= flittsiturgh MONDAY MORNING: CITY AND SUBURBAN Official Paper of the City List of Killed and Wounded In Knap's Pennsylvania Battery. We are able to giro the following complete and reliable list of the killed and wounded In If nap's Pennsylvania Battery, as furnished by private Wm. B. Rowland, of that battery, and corroborated by private letters reeeived from several other members. [MM. Captain C. A. Atari,ll, Allegheny. Lieutenant E. N. Cleary, Harrisburg. Sergeant Wm. Robinson, Philadelphia. Brivata Wm.phompson, Philadelphia. Pat. Melons, Pittsburgh. WOUIDUD Corporal Jae. P. Stewart, Allegheny; gun Chet in the mouth—seriously. Corporal David Nieolt, Now York, arm. Private—Poter Conell, under the arm. " Henry Campbell, calf of log. " liobt. Carnes, arm, slight. _ " Chas. Dorman, both arms. l Sixth Ward Soldier's Aid Sot lety. " Thee Forsyth, 1 in The Sixth Ward Soldier's A id Society corn " Richard Haywood, leg. 1 enced their winter sessitn on the 211th nit " Joe. Klinefe her, arm. " Somey•r, arm. . This society woo organised on the dth of O e t n " John Lewis, arm. - ber, 1°42. During the six months it • non in " John Miller, thigh. operation, they received stash, clothing anti " P. Mechlin, arm. " H. Uillen, back. edibles to the amount of $l,OOO. They sent .. Wm. Warden, thighs. large quan titles of clothing and pro 1. is ions to Anson Williams. arm. different ',arts of the army, hot more portion. " Simpaon,•ankle. - Jetty to the Sharpsburg and Nashville llospi• ; min, all of which wero gratefully ooknowl- Killed, five; hounded, seventeen. We are gratified to be able to relieve the In• ' ed g ed, " the "'wt . '''s letter. r'''''' '''t I, V tense anxiety of the friandn and relatives of the Society will testify. It has also rendered , this gallant battery. The period which has aid to many sick and disabled soldiers, and to elapsed linen the tattle has been one of great . some of the soldier's families who wore sink solicitude since it Femme known that a severe I responded to its calla, but many from other solicitude, m and in need. The people of the ward not only conflict had taken place. The wounds are re slight, with the exception of Corporal Stewart, Peru of the city rendered willing assistance. J. whose wound is severe, although not necos- , be Directors of the school kindly permitted sarily fatal. The enemy outnumbered our 'the pupils to give a concert, the net proceeds to be given to the Society. The result was forces under Gen. Hoary about three to one, ' and consisted of two divisions of Longstreets $43,80. The Society commenced without a Corps—mte of them, Hood's, the other not ,dollar. It reeommeaced with $172,50. Do. nations in cash or in goods can bo left with known. Their superior numbers enabled them to attack our forces on the front and Sarah A. 'Wallace, Secretary aid Treasurer 1 upon both flanks. Our bravo boys wore, there fore, exposed to a terrible concentric fire, de livered at a distance of about fifty lards. Fifty-four members of the battery were en gaged, of the right and left sections ; of those twenty-two were killed and wounded in the "moment. The centre section of two gnus was detained on account of the horses not having reached Stevenson In time, but started forward on the Morning of the battle, and arrived on the field after the fight. Lieut. James D. McGill, har ing bean suffering from a severe mild, and left in charge of the camp, and thus missed this engagement—the first he has missed since the battery has bean in service. The King Case Again. On Saturday afternoon, a further hearing was had kiefore Commissioner Sproul, in the case of Dr. R. A. King and his son, charged with aiding George Roulette, a soldier, to de sert. The District Attorney for the United States was not present, and the witnesses who testified were not cross-examined. The object of the testimony was to show that Dr. King and his son were not in the city on tho after noon of the 20th of July last, the time at which the alleged escape took place. 11. W. Cimiotti testified that Young King came to his hotel, in Philliciaburg, Beaver county, on the 18th of July, and left on the 20th, after dinner. Knew nothing about Dr. King. Mks M. F. King, daughter of the defend ant, testified that her brattier loft on the 18th, and did not return till five o'clock on the after noon of the 20th of July. She was at her father's °Mc° at one o'clock on .the afternoon of the 20th; 'stayed about two minutes; went out shopping with her father, and was with him till half after three, when he went home land prepared to leave for Rochester, having but ten minutes' time to make the train when he left. J. H. Bloom testified that Dr. king came to Phillipsburg (opposite itochoster,) before sup per on the 20th of July, and remained until after breakfast the unit day. The witness Mi tered the doctor's name on the register, and produced the book. H. P. Turner testified to having Loon shown a telegraphic dispatch, by tho doctor, who said he had to go and sue his wife, at a. wat ering piste°, Tho dispatch was dated the 17th of July. H. F. Reit, Josiah Speed, Jacob Hodgson and John Hartman, rosidents of Sharpsburg, nil testified that the reputation of George Noulette, for truth and voracity, was had— that they would not believe him on oath, par ticularly when ho was affected with liquor. Mrs. King, wife of the doctor, was called nod testified as to the visit of her son, at Phill ipsburg, from the 18th naUl two o'eloek on the afternoon of the 20th of July. She would also hare testified as to the visit of herhu.band, but the Commissioner would not permit her. The further hearing of the case was contin ued until half past three o'clock on Saturday afternoon. Quota of Volunteers for the 23d Dls- ME The Board of Enrollment has just received from the Provost Marshal General the num ber of volunteers to bo furnished under the President's call for tOO,OOO men, by the 23d District, comprising Armstrong county. But ler county, and that part of Allegheny lying north and west of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers. The whole number is 1,378, which, apportioned by the number of enrolled men of the first class, assigns to Allegheny county 686 Armstrong 304 IZE] Total The profiles number a/wiped to eiteh cub district will-be published this week. The number drawn in the late draft, inelad ing the &O per cent., was, From Allegheny. Armetrong " Batlar . OM The number of volnntisers required Is con siderably lees than one-half of the number drawn in that draft. New Samples of Wheat. Wo learn from Hon. I. Newton, Commis sioner of Agriculture, that his Department has received from the United States Counsel at Odessa, Russia, I samples of wheat, both of fall and spring varieties, "rcd," "bearded yellow," and other kinds, whioh can be examined at tho Department. From the groat wheat region north of the Blaok Boa, about 48 to 50 degrees north latitude, we may rouonably =poet new and hardy specimens of wheat, in addition to those alreacly obtained, calculated to enhance the wealth of our groat grain-producing districts. ETIEMI/ 1. Red. Plump and solid. 