r BE 11=E1111 mors 2 , • :!" 4 , • ME MEE • . 1.: . . 1 .:,....:,...5. . ~I+. • " MS Wt. .1 ==MBI BEE ME ' EM=Ell MEN Mail =ZEE BEM aIIEM 1 =ME SE= MOE MINE MEE • -;• 1 1 1 '.. • • •• • t•!--!- • '-••, • ; . • . -; • -••-• :•'' • ;:.; ESE 4. • _ sii +~. PEE EMI g'• • ••• _~~ OE ME y -- ' - 64;l:,•--4,.-.440/...-,.._,,,,^4,f`,-.:,-,..,t,.,,--,,-...,,-.,--. . r . -,, _-,,.• '..„,..: 5 , .., .., . • T H ._ . . ~ .. . ..._. . . ~ ... .. . ...... . _ . .... . . f , .., , ... . R.., . G ~~~ ..,. ESTAtiLiSIIED IN 1786. G- 11 1?c411AIEgi,JR.RODUCE,Irc. CHARLES Cpasuy, Produce and . eoiinniasion Merchant. tununreamos BROM, And drain, In all kin& of COUNTRY MOMS, NO. in Lateen . fentamr, rum n .bast seDovia.N. . a J2to. Maracas, (of the Late firm of T. D. WDonald PRtaburgh. A Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) itirDONALD k AIU3UCKLES, Whole , .INI. gale Graters, Producer and Commlesion Mer chants, Jobber, to Corm., 5.,0: l Btrams. knd MO LASSES, REFINED SUGARSd MON'S. FLOUR. BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, EWE, CHEESE, SEEDS, dm., Nos. 212 and 244 Liberty ,treat. Pltta borgh. noledy SIEIRIVER Sr. LAZILA R, 080a1:63 AKD COMIIIMION Nos. 21 and %. Smith&ld St., cor. Second, 1L283 NACKNOWN.. ........ ..... zarsuar. MACKLOWN Jt LLNIELART, FLotre AND 01.11 VACTOWI, PRODOON AND COMMINNIOII 31.0BANTS, for the sale of Flour, Orals, Pork, Ba con,. Lard, .Earter, Eggs, Chem, Beans, Tallow, assas,,Fosthers, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ashes, !Winans, Linseed sod Lard 011 s, Dried and Orris Frults,llmotby, Clover, 'lax and Grass Seeds. ckish palmy:meats made m Condßnmrnts, . 'No. Err Mart* street. Pittsburgh. W . M. GORMLY, WHOLESALE anocis, Ho. 271 LTBRRTY•BYREILT, Pittebargb. Having poroltaaell the Interest of Ma Lai' ruiners,. will mutilate the balloon at the old stand, and will be plowed to receive the pearittage of his old Mends And matotronli. • tiylbat -C WEBB -& WILICENSON, C °sot Brim blzaturarra, dealers In WESTIB2I ItESElllfli MEMO, DRIED Ir)ZOITS, EGGS; (MAINS, and pork= Also, LF,ATELVIL, HIDES, OILS, &e., No. 217 Mufti street, Plttitouth. Illart'eutt advancetatmts made. Ocoulproalda Miura. plledmd . —Dem atexonsA Wll. P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Llll - Street, Pittabargh, Pa., 'Wholesale Gro. Commlidost Merchants and dealers In COUN TRY. PRODUCT, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, MITER, EGGS, CH2EBE, FISH, ho. PRODUCE, rLouR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, dc,-SALT and LIME. JOHN B. CANFIELD, COMMISSION AND FORWMIDII.I lizacnsar and wholesale dealer In WESTEIIN RESENT& CHEESE, WITTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, FLOWS, 11511, PVT AND PEARL SALERATUS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Non. 141 and 143 Rout atm.!, Pittsburgh._ ad Tarts. [arms, ea... ma. Lit TRlMBLE,Whalesale Gro cers and Commission Merchants, dealers id PIeODCCE; FLOC% BACON, castor., lien CARBON AND LABDOIL,ntos, NAILS,OLABS WITCH- YARNS, old Pittsburgh manufactures generally, 112 and 114 decond sexed, Pittsburgh. F. .=MIL-4«..w;. n. Ira4Ell. REVABR& BROTH:I3IISi (successors to Iteymer & Audersou) Wbolessts Dealers In FOREIGN PEWITS, NUTS AND SPICES, COIi- IiCTIONEDY, SIIGAIIS, VIDE WOEICS, &a., Pos.; 126 .d 120 WoJd street. above Pilch, Pittsburgh. /129.17 .' ;,:. ~~ 4l; 1r la. E „—......—.ormemarzwis, OU LP_ P A. Di Cisstiatsw* N._./ Essen...nes and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN, ♦ND PRODUCE., No. !43 Liberty street, Pittebzusb. Choiceilranditot Flour for Bekaa and Family nee const,,ntly on band. Partlenlar attention paid to filling orders for Merchandise generally. ocendly'r' • • • CilAk LES B. LEECH, - FLOUR /ND Gnarl( FACTOR AND ConuMo. Meacaerr fur the - eate of GRAIN, SEEDS, CIIEFAR., PATICI, de.. AO agent -for the oelnbratal Unfold VI MILYT, Noe. 114 Second and 145 inn.' a 1.. b.- tweon Wood and finithQeld, Pitteberirh. , aell FRASK VAN GORDER, Produce and Commission Merchant, dealer In FLOUR, BUT TER, BROOMS, REEDS, LARD, WIESE,. PORK, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, and prodpoiirgener laboral cash adrances on conalgumonoa. No. 126 Second .Corot, v. elide =TWA& T_TEAD & MITZG'IR, Grocers and commismoa tammasoteouaidsalsnan snhiuds of Cour try Produce and Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 249 Liberty strestopposits hcad onticod street, Pittsburgh. spa:ly I= O. 0. JUNESD.t JOKII. GEO. B. JONES & SON, Wholesale groan and Bast Furnish.", dealers in MA LLA BOPS, OAKUM, OILS, PITCH, and Pitts burgh manufactured wild., Re. IR Water street, shore the Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh. SIDRAIT 111Q1OBE4T DALZELL & CO., Whole sale Grocers, Commission and Forwarding Ider ehants, and dealers in Produes'ud Pittsburgh atzn ofactann, Liberty strati,. Pittaturgh...