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We return to the subject of the attempted Pennsylvania limitocratio diversion in favor of the rebellion. There is another objection equally for midable with that which we have just ex amined, although, like it, entirely un notleed even in the dissenting opinlen 'of Judge Snoonn, and it is this: • The prayer of the - bill is not to stay waste, or to prevent a nuisance or other in-:- ofproperty, but to interdict the com mission of a crisis, in the:seizure and abdgc lion of the person. If a tenant should three& en to cut valuable -timber, or pull down buildings on the property of his land lord, no lawyer would dispute that theright to prevent it, was within the appropriefejn risdiction and province of s Court of EqnitY. If one citizen; however, should threaten the life or liberty of another, the common sense of everyman, however uninstructed, would tenth him that it Wasncommon km case, where theremedy was in the Criminal aorta, by a procedure in the nature of a Surety of the Peace. Courtsof Chaniery have nojurisdie- . tion, and have ever pretended to any,for Prevention of a 'crime, except in the protection of aniin,fanlL-or possibly an idiot or lunestie— who sre treated in England, as being under the special guardianship of the King, be cause they are unable to take care of themselves. It is accordingly said in the Books, that the publication of a libel cannot be restrained, and has. been sol emnly decided, that the Court will not even compel a vtivemary, in aid of a crim inal prosecution (8 Blackstone's coin metaries 426, note). Here, however, for the first time, as we think, in the history of British or American jurisprudence, the at temptia deliberately made to' prevent . the arrest or :seizure, or impressment—if any bedy prefers the Irord--of the person of a ,grown man—and that too, in a case where there Is st least a color of authority, and no jurisdiction to inquire into Its legality, when made, even under a writ of habeas corpus— by the Chancery process of injunction. If the Court was right in thinking that the law was a nullity, and dealing, therefore, with the officer, as though he were a private individual, acting without any warrant whatever, then his menace against the lib erty of the complainant, was, by their own showing,"a erine equivalent at least to that of an attempt to kidnap a freeman, and carry • him into slavery; and inasmuch as the object of all criminal jurisdiction and laws, is said to be, not so much the punish meat of crime, as its prevention, this very learned Triumvirate iq in the predicament of having converted itself, in the exercise of Its equitable powers, into a Court of tidy*/ Criminal jurisdiction, or a sort of preventive State police, for the very novel and original purpose of forestalling all of fence; by smothering them in the germ, or the intent, before they devehope into act '' What new uses for a Court of conscience, and Aetna Elystun we shall have, with such reformers as these! But how will the Chancery lawyers of England stare, when they see their boundaricalltas enlarged by the inventive genius of these daring lane vators--end what will the lawyers of Amer ica say, when they and that the first exper iment of this sort, was reserved for an occa sion, when the crime to be prevented was the reinforiement of oar armies I But we are not yet done with the objec tions, which ought to have relieved these gentlemen from the necessity so much de plored by the tristfal Chief Justiee, and ao doubt equally wept over by his Confeder ates, of staying the execution of this Law, and thereby in effect disarmingthe Govern ment. There is another of equal weight, in the well-settled rule, that Chancery will never enjoin, in the first inetetnee, except in a eke, case, particularly where the in terests involved are of such magnitude, th a t the mischief which might result from the interference, would far outweigh the incon venience •of injury to the party complain ing, from a refits/Li to :aid hire by such a process. howover, will be . batter understood when we state tho fact, that the preliminary Injunction—orinjanction in 04 .0 8 1 in:knee li. ill sort. of ex.parte, or one-sided prweed,- ' ism end is not of 7444 or, es the lawyers say, ez debito Vut aye disere. tiondry with the Court, which may grant or refuse it, as it thinks proper, and is almost invariably sure to refuse it here, migrated* of public policy, in case it should involve so important * matter as the stoppage of a Railroad, even though it should run over the freehold of a cities; or drive the whole travel from a publlo street. And this is no • ' Imaginary case with the very Court which is just now se tender of the rights of some miserable poltroon, who skulks from the defence of the Country which gives him a home, and a shelter, and all the privileges of a citizen, and so anxious to amber reis and cripple the Government, whose z-i - panatitution it is sworn to defend, that 'it cannot afford to wait even a final liming, but hurries at once, with the 'Mast indecent and reckleu Precipitancy, and with the swiftness of those "whose feet run to shed blood," into a decision which involves, and invites a conflict with the General Government, and which might, under circumstances more favorable to the Richmond conspirators, and their allies here, have' lighted up is conflagration throughout thellforth, that would have deem- Wed our beton, nnd been only extinguish ed in our blood. ',There is a case in Alle gheny City, under the eye of every pcdes-, Irian who pasties along _Federal street, whore tids same Court has solemnly re -4044 "" I U P" ,_f",,qnai lgariflA and after repeated applications, to restrain a railroad, company from the appropriation to iii own irchwirense, of *public treest, on theground. , that it was *great national hightiny for the -convenience of the Whole country, end'that It would be against the general public in tercets and thepolloy of the law, to interrupt the trade and travel upon it, at the iztstanee of an individual, ortrreria State—charitably ignoring, in their opinion, even the great lent of ,tho ccelusionieis upon whiCh the ease iiito.stolely argued, for t he . ptirpoio r !Limier saving the dellnqUents.