The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 28, 1863, Image 4

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    • .
• • ...
ail' I AND SUB ulto.ti:LY.
. —MO Gipal-T-Tt. Chicago. -
As wo have previously innottieral, - lieu pe
-' triode Ladles of tbe ffetthweit Stateehave in.
•' ',
la.trrataa a Milainialiriir at" Chicago the
pr0....k.a yowl. tag- he Appropriated for
"the li trait ontosoldfcri, The ladies , ,• wise
._ .. ..,..... -
h ale isalcrea late . . thiair,igantla enterpriaa
toskcautsppesi to their , leitteretti nif,paror of
• thienootfry ut come forwarl-ao he ip'thetst in',
....the ebtal work., Wofbee-it repOited thatSeit
• Tilt lr. wed the. liew-Eoglind -Aimee tme el.
I' tedy ratroiroloilwith pionsisestpforward largo
.• - gurtutitiss. of eligiatiflWlUred.7.oopds. Pius
" bure t alutlo will se.. Ave -.iltonsand dollars'-'
• ',worth . of _sr:mental:tutu; Ax4..aiverai of .citir .
lain aro throf at Chicago..auplarntending ibi
' - Arkangemerits.- The Gilpin. lad, of MG:
smoke° have: oollected Fob l m quantity
' of aPeoleseme of 'oe'iMa''' Mff..bare • hit„:
upon the novel Idis of 'iiiiiibltiat themArstia
• them ' tity,-, bring ing- Money t_hustaitted to
....eisilthe euntributiousithere: • rty eireabf:
• ..tikidharst been donatad;anticattletavo been
rtf.PrQmiied. _Dian a anksessitignsachluM been
been Oros ,plomiseti; in Loathe liat. of. arl
r . itices now mimed yfoulti,swittito,sereri OWN'
•.' simui foe ffm puldieation,and more &Aston:
' '-tithiallyeeming ip.' Thii.Parisdelyida Bawd ,
- Of Trade have laptisid,nalibicripiton inlaid of ,
the &it:olnd- somethingliatidiotrie iti,a4 he el- ,
• 'pettekfreitt that nit:trier.' "' „.
- •••••The following is the al:0V Made f or 4ssisti.,
, Thu women of .the-liotitiwettifirePtY foot-
Int the necessities of. ur...tattling aobliery,
' aro about inaugurating. lt great fair, which it
. IS holed will bo the means of bringing' them
...pectualisry asiblianco. Streams of supplies are
'needed fur our lirestOris ticlSpittaf, AO Must
.-' be' keitt firming so . lessi i iii the war .obntlitme,
dor already fifty that/mind-at ont"*-,boye! prue
gi l t,
'subea in theta sad places, end the 'num..
bar Is oonstantly augmenting.. Yon tie not
be reminded, gentlemen; thst•therb hIS en
-.llm;aintliti,.no well'ail a tie of' oonstm nit3r,
,between lour State and Ortre, Some patteef
our State are-settled entirely by;eitisone from
yours, and so it is intol the five There
13tates contributing this enterprise. There
-fore;• our valor. is' your valor, our success your
smelt; ind our suffering your suffering.
- - Appealing to those facts, and to the love
for the cprouton,cause which is
write known to
to ;basar.
interite• your organisation, wo k
you for a donation, which shall
,n illustrate
- year well known literality arodonrecessity.
Onr friends are noblykind It We in thia en •
' dearer. Ileston, New ffork,eheateri, gam,
ford, ind.Pitlaburgli hive as as' with
the ontboilaras attikgewansity of their tchapor
towards our Pair. -
-Oar enterprise-will be the largest gathering
over known in the West. -- Agart• from its pc
-etrialary; adyantage wbteb ettolhor will be'
commensuratewith'ttietwattie of the cau4o, as
an o p t ietng of sh e ,Loyel Women of the 'Feta,
to chow the Array tbe sentiment cherished at
home, it will be a thing of large apt/Seine°.
Some idea may bo formed of the vastness of
the 'enterprise; Ishii wb state tho, besides
the display of the manufactures, the arts,
seleitecs, cattle shoat, agrieulttire, ke., ko.,
the evening entertainments are • arranged o
follows :
Ortolotr 27.+Ehildren's concert- The choir
will be formed by shout 200 children. The
programme is a rich and varied one. •
_ Gember 28.--Tablearm, revolving staWag
Ant classified, under the management ?I' S. 01.
Wilson. . _
0 wear • T3.—Tableanx, by ladles of De
tusit. an isr the. assuagement or Major Cam,
of shit city, - former United States otomatat
Os•aterr.-..Conctirt, under the Management
at i. name of the
is a suf-
Ott guarantee of the excellence of the con.
• cert.
betot,er at ,—Preatestada.aeacart. -
ter 2 cad a.—Tho entertainments for
these evenlags axe not yet:sufficiently area gad
Ao announce.
Noeither 4..=Leetare by bilis Anna E.
Dickinson, of Philadelphia.
Arovmsbe; s.—Tbe Governors, a states
Senators, and other-distingubihed gentlemen,
will dine with the ladies 011 this day, and ad
&eases will be delliered hi sev.r d of them
in the e vetiing.
brocelotovr O.—Lecture by 'Sties Anna E. Gil
ts:won, of Philadelphia.
Norre.ber ho Gar se man ladies clo thi
enusrtainotent or the two weeks by a grand
~~f.~ l
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Secretary Stanton and the Cleveland
:,-. _..
`-, On the 00e3f1011 of the late visit, west, of
Rearet,rr St&lton and Col. Stager, a special
nab. le a . 'tr. hol them orm the Cleveland
and 1 , ... ottrgh ....trona, and placed in charge
of AiHainaut ooperintandent S.C. flacon. The
trip was made from Ibis city to Cleveland An
Asir hours and thirty 9211311 tag. The Secrete
ry, on Ills antral al Louisville orderedl the
following high compliment to Alm Decors of
Lott:ted :
n:a, Ir.y., Oct. 10.---C. E. Ciorkaw„
, dwisemst Superintendent:: --ThellettedalCret W ili
404 11 1. Oa return his acknowledgments for the
protapt and skillful taunter with. width hswas
uensported over your V414;431(1 saki yolk to
convoy his thanks to the oflicere lb charge of
theetenin. Aimee Staoss,
Col. and Sap. U.l3.ll•Telegrat
The Cleveland Ana -Yitudetrgt itellroadas
. Tama damaged -with greet - skill, and:wifb meet
' -
rmaar ,they it to aparty
of ..
Pab l ly
Boston Cotton Gootts Market.
ay 22-lo Dry Goods very little thane has taken
aloe the past week. The 000ltaisalon and jobbing
.sw am doing veri little. The idgb trims width _
goods lave reached has led to a more ge eralarre - Prrraw.w:, Nov. 111, 1366. ;
on the put of holders to rvalhie. This U
.., - .- De. Err= nom been. more or 18 " , In nil
''"deaullmanwiesircbsaVAT,Twho:""ffed w3C.nmtellwawl°etTettAi :137IXtealift- ''.----- -----
4 ifiNtirowilin'eftdmy'ithroatth th.einntmioteresof wisodselszammedbas""tont4Lpree,
4 OD
roust soon will be trot temporary• Ideal o Was Dtrassethar, Al ..e . rent my 'peaking Own • • whispar, and by taking • 1
COMldiedlolll2o4loll WS Ida out, and but very few '...'
WajUsaMs' "bir 2 ' 1- lbw doses of the aterve Byrop it would relieve the
bare Amy awo to operate with. The scarcity ate t
high price of n o w' e tal le to
b• , !MILLED Pa 0905,61.8 will be received at this I ro ttrotr
production. Some m "...-P.- ---• clam until the Nab day of October sent , tor BAND - lln rementownling • this medians, I must totheelta
and others are
ip;rl:g to take tb• owns worn , ING end DUBBING tbe 42.pourider Grow, at Ow
With desirable election at 466 00 . I'l 5 . "" I Torts and Arsecode of tbe Mild Metes In the at. I tingly say that it is the best moody 1 trot fanzet,
limited supplies et litinn u t tr I.
