II PIS* 7611•4t6ttt: B .RIDDLE 4 -a 0.. El SATURDAY. SIORNDTG ...VGr. 14. 1883 SFXDAY Rualaut.—For an interesting opitome of the Religions intelligence of the week, carefully prepared for the ClA:urn, goo fourth page. East Tennessee—The Southwest. The recent dispatches from East Tennes see do not show that the rebels have been able to follow up their boasts by any deeds of azalarming kind. A week ago we wore read ing in their papers that Beassum at least, If not Gaitirr also, would be brushed off the hills!, and phased through the valleys, of Tennessee, by BRA 410, or Les, or somebody elec. But the boastful programme still stands with no part of it performed, or even attempted, except when they surprised en advanco post at Rogersville, in overwhelm ing numbers, and captured GOO men and a few guns. Rogersville is about fifty miles northeast from Knoxsville. Our present Remote held by BrIINOIDE on Wednesday, extends from Washington, on the Tennes see river, below Knoxville, and forty miles from .Chattanooga to Bull's Gap, on the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad, forty five miles northwest of Knoxville, and about fifteen miles south of Rogersville. A largo force is said to be moving against General Burinsion, but ho is prepared. Iltnicsmu has captured 1.600 prisoners minas he entered East Tennessee, exclusive of the garrison at Cumberland Gap, Po that not withitanding their recent enecess at Rog ersville, we have a heavy balance of pris oners still Hi our, favor, as the result of the operations so far, in that region. But we observe that many of the rebel papers, oven in Rich:non.% are beginning to be doleful in their tones, when they speak of their prospects in the Southwest, MILLOY can, and ought to, prevent LEE's Virginia army from going to Tennessee, to reinforce the rebalarmy there,—and if be does, Bans_ ems is safe enough in the friendly country he now occupies, againft any forco that the rebel general who has to hold ORAIrr in cheek, or at least has tho duty imposed on him of trying to do so, can venture to de- The recent news from New Orleans has been interpreted to mean that Oen. - Swami has led a formidable expedition to some point on the coast of Texas, but afterall the eircumstancee are considered, if one mind directs the operations of our armies, sothat the several points of attack chosen may have a just rotation to one another, each contributing it+ quota to the general result, we do not think that any trans-Mississippi point would at all meet the conditions of the case—and therefore, in spite of some appearance of evidence to the contrary, we • shall prefer to entertain the lope, that the expedition will turn up at Mobilo, or some other practical point of the coast, east of the Mississippi. Improvement of the Ohio River. There probably never was a time_ when the necessity for some artificial improvement of the Ohio river, sufficient to render it navigable through periods of low water, was more se riously felt than new. Winter is rapidly ap- A . ..reaching ; coal is yelling in Cincinnati and Louisville at 90 omits per bushel, the stocks being exhatuted, while millions of bushel s are here ready loaded into boats and barges awaiting "the moring of the water,' and should winter set in without rain sufficient to give water enough w doat this coal to mar ket, much suffering and Incalculable loss must ensue. But tho coal trade is but one of many mit interests that are suffering from the suspen sion of navigation. It is needless, however, to specify these in detail, as everybody knows them and many feel them severely. .Bight.years ago, two or three oommunica tban this subject were addressed by Mr. COPIST to tho Board of Trade of this city, and published in pampnlot form, by order of that 'hOdy. The facts and arguments therein pre minted, relative to the improvement of important river, attracted much attention at the time, but the enterprise met with opposi tion from men who ought not to have opposed It, and who opposed it with arguments more talon: than sound. Its advocates oared not to urge It any further at that time, leaving farther experience to demonstrate the ne- Cessity of the work, and to vindicato the cor rectness of their views. We think the re-pub- Liaation of these communications, at the present time, when this important subject is again attracting attention, will serve a good purpose, and wo .therefore present the Cyst one to our readers to-day, and hope to give the two remaining ones on Monday. INFROrmetrr or Tar OHIO ilyza. /100101 OF tin Prnsacaon Bocce or TRADE. I January 4, 1856. At a meeting of the Board this day, the fol lowing communication was road. After a dis cussion of the view, of the writer, it was , ordered that if, be pablinhed la the paper s the city, and also in pamphlet form, with the former pamphlet by the same writer ap pended. " Garrxxxxs : In a communication which I had; the honor to make to your Board in Nerd last, and which you were pleased to publish hi pamphlet form (a eopy-of which is hereunto appended to obviate repetition,) I Ventured to point out particularly, and some what solosfuly, the n itmod lmproving the Ohio River, fect a channel of communication -as It is praiticable to make it, In doing eo, I of f ered nothingnovel, nor suggested any untried ex periments, hut eimply followed the lights of safe andemecessful experience; pointing to the Monongahela slaetwater as modetr—perhaps to be improved upon • little, bat stilia model —which it w,onldhe safe and expedient to fol low in the magnificent enterpFieu you have in eintemplation. I pointed to tbst modest im provement, of which the world hears but lit tle, but wlaich is nevertheless a noble zoonu moot otthe enterprise of your city, and is si lently and unobtrusively shedding its berm• dts not only upon year city, but upon the eh tire valley of the Ohio, and Las converted the shores 'of the Monongahela almost into one continuous village. Never was one ofunexampled drought. - before wee the neeessity of 60 con templated improvement more keenly or pain (idly felt. Your warehonsos groaned ander the weight of .atteuysnlated stooks, while the in- &au? of