The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 17, 1863, Image 4

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ittfti4lf. 14326ttit Fatal Afitay at. Mattalleld—Escape of
the Murderer.
I ‘ 4 ' On Saturday evttnlng, about nine o'olook, a
occurred at the village tif Mane-
TUESDAY MORMING- - -- - NOV. 17,1868. fatal dirs . /
; field, five miles from the city. The elrcum
stances of the affair are as follows: Two men
named John Kenney, alias "Curly Jack," and I
John Keyton, employed In a stone quarry in
Scott township, wore spending the evening
drinking whisky at the house at which Keyton
boarded, and at the hour above stated. When
both parties were very much intoxicated, Ken
ney bristled up for a fight, and threw down the
gauntlet by remarking that "ho was the best
manila the house." Heron accepted the
challenge, and in true Irish style at once
stripped himself to the waist—leaving noth
ing on his person but his pants and boots.
The combatants then went out into a little
lot, followed by several other men, who b,-
longed to the party. A woman appeared
with a candle, and tried to stop the qaarrol.
Keyton, who in a stout young man, was not
BO drunk as Kenney, and the first blow which 1
be struck knocked' Kenney down. Ile then
kicked the prostrate man twice, when be was
dragged away. Kenney was badly hint. and
contained to sink rapidly until twelve o'clock
Sunday, when he expired. Keyton, in the
meantime, made his escape, and has not yet
been arrested.
Coroner McClung held an inquest to-day,
and a roe mortem examination woe made by
Dr. Webb. It was found that the stomach of
the deceased had been burst open, in oonse
quence of the kicks which ho received. The
testimony elicited went to show that the diffi
culty occurred in the manner above described.
The party had clubbed together and purchased
half a gallon of whisky, which they drank
during the evening.
The deceased was a married man, and leaves
a wife and four children residing in Temper
ancoville. He was a deserter from the army,
and frequent attemps have been made to find
out his whereabouts.
The jury found a verdict "that the deceased
-same to his death from a kick or kicks inflict
ed by John Keyton."
From Yesterday's Evening Gazette
The Fifth Regiment Colored Troops—.
Their Reeeptton in Pittsburgh.
Our city was thrown into a state of excite
ment, on Sunday, by the arrival, at an early
hour In the morning, of the 51k Beyistod of
Mated State Colorrol Droops, from Camp Dela
*are, Ohio, on their way to Fortress Monroe.
'The regiment numbered about 800 men, under
the command of Col. McCoy, Licht. Colonel
ldhartliff, and Major Terry. The commissioned
officers were all white, and had all been in
'active service previous to their appointment to
{his Regiment. The privates were all young,
active, able bodied Wien, fully armed and
equipped, anti very neat and Glean in their
personal appearance. They were quiet. and
orderly in their behavior, and the impression
they made pa ,all . who had any intereotirse
With them, was exceedingly favorable. The
Lieut. Colonel, a courteous anti accomplished
gentleman;as weld as &gallant and experienced
,soldier, and says he never saw a body of mon,
who were more willing to learn, and who
acquired the drill u rapidly as they did.
'They were accompanied by a full drum corps.
Their colon consulted of two One silk flags—
one of the regulation "Stars and Stripes, "
and the other a splendid blue silk flag, with
the national emblems embroidered on it,
" presented by Colored Men of Ohio, to the
"4th Reg. Ohio Colored Troops," and a set of
',silk guidons. ,
The over attentive Subsistence Committee
received them, at their Ralf, where they had a
• most bounteous breakfast prepared for them,
to which they didwmplejustice. It is greatly
to the credit of the Committee, that they do
not allow color to make any difference in the
;way they treat "elm country's defendera."
; We overheard a visitor remark that he sup
; posed this would be the darkest page in the
history of the Committee, but we think that it
will be one of the very brightestof their many
'pleasant recollections in after days.
After the men were through eating, the
Colonel introduced the Rev. John Peak, who
addressed the men at considerable length. ;
'Re said, "that this! occasion was one of the
proudest moments of his life--one that he
had never even hoped to live to sec—being a I
public recognition of the negro as a matt."
Re-referred, in a most eloquent manner, to
the rapid and.decided change in public opin
son, in regard telhe employment of colored
men as soldiers, and of allowing them to eon
tribute their share in putting down the rebel
and in sustaining the Government, in
which they have quite as vital an interest as
their white brethren. lie then referred to
the men who left this city, to enlist in the
various colored regiments, forming in the
east, anti said he saw them start with feelings
of pain and regret, but now he could bid them
"God speed,' and encourage them to go and
add their names to the roll of heroes who im
mortalized themselves at Port Hudson, Vicks
burg and Fort Wagner.
He concluded by extiortiog them, in a very
feeling manner, to demean themselves as sol
diers worthy of the glorious cause for which
they are about to fight, (and, if needs be,
offer up their lives,) and expressed the hope
that they would very sun return, bearing
.their eolors unsullied; that the old flag would
coon wave over a reunited country, and that
all of their-now down-tredon race could look
up to its broad folds and know that the ac
cursed sin of human ;slavery was no longer
protected and cherished by it.
The remarks of the Rev'd gentleman were
received with the most extravagant evidences
of approbation, and were cheered most reel
• ferously.
After a few remarks by the Lt. Colonel,
'blinking the Committee and citizens ofTitts
burgh, the regiment took the train in waiting
for them, feeling that Pittsburgh at least does
not share in the popular feeling in someparts
of the country against the" nigger."
Trial of Barnhard Lauth for the Mur-
der of John Kunzler
COURT OF OYER END Tsammari—Meedey,
Nov. 18.--J edges Sterrett; Mellon and Brown.
At ten o'clock, the case of the Common
wealth vs. Bernhard Leath, indicted for the
murder of John Kunaler, was called up by
District Attorney Kirkpatrick. Messrs. Mar
shall and Swartrwelder appeared as counsel
for the defendant.
• • • • -
Therisoner was brought in, and arraign
ed - the ordinary form, when he put in a
plea of "not guilty."
The circumstances of the murder:are already
well known to our readers. The deceased
and the prisoner lived in Birmingham, and ono
night in the fall of 1561, they quarreled on
the street, when Lauth allot Kmieler, inflict
ing a mortal wound. After the shooting, Leath
escaped, and visited Europe, where ho re
mained for some time. lio returned to this
country in September last, was arrested at the
house of a friend in McKeesport, and com
mitted to jail for triaL .
A jury had not been empanneled when the
Court adjourned for dinner.
Gymnastic Fsblbltlon
The members of the. Pittsburgh Gymnastic
Association will giro their sixth annual exhi
lbition, at their rooms on Diamond 'tree:, on
Tuesday evening, the 17th inst., commencing
athelfliast seven o'clock. For persons who
have ;Wended previous exhibitions of this in
stitution, the simple announcement is suffi
dela; but to others we would say that those
exhibitions are exceedingly interesting and
amusing, and that many feats never before
',attempted will be performed on this oeea.
.Not only will nearly fifty young gentlemen
of this city appear, but several amateur gym
nasts from the east have volunteered their cer
The officers of the Association have taken
Mammal pains to make the programme various
and attractive, and we hope that not only the
parents and friends of the youths engaged in
this laudable institution will attend, but also
that all citisens who approve of manly sports
and the improvement of the rising generation
will enstoirage the Association by witnessing
the ierFormanoes.
A Brilliant Meteor
The Shamokin (Northumberland coun
ty) Herald, says The most remarkable
and splendid meteor we over beheld
swept across the sky, at precisely eight
o'clock on Sunday night last. It was first
observed in the Western sky„about twenty
degrees above the horizon, whence it swept
to the smith and disappeared. It traveled
in a south easterly direction with groat ve
locity, looking like a mighty rocket, and
leaving behind a long train of Sc.. What
was most remnrkable about this meteor was
the fait that its train, which was one of splen
did brilliancy, burned with scarcely diminish
ed light for full four minutes, sparkling its
entire track as with molten fire. It then
gradually died out, assuming finally the un
dulating shape of a great serpent, with its
head 'in the zenith and its tail on the west
ernaide of the Milky Way.
