E~ 72 E 2 t i t pitailiftf-datt , ' MI S. t - tvDlr -- & - co.. )mrrinte, AID rzorzrzt one WEDNESDAY , NIORNINCE: Crtielty to Psis:suers If the half we hear in regard to the star vation of the 'Oedema prisoners in the South b 3 true, it is i) .• eel time, we think, that the \ Government was looking - into it, and resort ing to some means of retaliation in, case those barbarities cannot otherwise be ar rested. It cannot afford to allow our sol diers to starei in this way 'without resent ing it. If the apology be want of food, the Rebels ought,asstn act of mere humanity, to release the men they hold,' on. their parole. That they 'should insist on' detaining them under such I.ciroumstances, is cruelty be fore unheard of, bat only another evidence of the Intense and bitter malignity, and the devilish spirit that have alike initiated this wanton and 'wicked rebellion, and charac terised it throughout: If anything could have softened these hell hounds, it would have been the uniforio;lnt, as we think, ill judged clemency and even tenderness of the President, in his dealings with men who are so utterly' barbarized by slavery, as to have scarcely a human instinct left. Ho ought to hace learned by this time that there is but ono way of reaching them, and that is through their fears, by making a few terri ble examples, which shall teach them that we ate as dreadfully in earnest as them selves. Tenderness to these tigers is cruel ty to the innocent ;. Nobody will ever know how many loyal Citizens have fallen by the hands of the bloody wretches who have been allowed to prowl at large over the Border States; after committing atrocities that should have consigned them at once to the gallows. The blood of many a helpless fam ily is upon the hands of the unpunished gutarrillaii, who have been allowed to loiter in the rear of our armies, and dismissed on oaths of allegiance, and promises of good be havior, which were no sooner made than vi olated. Democratic Frauds In the State Elec.. Don in this State. The old dodge of the thief who was &stetted in the Indulgence of his peculiar propensity to appropriate the goods of others to his own use, and who, when chased, raised the cry of 4 ' stop thief," so that he might escape, is doubtless familiar to all our readers. And the leaders pf the Copperhead faction, who never forgot an example of this kind, and seldom fail to take advantage of it, have very naively raised the cry of "fraud," at the recent election, as against the Union men who contested the field with them and van quished their forces. It's all corg i -well that the leading traitors should hay , something with which to deceive those who are acetic toned to follow them blindly ; but just at this time it is not only proper but necessary to ventilitto the subject, that the people should he informed again of the perfidy of those had mon who have acted so recklessly u their leaders. There is no doubt whatever that extensive frauds were committed at the last eleation, and of the design to perpetrate them we warned our readers several times daring the progress ',of the canvass. But by whom woro they committed, and which of the two con tending parties were to be benefitted by them? These are the questions which every honest. citizen will naturally inquire into ; and for the purpose of raiding in the examination we propose to refer to the figures. The -vote for. President in the year 1956 rms.- 400,447 for 1.8110, President .... ................. .476,442 The vote for Gorernor ..... was -.362,9g3 In 180) It was 402,G71 1663 it was .5.13,1147 In Increase , in igno 0,, 1037 P/9,6t,9 'acme. in I= over 1860 20995 Which would allow us, say, according to the rate of increase between 18&7 and MO, ONE HUNDRED TIIOUSAIID USN as in the xtzarmy. Is 1060 Curtin's Vote Tess 0C4401 In 1/163 Curtin's rot.. wee.. .. -,,Attet Curtin's increased vote 7,093 In 1860 the Copperhead vote was • Mi.1,2C0 In 1863 the C o pperhead Tote lam ,3 702 Increase 1.12 CApperlicAd v..te Now will some of our Copperhead cotem porariet oblige us by cyphering out the problem which is involved in these figures? The vote is clearly short of the regular in crease, as shown.,by the figures for the last six years, and yet the tories get an in creased vote of .7WENTr-THESE THOUSAND NINE VIL'IMRSD A.vn rwo•, whilst the increase of the Union vote is but SEVEN THOUSA-ND AND NEFETT-TEUHEE. Suppose we grant, for the sake of the argu ment, that the Pennsylvania soldiers in the fieldator absent from their homes, are equally divided. This is not the fact, but granttng it, how can it be possible that the traitors at home have inereasedtwo to one over the loal men of the State ? how many war •Demo y ciats left the ranks of the traitor party, and stood shoulder to shoulder with the Union Men, in support of the old flag? And how many hon est and loyal men, who had hitherto acted with the Democratic party, and who could reignite yield up their prejudices, stayed at home and failed to vote ? The ease is plain there was fraud, great and stupendous fraud, practiced at the lout elec tion; and the facts and figures show beyond a doubt that those frauds were committed by the Copperhead party, who expected to cheat Woodward into offme, as they did the traitor to n raise 1856 ; and yet these base men dare to raise the cry of fraud against the loy al men of Pennsylvania. When we look book to the scheme of coloni sation. which we know to have existed, and whieh we know was put in practice by the Copperhead party, we can find without diffi- Salty the solution of what seems to be an unaccountable increase on the disloyal vote.. Men were brought into otir State by hundreds from Now York, New Jinni; . Deliware and hisuribiztd., They Were; brought here by Mr. Charles J. Biddle's CopperheadCommitte, and under the guidance of Bill McMullin and others of the shoulder -hitting fraternity, they 'were - voted for Wmidwarcl and ImirriO-pot once, but twice;, and in many eases three times. It was thni that the increased•CoPPerhead vote was made up, and considering the large number of "Union men in the Oral' over and above those who formerly acted with wbatwae called the Democratic party, we cannot do otherwise than • acknowledge our obligations to the War Democrats,' who spurned eon taist'srith the rebel horde which ;has taken • possession of their party, and rallied with us under the . flag oktbeir country la ..Support of 'the Government . Let the brand of fraud be ...IWO_ where it holongsi he the : forefront - . of those who managed the canvass for the Cop perhead party.