o city languished for waist of Its indisPonsable 'Manias, money. gen of en imprise found it extremely dircult to bear up trader the constantly [hemming weight of their responsibilities, while the poor were reduced to utter poverty, and many were fur tho first ' time—and may we not hope for the last ? compelled to ask alma of their more favored brethren. The hearts of all sickened with hope deferred, while looking and longing day after day, and week after week, for waxer. These mdamities—and enmity the distress as is immioned by so serious an interruption in the . .....smitoseaty• - buiiness. of. a great 'community, • warrant the use of that strong word—these calamities Inspired en earnest and wide spread dash* for an improvement of this great river, twos which we Mid we are codependent, so as : - 10 render it &permanent end reliable avenue ' of commerce.Yocr Board was among the Arta ::toitet;lind now:Yon are able to congratulate your Immediate. fellow-citizens and the coon- at large upon - ,the tact that the good work Is bigan; that the nocossuy Intention on the IM ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ r ~ ~. i~clC-r ~ c 'r' oti.~.:sss'~~y':..~w`.'c:::w^„ pan of Pennsylvania has been obtained, and 1 eftstantl 'beaks for ,the subspirattu.of stock are foperied.'l Ulf hapPy, MoreOvor, Wilting able to state.lbat tholood, olde.well tried mode of imProvieig.Lthe fiver hy a sYsteruar Dams and f tion, Lo okstaesedvoCated in iferforoterhomrannica is the one that meets .with almost unani mous approval; and that there is a good wes t pect that that Important question 'will be speedily and satisfactorily settled. Itis remarkable that the dry year of 1864 eLoold be immediately followed by one that will be long remembered for its opposite char acter. kraquent and copious rains have kept the river sufficiently full for good navigation for ten conseentfre' month's. Pittsburgh has censequentl,y bad a season of steady, !minter minted prosperity; and an amount of com motto has floated upon the Oltiooiver for be yond all precedent. I have not the statistics before me, but I have often visited your levee during the past season, and witnessed the busy seep(, there. One fact alone affords a stronger argument in support of the policy of rendering the Ohio (permanently navigable, than volumes of abstract reasoning could do ; it Is, that the increase of receipts of the Penn sylvadia Central Railroad for 1855, over thole of 1854 was MeS4 ibmbeg fAossumd dollars This enormous advance is almost solely at? tributablo to the fact that the Ohio was per manently navigable during the part season. if one single toidtyst was benefltted to snob an extent, it surely would not be an extravagant estimate to set down the aggregate value of the benefits arising from the unexampled navigation of 1855 at an amount ayilicient to improve the entire river in the rood, proposed —say ten Millions of dollars. Such seasons as the two last are equally unusual. So severe a drought as that of 1854 may not occur again for a century; neither may such °olden@ and frequent rains as those of 1855 be experionoed in the life time of any new living. The ono taught us the inestimable value of this river, by its failure to afford its wonted facilities; the other chewed no what could be done spun it, were those facilities uninterrupted. True, many thousands of tons of Merchandise were doubtless sent through other channels, which would have been sent by this river, but for tear of its ordinary peiiodlcal failure; still enough has been realized to afford some idea of the vastness of the trade, wore it rendered Permanently navigable. In the discussion of so gigantic and far reaching an enterprise, many and diverse ele ments enter Into the question of profit and lou. Assuming the cost of the work at ten millions, and that is probably high enough, for it gives 8200,000 for each dam with its ac companying locks,—we must set that sum down on the debit side, and then eastabout for items to set on tho opposite side. 1. Tolis.—These ought to be very low—so low as scarcely . to be felt as a tax upon the Centmeree of the river; yet so enormous le, or rather will be, that commerce, that the aggre gate sum realised, will be sufficient to keep the work in repair, defray working expenses, and pay satisfactory dividends to the stook holders. The Monongahela Navigation Com pany, with nothing but a local trade, and with a tariff of rates so lew as to oilcuce all complaint, divided in 1854 nine per:cent. Var. ing the past year the company have been en gaged in constneeticig two additional dams am locks, which will extend their work 28 miles above Browniville. The nett earnings for 185.5 were more than ten per our t. upon the cost of the finizbed portion of the work ; but owing to a large increase of stock upon which dividends were paid, hunted on account of the above mentioned extension, the de clared dividend! wyro only eight per cent. ; but a reserve of more than one per cont. was retained. This id safe and good data upon I which to proceed. I 2. Water Poirer.—This is an item Upon 1 jr - "SIGNAL CORI'S. U. o. A. —A lie which little or nothing has bcci said; but it i , -"Y.9 . ' molting eta Don far this Otto-tare branch ~.: is one of incalculable importance. Lace dam ; 8 O ft rt= 7 ,l'.. - . b7thoetz: .4,,„''„,'oVi: :::I'..Yr-0.1!:7;',ZZ will raise the water in the peel above from - meet desirable, to 9 feet higher than that in the pool below— and one (hot may not again be offer:d a good working fall. As to the said a For further tortirulan Monne at llocruiiing b:,.- surplus . water, all that need he said abbot it lion, No. 26 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. Limit_ .. J B. DUFF, Is, that there will be Mitre than 'our can be 0011,0,0 &resulting 021rer. used. Between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, I ---"------ this surplus water may be used thirty- , Arsd 1 P - 1 7 711) i 4 TUDEN TS AND' LOVERS times, that being tho number of dams required I" ` v or CIIOIICH MUSIC.