THE DAILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ESTABLISHED IN 1786 GROCERIES, PR CHARLES C7ii/iLSLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant MO DAY Bioarr bigRCIIIANDIBE BILOKEB, TERMS OF TILE GAZETTE. And deader in all kinds of CO'C'ETRT PRODUCE, 1 Momenta Eirrnon, by 0.11, per Tear $1 00. ' . .. meek IA. rnhCly O. 179 LIBBETT eraser, Pirrsausou, Pk. I " o single copies - -, LC !WA 111 111' DOSALIN mi.. .. ... 0. A ...„ . ...,.. , I Evioinie Rornon, by mall, per year ,of the late tirre of 1). dL. hi'Donald 1 Pittsburgh. , " o .l. Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) I " ... " 1/('DONALD & AIiBUCICLES, Whole- - .LTA. ule Grocer., Produce and COMMLI4IOII Mer• shim* Jobbers to COFFEE, N. 0. SCGAR and MO LASSES, REFINED SUGARS et SYRUPS, FLOUR, RADON, TOBACX. , O, TEAS, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, to., Nee. 243 and 244 Liberty street, Pitts burgh. no14:1 y _ QIIRIvER & LAZ EAR, kj. LIE=2I GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS no.. ST and 2, , Essithfldd SL, oor. Second MO •ND.W DINCILDOWN W 1131311 LINALDAT. IqACKEOWN LINLIART, flora LTD 6DAIN FACTORS, PDADDCD AND CONNIDDION litanousms, for the sale of Flour, lira's, Pork, Ba• con, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Beans, Tallow, Breese, feathery, Potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ashes, SeWenn, Linseed and Lard Oils, Driod and Green Praha, Timothy, Clover, flex and Grass Seeds. Oast, advanoonsents made on Consignments. api:ly No. ^ T Liberty street. Pittstrereh. W M. GrOMILY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 LIBEIITY 13TELEE.T, Pitt.Kburgth flaring purchased the interest of his late partner, will enatinge the baeloe•e st the old .rand, sod will be pleases:llo mow. the patronage of hie old friends sod costumer, rnylS:tf WEBB WILK I NSJS; C las los M[¢(11..1(114 Who/male deals= in WESTERN TAIIREENT CREME, DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, ToDelg, GRAINS, aud Produce generally. AL•o, LEATIIER, HIDES, OILS, Rc., An. 217 Liberty street, Pittabni-gh. ItiErCash adrs.noemituts =de. Conaignmauta so licited. Jett-timd r. vacs 21.106. WAL P. BECIS — . dk CO., No. 165 LlB orty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesale (Ro nan, Commission Merchants, and dealers in COUN , TRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, CIALESE, FISH, Az., PRODUCE! FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, dr., SALT and LIMB, Iyl6 TORN B. CANFIELD, Commissiox AND tJ roItRAJMIKO Mrfle..o,l . and rboissale dealer In R EST E 10.4 RESER if; . Cll EEx S, RCTTEE, LARD PUNY, BACON, FLOWS, FISH, POT AND PEARL SALERATVS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FULA T, and Produce genersdly, Nos. 141 and 11.1 Front street, Pittsburgh. oed TO , I. LITTLE, SE -TAY. TKIEBLI. LITTLE TRIKBLE, Wholesale Gro- A—a eers and Commission 'Merchants. dealers lu . Pat/DUCE, FLOUR, BACON, Cli.liESZ, PIBII, citillßON AND LAUD OIL, DION, NAIL°, GLASS COI LON YARNS, and Pittsburgh manufarturts pnetaily, 112 and 114 Becanefatrect, Pittsburgh. U. Lit N. D. =TYR', 11uEYMMR & BROTHERS, (successors tc iloyoun t Andarson,) WhOlosals Dealers In FOREIGN TWITS, btTs AND SPICREI, CON. rxemstixr, fiI:GARS, MIRE WORKS, ite., tioa. 126 and 12n Wood street, above Pah, Pittsburgh. ht 9.17 --- _ 1111.1. . 4,11 lIIMPEASD. ri Li LP k ti IILPHAHD, Commussiox Floarliserre and dealers In FLOUR, CRAIN, AND PRODUCI, No. 24.4 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands or Flout for Bakers and Family use constantly 00 hand. Particular attention paid to filling orders for .Iterchandts• generally. nodhlly CIIAHLES P. LEECH, Fr,orn. ---- ;;D , Gast. Farroa AND CONYIASION Mzerwastr fbr the Irate of OR UN, SEEDS, CHEESE, PRODUCE, dtc., and AgMat for the celebrated Uniontown CE MENT, Nos. 118 Scoxo au i le3 First streets, be tween Wood .and Stialthrleld, Pirtsburgt. a. LIBANK VAN GORDER, Produce and onnualigicam Maraud, dealer In FLOUR, EITI 'TER, EROOMN, SEEDS, LARD, CHEESE, POUR, DRIED AND (WREN FRUITS, and produce gener ally. Liberal cart, tolrancra on coneignutocia. Warebon., No. lta Second erect, Dltleburch. EA D . & METZGAR Grocers and Commiseion Memnon ts, wtd dealer. to sl l k tads of Country Produce and Pittaborgb No. 249 Liberty of nett, opposite bead of Woos street, Pittaburgh. ap3:ly GJONES & SON, Wholesale VI Brawn and Baas. rarnieLero, &adorn In MA NILLA HOPE, OAKUM, OILS, PITCH. and Pitt,. irgh manufactured ankh*, No. 141 Water asset e. ore the Monongahela Bridge, Pittsburgh. sEar 11/4.2141.1. ..... ..... ..... T. TALTYLL. OBERT DA LZELL CO. Whole .l-1V I*x Gnaws, Commission and Porm:rding Me, chants, and dealers le Produce and Pittaburgh man ufactures, Liberty street. Pittabargh. SIMI? LANDNIIT .Irma AMMON A H L ILAPS. .&111BERT, SI:TIPTON & CO., Whole sale Grocers and 'Produce Dealers, No. 6 Sixth •tred, Pittsburgh. lal6 JOHN WATT WATT It ' WILSON, *holosale Gra con, Corrtralsalon Merthante, and dealere In Produseand - Pittsburgh manufactures, No. t. 6 Lib erty stre:st, Pittsburgh. j trrh SAXIOL LINDSA Y, Jr PPLPOID. LINDSAY ,t TELFORD, Wholeoale and Retell GROCERS, FLOGS AND PRODUCE DEALERS, 187 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. sp4,Cm QCHOIS ICrlkt, St 'LANG, COMM:MX MnteltAlTS =id wholesale dealers in GEIO - FLOUR, GRAIN, PUODCOE, kn., No. 329 Liberty street. Pittsintrgh. 16.113:41y 1.131131.4, T 8., LIGGETT & (X), CITY FLOUR ,t/ • MG MILLS, corner Liberty and Ada= &trusts, Pittsburgh, Pa Slig'Capselty,.4oo barrelo ror day. ;.&P, • TIMES DALZELL et SON, Mannfac el of LARD OIL, and comentsatna Rae onant• tor • *ha 'parch.* and eats of CRVDE IND RI:PINED PRT/tOLLIIII, Noe. 60 and 70 Water ma" Plttaburerh. Mammas node On Oonslgargents. cteltrwham....-...- 4011, ILISZYATIIIet T KIRKPA TRICK BROTHER, sue vlixoerszo, tz ji ttror t i Kirkpzericka, WIIOIS- Liborty West, apl3Ay .ILLUM Nr...16.,,,, p,.. J DAVID 111 . C.431DLASI, Sail. a. OOMN, " .. t Special Partner. IVIRA.NS ' COFFIN. sueemors to AU: Td'Candlealt, Moons & lb., WHOLICIALT. 0 BOCEEB, corner of Wood and Water •treeta, Pitts burgh. -10:ly CHEEFE WA RE HO CISE. , --tf EN KY IL COLLINS, Forwarding andCommtetion Mer chant and dealer In CHEDSE, BUTTER, LAKE PIBII, sod Produce gencrallr, 2.i0. 28 Wood Wort, abaft Wokter, tIOLLA N 1L1D111,6, auccebbor to Jno McGill k Son Nn. 183 Liberty street4Pltte cOM i moll, sollgt~l. ftniftly TRA4A./I"\i).lCiiii l( 00., — Wholeenre ritobari:CA3linannhedon 'Merchants, and dealer. In Produce, Naa.oo Water street - and 8.6 Front arse, Pittabnrgh. io .12 - .:DUarekerra., ...... .....—Joaa a marendrn. . 