--PAiladelpsi,a News. FIOX VIEIOI7II-41141? IS WASH TNOTOI.—A Washington letter, of Monday, says; The news from the Southwest is °nowise ging,.and the President was in good spirits over Le d evening. The movement of Gen eral Blair t!pos Tuscnmbia is not isolated, but Is part of s plan which was understood althe War Depsitmentbefora its execution waseom ineneed.. New of farther fighting:lay be ex unless ome /3outhwest - any day or hour, un the-enemy is falling book into Georgia, whichis imprebable...d. flank movement is e l ected, if the enemy ,takes the offensive at • U Is Mated that 4,090 _refugees from MiribernAlithams and 4eorgiihave ar rived in Nubians gizmo last - August,'and been variously ,pttivideti: for by the:kipvernment. - Most o f have 'been eimi They vette ii' - dejgorably4eitltatoi .100Pid : 0 1 0 191 : _ , ifidi -defeated for Almel , • my v eiainta ciniav b_2so liuijoritt. - . A Askirtil lam bsek frOsilbei Aroiy;givei hie _support to the; -Oirry*,,bith',:o!'uta,cirrenunen!. 134 that .arsif.t4r,C;:atiiiriregt4h;' ' . 1 Y ~- 3~ ~' ~c_J~.sink-a.. 'R`irS;i73 ... . - , ~ ....,._ -,-• '.1115.-11sesher at - :Enetertiallis ' Alleised•*tisaltonable. liturindlingit the buildineYshich ' New York Custaiii:iloitso.: .. i is errOblisof tintaing several thousands of . Accounts erelubliartede . very 1 -:EiSter Hall, iniondon, of an eiganizetiLsyStitti-of suPplying. the [. perainc, was eferfiOwed on the eveningf • ° rebels with munitionanf war and other ne the 20th - ultimo, by a vast audience assem- ' cessaries, through the port of New York. bled to hear Rev. HENRY WARD lizzetunti hop s oth said that a Deputy Marshal, and per- The Daily News thus describes the scene : er officials in the Custom e, ' 1 we ' '‘ The crowd, however, began to assemble , re in collusion with certain merchants who have been carrying on these operations. as early as five o'clock, and before six o'clock ' , Bonds are exacted from shippers, requiring it became so dense and numerous as com pletely block up not only the footway but tee I them to deliver their cargoes at other ports carriage way of the Strand, and the commttee than those which are blockadedby our fleet, of management wisely determined at on c e to , and they are compelled to give vouchers' , threw open the doors. The rash that took , showing that the goods have not been de place was of the most tremendnous character,l livered at rebel ports. It is stated that in ' and the ball in every available part became cancolliagthese bonds certain officials in the filled to overflowing in a few minutes. No • New York Custom House knew that the perceptible diminution, however, was made in goods had been delivered in rebel ports the crowd, „ithd at half-past, six there were and that they were Contraband of war. Of Atte-rally 'thousands of well-dressed persons course the delinquent officials must have struggling to gainadmisaion, despite the pla- .. . . been well aid for their treasonable mind cards exhibited announcing the hall 'quite full.' The policemen and hall • keepers were Bo We We hope the matter will be sifted to powerless to contend against this immense \ the bottosh and that, if possible, all the crowd, who ultimately filled the spacious conspirators will be brought to justice at corridors and staircase leading to the hall, I once. There is too much disposition in New still leaving an immense crowd both in the York to treat crime lightly; but the Gov- Strand and Burleigh street." ernment owes it to the people of the nation Mr. BEECHER was finally carried into the to prolongeat sternness.the l appearing on the .platform was received with . shouts of applause. He began his lo nonpunished u reb 1 speech with a feeling tribute to Weed, Ger rit Smith, Dr. Leavitt, and William Lloyd Garrison, and added that 'when he himself began his public life he fell into the ranks under the proper captains, and' fought as Well as he knew how, whether as captain or in the ranks. He then gave a brief sketch of the points he had endeavored to Illustrate in his speeches at Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Liverpool, and' announced that his subject on this occasion would relate to the moral aspects of the struggle in the tutted States. But our space forbids us to attempt giving even an outline of the main portion of his speech, in which be presented the history, character and ten dencies of the rebellion in an exceedingly forcible manner. We cannot, however, deny ourselves the pleasure of presenting a few vigorous and telling passages to our readers: . • FEW QUISTOESS TO INCILISIIRIX. It is said that the separate 'tats owned their own toritory, and that was the very question which arose when these states sat in convention to frame a union. Inthat conven tion a resolution was introduced by the dele gates from South Carolinia and Virginia to the effect that they should proceed to frame a nationalgovernment.while &resolution brought forward on tho part of the delegates of Con necticut and New England that they should frame a cenfedoracy instead, was voted down and never came teo again. But this question of whether the sdperato states heldtbearprop arty as distinct from that of the whole nation, which for so long a time never dared to lift its head, has been , galvanised into life as a specious argument to justify that secession which has no other justification under heaven: I should like to ask Englishmen, who are up holders of this doctrine as applied to America, how they would like this experiment tried in the ease of Kent, the county from which I de rive my blood? I would like to ask him who bawls out in favor of southern secession, what would be his feeling' if beware to read some fine morning at his breakfast the intelligence that Rent had set up for itself as an indepen dent kingdom on your southern coast? [Hear.] Would he think the step justifiable? If not, why should he seek to apply to us a diffierent principle, seeing that tee course which wo took was rendered necessary for the mainte nsoce of national territory, of national drill