The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 30, 1863, Image 4

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1-r....... - 7 , ' ,,, ,tf."-- ,-. - .t•-•> , :. ,.. .` .. " -- " -, : - I'lr' . 1"—1'L 74 15 -: ::Z5 ,....., --
••-, A • 0-41! -7- -- , • tivr• Aert d ~./ithegit
m i t
. .... ;-.:_ - lAA Vstisisfiii - Ifotat Culture-ta t , - --.! ..,..-..- - - --- x,-- -
i ~,,, . ~,,,.;.„ ~..;,-,.-_ , I : • f t ,-M
~ — 'illecilt• • aiiifarPln7.lSlOnil ';t:itiftitei' l far
" '"" " - %." '",- Mi1idir,14017;"34,10:: 'll t'clogic Li: it. -Mitt :..
'illdltid.Y.=„3l.o=lNG.....ooT. A I .S I- I class; valet:Hs' ddidgnetfraefitilively for ciez
- I j•giiiiri4 = ' , Blllriras 4lt - gularty imair-si • day- at ,
' wirateiWriline iitieitFti 8 ' day intli -
pon, vs- s e
weet.--lice price of taition Mt* corifire-of
• tweicti_lguensi will io , oreseatd ss, , ind it mai
ltdeallingLlZekahlaii antliatitllClllol . young
. rallitstestrap :lona iparted habits of
pillibtff ~...gilk_ ot . tiers who wish to improve in
'.eforiati:Rwiltiwiii../iit:ltiadiewelftn oern
li file commodity iiisii wankel is his profes
sion, and =mayor our clerernts hare already
Ptll?vir.:l is In trdotaon:' -... ...„.
Tun Cracms.—Dan Rioetegreatahor opened
taaireidnesdar.airstiingoiret. was-'4otelleuilT,
3111ed,mftereritelt....thasalsAslek coated,.
and the performance commenced, - 37 e :121 " 1 " 1-
. .atitl4lls.o4l,l4olfr,link-ellg PA./ that ItilaTaaa .
, ;Orli - p ala te
. 114:6. to. ail-: Dart ilrali in-Pia , .hap.
~ .plestliiiimitsiiMitt.iiiiiiiitiong until-he had
exiyhoti.efre.-inia-num/ mood: , 'Tfuipro.
.Wtian -- ititladimigatinndance was unctuosity_
haze, and we Vpip 419RPIAtik.liote that the
A sto o r li t r,o44repowarobseired . tbr oti g h...
toiL. 2.haperfortiannot wilais tiontined neat
tifteno?s,w antkerinlng•delingthwritielt......
"'VIZ'.A.IVO4UBIIIIB42I7:- -'-
• - rtoi4iYkitrAttjf gEnitingzettiv
" . Thskdditallyspreilltith ery t at nfdssn
t414:11-4;44.:12.-f - A l t A.W!.. , _ -1:
On, MoriiOrplor,n4tg...iit- the, dice of fie
1 •
- • sddireisartnissVoloPany Valemt o wn,
. fouusl:tthc.fe•breAlsleepepu, sad. ke Ufa
. ..
-. oarfled 0f.,-Purnag the day the Mae was found
40 ; Wiaptat..or siii, half a mite freed'"kiii_io, We'.
.v..::'..ra - lidi'-'-biem open, and the - raorilY
_:.nialtagultiolen.l-prlt_. _of the Espr,eas.
%r,iger. ,- ? l: k'A_?.. 4-1 1a ur e il Yi 4111-liked`'l6::7.
- ' ii . so adu,o`o.. th e its.r. ges_whicltNe.ll44lsr.
the safei.and.the amount of mon6ymmckeach:
. contained: to furnished"' listrisardynshi.
packtgeti;Untainint money be ' e amount of
$.2,515., hiirp'y had been emp yed as agut
' ' .. oT ilierfitt:'drrah and Connelisailf, e.-11
...:-. -. at. llnkdrtowl4.-het.lhit Aoul
„PO s had =s o l'er*,
ceded him, and appointe d I.4rnits:w
'- 'iteld : i a lten 4 err 'Alm* of iit e L lt i 'ill f I
Express ,Comemy that the agsu . A . 3
s : .. .z .
_load comae, sheen' attend to ,
likewise, sac it was detannined
-.Mtirphy—o amigo whleltzle knew was in
- cieicimplidli - a.. .. 'xia4 zakibe - TeretheOlection. -
hir.literphy - had-bootiiikelte,tialtaft - 4 111 L
-, ..
account, a :n = atter liritialknoilht.haira haereCot--
"taalied'te' hilt' slicitileder,iiat'whielalds . put - - ,
• '•• -. ported fioni*my-tozde-yksintille fiesßy 4.41.rd._
to harewtor-ithing-fair-inseri et .
. 7
-dayfonienirig,..,ThaTiollshry.lip g stab;
t p
. - -,'-- Jrzititailma nit, - .. - tutuntly esti , rip:
:J . ..., _against him, anithe.Suleues - '-• " hel d'
•-,, , ..' Ott 1910 sday,..aa-humetiptiecr Ina -
before Justize ',llllderitaxi, _ of! IfeiontOwn;
beirlD ga ' E .— District - Atte : in "To 'le
' ' O r f '1Jelliltoi:loe; dullf3.l3thoyer;Eseiriorf Ittl::
. city,. appoarld. for the; proseemdon, , and Mr.
-' - - .Playford - for the 'defense. The inuatiption
-developed "a strong , elicunesta - The
schedule which Uri- ItliiphYftambed, rater
. . , the robbery, as , being shspisekages stolen;
_ . .. ,-/ihowed that enany_ofthereat- Warders hadbeert
raceired_by.him!!ao.fax.bsole.o Sunelasl;attly
it wu aim in tyldonnet that' In107 , 4:40 1, for"
,;.. I _,._:, Alms to t-A9EP. tho mormy,had, been 'Abused _
7 had.ealled-,M llM'repeaidlyt and mere told
.."--- .- th at - the W.Chiges had not' been received. ..A
` jrignigmarGirlio uted'as assistant le Ike -4117,
Arco; testified that them were , wit more than.
Eke orten package:4ler the chasten Friday.
=last, , ithile . Murphy- , returned twenty m.l:'
... _ '.... ~-Tinder these circumstances the istpresis conv
pany felt it an imperstire:duty 10, airealbien
...- .. cab olmrgeof larcemy.endbe wasoludd to ball
; . . .to answer.. - -.. ; • ..,....
. ,
A close caseathatioe,of the safe, or Cheat;
:. r. Cdiscriered•:sottr corrammting elicataatinees:
..- --. • ,
It had evidently been -Macchat iiiheleek
' •-• 'L - ' was . entire - t -nninjnted.: bottom
knobleed - ont,. battle *idiom less cloddy from
-, -.- 'ildi.iiiridi-v-tlrO' iron shOwligthit it bad been
.broken by- force applied from with Jr - The
. -.
theory bf the Expreas.. - CoMpeny 14. - tkatidur:
'''''...•' : ::t . !Thad at etre eta Itorcenteal4 of-rekoges.
. . from- time to : tliner 3 Uld being ft ,ll it to Te'
. -- - •- piece them coeicocted , the robbery to conceal
his crime. - „It isptopier,howour, tiVistahtu.4.
. ?licitly that no pogiuro Luton:nation his; bean:
addumd against .him,calculatni to Implicate
. himln tho erPesactlon, but' the circersatances •
- - : point strongly against hinl• E
'The Milk quest/all.
44 Is sellinrhiladelpida AtisevinVelds 'sr
- quart, *Mice thehero ballinici teceleo etgtd.:
- .. _.- , . _,..... . ___
. ~.,
Ann-effoA vfee . Peei PlII:medo to 3. 6 e 'Edit*
~ , ..... ~...,
east, .but it failed.:Alere , the: ~ own
- their own,.qawd, andAputa_artie la-generally
- • •
furnished • 0 their customers . w -ire nok.diar.
, ....,•• ... - - - ;;nosed to gran:ibis at the psi „AiMont...VC
7 , cluck " and " Water!' are k Viiit,if.'b
i d
ice cat :" The milkmen ; in - ,Ph elphisVers .
simply ,middlemen,'or hied*. between the:
'-- 'fatintennrnd:coneurimai - and pa _ use from She'
'- - -' Winer: atthrie coati per' qua • ...,Trwrintthe
.. ,
meeting-of „ddiktnen, for the ti It ot ;alai:.
' - bethe T ri,ei . jolly old dab. en suggested
r t ,
that fiVratt-i':areitlai.seifing- se - iu Rhila...•
•deliihia.7.".,lairtaidt.purensilitattbree I
r 2 ='::.':• , 'esints per 0,6,0 - 4rholetale;lst 'lnlets .sirast
difference to-the - quality Wlten tbeinillonen .
serve it out to customers.- -„The reason of this
. •is plain: The hucksters add twenty per tent:
' ,-, of water, to. the milk, whirl Alone ought to
yield a fair livin4 profit, without asking any
Advance at all. , • , „ -'L. •
United Slates Distrletl Colin!
Tilcusn - sv,l-lo_t:
._ •
jams Corrau ':erasAriegilbri, harborinua
- -- Jlessrtex-rtemed, lilTriarf., Allot fads al-this
''.., 2 L "iti4,l4rilteiia'uy-ttio dig, were these.