A New Telegraph Line
The United States Telegraph Company have
leased the right of Way from the Atlantic and
shat Western Railway Company along side
their road, and are patting tip an independent
line the whole length of the road. A party of
workieen : recently passed through West
Greetiville, Mercer county, bound eastward,
setting the posts. When it is finished as far
westward Cincinnati, New York and St.
Loriii will as
be connected, not only by a rail
road et unbroken gague ' but also, by a con
tinuo's, line of telegraph al‘ ter the control of
one company. It is the intention of the com
pany, furthermore, to continue their line
weewvd, as the Pacific road progresses. until
it ultimately reaches the city of San Fran
StitTERCED.-4cidge McCandless, in the
Vatted States District Court, on Saturday,
sentenced }Teary Mottle, convicted Oct. 23d of
aiding la 06:allying away a deserter, to pay •
fine of one dollar and under& imprisonment
in the county jail for six =intim. There
ware extenuating circumstances in the case of
Motile, which induced the Court to impose
mach a light sentorme.
GODLY'S Lsor's Boox.—The December
numtrtr ofthis favorite of the ladies is now
Vastly, at J.:llrqrttocat'S News.and Periodi
carDepot;.optennte. the Postale*. Betides
the usual flishion,plate, and other illustra
tions, it °outgo, two tine steel engravings,
which themselves would be worth the price of
the number, it sold aeposatelfp
Election of Dank Director*.
The stockholders of the several hanks of
Issue, located in this city, held their annual
elections for Directors, to-day. The follow
ing is a list of the names of the gentlemen
composing the several boards:
Bank of Pittshisrgh.—John Graham, Theism/
Bakewell, Wm. McKnight, James Daltell,
Henry Palmer, William Holmes, M. Whit
more, N. Yoegtley, Jr., George A. Berry, Den
nis Leonard, John Bissell, Charles Hays, C.
W. Ricketson.
Iron City Bank.—James McAuley, Thos.
McCann, Robert Robison. George Al
bree, Porter R. Friend, John W. Chalfant,
David M. Long, Andrew D. Smith, Henry
Irwin, Daniel Rower, William Frew, David
Fitrsimmons, (let Ward, Pittsburgh,) David
Bank.—Francis Sellers, Springer'
Harbaugh, Jared M. Baulk, John S. Willock,
John 8. Dilworth, George B. Jones, Frank
Rohm, Alex. Reynolds, George Black, George
I A. Berry, Thomas Fawcett, Wm. S. Bissell,
George S. Head.
Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh.—James B.
Murray, Alexander Nimlek, David McCand
less, James H. Hays, B. L. Fahnestock, Wm.
B. Posey, H. Brady Wilkins, O. Ormsby Phil
' lips, Thomas J. lieskinson, John B. Can
; field, John H. Shoenbergor, Harvey Childs,
1 John D. McCord.
t Merchants' and Manufacturcre Bank..-11. L.
NV. P. Baum, Wm. Batter, Walter
' Bryant, W . Cunningham, E. M. Fulton, R.
; H. Hartley, J. P. Tanner, R. B. Sterling.
Mechanics' Bank of Priusbargh.—William B.
i Holmes, Alex. Gordon, Henry Hays, John I.
House, Geo. Wilson, Jr. .order, C. Yeager,
I Thomas McKee, James I. Bennett.
1 Allegheny Bank.—Wm. Bagaley, C. G. Hue
! sey, R. T. Leech, It. J. Anderson, I. M. Peta
-1 cock, M. K. Moorhead, D. R. Galway, C. W.
Ricket-son, Joshua Rhodes, Thomas S. Blair,
Reese Owens.
A New Railroad Prideet.
For some weeks past there has been consid
erable figuring among parties who are anxious
to secure 'the early construction of a railroad
which wonld constitute a means of transpor
tation to market for the root beds of coal
which aro to be found in the south-eastern
part of :Mercer county, and in the adjacent
parts of Butler county. A. yet It appears to
be uncertain whether the road will be built
MI a branch of the Atlantic or Great Weitern i
Railway, or under a separate organization.
The route most - talked of commences at
near West Greenville, Mercer county, upon the
route of the Atlantic and Great Western rail
road, thence by the most practicable route, via
Mercer, to the coal-field. The road will, :
doubtless, be constructed with broad page to
zait its western connection. The West Green
ville Ar7w states that work will commence
soon, so far, at least, as preliminary surveys
are concerned, aud the character of the parties I
having charge of the project is a pretty sure
indication that it will be promptly carried
through. The coal which it proposes to - :pen
up is very extensive, and the coal is of an excel
lent quality, The field, indeed, extends be
yond the limits of Butler county to the east
ward into Armstrong county. Extensive and
favorable leases have been made as far
eastward as the neighborhood of Brady's
Bend, by parties interested in the project. It
has long been known that veins of coal of al
most fabulous thinkness, and of superior
quality underlie the section of country through
which this road proposes to pass, and now the
Test treasure is en a fair way to he developed
and made available. We sincerely hope that
I nothing will interfere to delay the roneumma-
I lion of the project. The country needs the
coal, and the road will bo valuable as an out
let to a largo and important part of Mercer
Goner ;mu Ducemam—The last number of
the 67th volume of the " Lady's Book," con
tain. no less than two beautiful steel engra
vings, besides the usual double page plate of
fashions, colored, and a large array of wood
out illustrations. As to the other contents, of
scum they are to be submitted to the ladies
without remark. Gurley lo for sale at J. P.
Hunt's, Masonic Hall, Filth street, W. A.
Oildenfenney's, 4t, Fifth street, and H. Miner,
next door to the Post Office.
DROWNED.—On Friday morning, while the
Brownsville packet Franklin was nearing
Lock No. 1, on her way to this city, a deck
passenger ' named Jacob Long, walked over
board and was drowned. Efforts were imme
diately made to recover the body, but, after
a search of three bonne, the boat proceeded to
the city. It was supposed that the man was
under the influence of liquor at the limo of
the accident. The deceased was a single
man, and resided In Cookstown, Fayette
ing gentlemen were to-day elected Direetors
of the Western Insurance anpany for the
ensuing year:
Reuben Miller, Jr., Jas. M'Auloy, Nathaniel
Retrace, Alexander Nimick, George Darsie,
Chas. W. Ricketson, Andrew Ackley, Alex
ander Speer, David M. Long, Rees J. Thomas,
Bonj. P. Bakewell, John It. McCune, Camp
bell B. !term,
Alumna NATIONAL BANI.-A bank, under
the National banking act, will probably go
into operation in West Greenville,
county, In a tow months, at farthest. We
learn that the stook is about all taken.
BICADLII'S DIUS Son; Booe.—This collection
of " Popular and Sentimental Songs," is for
sale at J. P. Bunt's, Masonic Hall, Fifth st.
No. 114, June Term, A. D. 1863. Llllls A. Ro
by her next friend, Thoa P. Adams, vs. John 11.
Roberts. Libel in Divorce. Subpoena tuned. Re.
turned to Lt Monday of June. Returned N. N. I.
June 27th. 1863, alias enbpoena issued. Reteruable
to let Monday of October ; also returned N. N. I.
And nay, October 62d, 1803, on motion of Geo. R.
Cochran, Attoneey for libellant, the (,urt direct the
Sberlff to hare notice of the Daum published in oue or
more newspapers published in said contity, for four
successive weeks prior to the 4th 3ionday of Decem
ber nest, requiring the said party to appear on sold
day to answer said complaint.
AttestibßialßY ZATON, PrOtROnOtSI7.
TO Yoke B. Roberts-4n pursuance of the above or
der of Court, you am hereby notified to appear barer.
the Judges of the Court of Common Neu of mid
conty, on MONDAY, the 28th day of December,
A. u
D. 1863, to show cams. if any you have, why the
prayer of said petitioner should not be granted.
Sheriff'. Office, Oct. 28th, 188 oreffiklawdew
(Enceaar to James Holmes a Co.)