• The nation itself net being, tit edurse,, quite so importentitsOndloatokhunectsyl n court— *. P9M I F II c1 4 01 4;.: 11 0. , " /awe •de laytr—tto-lrnalge , tte happy Oblivion =UM of herd poinia—Mo respite of sentence—but is hurried to-execution like the meanest felersoelnetteAising prestathe taintightsat cciobpitiee ofjtfifil* anilWhose circariii;to be ;ont 4 :o:r4h.:flitii of — lain; w i th as litliellielly a poamble . But, supposing the inconvenience or Injury to - 'the nation, to have weighed nothing, in the estimation of this Trium iirsita, to '' , .the comparison with the In terests of the patristic Democrat, who Insisted that the 'obligation to defend his country, WM an abridgement of the rights and liberties which were secured to him by the blood of other inert, and that the Court was in such library to set upon this question before the Chief Juatice "should shuffle off his coil," in ebedience to the fiat of the peo ple:that the'easie Would admit of nit delay— 'was it even then a dear one, as it was re quired to be, by the rule to which we have just referred ? - It is enough to say, in answer to this inqui ry, that it was a question upon the eonstitu- Nemotily of an Aot of Congress, upon which Mc Cowl was cfitsisted--a bare majority agreeing upon that point. The doctrine is, even in eases arising under the Constitution of the State itself—and it has often been enun ,oiated by this very Court—that the pre sumption is strongly in Diver of the constitutionality of every law, because it is the solemn and deliberate sot of the law making power, and it is not to be eupposed. 'that the delegates of the people, clothed with a function so important, would either wilfully violate the instrument they were sworn to support, or ignorantly enact a law which was °pings - ) the reproach of being a clear violation of It. This, however, was 8 ease arising under the Constitution of the United States, of which its own Courts are the judges, In the last resort—where a pro per delicacy would have counselled forbear ance --and where nothing short of absolute necessity would warrant a State Court in passing upon it, and nothing short of at least. a unanimous opinion, ought to be allowed to overthrow, or discredit it. Upon the mere presumption, therefore, that the Law was a valid one—if there had been nothing else— there gentlemen might have well declined, and ought to have refused to award an in junction In the first Instance, and particu larly when the Court was so divided as to show that the cave was not, at all events, a clear one. The usage is, upon an appli cation, ort of term, to hear such mo tions before a single Judge. There is, per haps, no example, before this, where the Court has been summoned, in vacation, to meet in bane, for such a purpose. Sitting alone, a-single Judge would have felt it his duty to dismiss the application, on the ground that he could not undertake to de clare an Act unconstitutional, because no question of that sort is ever heard except before a fall bench. In this case, however, the Court is hastily convoked at midsum mer, from the four winds, at the instance, no-doubt, of the Copperhead Junta of Phil adelphia, to collect opinions that were possi bly known to the conspirators, and with the view of getting it into a position to declare the Act unconstitutional, in time to prevent the raising of a soldier under it. If this was not the object of- the call, and the decision now made, was not a "foregone conclusion' , —if they had been - truly lovers of their country, and desirous to serve it in its hour of peril—who ean doubt that they would have refused either to meet or interfere, et such a time, when the whole thing wilt, as we have shown, entirely in their own dis cretion, and when, as they must have known, the whole effect of their precipitancy could only be to delay and embarrass the govern moat, until their decision was reversed on appeal, without doing any substantial sor visa to the complainant, or to any body bu the rebels themselves 7 Nor will it do to say that the Govern ment did not choose to appear, and that they could not know these things without hearing the arguments of ite counsel. We are well aware, from the tone ofJudge Low- stn's opinion, that the prido of these gen tlemen was deeply wounded, by the ellen contempt with which their notice was treat- ed by the Government, but will any lawyer inform us when it was that they have ever given heed }e the argumente of the ablest counsel—or acknowledged in any way, that it was possible forany body to instruct them? Could they not however, hunt up objection; not preiented, and not even im agined by counsel, as was _done by Judge Wcionwann in the Rail Road Bond eaaea, where detnurrent, isms, and arguments wore all suplied by Ids own industry? If not represented by lawyers, onght not any right minded Judge to have felt, the rather, that its interests were under his special guardian ship 1 Could not, this Union, with all its greatness, and its glory, and its holy memories—find as advocate without prompt ing or hire, in the breast of the Judge, who was cradled under the folds of its protect ing flak, and taught to Hip, in the first as of childhood, the language of freedom, and the immortal names that have wedded it to undying renown ? Shame Iwe say, shame I to those who would not defend it— not on calculation—not upon merelj cold conaiderati6na of duty—but upon Instinct and-impulse nly, whenever, wherever, or by Whomsoever it might bo Leeailod 1 But greater shame to those, who are deaf ma to the calls of duty I The task now remains to lock into the constitutional argument, where it be, found, if we mistake not, that there is ql:iite as little in the way of apology for the Tri umvirate, as in the matter we have just dimmed. We roust reserve it however for another rpaper.:= ' .. • PITZEISTING CIIVAINCT eses.