2. Giant Red. Very large and tine. 3. Spalding. Red, very good. 4. spaldlng Improved. Very large, hoary. 6. Rough Chaff White. d beataiful 'amply. 7. Brawled's. Red, good. S. Golden Drop. Reddish yellow. 1 4 / 1 1INCI =MAT. I Marsden White. Unusually fine. 2. Talavera. Reddish White, large. 3. Ohiddaw. 4. Nursery Rod. Mr. Newton has given orders for some spring wheat from Southern Russia, for distri bution among experimenters in wheat grow ing, which is expe c ted to arrive In ample son s on for spring Bowing. _BOILING POTATOP3.—Let the water boil be fore potting the potatoes in. When done, pour off the water, and eattter three or four table opponent of salt, cover the pot with a coons cdeth, and return it Ito the fire for s short time, ~Watel7 pots*s are made mealy by thin meets. now simple is the proem, jot how fow .anderetand it. D•madliro • BOOGT.—Cbarles Frail was held to bail, op Satardsl, by, Alderman Toy er' to answer a charge of Wilfully damaging buga -which ha had borrowed from Thomas NO, livery 'table proprietor. Petroleum. I MINS NEWS PION SOUTH MOLINA. The rapid extent to which the petroleum THE LATEST NEWS trade of the country his incr,ssed within a BY 'TELEGRAPH. few years past, hue added materially to our -- . national wealth, and has probably coo tributed OUR SPECIAL DISPATCHES. more than any ether source to swell our ea- The Old Flag Flying Orer Lionel commerce. American rook oil is now - - • Rebel Stronghold. exported to almost every quarter of the globe. From the first of January until the dose of ttc- Itobor, 1862, there were 5,19:.,481 vinous ship ped from New York alone. For the same pc ' Hod this year New York has exported 15,502,- ; 166 gallons ; Philadelphia, 4,268,244 gallons: Boston, 1,604,846 gallons ; Baltimore, 806,- 1 961 gallons. The increase of the Now York trade from over five to over fifteen million gallons in a single year, may be taken as a fair overage of the increased shipments of the other pore, and shows how rapidly the traffic is being developed. In round numbers, the I total value of the exports (rani the ports labove named, from January first until the close of the last month, will not fall short of ten millions of dollars; so that hereafter pc , trete= is fairly entitled to rank among the staples of the country ; and Pennsylvania, which for the past three years has yielded al most two million barrels annually, according to the best estimates, may claim the largest share of credit for having swelled the com merce in this article to its present dime% sions. NOV. G, 18a A Chani'e for Avoiding the Draft Richard C. Dale, Lieutenant Colonel COM ji mending the First Battalion Pennsylvania (ea months) cavalry, now stationed at Union town, ha received authority to re-organize his present command, and, if possible, raise it to a fralregiment of cavalry for thiee years' service. We understand that a considerable proportion of the battallion will re-onlii and thus form the nucleus fur a regiment. As this Is the only opportunity likely to be af forded for enlisting in a new organization, before the draft, the regiment will doubtless soon be filled up. Colonel Bale is well known to our citizens as a brave and experienced young officer, and his regiment, when organ ized, will soon find important and honorable employment. The Pennsylvania Reserves The Third Division of the Fifth Corps (Pennsylvania Reserves) were reviewed on the Zd inst.; by their commander, Brig. Honore' Crawford. After the review the division was formed on three sides of a hollow square. where General Crawford, accompanied by his staff, rode to the centre and addressed his men. Ho expressed his gratification at being once more with them. Ho bore to them from tho tiovernor hie renewed interest in and anxieties for them, and his determination to do all in his power to fill their ranks. Ile spelt° to them of the unbounded confidence and atfur• tion that the whole State felt for them. Ile alluded to the liberal bounties offered by the Uovemmont to those who would re.enlist,and he made a stirring appeal to their patriotism to stand by their State and by the sacred rause of their country to the last. Lrvgawotta, CLIMB k Co., 34 Wall street, N. Y., are giving special attention to the sale of Government securities. There are thou sands and tens of thousands in the country, who, just now, desire solo reliable and re sponsible agency through Which they eta invest their money in Government and other stocks. Such a firm we take pleasure in na ming above. We specially sok every loyal reader of The independent, who has surplus cash:on band, to invest it in United StateA Five-Twenty Bonds—the - interest of which is payable in gold. Buy a draft on New York, and send it to Livermore, Clews Co., and they will promptly fill your order. Reader, take our advice, and you will help yourself as well as the Government.—Nne York Ind...pro dmt, Oct. 49. MOVLAIENT or CONN' ALESCHNTS.-013 Satur day, between four and five hundred convales cents, belonging to the 1 Ith and 12th corp., passed through this city, on their way to Chattanooga. They came from tho eastern hospitals. They were fed by the Subsistence Committee. MR. Au'. Beßmirr, the celebrated elocu tionist and mimic, will arrive in Pittsburgh probably on Wednesday, and will giro ono of his amusing entertainments, which have been o highly appreciated in other cities. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. THOMAS PARRY, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates. Office at Alex. Laugh Lin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. SZCOND ARRIVAL Or FALL AND Wirtnia GOODS, just received at bam'l Graham .b Co.'s, Mer chant Tailors, No. 54 Market street. It con tains of a❑ tho very lateet styles of cloths, eassimeres and 'castings; overcoatinge of all kinds of the very finest finality, all of which is selectod from the latest importations, and will be made up in the most fashionable and best manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed by any °the - Clothe city, and every garment warranted a perfect fit, would do well to give as an early call. 13•11126 L GRAHAM 1 CO., Merchant Tailors, No. 54 Market st. Stamm GILARAM, Gnu. MuCtxottaa. ME 1,467 774 688 Foa FALL AND WININJA WEAL—The Sum mer is past, and by the morning's Irost, we begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will shortly be upon us, and we must provide our selves with the material to keep us comfort able. A nice fall salt, or a good and well made overcoat are the very thing, and we do net know of any place where our readers would suit themselves better than at. Messrs. W. 11. McGee A Co's clothing establishment, corner of Federal street and Diamond Square, Allegheny. They have also received a COM plate assortment of gentlemen's furnishing goods, and a great variety of new patterns for waistooating, 2,926 JUST P.W!IYID LRD BUOY FOR S*t.e.