-- 44 ,, of Monday, says that a Methodist Cler ta. gyman, the Rev. F. A. Mercer, was arrest .% _ ed in that city on Saturday, by order of (]en. Schenck, and sent to Harper's Ferry, whence he will be taken to the picket lines under guard and let loose to ran his course in Dixie. lie had but recently arrived in Baltimore from Strisburg, Virginia. A good deal of surprise has been felt, and I pretty freely expressed, too, of course, at the unexpected number of rejections of drafted men, for the manifoldly-niaimed anuses comprehended under the general head of ~ physical disability." The interesting fact has, howlever, been established at the Sur gical Bureau in Washington, that the pro portion of our peOple who are exempted from the draft on account of disability from physisial causes is scarcely greater than in England or France. In the latter countries the average per centago is a shade loss than twenty-five per cent., while with us it does not in practice exceed thirty. Here the • majority of our surgeons are volunteers, and they release persons for disabilities that experienced surgeons in the regular army would not. The latter are supposed to be better able to judge what forms of weakness in constitution or health would be bettered by camp-life. Again, it is hold, that as the volunteering of a million of men took the flower of population, it mightres sonably be expected that a large proportion of the oonscriplit would be exempted for disability. SECRETARY SEWARD authorizes the grati fying-an uouneement that the French Gov ernment, upon the remonstrance of Minis ter Dayton, has promptly and most honora bly arrested the six iron-clad rams which were building at Nantes and Bordeaux. —Following-the seizure of LAIRD'S rams at Liverpool, by the English Government, this decisive step of the French Govern ment will utterly cut off hope of European aid from the Contedenai Rebels. Their ex pectations of French intervention have risen high at times—and especially of late, when Mr. Bi.mmt's reception by Loris NA POLEON was contrasted with the scant cour tesy of the cold and haughty EARL Reasaix. in his intercourse with Mr. Masos, which that F. F. Virginian gentleman at length found intolerable ; but this act of seizure at Nantes and Bordeaux shows that "French politeness" may mislead sometimes. The news will strike like a death-knell on the ears of the Richmond conspirators. We observe that some of the copperhead journals are comforting themselves for their disasters elsewhere by exaggerating their success in New Jersey. But rightly view ed the result in New Jersey can minister little or no comfort to any man of sound mind, though possibly it may more for a "mind diseased." True it is that the oppo sition of various combined elements have carried the Legislature ; but this is not conclusive as to the actual sentiment of the state. Three years ago an opposition Leg islature so "gerrymandered" the state in arranging the Assembly districts under the last census, that, with a popular Union majority of five thousand, or even ten thousand, the opposition would still be able to secure a majority in the Legislature. The N. 1. &ming Post, the day after the election in New Jersey, remarked: In the election yesterday the Unionists made large gains everywhere, even the cities showing material opposition losses. In Essex county, including Newark, Orange, and other towns, the Unionists gain two members of the-Assembly, and reduce the opposition majority on senator over eleven hundred. In Burlington county there is a Union gain of over seven hundred; throe Unionists and one war democrat are elect ed to the Assembly, and the Union sheriff and clerk are chosen by six hundred ma jority. Other counties show similar gains. In Somerset, a central couoty of intensely copperhead tendencies, the opposition sen ator has only three hundred and eighty majority, against nine hundred and ten last year. In the same county one Union assemblymen is chaty them being but two districts in the aunty. In Morris county, which last year gave three hundred and twenty-one opposition majority, the re turns received last evening indicated a full .Union triumph. In Mercer the Unionists gain two members of Assembly, and through out the whole southern part of the state similar advantages have been gained. A Fortress Monroe letter says : On Wednesday two Union officers named ...'Major John 11. Uoustain, of the 132 d New York Volunteers, and Lieut. D. Von Illitseln, pf+~ Scott ' s 90 cavalry," arrived hero, having ;escaped m Libby Prison on the 24th ult. They were eleven days in making their way to She Union linos. In the course of their journey they had Many narrow escapes from capture. Major 11. pretended that he was a tailor, and prevailed on the Jailor of Libby prison to pro cure him some work, which he did. Among the clothing sent to be repaired was the uni form coat of Dr. Wilkins,Mouse Surgeon ' and three suits of private ' s uniforms. The former the Major appropriated, and dressing the Lieu tenant in s privates' costume as his Orderly, bothloidly walked put the guard, and once on the street made for the 'cramp. Three hoirreafter leaving Richmond the rebel COM - airy were in pursuit, but the fugitives eluded •-thorn,ind after innumerable hardships roach yid ourpiekets near Williamsburg, where they were - received with great kindness and pro. Pelt, «404 for. ••Physteal Disabillty.” New Jersey, Cases of Iliineful Conversion A day or two after the election, a toadies copperhead in Brooklyn was accosted by a strong Union man with the inouiry what ho thought of the result. The reply ran some what in this fashion : "Sir, I hare been op posed to the Administration, but this verdict of the people of the State of Now York. ap proving so unmistakably the course of the government, convinces me that opposition is useless; I bow to the will of the majority." Another Case of similar character is report ed. A merchant who is said to have made large sums of money by the Matamoras trade, was so astonished by the returns on Wednes, day that he frankly avowed to s friend that It was possible that he had made some mis takes. "Do you know," obibrved this boned man, "that I think I am right in all I do ; but somehow I begin to fear that I hove boon in error? The government, after all, has done pretty well, and the people seem to like it." Mote important than either of these is the case of an eminent lawyer of this city who went to Washington, strongly and almost bit terly "conservative,"but who was so impress ed by the honesty and ability of Mr. Lincoln that he now openly proclaims his support of the Administration.