'S. ' .11.111 WORTH &al., Wholesale . Oroarra Sim 130 and 132 Saoond to ant, near Smithfield, Pittaburat. nol_ . - ... „ . SLOT°. TORN FLOYDCO:,:Wholesale Om! cent and CommlulmallaronaatieNna. MI Vinod and 22S Marty xtrlot. Pktaburatk: • xis CAI DWELL, V Ad Oicamenoliatad CIO„) YORK PACK= aad Maltrib , T= r 7Ss,eoraar,Qf iCarkat and Trott aireataiPft pa (611*.erii'oi to .Jack- N_A ROO k iogrmaud,) POM PICK.ER4O,I dilat er la PROVIBIONIVo. - . 12 Fin4l•lll'skiet, war Lg. orts4:Pittsbdivll; , `. • . m 27 r Agin mere - • L Y. TWO?. _VOIGT & CO., etticccessors to L.(. .QT ,PRODUCE , &ND 20211171E510N VEIICLRANTO. 2f7 LtUarty Pitukuzb, ~,ss . cpwAss moves TOIIIs.-1. • -.HOUSE. '4 CO., Wholesale onooime alro - comma/nos mzscuests, .onctor of lizaltb4aldadd,3Ratrr ,striete. fittaburgb. la , - Fa I '. - CO.. Commission Innabiato, dolwr m-PIIODUCC roux, Deem., No. 12 einltheold atiniir;tlftab A tt. -,0 • ti - DWARD-IifIAZELTOIV Wholesale .12J 'eaeOza AND commismo:.?. =Roux?, raid corn,: of Um Diamond, No. 18, Pittaimrgh. mnitxlnttt „ - Artflalla BAGALCX,- - IVhoicsalo y y „.effea, assalEriso':m wooa attsaf, • - • jandf A flec litbolessiOiro: pata riotBODA ASH, NO. tit tibut7 et Xliso • tobtS r .7"l_,lilt,_-13',11iWAR1r, _Wholesale G - AZIFROMUISION $O. • ler* _ _ Vittsbur i gh (6autte,. A gad Termination of a Balloon Exeur sion—Graphle Account of the Voyage and the Disaster. M. Nadar bee been experimenting in France with a balloon called the Giant, in whloh ho Intended to carry a number of passengers from one part of Europe to another. He made one successfhl ascension, but on the 17th of Octo ber he made another from the Champs de Mars, with several passengers. The balloon re mained up seventeen hours, and traveled two hundred and fay leagues. It descended on the next day near Nieuburg, in Hanover, after dragging for several hours in consequenee of the anchor having broken. M. Nadar had both his legs dislocated; his wife sustained a compression of the thorax and contagious on the leg; and M. Saint Felix, one of the pas sengers, experienced a dislocation of the left humerus, besides injuries on the taco. Two other passengers were also Injured, but only slightly. I=3 Mr. Eager.) Arnoult, one of the passengers in the balloon, giros the fol!ovring graphic aoeount of tho disastrous .voyage of the "Giant :" At nine o'clock on Sunday night we were at Ernaelines ; we passed over Matinee, and towards midnight we were in Holland. We rose up very high, bat it was necesmary to , I come down to see where we were. Ignorant of that, our position was a critical one. Be low, as far as we could see, were marshes, and in the distance we mould hear the roar of the sea. We throw out ballast and mounting again lost sight of the earth. What a night Nobody slept, as you may suppeee, for the ideft of falling into the sea had nothing pleas ant about it, and it was necessary to keep et look out in order to effect, If necessary, a do scent.. My oompaes showed that we were going towards the east; that in to say, towards Ger many. In the morning, after a frugal break fast made in the clouds, we re-descended. An immense plain was beneath us, the villages appeared to cis like ehildren's toys—rivers seemed like little rivriletn—it was magicaL The sun shone splendidly over all. Towards eight o'clock NO arrived near a great lake—there I found out oar bearing, and announced that we were at the end of Holland, near the sea. We were eirnipelled to think of landing in order to take in a little ballast. Unhappily the heavens had made us forget the earth, over which blew a wind no violent that in a few minutes our anchors, enormous fulcrums of iron, were broken. The valve was .bat, and the balloon, whieki could carry no no longer, began a giddy career. We rose from 2.5 to 30 metres, and fell with in credible force. Little by little the balloon reseed to rise and the oar fell upon lie side. Then began a furious, disordered race; all dis appeared before us—treee, thickets, wall., all broken or burst through by the shock: It was frightful. Sometimes it was a lake, in which ; we plunged; a bog, the thick mud of which entered our months and our ryes. It PP, maddening. "Stop 1 stop !" we shouted, enraged at the monster who 111,1 dragging us along. A railway was before as —a train passing it stopped et our cries, but we carried aw a y the telegraph wire and poste. An instant afterwards ore perceived in tho tooter a red house ; I see It now : the wind bore no straight for this lionise. It was death for all, for wo should be dashed to pieces. No one spoke. Strange to ray, of those nine • persons, one of whom was a lady, who warn clinging to a slender screen of osier, for whom every second seemed counted—not one had any fear. All tongues were mote, all bless were calm. Nader held Lis wife. Po,•e oo- I man ! livery shook seemed to break her to pieces. Jules Godard then tried and socomplished an act of sublime heroism. lie clambered up into the netting, the shocks of which were se terrible that throe times be fell on my bead; at length be reached the cord of the valve, opened it, and the gas having a way of escape, the monster ceased to rise. but it still ' shot along in a horizontal lino with prodig ions rapidity. There were we squatting down ; upon the frail osier ear. "Take carol" we cried, when a tree was in the way, we turned from it, end the tree was broken ; but the bal loon was discharging its gas, and, if the tm manse plain we were crossing bad yet a few • leagues we were saved. But suddenly a for- ; rest appeared in the horizon ; we must Lear out at whatever risk, for the car would be • dashed to pieces at the first collision with ' those trees. I got down Into the oar, and, raising myself ° I knew not how—for I suffered from a wound in my knees, my trousers were torn ; I jumped, and made I know not how many revolutions, and foil upon my bead. After A minute's dir tiness I rose. The car was then far off. By the aid of a stick I dragged myself to the forest, lad having gone a few steps I heard some groans. Saint Felix was stretched on the soil frightfully disfigured—his body was one wound. .He bad an arm broken, the chest torn, and ankle dislocated. The ear bad dis appeared. After crossing a river. I heard a Radar was stretched on the ground with a dislocated thigh; his wife had fallen into the river. Another companion was shattered. W. occupied ourselves with Saint Felix and Hadar and his wife. In trying to assist the latter I was nearly drowned, for I fell into the water and sank. They _picked me up again and I (mind the bath bad done me good. By the assistance of the inhabitants the sal vage was got together. Vehleleswerebrought; they placed us upon gra* My knees bled my loins and head ecemed to be like mince meat; bat I did not lose my presence of mind an instant, and for a second I felt humiliated at looking from the truss of straw at those clouds which in the night I bad had under my feet. It was to this trey we reached Rot hemp is Hanover. In seventeen hours we had made nearly two hundred and fifty leagues. Our counts in/masts had covered a apace of • oe leagues. Now that it it over I have some shuddering'. It does not signify ; we. have made a good Journey, said I marvel to see with what indifference we may regard the mort frightful death; for, besides the prospect of being dashed about on our way, we had that of gaining the ees.