—The line assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, lately received by Messrs. John Wior k Co., Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al legheny. The stock of clothing consists of the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, vests, coats and overcoats. The style of patternsis tasteful and fashionable. We would invite allof our readers to give the above gentlemen a salt To Aims I To Axes t—The citizen soldier will find a more deadly foe in the brooklet', muddy water and damp night air than in the most determined enemy. Holloway's Pills so purify the blood and strengthen the stomach and bowels that the soldier oan endure those hardships and still be strong and healthy. Only 25 cents per box. 230 PACTS WORTH KNOWING.—Rev. D. Morrie, Cross River, N. Y., says in a letter; "I know of a great many who have had their hair re stored by the use of Mrs. B. A. Allen's World's flair Restorer an& Zylobalsamnm, therefore I recommend them." Sold by druggists everywhere. Depot, 198 Greenwich street - , New York. WrITHRS, JEWSLRY, &c.—J. M. Roberts, No. 17 Fifth street, is now opening the most choice stock of fine Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Sibier ware and Fancy Goods over displayed in this city, and is soiling them at remarkably low prices.; Bona DOLLARS, four dollars. Four dollars, four dollars. Dental Institute, Dental Institute. Best cheap Dentistry, best cheap 'Dentistry. No machine work, no machine work. C. Stu., Dentist, 248 Penn Street, will at tend to all business of his profession. FROM WASHINGTON Steetal Ithipetch to the Pittslear2h Geeette PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 7.—The steamer Sal vor arrived at this port to-day from Morris Island, and brings the most glorious intelli gence. She reports that she hay off Morris Montgomery Blair is colors toed to have Island on Monday, 2d inst., and left thatnight I said that his brother Frank is not aseandidate for Hilton Hoed. i for Speaker. He would have been agreat fool On Saturday and Sunday a terriffie bombard- if he had been a candidate after the Mary meat was kept up on Fort Sumter by three of land election, which effectually sealed the hopes of any possibility of uniting enough j our monitors, and Forts Gregg and Wagner. On Monday morning while the Salvor lay off peace Democrats, border State men, and weak Hilton Head Capt. O'Neal, of the Invalid kneed Administration men to get a majority: Corps, reported that news bad been received besides it Is understood that effective melt by our military authorities there that Fort sures hare lately been taken to make General Sumter is in our possession, and occupied by Blair, as well as his brother, understand that the I44th Pennsylvania volunteers, the fort warfare on the Administration from within having been carried by assault. The report the Administration ranks had better he slop- was generally creditedby our officers and men.' pod. It is now stated that General ',lair will I l i t ad is b a e l e " n s o t r a d te e tt re t d ha to t I . .. ff S. H a i l l e t a o rn n e not be here at all, unless his vote should lie lay 11 sad fur 24 hours to convey the intelligence to Ness necessary to aid the Administration in organ- York. The news was eonvoyed to Hilton . icing-the house, but will resign his seat in lload by the United States steamer Golden order to take command of a Corps in Grant's Gate on . ay BEroxnc ' tt.T morning. steamer Salvor, army. There is no longer, therefore, any i which has been engaged in the Government serious opposition to Schuyler Colfax for the transport service, arrived at this port from off Spoakership, except Wasliburne. According t C h harle ree dslo: ago.,this afternoon, having left there to the indications from all quarters here, the CaptaineO reports that Fort Sumter bail chances are largely in favor of Colfax, surrendered to the United States forces, and IiNCIIICTAIIV CHASE'S succor. that the old flag new waves over the ruins of Secretary Chase's report will be aceompa t"rteebr'i stronghold. the surrender of the port it was taken 'lied by an appen.lix containing tables, show- After the of by the Pennsylvania volunteers. ing the overage poem of sixty different arti- I The old flag has been restored on the very des of general necessity, year by year, since spot where it was first degraded 1 Sate, sod the present interest and coastwise trade with Canada, and the prospective trade with the Territories MIMIME o=l =9 Gen. Noal Dow, writing from Libby prison, to acknowledge the receipt of goods from the Sanitary Commission, says that the soldiers there are still sorely in need 'of andor cloth ing. =3 Later returns fatly confirm the slatoment that the Maryland Congressmen elected last Wednesday are four radical Administration men, and one unsealed secessionist. The last la sleets] in the district In which Montgomery Rockville speech was delivered. In the precinct in which It was delivered two hundred secession votes were cast, and not one for the Administration candidates. mi.istsslrrt EAUHIiI TO OAT RACK INTO TIIII UNION Ex-Congressman Casey, of Kentucky, is here, from Vicksburg. He represents that the State Is completely humbled, and eager, tare holders and all, to get back Into the Union, even at the expense of finally giving up sla very. The people are suffering greatly for lack of food, and starvation is imminent. POSTAL CURRUICV. T ho postal currency Issued thus far amounts o ono hundred thousand dollars. IMO= Nomura ceraitentee of indebtedness are to be redoeMed before maturity, the public interest not now being thought to require it. All those now on transit to the Department for re demption will ho paid howorer. I=l British official reports show our iszports in Pied 'l2 wore sloo,noo more than our own reports showed, and It is enpoeted that .it will he still larger this year, the stimu lus to contraband tiaffiz buying increased, and cue Wm 110.0 rules in some 1.13 CC, are not rigidly unforced. tlert. Buller is still it) town a wHiting. his final inttnetions A Tonne+pee petition brought boro by Dr. Bowen •ok. that no elevtion be hold now, because the State is not inn condition for it; and AA. that when an election is held that only loyal men of unconditional Union sundard he permitted to vote, and that all others he denied the right of citiaonahip, and earne.tly urges every effort to promote the recruiting of negro troops. It is expected that it will be presented to-morrow. =I sjor Stearns is still prosecuting the work isiog negro troops in Nashville with ex- eellent poorest. Three rogiments have been milted and a fourth ono begun in tho immediato vicinity, while a largo number of negroes are raised to work on some important railrojd improvements tieing constructed under Gov. °rot:moot dire, Lion. TEE STEHLE