" T T litiU 1 %antic Raise, amounting In clamber to 100 more m ; purpo rt ing ro cure the abort, nor should eel 0 0 : 6 TY
.. olacmusr"d• f " • r a b o t to of hot e.,,t fro m, Ibe without this remedy tor diseases so prevalent.
7='sridthetnllls ve no altarnat ve
...., mod - The gone will be dell at, and remo m, , Toms. rocwi resLic th a l l'
Paustddiacatamiutsv:aigui,-,„,•„„z„-ii„..._,,,,„„... . tb.
sue r work is obe dons at • WABD J. .101= 1 ,
General Reetterentle al, sanely etan to wit° s P r j't Proposals Sir thole on the Plinioc Coat-about
60 Dabbler Canons' DePedi Dna- I
t 4 eneetto2o:trl6oo *T . b*ldgreltnlrtS, to number•-alintw tes•isetiViittft,the loth Of Downs.
Orliethlrall, Oct . 27.-Gonerel I:between* ares, wail omen mimes weitimel by. ,
c.. te . t ,........ _„,. to , am , t,...u. .eiotgm' o f t° da- ooL. men An , D. IMElrats rocTouT,
aid. le s Meth before the Merchants' Cs- ends, ontot: abut
0.4.etT1e,,1040:10: am ip.z.L it
ii,4:;;, 'F.Wprbe
and.. ECITR ..
.iri% .. e.e. e.
eliang•yeeterday, tbat it woe bit ferns belief, cr alp: . 2 ~..
.. t.
i t clot”' lao ..cme— , wuf g lu g h "" **4 for the kWh of metres's= Inches from t mar De- 0-06•1.-Dare8 0 4 Lim. the ••••••. -- u': ,
othileth.t, - . bad " ' for tit* bitter is cow
pan tinongh p prisoners af nor. c... __..., , ~..-2:- „ - ,
,_ _
._, stite ir.... re tm on ht to have the action la sold op clwe„ bt Unto ta• interior alamed of which will be i -w--e.
111"11"eutlY "nt
" 'Cb""3"°Ra di ue* ate VI M ' The. Wan .f lb* boo. fixie 1 01144 " 11 to Wile •WO of tit b.° w a ro p t rta..i.. the, ozeotioom or s„.. pectoral Joint D. SCULL_ i,
dint theyve, day tuld ul*br. to be 401110, t 1 ,.. \ ;;; I d wi e l ti z a t . woaldinejdrar in ins pl babe: esisollre,tahetbb_terkbonbefe:obeetbcioistouboersigrnoinetwohniLd nea rl y c ' er. iir°l- WT64 * hi& t in t , • !oohs. , Cormb 8 mono: ", Oaf 0 1 . 340. In ..,---- - 4.4°144 - -----.LI-.... " . "" rwa. "--
Cleveland fliarked. 1 t"u" web°.
"a to
:mocked res win MIL lit dAVINGI3 BAlarefte. 66
The vota
to ta Odd with a terir Boob cf Pere leg t b A t it, t o o n rro W. D
illIT• 'bee c britttu f :% Tolle* arditV6 .. noun; brit wan eent. in t ei-, o ne Inch to diameter and about Dine „, . f 0100 . 0 „,
Om : 0 . -I.°lx-1, better . MTh sales .S. kw t.a.k0k5... 4 b. u4 ' Kb *"'" a t " °- - d 000 , , ro .„ 4„,,,,e1t,... FOUR= &MX& r
flood to Me toeet oudltoterier frimi • st r i tb . z . tzo.
4 ,cifttailtbile:begrzt:obsztgbY'l-Celli'lljeticb:lfUL:2;l 7: e rn".derCigtgalitalritr:uriscurl'vt sa t sultw po wsP7to.- libitnilt"-31:1.7041'111-:'1.-frt:,„1.71,01irbs%C.17,,,seecirritoe‘bnitatr1/4°„'; ' llighef "t b o l f: tt en,enj Fell. r ai Tek -•- " :- Ilidgmil by ' =P o 1,441411 " 4 atat at ' ~,fitir , "t itri;trip a %pa= in to intend tom ea tote t i
edeottu,witto/ ",,r,' .d:„„,.°"*"."2.„°"7,,obau„ittb6st• Orn " 3 11..1211243:11221- *4.2*'446a*-115:1-281*11"b 9'
bia* 1 ----.ems.-"*"."' i cakTiripifift.resO - . Cut. 2to-The cetols7 an- ..,.. - ..•
&Warne COO. 4:kt. 27...... A tab bee been labaxm--"L-"'"al- -4""1"1"*. e. tot a r en k4au tlelLteui Otero ra cto t : , the wad
Fal drarili ca '':'''' .Xilsit. b° WI;
ar.tbsthiiTalatecentlitt" V. , di ' mid , ' i t 'a hit * n ill " 1 h i ni **n. ' M t Ifrotrilit ("29
o4.l,3l2msLtrona'."k'3lsll; :ger Li to
'1°3642" 134-I""tra' V et "168E111° 87' Leak ,
au int---*thist all i i , lin „Ams Gismo= etere,, Yu m m to .
"-4':aill Ind
" bldr I beldbra -benodary .. ar ot di 1 car or, trick shit G'a ' y taw T
- *t." tattldirtatt bet a do ail and at ties New Toth Agency No 48 Worth end they wt. i.e proud to lege "it la no quack. mee• nig Let i trota t.
roc t
i t s..d o 3 o tf olorit. ,o
I meet, any craw Tort; at tb• Arsenal at ride& ' glee" I would mes ludisr 1 0 04. 1 ash =OW). 1)=.4..0,0(01a t ire pro via dinytteirmoi, ~
Tfielnraf, Oet- 77. 1 m d ealsTa nd. ; add 'Tuli ps "Pilli n g ntiiill Ott 'Mott saint'' , °floe. Shelby a ace e lc 0
at,. wt..
4c01 .r . . : 1
ihz ,, sea r timl.
vcrtozu t i a zpvi allashen owns4 y 1 ibr , y 0t,..td0t‘th,...,.., a."... I, 1 ,,....., jee ,
. 1....... , 4 reopur impast.4
zocrow.twaim 4..
- w Th°l2-
Buil tang.
tha Sinter
I: ( b ra tledu I Traci' et cot, i S , .
..., 1,...u5x.,,,,,,,... ,
811°2 g and ' ilia 44 4 ' bi k ls nothing. .They sad entirely routed. gnat= moilut&Loe to Tartu 'et
In es- Orient s/ / 02a1 2, ' A rr t 0:: Ousrleecerest, Tens.- 410 %MI wl• Pdrilimd reb_l2-2----' 0.4
g ,11:.•.f,
mftrlitelo4sllll,f4int.s&:„„it„a tv ' a k m e . . ' Dozily it SC. emit le to be dea•kgio *mane eatien:tion of 17,-,,,Westb...a. ~1 11eld .t,Y 4 74 ‘r gri, l "Ir t u : ild- te Lt n t. i 'd'.*".7lid the. Baalts"7:ll72lVlbett sirl llu ratil ot s tusaf ainle peaa
I a leer. .
tbinolkipid•- iin•ariPurloat °' -cm- II" to she% deforms %Loudon, nu %tired there g est • at.ti;Nal the oellow who Will is• • test to adanint.uid it . t o , w ereelleSit It raao.7 Ten are at liberty to 1.3. nrerest, If wet dra out. ts DUCAR! tolini amen
grata: the claw of+the-asigazzuzut of Babbitt stoisfterudeurito.risoniaarstrsoniewntobrioadesiL, Th wt t 1 Xt .o4 Sala. Y h . URS E RY -111 g 1 ri:o.o rluwl iac.:• wil of t 3112.0p i lan ihil d roce r lpr h
lb. gu' 7 I v.. 7 nate. in tbi. wl•rd 0 Jas Ibink Preref al the ftPoot ea tonAiPo. ono teem the seroa to.