—and how long should we bare lived? lam elate have seen thia— happier yet at having to narrate it to yen. Highly Important from the Southwest. The Chicago Vilma*, of Friday morning, has the following, highly important statement of morements in the Southwest, which, if oon. mot, Indicates that stirring news may be ex pected from that quarter very shortly. The Tribune derives, 'the information from an in telligent gentlemanJast arrived from Cairo : The 19th army corN under Franklin returner from the advance tOUpelmasu, for Texas, and at is anderdood, with the exception of a neces sary force kept at Th'uhear City or there abouts, all the forces will be withdrawn from that quarter. I can account font in no other tray than that Mobile it oe be attacked, the prin ciplo reason for which, being, that we wish to draw large parties of -the rebels from Tonnes zee. I: Lear to-day that forces will be sent to Pascagoula, 11170 elsewhere, immediately, to operate against _Mobile, It has been stmertainnd beyond a doubt that the whole army force at Opelousas is being withdrawn—the cacao being front of water, and the necearity for transporting supplies over Boob an extent of country. The whole force is to come back. Some of it is to go to gables Pass, or perhaps to Brownsville, and another portion to attack Mobile. Everything will barn been done before -these partzeulars reach our routers., Gen. Banks was to leave on Monday, October 26th, With jhe greater portion of the forces. They were to leave two days earlier bat could not get of. The gun- Wars were all ready for hot work. It is certainly. to be loped that Banks. is operating against Motile, and if he is this:n eonate for the ifleninvof the rebels in front of Grent's army in Tennessee.. Important-news lice the fags. , NOV. 9, 1863 . laugh, 00p4e5...-_ PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1863 and at tart broke, and the rebels composing it ' pie here rolntive to the condition of rebel re- OILS, Ice. went down the other side of the hill with , sources further -South, then the lees it really ---- -- --------- ---------- --- broken, flying, and s pf eourso,disordercd ranks. , of vast importance to the enemy. . 1111ICHARDSON, ITAItLEY & CO., On gaining the hill our men found that they "The Suck" is also another object of nat- , - 3 -in had not only driven the enemy off, but taken ural interest not far from here. About ten 00BISIDWION a FORWARDING miracuANTs. tome tolerably well constricted earthworks, I miles below Chattanooga a smell stream r•-- m behind which the rebels had pouted them- empties into the Tonneasee from the north Mr. T. C. Wilson, correspondent el the selves. It wee then ascertained, too, that the , aide. It has its source on the top of Walden's bill had been occupied by Law's brigade , Ridge, and is not more than five or six mime I Now Turk 11 , ald, in a letter . dated Lookout Crude and Refined Petroleum, of Flood 's division, consisting of five regi- , long. But in its mune it gathers the waters No. IA f WIN 5711=T, Pri a TZBURGH. Valley, October 29 th, ghat the following in- manta, and in allot about two thousand mono ,of all the mountain springs and brooks, and tefesting account of the recent brilliant affair The curios, and the gallantry with which the leaping down the precipices, it finally rushes : Oar Liberal Cash advances en emmignments for et Lookout Mountain hill was taken elicited general commendation , out into the Tennessee with such force as to Tittsburgh or Eastern Markets. The n erring of the ' 7 9th opened with A clear, to the skill and bravery of the trooper and their form a strong eddy clear across the river, MIIIIMO/11 Lemma= - commanding o ffi cers. We loot heavily in tak- through which a steamer cannot safely be bright, I - cautsful moonlighL The scenery on 58. B b. nwerth di 00., ing the hill, with a comparative largo less in piloted. But the dtfliculty is overcome by ear- , eM''''''s ring' sr Bar nit, Esq., every side, traced in dark sombre on the b ac k ofgoors , tying a heavy line above the eddy, and by T e , et „,„, e g o al , 1„,,,,.. , n..,,,,i . c 0n ,,,,..5a Beim ground of the sky, seemed almost too grand anti romantic:, to be real. High, towering Soon after this a detachment from Sehtirs's working a capstain on board, the steamer is rani° ern mountains—the Raccoon Mountain on one • safely taken by. he in a itants eve given .--- g dirision took the next bill to the ri ghtwithoutT h li • h this stream and its current the expressive &p -ride and the Lookout Mountain on rho other much resistance. . The enemy continued a scattering fire for pellation of " The 'tusk." Won t somebody —seemed beautiful to behold, especially by at some time after the hills were taken, but final- I suggest a more euphonious one ' In the valley below—the valley dieersified by I nally ceased troubling us any more for the I r.- —-- open fields and .mall clumps of woods. (.1- time beleg. , . FOR SALE. Mountain Lookout bright fires burned, and tat! us too plainly whereto look for the enemy one. G"E ' P"T""r Or roe "°"T"°. ARM FOR SALE —1 he undersigned We will now tarn the reader's attention te nni his sign's) (Aeon. Those officer moved F offs at rat ate sole , • very valuable Fun in about with 'torches, reminding one of the wards Gen. Geary command. The first Intl- gami n . 0 " ,,,,,j,,, Ail e e n " ~,,,,eiy, pe.,.itatetng 1 "firefly lamp" known to the Dismal Swamis. motion that Gen. Geary Lad that the enemy 75 seem, with coal under it, patented one mile and a Bm mer ~,,,,e s is j %., „,, r ..i.. w ill tee our Our camp riles burned brighly, while, as wo was advancing was in the usual manner—his quarter nou, Julie O'Neal 's Coal Work" on the Mee . ~,,n nt p.s„,,,nns et teen . Pic trots were driven In, and hastily, ton. Al- nougobela river, five rolled from kteitoosport r atA i Refer to Molar. Itithardson, Harley it Cc., Biewer, afterwards asoortained, a watchful enemy was most immediately afterward Jenkins' rebel studying our position withjealous eye and with 1 1 2,...i 1 ". n rr. DA m/'!' . , t i s ,, b: D rist r tt ,h ; 1', , 1 ,,, t.a ctu nt... , ix." V. Burke ik Co., a . rel MeChaland ,t Darts, Plttehargla , barn cad Tho. Sua'th he , ere's. Book N . A. R. L. Foster a view to destroying our present peace. 