--A resid:tot of Montreal, Claude, seorpte d • draft for SIM, drawn on hint by e New York creditor, and payable et the panic of Idontreal.. Ofi matu rity, he tendered payment, less esehauge, which the Bank refused to receive. In a suit on the draft; the Court decided . that the amount mast im paid in Canadian funds, with out &Ida:Mien.. The error of the defends.% la the cue was, 14 accepting the draft with Cut the etcpulation "with exchange." *debt duo oansafin 'to ti4reditor in the United States, unlise there is a special contract to the contrary, is payable at the Mike of the Credi tor in the current funds of his country. If he draws on his debtorA , ctipulating , the place of payment out of the United States, the let ter it," the tight to rade* 'aomMance, talon a oeoreptsied with the stipnietion . "w E ith es eheop. Immediately aftir thil, tender at the ollos of, the creditor, or a remittence In the tonal manner to him of the amount ddo. in ' , greenbacks," will be • good payment; • - • Till fit. Louis Dewoemt, of yesterday, gays the Radkral ticket in • thatEltatn elsoW4-44; tentipanidvgnture:' It Is already *bald, adrlces from Little Soak naj , ths-soldars that place will fire,tbsto ,thonsand for the WWI MEISSEE ecia The-Change of Sentiment of England. There hays seen several elections for mein berg of Parliament, lately in yarionsits'liti . or Great Britain, and, in , ever,; - ,T,ase.-the rival candidate:a:liaise 4Orie. :before pe41, 3 solely on the . Minima' ilmsation, no Maher what IMO the local interests at stake. All candidates • have been compelled to declare their views and eentiments in advance on this subject, and to pledge themselves as to their course if elected. •It is gratifying to learn that In every ease the man who avowed him self a friend of the North was elected. It is a feet that speaks volumes on the true &oral menu of the English people towards this country. The aristocracy may sympathise with the South, but the great mass of Eng lishmen are friends of the North. Henry Ward Beecher, daring his short stay In Eng land, has done a good deal_ to help this feel ing along, and now it is once fairly started, it will keep moving. There is no longer a chance for a quarrel. between mother and daughter. Blood is thicker than water, though appear ance in our relations with England - have somtimes seemed to falsify the old adage. B. Gears Snow; who has boon chosen U. 8. Senator from Missouri by the Legislature now lifting at Jefferson City, is the most tin oompromising Radical in the State: He was the editor of the Missuri Democrat throughout the eventful years of 1850-57; was one of the first hundred Ezimucipationista in the State ; and, If, weanistake, not made the first straight out anti-slavery. speech ever made In a Mis souri Legislature. He was for Van Boron in '4B, for Fremont In '56, for Lincoln In 'BO, and was the Republican candidate for Clerk of the House in 1857. He was unflinchingly sup ported for Senator by the Radicals in the pre ant Legislature throughout the long and fruit less struggle of last winter, but his election was prevented by a prepoaderanoo of "Clay bank" and "Copperhead" votes. His electi now is an omen of good for the future.—N. Y. Tritest*. PUBLIC wOTICES. U.TREMISSES HASKELL will form an EVENING CLASS In the new Gymnas tics, at NEVILLE HALL, on MONDAY, Nov. 16th, at 7,55 o'clock. All Ladles and Gentlemen Intending to Join, please he present. Classes through the sea son, kw ladies and Gen Unman, TUESDAY and FRI DAY EVENINGS, at '131., Ladies and Children, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, at 3 o'clock. : MUM, 11, ADVANCE: For Adults, course of twenty 1em0n5..... 0 0. For Lads and Alisens, —. 4 OD. For Children, 100. 110!/"The Hisses 11. can be sae. at 71 ISABELLA STREET, Allegheny. nolCh Ei 44 COLLECTOR'S ISO.rloE.—The Annual Assessment List, for 100, containing taxes on lhnomes, Silver Plate, Carriages, &a., and License Deities, ltrthe V.d Penna. Collection District, comprising that portion of Allegheny county south of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, has been received from the Assessor. theP4a-vis, per, t 4 1t4 4 7' . Su d b.. l it t ract, comprising of Pitts - - burgh; ' and the adjacent Borongbe, most be made at my office, No. 87 Fourth street, on or before the I RDAV Of DEC:EU/IEB NEXT, after which time the pensltlo priecribed by the law will be exacted. Other portions of the Dietrict may make payment et the man* place, until notified by their respectiee Depnty Collectors. JOAN SHEA, Collector MI Yemen. District, Office, No. 67 Fourth street. Pittebergv.. Nov. 6, 1943. n07:21r _ _ ,) STUDENTS AND LOVERS O MUSIC.—The "ell-known colore,r, Mt. JOHN ZONDEL,_ Omaniat and Di rr.