The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, November 16, 1863, Image 4

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-, talp-6-1.,'-'.'ilt-lirtPlialti'cor. 'the 'People ' AbORI ' COMMERCIAL RECORD.
nu) 44,1 guy. %ma . . Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Ma-
' ' • n It would be folly to attempt any higher
MON,DAY MORNING:: .... ....... 1 50 1 7. 16, 1860. eu l og y upon t h e world-renowned Sewing . ii .tte...t stoney is Isom •to Pi eir cei.t. , i Col
---__ Machine of Wheeler and IViison, (sold sinned. The reason tithe stri ngNe3 in the rota y
CITE AND SUBURB ALV. in this city at the neat and tasteful ware- I mar k, ' u m yr., from t he 1.21,11•11, traffic, Ai (iork,
rooms, No. 27, Fifth street,) than the . m ter. .
statement of the act that wherever the
' The stringency it. money multi,. oppoore to to i
Wheeler to Wilson Sewing Machine has I .
Erom Saturday's Evening Edition.
been exhibited for competition, either on this P `''' g "" ne " ' " "." '''''
"'heag" ' ' '''..""lY
The Local 011 Trade. ----
or the other side of the Atlantic, it has, with- , '
out a single exception , taken the highest pre-
The Oil City
Ito cal
contains the following mitim. So true is this that wherever this
review of the local oil market for the or fik compliment has been extended to any other
aiding November 12th i " There has le. en machine, it may be taken as proof positive
little or no material change in the price of ell that the Wheeler 3c Wilson instrument was
not exhibited at all. This, in itself, it such a
hers or on the Creek, since the last review. I tolling fact that to multiply words about it to
The transactions have been comparatively people of intelligence would be useless. Nee
light also. The depression in this product ortheless, there are a number of accidental
facts connected with thin favorite machine
still continues both in the European and our that the people ought to know, a few of which
own markets. The stock on hand in Europe we eel: the attention of our rorders to to-day,
le represented as unprecedontedly large. in the following order: •
There is no reason to look for much of an im- j let. The yearly sales of the Wheeler I
provement in Petroleum until the present I Wilson Sewing Machines are larger than
state of affairs is reversed. There seems to be those of all the other sewing machines cum
now mere tellers than buyers. Where there bined.
are more buyers than sellers, then producers i The immense manufactory of the Wheeler
can hope for a change for the better. This e Wilson Sewing Machine Company, at
will not happen until the present large stook Bridgeport, l2onnecticut, is one of the won
in market le disposed of. There was a better I deem of the world. It occupies upwards of
feeling in the Pittsbhrgh market on Monday four acres of ground, employs more than a
hurt, for both crude and refined, with a brisk de- thousand of the host workmen in the United
mend for crude, which will raise the price of States, and with the must improved maohin
the article if it continues. Buyers here seem cry the Company find it impossible to supply
unwilling to invest much in the present state of the great demand for their machines in this
the market. The river is sufficiently high to c o untry and Europe.
allow oil boats to go down, but a comparatively I 3d. The Wheeler 3: Wilson Machine is an
small amount is going forward. As near as instrument of infinite versatility in its oper
wo can judge there are on hand hero, and en ations. It will braid, cord, bind, tuck, path
the creek, from 75,000 to 100,000 barrels of or, fell and hem more beautifully than any
oil, a great proportion of which belongs to other machine in use, without basting, or any
refiners, who have been awaiting the resnmp- I preparation of the work.
tion of navigation for some time past, in order 4th. Bindings may be put on the edges of
to get it forward. We hear of Siren being struck any kind of garment, hat or cap, without any
on the Jne. McClintock farm, on Saturday other adjusting than that performed by the
last, adjoining the Buchanan farm, on Cherry machine itself, while in the act of sewing
Run. The show i/1 said to be excellent, but them on.
in tubing it, a part of thetubing fell in the i sth. The Leek-Stitch made by the Wheeler
well, which caused it to fill up. It was to be & Wilson Sewing Machine is more durable
retubod yesterday. The pond freshet of and more beautiful than that made by any
Friday, the 6th inst., was a very large and other, and has these advantages ' that it pre
successful one. Some 175 boats came out, and tents the same appearance on both sides of
ea near as we can ascertain about 25,000
.the fabric, and will not ravel. It is also more
batrelsof oil. The pond freshet of Wednesday, • economical, requiring one-third less cotton
the 11th, was the best and most successful of I than other kind of stitch.
the season. About 120 boats came down, and I Again , this beautiful stitch, being the same
as near as we can estimate, 1:•,000 barrels of ' in both tides, it it not necessary to use the
extremely fine sewing cotton required by
, those machines which make a stitch with a
ridge on the under side that can only be con
cealed by a thread Lot, delicate and fine to
bear ordinary wear.
6th. The bobbin which bolds the under
thread in the Wheeler e Wilson Machine i) , so
" Wo have heard of no rates at the wells tens
than s3,ooper barrel. We giro as the ruling
rates 83,00C:7,3,50 at the wells, and $4,00014,25
per barrel at thin paint, with one sale of 800
barrels here at the former figure. The river
in about on a stand, with 2 e inches in the
— .eateboat channel. Freights to Pittsburgh
75 cents. Price of barrels prime new s3,ookt,
3,50. The market closes with a little better
feeling, but to still inactive."
Licenslog of 011 Boats.
The Oil City ReyiAt-r, in alluding to the
decision of Sroretery Chase, requiring the
licensing of all boats, of whatever descrip
tion, Faye : " Oil men will have to pay e
license on every boat loaded with oil, that
deseende the Allegheny, and goes to market.
We regret this decision. Perhaps no other ,
class of men has paid a larger proportionate ,
amount to the United States revenue than
have die oil men And we know of no class
that the government has done less for. The
petroleum trade, as yet in its infancy, hes had ,
many obstacles to overettne, so far. In order
to get the oil introduced into general use, it
was necessary to get it to market at as low a •
price for transportation as possible, so ae to
sell it at a cheap nite. The cheapest and re
6111Sl feasibl, way of doing this, is by
t sating it down the Allegheny ri-er to Pitts
burgh. The cost of nettling oil to the differ
ent ratirott depots, takes away the best por
tion of the dealer's profile. The shipper can
luau his bunts at the wells, and by means of
tbit creek and river ship hie oil ditect to Pitts
burgh, or other places. Water transportation
will always be the cheapest and genersl mode
of transportation from this point, when the
streams are in navigable order. In view of
this, and the fact that the petroleum trade
should be fostered end encouraged until the
business is matured, at least, we thick this
measure of licensing every boat, would prove
an etterous burden to shippers and dealers ,
generally, as it would materially advance the
rates of transportation of the article to market.
It is doubted by some, whether the law, if
properly construed, applies to such buts as
are used here., We are inclined to think fa
vorably of this proposition. But would it not
be as well for our oil shippers to forward a re
spectful petition to the proper authorities, and
see if this injurious measure cannot he re
scinded or modified?
The Mayor Confessing his weakness.
In our paper of yesterday we ventilated the
latest act of tyranny perpetrated by Mayor
Sawyer, labia official capacity—namely ; fining
Anthony Calligan one dollar and a half be
cause he had arrested a feiiew named Ward,
on suspicion of larceny, and taken him before
"his Honor" to be searched. We also stated
that, after Ward had been searched and dis
charged by the Mayor, and after Calligan had
paid his fine, the suspected thief was re-ar
rested, taken before Alderman Donaldson, and
the stolen money found in his shoe! Infor
mation iff this feet was at once conveyed to
the Mayor, and " hie Honor," being a candi
date for re-election, and knowing full well
that the transaction would find its way into
print, hastened to refund the money which he
had exacted from•Calligan.
After Our paper was issued, "his Honor"
found that a correction, or counter statement,
would be necessary, in order to screen him
self, if possible, from the odium attaching to
such an act. Having an ergo., and "gifted
minds" to defend hie cause, "hie Honor"
dispatched a messenger for Calligan, and
after sounding him sufficiently, got his consent
to make an affidarit before Alderman Hum
bert, relative to.the matter. The affidavit is
published in the "Mayor's organ" this morn
ing, and it sustains our statement throughout.