—.W. Y. Eve. Poet. Union Officers Escaped from Rich mond. ''' The Richmond Prisons. respondent of the N. I'. Times gives 'wing account of some of the pris' Richmond, where Union prisoners Med, and of the rebel officers who irge of them: "Libby Prison" I find the following ion in my diary, kept while I was an sf that infamous abode-of misery. on to the canal, and at the corner of id Twenty first streets, and within • " Amiens," stands the horrid Libby The entire length of the building on root is 185 feet, with a depth of about an Twenty-first street. It is divided m sections by stout brick wall, and is, on the side next to the canal, four stories, while on Cary street it is but three stories in height—each of the stories being divided into three oblong low rooms of 45 brae feet. On the ground floor the room next to Twenty first street is appropriated to the rebel guard, the next one to the Union officers, and the third is the hospital. This is on the Cary street side, or front of the building. On the canal side, the lower story, or ground floor, is the cook-house and veceptimi for the dead, until a 'efficient number have accumulated to stake it worth Oki& to remove them or until the stench becomes too great for the rebels themselves to bear. On the seeond floor, in the two rooms next to Twenty-first street, are over four hundred Union( soldiers, and in the third room. on this floor may be found the renataisi of some one hundred Union citizens, who have been incar cerated since the commencement of the war. Some few of these prisoners were Quakers, and were released on the payment of $5OO each. Tht Ince rdoms on the upper floor contain at least two hundred Union soldiers. Fear small sised windows at omit end of these rooms admit a limited amount of light for about 25 feet, leaving about 40 feet in the centre of each where print cannot be read in the daytime. Pris oners once admitted to the "Libby," never leave it for an instant for any purpose, day or night, except to be exchanged, or to be carried to an enbsown grace. There are ill-constructed water-closets in ties rooms, which, owing to the continual breaking of the waste pipes, emit a most intolerable effluvia. In addition to all this, the whole ,?ace in one nest of the most abominable oermsn. About half • ration of fair bread and a plate of small dark-colored beans, (or "oew-peas") twice • day is the usual faro, meat being issued only twice a week, and then in very small qaantities. So much for the Libby Prison itself, but all this is capped by the treatment received by the unfortunate inmates, Belle Isle (sorely miscalled) is situated in the James River about half a gun shot from the Libby, and right opposite that famed in stitution of the Sunny Beath. It is • long, low sandbank, and when there is a freshet in the river, a large portion of it disappears be neath the filthy waters of the James. It is en this more eandspit that hundreds of our poor shivering Union soldiers are now held la utter wretchedness, naked and famishing, and subject to all the dire diseases consequent on exposure to the elements in suoh a locality. It has never been occupied as a dwelling place, and was only visited is the daytime by the shad ;fishers, who had a few rude huts there, until the "chivalry" found it a conven ient place to get rid of therd—d Yankees". The' relentlessly cruel treatment of the Union prisoners in Richmond commenced im mediately after the first battle of Manassas, when the prisoners were confined in "Ligoe's Tobacco Factory," on Main and Twenty-sixth streets, and has continued unabated to the present day. From the begining the prison ers have been under the supreme control of Gen. Winder, bat at that time Capt. Gibbs and Lieut. Tod were his subordinates, who came In direct contact with the prisoners. Winder is a man of middle height, or slightly under it, advanced in years, rather stoutly built, hair quite white, florid in complefiem, with a red nose and a cold, cruel gray eye ; and his acts from the first prove clearly that he is precisely what that eye indicates to the observer--cold, .cruel and vindicative. lie wears a gray uniform. The last two mention ed hare both been killed, as I am informed, mid have therefore gone where they have been I rewarded aceordieg to their works' , butj may mention that it was under the regime oirff in der, Gibbs and Tod that the "Ligon Prieon" was perforated with-sneaks* bolls in at toast twenty places, and that Gleason, of the Fire Zouaves, a man of the First Michigan regiment, and 'torero). others, were shot by the guards for Merely looking out of the windows ; and it was at the lame time that a rebel soldier was permitted in the broad daylight to briny a human eksll, with a rope passed • through the eyes, and dangle it in front of the windows, in the public street, shouting out, while he brandished a huge bowie knife, "This is the last of one-- Yankee." - - --- These are but a few of the barbarisms prac ticed under the eyes of the men mentioned 'shove; the whole would 611 a good sired volume. Two of these have gone to their account. Shall the third escape punishment here Gon: } Winder still retains the chief com mand, though (apt. Turner is the command ant of the Post at the " Libby." This man, though lauded continually ,by the Richmond papers for his kindness to the prisoners, is el-unity iieclJ.. Every petty annoyance that can be inventedjis tried in order that some one may infringe even in the least degree some of his riles, no that he may have the satisfaction of " bucking and gagging," or pat in irons, or on broad and water, the offender(?). I have known him to threaten to hang one individual because he would not get twelve men to sweep the street