded its turn tail, his imagination
doubtless running upon broken beads, and
rifled pockets. The men, who were only
night police, out in the discharge of their
duty, saw the auspicious Movements of this
"knight of the and'siapposing that ho
was " after no good, ' probably a thief or a
burglar, they concluded to follow him. When
the valiant editor heard the footfalls after
him, he fled at double-quick, which only
tended to confirm the suspicions of the offi
" cent, and they increased their speed accord
ingly, no doubt expecting that they would ef
fect an important capture. But never
heels did,
willing perform bettor service for a
"gifted mind." The Collins Park per
formances of Shamrock" or "Soft Soap"
(and we beg pardon for alluding to Soap
in this connection) were thrown com
pletely into the shade. The officers,
finding themselves outstripped in the
race, and acting npositthe legal presumption
that flight wall evident of guilt, cried out at
the top of their voice," Stop !" " Stop !" The
speed of the fugitive was only increased, and
one of the officers declares that "be ran so fast
that he appeared to have no head on him at
all!" But, head or no head, the officers were
determined to secure the trunk, if possible.
So, not being able to outrun the bird, they
determined to "wing" it. Drawing a pistol,
one of the officers banged away, but—
presto! no man was now in sight! On
hastening to the spot, they found—nothing.
It remains a mystery, even to this day, what
became of the terrified editor, at that critical
Juncture. Suffice it to any that he "still lives,"
ea the columns of the Commereial daily attest.
Wo aro glad to lsncir- that he escaped unin
jured. and the. the "organ" still retains the
services of his "gifted mind."
Trial of Bombard tuuth for the Mur-
der ofJohu Kunzler.
COURT or urea AND TERMISER — Meaday,
.Poe. l7.—Judges Sterrett. Mellon and Brown.
At the opening of Court, the examination of
witnesses for the prosecution was resumed.
Jacob Cant testified_ that he saw Louth in
the afternoon, of the 17th November, 1860,
(the day of the killing) at Weaver's shop, in
Birmingham. He had a pistol and remarked
"This will be the death of Hans Kunzler or
myself." The witness saw nothing more of
him. _ -
H. A. Levake, Br., testified -that Leath
oame to hie hones, after the shooting, and
gave him the pistol. The witness remarked,
.this IC nothing beta ',upper box." Leath
retitled "I have shot him, and I'm ae cool
as a cucumber. He'll not bother me any
Coroner Bostwick was called, and identified
the pistol. stating Curt he had received it
from Levake, on th• day of the inquest.
Philip Law testified to having seen Kunoler
at LZTAIit.e . F tavern. at to:. o'clock in the ei
tor, intoxicated. lie ishod Kunaler to go
home with him, but was refused. He ear
Ls , :th at t'r -'7r chap n fee: minutes
Lauth had n pistol, ard leaded it in
the sloop. Louth asked witness for a
knife, but was refused, - Louth asked where
Buniler was. and the Witness pointed down
toward Leraks's. Lantb went down. the
witners fjelowing at the distance of thirty
steps. It was dark, and witness could not
see the man. Ile heard Lauth say "you can
not whip me,'_' and immediately after be
beard three shots. At the third shot the wit
ness ran away. Five minutes alter he taw
Kneeler lying in the street.
On cross-examination the witness stated
that he had told this story to different pe•-
sons at different times, and among others to
lobo 'Brown, of Brownstown—net exactly
the same words, but the same in substance.
The Court then adjourned until two o'clock.
Supreme Court.
rOIt3DAY, Nov. 17.—Present; Chief Justice
Lowrie, and Judges Woodward, Thompson,
Strong and Bead.
Cook vs. Buzzard. Jefferson. Argued.
Lucas ik Clark vs. Evans. Jefferson.
Judgment affirmed by the Court, and time for
payment extended till Jan. 15, 1804.
Reed rt. Myers. Cliirion. Non pros.
Kennedy vs. Iman's Administrator. Law
..xlinee. Argued.
vs. Fable. Jefferson. Argued.
kwell vs. Cameron. Lawrence. At-
son rs. Winslow. Elk. Argded.
,Thirciin g Ira. Brown. Lawrence. Argued.
' . .Campbell vs. Baker. Venango. Argued.
" - O'Hara re. Richardson. Allegheny. Sub
? Witted:
Meckey's Appeal. Washington. Affirmed.
.Thompson, J.
Gouchee vs. Bentley. Washington. Af
firmed. Thompson, J
_ Wray re. Hintz.
Read, J.
Washington School District vs. Lnallen.
Affirmed. Strong, J.
Barnes' Appeal. Greene. Appeal dis
missed at costs of appal:ants. Strong, J.
Hogg vs. Painter. Fayette. Affirmed.
Strong, J.
McQuaide, Rioter A. Co. vs. Stewart; and
same vs. Taylor. Indiana. Refusal to decree
an issue affirmed at costs of the appellants.
Bark vs. Gleason. Cambria. Judgment
reversed and new trial awarded, Woodward,
J. Thompson, J. dissents. '
Court adjourned to meet at Philadelphia on
the first Monday of January, 1864.
Sheep Killed by Dogs.
On Saturday night last, a number of dogs
Made mad hamc among the sheep in the vicin
ity of Woodville, In Scott township. The
flock of Mr. Joseph (layer was attacked, and
nearly destroyed. Twelve wore killed out
right, twelve others were so badly mangled
that they hod to ho killcd, and forty were
more-or less injured. It is believed that a
large number of those injured will die.
The same pack attacked the sheep of Mr.
Okenhart, residing a quarter of a mile distant
from Mr. Geyor, and killed the entire dock,
twenty-nine in number. Mr. Oxonhart was
isompelled to spend the entire day, Sunday,
in taking tho hides off the animals.
On Sunday night tho dogs returned to the
premises of Mr. Geyer, and again attacked
his sheep. It was Co dark that he could not
shoot with any certainty, but be fired in the
direetion of the noise, and had the bad luck
to shoot the sheep which the dogs were worry
ing, while the dogs escaped unhurt. The
animal, however, had been so badly torn by
the dogs,. that it would have died anyhow, en
that thorthet only. hastened its end.
These attacks have - created groat excite
ment among the farmers in thenpighborhood,
and the great subject of iriquirf is—"who,„
dogs didahe mischief?" There is a general
scrutiny of all the canines round about, and
woe be to that dog which iS found with wool
in his teeth I
Nay Coclrreavorr.-1 flew counterfeit, on
the Western Reserve Bank, at Warren,-Ohio,
has made appearance in Cincinnati, over
three hundred. dollars having been put in
circulation on Saturday. The counterfeits
are all fives, and the plate is a fae andie of
the genuine, cf which there is but one style.
The engraving is' not quite as good as the
original, but well calculated to deceive. The
eountesfeits are dated Angtust 20, /E 23,
Bi4rerts.—lfossrs. White, prr
k Co., thiiinterprising dry goods .lealert,Tmoo
Jim , . received:l4lot of 'fine English Whitney
Blankets of very superior quality; which they
offer for the examination of their customers.
7, ,
~- l
evening, about severe o'clock, as a man namoil
Lee, residing in Birmingham, was proceeding
on hie way home, and when near the : Pittsburgh
end of the Birmingham bridge, be was struck
a severe blow under the eye, by some person
unknown. Be was found insensible, carried
into a house, and leeched, after which he was
taken to Dr. McCook's office, where hie wound
was dressed. Ile was very weak from the
loss of blood, and was kept at the Mayor's
office all night.
GeiczßAL SYNOD or 100 Grams 11E7'01114CD
CHGECII.—A general Synod of the German Re
formed Church of the United ..'aces will com
mence its sessions in this city on Wednesday
evening at seven o'clock, in Grace church,
corner of Grant and Webster streets. The
opening sermon, on Wednesday evening, will
be preached by Rev. J. W. Nevin, D. D., of
Lancaster, Pa. The Synod will continue its
suasion, for a week, and services may be ex
pected every evening.
Enos( West. Vinotsm.—Wm. E. Stevenson,
Esq., well known to our readers as one of the
pioneers of the anti-slavery movement in this
vicinity, was in this city yesterday on o flying
visit. Mr. S. is one of the leading members
of the Senate of West Virginia, and his
thorough practical knowledge of the local
laws of the Northern States has rendered his
services invaluable in assisting to model the
legislation of the new State.
DIED 111011 1118 INJlllllli3.—llugh Neely, tho
brakesman who was so badly injured on Sat
urday morning last, by the coil mon at Frank
lin Station, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad, died from his injuries
on Monday. Be resided in this city and leaves
a wife undo largo family of children.
Money matters here remain alcint as last noted.
having undergone no chango whatever. The t• le
graph to-day reports stooks more active in New York,
while Gold is about as Met noted, being p 14,1•41 at
Sterling Exchange is repined at 1 , -i.
Ths Sew York Evening Post of Monday say-.:
The loan market is active and irregular. Some of
the broker' , seem to have difficulty i obtaining all
the money they roquii , , while others have amitiatil
arable surplos. The rate, however, is fully 7 pee
mitt. on misicallaneont sae writ in, and C.€ 5,7 . govern•
tn• Tits.