eation,and national laws, and that Over and above these political eonsideratiohs, the Miss - issippi, which is our southern door to go in and out, was only to be open for our nee owing to the magnanimous pleasure of the seceding states? I should wraith to hear what one of you gentlemen would say if, on returning tome, he found a squid cf gypsies in his front , --- , - .... u0u it,,,,,, p, , i ,„„,, , , hall who refused to be ejected, but who still : October Erth, lora. expressed their willingness to let him go in I ra'lN ACCORDANCE WITH THE no out when he bad a mind. ["amir, bear, ' Irer co ASSEMBLY, notice is hereby and a laugh.] given that Mr. ALEXANDER WINDUP. has been elected Vice President of this Bank. Ira AT IV °MD JustrLY snow my I/110e. 0r21...2w H. Si. MURRAY. Cuhler. A gnat many men say that America has - - B auz u ,,,„,„ ~b , ,,„,,,,,,,,; uu uu n,,,,. I become too strong, and that she is dangerous Plitsbtußh, Oct. 15th, 1563. I to the peace of the world; but let me tell you E, • --- THE ANNUAL ELECTION FUR that if you permit or favor this division, the --," DIRECTORS will be held at the Banking Bomb will become a military nation, and the ROOM, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November North will be compelled to become so, too. De...VT...meth th e hours . of ton a. m. e.d th e P. the. Oils eOOIT, Jr., Cashier. Along a lino of one thousand five hundred -°-!-- miles she must have form, and men to garrison Exclitsam Bane or PX 7 rrsatrann,k October 15th, Mgt. them. A force of not less than two hundred L_TIIE ELECTION FOR DIRE - and fifty thousand will constitute the national i ORB of this Bank will be held at the Bank standing army of the North, and when a W. I, fug House on MONDAY, November 16th, lams, Lo tion has a standing army we all know she is 1 tweet, the hours of cloven a. co. and 2 p.m. ia.great danger. Before this war the legal 1 ...le:lm_ H. Si. MURRAY, Cashier. number of our national army was twenty-five I- AttenuantOcalith, likl.. thousand men, and the actual number eight- ;ri r. -- .?•AN ELECTION FOR DIRECT een thousand. We required no more. But ' ~-, ORS of this Bank will be held at the Count let the country be divided into two great bet- Mg Beth. fie the of 10dal of /theetht er d tr. o'clock, l'''' ligerent nations, and instead of a paltry 18,- t w in e the hoot ' 'J. \i ' ' . . ' C ' OO7, Cashier. 000 !either', you will have 150,000 on one , r' 0u i, 5 ,1„ 3 „ side and 250,000 on the other, and when,owing 1 - --.6. - T ii",_,, - 7 - :n,.„ -_ O , „T„ -- u,, - ,ik,Tou --- Ciiu , , l-5,-- ; 3, to political disruption, America is forced to c -- -7 - ---'AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN maintain this vest number of troops, she will, 1 -..y . like boys with a knife, always want to whittle B a nking D ll M ons• EM on gB Mo o N f t ir h A is T ß‘' , November 16th,ombe t r i r d " the at tes with them. [Cheers and laughter.] It is thek o'clock a. m. , Caahler. ' interest then of the world that America should cl.:. GEO. T. VAN DOREN be united, and that the whole nation should - be under the control of that portion of it 1 which has always been for peace, (a laugh,] and'should be rescued from the policy of that ' which has ever been in favor of the acquisi ' tion of more territory, of fillibustering, and of Snubbing - other eauntriei. [Cheers.] THE EUSSIASII II HUH YORK. [A Voice—What about Russians?] A gen tleman asks me to say a word about the Res slaw and as this is a little private sad confi dential meeting, I do not mind telling you that the whole affair; so far as relatea to the Russian Officers in New York, is simply a little piece of coquetry. But you will say, "Is it not an indecent thing for America, now that Russia is engaged in suppressing the liberties of Poland, to make believe to flirt with her 7" [Hear.] I think it is. [Cheers.] And now you know precisely • how we folt when you flirted with Mr. Mason at your Lord Mayor's banquet, [Cheers and laughter.] It does us no harm to have the English people tell us oar faults ; nor does it do you Britisher' any hurt that we should let you know yours, and you will allow me to say to you that while England, which is a Christian Atkin, and has the guardianship of the dearest principles of civil liberty, ought to bo friendly with every nation, she ought when she looks out for an ally to find ono in her own blood, her oirn language. and her own. children. [Cheers.l I maintain that all sorts of alllences with eoli th:01140061one al against America are -mon 'trout; and that alieirtationestatinerles with Pandoure and whiskered foreigners are equally to be deprecated. LAST WORDS. Slane .1 have come hither, since you have told toe the truth, sines I am permitted to boar back the assufance that popular empa thy in England is with us, sines I have .sneh significant facts to refer to as the detention of those rams in Liverpool Echeersj, and micti woids as those . spoken 101 • EPIC Rana at Blairgowrie, and those spoken also by the At torney Oenetal to-reply I feel that I hare that to beat with me which will come home warm and street to the American heart. [Cheers.] One in civilization, one in religion, one in substantial feeling, let as be one in national policy, one in every enterprise for theft:llhr:- Ince of the Gospel aid for the happine fe of mankind. [Loud cheers.] - • . At the conclusion of the lecture the fol. lowing resolution was carried, on the mil :Lion of ProfessorNenrman, seconded by the Rev. Newt:l:66r Hall, and supported by . Mr: George Thompson : "That this Sainting desires to present its mosteordial thanks to the Rev. Ward Beecher for the adteirable•siddress which he has deliv ered this evening, And. to . express its hearty sympathy With his reprobation of =the the slave , holders' rebellion, his vindlustlonof therights of s free government, andhis aspirations for peace andfriendship lietween theglistrpeo.. - pis surd their Axiierles6r - brothren t" =Ca* this asserting.reaegoises in Mr.