),I• .
ttrpll'oetni 'ti
ps'lmatatug baitts'pe the
• ... def.:mast:jilt *Esti:tarot Vir Wend Cherry'
,-'-ralleys;,isnalvigreserilia `--Alreself is ii lis
:--- etuirgeer 44' aler,4iid:#t" wick board from
': ;lark tu,teeski for-about -three months. As
somiss-the;r, Llortdent. sae ~ a, tut Mar-
b vM.a, he. , r lam lir the
-, 5.p../: *4. ,s, .4c,Nrtfl.r . tips 1
rIOTDIIC - IS-sand.,,llut4Tsse lion : alleged ,
,1:;•-.1 i-tlrikliltrip:47,o4:i.rnir-!- eirf:bl4-341
• . ~.1' r-Coirin-*o.4lllr.ognoreir ;,,stroXl4tl
..-"COrritrlillikellsrl.alkmAlbal ArTaii,illiik
'''. ' dentlerpronett ceicto'usmt" he money out
of him by tictilitstiistalliialfi rted him as
. a desorter;bricausi hi iiralino pay his bill.
! , There Imre:some doublilAtzto e correctness
of these.allegattourientithejn4 forma a var
., tlict.-orliottirilly7,--:- - 1
---.-7 Ihece*liiiiitai COI
`,. '•" 'biellliiii ind l BinWir.::.;::, - , ,, .::;Z:
- inept a4i•_s:-A
at,,eirs'ardOirtil':l3idirb,, prefe d -by John
7! 0.'.1'..• X . ,/ -4;:.-.llcYr'4l,7,;',ll:lo.lnrAccqranX . a boirlaillit:'
. ltlipingkopn, p.n. la 4 ea
, ttu Pnalit terCe,','
Into-the-'bare - cad -.mused DIM*,
- daring ranch.. •!ko ,
.assapiped„. B eniter.-7,Br:ra.:
i'' r ßorrdlei their ftdetiirred; and aeistintalicp .
bottle gars 14, r...ynnley a crap '4iktha,.....tolvof
' his Bd which t "matted his 'kw. Thrace
.:,-.... = • oro! 8 , 040 iremr_orgisek .1 . 1 1 1 0 iiiilotlit
pay. Sentence deferred.
41 1 1le arg 7t . ha igitiwf'!"A !Ligavi...
...-';,-.., Bresers. xlictrU#'4l,ll;l46bn a wen, coca ;
_- aißt4t, Fia.b Oxic;1 1 0 faKt?( lr ,
...ccnanty;l „. _
0,10.1- .: T „ , ,-....—. •
' 7:,_.,,
'' ''S , , 4'.,;: , .. „: - ~, •-- • vidital4iviearst , d:;"*":-.7 -- ..i
ItidLAVAitiill:„tiiiiiiiiT, ortiiiiii 4!
- ' .7.6itisSiiiQl-3,0-Foi4rattAW 4..,404111' farm
lo'cated at troill'ill, 4 6 Assets tiri 4 illifilP. o
1. - : ::31iiiti...iii-IteidaMmiiind 8 b. The lama
is Tars , eligibly located, and (is ane...92_-tiOr.
g:.(, , tinalian'thel attifiltrldi eity.-.22m4sitar.
paid was $59„000. ii,,andarstand th at - fia. I.
itsiiitantion of the intabaserlitilillidn'tba"
farm into small; iota, +minder tb:ivarodp ,
-...... 1 6. - tion.l4:tprzor-3 1 0;*. 11—iidporAgy
4, 40 4 for As tapc6calAirwit NA- ems 01° 7
'''.',"-:' , 21 • :',...,-.... 't-iincissiissnerelideite,os cnY.-0 , mularr'- .1 1.0_,
- --• '--.• ' -- --'• Thei tintipiressari a t ;44 1 4'..x11: 1 45:
• doitg* iii mon k ersoot pr s e ,4,:.:. Iv xti s .
'''' - 1
4-: ' '..''''. 1-:'- eiti l ltekiAti r i t---- "' ' '' ': - -11
' blehlitiSrl ' lifigiO r 4S ,
1 0
- I , : 4llEna i lUMULVitait4. wug du th o•
foilha P inta. ad Oitltitlis n . v , "?!. .1r 41
7t:1,•2„_•,•:.., , . 1.-, , t 3111 - esl - 44. ioffidozoc,-;1 4 ,-Pi traid - ;;;;;;;;yi
1,-?„.7.-Autui6,..L.Lmegoiio.4 , ,-..0 -
'''' - -"- - y" . rtsi. disoinfs-xcap'. - ,l?,ffillii .1; ....r/3
lvntrotd fireitrelillePs74 / ' 1ip41,?
4 ,, ,4- . - . L•T $ 4 'c----- Oamma - of **Atoms& 'l. =Ws, II i
•'.44cinlllo:ll4l,;o444tarrt favl,l9, =gouda Or
7 'l ."•-•-• 1- '=.':-.1#114..i1e-inill.-';Z--i.-. 1
- - v-
--.:1-i-- -:1411101 6- 4 1 0*
Tactailor XletALI-Presentr, Chief Joliet
Loattia,'ateldditi(Yoodwaid , ThomPtike
' StrutgAilufßigl l . - g . - , - 1
;litulpiatoril vi.lioy
„ .. ii'.;4lloml.l4Vornitin%
'..• ~ , ,-7 -4 4. e d" /471Struitc.PPAF l i e FFT 4 !f I 4I!"7:
:•'." - ' , l: - J ~ '• - / - ItopWstreiAithr,;:,. • .-. -..-- 4
3 7 - ' - '' '- ' - • ' TkiiPotori th ou kagenektniii*WassOy
- ',..„.: • ;;..itlivnittbir 2d, it tan eildek; A. SF
.., 1
- 7,4M2I;SINVisi IM:AitliF.Frrtgh!
: t t : ,11 youlaiia,„i4, 1 463: 0 1 004 fidtorasa:
,--„. "';':`!- '-. litgaria9Mo4.;ll24,iritt:
ll* 441 - As sup Et .
s thigfee l o4 l 44 oo,ol o.- rgr'..-'.... , ' b '
. . 470:0041Yeadtat firm.. gto geotlet ,
risen et*, Ot*lY. ITIVI
a Tal l ° A t %
-' ' .-" '. ' la liwpeator , -and le'44 prong
'wait e oil ti, m 411014
' - to the art of l i.o ! ., 1 .1!!!
M i
Tgi late Dr. Ossais F-1
A t :. ' 4i'- ..iiiiiola it th e Cornardt_fit.tri44lZ44
:', , _ .. sy*::,/i , lo 4 tc,ao„, 0n“..„ 114 4 1 i dy rvie.r.v t„
csupsta l itir i t i
".....,' _ bjVairill'a '"ltt . ' 61 • now
- ' .......--- ~ ...:tiooittf,ar MA aldbitili loam ars ,
I •.''''*lifos itstaibution. ;140 14 #a" am 1 4 : at.
gs - 1, 114 4
qg.: , * 00041 , ,-- ,
-Trsa a: , i ,. . _
us : .
" ----
' 44 : 5t.42.15L- ' *2ll r .: ' t .-. 11707310 2 1.
1-rd ! " . 52 -:- ''; "; ;. ~.4.f''''. .-t ixsi ..
' orattsaty a tai
0 4: 1 41I.:_?:,:, , . ; I ~ , , trims.' ,W,. Dahl
'-'; ', ..; ; ':Jl. ' - ''''ic. .- • • .tnimaittdr a ff itiNts!,-
$;,.;i:11.,;ta-thdrit;',r : ..., • guns, Attj,, ca relVV. l 4 l . lt .•
.-- ,! rii24 ' w r'• - - tharin' .,
. , .
• -
- • '•
' .
'. . .
.d&Y- . 3 frarlakirt .I4gOag NO, ill bizAttp,,
I about dghteem rtionewertOra 1 bittouln-tbo
I I : imOtd.l*th eortolo the'
altWiieAztAk4ii'aliV: *Leiz&
. .l.; illi
Balled. in s &Iretortgizeeno
sae. The decellillall 6 witzAzid,obibt.
~ — ... ..
tiet ttratutonnoo Alus. &wash
- of str;. irai.Poettittngli,.itlnittteet timely
Of - AM Etty,;l4t, fo r t iro Il i past employed
teem* Itrotierof etitsmt.Wesh,
hiends, hero retie notified of hie
decease, yeetaidsy eeeigng, by telegfaph.
Eis-nrmains • ftet brought bare for Anier
win now untssiz.
toveinenis of the itepel Forces
„• . _
Nina Nona, Oct. 'Bare special,
Aga (, lift Nashville
tbni2Btb, sisYsa The etteadea oath:lndia= to
~ , .
tudicabatatßrusgtruiving* in fore!) upon
. „ _
cleveland,.Twoniowith4llievident putixose.of
breaking ova ; Theen that direction.
;It to
gopoialtrtioltotroalliiire that the move is
nceoperated.ixiLy aTtstrlie - n" of , Len's forces,
lens Intently whi.llto MOTIDg'dOND by way .
.of• Lynchburg and - Bristol, Ye., with the in
tention of driving Burnside from East Ten
nessee; Ka' turning tte. tank of this finny,
in I thus eouipeßbig Of retirement from Chat
tanooga. , L'S
—l:Uraggelf Oct. - '4l-4:dlipateh from CbaP
: • Gee. Muse,
littleo, 00 men' of Gen. tahror's .dirision t
istlaelted tbiefsemj at . Lookout Blzoittoin,
dtrovo them-frovair position.;
Zola. BrcPbatiloWs : eslatilition to Canton,
4'restdtiid - in :thedestruotton of a large
?ittgaite:bristvel mina' and faciorios, the do
.alsporplon er the. rebel cavalry, and
She general'.alaDiefitllte of the guerrillas la
ftstiatthat siation.
The atHelil hotao Tote of Ohio gives lirough
81,752 aosjority. • The total Soto of the. State
135;21,. •
.Iriesterai : 1111 W Calder 'arrest.