The stock market is Leavy, and the pre.-are al
cash stark b.. depressed quo:nth:Ls. lfove: nruents
see firm, border butte bonds weak,State'storks quad,
hank shares steady, coal stocks doll. railroad bands
strang. Railroad shares are acute at law, rat.
. The Chicago Trllllll, rd the same yhata. bar the
Ibl:owing in regard to financial matters In that city'
The week has been an aetiva one in all departments
of trade. :fteafilly and surely rite market tor mon e y
ILA become rioter and discounts are now confined to
bast customers, who never meddle with els, OM, T•
transactions. Eaten are very firm at ten per rent.
and stputese - thus for la profile:tug a healthy 511505
npcn the speculative tctlanliCf. of the past few
Now York exchange is still close. but not AO 11111,h
so al it was ILI the part of the work. The
buying rang- is parg_tb„ . selling Vs note
wrerni humus conceding the lower figure to favente
The number ~1 vent., repreaouted 19 any eh rhnz.
quotation may t, alas mn:ertalo,l I , y unlit
ing the quotations by $l4l 4, which is the ..... Atal
par. If the quotatton for sterllng It bst
then four dollars, fort)-four cents, and fur mills
taluals the tv,..att.l; the present quotation. latz
8 1,414 ,4 is $7,11, that ts, bta pet,,gtet.t equals tel
dollar and si e tta cry is 1.• the 1.141,1 etc iug. Va. nttnruptn bonn mole t conform the nun
tstinns OOl.l. rd.. of sn u Iny
tents to the is. ::td, they 110, h.:hert:: tsn, un.
re,DA N,veinbor 1/3tV,
TL,L,11.1. GE.AIN-11 heat Is unchangml
rn , 214 wagon, and $1,1, , (41.4u for NT hit
is fir. 14 MI small males from Brst hand% al ill,
Spring. 3^ for FAIL 1 her" in be: huh
warm ler Oats, but the market is firm at 71 to I/3
the cur brad. Corti is in good demand, arid in light
earply; sale of 1 car Shelled on tra.. eI 51,13--de-
user-n. } lour to brat 0 tilt sal. of 4ao bbl, Extra
Family from more at Su,rkt tot per Burk
wheat flour he in smtive request, and we note sales of • --
9,00 U IDs at 64.00 per rwt, Eye flour IS selling to the , JOH N CA M i'l',E LI., NI :111 'lin, • I U rur of,
• BoOTN ANB Slit /ES. of erory Miser. pons. N. ,
small way from store at 5 6 , 50 par ' 44 - 34 Smithfield street. Pit tshurih octl li
tIitOCEIIIIIS--The market for groceries has been Ell-
rather dull during the past two day., the demand (j i l A I ' l3n E E.: SI 1 " C. (7' Nl/4. I„•l ,. sale and Retell Dealers in BoOTs. Sllitga Se '
bring limited, and the transaction., utni.inently, I e„ro,„. Wood soil g o „.-0, r i, PG titairgh
unimportant. Quotations, however, may be fairly
given at Ilit.; to 11}jc for Bair Sugars; 1734 to 100 for, j & M M TEEN, I? , llAS.`i I'OUNDEILS, '
Refined du, "...7.23.i• to 3134 c for Coffee; and CZ to arc for . • GAP our STEAM Frl-rm.. i•ariirtilar silent ton
paid to the fitting up and repairing of Gil. BY:FI-
Molasses, seconding to quality.
NERIES. All tools of lilt 4 , , AND I RGN 1 tit ItS
VEGGTABLES—There is a moderate demand for nods to „ r ,,, r A 1,," BRA ", e •A t iyi N,;,,, of ;di
Potat o '''' ' 504 we note safes of 70 1'6!. "Clinton , and Linde, mode at Ins eltortost ooti. e.
Buckeyes" at $2,40 per bbl, and 100 bosh "Peach . All o rdees left at N.w. al ono ~ 1 %V A TElt STREET,
Bl , nri - a Sot' per bushel. Onions are in active de- s " ' IThlsrrlT„'runtiji..,":4"7„Psto"(,,U„ltl;ll t,,15„,,i„,1„.
nand and !agile, sale of 13 , 1 , lads at pot bbl. ' chasms, of mane yea rs• eli,rienne in their business
liternie of ::,, libbe el t ,52,1 , 0 per Md. will
insure to jive satisfaction in every r , ,r— ~ _,
W e e e Geo , wee em for hood Carrie.. 1 Coi
BUTTER A F.GGS--There is a enntin tiro goal dr- P 14,2,31 11-.Q.5., („, pumping w n eer, crode s od it,.
mend :or IL di MM.", with isle, of a little at 244 final Gil', etc. deo it .
itlc. Packr.l it selling at 17,75 In,. Egg, scares and . AkiPSISTANT i..gioLu !Lust tents n .I;etes,
sell readily at 2,3 c per dozen. • Coro, G sal' id streets,
Winitiogt.on, D. C., Cot. _"id. 1003.
APPLES—The market continues to be well supplied' lITILI, BE Sl)1,1) AT I'UBI,IC A I'
while price, remain without ribtenfftt, rouging from iti TION. on the sEroxi , Ind FOr RTII B ED
(2,00 to (2,75 per tab!, according to quality. , N DA Y 9, 11th and 'lsth of November, at the Corral
l Vashington Oloierratory, a largo lot of
' HAY—ls la
"U's request,
supply I.
light; , acne the
Nit LES, condemned as untit for
sales from smiles of IS heels at from $11.5 to las per public serrlee. Bale to comments at 10 o'clock a. M.
Terms cash, in Government Funds.
oC2.6:td Capt. and A. Q. M., U. S. Army.
SALT—There 6 considerable inquiry for No 1 Ex
tra, auddre note a kale of ISO bliLs et $2,013 per bbl.
Lirerphol is steady at 52,60 per sack for coarse. and
Fay et Le. Aatrmed
13.2.543,30 for fine.
CILAYBERItIES—duII and neglected, and th•
market In well supphod, mlo of 10 bblt at 8113 to 113
per bbl, according to quality.
CIIEESE—i. teally with o regniar demand et 13
et 13%, for Wcatern Ileacree, and 14c for Gothon and
lit tuburg
GAME—KaIe of 2.5 pair, Mallards at 6O per pair.
CllESTNETS—Urichangeil Lot arm. Keith II
ea]. at 53,00 per bushel.
PELTS—sale of 47 Sheep at 51.2 A eta,
_ .
liov. 17—The receipt" of Crude base been unite
large dnrlng.thla put two days, and, while the de
mand in only moderate, the market is less firm, .d
wane sales were made at conceasion of I cent per gal
lon. The sales amounted in the aggregate to 2,130
f o ll o w.; 500 a nd 1:11J0 bide at lloc, packages
inelanled, and MO and 420 DIAL at 9Ae, free on board
cars. In addition to the above, there wet. somesmall
nate, utmle at 111 . 14414%; packages returned, and
these may be regarded no the ruhog figures.
The Defined ban beau lim
ited end et an unimportant eharsmter, while prices
remain about as Last noted. Napths a dull and 176
IS< en the nowt.] quotations. IVesidium is steady
at E4 , m, ands. sale of :/3 bble eras reported et this
_ _
New York Petroleum Market.
Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Nr.o luxe, Nov. n--Crade continuos dull and pri
ces are drooping; salsa at 25(326c on thq spot, and
the earns figures for December delivery buyers
option. Helloed Is very dull at 400 tor Loaded .d
80c free. Nuptial& ie nominal at 21. c.
Nor. 16—Every department of the grain market le
so irregular and unsettled, and the_ transaction. en
light that It is a hard matter to give true quotation.
of prices. Flour—The lack of transportition re
stricte sales to any large extent. Market n.:M.41111,
dot and unchanged. Wheat—The market is very
unsettled and Irregular. We hear sales of 11,1 on
tremk at the wide range of 121Q.12ac. Corn—Sale I
car on track at 95c. Liolders:are asking 90097 from
store. Oats—fielders continue firm at G51.470c from
■tore. nye—Quiet and nominal at 11.5 c from .tore.
Barleyy—Sgm- 200 bush Inferior at 133 c.
Sov. 14-Ire hare to: note a betror feeling. In this
market; ulw embrace the cargo of the bargee Leigh
too, wink 3 650 Inge Bio, arrived since our lest re.
view,on ter= not mado public, and 2000 bass fair
to p rima do at B2SVe., transactions at the outs ide
agars brink light. The iporerurnetw rent rare I, -
WO Be, packed in barrels, wars awarded by the Com
mis-mu of thabsistence of this Department t. hew
1 ork arm at 01 . 354. 100 'AA. The stock of Flo lc,
hands hi quite light, but the trado are well cup.
Nnr. :Prbearall It $ 1 , 07 6
1,10.4. Com—Quist. Oats—arall sad- 1* loser.
it.c t fpur-6,000-Dble flour,Z,ooo trash mrtuudt
menu.— bblo SI our, '24,000 bulb wheat, 32,0 W
bash torn. frelghte--Dull.
Pittabtu - gh Petroteam Market.
Cleveland Market.
Baltimore Coffee Market.
,CAtiesigO Diarket.