I. T . raw, wart trout the trot days of luncend neormber. mow
and Smith- On Beme-ardar. t_t pon d to ice • year witbont troubling tbstlpost.
-•e• arum lc Zuni= ,As24l LOW*. .ILLSOOd_ DI 1 ni s ° l :f l A tn to ll n i tro a : l iir dote: p
f er, r, BomultinitotisfrotuAl'rll3 440tirietljuir.45, itlltr-tltTrEgn: bt:TX.3.2l7o.l44l°llll:4lll:l'''t&dr...4lsll,sassTlk:.fait4 cpt.r—r-d-r.,...,--Fm-...,„,,f-li-----thv...agi=4,,,,lrbcr--710it ~,, o, apc ll l Kttet"agh . , tar to een co gun to plcoutids pea baca. -Ag thy
natty and ra, enli v en urea
, (torn 11% 1 o,lll,g)tai, Ms. NOW) bo ur So I li el abicb sin b. re, Plitehook 1few11,1440. i ratemone; Will donde to imoeton tethers:a
To r tiel:Viktilosiotlrje method e the It 11.--I LIB no imager to ray !Micro cabala, and 1 i t u .ki, 00, " 421. ii tbo awl. 1 4 • 04 4 - ado
geed [or
Bursa ItaWeeti.cclclars. 4 A frUP. Am". 4Atc ' -dstA'a 1 whiagt4n e 'l la ti
b. Cin 7 Z ‘Fia- aw _....-, 1 "' "Tr ., E L I P: , Ilse, 10 J 1 bo do at same. eOO O Da Ind 3,8:10 be q gn in , d to
se emti
ea m at .
pdee. ,
.. t...i.tste 6,,,,ibzi . ... it . e .
per ... o _ and Besolattona farniabW gratis. en • empacetlen at
toeeeli . .7e_fal -: Co--LT.. .......loskey. V 1 Olt-
,sstb, "dm that .., = wail intehenao 0 ; I ro;a3, ,A tb. kw er os of 01 5 ter . b..“.rf, .* „ moor . ~,,,,, at rx,r, woo woso 2 Bed nt, i''... t 1r ad) be , Jtisforteint elements in ;Onside:in the bids *". , the office
gulibi sisA•o n .""P""talr. " a ' b7 SIX" 1 TOLOOII Of dOOOl3Oll prisoner!
been ejf•ma 1 tetra . 0 Into potting acne , end ell
„ n.1 r ... 4 ,,,,, i nu &mixt Mob at 114 10P00 bu ho f i t aeu
..1 1. v the 00t ... t . - T. TP. Pessressln ALB= .
contra. • D m ; upon by the rot %abolition of the 19Oltral stock a tb• bait qt , tellty, ...end
_at p. 7.7l.a t I ',.;,, tee :, i ,
rip bb v.l atilbLr . hail”. wet . P . fv.. .faf.. i ll e
it , d .
ictuali h . mg_
a.dero d Q iu
e5.,,,1nr.4.,ztf -.
tun randitrni:
, Wrafire. 'Menorah. Submitted. by ststss " t i . ont ed„mte tkoveromouts, and color torleie ~nt • . um: t•• r
-...... I ton atom the enine:us given, at sal .tea ts bolo in . b iald beim mwrinsig,!Zo ohosro, in the opine SUM TIIT. Tautirsusa2.-to, ELT6 I :I I. Ain4l : ss /: 1 11• 1567 *" • John II snug
- Baer. B. liamilton for plaintiff, Loa b , 4 , Surgeon Gen. Bernat , h a s l ashe d t . 1 1 .0 Ws& Intruiro of; Jolt 8 zderaddeo, ftl a t i t Now.%
White, contra. ......0.1.. z
rak i. ks •"T• 87 13"1"4".'....... higher tt" ' 4 W V". 4 l ' . ''"
Tt P mur 'IL lOU 0 thlt t. till P.P4milnc"4*f. ib. demmtet Idaho pdrom rowel modicum tor • bad /acumen spier, , Unwell V' Riede.
ae t order* t* 0 11, 10 0,0 "i c"'"nv - ---- -.- orT. T. A. MELLON, on the preed-w• ,
.„. , eett ,,, el d 0,,,,, 430 ether groin" -' wmt.
. la , new of paths not known to this De- „_, _ _ thco Are . arnp 1 Iw o . L. Foxt , 31.m ako D .
Sand is /34,1115" `"'" -." tta- - / • where tenet prioners are confined.imm,,,v i i
tuned. tot
.----..-0-..""""....' cartnanst,wenderwe
. to the foregoing affect mat an , lens. alio.. bOOLIL
of non prot. . II , bc na o wn 1 nottecutn, Commando:kg General at prlsonereq a lac, t
,L 1... us 004 Noma. i- poretumed trots you a tout. er your 1 ,11ft:g2ti Balkurelghost4
Bond witb sat.oktort. t,. ,.. 1 .. iti . : I ptcronla, numand Imam aboted used half i
Bays es Marshall, Argo- . liftramli i has resoled one listfrom lliebtllond. Ey the "'"'lnitlleirmirs'. MOO* LO thainotrit f - Jo:lull' I Willians.
arrd Atticinfl for Piling* clad ' t lea tdeolaration of exchange, Usual by Com- \ day par Po": 11 ' •. „ "fd. "riard list Gater. - r um - t ~.. I bcatle sheens reamed 'De wend bottle owed Der . as •, , , ~...
and Brown,
, nassioner Geld, r h o &Milne. beteaen the Pete:J..lo44K
ult.` 1 L*o gO•OTOLLIC
Ilto PergißalCS) nts in respect tn alto ' numanmi,
,_ _ _ A .,„ eti st el . i rr e
9 te babi n tit i otuosn itio
o d r ktrooreatertrits,:ttsbetforareenl;drat r .i i o i bd rigUi WNW{ toy te ell bids, tf deetteal i entirely alter ecema.
tossattactorY. „
proposes wiltleseudMig itfl 50n31•41 Thaw &Menlo&
sotv* sobik. , . 1.
a tinoaT " aai.dosi 2trinia,ii, 42,•peroadals and vdik K._ to Bgiptia
ten and BroggP• 4.1,16.41'12,31, to y. :tact' fartlicr reko T o , w Nowa OforP P. Barsatßirtor=ir''' .It 2 *ai m
John Muer of tuf ‘• VP I , or Nsw Tou, ma, 14"=" - grig GnCotaefOtsinents. knel: •
^'Aelc d on till 0 15 F4 4 ° A • -, -- l ib. anted Weeldeglon, Oct. Mb, opt, Adam% •°s * , Mitarnank 111 ,
.4.!..e. ,
; ' alatib
-1 • 1 • -- '•,•• ildrirAbsystedti,Atot 1 poor ece,‘GbartonteS. TeedO,lol.lllre'-
- L. 43. ZOIGT 100. ' Vaal _VI=
oiiallltlii-dArli, •
444 •
' - vicizion-L_ _.
-4tairo.u. -• i t ii 0 r0x...'331 11 4 f ol io f t.tiouttal s- ,-."-_,
,-„,„.“,„7. 30 ,4_
It;tBerieeT6lQPreQrre32- ° .4.: , ,-.- ,
_ . ..Th i344;t4,:0.147„.- scrosvocrirbie4llolsl.loasoloFtiituotr tit:irox i .'":",—
crs Y
4400 1 ' 4 le rli s • ew gilio4ialticr. " ii4t,o 6 , 467"l" ' are ' • ' '
..1-I,V 1
- 4
f gebt_ 14 wee - es
I. esiii;itl i T, boil
_.....,, , sio•ertri ko idam..,
.., Tetibr i i i br ... t ) ,
detimums- vr•-
et anez ouwitz--1. 0 ,..pidg si o a+oxfir -
-loot cus% * = 4 , 4 .' *. " .