• iTivfrkoktiiat,ii.4,:iipod2i to the world,
daimi Washisigtona.O.S.MS. gays there has been
light skin' siliiiinglu:the'front tia-day, though
iiigigament. It seems
1mtge , 44.4 !tut,ltbi. rinemy are, for the
present; mai - a lo stiadon tholiefensive,t 9
ipent.".-brirrorciwirrotn_traishig lba Ilappa
iiliiioiittititne lot that but*
lonatraraOirrafig4inTif& brigade of infan-i
try eoustituti all.thw Tel:wimpy' tbis side
of the-tivel. = •
iii4ritii,between Wathington
and the'arrer apitly Atievrd 9( all guer
rillas. _ „ ,
Several desertersfronalhe eniimay. jot come
intw.our-linctryolatif entitling stories' of the
.infferings df.this rebel troops for clothes and
wven:food;;;Miey„ also add:that General 'Hill
niter imse for tallinigzed tiny out his in
struntiOnst in the stearcoo:of ;co:Tatou Gen.
X051 041111 * -
— 74040 f
loisiesin,snlatton tallitc.positions of the Union
B.l24inik'etr_ritstart, There-21s tatototo-
Trospeee ok." batto : vjho, roil, lake, look
care :Arad inrildeglikeAptera engage
iftent:_-141tietubfItsence - probable_
-thstytds..rotent--detenstrations were mere
foloWto7oefortore Important 'movements.
Iniegnar:llorrenrie..Dneislon.raiew Nam,
31lcduil,".1tai-cfoornar for.
Y..""nninnetaeocf. - . • - „
srayszahlr Oanstabisionerrifflntbrxml-Seyeune,
.103.-deridadnitiothe,Rtnka Of tiletnilabf New , l
irl9loll4l)lKfidsdkorthitSfato; aro .siibjeet
ti-,tToopytenrot*-;-.4,.pricadedin.lhe act
of.-14XidoeaL4tet regard this as in
any respeetaiorationof :Stae. bat taxation of
baukc'elonirtponi theltiglitsl and property~n~ *ST.b itan,
driY7iefeti*f:l3lSTl) item, ~ e, agree
: lainila....illirannaiders thoreld
r tkitat detiosit
toottuotbetteen ebb auto sad Wags
otlttovidirtt.peltetogerie, tut
' S .,
' ieeetradan- -
thonwa tat
.7ftestaatia siu2k Rook Isliim4llllaids
gift riStadisons
• •, .#7.;eille /IL ';• loestia;
f law,lteadvillokboXieeondwlFatitt alesti l r i
•ornisge L rbfla p iirg;'?
itit - Alitme. ?tiptoes sOedue;Li•
Oct. stasra}rluthc, frost
loodaincinithima, kaa ATI,. tou:fibi,
. 20(e.botee of cotton and Ftli,
.814441,' of Ittol2deb;:afainie
thicklliehirson'e expedition Iran:lied - 6ot
•Vielnderri, barin seeemplisand
O tl the. obiecc,j
Terionater the tod:od . fords
jtjact„ lugs number of t24s.ogenyAren:
- deti - bor tgi,t retreated without starteradmo
tialsAteaty ;a ..;
, r.
'rt•_7l_ ' -_-_.-
.. ~, , , , ,
2lsw Tow Oct. i9.—liiii - 1001i014 1 07; 1 4
's t illiiiivilf 412* 276 Int.; bli Ma fallowing re
--,.- alS. 101 4: 01 : 4 P..raluo eneosedintnini
'wii“ ' aid. Vogar, -- 60i44 itlis - atsfatit
- . 11 r 4 Val • trogiv4l).- totthwi aid four'
.from the l ets loam The lb* or tkiziolintlitik
toned' itgottat - :liarwawiL ri#, 4 4 :„PUlt 2t 6 5 -
Two zoonitosolcosoAlionoo- I, "'"ai'
. •
_idlielihnt. ilia
30:12113CaltrilklitgailefiaillPION8 , end six
ty frosktlio toontimp, 110 - 44m0g0 ;IMF doll&
-ninktrotainit: - ' 3 Altirialloo otetpviAr t :
aollido4 . I , tithmtw , - iidu l 4 -
, ~,. , i i , A mu N0z : 04.1t,far.7,4 - 7_ , ,
•-- gLiasitiiiitt4:'2o:::-Thi isirs_-ais tlegest: .
ntoly;Contni4ltsllgotd, contopilwOYWA.
ot iht 2d - Oltlortoofiot allllnikino:Woin
m lluvenwli-twat!trwancnikf , tran 3 f ti,
Guy -110,1,00pontui:,,l)no::-„naw woo Mod,
al&bloinOnnottOaolgial4Orai. ear
Iy. ,TlioucllacwoiOnweily 0 - biota ow.
BfpaitthizAlsithlag ,l : l3 l'4ll'
4 41.
-744414jartrz.._ iSett-T.T4Ii t f -it •
. iiszimistamar, riyad
maziabbi -oi-,si
catutsau4=l4•!.i_lta ,
al'. Tair 'ion-pkzumpiet. is tom'
the nay low odnuond In a tow olqi. -
.g.4.v.i411..i'44upc4._ 2 3 5 P..* rant.
*co Wodoes4i, onotthe *'otyr Tork . quotation to-
do at 110011,41114.43;". halo,
or, *hen& the hurrouttions oar loin violent. Here,
coin mu, bo quoted nominally at 140 for silver, buy- -
bay, and 11.5 for gold. Eastarn Exchange =id Cove
aliment Certificate. of dudebieduses remain slxnit •
as lint quoted: • . •
Tho - oaports from, New York fir the week have been
"larger than for trorirre4OUr woils. for ?our montint,l
not gra. nyto - MO for thccorrospond
in4;iireek Of laic jar. Tho shoos Cho
4kyc*,(ekcinsieo of Ipeclij tioin - Ewer-Yorks° _for •
Shp, porn! for titoNrook..olnaing Ortohor.. 20th.. 1 . 1 4.
slnotOnnuary Id% , .
18g1. IB6E. 1663.
tho . Week $2,803,04. 5 •11 3 .0 05,026 54,166,179
'pore. teporhd
. 1191 ?t 1:037 W 276 04
_ .
rt since Jan.istg/08,955,1= 124,046,083-143,442,1.
She exports Item Boston last weekaisclusite et
ea, nare $471,110 73,IggInst 101,00 14 for the
maintelieuditig w ‘ eiß in 7B 3 2 `.
giut Imports tar the trnalt - ere . • 5280.488, egatnsr
43 . 41,797 thr the cothisporulincinmi in 1882.
The bet - report the quartk Gold'hlbliet
Vonspany tholes the yield for.the weelcendlag Octo.j
tag =tete 51;47.42 in gal, The weeper:T. l l SP;
l istars, are ow taking opt from thus to six cord! of
4nartx per day, and , the report ear that a contract
Ii 3 .been made by the spilt of the company tOr a
'timber of Yttesbarg perce, which are expected to In
erase very' [timely the a owe a the future product..
- Naafi". VIA el:latch lila= is that they hare re
&Pled a teport 4 frotd Washington showing that the
aggregateades of-ilnktrentin up , to Saturday last
amounted: to 5319,070,850. - As the amount-author
ised by the act of February, JOU, .111.8 Ore hundred
millions, thpre remains but 181 millions yet to be
ebeorbed, and at the present nth the whole tome of
bonds would be exhausted to ninety days, MD were
the subseriptions =Anal to. then present limits.
But u no fur th er percent. gold-Deming bands will
be lathed, It Is certain that at the tftne for closing
the books draws near the demand will be greatly irk
creasnl.—Y. Y. Prestag Pest.
. .
TtOriensx, October, 211., 1553.
FLOUR I GRAM—Thera lase now feeding to me
Ocala Grain, with the exception that the Market Is
vary firm and former prime an well nutainod. Wheat
Is selling from wagon at 51,25 for Bed and 61,30e51,55
for White. Barley to firm but unchanged, ranging
from 51,30 to 51,50 for Spring and Fail from film
hand.. Corn—ule on track of 500 bosh Shelled at
,61,07,-and 133rbgali Ear (pew crop) from store at
51,10. Oslo are quiet but firm, with small urea at'
75476 c, from depot and store. Flour to quiet but
firm with null sales at 53,75 for Extra, and PP@
6,76 for Extra Family. Buckwbut may be quoted at
$3,73.41,00 per cwt, as to gustily.
PEOTTBiosIs4-Esoroa to study but without quote
able Mange; sale of 17.00010. Plain espousal Rams,
to go East, at lie. Mon Perk be firm with
asks at 515,50 per Dbl. The stool* f Lard is light,
and the market la firm but unchanged: solo of 10 to
prime kettle rendered at
GUOCEDIES—W. II have to Doti.' continual firm
market for gill glowattions of armories, though the
trusactiosis are light and .almost entirely local.
There La no change whatever to values.
`POTATOES—Tbe market Is steady, with • file
demand but prices are without material change. Salta
of 200 bush "Mixed"' from store at 50e per bushel and
330 boob prime Peach Blows at 00a.
BUTTER 1 EG G S—Butter l. quiet but unchanged.
Packed is milker at 170160, and Thal at 22.r.42.50 for
4;etractun to strictly prima. Few mum and higher
ranging from 17 M lac. •
APPLES—The receipts continue lam, but the
market is steacto and prim appear to to well use
taingil. We note salsa of 258 bble on track at 12,73
per bbl, and 320 bbl. from Wu at 53, 00 •
Arm tat looking upward. Western
Dump may be quoted at 12)i to 13c for for common
to prime, and we note talcs of SO boo at there Age
SAT—Ls in goal demand but 1111CbAlipti. Beim
- frOtlll maim of taloa& loose at 333 to 335 por too. and
5 tems premed at $3O.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Ocr. P4—Therm appears td be no disposition on the
port at basun to apatite seany Rice• *comely, and.
of course, there b next to nothing doing. Crude is
op declining slowly, mai the only sale reported to
day one 200 bbls at 20c, packages returned, and evert
at this figure boyars took bola - very sparingly.