New York Grocery Dlarket
[From thr-Shipping
Sugar—There Lt a rteady modyrate inquiry fur .k , or
flr home u,r, and 1 , ..- flan
t, att.,. of Gent ti antra.
rrliera overnmhe —les are 14lat at—
at 1141.04, •77 i ico, 12 4 . erral4t ; 101
had, mud J LL's. loon n tuo, 1.," , /44, bluo.
do. 17 Al: I, •. and Brarbailieo.
hhtlY. Nrars Urbane, 1.4:161f I 1 ; oral 'o' l '4 ,
ann. 1 , 4.4414 , • 4 III", Sleaze it 1... l
Stuarts },ncrii •.i otlar ranged ..4-rdtly,
'yore 171, rent , for Liar. 17 file t.-.t ern-hurl and
Grannlaterl. ICY; fin. Ground, and IN foi Matte .k
the other Refine. ititoto Hai 4 I, cow', Soft White ,
I,;tattit, and Yellow 14 1 ,491„ The inurkot for
Mod is inactitra, tat tt,ilitlantivll
,trek :meetta other •rale4 anti' , 3,00 0 barrel,
Crurdad at 1it3 , ;,r011l crate, The stock yerater- ;
day wax about and
• c nar , a nd{ 000 lado,
ilolararaet —The market is dell: and the aurtlOn pale
of Nen - itrleaii+how a falling off on atone grades, but ,
• gynerally evert-40z lltore is Att 1.. Otani, to not, W.,
Maieo raalera of r.O lilt& Demerara at ..4
ba41,4, 68., 30 CIO. Muloweplo. Ma and Oracbtile w
Urleanra, 441146 for sour. and :room:, 4 mat., for fair
to prime. Gr unction. 370 liblra 4,4,1 Al 4901 rani,
400 do New °Goan, 3:1@a11,, .1 too, ap ,0, ; . 1 12.5 Able
ebolre Golden Syrup, !A)(472, earaly
Conera—Themarltrat remain, 1430. i le I , ut I. • .ner
than before the recent advance In Brazil, being par
tially, If nut wholly, recovered. Daminesii, Lowe, e r,
In light, pnrrh., , only node for ft. •urPIY of
immediate wantra. The wdera Include ii3u bags It at
314,032 cent.; ail/ Maracaibo, 33,4321 0 ; 39 mat-
Jaya, 39f , ;,. 4 ntora: and '2`!lt baid St. Domingo. lot term.
we did not learn.
Bultalo Market
Nov. I Lt.—Flour-4'nel. 31Wed. Wheal-31oderate
demand. Salm at $.1,...t?. for No. I NI Liwankee o!,
tiLc red winter red wetitc•rn. torn—YaLr
,t. togo ,t gt te:ggn;. 11 a —QIIIOI W hisky---Stently
at No. Ireignta—lke L. wheat, In on oats to Now York. lz.wortn-17,000 We flour, I lii,ooo
wheat. 72,06 c • Math corn. Other mint Lie .tet.
Frights—l: lower on groin; flour tlngeinc, wind' IL
Imports by Railroad
5 3•131. t3barco, F. 51eGrau - ; 2do do, sfeCalli-tee
Brier: I Rd teed, II Blahnp, 10 Ri4 boot., J I' 'far,r: 131 ski potatoes, L Ii Voile/ A co: 1.2 b 1,1% ap
ples, A 13 Arevll, 43 sk. rags, 11 e Boa ard, 1 car ol
der, II lieu-h. 2a.
Prrt.ruon, FT. Wk1,f..1: C 111,1 ,, R strmtan. Nov
17-120 tibia iLmr, ghomaker et Lang; 1 I rider, .1
Ilanailten; 13 III! apple., NV J I.y day, 12 do do, J
Woololayor; 20 do ,to, li 31 Wart well, 12.7. do J
11op1; G th. do, II NV Williazus; a do do, J 11 (' Hamp
ton: 1 Mel tobreco, J A :Mazur', doz I.rorua. Jau
Floyd; VI duz pails, I.lllle & Trimble; 2 bile beano,
rook, Pectin A co; I car will feed, A J Hagan; It do
cora. HitrhT oa.k, 31,1'i-eery A co; 2:1 lar-1 oil, 11
A Flame...ea ,t co. 1 ear clay. Eter , on. Preston tz
co; 1 do do, Whartuu A Dm; I do do. Mullman A i/ar
rison, luP bids flour, J Ciarilluer;ll:l i ider, le olka‘p
palls, It Flare; logo barley, 13poncer & McKay; 3 bids
oil, Rees , A - Graff.
ALLEGIrrnr ST ,toN, Nr.t, 17-1 , I
B 5uy.1.,, , ,, S latls .1110 , , 3% M. into ~ 17 in /1,.. 4
rggs u,11.1 lante-r, .1 1.11 , 1,.!1, .1 . 2 d,, t,lcr. II Wall
etyltmilli,ll.llo,l9 Angel, •
J Ilerbort; I.IS syliwnt. II T Krntv,ly S 11,,
12 lAA. nom - , 11 313, re A co; tI.I nie oat, ,1 , 11.p.0n
ilissoLuTH)N.—The Part tlereilip
..L1 heretofore as .tint tioJer ihe name end firm
of J. It. LI Nlis.t. I l e nt i Ly
mninal eoneent. All bunion.lcJ with the
late firm will be talt! , l by J. conch, L
I Y. at:.
W„.l .11m1, ideer.. J
I have alai iliepweeil of my interi.t in the firm
.1.11 v.
BS.M A X I.L b to j LI IiSA 1
bur. 2, It.ti J. U. LINIiIAY
Marla.; pnrcheord the intereet of J. 11. LINDSAY.
in the flan of J. 11. LINDSAY 1 11, rto and
Catlery RIINLUCOS, .n.leo in the firm of J. 11. &
XI,A X wnLL & toga )lentifoctorerr, the •
nes. will ennlitose are and 1 al lery.
J R. I.r.s . D , AY ; Be;; ws, Sii , J. B. 1. S. MAX
The put - menhir her•lotire esietinfi le-Hreen
'tits under th• firm ..f
FREW A. thi• .lay been dimnive.l, i ll Afi.
LIM'K lIA RT end WILLIAM FREW imving rat
' chstied the entire Inter,. ..f the other pertnere.
The Author...n(ow late firm it dl 1•• settled by Li
V Kit'''.
l'lttAburgh, An _;11 , 1 1,1, 16..1
kIILLS ...... . .... am: roc,
LOCK ii IZT 1 . 1:E1V,
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum,
ea - At AI.IIIOS ‘ , ll. WEI. Vt•nang , muLty
t 03.1 BitILLIA ST 011, Nmky..
(Mr*, 172 & 171 Wotlll STREET
Eng. Cong Gallen, 21 C on b?I M 7
• I 2 cp.,
1 1 73
All oat, melting Tery
1.4 -1 0 it THE FALL OF 1563
200,0 , 10 APPLE TRES
Extra See-2. a, 4 and A years old—tnrhisiing r.II the
old leading varieties, and many new ones.
Atom, a very large enlek of PEAIt, (stndard and
PLANTS. &c., &v., wholesale and w tall at very rea
sonable prime. JOHN 51CRDOC1 - 1, Jr.,
selibilewr Pittaborgh and Oakland Naraerleo
roicrsli EN'S REA Dql
Incites the ationtion of Browbeaten and ntbeni t" his
oplenalci etock of GUNS, RIFLES, RF.VOLVERS,
monition of every kind. Ilia stock Litho larstain ...or
brought to this market.
_ __ ,_
___ .
eli A Etifs . t. CA LDWELL,
(Biscontroor to Jame. Rolm. fc Co.)
General Commission Merchant,
litrCuselowszerrs Soucrrso.
Mss n. R. R. J•ok A Co., Pittsburgh ;
E. 0. Knight I Co., and C. P. Knight I Bros.,
Philadelphia. • sont.und
bble. Mess Pork In ',tore and for ',ale by
Wholleal• Orucere, Produce It Com. Merchants,
nc4 212 and 244 I.llwrty street.
GREEN At'PLES.-300 WAR. choice
Gates, Bellflowers, Pippins, Orcon•
1.0., Rainbows, As., in store and for ' sale by
No. 12 Smithfield stroet.
1 ARD —2OO tiercee prime No. I Leaf
..1 Lard In .to and r.r .10 by
null D, WALL Ar E, 353 1..'..,rty strYed. _
Oft—WfUlgaTtßirtig--LtiireH.-oti: new.,
fcr salo by B. DA LZELL tt CO ,
nal I.lh.rty ottr, , ,d.
APPLES -41 barrel% Ramhows, Bell
floor. &c.,.lbr enle by
100 P F H. AN I.) liAlti c k. — .l , .; 7 t ER 't.l.iiL.4
‘.../ for sale by JAMES DOWN, 136 Wood street.
LIME! LIME! LIME! just receiverd by
casks No. 1 in store
PEARL ::l'
and for Ws by
ODD FO' for sale by
ocriA JAXE3 80W 1 ,136 Wvod Arent
FOR 8.1. LE.