- % m oos IrdY l' ;-,;•-• 4 - 't • • 'A_,:v; A,
4.041t005 , Name. ....., ,
b• 4 . -
. , j.7.,,,_,...„..,.._i,,,..,.,:. ..ac0m.,,.,a4,,.......,,,,,.„.:wirer...,-, ....--,,,,-, .-r...,thaE.„gi.:v,„--,...-.1-,,,,1ic,-....Avel r, f y,,,,
.- c .,--, -,,,,..:-4-11 • , : i . 1 - 2 4.37 , ..:2 , ; .,-. 7..., - , -,. 7, ;.;-; ,•,....3 -7 :. - , :rz. ,,,,,, :: , Fr , ..;:•'5.b.:r...--,..7,1,77,,-.-: .... 4. , :,•,, 1 = ~,, ,-... T ..: .....,.. r , -,,.f.h..1,--1- .
-i , .
. .
it • ..--t-r-,-.,---,-,*-• - --•••,----.........,...,.....,',..-'.. ..
'''''..r.T-.71"',:rr:7-':';';'%V:". ' s'.iia...4..ciA7.4"'''' •' . . ' Z.... '... .- - .."' 4 '".
..' '..' ''.- ' ' j.: . .4.A.,..,...W.,,,, ~ ,
r i,.....,..4,.. 4„ .a ~..;,,,,..J.r,... ,34)5.,,,x.rx...1....,,,,i..',2.....,:".....-N-L.N , A r tr
~r. tXtr,v,tZi*".....4,44„.Z.10, +l-...,,,,,,,,,„..„,,,,W03...:‘,,,it1ar
1- 71'..4C,.- . : .1;:r4'.',',4.{.c'i.4'.14.‘:‘,7'...4';4'j.),...,4'.4707,.,:r:Af...X..ri1jjt,c0,.j.gkrtP4.--.
...4 ~Ni',.&'fir . j2.Z.Z.'-' '0
%;t'irl;';', "4:44'?r4t4'W - .
~.....' V ' ''....4.,•22,717....kik04'9 '-.
. •
. • ..' , -.. r . _ •
.. t .
. , ... . •
• i
. I
.'a . •
• •
. i •
.4IgP --
. -
1-_-_--.7-ial-_- . - ---..-7.--- -7__.7.1.,-77--__.---------_,.....----- ..._.-:.,..,-------,._.;
,-----..........7, _
......____-.--:,,,..-_, - _: --- imark ---
,et. - ---_, _-..--_,J.;_i______,
.. of i or ; _
7,7„; !APRs pli_ttina C i egiro. ... 1 Tote fiVAPTIPIino °l•cmlTPes- Ja-ba l" ta . / ' ef..4.1, Axxiogew. 3 _ 52 .
io, _. .0„ r.iirefori to geld
ad is Arm en
"*ir -°'44ol4aCandlel4* 1 abal°essartare'er°49 te
' - ' '''
'-- ' boosrstre,tou,,....'te•vto.ot mv),Koh ~to ne
',; ?, fw z a luck - -...— ~-----
4 . , • ''' •- • • . T.,...,, find another advance toward Washington so ..,arr,c a ~jra,« aN D Tat :
sh4dlsrl,lll-3740•3413"/"...31•; ""I"ft Foe- este a Miner 43 hiS Into OM. -...... ''''''''''''''''''''- ADr- ..,-1 . ... 5,r.,...d.;',...,-,..,.-1 1 ,2e, cit o powt l'' . QM: NI :11 hll A 14- ~.. _. i ;:ei
fettAtidieted fin• 'tketheiiling' lateral faun let sk• s 1,. -to • day was lightly 'kept u-- ' s e et,l3ltor :ON I' sett 1.• Or for NO. 1 Tan 1 liarl,3 LA NGL.311.4T -0, "_ -" t -' PLt./
Vnilliit 43 , ' not guilty. TvasDar, Oct.:.-T h e =not rtaternole femme wee dull elthr ut imptirtent eliausa tar , . dull, rpittst-zr...Q, Fii . r. Till; 4. C OF ..di ~r.. MUNI , tv r, r, o , . ~..... .......:. ... -
.ventsu. of io , ais Auriii, indiood /or 1 ,.. 4 , 1 . i The licadd beadho following from the army pan It'ENNSTI.V.4I4I.I 4„,,,,,,,ik5:L ..11 V
ry called up and continued until next of the Potomac, dated October 26th: ' \ . nit •i •t so
1 03 1 4 c.. int. were Snit at the opontee,
wa tarn to n Mee La money Inners to-clay Is she hot le shod" rireslw'• rake :* . s. .1 ( clog n 146" et • 'W - e
' -iL 3.INE DA iL 1, TLAIlet rt. r -..,
nasty ariillery tiring at nor extreme front, ,WI 11 . t 6 .111 der•lfw• wi • I . b. ' sz- ' l '''' r''" i '' gupt 1 12Y/2 61 ' .. ' . bot clew,: quiet at 41;:113,61.c. Ity.. ruled ' gling 'ISLA 011 111.13111FRE. . The TIIitOUGH ARemigutiztoly Tun
terns-defendant giving hail in $1,500. trans. ern, at an sdrance of lc, with ulje et 31.1: 2, . thr • ...-••••• leave. the Palaburyb ht.-att.:l vlatly, incept dendell
, and appemint to be near end to the left of i being IST. Them ie nothing of importence
' ley was In arrive reaneet at at Imprewen et o , It
Henri Mnta. WOO isTralgttra on a charge az B ..k un , k,,, eak b ee ,rd t o , day a j o urfau. -, piting in the worthy Inarkrt here, ad there Is Is. i
....i , 4
.i ~.,
. 1 ,
~,i,,,, Tt.,,,L,,,r,..... ~,,, ~j ,tt Abu a m .rnapplug at WI btaatuas between Pine
totzbotizig Rdeserter stnd al trighun to nape. burgh 'fad PlilloWinba. end leaking dine , mama
\lt ceased about fire oclock. The presumpt me . but limit doing undo from the regular daily routine "0, t,....„,. 1.,‘,,,0w, q‘ i ~, ~,, tr . 1 ~,,, clan Ku New %aria weal I . 6.la4elphia.
tiitt,,,,,nt,...a1-64132.1t aI A ....11:,.....""ged. is that It was another artillery and cavalry of beldame. The mum for coinare Irregular and er.- Prelgble teeeler. _ _
._ _ .
Hernia Or Rupture MTV& The 111.114.thiGil BIAIL 111.2.kb lonia 110 Pia
.....-. -." .....`-''' '" a " l'. v . ''' . Waa '"_. "'"'.. e 9n a tkirlitleh, though infantry may have been en-singer Srattut every morniug ( . 7 -g ja say) a s
sick fUrten,gir, aegicoten to • return.,
And when wow ~ I setti,d. end vre , irt outwequonee, omit quotations , .4c - rivrrt re Sat Caltrrten 'Leapt -Ti lt Pktrott Hernia or Ruptnre cared. 2-60 et.. tet . stopputs only at peilsol ntion, an
the kifacce.trent to arrerd. him the' defendant \ "-*" ---------- Taw r.....-110 Clarksville ,Cretin.: Ceradh, nays of ddr.vece• en., what II .gall true of tide 1,..., ..,., ,„„,ki.E, &yowl rouhurtketa ot 11 w eg vb e j w ieg.
the late rost. The damene to t01.,c0 end other I the
ells and ateambo were never inure . mow' Hernia or Rupture RTl.rett meth and Washington, awl for Nate Toth.