But it does more—it proves a fact that we did
not know at the time, via that Calligan had
been locked up in the watch-house for tome
time before be was fined The Mayor, how
ever, alleges that the fine was not imposed "for
making an unwarranted arrest," as stated by
us, but f,,r "disorderly conduct," in getting
haw a scuttle with Ward. Well, then, if Sal
ligan was guilty of disorderly conduct, why
refund him the money" If sot guilty, why
was he fined et all ? We leave these linea
tions lit• "gifted minds" to ^ae war.
The Attachments Against the City
In the Circuit Court to-day, the application
fur a rule to show cause why attachments
should not issue against the members of the
City Councils, for contempt in refusing to levy
a tax to pay certain judgments on railroad
bonds, came up for argument. After consul
t/11/OM between counsel, it was agreed that the
whole matter shodld go over until the slay
term of 1864. This is understood as giving
time to the city authorities to compromise
with these judgment creditors, and there is no
doubt entertained that the matter can be ami
cably arranged. The city is lost getting rid
of these financial ditlicnlties. and if the attor
neys for the bondholders will only have a little
patience, e 1..: sot throw unnecessary ember
raesment9 in the way, the whole debt will soon
be compromised.
The Pier on Duquesne Wn'.
We bare already roported . tbe fact that the
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway
Company are erecting a pier on Duquesne
Way, for the purpose of onaLi:og them to
reach n portion of their ground not otherwise
available. The City Councils bare authorized
the Solicitor to step the work, by injunction,
until the consent of the city can be obtained.
A bill aeeordingly was filed in the Distriet
Court, and the ca.o was fixed for argument to
day. John H. Hampton, Esq., on behalf of
the company, appeared and stated that work
on the pier had been 5tt.q.,,:...6.1; and owing to
the abionee of tien. Case, the Preaident of the
road, he asked that the argument be continued
until Saturday next, the 21et inst. There
being no objection, the ewe was continued un
til that time.
Itscorzareo.—Sergeant .1. Porter b•owart,
of Knape Battery, who was reported dead,
proves, by a letter from his brother. Jan
Stewart, who is in the Surgeon General's De
partment, to be still in the land of the living.
Tie received a bullet wound through the cheek,
and is in a fair way of recovery. He was
taken home by Capt. Neffennan, in whose em
ploy he was previous to going into the army,
who lent for him when he heard he was
wounded, and had himconvoyed to Nashville,
Tennessee, whereto - 15 boing nursed and taken
care of.
constructed that when empty nn care and very
little time is required to fill it. The bobbins
on the Aurae machine, on the contrary, re
quire considerable care in order to wind the
cotton on them evenly, and if the winding is
done by an inexperienced hand, the result is,
the thread will not unwind freely, and will
7th. The simp/icity of tho Wheeler .k Wilson
Machine renders its movements so easy that
a child can work It, the weight of the feet
alone being sufficient to more it. It will
work with all kinds of sewing silk, cotton, or
linen thread, and will sew all kinds of mate
rials, from the thinest gauze to the heaviest
cloth. It is used by thousands of tailors,
dress-makers and seamstresses.
Bth. For rapidity of motion the Wheeler
Wilson Machine excells all others, an has been
demonstrated a thousand times by corn
9th. It is so noixelcrs in itcoperation that
conversation may be canted on in the ordinary
pitch of voice in a yr., 2room where a score of
machines are in motion.
10th. Another very great advantage that
the Wheeler & Wilson Machide posesses over
others is folnd in the fact that the week on it
is carried on in the natural way iron left to
right, which enables the opc,at,radjubt
the work more readily, and with it say
,hangs from the upright posture. while ma
chines which carry the work I, ,o the orrutor
require an inclination of the Lody (detrimental
to the health) in order to adjust the material
as it passel from under the needle.
II th. As an ornamental piece of workman
ship, the Wheeler k Wilson instrument is
worthy a place in the most elegantly furnished
parler—a fact which renders it peculiarly de
sirable and appropriate as a yilt. Sewn of
the cases are of rosewood, walnut, or ma
itogany,furnished with sets of drawers for the
reception of cottons, sewing silks, Se., and
when the doors are closed there are few arti
cles of furniture snore exquisitely beautiful.
For these, and sundry other reasons, no
household in the land is complete without a
Wheeler .t Wilson Sewing Machine.
They are within reach of everybody, being
made to snit all tastes and circumstances;
and the plainest in finish, which costa $5O, will
work as well as one which coats $2OO.
Cut out the above facts, on our recommen
dation. and post them conveniently fur future
reference, aul when you want the best Sew
ing Machine in the world, take nur advice and
go to the tame of Wheeler & Wilson's agency
in this city, No. 27 Fifth at., and got it.
J. U.Ssiscros.—We expect to see every lover
of mirth and laughter at the Theatre on Mon
day evening, on the occasion of the above
named highly talented comedian's benefit.
The entertainment offered for this night is
enough for a woek. First, we aro to have
P00:6 . 3 three-act comedy of "Paul Pry," (Sef
ton as Paul, of course.) The prince of jes
ters, Dr. Thayer, will open his budget of corn
icalities. The renowned Johnny Mackey will
exhibit his muscular frame. Singing and
dancing by Misses Jennie Bart and Becket.
The ever popular Irish drama of Bury O'More,
--Sefton as Bury, and the highly accomplish
ed actress, Miss A. Eberle, as Kathleen.
BANK. Drvingana.—Tho following are the
semi-annual dividends made by some of the
banks in the interior of this State, clear of
National and State government taxes Far
mers' Bank of Lancaster, 5 Percent.; Lancas
tar County Bank, 5; Columbia Bank,3; Mount
Joy Bank, 4; Farmers' Bank of Mount Joy,
6; Octoraro Bank, 4; Bank of Chester Valloy,
6; Bank of Chester County, 6; Farmers' Bank
of Reading, 4; Union Bank of Reading, 5 ;
Reading Savings Bank. 3.
FIRS tv MANOFIE4TER,—On Wednesday
night the wagon manufactory of F. Aesehei
man, on Beaver street, Manchester, was dis
covered to be on fire. Fortunately the fir
was discovered in time to be speedily extin
guished, as had it obtained nay headway, the
wind being high at the time, the square
would have been destroyed. One end of the
factory and a tool vilest were burned, but the
loss is slight. It is supposed to hare been
set on fire.
FAT•I. ACCIDENT.—A end accident occurred
in Bridgcrort, opposite Broansclilo, on Wed
nesday =riling last, resulting in the death of
a widow lady by the name of Patterson. She
was lifting the ashes when her clothes took
fire, and there being no one else in the house,
her body was so badly burned as to cause her
death shout fire hours afterwards. She was
about 71 years of age.
Amu:mix:cr.—Major Planchet F. Foust, of
the 88th regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers,
who was badly wounded in the first day's
tight at Gettysburg while in command at the
head of his regiment, has been appointed to a
captaincy in the Invalid Corps, by his Excel
lency the President of the United State'.
ecsvow Msns.—We would invits the atten
tion of our readers to the large and carefully
selected stock of seasonable good., suitable
for gentlemen's wear, fur sale by A. B. Nor
ris, Federal street, Allegheny. Mr. N. has
good workmen, and gets up a very genteel
suit of gentlemen's clothing.
CONSECHATIOX.—The new Episcopal church,
recently completed in Washington, Pa., will
be consecrated en Tuesday, the 17th inat.
Bishop Potter is exacted to officiate on the oe
casion, und a number of the clergy of the
southwestern portion of the Stoics will ho in
SURETY or T}l PEACE.—Mrs. short has bean
committed by Alderman 'Taylor to answer a
charge of surety of the peace, preferred by
Nicholas Snyder. She is accused of calling
Lim a thief, and threatening to strike him with
a brick.
VE1101(,t IN TUC MCL•REN Casc.—The jury
in the case of McLaren vs. Patterson—notion
to recover the value of seven circus bones,
bold under elocution as the property of Dan
Ric"—reedered a verdict for plaintiff, for
TEE JOCREEPLITS 811063tAXERS of Philadel
phia, employed on ladles' work, have de
manded an increase of twelve per cent. on
their wages. Some of the shops have acceded
to the demand.