D'GOODS STORE 1:014, SALE. III()V I, El: --
a LGestern town on l' F. W. k. 31
"' R. PRE m.rum SEW.II:O PIACIiI!t ES.
doo.g. a largo! one I,pol/table trade. s•Le sti•
o• sr, and has boon svoteted with mine-nee Li t e
country trade. liar all been purchased it, cusli nt
lowest. market
Tn.. it regent propmetor has decided to reties hon.
the trade owing to hod health and now re/o.rooni4 T -
r u es Es• hias w .
offers the stock tor cola ; nlso the good will of the re
tiring part. The boa-, hal large and respeetitble ums• veer
oil sostrolitte ,
train, which can be rot:sine:l. The pressor. stock • Af s et, toe 11,0 di
will tuvoim from seven t o ten thousand too „ fur „ 0 „, „.„ , , , 0g AT, F
I till,
suild be reduced If timiroL
Pardee wishing,. know the parlit:_olars will please at 1 . 0 ';
nelt.reas or call ptrettnally on
LYILLY A firt .- LIPF.II NIL , oat Premium tor ....111 met-bloc
oolferf 59 Hood etrset, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fir i r thultis•thrtsel runel.,tte
Yir-t Prot, on tor monies work.
t'OR SAL - E.—Two superior ( ylinder
I_L Boilers,36 inches diameter, 3° fort long, made Ito, Preteen: for family el. , bine.
of •t 4 i inch iron, wrought Iron Levi. 9a third. Rini- FP, Premium for trittoulactering nasolite
-1 era almiut as grad no new. , I Lott Pr. totem for ontehats etc
Also, One Portable Engin...and Tubular Boller of r„,,. st,a, p.,"
air home power, ::welt c; tinder and 12 Loth etruko. Float Promtimi tot fondly ruachluos2 .
Tibia Euttna lino bored one mall almirft fr.t. titftp, YU, rI,IIIIUM lot •"I au( miaiti.tor
and Is at tnirubly adapted to thnt loud of w,•rk, P. MIL I/1 for met wolk,
sawing wood for locomotives. lite/two. Sate Far.
Also, Ono Engine, heavy iron bad plate, It Melt Ft.,t Pontoon for fmudy tuachitir
cylinder, 30 iuclim strati , new, with balance valve Ft t.t Pr. noun, for menufnetoring innahlos
governor. Well minjitod to run a grill mill or small ilra d reatitun fur Imu.bini. wok..
hoop mill.• 1.E.. , nu TiLvir Into.
Emlu Ire at H. M. DOLE'S. Virtu Premium for machine for all purities.
corner Point Alley and Iluqueene W/o, first ('a mum for mai.Lotio oork.
noliklur Plttaburgh. Muss Pete to
- - --"- • First lire:lnk= for trumblne for al.
NVESTERN LANDS FOR SALE OR ltrott Premium rte m.nLt„a wick.
T EXCHANGE -2,510 acres in lowa, In tracte Kt-stocky 10.!, r.
varying from 40 to 320 acres. G4O acres in Michigan, First Premium for M.ll,lliLiG rot all purposes.
In tenets varying from 40 to 320 ac rt. 2,000 worm Fir 1 . 11 , 117101, for machine work.
in Minnesota. tan norm in the southeast part of Peamnifritam fiTiver
"'Joann.; a nd bit anw in futhatna. These soda First Premium for manufacturing mathiao.
Lave boon carefully Lolveted, with view solely to int Pram! t, benutiie' ineetilue work
their local advantage., Ac , anti De dtruvoae4 Cflii‘ Sin, Fort
of upon liberal terms, for cloth, exclit.geot for ro
(*hot Prniooi far machine work.
property In Al:calif-LI! croofL- And at the fidlewinz I.l,uaLv Fairs
For terms, Are., apply to L'Llialen r`e. ' Anefeentosi forties
Li. S. BATE., Commercial Broker, First Premium for family maehins.
neat Butler street, I,asTer.-tx ills. l' Premium for nittnufa, int ter, tuns.hlro
undereigned oilers for side a very desirable pis, 'i.2,7 . , 1 ";,"„ 1 ,.." 1 ,,, i ' rr , V
tat land, containing scree, nearly, situated In
Fink Them it 3171 fro nuo.ufactnein romehlne.
Baldwin township. It front. en the 7r011...i11 ,
p,rst from ium for ma - I: ill , •rack.
road on ono tilde, and one aide on the Elizabethtown
Tyrol. It I/1 part or tn. White Hall Farm. This lot ,
iiiploron for feu,w, hine,
boat horns erected on it, and an orchard of Apple r , ;
and Cherry trees, bearing feast. Thu lot will raid w eek. .
on accommodating terms. if not weld before the first Fiat prro;; At' ,,m l for ' fAro l r oy
of January, it will be for rent.
For iku-ther particulars Inquire at WHITE HALL,
ey the subaeriber. in Dr...din township.
aulgaiWolaw Lana DA v tr , BTGr..pant Premium for family machine
{f.tahtugion Co. (S. F., for.
'anti] machine.
HOTEL FOR SAl,ll—The property Es Fir ” Prf.l",f. T
J_ known as MEANOIVS HOTEL, situate on Firvt FiL
Fourth street, between Ferry and Market streets.'
Toe lot is 40 t front on Fourth - so - not, by ES feet fur feer
machi n e
ilevip. The Hotel to • three story brick; 37 feet by FtntPr, lam for
rnr ;: i " oo
7:s fent. The house was lately built, and to doing a The above romprisee all the ('stn at which the
good business. The furniturs will be told with the
; GROCER A BAKES MACHINES were exhibited
hotel, if required., this year. At nearly all of them the leadlng Sewing
For further particulars , a. to terms, Ac., inquire ware„„„petio„,
of J. W. HALL, So. ,t 9 Fifth etc.-t, or of J B. , The work made upon the Grover A Raker Sewing
SI E.kNOlt, Oil the prrmixs. Marhins hae recelred the Siren Premien:l at every
otiE Irtle6l.l J. 1, • 51T-AN'). I State. pale in the United State. whey It btu been
P ,F
LOCRING MILL FOIL SM.—Th,” ext li i o i o lst . l. , t ro t o hts .
, N 't.. 18 FIFTH ST., Plttabnrg Pa.
eubscriber often for sal. the ALLEGII ENT ,29.21seswF A. F. CLIATONEY, Are•t.
CITY MILLS, sitnemd In the Fourth Ward, Alb.-
giteuy Ciro. This well Lune" Mill has been ,huilt
and contains four inn of French Burrs, out, T B AIKENt3'
all the late. Improved machinery for manufacturing 1 .3 .
the best brands of Flour. Enjoys • poi heal as
well as foreigntomtit°, A NaLy KNIT TING MACHINE
bovine:fa noiti, anil uo invite nor alio wish ivengage
a 14,41111 Ineilorait to rail at the whs m
torus will be made known. Is adapted to all kinds of work, red moos all kinds of
oegUilnithwT J. TOFGTLY.
L AIN' RENCEI'II,I..E 1M I' 1201 E r"."`',"." watt.
PROPERTY Volt SALE, situate en Bullsot, nom' flu the road, a lot Iron on
sir,-'t r ',tend.. bark to I.aln3otto o.lov. '
on WWI the:,
too '.l•iitcorV Frame Ow oil
trigii--vino new, tit. nth, nearly uttli the nri rvi• _ . - - .
It imp., ements. all In cued enter. The Itsatittn W I 1.,5(/.!..;'S
for Mt/ultras, Ar., i• our i.l air brat IN.tho tiorough.
Tiir ins rely. .tpitlr
0. S. 11.111:6, Comm-rrial Broker,
non Rather esti. t, I.awn.nreville.
TPtlit ' 4 .11 FOR LEASE-1. large I.ot .
1 in Sharpsborg, on the linaiieuffyr littliway, five
miles from Pittsburgh, on obit there In . good
Dwelling H 011,4 of tame room., al., severed other
Hut, all built of brick. A well of good eraser In
the yard, plenty ofgoal ft'ult, and cottrenteut
Churches and School 11011. M.
For paroculans rehires , or call on
O. T.OII , LIA It,
s - -..tpsburg, Allecheoy County, Pa
0121-xfiloyF Highest preustruna ist the-London and Pali, Ettf
FUR SALE —.l Itou,,e and Lo: nn Ful
t. n ntr,t, Sixth wail. 1....1 2 , GI.: It -.
an.l oaten ding bw I: 1 , Crawl' , !t1 Atr.....1 127 Tl,
lariat ,
with ...Ida ball, parl• , r. .I:n'ng.ria.nt. lutch , sti ..:.!
waali how— -a tint 11.a , r; r , a•rln a..d
•114 pt. tart ant. r throt.7l.. , ut I nun
c...11ar, Lt.. 1 , a tn.• vt.
tha I,en. cities a” , l•nt - r.mrt.ltttiv.
t H. hIcLA & lit .treat.
)I{ t of land, contnini:. ,,
:- Arno.. Iffitnata..l Stn.
on awl ll* .4 t wag, I. It.
The red. will a g•ta.Hl
... , nr; orchard or fruit 11,..a.