„_ • =li WWI LAu UE&T .J011.6 . 633#1 . 01 , A. wALLAct. L.AMBEItT, SHIPTON & CO., WhQl - 9soc6ti 'ma l'mclutla /Agars, 160. 6 litzth Street, Pittaltirth; • .1.16 WATT at 'N'TILSON, Wholeside - aro ,TT ears, Comtaluion. Marcbants, and dealers in Prvlirlell and Pitt/Minh manufacture., blo, 158 Lib. crty ameel,„Pittabar r gb.". . Jr= s LINDSAY. INLITUS.D. T INDSAY .4t TELFORD, Wholesale IJ and Moll °WaIIa:FLOUR AIM PADDULt DEALSAS, I.B7l4iberivitreot, Pittsburg], MUM LAso Cllolf AKRR kLANG, COMEO3BION S Maarisarra sad wholesale dealers h ORO CURIES, Inoun, ORME, PRODUCE, Re., Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 5e13417. J. s. JOILI LWOW. T S. LUICIETT* , CITY FLOUR -0.1 • ENO MILLS, carrier Liberty Adam. true, Vitiate/RN Pa. • ...ZreareiritP. 400 barrels per day. JASDALZELL Ar. SON, Dianufee m E tureen of LARD:OII* Ointiadniton Rev, cogent* for the intrehnse andante oT OSUMI AMR ASPIRED PETROLEUM, Mae. 69 and 70 Water weed, Platte:v.6.h. Advance* made on conalgrapants. MEI T KIRKPATRICK & BROTHER sue t/ . ream. to Borers a. Itirkpstrielit, WHOUL SALE GROMILS, fl 191 fold 195 Liberty street, rlitaborgb. ripl3a7 i IA iLLI.L.II IMJOI.I. ,_ ~ Part. 1 DATIL) ler, 'PLIED, 11.0 i. ... corm, t)eO•l ' MEANS COFFIN, einceessons to H'Candlars, ?leans it, Co, WHOLESALE GROCERS, ear= d Wood sod Water stroll% Mb burgh. , . •• • iYad/ . OBERST' 'WAREHOUSE.;-11EINTRY vii. 00LL2128, Aktirlidlaxandecnamfolon Mer chant and dealer la CUEISSE„ BETTER, LAKE Ptsli. and Produce Kenerally, - Nd: 28 , Wood street, -above Water, Plttsbargb. ' my 2 - - 11C1DLLANtt —, RIDDLE; successor to Jno .1.2. MOW* Bon No. 183-Ltbert7 streetAPltte pub, general PIIbDUCZ,VHOCZIIT AND 00)1 ERASION ALZF si HANT. Congnments rapid. fay iclialtast relay ISAJAE • DICKEY & 00.; lintoletiale °rioter. b 0901111i01011 Msreltstets. and. , tenisre - th I PrAllesi tics: 06 Water street end CA Front street -rieau~ati: O. VELVOILTR. T 8. DILWORTH & CO., Wholesale fJ . Omni, Noe. 130-5324 . 1.1:1 Secopa 'Ansi; bent Smithfield, Pittsburgh: ml I _ I``~ Iy f. } . 4: Jo= norm; rIATIL TWIN IFLOYD4 - COT, Wholesale Gro te, an sod Comm Wen Aleretrants, Nor. 171 Wood sod MB Ldborty aeftt, Pittibunth• Jele CIITARTOF43 1, - OALD WELL, (successor 43.ldisdoiltoliatia Co:,) PORK PACKER and &dile RI:PROTTSIONS,aarnor of Kaska and Treat streets,Plo.Orargh. jad GGTOWNSEND (surcesbot to Jack-, . lon A Ilnensenda roaK sad deal er In PROTIBIOI.T, .to. 12 Fourth street, near Un a .rlY,Piltebarall- nal ";;;' '; j ..... It. VOW?. T 'II,•:.YOUiT le CO., successors to .1.-46 L. G. Greif, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION. MERCHANTS; til Liberty street, Pitiebirrgb., maw aurwzgri woks. TOHN,L.ROUSE CO, -WhOkSale t./ GROCIMVAND 00X10138ION 31331101tArrs; comer. of Smlthleid cM Wear. streatS, Pittsburgh. fIOOK, PETTIVEG W. Commission 'kJ llarcEnnts, mid dodos In PPLODUON, YLOIIII. &mix, WOOL, GRAIN, tro., No. 22 entithaold street-, Pitbburgh. , • • myttlYl riPWARD HEAZELTON, Wholesale .11:4 01002 AND comn2srow ININCHANT, Nut minter of the Dlersond, No. 18 i Pittsburgh. / to 'll.` BA holesale Oscar Rota 10 and 20 Weed street. Pitt.- .. junta! NMI A 1551'.4P i 51' '•holesiale Oro :Da. COT, ImiNirter of 1501 5 / 1 . ASH,lick, gra, mom atralt;.Plttsburgb. tribe anoasas elan WW:UMONAJCZUVIA IefIaIe lici.lo7 Wood Wilt •PittobeTiN 7 - TIRE GOODS STORE FOR SALE_ in D RY • flourishing Western town aro the P. F. W.* O. B. 8., not over 300 mike from PiMebargh, now doings large and profitable trade. The stock to new, and hes been selected with refarence to the country trade. Has all been purchmed for club at Must market prima. The present proprietor bee decided to retire from the tied* owing to tad health, and now reludasily offers the stock for sale; also the good will of the re tiring party. The house has a large and respectable *ado, which tan be retained. The pretend stock will Invoke team been to ton thousand dollen, but cauld be reduced If desired. Parties wishing to know the particulars will please address or call personally on LTDAT b cuoanwsmo, 10 Hand armt, Pittsburgh, Pe. rnTsnamm,PA IME:1 I'Ol SALK—Two superior Cylinder ..Bolters, S 8 inches diameter, SO feet long, mule pf % Inch lion, wrought Iron heads % thick. Bull ion almost as good an new. • Also, One Portable Engine and Tabular Dollar of ale horse Power, 5 Inch cylinder and 12 Inch stmAA this Engine ha* bored one wall Almost 700 felt deep, and la sitrably adopted to that kind of work, or Sawing wood for locomotlres. Alas Ono taglta, bawl iron bed plate, 14 inch oylinda, 10 Inches stroke; new, with balance into governor. Well adapted to run a grist mill or small hoop mill. Enquire at 11. M. BOLE'S, comer Point Alloy and Daquanss Way, nolo2m Plitsburgb. _ Ei929!31 PITTEBITEGIL HOTEL FOR SALE.