Tao. Amnia., Esq., of this city, who started
last week to bring home the body of his son,
Capt. Atwoll, has not returned yet, havingen
countered some difficulty in getting through
to the front.
ripuit financial affaire easier. with it tendency to
prevenient. The telegraph it pert, gula • •
1,1•11411 g, as being 101 l in New I , Pr6 and unt hanged
The Philadelphia North American iif Saiiiriley
there nio Tenn nirnigency i u inuney and
lin.inen, pare, off. non . the
ure dning but link, and Innis. .n are :link
tuc at per .-nni. per annum • Llein.LLIJ Ls LoLLAIL
COntiULLLa to the .ii•ek
New York Tribune of the came date eel,.
Money tloari staler than far several day.. T.. , •
ramalne at at per cent., 11. Idler tl. to thrie
good deal vocal, and money broker.. had larger
balanciis to-night thane liet
paid in ince
day, and expreas their raaditiose fur another '-all.
holding about 522....100ta , of legal tenter.. Tioe - e are
on the any from Welshing - ton f flat.. -
gal tendert!, which are no part of tile s3o.i/ou,tatf
Ti,.- temporary tleigietts are AO 1111/Cil red
that Mr. Chase could upon emergency urie 6i. re•
nerve, who+, it to raid upon high antbora..
will uot necewary. The depneit• 1..-day
AM over SSOO,4M.
The following it aromparallie statement ~f rho
import' , of fonagu dry goods at the late' 01 Sett I ork
from foreign twirl", for the work ending Notemlsw
13th, awl since January let .
For 1n,,,
Entere , l at the port ..• $434,21 , 0
Thrown on market ht! , ..h,
Sows Joavory Ist.
- - .
Enteral at Ow port ...40,241.4 0732.,n)
Thrown on market....40,55,,C4 Zai,lad,ara/
A National Bank it in procera of oration at
Neu Orlean, The eub-orlbers to the rgall ital 'lock of
the now bunk comprmo the name of the leading men
of the Ott). bl7o tKKI..f tke ealotal ha , nirend) town
The anelloo Sale, of is New York, on Thu,_
day, w. well at tendiol , well managril, and the tiro,.
realizinl were Cull and quite .at nifiwtoi y both owner
and buyer. bale. California and i brought
hobo Metif.ii were iiold ' ,
4 ,, balsa l'ortuvese brought bah% %Ye
ludo brought 1...0ak; and I= halt, gulled
wen. old at a.
NiVis day nuiim financial
The movie, muter for yeaterdsv with the excel , .
twit of a alight or gold, might al moat no netl
be repeated for to-da,. Money continue. vvry Iwo
nab a heavy active demand. Bank', hutitily
honer. to • liberal extent, but the oath, ars udi
larder and louder than the bank parlor gnu m
me divroved to .ititialy. Liivoousixa very arm at lover
ll]l !!!!! E 101E0=1:1:1E!
al. .11,11 Aml., 1-1 Ited. aa.l
fur Whit... I im lir. nod
mud the mark-1 nirt doll at ~t • , •a
trark. Barb', ataibly tnith abl, fr.mi lir .1 ban I.
at 51,3,: , eprm,f, /rod 51;4 for Fell. • , ale
und I. 4 I cat rag/. N.l 5O .n. at £.1.41, 11. , u
1,111”, f fr-ot th.• dr:9 1.,.1 At
f9r hi, gra., or Ex,. (nil" nr.
hands 4 t , .n. (1-111. 1!1',
3,rin per cwt. ~i!:n;; in Ili • wa,
t,or 1,1,1
t.. A • .• nt 1 , 1 Mrm
market, 111 , 1411 rt.. , iaas, wraeriro furthe
change. II two!, at ft mn 1,. z t
, a!, I • I I' .'.,tfea •011. t
kra wit IL .H.r. +.r• at
11.4.1er• f-r at ri tly prtme
fr , .wal brand- of la, nape range tee P , e • •.
of t •npply, pi Lc, ere .•cle It' ! .. ,;11er . enle 6,1111
81,/, I
I.+r , t Yesk Blow tat
A ITLES-7A , •••.
M." I
r 5
1, - k.•• ./.1
I A 51 , ,stn,l r I. •
1 0 ,11..) M 14 }..1;•
10, I' 551..,
I' Ns.‘tu,
I'. Mali: 71
loralot,‘ Su•.,
)1, —1.,•11.11,..1::. .•
'I J,
31 ,4 6..1 , .1
mond, with 110110 to niark , t • Nolloug
r) Lop- atld
ar t h.•re •Ist . ILr :I,ar V..•t i.
dull Wad d• with a dr ',pin,
cee.. w.. tio.,te
BUTTER A ELski.l-11,41 11.ter i. no notkt •.0
taaad, uud prtaaw m.ll, rtaatly at Pad.. d ttot,
totott4 at 17,14.1 , y scal , v 141,11..,;
r I at•t •Ll,
no lowth prl,ano t..rnts i I—vvr
ASIT ES • 11[ 0z.,11,114 , J. , I ".
et 11,
ClIFE.ii: of I.•' I an W.-4 , m 1
and fid I , ra I
t.'IIF,TS ..f 1211 at
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
mark , t for Lod!. Crude and Ilefiu,d
hu.l.,ul‘er) uud t Eh , sake l+ung
and of ~....onrw.rtarit by, ter. b.t t': tole
appwarY iv trr- slarl,oed ul • ~,,,rlmt, rwitu;
doubt, to 11, fart that boy,- ILlltiripette
then' w b. , mall ,d, srt:l J ,
ruby hb Liarly ..•o
pu:k age, re n.+l, par Icagro kw - . 1.1,1
and .onm. t.w suaxll br,. change I halolx al 111,. ligurva. Refined 'pram very .oLtet and
dull, without, howernr, any material change. in sal
For b. 114,1, is m. gt , lnand %Vita u•% •r. whole
fr, may hr qm,tml nominally at 174',A: --mostly al
Naptlaa ie um-Ltaitged, •rf I.ble pries, M.
tJaborter.l at IN ILemdiuto t- 10.1 , 1 at
By the. rrival the akiato ir 413, ‘r, , hare re-
A il% leea up ki tvber 3 kl. It.iult,
Brumlou repot Petroleum firmer.
In; quint. Rellued•2A !Al per l'ruite.
New York Petroleum Market.
Spixial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Griaotte
NI, Ilona, Nor. 14 —Crude 11 dull atol a Flouts
'owe!. with sales on the spot at 274t3T.1!. 0 5, an , l 2ac
for January, debvery. buyer, Aption. Refined It dull
but without qttvtable , Itattlla in vlthb " 4 /c . of
rd at 441021,c, And I , lr, free. Napthrt is avnaival
at former quotatltris.
Chicago Market
Not. 13 -Ile Flour market wan dull nod drooping
and the Inst.:Actium were unusually light at 5 0 .5 0 g!
5.75 for White Winne Fair.; $5,05 for Red Winter
gates, and Spring Extra.—thy mar.
ket cloning quiet.
The market wheat ruled iodise and prix advanrcd
I bulbul at the opening bu , tovvirda the clone it fell
hark and cloned quiet. Fpo Jinni of ix,wo liushela
changed hands at $1,1401,15 for No 2 0,1: ,1,01 for
Reject,' Bed. 51,08021,10 for No I Spring: I Met
1,05% for Nu 2 spring; and 9ge for liejerteil
ths market at the close being quiet, with sellers of
No 1 Spring at 51.00 !4, and buy., at "51,08.
Corn opened quiet and the trannart wore light
et K.*.(r_tiv.y for No 2, and a:,,,tsvup• for N o I c o rn in
store—the market eli,ing firm at the outside figure,
Rejected Corn was sold at g14.2,-.
oats opened buoyant mid about le bushel higher;
but tb s , s dv, i nee was not austalned, and the market
Hosed quiet. Upwards of ton,ooo bindle's were sold at
Cen/2115%c for No I, unit 62/41;3c for N., 21,bl lu store
—classing at Gg,'4464c for No 1 , and irtiraikle for No 2
ii. the store—closing at Glyia,l4% for \„ 1,
Ryeiwas quiet:at (Cr for i`so I, and "Gc for No 2 ill
More. Barley was Inartlve-• with trifling sales of No
2 in store at 51,1frij1,17.
Thar , was a more active deinand for Iligl.wloes,
and the market advanced dr r 1 gallon- with Pales of
about 1,11.1 lib's at :•S(J s!k '0 gallon.