0011NBII man= AND 1113 ST STRUTS,
mently ittrormar,
Captain Chapman awarded the fe1..., u,g c• Ltrar , _
to-day at noon, for Mt-nod:in, Its, G 0..., LI, lit IA D II tr it•lt , !
700,000 husltelo Of out., t.• las :II 1 .5 r. Li.• 111 .-r• :PL. 1. -• . ' .tk
riff , and 4e0.00n to be dellvered at C... 10.•
The domestir money market hat. undergone no I U. L. Stott, of St. 1., in, met no. I fur t. ' •..i,
material change worthy of notice. Th. re te a CO/1- loctleliyerti in 1.4. •al al sir - 0 btu l ot..
that:toil good demand for money, while whet little • - 1. •
cola ale. is taken try the brokers at former ;Teta- Thp• v... .111 sr in ter
tient, Eastern Eycharige is sl.ttiouary at par buy. E. L. Baker, it • f.".' ' ' •
1 20 0 . 01 X, bushels s, t.lsit,cred at liar.., , •
lag, and N to 1., per cent mem sellisr. bushel.
The New York Commercial Advertiser of Set (fiber 1.110 I • t et C.... • c. :!r • it r , 0 tr,
had the following review ..f the money mask., lot
„ titre I.t .r t•tr . •
week ending nn Saturday last . ; I . / .t..• L'n ce
The money market has toughed). in ,It tug. lit wit
point this week, the severity of the preenutc. being Imports by Rail road.
most apparent shout Tuesday and Wed....ley, 1:11. • k • I l lrrttlirititit, Sy. %CAI b Cu,. -
•4 's•
when them w. greater the 1.1. 1.
.1.: It'
liltbr Its, Lido Grelin. .1. r r ••,
up of the trausections of each .I.ty, and less anxiety b r .,„ IT ' St ":r •• . • P „r . I
among borrowers .to the prospects of the forum e.• clot Markle e . ..
The current of legal &ill., notes appear, to hat C no'
tetrited this way again. and the banks, after paying
in tboni the trictalt.tit of three and a Lail rutile ,,
yesterday, had still a reoccre of about menty.onr
inifllons lei hand. An instalment of fit .- million dol
lar, watt received at the othee of the United Stntteo
Assistant Treasurer, from Washingion this morning,
incresstng the amount on hand there of aloof ten
millions. The general balance at the sub-treasury
has been reduced fourteen million dollars during the
week, and lart understand that It Is the intention of
the government to continue us far as possible the
policy of a liberal system of disbursements.
pie nominal rate of money for temporary
Is:iodation has been seven per cent, even oit the Sect
class of accmitioa, while commissions peel have. In
many Instances rained the onto ruitch higher. ror
strictly prittlo paper the rates are six and a half to
sec. per cent. for sixty days, and seven per cent.
for eta mouths, enclorned. The best .1.1. nooses
are taken at seven per mot. Second clans pap,
meets with a limited rurreney at ecten to ton fee
cent., according to the reputed strength of the
• ••• •
She telegraph to-day reports Gold at Ili to Nms
Tork, sod loreigo Exchange quirt at Money,
Au we leant from the same source, woo to goad de-
. •nd at 7 per rent
The market In tle• norneente Dr) Goodie Trade brio
boort .toady, and the market khOWN nogbun V.I. Of note.
The dealer, are ' , anomie of high prices not II the rleoe
.1 the Spring ei=non. toome foie outie de lets boa.
lawn ptelieil up at prices slightly to-low the inirkot
but quotation.. pre nuchnni,ool. elan.lal it
Drown E"...'",f1."'..(a4l) ,,, t , . th,r
of any clung., we omit our regular Iteport
market.—g. Y. Shirr/me L..e.
Illus.", November 16, if-63.
FLOUR ar GRAIN—The grOiu market market li.
Wen quiet fur some days past, while prices remain
without change. Wheat is selling from .Agun
$1,311 for Red, and 51,1;41,40 (or White. Cam is
firm, with sale, of 1 car Shelled on track at hI In.
and 1 usre do at :1,12. Barley Is .tai louary .•
to 81,5 c) for Spring nod Fall from first bah mt•
appear to ben shade timot, and, In the abwdice
.ales, we quote nominally at It, to from and
store. Flour is firm but w ithant qu •table
email sake of well-Lk brands of tto Family at
116,75 to s6,no per tibl. Bui kw heat flour adi twat.
ilemlud but uuchauged, cub. •ke lra.o
54,:x1 per cwt.
GILOCEILIF.,—TII.•market t. ft: rt ttL • Min:
jobbing drtnaud at form, aatlons. 1411. ;.
is twirl firmly at 1:1t, to 14!a r. and Etaitt.tal t
fur . •14' . and Corte., and I. four t t ostu.
Poordartal and Granulated. tirm w ttl,
at from n 3 1..— luldor- .sling
may b; at 33 t amt !r
e 0 to 8:0 for tratablialterl I.randr
WtltlL—The market im quiet but r.•ry e.rt ut ft
mer quotnt IMO. T fi the'
ie cvnsiklenable Inquiry. att.' nil uf thie grads.
aells readily at 7:ir. Ciarie And ale ',w i n a -Ai, al
am In fair demand at pri.e% ranging fi•.ta t.
APPLES—There aprar. o I. n.. off in t
roce.ipts, nor hi there any mark...l cliaz.• in
Gorki Linnlate. iu largy• bared, ArL•rliw..
from $2,30 to:'_.:' , per L•Lr ALL.I
MOIL go off 'ry slowly st
PUTATOF.S—Ths mkt in stead 411,1 ILr
ram., fair. while prices remain Mena as last ',item
We tette email c.irr fnim steer nl ,2,50,
CH FP.SE—i• in regulra , Irmain , l. *WI
Weatera Flonerva at 13,03'
in firm with an upward tend , . ony
In luta of 83 bid. Common Red. itind nt
gallon molly nt 64,4,
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market,
Nue. 16—The uil market him been gutre scat., t•.
day, while price.; remain about la•t .111 , ttel. Tb
transact tone iu ('rude were uua•nally la. ltd"tw'' , "' t°
in the aggregate to 1700 MA, w fult.we .
and 19'r MAe ar 31, packages utchaleal, and 1, T
. 4) . ..4at Md. at .2W . la. La,;•.•. a fel
tiumwttun l t< alt h •tl,ll w. ts
some lore we! r oCrerr.l I4' t•.--arrts net n• I
also, cras more urttre than tar .ern ral day, pa•t. al
an 130. a ttalt• of :AM , 1..,n•1yd• ' • l'..arl* brand. at 3.
able, :WO lags, (roe, .• I roe t_ lit
ii•q4l - 1.11 Phi/Sae/phi, I. nc.,l •
earned, pri Tata let tn•. Naptlta.• it,al aI f,
met' qtettatittne; /tale of fat I.ldt , 1.. tell at Ilr
tdittut is per 1.14.
New York Petroleum Market.
Speed.' Dispatch to the l'ittsburgh
NEW r Ana. Nor. I , .—Crude te dull and lower
with manes for hnloodls , • doliscr yat 21,1.!;e
Refined, a 1.., ha., 4sellusd. and the market t• do,:
Cr for bonded, and wey , le fr,e. Naiad.., t.oin:
cal at 24924 c f,
Weekly Review of the New York Pe-
trolcum Market
[Report.l Expressly for the l'lttshurxli .;nret to
Nrw Yonx, Nor. 14,1
During, the first two days of the week, the market
was characterized by extreme ilullnees and the low
pile.. quoted In my loot, were barely attatnol A
more active Ii lutry sprung up .0, Wednesday, when
the market ruled firmer, though there was not:narked
advance in prices. Oa Tharaday and Frei, the de
mand was decidedly act t‘e. and higher prters were
ruralized. To-day the market ruled gruel, and priees
bail a diwiintot; tendency. The sales lot the week
are hoary, comprising about bids t'ruile, zi‘tly
all at 24 cents, but in. lading ft,i sit 1.1,14 for tutors de
livery, DtwerulKir and January, at 2ce, I u.. r. .40 ton,
and 4,090 Lida In Philadelphia, mostly at realm.