—The property known se MMANORM HOTEL, situate on Fourth street, between Ferry and Market streets. The lot 1s 40 feet front on /earth street, by ni fees deep. The Bored le time story brick, 37 feet by 73 feet. The house was We)). bath, nod le doing co , f Rood b i nalness.. h..d The Aunty., will - be mold *lb the For farther perticplars, ea to ternv, a.., hidttln , of J. W. HALL, I='llth street, or at J. B. ELEANOR, on the noiktineod• J. B. MANOR. PROMMTT IrOR BdL&.dtrat• - on Butler Erse*, tear the Sate of the soak • tot trontiog on Bettor artist and Coteadlog but to Lafayette on width there Is eroded two . gatory Frame Dwell. Inge=ene new, the other nearly so, WWI all maw eery Improvements, all. to good order. This location for tallness, to., le one of he best la the borocith. Terme eacy. Apply to O. S. BATES, Commercial Broker, poll Dulles street, Lawrenceville. - POR SALE Olt LEASE—A large Lot L to Bharpetmeg, on the Passenger Railway, Era udies from Pittsburgh, on which there is . good Dwelling Elouse of ano rooms, also, several other Haws, all belle of brick. A 7,11 of good .star to the yen!, plenty of good fruit, sad convenient to Churches and School Home. For particulars address or call on 0. T. GILLIAM, Sherfabarg, Allegheny Oqurity, Ps. oat:Mawr SALE--A House and Lot on Fu!- .L* ton 'Meet, in the Sixth ward. Lot 25 fast (nett and extending back to Crw ford street 127 feet. TI., house is a large two-story brick dwelling, arranged with wide ball parlor, dining-room. kitchen nod wash house on tint Boor;. fire rooms and bath room on second Boor: gas and water throughout the prem ises., good xllar, fine yard. Commanding • floe view of the dears . , cities sad enriroundlnha. nail 1 ( B. tikLALN d; CO., i/Y2, birth ;Irma. HO rEL TO RENT. Centrally laratal;iirlit be Lb let on Tannery let, 186 k DINH S A LK—A lot of land, containing 11 78 acres, situated I?' a mike from Dismont Ra tion, on the Pittsburgh, Port Wayne Jt Chicago R. R. The above property le well timbered. with a good young orehard or Wirt:lg trait trees. This property e sold oh reesonoble terms, 'POLL SALE.—Four Acres of Uround JI2 and • Pow - Mori Brick Building, Engine, Boilers and itielilneuj; sell adapted for • manu factory ; 100 tee by 120 het can be purchased for one-half Its original cost, by calling on WILLIAM WARD, nag No. Mil Grant street, Pittsburgh. youNos.—The otibieriber, has the plumre to announce that h.T' 1,1 Ler Just returned from nor York and Brehm, utore he tau *elected from the Factorial of Chlckestag Son., J.lllxle S Sun, HazAtoll Brom., W. P. Emma° and others, a splendid stisortment of PIANOS. rim bracing allertyks of finish, from plain to rztra carted Thaw Instruments will arrive during this and tb oOnaing week, and the attemtkon of purotmers is •poetfully solicited to thess. PBIOES TO)31:11T-ALL. '6IC CHAS. C. MELLOR, St WOOD STREET. tuilo ECICER'S ;7! spraldog of Carl Amlinhee Con 4 eert is Now York, the editor of the " I linLeal Bering and World makes the following re marks: " The instruments used on this occasion Were of • comparatively neve firm, of the name of Decker Brothers, and gave very gratifying evidence of a:Dello:A workmanship and powerful and brilliant taus. Decker's Pianos are undoubtedly the beet manufactured sow in this country." Solo agents for Pittsburgh, FOR SALE. AWRPNCE VILLE IMPIW VEL Bret-Clue Hotel In Philadelphia, P. D. MTEBB, Application nude to 113 Beech &mull West. =I lIMMS2IM Pla.vos, Jllas.c . itcc. IFIOFF,IANN & Ito. 51 FIFTH STREET TIMID FALL STOCK OF -- NEW PIANOS tlTNtS o , t tl h 7 .Pl''did ot tar In the OALINBERG'S N. Y. PIANOS, the beat nano. at Ow price in the emantry. HAUS A 00.'8 N. Y. PAINOS, the eherseat Maul to be has anywhere. H. KLNBNII NRO., No. S 3 PM street, oat Soto Agenta for the above Pima. I; r'Zi-rtf_l”____lMn W3l. G. JOHNSTON CO., Station ere,' Blank Book Manufacturers' and Job Printers, No. 57 Wood 'trust, Pittsburgh. . KAY AL CO. Booksellers and Station r, No. 55 Wood street, neat door to the corner of Third, Pittsburgh. PLISOOL and LAW BOOKS constantly on hand. JL. READ, Sookedllor St:calmer, CI • No. 7B Fourth street, Apollo Boildlny. REAL ESTaITE 4GE.IrTS. - - WILLIANI WARD, Dealer in PROM ISSOILY NOTES, BOSTIS, MORTGAGES, end all securities for money. Persona can procure LOANS, through my wan, on reasonable terms. Thaw wishing to Ins, et their money to good Wren tage, can always drat and almond class pew at my office for sale. All