ipittsburgit II li3 21 MORNING:::NOV. 11, 1863 . CITY AND SUBURBAN. Official Paper of the City. Trial of James Stapleton for the Mur der of Mary Burke. Cover or Ores ASI) Traxnrin.— Tuesday, Nov. 10.—Judges Sterrett, Mellon, Stowo and Brown. The examination of witnesses for the pros netitbn was resumed at the opening of Court. Fanny . Smith, alias Benfield, testified to the circumstances preceding and succeeding the shooting. She did not witness the homicide, as she ran out of the house when the quarrel commenced. She identified the defendant, however, as the individual whO displayed the pistol, and who began the quarrel by striking the deceased. She stated that Mary Burke died In her arms, saying: "What did that man shoot mo for?" • Isabella Kelly, the other girl at the house, to stifled to nearly the same effect. On - cross-examination, Mr. Mar shall produced three small notes, written by "Curly" Welsh, for Isabella Kelly, and in her name, white she was in jail. In these notes she mikes the defendant for twenty or twenty five dollars, in consideration of which she would stay away for a year, and net. testify against him. Afterwards she asked him for a dollar (she being sick) which defendant gave her. Officer Moon testified to having arrested the defendant, about midnight, 011 the night of the murder. Ile was in his bed at Mrs. Marks' boarding house, on Grant street. lie lay on the top of the bed, in Wound sleep, with his feet projecting over the rail, and after violent shaking he awoke. No pistol was found upon him. Mrs. Marks, his landlady, testified to baring seen a pistol in his possession on the evening j preceding the murder. This closed the testi mony for the prosecution. Marshal Swartzwelder, Esq., opened the ease on behalf of the defence. He alluded to ose degraded character of the prosecuting "Airless, (Mcßee,) as characterized him se covered with moral leprosy. Ho thee Isrethadowed what the derange would be—insanity by reason of intemper ance. He stated that the defendant had not been used to drinking, but, being of a jovial disposition, and having spare time on his hands, ho hod spent throe weeks In Et. Louis and Cincinnati, drinking. On his arrival here, the first day proceeding the evening of the murder, was spent in drinking with Owim Riley, John Linday, George Dearly, Si. Coston MoCnllough, Andrew Moon, Wm. C. Hamil ton, and others. He then explained the bear ing which insanity had upon the lair regard ing murder. All the witnesses above named wrtro called and examined as to the number of drinks they I had taken with the defendant. They ranged from one to five drinks each. Others who had not drank with him, testified to his baring been very drunk. - The Court then adjourned. nalfroad InJUtictlon Case. In the 'United States Circuit Court, to-day, the ease of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad company vs. the Pittsburgh and Conuellsville Railroad company being an application for an injunction to restrain the Connelsville com pany from holding an election under certain provisions of an act of Assembly alleged to be detrimental to the interests of the Balti more company—will come up for argument. Tho act alluded to was passed by the last Logisbsone, and provides that no stockholder in the C , onnellsvillo road, no matter what amount of etodk he may own, shall be en titled to more than twenty-two votes. The Baltimore and Ohio eompani own seventeen thousand eight hundred sharres of the stock, and believing their interests - predjudiced by the act, they obtained a preliminary injection to prevent the act from being carried into effect. Yesterday , a role was granted to show cause why the injunction should not be Pet aside, as the matter will be fully argued to-day. A Verdant V onng Man In a Concert Saloon. A young man, eon of a respectable farmer of.Luzertie county, recently visited Philadel phia, and in his rounds dropped Into a concert sulooir' He was well dressed, appeared to have been brought up carefully, and, evinced a degree of refinement in his appearance that all farmers' Ilona do not show. He had been drinking , bqforo he entered. A waiter girl took a seat beside him, and he drank more. The girl was brazen, painted and bedirzened with jewelry. She drank and eneouraged the youth to drink with her. Finally she dared 'him to marty her. He accepted the challenge. She retired for, her shawl and bonnet, end he followed her oat. As an ex goeth to daugh ter. he accompanied her to an Alderman's office, where the magistrate married them. The misery that mast fall upon that young ~man and his family and parents, can easily be understood. Comment is unnecessary. Vestvall Coming. .Vi r witro gratified to announce that Manager Henderson has - effected an engagement with the eolebrated Mdlle. Vestrall, who will ap ' pear in' oar beards as a dramatic actress, on Monday evening next. Those who hive boon 'familiar with Mdlle. Vestrali on tho lyric stage;nied no assurance of her splendid abil ities asi an actress; and she will carry to the drama all the force and Intensity which have heretofore characterized her efforts. Her first appearance will be in "tames, the leirish, Mother," an adaptation froze Mocqaard's , drams, " Les Tirecirs des Cartes," written ex pressly fee her. A beautiful chant is intro duced in one of the scenes, also two or three -very fine pieces of music. Other novelties will be, introduced as the engagement pro /greases. The - appearance - of this celebrity hero willow doubt, create a furore aeeond to that produced by the advent of the famous Jenny Lind. Parses: Wow= lisvima.—Of course, any present, however trivial, is worth aceept snug, as its value is not intrinsic, but is to be 'measured by the unseen jewels of sentiment thntlemenation invests it with. Still, one does not object to a present having a high In trinsielralue. Where a woman knows ho can afford, oho will not think the less of a present froth her hisband foc, Its hating cost from forty to two hundred dollars. Not a bitof it. Now, we have in oar minds' eye just such a prescmt as a true -- wife would like to receive from her wormer half. Such of our own read_ en as would see- it in its substantial form, may , do so, by ateppinginto the saloeroom of Messrs. Griner Le - Biker. No. 64 Fifth street. In One of their sewing machines, so perfect in their constriction, and so easily adapted to every kind of work, we think that a genu ine husband, who lore' his wife, and would, therefore,lighten her heart by lightening her tiros, *ill find just snob apresent as he ought to feel bound to give her at this season of festivity and : gratefulness. The prices of the maChines, ,which are marvelously simple, and require no echanical skill to manage, are Tni rofor ;m ty-fivef dollars upwards. Let .every sensible, father of a family buy one, and In six months l will save its cost in "weariness 'and-taxation of spirit"itione.