—Tbe wets-knoon , composer Mr. JOHN ZUNDEL, Limantst and In to overcome the fall in those 452 miles. rector ot ic of Hoerr Ward Beech e Church, At every dam a canal may be carried along 1 New York el Mus :l 512 ft this - city during the er next month the margin of the pool below, of any desired to give a short mum of instruction in Ilmmony, thn length, and the water let out at stipulated ' Oman or Nelodeott and Chorus Sng. cooureted rates to all who may choose t o to te ft.. 1, with publlc c rlirmances ou th Organ, and Sacred done with the 'water of the Schuylkill, at C. C. . c e ,7t ru ot. ' to, ;`..to„,etor'eoureetingft"tr:l4::„;,.' r 37 , 1 , ". „ ` „, h o . Mattayunk, near Philadelphia. When we re- I C. C Bello . o , 3l2:tDerB fleet upon the great length of the river, the I r „..., ------- '—:------------------ fertility and wealth of the region through t(1 - COLLEcroit s .NuTICE.—Th e which it flows, together with the fact that this ; .Aonnal A/mammon,. List, for 1065, 000L,sinim power is In the best possible locations for tho I r,l" n pr eo m r,:', B ,l,'YZ, l 1.1..!..at."4.. ',";:;;;.'AT 0 -, ; it,F u g . ..,° . enjoyment of commercial facilities, it must I Comprising tha:t portion a Allegheny comity Math strike every mind that here is an interest alas Ailett 'Ur ami Obi. , rivers. hos taco remirod -.led of rery great value—one shot ill from the .." zormies 1,, Parmuuts for tae First met, comprisi t go far toworde remunerating the stockhold- the jet, 2d, M. lth, 50, sod eta Wants of Pitts or* for their outlay, as well as add immensely se,,h, aLd the adjacent Boroughs, mum bo the at both to the trade of the river, and the gen ! my otter, No. G 7 r.rth that, oral prooperity and well. being of theeountry. I LAY OD DECEEBED NEXT, alter wh thus ire the 3. -theantoges horlividemt Extf r, Prescrib ed by ths law trill be exacted. Enekonecinent of dm votee Of Rea Emata.—l lat s. of the 7.thei,ll.l:l,oc.mtrr, have heard it estimated that were the propor- j Deputy collectors. Joani . h ty - holdars,'manufaeturers and badness men of conector Penna. District, Otter, No. 07 Fourth street. Pittabtirgh to do the entire work thenmelres, I Pittsburgh, Nor. C, 1863. n07:20r they would make money by the operation, eo j great would be the effect upon their belittles* and property. This may be an exaggerati view; but certainly the effect of this improve meat upon this city would be very importan To Cinoiooiati, Its collateral value would I greater still; for =doe, the relative. impor ante of the Ohio river can be maintained an avenue of trade, that city is in danger booing her commercial supremacy In the grm region of which she is now the centre. Th railroads to the ncrti, of her will draw off n I !teal] amount of the trade which hoo mad, her what she is, ante.. the navigation of the Ohio ran he to improved as to coun tervail the effect of its powerful oY.ircial rivets, and be restored to km long standing, but now enean gored supremacy. And what Is thee of Cin cinnati, Is more or lees true of every city and town on the river. But the cities are not alone interested. The entire region through which the river flows would ho greatly enhanned in •rilt , by the proposed improvethent Let any one look at the _valley of the. Monongahela who wishes to see the advantages of each an improvement as the one in contemplation. The Ohl. , se, in round autukcrs ' one thousand miles long. Let us assume that the value of land on each side, to the distance of ton miles, will be enhanced toan average amount of one•doliar per acre, would amount to a meet of $12,800,000.n aggregate enhance d. iff‘ni upon the vales of &Miro.," Stock.— We have already seen that the increase of this year's receipts on the Pennsylvania Rail road were $800;000 °vet last year. Give tale uninterrupted navigation of the Ohio during the past season credit for two-thirde of that increase, and We have $53.1,000, being almost equal to six per cont. Interest en the estimated tested' the proposed improvement. Add to this the effect upon the Baltimore and Ohio Road, the Bennettsville Road, the Allegheny Valley Road, and in short all the roads that hare been made or can be . made between this river and the seaboard, and we pereeive that it Is great enough to render it good policy in those companies to make tho improvement themselves, provided it could not otherwise be accomplished, for they may reef assured, that wore the river rendered permanently nar igable In the manner proposed, it would carry more freight totheir western !termini than they will be able to earl y away; and bear off from them more than they can bring. 6. d Donation from (110176.4zne1it.-4t least two-thirds of the American .people,are inter ested In the navigation of the Ohio. Its Im provement, therefore, is truly a national work, and as snob, the company Pacing it in charge may confidently ark of Congress a do nation equal at tenet to one-third of the cost of the work. Thie would have the effect of inspiring emsfidenee, and Ultimately of lower ing the tolls without affecting the dividends. If Judiciously managed in eta constmetion and working, this improvement cannot fail to be a profitable enteipriso to the stockholders. Its cost will be only Rhone one-half that of an ordinary canal of equal length, while its capacity will be at least ton-fold. It will un questionably be erowdedivith business. Row then can it fail to pay, oven though its Wes of charges should be only one -tenth the amount of those unitised upon the New York and Erie canal ? Oa that canal onalockage will pass say forty tons, while on the Ohio, one lockage will pass bye hundred tans. This is where the vast advantage of this navigation will lie;_ and this/ is what will cause very low rate, of charges tp roll up a tarp aggregat e revenue. To this may be added the reweacies arising from the lases of water power ; and, together they !tan hardly All to render the stook amongst the beet in the country. It would perhaps be well to licitit the divi dends arising from tone; but let those arising from the lease of water-privileges ber =dim- Red. To that end, separate and distinct se; counts should he kept. The more leases the company can dispose of the better for them selves and better for the country. • In ?law of these facts and considerations:. may