-Bieelusr. one of.ths learly pioneere of emancipation, as well lairds of the moat eloquent and,. stmeessful of the champions of thalireat cam, it rejoices in this opportunity of congratulating him ow the triumph with wkiehahe labors of himself and his associates hare been crowned in the anti . idavery poliop 7 d Presidenti'Llneeln and his •CabineL!! ..,.. :NOV. 4, 1883 Morr of thii le 'ng hotels ist City are now 'charging $5 50 per day, or $24 50 litelrook for board. Tits Prince of Wales has renounced, for himself and his heirs, the 'occlusion to the throne of the duchies of Cokiarg and Gotha. This lot has just been communicated to the Diet of the two duchies. 11.4.11r1i .rOTICES. - - 31r-suasins' in Bluivracrususs' Bum, 1 Pittsburgh, Nov. 3, DIG 3. TriTHE :BOARD OF DIRECTORS of u=7 • this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PVIt CZNT. on the Cu aal S o on o u r the Profits of the last six months, py the 13th Met., free of all tams. JOHN SCOTT, Jr.. Cashier. Laos Cm Bsitic or Prrreevaan, Nov. 3, DM. UTEIE DIRECTORS of this Bunk bare thin dAy declared •• Dividend of YIYI PER CENT. on the tlapltal St.*, out of the profits of the last el: months, payable to e t tockholders or their legal representative*, on at after the 1411 hut., free of Government tax. netil.otds2tvrr J. ISIAGOFTIN, Cashier. ll4sr. or Preissuren, Noe. 3, tee... 10HE DIRECTORS of this BF .Irnsco this day declared a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on its Capital Stock, out of the pnAlts of Um last six months, which alit he payable to Stockholders or their legal representative., free of Governmeet tax, on or after the 13th inst. nolMtdalterF JOHN HARPER, Cashier. Huns:des' Rum, Pittiburgh, Nov. 3, 1053. . 1r THE DIRECTORS of thin Bank have thia day declared a Dividend of YOUR PER CENT. on he Capital Stock, for the last six months, payable to Stockholders on or after the 13th inetant, free of Government tax. no4:10t GEO. D. McGREST, Cashier. ALLEGIIMY BANC, Nor. 3, 1863. 1:413.F. PRESIDENT AND HEE TOILS of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of FOUR awokeNT. on the Capital Stock, payahle to thelders or their legal repro. on and after the 13th instant, free of Government tax. J. W. COOK. Cashier. noCtel tKvvaecaau November 3, 1663. 117" THE DIRECTORS OF THE EX CHANGE BANK, of Pittsburgh, have this day declared • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the earnings of the tut all month., payabir on or after the 13th Daunt. no3il 11. M.. MURRAY, Cuhier. Cinsum.BANK PitilbUrgh, Nor. 3, ISesi. D DIRECTORS of this Bank =-Y have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, payable to 'stock holders or their legal representatives, on or after the 13th Inst. The Government Tax on same will he paid by the Bank. GEO. T. VAN DOREN, nalute CUM, FIRST NATIONAL BALS . I or - Prrreevroin, (Lore Pittsburgh Tres! Ooesp:sto,) S. Pittsburgh, Nor. -, lutZ. 1 1,,,T11E PRESIDENT AND BOA I) of DIRECTORS bare this dey declared a Dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY - FITE CENTS per share on the stock of the Pittsburgh Trust Company to lot of August, and 'TWO DOL LARS per share on the Capital . Stock of the First National Bank, out ' of the profits to the Ist loot., payable on or after TT7ESDAY, the loth inst. The Snxkholders are hobby notified that the final payment of the snbeeriptiott to the Capital Sloa, vir Twenty-five Dollars per share trill be requir,l on au before the Lt day ofblay nest. tualtn JoIIN D. SCULLY, Cashl __... __._ . Taos Crrr 11•2111:i t ;Et" ttrgtl, ---. oct. 16th, 18W. U•Ali ELEC . lON FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Hank will ho hold at the Banking Rome on MONDAY, Nov. 16th, 1863, be. tweed the hours of 11 R. to. and 2 p. tn. oclfelna J. MAGOFFIN, Gadder. Macruanco Doak, Pittanurgh, Oct. t6th, 18ok. O'Ali ELECTION FOR DOtECT OBS of thin Bank will be held at the Bank. lug Rouse, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November, botween the hour. of 10 o'clock a. in. and Y p. oclEelm GEO. D. McOREIY, Mahler. PUBLIC MOTIOES. DIVIDEND. Orrica Wyman% laara...acr. Cotter...Ns, t Pittebersh, Noe. 3d, 1363. j The Directors of the Western insunince Compeny hare thin day declared a Dividend of TWO-AN D.A. HALF DOLL.S.RB viva each share of the Capital Stock, out of the earned profit:sof the Mat all month., payable to Stockholder. on or after the 13th N inet notitd T. M. GORDO, lieo.y. Ulmer Warman liiimumus Courant', Pittsburgh, October 29th, NM O:AN ELECTION FOR DIEECTOIIS of this Campion will be held at its Mem, No. 02 Water street, on 2111i3DAT, November 100,106 1 , between the hours of 11 a. co. and 2 p. m.. oodiatd F. M. GORDON, Beep. Orrice Hews iimmatics csarser, Pittsburgh, October 27th, 1 885 . 11:DAN ELECTION FOR. TICRTE ' N DIRECTORS of tide Company, to metro !kw the eromtng year, will, be held at Os Mee, In Raga ley's Building, Water !street, on TUESDAY, Remem ber 10th, between the hours of 11 a. 'a . and 1 P. in oaLtd ROBERT FUMY. Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Stockboblers of the PettnniVllßi l Salt Mau. ohms:whiz Company will be held at their office, No. IV 'Walnut Strout, fldlatelybia, on WEDNESDAY, NOTamber Iltb, atolemos o'clock a. m., for Rd eleo- Son of Seim Directors to mime for the coining year, sod such other bottoms as may then beureeentel. 0c26:21, g UEL T. FISHER. Tswana's. U.NOTIOE TO STOCKIIOLDERS. A Special Heeling of the &Dekko'don of the Pittsburgh k Connelleville Railroad Co. ntll be held st the Office of the Company, in the City of Pitts burgh, at 11 o'clock a. m. on THURSDAY, the 12th day of November A. 1863, for thi ntopaie of ac cepting or rejecting the following named Acts and Suppkonents, passod by the Genets] kellintd, of th e o:rmrootrwealth of Pennsylvania, tit Rs lent to wit: "An act to repeal the ninth section of enact authorising the litYlog 0 0 A ?f 4, ` BC . " froti the Borough of Orer4sburg, gc.suitkill county, to toter. sect a publio road lending from Parton to Manch Chunk, and forother porpoine," %bolsi. day of April, A. D. 1883. "A supplement to an act to Incorporate the Pittrbufgh Connalleville Railroad Company," \proved the to day of April, D. 1663. Alm 'A auppboment to an act to incorporate the Bahr. B arber and thisqueheens Turnpike Raid 116 3 . Compan et coffin, approval the 14th day at April, A. D. . THOS. 8. BLAIR, CYRUS P. MARKLE, JOHN A. CATKIHEY. .1. R. MARSTON, W. W. TAYLOR, A. MILLAR, BURGIVIN JOHN 8. DiLivfgrru, DANL. IL DATIMON, W.I.HAVEN, Director; of the Pituiblh A Conn. It. R. Co. P:::i."1* Oak 271i,1861. eentf P war ' ponL WALL .c vs ca PAP l :l , o B.4 .