-tor of ]foie of Henry Ward Bomber's Charcb, New York will visit oth city daring tho next month ro . giro a abort coarse of instruction to [harmony, the Urban e,r Meted, on, and ebony Staging. connected with public perfermances on the Organ, arid Sacred Concerts. einarders, stating terms, etc., may ha oh. toted et the Music Steno of H. Sieber tt. Bro. and C. O. Hell,. nolgADoeS LOBOS, MIOONO (..4311,1. NT or /111cluos.4 8 Pittsbu. Oct. 12th, 18Xt , SPECIAL M E ETING OF VIOCKEIOLDEBS of the Eureka Company of Michigan will be hold at the Office of Bar: & CO., In Pittsburgh, on TVESDAY, Bth day of December, 186.1, at 9 o'clock a. m., to act on • propesition to tell the property of the Company, and forte att.:ration of the By-Laws. n0123t ISAAC M. PENNOCK, Presider o°S] ;ICIAL CORPS, U. S. A.-A7R7 - 3- crafting Station for this ateractire branch of the array bas been opened in ILA. city. The nature of the /ferric° and the inducements offered are cud, al render this opportunity of enacting moat &Nimble, and one that May not again be offered. For further particulars inquire at Recruiting Sta tical, No. 26 Fft•th erect, Plitabargh. J. tient. l3. DUFT, Recruiting Officer. 111.411.41 K .4^OTICE3. =EN rum NATIONAL DISK or Prrroeuntat, (Las Pittsbanh Tied Comprty,) Pittsburgh, Nov;: 1840. O.THE PRESIDENT AND BOA D of DIRECTORS have this day declared a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-11l N CENTS per ahem on the stock of the Pittsburgh Tinst Company be lst of Augnot, and TWO DOL. LASS per share on the Capital Stock of the Filet National Bank, tint of the profits to the let Inst.., payable on or after TUESDAY, the 10th (mt. The Stockholders are hereby notified that the final payment of the enbacription to the Capital Stock, viz: Twenty-five Dolan, per share will be required on or before the lot day of May next. noSlm JOHN D. SCULLY. Nellie,. Prrreernon November :4 , 1863. Ir:TITE DIRECTORS OF' THE EX CHANGE BARR, of Pittsburgh, have this day declared • Dividend of PIPE PER CENT. out of the corning+ of the last six months, payable on or after the 13th instant, free of Gvv«rolnout tan. no3Rw H. M. IfORRAY, Cochin. OtMESS . BAAI, Nu,. 3 16tH. 10.TITE DIRECTORB of this Bonk have this day declared a Dl•ldund of t'l YE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable tu Stock holden or their legal representative, on or after the 13th inst. The Government Tao on mote will be paid by the Bank. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, n03:20 Cashier. kiIiCHAAIII Asa MASIurghMACTIMILI/1 Ball, Pittsb, Oct. ELECTION ANNUAL FL U "T Y 1 1 : 11 -E iXOTOISS be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the horn of ten a, m. and two p. m. ocla:1m JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Cashier. haCEL&NOZ Bus or PrrresmtZul l 0• October 16th, 1663. TIIE ELECTION FOR DIRE - OBS - of this Bank will ba..held at the Bank ing House on MONDAY, November Igth, 1863, bo• Imam the hours delay= a. m. cud" p. ta. ocl6:bn H. M. MURRAY, Cashier. &taxmen Rum, Oct. 140, 11162. jr -, ./IN ELECTION FOR DLRECT. • 0/18 of this Bank will bobield at the Count ing Home on the 16th day of November next, tw. Liston the boars of 10 o'clock a. and 2 o'clock _ • J. W. COOK, Cackler. 0o15:1Eti Orman Deno, litteburgh, Oct. I.6th, 1883. 11: - 7 . A.N ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of Ws Bank tell be held at the Banking House on MONDAY, November-18th, at ten o'clock a. m. ocliklot OEO. T. VAR DOREN, Gelder. Liao Ccrr Bank, Pittabgigh, Oct, 15th, 1803. U•AiN &LEMON FOR THIRTEEN DIBMCMOBB Banking House on MON DA YNo re.r 1 1 6th, h e l6B d C a,t tbhee. lnen the boon of 11 a. to. and 2 p. m. oc10:1m J. MAGOYTIN, Cashier. SClwrial Dana, Plttabaro, Oct. 6th 1803. AN" ELECTION FOR DIRECT OHS of this Dank will be held at the Dank hog Ilona; on MONDAY, the lath day of November, between the boars of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 p. ca. oclbare GM. D. WORMY, enebler. 01ALLOW OIL-10 bbla. to arriro and age by ISAIAH WRIT '6 CO. APPLE'S -200 bbl. 'ARAN) received •nd tor sale by J. B. CAlr-- OlinWBA GRAPER-25 bozee reo d Land Cro ede by usmur 11. COLLINS. QWEET .POTATOES.-20 bbl Jersey syso rdsues Jut received and for We sit 121 Second stmt. VAN 00.8.1tElt. Dl{,Y API'LEI3.--300 busholB prime 0, store siul for Ws bi con wEila ,t WILKINSON. B%ci. OLD CHEESE, to be closed vv ul it mit lota prim, If called for won. note .• WEBB & WILKINSON. LIERISPc—FRESII ARRIVAL. C 80 Wog !rime lario dallhen, in Etat; 100 do do IVesters Drama, to Arrival ; ' tiolo 157.1111 k WILKINSON,OI7 Liberty at. C ITUNR—',OOO bze. Western Reserve 2 00 do Uamburg; W do Gimbal; In - store metier ode by J. 13. UATIYIELD. . . . Q{JN I KlE§.-65 bbja. Grea.se - ;. 7 each Feathers;' 10 do Bap ; To arriv,e on steamer Atlantic and for sale by oolj ISAIAS DIOR ay a CO r . itENCEI MUld'rAtlD, genuixe import.. ationatsat received ; Durstrwe.• Lexington naltard and Cohtran'a IngiLth' Muaiatti, Mink by JoFilt A. ItENSITAW, nall • •-• 'corner Liberty and Hand Meats. ES: PO . I AILS'S YORK 1-I,uoo bbh. atm Park In etom and for raleby McDONALD eARDUCHLE2I, Wholesale Grocers, Produce it Cow. Merchant', elta ... - 242 and 244 Liberty street.. FICEII; M INCE 9U ileat'a. "'jai iapply 4%, r/30EliV, aribrelaiaP itt:l44. or arkiggra" If Palind, baik of the ClUally use Y.F mots at tha IN.& want price' JOAW:a. rrriar or poll ; Cbmir m a t t '4, 3 maw = stranii;lG, ISM LOST. --Oh Saturday morning, (proba bly on the zooming train from Salem, tibia.) a BLACK. attmosesnum BOOK, 000 teildng iss• poll of value only to the owner. 'The eultably rewarde d by leaving it at No. 122 S mithfi eldf street. no16:1t Between 16 and 17 year, of age, who ham ohne knoorlodgo of tho turning tmaineut. Call at-136 SECOND STREET. nolattf COLLINS & - • IPST.