communications maul interrienors eirletly confi dential. Office s Grant street, *presto St:. Fatil'e Cathedral. HATS AND CAPS! Of env sty!. Lathins , Vijktril I Of enn7 kind and quality. LADIES' AND KISSES' VATS To nit ar taatel BY WHOLEBALI! AND =TAIL, AT IicOOD •Sc CO.'s, vr, Iffi WOOD lITHEET ()NEIL & STONEMAN, ILLIAIITAarrazas or woo iron, Have demo on hand ad make to order IRON AND BRAES SCREEN WIRE MOTEL; KEVICEI, of An bind' EIDDLIE for ranndri wer; EIZAVY NAMEEM wosic roa wrgiows, ii. r ilaßD mars, os- L WIER WORE. for Irkwars,lM. - Will shoo of VD US Ayr oils, isS 13311 No. SO VOVISSII INUIT CSIiTRAL DRUG tiTORE, Cbrumr Okfe and nansl Stri;th Alger/how. GEO. A. Enur, PeanurraL BPABELII7O SODA WAIT% PATS= =DICTUM, &a e;nt:pk.UireV creicrtytkma carefully coavand Sa:/izs Gl5l BELTING, PACKING, HOSE, and GAMUTS, of all ultra cad thickness. ..A Islas 'amply Jost recalrad and for Isla at the India Dabber Dq,ot J. t D. VIIILLIPI3, not Noa. IR and dd Bt. Mar street. SUGAR CUBED HAMS.-5 teL Sugar Cared Cozymain= kid matted and tbr imFe tio: 120 31..000145eet. eal+/seas GOBVANDEIL .mss:.-.«-_ ., =-~:_,Cru.~i-`^'..' ,c~.rixr,-..^~~R ._;- s. r>.:..'c~- Ry.-;.,... , .~. : d ~~~..~u ..:~y ~::.~y, -:, ~: .~.ll'~r F ~,.k':~'ir~s~!~,: ~. A,v tea' ice , ~_.-~. r ^^,.-~ y ~ x`2s ~ s .' , j, ._...."yt,+: . ~rE ra'y;4-7~,~,,~ ~~ ra:;:-; , Y ;'r .. 5~~,., 1.25 F.,~+r~,: , ;ic.+~era.+,n:.Hd_-ise..~a~ ww«x,.,t....~'c.3~.a. ~..« ~ , . , 0 ; ~',-~~ ram«sa - .s.~u_ki~f•`',~s~a 'mxa~'w:»-2n~/;f~`w~ "`~~ E`L.~^Ta~~~~ ` i~'~;`- + ~r.. ~~':... ._ . ~ -~~~~`~.'eS'Br'.a~E~':R~a' b...a.- .~`~xs~se.: ~ M ....M%T. i 2, ::. .-ten -~~w.~r,-,,,~~..,~;~a,,=.~;.:~-~--~;-,~ ~~~:~_. .. Y :u:~- w.;.,,fi,- PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1863. pittsburgh (gazeftft. MONDAY MOMENG-- -- NOV. 16, 1863 TERM OF THE GAZETTE. MawVte KIIITION, by marl, per yeer...--$0 CO. •• eloeith 70. week...—. lE. Bin& 3. Evniaxa Borrinst, by =AK, per year...— 4 M. week 10. " mingle copies Walat.r Borrion, single copies, per year... 200. " doh., of sto 10, " ... 150. 0 Hobe of litor more ... 1 A —and one extra to the party sending slab. For a dab of Moen, we will send the Brasonne GAzzrn dolly For • slob of twenty, we will wind the Moscone Gusrrs doily. Bine* copies, 5 cants. All enbseriptions striefip la offessee, and papers always stopped when the time aping. Tau New York papers say that by arrange ment with the general government, Gov. Sey mour is appointing two Commissioners in each Congressional District to supervise en listments in the army, the President also ap pointing two. The Governor has picked out some sharp-eyed copperheads, and it is to be hoped that we shall boar no more whinings from him about unfairness. BY way of retaliation for the inhuman treat ment of Union prisoners in Richmond, the rebels on Johnson's Island have been restricted '(o Government rations. They are nu longer allotted to supply themselves from the San dusky market—and at this the Sandusky people rejoice, the market prices for DeCefleft ties having been advanced by the demand from the rebel thousands on the Island. Oxus. ROSMAN'S AND THONAL—WiIIie it would appear from the terms of Gen. Thomas's dispatch to Burnside, recently published in our columns, that he regretted the step taken by the Government when it removed General Bocci:rens, it is now clear even Gen. Thomas cannot exonerate his commapder from blame in reference to Latile of Chickamauga. A recent Cincinnati dispatch says : " Bitterness will be added to the controversy, (about the' causes of the removal of lioseerans,) by Gen. Thotaas's official report of the battle of Chick amauga, if it is made public. It Is stated that One sentence reads as follows 'I should have defeated the enemy on Sunday after noon, had it not been that my ammunition train was ordered to Chattanooga by a person of higher authority than myself.'' The Missouri Election A trick to effect the election of United States Senators in:Missouri has been upset. General Schofield, who was instructed not to interfere in politics, refused to furlough military officers who wore membora of the Legialature. Nearly all St these are Radicals. It was stated that Secretary Stanton ordered' thus comrse. Re was appealed to. Re disclaimed all knowl edge of the proceed ing, disapiiVoved of it, and ordered Gen. Schofield to furnish the officers immediately. The radicals fight-well in Mis souri. ltiry don't scare at all. Tvickß they Bee through at a glirreer and lo every way their opponents find them more than their equals. The St. Louie Democrat of Thursday states the mote of that State as far as heard from as 111 MC AL. COMILUVATIVI. 