0., column came in sight. It moved down the e.h e s as... ea r, buildri.m., also o cue orchßH, tbmit " ''' , A On , Philadelphia. Say line a e she time lay on a parallel with what railroad and spread across the Chattanooga be acres good crass lend. It le th e property fore coal [RON CITY — Oll - IVORKS. road, and one portion of the rebel column newly mimed by Jam. Finney. The land thd was the enemy's on the der previous. Two • division, w o en- ""eeil on the left or front of Ifilrehed off through th e woods some distance will be sold together or hoponste to suit Inc boyar; I. ot if mithotent indunemente be olTe-ed it wil/ be mit ' In front of Gem Geary, and at coop proceeded LYDA! & CHORPENNIN, our line. One other division, General Geary, up and sold In lore i 'lLabiti for rem try ' maiden . Iris in b;voitelc, so to write, about one mile to attempt to turn his left flank. Gee-y men, If tho above named property is :et .old brain G.' in double quick time, were got in line of bat- 14th of liavzußErt. a will I. offered, on old dell, Manufacturers and Bodnar. of CARBON OIL, BEN and a half fasces the two divisions referred to toe. Then the fighting b ecame general be- iit i riblie sale, on the punitive, .. . I o'-' -5 1112 El AND LCD RI, ),YING OILS, and deafen It above. Between the one division and the tween the two contending forme. Ono bil. mE zraereir sole rail with , tio, sulactibe , r . , JAMES two others the enemy held a position on the gado of rebels operated di reedy on General .....sej ~,i , Nest howeon, ti.emoriorete,.... Le , Pa. Chattanooga road proper, as also on the rail road. In brief, the enemy had a force, to our Geary's front. Another rebel brigade et the , knowledge, in a Gap between the base of the same time tried to turn his flank. Both were D"' GOODS STORE FOR SALE, in Works • emsute-Mierreams. a flourishing Western toss en the P. F. W & i D1N.,.. N. 1 , 4 , HAND gia2E, , f point of Lookout Mountain, along the river on aa , t at ba y' he first made several bold attempts to ad- 0' R . 11" no t aver ' a.a mil,- f rom ritt ''"'"r , ''''''' the flats and some hilis, partially situated in doing n Linn, end profitable trade. The stock is our rear. All of a sudden Generals Howard Vance, but were driven off with canister from nee, and n ee 5,,.,, selected with mi en ... to tea' aril o a and Hooker, -s well ns other generals present a section,of Knape battery, and the infantry actuary trade. Has all been porches..d for mull et D L MILLER, Je., AGENT, fire. The other brigade was finally, aft,: fewist market prices near general headquarter., were aroused by several attempts to accomplish their purpose, 'b e 'ins prseeint propri. • tor has d. Mittel to nitro from ii heavy Rasing in the doe 'lion of the positionl23 WALETY or , PHILADELPHIA occupied by General Geary and his immediate compelled to fall back, and rather quickly, ~,e,,t , e r it: r Ix„ . !;'„ 1 7,'„ h•"'",;,7l,'„° - „: 0 1=a 1 ,„'' command. .At 011ie preparations were made too. Canister, from another section of Knan's tiring party. The hoe.- tie. • lease and nospisetalti; I CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM artillery, Was alto ready to make this 1....5t trade , ehloh eon is n tattled. The pnwint stock for a geaerel engeigiameut The troops were soon in column, and the triune and ambulances rebel command to suffer much. The 13;th : will invoice from sore, to ern thount.l dollars, but On Commission eacktainly. All charges at moat General New York, Col. David Ireland, wan on the `"id be r `" d "' d If "."`"d temoneble non (toward wins in the saddle in double quick time, got In readiness for the emergency.front, andl. the centre of Geary,. line. It I ed P i i r t e r:::: r w , iii i h l I p rif to ,, t i n i , , w o.n trie pervindars will please , ,hr taff i. u IIA E. u G . ll . l;o o..,d ßlt s E t r ee. NED in cool radian Ter ire co o ll y, stea d ily and out on the road, and bad his command in read- returned the enemy 's LI DAI & CIivaPENNINH I Partieniar attention paid to OIL FOR EXPORT. Met heavily. The Ilth Pa „ 109th Pa, 29th I rel 3 tf Se Hand sire,, riLtablinib. lit YOH IiaLL—CLUSTIC buDA, SODA ASH. Se intros to move onward in the necessary direction Pa., 149th New York, and 138th New York, at once. liens. Hooker and Butterfield, too, were engaged and did well. Two metro. of REAL ESTATE r( , I an] ly if. SALE.—The I were soon on the ground and wide awake to onderslgned often for sale n mere desirable piece C lABOT A I'ENIBEIZTON, see what wee going on. Maj. Gen. Sebum's • K , aa P' s Pemurivania battery were engaged ,of land, room . ,-- It' i '..-i in ' r . 0 y . err,, nearly, ..i -at—. thrision being nearest to General Geary, it a " ° ' Bthlteln townahip It f • nts on the Brownsville was ordered on at once to eithport General G Afrer two hours' hartlfightang, in which Gen. I road nn one Alas, And ens •ole on the Elizabutbtovrn G ener a lldercharulize Brokers, The division led off with Brigadier General Green's brigade did nobly, the enemy fell "I.i It le part . ' f Its Whits Hall Farm. This let . .1, h e . a 1,..„. .„,..,,,d,„, It . end .„ orchard of Apple . lea SOUTH FRONT 87., PITILADELPITsa. Tin.thle's brigade. As they premed forward back, and without making Geary's line to .td Cherry trees ' erry trees, bearing Butt. Tklm leas ill be sold waver or fall back •• foot. Our men were on the road to join General Geary, the enemy m se, ...Juliet.- terms It not so:d before the ant CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, opened a heavy fire of metskety from n high steady and held theft posiolon behind a rail ' or Jsenary , it will be for rent hilt close to their line of advance. This dim. fence. Almost story hence in one eection of I For further ;Animism inquire at WHITE 11.41. L, e A FSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, BRIMSTONE, artillery was shot deal Th e eeehey. retired 'or the mteniribeir, in boccie.. mums/1p DRUGS, OILS, d e,, 3.. e. onchly surprised us. We had been thinkingi eel:A.74'es. rsin across the railroad, and from there to the other I only of and wholly attracted to the heavy fir- Orden to buy or call promptly attended to. f side of the creek. Soon after the enemy had PLOCR.LNG 311 LL roll SA LE.