we not confidently hopithist the required:. ammarikofitook will be taken as soon as the riocessarrlogislation in Virginle,-Ohjoe gen. tacky, Indian, and /Ring& out be Obtaied, anti irfaikjip*td,tociiimplagnia as rapidly !ras ail it proper regard fur efficiency and perma i sae c M iii imerdiemenkanidisrueeeirdlook i f entespriltile now iteditairlagerfl'.on .2 hands tdbe ei i* ti. t t f=hattfelonid it be dd . , Ewer for the present, femyeareilAnotelaPie before it will be frit re be aneeessity, absoiotely inifispensr-tle t . the continued prosperity and ; relative standing these river - cities, and osrially so to the commercsi„of the country. It is only avocation of time; and to put it off for a few years may cost the groat manfactur- ;ing and mercantile oommunities located on its banks five fold niers, in the loss or business than would be required to constreet it in the I most solid and durable manner. And, after iniffering that loss, after demonstrating by very cosily experienee the indiwensabl e no eessity of the work, they would be obliged, by the sheer force of circumstances, to undertake it and carry it through. How teueli better to I undertake it at once, and posh it .ffirward vig orously, for be assured that nothing would so enhance the value of property, stimulate be airless; attract capital, and canoe universal prosperity, as the certain prospect that in three I or four years the Ohio river should be ren- I dered permanently navigable. To you, gentlemen, belongs the honor of taking the lead in this grand enterprise, and no city in the Union is more deeply inter ; ested in it than years. You have enjoyed Loveland long continued prosperity, and you owe no swab. part of your groat success to this noble river. To render it still more perfect, to keep it up with the wonderful progress of the age, to enable it to main tain its ancient supremacy as the great ven tral thoroughfare of the country, it demands from the.e It has enriched a eompanttively small expenditure—an amount so small, when compared with the immense interests to be affooted, and with the number and wealth of the people whose welfare is to he promoted by it, that its payment will never bo felt. Twenty millions of people are interested in it, and but ton millious of dollars are required. Indeed it is difficult to realise the easy nature of the enterprise, or that so magnificent a work can be accomplished at so small an ex pense. Tae task you hare undertaken is :a glorious one, but it cannot be difficult. Very respectfully yours, &0., JOSIAH COPLHT Armstrong County, Jan. 1, 1656. RE LIGIOUS.VOTICES. U.TITE CONSECRATION OF ST ther notiJAMES' CRUID ce 3II poa be tponed until far- ce. The servis trill as NEXT" ST, ANDREWS' CHIJECR, on SUNDAY . a014.1t tH-41153‘,"*.- 'DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, Aux. GUM CITY, ELDER JOSEPH SING, Pastor, moot to EXCELSIOR HALL, euruer of Federal wad Lescock streets. Preachlog wows LORD'S DAY, at lar% ,- EvVslyed. - +,.Ppr'ugli'e 3 ar 1 70 oct " %lo1 1 1 •E ' D. ettod. Jr_ .1. g, -,•• ,, THE . FIRST CONGREGATION or DISCIPLES, of Pittsburgh. mee sted ly, lc the 1 / 1 011 CPI] COLLEGE BUILI t i at INGS, corner of Penn and St. Cla• r etelsets. Preaching LORD'S DAT—Mooting and Evening—at the usual boars. Sunday School at 23,4 o'clock p. tn. Prayer Meeting every WI:DNESDAT EVENING. The public are reepactlklly luvlt.d . nole:It PUBLIC JrOTICBS Erdrr_A MINING ('OIIrArIr Or I ViICNIOI i , ) PittePt ft , t, 12th, Ion" E -7•A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Eureka Mining ' .. .avapuiy of 911chltran wilt be le.ld at the 0112 rt. of Hanna, Bart & Co., In .Pitteburqh, on L Pa T. Bth day of Decemletr, 1863, at 9 o clock a. to., to art on o proporllit, to men the property of the Compat:. and far the alteration of :P. , Hy • I no, n01.1.3t ISAAC M. I'LIiNuCK, Preeident za ! ~ , ..J E.i7. 7,71. ..7 .--1 1E., --- srr tad I " 4 7 L. ". ! in . _____ ..._____. re-' TALLOW OIL-10 bble. to arrive and tit. &rosin by ISAIAH DIOR YAt CO. be • A PPLES--200 bbls. chaise itet4iVOtil et. ill aod for cols by •JB. PA VFIELD. _ :; 1 s—fitifkkrtliotitogi;..L2,:sli,l...s,,, , at 1 ....7 Saar Potatoes Jut me,v,•4 and for oole at 11' h to and Curet- /'RANK VAN Ct/RSE/1. 3: i :CrZlatal , . KING_ j IRONS u st I f. rccel,d and for sale by le seta JAMES DOWN. 136 Wood rtroot. to 1 4—„..-,,,,-_--___ le i 1/1 BBLS7FaNT lin - sr-NI- ; e I I-V r, Ltl4. Corn Grits; ,_ l ln Mere And for aalo of 1.. , H. 4 , 7 , 7 k CO. le I BASKET WILLOW:S.-30 i.4ls. en d I .1.4 tocky Basket Willoa • 1.• arrire by rail, for pole ! bY !SALAD DIC`KEY It CO. 0 1 L ARD OIL. -12 bblp. No. I Winter 1 I Lard 011 In store and for as& by . eel* 3 ISAIAH LOC NEI rir tn. 1 I POCKET AND TABLE CUPLEHY Q, , a... floe assortromn. for Bale by 0c24 JANIND DOWN, DM Wood attest. _ ..___ ' A --- PI'LE ' I—barrel; ----Ita - - Ne la. 110 ' n are" for sale b Tff o ___________if r te mnr H. GUNS. KENTUCKYII7-------Lws__3o buncllei now landing from realm/x.l can, for sels by oc2i ICIC ISAIAH DICY k l'n. S ALT I tM_LT I --Orders solicited for it, by W.. 51. P. BECK & CO., see wbotssits Groom, 185 Lib.rty wad. ATI, r l lfikkts ---- , for Crude ea - RefitTO/ N., 051, for sale by JAB. DALZELL & BON, Pa/ 09 and 70 Water street. p2dTERN ro -4 mired, a lot: of choice cultivated Cranberries, ibr tale by the quart or bushel, at the Family Grocery Slum of JOHN A. RENSHAW. bze. Western Reserve . do Hamburg; 100 dof Losbon; In atom and Mr We by 7. B. CANFIELD. filid—PEBl (MAPES !-- boxes oico A..A Catawba Ornmos, put op espreasly (or Gutsily winter um, for ode by no/ CHL_P A SHEPARD, 343 Lltwrty street. LIUM WA(I4IN-----,iBr, Anti: .Battles, for Hoggloo, Jug rocetred and for gole at tbo India nubb.fr Depot of • nol3 J. & B: PITILLIIII, ._,, 26 and Di Bt. Clair &ETV= smak..... APPLES Par tile by 111111 X H. co LLIIO Gri - ,ase ; ...ta,F.th m; 10 d To waive on nßamer A tbni o tic ße .nd p for rale by rtoll IOA lAH DICKEY r CO. .F1!