— by peatitiftll so:10 W. P. ALUISHALL, Wix d etrest. .1 A BMA. FLINTROMINY ; iv 5 bbia. Corn' Grits ; Io siore and for sale by ' L. IL TOMS l CO. OIL BORING TOOLTS--One Solt; new, for tilt by B. DALZELL It :to{. . Liberty striet; CPDFIBIL-4, -supply of Grand Bank HodAah jail noshed andlar al* at th• Yamily Ottott , lZAton or JOHN Al JIHNSHAW, DA, :toren Warty and • Ig4rMIIX-4;altnation'ily a voting Ti Tito asitirlpfleg CIO* or Bs7esesas. - Brit . of . Address BOX MO. Pittsburgh P. 0 i .- G 1A .,... U i l re o ,c :N witi . s --Co l u.c'LlN:s.Nfro.i_.;o,T•rotix.ii,L‘r.hriel.ide.iir .07.1 ' l / 4 -/ I had taken Into Cd-partuership in the mann facture of Artincial Limbo, h as mysternatudy disap peared, and I therefuro warn the public not to trust him on my account. asi a 11l not Le responsible for debts of hie contract Log. no 4 3t OTTO HELHOLD FOR Sae now steamer caAvag,tept. • mollete porta on WIEDNEt3DAT, 4th inst., at 4 r . .. For freight or twassage apply on board or not Jolts FLACK, 2. D. outtxsawoon. }"g"" - - Ult BELTING, PACKING. - HOSE, and GASKETS, of all ids. and thickness. A largo supply just received and for sale at the India Rubber Depot of • J. A 11. PHILLIPS, o 4 Na. 26 and 28 St. Clair street. MESS PORK ! hi.F.ss Pdairi--i,W) Ws. Ideas Port in ,tore and for sale by McDGNALD A Antscemaxs , Wholmale Grocers, Produce & Com. Merchants, art. 24 2 imi 244 Liberty street. -- , LONDON CLUB SAUCE, to relish for meats, gravy, soaps, du., Just received; also gen ulna French prepared Mustard, Walnut and Mush room Ketchup, dr., for Nato at the Family Grocery of not corner RHIN A. RENSHAW, Liberty and Hand stream. WHITE I:*) - it il ilEAL.—BarrefsEi i T to sifted White Corn Meal, made from Flint Corn, Jost received from Indiana, and put up in small sacks fur family use. or for sale by the pound, at the )..." 11 .7 Grocery Store of JOHN A. RENSHAW, not Corner Liberty andltand straits. NITANTED. yy An Experienced Carpet Upholeterer In wanted immediately M OLIVER WC . LISITOCE di CO.'S. cc:t&tf No. 43 Ptah street. pmsts--A_.---A.VE..C.J.FE—RESIDENCE FOR BALE.—A well built and conveniently arranged two-story brick dashing house, lately painted and papered; hall, two parlor., dining-P.m, kitchen, cellar, four chambers and finished attic ; lot n feet bunt by 195 dscp to_Calwell !street; fruit trees, shrub bery, etc.; in a desirable location, easy of access by Passenger Railway. Apply to bet B. OVISDKIIT t SONS, Market t RAYBKRILIES! 100 bbls. choirs Michigan rratiberrie , 50 do Minnesota Wild do; 10 du Jersey do; 7 du Cape Cod extra do; 9 do York State Jo; 15 do Sackett's enitie'd lkdl Jr; er in store and for sale by I FI. VOTOT &CO TOR SALE.—An eleellent TRACT of /2 LAND, consisting of twenty-gee scrim, situated In 31112 in township, about one mile from tho City Farm—having thereon erected • dwelling home and barn. Alm fruit trent of various kinds, about /tee acme of which cool lend, all the products haring an excellimt market to the neighborhood. Said farm is under good cultivation. For terms apply to J. C. DRTDEN, on the premises, or Dt. D. A uctini. BAUD'', No. lig Diamond street, Pittsburgh. no3:3td- • - VEW BOOKS. NEW 1104/KS! J-1 Daring and Suffering. A bietory of the Greet itallroad Adventure in , Georgia, by Lieut. William Pitt ingor. 1 vol. Loots Beyond the Liner ; or, A Saulow Prlsouer to Die Marvel'. Ann Book—•)ly nftd,won.L. • • . The LAO Time, by Sees. Wendell Phillips' Spoechrs and Lectures. Our Sunday School, end Mow we Manage It. A new supply jest netorred. nod J. 1,. BEAD, 78 loorth stmet. IiALSSOLUTIOX.—The Partnership heretofore existing under the nen.. and firm of J. It. LINDSAY 6. CO. to this day diesolred mutual cnsent. All bu•duees rennet:led with the late firm will be arttlod I , y J. 11. LINDSAY, et UG Wood street, up stairs. J. 11. LINDSAY, .1. 11. LINDSAY. I base also dlspousi of my itISCIVAI in the llrm ••1 •L_IL AS. MAXWELL 0 Co. to J. It. LLNDSAY. Nor. 2, 166.1. J. B. LINDSAY. Having purchased the interest of J. li. LINDSAY. In the Arm of J. It. LI.DSAtYh e& ArmHfa rJd B. e a S d Pottery Badness; o MAXWELL & Co., Bellows Manufacturers. the bass nese will continue as usual, Hardware and Cutlery tiv J. R. LINDSAY; Bellow+, Ar.. J. 11. S 8. MAN. WELLS Po. td, (111'Y 41F rirrsßuicoli, rd. kJ Before me, an Alderman for said city, can.. MA.TTIIEW KEEP, who being dilly PROM. depomee and say. that Samuel Ward, before the en. of Mrs. Itrawdy was cent op to cviiirt. ...lied at Alderman Humbert's office; asked me to withdraw the row Mrs- BriswilY; that I would make money byl the operation; bloat sh• had offered to give It; I re ' plied I wouldn't settle It for 5000; that Iw r deter mined ,hod ourt. should decide the ease. ED , then left am, an met m• at the Court, after a true bill had Won Amami against her "it , keeping si disorderly hotel," Ile a m id am. to go down to Mrs. Drawdy; that we timid make 815; that she would give It. I asked him it ho was an ambaseador in the nue bei meta the Cedomona.lth and Na. Broody. Be said that he bad been sent by her. I told blot that the case was ill Coast, and there it should be mottled. Al A TTIIEW K YE P. Sworn and subecribed Isefon2 me, Noe. 1563. LEONARD S. JOINS. Alderman. MAO came JOSEPH MICHAELS, who being duly evorn, sap; that Samuel Ward Cltma me at th• Mayor'. °film and asked me to go down to Mm. Brawdy and try and settle that mgr. I told him that I wouldn't do it; that I would path her an fir as the law would let me. Ile acid. aro down and we Keep, end both go down, and o mig h t nh make money ont of it. I turned round and o 1 away from him, mad ref:teed to go. Tide wet before the case for "keeping • bawdy h0n..," (to which she alteraranla plead guilty,) ant noluttutd to Court. Sworn sod subecribed before n.a. Sot. 3. Ifir.3. no-LI t LEONARD S. JOHN: 4 , Alderman. pit Arr A 26TH WICSIGNme,NT BO °HSI At Auction Every Night PRIVATE SALE• DURING TUE DAT or2o CARTES DE VISITE I CASTES Dt VISITE I 6,000 JUST RECZITID AT PITTOCIN, OPPOSITZ , THE POST OPTICS. oetb A NOTHER RICHMOND IN THE li riv.,Dwo are nor prepared to furnish Cap tains end owners of Steamboats with WIWI EN GINES, of any of =1 stroke, We will furnish all the machinery of a boat, and seer= in point of ex cellemos to none. We hops, by our promptnese In coming op to time, and the qmility of our work. to sham the patronage