The market clotted dull at . 4 .7e39734
To Reboi o I the nalee have been .01,000 bbl.. chiefly
at 41 to 41 1 . cents for immediate delis erg, and 42 to
43 for December, January, and February, boyers op
tion at 43 cents. and 15,0 , 5 , gallons to tin .ter a nd
eases at 52 to In tali., the hue Mess remprlsce
about 11,00 t, Lbls for DreCerllber, mostly at V' to 41c.
and 1.4 per 1 , 10. In free oil the sal, tam ined .4 , 00
hill at from 50 to 1,2! , , ,,, 3c• The [nark, t
at shout 51c.
Napilia is doll nod Bomtnal 6.1, of HO , hum
Leon madefor reliant, both extreme ii•
cm. The market clouol dull at shout 21 'mos p for
Refined elan il dull at 41' .;.('417.c.
Roston Fish Market.
From the ~. ommorrlal II inlet 11/ )
Nov. 14.—The market at prevent rules eery firm in
l'inT of the limited annual supply, which low liereti
already ties:lured by coutileralilo shipments nail the
voted in ourmlulit rn l msrknte th i ro u gh r th Waite g ra n.
son from all points in the lot eriur and West. The
high prices and approach of a odor have lately trinket
to cheek this demand: but the mtport trade to trop
ical ports has now fairly sett . lu, and there to little
prospect of holders makineauy concessions to buy
ers, unless Inilu•ncesi by a tight money market,
which has the peculiar commercial quality of taking
the stiffening out of every cash article, not excepting
We quote current tulle. of Gland Bank medium
and large at 136,15@6,75, and flay rustily 111.1., lot s6,ho
07,00; email Ili./ of all descriptions at 1 .1 1 6.31.1@i;,00.
Hake are selling at $3,1141:1,50, sad Pollock et f 3.75
0 4,00 per qtl, rag,
The Thickeral catch for the StRXVIE has been large:
but with a study demand both from firm and n-tooth
bands, preventing accumulation; very full prices
continue to be realized. The shore fishery is over
and the product received, but some twenty or thirty
vessels are yet due from tho Bay Chaleur nest. There
will be n fair supply, but no ocertstork, in the mar.
ket at the clue of tits N• 1111.013, and rob, will ant
probably materially decline from the present eureent
range. We quote sales uf Nu. 1 at $14413, No. 2
large at $lO, and medium at Ph;lto, 3 large gag
B,W, and medium at 86 per barrel cash.
Pickled Herring ore in good demand for the West
ern trade, but the supply upon the market is rather
light. gales at 85,60g6 per bbl, the outside figure
for Labrador. Motive. are in at.endy request for the
West Hiffia crude, with salu at Iffifft6,bo per Mil. I n
Salmon these In eiffvod Latino®, with • fair supply,
at 82x(430 per tierce.
Philadelphia Petroleum Market.
• (Cabot 't Pemberton'. Circular.)
Nov. 14.—The doll and unaatimlactrry ion of
the Petroleum market recorded Wt week. et ill con
tint's, and the transactions Blom our last notice
have been limited.. The Mirk...6 from abroad bare
Men rather mote favorable, bur err not of a character
to ancourage ahipmenta, and the buyers and smilers
at the close were considerably apart 10 their views
Wee et 2,100 barrels Crud& at 121.125% crnts , 600
barrels RaOnnt, In bond, at 400149 cents, as in color
and qoallty ; 200 barrel, from at 52% cents ; 500 bar
rels ars.l cents, and dark late at 50fd51 rents. 50
barrels BefineddEs.ha sold at 21 eiits, and so
aseidom 155, ;75. Therm LS noes 110 so mes
at this port for pi. The barque Anna Moore
for London, on the 7th Inst.. with
cargo of TAWS gallons! Refloat. The stock here is
estimated at 15,000 barrels.
Freights to London Cs. 04 barrel.
" rector, 70 cents
New Tork,..---..45 cents "
Cleveland Markel.
Nor. 14.—Floor quid and unchanged; sales of 50
bbla at sa,oo. Wheat dull sad lower. Nglighe rat
ported at the Board; deo this allartioon of 3,02: be
Irene:gore at 125 e. Cons : No transselone reported.
field firmly at 05c. Oats : Holders areflrm at 66070 c
from atom. Rya quiet at 115 e. Barley bad at Lis
Army Awards.
do do. Iry tu; et:
hole, At
tntl•s 11• ,,, ard t
Mreollnmgli; tl.. `. .1. Pt.
E Lieasfrt.m.
CLFVELAND & P117,1a10.13 ....••
.4111.eks pot at..., Lll \.,,,,1 A c... 7t - I.g. 1 :r. •I•+.
do cern, ll:arta.. A 11r4.,. r... 11.. Iv:Lill., \t 41.,..,.1,.. .
6 Pkg. pr.. 10...., .1 Malt,. :• 1.4, t0.1.n. J Lt.... .1 1.1 :. • .
beali, It Robison A ~.. 17 1.1.1. tgpi I,—, ; .1• • _.•.•. 1 1 11111.1•.,!..
.1n bullnr, A Llppart; 14 sk. a hnnt. H T 1.; , ,,,..•1, A \ v }.., , ~,, I..,Nii:. Ft H ..',l F 1 )It
13 , 12.. 12 bbk 444.1. J 1101..1: 10 1.k., orinl. 41 1; N:4- i • , , . .
dam. 14 bills, H. Elr• y & .-.... 10n1e.......i.1..,•„
Fr.. afield A or., 4 nkt, ne.d. 41.1.'ull.nrgls. :silo th A .... . I' I4 II L. It 1n " 1 1
116 L 1.1.. 40.1,1, N.. 1.1... A .1.114..1. 1,1 .1...1...t. „I S . I' 11 ' 1 ' ,
1 . , :; 1.11 A ..... 1 kia ...1. \\ I' 8.. k A . ... I' .• 111 N '
'tour, NV 1i..11 ,'Arr ,t 4 . , 2 I.le 01.1...., 11 F. ••.I 1..• . . A ' Ir '' I.l ' . ' l ' l
0., 1 do do, J Duolnr.. i ,' , ' ,. '„. 1 ,T , L . ", L''
AI.LiIitIENY ,r.vrtov. N. , . 1 , -1.• .1.. dir.......1. n „f 01.. „ i .
M.I . N Wk. r. 111111.1 n apple, 4 .1. ..1.... 41 1,. , .1, 1 ,,,, 1 : •
lit .1...1., 0 10.1...11...k• ..1.1..r, , 1 pa 11... sh.l . , . ,k 4,
•,, ~,Ia ,
~ s It \ I V.S,
T Kennedy A 13, - , Is , . 1.,,,51”.11 , .NVII \ , rs.'.. , s• , I I, .t: r ..'1
51 . 1 " 'sir, N Art,..1,1 , 2 1..z.......ts 1.... .1.•11“,.11. .1.;
lAA. acrai , 1r . ..n. VI topple a I.,roksy. II 51.,. ~ tI. ~ I: 1 .\ \\T.ENCF: \it I.E
Ilydo, It , hgs ba1,..,, lie— .1 I' 4..•r•t, :1 , 1..5., 1.z...ti1d, 1 1 J I. it. • 1`3.:1111 . 1. , •1d. s\ I. V.'
l ilenlon .1 5,10.,, 5 LI. , .1. , . II 1.. On. _, ,i1..1..at1 , . I •• I. • . . I ,I.
I. I .• ./
i 11 o
en, ‘' Grtd.tung*, .1 5..11. iII g, 1,,,,, , , ".I.P I, ...t.. V 5.,... ........ I• . st. , ,!,,,, I.
Pllnkiswn Ali 11.,. II rim I, dther, .\ C Ta4d ,—.. Id • n; ~.. tid.c. ,- , • r. I; d
bides, liell,ort 1 hllennat,.
Imports b) Rh er.