Cincinnati Market.
Nur. 13.—Theo drop:itch., from Nuw Yowk to the
C Lamb, of Commerce, rep rted an act ire specula
tive demand for Park at ad vanconi prlare I ottr melt
ing diepatchea, however, do not confirm this. ('or
mule t was affected by the noon dlopatelt, and news
rtivoture 504151,W, with VAINI Of 3,000 loble at S Limo
la $14,00 fur old. $15,01110 SI4..TA) for tusw and $17, 101
for this rocavon' pocking. It also vtlmulnted the hog
market, which clotted buoyant at 1t15,:c0v6, , for
It, averages, nod upward ; and at the duet• the trade
wan fairly ,aptk
in the rising amok , .. loodwltiontanditur
aufavorwhie weather. the ro co. mount,' to nab
',MP a day, which are hardly enough too keep the
Mucks grassed There war g orod demand for florae
73447 to, for clear nude, and ' , lCtoo'r%e for Shoul
ders. Lard firm at li, it I far rid and 1!
. for
nowt. A good demand 1“ ov
r greon meat., at ',ootel.r.
for ham., end ne Tar ehoulderv. Bulk zloty. aro. In.
tor at ...I , lore. Floor f. in, will u goisl !o
ral dean, Ntit much titling in wheat, iiiilderis co-in
tending for highs. prase, Corn scar-e, in demand.
anal ad ranring. Ear is salable al 'Jae In bulk, and
ehrlled !I. New earin lip to 7.. i +M. Oats in fair
demand nt 74 hi hulk. live thou. Grocarlow firm
with a fair jobbing demand st full pricer
slightly higher. Whisky in gß•at demand nt Ii A'
Mimi* firm et 13r fur selected W. K.
Cleveland Market.
Nor. I , .—Flour—No salt. reported v.:no 01 multil
lots to [lt stall trado at untinnged tan, Wheat
Doll and favor, buyers, Nair, 2,402 Mt thole/. N.•o.
lucky whin at $1,00; 2 ran vory amt.. nd on troth
at sl. 7 'Aft.c. Corn—rending upward. talus 2.100 lot
at 23%c from store. nata—No tram...nuns tvportftlt
holden asking 624 from store. flyr—No sales. liar
lay--Quiet and east,.
Philadelphia Seed Market.
NOT. 13.—The receipts of Claremont .1,, trifilnir,
and It Is in demand. Salm of 200 hush et 67.2. 5 e7,4 0
per 64 pounds, and from 'wagon. at 8G,50011476. Tim.
*thy mores slowly at 02,bk32,7fr: The demand for
planned le less active, Small sates 53,0W,10, and
OM Malteds on prirata torn.. 9,000 bap Bombay
Linseed sold at 13,5083,66, emit.
Toledo Market. SEIII - 1.1"G .71.1('UL1'ES
13.—Flour--Sale 100 Fhb extra. rrd wh333.3., -
at 5.025. wheat—Z.les Ulla fax - el:won. I.noo 1.7. - .1 AN , HEELER tN• L ,
Itu and Loon tm amtn, )filch. .51,2":; I,.Atn
tc , att, 314 h. a: .
3.33,-1:3. '3.30,113 -
~ Nu. a
ltd at•"Y .
ft. our report, 3 3 (031.3 :33..1 1. , 3 No. 1 33:
du at 1333 N 1 • .3I
Nothing doing In Gal, rcrams, n•
e1tan,33 , 13 Fin., $2 3 333', C. 3.1 3 -... 333,13:3 - ..33G.1 333.01ur
Davy, In 1.31.133. 3 5 3 1.7:0 (0 .tarks,
re 0t13 3 3,34 G.. 4.70 33, En33.11.31nn 333.3 i 33. .1 3 , 433.—N
I I' ri. st, fligha at.-.
Import. It) Railroad
1 . 1.1.111,100 S PITTSEII . 6tin R \Mt
1..111.3r A Tdf•rd -, ..rn. 1 h.•. 1 ,11 r.." 2.. bid. I,l§ lipid,. ulp..
•di•14 , 4. 11 41' 1100 1. ,k+
nt. lg.; bean.. L II 1 0,21 1 ,, oh. p.
Ito Venn....rd..r. 1,..k..4ani. 1. 4 n N 4
1 , ail. 14 31. idid-r, I. ld.L, •N I ' 7
.k. I , r Kn. 11. •
• tot, Winlxvrnrtln 14'2 h. 114 clln It. r
I' , It, A, 24 do Li,.
Stewart: 14.1,14 n, indoid, J 1 Lizdrit
A K.ll, .0.1 id 1. ...
• 7 ,, 111. app.—, k•-t, 44 , ohl It T
hens, nly A lin, 1 Ltd I,ltivr.
11 11001.1,4 d d.. dd, .1 --
• i • toi itlibl I, hinhy, Leonhert A. &did", 4...
Lynch: 1 , 1 hxt tnbacco, .1 S rth. I
• .1 A litudilusii,
Prrrsur F,. WAY:, .t ritne.too nott,
14—'• hitt I.,ther... 31 111 :land A r.m
1111)0 A: Stewart; I (.Ml,Olll. Ilitchr...k, 31. - Croet ,
I.IA, ,h,pard. II 10,
511..111.1,, !Attu:. 100 B
int Mrlitilly A c”; cal lA,In Wu, Corr S I .r.
. . - . ,
oare no \%.od A • . o. O ~ .1 , hunt [. I , an..;•o•
11.110,14. , ra7,4, Markle co. '2 ld.
t Ann,. 1,1,1. apple, M IlAno L ATV •I.
i3S.I J 1 , 31,..rth ,t l'.
.t Flawligan; n 1,1,6 Iw/0., r B FB•yd; 31,1. k oil,
Made Ilutnpton. liolos, J II Ital. lAA 1011,
Golfroy a Clark, IS M ill, t,
41 , 14 brooms, Howl A: 1 , I4• appl..,,
Tritubß.; 4 car+ metal, J .1loorlo..a,i; 1 loafer,
W P ro; 2.1 bbl. flour. M. n
o, 10k, pig. lead. .1 LI Canliel.l: I blot tohnr, o. J
hlazurie; 1, 1.1 , 6 api lee, 'A lur. & Jr.;J do,
A 1.1...:11 ENT ST \TIM:, Nev. 14—1.; 1,1.14 apple.. 142
•k 4 .earn, 414 1 , E1411 corn, simptimi linott; 1 ear
•tasiir, ere Itarteei, 11; J I. Nelilr, 17 1.1,1,.
apples, .1 Ilerbert; 16 I , gv flax e.,41. It ti irker;
ekeperatee, A Lippert. uppleo, llanlen A
25 ihide, Sam 1 , 3 iir.
LIST LEII'ERS remaining in the
POSTW - FICE ALLEt; 11F:\ T, Fn , at avon
on fl AT U I[l , A T, oalwr Nth, 1141,:,t.
Men ne mention the date .tf li.•
the letter I. n.lvertuted.
titlle , A It '; I . AI
n- Jaw.. rata.\
.n.. 1.1 \ 'tat t: i'11.1.1,
%r 11.4.1 Al/c.. rnl.l U 2
.It , tos , qll. J Wt flzon
An4 ,, ` , 11. ..rrY I . • • 1, .‘
\ W :11 1111,1,1
It 1111,1 , 32.> .1
Ito,ker 1,1.. tn 11,1 w ...11111A 11110 11...1
11..1,11 11h/el. It
Itell t..r
1t.‘11.1 ,atah .11Irta 51.,r) II I .
.141,./”.,311,1 ,.. 11-IY.tatt •• It.
,1.1.11) 1 . 101.1
It] it ta.” .1 II • r .11.1
IL A I I/ gllram NI,- 31 \‘'
II II 31., 31.,:a
P.r xrr 3t.,ry .1 11
I 101 l Nt.
1 . .) ie. It I. 1.