—.PhiL Mercury. Bee OXIiAEGIII3IOI4I3 OP. i DETECTIVE; 011 ClTlll osrrnat os Cann.—The aerator of the stories composing this volume is "A Retired Member of HI Detective Police," of Now- York city. He introdnces•himself In a prefatory chapter by telling his own story—" How he became a Detective." Following this, wo have twenty one stories of crime and its discovery; and the means, by which the perpetrators Were hrougt to.justioe. Tho kind of interest be longing, to such a book hardly needs expla nation; a largo portion of the "popular liter ature" of the dey thews how well iris under stood. Some years ago, a police officer in Ed inburgh, Scotland, published a book of a similar character, giving his "professional reminiecences," which, we believe, proved eueoessful. Our Now York "HoUred pettative" may have like good fortune. Published by Dick and Fitsgeraid,New York; for sale by Henry Miner ' Fifth street, (next door to the Posteffice.) Price 25 cents, post free. 'PitoWrrr.D. , --Tho friends of Thos. G. Blake ; ly; late hospital steward of tho 78th regiment pens:sylvanite Volunteers, Col. Sitwell's, will -be pittosed.tolearii that ho has-been promoted t 0 segintaufal Orator-master, with tho rook fintnontesanc , ' ^ =ZEE f ,,,+C4!v.. /LON 'CITY COLlztli;: . 'itrisu. rani, 1 THE LATEST NEWS Tlzere is no institution or learning in the country, at present, attracting no great an BY TELEGRAPH. amount of attention as thin, Students aro 1 }locking to it from all parts of the country, on aeocunt of the reputation it has among busi ness men for making thorough, propene! and reliable necountante. Its gradnatee take precedence over those of all other Commercial Schools ; a Diploma from this College being a certain passport to success in business life The Faculty is composed of skillful and ex perienced men, who stand at the head of their profession, and who are well known to be emi nently fitted for the positions they occupy. Every young man in the country should try to avail himself of the advantages afforded by a course of study in this College. Circulars of the College, containing fall information, can be had on addressing the Principals, Messrs. Jzvanen d Smut, Pittsburgh, Pa. Herron TO . WHom Maxon is Drs.—Seeing it announced is a New York paper, that the Grover Jr Baker sewing machine was awarded the first premium at the late State Fair of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, at Norris town, it Is only justice to all parties to state, that the highats premiu m for the beet meing ma chine was awarded to the Wheeler Jr Wilson double thread, lock stitch sewing machine. Medals were awarded to two other classes of machines, and a diploma recommended by the Committee to the Greyer A . Baker machine. We make this statement In order that our readers may fully understand the true state of the ease.—Philadelphia Fortner. ltdew LOOK out for counterfeits 1 not only of bank bills, bat of everything truly valuable. We understand that even the indisponsiblo arti cles known as "Family Dye Colors," are no exception to this rule. The imitations like all counterfeits, are utterly worthless. Re member that Rowe .ik Stevens' Family Dye Colon are the original, the only valuable and useful thing of the kind. listinscurs Doistrrox.—The Econornites, who Lave been noted ever efface the commence ment of the war for their noble patriotism and liberality, have made another exhibition of their kindness by a donation to the Subsis tence Committee, (for use at the Soldiers' Home) of two wagon loads of vegetables. con sisting of potatoes, beets, parsnips, cabbage, Goon Nral—Joseph Fullwood, of the 102 d regiment, tegraphs that he own regiment and the 139th, though engaged in the late bril liant achievement under Sedgwiek, escaped without a single casualty. This will be good news for those haring friends in these regi ments. Sit.n of Stock at the commercial sales rooms No. 54 Fifth street by Doris and Moll waine. Exchange Bank Bank of Pittabargh ♦llegheny Bank Allegheny Savings Bank IlsrEa'aZExcelsior liefrigerator, reeeirt first premium at the last Ohio State Fair. Call and see It at No. 18 St. Clair street. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES THOMAS PARRY, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont slate of the hest quality at low rate,. Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. • 850010 ADDIVAL or PALL AID WINTER Goons, Just received at Idam'l Graham ch Co.'s, Mer chant Tailors, No. 64 Market street. It con sists of all the vary latest styles of sloth., cassimeres and 'castings; overcoatings of all kinds of the very finest timidity, all of which is seleeted from the latest importations, and will be made up In the most fashionable and best manner. Gentlemen. desiring a stock of goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed by any other in the city, and every garment warranted a perfect lit, would do well to give us an early call. &non. °swum ac Co., Merchant Tailors, No. &4 Market it. Baum. Gasman, Oro. MoCs.srimsas POI Paw, AND WINTKE WM/A.—The Sum mer is past, and by the morning's frost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly be upon no, and we must provide our selves with the material to keep us comfort able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well made overcoat are the very thing, and we do net know of any plans when our readers would suit themselves better than at Messrs. W. H. McGee & Co's clothing establishment, earner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received a com plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for waistenating, &a. .11731' RIX71711) urn RUDY roe SALZ.—TIIO fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, lately received by Messrs. John Wier k Co., Merchant Tailorsaffo. 146 Federal street, Al legheny. The stock of clothing consists of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and °vomits. The style of patterns is tasteful and fashionable. We would invite all of our readers to give the above gentlemen a call. To lixow IS TO Arreova.—Rev. George Herding!, Oreenport L. 1., writes "You are at liberty to use my name, if you think prop er, as .a recommendation both of Mn.n S. A. Allen's Zylobalsamtim and World's Hair Re storer for restoring the hair. Their virtue should not be 'hidden wider a bushel.' " Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot 193 Greenwich street New York. Busx.t. Pox has already sacrificed some of our best and bravest troops. Soldiers listen to the voice of reason, supply yourselves with klolloways Pills and Ointment. Tho Pills purify the blood and stregthen tho stomach, while the Ointment removes all pain, and provonts pitmarks. Only 25 cents per hex or Pot. 291. Wawa 8, Jawuni , ka.