in front of the prison, and he put four men in irons and in a dark room, on bread and water for 48 hours, because they would not clean out his stable. I find his de scription in my diary as follows " Turner, Lieutenant in the rebel serslee, belongs in Winchester, Va., was formerly about six months at West Point; is of •ory spare build, thirty to thirty-five years old, about five feet nine inches in height, dark hair, close cut. no beard or moustache, gray eyes, has a cadaverous look, a deeproice, and a peculiar star gait. Uniform—gray cap, coat and pants." Next in command to the above elegant specimen of the "F. F. V.'s " is Smack, Lieutenant in the rebel army. lie Is a native of Baltimore, is hill six feet in height, about twenty-five years old, has short light hair, slight moustache, fair complexion and blue eyes• Uniform—sky blue cap, gray coat, light blue pants with black ■tripe, and wears a sword with a steel soabbord. This man carries oat all the odious and abominable orders of tiks superiors with relenting severity. Ile is the man who, when Col. Benedict was unable to leave his wretched bed, Mood over him with a revolver in his hand, and swore that " if he did not get up he would kick him out of it." Now, then, for the remedy for the gross and disgraceful abuses, the inhuman and barba rous treatment which I have so feebly at tempted to set forth. What should it be? Retaliation. It is a harsh one I admit, but a Just one under the circumstances. It only re quires that it ehoubi be invoked with discretion. We are not to suppose that mon will he content ed and happy in prison anywhere, bat no such complaints are heard from any place in the South whore prisoners of war have been located as from Richmond. In truth, everywhere else more as less corsideration Is shown to prison en, but Rlehmend a primmer is looked upon as a dog, and treated accordingly. Therefore the remedy in not to visit the sins of the Richmond ruffians upon soldiers from other Rtates, but to retaliate eolely on Virginia tattier.. It in worse than useless to appeal to the Rich mond authorities, Winder or kis subordinates; they are insensible to the first emotions of kindness, pity, corusidoration or fine chival rous feeling; they have no hearts, or they are of stoner--cold, callous, cruel. We have seen them, and "know their works." Retaliation, thaw, strict, stern, and tusflinching, and that on Virginia rebels only, is the true remedy for this monstrous disgrace to the age we live in and to eiviltration. A. 0. A. Bs Nov RIGHTEOUS Ovcs-uocw.--A recent letter from the Potomac Army tells mu the fol lowing: The proprietor of the house where General Pleasanton had his headquarters for some days past, having excited suspicion by hie exces sive professions of loyalty, was arrested on the General's leaving. His guerrilla uniform was found buried in his yard, and other evi dence came up against him. Your or five of hie neighbor guerrillas were also arrested. IT to said that tho - government has issued an order prohibiting the - Sale of hop in Gerrard, Madison, Boylos and Mercer coun ties Kentucky. The reason for this is that tho government intends taking possession of all hogs and beef cattle In these counties, and driving them to Knoxville to be slaughtered for the use of the army of the Ohio. Guaoca CONTllBMoll.—Archibaid Stew art, Esq., of Indiana county, haa Inade a dons- tion of $2OO to the Sanitary Committee—Ake receipt of which 1D acknowledged by James Park, jr., Treasurer. From Charleston Harbor. _ Recent correspondence from Chirlestin harbor shows that the strong walls ofSum ter are now tottering to their fall under the tremendous pounding of the great guns of the forts of Morris Island and the iron clads. Ono correspondent, in a letter dated the 4th instant, gives the following inter esting incidents: • BOLD YEAT-.--SUMTBAL BC•LILD Monday night one of the boldest feats of the siege was performed by Capt. Farris, of the Enfans Perdu regiment. Accompanied by two others, who actedas rowers, the Captain took a boat and passed up Lighthouse Creek to the Bay, and then cautiously felt his way to Sumter. He reached the debris unperceived by those above, and was in the act of climb ing to a more elevated point when some bricks, used as • purchase for his feet, gave way, causing a noise which alarmed the sen tinel, who aroused the entire garrison. The Captain comprehended his imminent position and eueeeeded In returning to his boat. In _pushing off the rebels were enabled to judge of his whereabouts from the sound of his oars, and fifty of them discharged their pieces at him, but the bullets fell harmlessly into the water. Himself and assistants arrived safely at Cumming's Point. W A.LIM.BLII INVOILMATIOX A rebel who recently deserted from Sumter, states that the place is occupied during the day by the small force of twenty-five men. At 9 o'clock at night the force is increased to five hundred, who remain till 4 o'clock the next morning, and then retire, with the ex ception of twenty-five, who relieve those on duty the preceding day. On one oecasiow last week, a single shot killed and wounded eleven out of the twenty-five. Every shot that is aimed at the fort creates the wildest conster nation. Tho men fly hither and thither, and often in their extreme haste to seek cover, become confined and take to the most hazardous nooks for safety. The pooplo of Charleston, having recovered somewhat from the fright occasioned by the first administer ing of Greek fire, were fearfully alarmed at the throe succeeding shells thrown into the city from Fort Putnam on the 26th ult. The probable fate of the city is being discussed with great earnestness, and numerous families have their goods arid chattles packed for a dire emergency. The deserter swam from Sumter to Putnam. Upon Arriving, he wee • immediately taken in charge by the officer of the night and conducted to the presence of the commanding General. The men were not al lowed to converse with him, and, indeed, se carefully has he been guarded by an officer specially appointed for the duty, that his ad vent among us is known to but few. PUBLIC drOTICES. ObCAUTION.