27,373 7,213 299 1101110 vo 0 . Seidl xis Sete Total 27,9r0t majority .1.t4. The Ref. Mean, on the other hand, figures out a Conthrratice majority of three; but there aro somewhere in the neighborhood of faux thousand soldiers to bear from, nine-tenths of whom are radical; and it is therefore certain, that with the aid of the soldiers' rote, a clear radical majority is asaured. What a Rebel Thinks of the Rebellion. HEADQUARTERS ACHY 09 THB POTOMAC, Nov. 10.—The following interesting letter has been forwarded to Glen. Ingalls, Chief Quarter master, by Captain Pittein, A. Q. M., at War canton Junction, it having been found upon the body of- a rebel soldier, who died of wounds received Last Saturday at Rappahan nock Station. The names are suppressed for prudential reasons : Yore BintnuAr, Sept. 21st, 1863. Ms DEAR SON : TT TT Robert; has got well, and is all the time talking about you. lie is a brisk boy, and wants to know why you can't ho taken prisoner, and come home on parole, like —. There is not a day but some deserters pass by, going home. We have plenty in our neighborhoed that have comp home, and will not go back to the army, A great many have gone to Vicksburg and claimed protection. This State has gone under. The nagroes have all left and gene over to the Yankees. My sun, it seems hard that you all have to stay there and tight for the rich man's pro perty when they will not tight themselves for it. There are some rich mon who aro gentle- I mon, and go in with their all, but where you end one who does this you find ten who do not. These mon ate a dead weight to the Confed eracy. W o have got somo men hero, robbing, doing more damage than the Yanks wouldhave done. They are making more Union mon than Lin coln over could make. It is beyond descrip tion ! We cannot believe all wo see in the newspapers, but what I see with my own eyes I can believe. I have made a good crop of corn and some cotton, and if they burn it I shall most as suredly go to the Yankees and claim protec tion, and I know I am as good a Southern righti man as anybody. The rich population have run into Texas, leaving the poor-people to do the best they elm—burning up their cotton, and talk of burning up all the homes. This will make war among ea at home. e e My !OD, Prance and England will divide the United States. In Winn pariah there are 600 men that will not turn out—that is, with the deserters. They are doing something in the Union way. They aro trying to get them to go back, threatening to burn their houses, but the Yanks are so near at hand that it keeps onNanny here busy to keep out of their nay. The Yanks are marching on Texas in four different points. They will have fine picking there. Our people will return back to Louis iana stripped of all they had. Those men who have lost their property want to see peace on any terms. These aro the men who are hurting the Confederacy by their billaenee. The Yankees expect that Erotica tintiMex ico ire going to do semothing for the South. They are turning their guns down the river at Tieltsbarg, Natchez, Ellis' Cliffs, twenty five miles below Natchez, and at Port Hudson. If franca bed coma out to our assistance when we held Vicksburg, it would have done some good, but it is too late now. Our inenarotoo much divided, and too many have gone back to the Union. This war was got up drunk, but they will have to settle it sober. There are a great many men hero In the South who aro to be pitied-. My eon, 1 must come to a close. Moping I may see you shortly, your affectionate father, P. 13.—D0 not forkel your duty to your God Cowan Maas, who recently arrived in New York from New Orleans, where he has been in charge of the. L 01211141% freedmen, brings with him a man who is branded on the forehead with the name of bin late master • a woman whose back and shoulders am sca rred with the lash direr oppressors; sprescher of the gospel,_ until lately a slave, and three lit tle 'white girls, with straight, light-brown heir and blue eyes. They are good-looking-- child:ea • indeed, one of them is very hand- sense. Therwere born in slavery, and held as stares until the President issued his pro clamation of freedom. A Lady in the Batteries. A Morris Island correspondent, in a recent letter, mentions an incident wbieh might sup ply artists with a subject- He says : Of all the pletutantly incongruous sights pre senate in war, that.of a Lady, with her deli cate curved outlines of form and face, and the sweeping festoons of her drapery, in tke midst of the gram gads and dirt heaps 01-a fart, is the most remarkable. While Wagner was hoarsely bellowing at ,Samter , to-day, an ambulance drove into the interior ' and from it descended Mrs. Bragg, mother