Il ocltatmo
Nt .1 2 hi.a; 1..1 • 'II
1t... , It. M 'IN.: .1. r,
h 1 h \\
11' 1.11 1 d:ii :
11 1 '.1.1l• I . AIII I i.. 111 F. P r I.
tct. 1,,•,,t, .1:1. ,
31.11.. d ,
o'lllllll Elton
II ,111
A $. N'.• •
rr 1..61
M 1: • '
lark Mars ‘I ill.i 1.1111
J.... II J
,;.-tart. , 1. niL,I.I r
T I liN.—The Partnership
1-1 e,fittng tin nem., endMut
oLJ H. I.INI,AY t' , .. 11 thin .1••
•AtttustlAll tm+ino...4 wlll l
late 13 nu 1,11 h
settle., toy J It. T. at
11',,..14tt... , t, I,p .tarn. J. 11. Y.
I.IT. Al.. 4..110604 "f r•-ns
J 11 k, it.
Nor 2, .J U. 1.1ND,.‘
inti.reet ofJ. H. LI VD:3AI.
tn. t'rrn of ./. IL.Y i . HA.
B 11.11 1 ,.,; a 1. ., In the firm of .1. TI A
riintirino c t.l. Hari.iwn,
L. J. K. Bellow, ie., J. II ..[S. MAX
.ELL& (x
The partuot tit h..,,, „ 1 , •r. PS •••••••.:, •• , r •1•
tlo. ho t...id01, hod, firm of 1'111(.1.1PS,
FREW A. hae thq lo.ett idetettlio. II An
lii) II IT anti WILLIAM VREW trg vt.r,
oilseed thoa re itt , treotto of the oihrr terrthon
The httettoo. , ef tho lute firth hill tot eottlod I,tp h.
.11 , 11 S VA N.CNSIIEI.I„
A BR'3l V. 11.11 1 1 1 .
An,oltt 10th. 1:163.
1111R1.1 . .. Incr,ritllT .. .lILIAM 1,1. STYLES OF
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggets,
Producers and Refiners of Petroleum, •
SHADES, Sce., at
/ 4- BP 7 At ALBION OIL WYLLS, rounty
And BRILLIANT OIL WORK:4, 744.i.:N•y's Itun,
Ofßoo, 172 A 171 WOOD STREET,
. . .
1.. nabs nti tho lowest point reached to the Eastern
INV 1P05A1.7 . 1 I'l IR YU /UR —SCVL led ' Market this perilkOn , and much reduced from last see-
Pntposals are ins itell 1,11 the 21.0 DAY i IF Nit_ I son • ttrices
VEMBER. ISt4, at 1.1 N., (or hintielitug the nuke., in t''
ence Department irltil !n in , I, 3 rndo of f100r....,...., - -
Bids 3311 be ret elven for Slat la known ea No. 1. 1)1)I ESA VI NITS INS% I I'L, 1 It. PN , \ -
No. 2. end No. 3 ant) 11.1 - ..I.lly p•Tl.i..n. .1.-r. , that. the llO SNIITBEI F. LP STREET, (clip. tte the
s .m..s to barrel, t•tto tont - Iloilo. , tits:terra by the Legislature.
Bide in duplicate for the different grades ehointi be
upon sepal-rat- sheets cf paper. OFFICERS:
The delivery of the floor to he commenced within IN-...a4,d-4 A IMES PA RE, Jr.
week front the opening of thr Itei•, ~r on e.OOl t o Z. 1110a10r,rel
thereafter MP the G.111,11111....5t moo .14,1, at the tai. ~,a , n . "
H. F. Rudd,
of NM barrel. daily, dell' erect either at therionern- yttho t,.. Jennings, t A. it,,i , ,,, , AAA,
mein orarehostoo in noorgetown, 01 the 0 hones, or at Thor. It Messier,Joshua libretto,
. mt
the railroad rim, Wlittigton, D. C. Thu, IS, Blatr, Jacob Sturkrath,
Payment will be made In errs iflcates of Ind-Med. ~,,,,,,,,. F. ,,,.. r ., t,
Ale, !triune'',
nee, nr mich other funds no the Liciet 03.0) may 1 , 3 t e t li e .,, mt.yo.
I Alfred hook.
for &.).o mement .TitrliTEr..ll:
The 1.11111 itorernmeut ittspest ion will be made just I Josiah King, ll'. Rod, ,C. H. Wolff,
before the floor I s reeeired. t A. S. Dell, .
An o ath of allevatice mom accompany each 1.,111 14 S. E ,,,,,, r, 1,% -.
... 4 ( . ( 1 ', ' ," r , 9,.„ , th j,, 1).
. 5 C .1 . "" 4
No 1.1 will I. r.
en , rtainr•ii f , .... 1. 00), ^" . '" ''''''' W
J. , NV, ,,, dwd nte
l.' I:. I. Schrtr. In. It. Jousts,
previously foiled to comply with then has, or from t F. Rolm, !C. W. !ticket/43, D. I'. Jones,
bidders not pres.l to respond. IJ. M. Tiernan, S. H. Hartman, W. 11. Phelps,
The barren , t.t he entirely now, Ma.. 1,,, •tirli ll '. ll ß l4 I D. M. Long, It. J. Ardent.. I . B. Herron,
na N n• n n t r . ::::l w nl i l
i 5 1 n ,0 ti ...... h7 i t:
.. 11 1 7 „ d h t ,
0,4 fr.,,,1.
wr,...A. I Ja5,A.,Wa.„1r1y5x..tedr.n.,,,,D..1,..1,,..
Inds In Iwo dir.rl.l to Lieut. U.I. 0. BELL, C. 1.. .
C. 0 A ,M.
saitington, 11 load endoronl ''Fr o l ,ol ''''' 'i Open daily, from 3 p. rii. A:,,, Tumidly
for lice, ' 0 " 101R And Sat %Inlay event ng., from It to e o'clock.
De4o kd r-itsze d .3 .a lved .d of )LE 111 , 31 . E al u j itunr o ls. ,
Vi/ t X HOOD I I iOl% . IMST! HOW !
.I.3I. 'I It . ESTORED !--Just published, In n eesitol en. i po o r. ."
. ` Ln ” I ''''' r I ""
Tnit.p, l'rii, al, Cob,. A bertury nr. the Nature, I Dividends allowed to remain are ri wool 1. , the
Treatment and Rattiest Pore ~ f Sparmaterrh.3. or, ',An of the deptositor as principal. and twat Inter-
Senn, d Nreskiess, Invoiontary Emissions, Sevial I . 3 . 1. 0 „,,,, t .„„ tp ,,„„ t „,... It.
Debillt', and I orpctintients h. Marritme K.. , Did) , , Rooks t ontain 105 Chart.r. Ay- Loot, Jr., furnish-
Nerroturove, I , in.iiinptir , n, Epile•• •itil Fit.: mr ,,, ~ ~, the nfl,
110 mill I'll v.lral I n,-apa, - 1 , , r,init inK. • f., a, ...., 11, gut- rk „, I „„,,,„,,„„ ,:,„,. , 1 ,..,,,„ 11 ,, 1 ,, ~,,,„ per.
A 1,,,,,. ,i ,. . ,hr 113sr. J Crht tan or,. M. 01.0, outloo ,03,4 31.00, ~t.A„,,,, ores „ natl. iho
°pp ., „.. r.. 3 f the . 4)reen Ittetk, .1.,.. ••A Boon to Thonettntl• of . otechir by small di.p..lra, cast:': 10001, a sum
Sufferers, - sort ,toots seal, in :1 Plain op,.lope. 1... I wt,,, p „ ~i !„. a ~,,ar,
Da a b oo ...ada.i , their aa.aa.,
00 7 irld , ''' , I -01 Itt ,ll , on r . "'"lp , of ... • .'"'., " ,
r," 01. ..olv i... 10.,, :of. h. ring interest, antra 1 ..f
ittetusge •00101, It' DR I_3l. J.t X LINE. 0.0,1110i.,,r, impri.inii,e.
127 Bowery. 3co Y :It, Post 111110. Box I no.
eel-. Dols orF-is 4
i 7;) ,
7 , .
1 1 0 it 'PRE FA
. ci--zri-.(,("17/2/a.,( ../
210,011 APPLE 1 ril., mss/
../.. of the Po ittol Suttee Circtitt Coon r te eident.
Pi ros urn., PA.
Extra linv-2. 5.1 and 5 rears old—ineitiillng all the
old leading variative, and many nest otios.