—We have this day ob tainnd a Patera for our Ilanufacture 4 , known FAMILY DYE COLORS." ,• . - The Dye manufactured by other re 1.0114, under the tmmo of Domestic Dyes, - !Lc., aro made in vio lation of our Patent. We caution nil persons tusking or selling the name hereafter, that we shall prAtecute for all infringe- HOWE ,t FriVENS. nol I•3t meets of our rights Boston, Oct. 13, 1863. :E - I , iOTICE TO erocKli m oLuE.— A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh A Connellitville Railroad Co. will be held at the Oillce of the Company, in tbo City of Pitt.. burgh, at 11 o'clock a. m. on THURSDAY, tho 12th day of November, A. D. 1863, for the purpose of muting or or rejecting the following named Acts and Supplement. passed try the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pen.ylvania, at its Wt voodoo. to wit : "An act to repeal the ninth section of an act authorizing the laying out of • State Hoed from the Itortrogh of Oreigsburg, Schuylkill 0000ty, to inter. test a public road leading from Easton te Mauch Chunk, and (lir other purpose." approved the Ist day of April, A. D. 1863. "A supplement to an act to Incorporate the Pittsburgh A Connellsville Railroad Company." approved the llth day of April, A. D. 1863. Ahm, "A supplement to an act to incorporate the Safe Harbor and Susquehanna Turnpike Road Company," et avow, approved the 14th day of April, A. D. 1863. THOS. S. BLAIR, CYRUS P. MARK LE, JOHN A. CAtiGIiEY, J.ll. MARSTON, W. W. TAYLOR, A. M LLAR, E. BURG WIN, JOHN 8. DILWORTH, DANL. R. DAVIDSON, W. 111. RARER, Directors of the Pittab'gh A Oorin. R. R. 00. Pitid.rph, Oct. 27th, DAB. vc27:tf Lr": • COLLECTOR'S NOTICE.—The Annual Aweetaroont List, forP.BGd, containing Dam on Income., Silver Mete, Carriage., and License Duties, to the Penna. Collection District, comprising that portion of Allegheny county siindh of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, his been received from the Assmeor. Payments for the Viral Sub-District, comprising tho Lt, 2.41, 3d, Bth, Lth and eta .Ward. of Pitts burgh, and the adjacent Borough., mmt made al my °Mon No. G 7 Fourth street, on or before the ler DAY OF . DECEMBER NEXT, after which time the penalties prescribed by the law will be erected. Other portions of the District may make payment st the same place, mall notified by their SHEA, respective O Deputy ollectors. JOHN Oollector ZA' Penna. District, Offloe, No. 67 Fourth street. Pittsburgh, Nov. 6, 1863. rio7:2w ALLtoetLxi Ohl 001111,112 Nov. 2, 1e63. TILE PRESIDENT iND DlliEC -11- Toss boy. this day declared a Dividend of TOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock. out of the profits of the last six mouths, payable to the Stock holders or their legal representative., on and after the 13th Mateo., dad J. C. ItIePIIHILSON, Treasurer. DIVIDEND. ?meg W mrrees lestraawcs Comirstiv, Pittsburgh, Nov. 3d, 186.3. TM Directors of the Wmtern Insurance Company have this day dect.n.l a Dividend of TWO-AND-A DAM? DOLLARS upon meat .hare of the Capital Stock. out of the earned profits of the last mg months, payable to Stockholder. on_ _ _ _ °rafter the 13th lust. iet nitd F. N. GORDON, Seey. _ Ormea Evasaa lesusance Pittsburgh, Ochder 27th, 1863. AN ELECTION FOR TILIRTE N DIRECTORS of this Company, to serve for the ensuing year, will beheld at its ()Mee, In Bags. ley's Building, Water street, on TUESDAY, Novem ber 10th, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. In. oMG:td ROBERT FINNEY, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stortiroldere of the Pennsylvania Salt Man ufacturing Company will be held at their office, No. 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on WEDNESDAY, November 11th, at eleven o'clock a. m., for the clew Non of Saved Directors to verve for the smelting year, and snob other boniton so may then be presentee'. nattl:2l. SAMUEL E. FISHER, Treaeurer. Orrick Wrargoo Immosocs 00111,111', Pittsburgh, October 29th, 1813. AN ELECTION FOR DIRECTOL of tiCpany will be held at Its office, No. 02 Water • on TUESDAY, November 10th,1863, between ate of 11 P. and 2p. oc3Ortcl F. M. GORDON, 13013 . 7. I'O.NOTICE.—A meeting of the Brick layer.' Union will be held on THURSDAY tvgsmo, at 7% o'clock, in the ALLEGHENY ENGINE HOUSE;irwin street. n010,2t By order of TIIE PRESIDENT. 8.4. TE NOTICES PIS= NATION LL iII%.I.IIPIITINUIILIO, (Lead Pittsburgh Trost Cbropeury,) Pittsburgh, Nov. 2, 100. THE PRESIDENT AND BOA {D of DIRECTORS have this day doctored a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-PIPE CENTS per dove on the stuck of au, Pitt.burgh Trove Company to lot of Arignat, and TWO DOL LARS per share on the Capital Stock of the That National Hank, out of 'the profits to tho let look, payable on or after TUESDAY. alp 10th Inst. The Stockholder. are hereby notified that the Anal payment of the ardoctiption to theCapttal Stork, Tic Twenty-five Dollars per shore will be required on ur bakes the Ist day of May float. noS:lm JOHN D. SCULLY. Collider. Isoa Carr Hasa or Prresarfann, Nov. 3, 11463. O.THE DIRECTORS of this Bank have till. day declared a Dend of FIVE PER CENT. oq the Capital Stock, sat of the profits of the last six months, payable to Stockholder. or their lewd representatives, en or after the 13th inst., hoe of Government tax. nolilOtdl2terr MAOOTFIN. Cashier. _ - Mammal' Deem, Pittsburgh, Nov. 3, 1861. THE DIRECTORS of this Bank have tht. day declared a Dividend of TOUR PLO CrllT. on the Capital Rock, for the last eix months, payable . to iltockhoiden on or after the 13th haunt, free of Government tax. no4:10l ONO. D. tdcflllEW, Cashier. PITTIMILOB, November 3, Isoa 71DIRECTORS OF THE EX .ltriGE BANK, of Pittsburgh, hare thie day declared • Dividend of KITE PEE OE NT. aut of the earnings of the last six months, payable an or after the 13th instant, Roo of Government tax. &gars 11. lit. MURRAY, Cashier. Chrism' Doris. Pittabargil, Nov. 3, 1312. WTHE DIRECTORS of this Bank hart thD day declared • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable to Stock holders. or their legal representatives, on or after the 13th host. The Government Tax on game adU be ;mid by the Dank. OW. T. VAN DOREN, Cashier. Dana or Pcreurtma; i t E October 27th. DIM 0•IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT or ASBEILDLY, notice Is hereby given that Mr. ALEXANDER ?UNICE has been elected Vim President of this Dank. odtAnw 11. M. MIIRRAY. Cashier. Lawman atm ifitamiLa c t Mra I BANI,. 