AMONO TVR LAT:OREM OV THE Tlltlr,‘ I= The striae among the laborers on the Treas ury extension has ended, and the laborer' have quietly went hackle their work awaiting Secretary Chase's investigation of their causes of complaint. They are confident he will ace a I justice done them. I= Dr. Chanting, just returned frpm Europe, prearhod this evening to a largo audience, in cluding Secretary Chase, sod other promi nent personages, on relations which England bears to our war. I= Careful estimates giro the whole rebel force in all their amiss east of the Mississippi at 190,000, end west of the Mississippi at 200,000. There 1, great suffering in all parts of the South now, for want of food, and difficult to see how they can avoid mach suffering In the army this win Or. El= (dentin:nen from Vicksburg say that leading rebels with whom they hare come in contact there, freely adn.it that the rebellion is in its tart year, unless French intervention should oeme in to help them out. I= Oen. Butler goo, to Portre.le Monroe to I= A few details hare been resolved here of tho recent action of the Army of the Potomac. There is no reason, however, to doubt its BUR:1511A THRIATICNED Burnside to threatened by Bragg on one side, and fermi from Lynchburg on the other under Gen. Job Stewart, from Lee's army. ORA liT'B SI: rrLI litl Grant has ample supplies. Bragg suffers for want of them. True Bills Found Against the Conspire- tors in Ohio, CINCINNATI, Nov. B.—The Greed Jury found true bills of indictment against the parties charged with conspiracy. The case came up before the United State. Court yesterday, but et the request of the counsel for the prisoners, was postponed till the 18th inst. The indict ment charges them with treason in endeavor ing to release John Morgan and his officers from the ponetentiery, to release the prison ers from the Barracks in this city, and conspir ing for the capture - of the United Stater steam er Michigan, on Lake lirle. Chalmers Driven Across the Talln hatchte—Depredations on the Mem phis and Charleston Railroad—Move ments of Troop. 3inivins, Nov. 7.—Gen. Hatch drove Chal mers across the Tittlihittehie, final:ling him sorerely. Richardson, with a force reported at 1,600 or 2,000, struck the Memphis and Chaslesion Railroad, six miles east or Salsbury, this morning, burning the trestle, tearing up the track and telegraph. N• particulars received. Lee's force has gone toward Decatur. Roddy and Forrest are repeated near Inka. Fort Sumter Carried by Assault. Details of the Eight at Wauhatehle. NEw Yoaa, Nev. 7.—The Ibrubl'd corre -I..ndent gives the following details of the late battle et Wauhatchio : The attack was a thorough surprise, and was chocked by only a small portion of Geary's command. This had to sustain a separate independent fight for nearly two hours' against a very superior force and with out fortifications of any kind ; besides we know little of the topography of the gronnd in the neighborhood. We had just arrived that night and had that evening reeeived orders to be under arms at daybreak, although General Hooker sent reinforcements with orders to press frrward and makes junction with Geary at the earliest possible moment. Still, Inch reinforcements did not gat ap In time to par ticipate in Geary's fight. lied the reinforce ments arrived in time, and still more punctu ally had Gen. Hooker's orders been literally and promptly obeyed, it in not at all improba ble that we would hare captured a goodly portion of one whole rebel brigade. Three times the enemy made no attack in boldly charging on Geary's centre to try to capture his artillery, and each time they were driven back signally and with a heavy loss. The fighting of nor men was of the coolest character, and erery attempt to ontflank our small fume was chocked at once. At last the enemy commented to retire, and all their wounded that could walk were taken off the field, the reel being left behind. lino ditch contained about twenty men and two officers. These were all pet in a line. In alt we took about 76 wounded. On the field in front of oar line wo found fifty rebel wounded, and no small number of rebel dead lay still in sight and scattered in the woods to the right and , left. We took prisoners Irvin the ftikt, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and sevenib South Carolina regiments, the Palmetto Sharpitiloo tears and Hampton's Legion; all those were of Jenkins' Division. Capt. John 11. Bowen, Lieut. IV. P. Narweod and Lieut. F. 11. SLAM were . taken with parts of their e(trullatti.i. We have taken quite a number of non-com . nnrd offieers. fin our side the I:l7th New York Vide:, trers, Col. Ireland, With l'enna. Volunteers. tinder commend of Capt. climber. and I lilt I Penna. Volunteers, Lieut. Col. Wither. mere in lino in the front and centre, and did the hardest fighting, and were the regiments that repulsed the enemy's attack, both on the line and the artillery. The New 1 ork not • the 1.19 th New York were on the extreme right of the line and had some fighting, but no very seri me engagement. The 29th Pennsylvania, I Richards, was doing picket duty of the entire command, and in the first of the attack i met with some slight less. Some of our pickets fell in with regiments in line of b.it. tie in detachments, and continued to light t there. southern News FeirtTßF93 MONFME, Nov. 7..—The Richmond Whig, of tlie fah Met., coutainA the following dispatches Charleston, S. C., Noe. : , .—The bombard moot of Fort Sumter continnes furiously. It was kept up all last night, and it still going on this morning. President Davis has visited James Island, Forts Pethberton and Johnston, and all the bo;tWries along the shore. /lsr/..1i01.. Not. s.—There it slow firing to day from the enemy's monitors and land bat tories. Five hundred and eighty-seven shots were fired in the last twenty-four hours. No casualties on our side. Another iron-dad joined tho foot to-day The Ironrider romaina quint. The mon arra are taking in ammunition to-day. Ationtti, Ge. See. I.—The Yankees retain possession of Raccoon Valley, having been heavily reinforced. The Yankees shell our forces incessantly. Tho floods in 'fennesse• have demolished all the Yankee pontoons. The Yankees' advance had reached Florence. We occupy London, which places us within 2I miles of Knoxville, and behind the defences of th• enemy. The enemy Is raiding the country near Huntsville, and commlttidg great depreiliitions. Theirraids are mom disastrous than sor of their preceding ones in Madison 111. i Huntsville counties. Bragg has It in his power to mutate the telegraph, bat he can't muzzle the malls. The enemy has gained im portant advantages within the last forty-eight hears, which, unless they are counteracted, will place the question of subsisting his army in Chattanooga beyond doubt. The Rebellion in San Domingo—The Nephew of the Captain General Killod—.Reported Battle Between Gen. Santa Anna and the Rebels— Grand Reception to Gen. Roney. NIEW YOR6, Nov. 7.