Thera Ls nothing whatever doing In Refined, and we,
ommorpteutly, pialt quotations. The result of the
auction sales today and tomorrow I. =slowly
'looked for by all engaged in the trade, .a the intorno
win prevails that these Wm will be • fair test of the
Tho exportation of Petroleum - from New Turk to
Europe, sylvan to be on the iritrello. 'During the--
three days audit - 40n Wednesday, 16C,108 gallons were
exported, of whirl 151,240 gallon. wen to Liver
New , York Petroleum Market.
!pedal Diapatch to tha nihilists& &mats.
Nair Tom Oct. • ZN,Crnda ts and nominal
with small Wes Nos the spot %Wk. Salad to
soul wag and lower; miss on the spot at 473 1 .843 M
- lloseingr dellsery its36oe, busts optkan
-48,360c, buyers option, and iatanary
rrett all has declined to - 4dc547e, and Naptita is quiet,
At 25.• C.
Allegheny Live Stott Market.
Our. D-The cattle market Ina boss more active
'during the pet week, sad while the receipts hero_
been felt, reaching about Union hundred bead, there
Wes Doe probably over two hundred head of really
grad cattle on gale. There • wee as active demand for
prime cattle milladle for butchers, and all of this
guilty sold readily attend prices. Mock cattle are
Teri dull, and it is impassible to toll this made of
cattle only at very low Swim; azy2 to - 1,1% cents per
pound. There were ewes= t 6 Ball bead sold to goy-.
Situnent buyere at prices ranging from 3 to 3* pay
pound, =4 thine may be coundered the ruling rates.
Mood beery cattle; suitable for the retail trade, ware
In active demand, and all that 'offered were.sold read;
lily at pricessusging from 4 lo Wic-the .outside - kg
-1 Ore really;chalce cattle: ,
. A goverument contactfor four thousand head. of
mane Inn to have twee awarded In Baltimore on 1
Thursday, sad some of our dealer. we are, Infra's:tali -1
are now in that city, looking afar the lateral. of
"Uncle gam" Title new contract, ; - we ntoterirtgad
mile for Wm* amt. 4 .ightall AMA tertles bekasei
Isotathrnptrartle,knd none other. it le paritit* , e_ss
anted,. will Le eseeieed it is thought, as We ends
at cattle li Yelp wenn, that d 91990 s prim 11,13- We
to bard wait title contract MS fortuity .
- rp - c - .. - Trologlis correct report of the teset4 sates
olcat made &Worth° week: ' . . _
AS llrabaM sold 33 head cf. Ohlo stock at al per
handl 4 - it. an Aoki Sfl et_24340 r
I:, r ,, ct iv ul.l; J,O
Itupsge Ail gager hea4;4,..4.1X IT at
WOO per cam Mg 2836 per nuund' A kJ Mee VI
4 - ---' 21 , at
at VA meet Xnalls.e. otasrtoe 2d1:2 1 / 4
we pound; J • aff hentslsl2 per bead; • Tata.
akau at $l6 iVolut I/ 71.Jehoswn ZS at.i2D per
- bud; Harrell* . Autos Min iter CI W &am yg
a t:ißM 41W , Clerd 21,22121 M had; L Castarlin* 21
.123,13Perawrer 21tabilk per head; E WM
..tiotaySiGekked 446% 111 0 2 21 at r r r e C
AMU= 40 41934 NA 9rWelless 9) .at - ,q.„lffin
Igurdoch.g) beactof Ocreurandtattird Mk; yernent:
C•lbssobet lb bantoC.-.betfara . st-J - M. 33e.,e1;ere A .
-Btu; nee BO hatalgiOnd Wa11102 102 -00111 . 0, k - B 1
.. r .34.4..,.....,Mai1ad 'Alt /ma al
•Krotta4.oores4 l J,:hl4 ,
_,OM• slack ist
-11.2t1lerrUg :wan IneldreiSdaeraakd Utast
. .•. and at . ( *OWE , it4e Ofj WI on bfkaws fie,
mart i4.104)(0. 0 anakw Awe se* Ojeto sears
5e75144334-4anoillte le bead of tatia a giq ,
•Wee Winless *bead impel Claud Vi War
Untseta;l7:balleat..2. ;yl.! - /,.. t , r• -,..,
~,,, ...: '., '', ~..f. ..1 ''. . ... "I': . ) . 116010 .--- a. :, •:, 7 .: C,; _ix
r . ;?4ejeeitalln9lApialitili o r t . (9o299l6o
i t ii
siMet - dho w , .
.1!9*.=.99:9 1919 irety spoke:
lag,nf nit Worker ~,11611* le a 311r...1M4,,
pincigrallY;fo 01 . , lirtheldaion le not set leg
Ininugh adesespeel st i , 11'9, 04 Hsu, OK&
Wen detnalidiOuttey isiti_ IV/ ram otaTk.F
sold Ste leer' dg _
'new.' bo, .o.4estee
leers trebet`ferinfeite on %ea neelty:st-toll.
nt e our gfghWOrlatillft 125 21 6: Pik P 1.05 2,"
:Ware Tioi n e dmAcg.,,-::: , :4-:
' The tollowletis i:•4!{ , err4fitlasi. of re* nf
- - rod37iiejkaittoktto:erestaki 7 op 3.
j l 'r o g' S . 9 X ,l '‘ a - ;, 4112 ; . 6 0 4 i .". 11 4 , 40 4 Is:
ließ~h9U:4,4l34C9oid.iixtilaso. iliifult:gittii •
' mo d aefdifti.4l4:lolo.!v e tensics 2m t h i :
i 0 cu5k,..4. 1 , , v ! ..,.,.., t., :11 ,,.!-, r.."' , 3_,7::3 -II '
Nltoote en 4. 0 AIIeAMDAMIIk .Itr,ilottlltOg ~
Cochran tilittNsiiiiiiiintsir : - 'll ll.,
. : ra l talkg.. i ; ii ,4-1' 4: 1 0 1 . , 3 - 4 i.- ~.i 44:- :
a a roo dozon.w.rvawsg-os 7 2 4.- 1
klifeeY99o9 betietatea 636 a tsiiiroods,w4lto I
I:waa. - • ,-,, -! -•-, ~:•.• -, ~
zinatg44)4 l *44..tvirsiol: li k iiiat r. J
_ - IlsoasoktkoiloWlM hee4asstaglog 22n he,
.7.g. - .1.1 - 7.:.,; -- .. ! " - ' '• 9 ''' '.
11cag3014/**401.41113 bead. atrag" 1001KG:A171,Y 1162477 --; -,
-• •• tat e,1049111446.1•40,49990Dir =I 4. g o o, mew al,lsdricludirligd ll ,:tkid
...-. - , ,
/ 12C- gtAct bdP.l2lll` b ad . ..* ,' *ggeleUie.. ...10:1301MIT.!1.- - -
Mkilir deld§l9s4;')i-6.925r2k2,322" a „...",„,...-4,&...,
..,,,,,,,,........_ -.. , 7„ 7a • m i sMag.zquar ,
:-. , i.-283;x4;aiator. i v. ~,1......iat.,- , :, •:. . 4,3 ak w
and OWN - Vim - ''rgi' ; Gfl l i _ '
ie i v ! li r a:a . rlogemO taaominzuw
=ma& Jr.. -- a
r stools
___,..... . _
ma ....4mi ll erwrim,---
Wart; rrigat - TiTrrinlar4i- - 1 apit ja af 4.
'lninWriplambe to eliskt goo lIIT' sold lif • '. ' /o* -016. cbM111111: -- -
at PPP Pr Is mvom a ca.
--- ". •-• +tiM;l4illtiiii- ti-- . 1.. '
..X.fittriiifilibiftics Lin, OeCtie ' " 1 .
&ilar—Tie•iiiiisibefor" Biar boa COntiniteit .iiri .
xmod4n:aje. duce out Isat, and Itel4le to notice • slack ,-
• 'Wuttato--PAUthag arta to
of one- 1.
diflttb of a cant , 11 lb, though at the close a little i
more tote yea apparent. Refined is In better res_
I . A , fo nli J a lther thattlituart's,l B iit.,B for i i is u ,„,._. ' i
16 for Soft White, and 8446120 for'YtThrn.- ....'
sect Raw are 1469 bbda. Cu at 11@d2ilic, 100 ,
bags do 11X,e, 318 bbds Porto Rico 124314, mostly 12
(412%c, 84 New Orleans uoilay,p, and 1,301 bolter
UttLila 1.1914ti,c, 4 rum. - • - •- -
31ohlwes--Tre S no activity in the demand. but I
we notice a steady fair inquiry, wqrcially for the bet- 1
ter Arscriptions, for which prices are well supported. ,
the stock being- condi. Rho sales are ITO b.bds., 14
tee lad 2 bids - prime Idnec9Tado at g Mntl; 161 b-hd.
and 20665 - fair to good do, 501443; 10 hhde Cloyed
Cu b s, 45;-and -651, bble Now la in. 48460, 4 Enna
, At ; Hoskin 650 labli sour Cuba sold at 370t$ cent.,
4 ziki. ,
- • Tea-ollekarkit kw alnuat cow, to a stand, and
while Oceans are stass4,l3lecks arw not so Om so
Went, tna *odd •aor i_uirl 'ear illirPm lo . l e'ar
=cy_ Tbs sake antlso Itaitetiesta.Green in-English
order, 093-Oolong, per St. Paul, and 200 do Souchong,
la bond, on private watt.- - - .