11:°11A 11 1 4 e nta• C 0 N F I:E nßrero/13 will to tudd et the Banking Boni, 01 KONDAY, 16th day at Nortmher Dort, between the homi of tan a. m. and twt ou it e m. ocßtlni J 08.1110017, at, .171 r. anr,EirrlsE4mirrs. 11111 t WIZ final just received by Ls nor amity H. COLLThS. Ai'LEee--200:4 :, thls. choir recoked ' -aid foi ail.. by - -“. J. B. CANFIELD. L'...—100 bbls. fresh NVltite ,just re eeirot and 4,r salaby J. B. CAlii I M.D. PEARLASII-3U casks received and fur sulo by , .I. n.rArtrt BLD. pifirEAD.--501i pigs tiarenn. to arrive god for KatoCANFIELD. I . ARD,--200 tierces prime No. 1 Leal 1...4 Lard In stow laid for solo by _nll_ D. WALLACE, 3111 Lit...o y stmt.._ Q. - TEAM BOILERS.—Two (2-1 feet ily kJ 42 inch...,) svotlnd-band Buttons, for lutle by poll . ISAIAHDICK EY A CO. ___—_ _____ EASTERN CRANBER tirat lES.---J Cran ust rerre ceited, lot of choice cul"1 for sale by the quart octuuthel. at the Yam Uruerry Store of JOHN A. ANN:MAW. SUNDRIES. -65 bbls. lireasc 7 sacks:Yestbers ; 10 do Rags; To arrive on steamer Atlantic an e d fo o r sale by null ISAIA 11 DICKEY CO. PRENCH genuine import ettlon, Just rersivol ; also De: rov'e's Lexington Mustard and Coltman 's /En J gl O ish Mustard Lir sale by lIN A. ItENSELIsW, poll corner Liberty and Hand streets. - - _ QPIOED MINCE J ust M.EAT. oar usual supply of ''Ne ra" ineed put np In glass jars or Etrkins for family use, or Br sale by the pennd, in bulk, Cl the toned price, wholesale or retail, at thefaintl A. OrtYrory Store of JOIN. RENSHAW, null Corner Liberty and Iland simile. POR SALE — A House and Lot on Fill , ton street, in the Sixth ward. Lot feel front and extending bath toCrawford st,eet l.t fn., The house l a large two-story brick dwelling, arrangol with wide hall, parlor, dining-room kit..lien and wash house On emit ∨ five rooms and I loth rods Ix secund door; gas and water throughout lls prem ises; good cellar, fine yard. Commanding x One view of.the rivers, cities and surrounding , noll B. AlcLAllli k CO., 10.; Fourth • treet. UNIVERSAL CLOTHES W RING lilt —Brad the following opinion by Orange Judd, it the dinerican Agetrallitrist, who ray. of the —First Premium Universal Clothes Wringnr": "from several years' experietwo with it in our rein . family; from tho testitneby id hundreds win , hare toed It ; and from the construction of the implement itself,—we feel certain that It is worthy a pia , to every family where the washing 1 , 111 ,, .. et 110111.•. A chilli ran readily wring out a tuhfill of elothes in few inhmtes. It ls m mallty a Clothes IC:tier I n 111111 , Bikier I and s Strength Inver I Tit.. iug of gar ments will alone pay a large percentage on its : n ot. We think the machine much more time pays for it self every year In the saving of garment. ! There are ses end kinds, nearly alike in antlers] ....natructlen. Lot w ernoider It Important that ill: Nr. user be St unt with cogs, otherwise a mass of curio. o bonny clog the ndlers, 6011 the ndlora upon the crank Abaft Op anti tear the ri.lthes. Our own • O one of the first made. and it I:s as gaol to new aft/o. nearly four year,' constant use: • Pei sal:• mil) at the India Robb,. I PH De pot L of J.& U. LI PS, aoll Nos YU and 2e St. Clair street. pIANU6.—Tbe subscriber e,- - '":4 1- 4, !eau the pleasure to annonuce that het t I se Julretnru,d from New York and selectv.l (tom the Fnct..rir. ofCticiorlog 1 Sons, Jardine S Bem, lton Brae., W. I'. Ent, ml others, S plondid assortn,nt of PIANOS, r bracing all otyleo of Iluioh, [tow platio •••tlo oa r The. histrucuouts will arrive dui tng coming 'rook, .11 the ntteullot of ImrOhn.•,re spectfully 'wildly.' to them Wir ?RICO TO SUL T ALL. -con CHAS. C. MELLOR, A CARD.-UNION PACIFIC HAIL WAY COMPANY BONDS, EAN.II7I (Kama,. Branch of tie Anglia Enilr.ad.) As bonds of the above description will probably he offered for sale in the money market, tL.. Fantle le y hereby cautioned against purchasing, or in any way negotiating for them for the undersigned have an existing contract will prohibit& entirel OW 14110 or use of said bonds; while at the same time the Statide Laws of the State of Kansas give them, owlet their contract, a prior lies, to all mortgages or dead:. of trust which can be executed by gold Company. Any investment In said Londe, without authority fro, the undersigned, will be inralid, and will entail a total 1061 upon the parties who shall venture 1.•. pur chase them. ROSS, STEEL S CO., Contractors for building the Le•VPIIROIIII, ravVIPC and Western Railroad, now called the Colon Ps rifle Hallway, Eastern Illvislan. WEST NEWTON, Nov. 4th. let S. BATES, Esp,,—UnAs. Sin: We Nile are duly In receipt of the mune of adjustment of the luso in part of one of our Paper !dills by fire, and tats plesurre In saying that your int:m.llot,, at tention in mottling the same. as Agent of the Lyeom ing lusuranco Company, is worthy of our higheot esteem, and la only equaled 1,7 the prompter., man tfute4 by your Company in rtepondiug to the amount 'neared. We have had, for many yeore, urea or eight Policies of Insurance In the Lyromiog and other companies, and hut , it to soy, in no company hove we bad a more favorable rata of insurance, and have now additional reason fur recommeudmg our friends to Mauro in S. B. your company. With high reopect, we are yours truly, A C. P. M ABELE. 11011" The aloe is located in Lawroucullle. noPat fIOUNTRY ICESIDENCE NVANThD. V —Wanted to purchase, a small FARM, OF TO 60 ACRES, more or Iran, within 30 mil. of Pittsburgh, directly en the lino of a railway. With• in 0 milts, on spoil autism, road, would answer. The home buildings moat be pad and stylish, with 7to 10 rooms. Also, the necusery etable and farm buildings. The land mnet be of good quality and well watered, Improved with fruit, dm. Any person having • oultable plus , Will find a purchaser by ori gin:gulag " EL D. C., Ca:AC. Oflice, l'ltieburgh," oat log else, loration, price, numb, of rooms, and pm , Orators on to improvement.. N. B.