RM . 4 • ~...,-.,, "4Y? !^i*ivy'TM"S~`i:f3': '-~ "w"~...: 5 15",~: F3~':^] G"~kC !~ - t . "~.5n4:r:,.,.:r. n... r-r ~.LrJ-~a;:::: a .:x e~- - 44. '4 ;;,, ,4 .1". , 1•!.."5 71 ;',.. "7: .1 , ..47. 1 -, •'-- ' .....--- --.--.........-.........,4....-- -.-,.. - • ~ -,, r411-.2 ~ . . . _ . - ... -". E ...... . ESTABLISHED IN 1786-, GROCEICEER, PROD UCE,If r al.4l.lrEnelc i rlfllZEßS, Ac CLI MILES V. .BISELEY, Produolaid_Oommission-Mefchant. WEIIICILANDISS And dealer In all kind. I pf ebbitTrfPitint man 4prit9nßar. .• • • mht:ly • 11 0 1INVAX brooms.. , a it .1119C/1.4, (of the late firm of b. .t A. BPDonald } Pittsburgh. & Co., Wellsville Ohba) ACDONALD . &ARBUCKLE* Whole -MI. sale Grocers, Produce and Commission Mar. ebants, Jobbers fo 00FF18.H.14. 0. 800 AB and MO LASSES, RETIRED SUGARS A SYRUPS, rcous, BACON, TOBACCO,. TEAS, 'RICE, CLIEESE, REEDS, Ac., N. 212 and 21.4 Liberty street, Pitts burgh. - SI . W.Ig R. Jr LAZ&AIt, ' • Wboßftlo GROCERS AND COREIISSION MERCHANTS, !=== - PITTSBURGH. Roarer 111.40E10101 man Mer. ACKEPWN cE LIN HART, FLOrR M sea CCIIN Fserons..Poneres • No Commences Stsucrtasrrs, for tho Ws of Flour, Groin, Pork, He wn, Lard, Batter, Eggs, Chore, Bennie, Tallow, Unary. Xestbere, Potatoes, Tot and Pout Ashes, BA/fitittfigi'Lltuteed : and bud Oils; Dried and Green Prnint,'lllnothy, Clover. Flax and Grass Seeds. ~, , ,Austradennostnents mason Consignments. Ap4•l Ho. 297 Liberty street. Pittsburgh._ . M GORMLY, intor.ssALE asocEs, No. Stl LIBERTY' STREET. Pittsburgh, Having purehasod,tho intortat of his late partcm, will .atlunsi the basin...as dm old stand, and will ho pleased to racalvo tha patronagro of his old'friends and costomors. Inyls:tl WEBB & llsacrwrrs,,VOtales:ds dealers in 'WESTERN REISERVN CREME, DRIED nurrEß, EGGS, GRAINS, and produce generally. Alen, LEATIIEVIIIDES, OILS, Ac., No. 217 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. JAJ:remh advanceraintirmade. Consignments so. lidtotL• Jel2-6mil ..... -.mm ILITC•11[1.I. Virl' P. BECK & CO., No. 185 Llls- I. erV.Steest, Pittslough, PA, Wholed. Oro men, onalation Merchant., ad deeds j WON- Via PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, .BACON, ;ARP, BUTTER GS , OIfERSE, FISH, PRO PUCE, /LOUR.' GRAIN, SEEDS GREEN AND DRIED 'FRUITS; Ike., SAL! end LIME. Jyle _ _ . JOHN - B. 4 CANFIEiLD; ContissioN Ain) Fonwannow3lnscaaarr and grEna a n.la dealer In WRSTRILN RESERVE CHEESE, BUTTER, LADD, PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, POTak ND PEARL ASHES, SALERATES, LINSEED AND LARD OILS DRIED FRUIT, and Produco irnsnrnlkr, N. a. 141 and 143 Front street, Pltrahnrgh. or/ Tact. JAYILA I,ll4Ftc. LITTLE & TRIMBLE; 'Wholesale Oro cer. and Comnsimio,idayrekkanta, &Wong fir tguDIATE.- FLOPS, 144.0014, Clll/65g, $l4ll CAIIIIOI4.4IiD L &11110114 MON; NAII.I I , GLASS ORTON 1:4111N71, an/ r ludburet manutaotun. getterallj, 112 - ind 114 B