ofCaptain Bragg, of Oen. Gillmore's Staff. This lady recently arrived in this department by the Map. She is the guest of Gen. Oillmore. The General, who is as gallant as he is handsome and brave, hap pened to he in the works at thrse.n, moment, and escorted the lady over the fort, explain leg to her the interesting features of his work. The lira from the forts was very heavy at the time. Rifled guns of SOD-pounder calibre, and all intermediate sites clown to the com mon-place mortar, were at work. The lady's curiosity and interest seemed to be Yuri coop satisfied, and she left the fort to Its distract ing din. CHLORIDE of nitrogen will, it is said, soon be utilised as an implement of war. Its employ ment would seem likely to put an end to all war. Mr. Isham Briggs, an English chemist, in announcing his discovery, proposes to carry up his composition in balloons, and drop it from the air In the midst of armies and fort resses. "The very mention of this compound," he gees on to say, "as a proposed element in modern srarfare, may possibly provokes, smile among chemists, who know that the most ao complished of their number would searecly dare to experiment with it in quantities larger than a grain of mustard seed, and Dri)/1 then at a respectful distance, and under guard at the moment of its detonation. And yet not one of those chemists will be bold enough to. deny that with two or three chemically clean carboys of this terrible compound - present in a city or fortress, however strong, the slightest cuttings of prosphorous or a single drop of olive oil coming in contact with it, would in one instant decide the fate of the place and its inhabitants." Mr. Bags then proceeds to aftlrm that ho has discovered a method of overcoming the contingent difficulties, and that he is able to manufacture this deadly material with perfect safety, and in any re quired quantity, and that it can bo safely COD reTod to its dostination.—Seeneury of Medial Encase. THZ brig Morning Star, of London, arrived at New York, on Thursday, reports; that on the 6th insL, off Cape Fear, saw a long low lead color steamer steering north-east, with three American gunboats in pursuit, and constantly ruing at the supposed blockade runner, but they had not succeeded in capturing her when last seen by Capt Hall. The steamer was very fast, and was apparently distancing the gunboats. Sows idea of tho extent of the tobacco trade of Covington, may be formed from the month report of Mr. J. W. Campbell, Government Ispector and Weigher for the Fourth Ris trict of Kentucky. During the month of October, Mr. Campbell weighed 323,055 pounds of tobacco. Tha tax on this at IS cents per pound, yields the Got artunent $48,458 25. Too Charleston . 1 11,cors pays a high com plimaul to the officiency of the Ericsson iron clad". It says that on the Slat alt., oat of eighty-sir shots fired by the monit , ,re, zot ono missed the mark. -. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. OUR PHILADELPHIA SPECIAL DISPATCH THE JOHNSON ISLAND AFFAIR. LEIN_ SOLDIERS DESPONDENT DISSATISFACTION IN PAWS ARMY AI ENGLISH SNP OWNER BANKRUPT Av. • Special Dispatch to the Pittshar;h Guerre PHILADZLPIIIA, Nov. 14, 181:1 The conduct of the Canadians, in the John son Island affair, is landed as very honorable. The people In the vicinity knew nothing of it. Dispatches this morning from the Board of Brokers, of Sandusky, ignore the whole affair. Letters from Washington, this morning, say that Preston King has been sent by the Gov ernment to Canada to investigate the alleged plot on Sandusky. The harbor is fortified. People are looking on in silent wonder. The IL S. steamer Michigan is ready for action. An exclusive dispatch to the New York netts, of this morning, says : Geri. Boater left yesterday to take commando! Burnside's ar my. The New Inlet correspondent of the Tribune sap ; A lot of rebel papers ware captured on the Cornueobia. The Wilmington Herat/ states editorially that Fernando Wood is a partner to the firm of Tremain, de Co., Liverpool, fitting out blockade runners for rebels. Dispatches from the Diplomatic agents of the rebels in Europe to the rebel government, found in the blockade runners Robert E. Lee, Coroucobia and others, show that the rebel agents ore entirely in despair of any assist ance from England or Prance. They state that Napoleon bad no intention of affording the Booth any aid, except what the govern ment of England may be disposed to give, .hilo amusing them with the hope of an alliance with Mexico. The rebel cause in Europe i 3 In a very dismal condition. The dissatisfaction in Bragg's army is worse than ever. . . - Two British army officers, and the