—The .iteamer Piraaro arrived on Sunday, having left San Domingo on the 25th. The nephew of the Captain General, and his only male relative left, has been killed, and Gen. °mutant is reported wounded. The rebels have always been so fortunate in cutting off the chiefs or leaders of their enemies as to render this report generally believed. Gen. Santa Anna is reported to have had a battle, which lasted an hoar and a half, the result of which was one cannon and several prisoners captured from the rebels. There seens to be some doubt and mystery in regard to Santo Anna, and some say positively that he had been killed on the 27th. Gen. Furey arrived here on the steamer Panana and was received with grand Sourish and honors, after which ho sobsided into a mere Frenchman. We have had no blockade runner lately, ex cept some small lots from Matamoras. No cotton has arrived here. Prices have conse quently gone up. The Alfalre In flouthetet dilasnerl—The Flight at Pine Bluff". Sr. Lours, Nov. 7.--gen. Walbridge, of New York, has jut arrived from an extended trip to Southeast Missouri. lie reports that part of the State free from organised bands and rebel troops, but bushwhackers continue to commit depredations there. The Democrat's Little Rock correspondent gives the particulars of the recent fight at. Pine Bluff, Arkansas. Tho attack was mad, on the 25th ult, by 4,000 rebel cavalry, wider Magsaduker and Calsell. The garrison consisted of about.7oo infantry under CoL Clayton, and were fortified in the Court Roue square ? by barricading the greets loading thereto with cotton balm. The rebels approached from throe directions, bet after repeated charges, during which Clayton's artillery played havoc in their =km, they were repulsed and driven from the town, leaving 300 killed and wounded in our hands. Our loss wasill killed and 33 wounded. F -11-4 CrTvir entles. PHILLDELPHIA, Nov. 7.—The Subscription Agent reports' the sale of $1,913,600 5-20'1 on Saturday, and for the week, $14,242,600. Subscriptions are stiftwtaken with the beck interest paid in gold or its equivalent, thou giving the subscription the full Coupons on the lst of May mixt. The amount of bonds remaining unsold does not exceed $133,600,- 000. Certificates of the Preach ' BATTLE ON THE RAPPAHANNOCK. ! Clads Seized by the ern- F The Rebels Driven Across River In Confusion. Capture of Seven Gans and Camp Equipage. I,soo PRISONERS KEN OFFICIAL DISPATCHES FI U I M. MEADE ASIIINGTOV, Nov. o.—lt appear• from information received het., to-night, that yes terday morning the sth and Orb army corps, under command of Major t;eneral Sedgwiek, advanced to Rappahannock station, they having the right wing of the army, and the Ist, 2,1 end 3.1 cops funning the left wing under Major tieneral French, proceeded to I Kelly's ford, when the right wing reached the Rappahannock, the enemy WAS found to be in considerable fore, holding this side of tho river. The rebel batteriek, earthworks and redoubts crowned the banks on cad, ride of the Rappahandock. Gen. Sedgwick at once advanced, and I stormed them with great gallantry and hi, petnosity, rousing much slaughter and taking • large number of prisoners. When Oen. French reached Kelly's Ford. about six miles below Rappahannock Station, I the enemy threw arm's an entire division to support their pi,kel. line ..n this si le. Gen. French hastily took a position so as to bring his artillery to hear upon them, awl shelled them with marked effect, not only killing a large number, but throwing them into utter' confusion, scattering them wildly and taking many prisoners: Gen. French following op I his advantage, immediately threw the First , divison of the Second Corps, 'commanded by , Prom Washington, Gen. Limey, across the river, which ended his ; operations for the day. WrOMENUTON, Nor. 7.—Notwithatanding the attempt to discredit a portion of Jeff. Davis' This morning ho crossed the river with the I remainder of his command. Gen. Sedgwiek I correspondence, recently published, it is peal had prey ioaely crossed it , crud at nine o'clock lively ascertained that the originals am all this morning the two wings had formed a . on file and in possession of the Government. junction, and hell both banks of the river. The disposition of the Government is to do The enemy, after their defeat in duke two [everything in its power to relieve the string engagements, were so hotly pursued by our c.); in the maneY market in tho great At victorious forces t bat they threw themselves /antic cities. Arrangements have been ramie, into the river in their efforts to escape. where i which, it is theaght, cannot fail to secure this some were drowned and teeny were killed by moat desirable end in a few days. our infantry. It is reported in the Army of the Potomac All the artillery the rebels boil on this side this morning that probably with the view of that the enemy was crossing the was captured. It is reported to he seven guns.h Rapidan In Their whole camp einipage undou6tedly fell re-occupying Fredericksburg in force, appar ends. anticipating a movement of the forces of into our hands, no they wore compelled to leave it in their hasty retreat. Meade towards that place. General Buford's cavalry crossed at Sulphur Gen. Meade hes changed his headquarters • Springs,- to rover the right flank, several to Hanover. miles above Rappahannock Station, NIA Gen- Maryland Election. era], Gregg and Kilpatrick crossed • below Now Yooa, NOY, 7.—A Baltimore dispatch Kelly's ford, to cover the leftflank. No deft • ,ItV5 Crisfield Is elected by over ono thousand Otte informatio n of their operations had been received majority, thus making four Union Congress. Thu tti n 4 p to noon to-day. my, ..fter crosping the Itappahan- men elected. , noel( un e rover of the night, moved in the BILTIM. FIE, Nov. 9 ..c—The whole of the State has been heard Irma except Culvert and direetiou of thilpepper, and the advance of Montgmery counties. Goldsberough's ma -011 fames, supposed to he cavalry, reallheil itlro ity is 26,662. The counties to be heard Brandy Station, to-day. This morning our whole line advanced, and front may reduce it 1,000. Creswell's ma on doubt pressed rapidl . forward after ,um Jority overPrisflold in the lit District is 1,121. :, retreating Poe, Harrig is elected in the sth District by nearly 200 majority over Bollard. The combined The entire number of pris,ners taken by vote of Calvert and Bollard would have beaten Sedgewiele and French, is Dolt believed to be him 1.626. The prisoners are composed principal ly of North Carolinians and Louisiana troops. This afternoon the three, o'clock train com menced billhging prisoners into Alexandria. Tre number taken by Sedgwick was from 1,21111 to 1,4,10. The renta.r. , l, were taken by French A gentleman who was pre3ent with the ar my. says it Ras II ties ot ttt'lt to .00 all of Siiitgniek's prisoners m