Alan, a tcry largo •toe 4 of pi: k lt, i•iandard and
PLANTS, Se., An., wholesale and retail at eery reri
simian.. primes. JOHN MIiRDOCIL Jr.,
aeleJ dararr Pittaborgh and Cr a ida,,,l Nniverlns.
83,000 WILL I'LlIZCII.„1-SE A VA I,
F ARAI d 1,1 or re, Id milt •
from thy city, opivailts tiowickleyvilla, and half a
mile from the river. Thorn are ito acres tooter m lii.
halane• good timber land. an orchard of 50
apple trot., of heat grafted (root, betides a variety of
other fruit. The Oka is well watered with springs
of .oft water, and bested near ehtirshee, school
book., stook shops, s., Terms easy. Apply to
G. S. DATES, Commercial Broiler,
coil Dotter street, Lawrenceville
No. I Winter
Lard 00 in store and for Pale by
Llict. ,, nt Louct. , r. rAns
talons, and la all lh.• Important Stay %4•. haul
eel Fair. IN thi. C0.11..ud
amine tuner mw port tmaing
Foote's Patent Umbrella Lock Stand.,
whi,ll itaur.• I..rfErt Rafoty proveirblalt)
piv,” u. b. , 1,1 axtray
W3l. MILNER ei
Gla)1 El: S
:11., hiu,. v“.rt• ewnn4d tv• Tlichret Proqni
for tl. Nevr 4rtg
Afacchcos-s.fP , ang hoo, mot the
Brat W. , tits mg STATN I , A I ILS.
/I" , c Yor!. Sto, Foe,
First PT tontine for boldly 'Twilit...
Prromitim tor ckuLlo-ttoe.l mobile.
Pt-To n:ion for „,„*.„ w ,, r k.
) , 114 i'r , liLtatu tor family mochttle.
itr•l Pr my fio :unman. t ttrltig unchlur
Ft:, Pt-I.IIOIIM for use , biro nvrk.
I , lgr.
First Pn•titiuni fn family machine.
First Premium fur manufenduring machine.
First Pr. miunt f. rut:.,bine work.
M••inriusi 17,Jr Fuir,
fiat Premium fsg• family martin..
ist Firuniini For Intl/luta, tiring machrue.
First arernium for machine w•dk.
in ',nu f'usr.
Find Premium for nun bine fr ail {warp...
li•st Pre:main for machine e ~rk.
to n,..• Vu
Fi sr.
rst Premium for to iehi•it for all puniosoa.
First 7reinistm for machine work.
Ken: sick,' Slate Fn.,.
First Premium for machine for all purpose..
First Premium for machine work.
I."nnii•rin for manufacturing ma. him , .
First Premium fur buattlitul ma• bine work.
First Pp [Mum for machine work.
And fnllowinz Connor Fairs :
Chittendra to. I Apr unabar al Society.
First Premium fur family machine.
First Premium for manufacturing inachlna.
First Pretisrum for machine work.
F•aley I FL, Ayr-Less/nun/ Sweat,.
Fir, Premium for bluntly marlin's , .
First Prentrrint for manufacturing machine.
Fl , t Pr• m fir machine work .
11. ri triiii M
ass .1 id. karat Society.
Ini .111, lid
1 , 11•1••niu for mach'', Sr iii
Fits' hem i..rn for family niachine.
I tret Jr. mina' fur martufaeturit.g ma hine.
i tr. Pr. inium for family muctrine.
It'vshaagren Cu. "N F
LI, Pr - cm:nib k irfauna,' machine.
ays 1' I For
Fast Pretnibm f, family machine.
Ile. h inie's /suntan" it,. •
First pr.," inn. b., outshine for all puriesw,
First Putnam for marlitnii wool,
T".• 10,1, C0n1411,14/.. ail the Fairs at *Wel, the
1; 11th Lit & FR MACHIN ke••• were rxhibitesl
Inn randy all of thorn tit*. S..tvitiK
Mo l, ~.s iv.' in rorseti.i....
Th. work ou re
tdo 111/. ni
/11 Itt,k Grnver I Bak, g
Nliis 'lib. has recet,•••l it,.. First Pro:Wino areery
Sir 111 I/1.. IA her. •I bad I,r,ts
ea ti• , itesl th is dare
&nI• . it•••ins. No. I- FIFTH ST., Pittsbnrirti Pa.
A . F. 1.1/All/NEY.n,/li.
t i ...r% \ I II
I. El. 41,1 uf Brat.: ..,ne, De' , ho
t or • 1 T heater. Dat .1.. carti . fs that, wr
year and n half I too, na e- -• o .g hat Math Irout
torn! dwease ...all , I ityscrpeits. ylv oltr.le syn.
11q13 V , 01 I re:rated o trb wtaranyan and dwautlity I
r. n doreat haal, if I ate even a reads, or
.1,, •tths: Iwo amount of t, •
! it crumb: return just an
1 awarlow.-I ... I 1.1.-C.Anlc n ~ /.11, II) rtly tsawyr.
that I would rya lorry a paartage in leas than from
.r tool often etght days; molar thin Inmate aul•
.1 5. my Yana aeculter ent:Di) cu glee way; I had
.Ir, suitrow•utlevil f wetuaoegs 1 tLeught neva-.
iy it tted wet I hated, V* ry Lady, I coo,. um
.one toy huslrand nor my own eh:titer., toya choir.;
~.,.tare t to he 1a.., -aro ken to Mr I hod nu ambi
t u tl• d arty trowg, I had all my have of family au.:
ha m m, I 0. 01.1 ramble and oer from rasa..- to
i•Ilt • IVA be renter.ted. ansl I felt that 1 cc,
dearer,: to hell, an I ri.i , thirst oan lo seta) for ma.
..was often tempted to commit 'Made.. neat
is, 111Sw il• It , neryons system destroyed, and also my
m.u.l.frorn that awful carsplainc, Pp,
freinds trght boat to hare nu played in 1/1.
htt lloapaal, at West Philadelphia. I re
roamed there nine thought 1 aea itt try
betty., I•ut in a few days my dreadful cor..;•larac was
raging as bud a• ta..t. Ilearing of the wonderful
cares pyriorowd 1 y Dr. Wtaltnet's Great American
I , 3aptitata fills and Ills Treatmcmt fur Dyspepsia,
my hhnhand railed on Dr. Wishart and ,tole, u,y
enn, non. lie trawl he had no doul.t he could cure
MY. So in three day , after, 1 calhal and placard my
self coder the To, ..cut, and in • o lath
I bga
et ,o a t sr food. a trea
nd fat that tin) dinetw. , serw ,
awl ,1%111,7 owy, nn•l I o.nltoti,l t., n. f o r .1. 0 ,
rn. , lin, an,l at t!.• 1./ I et..l ret
fret health lei , y uctud, a.... mom ....r a d,
re•orn my thanks to a Inert:Welke 1 and Dr. \ rattan,
and to! , g-eat Am n Dynpepata P o , an
tld PI,
Tree Tar I'. whal :Iwo s aved ny. ft, nou n Insane !lay.
•11 , 1 n pretrotture girane. All persons suffering
with Itynceptua are at liberty to mill on me or craw,
Soil wall try to all tile g.aai I can for aufferwtc,
the It EWEST PATTERNS and evtr) alai', t (Ls
Dramlywlne, for - m. 4 of Old Chester, Dwl,
U I. 1
, x %% N%
\.a,•NI •b 7
I. ',foist , •I t,. sr. , rk, and it., all ,of
• N 1 311,r J•
IN nn.r. 11 t •
\l. t r )I rl
1, aii. Huai.
Lowest Prices for Cash,
Crumb Cloths, Feltlugs, Rugs,
A? d ha,lng purdbmod C. 1.911, the Into
pr 4,4-4, sr , unequalled stock of
Window Shades, Mailings, &e.
••• , .
Tb. Isrprikt, rboapent and b•st.
!•L1 pan fur • fall l'•ummerclal pans',
rztr• rltnrp..a fur kf•uufarturYrs, StsaisslaJal
snd Hank
kllntsi.rv' sons is' one-nail price.
student. •inter and !emce at any time.
This last dotiot. I. rnodurtevl Ly experienced
Teachere cud practical Accountant., john prepare
young men for attire btwinrea, at the lent Papoose
and XlJOrt,t time, fnr the moat lucrative and reopen-
Ode 141131min:in. Diplomas graotral for merit only.