of our awn rues meet. ILII. BOLE, 2 tank of Allegheny Rimer. ME4 ,I E F rit--CARY'S COIIGITCOIin, for the Immo diet. relief of Collett!, Mal"WO, and all Undo at Throat Affections, This 'rads stands untleaW,r, en oluSof Ponaii—ntinistanirliubliesPeekere/sins en, soldiers, ac., by emir soh:Wary commerKastions pls. the 'Cure' wherit it Justly be sags, TtS t she'd of all other Coughremiodies. Sold by • 81.11 Off JOTENBTOn i non Corner roarth and Smithfield streets. DENTISTRY. DD. W. F. FUND ENDEBD flu resanissi tho practice of his profession. at No. 142 PENN EI77IZET Oro %L0ra1...13T Pitt Pltubmgb, October 28,188. • " 1 *WM tit IS IS OY BOOTS, SIIOES AND GAITERS Which an Itto cheapest In the city, at B ARGAINS( BARGAINS! In BOOT 4, IMES, °Amiss At J. U. BORLAND'S, 98 Viollot street, co3l sand door from Fifth A. FRESH ARRIVAL OF SONS OF MALTA CIGARS , 17221T1 115) .STATES POS'y QV cE Dxsterotty, fur 1653. Pio* ty rQ A fresh supply rocahlot at' 0c29 j BAS-A wood .trees APPLES! 'APPLES(_ 41'PLE.1--7 earicclarbf tholes Applir h consisting of Green ing', ffpineenberre, Meow ttr, nom* , Amities, Golden Chaos, Bel dowers, Vennoelte, Galion and IW Streak Pippins, At-, noir ttitore and *limb b 0 03 • : • & CO. TTNIVERSAL:CIMINSWRINGEI{, thb. , 2 1 7 wringge this' tun perfect intlefee• tion.. Call and exualne thern,iit lino 'indite Itubber '1)991' " 4 28 tt,'Cl* -r ,t:, ' , :*.ke o vate forAhnhoonuts, 0 :puke-Near store tad for oh by 3. D. CAX:in/MD. tairtdrr - l' — Eli ',Woof tirEmerts sa i Fir •• .I.torms - r Jam ...........__ ,,- . i-GOOKlai Ice TTNrrED'6TATFN TAVES—The art-1 XTOTICE - -11) • ONVIiaZ OF CO S..L ,----------81iA.,,,,,-,. ------ . - - -IN , - •.,, --, ,-111:ANICETS''. ! 9.j.• oust A.4ensto.erit 1.1,t, for 124 - 1, ctutaining.f • noATEripCOL IMAGES, Orl. BOATS, FLAE: , !:', • 1.., : .. 'fairs co 'locomen, laceloce. Silver Plate and CU. v1i0h.Th:...k.8U.522, AND CANAL BOAT , . ,'•-•} ..' nays, tu Division No. lei the Twenty-third Codes- ! Craton Honor., Prrtseceou, hue. 2,185. A. Lion District of PeuSe, comprising that part of Al- The attention of Coal sod Oil Merchants, and leginny county north of the Allegheny and Ohio others, owners of nu Basta, li'wel Boats, Canal rivers. bee Love received, end the undersigned will Beam, Barges, Oil Boats, Store Boats, Coal Boats and , attend et hi* nSce, No. 67 Water etreet, All Barg naviptiog Ms Ohio river and its Who ext door to the City Treasurer.) either la persoo ', an us and canals, having 1.1 OXISte. Into a navtgable 1 or b; Deputy, with SNIT EL DAY, the lath day of 1 river or inlet, La Se cret directed to • the Milos.- November, for the perpose of enuring tall Taxes • lug letter ut the Secretary of the Tremury : • De will elso attend in penon or by Deputy, for the 1 Taxascar DILPAIffILL., Day 26, 180.—Sir • I hove convenience of Tax Payers, at the It place., received yourletter of April Elet,lBl3, relative to the to wit : coasting trade on the Interior, waters of the rusted At Tanntorn, at the hones of liesakiell Tenths., t State. on FIVIDAY, lam. GO, between the hours of 9a. to. The laws fey:dating the coasting trade are to be and 3p. tn. of that day. applied to ths Inland natigation of th e 011/0 [iv, At Bakerstown, at the holm , . of Mn. Mackey, on and tributaries, with the exception of a few pro ' la- TDESDA Y, the 10th of November, from 8 o'clock a. to of • special or local character. Ea. to 3. o'clock p. m. of that day. , Mt Boots laden wi th cool mid floated down the At Sewickley, at the store of John We;, on 1 river with the amistance of oars, Coal Barges, Opcn Tllur.spay EVENING. the 12th do; of November, ; Plat Boats, Semi-decked Flat Boats, pecked Bargee, from I to 9 o'clock of that day. with model bow and stens, and Keel Boats, Plat The ten per cent. and other penalties; prescribed in Boats g inden with merchandise Abe Ahs rape= of the *Anise Law, Which will be incurred after the t tradin at different points on tho Ohio and Mi 140., will be strictly enforced In all Cl.OB. ' sippi rivers and tributsries, Canal Boots with and uovernment Funds only received. 1 without steam power within themselves, exclusively DAVID N. WHITE, ,ma canals, and not coming out ilito navigable rivers, Collector of the faid Dietrict, Penn'. I are required to comply . with the . providnos of the dew? I La/ of Congress regulating the Coasting Trude, and ne3l2la - ---- - - I n 3 be enrolled and Homed, or licensed as the owe D"I - •E'N.-A l arge assortment of may be, and pay tonnage due., provided by the pro visions of the 13th Section of the Act of July 14th. lista entitled "An Aet increasing, temporarily, the duties on imports, and for ether purposes , a hich apply to "ail meth which shop be entered tinny Coo toritarime la the Vatted Ststes,"'apdinclude all de moting= of tsosts abd 'resists subject to enrollment and Mesas ousters previous lame. Canal Boats, or - . . _ - excittalvely within the IMM the rtYLST PATTEIINS and every 'width, at tbo LoweSt Prices fir Cash, Crumb Cloths, Felting% Rugs, OIL CLOTHS. &c. Lod having pun-hared for CASII, before the Isle advatietrt, we are able to tell at the manufactorers' pric.4l, on unequalled stork of CARPETS, WINDOW SHADES, M.A.PT ENOS. ..ttc OLIVER M'CLIBTOCR & CO.,' tio. 23 YITTII STREET 2,000 nW ARTILLERY HORSES. QUAllTUlllantall'i 0. 8. 4, 1 Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 31, ISM. Sealed Proposals will be remised .1 ibis office Up to 10 o'clock a. m. on BAIIIIIJSAY. Ttb , 100, (or 2,000 ARTILLIMY HOMES, To be delivered at the Government Stablse in thle " city, within forty (40) days from date of contract. . Spnajisarioni , for Artillery Harms. Said hornet to bo ef dark colors, not lw than Ilf torn and one-half hands high, from six (il) to nine (9) years old, etrong, quick and active, entirely sound, en broken, and Keane Matters in barman. Leh horse to welsh not leas than eleven hundred (1,100) pounds. These sr.' , Oaditnil min be sitrietly adhered towed rigid ly ovoreed to ',nil particular. No bid will be entertained unless accompanied by a guaranty for its faithful performance. Form of bid and guaranty can be had ou appliu tinflird:rehismtlir h'e ns prese j.i nt at the opentog of bids, or their bids will be Bonds must be Gird for the fuitkfol fulfilment of the contract. forties will be required to come up to the term. of the ooutrart, or feeit the amount ef their bonds. Tin undersigned reserves the right to caplet all Lids deemed unreasonable. Tun or mono bide/owe Me *awe porn. will Maws As moll. of all such bar. No bid will be entertained for lees than fifty horse. Payment made on completion of contract, or aa soon thereafter as the undersigned may bc in fonds. Propaals will be endorsed, “Propemls for Artil lery Horses." Any other information will I* promptly given on application to th e unddrsigrad, personally, or by letter. I am still purchaaing CAVALRY 11012.5 Y-4 in ope market, at 3130 each. payment made on the dell, fry of eight (81 of more. JA11123 A. SL LOUIS, MO. Pc. 0, !LOS.