131-thaithed i n wilt & &fle; on whiat , th make Raximillian's Reply to the Rai- crop. b 7 dwe doold if
the frosts of last mouth and very nevem In dcd with bsic.* than a lb medal. and
8,8,8 . , Octopi.. br Pbilm
ad eiscepe. The jury found sverdictof guitty. 'Central and Northern Kentucky and eurth or the equal artuvi revue ever witeueseel T 1 a t Hernia or 'Capture cured. ille 1 BILOrG II ES r urse * Nate
kens dolly et
. tits oar report of yosteeday's proceedings ' can Deputation. ZOMMkxhte the ,
'Vida rim. I,e w ill be particalaxly distaaraging, We taga4 la lt.eir utmost Capacity tonatoc.
. 1 ISO p M., popping only et prin k
Steltian, rock
wo erred in 'ating that theMourt had fined --.- should thnk to all finch atirsett the experiment of blllirle33 ourntantly pc ,
, t . t t r i c i I,
~,,,,t Kornis
or .aupture
cured. dtr. • tt conurtitou at Hormel:outs for 14111,
31estrs.,10eClear sad others,Stee for lath- existing cotton In those neaten The tobacco ill the next to impossible us te e
Tfill CIIIVINOOtt IlEnli 03 GU. BUGG. nvi...0....i t. ws to ttt. tt....ry s.rptney in- 1 lutioy. a .. mg.. e 4 .
fPlietrolt an 'letrelend line of te aa biegtou, and tor New Turk 'IS Allentown rouse
and Pt i nedelptale.
ing telterts. Thee loe wei alt3S$1,01):1 t ' .Thutrot"L that toed! . bshes!
in net , r b.- H e • - .
kind- In
and the adjoining counties this sta- tease , er 113 . 8 Hornig or Bapture eared. 7he 1 0 .43 LLJK leaves the Station daily (atone
--.--.... Ore PO heavy, awl I 1 1 ,41.1110 11 ttua on the Lithe u- 1
Ida has sustained but little damage from freet. In f
~., , 8 Sundol at /JO p., la., mopping moly at tend* ete.
is i perior LID*. -ow.. ...Wog can nue find coo ta t Veils, rOtaluctirt ht ihirtuibarg Sos Baltimore end
SUPPOSeII /11bil COrantiSSilMer. 'll'rerdetharethttnolltdantitUrt,irthinough ra c e m e! ingrethrind "' sea I e mplotheent lit, remunerative rem Thew. te.te ere , Hernia or Ruptury eared. ,th ashiagton. am& at' Philadelphia for Neer Tort_
i a gra. dying index to the unriralltd prueperlty eu.
\ I =y,' alllant: cropyetettAitiblly filrehortnirll•37l. joyeel b 7 tbo Mitur at arn Clthekiad 11.,c4, I Rupture or Hernia cured. ' aCCOIIIIODATION TRAINS.
yea's in weight. In our trasel through the country _____.------___._ _ _
_____ _,, The Johuaterien Acconutimilatlonansin /carts daily
see have seen but vety few really fins crops." FOB SALE. i Rupture or Herida. cnica.
_, (....14 Sunday) at 2.45 p. m., stopping at r edPitatka•
I end running se far se nuts -
pant FOIL SALE.--,
\ I' Um Accommodati Train rot
Weal Stalin
Rupture Of Hernia cured. ' ...,=,,,== vvir .....:
isar Dr Wale Oaks
kftgefflor=ip Allestly county, Pe„, ountolning
76 acres, with tow[ under It allithited ens wile sod a Rupture or Hernia cared. Viradllt,i'ixgr,,,,tzetf-srai.
es:sorter Inn Mani"' heal • Coal Werke, tie the Ito- ...... _ t kers daily Wrest Sandal et /KO p.m, 'I
nringatolo-/.'as-turti-Jailso from. Idalfmlt'l sod Rupture or nernua oared. , Ifoorth Accommudation Than tar Wolfe Stein
cilne miles [nom. Pittsburgh, by loud. The Improve- I leans daily (except Sunday) at eclo la ta.
cum are a Dame avrellMa hour fratils I *re
, The ellaroll Meth leathe Wars eationl lo lo7 0,32,
other nemeon7 handl:np; also a fine on 4. About i B.uptare or Hernia cured. a.„ 4 , 0,5 .
.; ;
so acre.
.old Mowed lied. It to the loonitY Dr - , ta-116 p. to
arty owned by Jewett Pinney. The land and mod . Rupture or Hernia aura \ ReturuittS
.i s err's& tra AttSbargb *anon t
7:111 be sold together or genera
te,. stilt the buyer ; Italtimon -----...----e-........ 1129 Pe la•
.if eeflicieut indueernenu be offeeed, it wiU be cut k ligipaits Radical Cure T r uss. Philadelphia ...- —..........-- 10p. a.
up and sold in Leta suitable for country do e°°. If ani5.........1.--...---••—•--..---:••••••..12:60 a. 0.,
If the elsove booted property La not did Lwfure the sirteteo rote Truss. Throtigh Kalif walls ~. .—............-. J") a. to.
11th of NOVEMBE It will be offered, on odd dry, 1 blitatterill AccolanWeinll o l.lV l a- Il&
at public sale, on the premien, st 1 o'clock. first Weirs' Stashes Actention.....* . OA a. aa.
Woe terms of dab
- wall with the setocritor,JAlllEd 1 Ifitgli'll Supporter Tram 5,.....0 wersstacao amclotocitice— *as & la.
sulosEar, W.. Newton, WeetuiorelandOe , Ps. Third Wall'a Stilton AteiMUWIA 3 b II ,!....VPII4 S.
_ __ - -
oe =ta ----- __ \ Self-Adjusting Truss, ioarth wgrAstoocsvmoaosali...l'.'l9--„rs4=
F t M.NI FOft S t.1.F..-'rhe undersigned ,
offers st private dab. very valuable Ern, in i BaldroOre XSpiens will .11.11illt witjt:
lapnis as ttZi p. 'osi Mondays: Jam . .•.'..-,
Dr. Banning's Lace or liods Brace, 1„,i,,./E..51.5.tin.,,0h„;10451,k.,. •
Ohio Towasitip, anechony County. fa., containing ~ e ville to us is m, Tbroosti 1bteC45,11.n..
Uteri,Pt sr
about ST screw. It te situated pn the Ohio river, l for the c ure of Prolapsus 1 , Ja„„„„„ro ,„...„„,,„,„,o„,,,,„:„
about 4 yf, ntun. most the idty. The' tmptnneetn l and with timer* Tamen ansi.J
over lAt d "nal and Wonknesses. mods:ton West.
wood ‘Vm.
b. 41,
,s I xrdr. for xboo.vol =moot at Ottawa vrttb La
out -braidings; about 200 110de trot ie good I:Perth/ 1
conditien, and other haft ,ern; shoot so tr.,. in. Trains and nil' rain West and erKli Through
cleared land, "the balance good timber. It is the
' Dr. S. B. Pitch ' s Buyer Plated Snp• ' iirr . ...,„, apt
Eiv.;01.1.. let.
property formerly Peeped by ruousfs 11. JACK - i porter. Th• pubaz via sod a spagly so uutr interest, la
AN. The whole fame will be *old In a body, or 11 , , rang East Or West. to trawl by the l'imnytnala
ten:it fieducemeet le oared It will be cat up and ' Pile 'Drops, for the support and cure arsousi Banos& so the aceocat On oasis
'old in MU nimble Dr country residences. le the , ”iim I newt to sigrui.a tee we , ottoor ream. The Boat
•üboctlubm Intends to Melon of the
rose , of r i fa toilsome with mane, and is entirelif free from •
i tve, um prowls* gala, &peed. and= to at
Lk". ik.° 15srrinb to
"I"bana 'Ll'"'
Elastic Stockings, COT Weak and war ' who may favor Ws net with thee
Isim without delay. I AU;
WfIiNTE, AT., IVAITIITII OTlVAtti j nburg le, F el 1 , loose veins. 1 T o Tiro Tort__ gt 2 :Ice Baltimorl In
of the undeceived, in Ohio Township. To Phlladelphba.--. 10 To imalnalta.eme. II In
ocl2erd WILLIAM JACKMAN. rustic Knee Caps, for Weak knee , Tea errisbios--- 7 li6 ' •
—_--___ —_ --- . . nockad to all an the Inmeyhme
GOODS STORE FOR SALE, in joint& 1 ni.=l,oaitroiut, sod to Philadelphia. liiia•Mwtri,
w Vi' A '
DRYgueriehaes western town on the P. .• . - .., ' Mid New fen.