• I:I on r......0n•t.1a
A First-Ch.. lintel In Pltllaclelpnln,
e ,, ntrall) bn In let on let, Na
Apia:cation tavola
No. 111 South Seventh greet.
_ .
I, l ol{ SALE.—Four A ereF , ~f
1 unl • lour Story Brick. 21‘1.1.n0. Er.f.tke
Boiler. am., IL...toner, ...I: selsoteri Is, • mann
footory 10 , 1 feot 1.:0 feet ; ran le
one-half It. nrtginal eel, by talllng "Ii
1.1.111 WARD,
DNS No. 98 Grant etre, l'ltn.le,rh.
poR LE—T NV 0 1>1111.ER: 4 , - 1211di
fesq, I.h.ubls Fined, In .n, pith tr.nd
•n.l ,Lrume ft.. front
lit'SzET, WELLS .1 Co
: 4 U...A Works, ,Fltth Word.
11 R 1.7 G G E YS,
th. NEWEST PATTERNS • tid every at t , , tL•
Lowest-Prices for Cash,
Crumb Cloths, Feltings, Rugs.
And having purcheeed for VASIL before the tato
advance.. no a. ^Ma to .ell at the manufacture.
prioas; axt unaqaalle4l stook of
Mildew Shades, Mattings, ace.
C. l
and r a
full line of
Floor Oil Cloths,
io sheou 3 to 21 foot wide.
Theo gods bay, advanced. In first hands, from
TEN to TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. within thirty
day. and are are now telling at LESS THAN M AN.
IJEACTUREICS avi PRICES. Our stork le almost en
tirely navy, all h av i ng been purchased within ninety
days, for rash, at the very lowest price of lb. yrnr.
McFarland, Collins & Co.,
Non. 71 AND 73 'arra STREET,
Between Post Office and Pixpoinh Ruildions• .0143
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggets,
SHADES, &c., et
A very lane aseortmant of all pada le war lice,
Follett at the lowest peter rmt,hroi In the
Market Mir season, and much rednevi from but aae
aue's prices.
oclr. W. P. & Ti. McCA.LLITM.
LP 11,
t )
for all kintLt of Dnildininb and solierintoniti their
emetic. on rentionable I,rm+.
Mint on Anderson etrort, between bencock end
Robinson strnts, ,1111.•zbeny city. fe3o
V Wall Papers, at 13 mnta, for sale by
n ip W. PALAUSUALL, 37 Wood stroot.
STEAM BOLLEBS.—Two (24 feet I , V
42 foam) lecand.tand Dation!, for alp by
7 2.. ' - :
-- _
SE bi 7.l°G .V. tir I,7r,riEs
t)()SrI'IVE ('C'RE FOR DI":-TIT -0 \ l''' ... . ..-;,
R C. ~„;., .
D. L. Q. .IV lb ii.... .7. p'l ,_ ilallosl,lF.Nn:
and a.. . 3c. ..1 , V i tprilf -- .. - '- a
- esuie PEN NSY LI ANIA 1.. , •11111, BAIL(. , c.•,
The Tllltol ail A cno.3! 31 °DATION T>>..l IN
,„.. the Yttllburult ....L., daily, p , ep• 'opt .Y/
.1 50 g. na, ~,T o ttor at all !Mations Lotus*, i',. a
, ... /. ...b. aed Pi. tladelphia, son r • di ,; -. • c, ..•o
Lio ' n for New Yolk and l'hamelphm.
t 1. , 1, Akr uaa 0, at. in ta. i•aet two 0.. , , 'floc 'Tl' '
..1!L Tll4l' Inc, 11 „,„ p m
. .e. Mae ti.,..- , ,,,i It.ra hunched ant eava - f7l.i ..4, r •.+Lii.l••ii e 1.,: 10. ••• ..•4 ,..,,., ~,,,.• .. a ,
•iilrliii P , ' 7, Y 3 1.i.1 .i 0 in ire 'in". i i `....• '''', '4 - .ern to . •toppit , g cooly to primer.: .tati sv, and
••••-, . coll w` ,err to..
col A, • ye. taken os dim - leo, tee/ o, m , d on ,/ c „,,,,,. • ,,..,, ~,. /4
0,,. P., , , ,... ,
'•,, ~,n , a, g roc k, eon, A Lambe , of the ' , hove ...". mor• al Mahn:can. and i r N •• IprZ L. ri, , k.-
...,..t 6,-,. ~-, wed by ihe task ,iu meat phystrtan , vt dead: In.
Elie conntry and 11c., , ,pc. Ile persons sof ea , ibillfd); - ,•(;Lf Fit rill, ~ 1 -- ,Li Ls L .,,, ,
. . /o/i.
n „
Tering from the al, o r tiara. to Rise him A fall. Tr,. T , /..... I or , ~,,,, ...I, a; ~,, ~,,,, ~,,,,,,..,
~I nt. and St- re, 3 in N"F.TII Silf - c.11) ST , climet conr.c.,tion a liar instants for Baltimore an I
l'Odadelphia. , VA ashtutpu, and tor N• a I erk , to A_.:.,. an r. - vt.
' and Philadellohla,
The r.t.:,T LI2141: bout ,1,. Slat ion , Lally itompt
• . sonony , m F : .•4,„*.f. / tagnicepiv e , co, 4 at prit.a ukt la•
' Om., con . AlliWgleberg ,-- bal•faut. .sd
Watt ugamentii tiglllilidelf , ltm (or New km's.
Aitoliiiti , DlT lON 11 h o t Na .
I di oellianc ;milt of wsualLeumew ..11 atio pit of.. doll. • ....„.
_weu r e e es ~,,,,„1 0, g p e rm a osut,
too / The Johnstaeu At:coma - aim bm Tin in learn oadv
..,( the at • h upon ~.., „ Lied ....l. It generally ' (e‘rtist lloott.y).tltt , •r ot " nr , "'" ~ 101 Star.._. Intecaelate.y, or a start time after , attar iis I and running /. f.. Is. Le....e...• .....;''''''
• First Athantondatius 'train for WWI .tcont.tu
often Very •haVere and et,' :nate. ....t,
I Pik: !eke end Adage, -These symmums aria lone. doll y i'-. 7. 0• 11...d. Y./ if! f." , 0 ..• fi:'t
Second A.counthnodittion Train for Wall's knalloi
from the loill i e.ti- oof Pot. when I- " o ut• tustrad . leaves daily (except Sonata) , a.: " •••
of a tgesting. • Third Accommodate. Trs m for (5 all's Stal ion
X. c ' , an asc ad loss of app-W. -Tilew symptoms tear. daily Sunday', at 4-00 p. t 0. ..
are the efleots of the untatarat ouncfrfron of fadit. I Fburth Aemnimolansu yea, for p e vedpigu e ee v q,
,Ity a hitlalt, 1:1•1 lila lk.a.t of porn bile and gastric. , have, dad) Macept Suntla3 Ito L.l O r tai" -,
Juice. The •lonisch is often painfully dasteteled by , The Church Tou.o bears il - a, . .
wind ; the appetite tosometimes mraciour 1 day at 9t05 n. Iry ; re' -- - - -.
4. Gk.. amt deperseion ref euirCa.-l'hut sine mitts • i et 4s P. M•
many for the enjoyment of hie, and ill called by the 1 linurning Trains amt. in l'itteborgh as lei:. -,
mquert , blast fare coal by imperfeet digestion. It B.lttmore resumes" 11 is• to in
llilli lihiyvil of the disease many pursuits coconut arta , i lsibisielphia EMI - •••••- ••••—•-• ....—L•:- 1 on•
, Lvle. There is a coustAnt hrehodla ..f cud, ap.„ w. , Fast Line ..... - ....... ......„ ..... .. ....... -......17„W. a. re.
'•. lafference and pdattive li:facility t.. permit° lb- ... • Chi' , IPI. Mt -- T"L:' , • _ .. 1 .I. V - cr,
ims • i life •ohowtown Armor. nevi. La ........1105 a Li.
. Birst 1%. ,1 51 Matteus Acemmnociation...-.... Um a r...
. f , ...erhee.-Afmr being at fir.! c l'• e, th e 011 , : .... , ._. a wan ,
...„,, ,a ,,,,...... , 3 ....
is afflicted with dindin•l.•!.,m, 0 hid] IA
Thinl Wall's Stitt i.•tc {r!• o„, ~..da i
, a ,„...„ 1 4 0 1 ,, to.
tiara d (tradition or tht • b,....1.. prottot,.. !.....t. the WI.- 1 ~,,,,, ~ airs p,,ti o r . , Ar0,,,,,, , 1,ti, ,, ,, '94 ~, ~,,,,,,
''''”" f"'l. '''''''
""'''''' In
' .I
l'altimorc Express vt lb o n o 0 a it:, Flifialoipi , a
tom a when eaten, aul of dmme gives no strength 1 4,1,/,,,m/ at 42 ,, , , e p. m. on , ondor „
~. Oa ryetett, / Trains for Blairsville mad Indiana couseel tt rhinos
ft /: , ,,as co Mt p.r., ~/ the ,vwni-Ario. from the , nt:e. Interaction wilco Tb• egi. A., .D e
' 3, '' 'n f .t.P. 7 . blood olas the o•ro es. lee: a•• Jubustuwn Aecominodation Pad 1.01.. es, ...a., .... .
tett clib-lly In the head, aides and 'boast, and in the • ad .l s/
with Bait'La, t ...,.. corm J. I,h, Iv ii .1 to
..nremitten In many care there is an minuane. - floatation Hoot.
in the Iltreat, with a arias of choking or eullono • so: Trains for Eleensbom rote ...., hi O r well Will. ET.