Belgian Consul, wore captured on the blockade runner Lee, now in New York. The Consul was dis charged. Domeier' from the 9th Alabama, Ewell's corps, states that on the Potomac a whole regiment laid down their arms and refused to fight any longer. An attempt to put them under guard was made, but failed. They - divined through the country with the in tention of joining the Onion army. De spondemey of the rebol soldiers, generally, is a filed fact. Among the pusengers by tfie Asia, are the Ito,. Henry Ward Beecher, and Col. Lamar, of the rebel army, asamiseary of Jeff Davis to Europe. Z. C. Pearson, the English ship owner, who furnished the best steam blockade runners, is in bankruptcy. He claims as doe to him 87,000 pounds from the Union government for illegal captures, and 911,000 pounds by the Davie government for breaches of contracts. Assetts, nothing. Tho Mexican Consuls in Paris, Bordeaux I and Havre, have been compelled to cease. Consuls for Guatemala act for them in the meantime. Prince Napoleon Bonaparte writes a letter in which he hopes that Franco will not allow Poland to be annihilated. Gen. Banks is superintending the campaign in Texu in person. The occupation of the frontier line of the Rio Grande is contemplated. The.Prench are said to be encamped within thirty 'miles of 3latamoras. Gen. Washburne's advance of the 13th Army Corps was driven in by the rebels upon the main body on the 3d Inst. Tete enemy were subsequently driven back with a loss or over 200 killed and wounded, apd 200 taken pris oner. . The rani in the Morsel are'etill in poises sten Or wined . marines. Work le sus pended. The general aspect of things is cheerfut. From the Army of the Potomac—State- ments of Rebel Deserters—The Pres idents Dispatch to Gene Meade— Picket Shooting Recommenced—Re. , connoissance by the Enemy, etc. NRW YORE, Nov. 14.—The it ,ild'a special froth the army of the Potomac, November 13th, says: The weather is admirable for active campaigning, and there is no doubt that Gen. Meade will improve It. Warrenton Junction is at present the depot from whence all army supplies are i:::ded. A deserter from the 9th Alabama regiment, Ewelrs corps, came into our picket lines yes terday, who states that the men in his regi ment have laid down their arms since the tight at Rappahannock Station, and refuse to strive longer in the robe' army. 'They wore ordered under guard, but before the guard came, succeeded in dispersing themselves through the country, and are seeking oppor tunities to come Into the Union lines. He represents that a very dispondent feeling exits in the rebel army and Northern Virginia, and the general belief In the ranks is, that their mei, becoming more hopeless as time Passes. President Lincoln has-sent a laconic dispatch to Gon. Meade, saying in substance, "I have read your congratulatory order to the 6th corps. I have to say, in reference to their gallant exploit at Rappahannock station dohs.' A letter was found in one of the rebel camps near the,Rappahannock, written by a Ninth Carolina soldier. He says the mountains of that State are full of deserters from the rebel army. He mentions that Captain was coming up, to the mountains with a military force to arrest the deserters, and emphatically remarks : If he gets in he will have a d—d good timi. WASIIINOTON, Nov. 13.—From the front we hear that the enemy presents a very strong front on the banks of the Rapidan, and has re-commenced picket shooting. Yesterday a detachment of the Ist Vermont cavalry wt.:, fired on while going out on picket, and all along between Summerville and Germania Fords, our men on picket find it necessary to keep under cover, o• eho be made targets of. The water of the Rapidan is very low, and the liver is formidable at many points. This makes the work of guarding very arduous, and it wouldn't be surprising if tho enemy, some dark night, should make a dash across the river, create diversion, and incidentally gob ble up some careless command. A small tarty were driven across yesterday by an inferior force. When our men reached the bank, both infantry end artillery were ex posed on the opposite side, to resist what they thought a reconnoissance force or a movement to cross, bet no heavy guns opened en eitl.er side, and there was but little carbine firing. The enemy also resumed work with the spade. They aro not eatisflerl with the defenses tip last spring, but are digging rill u nits and throwing up earthworks and con structing curtains fur every exposed point. NEW lota, Nov. 14.