—The I .et 1 ing in the direction of lleary's command. At retired General Selmrs's division came up and ll' nibserilser offers for sale the ALLEGHENY V once oar commanding generals comprehended the stele of affairs The enemy had intended supported Geary. Homo of Geacy's regiments CITY MILL,', ottunted in this Fonrth \tarsi, Alto- A ',LEN & NEEDLES, fired away all their ammunition, and amount- I ga m y ik. t . i . te This well kn - -31 ill Lee been rebuilt LI. their movement to tie a surprise ; and one y, d containe folic run of French Barr , with ' lion had subsequently to be sent to them by with a 1 lei! to (while engaging the two dirs. ail the latest improscil ;Miner for tint ' tiring ( daylight. While Jenkins was attacking Geary, ions on the right and keeping them actively the best bran& of Flonr . 7.4) Y ove a gnat local as I employed) to the outflanking, rho probable the enemy kept up a constant fire en Geary's a 11 as foreign engem This it • ran ell\ nee for line from Point Lookout. boatman men. and we invite any who wadi te engage Particular attention gib] to osestgmrevits of eurrounding and possible capture of General ren or TRH nous% , 10 a profitable Malone Sc cell et the Still, al. Geary ' s force. From prisoners taken der -I terms will be made known. I ing .uo fight that ensued we learnsol that By half-past four o'clock the firing on both • oessime,u,T J. VOEOTLY. Crude and Refined Petroleum. (littoral Longstreet, on beholding our column "id" ceased . The engagement lasted about . - - --- - t ---- throe hours. I A FARM FOR SALE, near Pe s- i 44 ; Lib... l "..... made. more up the Lookodt Toll- towards towards Chat- I I When communication wall cot o ff with Gen. ' - 4 . 1 . •1110, of 100 acres of land, ruder a good man t.:' '''' 'Y IsLifilisl, quietly massed two divisions, -- s . —,---, _,,,. and Jenkins —foe it ...., ...,, b . Geary I felt anxious to know the particulars I c '!""""" . 7 " c.c... Oeers'll, beim , " good whits ' ij 1`..2 , R1 RON cumin umber land improvementa •re a good brick I I , r a 0 ' ov Lc known that the rebel General Jenkins, net , . l"- --e •. in .man , and for that purpose I g. dwelitur of A LOOrili, a hoed from. Liarti and I 13 NORTH FRO ST., PHILADELPHIA, d pan .1 from the headquarters of Gen. Hooker sr perceded Pryor after t lie iiirLii.l Rai, ..itia.s I stabling, with • brick granary Also s doul•le lee % tin l e avi ng r h o ea o fM ay ' s arn Isle• phi. le well by f orcoran in the battle of the Deserted onward. tin h h ea d G ee,b '.FF/i'l with good eats.' Inrokor air Comm lather NI orokuant H.... , .... en d, . ,ii,,,,,,,, n s ;.,f.,., try, Lac itheanm 1 proceeded for quite a while nisei,. AIN , a choke variety of good Walt trees For I ....era to without meet' e rig a y ono. At length T came ....,uts des...ption and tonna, apply to lug attached to it some aotillery and a very u b B ATLS, commercial Broker, CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, , upon a force of the seem retreating acthss s ,-; suilli form of ,avalr) —on Leek •. sal Moe-Main. Reis savvi, ...anon, le and 0.,„ ',ode. rl r once It, not tit ritneet, but efIC Til i !road. I immediately Went ai:Otirld their 1 floss is 1 LUBRICATING OIL AND BEN'ImI F., moonlight, moved there - up to and actor? 1.,,,,a, 1 r . --"- when near C 'ary • s line I came Upan 4 h, - , . 1, At..-• Oh LEA:' , E — A 'arr . Lot ' out creek, with a t _ tee . t‘, the earrytn; et.t. of , &lout a dot ‘n rebels in the woods, who, ~,,,, 1. , ) ,,, . ic , . , b , 11 , : t t , .. g in h. ti 0,,, cae h l.n ii rtr , r th ll; , , , , is eva:, eve And tinnier In Crude and Banned PETROLEVIit II %RP 81,h aski, 1 y the plan of his surprise IlleVeat rat . About I I was rho ad, an of a Yankee foroe, Dv sinning Honored nine room., ale", several other . I Leggy .1 re not to fire. 11,14 them I would Boum., all built of brtek. A well or good water in l illtS REWAR, BUREN & CO., eight p. m. he moved his divisions across the I not, whereupon they wanted La surrender, and, ree . yard, Illerin of god l (-nit, mut convenient to J-if creek. One data , le. [11050's ) passed on to Cif robes and School IlailLai / the Chattanoop road, end occupied two bills I think at. it! to an° ' AZ. 7, particulars -..sidress OT cell . COMMISSION MEE,CHANTS, commanding the roast. on a parallel, feeding "" -(''' '''g d - to advance upon Gen. fleas T's el, T GILLIAM, to Brown's Ferry. The other division peeeed i lino al the head of a." rebel colomn," I tad Sharpetiorg, Allegheoy County, Ps. the seeeolsors that O.T tegiment sees just be- ocalqtrisver t Agents of the a' ..vm the railroad, and Iry m there on to the 1 hind end would soon pick them up. They beg- Chattanooga road, below he fork and between hind SALE—A lot of IlLnd, containing I GLOBE, PACIFIC AND ,LIBBRTY OIL WIJES.I3. god rue not to leave them there to be fired ma. r Stmnwehr's and kehurs'e divisions, and the 78 acres, .hunted 11. miles from Dirmoot Sta. , „ , , nontm‘nd urni ,,,,," rge ~f , 0,,,,,,,,r.,1,eary_iae 1 r•fired, as before, and left them crouching tom, on the l'lt tsbrtrgh, • Fort Maj. & iliiriisiLi R. g otherrat nem s cene. undo . eounignmonte of . down in the woods ln fear and trembling. The abets propert, Li well timbered, is do it good I object being to tut Geary off. ILd tie ilii they know that, really, I was the %ono.; mehanl of batwing nett toe. Thla reoperty Redued or Crude Petroleum. coop's DITNIWLwiII be sold on remanuable terms In reference to lisind's division, the reader I Lead that ought to fear the most being fired on. r ,, r ,,,,, t0 „ , 00lo , n , oath . ' COE. DUQUESNE WAY A lIANCOCK STS., Just in front of General Gem ' i will ~,,,go i e., it as what lii styled H oo d' s o ld ry s Lee I Caine I orb 3m S C Mal ASTIR, bewirkleyville, Pa. ' di% talon, which occopted the bills referred to upon a large number of the enemy's wounded LAWItENCEVILLE FROPERFY FO Prrrntoten, PA. lying in the ditch. Some rebels, not wounded, . a l Je2Gly above—eel to work intrenehing themsels es SALL —A tltOiLLiii) ) ram, House, of 6 rooms., ' - wan with them. Them told me that, in ad there by the almost noiseless and hasty °tee. I hall, good collar, iut Lot 60 feet front by 130 feet noto embarrassedy (iIL NEN need b b 1 rancing on Oeary's line, they got down in the deep, on which then is choke fruit . This property tion of ho at on the crest of thel the enforcement of the Ralk Ordinance when di tee to do some sharp shooting, but soon had weft L b. dlilliKarid of on very liberal terms, aethe own. I one. eau nit . onns OIL cad e gi nne A ,L. bill. When the cnemy evened hie unexpoeted I she. to lease the plasm For terms , apply to ' ° • barrelled - wi tire from the ~,,, , 7 ,,„,.. e th,„.. was ~,0 , i to keep down there to prevent being killed ' r ' aS. RATES, Commercial Broker, ' oat taaablat tea C I Wha"aa ' " she l''. without ;Ls benefit of clergy, or other core- TI I prompt, wit hot Ids , less Weenie and in better halted, bus moved at once forward to Geer.,flutter street. Le iiiiiiine _ order, at under fire, through an ore:. space or field to ' I. `" r " - ' " f elr'"'‘'d life , IXTErT DEER 1t) NV .N6ll Il' Y A Li.' .1- KTRKS OIL YARD, the right of the tr - nt of the hills. While pm,. ' During he morning the reboil kept up an BLE FARM FOR 2 ALE AT A BARGAIN. (did fire from Point Lookout lieuntain, ' tug sod, eiero wounded, ineludtng a member —B3 /urn, .31 In cultlration-7 eons of Isli grain. On the Allegheny Talley Railroad, toes liii imam but not succeed is doing much damage. of the staff of titneral &ham. At one time, ?