. . .
CtkleigOlilfitlititte , -- -
„ ,
. Oat. 22.-41ke decline Injoist . today causal lower
vices - to prevail to the 0 tee Martell, and prices
of. flour and clan favored . buyert.. Tktere was a fair
degree of activity' to vale atilii *line. The Plow
=riot was dull, and the salast.roaking were hardlY
sufficient to establish quotations. The
1 freight recitals the great difficulty in thsseray of •
more artivemartels.. The. Wheat meriust suftwed a
Idecline of We per bushel, with a fair business defog
it thwdecline ;' the alai were liberal at $1,08011.,07
for.Nosl.Bpring 1.51,024:Wn% kw $0..2 Bpring, end
05358*-for }Mooted Bprittlt star:. Wietargrat i
111(1101=1,-tins. eth2lsuysre_bel3 Jetty short sel
lers. There was Utile or no demand for shippinf i
The mle•were light et 213793.1,e , for No. 1, and 711
fjc „ ..1 , 1 bio. : to stern; oaks &Boat were made •
0 ts ware in good demand at a decline of
foryto - par btallel, with liberal sales at the ramp
of bwr 4 4o far No. 1 in.stort,,atatMs7e for N.. 2
in store—cladag apsiet ate , 4 e for No. lln
store. Blames with • and the market
was comparatively s I. end Ana at 90022 e for No.
lln store, with the sake at qviolatisins. Barley wen
to request and sbady at 11,1531,12 for No. - 2 in
of n oesrat Ann at quotations. Bighwines
-era least of asks; holdall Were uking Cdo, and
' b4/11* were of
Scott , . Weekly Coffee Circular.
. prlnto.4 tn.— 034 Illarso'be....4 50r.33}00 1 5
V: :: 2 VA ir:.."......7 :: M
" ord . 31 031% St. Do mingo, ch.lD3 029
add of Rio during the past'lrook amount to 10,100
V;orrtedo-i'aaPIAC Plot"cries"11.111" snd
our quotations mutt Do '
consitterrod at noraluaL—Now
Cleveland Market.
OCT. Y6.—Floor active ; sake 103 bonnie XS red
at 56,00 r 100 do do at $6,25; 100 do '31.1. white at ST.
Wheat--ealition `Change 1 car led or track at $1,26.
Since the Board the market lme teen very quiet; ire
hear of takm - 3 cars red on theck at 51,21. Oink — o '
6an at 01e from store, and 1 car on track at 00c.
Oats—aslee 3 care from store at ae, sad leer on track
at 61c. Bye mercy; the Bret transaction reported for
over amonth i antes 1,000 bushels from store at 51,16.
Purley—rake 1 car on track at 51,30.
Imports by Rallroad.
Cazrzcsan S •Prrrestwom Itartanms, Oct. V--
221 eke torn, 8 B Floyd; 30bble ePPIU, J ikr 0011 ; 75
-do do, A dimmonr, 10 bp barley, Jab Ithoder, 7 eke
onions, 3do beans, Adam Lippert, bbls cider, Ido
buns, P DlcKeloy; 10 bbl. flew, 19 eke potatoes, 0
Ws apples, T A Atkinson; 2.5 Mrs candle. and soap,
diartver & Lamar, 25 do scup, Graham & Thomism; LTJ
bbls aple,. It 11 Votgt & co; 10 pke pout 0.1..3 , , MK.
molter & tang; 3do do, J Daub; 14 pkge produce, W
P Beek & co; 40 eke potatoos, ;McClelland & Davie; 40
do do,- ,Tu Lamas; 11 bids apples, 'Frank Vgor.
der, 20 20(1 .00 wheat, .1 8 Liggett & o; 33
bbl. diner,
t. damtobacco, W& 1)
Rioehart; 150 alts wheat, B T ly & Bro; 14 bbls
1 1 , 9emr. Meibretucr; ft co; 50 do who Lambert &
Shlpton; 149 rolls rooting paper, Lupton & Olden; 9
mils battier, Hays & Wavreit; up
o n
whisky, L ;
Purcell; 30 do tobacco, B Ralson & p; 17 hhde do, J ;
Omar; 4 do do, 'lt W Poindomusr,l dO do, F A Mums;
Ido do, .1 W Taylor; 1-do do, A Shaub; 719 bbl. flour,
McDonald & Arbuckle; 1 bled bacon, C Caldwell;
dodo, B B 8; 751'balut cotton, Thu Arbuckle.
PITTII3OOOE, IV. WAY= & Cilletoo 114.110&0. Out.
29.-181 bgs mill food. A J 3 cars turn,
Hitchcock, bbl., & co; Ido dot 10 bbls applos, I
Rea & Keil, 100 e flour, Wm ItiCre oo ; 911 bp
mill feed, Webster &Baxter ; ; 27 Am °attars, J Kirk
patriot it Blue 21 bales cotton, Kin , Ponnock & oo ;
bah lard, P dollars; 57 bbl. eider, Campbell B
Hutchinson ; 43 boxes cheese, Little & Trtruhle ; 1
tar an and-cute, J Blair ;Ltd bge; pasta* Whit.
B 800 ; 1 car metal, John Moorhead& co ; 5 bble apt
pin, Kaiser •31 do do, Lii Voight & ;sdo do C
ltfolatein ; 209 bap barley, B Hertuagb d co ; 177 do
do, W 11 Garrard. _
crrr ORDIX.f.XCES.
-- - -
N . U
D 1 NA.NCE authorizing
change the grads of Nola street,ver the
A old Cana: - • - 4 •
Esc. L or:LOW cod eroded lip the Moyer, Al
&rime coma eirteem Pitliherrh, fd Wad owd Clormatos
Cleaseele emaiskle - - ,ad it 6 hark
ordained cod raactod
by A. roahteity 4 the saw, That thpreet Commit.
we be end they are hereby soder co have the
grade of Yens street, over the ot canal, changed
and lowered to such geed. as may fixed by the
Beeordlx% re:gra:4.r, and appromdhy said Commit
tee; Premderk however, that the cost and excemae
thereof, and the damage. . say. *lmre
from to private. property, pald by nob perm, or
persomoortorpvtatloa; AS the said Committee may
: agree with, oral without eny expense or liability on
the part.of the city.
Ordained anti etatted Into* Law in Councils, Obi.:
Tottrdaref October, a.-D.
Presldett of Wert Coonctl, pro tom.
A. rest :B. lifoxaser
l Auk of &Lea CanneiL
President of Common Comod.
kmaoi Irki.azr“.
A 0 B, D II! ANCE Bopplementoty . to
Oidlimara relative to tN. ;grading. paving
end eating wail mirbenone,llortott street, from the
A. V. B. to the P. R. 8.. passe& nth July, 16461.
Sm. 1. Be Y oedema4 cud ousccal4. Mdyor,
. domain. ritisma of Pillsborpk, in Ar i an era emotes
Cbsseils rambled; and if is hereby nod emend
hi threat/O*V of Um mere; That Chi,°Mame* eat I.
tled"Ati Ordinance authortaing tlsgng, paving
and letting curb-dons, Motto street, tram the
A. P. B. 1)....05-Butlar street, to t pews. E. 1t.,"
gram= th July, A.D. 1863. shall 4. Yo sinended m
to authoring, the grading, wing end setting with
curb:stein:l the mid Norton street from the Penton
B. IL to the Allegheny river.
OrdilDbl and enacted into • lax in Cranells, this
StAh do October, A. D. 1863.
• WK. C. mccurart.
President of Selem - Conncii, pro ken.
Attegt: B.ldozzotr,
clerk of Select Council.
. JOE'S It. MUM,.
. President of Common Council.
• ttait ItoankrlLarrza,
Clark of Common Grand,
N ORDMINICE an .othin.i tly)
grading, panty and satiny.,_ tb orrn'treur,
O'Hara strut, Min Mtn. great to kinqUelrat WII,Ti
Arc. 1. Be 4 °rift:bat cal 'eatheted 6, Ilha Now. Al
dews sad etimpai of PitAibovij la Odra lad COMMA
Game* onewitial, sad it it beety arld arida
by thrindUrityle Or otos, That to Recording Beg.
tilatotta cabs Albania diret to Mamba SOI
=or the padinikparing_ letting with
011ara 'stree, trout E Med to Da
quest* Way, and-to lot es maw the manna.
rectsd ' by an ~ ordlnanta of- marimba;
atrienvimand Assist at, A. D. l
and =dad taw a -hrw do Couswil 4 I bi ,
...Mb flay of October, A. D. 111113. j
.. _ ' •
?mama of Select Ointoril. Polo*.
• Attait r Z. B. Illortionr.
Clerk of Watt Cotarti,
JOillit E. KILLEN,
~ • Praddent ot Common o:mica
'Admit , : atm* N'lornor, i
• ' Clerk of OomnionTonoriL ,
- 01111USIANCS amborizing the
c3;uitte=i6o4: stid: • mac with cerblitcw.
tuna ono, t Penn of to aborty stmt.
Bs ardsiolt erl melee eir Neoxr.
fibdin. ma eausts. osr Olutero l / 2 iss SW and COMM
ortabtoe, II ft frets enlaced ad motet
ti the feeassetoe fle Now Ms oil &Kermit; Bas
ids* eml bss Sitscissbr drawl to dimwit tar
=,,br the reft4 Plant 110.4 *Mtg. wish
' Roth 'illsosirMos-PocAurest to Lteri/
sUt t alg oo ll Wit tbsspeljal the tetator &mutt by
ettofCeleethe galas ttniPtio rem ,
Mot Ansvot,A.
suutessadod lute as Um - Us Cowl% this
SIM day of 9etet4t. 4•IL
_ C. licel
111111411110 tit &Asa Coancitank Mn.