—Would be willlug to leave for term of years, provided the owner was not disposed to eell. nolhtf POR SALE.—Tivo superior Cylinder .1: Boilers, 36 inches diameter, 30 fuel long, made of y, inch iron, wrought iron heads ,;;;, thick. Boil er, almost u good as new. Also, One Portable Engine and Tubular Boiler of six horse r, 6 inch cylinder and 13 inch strut, Tele En tie Mrs bored one well almost 700 feet deep, and is a mirably adapted to that kind of work, or sawing wood for locomotives. Also, One Engine, heavy iron bed plate, 14 inch cylinder, 30 inches Omits; new, with balance rates • ernor. Well adapted to run a grist 0,01 or small • • , p milL Ettgairo al • IL M. BOLE'S, comer Polut Alley and Boone/me Wey, nolthltu Pittsburgh. UPH°L S .. .moil NG, IN ALL ITS BRANCH rs,—llaving purchased a large. stock of goods for cub, we are ablo to oder great bargains at ex tronioly low pricers A great variety of BLINDS, TABLE AND FLOOR OIL CLOTH, EMBOSSED TABLE COVERS; A DILADIL GRASS and MANIL LA BORDERED ,EATS, CARPET BINDINGS, and every variety of goods Rapt In that line. We ineße the attention of the public generally to our well sorted stack. AB ordure promptly attended to. Please vv. as . can, at ITI FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny, (house formerly occupied by Mr. Simple.) n07,1w BARKER I NIBLO. NEW GOODS I BUSS SHANNON, No. 112 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny, low Jost received *large assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Cotolsting of BONEERS, HATS: RIBBONS. BON NET PAETEBNS, oto, which site will he pleased t. show her friends and 'customers. Cull and evuolu. thorn. - - nelaw DIARIES. 1864. large apartment of POCKET AND COUNTING ROUST. DIAItIIO, for lant—in paper, In cloth, in roan, In imitation Turkey, In Turkey Morocco— with gilt edges and with marble edgm—with theta, patent clasps and ebutle fastenings. All linen, and from the commonest to the very beet. .For sale at reasonable rates by Will. G. 301INSTON & CO., Stattonera, eeltameorrati al Wood sto.t. DENTISTRY. DR. W. Th . FUNDZNBERO Has Taranaki dui practice dbl." protention, at 140.142 PION ST UT, two doors below Mb Pittsburgh, October 211. ISG3 DELAWARE GRAPE VINES.—I tun prepsred so furnish those celebrated Flees, for this Tall, at the fellow:lug exceedingly low 'priers One Par old, strong, well rooted vines, 203 to 22 per hundred ; . 8120 to b 1.16 per . tho W T.INOURIC, Woods' Don. Ordero left at 72 PEDEN/Li BTNENT, Allegtony, will be promptly attended to. no10:27 PAP itENVELOPE WARE ucons.-4.04, a large .toon of NOM _LIETTND AND CAP PAPERS. F.-LOPEII, In great satieties, Mors sod qualifies, for entry taste. For eels by W. 0. do2,lNtyyoll 00., Paper Dealers, ode:Jaw-arms 67 Wind stress. $lO REWARD.—POCKET BOOK LOST, iet the Citizens Passenger Railway, on Saturday albumen, 71b Instant, eontaniug tram 8 50 teo- The, aboye retrartrrill bo paid to the person remitting it to TEILS OFFICE. oe&St LOTS/ IN LAWRENCEVILLE POR BALL pleasantly alinated on Ewalt Prioes low. Terms, °melanin cash; remainder In nine anima payments. nolo tl. (11.1THBERT A BOW itENT-4 Dwelling Dome, in a niaat altuatton, an Perm btre.t- Pow. 2 Immediately. of WIL B. HATS & CO„. 296 Melly stmt. pOR aoom moo gin* =ls' .:11rERTISJ FAii - IM ; 'Y R PATEN rsD OCTOBER 13, I=. Mari. , 4 .411 1 1..0U Bb • I rrn I lord lk• fru INlrt Bro•r; Lot. D • SW. RI,. 01.•-•-y /M 4 Drab, Lod t..• .A, ra / k ale Dr. nv,h h tt.h. S. arts. _ .. •_. Bonnets, Rots. Feathers, Kid Gloves.. (Rahlron's Clothinv, ill kiwis of K. wring APP.mI. Mr A SAY IN G or SO PER C.EIfT."S - 0 7, 25 ,tots you can rotor M many g.mds 6.4 nimbi atheroio.. not One times that min.. VotIMIS on Is prodnent from the same dye. The pr.... is simple, and any one con low the dy. site pert,. snernot. Directions In English. Ifnmet. and German, in of 1,11 . II trackage. F. further inform. ion in Dyeing, and giving a pert.. k nos ledge what eel... are hrad adapted to dye user other, with many valuable recipes,) purchase lloae I: Slovens' Treatise on /Veiled and 04. Fent by mail on receipt of prire--10 cents. Manufactured by HWO road E FIETKIFS. F.C.O Bx ay Yor_sale by druggists and dealerw-generally. R EAL ESTATE SAVINGS'INSTI -11 TUTlON.—Sintomont of tho condition or Om Op-, WC apt ion ou thu 2d day of Noociiilicr, pni.liobiA In conformity to the viiiirtor, LIABILITTISS. o f D e po.ild NON. 21, of Interred. duo Ihp.itor• of Coating , of Fond ASSI:IY Fires Liens on Real Pfdatv.... Vutt•A Stay. 11.t46 U. S. o..bt eertiliruttm awl Note., tntarket 0111,0 ■,,rnhrnm Cit.ll ori Tb.• 011.11•MIVINI, AltAlit lug ennt mitt .4', Isni • axant. tett the Look.. ,pf the lwaltution, the. howl , . Alla M. 4 .1- . ..111,10.11 theettNi., itf . . and hate fontni the bore eta lemon t iv i.e rorre , t. W B. COPELAND, NICHOLAS OKUHTL WM. 11. BM 1 Tll itll DNI UV, :Lll , l EVERY NATI: it DAY EYKNING. liaurt+4 psid at pvt cent. per ...Int ILUSTLES: TSAI. , JONES, Preetient. Don. Thos. M. Howe, Etrl.. J. K. /dna head. Wm. H. Smith, C. G. Masse). W. 11. t'opeland, inch Painter, flarvey Childs, Nirhoiv Yo e,g1.0 Car Wire. No. GI FOLIBTII STREET. pROPOSALS FOR FLOUR--Sealed Prlawals are invited till the lies DAY OF NO VEMBER, 1851, at 12 M., for furnishing the Subsist- once Department with 20,000 barrels of dour. DLL will be received for what 11 known as No. I, No. 2, and N 0.2 and fur any portion lees than the titi,ono barrels. hide in duplicate for the different grad., should be open separate sheet, of paper. 110 n . .. 7 of Ono tionr to I. commenced within one work fimm the opening of the bids, or as soon thereafter as the Govennment linty direct, at tins into of am barrels daily, delivered ellher at the Govern ment warehouse in Georgetown, .t tine wharves, or at the railrmol depot, Washington, D. C. Payment will he nimbi in certificate of indebted• uses, or each other funds instils Goverunneut may have for .I.lton...uncut. The usual Government Inspection will be made Jost before the dour Is received. An oath of allegiance roust accompany each bid. No bid will be entertained from parties who have previonaly failed to comply with their bids, or front bidders nut present to respond. The barncla to he eat Indy now, made very strong of new materials and head lined. No flour will harm-elmd which la not fresh ground. Did, to be directed to Lieut. CA. RIVAL, C. N., C. N. A., Washington, D. C., and endorsed "Proposals Mr Flour." inel,tlB SI WOOD STREET A N A' L Y 8 IS.