C. IL IL, not onir MO miles Irani Pittsburgh, no , . Ankle Supporta*, for weak knee : Posteneeni pan:Whig Ileum ta dr moven be
dot a large end profitable trade. • ra, exck n ',int& i charged en moss, according . to the Metals& travelsd.
lotted with rote to the 1.0 In addition to the station mem ersoPt from stations
now, ea ho. heal .0
..d...4 or m •
county mule. Ens MI tom p where the compel born ) SIMI. _,.,,'
low userkot prime. Suspensory Bandages. . \ NOTIC E . - 1a Om sr fount as
0301,40... ...-
The premise propneter tin decided to kir. from 1 themuelves rhattattllbla kw petsoael wasp cagy,
the trade owitig to bid Wilds, end now refactoady 50f,,,T............,. a
5w00....5 .yringes; also, every ' and Korea Witaffeliartipeedinglilld.
offers the mock for mle ; aim the gocd trill cd the re. 1 Is 13.-An. thtudboe Line ha been amployol le
tutu party,. Tile batlelthaa 4 , 115 . 8 a
_..,... k.
d trepectable kind of Syringes. , c 0..., 05...-users.x,d wan* to, sad fess the Do.
trade, wleicb can be, mown. ..'''r I pot, et • chugs eat to moose 26 omits, Om each pr.
win wows trots ativeoA9 Ilin thousatiX c 00..., but for tickets v...
Dr. KEYSER. has also a Truss which wog.: eod buillPLff. _
Dodd tw,roduced If desired.J.,2l -
Partin wishing to know the
Oka! will pa ra
.`se will dienily care $ °rata or Rupture. lAt the Perinsylvonto Central Itallioad
address or call personillyon , Suodou_corner woolly endOratit streets. spll
LTD•T A CMOUPENNI-610. 1 or Offio. at his Dan Emma, No. 149 STOOD 7.4 LE y E., L. ALta k _ ii ;.,, ~,,
eclAtf ?_._------•-'-- STEEETcsign of the Golden Moneta f erectus wrrb• , i pato um.; Asp
..leyis.' .
-- ...
PUBLIC SALE.- M, 11l be exposed for I tog Om Trona should mad the camber of Inc
low ' wesehmo BALLS° . ........• •
AT Or OCTOBKII, m a t old around the body. „kk,,,,,di,,,,,,,,„ 0 ,, 0r the mt., at lt AKRAKIIO6I44Kr.--en emu suer
I Ilit'SDalf, Aran 2ettOßo' Train erf.ll Ines tbs
on . 1,4411:=Du WALLACE'S QC A Dant ,i .'
' n t f the pennolvanloiatrual. in ffttatragh.
Containing 10 germ, more or lees.l6 miles from Pitts. . po, &Erin o- in giro Ms perwrin attention to •
.."1.1,....... ,
burgh, on the A V It 11 , In fhwie toseedu, tip.-
the ~,,,,.....
of 1... . tr,
,hilaw., tot,
... a
gbeny county, having •
pent of 4: perehrs an the .
liter, a frame bon. sod .table; a number of choke al e
1 h to satisfied that, with an experience of ravuty Leaves Pitteburght ISO & 133.1 00 &M. Iltrild p. as
heeling apple tree which never mite Dull , a fuse rare, he will be enabled to Cho asaletwatioa do Wellettlio.l 1:10 " PIS " .2.66 .
Pittsburgh Petroleum Mara, srai
qualm. of rock for
of all grist. ,et . do Stenberiv'e 1 1130 " CDT " 3.453 "
One 2T-Dullrents. inactivity, mad deprmedeu. roo - , hundred perchee of miler stone, already enerried. PELF-TNIECTITG SYRINGE?. do wb«ling 1 " 100 Ltd
Arne. 8e11edr...4 546 " 1ie.2.5 " t feli3 •
!adorns at the railroad ready for loading 1
thane to be tho leading characteristics of thu Petro. '...i°11.1./....., ......,. „.. 0 , ~..„..,....... ..y one I
irrazaz4. Cooltertalg at lotonbenrilla and Bellair with Stee
ls to go In the steal trustrova.
I,von market, and we regret to say, there le not much t h a t ..,,,,id tra, a
.1 Dena lie and Indians Railroad arid Oentml Ohio Refi
t, Tenn mods known on limy e SILT INJECTING STSLKOEFS. rind for 'Lanarille, Newark, Columbus, lonia Dap
P'°"'''t of
anY immediate
ImP"'arnant. Th'r. 'We to comae:en at 10 o ' clock • m a ton, Indieneasulle, blucluttall. lasetlavUle, Cairo, St
n J demand Po Refined, In bolsi or free, tied It is not JAMES MARTIN SELT.INJECIING lITHINOEK. at seer' -.
kthe Len* Pt. Joseph. awl all 1:010U1 went sestisputbereat.
robable that there will be any movement, Plum El* " 15620e..M td
until ths 1 ant tg , . r , , . . , end et W b Übe with Baltimore sulltiblo hams&
Pato*, ph cora Cierefand Lam
the tatter end of the week, when several lets will , 10 WOOD Sr. ST '
XTALUABLE YE_'. .q STREET PROP- wi.. l) AT Dr. 'KEYSER'S, I. 1 Looms lettuthurgh:.-.-_.-11 00 a• ta. , lrp..ta.
-.-- ibe sold id Mittin, Cade was very dull to-day, I ' m , I Val' FOE BALE - Two Lote, feet 4 do W ellsvilie ........-.-,.. 4:to .
Candi, Oct. 26.-The Memphis BeNee in, of 1 ~,,, k ~,:, kayos scomeil• the tau may tw ‘9 l o u ' d :acne front to . alloy, with a targr double house- BKPT - DA :STAGES, do Bayard. .... -..---. &SP " &11l
weep Hancock .d 11=0 tweets A desirable tree,
tkto 20th, says . On the 21M, the advance of doll and c ,,,,,,,,,, ~, 0 . L .,
Si Deollta ., ' h.' , , „.. Iit'SrESSORT haND•GES, Ido 5ui........--.... --. ID
.. itsts ...
1 non for • I hysicar. or Dent do Ravenna ...-- .... - . 7:2A " 4.12 .
the Oaten foreas Eastward from Corinth tact 4.. i, ir eery much neglected, bat • the stcct le vie. do liudson .. . ... --. Til.s " 11:10 0
Also, some tine buildig sites for private roe'doece .rsivssoily Tflarraci: i . , Arrives at Cleveaud...--. tele 7,90 .
limb resistance at Cherokee Stade°, eighty- mod, minded, holder. de Oct feel dispteo4 to teak. i n ear Illuersville, from to 1 acts oath '
bur of by lots of eerie
nine reties froM Tuffeambm• G ea • Wi•erll62.' war., oeci Ttors It tams lemiry fur PAsidltim , also, •• large com bo t...,. by toc , t, , , ~,, ~,, 11711PEINSOBT 13.LIPDAGER, I
Gives at Bayard with Inamomme eh iter
New Philad&phia teed Canal Boron at Alines* stag
was in &deem°, cad had not =owed far, when 3..1 eS there have beet: no trantactleall for see eral I
, siso,of frost 15 us bac Pittsburg h, i urt Vi ayne and Chicago /talked; al
d sit tod et the tonatuue of do Wylie Stree
otp, tus
be enoTantered too brigades of rebel cavalry • , ~ in a. .., v.a . i.s. A dozen dial:teat tines. RILTet 2,1 with Saloon: and Glee Western Itoilneoll
under Ou r Lee sad Forrest,
and at 1 ' I
rnaannPr ll'll'"
ed E utors of the smote 1 • fur V, a roe. Greenville, lileadrille, Uninia, l ) 3o %
Private adel,:e received from 01 City up to the &oily to the Undersign , . s A. damn Mogan Mien. .1 amestuoti sad ann; at Hodson With Clete.