ESVII.I.!: I:mit 11.1,11%11Y, 1, NV... I. lArt .., I J E%
Jo: br..orn, Atwell. Lv. A .1% 1..... , ••
,t crate,. A l' Ma. I
Li.; (
I , Irlittm, nl.l 1.11. Is 4 , .. ,r1Jri.,.1•.1. J..
II Antlorgmr. U. t.mpty I•‘+' I,
. . . •• ' " "
‘l, J •• do do, I Lgt• • ,• 4
Ica ttmlo•r, :ran. 11 , !•.,, It A to 3l
'lf I
• - td• r, 11 , nry William, " ... 1
1 1 . 12 dio wooklontrtl , , :41 .1,, 1,11,1, ,
ham A Thom., lonia. 1.• yoldo,ut 1•, I.ld
tolol, Edgerton A o .!
ritoart.• l •l•. • oat , . 1 4• 1, t.
.\ 1111111,1, 12 ,1 , ••, 1 1 It lop!. •V • -
I•olf b!••, .1.. •! . , •
Lo•••oo• o • !II
I 1 , ' , 1 14,1::. I !runt. panda, \
IA .I.• low , : L.:
n• k 144.. 1
tri, I. I,
I - A It h El: -it I 11.,—pr tt I • • — 1 •
d• niin.lno.. 2.4
pa ; r. A -.
kt : ltt;EiCsoi.El)
u. 71 NV: ",r, STHEET. F.
flare Just r., r... 1 a full snid Irfr fr., rt . .. 1+ ,•'
T• , alha !wid Satled• •,1
W•ter Pro. 4 LEA ,lu • •
and d•-strahlo endli.r.sLuc. .!
regg , d tir•tu t AN' LITI NI. n • •‘lwo.
Youths' 1.. and soled tS.If. a:
BI 01 ITS 1014 V1 , N4:RE ,,,, 1.• 11TP.1: ,
Ahhh Ladies' her an.l
s.puerl BALMOLIA 1., and ..t.N,:ith,a A
All of uhich are cast,du mad.. add Arraht , I t
Lad... Eng Laorg Gnl:nt• .!1 w
All .11,.r ..,.-1!i v 1-14-
1011. 1 . . k
P BOOTS AN L , SlioklS •
V 34 5v01.1.f0.1,1 •.1 1,
EC) . \Lig{ EE. IN A: ill. I
kir and
meNurAc - rt KERB VF II:}: it
11,1. alway• "nbmvi• to A\ l)
ktmla ; RIDDLES, for F.,111,...7 u; H
VOR HoW., a c., LI /.1 ,
arr A , I rt.. of WI WE fur, et
C.rsber Ohl." and F'ertrend
GEO. A. KELLY, F.Purll[l,.:
far Phyliciaas' pmseririons eart•fully , ••mi•fl.d
1,•,1 v
J. N. TAT!
PGACTICAL rl.u)in!,Rs
Nu. 89 FEDERAL STMEKT, Allt.ghoto Utty. and
No. 227 Llbortyprtroot, PittAbort:lt.
extra nn.-2, a. 4 ands roars old-11.1 , 0111,4 U.l the
old loading varsoi's, asoi many now o,
Ala , ,. a VPI, Largo atorlt on ,otandard and
daarf,l CHERRY, PI: %I'll. 11.1 . 31., 111 EIItiREEN.
GRAPE VINE., ailßtla+, GREW:H..I. I.
P I.A NTS. Ac., to., whalaoot.. , n f rotor; ns rot . )
JUIN NI l'lllno 11..1!
se 111 dr F PHln'asrgh 'nk r-• z
ARIA FARM of 1,0 acr,o, 11 n.sle. •
from Ihr olfy, °Nordin ,owlckloplllo, and 11 , 1 ..
Milt. from Ow river. The aro 4'. arrom under
ration, t,alanro good timber land; WI rrto
apple troor, of brat grafted fruit, braid. a variety f
other trait_ Th. place la wall a +Loma with aprßtgo
of soft walor, and hocatol co. chisrdroa,
Is..traor, atom.,olsopa, Ac.. Terms attar. AN''' . to
b. S. MATEY, Commert-i.i BrokOr,
mal Rata, Parrot. Law 1110
r'IIF 11 - 11 u ;Ore Lir.,11.-
et!, who are entitled to exemption for 1,11.
laid down In the Coneorlption Act of March
who troth to In rolleted tie payment of .5::.t0
from this prcsent t lnkft, nr to prore 0 00 two tutw,
to take their plate during the true, will litol it to tb ,
advantage to call ou tor, at lam fully propared mint
blanks, he J. N. 310HANCE.,
No 107 Fourth street, near Southfield.
JO:law - mg .
F i I . sTATE ov Pit. FRANcis Alc
-LA Olt ATI! Itac'n.—Lotter of A 4 l/11111 lrtrntion
O n the ettote of Dr. F. McGrath, late of Pittsburgh,
droops d. having boon v.:toted to the undemigood.
all pontoon hnclng . Hahne aro requested to prevent
them, nod all who ors Indebtfnl non required to 1.1.1 s
payment to SNIfFSA MeONATII.
to.l7:lerwdaw Second street, Plttaltorgb.
.1117Eld TESTISIENI'ARY onthe
J-4 estate of Lflliu A. Fletcher, lotto of Pittsburgh,
having been grantol to the ooderantned, all
having claims agalnst wild estate am ritiumtol to
present them, duly authonticated, and all who art
Indubtotl are rottolted to maks payment to
J AIMS 11. NV ALTRIt, Evocator,
ocla.lawdOw 2.11:n0t, Avenue.
M EBSlth." -1 . SIF.SS I'ORK !-1,01.
btrk. HMS Port: in .14.. awl for miolg
WboleArtio hien hunt.,
11,4 241 Lit. rty. earr..t. •
PICED MINCE M uAt reevir
kJ el, mil mond nupply of “tit , Plo. 1:Oru"
Meat, put Op in ult. Jam or firkins D, family ...•,
or Wr Anle by the 1.1 , 11111 i, to Loll', at the tom.t prf ,•,
wholesale or retail, at the Fenoly Gnome Moro of
non Comer I.thertv cool (land streets.
PRE NCH MUSTARD , gennino imp,rt
-1 an., just reresid•, 1160 Durrem Lraivatdu
Rinetnril Colurun'. Ktriilbb Mustard, rue , tle by
null corner Liberty and Hared streete.
LARD.-266 tierces prime N. 1 Leaf
Lard In story and (or nalc - L,
noll D. WALLACE, 3.13 Lit6,o . ntm.t.
()IL Bola Nil Tl,soh . L—Ono Sett, new.
V fur salt , by B. DALZEL I , Sr CO.,
no 4 Liburty itlurt
._ _ . _ . •
(111EAP VALI, PA.I'Eli..--fienutilul
NJ Wall PapUrel.eL l 5 cant+, for faln I.y
oele W. P. MARSHALL. a 7 Wood drat
STEAM BOILERS.—Two (24 feet. 1.3-
kJ inth.s.).K-ond•band 11. II for solo by
L1.11.E! LIME I E just received 1.,
noll uitiky lI.OOLLIIs.'
DEARLASH---30 casks No. I in store
and for sale Vs J. B. CA NTIELD.
FOB S.ef. t.
Thp• ,r !, ! ,
nriT•_ i•.. 1. . .'
trn.l.. .... •.
it. '
ty It t 1!•41
% ‘N It
r 1
Shari.4.l,g :•,•• l'a.
\ a:1.; 1.•••• •m 1.111
I .4 `i
F.; rt Preiumus for machine for all purproarsa.
P • Premium far machine work.
Kentucky Sr.., 1••.••••.
Font Prernioin fur machine for all pi:lmputes.
Fott Priirri'oor for nuiu-hine work.
Premium fur manufacturing mitehlne.
E.rNt Prrusrum fur beautiful ma:bine work.
e • 1.; I -11,. cnlin a•.
Is NI I. kiN A ,O.J F •-•'. • • rus, Stede
- irst Priunium for machine work.
Ani at the fifflowine County Faire:
• l'h•nt rn. PEN Agenorlturol Sonety.