-1 of choir, umber, white usk end hickory; all villa, where Oil letepid from the bees diced to ii hen this division was pressing forward, and They attempted to fire into en emmanition smoo th , pod land cod il e well for . u1 , 11 . 8t100 . • Ins cars, said •liiptrd to any wine Kam or West, sr! e-. Gen Ilowittil, with rata f iiift, was super Vain while oe its way with ammunition to frame dwelling hotter., tern, lees stable, 'Firing' without thy draying or re-shipping. Gen. Geary. L suse, garde n poled to. milord of on a ree All cod.. .promptly attended to. 1-trnding the execution of his order In r .- Tams they. Apply to ItirOftice at Tani, on Citizens Pseeenger It It IThroughout the whole fight Generals Hook- t ,,,,, son, the enemy espied, by rho n ! I "' e moon S . CUTIIIIO.IIT A SONS, - ,I Market ' (. Post ome.. address, BOX son, Pitteburgh; o n can lere Howard and Butterfield were on the field, ' light, our hors. s standing together, and opened be seen daily at the 011. Eximartos. in exposed positions, directing movements, 14 1 0 ft SALE.—Four Arree rd Ground npor, DAVID KIRK. direet fire en "beadle- -ters.' • Note i'lastard ng this Gen. If. did not g're vet escaped unhurt. .e 1_ and a Four everyßriol, Building, Engine, Dollen and Maohinere well ed i 1.-vi for a menu .'.... .."....C. LLIALI r an Bteinwehe's derision did good sm. I , ~,, 1101 bet by ; way, although the fire coo ? chat ma y bel ALL ACE & CURTI '4 o' , ..S._, rice, and Smith's brigade, of the same dire- ' o ' n '„ ,11.--- , '''Y hula I "' . ... b. P"rrh" . . l. f" , termed. very bast, until he Lad given erica. and f Ito nri, inal -osit, by .all mg on ion, gained great credit. ki ll LI A V WARD„ • ts. them being executed It may be thought that the Ger eral -me reckless in thus exposing - No es Onset et-et. elitsbrjr& himself. I hope not so, when we take ints consideration that the General was doing all In tile( power to peen forward and renew the vow cut ~0 line of support and cominimica non with Gen, Geary. Also to get on the 5 ink er in the rea- of Jenkins' division, with a view to at least attempt to niters the corn ettment by in then cutting them off from re joining the line of Hood's command. While Selaurs's command as preening for ward under this heavy fire, a second rill - Won, under command of Gen. A. Von Steinwehr, was moved up on the road and to the left of and between the hills and Schorr' division. Of this Intl ^r dirision Geueral Butterfield ii General Hooker's orders, superintended in person General 11.'s commands. This being done, Gen. Howard, with a few members of hit ila; started on ahead of Sehurs's division to assure Gen. Geary that support was coming up. To got to Geary Gen. H. had to go far to the tight of Jenkins' di vision, and toward the base of one portion of Raccoon Mountain. On his way—passing through woods, across fields and over man nod horse trap ditches and runs--he came upon a small force of the enemy that had been acting on the right flank of Jenkins' division. Bait to him they did not; but question him they did. " Who are yen , " risked the com manding officer of the rebels. "Friends," answered the General; and continued, "Did you whip the enemy?" "No," was the re ply, as the rebel command moved hack • " but we would nave done so bad not our regiments run off and left us here. You had batter be careful in going forward, for their (onel men are jest on the edge of those woods." "I'll he eareful." So the General went one way and the rebels another. Was not this a nice little piece of moonshine in more ways than one' In a few minutes afterward Gen. How ard reached Gen. Geary, and communicated his Intelligence. ' The Late Brilliant Sumas at Lookout Mountain. DETaILS OF THE FIGHT. While Howard was off, and Sobers, with his men, was pressing forward, and Geary was driving Jenkins off, Steinwehr's division was get into position preparatory to making an ad vance, with a view to drawing the enemy from the hill and the one to the left, facing Lookout Mountain. A _brigade, Immo:Lauded by Col. 0. Smith, of the Seventy-third Ohio, was ordered to airline° for the specified pur pose. Gan. Butterffeld was heard to say;That hill must and shall be taken. Gen. Hooker says you must take It at all hazards." Gen. Stelnwehr ocoor,Lingly gave the neces sary orders for the advance. CoL Smith ad vanced. .Then it was that the enemy poured down a fire that was truly heavy. The roll of musketry for a short time reminded one of the noises similar to Gettysburg, and other great battles of the present war. Slowly Smith's men Went op. The ascent was so steep that it was as much as a man could do to get up the bill in daylight, and when death dealing missiles were eon set in ventes. Besides, this hill was covered with briar bushes. fallen. trees, and tangling of various descriptions. The Seventy-third Ohio led the way, They enemy kept cool and Continual to shower down the lead. Still our boys pressed forward. The Thirty-third Massachusetts followed, and supported the Seventy-third Ohio: • ?hose, tyro .regiments 'were again supported by the One Hundred end Thirty-sixth Nei' Tack- The whole at last gave a sudden start forward and gained the crest of the hill. The amines Ike wavered, - ,<, :_,._~ :~~ ~~ r .. Important Results of the Late Exploit near Chattanooga—Coal and Nitre Beds In Our Possession. Mr. Crowe, the well-known army corre- Ton.leat of the. New York nape, writing of the late exploit of Gen. Hooker. which baa opened the Tennersee neer to Chattanooga, says: Tho attack (of the enemy) W. very sudden, and boomed to ho made either with the deiign of feeling our position and strength, or in the hope of getting up a panic among our men, and thus oompelling cur retreat. But there was no