.1.1,10 1 : W. 6,litossuw, .
art et . ethyl tkeeten.
• • • . joint it.zumm,
- 'Mama of Orussoti Coma.
AM" ;Irnisrlf"..Kaszta.
• ant ot Cousisco Coma.
OE Wu; the Baku ot
A N - 00114 . 0 . ,
tbeeltymmete: • "- amoi i g ,;' 4 , 4/ ,„
10.1. We efordelliiimod . ,
mow* le Mai sssa piris
4firitali c ia awk s
Ffit=l: 6l .,..*W 1 7 =— r
y.. ' gm bt b st
ti. 000 0 4. - 0 , - ,C r eba la Kt flemdmi ,
Ulla& Pio et arAlpape*- - .
li . m.l6Tbsiigt traillinte*Ole
IpMpt WWI bt lls ,'ltL d b .. o 4 ,
a54.41/41a4 MVO w .
Ml ' ' 4"s " ria:D.F twit teal e- ' STIIT,
' .14 ;4•.• D%ar
,rro "L
r.19. 1 . 101 i at I lle cant EXMI - 44 7 1 ,
.t . tt: 0911= 001 10celacii.1
„ m a i * m a
T: - ..i:Aterk.atilimagrec
i VAILM--PtifralLE,--The undersipted i lean ,G" ... fia
I 1.: offers at priesia tie.. sem valuable Tarp ha i 91131E.WE• ~ ..i .4 . ,
,_____ - r - 4 1 ' --
Mifflin tosstashm,•gheay• oonnty . PA, containing BANGISCLIEN . I • :tilt•li t:'' , i'e • •
• ' 7.5 acres, vita coal under It, its mac mils and • ...dare, moyD.A.r . -
AT TUE ,; quarter fmect J,,bil CeNtart Coal Worts, OD LSO Mo. i "gfatt. , P,ENNSTLYANI+ Mama, s PAY •, .
i nettehria r , er. * atilt._ rom_ MeNeespcurt.• end t N'INN , DAINT MAINS, - , -.1- , ./ •
1 ,gre Dal. from Pitiattft, by Land. The improee- i The TBSOUGII ACCOMIODAT/Cli . Mill
other tawre.r7 bedhlinej else• fine orchard. About . at- CMPanta-ottopynoisnat-idl Static= hatiseer=
60 scree good rleeiedland. It Ls the property for- , burgh and•Phdelphlaamd ~,,,k , d irm
met r e owned by James Finney.. ' Th.o land and omd , flea for New look end PlaLlad e
soli be sold together or repwate,to snit the buyer ; ; The TTINOLIM HAIL TBA.IN teams the Pae
.or if .ufficlent inducements be - offered, it will be cut unser Station. every iegirith a ig ~,,,A. sumo)
up and cold in leas ed ble for ..tors residences, , 2-.6. oa. ut... stopping oa k, Id. ,
If the chore nam property lanot sold before the ' m ore h direct cntctlons - a • Ilta ! la , ~..a g nil. ,
rth of NoTENNEN, It Will be offered. on said day. , m and ashingum, and fur N o , 1- __` '''-
at .oublier sale.,au the premiss. tat-go'clatk. 1 dalphis. fi e
For terms of sale cell with the subscriber, JAMES Th. Tallman sxpaxitruff ~.... ,
MECIREIY, Wtat Newton. Weamm,reland Co., Pa. 1 3,50 r,..e=onisfir.. ,ra.t.u...._....2..
ta...4.0 I direct - so sr fternhhttng Mo r a Naltimers arfd
._ _ ._
._ _ -- - , wubmeon,and flor Nee/ 'rock via Al entowa route
i D RY GOODS STouE FOR SALE, in . ~,,,d.rbiigwa.._ . _
I ..ii., • flourishing Western town on the P. F. W. A 1 The FAST LI.NR Zwaswe.tha. WA= daily (moat
1 C. 8.. 11. not over 3E* mlles..frem Phut. rgh, pow 1 Panda)/ at g=1,;6,., .toppings ra , ~ _,_ _. __
. . -
doing a LOSS. 1424 profitable trail. Th e stuck CO ! t.OULL tOnteccting i n yi•rriibm La 34 . 1 7 = 7 ,41
! new, and I. been *stetted with mferenee to the 1 Washingtmkgek.4 pta iu kdo i ll 6 ,,, N .. 7 .... k.
, tounn7 trade. Itas all been purduwed our cash at •
. ACC9. I 4/. RP.43191( :Tann.
.; lowest, market prim. •
Thapreeent proprietor-hex &aided to retire frolD The Jolizto_ wu A_eosnornesisibm v.
o, . r L ,,,,„,„ c „,„, ..,....
the trade owlog to bsd health,
d now refueleabb O...PAW nen atinote 'n•:.; p at all Statical
offers the stock for rata: al. the good will of the re. and motai A ngaalitt ea ~:,.
tiring-party.' TIM house has • late and respectable Find cocommadatian... pain ..14. way, N a n
mode, which can be retained. Ti e meant mock ierm dajiMonlit SundeMnt
W tarok. from . arse to toe thousenti-dcd/Ins, het tieCattd,Amoegigimt,taiii,:ft. win , masks
could be rednoed.if &eked. • 'Maros daily Cement Banda') et UlSla, ea.
p e . r et e e w i s hing tp t o o} am partlCSalltllrill please • - Ihira--4°M.6".a.htki IrDW Ittr Wail% Meths
addrosa Or Call poreonany on - , Imams dailtlexaspellandei) et 4:01. in.
urtax a - arotpluartso, .vouitti -I . 6 etto , eaalimPfraln. tor w•ir• Resign .
Pa. -1 Irwin dally - -(scaspallundkeltdititOlor. tn.
oolSaf _
__' ''_ 6 ? HILP 4 g ft. " t . Pi " .b.ggk l , --- The Mama Train none VAlriosition San-
day at. - WM . •a. tn..; reirirrang, Jeans pithaente s e
Bytom m.
2 '' 1121 . 4Firi 15 iltlitioargh*o MIMI
timore Me
Y Bal hilisielphia - -.....--.-12:20 p.
p. sa..
NW LIP z i , , , I T6O a. M.
'Through Nall Train.„.,. ., - Lt20.,..
Johattowle dOCOMMOdaINae.; - . . ....MOS a. sa.
Vim WalPefitattori'Anwaragtalit4... 61151,a. na.
Second Matra Mama &tinetint. 1k35 a. M.
. Third, Mini /7 itition L4O p. lb -
Fourth iltan's 800,3040011UnetWom. "-- . CM p. as.
'. BiatiniMii .101Pmeeirill ,arrise.wjth PlawilaWa
• Ihrpramat it on Xandifil ,
.Traisie ibelluaiiiin.andTmilatigdminaet atltialre
mille .Intmanotinn: with llbrotqW-Locaminadatioa.
Johnstown Acanomtelainninnal , Bmpress Train Beate
and with Bann:inns Olattemsersi to Lonna.
sedation West. • -
trains err Ebenabmr esituiscrat rewou with kr.
pray Train ant DWI Train Westland with Themes
: Aceatomodationand Zinsamillain Beat.
um pablio Wal Aid itsnstat Lti:s their inter" be
gotta .t.
or Wet. to _ ,..
_trami..tT- the Peaumsimalg
central BallmAkaathimmominodintana now WOW
c . s ee be surpasied many Aberrant*. The fly
Is ballasted with abonseand Meath* tree
W. um ProloMa naMI. '- , lp and emMtril Wi ail
who may tater thlermat with- thnir-Patrunaill. .
To 8err10rir».......41.1T0 OD
To Phlladelphta.......: 10 - To paticestai.....m... aOO
Baggage checked ten all =Wong lost the
Aix Central IWO*. ocv.teruriaphis.=
and New Tort. _ . • ..„_, , .
?mongers puretnisb4 Illulbitian. the cue will lisr7
charged .2er:ow; anoordingtqlnadirtimao trusted,
in sait to. tfialiatiois' sato . Isliiiipt tram gaske
*here tht 4losupsns Bak CD-agent
/4011"."-Aos000t/9ms,ubenomieme wM bell;
thdroislent ms.piiillile og. TlOnsmull' hagPio Okra
and for in smentitsiotatelaitiellCO.
21. :13.-it - Ontnileir glii. Smalmen intso,llll.ll
- Vlilien&l/zul:banigivid : and Prom the De
Pot, Si It ain't , : n•r3o -;:emaidllcente, ter mei pm .
49.g0r sod imams.: FR 4400 imlylo
, . ailasati Ass Ars&
fi - OIL. CLOT
McFarbad l Collins&Co,
Nos. n AND 73 FIFTH ST.,
an cottony Den and Alnico
stack at
Best Real Brussels Carpets.
A tall line of new and very thole., patterns•
T.ry chaise pstteno
_Lowell, Sanford and ottiM standard coated of
A opleadld stock of
it lam than manntreturene present prices, al whole
wile and retail.
ITZLVAT IiATS, In great variety, the larger "-
a o p r le ti a t d n d b w f
o p r i t t m ta nt e
o t f o
B b l e luPn d anyMeArTe&, tutd
Floor Oil Cloths,
Promo to Pt feet wide, ram land elegant patterns.
COCOA NAMING, fbr Cburch , A Mom. }WU
and Stairs, town arid extra quality.
Woolen, Linen & Cotton Drugget,
. From %to 4 yards fide.
CLOVlS,plain sod !army ; Embrol
&lntod arid Emoml
red, Pr
Window Shades and Fixtures
The 'tack will baring beea purebseed when
gold Ina at 2e told correspeudlng rat..