(---;----Tit Atil•.BllAßboa DilLetin.eLilttort. o !dastard and Coleman's k DAM , if t....tart , l .ii tfi l by noll corner Lila rty and Band streets /AU BELTIN(4 PACKING, HOSE, iargel..A and GAeKETS, of all sire. and Meknes, A supply Jut received and for sale at the India tubber Depot of risk J. A 11. PHILLIPS, Noe 26 and 28 tit Clair street . MSS PORK ! -- 411ES8 ro ------ 71 ------- --( l ___ l,wo kbi Mass Pork In store and for sale by McDONALD di ARBUCKLE notreean, d, Wholesale Grocers, Prodnco A Coin Merchant., 242 and 214 Murky street tjAlliAN'S MAGNOLIA .RM,,jkt an d xi. /Amp% BLOOM Ol? YOUTH, the ealy per fact and sellable articles now fa ass for beautify) and preserving the eoraploxfoa, for sale at ng OEO. A. KELLY'S Central Dreg gears, nob 'outer Ohio and Tedaral streets. 0/ Market Mouse Alinzbny. I SP.4.).ED 311. ---- Net t :f i i:irA.Tinr- Jletrunt, pat u ar p to glue Ant o f of r firkins lar Ihmtly use, or foetal, by the pound, in bulk, at the lowolt Prico, arbalerals or retail, at the Verolly Grocery Stare of JOHN A. RENSHAW, 1.......... ,___P01l , (kaxt tra sr__ElbartY sod Hood streets. FROPIitY •AND REVE uE STAMPS, of all denomlnatiotte. A full eupply kept conetantiz on hand, at the Internal Rennin. Mace, No. 67 Water street, nut doe. to City Trees Iny, Allegheny. DAVID 2f. winTE. Collector of Internal Rerenue, 23d Dist. P. NOTZ.—lattan Mould be directed to Alleghny, ikalttaltarth• DOA . 41111rERTISEMErrs. I . X.E IV .II'D - reltribs:E.yi s :,.iriew.. ..4pcitrisz.mairils... - poik_BALE—Two;,..43of 41.30-pruk-rs pinsßiAars:A.LmANAo,-$ 4(0) t lumwxy 1 sgoti --. ' ------------- Al . , wil: plitBATa „ , i - '4 ..::,_,.. t y..,)„,,...1 7 ,1e„,,. gtra e n adit l 7,,lth'mal .1,2 --. V4l. , :,., '! 4 ' ' , .. 1 7 d T"' t4 'e irr?,_'''''' , WELL 94 ‘,. '''' ;7:2 l'asce, 111 tustrute t. , [ -.`. i' , --. ;:,, A I'013.) TAX DRAFT , ' • •_;•,• iv,13.4‘ ' - Sint ICmli.i, Fifth Wni 4. rEtt. i...•• Ly riVE rrN'l , - - BY ENLISTING AT ONCE AT T. BOYS WANT Ilettraea7B and 17 years of agd, olio have some knowledge of the turning bneinese. Call at 137 SECONII STRIET no13:1 f COLLINS & WRIGHT. TAB persons In the Eecond Ward, Allegheny, Rho hero not paid their County, State and Ikenoty Taves to the County Treasurer for the year 1863, will fi nd me at U.' store of W. J. Olboon, No. let Federal creel., ever, lug from Gto 8 o'efeck, to receive the taw... They must be paid immediately, 0.0 no further indulgence tan be given by cold Treasnrer. nol7ad JOHN RAILSKY, Coliwtor., FLOORING 110A-RDS! Primo Inch Flooring boards, 16 feet long, sari°. 1141112 r, for ale by noI3 Im A_LUABLE SECOYD ST. PROPER TY AT LOW PRICES.—Twe comfortable three. story Brick Dwelling Bowes, in good location, be tween Smithfield and Grant street*, each having a lot 20 feet front by 60 deep, to an alley; ball, parlor, gr. chambers, bath room, dining room. kitchen, collar ant yard; gas and water fixture.. k or price and terms apply to S. CUTHBERT st BONA, Commercial Brokers, 61 Market at. NTOTIOE TO CONTRACTOI49.-Pru -,- ponds will be received by the suidereigmed, at No. 68 Fifth street, until .NOV.EMBER 17rn, for the 4radlng. Re paringand Bettie, with Curb- Ito.. so mock of Penn street a. Hes between the amusing of tho P. F. W. St C. R. R and a polot 100 fne t wi,st. of Stevenson'e alloy. The proposals will state how much will be , allowed for the stone and other materials In the Cana Bridge. For further particulars enquire of _aol•I .St 'WESTEN LANDS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE —2,500 acres in lowa, it tracts varying from 40 to 520 acres. 040110,/ In Michigan, in tracts varying flout 40 to 320 scree. 2,000 scree in Mbinosota. 5,000 acres in the *mallet.' part of court; and AO acres In Indiana. There lands have been carefully elected, with a tic.' ..4.7 , 4° their 10.1 04•1111trgeo, 8011, , and will he d of upon liberal term, for cash, or exchanges! for property in Allegbony county. For term., Ac., apply to nol4 G. 5, HATES, 'tommercial Drokor, Dn•ler street, Lawroncoville. BARES I .11 non considered the hoci Pianos -- made, and are fully warranted for , I eight years. As to tho reloilre merits uf the Koabu I Plano., we would refer to the certificates of excel lence in ourpoese,l on from Thalberg, Goto.chalk, Strackosch, G. Satter and H. Viensonupts, 6.4 obto from some of the now dlstlnguthcd profetoora and IttllittOtlll to lite country, A .11 is rospectfully soli cited before porChosing elretchert. Persoos or a fits. lance will please etbd fo• at , muter. For sale at Vac tory prices hy A RLOTTE lIT, E, No 43 Fifth envoi, 0014 Selo Agent for Plitelirl t and West. Pa. UNITED STATE::: GOVERN.IENI' SURVEY AIAPA Of the following important localities llutern Virginia Prim 7 ,uu. St ten Tlic Region. of Surat Carolina .n 4 Tannia,• aa Lonirlana and DlCialralpid Charli.stan llarbor di approach, For We by CO, Dull S;, - t are liAz EQOA in:Dun:en t.* which for the past seven Tears ham attend et! TROF. REED'S MAGNUTIC 011. In the alley la- Hon and cure of pain. emboldyn the ptoprietoe to state, v.._ 1 el.-Donne contradx t mu, That It has cured more Elteernyt That It has cured more Sore Throat, That It has cured more Neuralgia, That It h. 4 more Weak Joints, That It has cured more Olseratal Sorry. That It has canal more Boras, That It has corral moro Troetod Frei, That It has rand more bounce, That It has remit more Nervous Affections, That It hew roved more Stiff Joint., Than all other Plain Caren., Paln %Wars and Lhai• mettle combined. For eale by Druggists ovorywheen SIMON JOHNSTON, Solo Agent, note Corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. VERY CHEAT'.