—Abont the 17th of last month, arappotad to be lost near the Cemetery,YONE GOLD OIiAIN WITH TWO LOCKETS attached— one email and one medium vino—the latter contain ing the picture of a gentlemen. A liberal reward will be paid to the tinder by leaving the articles at the office of WOOD, MATTHEWS A CO., nolu:31 114 Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. IPN-Mll SALK—Two Bleat Furnace En -a: gine., Steam Cylinden, 18 inches diameter by four teat stroke. Blowing Tube 3 feet 8 Inches diam eter by ere feet stroke. All In good order harhig been used but a short time. Manufactured y Snap Wade, Pittsburgh. Apply immediately, to WOOD, MORRELL h CO., Johnstown, Pa. VALUABLE BECONI.) ST. PROPER TY AT LOW PRICIO3.—Two comfortable three story Brit* Dwelling Ilona% in good location, be tween Smithfield and Grant streets, cacti haring a lot 20 fret front by 60 deep, to an alley; bell, parlor, Ave chambera, bath room, dining room, kitchen, cellar and yard; gas and water natures. for price and terms apply to OUTHIMET it SONS, tali Commercial Prokers, G 1 Market st. rpAx NOTICE.-LAII persons in the Second Want, Allegheny, who Lave not paid their CotMIY, B , ate and Hooray Taxes to the County Treasurer for toe year 18th, wilt find tee at the adore of W. J. Citron, No. 161 Federal street, every peen ing from Gto 8 o'clock, to receive the taxes. They mast bo pald Immediately. as ao further Indulgence can be given by mid Treneunu. noldtct JOLLY RADLSET, Collector. - FLOORING BOARDS! 6 foot long, varlom widths, fur We by 11°13 Iso b.I~TItITRY D' -- Rea returned the practice of his profession, • Pitt:burgh, October Vf, Mt °acorn mi l CAVALtrir - 11 - oit,S - ES WANT- K,,vvt, ap.—Tho nudereigma) will purchase, in OP. market, CAVALRY HORSES for the Coned States Aerrins. The Yoram to be from fifteen (16) to elmeen(l6) banda high, from four (4) to nim (9) yearsom all of defec age, compactly bunt, la good fifth, and free frta. Bursae will be received, mtbject to Impectlon at Pittsburgh, Pa., from the lat to the 16tb of Decem ber ; and at Columbus,' Ohio, from the 16th to the Slat of December. FIELDING LOUSY, Capt.& A. Q. M., noladeeTtf earning:tenet!. urieg 'l'o CON FRACTOI36.--Fro pout. iral be re,it..l by the undersigned, at No. 68 fifth .trout, eotil NOYEIII3ItII 17re 1003, km the Grading. fte.parttu ' r and getting with Curb. stone .o touch of Penn street as ties between the craning of the P. F. IF. A C. R. A and a point 100 feet vest of Sterenson's alley. The propeels wDi state how much Mll be allowed for the atone end other materials In the theta Bridge. For further particular. enquire of JAS. IL BEED, note:3i Chairman Street Committee. urktlTEug - L'ENN - RVeiTirEbil T EXCHANGE —2,500 acme to lowa, to tracts varying from 40 to 320 sort. 040 scree in Ilkhlgan, In tracts varying from 40 to TAI aoari . 2.000 scree In El It:newts. 3,000 we. to the southeast put 01 Memel ; and 50 acme in Indiana. Obese Lands have beets easeful/7 selected, with a slow eolely to their local advantages, toll, kc , and will ho dfspr.ed of upon liberal terms, for mall, of exchanged for property in Alleghen• county. Fur terms, Sc., apply to 0. S. BATES, Commercial Broker, sole Butler street, Lawrenceville. NAIIE 8 PIANOS are now coneidered the ban Plume made, and are fttlly - warranted fool ' eight years. As to the relative merit• of the Kaaba Piano., we would refer to the mrtilleatee of excel. team to crew poseeolon from Melberg. Gottschalk, Strackoscb, G. Satter and 11. Vieuxtampts, .0 also from eone of the moat dilater:idled prof...ors end amateurs In the country. A call is reqectfially coil cited before purchasing elsewhere. Pennine at a dis tance will pleasesend for &circular. PM' NO/ ne For. tory prices by CLIABLOTTE BLUME. No. 43 Pifth street. nol4 Sole Agent for Plttsb . gh and West. Pa D ISSOLUTION OF PA_RTARSIII.F. partnere/1p berstollito existing muler the name, firm andstyle of BOCESTOCE AMMON, In the Nttrast7 &winces, has title day been diasolved by mutual consent; and ell bmineas connected with the firm will be settled by either of said firm BOCKSTOCE, October Ist, LSO. ADAM A.M.310N. In retiring from the late firm M DOCKSTOCE k AliktON, I Jahn pleasure In recommending my late partner to the patrtinage of ono cnatomen. n0129t ADAtI ANDION. A CARD.-111N1ON PAclllc RAII.- WAY COMPANY BONDS, Emmert Prvistme, (Rows Brawn of the Nctlto RoDee4.) As bond; of the abase description will probably be offered for tale in the money market, th.. public la hereby cautioned against purchasing, or In any way negotiating for them, for tho undersigned bate as existing contract which prohatts-enUrely the mie or um of raid bonds; while at thentim time the Statute Laws of the State of Kansas give them, wider their contract, a pier Wm, to all mortgages or deed. of trout which can be executed by said OOmpsu7. 'Mr inreetment in said bonds, withent authority from the undersigned, will be Invalid, and wilt entail • tetanus upon the parties who shall venture to pur chase them. BOSS, STILL a CO., Coatnactors for building the Leavenworth, Pawnee and Western , now called the Delon Pa cific Railway, Eastern Divider.. no9:1 w 173(-71TCLAND'S PRICES. Mau'. Double Solo Balmoral". i. .... " sod double upparßoOm 4 00. " Sewed Double &le Breen" 1 78. omet'i Peedl4 wed : " ICM Beal Bails. 1 1 . 0 00. . Pegged Morocco " 0 ... I 00. Gonna " Gallery 08, Boys' Balmoral" 1 00, Mime', Youth'. and Children'. "hue at rei7 low rates. A large assortmsnt of Gums, of all kind", ou huid, which will be sold chug at E.~►rie.~~rs. 001008 IdAIIiCZT 827141 CT, 24 door from PIM NITED STATES GOVERNMENT BEM Of Om following impok►nt locatltla Eager& Virg w inbL ik.giou of pa Ate. b 101.4.40szo2:1.11Lanst:an.ddmLtuipp " Chaclestan Barba & p en r naz irc.dirk ?or lb% by KAY &- CO., IT LUETTOEQUAL.