—J. M. Roborts, No. 17 Fhth street, is now opening the most choice stook: of fine Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Sii►er ware and Fancy Goods over displayed in tizis city, and is selling them at remarkably low prices. °enema and carriage call' "Wile taken at the Omnibus (Moe, No. 410 Penn 'treat, day or night. All orders left at the above place will be promptly attended to. All cells mast be . din advance. • EDGEWORTH SEIGNA2T.—TWO R laces have become vacant, and may be obtained by ap plying immediately. Address the Principal, at Bewieltlyville Pa. See also now circulars, at Davis' Book store, Pittsburgh, and Coch rane's, Allegheny, :bun DOMANI ' four dollars. Poor dollar,, four dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institute. Beat oboap Dentistry, bad cheap Dentistry, No talobitio work,sso iallablue work. a BIAS BARGAINS in Ladies' Fan. Sots can bo had at the following pricers : SS, ST, $B, SO, $lO, $l2 and apwardo, at J. Finch's, coiner of Grant and Fifth streets. emmuto out Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs and Door Mats, at first cost, at J. Finch's, corner Grant and Fifth streets. GSIBIT BARCIA.IIIB in Dress Goods and Shawls at J. Finch's, corner Grant and Fifth Ms. V. Sun, Dentist, 248 Penn street, will at tend to oil business of his profession. DIED: ARM/MON.-1n 'Franklin roan:Leidy, MiesSen7 manly, Pa., Noe. Sib, 186.7„ Mrs. MANNAR AN DERSON, aged 77 years. El? fOllOlllll will take plats on TEIVIESDAY NOISING, 12th Inst., at 'lO o'clock, front tho nntlanco of Pars. Balla Anderson, relict of William Anderson, deed. on Smith street, near Penn, Ninth IYanl. The friends of the family 'aro respectfully invited to at land. It EYES AND EAR DR. BAELZ Nyi particular attention to the treatme ntopemtas of CRONIO DISLANZS, the EYE and ZAN on lE CATARACT, SQUINT ETTA, for ART IFICIAL PUPIL, iruerta ARTIFICIAL VIES, and treaty all INFLAILIL&TOEI LT= ; also NASD ItEARI NO, and all &mama electing the Zan and leading to Dealhema. OfSce. 100 MTN STBXET. ONLY $2,500 for a valuable lot of ground and three dwelling borne*, Non if and 19 Fourth West; lot thirty bee front by OU deep. 11010 8. (=EMIR? t BUNS, 51 Market at. FLAXSEED 0114—We will sell, say lOU bbta. Parrott! Bons' Vlweed Ott, if ap plied fir between Ws and the 25th Inst. 1010 IBAIAH Dlol2ltir h (O. GRA- 1458 ! ORARESI-45 boxes choice winter OrAsirbs ails b Ors" put up expressly for family on, for y no? CULP &SHEPARD, SC Liberty 'treat. HITE HEANB-20 bzuWde pprime lauds by WM. P. BEOK CO. ''.4lz3'z'amz"'"zz'i."-''2I44.IZWZ Z 2 RW2ggiNEFLATEIHMERPt:IhE t 7:r ODit SPECIAL DIf3PATOKES, FROM WASHINGTON. Ipreiel • Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Garotte. Wiarrnroros Crrr, Nor. 10, 1863 THE SPAT CLERKSHIP Or THE 1/Orall Earnest efforts have been making for some days by th• leading politicians to hare Hon. Samuel L. Casey, late Congressman from the Paducah (Kentucky) District, consent to be come a candidate for Clerk of the House, but Casey has, to-day, positively declined. Ho has largo business interests in this South, which require his personal attention this win ter, and it will, therefore, be impossible for him to come to Washington. Much regret at the decision is expressed, as it Involves new combinations for all offices below the Speaker. Issues of the new fractional ourroncy are to continue. The designs are not to be changed, but another quality of paper will be used. The Government does not refuse applica Goias for the discharge of prisoners of war but no decisions are given at prevent. Gains' court martial has Leen postponed on til Monday. Preparations for the trial o Col. Mcßeynolds have boon delayed In cone quonco of the absence of important witnesses THI OCCUPATION OP PRNDNRICKSPITHO It turns out that tho occupation of Freder icksburg by onr cavalry was only made during a reconnoissance in that direction. Our cav alry also oecnpy Culpepper, and the bulk of the army is lying a few miles this side of Brandy Station, engaged in the customary occupation of awaiting for supplies. REBEL RE/DINO HOOKS Tho Itiehusond papers contain several ad vertisements of reading rooms, whore the New York and Philadelphia papers are regularly reficired and filed. COLORED REGIMENT TO RE SLIT OFF The Fecund negro regiment of this district is full, and will be sent in a few days to South Carolina. NRCIRO ESCIICtTI In Maryland negro recruiting is going on with greatfrapiclity, and the State will soon have tow ablo-bodied slaves who aro not serv• leg their country in tho field. $69,00 66,7 ',60 005,00 =I Adriccs from Tennessee say that Major Stearns is making successful and sand pro gress in enlisting colored troops thtt.tx , ; lle has established recruiting stations at uh ville, Murfreesboro, Gallatin, Wartiaze r Clarkville, Shelbyville, Columbia, and Ste venson, Alabama. The loyal slateholders receive certificates entitling them to compen sation not to exceed three hundred dollars for each slave thus taken into military service, or filing with tee authorities a valid deed of manumission. Disloyal elavoholders receive nothing. =I Lieut. Col. Dover, late of Gen. Foster's staff, and formerly of Cincinnati, has been ordered to New York, to scree as disbursing officer of the Commissary Department. REBEL PRISON6IIII Captured in the recent fight at Kelly's Ford, about 2,000 in number, are to be sent toJohn son's Island, Lake Erie. Muskets captured at the same time, bore the mark. "Loudon, LEE. GONE. TO CHATTANOOGA The government has received statements through spies, on whom sumo reliance is placed, to the effect that Lee has gone to Chattanooga to assume command, though his absence from the army of Northern Virginia is carefully concealed, and orders are still is sued in his natno. DISCUSSION ABOUT EVACUATING HICINOND information from tho same source says that the question of evacuating Richmond had been for some time under discussion among the military men and leaders. There is no de cision yet reached; but some of the best in formed thought it would be decided affirma tively. CACITHE OP A LOCOMOTITIC VW TRAIN Bat few Confidante troops are now within the borders of Kansu. Martesduke's env-Airy and some twenty-bra hundred men are in the mountains west of Fort Smith, and abort of supplies. Politics throughout the western part of Ben- U aas are highly enoeuraging for the nion The Advance of the Potomacl Army. ea!"' Twu regiments of Col. Erizatiowskra bri gade, of the ElaverithiCorps, captured a loco motive and train at Goodwin's coal mine, south of the Tennessee river. They are build ing a bridge ono hundred and twenty-three feet long to get them away. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 0 .- 1 -There was a little fighting on the southern bank of the Rappa hannock, but it was of little importance. It is not improbable that a great battle will bo fought within a day or two, and has perhaps been fought to-day. All depends on Gen. Lee. If ho will stand for a battle one is pretty certain to occur. (len. Meade started out this time bent on a decisive conflict with the enemy. lie was urged to it by the Presi dent, Secretary Stanton and Gen. Matlack, and was not at all averse, especially under such circumstances. The army is la excellent trim. In numbers_ it must be superior to the enemy 10,000, and perhaps 30,000. There is no rea son to fear of defeat, and there are many reasons for believing that Lee will be com pelled to fall back still further into the heart of Virginia. From information which reached Washing ton to-night, by a messenger leaving the army of th- Potomac at 10 o'clock this morning, it appears that Gen. Buford yesterday reached a point two miles north of Culpepper, driving the rebel cavalry and infantry before him. Gen. Lee's headquarters on Saturday eight were at Brandy Station on the Rappahannock. This refutes the belief current in come quar ters that ho had gone south to advise with Bragg. Our army lay in line of battle all day yes terday, but Lee dbelined to accept the tune of an engagement. Gen. Kilpatrick 'coupled Pony . Mountain yesterday afternoon. Last night he discov ered a largo area of camp fires south of the Rapidan, between Raccoon Ford and Rapidan Station on tho Railroad. No fires of magni tude worn discovered in and around Culpep per. This leads to the inference that Lee has declined to risk a general engagement in the op..m field and withdrawn his forces except a rear guard to his former etreng position. . All the k;idence tends to prove that Gen. Meade has again out-goneraled Leo by lead ing him to bellevd it was his intention to move down the neck - opposite Frederiekbrirg, than inducing the latter to weaken hie front hero to strengthen that point. A gentleman who arrived here to-night says, our lino of battle crossed t..4e Orange and Alexandria Railroad to a point where it is supposed Leo has a fell force. Rebels Reported Evacuating their Po. sition before Chattanooga..—paying OH' the Army. CIIATTANOCIA, Nov. 10.—Scorgia refugees just in, report considerable movement of Bragg's troops and stores southward, and the rebels are said to be evacuating their position before Chattanooga. They are retiring to Boma or Atlanta. Longstreet is said to be organising a large force for a raid on our line of communications. Bridgeport, Nov. le,—Pay masters ' with 87,000.000, are engaged in paying the troops up to the first of Nov. Quito a long time. Not a shot from Lookout to-day. Fire In Nevada City. SAN Fassolsop, Nov. 10.—A fi re occurred at Nevada City yesterday, and destroyed nearly all the buildings on Broad street, and the fine brick buildings on Main street. The Methodist Episcopal, Congregational and Catholic Churches, Express and Telegraph Offices, Court House, Gas Werke, U. B. Motel, and many stores in the neighborhood, were destroyed. The county records were saved. The loss is estimated at two hundred thoo,and dollars. n7 2 t l / 1 . General BnUer. FORTRUS Maxim, Nov. 10.—Maj. General Bader and staff arrived this evening tram Washington. = El =31120 POSTPOICBD New Yonn, Nov. 10.—The machine shops are generally acceding to the demand of the strikers for higher wages under the great pressor° of work for the government. The Adriatio arrived at ter o'clock, with 700 passengers. London, Oct. 27.—The mfision of Marshal Neil, to St. Petersburg, is presumed to be a last attempt on the part of Napoleon to per suade the Csar Alexander to grant the Poles the concessions which the diplomacy of Europe has hitherto failed to obtain. It is, however, surmised that the Emperor of the French would not be dioploasep ar greatly disappointed if the Poles maintained themselves in insur rection. . Canto, Nov. 10.—Little Rock advice■ to tho 6th say that Priee's and Helms"' commands were atilt at Mamba!, Texas. - In Tennessee, Forrest has been detailed on special duty, cutting the communication by river and railroad with our army at Chatta nooga. All the cavalry in Mississippi is to be mounted, and the northern portion of the State to be placed under the command of For rest. Cotton from Memphls--Unlon Meeting In Little Rock, Ark. emu., Nov. 9.—Tho Steamer Warren arriv ml from Memphis with four hundred ana ISOV enty bates of cotton for Cincinnati. A Union meeting was hold at Littlo Rock on the Slot Resolutions were passed ex pressive of a cordial support and loyalty to the United States, and pledging their utmost endeavors to aid in suppressing the rebellion anti restoring the supremacy of government. A number at spirited and loyal addressor were delivered, and a committee appointed to draft a constitution and by-laws fur the Central Union Club. The Missouri Leglslature.....Commls_ stone for Bushwhaekets....ketreat of pekes , and Holmes , Forces to Texas. Sr. Lents, Nor. 10.—The Legislature mot at Jefferson City to-day, and adjourned till to morrow for want of a quorum. NOM from below Bays that Jeff. Davis hes lent commbedons to the nortorious busk whackers of Arkansas to ntiso men to carry on a guerrila wander°. Price and Holmes' forces are reported bar ing retreated to Texas. Nsw You, Nov. 10.—Ootton scarcely es firm at 85680. floor heavy and 64010 c lower for Extrn State ; $7,1037,25 for Extra N. 11. 0., 117;35(p,25 for Trade Druids, the market closingdailvdth no buyer. at outside quotatiom. Whisky quiet and firm at 02012%. What/ opened henry and closed dull, and folly 2e lower; $1,34401,30 for Chicago Spring and Milwaukee Cilb, $1,37*01,38 for Amber Milwaukee, $1,4201,61 for Winter Bed, 81,4001,42 X for Old do.; $1,52(.)1,63 for Amber Michigan. Corn if= revive and a trine lowar ; 51,0N31,103.4 for /Shipping Mixed Western, afloat, 81,10 for White Western. Oats about le lower at ENt42l Mr Wolters' and State. to Pork opened ilet and - dosed a dude miler at Ilicg 1;425 for Old ; 517,715 for New do.: $11,5k3112 for New Prime; 104,60007 for New Prima Meet; 1,000 dile New Men for December, buyers' option,. $lB. Bad quiet and eteady, and comdderable doing ea private terms; City IN, CitiMbeilaad Cut, on the. lue, for December&lively. and 1234 for churl r ibbed, for December. Dressed flogs arm at 6.,Ard 735. City Lard quiet and unchanged; I,cuo January at • p inimj. ,,g 2A !kr. 1 1 3—Flour Ann ; cake 15,000 alit at 1707,37 k for Extra Family. Wheat nd vateing and firmer; talcs 0,000 bosh Bed at $1,536 1,55; 2,003 bash Kentucky Whiteat $2. Com kat,. amt ednoeed 10; eaten 3,000 bash Yellow and White at, $1,07. Coffee quiet. By Arm at 111,WA$13N. Whisky advanced t 0114623. BM:nun; Nov.lo.