- .0 M. I-- .t . , Stue.• 40.150 0 4 4' , A LUILIXA .31.50. St. LOUIS,MO, P. Ox. lis. 2.30. Mat—. .. ............ .01. L A ..5 . )1.5.1,.. -........ .111 WATT. *16.40. 100. aoceptod the Agency for the sale of the SEMPLE CLAY, mined near Pt. Louis, btu., l na cho the attention of Glass and Stool Manufacturers to the Andyels given above, as reported by Pro fir. A. A. Ileyn, at Brwton, and J. C. Booth, of Philadelphia, who.h, together with the toot of art.' expertence by mannfacturers In Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis, determines it to be the purees and most valu able Cloy now known, whether Foreign or American. Pete =OS from it have stood in tho Giese Foroooo from 634 to 9 month.. The Analyeis in of the Clay es taken loom the mine, without any swotting or preparation whatever. I, possessor groat adheelveness and plasticity quench+, which are not shown by the Analysis, and which ad mit of the mixture of a large proportion of shell or burned day. 1 am DOW prepares to Pit orders for the above Clay to be chipped from St. Loulo or delivered horn. In9.•Cm Prmscratm, r. NIA'S PHOTOGRAPH ROOKS, CORNER FIFTH AND MARE= STREETS, 2d and &I storlee, over Illalurdsork'e Jewelry Store,( Of every sta. eed etyle, plate or mien& from the popular Carta do Visite to Cabloot and life 100 Mr. PURVIANCE would particularly call tha at tendon of the AGED AND INFIRM to the easy et cossibility of this establisluncut, behlg reachod by • otagl• short flight of gain. Primo moderato, and aatisfaction guanaco& my2s:l7naveris UNITED STATES TAXES.—The an nuls) Anestonent List, for ISCa, containing Than on Incomes, Licenses, Silver Plata and Oar- eines, in Division No.l of the Twenty-third Collec tion District of Penn's, comprising that part of Al legheny county north of the Allegheny and Ohio rivers, boo bees received, and the undereitmod will attend at his office, No. 67 Water street, Allegheny, . . (next door to the City Treasurer) either is person or by Deputy, until SATURDAY, the 14th day November, far the purpose of rewiring odd Taxes. lie will also attend in person or by Depnry, for the - convenience of Tax Payer., at the following placer, to wit : •• At Tarentam, ►t the house of Elesektah Tontine, on FRIDAY, Nov. oth, between the Loon of 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. of that day. At Bakerstown, at the house of sm. Backe:, of TUESDAY, the 10th of November, from I o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m. of that day. At Sewickley, at the stars of John Way, on TEUBSDAY EVENING, the 12th day of November, from 7 to 9 o'clock of that day. The ten per cent. and other panelling prescribed In the tsetse Law, which erM Le incurred after the 14th, will be strictly enforced In all awes. Government Funds only received. DAVID IL WIITTE, Collector of the DM District, Perm's. cal Imbed' WANTED—Ikard and ant Lodging6iat lao year. old, withru k ir i rrt e utee r or ili ll ' aVark b h7or's walk from the Poet OBoe. Addrrm BOX 849, Pittsburgh P. 0., stating locality and term. uololt WANTED—A MAN OF LEANS AND EN czar, to open up a home for the manufacture and sale of BAKKE'S EXCELSIOR REYRICISRA. TOR, one of the moat useful and popular km:agleam of the day. AU twinkles cheerfully almond at nolfhlw 19 ST. CLALR STREET. WANTED. An Experienced (Nowt Upholaterer CZICI Is wanted Immediately at CM WANTED. -460 A MONTII.--.WO want Agents at pa • montb, raponara paid, to soli our Errekdiag Persoilr, Orierded Hasse, .od :bine= other new, word sad curio= =dem Yltteeo matina. Addrom, eolt3todaw/ /HAW & OLABX. Biddeford, Mo. WANTED TO RENT, •: A COOD WAREHOUSE, Situated In a business portion at the city. Empire at 126 Bird*ND STREET. odedf VIII/FA NT E Er—A Prim CLASS Book ! wren ; one who bum practical knowledge, end an cow well racommia l ed. Adders., 801523, Port Ofece. entkel (TIRE WANTED—Ono who tinder NJlFlstiall - cooking, and other home-wark. Ad draw EOS. atn. City of Allagbany Part 012 c., with 'Damned uto qualifications and admen. ae2Catt 1321311 I tIA MONTH I-1 want to hire Agents IP le story county y stally_fl et 575 mop,th, paid, to mil my tom thon Towler 1E47. MUM*, . MADISON AlletY. es edelatetlav A 4 , 14 rl / / r.r.• /11$4/.. Abu- , Jr m P v i. . I P got • ME 4.11,4 • 101.4. Yea. , . Al 1 r I I L.- E " ot C • ‘ll 111 00. 00 I,'AI .u , 11 11 21 MEE A. A. CARIIIEB, Tn a.ttn, ALEX. GORDON No. 121 BEC0111) STBIENT, Prrnatraan, PL. 1.-" H (Yr 0 0-12.A.1"}113 ihr.sdrrs. OLIVER IIeCLINTOCS a CO.'S, If;' XEW 4DrE!!7•1.43 HILTON'S VEGETABLE COUGH SYRUP, For flo tarioo, affection. of EU NGS AND THROAT, EEO Colds, Coughs, Astintuk, Croup, Influenza Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, W eakness of the Chest, I nsip• ions Consumption, Catarrhal Affec tions, and all diseases of the Lungs ; Habitual Costiveness, Liability to take Cold, Ila- bihial Ililliousness, Rush of Bluu3 to the 11 eatt Dizziness, Patin in the Shoulders, Pain un der the Shoulders and the Shoulder Blades, frequent Cold Feet and al Hacking Cough The coughing up of a lightish phlegm, often rather bomb and stringy, difficulty of breathing, or short lIPOS of breath. cold chills in the morning wttb fever after, hush and red cheeks on excitement, spitting up of matter sometimes streaked with blood, fro queut emaciation and debility, flesh soft and flabby, dying paint in the chest, side and shoulders, frequent lit. of coughing on wirokening up in the morning, frequent attacks of the diarrhea, pains In the breast, phtlibile in early life. CONSUMPTION IN ITS FIRST STAGES We will guarani. it to relieve the world COUGH or CL'ILE A COLD, ou difference of how long etand log, when meal In liltno cnd errording to the dinie tions. Resid the frdlotrlug certificates, publishai from among mazy ethers, rewired during the peat fc MIMI Snout Celia, Jan. 7th, MEL Mr. Joke X. Fa/ton—Dear Sir: For years my wife has been suffering with a very violent rough; at nights size would have to got up out of her bed frequently to get her breath, or to keep from Buffo eating. Heating of your Cough.rup I determined to try it, which I did, and got bottle from Isaac Lewis, and used it according to directions. It gave immediate relief, and acted like a charm on her cough, producing the greateet change on her in one week. She has no more of the hard coughing spells now, and, in fact, I may say she to entirely cored. Iteerpectfully, ALEX. HANNA. Prrtsroitan, Doc. 3, 1459. Mr. J. M. F.U.