—The immense mass which for the pled seven ream hem attend ed PROF. WIMPS IIaGNRTIO OIL In the amts. [lon end cure of pato, emholden the propyotor to state, (sad chanties* contratitmlori,) That it has cared more Rhemostliat, That it has eared more Sore Throat, That It has eared more NsttraieM. • That It Ime cored more Weak.../MIMI. That It has cured more ulcerated Serest That It Lu eared more fluxU That It hatt d more Frosted , That It hu core cared more Bra Feet me, . . That It ! w cared more Norms Affections, That It bee ^wed more Stiff Altdots, •• Than all other Pate Curers, Pala }Litters and Llut manta Machined, o r w a by ungghts everywhere. Knox jolllf STOW, Solo ARIAL , . Center Fourth. and Smlthisid streets. SUNDRIES, 20,000 Mt. Thielrabeat Than sOD Lta. fresh Pall Batter; 1,000 lbs. Catawba GraPAN 2 bbla Dna Eggs; 25qr. half btda..lia. 1 Macke:Tat ado .do; 25 bbla Lahradar Carting: • 3 2' " 'Winter Applas;„ • • 84) hash./nlea Appian ' ;Paschen • 100 antainnind AbnaPtOn. 'kw rOcetrlng and ter ado,* , 122 Ltbert atfee., GLELZEITIFT ; - ALL AP < 14 .frA gb n*kr W. _ _:~ REIM—AIIWELIA/ifIHOUSI rimy Itig tin roc*. aanntal Inquire ar -- Sll7. B. HATS & CO., Emuos 271 Marty stree<,.: WANTEII , - Ab Heads for Cap-Making. Apply Immediately. at ISAAC CILOWNII, no at 180 Wood smear. BOJLEEb, 42x38. fret, DouW Moil, in goon condition, sritiinind and steam drums; fire front. It I'SSEY, WELLS a' CO., Steel Works, Fifth Ward. IKERSAL CLOTHES WRI NG. SIM are, acknowledged to be the eery beet In uso. Call and tot them at tbo India Bobber Depot, Nos. 26 and da St. Clair street. J. 6 H. PHILLIPS, Solo spot. for till. eoonty nlt EVANS VlLLE.—'l'ho e w and light draught passenger packet STARLIGHT, Captain J. 6. Harlon, Will leave Au above, on TUESDAY, the 17th It., at 4p. m. For freight or paaaage, applay dh board, or to nol6 JOHN FLACK, Agent. J. A. BROVVII OYS WANTED. TWO DOTS, MEM Primo Inch Flooring Boards ECIIO3IAIFZn & LANC 329 Moray DR. W. B. FUNDENDIECIW No, 142 PENN STREET, two doom beim, PM. JOH, U. 111ORLAND'9, fiITATET NAM 1 00 LO cant" 4 0 " No. b 6 Wood atroot VOUR,FAS,I4IONB from the celealrated' fic,6024 Mesas. A. 7. WIEWA.V.T it 'co. a Mew So. .and In Goday's Lady's Book for December, In ultlitton to the following T‘TT , 17XTENATON FASHION -PLATYS. A SFPZEIS i • OLOHED FASHION, containing int, figures, among which aro a dress fora Bride. 11111 d 14 aride6l2llidg. The steel soigrartop an. "The Daily Gorareasit" a beautiful plias. and an Emblematic Title, contain ing lire 4/Ktinct pictures,—"Telling Christmas, Sto- Hee," "(hitherto: Christmas Greene," "Jurenits Amosemonts." 'Tooth," end , Old Age." "An Opera printed in onion. Very enfte• hie for the iireseut seams.. "A Skating Frame." Very useful for beginner.; eau i.e made eery expeditiously and cheap. bThe Cali.," one of Brodie . . celebrated fashions, sill Also be found is ibis umber. "The Butterfly Headdress," "The Polish Jaeket," Deist,. for Obis, Crotchet ed Netting for the Win- tier mason, In all about eighty engravings of subjects of Issehlone end ladies' work. "WHAT A JEALOUS MAN SAW ON CHRIST MAS EVE: . By Marlon Harland. A ChristmAe Story, complete. Several other stories for the newton, by our twin authorerwre, will be found In this naretber. For ale et HENRY MINER'S noltk It 71 & rurTH STREET. HUNT' S „ . _ _— PITTSBURGIIALMANAC 72 Pages, Illustrated PRICE ONLY PITS CENTS Ikady to-day. Oontatalag— I:lreful arid Interesting READING merrEr. for the rAMILT CIRCLE. Near!y a hundred Valuable and Profitable Receipts for making tunny of the met. Popular PATENT MEDICINES, PE:RFC:VP-II Y, HAIR DEF 73, ker. WAR RECORD. ECLIPSES. ASTRONOMICAL. PHENOMENA. RECORD OP EVENTS. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS or you GREAT RKBELLION. THE UNITED STATES PENSION LAW. TRE UNITD STATES TT AW. TERM DAYS OF THE VARIOUS L COURTS OF WESTERN PIONSTLVANIA, cre, rro. Calculations Hightuthrs Dus, A.M.. Print:!pal of Pittsburgh School, and Author of •• Dean's Arithmetic/3." A Neu. Feature of tide ...Number Ls the TWELVE SIGNS OP THE ZODIAC. PAIGE ONLY FIVE CENTS Nerd part-peld on receipt at Price lair A Liberal Discount to Dales. JOHN P. HURT, Publisher, liaaonle Hall, lin great. Af THE NEW CARPET hiTORIL tPe shall aell t daring the prsent week, at wholeaal and retail, WITHOUT ANT A DVANCI IN PRICE • tall lino of CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, In *hoot. 3to 2 foot yids. WOOLEN DRUGOETS AND CRCMD CLOTHS WINDOW SHAMS, 'PALMS AND PIANO R COWERS, CGS, SEATS, STALE MODS, dz. Thtcc gond. hal,. mifynncrd, in first lunar. from TEN to TWENTY-rivm PER CENT. within thirty days, and we are now aelliug at LESS PiCTIMER'S PRICES. Ottr stock le aintoet en tirely new, all baring been purchased within ninety dap, for cash, at ths very loam prices of the year. MoFaxland, Collins & Co., No& 71 AND 73 rirrn sTILEST Datirceu Post OM. and Di pate; Buildings. n • FAMILY DYE COLORS. PATENTED OCTOBER 13, ISM MI 111.4 J Salt Dtrrk Mak, Light Di .e, Frrnrk Mar, Mare! Brown, Dark Drown, Ltgiti Brant l'Arrry, Ot2fs Dork Lgykt Drab, Rum Drab. Lt. F..* Drob For Dyeing fllk, Goode, Shawls Scarfs, Draws, , alone, Bonnets, Efate, Feathen, Kid Gloves, Children's Clotb;og, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. ear A RAVING OF 00 PER CERT. - WO ler 2 centsyou can C. der as many good l as would otherwise oast bra times that sem. t &nous suede. Ca 4 he produced from the same dye. The powees lu emple, and any one can use the dye with perfect success. Direction. In English, French and German, Imoda of each package. For further information In Dyeing, and gning a perfect knowledge what rulers an best adapted to dye over others, with many valuable recipe.,) parch.. IL we & Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Rent by mail on receipt of price—la cents. Manufactured by HOWE& STEVENS, • , WO Broadway, BOIIWIS for rain by drrn;gista and dealer, generally. ontharla EAL ESTATE SAVINGS' INSTI: TUTlON.