Between Peet °Ma and Didpata Buildings.
Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain
Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths,
&e., ever offered in this city,
is now opening at prices
much below the late factory
OLIVER rcumocK &co.,
1.../1•06.D.V4 v.O
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Druggeta,
SHADES, &c., at
14[0. ST S'OrTrIM STRiEtT,
6 eery large arartment of all goals In our line,
benelt at the lowest point reached In
the Eastern
Market. this PSOSOLI, and touch reduced from last sea
eon's priors.
ocl6 W. D. 111. McCALLVM.
. 4
ADITIATIO, 1.200 Horse.powerr, 1.000 tone.
HtBERNLS., 1,000 florm-pverar, 7.000 tone.
GOLUMBLA.l,oooHorielower, 3,000 tous.
A NOLI A, TAO Horse-power, 1, 000 tons.
The magnificent Stessubtp 111
from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, the At
of Nonmber.
Bauts ofpump from New York to Liverpool, pay
able in gold or Ito equivalent In currency.
lint Oahln--..-18018teeruga...---....50
loutrutediste----. 401
Pamengere forwarded alio to London, Paris, Maw.
bong, Have, Bramern, Rotterdam, Antwerp. la., at
the lowest rates. •
Irv= from Liverpool or Galway to New Tort and
Sudo., Tl l , $ll, 175. $lO6.
Tor plump apply at the ones of the Agstda.
ILA= Jaime, Manager.
&mind Oltrewicte
Sylfhlyarl No. TO Ififth Amt. Pittsburgh.
(Cou - 11aues.) The nB-known stamen of the
taunted, Nem York and Philadelphia Eiteadiehip
Oompany an fittended aa Collura:
orrr or- NEW TORlL...—.....idaturday, Oct. St
ITHA_.t Not. T.
ZDTNBUBCIEI---- -.llattuday, Nal. IL
And *very eacceedlng - daterdey, at nom,. from Plea
44, North Meer.
rung op Pusses.
pi w ebie M Gold, or oo sysitatang di armory.
luta Osers.-... —VD $0 Brurnerw... —330 00
do to London..„ 135 00 do :. en * Loudon 34 CO
dp to Parts—.... 26 00 do to Parts._ 40 60
do - to Montan .00 00 do to Haab gST 00
Amenas also fortranlad to.Harno, Bremen, 800.
palms. lawn., ass. es elEss4ty low rites.
rem from Ureteral or Queenstown; lot Cobb,
Er i par $ lO5 . glom" In Ebme who with to
In. blondsthshr cap btu tkksts henst these
Nor kraut tattratstion as dy at the Otenesunes
00loss. JOHN G. DALE, Agent.
16 Broadway New tree.
Hand street, AM hours from ths i riter.
toltlCklf - • / Pittsburgh.
CfIThILIZID Lthit.--Stias from
• • •
IS to gold. or Ur ogoiralint to emTsney.
713011 u TORE, $36 In ennrmny.
ea. way wok- AP*"
:emus ;Wrrx osspit=
.T 11.3 "OLD COIDITEY.'..
ar i c t att Sresebt cat is !nor masa Issu,
Rom Ltiarrol, Lcsasodary,Gs;yrsg.
or Oor fir
Tvieraty.l3lv•- •
Atid Ds Wig.l sL* TwErrir.osr, poi,
LABS. In varnmey.,
a f 21 : 7 11!? - - aj„,ank.
strut, Pittabargb.
MUEf,FCf,lMif r fa la l i t
CLASSICAL Urtrarl ' I ' I r
The tbs. sole *eats Sor,tlet Amp
pet wet wasootalttott et i Mute pattlatied,
ta.,Wlfeabatte, a,mtaig coropleto.
embed Ikethwreet, Now% He y 4; weber.oe4V
;Salad. Claaseato. Kato. Iltuiterelatt 'leo xt:'
ma'asteli Omura. Two and 11)f, orate Ter pert
et raw ittaikr::
. .14.44k1 871111.117 A " • . ri -
* FM , the beilftente WI& -
• - osvamitr/03 - 21 - ; T. PIASOIL ta•test Elm*
at aerie fa the eeentr.„
8124,4 con Taiprfis„ tbitehie
.tga9l4 - 4
.11014400118 the atanillaeou
G. ,
Pl4.lifani icia ToCIC
Pt 41nm,,
ocriariltsviras iYEattagilstmt.
J.: *puss, a good Frame Rouse of six rooms,-
steno cellar, orchard of poach, • pear and apple trocs
neverrilllog spring. good opting tousle, of garden
with thoire • dowers, shrubs,. ornamental trete, dm.
situated in Minn township, twelve talcs trons_Pitta.
burgh, and three coitus from the Ohlo river, at Hays.
rine btation,
,oar the Pittsburgh, it. Wayne and
Chicago Bailroui.
Per farther particulars nutruire of
Mr.. Evanurru SEATON,
on the phi...
WB . t. O. L INTN,
Fi O ndley Tosibehip
WILL - W 1 MABTr f,
- Allegheny City:
1) nide:alined errs for role • very destreble piece, containins IlOcerrei, nearly, attested to
Hefdwin •Ilornshlp •ft (rents on -tb•
rood on one aide, and one aide on the Ellnetrabtown •
road. It II part of the White flan Tenn Thu e lot
has bolus erected on Wind an orchard of Akita
and Cherry treat, bearing fruit. This lot will be sold
! CM actanamodating tens.. If not veld before the first
of Innuer7 , it trill be for rant.
For turtbar partiaulars Inquiry at WHITE MALL,
or the subscriber, in Snowden townahip.
VALUABI E --- ':Pi -- ' ----. : NNS.THEET PROP
ERTL yOll SALE.—Two Lots, Pi NIII 4
lacheS front to an alley, with Marge double house
between Hancock and Hand street. A desirableloca
tion fora Phyrician or Dantlat.
Also, *ems line imilding aitee for private residence
near litinersrills, from K t 1 acre each.
Also, a large number of building lot of eerie
mime, of from 23 to 60 feet front, by DX) to 160 fie
deep, situated at the terminus of the Wylie Stripe
Passenger Railway.
Apply to the undrinigued. ory of the eitaa:
of John Herron, deed. `V G A. ILERRON,
301118 D. HERRON,
h"—'.3m R. G. HERRON.
A SALE, situated at No. 173 Third street, Sec
ond Ward, Pittsburgh.' The Sot has a front of iiiifeat:
and extends back 16 feet, on-whit-0e erected a larger
three-atory brick building, withbaek braidings three
naTi.l. The building to finished In modern role,
ii 27.213.7 with double Perixni, Onithis mantle%) din,
Mg room, kitchen, latuadry, with tut,. 'Seiler; ataes
and path room. Also seven eemmodions besiethartte
ben. - Parties peeking • earafortnble residence, the
. abase la just the place li offered law.
For terms and price call at
pea B. IticLAI.N A C 0.13. ten Fourth strati
intbecriber offers for We the ALLSOLLISY
CITY VILLA, situated in the Fourth Word, Alle
gheny City. This Well known Mill 'hos been rebuilt
iatr, and contains four run of French Buns, with
all the latest improved machinery for manufacturing
the beat brands of Moto. Enjoys • good local as
well as foreign custom. This ls • rare chance for
business men, and we invite any who wish to
In e profitable business to coll at the NM, IV;
terns will be made known.
PUB , SALE OR LE. — C — SE—A large Lot
_IL: i
in Sharrhurg, on the Passenger Railway, Gm
miles from Pittsburgh, on which there Is • good ,
Dwelling Hon. ol 01110 MIMS; elite, *moral other
Houma, all built of brick. A well of good water In '
the yard, plenty of good fruit, and convenient to
Churches and School lions*.
For putioulars address or call on
Starpsbarg, Allegheny Canary, Pa.
1...) Tba cmdenigned offers at private sale his ,
&entry residence on Troy' MIL containing iLbout I
stx aam of ground. • splendid Brick treed:Ling 1
BOUM, an excellent Frame Bans, with rooms fbr a
hired man with family ; 1 soma to ( napes, to excel.
lent bOaling 'order ; about bat choice peach trees, and
about 100 app,le fro*, year trees, cherry, plum and
other tress. As. Title indisputable. Condttlone
eao7. Enquire of
re9:lm JOIL - N C. TLETSIMI, on the plo'
V - 011 - 11 SALE—A etrzam &ram; 13 foot]
A: stroke, 10 inch. cylinder. 13 feet iron fly 'the''.
and of *boat 150 harm power. Also, one Marital. I
two Dry Brans, and Roam Gino rollers, ens npri 3 Ot
Boring vv.% no, ono Chain Bark • Saw, one
for whin, Tail
Pump Beds tar 0 Wells, ono Dorsi
Muhl" and about 100 foot o 2,K and 2 lob Sbefltog.
All of tbs. above article. Irtll be mold at a gamy bar
gain by andying adooom at 5.1 11IT/1 b TB Err.
POE. MIX—A lot of land, containing
73 scrim situated I, l {, miles from Diszoons
(ion, on dm Pittsburgh. Part Wayne 6 Wawa IL lb
The above plopirtT is well tinnialmA srISA • good
Joss` orchard of baling (knit trim 'Thla property
will sold oo rosoonable
addram tam.
Tar fertlerpatimiligs
ocif2:Tin . 5. C.eILOTER., Bemickk7rilla. Pa.
BALL —A It of 96 het trout b 110 feet daep,
alturta on Writ Kart • smug, law ftieCatbolto
Church. It Will be di If des/sed, to nit pox. -
chasers. Term way. App to
G. 6. BATEd
ne3 Bale; streak, Lawrenceville.
VON. BALE:—Four Acres of Grocmd ,
and • Your Story Brick -Building. Entao,'
Batters and Nooldnety ; well adobe for • ICISMIL.
thetory ; *et by 1.1:01bed; eta Do porclutood for
ono-balf original-cast, by wiling
sof No. NI Grant snook Vittablith. •
"VOR RENT--Six large. and well light ,
./2 ad mops, 90:100, sultablo tor Wind
Cr M a c Elbctpa. ta timed to ono or Mama
PutkiL 13r9tY et CI rim nem. JA
WAX Dirarrwm,
*.urapigrox, Oct•ber 2, 1842.
SEALED TDOPOSALS will be neolfed at 'this
ogles until the Seth day of 'October next,' for BAND
ING end BOBBING the 42-poroader Gent, at the
Ports and Arsambi tit he United States in the At
lantio States, WilOinizt; In number on more or
• no cm will be delivered at, and removed hem.
the eatatdishotent whale the work is to be dam at
the oat, of tbe,Thalted Bhates.
- Propmals for them On the Piano Coaat4bout 60
number— received =DI the lOoh iitDecren
her rent; and in oseit of them, the gone betid:
Weird at. Ban Fraud= arils rielnity. - •
Thearena arena be turned down to a trm,
foi the .length of.twantioareci inehaaftoni
o 4 the baserft,limparedlo take a band of best,
', K night trot h 6. interior: diameter of which - ell be.
twenty Inches, slid Its thielmisis three Inches:
The wet la to be bashed with a new Bmh of yore
ingot - tonm, one inch in diameter and flora mins
gala ban ludas long, mot bored with a ;not
tentbaofen.lnah. Inds. -
Drawings Of the gees IA its original grew and with'
the band pot on can be men a. tide aim ; at the
Watertown Arsenal, Nana.; at - the :Watertliet
maul, and at thollest. York Agency, lip, da
s Worth
street, oIW Of New,toik.; an ;4 pranal at Brides- "
loss, "Ps. ;land's& Allegheny .7ammar
• Pat.t ahlhaltalltrailtattalaaadt Ara. ; dt4.994
Mks vatc.% **ha dean !o iho mains aanildintialk
' salici:itgima sb. Appointed Ao superintend it is
and paidin Ibr oath • -
I !Wdertiftcadbfeinersaaiiiimdlnoofitt.
p ltopolo4l4ll•lltaattarlege fa the Wiwi
'-oPeratiPo Ptlescriboigi 451.0 lbolvosta li t
I .,rOpOttaPtaqtat 011 , thlt - hattdi•AV/Inn
eelll and Witte:olloldt t•
row to dOttiewholtrwork , -111 a method:and the
if= tedvdrad tot44ll4.thototar,Usioli as the prime elements in tvinpilhethhl ifte MG .
tad air the nontraot,_
No, 'Ned botanuddanal Idolo any patties bat
sloth as an , engaged In the nunsdecture of
an* and heagrznac and mho in ilia opin: ,
Inn of:.atit Dtpirimeoli, 1 to axectits_the
work: • lettheMulli of - partite not known to-Wiz/a.=
• lianOneent, *Make to theforegolng Cad Itatt lac
calahliar thariat r al-%-, •
• alaaditlth. rtory sureties to A• lto•amat of
par Dep- of gilt bld, 'kW required Dst the
(illiment: or the contract; sad Gonerarroanta
. awes the 11;4 'to 7,leFt.iny'pro.l4 bld34 4.6.0011
'lnitatlighttory;.. _ -
ragsabimillb• co iv tz
4114"461.2ffirli ztot a 4 14 4010g liref r eall* .awaibrlt
cl Gut cwof °ammo::
.Irotwastauding : &Mai- 01- . rui ,
sivectaglo Taoism-who -afpo. , sma.
oes• , .
A - reiroottlfaidtio. sinestaglowamoM
14241,ts•itoosiabsir an
-11/fdpal frilb*.tart sad stizaiFkis
Zairsalil pow . Tar We. by . . r
. • :t. .
. .
630 ali' L
-',•- • ••••••••,_
307tithstrofixorstelt ram vinumt
• aninqin ctows„.,
241 7 ,
iwk i liw b v ; 7 7 U 7
M= •
Ned in MlO MOIL
CCIL ETB 41 -. 0 1) . '' :l37 - : ,.. Z.Z - '
PrrinUMMOD a u ~.... 414
WHEEDIIIif SALLSOA ,•;.,-. t 1.... ., --
SiONDAT. Anti) -/Oth,•Xe4e.lnactits will Dims thii
Depot•of Um Psnosylnrita•ltalltdial,. in Pittston%
se follbsi: • '
Plltiimek sad neiffie les.
teaves-Pittsburehl* LW a. tn. - &10,a. le. Plidd fe• M.
do Wellsvills. A7O. lille . PM "
do StenbeurNi 4:10 .: .11:07- . .11A3 .
do %Chalk% . relo . I •
MIX. . SAS .
Arrives Deltaic. tad " 10'26. . 6:10 "
Cm:meeting at Stenbearill. EX Seib& with Stan
teinvilluand I.iiinallillicsid and Central Ohio Salk
odd for Zausrille...Desearlm- , Colatems, Fan*
ton, Inatene.polta. Clactimaticlotdmile, Coln, dl.
Louis, St. Joseph-emu& al wohlltrat and sonthwial,
and at Vlioilllutirithllattimomand Ohio Raamail.
• pwAlonlined •Clieettaet Miss.
Lamm Pituburgb—...—L.i..: tel a. m. ltilOp.m.
do We11vi11...—........—....,. LlO . SW
do Bayard. .....--...* .11c40 " 4 : 01 . ^
do Alliancs---- , .. 606 " 4:411 .
do Davairui..... —.--..1. "D5l. . ded "
do limison.—...e- -- -:—.. ;14.4 . dila "
Arrives at Cieve15int..—......1... - ...,:ai1d " TX "-
Connecting at Bayard with latacstrawas 141 iit
New Philadelphia and Canal Dom; at AillazumWtti
Patelnueb, Yuri Vajne and - Chicago Mao* at
Ravens with Atlantic sadliteariVestern Banned
tor Warren, •Cressnollli, -Aleauleilles, Union, Ovey,
Jamestown and Balannumay at :Matson will OW.
Mud, Zanesiritla and Cincinnati Mimi rAlva.
COyances Falls and XillsrsOurg, and at, to
with 0. tD. D. IL for "Tre,Duntirlt and Dunks
with C. a T. B. IL for fenunnty,:Toledo, and atm
withsteamers tbr Detroit.
Wellvilla Accommodation Nava at 3:50 p. is.
• Saturnine trains antra at sap 11.... m.. AID sad SOS
p. m. and Zile a. ca.. ..
• Throttle Tiaots to ill pltsetiiput points -ens be
I procured - id ths Liberty Dtreat•llonert, Pltlabsreb.
OLORGS PA , lc lel 'Finest Agent.
I And at Albiewau City. - --- '
A. Q. r •rt,BlinS.T, Ticks! Ague.
For Farther intomatlein
' wlLLuat STEWART,AgeeI,
At the Company% Macs io,,FnilielieStation, Pima at
OU rirrsatritou.
pints 60 C Cosestiel
• .Witifgottaa-CiersAtefeti et
Vet= to
tits ifs lt-bss4ewetsede to thee
Uses Giants et Aim`
of Peengits
eisetiai beiWdolystrottised ecoxi=e
the esiltdistowits of Able
"As floi tit proilds Nattoseffiftwwwl, semi tf
it pep of Units! States litockeiiiid mmeta
the elecalsitob thereof, eppftwelt
Nelatiry %%Irina. settliss_boomplted with ell the
peovitions of sidtf Act rogialied taibe compiled befors:coisamtnalas— the badness strZaziking
Now, titan:fore, /Jima .XcAlgeds,
of the Cstroncy, do ..befaW• th=l "- ia,
4 =6=4 of - eneet/Wiodletsts rof Peausylies% •
azitherizect tO 0:60121=101 Oki WWI" ot
dst the Act aforetid& •
• teattlioDY w • same Lei
fland eat
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:sham mean rust if thecououf. 2
T. Apcercloott.Walt4WW :the Mail*
Trot Ocummar, stow fat al*itsid4cm in Ulle, El
itirt'be li, yak is4Crisfti Ow* tailor - -
actetwpodmrthe sww, Ms will swift lbw '
sa p taw a P f aStealko, „,../Qicrwitlißials .
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alai Raattlsato* *Me* * appliastes as
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I'l !,-, '-'•-•slasa****AlrarataiLlntrlL
Jaz S. meratisahrt v - c4.l64iist. zvanadt.
--- ratcmanac ---- John Kaaba&
'l'M:maw Sion: ' l. ::::• 'ails* IL D. Mat
„ o baseassaannwy,„e- + littl Bur. • --
3 !IF= . aalwas.
' Cada Mizrok- •-• ,-..- .11**.a.liadias. '
- Jolua,C6poohaW:: . ..:r - .,`WolOor 2. Jiandkon.
- John 0. illndkri, -- ,- • - W wt Orr. •
• " G00nninh..04.....g.: v. I ' o bi%
P -r• Mood ilialx:rW: r.. 1 , AllsaTlOUsalls%
:. ..,Cll•episs_4l. l 4_galaz' ,:, .e - pa salam
- - rwm..ballit ,. . a. laaabser*
• - - John „lb** L" - ' =ma IL Ilabssies,
Tuadi L ar
- Wiats*ll. Mama. J-. - alsiselir rota,
-11.-Moskiar Maio Vaal* .
' S 7=F.U 14"4 -111-z "" r =
'' Willissallawsist. t i , liatrolsa •
" - Ifiimpaul &Malt*