I p. 4 I', Ono ill I %Vat to; t 111004 It. It. Fur,! for family
'1!••• I ,1 ) a^ "' oath Firm Premium furNaranufacturing machine.
First Premium for machine work.
Crump/. or (n.) 40 - Knollteral Society.
Firrt Premium for family machine.
: • ; 31. , 1 ,TE It. S.-+i.til•A - 5 Pi, Pa Vint Premium for manufmturing m.cirm a.
p 1. „‘lr \.• I I nandrf-,•,..!;•,T furmuLinew.rk.
It' 1 ..Z f•; !M00..) tura;
• . .. Diploma for family machine.
Irii;l;murs fur r achin. work.
; Fr.ontros o. (N. I.) Farr.
Fort Prertio.m for family marbrinr.
F.ret Premium for manufacturing rumhsue.
Qu.rts•• N. I" Arlrtaturral
Firet Premium for family machine.
Firm Plemium for farrirl; machine.
I.t; s A ;;;. so.unpri Cus. N. F.) Four.
i•au..l am r kr, Finn lent Premium for family machine.
Afr Lorin . ; hiumuto (Pa I Fair.
• k Hot tuitulusn for machine Mr all pi ... 1.0.11.
C. 411 it I" El'S. IL (' L 4) I'll S. Af c. r , r ,, i . r ,..,,„„ ,„, ,„,.. wo „ .
Tie AEoTa ronisirl,s All the Fain at which the
A . 1 III: GIP/NEB BNE En MACIII NE:S were exhintru
i I the. your. At nearly all el Oar E .ring Sevrrrig
‘N. C I STO" M. T c ht " . ". ;:rk wr ir r sl i i:: i c rito "n rt .... ti i r l e i" trroTer & Baker Sewing
a i,. s i., 1,, o r ul ; „de ; Nnchin. hat received the Pinot Premium at eirry
:T ANN 1i.% 1?; Ell State Four an rho Unit,: Stirtet where at Luta Loon
exhibited to tine ,Into.
Sales lbourue, Na, I 3 FIFTII ST., Pittsburgh, Pa.
ocaMtlrogastr A. P. CHATONLY. Agent.
. -
j P. AIKENe:
. :
n•—s h , .. r 3f1.1 1,41 . - I
II ; ‘,ll. I. th
lr I 1.1. I \ \ 111 , .
N•• 6,, 1., , t•T
I 1;1,11.1..1:-
Floor ()It Cl“t
TNiti.k. AND 11.1 Nu
)(Vl`, l• adapted t • an Linde of 1, , rt., owl uses all %lode of
\ ER , . 11
NT) FI) VI II ENT thirty
•. :111.1 U1..1 . • /I 1% •: At ' TH.\ )I.kN
't• ,- TI I:1.1C I
McFarland, Collins d: Co
k )i(um ) I
1 014- E T
1A , ./N.V4214 1(,1n YcLrk LherP.A ,
In •i• 1 or :It equivalent to currency.
1,1.1 hug
Intermediate... 40!
t.ra anted alto to London, Par., thua-
I'ru ittb Cloths, Felling,, Rugs, trtg, Rave, Bremen, Rotterdam, ant. - err, Sc-, st
th..l• , vrval. rated.
Aul.ll4going puramseil lot CkSti, Irt.f.Jrn tb. Isle
wt• al•le b. . , S t Mt I , ` , ILNIIttrAt t ttlll,ll.
rrtr. , ., an k or
Window Shades, Mailings, &e.
N Ew STOCI( NI) N 131 k '
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggets,
$11A1)1*, Sc., at
A %.aa Inr,• n.r.A.srilnent or 01 ..dh In "or
l• tt,...n all 1:t0 V..10t fr. h... 1 Ih. }:n-1,11
NI a.• : •••aua..a., mid much IN" n.. 1
D ISS 01, TIOAN, A•• c.
I)Ir )
!..for( U:17(1 N
n — d :11 1 13 ,
u nd ti nu
r IL I.I.NP , AY hy
lill3llllll ri , 11,111. All bboibrlbiroboerb.,l Ibe
Int, turn! will xolll,l by J. It. LINDSAY. at Ub
et rent. up .twin. J. 11. LIN DSA T,
.1. It. LINDSAY.
I hare al. , •11•1. And my Intnrnet In the turn ol
J e '.i 11 WELL Cu. to .1. 11. LINDSAY.
J. li. LINDSA Y.
Hering pttreltn..ti the intrnat of J. H. LIN HSA
In the firm of J. H. I.IN T k Hanlwara and
ratiory ; also in the firm 01.1. B. A S.
21 A X WEI. I, R t Bellows Llanafocturorn, the buai
wiit contintw a, usual, Hardware and Cutlery,
by J. K. I.TXDSA T , Ilvtloyytt, An., J. B. AS. A
Nor. 2, Inn 9, noildn
JL./ 'The Tomoor.llll/ heretofore PM W.:: 1 ,, :Wt . ".
(ht• poloo,orm, utol, the firm 111 . I . I
FREW dr CO., 11:1.4 Owl day lwell .1 in.ol•rd,
orK noa WI L Ltd)! FREW 1., itle;
eltn,.l theoo o Infrroota or tho nth , r partner,
.... •of firm will l• .et t l 11 LOl L.
II 1 M.&
M 11.1.1 A q I: LW,
hl.l, HART,
All 11'11 V. I l'P.
Pittalotirgh. A llgneA 1.15,
l I
I OCh 1 a & FREW,
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum,
end FIR LLLI A NT OIL \VOTtIiII, Neglc)'.
Offico, 17S dt 174 WOOD STHEZT,
Sl'olts,VSAl EN 4 II F.:Mite:A ItTEltt,,,
J AM ()Nl,' ti
In r Ito• the at tendon of Sportemen end ,Irt,,,re to las
eplanclltt eNe.k of 4:13 NS." It I LKS. It IC , . 01, VERN
BELTS and 11)1 7 0141N, DRAM FLASKS, 5:..1
muui of ON oPy kind. 11.te stock ie the infirwit
bmnzht to 11,1. market. eel
4011 1381.5. BL()WS, WHITE
MF.RrFtI, and other varieties of PUTA•
.TOFN, from N.-er York State.
Alta), a ha of cluaco M'I'LES, of differeot
sw h wa won, roil ho Lbw nnd..r+io^••d hot wiueor.
ocl9 IIEYCLELTUN, Ltl Letamoud.
/1/tlto. ist tb I,otailvu &IA l'exis Ext.!
-xi s nhsn exhibit...! this 1.71,13. Castend e:
wa: 11.46411inr. twfor, pur,ksdpg
Foote's Patent Umbrella Lock Stagd,
want c • dot y In nu orticio yr."' orbmilf
i:.or Awardi•d to Sawing Machines in Illinois
I M I' I:11 \
tut, 11 , 4 Masogfa, Nemo Much,., .1.1 the.
lJ 31.1e5. , t. ork, nt mg STATE YAMS,
u„ ~.
Y.-rumen !or famlly mArbine
•-t Prrut;tim for double-111mm! =whim..
FIsAl PTV:11111111i,, MX! •ork.
Y. t , t f.•r family n; blue.
; Y.rit rroasimu f , r mann fa.-t uriwg
• t Prrro.on• 1 T marlllllo work.
Y I'nomi um f r 1/1“ ,
Pt omilwo I•111.11t•E ikir ma,1411.
lar ,, I
y, fl,
cat,tlrn ftt, it
•-• i• suni.e.lacokrlng wunlitno.
F,r-t machine for alt . puwew
E, Prvihtttra for work
L Rol" A L L STEAM AVIGA- 45 4 N 4 •
4 .1. R I tTIC 1.? on If orse-powor, 4,0(X , to..
lIIPY.ItN LA. Loon llonso-power, 9 • UW roue.
CI )1 RI A, 11.0 - Fr.power, 3,00 E tow.
N LI A. 1,000 Bore•-power, 2.000
Tl,•. . 0.-rut Steamship APR/ATILI von
from %. "rt. for TL EADAT, the 17th
F frt. Laverpool or Galway to New York and
Boatnn. Eta. 535, S. s, tk.k $lO5.