—Doer For tom* tltno 1 hare Well Suffering with • severe cough and cold In the bead. but after nal.; a bottle of your Vegetable ('oogh Syrup I eras entirely cured of It. I couelder It au exoellent mmedy, cud recodautud it to any per with a Cough or Cold as one of the very beet remedlee over doo-oacred. Ihapectfully your., UEORGE W. R. Pollittl. If you are troubled with s ECM COLD, fl FL UN N ZA BLEEDING OF THE LUNGS, QUINSY, PHTFITSI r, BRONCHITIS, WEAKNESS OF THE CHEST SPITTING OP BLOOD, ASTIIMA CROUP, PAIN IN THE BREAST HOARSENESS, CAT ARR 11 mytaatATioN QF THE LIYJCZ, INCIPIZNT co 1.; s 13 urnox, do not Gall to um FULTON'S COUGH SYRUP A 1.1 be made whole. We do not say that in all men It will OCHE CON SUMPTION; no medicine can be relied upon to do that. But ine do allege, and .and ready to prove, that by the aid of this medicine, coupled with proper sanitari regulations, such as regular rat, expansion of the lemgs, a restraint upon appetite, kc., scam Desperate Coe es have been Cured. Do nal neglect this timely admonition. The COUGH SYRUP will CURR YOUR COLD. Keep n bottle constantly in year holm, and take • dam on tho Ant 103 , MptoM of a cold. Dtrection. for Cale.—Take a. tea-spoonfoll three times a day, and If the cold be s bad one, take it of tener; and in going to boil .pot two tea-apoonefoll In worm water, and sweeten It a little, and drink It as but as you can bear It ;- cover op warm and sweat wolL Let mothers give It to their children in this way, cod it will remove the worst kind of hoarseness in a child, end is perfectly harmless. It may be token by themes: delicate or tkieyoungest child; only cult the deem to the ass and constitution, it cannot do my Injury to the child or female if it should be taker, in an over dose, for if it It will cams them to throw up, and thus got clear of it in their stomachs. Dinctiown for Cloworkt.—Take one tea-epoonfull of it every meal time, on an empty etemach, and also be fore going to bed ; If the cough is bad, tako It often er; and If troubled in the night with it, keep a bot tle by your bed and we it when a At or cough cumin on; um it in thin way, and you will coon be rid of yogr cough, be it over so bad. r_k(mmitv WiN7. — Tako one tea spoonfull of the Yegetabl and th ree limos a day, on an empty atom= tm troubled with It in the night, keep the medicine near the bed, and take some of it at the time you feel the most deprav ed for want of breath; to take it warm on going to bed will be awry good plan. Dir fiteu for Phthisic.—Take it thru timss a day, mit the dose to the age and constitution of this pe tient—from one table-epoonfull down to a tofrapun fol. It is always beet to continue this for sometime In ardor to clear the system of the disease entirely for one month or more; it is abrnyi best to do Sut u it II a hard complaint to got rld of, and Is veryspt to run Into a lung disease in after life. Be wise in time. Symptoms of Droseliti..-Bo4eness of the hags and throat, difficulty of breathing, hoarseness, asthma. n'Pitting riP p and often blood._ It la an ation of of th en that Una thesis ales of lunge and throat. Diratione—Take one spoonfull of the Command every four Imre until the patient is somewhat tit- Henri, and then take it four times* day—morning, - noon, evening and bed limo. Nutt the dose to She ego and constitution of the patient; let the diet bo lain and nourishing.. Diredicasfar Cafarrk or Cioanvis Penn.—ive Com pcsimd in tee at ono tea-apoositalt three or four time • day, or oftener it needed. It is a sovereign remedy for catarrh, and certain tss.auxo it tried ac cordiug to the dinictiona. Direciinssfir Witoopin Cbuohe—Take it to email doiew to salt theirs. of the Mitlent ; fire qr sin times a day, or oftener, if the patoxyom of cough Is bad or frequent. This tmatnicn carsethe ?ribcage to run its mune In about one-third of the regular time, and ease the patient of many hard spells of cough ing. In fact if thhi treatment is followed ■ right, there will be no hard whooping In the whole COMM order diiea e. T have some of the beat certhlcates to this effect. For this remedy we have the rearm:oar dation of one of the meet learned physielens In our country, one who has used it In his practice for yeah with the happast reunite. zer This invaluable VOgehble Com- pound Is 'Prepared itnd - lold at ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE, by 1 , - , 1. I. Wow, Drukeit, Nce. CR AND C TIM VMEEP t „ , • in1101:160. ‘010:1w 0110 -4 14000D5, Iffu CIAi..NnOIWS - AND CLOTHS, AT J. X BURGE'IIaYS, N. L cor. Fourth and Market Streets. BOYS' AND GENTS CASSIMERES. Black. Blue and Brown Cloths. CLOAKING CLOTHS. SATINtTS, all Colors KENTUCKY JEANS, TWEEDS Grey, Twilled, White, Colored and Shirting Flannebs. BLAHICHTS, SHAWLS it CLOAKS! A full asawitment of owl - , draotipth. - D of DAY 4a00D6 nua AT WIinE.SALK 500 do2L extra three-thread Blue and Grey Knitting Yarn. 1,500 doz. fine extra do., all colors. 500 doz. extra heavy Wool Books. 50 doz. Knit Jackets 50 don Traveling Shirts 50 doz. Drawers 60 dos. Atkinson's Patent Res Collars. 10,000 Paper Collars. VERY LOW MACRUM & GLYDE, 78 Market Street, BETWEEN voquin AND DIAMOND N EW GOODS.--Wo hiwo now in store • complete 'dock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, mod of which wore porcioused beard the late al in prices, sad win be sold at law rates. CLOAK ORNALEMSTS,GUTPUHR LACSp, BRAID/ AND BLNDINGS, LACE COLLARS, LINEN COLLARS, BREAKFAST SETS!, in new stfiesl LINEN ILANDIEERCEIaInoId goods at old pri.m; SILK 3 CARR 'MERE NECK Swum, RIB BONS, 'LOWERS, FEATHERS ItUSCLIES; FELT HATS, BEATER HATS, SILK BATS; HEAD-DRESSV HEAD-NETS, in