a crowd. It to the largest lot ever captured I y ,ur forces an the Virginia Aide, and they wore guarded Le cav alry. to prevent •rraggliny or escape. frencli's wi also gvhere.l in ono body. itor tidal h reperted in killed and eti, titan. priiiiiner4. (tor weitniled wer e 1-F - 1 , •.1 ;.r fl urieriten , from thence they were rent to 11exendriti this at terni.ein. I%a S 111`:; T . EMI -1 he fAlowing woe root the Array the Potom•Le t Il v'cnot Ake, - or Tat Nol ember P. NI, Major f/eneral Sodgewkl , ad, auced to the railroad and .1. ••e the enemy to the river, and raptured two regiments, with artillery, on this aide, and taking a number of prisoner,v. Major vleneral French advanced to Kelly, Ford, driving the, enemy in small (ono acre, the river, and captured several hundred prisoners at the ford. Signed .;r.01. - o, it. Meter, Major 1;01.1,11 Commanding. P. 10 r. lerni Sedge. wick reports capturing this p. m., in his operations three lioutotinnt other and over .MOO men, together with tour battle, gags. lien. French captured over .400 prisoners, unit:ors and men. slignod itsaiste:y u. M Issue, Major tioneral Commanding. From New orii YORK, Sur. •The niaollinisAA of city organlaad an tzt,naire etrika last night. ferny'. Washington dispatch gives a rumor that ASSIVAIII Secretary of War, Watson, i. about to resign. Gen. Mettgbei /lAA boon reinstated a, a Brig adier (:enitral, with authority to recruit his Irish Brigade to the tall number. Au Army of the Potomac dispatch to the 41cl-old of tho 7th, stator the 12th Illinois cav alry has gone home to rocruit. The railroad botweot Warrenton Junction aid Bcalton Station is t o.rty completed. The weather is map 8. ant, and the troops are ready for duty. A letter from Fort 8. At of the 2ath, to the Triton*, Antos Blltnt mat to lottve:ou the29th for tb.• Indian Territory, to torn over his command to tieneral The absence of Blunt by encouraged the reberal General Cooper *, o•mcentrate his f..recs, and is threatening the line of the Ar kansan. Gen. McNeil is pursuing .•helhj. Gen. Blunt has made a demand on the rebel Gen. Cooper fur the surrender of Quantrell and his men as murderers and assassins, and If refused, Gen. Brunt notifee Cooper that all the soldiers of Quantrill's command will be shot. Our entire force is about 5,0110. The rebels having about twice that number. The steamer Fulton, from Port Royal Oil the 4th, has arrived. Oa the sth she gave °ham to:acirl fired eighteen times into the rebel steamer Margaret and Jessie, captured her and towed her to Now Ybrk. The prize is a bartheu Clyde built steamer of 800 tons, has • valuable cargo of eilks, winos, dry goods, ,te., from Nassau for Wilmington. A letter to the Herald from Bank's fleet of the 27th says that all the vessels crossed the bar that morning, and were steaming out to tea. The fleet comprises some twenty ves sels aecompanied by gunboats. lien. Ord is seriously sick. The steamer Locust Point from Now Or. leans, on the 29th, arrired this morning. A let ter to the general press, dated New Orleans, Nor. 211th, 4 p. m., says the 19th and 13th army corps, are yet in the vicinity of V ermill ion•ille, or between there and Opolussa. They had not advanced beyond Opoluses, and prob ably will remain holding the country already in our poeession, until something is heard from the oxpidition lately sailed from here. There has been no fighting. Unfounded rumor prevail of thanks at different points on our line, on the Bayou Tootle. By tha Fulton we hate dates from Charles ton Bar, of the ith. Th bombardment of Sumter was progress ing, tbo rebels still remaining in possession of what remained of it. Wood and Provisions for the Families ofVolunteera--Grattd Demonstrations. Darras, Ohio, Nov. 7.—A grand demonstra tion came off here to-day, in the shape of a wood and provision procession, for the relief of the families of volnuteere. Its extent may belonged of from the fact that there were 325 wagons heavily laden with wood, twenty drays of flour and sixty wagons filled with farm pro puce. The precession was ICil by the Gorman Brass Band of Springfield, and everything went off with high eclat and patriotism. The demonstration will be repeated in' January. The donors were farmers and dined at the Phillips House, the guest, of Dayton. lernixarous,-Nov. B.—the farmers ef Mar ion county made a very imposing demonstra tion-horn on Saturday, with a procession of wagons loaded with wood and produce, do nated to the families of soldiers. Several companies of the Invalid Corns, and the 83d Indiana regiment, headed the procession. M•, I!IISMEMIM ment...Tbe Other of- Provost Marshal to the War Department Abolished. the WASHINGTON, Nov. S.—lt is not supposed that the public interest rea:Gros any turther payment at present of gold interest baaring certificates of indebtedness before matutity, and the Secretary of the Treasary has ac-, cordingly directed the discontinuance of such prayment ex:tiring certificates already pre tented or now in transit to the Department. The Secretary of State has arrived in this city by the night train from New York, having left his son, Col. Seward, convalescent. lie authorises tho gratifying announcement that ! the French Government, upon the roman !'itrance of Minister Dayton, has promptly and ; honorably arrested the six iron - clad rams, ! which morn building at Nantes and Bordeaux. The Sunday Clkrularle announces a fact of much interest in this city and neighborhood, namely: that the Secretary of War has abolished the office of Provost Marshal to the War Department, but the late incumbent, Col. Baker, will rennet:. in Washington for the present. Conscription in Tennessee—Recelpts of Cotton at New Orleans—The Sugar Crop—Courier Captured by Cater.. ME C &IRO, Nov. 7.—The Memphis Bulletin, da ted the. sth, states that Stevens and Bell, with 500 men, are consoripting and robbing in Shelby, Fayette and Tipton counties. That part iif the country is represented se being in a dreadful eimJiLien. The crops are destroy ed, and many people are dependant on winit they get through our lines for support. New Orleans papers, datod 20th nit,. states that owing to the scarcity of bread/tuffs and provisions, cotton was arriving in consider able quantities. The receipts for October were 135,905,976 sacks. The sugar crop was very light owing to the scarcity of fuel and labor. Guerrillas entered Blandeille, Kentucky, twelve miler from Cairo, yesterday, and ven tured a courier wiat a small mail. Affair. at Chattanooga. CIIATTONOOII.I, Nor. 7.—Half a dozen shone were thrown from Lookout to-day, but they 1;.1 no damage. All is quiet ekowliere along tho liupplioi, mails and passengers come up thro,ugh the creek to Brown's ferry, two miles from here, and are transported by wagon from Brown's to Chattanooga. Paymasters have arrirkd with funds to pay the troops. Escape of Dr. Rucker from Richmond thrr.nr iluirce., Vs., Nov. 7 —Dr. Win. P. Rucker arrived here this moiling. much fa tigued treat exposure and hunger. lie says he accomolished his escape from prison by means of the 4 key to the debtors' room. The key wan given him by a child twenty months of age. ❑o says it is not true, as stilted by the Rich mond E'mparri., that anybody assisted him in hi, escape. Rebel Officers Arrested for Violating Their Parole CAIRO, Nov. S.