—floor arm and mute ; ov emment contracts were awarded. for 20,000 bbts at iN17,3507,70. Wheat doll and Bel dedllnerl 2C3c. White quiet at V.,03.12,04. Whisky Ann soles 200 Ws at Cc. Corn Ann. , • New York Stock and Money Market. Now You, NOT. 10.—lioney decidedly Omer with a brisk demand at 7--some portico hero paid, 7,14 Eltep ap ditil and lour ; Put clan WU aro quoted 1,50 . Gold dull and lower. opening at 4d, ad .., " 44. X, declining to 44%, and closing quiet at 46 , 4 Government stocks lower ; U. C. G's 1891 COUPOII3 1036.10934; 74(Y1 10%1107. stock." rower with a tale badness t- C. A ft. HaseUng P. D. C CO U. S.Wilit P., 11. W. 0....—... 81% U. B. don reg'd......10814 A. T. U.-.-- 68 17. S. 6 . 01 g'd 047 T..........,---n 5 7 - 30.4 ...... R :..............1 G. kfj U. 11.01 I yr. cer :31 - O. A T —An New M. Ii 81, C.! W. izt N. rji.C 791 Clan.estip....-41731 Unison Me:. • Items 'from Southern Papers. Raw Youz, Wow. 10,—The . following is from the Charleston Menem of lihv. 2d : We have important news 4con the front of Chattanooga. A shrewd game is new being played by the enemy for the possession of Lookout Mountain. The announcement of the passage of the river at Bridgeport by a column of federal troops, reveals the long an ticipated plot to force Bragg from the moun tain by flank movements. This tanking force of the enemy, when last heard from, was somewhere in the vicinity of Land Mountain, taking pretty much the same route that Base man, took when Bragg found him approach ing and evacuated Chattanooga, and fell bank to Dalton and Kingston. The Atlanta Intelligente , says that move meats are being made that must decide which of the combatants will hold Tennessee, and many days will net elapse before another terrible battle will take place. For some days Buckner, with a largo body of men, has beep steadily moving towards Keerville ' his torso being sufficieetly strong to removeall apprehensions of danger from the enemy is East Tennetsee. Should be seamed in driving the enemy from East Tenn essee they will. bo open to ear victorious army. . The Augusta Constitutions/id, of Saturday, says: We have intellipnee, which wo deem entirely trustworthy, that our forces occupy London, and the advance, under Ste venson, has reached Concord, fifteen miles this side of Knoxville. Col. Wallace, of the gut Tennessee and Georgia railroad, has seat to Gnion Point for more of the rollingstock of this road. • .. The Marietta anifalarate, of Oct. 30, says an officer of the army, Just from Rome, brings intelligence of the receipt of a telegram by the commandant of the post at Rome from Selma. We believe that • heavy form of Yankee mouated infantry had reached the vicinity of Tuscaloosa en mule for Selma. They are raid to have come from Tupelo by the same route that Bragg's army came last summer. The Atlanta Appeal zap t The Ifintiseippian, of Ootober 29th, gives some particulars of a Union raid intro Alabama, which the editor has gathered from Lieut. Col. Hulett, of Jasper, Walker musty. lie says the Alabama Union Cavalry, composed of tories and deserters from Northern Alabama, and commanded by Col. Pairtold, and a battalion, styling them selves the Alabama, Mississippi and Tennes see Sharpshooters, made a raid into the Cane Creek country, -last Tuesday week, and were engaged by the command of Col. Porreet, with what result Is not known. On Tuesday night Ferguson's brigade was ordered to the seen* of action, and fought the raiders-till Wednes day evening, with bit few casualties on either side. On Wednesday and Thursday the same force of !otitis and deserters made their ap pearatioe on the mountains of Marion, Win- Stow and Walker counties, coming within ton miles of Jasper. They burned Allen's cotton faetery and destroyed much property of the loyal citizens, and even tore np the dresses of the ladies, end broke the fatuity/vs and crockery at every house they visited. They camped within ten miles of Jasper on Friday night and left on Saturday morning, and appeared at Settees, near Davis' Stand, on Monday. From Japan—Pilots to be pat to Death —Minister Dismissed—. Foreigners Ordered to Leave Nagasaki—The Purchase of Foreign* Vessels Pro hibited. SAN F*130144'0. Nov. 10.—DMes reoeirod from Naked&ii, Japan, to the Bth, say the Areh Prima) of Nagath had issued orders that Joeoph Nem, a Japanese, formerly of San Frameiseo, and the Japanese pilots who con dnoted the Wyoming to Shemoneki, should both be killed. Oae of these pilots was mar dared soon afterwards. The Chief Minister and throe ether mom bore of the Sabine have Wean dismissed be oaes• they were In favor of peace with Chris tian nations. The authorities have ordered all foreigners to leave Nagasaki. Tho foreigners refuse to leave, and the Japanese Governor has re signed. The Mikado has issued an order that no Damio shall purchase any foreign vessel. The Machinists , Strike—. The Mtgelon of M===== Affairs In the Southwest. Markets by Telegripb. • New York : Cid(le Market. . Nile Yon*, Nov. 10.—The current prkes far thoe week at all the markeu are ea foliates Beef Cattle, per rat., $1110,11; ordinary to good, 59 50310 ; com mon. 5700; interior, 56 5047. Cow. and Came, fine quahty, tot 6004 ; ordinary. 546 . 5.5 1 :4 common, $3,5 0 (44 ; inferior,. 5k1.3,50. Veal Calvin, Ara qual ity, ST ,rAI6B ; ord inary, 66,37; common, Vhaktf , inferior, t 54.5 25. Slep. extras, 5 5 ,2 , 0 5 . ; prime, $515,29; ordinary, 54,54X45; common, it@ 4,50; in tenor tkk:l4. Moioe, mom fed. 43 , 4;:lmi, tiS red, Tho market for Beer Cattle reseal= substantially the ammo am hut week. The demand is good. The offereve brought tell price+, and Govern- ment of,,,nte took nearly gee lead of the beet cattle. The receipta at ell the port. were Banyan, 6.595 ; Cows. 15M; Veal Calves, eel: Sheep had Lambe, 15,1A5; Swine not reported. RIVER INTELLIGENCE/. The river le still renting slowly at thin point, with threw and • half feet in the channel, actnirding to the pier mark, last evening. The weather continues cloudy and told, with Indications of snow The most remarkable teature we have to tr the wharf, la th.