—W e have on hand, at v presont, a very largo and well selected stock of BODIS .IND snots, which was bought before the late advance on goods, and we will give our custom ers the benelln of low pekoe. We i 14.11 the latent and hunt faellionable style* of Gentlemen's, Ladled, Misses' Boy n., s' and Chlldn'a BOOTS, GAITERS, BALMORA LA, SUPPERS, BUFFALO SLIOES ' UMS, Of every else and description. Call AN andD G OZAILI4IIII6. Conntry merchants will lad tt to their advantage W glee ea a call. JOS. EL BORLAND, D 8 M • - AfiKri STREET, al door from Fifth. no 7 • UNIVEREAL CLOTHES WRINGER. —Read the following opinion ty Orange Judd, anus Amerika. Aricalteriu, wh o any. of the iilirst Premium Universal Clothes Wringer": “ifrom family ham severa the .cur mon of hudreds wh o hate used It; and from the n y n struction of the Implement itself,—we feel nrtala that it It worthy a plac e In every family where the washing is done at home. A chilti ran readily wring one • tubful of clothe. in a few minutes, his in reality • Clothes Saver 1 a Time Saver' end a Strength Paver I The taring of gar ments will alone pay a large percentage on its COW We think the machine much more than pays for It selferal ev.iry year to the saving of garments! There are sev kinds, - nosrly Mika In general ametruction. but we consider at Important t hat the Wringer be fit ted with rep, et herwlee a max. of garments nu • e log the rollers, and the Maier% upon the crank-shalt slip and tear the clothe.. Our own In one fil the tiro made, and it is es go.elna s a w after nearly four years' rOninittit 1140. for WO only at the India Rubber Depot of noll J. H. PHILLIPS, _______ J. 11l anal IS St. Clair Street. T EETH w, E X tak T e ßA this L . T . E tb D odor l i i2THOL:T ur friends and the pubic generslfy that wwe are g vow prepared to EXTRACT TEETH n ITHOCT PAIN In the practice of Dennehy. Those who have Mee postponing this mach dreaded operation may now lay aside their fears and gin n. a coll , as the apparatus we have in nee hiss been thoroughly hated doting the put font years, folly establishing the safe and peln• hem character of the operation. No Dregs or Ch e w. tale nor G•lrinla Battery used. All these, wideing the services of • good and well to reliable Dentist will do call and consult with JAM).. S. KING, D. D, S., No. IL2 Pour/ Street, or, Da. C. SING, No. 47 Smithfield street. Pitt. plenum NEW - APPLICATION IN DEN -LI TLSTIIT.—We, the members of burgh Dental A.ociation," hare wit/pled th the NITROUS OXIDE GAS, !Commonly called LAUGHING GAS, for the pain/esti extraction of teeth. LAIR:RING GAS hot long been known to tbo world as harmless, and It mast eventually supersede chloroform and all other a now. thetic agents. The leading Dentists in therast 'lave hamming , this Gas for some time, with great success. C. SUNG, J. D. WHITE. J. KING, 11. VANDEVOIIT d Sox C. SILL. M. DEPI:Y, J. WESTBAY, HULLIIIEN & ORE, J. ADMITS, J. DOFF3IAN, 11. IddIiCILIVITICII, 11. BAKER, IL G. GILLESPIE, .1. D. WILLIAMS. no7:StoawS rill].__ ~____ _____ _ __ ____ F SU IJSCH !BLit, ' =ME John Marsh & Co.'s Soda Ash cutudautly caviling the mac; Which he .111 eell 00 the most favorable (ems. 'This Ail 111 panful:l - adapted tu,the manufacture of Glam. , C. W. CHUItORITAII, • 32 SOUTH FRONT MEET, Pbßadolphi no l . 7 :6mcoil GENkRAL AG Km. , 6 AUSTIN BALDWII7 it Co., • 72 BROADWAY, N'EW YORK. Rlmlttanc o s at low roteeon Groat Br!lain, Ireland Ate. Cheap pomace. from Liverpool or Queenstown. Packages forwarded to all parts of the world. WITATAM 1311;GlIA.31, Jr., Agent, odliSmeact Adam? ExTrelin Office, vieto.rgh CENTRAL DRUG STORE, Okla and Federal Ethos, dliegherry, GEO. A. BELLY, PrePallaVL BPARIIL/NO SODA WATER., _ PATENT MEDICLNES, Au. lairPhyalclaue preacrlptlorte carefully oompm.M. Se& Lyra • ad DENTISTRY. • DR. W. F. PUNDENDERfa Bu reintoorktbe practice of hie prolimaton, at No. 148 PONEn, two door. below Fitt PitUbinb. October 411411Ci1a5. jj-LOLIVE Ulf msuon, and-other 'Werke of POTA. TWA, from New York State: tech of Also el , a lot choice APPIAS, of different. k ocl9 tak wens sold by the code ed last ray,;. NDW'D TWO BOYS, fIGIIOXAKIM.A LANG 329 L11.,-, ty street. FREE! FREE! FREE! - JAS. R. REED, ChMrman Street Oommitt, CARD PIIOTOGR V.H OTOOIiCA.F.II HS UPPERS .11' LOW P111(1:8 INKY (}. " I Y (ö., Fall and Winter Scock, lortto tbolr Moods and the publto to examine their Mork, ',blob LI the float And must complete over brr,rtght to this market GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. I no ' , r nt GAYER OF PENN AND BT. CLAIR STREETS pCIR VIA --- PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, C)R! MTH AliTo NARK= MEETS, .d Corlett, over MohanWel. Jewelry Blom) Of emery Ow sad style. Add or colored, from Ho I.:Polar Carta da Malta to Cabinet and Ilia air. Mr. PIIRTIANCE would particularly call the at- tentlatl of to AGED AND INFIBJE to to easy .e. °teething of Ude eeteibtl•hment, being reached by • sluts ohort flight of otatrs Prtan enolorsts, sod satliaction guarsotord. my2s:lyarawl% BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., GAB AHD STEAM FITTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And all kinds of fittings for Waists, On And titans AG r ITATOBS AND TANEN YOB OIL ItYITNE MS, lined with lead by • IMO' proms. 0c.12 Non. In FORTH STEM'. - R7f4Tiffii f, CIANZ AND WOOD 011A1B13 etccrso OPP ♦r acnvc■n PtIOXSS CSIIO LEBILL2I OR BETA. IL irt and 09 Third atrnet, moil% Potnandson & £ll roarth arrai. woo p A.TENTED OCTOBER; T 3 -, -1861. OVAL L.fI.NE.I. CEICID:EN'ITYB XX FLINT GLASS. Those Chimneys are intended for the Oat flame, heating all parte of the g,leee egnalke. dee, not expoee It to cracking. E. T. DITHRIDGZ. apt? Wart Pitt Giese Works, Washington street, _ Pittsburgh, Penna. HA'N - ARD eAPS I LADlffig• irtras I Of ml 7 kiwi and quality. LADIES' AND DMUS RATS I DT WHOLUALII AND =TAIL; AT MdOORD & 004 171 WOOD MEET WARGO'S MARBLE WORKS, 1135 LIBUTY 6 biantlita and mid cisortment cf • MARBLE MANTELS. Monuments and Grave Mita. PLASItS PARIS, aosENDALE Aar) JOBNs. 6/W41:54; . 1,,1 , Ahlyas • ____________ ________ :r Si M'STEEN, Mum Fon-Dims, u . GU sop Sews lints*. Particular attention Math. 'AiriltiToPtilift79ll4 IrNatlielret I 10040 to order. Alas DRABS CASTINGS, or aU kinds, made at the shortest notice. hear AN ord ers left at Nos. 3l and 34 IVA TER EITIZET, liar Liberty. will bo promptly attended to. The menehers of this firm being praetimilm, onto* amens yews' axperienci in their businam will insure to glee maistlietton In livery !upset. is• ars aut. agents for Guild,. Garrison ,ik Co.'s STEAM PUMP, for pumping Water. Cry aad a fined Oils de. dabil ___ , Ts mENaoo . busa:prtmo %It• Edonc Bo at,. ruspired Sweet Myr; 73 boxes ': E. Ohura; Onions: 80 bathate To attire oata and far ma kat 12.0 &mond stew, lITANIC VAN Goat= oet3o:lm EL,W sugar $a faced E Hams just maxim! and tbr tutU at mu Irwin coavvizza. _ .TA 'BA-G . . boxes peek aad IMMO HENRY li. COLLINS. 