—Two rebel officers, recently captured in Alabama, who arrived hero a few days since, were allowed to visit the city on their ponds of honer, On Friday night they were caught attempting to cross the river to Kentucky, in a skill, and wore brought back to the city and placed in irons. They . were cent to Columba, ni-day, where they will he tried for violating their parole. Markets by Telegraph. Sow Yalta, Nov 7. • n more active and IG2r lii,,thet at nn for lltildling rtilnutt.. Flonr dull and co:um:in ',rad. heavy and cloned a shade...We, ft.i,lo fur en Ira It. 11.0., 47,400_itU,25 for trade Iranda. nhtsky without material ehange ad r,l::,k4iti! for SI ate. Wheat doll end tinvy and Ifir2c lower 1 1 1.371 t IJo for rbiengo Spring, Sl,7oi i rijl,V.: for 'Mil :Lakin. 11110. i'orn I,• better and in moderate Mendi Ap0r.1.1 1 1.• ; :11,V7(5.1.01 for Shipping :zed W....tern in otore, 61,i1s afloat,o cutnnton Western Yellow. Oats firmer and a moder ato buniniwn doing nt KS9O. Pork low active and without tonterial change. Money wareely an lion and rants unchanged. Ste, ling 1,...er land d ull nt 161 , -,(4162. Gold dull and rl.—en I. n.e nt 14G:,. DIED: l'A L3l ER.—Do Saturday evening, Nov. 7th, 1863, ORRIN S. PALMER, Ns the SW beer of his ego. Ili. funeral u ill take place TIM (Monday) stdrs so., at 10 o'clock, from hit late rcoldcacs, corner of and Fleming mreets, Allegheny Ally. DAFIS.—This morning, et g o'clock, AIXIIED NAY'S, ./r., in the 20th year of hivage. The funeral will take place et. g o'clock TO-1101l110,‘ arriam.oa, from the residence of 111. father, Ns. 20 emigres , . street. The friends of the family are re opect fully itirltml to attend. BOYD —On Friday evening, Nov. fah, at 3 o'clock, Mre. KLIZAIIKTII BOYD, In the Ihtth year el bee The friends of the family are requested is attend the funeral, Brims r lrititSOUN, at 2 her residence In Wllktriaburg, to proceed to the Bea hh Burying Ground. GEARING.—On Nov. 7th, HENRY WILLIAM, child of Frederick and Margaret Gearing, aged six week.. The funeral will take place on SI . N. I Asikartoon, at 2 o'clock, from the roettleoce of the parent., lo South Pittsburgh. BROWN.--en Sunday mottling. November ath, at 4 'Mock, a. tu., MARGARET JANE, daughter of and Mary J. Brown, lit the fourth year of I her ago. The frltnds of the family are tenpa•tfully Invited to attend the funeral vets ♦r-runoooo at 2 o'clock, from the residence of the parents, No. 312 redeiul street. Allegheny. JOSEPII SNOWDEN', t" NOTARY Na 89 DIAMOND STREET, Pm-mantas Acknowladgmenta of Minds, Depositions and Affi day ite taken. Abet, Deeds. Slortgagee, Articles of Agreement, bees. and Legal Papers of every kind written. selB:6m CIIL CLOTH! OIL CLOTIII—FIoor 0U Cloths, of all styles and width.; alms Table Cover., and Trattrporent Green Oil Cloth for Window Shades. A large atick always on hand and for tale at prizes to atilt the times, at the Oil Cloth Depot of J. A 11. PHILLIPS nos Noa. 20 and :a St. Clair atreet. DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO.'S Sight Bill. on the Union Bank, London, and Sight Bills on overy Important town in Germany, Prance, Switzerland and Italy, for sale in sumo to snit pur chasers, by Whf,l. WILLIAMS A CO., aWN:Sm Wood otreat, corner of Third. PROPRIETARY AND REVENUE tiTAMPS, of rill denousthattiona. .101 l supply kept constantly on hand, at thelnternal Reran= 011ie., No. 6 1 Water incest, next door to City Truss ory, Allegheny. DAVID N. warm Collector of Internal )tetanus, Dist. Pa. . Ncrra.—Lettare should be di:. ted to Allegheny, sot Pittsburgh. oell4 lITHITE CORN MEAL—Barrel's Ex tn elf t I White Corn Meal, madoofrom runt Can, put received from Indium, and pot np In email nettle,. family nee. or for tale by tim pound, a the Tunny grocery store of JOHN A. IttiNBHAW, not (Intr. Liberty and laud Jamie. ,ONDON CLUB SAUCK, a relish ter meats, gravy. scraps. !M., liat,reosiyos; also gm nine French prepared 3lnstard; Walnut and. limb ream Ketchup, de., (or sale at therEimilyGroctry or dOIEK.A. RENSILIW, not . corner 14beirtrand hand atesees. Lirgkri . APPLES.-300 bbls. Aoiee Applaa, Eslse,Bellgomers, PiPPlas. Praeri- Earabc.wa„: gm, to stars rind for sale by 000 K. PETTIT it CO.. uriS No. IS Smithfield street. rUM 11ELTING, PACKLNG, HOSE, and GASKETS, of all sines and thickneeLs. A Imre supply just received and for eats at the India !tubber Depot. of J. at H. PHILLIPS, nuf :poi % and St. Clair street. " RIVER INTELLIGENC E. The elves rocesingt about tn . . , inches at this rit glurith; Saturday and Sunday, and last'eccning it n still falling srlth bat little 0.. r four feet , I.n ri• , acconlinir, tt, the Fier morlss. The, sg t1:11, V. •^l . 4hy was cloudy and ran n ith s , i N-n.., of rain.' Bmittf, o l , 4lo qnite art Iho the abipmenta taring nnntoalty t..• Rem Arcola and Arzoay !.o. 2 left tot t. tt it t Saturday ennting, and Lb. t_tilrertaand l . : for lb. point toi Suniiaj rimming lc IN no ,riaAn, but is le otl, Grail:tau, fr..ou %op-. ill:, will strrirot h r tit morning. Th• Captain John lirit.kyll L•'l t :./ coal for this port on Wrap,.lay last, tultl not layed by kw water, site oweit to arrive hero I, , ,iby The tow-boat Arab was toll log malty Is, • • • to Irsivii for Cincinnati With em astir of I I =I bear it stiitisti that Capt. s A I, purvhaAing thP :n, mnn I I. I v dl. paekr V,. 3,1 r 11., flue .b.umer, Capl. lh,vo 'melt& rnr, .r., tbr Lon:sr./In stud TL. bull I;tr Capt. 111101 Camp), IC. nes , n.l Nvu rin , lo.l Sh-11-t ! •r, lant. rapt. campta.ll inPal. haring f h iue , I, etc • etr., pat on at I.oukl Mr. She will I , f largest strainer. oi L ttp. 1„.... length on tlrch h-rt. The Company, -aye, th.. llohn ~..• it mid, ha., bold out 1(4 rut :r.• crw:, ..tug Exam, to Ow lllluoi. Crutrul ComLntns TI. koste .010 l urr 51ilvwmak,, [tn. , Ocean Wave, War En 21... N..rthrrn $ Patna., Fraus.tidgol end Dorand:oti paid io estimated at sl2olofhp to ,sino . tos, Wo take tbo following item+ from the C:n nommordal, of Satmlny The Glrle Mo. 2 came In from i . timeroy with a bar. in PPR, containinz B,OA/ bushels of Pomeroy which wee porch:o.l by a dealer at forty-eft:lit rout per bushel The Kenton and the Miner, dropis• down to the 1.00 from the:nip-yards above too a, t, I•nd , or Cumberlaud.--The Golden bra, for Ma tietta, anti Joint, Hobbs and Les Intl I ...o I , Nashville, departed, all with flue Ati.lerron yesterday hold the Glide No. 1 to the ]ur n. Department, for $34,10) The Kenton and y at.