0100 Illilllth 1-. of•en claninty, With a had lw.lo 004 , poet Trains and Man Teem Hest, atol a .th Through
furred tong,. . .commodatiou mid Ev!tress Tra•,, too,
I 7. remoonfflfre •ympto” , and p,lpoltwanG of AA /own The public nib find it grmoly o IL. 1r Intermit, in
- Many pp•morts prunumwed as laving the. dim.... ,- :re: Eat or Weet, to travel by the l'ennayivit.bla
lota, '....t, nothing boo frrapepsll, the lung ant I Central Railroad, n the seaminnalations now offer. I
i aert donut, booing Daly symptoms. I ',until 1. surpam , !on nor other route The heed
• C.....-This / 4 . 1 ° 0 3 ft... Div., symptom of 1 , 3 ,- , . ballasted with atone, and ts te it i e'4 fire from to, •
pelon. and lead, eery often two confirmed co sump- : ,'e ran promise mkty, / , mood, and comfort to rd.
. pito may favor this road with li=on patronage, •
Wane of Fiery, -A very distressing eystem, m- , FARE,
1 suiting often In mental derangement.
, 10. ri e scapaucts a / *Lu. ~./ . ,„,,,„._n.,„, piord ~• .1. I ... .0 • .: ,, ge T0ri........ 61:: Sn to r,,,- imere --SI I 'A)
' fected painfully hi told and heat, which Is owing to . To ralladelpb in.._ 10 .11iTii Lritkat.r 960
unnatural dryness of skin, and the mks., la often sf. 1 1• ° naiTi.b.fg•••-•• 7 fib.
reeled by eruptions and titters. The gloenr till- " ni , g11.g..b . . - b i./ 1. ail . ''" t.. r...3 •1 . 4 '
• iwptic avoids eepanesy , a morn KA poesibm.
• 1 ma Central Railroad, ad to IMUnd,lphia, Baltimore
tod New York.
r‘aaanad.-A frequent and tha'aa'inn aYnaP. I r h sin ticket., in the cars will se
tom. It relies. the pain, but emacmt. and wears 1
ct,, .....g.T. Pr. , .- g . . .
I not the patient. , AU :therms, according to, ihooliatanta la Leto.;
It /Leziase, dir.vme of ninon, Iseada•Ac., and st,m. I in addition to the eat Ism rate., exuept,lls:. station.
I gently in trafking.-These are very alarming setup- I whet:e tbe eviff,P.../ hoe .o agent.- ef, -7
; t•nits, which are speedily remmal by oar medicine; NOTIOE.-In case of loss, theßpoinputly will L.,il
, hot If noglectrd, are quickly followed by Darn:43h. . tkomseltm responsible for perionio. - ,134z0g0 i/l•11,
and sudden death. ; tad for an anemia not exems.llol4.slfrff,
I 13. It is impossible for WI to giTe All ll e Symptoms 1 N. 8.-An Omnibus Line , fraskenn employed to
'of Dyspeitsia na no small • xpae, hut the above are .....7 Pmawngef B 80,1 7.0•CF.g.f.r..4 from '"•,. Dm
t considered sufficient, if we add that the patient Sas . Pit , M •.barkm not to Mcat . B.' rent., OA tab at
his memory and attention to surreandlng ellecht, . . 3 . 1 "8 7 ' r n:.l baggage. loon t ei J .
,ia.TV,iliTiLiT, Agen t.
I told fr equently becomes 'nor., and am. all ....lkir- i
, Don. We should say, however, that pains in IL, At tbe . l'enki,3 - 'ran fa C. _:cal bailout/ Illasertgur
, indite and stillness cd the limbs, which go Ly the ,
„ Stdoem conks' Libert• and react streeN. pep Pl_
' narr.e of riceuntatism and neuralgia, aro very often
ekoduessi by Dvemnet. Also, a Ermine. e.f the ( 1., I . ; VFI \ ND - g a
•I. , • ,77 - e - •,,
nodes of tint almtnen, wb,...1 become contra... I -/ P I TTSII 1.• BUIL ANDci . f i . . .
aid hard ; and in tote (•••..•.i soothe belly sinks, insteto •5 , IiI'IILINO 11. i f Lltoa i• -." - ."z•L.••
lof being. rnity prominent. 13" 1 N ".: l'. li. ARR A Nc: Ell ENS --••• at i atier
I ' ItONDAY. Nommtor lean..
1a... liaia as. 'ono
Dyspe \ psla 2 Dyspeptin 1 - Ise
•• Ib , iot of iLe Penne) iv an la 1..... a', in P ...i.
• ••••• 11.-1 follows
I, YAmaaant inteaso3c, of Brandywine, Del., for- , • i-
intllienu s end ace... ecy Ties.
merry of Old Chester. Del., do certify that, for one .
i ',area Pitishu -I. I i. a. m. 1. 20 a. m. 1, if , ; in.
yerlr and a liaff! sacred everything but death from lour
1 that awful disease called Dyspepida. My whole aye- I do Sten/with'. :. In eI 1 , 1. , - I
I tem was prone:lied with weaktiva and disability ,I , do wn r . e le gg .
.1 ride; o lit :':1:':1•• 0,04 ••
I could not digest my food; if I ate even • cracker or ,
,e ,_, / ,..,,, 4 , 0 , //0n .... i , 0 ,, .. i , / / , „ ~,,,,,, „
the smallest amount of food., It would return Jost as ,
Connecting at lidenheuville and Bel lair with Food
I 'wallowed It; I became an cmtive In my bonnie
i bereville and Indiana Itailroull and Central Ohio Rail
, that 1 would not hare a pansage in le. than from 1 re,/, too .., ,momi/e, N .,„. nele, 0 ~,0n,,,,, Seth, Ivny,
I four and often eight days; under this immense ant , I tos, Indianapolis' Cindb. , - , ,C, Louisville, taro, St.
C fertrx. my rot,: .otto.tal entirely to give way; I had ' I outs, St Joseoh.atal all 1h..111, w 0
-t ad south., et,
dreadful horror and aril forehodler,a; 1 thou g ;ht every •
I and at 15 ;; Dee nog 1.111, liallitunfe c ud ,thin illefro,,d,
body hated me. and 1 hated everybody; I could not Pletelargh and ~'inland 1',,..
hear my husband nor 0.3 own children; everything T.
st,peared to he homir-strickrn i to LP, I had no amid, f do w,,,,,,,..
61 , . e do anything'. I ..., all my free of family and I do Noym .„, .
b , .mei i 0 , lid ramble and w ander from place to , do
.4 , r , a .„ , ~-.. • I 0:1E, ..
place, 1.01 'mold not be rontated; I lei[ that Inu I do Novenon 7140 •• •.. ~
' dam... 1.. I', and that th•7•••aar• ~ hi neon far me, I do H0d,... ', 11 .• ! -- -.:0 ••
sad was often ter .;;ad to rontrnit finical-. so near • A,./.,,m at ~,,,,,a ,
...... .
~....,, ~i din ..
l oat '' ''''''' untrue, ' 7.a ` m '''''' ).7 '• '"‘ " " iia7a I Connectu.g at Bu4a„l a 111 5n m . L oaw onel. :sr
, mind.. in cunt
t. awful somplant, Dyepcpsta, that I New / . /.. ., , ,,,, pO/o nod ~/ /4, ,,/ /,,,,,,,. o/
..m/innoe wi th
t env :I.^G. thong! , best to have me p. , aed ill Dr : Pittsburgh, Fort Mav Le 0 od Chi. a..-- , Kaillrondi •I
I lairkbritle's timpani. at 5 3 .1 05111. , 1 Iphla. I re- , ',mono with A/mot :, nnd ~ . . ~./,/, rn 1 ,,, ,,00d
memood there talaeNeras, aid thought I wax a tittle
for 'A:.. reit, Mee °villa, Mend, 111-. Union, burry,
Foote Patent Umbrella Lock Stand, , better, but to a dew slat my dreadful ccmi 1...... t was j0me.,, , ,, , w0
no,/ e , 0m0 , ,. .. ,
o/ //m/non ont „, ce , e.
":if in g ; °°,,,. "I ,''', ."/,'• e 1 ",",, 7 ' °r : 'I, wonderful ; 1,..d gal , esatle and t.... at . En!, a d for ••• I. run,
whirl insure. perfect safety to an ankle provurbially ' '' ; "•• .ri ' f ' -. '7
and '',,,' : '''''' ' ''• f " .3 ~'"'. 031, ' ' Cuyahoga Fall, -.. 151 illnrsbn, c. eon at ilea:and
1•,..1.1 CIL : ll"..1 aro nit 1 loa.,..wact h.. viy•persia, ' tan, ~. di. 4 . 4 ,. 4 , 0 ,, Eme, 4 ,,,,, e , ,/, „, ,/ . 44// ,, m0
my tandrand calccd 1 ,- . 7`r. Withart and stated toy ; with 4. 4 .. T. 41. 14,
. 44// ,....,,, ,. . /. hoe :4 , , es „, / mm ,
1 ant. to him. 11, mid be had no 11 ,,, t1,0 he could ..a... w , // , o ,
.....,,. 4 , 0 4,,,,,„/ .