8ee.,11 to. L y. Cuutalning— Useful the FAMI mud I lli Iresting RZADING MATTER for nte c../.K. Needy hundred Fellable Ana Pn,Arable Receipts for making many of the moot Poputsr PA TInT RS, PER FIAIRRY, MA Ili DT Se., WAR REC ORD. ECLIPSES. ANTHONUiIICAL PHENOMENA. RE(X)RD OP EVENTN. ANECDOTES- AND INCIDENTS or ruz GREAT REDELLIoN, 111 X UNITED STA TM PENSION LAW. THE UNITED STATES BOUNTY LAW. TERM DAYS OP TUE VARIOUS COURTS OF VrESTZP.N PENNSYLVANIA, cr7., cro. CslcolAtions by Pituartg Luis, A.M., Frio...Val of Pitt.burgh fligh &has!, and Author of .. Dean's Arithmottes." A New Isatore of this Yumbsr U the TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS Hafted putt-poJd on receipt of Prim Off' A Liberal Db...vmakt to D.•lert JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, Maton , c Ilanilfth LALL AT PITTOCK'S, AND GET A LIS r OF HlB PERSONS 81101 LL ALSO CALL AND SHE THE FINE Are cow reoelving their Allrv. on hand, • Lams ossortzoolit of Plrr.raan, PA Parrhmiae, T/ PEI ("TO GF. U. A.VMS. PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, Dialers to JAS. W. WOODWELL. DITECIIIDGE% PATENT ILANINAOTVILED OP Of grimy my!. To molt tartso I= 230 Dna "hike" Potatoes ; 230 do Buckeye do; . , L 0 do: stoke Gran Appl es Su no lta; and : Mr sal* by . cum. & sum% , ___ u , BO 011 -7 f -7 7ailiS oarLDßws BOOTS Pea 20 RUM), oil: imstore'.arot eiriabbr - -tuna ntaairr*Co. U. 8. RECRUITING AGENCY! 9S FoURTH STREET. TILE 11.../UNTY I 3 ovEr„ FOUR ITUNPItED 500 doz. extra heavy DOLLAIIS int those- who have the retake aad.lllltEE lorL Aiw gu for now re , eruits, amounting with the pay, in rase or pa n ywmri Wool BI serrir. $1.5 OR PO A MONTH With rati tts, alnthing, medical at tond.uce, The recruit GAB OHOOSE HIS REM FrtiT. AUTION.C I am instructed by the Provost Marshal General to warn those desirous ofvoltinte‘ring, against Bogus Recruit Lug Offices. Enauthotized by the it'. Department. No peria.ns are authorised by the Provost Marshal ' , General, to mcruit in this district bin JAMES C. spßort and CIIARLE,rI W. LEWIS, at in Fourth street, Pittsburgh. There are, however. offleers of the army stationed hero, abo nava anth.rity front the War Department td enlist men. Volunteers should he certain that partiett attempting to enlist them are duly authorised. J. HERON FOSTER, Captain and Piveoet Marshal V..d Dia; Pa. noltheodsrw-tf FAMILY DYE COLORS PATENTED OCTOBER V., 1,43 11! El DI if.. Bork Btu.% Laohi Frrae4 lame Claret Brown Dark Brows L49ke Rotf Brow" C'herry, MEM Durk Light Drub. Astra /.)rub; Lt. Palm Drub Tor Dvelng 811 k, Oasis, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Bonnets, Hats, Feather., Kid Gloves, Children's Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Append. ear A BACIA(i Or an TER CENT. 'NU Tor 26 cents yen can color as many goods ea would other-aim most Eve times that Sun, Carious shades can to , produced from the same dye. The pnicess Is and any one can use tha dye with perfect narrows Directions In English, Trench and German, Imhio of each package. Tor further Information In Dyeing, and giving a portnct knowledge what colors are hart adapted to dye over other., with many valuable recipea) purchase Howe A Stevens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring. Bout by troMl on receipt of price—lo rents. Rau ufactured by BOWE & STETENS, Bro, Tor mils by druggists and ?GO daalers adway generall!Milton. y. .4 lime ANAL Y Pca uz. 2.30. Lad ..... .01. 11 AnstuA—....— .01 100, Having sseepted. the Agency for the aale of the FrEMPLB CLAY mined Ise. St. Louis, Mo. i in vite tho attention of Glass and Stool Atioinfer=ren to the Analvbis given above, as reported by Pros. A. A. Bap, of Romer, and J. C. Booth, of Philadelphia, whhh, to:ether with the teat of actual experience by roam:fart onws to PittSbtlrgh, Cincinnati and Bt. Louis, &tannin. It to be the parrot and mom =thi mble Clay now known, whether Foreign or America= Pots made from It have ewers.' in tae. Glass Formate from 6ji to 9 =smiths. The Analysis Is of the Clay as taken from the mine, without soy washing or preparation whatever. I, poems.. groat adhesiveness and p/asticity qualities, which aro not shown by to. Analysis, end which ad mit of Um mixture of s large proportion of shell or bornod clay. .( am now prepared to nil order, for the shove Clay to be shipped from St- Loots or faltered-here. No. 131 SECOND ISTRIET, EMMI El `MED STATES TA 'X'F'S —The an oval Amassment List, for 190,-cenumtatog Taxes co incomes, Licensee, Oliver :Plate and Car riages, in Divisiou No.l of the Twenty-third Collec tion District of Peon's, comprising that part of Al legheny county north of the Allegheny and Ohio has been received, and the undenaigned will attend at his office, No. S 7 Water etreet, Allegheny, i,nest door to the City Treamtrer,) either in person or by Depnty, until SATLILDA the 14th day Nerrember, for4he purpom of receiving mid Tone, H. will also attend In pmnson or by Demuj, for the convenience of Tax Payers, at the following places, to wit.: At Torentum, at the house of Hezekiah Tontine, oo YEIDAY, Nev. 6th, between the homy of 0 a. to. and 3 p. m. of that day. At Bakerstown, at the house of lint Mackey, on TIIZSDAY, the 10th of November, from 8 o'clock a. in. to 3 o'clock p. m. of that day. At Sew D ickley, at the store of John Way, on from 7 to Si o'clock of THURSAY EVENINGthat. , the day. I.2th day of Iforeetber, The ten per ce nt. and other penalties prewirlbed In the Excise Law, which will be Incurred after the 14th, will be etrictly enforced In all nom Government e n ds only received. DAVID N. WHITE, Collector of the 294 District, Penn's. co3lawdeeT A CAR: w • •-• =_.:D.-UNION PACIFIC RAIL . WAY COMP 4WY BONDS, Sarnia Draftee. (Kamer lhanck ej the Pacific ErriboraL) As bonds of the above description will probably be effored for sale In the money 'market, the public is hereby cautioned against purchaeing, or i any way I . :mt io iat s lrlfor them, f or the undersigne d. e h rl: n' o: use of &aid bonds ; while ►at theeame limo the Statute Laws of the State of _Sarum g lu e them, under their contract, a prior lies, to all mortgagee or deeds of trust which can be executed by told Oampa. At./ Investment In said bonda without authority from the undendaned, will bo invalid, and will entail • total loss upon the parties, who shall venture to pur chase thorn. ROSA 'STEEL & CO., Ooatractors for building the Lastrantorth. Pawnee and Western Railroad, now called the civic Railway. Eastern Diehl..