Hence the utilterval preference for graduates of this
College, by hnaturee men_
Prof. A. floW LEY, the brat Pawnee of the Cnion,
who holds the largest ntulther of First Prentinnts,
aud over all competitnre, leaches Rapid Rostov.
MT Poe specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogns
containing full information, incloan malty-tee anise
to • 3 K 12.15 t S Mani, Principals.
A. F. CHATONE.I, Agent,
loch] ttng
.11 ED ICA L
Dyspepsia PHI and Treatment
Wl,ll I.n. t` • ,t
r AP.•tt. Ilk ,i.f.prms,
tty itt t,e a nd .”1.1 WOO ltlktelltl n.. dirvct , '
tt nin.! 41 •1 A ttl.ll.l,.,.ltheabov , cos , .
.•••untl Ktad T.. lie al•
ti, , ,tre hitt, a call.
tali •• . Nk ,, lTki SE.'UND ST
I, in •
v.ieo+Pi,toas 11.1 of Poe
• —Nt 111( . 11IA1 rauticti r..• •
, 11.• I Iv/.
•, 0 1 , .1,01,G1 El WI.. II 1,41, X41,.^ u-0 I.• ..1. It
1~. nd.,, ,„d .1..r,1e —Th, nl ..
u ..., in,li ; , i. .i ~ 1...1. .. I:i ~1~ f~~...,. ~r .ii.l. r.l
•••41 4•11. i ;•,•• nAplorns
r:. : ~r h.. urttlatt.-31 ctdtdit.l.l, : d
•i i tl. and' the fu ro tole 11/
4,lltek,lll, , lcen I,Ktufully
/...1. Aipetite, 1...M.11.11,1,ir1t,P111
1,1 Nut., unfit.
.Ijoyn.lit •tt 111, ort , l. ,11 ,'•11"n
1I 51.11
Id • 0111,111 t (onth.img 4- 1,11.111 t
i! a. tiny . p , rf•rui •
fir.t , th- •L.I
I. I , / A Ain. tett A ith hen, 4• 11“, ,
4 4rAtt. , 1 f V.)/1/ . 11 /4 /A. en tile r.,te•lt
t 1-11 /4 4 raieu, 111.1 .f c.,151.2 10 , 4.14 U •tr , Al/ 41.11
tle• .y.tem
.• in , 011 j. r. 1, , 0
.!,,. II)' :!. I.• a : and I. r.•rn,t a • 11. /.11111!" (be, IS all
flit • ./ n ..r
ns ,, ut It In t. 1.. ,1 I lawn v a taol and
flu rad , npp .
' lb
- )latt:. has tut; I.ypiwi.ta, the lung ittot
Lttottg t nts
kl ,11/1.1 .n 1 ,•.1
1. 1.1 lYxiul ull) I.y
,/ 46.1 / I, N....J. to utt tug
tort] dry.— : rictn, and ihu eklu al
fe , I,y And hit: rr. The d; •
11.. m u , h n,,•'
11. 1 antahtp.—A dtstrezattatt ryIllp•
taut. It n la•yrs- th•• Itrtt tuumunted and wcars the patitatt.
I, Itattawat, titataratt hets,t , i r
,rato 1,111 I, Th.... an . p• ry alartntag t.) II.)
t• nt., lat - b an ttia•adtly removed by •d•r
tall If nt•gltartett, are ',Lk bl ft.dlt.atal 1.) Dumbut•pa
tto•I eutl-1, -It at
I'• It , for uc to git•• all the iiprititto.
of It•ic p.m in Pl. f.ll/ .01 a space, but the ale , •• are
i datum-roil rudiment, if we add that the patient
nod attention to surroultdiag object+,
and ficititienily Itec-no • moriew mid sour to diepoew
tout We ehould toy, how. ter, that pains ittthe
Joint+ awl ctidneas of the limit, which go Up tile
of rhemnatiam and neuralgia, are very often
• ith e. tiptpepeta. Ala , a littrdneso of Wt.
row , nto lee of the abdomen, nholt Leco routracted
aittl hart , :tot it - ie. ict We Itchy inclend
• le•wg gt ally prominent.cate
Uy.pepßlnt Dy spa pnin
Dr. WISItAILT'S um,, No.lo 2i,..rth Srcvntl st
Dyspepsi n : Dy .pepsin:
lin. Wietia here boon a constant sufferer
irli Pr ; , eritta for the last eighteen ye.i,v, u..,
Bichte I cannot way that I over enjoyed a pet
fectly we n
day . There were times when the symptoms
w.ire u. as;-ratated than at others, and then it
sorinuid it woula he a groat . I had at all
tunes an unpleasant feel,eg to my head, but Id tterly
myititnecings so much Increased that I tic..s al
most ntittit fur bust., sold, my mind wee
initsily filled with gloomy thoughts and
lig., and 11'1 attempted to clangs their current by
reading, at once a sensation of ic;, coldness!, In ten
nvattem with a dead weight, as it were, rested upon I
my brain; also a feeling of sickness would occur at
the et and great pain to my °you, accompanied
„its which was the continual fear of losing my rea
-115.1; 101.0 Plrtrit pt. , ' great hountudo, debility and
neritie,,tes, nistie Ir illlncult to walk by day
eleep night., 1 bocame ave.,' to society, and
its to see Intik., and has log tried the alit
if a 11111$1ber of eminent physicians of various schools,
h _ally . mule to thl , conclusion that, for this disease,
at in) pi event age, years, there was no cure to ex.
ietenee. But, through the Interference of Diviner
Providente, to whom I devoutly offer my thanks. r
at last Found a sovereign remedy In your Dyspepsia
Pills end Tar Cordial, which seem to have effectually
rentocod 0101.01 the lust trace of my long list of ail
ments end had feelings, and 10 their place health,
pleasure and contentment are my every day cone.
rennin.. JADIEDI Di. sAuNiducs, •
Ni, 4DI North Statand street, Phtlatielphia,
formerly of Woodbury, N. J.
Dr. W ISIIANT'S Aire, No. Dr North Socond Ist
I, Moses Toms, of Cheltenham, fflontgomery Po.,
Pa., hare suffered for more than one year everything
dem., item% front that awful disease, celled Dys
pepsia I employed, in that time, fly , of the moat
eminent physicians in Philadelph,a. They did all
they roulal for me with medicines and ce - ping, but
still I to. better. I then went to the Pettuayl
Ilniverelty, in order to pl.cs myself m react. of
the best noahral talents i n the country, but their
medicines foiled to do we any ...oval, and oftentimes I
wished for deuth v. radices me of my sntTerlngs, bat
seeing De. Wodtart's in the Philadel
pities Bet/blan, I determined to try once mots, but
with lit no faith I called ou I.r. NV.ishart, and told
if I could have thud l.would not have troubled
and then related my suffetings to him. 71..
Dr. aasnred me, If ho failed to cure mu of Dyspepsia,
it would be the first ease in two yeses, so I put my
self under his treatment, and although I had lawn
for months vomiting nearly everything I ate, my
stomach swollen with pain beyond description, I
bought a box of his Dyspepsia Pills, I used them as
dimwits', and in ten days I could eat as hearty a meal
n• may person tu the Statosof Pennsylvania, and in
thirty days was • well man. I invite any person
suffering as I was to call and son me, and! will relate
my suffering and the great ears I received. I would
say to aft bprrt..,., everywhere, that Dr. Washers
is, I believe, the only porton on the earth that can
cure Dyspepsia with any degree of eertalnty.
510815.9 TUEIN
Ch , ltenham, Idoragnmery Co., PA.
Dr. WlallAitT S tacit, 10 North Second tt
Omos hours from 9 a.
to. to 5 P. m. All ...sauna
tit/to and rot-et:lint.. us Inc.
A Positive Core for Dyispopela.
Hoar ailt •t Mi. John U. Babcock itace •
Se. 1028 Oliva iltretet,
rhilatittiphia. January MI, 1863. f
Int. NI I.n .t GT—igf It 1.. with much pleatittro that
I ant it-ir chic to inform you that, by the me of puler
c• - eat A matitan 11:!tpere. in fill. , I have been ratio , .