panic in the Eleventh Corps this time; alt the troops 'toed their ground and behaved with great etiolnest and bravery. It wee a very clear and bright moonlight night, and the sharp rattle of the musketry nod the quite frequent cannonading reminded us all Tory forcibly of the terrible night attack made upon Stonewall Jackson's forces by Sickles in the persimmon bottoms of Clanneellorville. The topography of the country hare is such that a eomparatively small force can hold the line of the river and the railroad. The moun tain ranged run southward freak the river, and at this point the valleys are numerous but nar row, and usually but one road running through pent parallel with the monatainal. By stop ping up these valleys with fortilleationi, there Is no approach to the riveror railroad betireen Chattanooga and a point below Bridgeport, for the river, beginning just above the former point, oleaves these mountain ranges, and the railroad follows its mune. told by the best informed citizens here and at Jasper, ten miles above, that we are virttusily in possession now of the only eoal mines on which the rebels have depended to supply their important foundries and shops at Rome and Atlanta. At Tracy City, Tenn., In the Cumberland Mountains, • shbrt distance from the Nashvilleand Chattanooga Railroad, in the Raccoon Mountains, Ga., duce or four miles from Shellmound Station, on the same railroad, and again in the Cumberland Moun tains, on the north side of the Tennessee ' and not far ezcve Chattanooga, are the only mines worked by the rebels for eoal, previous to our occupation of East Tennessee. The mines in the Raccoon Mountains ere of large extent, and aro ootineoted by a railway track down to Shellmound station, the first station east of Bridgeport. They are known as the Gordon mines, but as the Gordon! felled some time ago, they were purchased by the rebel Gorcrnment, and have been latterly worked on Government account. Several thousand bushels of °Gainey lie at the mines, reedy for use. We win use it. In the moun tain, 110111 r the station, ht also an immense cave, known as " Niskejack" Cave, containing very largo supplies of nitre, which has been exten sively used by the rebels, the obtaining most of their saltpetre this resign. The Cave is a great natural . estriosity, and ht, scarcely lees Interesting than theMammoth , Cave of Ken tucky. It has been explored. for three miles, and through Muni Sieltalsok Creek, aafritain upon which you can launch a " dig-out," and with a glaring torch pursue yourwinding way, and inepoct frightful ehanns,'dlattial caverns, and all the wonders and terrors of nature's inward oommotion, to your heart's content: • Bragg is said to lumtromarken that the lots of these coal and nitre storks wacagrester blow to the rebil army than the losiof a bat tle. If we may belief* the aesertions of pee- .t?-~e.rz+.+~;~-.=, 'i:r ~:~ ~:i.-».~.e c y~:..~.;..~r, ~.~. ..~,.,...,A c t5;_Z;4.,._....~.~.i~t::u... , 'r5r5~:.'~.'~~:r-' a xk.~.~<"t:m. - -42.SMS~x.. ~..uw~ i z k~{> , lis ~`~.~A;.;i ~Sa~i~x~✓~i..~.~2Liz~~n'u'f~. a~i ; r'~'. , V0T10.4 - SALES QEVENTII WA RI) BUILDING Lol' k—l —On TUESDAY EVENING, Not. Inth, at o'clock. will tw sold, on tho we - oad floor of the Co.- No. 134 SOCTII WHAR VES, PIITLADBLPIII4. merctal hales Booms, 84 glfth tweet, one Building Lot In the Setenth Ward, near Contra Arenas, and Stor . g .. p . otry (ood.r song form. " bo b . adjoining Mrs Branstronp's proptoty, hating • front •Im excellent facilities for shipping to American of 20 feet the want olds of Itoborts striwt, and ex• and ro .. tiro port., a[ oar char! ontending back one hundrod f oot. Alter. near the plairenn of the P. E. R. )628'1y Tents—One•thinl cash. telrace Ir one and two year., with lutenist, wcurod by hood and mortgage not DA VIS A Melt. W A INE, Aces ra. TAL C A E ICS Al'' A ClulrOtTi. —on TUESDAY EVENING. Noe. loth. IthiS, at 7h o'clock, will ho ...11, at the Commercial Salta &tor ' ms No. 84 Fifth street 441 sh am &Lehrman Bunk Stock: 6 do Monongahela Sayings Bank Stock, 18 do Atlegbeny Bank Stock ; no 7 DAVIS A McILWAIKE, Auer.. DISSOILUTIOAN. 4c. P.,tne 61_1 heretofore. existing nal, the name and Orm DI .1. H. LINDSAY A CO. I. this day eitscolved mutual cioneent. AU hostile° connected with the fete firm will be aetthei ny J. R. LINDSAY ,atUt Wood street, op stair, J. H. LINDSAY, J. It. LINDSAY.. I have aim disposed. of my ivezervet In the Orin of J. 8.3, 1+:11AX WELL S Do. to J. R. LINDSAY. hoc. 2, Itiefl. .1. If. LINDoAY. Haring pnrolmeed the uttered of J. H. firm LIRDS.AIr, In the rm of .1. R. LINDSAY Co., Hardware and Cutlery Butanes.; din in the firm of J. B. A S. MAXWELL & On., Dellow• Manufacturers, the Mal nem will continue so venal, Hardware and Cutlery, by J. R. LO7DBAT; Bellows, etc., J. D. A B. MAX WELL & CO. • I New. 2, 1863. notlm _DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The parMership heretofore attain& between the aubacribere, under the firmof PHILLIPS, MEW a CO., hoe ebb day beam dinolved, CHAS. LOCKHART and WILLIAM rßrw teed the oaths Interests ..f the other partners. bnetneeenf the late firm will be eettled by LOCK. HART & THEW. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. WILLIAM TIISW. CHAIILICS ,LOOICHART JOHN TANA Nerbri.L, ANRIf V. HIPP. PittsbargL, Au.put 10th, WI Mita.= LINSUART WILLIAM MTV. OCKHART & FREW, odnoers and Refiners of Petroleum, GP At ALBION ' WELLS, Vowing, -nut7, and BRILLIANT C WORK 1, am. Office, 177 tt 17.1 WOOD Brum. =I BOOKSELLERS, lie W3f. JOI3.N.STON — & - 611:9 — tatiOill are, -Blank Book Blarotfectovers and Job Priotere, No. 67 Wood went, Pltuburgh. rem AY & CO. BcoTrieliers sad staion .l.3l. ere. Na. 66 Wood meet, next door to the corner of Third, A'lttaborgic...: SCHOOL and LAW BOOKS sonetantly oo hand. JT. L READ, Bookseller and Stationer, II No.lB imirth Mon, Apollo ..4TTOILrEI S. I. 80)11)113, BCIIOI2IL Q lit S. C. SCItOYES., Attorneyir-at -4.1.11..r. 01111co, - N0.139 Fourth oznei, ocp 'ACK & BRO., MOMS DI Crude and Refined Petroleum, BIiNZI SE, dca, 134 WALNUT ST., PIIILAMILPEILi CIZIT7DE I-.IMTROL,EIL'hI PHILADELPHIA CO!/MISSION DaRCL.I.IIIS. Cornmiagion Merchants, And desists in CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, DRlallitE AYD LUBRICATITG OILS, WALES, WETMORE & CO., OOMMISECION DIVICHAFT2I, SHIPPRB.B OF PETROLEUM, 112 If ATIMMT LANE, ICILIP TORE Ample &allies for STORADD AND SHIPPING al their yard and wharf, Etta Hai:. . lift DIAMOND OIL WORliti NAYLOR cL SETTEE, Refiners and .Dealers in Carbon Oil, Onstnymared by any to the market. Ca , Orders left at theft office. Igo. , rt MAIM= STEZICT, or at their work, to Lalrraaosrftla, will be promptly attended to. Dorm of OHM& OIL. othll - ROBURT Aiii, - No.l ST. CLAIB ST, PPITNBC2.OII. Forwarding & Commit..eon Merchant AND DIVALIIII IN OILS. gar lELLIMISAII3O, LUBBICATz. GIME primettrat OILS, &a., constantly Tana sad for mils as tbil 'overt martnt Mom 14rarneral sad ardent aolkited. 