, ma in tome tia3 a after, I called and laced my- •• m. .,,,,,,,,..,, 0e ..., ,t ell-,t1,. A ,,.,, e0 „,,,,,„ . ~ 0 ,, 0 „, /
self iambi C.. Doutor'e treatment, and in two v - Lelta , 0, ,,, ,/neno ,/,, at 30" r. rl..
, I ::_-,-. to dLtiw, Led, and felt that my diseas. le., p0../„/„l„,„„aene g.-rive. ~,.. id
..., ,„.,
~,,,:. .
t oo t giving way. and I cont.:Mei to racer, for shunt 0 , p. ~,,,, Lod 2 . 1 ,, n. „,
; ni ""' . : . •". a "' Il 01 '''''' p`" 0 " " m " I 0'1"7 in . T Wong]. in aete to ell fir: Lo an! ;Within fall to
...,.. w- , l balm of of le , mind, y and snd I moot sincetale ,
procumu at the Liberty street depot, 15.15 t -..ish.
return my thanks to a mernful Crud and Dr. 11"• hart, IE‘ , IILE PAIIKIN, Ti act Agaat
.11.. great American Dyste•nala Fills and Flue t And at Allegheny City.
• : - " - " " i ,-- ' :'" ' i Tres Tar Cor.lial that alai me from au Doane .key
rilit b.: ATI.ANTI(3 livl, II ri7,- I 1 and apc • mature grave All person. su ff ering "A. Q I'V•i`rlllEit KY. i b•Let Agent.
1 1101101. 31 A 1 1 STEAM 9.07 12 A- 3 4... 7 * ; ;Ch IL peeps. are in Itbert y . to cal on me or wrlts, i For further ink"nntinn nildS
'llO 31 COMPANY. Arid I will try to do all the good I can for gaff-, .1.15 ' • 0171
99 IL LI A3l STI:NYART, Agent,
• 11u/44/Lllli, ELIZABETII BRANsuh At One Company it cin I might Station, re.. et.
' Brandy wins, Del.. formerly of Old (Rater, Del /
Dr, II ISIIAKT•8 "aim, No. 1 0 North Second st., I ----
in ' Lielpit.r.
Evor A wftrd.-4
Llttene, and nt all the Important State lend ide,hanl
cal rain aher<cchlhll«l thle Call and ex
those m 4.114161 tp, fore pureheALv
..tlert b IM It.: entry
r, .I".MILlar
A DILI A TIL, LAX) lloree-powtv, 4ALIiO took.
HIBERNIA. 1 Hone-power, 3,11ek1 whs.
COLL' .71111 A., LIMO Iloree-power, 3,000 tole.
A A G L lA, I, 0.) liorse•power, Y,UA Woe.
The 12.entilcent Ste...m.lllp ADR I A TIE sill sell
from A-.. York for Liverpool oo TL HNHAY, the 17th
Gat,. of proAlte Gum New Took to Llsorpcul, pay
able I'n gold br Its equivalent to carreury.
First Cabin fitie Steerage—. ........ —....• Tr
et,ooned late etil
Paewengers forwarded also to Loudon, Paris, Ham
iter& Ilistre, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, ho-, at
is lowest rate..
Yana tr , o ldrerpool or Galway to Now Took and
l/ostoa, Lt°, Tel, F/b, Illid; Slur.
For tausaito apply at the °moo of the Agents.
BNL SEAILLX, Broattaray.
or, D. O'NETT t.,
Ducting Chronicle Dui:ding,
Jyl.tlylit No. 70 TWO, street. Pittabtrgh.
J EIt.POOL, touching at QUEENSTOWN,
U.:0111 H•nwa.) ne well-known ovum,. of the
rpool, New Turk and Philadelphia Stivrnshii.
Cott: tn• .6 intruded as follows
CITY OF NEW TORE Saturday, D. 6.
5,.. , fTery ',wrestling Saturday, at I.OON, from Pi.r
41, North Elver.
6ATIM Of ramot.
Papok/e 4 Gold, .r tts equie-!--11 to Ourreney.
do to London._ SS 00 do to London 34 00
do to 93 00 do to Purls... 40 10
do to liambrirg .90 00 do to berth g 37 00
rIMCDCOIII 61.1.0 10f1M.rdfli to 'Jerre, Bremen, Rot
terdam, Antwerp, at equally loin rates.
Fares from Liverpool or Queenstown ; let Cabin,
vs, 18.5, 1106. fiteorage, $3 O . Those oho wish to
send for their Rion& oue buy tickets here at those
A Positive Cure for Dyspepsia.
Llloar what Mr. John 11. Babcock rays:
No. 1028 Olive Street 1 .
Philadelphia, January 224, 1863.
D. ST uncirt- , Er :It is with much pleasure that '
I not now able to inform you filet, by the um of your
great American Dyepepsia Puns, I have been entire
ly mired of that moot distressing complaint, Dyspec.-
.I.e. 1 had been grievously afflicted for the last
twenty-elght years, and for ten year. of that time I
have not been free trom Its pain one week at a time.
I lave bad It in Its world form, and have dragged on
a mile; mieerable exte,nce-in pain day and eight..
Every klud of food that I ate filled me with I,lil and
wind, It mattered not how light, or how email tho
quantity. A continned belching woe cure to follow.
I had no appetite fur any kind of meat@ whatever '
and my distress was /10 great for moons' meatus be
fore 1 beard of your Pills, that I frequently wished
for death. I had taken everything thati Lal Lear&
of for Dyspepsia, without receiving any benefit ; but
on your Pills being recommended to me by one who
, hod bean tend by them, I concluded to give them a
trial, although I had ti faith In them. To my as
tonishment, 1 found myself getting bettor before I
had taken ono-fourth of • boa, and, after takirll,ll
a box, I am a weft mon, and eta col aintaftto I tool,
enjoy • hearty meal three anew a day. telincut in
convenience from anything 1 eat or drink. It you
think proper, you me et ninety to make this fr......ii1i
and refer to me. I will cheerfully give all desirable
information to any one who may mill on me.
Your. respecitulty,
For male at Dr. WLSHADTII. Medical Depot, No.
, In North lice. red street, Phhadelphla, Pa. Price,
Out Dollar per box. Sent by mall, fro, of charge, on
1 receipt of price.
Dyspepsia !Dyspepsia!
1, Mona Tours, of Cheltenham, Montgomery Co.,
„„ 1 ,.. ....„ Pa., have suffered for mare than one year everything
....__ . : ...1!" . ...._ but death Itself. from that awful
de e, celled Dye.
- , pipets. I employed, In that time, fire of the matt
.pRO ['OSA i.'; FORP . LOUR—SeaIed 1 eminent physicians In Philadelphia. They did all
Pl,,poeals are invited till the 21er DAY OF NO. I they could for tee with medicines and cupping, but
M oli
t EMBED, let:3, at 12 ~ for furnllig the :Soloist- I still I was no better. I then went to the Penney'.
en, Department with '20.0.10 b..irrido or flour. . vanis University, In order to place meet( in reach of
Bids will lo received for whet Is known as No. I. • the best medical Went, in the conntry, bat their
No 2. nod No. :1 and for any portion less than the . medicines failed to do me any good, and oftentimes I
2., , s si barrels , t wished for death te relieve me of my sufferings, but
Dian in duplicate for the different grades should be I 'tieing Dr. Whhart's advertisement in . the Philadel
nisin w.ferete sheets of paper. ry, Bak! , it. I determined to try once mesa but
The delletly of the Occur to les crimmorteed within I with little Dinh I called on Dr. %Siebert, and told
one week from the opeulag of the t. :1,., cr es .000 i him if I ...mid hair .111,1 I would not have troubled
theroaft. ran the Government may din, ,at the rate , him, et.; then related try sufrertnia to him. The
of 651 barrels doily, delivered eithrr at the Govern Dr. assured me, if be foil,: i,, cure to. of Dysp-pelts,
meet lo ileorgstowit, at Ilia a hat W., or at , it would bo the first care in two years, so I pat my
th. railroad depot, Washington, D. C. I sett under his treatment, and although I had been
Payment will he made its cerstheate. •If indebted- 1 for months vomiting nearly everything I ate, my
nese. or such other fonds as thee:, cornmeal may ha in l stomach swollen with pain beyond 'description, 1
for illsburrommit height a bet of his Dyepepsla Pills, I need them as
The ustml Government Inspection will be mad* Just . directed, and itt ten dam I could vet as hearty a meal
before the tour is received., es and p.m, ill the mate of Pennsylvauls, and In
Ir. oath ..f siienienee utrort itccomoeny each bid. , thirty days was a well man. / invite any person
No bid will to entertained from pollee who have snfierh os to I was local raid see me, and/ will relate
pre‘ musty failed to comply with their lids, or from . my 'effector cud the great cure I ri., i..d. I ~,,,,ad
bidders rot present to reeves... , say 14 ell lippeptic., B.e - rushers, that Dr. %Cohen
The lamb to ho entirely new, made very etn, - ..g, of le, I bodiees, the slily person on thy ooth.that can
new mannish and head teal. car , Dyspepsia with any degree or certetntr.