—A "Headquarters Army of the Potomac" dispatch to the Tribune mss : A reconnoisance was made by the en em,y ymliorday in the vicinity of Stovensburg, which ip occupied by Kilpatrick's cavalry. Sot more than h•lf a dose:: z hells were thrown on eintber side, and on the advance of ou, cav alry the enemy retired. No one use injured on our side. As the ru.le advanced from of Pony Mountain, my informant, a Lieut. Colonel, who int4preeent, believed tbo re port that Kilpatric k bay taken Pooy Mono tau, in be ineorrvot. The railroad will be in running order to Culpepper, on the ILO , . left:int. The Richmond Papers on Late Events. New YORK, Nov.li.—Late rebel papers are Jost received. The Biehroond Eianimer of the 11th inst., says their army was quietly awaiting an attack from lien. Mende. an d thought that he would make a dank movement toward Fredericksburg. The &confiner of the 9th foreshadowed an other retreat of Bragg, and speaks of disa greement and discord in the councils of their western army. The Enquirer of the 10th net. neaps that Meade kas inflicted a terrible blow on Lee, and in Western Virginia the disaster to Echols' command shows that the enemy are active, and apprehensions are felt for the safety of railroads in North Carolina. The enemy has landed a largo force at Wanton, and threatens the Southern Line of railroad at Weldon. On the Peninsula it is reported that the enemy :Ire landing in large numbers et Seaport Some. The Johnston Island Affair—Objects of the Conspirators, etc. Nair Yuen, Nov. 14.—A Times dispatch, Crum Washington, Nor. 13, 40 c : It is under toed here from Canada That Vallandigham, James Clay and Marshal - Kane had fully ar ranged for passing through the Welland Canal an armed steamer, whose mission was: First, To open the prison doors for,the captive rebels at Sandusky Bay. Second, To arm and equip these veterans, over 2,000 in utnbc:. Third, To seize as many propellors on Lake Erie as were needed and arm end man them. Fourth, To make Buffalo a heap of ashes and her ves sels in port charred skeletons. Fifth, Tu burn 'Cleveland. Sixth, To wipe out the com merce of Lake Erie. Seventh, To consume Detroit, and, in etioct, destroy the commerce and cities of the Lakes from Ogdensburg to Chicago at a blew. Lord Lyons got out of bed after-midnight to communicate - the news to Mr. Seward, and afterwards the Secretary of War was got up and got to the wires. The Plot of the Canadian Secevidontate. BUFFALO, Nov. 14.--Gen. Dix and staff ar rived here, and is in consultation with the authorities. The Woad:e special, from Buffalo, nave: Attorney General McDonald is bore, and brings information which show the serious ness of the plot for the release of prisoners, kw. Lord Lyons received informatics: of 'the scheme. from the citizens of Baltimore two montbs.ago. It appears a number of secesh were to take passage on the Chicago and OgderusbOrg propellors and seise them. Then intercept the Detroit and Buffalo steam ers. Tbfin threaten Ogdensburg' and Buffalo. They wesie to be aided by emissaries in Buffa lo, who Would fire the city in several places. The Canadian Minietry have taken ample measures 'of prevention. Them are 15,000 secessionlats in Canada. The Capture of the Blockade Steamer Cornucopla—Mayor Wood. New YoaK, Nov. 12.—A NOW irtlOLCOlTOS pondont of the Tribune says, relative to the capture of the bloakada steamer Cornucopia: C4l. Thoburn of the rebel army was a pas senger on her, but escaped capture. The Lord Mayor of London and the raid Col. have en tered into negotiations to furnish ammunition and ships of war to the rebel government. Wilmingtonpapers were also found on the prise in which it was sated that Mayor Wood, of New York, is going into a joint stock corn panyiwith a firm under thoname of Tremain Co., to furnish vessels to run the blockade and sn ..ly the rebels with munitions of war. Gens. Foster and Barnatde. Niter Yang, Nov. 14.—The nIAG . special from Washington, dated the 13th says: Gen. Foster has been assigned to the command of Barnsido's array, and will leave hero to morrow. ' Gen. Burnside's resignation has been ac cepted by the President. The Treatment of ourPrloancrs— Measures of Retaliation. AVA.stittinross, Nov. 14.—C01. Roffman, Com missioner General of Prisoners, left to-day to inspect the condition of the rebels confined at Sandusky and elsewhere, and adopt measures of.retallation for Um barbarous treatment of our ,risoners at Richmond. Ir.4.lrTS. WANTED.—S6O liloyat.—We want T Agents at .09 a Month, magma paid, to veil our & c ut*, Oetrated . flornera, and thirteen other new, word and =slow 'Midi*. Vlftain tint sentfroo. Addles'. ••113mdawF SIIAW , i CLARK. Iltddeford. Me. to hire 9b nts $ 75 A i. 141 , 2 , NT e. H . I- 7 . 1 t wit 3S t 5^1711.169Zr411E ...2.411md51a WALL PA FEU. P. MARSHALL, Dealer in WALL TT • PAPERS, BMUS, a