For .-ago apply at the °Moo of the Apekts.
OABEL & SNARLY. ItrolOway .
er, D. O'NEILL,
Peening dirosaiida Bath Lug,
lynte. Ne 70 Fifth street. Pittsburgh.
ERI'''OL,, [cinching at QUEENSTOWN, 4-' 44
llAalida.) Thu ieull-kiiiisen steamers e the
N , w Y.d - k and Philadelphia Steamship
rma , .mny tutended as follows.
. .
1.:1 , 1S;11t11411
CITY OF N14'54 IoiLK Sat erday. Def. 5.
2.0,1 CV! ry rtlect,liug Saturday, nr MOON. tr.l
44, 1,111 R.r. r.
. .
. •
Paynkit in (700 i. cr UR equiralenl in Otwrestra.
Fr., CA6IN 1,. truiZTLCRAGE ..............S7O 00
do to Loudon.._ 86 00 du to London 34 tai
du to P 0....... n 5 001
do to Paris._ 40 60
do to Hat:Opus .90 00 do to Hatubg 37 in)
Patneurnrs also turn &Pled to intro, Brtllloo, Rot.
tertian, Antwerp, ,to., at equally tow rates.
Fares from Liverpsed or Qutatustown ; Ist Cabin,
676, sort, slo6. ISteeraga, $3O. nuns who wish h.
r+ ay. r r their friends can buy tickets Lino, at these
No - rtr GLASGOW, ofro. !too,
x ill nail eta np .:t:n ettamer TIII:ItSDAT, Nov.
nit lia. spinudW accornmoclationa for o fear Cpl.,
rid S, rto,otnnt,,, nt rrdto , .1 nitre, payable
C. ~ t4trt,ofy.
•• • •
ni rtl latormatton npply nt Ore Company's
Pi rd. !OLIN DALX, Agent.
. ,
15 Broadway, New York
Hand greet, first bowie from the bridge.
rublo,l" Plttaburnt.
(lil EA l'i•Tst E FROM
tuv.oght out In II ItttT CLASS MAIL
• rI..\NI h ICS, front LI% es pool, Loudooderry, Galway
r for
And by trailing VW/Pill for TWENTY-01a DOL.
LARK. in corronry,
Apply to
/Bening Chronicle Building.
ntreet, Pittuburuh.
CUNARD LlNE.—steam from"
/25 In gold,: or Ita equivalent In turroncy.
WI, every week.. Apply to
sulliatAxis Pittsburgh.
YIPOSALS FOR Fr ,f )U R--.'eased
Proposals Proposals ore invited till the Mr DAY OF No-
I EMBER. 1.1:1, at Li M., fir furnishing the Subsist
ence Departmeni with 2 , 0 0 0 barrel+ of flour.
Bid. will ho recooriiii fo, a hat known al No. 1,
No 2. and No. 3 and for any portion leas than the
'dhow ban ed.,
Itld. in duplicate for the Ilifferent grad. should bst
upon separate sheets of parser.
Tl , delivery- of the flour to 1.0 cummenewd within
we , k from the opening of the hide, or ea soon
thereafter as the Government may direct, at the rato
o f 0' barrels daily, delivered either at the Governs
went warehouse In Georfietoern, at the wharves, or at
the railroad depot, Wasldngton, P. P.
Payment will he made In certificates of Indebted
ness, or sorb nth. flout. m the Government may bare
for disbursement.
The usual Go...morns luepertion milt be made jttet
before the flour le tat-rived.
An oath of allegleitiog moat arrronytany flub bid.,
No bid will bn votertalntal front partite who have
pre. joioly failed to root ply with their bias, or from
billtlery not preeont to respond.
4'he barri4v to he entirely new, made vary atrong of
E.r , t 1t0..?.
No floor will he received which le ont tomb ffortrl
liula to be directed to Lieut. Cod O. DELL, C. S.,
U. S. A.. WdoIIIEIOOII,D. C., and enduroed oProptomla
ft, Flour. nolttlS
!V, 4k CO.'S Sight
-1.-• Milt on Rho Ust. Dank, London, and Sight
Bill. tut every important town in Germany, France,
htritzerlatol udd Italy, tole Mk to Rl= to snit Dut
chmen, by W3l. U. W1LL.14.318 & CO.,
I • 12o:rm Wood street, corner of Mir&
T Arn, MI, —l2 bbh. Nu. 1 Winter
I _LA 1.‘“& Oil lu .tore ou& fur ash by
I ocSel I 8 I&JJ DICKEY & CO.
111 tl imt•rrtaat State and Merhaill
qletdars, lor Ow 174 Family Smog/
A. F. CFI ATONF.V, Agent,
• 1 h 111 , 711 STIIKET,
..,.rday, Nov. 21.
.6a . turday. Nov. 20,
Twenty-Five Dollars
FROM NEW YORE, 135 In cmTency.
4,212.1111 ER A I{,-= l Q tr
11 ENT.—
..1 after MONDAyd s pr;
- •
leave. the Pittelovich Station dail, (except sandy)
xt Ls tn.. stepping St all Slailoll. betneen Plage
burgh aclathtlaglelphia,.d =Amy, Strect
f r c Now Teri. und Philadelphia.
The TII.L01;t11.1 &LAIL Tlt-tliv leaves the P
I s^rtstor Stsition every morulag (except ewo. ts.olt
339 m 4 stopping only at prlnctpal ststto• d
m n king dfroet roantattom at liarmsburg for italts
! more sad IVsshingion, and for Nes Y , :a. for Plias
The Tillttr:" . ..:ll EII•RES.S TitAIN Ivaves .I.iP st
3:50 p.m swum, only at i•.... 4.lstat ras.ktng
dir , t evainecuon st Ciarmsburg for Baltimore
Wash ih.ti a, Wad for New York its Allentown roars
and PhilatAphia
Ti,, FIST LLNE leaves the Stat ,on daily
• . p. m., stopping ‘•oly at prtnelta. •t.-
Ism.. I,IIIICCt Mg at Ilan - leburg for Halt Im, mid
•., et Phlladulphis fur N.,
The Johnstown Amoral...dation Train boo )
(except Sunday) at 2 - .4,5 p. g • t all blut
rucuing tos 63 Cones:Laugh.
First Amornmodation Train for Wall'. Station
kayos dell) (except Sunday) at 6,74 a m.
Semnd Accommodation Train for Wall's Station
lea,en daily (except Sunday) at 11:-.10 a m.
Third Accommodation In Mr Wall*. Station
leaves daily (except Sunday) at COO p.
Fourth Accornmelation Train tor Wall's fitatioa
leaves daiiy (except Sunday) at 6:10 n m.
The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every Sun
day at 6.0 j a. ot. ; returning, leaves Pittsburgh at
. p.
Returning Trains urine in r ituburio to
Baltimore p. TU.
rh ileplel rt. It Exprnes ...... ........ r.
Through Mail ......
Jolw4tovrn Accommotiotlon..
Vint all•is Station •.vinialtoiou
I Second Wall's Statiiu Accommodation__ .1.
Third Wall's Station Aecouunodation 1.40 p us.
I Fourth B all's Illation Artmotinerlat .. u p.
BALI anion! Express will arrive with rallaiielptita
Expense at 12.11 u p. m. tat Motility,
1 Trains the Blairitllle and I nil tuna connect at 111...,
I elite II rrnOdun with Through Atroriv.• •.;
Johnelow rt Accumrn,.lat ion 1.r..1 Es pi.
a. 1.1 wtth Belt anon. 1 h
Tr,tus rd El. t ....Jo rg ocun,rt at Cl. - ... 111 'l% .pns
]laic Train ttla •
At.commoolallon and I. - 'tram
- Thm ',Odle alit nod It ir tn,.fr Irt”,..
rnt, n, tray. , l t an•
•nt:al the e. t-“namldat n.ra off.
, ann r.