• arrival of the steamer Capt. doh. Brlckell direct from Cincinnati. This Is the firs. direct arrival front Cincinnati for abOnt four months The manifest of the Brickedl n - ill be found In imot.b. column. The little steamer Oil City was malting prepara tion. to leave for Wheeling last evening, with about all the freight she roubl take. We regret to learn that Capt. Jarum Woodburn, one of our ablest and most stastubontmen, has been quite unwell for 1,01110 snooks paid. We presume that Capt. J. H. Merritt., who It will be remembered plir:haseil the' steamer Capt. John Brlekell the other day, well nue' take charge of her. The liriakell le pest a tiew boat, having made but one trip, Atinl abe Is well adapted for the PlitenuTh and Cinehmatl trade, being able to carry eatiatderable freight ou a low stage of water. 4 UCTIO.," SALES. HORSE, BUGGY, ILkEN ENS AND JENNY LINDS.—On WEDNESDAY MORN ING, Nov. 11th, at II o'clock, mill he eold, at the Commercial Sales Stoma, 51 rifth street, one Horn, Trotting Boggy and liar... Al. two Jenny Lind Buggies. DAVIS A 31c1 L WAIN K, Ansi' nay PIANO AND KELOI/EON.—WED -- -NESDAY MORNING, Nov. 11th, at 10 o'clock, will he mild, et the Commercial Sales Rooms, No, Ul Fifth street, one very superior rd 50.0,41 ca. Melo deon; largo size, Maeon A 13+4111111/ . 11 moko, B.ton. Also, one rommood Piano Stool, and one walnut one Piano, IN octave. nolo DAVIS A 3IcTLIVAIYE, Anct'n, BOOKS AT AuurlON.—Positively I.t and closing sales of Mg. Pratt's great con olgooonot or Rook., Pspeto, Albums, Ac —OnMON DAY, TUESDAY, 11 EDNESDAY, and FRIDAY EVENINGS, Nov. 9,10, 11, 12 end 13, at 7 o'clock. Many rare and valuable Books yet r. main, which must be cloned out. Now is the time to get bargains. N. 11.--Books at private sals . during the dax, at crags auction prices. T. A. IfeCI,ELLAND, Auct'r. J. K. PRATT & BRO., BAltemon. no! CL.911.11 AGEJrTS. PENSIONS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY. T. wAryrlcit DAY. GENERAL CLAIM AGENT Lleeured by the G. 8. Government 103 FIFTH STREET, 3d door bolo. tho Cathedral. Penns] . lrania Soldiers avid of the monntalas, Emm ert" Ohio !there, and Wised Virgicda Soldiers, usti hoe. their Pensions, Bounty 112,1 Back Pay weavd at this odic.. Cirrulars swirl be soot giving full laomaation to the Soldiers, or to doorused Soldiers' Heirs, showing who ars entitled to the Bowdon, Bounty and Back Pay, and the manner of eecurtng the same, by apply ing to me by letter or in penron, Orr No charge until collected. Jy9:lyus-is TENSIONS, BOUNTY,, BAL PAY. A. C. MACKRELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CLAIN AGENT, NO. 114 TIFTII STItIIrT, Prrrsavaaa. CALMet 1101/3 I'l Allegheny and adjoining counties. Prwinentea SOLDIERS CLAIMS ; esery descrip tion ; 110 UNTIES for nil discharged Soldier., PEN SIONS, for mini:Weilmrrn and Soldiers ; BOUN TIES and PENSIONS tor Widosa, P.OO Ili, Orphan Children, Erni here and Platers, or oilier irgid repro- seutallves of those whn here died In the arnica, or Nara died altar dbicharg• frown damn s° contracted in senhas. 81:1 - Nn rharkn milli ion...led, and no hit tor will b answissed now.. • stunt , I. inrlnand. 411.1 T A Is CLA 130ITh Tf OE7ISW:if:I. BACK PA? and 141 LITAXY CLAIMS of over by the tub. scrawl., at ttin. followiog fates, Ponsion• SIO 00; all other claim" , 5.9 fat V. V. T.llfT.Oft, Attorney al Law, No. 73 Grant .tree[, Pittsburgh, Pa. X. B. No charnels ars made if the chum dons not 01000011. and all infortrost ion givou goalie. 0o4:17 . . HUNT'S PrI"I'SBUItUII ALMANAC, 22 I . z.isceol. Illuat rated PRICE ONLY PIPE CENTS. Beady to-day. Containing— Useful sod Isterestlng READING MATTER 1. Ills FAMILY CIRCLE. - - Nearly hundred VsluaLle and Profits] k Receipts for making. many of th• most Pordar PATENT MEDICINES, PEEPERS EBY, RAI it DVIS, Es.. do. WAIL RECORD. ECLIPSES. ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. ILEIVED OF EVENTS. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS or Our GREAT REBELLION. TEE.UNITED STATES PENSION LAW. TllE ENITED STATES BOUNTY LAW. TERM DAYS or TEE VARIOUS COURTS OF WESTERN FEWEST L VAN i rm., arc. Calculations by Nowise A.M., Principal of Pittsburgh RIO School. awl Author of • Dean's Arithusetir." A New Nestor,. of this NumLor Is the TWELVE SIGNS Or TRH ZODLAC. PRICE ONLY PI VEI CENTS Mailed pod-paid UT roceipt of Price. Wit A Liberal Plsroont to Droller.. JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, Muotilo Mill, Fifth lame... Ti r a -7 ,41;EW BOOK—AIy Farm at Edgewoal. A c000:r) tool .... St 50 descries I,f• Bachelor. Nesiond beautiful ed.... I 25 Dream Life. A new sod beautlfal edition 12: Philip Van Arievelda By Henry Ito Peter Coradlne. 'By Caroline Cheeeebro 1 50 Broken Columns. A now n0ve1._...._...._. .,... . I fiJ Our Old Heine. By Hawthorne 1 25 Toussant L'Overture of Hayti. A Biography._ 1 25 The Black Mau. hie Antecedent, and hi. Geniis, I to The Amber Gals. By 'Harriett Preacott 1 50 Zehoke'e Meditathme on Life 1 25 boredom and War. By Henry Ward Beecher._ 150 The Bing of Amok ry B. Bolster Lytton... 1 10 The Old Merchants of hew York. 2d series.... 1 Mr The Dead Shot. A took for Sportsmen 1 25 The fireat Stone Book of Nature. By Aneted... I 25 Per sale by KAY A CO., Weal street. noVElr E LYBODY. WOUND TO BEAT) WANT NO HORN) But come to the FINLEY VILLE STORE, Whore you can buy more for your money than any that plae. From Ma time we am &hominid to give malsfactton to all who ma favor tin with a call emi = 'MEW IigOKS ! NEW BOOKS I .1..1 Dating and Buffortng. A history of thn Groat Railroad Adventure, to Citn3roA, by Lieut. William Pittingor. 1,4 Beond tho Woes ; or, A li.kee Prisoner Lc ooso Dye.la Ike llturvel's Farm of FAlgouval; I volume. The Lent Time, by Poise. Wendell Phillips' Speeches. and Lectures. Our Sunday School, and Dos ere Manage It. A new supply Just reoeteed. no! J. L. READ. 78 Fourth ertrost. LIEN' WARRANTED IN 10 I—oALarB COUGH CURE, for the Itnisie dish, relief of. Conibs, Hoareencas, and all Undo a Throat' Affections. This article, stands utuivalled, all cloaca of pecile—inlulstere, public rpeakere,Eng ars, soldiere, .d.e by th eir voluntary commendations place ths 'Cure ' s ahem It Justly belonga, Tie ahead of all other tough remsdiee. Sold by SIMON JOHNSTON, not Corner Fourth and Solthdald OLElBl`Bit BAER, Wholesale Tobacco Dealer.,l63 WOOD Snt,P,ZT, 4vo ; new In .fora the larg e st rind inoat.compkte assort , . meat of TOBACCO, CIGARS AND PIPES In the tip, MIMI they are selling at the very low= set cub figures. All orders promptly attended to. 0014 , L ARD 100 tee. pritue kettle renderpd ao. I LEAP LARD, In store sad forage by notlw D. WAL.LACK, No. 341Elbrrty street 100 "l'aB" SUCiAIt; 40 " B" do 40 ,Pow'd, Gran. arid Crushed Linger; Jut received end far 'minty It it S BEDS., - Doo end In Woodsmen. BARRELS ORANGES; u 26 bun LEMONS Mint received and _for mid , 1119231E11 non Non 42C and 129 Wood 'trod. ~~,. .Ajt&iiiiJis. r:!.',,- UDPITTSBIJItGII - THEAUM Lams and Masta,„^cr.