•rs • were taken tor the Government sera ice. yesterday. Captain {Valle has nail his interest in the aide. 3lntlison pboket, Boetnna, to Captain Ilan rostwei, late of the Forest Queen, at the rate et kne,tau tot t retire boat The Glide reports paeaiu the rot.; • No. a at Pomeroy, with two bargee et railroad Tr, im tow, fur the Indianapolis and Cincinnati I: ... ;toad.. The t'ottage will doubtlese arrive hoer „ Captain 0. P. ChapSt'o new packer It he, Valley. Jos completed for the Culeinnatt and Mai lotto trade• made a short trial trip. and dropped Ito., • tit , liner last evening., where mho otll rases,' bee ~no furniture and general outlit........t.opusin G. It. Cl , 'r t and Captain S. l'eppert, late of the Kenton. return 1. Pittsburgh forthwith, where they trill roots., Cro a trot-clan side-wheel papernger rettramor -OD , that will pose through the preenta Canal I •, i pt Conway loft for Pittsburgh Leal night, to alert ItiA now packet Silver cloud clown the r or 1'30310 Thos. Pro came down from Pittoborgh in loot niglit train. We suppose he all! uirt.ii hi. pitel,t down to the levee to-der. .1.71 US E.VT ti - • _ _ . P ITTSBU 143 1 TIFE AT RN'. uwd Itlanagur Trewevrer 80-engsgemant, for rix nittlaln, of thn tort., :Riot CHARLOTTE THOM NON, 11 b a eppearm thn new rharader, o. i:Tee rtprre./y her, enthlott, Donna Inez. TIIIS (311. day) YVENIXG Will b presented, the etalreti uud p6y, lu live acta, etorns WITH SILVER Out. Icier M Ilatltitte Thurottrun. L01 . 1." 1 / 1 , Yenltykrid Y. Diego I . Garr!, u Overtime Oreheetre. To =triode wit,. Tlr Kit I'. A cf. Ward. Worm ..od ,t 1 .. vi'.l.7rrs R . .; 11ONTH I—l wu nt to hire AgeD 9 JA co mity at moan, paid, to sail ivy near Fatoil, ..... S Alfrati, Illiar ai.24.llmiLkuT W A NTEADG,T(4l{tia,tionsit. Situated In a bairn.. i.rtion of thweity. Enquire at IS. SECO N LI STREET 0r..26:t1 WANTED.—A good pair of well brisk.. 7 11ILES, of tiloailll2l etas. Apply at 7:01c Warehouse, No. 87 Water street. Kuala IRWIN, FULTON (Y) WANTE.I)--One, who under ' cooking, and other borne-work. Ad dreg* BOX SU& City of Allegheny Post Otilee, with referectio ma to unalilicatione and character. orrNett WANTIi D—A FIRST CLASS BOOK ; one who has a practical L.wles.lo), sod can, came well recomotonded. Address, BOX 824. Post Wilco. es.'22:tf . WANT El5.—A good Jolt AN D NEW: , PAPS:B PRINTER. one who untiondands landmass, and Is steady nal Indite - rift., t.. 0 io ar • gocal situation by Immediate apitilratiois nt Tfrl s tiVFICE. A married men pleforr,l radatdalterF WANTED.—S6O A MONTII.—We {tans Agants at SOI • month, eypenses pall, to tett I our Everlasting Pencils, Orisrfnl ilirrione, and thirteen other new, useful add t. tic ads arti.-it. et Fifteen •rt e. deli soot/res. Address, velt3tmlaall FIIAW & CT.A RR. 111 , 1Jefurd;:16 WANTED. Au Experienced Carpet Upholsterer . I. wanted frametillately at OLIVES McCLINTOCK MMI =1 TN TUE COURT OF CO.NLNIONCIE rLf:As or ALLEG111:11 k4.11:141 - ,‘. No. 114, June Term, A. D. tool . Little Robsuis, h. her next friend, Th.. Adoubt, v.. John H. Libel in Divorce. Sublueno issued. Re turned to tot Monday of June. Returned N. - 2: 1. Jonn 27th, 1003, alias suborns leaned. Returnable to let Monday of October ; oleo returned N. E. 1. And now, October 03,1, 11001, o rant ion of Gee. R. Cochran, Attorney for 1141.11,,m n, Court direct the Sheriff to hare notice of the mute published in one .1" more newspaper. published in said minute. for four successive week. prior to the 4th Itlonitay of Decem ber next, requiring the said party to appear on told day to asiewer mid eotnplaint. BY TIIF, COUBT Attest 1 Revey EATTP. Prothonot ary. To Jolt 11. L'utc.l.—lu purenance of the YANA - e'er , der of Court, you aro 'hereby uotifted to eilione b fora the Judges of the Court of Common Ilene of said county. on MONDAY, the Itlth day of Deeetnhe.r, A. D. 18113, to shoe, muse. if any yon Lave, why the prayer of told petitioner should not be grant d: : 4 /MUNI, B. CLULLY, §heritre -01 fire., Oct. 28th, ltd oelb:lner.l.he ORPHAN,' L —lty uirtute of im order the , irptiem . coort of Allegheny county, there will be ex pmed at Public Sale or Out, cry, on SATURDAY, No.. 'netis, 1083, at 10 a. m., at the COURT MOUSE, in the City of Pitta. burgh, to the highest and beet bidder, an the right, title, interest, estate and claim of Wm. A. 'Murdock, Ellen Murdock, Robert Munlook and Sallie If. Mur dock, minor children of James and Frances Mm dock. late of the county of Allegheny, demescel in certain lot of ground sitnete in the city of JlM burgh, bounded and described no follows, to wit Be ginning at the southeast corner Gamed by the inlet. election of Presbyterian Lane and. Church alter, and extending In front on Church alley southwardly feet, and In depth enetwertlly from Church alley, meserving the mme width of 20 febt along aahl Tore byterian Lane, a dletance of lib feet, to a lot of ground formerly owned by pr. Peter Mowry, being a port of lot No. 121 n James Ifinmer's plan of Ines, (being the. same lot of ground formerly owned by David Ran ter, deoeued,) having thereon erected ono two-story brick dwelling home. 'Terms meal*. 4..11A13. W. LEWIS, Guardian of minor children of James sod Frances Murdock, dr.r.ased. noG:Stdisswistit CIVALR 01CsES V 1.1 The underslgned will purchase. In open market, Cavalry Boras for the ignited State. service: Tho Horses to ho from Often (In) to sixteen (IG) hands high, Cons . In to nine. (9) years of age, Enntpactlt built, in flesh, and (mere=an defects. Lorna will he received, mibject to Ingtectlotc,al Pitteburgh, Ps., from the tot to the CO of Nevem. bet; and at Columbus, Ohlo, fropt tteoltith to the 30th of November. S. M. BASER, Copt. let 17. R. Cavalry; FIELDING LOURS, °apt. a A. Q. H.' octblebsdawr Cavalry Durmin. I.) IEL lEN WA IlltAl;;TillitiSil-K -I.terraii—clanys COCCI! ClFlit , for the grunt dints relief of Coughs, nOIMMTV.4.•., and - all kinds . of Moat Affections. This article standinurlvalled, W themes of peeple—ndnisters, puldicepeaken. sing ers, soldiers, 4te., by their voluntary coundemistiona place OUP Tore' where It justly belong - N.IIZ: aimed of alLother Cough remedies: Sold'hy sraloß aonNfri(n4, ••• not Corner ;Worth and-fludtbflettetreots., PBTATE LH. FAXLST,I.b ..12A onAwr f Dr.o'n.--Letters of, dalmtedslratinst.. on the sulfate of Dr. C. Moarath, late of,istsbUsgb,, derndsedittaolng boon 'granted - to -the entsior)4llo. all persons bating claims arp requested to present - thorn, and all who are lorlelnenstroa cared to niaki , payment to TERRA McQll4rjl , Adm'n 4.Bl7:lewdest Second Moot. Dlttsbastils. NY -- .ETTERS TESTA73i E TA:I 01": antfsa ,atite of Lillie A. Fletcher lete,ot Itlttrbx*R.' hewing been granted to the nruntrettllperrone,', Laving claim - Vain Enid einde aro r•AXiainl to present I them; duly tinthentlcatett Indebted are required to tonne pnyment tn , ; : - - JACOB II: WALTER, Executor, Cextre ATAlnfe. ocl6 . biwdenr GLAZED %VALI:PA PF4i nt 25 pnr rail. tag' salf. by W. P MAMMA Lt. QIST AN lI LISJ-10bbls., assorted, for We by WM. P. DECK-dc CO. lEEE= ll' . r.MDL.,•