4,000 to 6,000. The fight lastod an hour, of Joho Herren, clod& it R
G- A. HEREON . ,
with loot., report the molter tor Cron dull, with i land. Zenesvilbs D am Gincimmti ussUrced for
aeon the rebels were dnven back with seven JOHN D. 11111 11011,
Our loss was seven killed and thirty. toles on the creek at 41,01 par bbl jid1.6113." 1 • doom Wand kinds. 14.'0,2.4. fen end Iddierstscrg,, oust m a gi=
whit lj. aE. lit. E. for Erie, Dunkirk Basks
seven wounded, most of which were nosed by ... with CATIL It Dr Saudtaky, Tint% 1 24 Ides
tulstaklog Lee's caalry, who were dressed with steamers ior Detroit-
Wells-till. Atetuntoodation leiLted at 311:1,p. ea
in blue oVerCoats, and wore taken for our liatartaus train* arrive at 51.19 a- 121..1..W anti 1336
forces. p , m and 2 to a m.
The rebels are said to hove strong fortifi- Thrones flame. to el imminent points ma he
cations one mile this aide of Tuseambia, on procured at the Liberty Street Irupot. Vitt4tcrei.
the Railroad. itIEuILUE PAlllll2,llMat Agent.
ei.ocl at Alicghtuj city.
Prisoners report that tho enemy expects to
make a stout reeletaneo there, and they say for further tufnutution apply to
they had 4,000 men there on Tti sday,
e and re- WILLIAM ATEW'ART, int.
calved reinforconenu of 1,000 cavalry on At the Co'mpany' 0ree.1... freight Station, Pena R.
Wednesday and 2,000 more are expected from eon
The steamer Mist, from Selena to Mem
phis, while landing en the Nlississippi sole of
the river 15 miles above nelena, on the 2lst,
ass boa rded by ten or fifteen guerrillem, who
robbed the boat of 820,000, and other valuables,
and then fired the boat, which eras consumed,
with ahnmber of bales of oetton. One of the
party was shot and three others were capturedwned
In thelficinity neat day. Ths boat was o
n Paducah and oost $40,000.
i , „
The Row trade regobtalonsweart. into effect in
Memphie to-day. Reports troll New o f Orleas
show Mee receipt of nearly 4,000 babies
vetton in one day.
'Dan Elects Great num.
The Irresistible Dan wilt pitch hil t inatneteth
pavilliol on the sta Lion loc te-morrovr Ted
'hesday) -evening, givieg afternoon and wren.
log exhibitions' each day. The advent of Cho
e on qu tha utTi t -de a l ' wg1112:1:ii" ante4irescrumetu"nsesnectosithl"all. s.'lntete'o'
I .hasotot heard of Dan -Ripe? ' lle witeeemprw
tend. the teltracc of, langliter-utacoessy, and
\ L
can - extirset_n,gan equally 'won Triitectlorraitie ;
Wolin of lattgdige-or tberdetirt vriutes pf the
intlltipbatiltiontado..lie to alio ing thesserns of
';netive Ilitterican ; WM a welt' Abut le' always
,bat tielleesold.-..lll,l4ollleirociety
with it* bOlt.-410'120;tOrkii:prtotoi Eie ME of
'the household -with bit nswestotiginal ,:iitia.
Pysicians .preactibe -- Malaita, , for hypoclion
dritio patients, and peopleirbe+itub,_ bar exe .
perennial Sextons find him litallibtfel and
'effee.tir:O:Ontldele to: Over4auch2insunetady,
statesmen' and la ' veers hini as
a-Wholesome Mtge after - pertairlugef indigos
tibia political and
re Wherever he is
known, (nd where IS hii tall Ica ?) his
success' is complete i undid!' weer—always
brilliant—we hope may never dim' in
'The Oil City AfoniteOnsa theltillowi4 week
. .
ly review of thi 104., till:Cadet BIWA oar
last:report busbies, •hati - bean very:dall and
deptessed. Darin' gikat week oil MIA down to
per the welts, rea l .is now.= the
rise, end may be 'del,' v rovi $4,7b to.
SAM at the place of prodneiiou. Apermanent
&aline cannot be established at thin season of
the year. A rise in itio rives would bring the
pries to lasitsonth's.sstes. On Saturday and
Sunday : ni4hi vre hark heavy% 'rains here and
'Many anticipated arise. On Monday the river
rose about a fool;thd the Creek was in good
towing order, and ?considerable number of
boats went up yesterday and today—river
falling last ; roads muddy and bad sales few ;
shipments light ; holders Arm and hopeful.
Dia. J. M.BURCSVIIII.D. corner at Markel an
announces in our advertising
Fourth streets,
eourons,lais fifth *rival of New Gooda, con
sisting of large vaiiety of 'Poplins, Merl.
nos,lancry Bilks, Ctsts, Vlsid Shawls, km.
Ms assortment of dry. goods is very full and
carefully selected. We would invite our lady
readers to give Zdr. L. a call,and Insure for
themselves s good tdurgab2-
Demur lianurest--.The first of six &ono*
engines to be used on the. passenger railroad
from Kensington depot, Philadelphia, to
Prankford, is to by pat on the road neat week.
The Philadelphians are fighting this im
provement at every step, just ate old fogies
used to fight against changing be blind horses
on oar ferry boats for at eaM engines, "for
fear somethi ng dreadfOl might happen."
Vatxsats CITY Pea TT roa
evening Xenia. Davis .4 lialwaine, auction
eers willsellat theireammoreial Water
Duquesne Way, and - Penn street. The prop
erty I. rxeeadingly desirable, end will no
o ft beim, ea prly sought after. A description
nf the no. oral lots and buildiogawili bib found
Ai:maze' tw Stremiseses.-12Ainfoctionera n
the east hate recently advanaod the pint of
heir eanstrodities., A barrel of sugar is
but 01
r matter, not of f4(l,.as it u.sod to be,
$155. This is a big difference to a sweetmeat
maker who uses up ecreral barrels per day.
For this reasowthe sweetmeat mon havegiven
I a lift to their prices
Tun Earrtas VientLtts.—Jir. J. P. !tont
has constantly for sale fai l . a 'Sena and Peri.
o dical I:)ep.d, hiatonio Filth street, full
dies ot . too Eaatern Weaklier—embracing Tie
TAand Th. iGtorrty Mayariae, of Ete;ton ;
O r
d ay Ledver, and the Philadelphia
Saturday Emniag Axd, etc-, oto.
BMW 111110 11U BULIOI
IMO 01 BEMS &6BEBD 1103.
Tvll.` 2-
Sandal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
pOct. 21. 11362.