'alfrAm WOODVILLE. OIL REMEDY. . • CEO. W. HOLDSRTP & . • Manufacturers of Iltillnge OIL A.IIrt.LUBBI(Ltm TING OIL. Keep constantly on hand th• NM' fret Quality of BURNING OM vicar and without midi:. • 11 .1 • pat.: LIEBRIGMB, pare WEITIT.BLIT ZOLI and Oda OBICASE. war An omen but at No. sa virru finurar. Dank Bieck, second door, will be pillaytly &Wended to. nodal . LUCENT OIL WORKR DUNCAN, DIiNLAP & CO., Prrniert.a Mann. of Pure. White Refined Carbon Oils, Office. Na 291 LLBXIII7 snizrr, 1:Z=I R. S. WARING, CHIIDS. 2 7 1416 n1iD. -MACHINERY ♦HD PAM? 0 .14 S . end dialer In Ilollirbni 2taterinlo nelay No. MI LIMN= ST., Pittaboxtli VOLUME LXXVI---NO. :307 rtrrsvcraoe. Pe Special attendee ;wen to the ludo of Grade and Refined Petroleum JAMES IRWIN, Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia Orders tpft at John Porterflrld S F.,:e Moo, c.•r eer of NARK= AND FIRST STILEETS. .. 1:121=2=22 W. L LA...WT.IZ J uEMrntcL S.F. LAY, ACRISTOSII, HEMPHILL et.. Ci corner Pike and O'Mara et,—ts, near th. II y MlL:as Workx.l'lnstauTch, manufacturer. Of ISt ACK - TSTO3H t ELEMPLULVB LS/PROVED OSCILLA. TING BTNAM ENVINTS, Atilt SIDE VAL Vl', of all slam and beat style. flaying put up machinery of 1.1 . ,^1 panty and o f the beet quality, we are prepared to do hoary Job 'Wag, .S eolith ,tork In this hoe, triudires 'het by promptucek and the character of our work, to Went public patronage. We lathe 'pedal attention to nor BAL.QIC/a/ VALI OSCILLATING ENGINES, es combining Arantagoe heretofore unattained In this class of Engine. BLACK DIA MOND STEEL WORKS, Square, Plat and Octagon, of all sloa. CP‘rrarited oqwal w eak /ID p 0 (I cd or roumfartn.rod to thio coup- Dir vrarohonnn, 115 and 151 SIERST and no and ILI SECOND STREETS, P:ll,iburgli. fel Ilyd _ _ . WILL lAMB ARN H ILL & CO ,Bon.wit Makers and Short Iron Wyckoff, PENN sTiIEET, Noe. 2...) 22. 24 and PS. Haying eel:rued • largo yard arid Punished ft with tho Itoprosed .4aehinery, on Fret pryps..-.1 to [ll.lllo.l[olle every doieription of BOILERS, in I.4in beet tunainer, and ix:anted optid to any nude in the coma, CHIMNEYS, BRICHTN, SIRE BEDS, STEA%I PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENnERS, SALT PANS, TAXES, OIL rriu.s, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SCORE PANS, and sole inanedicruzure of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILEHB. Repairing do. on Om shortest notice. '161,1 BRITA N - ma Am) Bitnm woxics Bblilufaaturyn of CASTOR FIU WEB, ML , O£I, CLPF,, LADLES, sada grrat varlets of BRITANNIA anic:".. Also, CARBOY OIL LA BURNERS and LAAIP BiLtszr..s teaeroDy, No. 03 Second Inset, Pittaborgh. jOSEPH F. HAMILTON .1: Co., SLPEKIOR 82EA51 ENOINES, 31ACEINELY, myls:tf Q. SEVER&NCE, No. 53 INATEE U. Pittsburgh, manufacturer of BOILER BP11:113. w RI) GHT UPI Ki.S, 60=1011 And railroad, of evert description. ParticuLar sized or shapodsPiKr." cud RIMS; large or small, =de to order as short notice. 4 good mbrtment constantly on hand. trrys:txx AATELLS, RIDDLE 36 CO., No. 21:5 V Tdberty strcet, oppodte Birth, Pit manufacturers of WHIPS, LASIMEI and SWITCH- XS and every description uf LEAI liiat BRAIDED w6Rx. Orders solicited from the trade, and goods prompt. ly ehipped RA per Instrvetter.s. fes:ly a; W. BENNETT, 111anufactuzers cf • WHITE STONE CIII NA sad riMA.Ir COL. RED WARE. 0441c0 and Warchcoade at No. 74 TIFTII STREET I,l4tsburgh. rosacco, erGartsi, rsu ESTABLISHED 1760. Woull calf the attention of dueler+ to the articket of hti manufacture, : Mscsbes. Vine fisppee, Oosne Rapp., Azacrican Domigrar, Vlzgirds. Nachltocluso. GeTeakiegom. YELLOW nrrr. &WA, Htigh Tout Smtct, Irish nigh Tout to. Luidyttot, Houy Dow Scott!), rtu.t. Buoy Suutb, Attention Is called to the !arm nellictlon tL priced .t Thu Cot Cheadta mid Brooking Sobanoos, which ill be fotmd ofalrct=Ality. livioxrin—LOng. icy:, 1, Lio. 2, Sox 1 and I' mixed. v3ramilated. T,pro Cur emsvaro—P. A. L.. or plain Cam, dish, or domed ; Sweet minted Crowe* ; Tin roil Cavendish. tkviousq-8. Jon. Optalzb, Cannzer, , Ttrktab N. 14.-1 chsulaz of price. yin te nut as spplica, M . COL.USTEIt & BA.ER, NO. 103 WOOD ATIISET, Prrronvitin, Pa., Nsepslosatantly owbsod a laity iatiet* of P!pcs and trooktost , ooldar _ F -ARNSTHAL,... impoirrEK cacaizaLlao- 7 4, -ther.mor Idea bralMLd• dErtrl2 VAYANii CIGARS and ail 'kinds oF MIGHLNG AND CRILIVENG TOBACCO: ®'tiler; r/..Ncy idEERBEILLUIL PIPES,T.L'It *e....; art .. • In great Twisty; UNDER THE ST. C AIII W. TEL,Ptuaborrje, . , S. D.—The Trade emptied on Illberal terina.. - • m , ftELINIOrtE BLUME:, Dealer in MU. - NJ BIC AND )IUBICA7 ' Bet,* ttr 'KNOB a oo:s • preses, , Itot viANOS, sad PETSCt t co',s NEL"Pr• • • ONS No. a ritlh gtrost. second , di t ar 6.1,9V0W0a. to /et. Ord urea fa,sultrAgo- P 1778111711011, PA. rir KU SER& BRO.:Deeilitiir- lA. gra afar 'mama. issrleurnl_, lama Or stErmwers auxriseVEP • Aziosontmrirth ttmet. Piti.buttt, Broker b • . : - T% 7:111 . i 8,,-- t er ! : PLi20131=01113094"ce:•370. dI SVOOd 841 Defame Tottrat ittent:asid .Dlatound . PitobV.' • rtIRBOI 4 I 01L-100 bbl. lietned in utoTe sad f sob by J. B. Cann& OILS, icc. RIDS 8; CLARK, oorryteinosr lIERCTIANV, ="M Petroleum and its Prodize, OANDLDIS, .141. &CZ Da RATES R 193 FRONT EITB—..-Prrmsviwu far ,Lgonts for at. POUTLAND K £IIOSLY r L W Wall, NEW TOILE rAliariniu LA,NDLt.: W. A. CrIAPNAN, A. , et Water A - 132. Fe .at McCORMICK A:. CALLENDER OIL 13I1OKERS, 211 and 213 South Water Street, EMEE! CW . Clxi.siguatrats solldled. &Si. TO Lyda, 8 Cborpanning. !roc City Jacob Pall:ter, of J. Painter .4 - Jno. E. CRAIINt, , , of tiollnimt A ----- JaCo2 NUMMI , ton., t DI:T. ROLITS OiL IVORI.S. M..ll'weturers of PRIME NrIIITS CARBON OIL, BEN - 70LE JND PETROLEUM LUBRICITL.NG tqL. Capacity two thonmami harroolti pc: ;MESE & GRAFF. PIZOPRINT"ES 01Son, 1105ONGAll ALA worst:. r1t.0.,13 ENOS WOODWARD, (Late of W. 11. Woodward s r ,) GENTIIAL COMMISSION MrIICII.ANT 111 . FOUTI3 PEON 1111...1 or21;:ly =1 . 7 11.1..rUFaCTURERS, Cfc C= PARK. BROTHER & CO.. Itlanuflictscren of Qr ALITT REPINED CIS? STEEL COLLINS & WRIGHT, (fitmcmoors to Orin N•vtun.) Cyr. FIRST A\D LIBERTY S. Pittsburgh E=l!il PETER LORILLARD, "IMP" AND TOPACCO MANI/YAMMER; te AND 78 a1411.8= STEBET, (Formerly 47 Chatham? etreot, .Now Tort,) = arid dealers la 41 Itlada or Toßicco,l33lMr SNI) C 10,1.118, MUS/C,.4e,