----- Ws. 0 11Inv . . ssura ., Treasurer Last night but there of the guout artiste, Mies caim.orrs Tnomesos, aho rrflt appear, for the bat tine, In tier admired retention of Julia. Tllll3 (Wednesday) BYRNISO, Will be proorated,'Shelidan Knowles' beautiful play in five eels, of THE lIVNGLIBACK. Julia Mrs CharLrtt.• notopson. nelen don's Meth, Muter Walter G. S. X alms. Clifford— Bettreen the fourth end flftit acts the Orchestra trill perform the Pet Polka dedicated to Mies Char lotte Thompson. To OnClUtie with AN ALAILVING sevntrws. Bob Tiekot J. o.,Enflon 11 ,,, , POtilTIVELY FUR TWO NIGIITS ONLY ALF. SURNETT, Tbs vorld-rosowood lIIIMORP3T, will give two of his Joilal entertainments at CONCICYLT 13A.L.1, On 'WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS, Nov. 11th and 12th. Tho Programme Consists of a Melange of Bfirtb 0004 +7. MiMicry, Lauctuarlo Dollnontlocts of Chu- actor, Beautiful Poetic Gatos, Comic Speeches, Old Men, Young Men, Dutch, Irish, Yankru, Fn•nch and Voutrilty4ial imitations Admission, 28 CENTS. Dems open •t 634 , coin once at 7% o'cluck noll}-3t H. IL fiTKPIIZNSON, Agent. . SPECIJI, ABE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL SMELTING WORKS, Plrrsarlas. PARK, M'CURDY do CO., Manufeetoron of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT ooprzit, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Imporfore and dealer. In METALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, Se. Constantly am hanp, TTLiNTSS' MACHINES /ND TOOLS. Warehouse, No. 140 FIRST and 120 SECOND SM. Pittsburgh, Pa. Syeetal ordara of Copper out to any &mind pattant. tay2alyday? HE CONFESSIONS AND EX PIIMIELNOIS or AN IN 'LID, published for the taunt end as a warning and minion to young men who suffer from ignrroun Debility, Beeman:lu Decay of Manhood, Mu., supplying, at the same thus, As mum of wolf ow.. By ens who has cured attar being put to grant expense and Injury through medical _humbug and quackery. By enclosing ► post-paid addrused nnulopia single union may be had of the author, NATBANILL MAYFAIR , Eeq.. my2l:lydavrir • Bedford, Eine county, N. Y. MN. C. r. .1111.11SuB. RYA W. MIRY 401111150 X. • 1y.110833111011, REA & CO., OL} censors to Rostutsoa, Alms & Mnisits,) WASUTNG TON WORKS,Fousossa*ltscuusturs, Pittsburgh. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONERY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, BRACING, CAST INGS, atilt dospiptloas ; OIL TANKS 8 STILLS, BOILER A NDSIIEHT IRON WORK. Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENS INJECTOIk, FOR FEEDING BOILERS. - • HOLNEES it SONS., DEALER!, au FOREIGN AND DDMESTIC BILLS Or EXCHANGE, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DANK NOTES AND SPECIE, Si.. 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, PA . Mir Collections made en all the principal title throughout the United States. ep2ll .Ifl US it, ert. TIECKEIi'S PLiNOS.--I epeaking of Carl Arisbuta's Cou• curt ie New York, the editor of the Musical Surfers cad World makes the following re mark.: •' The instrument. cued oe thla oremlon were of a oomparatively new firm, of the name of Deck, Brothers, and gave very gnitifylog evidence of exaellent work menial fp and powe clot mud brilliant tune. Decker'. Piano. are undoubtedly the bred manufactured novein this country." • •• Polo agents fur Pittsburgh, J. M. HOFFMANN &IMO., eel No. 51 FTETFI STREET. 11 1 13 RD FALL STOCK OF NEW PIANOS, Among others spleudkl STET/TWAY PIANOS, tho beet Pianos in the world. CALENIIERITS N. Y. P/ANOS, the boa Pan= at lAsprim In the country. HALE At CO.'S N. Y. PAINOS, the chewed Plante to lie bed anywhere. N. HUBER t BRO., No. AS Elf* sheet, • eel • dole Arrerete for the abuse Punta. 'fik/URTH - FALL STOCK A: now opening of SNARE'S GOL MEDAL PREMIUM PIANOS, which, axe now beyond • doubt I:moldered t.• best is th• weld, and fully warranted for eight years. RAINES BROS. N. Y. PIANOS the beet at the prim. Alec , OROVESTINE'S N. Y. PIANOS, the cheapeet rosewood 7 setae* Pianos made. ,a. 730 CHARLOTTE BLUME. 43 Fifth greet. pLANOS I—Jutarrived ' •-•—• splendid stock of 111 mow PIANOS, from Nam Turk, fit N. SIEDLS it DBOB, oclLlydw-wu 183 thalthfleld street DISSOLUTION.—The Partnership heretofore existing under the Dania and firm of J. IL LINDSAY & CD. is this day diamilved by Mutual convent. AB business commuted with the late firm will he settled by J. B. LINDSAY, at 00 Wood wort, up gain. J. 11. LINDSAY, J. B. LINDSAY. I have also disposed of my intatest In the firm of J. B. & S. MAX.InLL & Co. to J. B. LINDSAY. Res. 2, 1861. J. H. LINDSAY. Having purchases' the Interred of J. 11. LINDSAY, In the Arm of J. LINDSAY Co.. Hardware and Cutlery Madness; also In lb. firm of J. B. I 8. MA XWELL I Co., Belkrerti Manufacturers, the busl oad. VIII continue as usual, Hardware and Cutlery, by J. B. I,INDBA Y ; Bellows, 1.., J. B. I 8. MAX WELL A CO. Nor. 2, 1683. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The parteership kerne:4bn imbuing between the nibeeribers, raider the Arm of PHILLIPS, Timm , A CO., boo Ole day boon dissolved, CHAS. LOCKHART aid WILLIAM THEW hating m anned the entire Interests of the other partner. The hendoessof thalata firm will be settled hp LOCK HART I FREW. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, WILLIAM FREW, CHARLES LOCKHART, • JOHN VANANSDELL, ABRIII V. KIPP. Pittsburgh, August 10th, ISA runs. LOCKHART dr. FREW, Prcidneare and Refiners of Petroleum, WAt ALBION orr. virus, liftlingto county, And BRILLIANT OIL WORKS, Neeny's Rm. Ofllas, in di 174 WOOD fiTIDEITi MGM J. a- TATE A SEVILLE, PAACTICAL PLUMBER.% GAS AHD STEAM MITER& No. N) iNDLITAT. BTEENT, Alkzeiany 0117. and No. 427' Litosty strata. , ritndonrati. sels STOMMAN, BIANIJTACTI=I.9 OY, WIBII . WORi, Hare Alamo on band and maks to ordir MON mrD BRASS SCREEN WIRE...CLOTH CBlgvEs, -of an kinds • , DIDDLES, for Foundry soot • nrAvir won* POD WINNOWS, BIRD aecutseoa. NAMENTAL WIRE WOkE, for Myer; de. IDi All sti.» MITI No. HI TOMLIN STREET CIENITAL DRUG STORE, Corner Ohio ®d Marta Wats, 4174;f1ev, afro. A. KELLY, ?PoPairtoz. WADDLING SODA WAITE, PATENT IMDICINTA Ac. MISTANcIuor prisnipikais gotta), totfound. _• GEORGE W PORCH, General Cotranisdtin" Eerchsult, law alroommn 'monk i. IL la= e l " . : • r. o:Knight a co., so cr. r. Diihi a ilrot, Philadelphia. se&hoid wtvt4z.wprzczs. Persons et setlentary habits. trouhled tat, weed, n,em theettude,Palpitation of tL. loan, i..ei of ap petite, distrese after lotting, torpid the, ootoutpe ku., deserve to suffer if they will net try fir. celebratm.l PLANTATION BITTERS, Which erinow recommended by the Lights medical authorities, and warranted.to produce an femeatt,,,, beneficial abet. They me excemlingly agreeable, peribeily pars, and most supeithAo all other vatic, where a healthy, 'gentle ettmohilitts tegnired. They purify, strengthen and turtgairate. They create a healthy appetite. They aremn antidote to chuwecif water nod diet. They OTCSCOthe effect ofdthipatlon and ktto breve. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They garment miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acisllty of the stomach. They care Dyspeptibiand Constfpetion. They core diarrhea, Cholera atufeholora blotto,.. They core Llrer Complaint and Neftwm. Tlc,idacho. They make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and ars exhansted nature's great rest;rer. They are composed of the celebrated CelissyW bark, wiuter• groan, sassafrea, root and herbs, all preserved in perabctly pore St. Croix num. For particulars, see thsulars and teetimoulals aroma catch bottle. Beware of hnpoetera theszaiue orefy bottle. S.. that it has D. 8. Barnes' eignattire on our private L. I. Stamp over the cork, with pla6tation scone, nod our arm signature one fine steel plate engraving on aide label. Bee that our bottle Is not refilled with .parlous and deleterious stliff. We Jar; a . y wrens to match the taste or chz...-soter or our goods, Any person pretending to, eel Plantation Bitters by the gallon or le bulk, Le an nninoter. We sell only In nor log cabin bottle. Any person imitating 'this or wiling any other tnaleriai there in, whei , wafted Plantation Bitters or not, t a erttalnsl ondrr the C. 8. Leer, and will be se rroeurate.l already have our eye on two parties re-tilling nor bottles, Ac., who will suineed Ili getting the washes Into close quarters. The demand for Drake'. Pbtc• Mani Bitters from ladles, clergymen, merchants, dn., Is perfectly incredible. The simple trial of a bottle 4 the evidence ere present of their worth and superiority. They are cold by ell .respectable 11, tin iest% groom, physicians, hotels, 'etearol‘mte and comatry stores. P. H. DBASE d CO., art7icni.emmeT 272. Broedway, N. T. U.DRAKE'S GENIII . NE BIT br sal* ',imamate. Kull retail, by MMON JOll MST( .. F. Corner Smithfield and Fourth streets. aaTX,m•■LVT Lr - 7PURE WINE VINEGAR, aIItIACIVILED CI B. d i 7. IiOLLILAN,-Gerrnany, (Toreterti Mild .1 Co., Re.r.L...u.z Ths only Vlnsor awarded with a Criss M«Isl, ot silty ezhlblten t,t the interaetiousl raid Litton Landon. For ask by .L•u - - U . PRIVATE DISEASES, Dr. Ludbm'a Specific Is lbw only rwl table .....47. tbr &snow of the oriptom of ionisation. It It the discovery of es adducer PhVela, whoa, life wee devoted t'o the ttestmeot et this claw at dlawases, and with unyrtnwdonted eco- atm, Ibr more than twenty years. It Is portbMlun In taelf, row:thing no Injection., and altraring oat Ire!). from the mistaken practice and the 011MOVIIIII worth MI compounds offorod to tho public. hdo out in!). trbetable and partoetly itatS. uti like a alarm W Imparts inniangth and vigor lo thi db.mwd Oatrrtox.—Tbe great meets of Ulla remedy in of &AWL pertstutent ewes has led to Ito betas imitated 'by eniptinoliplad mea. Obe,.no, tieMlbre, lbet the sliptstum Otte proprietor to around eioit hm , tior.o nth* la gonanc Prepared only by WI F. DAVIDSON, Sole rtopristor, Cinclnanti. 0 /Sold by all Drogaiste. St' per bee. Mr for Las at wholeents by GEO. H. KEYSER 140 Wood Knot. • PZEblydawY Isom/mem+, 11 - • .PUL UNARY CONSUMPTION • CURABLE DISEASE • CARD-TO CO4SUMPTITDB. t Tha ußderstgned haring been restored to health to • taw aktt by a toy •imibs remsdy, after barin g imihred reVIITIII pyre with • losers tong 111EreCtion. and that dread dlr.., Getuntteptiert—t, anzimut . make known to hi. fellow Intrbrers tbe'meorr.er enrr.. To all who dealre It, ha will send A copy of 11, prescription used, (free OffehArge,) ciih' tho d tow. time for prepaimr and tali; the Mme, which I h,.y Wilitind a fere ears tbr CONSUMPTION, AST/131 A , BRONCHITIS, WHOM, COLDS, lA . The only oldest of the advartlier In rending the_ irwscrio lon Is to benefit the afflicted, and arreadLnformatlon which he cenceliai to be tavalrulblo; and be hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as di , will coat them nothing, sad may prove a blaming: Portloswiohlag the prmeriptionwilt view* er • RAY. RDWARD A. 'WILSON, Wffilaralorrgh, Rings county; New, tn.:- es23:3mdawlr t , ?;SPECIAL. NOTIQX CM TO THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH VIDAGHHTT Tin na.rldgne4 wolild sajie itatll atlcjl,tilegittcrt ko the preparaUon knoin no, - • • • HITNNEWELLII lIN/YERSAL-COL'01( AtiNEDY lon all Threat and LpitsComplaints'. 111:ll'ilagWELLIS 'TOLE! ANODY:(I7; The gram Naniatule,• . llb•tunatlc, Ilendarbe, Tooth =ha Loa of Sleep, and Casteratigiriatult,;medy. Abo lbr tbs . Pilut to lituthlY / 4' b itru: , ibnls M r * bet rette. ' nmaisiVELL'S Ecg.r.cno - Th. most in-k F t from of Cadmic !Ter glu' to the public, which nets requite more donate and sel dom but or 'Air *dote, tot without the giiPbtZ, -umlauts buttratinn, Dppepsia, Itillauttaia;•Lbrat . ocpuudatati, Pitts, Worms, and all deraniiukno 0 1 atniumb Arland& The aseni prepiratio* of tracli ult*raclea.ropti- Win Miens Englend, NM to tho :xiliftd,e44t, and 01 0 Itiedll. Met . ittleibeji or ih74o‘.,iind et prtc Within Muelitif ,elliare,,werthydhe • Clanton 'or 14 7 1 0 6 . 11 ' 1 ; 6 1d/0mi von aitrict ohnromdte to Endure In medlttne. Without trentiinitto 11W - tom - mon method of columns of adeatleink, I Mrlll satt camuldatee to test them, erbleh wlMbe ettettd: . - Jonirninuirwiit;-pi4riik.iiH. ...-Practical Chemist,. /Radon, Nora For salo - by all vholnsato mid eatan t dE6itid ." greatest frecdom_of correspondent') solicited. '"- Dcialcts of good refOreacessurpliod oa cOanniaiol). For sale V Pliteturgli at retail L5J..11.-Falton, G. n. irOyser.D.„ Josepb" Fleming; In A[k' - benr City by Jaz:Bruin, N. D., W. 3 :lllaant ind Goo. A. Hedy; . B. A. FAIINEZINS ocliblimeods.T . Wbolesala.Agratic,.litilontb.--' 10 40 151 la Virtargliti I BOTIC9EXE3..LA ing biota tillerso beillblia",ajOorday,4** re drjelnt tbi4 n 4 2rO, 44Via...4TIVOW'MtI airemodesof Ida liana 41ity tooinaraimbnito to hisafelibat Mow i i*invillimoceas of .cute, UMW rodiipt adltrirse4 mvelope, n.rur senCrt4..iya* tbo _,preocription med. to Dr JOB'S M DAUNALL, 186 Polka stroet, N. "L.!, . mbri;i7dsser r TE - N10:116r COCHRAN * * BRO.; pin- • naitt. iirox VAULTS AND VAULT DOONP,AFNTIJibIirjIiDVT 'IIIII.9; wrsno* - tErmws;&...; #1;on) and on ? I P / 0 . /Tr./Tr Tai4 - . 1 74.000 Rare un - hai2d &randy of now Papayas Adatyland plaba,indiabla for an portimdar attention pi.l dto". onposs9n'.,t yeti, Jobbing ddne at &ayatollah. „ 1a 70 70, LNG AND COMPUESION DIniClIFANTsubl yrbptossiclksler CHEON,'NUTINIOINEDS, Fillll, and produce urge Ps. getietally, No. as WOOD 5t011524 Pittsb, : MEZZZ3 V. M. BOLLMAN, =I