-moon Union Pa l.. no9slas ELAC CRAIG, O'CrTLICT SAW LLLEGICIerf arn, Neva conitantly on hand a tarts and tbmolilr seasoned rtock of DECKIND, BOAT ANDISOOId PLANE, WINDOW IRANI RIDFP, LINTLER, 8171141 ILLS, JOISTS, SPOUTING, LATHER,' PAL. INOB, de., ko., tc. Be will Ril ordars RAW= nun. wta timmptner and at air sum. N. D. Persona wanting LONG TUMID or POP. LAD are partimmmg invited to examine his Mock. akirUala. on Ora* street, near Robinson. swasaf cor Y/ENTRY RESIDENCE WANTEI24 t•Tranted to purchase' • amall YARN. yip TO 6 0 AOILDS, more ar lea, within In Ln., Pittsburgh, directly on-the , tine of eralway. Wit or h in 6 miles, on • mu s tiage read, would luiswor: The house buildin be good and stylish, with Tto 10 rooms. A 1.., the ueoasat7 stable and Dam buibilep. The 'mamma. be of good guilty and well watered, improved with *nit, tte, Artilom." haring a miltablajdaos ittid ••purchaser by ad dressing " D. U., Gongs Office, Pittsburgh," oat. i ticulars as to ngsire, locat hograve ce, m ilsion, pri Drunber or rooms, and par ta. N. B..—Would be willing to lesua, for a !emu of pan. plovidad the owner was not sitsposod to sell. maul DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERBIIII'. —The partztereldp heretofore exiattok ender the mune, &scowl style of DOQUITOOD AMMO N, In the Nurest7 Dashond,has this thy been dissolved by nottual consent ; and all budnois connected nith the Gnu will be settled by either of said hrm lEMIRY nocxstcraz, ADAM AMMON. Octobor 10,4863. la retiring from the late Ana of DOOKSTOCE • 2111101 to 1, I take plearore fa recommead k at. 0012 ag my partner the patronage of oar rhetorician. ADAM AMMON. RUN - DRIES. so,ooo au. Basil:sheaf /loan; 400 ma. Ittigh Bolt Bastes 1,000 Ths. Catawba si Grapes 2 DNA. flesh Egg,; ES half n bbls. No. Mackerel; zs .• " o 1 do; 23,1,b15. Labrad orng; " e!Med A boloolViater Apples; 300 bush. pplea; 200 ' rose/s Peaches; 100 wks groxuld Alum Salt; Bow hag and sale by null • • 11. RIDDLE, 183 Lthert street. vi 7. R.; 100 .do 114=N:iv LI do 01144 G ; 40 100 half bbbi No. - 3 large IlfactereT; 30 bbls...tio. laisi 3iObterel; do 1 dn; 100 bubo's nandly Boit obastnE 04; In 'lore and for sat o by 0431 C 711441. 0. HALBLEY, 174 Liberty UNDRati ArTHOLIZED JAS. C. SPROVL, CIIAS. IV:LEWIS Authorized Recrtddig Agent; 10,000 Paper Collars. MACRUZ & GLYD 0..4 Gives Lykt G r re v , Illfevexta, " Easy, Efcro Orange, Ptak R p/ ecamon Scarkt, Elate, So/fr.-we. r !kw N EW GOODS.—We have now in ato FALL AND WINTER GOODS, m.it of which wery purolloooll lefor. flu Ist. ranee In prkt., nod will to sold at low rot.. CLOAK 0 RNA3LENTs.,O UIPUB.3 LACES. ! AND BINDINGS, LACE COLLAP.I, 4 , COLLARS BREAK F AST SKI TS, an so,les; LINEN lIA,NOREFICIIIEFS, ga.de at old primp; SILK A bASB MERE NECK SCARF: , RIB BONS, FLOWERS, RESCLIES; FELT HATS, BEA HATS, SILK FLATS; ILEA.D.DB READ-NETS, In every atylo; I:OK:NEI • VETS, BONNET SILKS, SRATLNG ZOIPAVE JACKETS, BREA.K.Fm.r SONTAGS, BALMORAL SKIRTe. ee now styles; SLY, QUAKER, Aod • new HOOP SKIRTS, FILEN( 1, AMERICAN CORSETS ; MORAL STOCKINGS, Do s S Shakar, Knit, end other kit r tall and winter; GLOVES In every . quality ; good pairs KID GLOVES. ors and plain black, far $1 00; good • GLOVES, for SI 00; Men.. SIIETLA SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, real - • full line of other Godergertne) FLoLshlng Goods, ror- Men, W. - and Children. enrWholesale Rooms op stairs. St. LOWS, $O, ° Z , A "i oußr. ayer. from country, and city dealers, st.- nock at all thug well imorted, and pr fees as law as any other house. 0.6811 1 / 4 1.E.RE6 A_ND A'i. J. M. BURCHFIELD'S, N. R cor. Fourth nd Market, itreets BOYS' AND GENT'S CASSIMIRES. Black. Blue and Brown Cloths ALEX. 001/DOE SATINETS, all Colors. Plrrmmroe P KENTUCKY JEAIVS, TWEEDS Gny, Twillpd t %its a , Colored and Bhutmg Flnel& BLANKETS, SHAWLS & CLOAKS A hdl assoniiieot of our, dcwrlptton of nol? DRY GOODS BARKER & CO.'S, No. 59 Market Street FRE.NOH IdERDOES, 51 130 ;in YARD—ALL COLORS. SILKS, AT 7&1., $1 00—PERYU8i4p% DRESS GOODS, AT 11%, TD AND 250. PER YARD CLOAKS, ALL KINDS-GREAT BARGAINS. EVERY srrix wait rr, E VERYTHING CHEAP I nog ins- CALL AND BEE.IPII‘ jII PENED. 2,000 DOZ. SPOOL Comm, ID 'muter. nmens from lo to 60, which tr. gra ekes out a 37 CENTS pa gym. 000 POZ. PLAIN Afill ELM NUYS k 6000 BALMORAL SKIRTS. 5 Q 4 .tozen of the NEW ANTT-REI, ATI() SHIRT, at the retail SI 50 each. 100 doz. Atkltison's Steel fei. r. 50 " a IS Cu BATON, AtAORIIN & CO` F, STEEL coma4/3 RATON, KUM & Nos. 1? Jam 19 vino .67714 MT, POAAVrir% P. Atkinsm's Steel Clollara putillif63 p fa . znamelled Whits, Imlay ftM abyearanoe•and cam rt ars l of Liam. MTo military mot and trafalma thrs avalqa; =m a nacis currsiz ansAi s axe emit:* lient's Eliandint C0ther5...........51 CO each. Tantater Ladles' Nanov %Amara. • • ' 100 . • • Par Par. !. Coifs 1 DO'per Wt. Seat br Tag rearpt of 11-14 Steel Cullarr ro-otramened for 25 cents; or ve trill exchange a NEW COLLAR for as OLD.O.NE, pro riding iris not brake of balk 112 r r 5 mato. The trade tamped at the Nov York AgentStyrka. Nor prim Mt &Orem tr FALL GOODS 1 1:7213 NEW GOODS! Jul reed riml LAME, lIIPA.BOY & WAS tr. ntenw, entomr. odik. GEORGE*. PORok General Coarnitsion* Itferctiant, -•• IMPZIVCCIN: • • jr4a. IL'ELTick o?„,ltiatfi; 4 4a.c,:xftb!-/k 5,,i1.44..m1,07...;.-4..--Nalibt Xj!it_ _?,OODS, IYG 600 doa extra three-thread and Grey gritting Yarn. 1,500 dos fine extra do., all cola 60 doz. Knit Jackets, 60 doz Traveling Shirts. SO dos. Drawer& 60 doa Atkinson's Patent S Collars, VERY Loki 78 Market Street, Mir-DER FOtillTll AND DLOIOND no 7 a wmpleen Hoek of JOSEPH HORNE & 77 379 liAltreT STREET CLOAXGVG CLOTHS S XI A. NV .T... El , At kednetd rites IT MID to sarrinkr 6cle dectais for reToN. itAantrat at') Pittamigh. i Occuenro