I) canal of that moat distresalub complaint, Thigpen
.la. I ' In grictoluily iddirted for the huit
t attnty-elgl ra
, yen, and fur ten pence of that than I
tc. not It et. ie it. it. pain one week et a time.
I into Led Its world torn., and have shagged MI
innat ml.etnhlo existence—ln pain day aaa aighL
Ev.ry kin!! .4 -1 that I ate 01101 me with pain and
al ... ! . it inattenal net hot. light, or hoe.. email the
guar/tin. A ~..tinned la•lchlng was run to folk..
I ha •I a, acda . ti o for any kind of meat. whataror,
sr sliatmov any great for several mouths be
fore I ward of your Pllle, that I fm..,ssentiv wivhml
for • , •••tts. 1 too token evvry thing that I bad beard
.4 (or 1)y-stmt.'s, 1, hou t meel•ing nay benellt ; but
•a your lasing racutumensisol to me by imp who
1 lay, esinvl by them, I manclud dto rims them a
trial, although I had nu fitith In them. lo my as
ssinithity ut, I mond usys•elf getting better before I
toil taken iso.fourth ofa talc, and, after taking half
a lam, l am a well man, and ran eat anythavaa! trot,
veiny s lommv meal alma nine,, a day, without in
,nnynnience from anything I vat or drink. 11 you
think you ao. at 'timid, to snake this notate
awl reb'r to I will cheerfully give all urn•11.1)115
information t any one who may call on me.
Yam - . respectfully.
Fir rnD• .t Dr. ISHART'S 1110.11...1 Dornt,
10 Nortl. Brrond n tr..t. P.• P 11 <o•
Our IWDar prr box. Sr ta by I unit, rhari.-, ou
rycPlipt pri
Pole Agent for Pltteburgh, Nun's
olde, Coughs, Asthma, Croup Intliwn
neos. BrwicaiLi4, Spiuine: of
Bled IVeaknes6 the Chest, Insip-
ient Consumption, Catarr;lui Affec
an,l all diseases of th©
Liahility to take Cold, Ha
bitual Kush
of lih,od t the Head
Dizzineb, Pain in the
tQloulders, Pain tin
der the Sh.,uhlern
and the Sla.ulder
-Arttw ft 4.. th.
The coughing iip ef d phlegm. often rather
ugh and string), dithrulty or short
ode. of breath, add io Illt.O.Orlling with fever
r, :lush end nol hooks on exiludnent, mvitting
of nottlei io.notiduns et reni.ed < b blond, fre
quent emeriation and debility, Penh 'oft and Ge'd y,
Cin pains in the cheat, aide and elion , tor., frequent
con7l,le, o . okrmng id, in TO. morning,
ti quest att. Ira of the diarrhea, ;wiz is the breast,
io.ihisic in early life
W. tet!l onratiteo it to relL•ee the arena COUG
0• CUE A COLD, no illtierenc'e of how louG etabd
lo; %hen uod .3 taw: and Li.,l to the three-
ILe.l tho foll.l tu; p111.1.1a.1 from
among many others, received during the paid few
if,. J.b.. H. Fr/too—Dear Sir: Fur year. my wife
ha, been sulTeruig vrith et very violent cough; at
nights she could have to get up out of her 1,1
froptently to Ft her breath, or to keep from suffo
cating. Steal:lug of your Cough Syrup t determined
to try it, which I did. and g. , f a battle front
L1 , ‘14, and need It according to dlrrn:t lona. .
Immediate relief, oull acted like a chavqp,on
rou4ll, 7.riottinit .hen. on lioor in
Tret,tk. rihr halt no toot, of the• herd cou a 'attin t ppr
now, anti, In fact, I may Nvy .he o etairrly etarod,,,a
Rrapect:ally, ALEX. HANNA,'
.IM , J. M. P. , / , ..,—Dear sir: 1.•.; nom° Unto 1
be.. been ennenng Itta ...erre rough an.l cold In
tux head. But after mine n bottle of y or Vegetable
Conah nynly Iw. enurely rured of It. I cxletd-r
it at, excellent reined:, et. I. rtgoznwerol it to anv
son s.,th u L,,,Kt, or fold to • un of 010 Vrl . l loot
ecturdlea ever dtecoverxel.
.a..ROE W. R. CoM
We do not •ay that m all eases It will CURE Culti
BVIIPTION ; no medicine cao be relied upon to do
that. But we do allege., and stand ready to promo,
that by the ntd of thls medicine, coupled with proper
sanitary regulation, melt as regular rest, expansion
of the lunge, a restraint Upoll appetite, de., !lA.
Desperate Cases have been Cured.
D., not neglect this timely admonition. The
001.7011 S 1 HOP will CI:111. YOEfli GOLD. Seep
• bottle ronlitc•.ily in your house, and take a dare
as the Hret rymptom of a cold.
Die... Moue „fer Coldr.—TAke a tea-epoonfoll three
time, a day, and if the cold be a bad one, take it of
tener ; and in going to bed put two teadipoonsfull
in warm water, and sweeten It A little, and drink it
as km as you can bear it ; corer up warm and sweat
Let mothers give It to their children in this way,
and it will remove the worst kind of hoarsens,' in •
child, and is perfectly harmless. It Mai be taken
by the most delicate females, or the youngest child ;
only suit the doe. to the age and constitution, it
cannot do any Injury to the child or female if is
should be taken in on over dose, for if it 10, it v iii
rue thorn to throw up, and thus get clear of it In
their stomachs.
Derreeionsfor Coup/u.—Take one tea-ape...full elf it
every cwal time, on an empty stomach, and also be-
PA , . going to bed ; if the cone; in bad, take it often
er; and If troublod in the ^' ;ht with it, Aap u bot
tle by your bed and um it when a fit or cough comes
on; we It in this A% , au.) you will coon be rid of
yrur conga, or It ever eu hall.
fan Dijficully firrathinp —Tale one tcw
spoutith" of the Vettotabln Ci•w*, , orttlit thin time. a
day, on an empty stomach. When troubled with It
is the night, keep the medicine near iLe and
tn.', Form, of it at the time you feel the most depreeso
ad for Omit of breath; to who it warm on going to
bed wit, Le a ‘ery good plau.
Pi.. .11.0 for Pighisic—Soho tt throe times a day,
suit the d,oe to the age and constitution of the pa
tfeet—trom one table-spoonfull down to a tea-spoon-
I ul. It is Wallys beet to continue this for some time
In onlor to clear the system of the disease entirety
for one month or more; It is always beet to do so, as
it is a hard complaint to g.t\ rgl of, and L. eery apt to
run into a lung disease innft4 life. Bo wino in time.
_ rme iu af 4 j I
Syrinplonti of litrone7,iti,--5 ,
throat, dltfloalty of breath
eptilling up phlegm and often I
motion of tho elan that line t
.d throat.
Directio..—Take one apoo n
every four hours until the to
Moved, and then take It four
noon, erenlng and bed time. Br
age and roortftution of the p,
plate nod notuishing.
Directiontfor taint-rt. or Catarrh Fenn.—Glra Com
pound in doer. of one totospnonfull three or four
timre ► day, or i , flnner if needed. It is a
remedy for catarrh, and ovrtain to cure if tried ac
cording .0 the dire. kat,.
Di-ectioeu for liehoopuns Couet.—Take it in small
doses tt, suet the age of the psaient gee or six times
• day, or oftener, if the paroxysm of cough is beet or
frequent. This treatment will muse the disease to
rnu its C•III}PA in about man-thi - '..lf the regular time,
and ems the patient of ml ety hard spells of cough
ing. In feet If this treatment is followed up tight,
there w e ll be no hard whooping in the whole course
tf the disease. I Lase some of the best certificate* to
his effect. — For this remedy , ,we hate the recommen
dation of ono of the most teemed physicians in our
country, one who hoe used it in his practice for years
vitt/ the happiest resins..
Zeir This invaluable Vegetable Coin-
preparod d Fold fit. ONE
1 , by
Sup. 67 AND CO
fro l tiont
Feet and
I=„ P.,. 3, ibSP
d, no ron to 11/le
rim of the longs sod
boarri asthma,
,100,1. It ism !lola-
Abe air cells of lungs
foll of the Compound
ttent in somewhat re
• day—romming.
the alma to the
dent ; let the diet be