- 2.31. L .A. 44 . • 18.40, AN A LYSIS.- MEE 100. flaring accepted the Agency for the ludo of the SLR FLE CLAY, mined near Bt. Louts, so., I la the the attention of Glass and Steal llianufacturers to the Analyst. given idiom,.. reported by Profs. A. A. Gays, of Roston, andJ. C. Broth, of Philaelphia, which, together with Gs tint of actual experience by manufacturers In Pittsburgh, Clotho:tett and Bt. LOUIS. determines It to be the west and most min. ablo Cloy now known, whether Foreign or American. Pots made (tom It hove stood t the Glass itnruacei from 6% to 9 months. Tbe Analysts Is of the Clay me taken from the mine, without any ormhing or preparation • ha... , 1, papaws great adhesiveness and plisticity godlike, which are not shown by the Anairlis and which ad mit of tha mixture of a bugs proportlon of shallot burned ca. 1 ens now prepared to MI orders for the above Clay to be shipped from St. Louts or doUverod bent 1212:1 N`SALS OF THE ARMY OF THR CUMIIERLAND. By an Meer. Mustrated with stool portrait., wood vngratinp and maps. I volume, 8 no. 671 OUR. SENDAI' SCHOOL, AND HOW WE MAN. AGE IT. By Waldo Abbot, with an Introduction by Rov. John S. C. Abbott. DEFENCE. OF ARMAGEDDON. In en Lecttanw by B. R. Pitts. For waio 1k) Doti - FLAGS TLAGI I OPPOSITE THIII POST °MOIL oeIS t'LOUKING MILL FOR SALE—The sotwerther offers for sale the ALLEIMCNI CITY MILLS, siciated to the Fourth Ward, All.. ebony City. This well Imows 11111 has bow reliant lately, and contains four run of Trsoneh Bans, with al the latent Improved machla for marmfacdoutog the best breads of Floor. o yes good long ;.. well as forelgti costom. Thsisay a owe thaws ge e r Dulness emu, sad us invite who wish te *Sing in • profitable bantams to WI at the 11111. vu - n terms will be mad* Immo. oc2felsedawT J. TOWITLY. DENISITE GENERAL FOREIGN 6.111 W. CY. AUSTIN B&TZWIN & CO., 72 M b ..DWAT, YEW TOILE. _ltt. 4* :ei at low ratesim Griot Britalo.lroltod, "..""ot postage from Liverpool or flummitown. r w".Arres fonrardel to All parts of the world. E YES AND EAR DR. BAELZ Pays particular attention to the treatment of , . ~ . _ . . enuotac revausrit.uto I'VE and E LI/ iVare_ dot . , , o VA.TABACT, SQUINT EYES, for Allitrial‘, Thom Chintoris eta ;tittan4redfor tho flat lama, PUPIL, Warta kaTIVICIAL EYES,. and treat►, a besting all porta of,theglasa *justly, door tell expose manounuerour nu; ottoman , szky,iwo, It to =ea* . , • 71.; T-DlTmanGzi ; and all diatoms affecting , lb* 'Ear and lite4b 4 to fort Pitt Utah Worts, Washington strait, •__ _ - aPII , - . i, 1 .russtmax, Penna. °Ace, 100 IITTLI STUMM /1611LAND'8. 98 Market ortrrot. lIAI3IOIIIaB..AND CV,MS. /UMW& DRUG STOBA 141'oc - fit ando ptne " I.lading ALLI. GORDON Ho. nt SECOND STRUT PTTIMIIOIL J. L. READ, No. TS Fourth .trod. All signs mad prices. at the Elannfiketory, PITTOOK'S, WILLI/1111 lIINGUAII, ir., *goat, oelgamesst Adams' Express olEas, Pittsburgh telithlyie f~F. DRAFT.---Persons rata) are 'dna. a l .1w an entitled to cunr, v uon Au mein 14 dawn In the Caticriptlon Jur't of much A. leek or who wish to be Mimed hp . 'd ie p i pme of froa Ms Wand &AA or 'WV* proem a enbetitnte, to take their place dotted fel easr, will And It to their edrentase to call dh troh Y. I am folly piepered t h eir Wanks, ko. - J. H. 1101A.1(011„ No I r 4 rocrth street, near lisalthbel. Aredawni FoR Tirio BECOND-KAIIDZIMIEEL. TT2 incl 7 cylinder, lfeet ■ttuka. . 7 Each " 3 . " r of Boring Inc tut ead l lew co fEnit dean Orr cob. war the-Pdat. eer.ltf FAMILY HORSE AND ROCKAWAY FOR BALE. A fine FAMILY 110E2E, that trots hi 3:20, in every mooch and be be drlten by children. 32131 be eold lon. Inquire of ecielas. A. Menoll3 112 Tifth street. RECEIVINO NEW BOOTS, SHOEg, °Arms. 8AL1401148 AIM wpm, ' Every day, at 13041.2121/11, DS MAO street. JUAN : REIIR havixg this day, puelwed thy Bruthmakint Iluelnese heretofore earned on h 7 DIETRICH foutuns, gill coo thme the alma at the old stead, ouelstatrest, where he will be happy to mein and execute all orders D romptly. Pittsburgh, October Vth, 1110. 1111 1 11EW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR • L9O/IDs. elkaleintellid D. '9lr. raw, , . • 100 bush: amall.Whlts Sant . . , 1 0 0 it . I . kpa d 4;34.r. i Ilecednit and for ad, by . 11. BIDDY.t. wed Y 0.183 Llbarl7 abed. other craft plying on waters exclualsely limits of • Mats, having no outlet into • navigable river or lakeon which commerce with foreign natioat or among the Matra, or with the Indian tribea, can be carried on, do not come within the pro • iOlOlll of this or preatc•rs acts. With great raped. ci. P. ClikAE, Secntary of the Treaeory. Cum. W. BATCIZELOI, IR, Surveyor, 4e.. Pittsburgh, Penn's. The .f the notating trade require that every lams desealption of Nail er mewl of over firs tons, and imie than twenty Was tommulealliat,sball belictmeed, and if of twenty tons rrsaworament and %muds, enrolled boat imusa. Tommy!) with them niquirements,osch I dle or vessel must be Maned or intanteredio•as to &diminish , the particalir yawl be which • Hamm or enrollment and UM= may be. Wood. If neon bored, the mane or initials of owners or soma other distinguishing lettere. meat aeromproy th• number OD each noel. Tao remels of the alma dam, nuns or number, cannot bilicensed,orearolled or licensed, is the cam may be, in the mate district. The IlegulatMns of Internal and Coastwise Inter coms require hosts of all description destined for any point on the Ohio or Mimissippi arms, south of Wheeling, to exhibit • manifeet of their entire mugs to the Surregor of Customs, and obtain • clearance before departing on the voyage to Owner. of Cord Bow and Bargee are rwineeted report at the Custom Horne, the different points at which other Latta can be [mind and mearored, and to torabh the Information rogninito so a. to avoid onneaseary delay In obtaining enrollments and h• cease. CUM". W. BATCHELOR. noltbrilSurveyor of Onstoma. _ HUNT Pi PITTSBURG% ALMANAC, 7 P'agen. Illustrated PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS Beady to-day. Oantaialav- Ueeful sad Interesting READING lIIATTER for the FAMILY CIRCLE.' Nearly • hundred Valuable and Profitable Beceipto ibr making_frany of as moot Popular PATENT MEDICINES, PISBYIINEET, LIAM DlEd.d.r... kr - WAR RECORD. ECLIPSES. • ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA. HEWED OF EVENTS. ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS or vat GREAT REBELLION. ' THE UNITED STATES PENSION LAW. TIM UNITED STATICS BOUNTY LAW. TRIM DAYS OF THE VARIOUS COURTS OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. Inv., rm. C•lcalsUons by Palterers Dose, A.M.. Principal of Pittsburgh Nigh School. and Author of " Deelis Arithrustlee: , A New Vesture of this Number to the TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. PRICE ONLY FIVE CENTS Moiled poet-poll on receipt of Prko. Oa - A Mond lioconnt to Dealers. JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, %rm. pHOTOGRAI'II ALl3olf3t. OVER 100 DIFFEUST STYLES, FROM SO CENTS TO *IS volt Repc ST CHAS. C. MELLOR 81 WOOD STREET. pURVIANCES PHOTOGRAPH, pots, coniczn vim AND WO= STlti (VI end Si storied. over llieltsididon'a Jewelry Btu. p~oro~xApxa Of 'wary ata• and style, plain or, colored. InaNtlaa popular Carts do Platte to Oildnet sad Ufa stag PURVIANCE puttcalarty cal the at Witt= all.. AGED AND imam to Om soot ao eessitlity of Ilibrestib*lonnt, being reaskod by • eagle abort of stiles.' Prizes moderate, and retiesetion gaiuszbed, FLAGS? NEW STOCK OF DRY 43-0013S1 HOOP HECCRTS BOOTS AND SSOES, Jost recetTedlsi MekLELLANWS AUCTION HOUSE, Na 65 FIFTH STREET cal pATENTICD UNTO Eit 8, 1861 DITIISIDGVB LAME S CJECIDINFEY'S. 111.111174C14 1119 Or XX, PUNT CLAWS, BAIL*X, k`itiU=4a#,q)., in,,tenoat Pimping. GAS AND STEAM INTERS, Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And .1 Ideas of fittings for Water, au and BUS= AGITATORS AND TANKS TOR OIL =FINE iniso.tuo,Fo teaata.• new mom BLACK DIAMOND . STKEL. PITIVIBUBGA NBL ostorrsit or, co., Din quani zziritillicuST nom. •. liquaoll4. andOct,llice• °tall ma d ibcptal to orgvissyclild scanilactismi lyttlar corm -b lur Oaks wszoboni•J s r . sad Maud 112 MONA frititM 4l , Wald • ;.ÜBRICATING Cc** •, tranklin 0!;; ial• by J A!. DALzkii, d BOY, may CY and 70 Water stmt. EM : - j ~~~:-,..nom J. M. ButeffraD Kos in=t °paled some nI,ALN CAIifiINIERES, SATINETS, KENTVCIEY JEANB M3EMS, Grey Twilled Flannels. RED TWILLED FLINNELS. NT 01.1,01 N, W.llll-E., SOLFF.RINO FLANNELS. A full ussurtmect of. NEW GOODS N. E. corner Fourth and Market Sta. WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR THIRD NEW FALL GOODS! Among which may Ds C.una tho LATEST STYLES AND NOVKLTIES In DRESS & CLOAK TRIMMINGS Ornaments and Buttons, HEAD-DRESSES, BEAD & BRAID NETS A NEW INVOICE Or 600 pca. SARATOGA TRiMMiNG 200 doz. of BUGLE AND BEAD GIMP. GOO pc& of White Edge, Black and Scar let VELVET RIBBON. BONNET RIBBONS, all colors and latest styles. AUN WOOL AND ZEPHYR DOODS, WOOL 920t151509, In great variety, for old and young. 6ENTS MEE, PAPER A LINEN cottaits MIDEDSaIkr I 3, DILAW*, SOCIES, NECK eCAM. cOIIII)IIT9nBUSPENDMI, de *arm. Testis supplied at low.. t curb pekes WHOLF..3I.LE BOONS LP STAIRS. MACRUM & CLYDE, 7g MARKET STREET, N EW G(X)1/8.—We have `now in store FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of :mob were pnxb••ed I.efore the sate •d • In prices, and will bo gold at low rate. CLOAK OIINAMENTS,GIIIPURE LACM , , BRAIDS AND BINDINGS, ACE COLLARS, LINMI CO st L s ß ; L INEN E Hs R AN F D AS KER S C E H T IIREF Sn onbiew goods at oldrices: SILK b CASH MERE 'NICK SCARES, RIB BONS. FLOWERS: FELTHERS RUSCHES; FELT HATS, BEAVER HATS, SILK HATS; HEAD-D.R.MES HEAD-NETS, In every style; BONNET VEL VETS, BONBET SILKS, SKATING CAPS, HOODS, ZOUAVE JACKETS, BREAKFAST CAPES, . SONTAGS, BALMORAL EMIR'S; entirety new styles: SLY. QUAKER. sad. other • now OOP SKIRTS, FREN AME H RICAN CORSETS ; DAL CH - A MORAL STOCKINGS , /3031,012 LID . bod,• Sheer, Knit; and otherldnde, for fali .od Id:NT:GLOVES, us own 7 etyle and rondangood pars Eli ) GLOVISL In dank dol or. and phdo black..for Ottt•goed_WEClTZ KID GLOVW, for 51 00; Meres SZMLAND WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, reel Scotch, east • ' a fell line of other Undergarremste and Finishing Goods, for Men, Women cad Children gag-Wholesabs Room up stars. • Buyen *on country, and city dealers, will Arid r stook at all time. well snorted, and prim ee low any other house. JOSEPH RORKE & CO., 0.91 77 di 79 MASK= 817117r5. EXTRAORDINARY BAR9AINS 1 BITIUBRDINARY• BARGAINS 'I I EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! EXTI3.AORDIHARY BARGALEIS PmTowson, P Extraordinary Bargains lEMORDINUY BARGAINS ! RIETRAORDDIARY BARGAINS ! M==l 70r3r faracodis BARKER :& CO.'S, 59 Market Street. - JUST OPENED. 2,000 DOZ SPOOL COTTON,: In nuntlatra ranging from 10 to CO, which wo shall 000 DOL MAIN AND FANCY SeiS.VB 14 TIES. 50 doien of the NEW A.NTI-RHEIJ- MATIO SHIRT, at the rotail price of $1 50 ,each. 100 doz. Atkinson% Steel Collars. 50 " "- cab STEEL COI JARS I EATON; mega a co., Na.ll Amin Trim trrnrA PA., Dodos in At 161110 ' Steel 00)1wanagtiffel >Qsamel haiin6 tb• ;ppears:we andcom *not jino. To*lttary men snd traders tbsy artatilidualL arrisasuct ni22.cosuisi AVD-CVM; 'Vs naellgg 00001. Tanwi'er 5 1 , per pair. Cairo • ..- VA per ger. Best by =a mceipt aft lb. - 13m4 te.mumelkd ifor 25 matt t - Inu m =lump a NEW-COLLS.n. forms .OLD ONT., pro- ..rtding it Um:4 broke ar.bent ) 2.8 apex. . • truis itt tim New:York Agog* *lc& aer attht alarm • „ atiosimfaco, oc1:0 - • re. !too. LIII,TeIETLIATIMIGT SUPPLY Or Batmen 'fourth and Diamond • complete etock of close out at 37 CENTS per dozen 5000 BALMORAL SKIRTS, At minced rates EATON, NACRUILiSr. 1T AND 10 TUTU am" Sole Agents Rsr- FALL GOODS! ' NEW GOODS Just iisodsed at LANE, - ItPALBOY. L'0.1132 No: +o maser. noir, Arigibmi: actl4l : E c efolikrti3s 2wmiliretbia=genti Pt I.'" 1 / raga, Alfredo Kam adliAriaawi