—Eitatement of the condition of the •bore anditutiort on the Ed day of November, 180, published In conformity to thecharter. Amount of Deposit. Nov. 24, 1863.....—.5103,591 18 Amount of Interest due ...... 1,954 91 Amount of Cloistbsgent Pond 2,423 22 First Lien. on Beal &tate 0 53,200 01 United States 80Dde........! 60 , 000 00 U. S. Debt Certificate. and Notes, (mark et *slue,) Tutored earned, not duo 00k. Furniture—. Cash on 3107, u 73 01 A. A. CARRIED, Treaeurer. The madersigne thewting Committee, andxa ned the books of ituti the haulswen hies, counted the nub, Ae., and hate fhund the bore statement to be comet. W. B. COMMAND, NICHOLAS TOEGHTLT, WM. D. WITH. Depoidta received DAILY, and EVERY 8.4.1 4 :g DAY EVENING. Intereet paid at 6 per cent. per ennillia. • iBAAC ]ONES, Pre:Mont. - Han. Thos. M. Hove, Hon. J. A. Moorhead Wm. H. Smith, C. G. Mousey, IT. B. CoWand, Jacob Painter, Hussy Childs, Nicholas Toothily. ear Office, No. 63 FOURTH ST nothlmood REET. STABLESIIXD 17150. PETER LORILLARD, EN tart AND TOBAOOO MAEVYACTIIIISB, 18 AND 18 criumaßas imam; (Tormerty 41 Chatham street, New Tork,) hL Would toll the attention of dealets to the articles of toaoufaortre, els . Buovnt miry. Outirtne boy mar.a, rm .llamas, Guru Beppu, American OoPselugen. n.Hunigros, rasa Y'renis, liachttoetes, tow imam. Scotch, High Tou t Scotch, Irish Filgh Toad or Landylbat, Honey Dew Stuck Trutt Honey Scotch, Fresh Scotch. Attention Is called to theJarge redaction is price" of Floe Cut Chewing and thacdring Tobaccos, which will be Mud of a superior BACCOity. qual. TO GrandmaSeioutto—lung, No, 1. No. ii, Nos. I and !tatted, :I. . irm cifir - err miii..r. A. 1... or Plebs • pares. dish, or Sweat; Swett onented °rococo ; Tin rollCaTendlah. - - exam:so—a. hic., Spanish. Canaater. Turkish. WesN. B.—A. circular of prices will be cent on &polka. : , ,p p:l7 pUIiVIANC , E'S • PROTORRAPH. BOOMS, voana rzrza enkatmovrzemprt, (LI dn4 ad star* aver 81clitagmea Jmlz Stem: Pzrissimaw, P. PkIO'rOGI-FLAPEIS. of every On and :style, platit or colored. from tk• popular Ciztiti• VIM' to Cake* and life era. Ny; P.llllV7Alitliwould particularly call the at tenifira of the 40X , );AND IN to the • :moth!lity of tab eetabltotonen; being nutted by a ithitailloot flight of stairs. Prim moderato, aad aithifietion gttantab,d,d. ==l ' I Ikmta ml/4. boon APPoLutedsolo' am t the oak of MTKR4 of Plttebatgb, that ha bi- tr SOWS OBIGINAT, unnnir insconspervz tr , N. .-Tbey recoaunoaded by tbi urgrt ho lm! 14 the eitb apaoog width aro G/A27 s ii zazTT Co., I & Ca, • • ModaimeAD 4 Co, 4oleCni Tarim Lea •Pasirsiut &Co, ' An 4 , • . TaLow •12 bbis. in dors and too br • tu t tia Mom Alt CO. - Pit >11,1,0 LW all rzier, CLEvE .tiAND,:. - -. 4 111 PIETSBDROIL ARDalDstti°° - igig IFBEELIIMI rtAILIZOA W.l STZ R ARlLifiGllinNteethi and anee MONDAY. November 161h.1863, Ittlas will lease the Depot of the Penraylvania Railroad, in Pitts burgh, ae follows : Pinstereek oad 1171alks Lae, Leaves Pittsburgh I 145 km. 6nSD a_ m. 1:45 p. co. .do Welleville.l 4:10 0 I 6:42 " 4:05 " do 8 , ...b0wee 6:10 0 :r.1.5 0 61 0 5 - 0 do Whoelmg . 6:05 0 11:W sM v. CM' 0 Arv-; red & fl air 20 ".- 6: 11:15 0 i v:0 0 Connecting at Steubenville and Balkh. with Steu benville and Indiana lializmid and Central Oho Rail. road for Zansrilic, Newark, _CuiurisLud, Xenia. DO - W. IreibmapolLs, Cincinnati, leuirville, Cairo, Sr. Louis, St. Jcweph, and all points west and southwest, and at 15 beeiing with . Beltimore and Ohio Retiree& PaiegAnted Clorelenui Lies. Leaves l'ittsburgh......--.. 1:45a. a.1:445p.m. do We115ei110.....„..... 420 0 4:00 do 8ayerd.... , ......--......... 6:450 / . 625 .. t -do Alliamo. ... ....--..-.... 6:115 0 6:16 0 do Ravenna.. -._ ...... .., f. 40 0 6:56 •• do Hnde0n....... ...... gal 0 7:30 0 Arrival at C1eve1and........ ... 045 v. th4o .. Connecting at Bayard with was ranch fir New Philadelphia and Cabal Donor; at Alllamm with Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad; ak Ravenna with Atlantic mid Great Western Railroad' for Warren, Creenville Moadrille, Union, Cn Jamestown and Salamanca; at nucleon with Conlew land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railroad for Akron, Cuyeosiga Falls and alllierstroty, and at Cleveland with C. AE. R. B. for Eris, Dunkirk and Buffalo with C. ,t T. P.. R. for Sandusky, Toledo, and also with deamere for Detrolk Steubenville and Wellm ilia Accommodation leavai 44 1 =City at 11:60 p. M. g trains arrive itt 10:00 a.. in.. 3 :60 P. no., Sll5 p, to. and Z:10 a. to. Through Tickets to all prominent points an be e at the Liberty Street _Depot, Pittsburgh. 1 1EORCIE PA R K I N, Ticket Agent. And at Allegheny City. A. V, CASSELBERET. Ticket Agent. /or farther information apply to WILLIAM OTEWART, Agent, mad At the Company's Oftios In Freight Station, Penn at. AN A Attan - KA.._ Pct 2.20. .01. Dt/oxrui.-..._ .01 100. Baring secepted the Agnew, the agile of the SLNIPLI MAY, mined near EL Louis, /Ben rite the attention of films and Steel ktanufacturats to th. Altair(' given above, as reported by Profs. A. A. Hays, of Boston, and J. LI. Booth, of Philadelphia, which, together with the tent of actual experience by manufacturers in Pittsburgh, Cinchmati and EL Louis, determine. it to be the purest and moat vain able.Blay now known, whether Foreign or American. Pots made from It have mood in the . Maas Purnace from 634 to 0 months. Th. Ansiyais I. of the Clay 'stake, from the minty without any molting or preparation whatemr. poaneses great adhesiveness and plasticity outdid., which are not shown by the Anaiyati, and .bleb ad mit of the mixture of a large proportion of Mellor burned clay. I am now premed to En orders for tits shore Clay to Do shipped from Et. Lends or delivered hors. CLOAK 011 