./t a 1... y ,- , 111. I: -4 I
m...aetetl p:11 and 1,, z Itrn (iv, ;rows oltist.
can 14 . ..m1aa safel7. ,•rmfort.
* pc. may taro/ ..,ad o,rh pattom 4 ; ,
' -
Nso Tork.--_.812 SO To Buittm-r5....... V.l 1.
T, 10 5O ,D.• Lancaster a 51
To 1l nrri.lturg..—.. 7 651
Baggage checked .et all Stations,.,. the Pen tt ,
Ilia (sutra! Railroad, and le Ph tlarielphla, Etalidoe•ro
and New York.
Passengers pared:owing tickete to the care mill lm
charged an emus., acatrulug to t he Jboance traveled,
it addition to the etation rites, except from stations
s here the Company has no agent.
NUTICE.—Iit cam of lase, the Company mill bold
II 'ma loot resportaible fur personal Wrong.. .fly,
and for an amount not exceorilug alOO.
N. 11.—An Omnibus Lino hat Loco employed to
••tnver pansengere and baggage to and from the De.
led, of a t.barge not to exceed 25 cents, fur each pm,
monger and baggage. Yor tickets apply to
J. STEW All!, Agent.
At the Perdartylvania Central Railroad Passenger
Station corner Libortr md , Grunt streets. &pill
U B!"r
WINTER ARRA NGESIRN T.--Ott and nlt st
!VENDA!,; Dal. lib:, Trains will t Aro
the Depot of the Ermotylt :mkt Railroad, lo pine.
"argil, us folios , .
Pdrantegh and 11-7,<lilge4m.
. . .
In-ivrn Pitt,.burgh, 1 4,', a. m., 1i . .,.i u. M. If I.' , p M.
110 Wellnt ill, 4.10 •• . 0.41 •• I 4:OS ••,
.1. , Stpubolvs. 0 .• 19.(', .` 1 :,-.o*. ••
I. Wherling. 0,9 " 1' i - • ....
AlliT .4,
t'S 13,11.... 6 - '0 '. 11 I'. ~ f ...•,t, ..
Collating at Steninntnille and Bellifr with Snif
f., t,,,11 alai Indfana 1ta11r.....d wil i ntftni 0111,/ Hail
r••,4l fir haunt ills, Nra ark, Claan WA, X(1) in, Dan•
.., . I g dfanginti4, ("in. mmal, I,mtiemill. , ,-..- , At.
i , t.... ~ . t. Jr...Psh. and all pins , or rt all.l soot bnpat,
si.: nt o'. Lod ..,- with and t/ilf., 11/111t. ad.
PV.l..trrgl, el,.d f.' , -P , '•nd Lino.
L Pitt,luirgh I: le a. to: 1:13p.m.
du Aacil
llance I too " I 0.15 "
du Ravenna.. 7. U •' reSd
Ar: es a: ...... •.
GOlll6. chug at Bayard with lUttla.t3.9 r2lllOl
Neu Philiolelphla and Canal Dover; at Alliance with
Pirtatutrgh, Fort Warne anti Chicago Railroad; at
Rat enua wttli Allatiti"c and Gnat Weelern Railroad
fur Warren, Er"cotille, Meath ille, Union, Corry,
Jamestown and Salamanca; at Hudson with Cleve
land, Zane. ille and Cincinnati Railroad for Akron,
Cuyahoga Falls and Millersburg, and at Cleveland
,with C. R E. It. R. for Erie, Itguk irk and Btiffalo
with C. S T. R. It. for Sandusky, Tulcdo, and also
with ateamers. for Detroit.
Steubenville and Wellsville Accommodate, levers
gliony City at 3:(0 p. m.
Returnin,; trains art, e at 3:50 p. to.,
8.05 p and 2:10 m.
Throng's. I te to all prominent points can no
procured at the Liberty Street Depot. Pitteburgh.
GtiolttiE I'ARKI het A: .1.
And at Allegheny City.
A. Q. CASSELBETIRY, Ticket Agent.
For further information apply to
At the Company's ONen is Freight Station, Penn at.
°Mt, or total 1.-MOLLER Or SIM CVll6OtiOT,
Washington City, Augnst bth,
WHISLEAS, By satisfactory evidence presented to
the undersigned, It has been made to appear dant
in the County of Allegheny, and State of l'enzdylvm
n la, hao lwrza duly organized nutter and according to
the requirements of ale Act of Congress, entitled
l•Au Act to provide a National Currency, bemired by
• pledge of United States Mocks, and to provide for
the circulation and retii'mptlen thereof," approved
February 25111, Ist:, and boa complh.l with all the
provi.iohe of said Act required titzltto compiled with
Liefore contntemmg the litaintess of Banking
Now, therefore, 1, Brum bleCutLocti, Comptroller
of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said
county of Allrghcay, and State of rennsylvanat, to
authorized to commence the tinniness of Banking mt.
der the Art elosaahL
lu h,titunny whereof withata my band
Bs ,
I ) and seal of utlita, this bth day of 'Auguttt
tc 11 1:11 II bIuCIiLLOCII,
• Comptroller of the Currency.
C.riva., $4-00.000, with pr!.ll•,g tc.incrrase
The Pittsburgh Trust Company baring mg:mined
under the not to irevide at het currency, under
oho title of the .F 1 UST NAT/it:CAL B 5 Rh: OF
PlTTsßUßGll,reapectfully offer its rerrbee
for the collection of Notes, Drafte Bills of Exchange,
nee., recee money on deposit, and buy and sell ffa•
change on all parts of the country.
The entree which bete tato:acid the Pittsburgh
Trout Company, since its organization in 1852, will
we believe, De sufficient guarantee that Mainers
entrult,l to the a
new orgullisalitou will receive the
Rome prompt attention.
Baying a very exteneiyererreerpoodence withTle4ke
and Rankers throughout the country, we believe we
can offer unusual facilities to those who do bewineea
with us.
The hnsinesa will be conducted op the wane °Morro
and Directocn
James Lnnghlln,'
Rob,' S.
Thomas Wightman,
Wm. K. Nimick,
LA UGHLIN, rraddrat.
eDegusi WA, 1863.
Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, alto on Wadi:lmlay
and Saturday evenings, from May let to November
`let, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from Noiembei lit to
Mop let from G to 8 o'clock.
Deposits received of aU an= not lm than One
Dollar, and a dividend of the profits I.l,.lared twice a
year, In Juno and December. Interest Ito been de
clared semi-annually, In Jana and December, atom
I the Dank was organized, at tho rate of nix per cont.
a year.
t,zereett, If not drawn out, is placed to the &edit
of the dep.a.lior as principal, and bears the same In
t. net from the feat days of June and Ix-comber, coin-
Pmtodtor: twice a year without troubling the dep.&
tor to call, or even to present Isle p.m book. At this
rate money will double In lees titan twolvoyeam.
Dock., containing the Charter, Ily.Lawa, Bake
and Regulations, furnished gratis, on appllcatloo at
the oaks.
Pacamr.a r--GEOU.GE A LBltliE.
John 13. McFaildan, Isaac. ht. Pennock*
John lloimee, John Marshall,
Alexander Speer, Jame* D. D. Maeda.
Dent. L. Fahnestock, A. M. Pollock, M. .D..
Jamey McAuley, 11 111 Ilculrwin,
James Ilerdrnan, William J. Auderoce,
Calvin Adam.,
John G. Backofen, .
John C. Modley,
Geogna Blank,
Alonzo A. e` Iv,
Chains A. Colton,
William Douglas,
John Ilvves,
Peter U. Hunker.
Jamas D. Kelly,
Wl:Mama B. Lardy,
Elnenrevur & TYLIVE
161,15 w
.06 6 ru
Alocnnder Sp ,
Francis G. 1.44.1,
A Ica. liracticy,
Petar A. Madd ra.
Walter P. Atarrhal,
John Orr,
Robert Robb,
"teary lb: Ithtirtreje
James Fhidliat '
John 11. AheeAborßn.
Alesantkr Tlndley
WHIM Tanktrit,
Lam Whittler,
Wm. P. W.7 01, 4*
CArlatizak Tomer: