A II 1121=11 Ell I =el = lini rifi = = ME , • •••-:v• MEM = mew . • •..,0,•••••4 . EOM ._,; , ENISSIO . • . . . • • .. . • - !.! • . ' . "..-c“ : '.;::i., , A :',. 7 I.: l r7 4,j ,'';' ° ''''; . • 714.! ' 1' -';!!7t.;:i7l.ck-:,:7!:ii17. • - • •;:: • 4 .: V.! : • e-:•:•••••••,!•:: INE ~~a,' ~;s!';;~ EMEMI • • * 4 ! ,1 •;:•,: • • EU :,i~: _ ^. , . SIM =NE • 01 ) ; "Y: : • : , : • - • ..; • • , ti'ntt 4 g ••'; *::;,' r; ••• ; 1 *:! , N ; • t • 2 •-• , • ,:••• • i tiv • , • • , A ' y • ;;•;. .1 MRS BEE ' r ‘ ILMEM ElEl MI e.;.; .h~i v~. ,ti':, 'r .' ■ •-• =EI IMRE ; ......: ; . :, , .-i f .1,..: ;:.: ..; i: ; ;E ,t•j.:..-;,:r.,-.....: . . .i.i.-....:i..::,:. 4 NEM ENE BE • f_ 71, . ,e -II::: ~.'~.. • .14 , , A , - • . i ~, .... 1 IN 13 1r onurg ;..:. , . 2 kt-t & SATURDAY MORNING- -- OCT. 31, 180 Remsmo.—For an interesting epitome of the Religious intelligence of the week, carefully prepared for the Gazrrra IMO fourth page “The Utile Doga and Ali.” ir Re time had occasion within a few days to gibbet one malefactor and a big one-- amither;_andn mistier, presents himself's candidate for the samo honor. was to. be expected. There are some animals that'always: hunt in couples. • The lion is attended by the jackal, while the pilot fah is the insaptirable companion of theshark. And so the hyena laugh which rings out from the lair to which the gorged monarch has retreated, to digest his luxurious're past at Chatabersburg, is taken up and echoed by. a responsive bray from• the least intellectual of his foraging companions, who still prowls mutilated and hungry about our Legislative Halls, and Attill fattens on the offal of the .Capitol. Other and more merry voices, if that were possible, but all tetra' copyists of the great Original; are so liciting pur notice in different directions. But why should we play Jack Ketch for all the animals down even to the footpads? Our readers will understand us es refer , ring to the little hand-organ at Harrisburg, which rejoices in the ambitious cognomen of the Telegraph, and, although, sadly de ficient in music when it is wanted, does us end the county of Allegheny the honor of grinding out a recitative in two parts, upon the key-note of its great Chambereburg exemplar. • This petit editor, while lost in admiration of the profound wisdom and awthl severity of the stern censor and moralist of Chem ' bersburg f prefesses to think it funny z gukt some of the Pittsburgh newspapers ithoiTild.l glorify over the re-election of - Governor Curtin, while he rather coMplains of "the fulness of our - coldness" in that par- apd expresses the hope that we hnve learned "the salutary lesson n'ot to drag our petty personal objections int& an: arena where good :men contend for prin- We don't know eiactly what this learned Theban—wimie vocabulary is hot of the lamed, but whose gravity and wisdem are so well andoridely known -- intends by the word 'tjanny - -or how a man of his austere manners and exemplary piety, whose edit orship of a newspaper and quotation of himself and his Chambersburg model tm "good men contending for prineipte," are about the best jokes of the times, and the only things he has everperpetratedin: that way—would be affected by a humorous . Bally. We doubt whether anythingshort of a fat job, or a smart trick of duplication in the printing department, would shed a ray of sunshine over his sombre visage. ills fan, like that of the boys in poop who were stoning the frogs, would be a bad omen for the public. When he laughs, they would be almost sure to find occasion to weep. If he should break oat into a flow of merriment, we should give up everythitig for lost Still, however, if it will only jet him to thinking, and moralizing, and reviewing hie past career, with any promise of amend ment, we could very readily uudertake, even with so sad a subject, to be a little merry, It might help his digestion, at all *Pronto,. and then, irnot witty himaelf, hen:tight thank his stars, like Falstaff, that he vim it least "the cause of wit in others:: Thefun, however, with our contempora -ries,- is that they have rejoiced- over-much; when 'they should only have thanked ,pett- Ten for havitigaeut m two such stalWart and immaculate patriots and champions Fs the twin editors of Chambereburg and „lbw.. risks:mg. With us`it wasnot thatve were neither hot nor cold—like the Church Of . :Isedicea—but that we worm so intensely -. glacial, and so imperturbably grave, just becattie we could not go off in paroxysmaof admiration for the candidate—who, with more of the Telegraph type, unaccustomed to climb to . the giddy altitude of a principle, and unable to comprehend anything iof tier than the spoils oidroppings of the-Treasu ry, is always greater than the cause he sym bolizes. We can' assure him, however, that after doing =test to make' the people for get everything.else in,the cause--and par ticularly the agem of such men as him self—we did rejeice, not clarcivoitsly or demonstratiiely, but. with' profithild Mad solemo gratitude to the 'Eider :o(riatitins, that we bad escaped the :Zulu with which, the folly and wickedness 4.ifr , wetar end On. , ' principled men bad' tbrestened ~.t e 'over- RE While we thanked Heaven, however, that the counsels of such mew had not, been el lowed to work out the rthiltsi which they seemed to inwnto and dety,#Weiluld not but mown butt in sucks poll, =majority was not an Ohloone or6o,oosa, instead-of 15,000, ' is tilt it'might as well have betlig if the adelie Of the wise and prudent eauld Isere pie; ' wailed.. it is 1.011/Ott Credkilthli as the man= nt the - Teiegraph and Repository that there. suit should_ corivey" the salntaiy leison not to dreg theiWsciees..ortkiiir petty prep .arences - eV' prejudices .. into. an anti& where pod -men' are oi::augheto be . con tending for - what -. they, never _whined—"` pnruple Tiie, 440 '• , of ,our . people here and In Philadelphia, auclOhodis' rettuoiy- to din aside u Po ll 1 :0 0 4 . ..404 11 0 4 fr9n! in ch ; 111 ildi is their; for, an iiititit#te and itegit Imre anderliroviden6e, tram the• eslomity which they Itio/Atiloitteeserylblzi within the eoalpsas of thatr email abilPiew to inflict: . .The Ewa r : 1 1 1 ,the very crisis which forbade att r,istr.. that eonld, by' any ' possibility, be.' tersid* has • . saved as all and them with - Virq hafti - , no objections now that they should i lgoonuao tollmititente• ixieleta4l4 iffy and glorit the successful candidate 1 , 4 ha Oai,feel,fatte - Wi by aduktioti fro* anch',quarlereer even ghtmsetql;wl 2l 4 l after 611, their true drift—but we give them 'notice that there never Will be a time When they will be able , te , experiment:agnikin the semeveY wiat imPetlitr• But we har• more to lay, wbleh; although ._ may be t' ught scarcely . worth while - .make two.bites of a sherry, in order not to; tiro our readers, Wo are:tionstnaned to reisj serve. Therolti tssersole;i4ftetbiaiindt *6'1441i-tie until the ver7:l!til_ pals of thliTeviarCif begin totbii k ;4 111 k pause fiiiolo , pioftula.l 44 r 442* 'Y'- is -• • 4 = jtrN,lo.*4•Agditlit‘'":'l! ,5 6 , t 4- * :„.414,01744 A . • r • - , . • • • =SOLI AIM 11101WITOU. .414Pdgfroklairryesser.ball not be -414/Fliad t hug itemooiifils ehall ;eta* ate i ti; 111 elfWititege,T**4o sees it elotinidtilitti.-Vilible-arms?if—lifn, while it rehearses its "salutary lesson' with the gravity and unction -of a Cato, vho never smiles, albeit not of the lean and Cassius Springer Marbaugh, Esc. The appointment by the President of I tirnncass.Haeescon, of tide city, and J. T. CARTMT, of Illinois, as the two Government Direct4s of the Pacific - Railroad, was an nounced yeaterdayhy telegraph.. No se lection lontiluive been more judialous, and none could have given greater satisfaction in' this community, where he bas been so long and so favorably known, than that of Mr. HARDAUGH. If the. President Loa found- in his Illinois colleague a• man of 'equal intelligenCe,Lhonor, probity ind well matured business capacity, as he has foUnd 'in Mr. iii..IIIIAUGII, he .hllll 1,1140C4 been ion innate. It is a position ottastiesperusibil-r, ity, requiring the'exeicile orgreat firm ness, clear and comprehenstic jidgment, and far-seeing sagacity. Gen. fteseerans , Absence from the Field ay:Minim:am:4w A correspondent of the Niw York Hata gives the following capitulation of the ab eence of 'General Roseman! from the field of: Cidcharnauga on the second day of the battle : Mixing the early part of Sunday the per sistent attack of the overwhelming fortes of the rebels,Made it obvious toalletilit the United States forces wouldhave to fallback to - seine more secure position nearer to Chat tanooga. Gen.Rotecraneneverbaving been in Chattanooga, (nonmetal. thin he was on that day,) rode forward to that placate select his new line of defenseileaving the army under the charge of his corps commanders. It was after he left that the forces under McCook and Crittenden were throWn into conftision. These facts give the best reasons for the presence of the commanding general in Chattanooga, but de not excuse his lieut enants in the slighte.st degree. - When it betimes necessary for imarmyteilllbachto a position in the rear, it is . tusina , :for the commander, unless he has been7preilously 'acquainted with the lonality, teeximine the ground in person. The fact that neither HOSeCrilla nor' his army, (with the exception 'of a pertion of Crittenden's corm) were ever in Chita:Media until after the battle, has not been sufficiently impressed upon the public mind. ' " The Last Struggle of Conthderaeya We find the following in the - New Orleans cerrissfUndossee of the New York Herold ' -nitre very good authority in stating that the hopes et the rebels for establishing an in dependent Government are on the wane, and that this impreission has found its way into the Richmond Cabinet, and Chore has excited considerable dismission, end , . reassures have been suggested to make` the lent days of the quasiConfideiney ashiady as Osslble; thatis, the Confedeincy WO' die game. ' One, of the ineasurei suggested in the Itianiond Cabinet is to mineentniti the fermi in some part of the ConfederaTh' etilleet all available army stores, crock a 'national Mendel, - and there light till overpowered. Piegtnls Ls to be abandoned if Romermut defeats Bragg, and the remnant of the hitter's .army is to Gal beck to Atlanta,. where the. dual struggle is to take place. My informant, who has Pad come from the heart of the Confederacy, assures me that preparations ate now being made at Atlanta to consummate this plan as a deruier resort. The cause of the reboil is • desperate one, and daily becoming More so. Tni War Department has made a sensible modification of thi President's proclamation suspending the Arrivrar corpus act, and hereaf ter the civil courts will be:allowed to take cognisance as heretofore of all crises for the discharge ,of Minors Improperly enlisted, and Illegally detained ; by ,the military authorities. This aneouncemeat is made by the Adjutant General In a dispatch to Mr. Simon Stern, a lawyer of New York, In ,relation to the case of a minor in Which he'interested. This deeisloil will, afford a sensible relief to the eoirtratmity and legal prafeition, and relieves 'from the Pruident's proclamation a feature that has rendered it difficult, if riot Impossi ble, to obtain redress for those who cannot legally be detained in the army.. • Ara Limitary in Portland,lie. nearly 1,000 brishorls of potatoes are aceneatarkted" for•the armj rricrry day. All 'the water is absorbed. leaving about the pottads of nutriment to the, iiixtypoinds which s bushel' of potatoes mar 'ape, and - that concentration -is - ground giving it the appearance of Indieremeal... It is cooked by retuning the Water 'to it In a :boiling state, aid keeping it hot from ten to fifteen minutes, when it argils like starch, and assumes the appearance of potatoes prepared for_ the table. Dina Imam' amour, with her daughter, was in Anteidtury, Mass., kat:week, to visit the poet Whittier;.and, 'with him they made a visit ' to the top of Power where la one of the moat lovely. liOWll of land and ocean to be had in America. • Am:Amax Tuns-3,z.= Esoktum.—The Yacht GiPs7 has *liPurrOultsutt. 13 7 A mem ber of the Royal Yacht Club. .This Is the second faaL YaCht3re hate mid. to 'English men. We have ,plenty More of the same sort on _baud' however, and can-beat any Englials bbatmusily.l ; • 3.lr t —Tho. colonnt togitoent tuna . - ing in, Abode Itilank it ospiilly. tilting uP.• ones in ovary two wean. REILIGIOIO4 ?t'OTICE9. TEM PIMP CONGREGATION OF DISCIPLES, of Pittsburgh, meet stated-Jy, tip UWE' CITY COLLEGE MILDEWS. corner. of Penn slid St. CUD. street" Preaching - LORD'S DAY—EtorninglautEnning—st the usual beam , Suudsi School et o•olocts-p. in. Prayer Meeting- stem ISEDNOD/T , EVENING. ; The prime are neepectihUy tutted. cc3l:lt . W!DiScirlor4 OF, camer, Aug linrrEcti:TETALUdgesm/ AU Vit' L. cock Preaching invap-LOIID7I DA at , 4,10,A0d _p. sm. ~-Prappr. . ,ft WED -KMD#7, ar 1 . 11 7 in* ADVIERTISEOMM. half barrelslilbitelieli se . , osiTed lad Ite saktet' 1.3 . OANYTOLD. QUGAR CURED 11A1 1 / 4 18.=-5 tee.-Sugar 17 Ctuiat ClllllT&lnankilatt tacatred gad far pia at 110:326. 14 aaottdatreat.,,_ . - i od9 lIILLIER:9/1.1_4108DElt:. QHOT GUNk ilptAb e:and pin& Wail, NJ an t *lpanafii,ftre,lor telik - • • 3.1131Z13 BOWN, watod NIL • - 111 - t9l: • . - CLL ',41 1 ' 7 13! Z jai met , law DOWN. isa Wood (iron. KENTUCKY', • W-: - btuidles sitnit lindbig ridlrbid 4*V:wale b& • QTORA.ON; , for Crude andißefitiedoll, mut otharmereanaHae, by - • . • - • 49. DAIXMLL JOON, ' and7o Wain !trot. Eli ocl7 , I. .AITLES sAItPIaES 1•—.7 edear Unaptipm 414 es Appkt, totutttitt at Otteta, pitsetter Ituseetto;; Boutits, attes,. Ettigkrtort: l'entiteki °oldie and Bed kltratk Pippins, &t.,,mourin'atorstad tattle : .L.II.ITOIGT .t 00. rTNIVERSAI-GrAMMWRINGER,' theatitylVrlnget Ilaktfeitsrftet astlarac.• . ta. 3 . can sad eaatalua them. at latia Robber !Ti t 24 AO 23 tit.StOr street. takkatitalbathlssoanty:' - I,OI , ATOES..'-42‘blibvi: A ttott Blows_ = • M% ''' • ICA eivid end b la 171CLIbirt 0.-BA IXlr. y it. 'fIjELEE, 1. - ,;;71/5" .. r.V6ZA -1 1.60111111141 ; 400 if bblsfilsra.,3=trakergi,l z , ;, -,- -1,, it t A 4,;:agOlcidtibpdamillitothyd.l4: r 3 , 11 = filatititlbaki Oil. :,-„,.„,i,„,.... .....:_,; UV:i.j.t , ' LI-The Oil . iuicil wilt m.trsaisivrtiMirabtr : , st w ei z Metehere ofieber IbloselleWr:ef quoted to alteed; es beenes. of,importanee mill be braced bakes the Council. By order of oc3oeitt THE PISZEDEITT.- , I ts Ornca Worrtat Lustmaing Ottarsar, 4 Pittsburgh, October 42th, 18E3. •••; O'A.N ELECTION nu DIRECTO of thla Company rill be bald slits Mike, No. 92 Water street, on TUESDAY, November 10th, 1863, between the hours of 11 a. to. and 2 p. to. oc3oad F.M. GOUDON Beey Orncs Emma Immo, Oiewearl - 14 ELECTIONOctober 270 h, TAN FOR TRIRTE DIJIEGTORB of this Company, to wee for the ensuing year, will he held at Its oMat, lo Dams. ley. II Water street, on TI7ESDAIf, Nevem. bar 10th, betw ng, een the hems of 11 a. m. and I p.m. codZldd BOBS= STNNZT.l3acretaty. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the, Stockholder, of the Pennsylvania Salt, tfactariag Quip= will be held at their elk*. 327 Walnut Street, phla, on WZDNPSDAT. November 11th. at eleven o'clock a. in.,tor the elso. tion of Seven Dine** to serve for the assetdag yaw, and inch other Wallies as roay then be pasOted. • , 0c262w 124KIJLL P. 118.11ne Tletra r. , NOTICE TO STOCIWOLDE I *-- " - ••r . The Stock Trazisferlkioks Of the Pittsburgh & Connallerille BailroattOoomtliwill be elated on. the SECOND' Dia OP NOVDMIZR IfDXS, anti so remelt =Ol atter the annual amain of the Stockholders, In December next, fa the elation of 4 Dilatant of aid Ocanaay fey the . o dui , = , r. g el W 0 EL UGULDT. I I ana .11IISICAL — ,ASSOCIA.TION. — At • the redstart of a large utdober of ainaterors, gIbWIIII3HEIIIIAIT will cOmmance to limn an Amodatiou of Ladles and Gentlemen, adoweihat advanced in Vocal Ilusic,lbr further, tredwowernent. This dasociation will.be conducted on an entirely &fluent plan from any heretofore adopte d In this city. Mr. 811.1iRELTT will be wield Mr. C. 0. mra.Los and Wm .0101311:1411 BRO . Regular on MONDAY SVIENINGS, commencing r=ir 2d, 18133; at linsial Institute. corner of Penn and St. Glair streets. Tor further particulars inquire at the boars of from II to fa* p. m., dr from 7 to 9 o'clock. 0c29:3t U.NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.- A Special Meeting of the Stockholders of the Pittsburgh a Connellsvills Railroad Co. out be held at the Office of the Company, in the City of eclat), a. re. on TURSAY Pitts- d bg of , Novmber, A. D. 1163, for th the purpose of ac cepting or rejecting the following named Acta and Supplemenhe passed by the General Assembly of the CommonevWth of Permsyluniti, at. Ha lest maim, to wit: "An act to repeal the ninth secOon of an act authorirlng the laying out of a State Road from the Borough of elmelmamy, Schnylidll county, to inter sect • public road from Easton .to Manch Chunk, and for other purposes," approved the let day of April, A. D. IMO. "A supplement to sh act to incorporate the Pittsburgh A Conndleville Railroad Company," approved die 11th day of April, A. D. 1863. Also, "A supplement to an Oct to insporate ' the Sate Harbor and liusqualudins Tamp Road Oompstry," enters, approved the 14th day April, A. Lt. MA. - THOS. 11. Bum, CYRUS P. 'HAREMS, JOHN A. CAUGHEY J. B. MARSTON, W. W. TAYLOR, A. MILLAR, H. BURGWIII, JOHN S. DIL 'VORTH • DANL. R. DAVIDSON, W. S. HAVEN, Directors of the Pittab'gh A Cmtn. IL R. Co. Pidedrgh, bet. 2704 1863. scruf BAJIMK ApgritcEs.. .... - —. Ihttlialeit Beal or Prnitralos,L October 2tth, ISM ODIN_ ACCORDANCE WITH" T HE ACT OF ABEISSIBLT, notice Is tomb, 'bimetal Mr. ALIKANDILB ITIMICK hut been elected Tice Freeland of tbb Bask. oclA—.., H. M. lttlltltAY, Cashier. Hammen ern Ilextruaroma Eturz, Fi l , Pittsburgh, Ont,l6th, 11Vid. ANNUAL SnECTION R W r / BM NIIECT O B. 9 .tlt be Odd at the Booking House, on 11021 DAY, Use 16th day of November wet, between the bowl of ten.. m. and two The annual months of the Stoekhohters will to held on TUESDAY, the nd day of November. at ten o'clock m. JOHN daYIT, Jr., Mahler. oat:lm LiCII•161 Mow Or Preespolan, October 16th 1843. U.TIIE ELECTION FOR DIRE 7- OBS of this Bank will be held at the Bank billows on MONDAY. November 18th, IBA be. teen the bows of alma e. m. and 2 p. ot.- The an nual. soartforc of Btockhohlere trill take plate on TINSDAY ,November 24, at 11 m. colZolm H. X. MUHRAY, Outlier. ALLIXIIIINT Ban', Oct. lith, 1862. ELECTION FOR DIRECT ORS or Ode Bank .01 be held at the Count ing Some on the 16th day of licusenber bs tweet tin bows of 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 Casoh i'clock p. m. J. W. COOK, er. The .noel meeting of Out Stockholders teal ha hell on Meld dayof Ifirmaittet next, at Wo'dock m. mita= Cantu Bann, Pittsburgh. Oct. lath. MO. 11,7'ek.N ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIIIECTORB of this flank .111 be held th. Banking Bo= on MONDAY. NommiDif 11th, at ten o'cicak The regular annual meeting of Stockholders .ill h. bald 01 TIII2IDAY, Nov. 3.1, at II o'clock 8. ca. oclklm GEO. T. VAN DOBBN. Caddie. - - Wm env BAlSA,Pittab9/011,_Oet. 1.3th,1333. •6 - nr. ELECTION FOR THLBTEBN DID3V3OMONDAY thßank aTCI be bald at the Backlog Home at,. Nov. 16th . 1333, be. tween the bows otU sad p. no anemia meeting of Stoekldats will be held pn2I:I3DAY, Nov. 3d. 13,8.3.ka14.314pr0tdi.' Kama:um Ilaaa„ Pitteoute, Oct. •sfith, laC3. O•AN ELECTION - FOR DIRECT ens of this Beak will be bald at the Beak. big Moo, oa MONDAY, theitth der of Itconsaber, haws= the holm of 10 o'clock a. ak. and p. The regular aaaml atottig i o w f Btocre will be hell TUXiDAY , Nov. at 10 o'clock a. m. cellcba GTO. D. rezw, °udder. Jr.Eitr 40rERTISEMEXT8. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Ia BOOTS;SIIOES, GAITERS, At J. IL 111111LAND'8, id Market stmt. oat mond door from rifth. COME AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ME Or BOOTS, 13110E8 AND GAITYRS, Which 'an tho cheapest la the city, at 0.31 BORLAND'S, SS Market stmt. ECEIVING NEW BOOTS, SHOES CARERS, BALMORALS AND WM, Erni day. at BORLAND'B. Ea Market &tree FAMILY HORSE AND ROCKAWA Y TOIL BALE. A One FAMILY BOWS, beat trots in tan gentle In rani views, and can be driven b 7 ehlthrn Will to sold low. ll:quite of oaldw A. bleT10111: 112 1211 b Street. , IBILAGS • IMAGO, 11103 AU ohm and pies., at ths Maas&dory, . • PITTOOK'B I oProars Tar Pour cornea. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—Pro -pose e will be received at the cake ef the tut "stertigned,-. In the Market Balding, until AMTS. .PAY4staber Slat, ISA for the grading, peeing and • witting pith eurbetone the following named atmu, Rush Arad, from Penn street to Liberty street; .3fattanettled, from the Pentis.ll..ll. to tb• Alle gheny ricer ; and O'Llarestriet, from lttna street to became, Way. Tremor:, Baden or Babe's Land- Ingstane required for sorb. • cella ISAAC! MUM. Roe. EYES AND EAR • _ _ BAELZ Cayi Apattlealsr attentio r n to the treatiOnt CHRONIC DISZABIB, Uin ant; OATASAit• BQUIW rms.*, law= PUPIL, Worts AWITNICIAL sIYB. amt tnib all iinlllltliATOßT Sin; oho MAD HILIWO, aod on doom; alketlas plot rar and Imi to an... 163 virtu cram. ItirOOOLIMTER BARK„KhAeanie ,SAL,Tobsecialeskri. OW ' WOOD M. *M. haw caw In s,tara tb• limp; and, Dad comikplo moot meat of ~ • 'TOBACCO CIGARS AND PIPES toPliti; which tb,y. staidUng at the Tury lem ma cubpigurea. ,9rdsTs promptly atta,W to. . - 014 - • :MEW Boma,. L. • Tr. • • Old Merchants of No* York. ZS MieS. The aikk1111121; h a IntlXidentil and tag roles. =froiylno Holz. •Erlttor. Wood.• Yk=7". Mbo Broddos. :Ono,Okl MOM , By Ifotbudil gothorob. Gala Goll,Roodltatt_ -Tho Motor Bode.- Dy rooott. , AAsiodroltotholf at stmt. , lioNatafol Root sad Coos., By Afro,ol.lpbont., _ „ Ilfondoloshon's lotterk from 114,y Rod Switiorltaid. Lome froartflo Diu, of ior A o 7 norpotk :Tho Llghtfoad Dufoottbo ."Tba Zooms PILTIIOI4 = . I :MUSIC 804. -3001121/40; Ttor 'a Gartanif. , AffirpolArti7 to Goidois - Too:soi7c4 sears ' 634 trice. ' Ybothaid Shot,- A now book for floortoom ' Tor oak by - zAy 00., SS Wood striot. gA ON . : 1--Iwant to edges: in am? amity at IPS sigatkt_Trial tOiNdialairwthaspltudtt , , XAPOOM. 1 "14 .1 ,' • tiODSOkr- ''' . . ._ . -i • ' ''. isrpFirtpr P IU VIV: ' . "lll ll tlialt 4. 1 12".411:41* -- , ' -I )4 )I):".—N% f. , ' haVnowin- -g': . : `,--; .-' • - - timew .. . risalnliviss,,, . ier4 " o„..razo rsierzszmums. ti:r ~ 4 a . :.; ___, EIk r_ ECEITED OL,R TEUR • _ .idne2ro "a...-...ih. ,4,.• ~.. eur , - ..,.,,. 4 - - , *MU illi - Theatrricr.,..m l . i ni e ; 4 . r.pke..t.is-tiOODS, ' NEW FALL DS! ------,--........„:,, -......-..... , FALLAbirint - rchaaed Wore the late ad- i ka r in 011.1 tho LAT STTU S - In*tairiaet, and will be 'nisi at to7ratea. AA::"Nid'hVic:LTmYlaKS JOHX, - REHREN ,havin this da y cirso 111:11 con tinuo Gt. MUM woad, o .Gi t t• .51.tma 1 t505 ad itoesttla _ _ • • ,fit may Lsoz. toootory name ?foams, of 6.rocom. 5 _Mits. Lot GO tat front Dr LW feet h .” G , lrldet duty to chola* trait. pate property ;11T Copoood or on very Moral tortos, as %booing , .40 . : 1 17 3 7 3, 1 1 • A pj r a0 Tor torxosliftyt.o r_, _ .... ? Oa irobsetiberLilfOon ttrormddt day ib• MM , October, MO IMO; OMEN, i' with : nap ball, on nsa born. =Pawed to be Omit I yean4c. Th. .2er is moaned to eometbroratd, prove properrt7, Iv chino sad take ttumidwa7,, or tuy wut bo add ~, _ H. M. SCOTT. . -DYS .MORNING, 11Atober.plet, at 10 o'clock. at the Commercial Wei Booms, 04 Fifth street; rill be added to tho ege of Grocertes and Liquors ' 10 Mb. Rye Whisky; • ' 10 do Malt do; ocal DAVIS k IferLWASNX, Atert're. VALUABLE SMll.B_ AT ALICKON. —On TIINSDAY MLNING, Nov. 3d, ,1883 i at rA . ealadr; will be .old, at the Commerctal Selo 'Um, No. 54 nth street: aver Ntoheav Book Stook; 15 do Eureka Inemsace Co. Stock; oc3l DAVIS di ifenwantr, Alters. PLEASANT SUBURBAN RESI- DENISE FOB BAR, situate 23 miles from the en on the Perrysville wad; a new cottage hone. of nye rooms and allay. well built- and In good order, • well of excellent Inter, good stable, feed hove, ge. `tont, choice apple and pear trees • also peach tree. and shrnlbery. Will be gold at a eargain. For price and term apply to oda B. 01TFIIILERT & SONS, GI Market et. A..LARM. FOR SALE, near Perrys of 106 scree of land, under a good state of eittfralbra. 10 arm cleared, balance good white oak timber lend. - Improvemants era a good brick oot Valles .t 9 rooms, • good frame barn and eta plac e brick ibennari. Also • double log tam is well enopllid olth mod osier. Al.. • choice carboy of good fruit trees. I'm • more minute dmorlption and Came, apply to G. S. BASES, Commercial Broker, or3l Butler street, Lawreacanitlle. D ENTISTRY. Else raniasad the practics of hia proffer:lon, at No. 142 PENN WPM?, two doors below Pitt Pittaburgb, Octobat 28, 18M. .POURTH. b'ALL STOC sow opening-of ILNADE'S GOLD . 11ZDAL PlLDOSorblth are nor beyond doubt considered Let 1. she mirth and Italy warrented for eight years.' ' GAIN= DUOS. PLINO94be best at the price. _Alio, 011011711TINKS N. T. PIANOS, the cheapett rosewood T octave Pianos made. *MD tIidJILOTTZ BLII3IE, 43 TM %Groh DECKER'S PIANOB.—In eall of Carl gumbo tea out 1* New Tork, the editor of the Antral Scrim cad Wurid claims the Wineries re mark,: " She instruzunds used on thla occasion wen of coroparstivaly aro gm, of the name of Naar Brotbers, and gave very statifying arida.* of azzelbint workosanrhip and poserhol end brilliant tote. Dickatoe Pianos Sr. undoubtedly the boa manubctitred low to tbj. country." holm agents for Pittsburgh, VALUABLE MILL AND • TIMBER PBOPEBTY TOR BALM, situate on Black Lick Creek, Indiana county, Pa., Y. mils Blom the Black tick Station, on the Indiana ' BranchP. B. B. Grist 111111, 40100, four stories high; water power, two van of barn and ono of stone, with all necessary macblnmy.complete and la good condition ; tenant bask Good Saw MIA nor the above, with ma= water poser. Sixty &cresol land adjoining the above, in grain and pastara fields, on which is a good dwelling hone, One stable and granary. In connec tion with the above will be .old, if desired, one bun drod and eighty were. of One whits, stst. Met oak timber land, adjoinbripthe mill property. Best mar ket for grain and lumber convenient,. Price low and tenni easy. Apply at oal B. Nclutllf t CO.'S. 103 fourth street. Pam= OMPL, =l3 Dm% PA., No. 93 Dearth street. Pittsburgh, I's., Oct. 30 1863. EEXEMPTED FROM D .—ln ac cordenos with orders Ilmblish the following list of pinions exempted from draft bftbe Board of Derailment in this. District to this date, with the mesons of their essniption: Paid flows Hendrid Dotiars. Jahn Dirty, Birmingham. Vansitabkeren of Age. Charts. Appleton, 6th ward{ over SS and married. Jcsorph Bradley, Sth ward; OT. Si and. married. J. BYRON Irol3lllll, Aaln and Provost Marshal. 92d Inst. Pa. otal HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS Jaques', Lubin?, Gomel's, Monad's, Glenn's, de. TOILET SOAPS.—Low 's, MoneWs, Moppets Kman, Breclmall'n, Yardloy'a, Cleavar's. Llulrs, Meares, kr. Fur Ml. by 1113101 i JOHNSTON 0050 ,Ooroor Fourth and hut Wiel d stmts. paerfs 26TH CONSIGN mETCT At Auction Every Night PIIITATIC DALI DUBIN° TUE DAT odo HALMOBALS AND CUM DAIIING AND SUITELLINGB, A Mirror, of the Beet railroad adventure: Di Lieut. Nitiugur, one of the adventurer,. . . . . A TANNIN NOT FROM DOME. int DEJECT= WIPE, by Mn. Stephan,. LNYANA ; or, TUB DOCTRINES OY ZDUOA TION. MEDITATION ON LIFE AND ITS BELIGIODB DUTIES. • BROOM' COLUMNS. MABEL, &HEART HISTORIES, by Bonita Rim MARTIN POLE, by John Sanndons. DENBLET--• naryof to-Soy. OLTITORD'S MARRIAGE ROOPER AND BASTILI, by_Guy Livingiono. =VIM ARBIT . REGULATIONS,I6O 3 . OUR HOME. by Hawthorns. &GAULT'S KMOD AND ; RIMY OP NATU RAL HISTORY. ELEANOR'S VICTORY, by On Ilcaddon. THE GOLD IMMO Or OLLIYORNLA, by Gustavo Armand. DIME TALES OP THE REVOLUTION, No. 2. GHOST 07 WELLDIAN-1O comb ttory No. L , THE .NEW GOSPRL Op PEACE, b 7 et IhnSor Ty° " Oini aut. APPLETONI , U. IL 'POSTAL GUIDE, saner. nod 'Wks etf infonanneur Wawa Or Pot Was De pot:BM Mild Om patio. BEYOND TEM LINES; or, A, TANNER LOOSE INDIUM. Atelier tarp supply of this paining mat mitred. All NSW 110011.2, LASS PAPSNS and MAGA ZINES tecalved ii awn pabllshaL PHOTOGRAPH ALRUNS—A lazy fresh supply, at onseb laser inlces than am bdore °Oared . la this ens. , COUNTING MOUE SCHOOL and LADIES' STATION/MT, • l**. Sea WKS, 4 • JOHN -P. Bumf. oar .3lssonle Hall, Fifth wort. piltYrOGRAPii ALBUMS I. . . OVER 100 DUPEE/MiT STYLES ISOOTS Arti)-suor* if - : :.'"'':.,.iifeiiOS?Oiilikk 7 , . 1 ' 4 : 55 r FWV O *O4. bAGC-40 410: -. 1weionabg“Prwilled: JJ ati nu by' Elmira. count' DR. W. V. FtIiDEMIEUGI C!:113 .1. 11. HOFFMANN & IMO., No. 51 71J751 sytErr BOOKS! ATEST NEW BOOKS, AT 13t7ECIDS FROM 50 CENTS TO 515 r FOB ELM BI CHAS:. C.NUMT,T 4041', SI WOOD STREEZ DRY - GO dtjgl HOOP SKIBTS :ateiteiiil•4 - oLDAK ORNAMENTSC C OLLAR P LACES, BRAIDS . AND BINDINGS, LA CS, LINEN DRESS & CLOAK TIMINGS GOMA RS, BREAK F.AsT SEM In Dm ighles; LINEN B A NDKERCIIIEVS: old • . • .1..%1[ 044 . At old Blieer..NUJl d CASH . • MERE NLRB SCAR/3, _ RIB- Or naments ana Buttons, BONS, YLOWEIIs, FEATHERS WHOP-. ' 4 ; FELT HATS, SEATER lAT4, MLR HATS ; HEAL•DIMASts HEAD.NKTS, in every aVie ; BONNET VEL VETS, BONNET SILKS, NKATING rAPS,HooDS, KOGAN,: JACKETS, BREAKFAST CAYES. SONTAGS, RA LMOIIAL SKIRTS, entirety new style.; SLY, QUAKER., and other new HOOP ninPs, FRENCH a . AMERICAN CORSETS; DAL .MORAL STOCKlNtitieDoston BIM bad. elbaker, Knit, and other kinds, for fall and winter; OLOVES, In every idyls and quality; goodpalrwELlD GLOYI., In dark col ors And plain black, for 41 oti; p. 0.1 WHITE KID GLOVES. for SI S. Ifen'a SiI=LAND WOOL SMUTS AND DRAWERS, oral Scotch, nod a full lion of other U ailimarntenta nod Eitilahlng Gonda, for ,- Men. Women and Children. Or Wholesale Rooms op stake Boyar* trout country, sad city dealers, will find our stock at all times well awaited, and pric.. as low as any other boner, • JOSEPH HOENE & CO., • axel77 .4 79 MARK ET STREET. READY EAILLY IN NOVEMBER. Gen. Butler at New Orleans ; A 114t0t7 of the Department of the Gulf In the year 11C., with an account Of the taPturn of ;ism' Or leans, and a sketch of the preelous career of the General, civil and military. By /Lase Tsasos, anther of " Life of Andrew Jark.n," "Life of Aaron Burr," etc. Mr. Parton has had the best poesibln faNßtlea for the preparation of this work, including free ILIVONI to officisd document.. The capture of hew Urbane, and General Butler'. administration there, form the moat brilliant epoch In the present war, and there wheats secuainted with Mx. Parton's previous works will anticipate a volume of Interment Interest. It will be toady elati in November, forming one octavo volume of about 700 pages. Prin., In cloth binding, 00 . • MASON UItOTMESS, oc26:l3tead 6 & 7 Meteor drag, New York. ANALYSIS.- - r. • 4 0. ALLlng•—••-- 3L5° •St. MIS, MO, Ox. 2.30. .01. 0 , MAMMLIA.- 4 -4 —16.1,0. 100. Having mieopted the Age cy for the sale of the SEM:PLY CLAY, mined near St. Louis, no., I ln tit* the attention of Glass and Steeillanufacturers to the, Analysts even above, se reportod.by Profs. A. A. Heys. of Boaton, and/. C. Booth,. of Philadelphia, whirl; together with the tut of actual experience by manellicterers In Pittsburgh; Cincinnati mad St. Loala A. detennines it to be, the purest and most reh ab% Clay now known. whether YorstErnor Amoripan. Pots made from It ham stoat In the Glass Furnace from S 3 to 9 months. The Analysis is of the Clay ea taken from the ins, without any washing or preparation *bearer. I, pummel grad adhesiveness 'and pborticity qualities, which am not shown by the Analysis, sod which M idi of the mixture, of • large proportion of shell or burned clay. I am now pripersil to All orders for the above Clay to be shipped froth St. Louis or delivered hen. ♦LZS. GORDON to. 121 SECOND STREET, THIS VOLUME has been prepared with my sanction, and le au authorized medium of idionnation between the P. 0. Department end the public. it. BLAIR, Poetenneter Genend. ELEOOND EDITION NOW READY. LPPL4Tows United Staten Postal Snide, Containing the Chief Regulations of the Post Meet and a complete list at Poet Offices throughout the United States, with other information for the people. Prier, 25 and.; or, /1 per mama. PoUislied Quarterly. This work ha. bolsi prepared at the request and ander the sanction of the Pommaster General of the Melted Stabs, and Is designed to meet • linnet relish ha. heratolbre ezistel—the pnblications of the Le win:sent and Mee by private anterprlee hitherto haring teem =de wp solely of thlaminons laws and t oo., necessary the goldanie of Poe ten, bat of no put value to the public geerally. D. APP 443 A 001., Pchlithene 443 and 446 Broedway, N. Y. Sent free, by mail. on receipt of price. • gtSrAgents wanted to soil the work In all the large cities and bran. ret.2l PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITHRIDGre PATZ2iT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS. SiIItIPACTVIID Or XX FLINT GLASS. Thew Chimneys era haterided for the fat dam, heating ea parts Of the glees equally, dots not Irwin, It to trotting. • R. T. DITHILIDOiI, Fort Pitt airop.workNlcutunitton ou.st: 417 Pittsburgh, Peons. BA"r' FARRELL PRACTICAL PLIIMRIMS, GAS AND STEAM ITTTERS, =CI Brasa Work, Pipe, Pampa, Valves And all Mae or fittings for Water, Gas and Steam AGITATORS AND TANKS TOR OIL ELJINL• ILIEB, timid with lead by a wow promo. licro. US FORTH STRUT. • 14 I LA i AbIOND STEEL WORKS, PITTSBURGH. PA. PAU. BROTEER a Co., BEST failikirrT StI7NED CAST at m, BomaSlat and Ociaaoth of an .ha Wamustad equal to any imported or atanufsekond In this dom. .001 to Lid warshoosa;Dos.ll9 sad 161 MIST and 131 Ind 112 SZCOND BI CITE, • - , joim 4A1.1 dir. vAurt, FCFROE PLOW-WOREB, P.M1113 1014 BLoaniailartro Nati &slam In all Hu illioroat khaki af "PLOWS; PLOW , OASTINGS, SCOOPS,. MT SING , NMI& to. ylth. greatly; Incroomad lbr dotal , boo Welts dation to gin raaa all; ,Twapatarottnrilla. Warohouoo, Cecil& alloy and LiboA.ty . , JOHN HALL, BUMS= woos, JAIL J. BRLIPWIL, . , QM, EE L. CALD - ie p 0 WY+ PIIAIC -• • 1316K= ileZr, entl anus .t,,b 0111 =4.1 1 141#117. AND ii/MT aragrril. oi17:11. Prrimurs, *NNALI3 - .OF THE - ARMY- OF, THE :Ll-MIMIXIILaaiID,?Ity au Mien. -1110dratid ; 101 4 $OO4 parmits.No94-oppgroiggsma, sopa. 1 .to: pages. _ _ . OUR BUNDAY SCROOL, AND UMW'S NAN ,AGR-11'. -fay Wi Abbot.lttthin hittbdtictlon bY DIEPTirt or AugAozzoxig: ri,slx hires. tirar.,.toe gabby da; , , -. / BEAD, OE2C, ; NO. 7 4 rOttre.rtn.t. w: lONGOODS:thNIiwin, store . Elestiteece%3: z i" Virturtati .11 ) tri/ 1 14 1 nr si lAr lilLia 4 P/ 0112 ffit , • ,4;i 7• • ' lo4trimirciiiiine=o7ssr .4 •11)P ' - ‘ 4,,• C . `? • „iAir1ng.4,1040,4, trit::ioE4i a co. VWIMI I 4AND TABLE CUTLERY, a toil "°"*Thltsaroti,iii'l HEAD-DRESSES, BEAD 3 BRAID NETS A NEW INVOICE Or 6uo pus. SARATOGA TaINISONG 200 doz. of BUGLE AND BEAD GIMP• 600 pea oc e White Edge, Black and scar et VELVET RIBBON. BONNET RIBBONS, all a colors and latest styles. Also, WOOL AND tspurn, HOODS, WOOL STOCKINGS, In grvat variety, for oid and young GENT'S STEEL, PAPER & LINEN COLLARS, lII3DERSHLIMS, Daewrats, SOCKS, KECK TIES, SCARPS, COMFORTS, SUSPENDERS, etc DV" The Trine .applied at lulrost cash wrfothutE 1100 MS VP STAIRS. MACRUM & CLYDE, 78 MARKET STREET, EXTRA ORDINARY BARGAINS I EITRIORDIWY- -BARGAINS!! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS Extraordinary Bargains EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS ! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS! Dry Goods HERB GUSTAVE NAUMAN, Solo Vklnial. ." Mr. FRANK MOO= Solo.Yintle. •to Ord Matinee. for Children on NVEDNIMDAT; AND SATMIDAS ATTERNOONS. Tickets. Lo Children, In the afternoon, 10 eenta.,, -No ball price at night. Tickets, at night... Beerrned seed, " Tor sale at the Book and Mask Stores and at The .• 'balder 59 Market , Street. I CONCERT HALL._ BARKER & CO.'S, • JUST OPENED. 2,000 DOZ SPOOL COTTON, 111 umabors ranging from 10 to 193, which w• shall claw out at 37 CENTS par down. 1000 DOZ. PLAIN AND FANCY SCARFS & TIPS. 5000 BALMORAL SKIRTS, • At reduced rate.. 50 dozen of the NEW ANTI-RHEU ➢IATIC SHIRT, at the retail price of $1 SO each. 100 doz. Atkinson's Steel Collars. .50 " " " Cu.l AT EATON, MACRUM.& 00'.8,, yr kw 19 xprrn sTarar. 0e29 Plrmrson. P. Firm ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. NEW POPLINS. NEW EMPRE S S CLOTH. PIGIIRKD POPLINS. FRENCH MERINOS: Figured and Striped Merinos. FANCY simars• NEW STYLE EASTERN CLOAKS. PLAID SIIAIVIS—NISSEW PLAID EMUS. A very full assortment of every de scription of DRESS GOODS. , STEEL COLT.A R 8 EATON, MACRO' & CO., Na. IT AHD ID MTN STRUM Prenzoian, PA Atkinßou!ti Steel Collars and Cuffs ! &Woad IS'hlte; hitlitig the appearance and mm tort ofLizk w - To taitt•t7 men and treithes they =tit IRMO or MIL 43012411 LEM corn: Mut', !Hamlin 1 1 0 esch. 'lY3=m:r " " Oak Ladicqzry 991ba lOO sigh. sent biza" - --ric ibt uet, irm Riad tichangs a BMW COLLAR Or an OLD O r RZ pro tiding it b notintits, for 25 rents. The Undo napplbd aßtha Ron Tart AMP* Print. No! pti.f• Ibt Maras RATON RAC= A 00., Pittairtnitt, P. CM MALL 0001181 . NEW ' , 1:10ODS Ind _rewind st VOW; 111 / ABOir & COM, 21"i° 5t.., 1 1/ 1 k1IT; 4N&M. GARUO'B•MABBLE WORIW, • A besuttral 'ad unrtzwat 111.03LEt&IITELS, • Monuimite and Omit Mono. PlztOrrli - ,P; , i44II:4 , iO3KIIDALY AND JOHNI4. balm. NrAMICiOD Haw •RESIVIED lzATost *LW oo* relax*. Price Ms A Lecture collie Maw% Treateentiour.BodicillAtro a.fltiontlitOrdbmo. , & Dob d . t laed /ittmoi3na fy M ontg* jorc & rr z ik o r o! Ititteocencee. ccultaaPtioN EP= itt tilen sa - tat "and Thyskal lo,copseity; s flog floor Atolfo..fo,,By• Rom J • C1MZ111111.,21._ _D.• =lam. of filo ..Greop Aka, Boost*. .Tholgooloo Of .Biilbrert," icader* 441. in 4.-04 C taTsloPC &pp sYsiter,'Meticii4 on matt of idteop_4l2y....tfici , ,INFoto6 *Woo. jay DR.:011.4..0: KLINK. • 127 Berwory; Pee MO; Post Me Bee . coNSIGNMEN7,B7-Rece, 1:3 -this '4l+,4soV,Gnmai, • • ; 800, .do BeADIK flueiCPAtoest - • bri.N all - Otdr u! sm°, _ Now to star. and Da 5a1,11 . 17 iarg, ' ROTA s —AI bbls derapj stmf rotund. jtscriceiredvad for alb 4.331. 15..amd , 1261 . 11 C . YAII GORDO. A s:.ohNs. ehoica_ tram eseelred sad for Ws by • ocrf J. B. 6iNnatxt. = TITTSBUR : :g. . UxDIIpoI Positively tart night of the popular young antrum, ETTIE HENDERSON; who will appear In wren character', tyro dances and a favorite song. THIS (Saturday) NYMAN°, • Will be presented, the new druniventitled, THE 01P8ET8 Or GRANADA- Aurora, the Gipsy GirL Awe, th• wire----1---ttucauudawn. To conchae city; THE STRATAGEM! OP AN ACTREIBB. Etae lialdenunt In four cluiractert, introducing two celebrated dances and a favorite scout To conclude with EL BIDER. Mohdul.iihe groat girth* 311 bwaden LOTTE TIIOIIPdoN. • _ 11 413, GOODWIN & CO.'S POLYORAMA OF ME WAR. Notwithstanding tba feet that the Hall has ben weeded at each entertainment, the Manager, in order to sorommodete the matey how reduced the price of admission to Is MTH. without dteUncttoti of ago. TERNOON, .13 oclock Adzolttion to N►tlnees=L►dle►, 10 mots; OAWiwi, • 6 mate. oaott 'RUM p•olltentllhangsr. 11Er Tuesday afterooon,.&thibitioh roe the benefit of the Ladies Santhul Pommittes. oat Between Tourth and Diamond CONCERT HALL Bol* Agents for MEI / 60 per per. as UMW! STRUT; ma TOWII MM=L M= rlicj - =EMI THIRD AND POSITIVE - LT LAST %lEEE OP MOO EBDUCED TO 18 OMITS( Exhibition each EVMilli 0 it 7% o'clock Matinees WYDNRSDAY sad SATURDAY AY CONCERT EIAI..L. ONE WEEK ONLY! ONE WELK ONLY I Commencing Monday Evening, Nov. 2d. Commencing Monday Evening, Nov. 2d. SUS ORIOINAL AND ONLY BLAISDELL BROTH/IRS TROUPE Vocalists, f(arpists, • AND SWISS BELL-MINDERS I Will give an enteetalameat u Abovo r ai whleti oas don they will be aulateit by Vocal eel! „histramaatal Solo Artists of seknewledged . MADAMS MAISBELL, Salo liarpfst.: .~ ..'.Z:r.: ..:.;~ THREE TREE LECTURES. Dr. A. PAIGE. The odebrand ELECTRICIAN Ala) PtflfiliOLO. GIST, formerly of Breton, len lettere ha cciivciurer HALL, Ptraskumi, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND THERADd T - BVDNINON, October 2btl. fdrk and VA, AT TX - O'CLOCK; OR ELECT 1 7. 1 A. connected with the Mental grid Ph_ plat champ/. blysteoi. and DI of HUMAN LIMB; fano Ito origin to tta *km. Ladle@ and Gentlenam are reepecthdllj herald to attend. muss TIME. • Keeley' anidtended by their parent., not disorderly persons, Mating. lbws, on TTIMAY ATTKANOOK, Ott. ./06, at 11 o'clock, 111/01,1D131TILLT TO 1491121,:and at o'clotk to the/MOM% coaßrnsmacuom //TELT. Adatbsion, 23 cents. . . • '4 Dr: PAIGE', In cant' . - ibetkit ---. Dr. - 1. ii , 41:131p Rl= too taken TOOL= at' 152 intairmarneT, whore Marvin &tote a portion ttf stir Wise to the D AN RICE BEAT MO The model and exhibition of the vat sitdldt In prrrainnum, (DE RED Lim Aol,) Wednesday, linisday; Priddy and Sat- Oet. 28 20: . 30 and 31, BPZIBT APTIEBNOON AT 2; . , EVERY 14142111161 .477; ttpan Irbkb o=lbn tbui celabrati* Mud= 1112- wrist.; . .DAN RICEet ti r g d =t7 ariX.r sad totrodnoo ft*. =Kodak Exceisior, Jr., , • The Trained 4#o** - 1 - 6 Eau.cotedfors44 4 c , And lad in their - 11!Aze13t partioliumes. The ban troupe of MI:1 , 8, 6111 4( 3 * F4 ACROBAT% fit ltrat brought bafors DAN Biaz ‘‘lzira, mßist,, ADirq,ri:','._,' Baia.« ' MlVOnti• 0c.17 : :13t Children. coda *.to agoi - 25 - coati, to - porto 1 the • • - _ int.Arl's• WANTED.Tiro att3veP . pi* tazivrhointribs impatuda Ocab cur T. 4 . Da - .pradoorot Good rotor saws moire& ..e.ddreso 11,0 X, 767, IlAtoporsh Pot WANTED: ; • TT ico,ooo alick 1 warns oar nine, • Tor 011 Bercelso.• • • Ada Tess • , mourar,prxiiiaioN cholir 144 P6 ' . ir ma ja man s. - in i iViar u 4a.. Si% WANTED.-.../ininteresCas:an actin - IF ir -pacestli sv.llestibUthat btudnont.r• *no* Olbe *Oh' bnitnela j Will be wining to innit fa:4IMM CCO: ddams; vitttligt,rne; - " • 'O/Inst - • woLtoriarnes. 00':i,ix.:Pre vat - T. Agra.taiMPjimPt4 2 4 Asei Oriesdoi Ihnwrs4and thlrteis other Cm sattal sat caorignts Fttelet. Mae ad. gilt Sad NV:ANTED TONENT, TT _Ailkoo.wAzznouss, Jut...tad fa^ bui portion pf the city. I Wrs" ; ‘ 320.R:170=03E111= • . CIJORL Wan% %A- atasa -Cookiw aig - other Aointi Ad. BOX 3:accAr_Aderbilln.X. l o: 'ARO*, vitlt rearatutio witoq=2lftwou oeSOtt WANTED-AIL:-Rivil 9 Bowe :=2griwbolossir.Ftsaakondidsh m4nimßOZ644.lbst WANTER" -- OARPBT TT. lIPUOLSIZIOWItaantaI immoidistily at OLIVEI9I !NtjgnkliC a 130:4 . oak tl• No.s 3, TOM end. NTEA--A.njit.mvnaE:eto TO Thum Timm* ThizmiC , • T • , , `DAVIIi a PRELLEPS,ilairster . r f . w. -Tan, 3firictiANT E Tomo, No. Yl BMITHI'LIELD chirp fur a red 13SION78VIT TOR WO; CAM EBA-AtioloCG493l WA= CCP) I2IB U/T, tqxti tf AA* fa tw•lnamp,se . 0 ,1 7 .,P4FEr5 , nin . • •N=1:10 W. r &WE Wid; P. ,BECK • ";,Pa....l4latimbe Gto. _ deaUst , ;Mt iiintiOisuttill6:llWirdiattiould WWII*. -111:1CPBODIIII4 .PROMIONB, 4 IIMIiti Borax itGeSi- C1911204111113DUC1. 111,92 T h. GBALIiIiEbULTUtDRIIIIS I "" { "i e "Ti z atk -ro ri E 3 A 6 l, i millit , a ESE