NAMENTRGUIPITHE LACER, BRAID AND BINDINGS LACE COLLARS, LINEN COLLARS, BREAKFAAT BETTS, In new styles; LINEN HANDEERCHIPES;oId goods at old 'prima; SILK A CASH MERE NECK SCARPS, RIB BONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS & EMCEES; ,_FELT BATS, BEATER. HATS, SILK HATS HEA DDRESSES A HEA.D.NETS, in era 7 styla ; BONNET VEL VETS, BONNET SILKS, 13S Ansa CAP/3,800R% WHAT'S JACKETS, 311EAKPAST CAPFE, SONTARS, BALSIORAL SKIRTS, entirely new styles; SLY, QUAKER, and other new HOOP SKIRTS, FRENCH A AMERICAN CORSETS ; BAL MORAL STOCKINGS, Boston Bib bed, Shaker, Knit, and other kinds, for - fall and winter; GLOVES, In every styl• and quality; good pairs MD GLOVER, in dark col ors and pla black, , 00; 00d WEITZ KID GLOVES, for S 1 00; Mrn's SHMLAND WOOL BEGETS AND DRAWERS, teal Bona, and a fell llns of other Um onto and Plaishing Goods, forVei7Woman and Children. • I zarwhalasele BOOMS trp stain!. Merchant Tailor. Ern Imam GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS No. 79 Federal Street, TWO DOOREI BELOW RAILWAY DEPOT, Lk./ Orrin, Lighg MAW+la. G,ap Moue, Maroon, Ptak, Papple Roioal Pt" Tis, Ramos, Sarrit, &aro kuif V. 14, ■oitiawytf EMUS A.:11 DRAWERS; ROSIEILY, SUSPENDERS; Prints, Muslim, Ginghams, &o. AT LOW PL/CEB, AT M'OLELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE, FLYTH /311=2, Flt E I FREE! FRERI PITTOCK'S. AND GET A LIST OF HIS CARD PHOTOGRAPHS ! 4107 073 01 I. 2ILiONB 81101:MD ALSO CALL AND 11,031 79 C:111 BEE THE FINE ... LSO 00 _ 11,011 24 PIEIV'TOGR.SLEOF4 7,a3u-m9 lIH 14 pas OillAP:s AT LOW PRILIS. 11,EW: Q. HAI. dcF NCO Are now receiving their Fall and Winter Scock, And Invite their Mends ■ad Our pnbU. to axizatra their stock, whkb Es the finest snd neoet'ecenplete *Ter bzurtght M tole market. Mimi on hind, • largo u•nrtount of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS cow= or Pram e26.sr:oiete- hrzotizini, BAILEY, FARRELL it OR, PBACTICULL PLI7MBIEEM GAS An STEAM FITTER% Dealers In Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, %hut And all baud, of Attingi 3 or,,Nrater, Cia'a a kd Booms AGITATORSAND . IMMO .1,014 oIL =MR' arra, Lined with lied by sly proe am. no roan' Eraser VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION: TIBBDAT NVENING ,cnr,l7lk 7387 . at 71r, o'clock, wlll be sold, -at. the uommordw. Saks 11=1, No. 84 argot: ,aS Marto Malmo, Bank Steek; • , 7 do Iron Olty Bank Meek: I do Marchanta' Maaffictarare Nara:, do ILiebanlea. Bank Stook; do Western Insurance Co.; 1 do Marino Railway Co.; ' • . a do Monongshola &Mon Bank Stock, 10 do Citizens' - Bank &cc . • NI do Aliatbanyllonk Stock; ' DEM .8 M 8013 arx _ _ _ 64. 864„18 A larcoassortaxeit of 'nom AND 000.1a1NO HOIISZ DIAMM; for .186 a—la pow. to ebb, is ono, to latitattdo Turkey, to Tartu'. Morocco.. , with gilt edges sia_arith marble odps--with tarts, Imam* clasps amt Rtiatto litstanfar. ate; sad Ina ths 'commonest to As Ivry bask For pals ta7 lataatis rates by . • . • WM. G. JOIMETOIif 00., Stationers, _67 Wood itilet. pßOPßlfitil tin pAPER A N II RLOP'E'• VARX7 Ss r Intim/ Nom. orQt ' /Mb CAP tern r & iiiige.„*A7 Wider Meet, MilreC47:77 • AlaNZtntlAFEktivg."44,7*, Tattll,,, °P."(l2=at rum,' ano, 2sa__ sNamtlma.o,ltoo.;:rsp. ‘`" . N_ang...zetem alma be' —WA RWOOdatreet. 1 10 i Enlab , ;;.: ISEJIEN St. LOUIS, MO. hiL A ALU. GORDON No. 121 ENCOND BTRXET Prnsinntow, Pa J. EL BURCHFIELD'S, N. cor. Fourth and Market Streets". ♦LLDCSDPY CITY P 4 Black. Blue and Brown Olothi. SATINETS, all Colorer- Grey, Twilled White, Colored and Wrung Flanneler. I= MEN'S FDDDISMIRG GOODS; TIES, SURFS, WOOL JACKETS; .' FLIANNEI, STITATS: The LARGIZST and 101 .1 COMPLETE Yaottmiut 11 and oxamici. Fur utak and =par. qualltinl and oat. EATOII, I ACBII3i Rc CCL, 1104 ft& 1?•IA 10 Tura sritiam 59 Meirkert Street, PRESCH 3113=0138, it oo Pam YARD -ALL COLOR& SILKS, • axe., a oa—nrar,ointaz DRESS epo.DS, AT 1% so Inn sae. Pre mix OLOAKS, ALL Kanx(Futaz panchkuogy.. s tiis • ran sini ism= !mum, ci ttsit minurrnusa email* r war as.r.r ! nob STEFIL, COLLARS BATON, MAURDR & VO4 Naa.l7ANDifnrtsapww,7l aswr,pan I AtkinsonN•gteel aollars'and oto r; With,. Divine Sias oppeararie. sis 1 fiat areal So solUro47 MCI and tra m ttieT • 2 s ' Ai* areal Irma soca or rya cairs'ssiixo on, II • , L'• aeat'altarding Mom W WWW.DTIm •- 1 so pe4 taw - .• tam ao eke b. Stra sta rpalrtpn receipt aril LS. • • • ,4 - solivo•eaamolled Dr S 5 . Centi j. WM etchanies NEW COLLAR Dr an OLD 081 pr g*, ,• Wilke D hoot brolroar bomb! 26 mots: ••• ;. - The trafor a Itt•NfIWYo4 ettatl' 0 3 4 6 ' PLAORIThit pt.!. i,,,24/ Plume:re • E ars wan 11 •W' GOOrte -LANE, TIVABOY C 0 . 28- - ti ael A-0.1 rzinuii, saws, A i ko ;“., • _2 tim 4o A.T.:mmureut:'*--1, A..4 , L,.-5 w.. . ~.. JA . : ~, f,. , . t , ..-...: , e.:11. 500 door extra three-thread Blue uud.Grey Ituittizg,Yarn. 1,500 doz. fine extra do., all colon. 800 doz eitra heavy Wool Both 50 doz Knit Jackets. 60 doz.. Travebn" g Milts. 50 doi Drawers. 50 dos, Atkinson's Patent Stee Collars. 10,000 Paper Collars. VERY LOW. MACRUM & GLYDE, 78 Market Street, BEM= TOVIII7I AND'DIANOND. ao7 NE' GOOD&—_We hero now in store • compli.to *lock of FALL AND IMTEII GOODS, mat of which were purchaned before the late ad wanes In prka, and will be wit at low rates. BlzTod from =atm sad city deaden 'rill tad oar Stock at all Ware well aisorted. ae any other house. "'I vs". " 1"1 7 OSEPH HORSE & CO.; 77 .9 9 MAIIB:Sr STE AND CLOTHS, AT BOYS' AND GENT'S CASSIMERES. CLOAKING OLOM TUCICir JEIARS, • :1: z, SHAWLS S•CLOAKS. ♦ Chit samortment of may delerlption of EMI( 431-001113 EW' AND SEAR/11/LB/a; GOODS t Hosiery,'Underganuenta ; Gloves, snap enders; noose, slam as, loarrAolis Ribbons, Leo. THY L.►li'CBT 6Tlldir43 I BARKER & CO.N, Frl=3l El = '