No flour will be rievirol which is not torch gronitd. MOSES TOBIN,
Bide to I,r directed to Lieut. cnl. G. BELL, C. S., Cheltenham, Montgomery Co., P.
U. A. 4, Washington .D. e., and endorsed - Propoesi• Pr W IdlIA RI'S office, No. 10 North Stood et,
for Floor." naLtIS i enlace boas from 5 p. rn. All examine.
1 Mons and cormilts:ions free.
.DtfliCAialTbfiltit3lAN 6c Cii.'i; biiht
Bills oe the Onion Bank, London, and Sight
Billa on entry IMportant town In Germany, France,
Switserhusd and Italy, for sale In emus to snit yar, by - WM. H. untaama s CO.
staked:a Wood Merit, corner of Third.
GREEN APPLES--10 bbli., assorted, 1 Sole Agent for Pittsburgh, Penn'a.
fir Sale by WM. P. DECK S CO. I nol3:Staweiawft
. •
hot itY.—The Steamship GLASGOW, of Ga. line,
will mil ite an extra steamer on THURSDAY, Nor.
Dun. Han splendid accommtalationa for a few Cabin
and Steerage Paaseugers, at redmwd rate., payaLle
In U. B. Corronry.
For Itirtber utformation apply at the Company'.
lb Broadway, New York.
!land .tree[, fret house fr om the bridge.
mh Mt! Pittsburott.
_ •
rimmulgera brought out lu TIRST CI. kg. 9 MAIL
FTEA'III:II9, from Llrerpool, L.mdonderry, Galway
r Oork, for
And by smiling reek TWENTT-ONE
in currency.
Apply !-1 D. 0 . 14 LILL,
lny2;nmrni Fifth sin•nt. PittAburch.
CU NA RD LIN B. --Steam from
CZ In gold,: or its equivalent in currency
th, Pr... 111
A. F. CA ATONES, Agent,
No. 19 FIFTH STREET, PlumburOo
11177! :.-"rs.zry
nnlay, Nov. 21.
FROM iffb,
Twenty-Five Dollars
/BON NEW YORK, P 5 In currency
Sells over, vreoL t.pply W
D'ipepSlll Pill and Treatment
A (Tali Fr.,11
DT.PLI4IIA ew ret muON•I'M TYrrass
Dyspepsia t Dyspepsia 1
WIPAAILT . I have been • constant enterer
with Dyspepsia for the test eightson years, trurtng
which tittle I cannot say that I over enjoyed a per
trolly well -'• Timm were t' e' • • ..1.. symptoms
wcre m.. 1 aggravated than et others, mod then it
seemed it would le a great relief to die. I bad at all
times en no t sonnet feeliny. to my head, bet latterly
my sufferings so nine!, tnereaaNt that I 1,, ante al.
moet unfit for hombre. of any kind, my mind was
c0nttr0......y Idled with gloomy thoughts and forebo
dings, and if I at tempt 4 to chant" their current by
reeding, at coca a B:oration "I icy collunatia, in con
nection with a dead weight, as it were, ratted upon
my brain: also o tenting of eicknees would occur at
the element, and great pain to my eyes, aft,l72rollied
e ill. which w as the continual fee- of loving my rat
era; I also experienced groat lassitude, debility and
neur"canoes, which mad.o It difficult to walk by day
eleep •. tae erne acorns to watery, end
disposed only to seclusion, and haring tried th, -kW
c; a number of eminent physicians of various echo. le,
enally etas to .ha conclusion that, for this dive...,
at u yeetle, there was ..... 1.,
't mice. But, through the lutsrii_runce of Dimr.•
ter...deuce, to whom I arYoutly oder my tines.., I
at leer found • earereign remedy to your Desnspeta
1 ills and Tar Cordial, seem to have a-Mu-Many
motored almost the last trace of my long list ut ail and had feelingt, and In their place health,
pleasure and contentment are my eMityday of.m.
pardons. JAffiffid BAIINDETLis,
. .
No. 4.59 North Second straet, Philads:phis,
formerly of Woodbury, N.. 1.
Dr. WISHANT'S. office, No.lo North Socood .t
14.avr, l'lttabtinh
Ornes or Comae - Romuc or lux Ccaassus,
Washington City, August fob, 1t>6.3,
WHIT/ILL By satisfactory writhe:of prefect to
the enderteglosl, It has been nuns to art.«, that
the FliteT NATIONAL BANK OF BlT'lstLio.ol.
In the County of Allegheny, sou Pennics,va
ale. I ls been duly orgotazsd under and accordiug
the ,quirtanents the Act of C..-gross, snott a
"An 'act to pronds a Natianal Currency .act.: •d
a pin 3e of States Stunts end to
, ktroftdi. !or
to circbl-tlon ant! 0,1,1.1410 u tb-t. !, at,:ta 714
Folfroary ftth, toss c_topilmi with —it the
PON .10118 tail Act requittsi •bs compiled with
cu. it , ...., •••• .r.g. •
c.”‘ - , Lhenlon., i, Li cult Bceteaocu.. Cum roller
fI, br. rp car that the said
cirri , : NATIONAL cis. NK nTTSr7,II4:H.
county t Allc,i ,
neny, and note ofsPennccestitt.,
orith.trlzed to ...unwell. , the Deftness pf
,ter the Act aforesaid.
trftenony whereof , : - wane% my harall
{ g ntid seal of o o. lll.: r t t, h , i acri s 6th day
cw.r,... 0f Aug: . ,
J 18G3, ilt ti/UIadsCIALOCE.,
a_vrE rrnsBLRGII 'rtrn COXPN4Y3
F-4.00,000. with privilege to Irxrenso
to e 1,000.000.
Th. Rituburgh Trust Company haying organised
tender the Act to provide a Sal Loral Cumnry, under
the title of the FIRST NATIONAL BAAL' OR
PITTSBURGH, would respectfully hr., WY -Beryls.
fur the collection of Notes, Drafts. dills of Exchanp,
to., receive money en deposit, end buy andlitsH
change on all parts of the country. _ -
The success which hoe attendra, ,
Tenet Company, since i. urganitstlctitiri 185; sill
se believe. bee sufficient on...rat:die that buyln.w,
entrusted to the new organ !ration the
WOO prompt attention.
Haling a my Pitermivo cot rommdener with B.A.
and Brokers throughout the country. se believe As
car. offer unusual fe,tut oet to tinsee she do busiz,ve
with no.
The business will ho conducted ey the same (Mears
ant Direstors.
Sixoes Darightln,l A lexxx,!....r Speer,
ReSort S. Hap, - Frence 0. Ban:,
Theme, Bell. 1 Alex. Ilraulnv,
Thomas Wig:a:man. 1 extauel .11,.e.
Wm- lA. (Lick, ,
JOLIN D. scuL4y, Cashier,
Aftout LL7, 1863.
Open daily from 0 to 2 o'clock, also en Wedneeday
and Saturday evenings, from May lot to November
let, from 7 to 0 o'clock, end from November let to
Itay let from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Dolomite received of ail num not Ism than Ono
Done}, and a dividend of the prof re declared twice a
year, to June and December. Interest hue been do-
clan.! semi-annually, in June and December, mime
the Bank was organised, at the rate of tin per cent.
A wean
- -
Interest. It not drawn out, la p1a,41 to the rndlt
of the depositor as p-4nrit,-,!, and bears the same in
at from the tint tray. of June atm Le-•mlx.r, oma
potindlud twice a year without tronbling the dry ei.
tor to aril. os'esen to present hi• pass book- At this
r..teronney alit double in ken than metro para.
Books, motatoing in Charter, By‘lasts. Rolm
and Regulations, rurnishs:4 gaunt, on ,applkation rat
the utace.
rms. TR
Jobo B.
Aler.u.der Speer,.
Benj. L. Fahmitock,
Jaa.m Mc.),”!-y,
Jamas M. Pennock,
Joi.a Marshall,
Junes D. D. hief.di.
A. M M. P.,
It ill Burprin,
William J. Arrdersoc,
Calvin Adams
NOT a. Neularn,
inOrr P. If arehall,
John Orr,
Robert Robb,
Henry L. Rinpralt.,
Anse• Ehldle,
John G. ilankorm,
John C. linadley,
George Mack,
Alonzo A. Curler.
rhe.rl. A. Colton,
John Deans,
Willlen S. Haien,
Peter IL Blanker,
Mimeo D. Ito
William IL Lamely,
flncturrtar it 'faun
Jobe 11..Shomtborgrtz,
Witham E. ethmera.,
Alequmdzr 'rindle.
pmom Vankirk,
I Whittler,.
. P. Waymn,
Cluistian-Yener. •