The European mails ere received this morn
ing. litaimillian's reply to the Mexican Dep
utation contains thee e words:"As to the [ s
to which I shall henceforth devote init life, not
,to sienna! , the reins of Government, so long as
civil - war shall desolate Menlo°. Inform me
if the majority has really adhered to my'
aliellon, and In lees then twenty-four hours
I.:ehelt be ready to depart' .Consider me soldier. determined to respond to the
call of Providence.. But' for tnoto
pile in an rnanner the Anger of
God in the mission which has lust fallen o f
me, I must hare the national alt; manifest
'itself in terms permitting no legitimate doubt
upon the spontaneity of my election." Such
salutanessa have been made to him, Isar the
Paris memorial diploinatigne, that he will
start for Mexico In Yebmary or March.
The Chattanooga Rebel says oßragg
..09d In his wisdom and glory can bear wit
ness to the purity of those who bolero in their
hearts that Braxton Bragg is not only no gen
eral, but that he is opposed to ell freedom of
the prole and of personal liberty, and the most
dangerous centre of power in the Confederate
A supposed rebel Commissioner arrived at
Newborn, N. C. The Western part of the
State is invaded by union cavalry from Ten
nessee. The Commissioner proposes a groat
national convention to end the present
-troubles. Bosh I
The Mobile Advertiter says : The worth of
Vicksburg is a huge delusion on both sides.
Its •alue is prodigiously overestimsted by
*both belligerents. The Ailisieslppl is no more
open now than before. W. J•J.
&c.. tbs.
Affairs at Charleston... The Iron
The Rebel Force. etc.
Domes, Oet. 27.—.1 Ilorris Island letter to
tbe Heald goys: Two deserters front Charles
ton glee a gloomy account of affairs atCharles
ton and Savannah. The torpedoes in the side
bar are a failure. When the ironsides was
last In, she was over one containing two hun
dred potinds of powder, and which failed to
mplode. The rebels have two more infernal
initchines intended to destroy the Irensides.
Some of the barber obstruction, of , ropes and
barrels have rotted and are..even every few
days floating out to sea..
We are assured *at the Charleston City
government are anxious to surrender tbe city,
but Beaureimr&and the military leaders won't
allow it, and lay they will burn the city first.
The libel force is stated at 13,000. The
most of Beanregard'e force went to reinforce
A new rand battery pas been erected on the
Ibis of Port Sumter.
Additional NCR's by the CaL._
' COL Race., Oct. 26.—8 y the Canada we
have the following additional WOWS from Ell-
Tioro, Oct. 17, vat Queenetoan, Oct. 18.
—Von es have again broken out in India,
and also in ..t; e w Zealand.
The Poles had offered to form an alliance
with Turkey, to recover what bad been lost
by the Ottoman ?Ole.
Brettdsttiffs quiet and steady. Provlsions
steed, but dull. Produce steady.
Consols 03®93% for money.' Illinois Cen
tral 2t®lB dlsooant. Erie Glak,BB.
Este ilde-4arletl. 1. 4 sad b
ulaal rya olde.tesetSlos ell the
otd Imam vea, and mi l a ° da d s y,d
Also: ve
ap ry tarp
VIISABIETI a. YEA eedeirot•B,_„(e.t.e., _ I
dwarf, Clifialtr. CII,PLIIN, EY znuß r " ,
sw AST ss zi sasig i t
oaLps was, sours& -- a 011111
PiehlMbd.*.te., gebyleedid idet.tdtalk ad ?perm , .
. pim
i ddedibla a _Joss 34 _*-
sold:demi pima. 1%. 1...0r v....4e,
I 11 I ''A • :ti . - t li . 7s- tic,tAtipl. • . t
I P 8M1.013 tie1125104;t3y,T0414 al • ''' t•
BOY 00 fria 1111PlaMt. 14:UMW, •
eiritPdSZd'lnlilt•V• tee. "Sto sail pa,
tr,TO wx. IL VS . , 1 19 e,„
PITTSBURGH moticers.
October. n,IBM
TLOUB. 1 131151:13—There is an active demand
for all kinds of Orate, and the market Ls firm with en
upward tendency. Train wagon, Wheat is valetas
$l,Zi for End,
and White $1.300-I.= Barb 7 eirb 7
but mmluirtged; auks from wagon at $1,2 0 for bring
and $1,50 for Tall. C,ora—sale of 5,000 bolt Shelled
to arrive, on private ter
food to I* $1,05.
OKA afe decidedly Armor, with Bales on Klink at 75e,
and Atom at at 78(4151e- file—none °Verlag.
flour Is brat but the transactions are smell and prin
.-4*AT !small sale. from store at $5,50@f5,75 for E:•
sad IWO to $1475 for Tatra Family. Buckwheat
flour is Arm, with wall sales $ $ l , OO Per cat, In
bulk, and 54,50 in sacks.
GKOVEIIITS—The grocery market continues to
rule very firm, sad our grocers are again talking
*.hout advancing their flgurii. it buff' &PAW grange
yet It Is nevertheless tree, that groceries are rela
tively cheaper here—taking freights and chuffs. into
coasideration—than highs Slot Our oountri mer
chants should beer thir fact in mind as there Is no
doubt but what they =ahoy well, If not better,
here than In vhiudephis, Baltimore or New York.
KILL TKED—Is in acti demand, and ell that
strivee Ls taken readily st t oe. ra Salve on track
of lb tool Bran at 5I per met, and 15 tons Ship
stuffs at 51,30; also Ve tons of Bran and Shippers, to
arrive, it 51,20 per cat lot the former, and 5 1 , 30 Or
the latter. Prime bio 1 1111ddliop would sell read
ily from depot at 51,75.
—The demand seems to be fully ednal to
supply, and theatarket, consequence, is film with
an upward tendency. We note sales of iouse
scales at $33 535 per ton, and. praised
eat from
SV3 to $3O, according to quality.
APPLES—The roceiss daring the last few =ye,
have been =usually large, but the market is steady
and former rates appear to be fully sustained. We
new ear= large sales at price. tonging bore 52, 75 to
53,2 5 per bbl—chlefly at 55,00. Yo
55.1 a--is Wm but unchanged; sale of 100 bble
I Tatra at 50,60 per bbl—delivered. Liverpool le
in etriell lots at $2,50 per seek for emirs*.
and 132,2513,50 for doe.
CIIEESS—de steady with a good lobbing demand
at former taws: sales of 100 bus Weetern liPsterve at
end small mks of homburg eat 13r.
CRAISSESSIES—The market Is quiet, and, In the
sbeonce of .dos, we quota nominally at $l3 per 1114.
------------. '—'---------- 2.. dostql ditibrad kinds.
New Vorit Petroleum DiurkeL. !p E .A. LE6T A T E FOR S ALE !
AA , w.kreigu'd OM 10 tal• • vary desirable piece
At Dr. lIIKYSEIVB, 140 Woo &raw.
;pedal Dtepatc.h to the Pittsburgh °niths.
,_ oi laud, containing 1854 amen, nearly, aireanal In
? es 701.5., Oct. 21—Crude Ls quiet but &IL ' l ' . 1 Baldwin township. It croons orshtlit Broourvillel es22:37.aerdetl
ales ou the spot at 3le. t he market for Defined Is \ ''' , . a. " , ° T s .i,4**of"d ° l4, l i,i. d° ail ",',,,,."'''''4ll= 1 D K KEYSER'S
101 l but without qratable cher4l o . 8.. k. of booeod , 1;.--,-,—.),:,`nr.- P, - r ,,,,,,it' I , .„, i ,„ , 03 , - , a Awl. \
.t :0c on the spot: sle TV November delivery, end i e nd Chem, trees. bearing fruit This lot will be *old
.L2Kr. fur Dmiter, Layers option. Fro< od I on et
fore terms, if not cold before the first , rEcToRALL sinßoup
from .58 to Or.,
Sarnia I. doll et r..... trill be foe ten t-
C ' Of
sc'Or=nrttotreletnars Inunire et VaLLLZ LULL, .
i or the, In Sweden township.
i , ailet.Witeorrtm
_________...------ 1 CCRES OONSIMPTION, =BIZ 11DONCTI:11:,
iraports by Railroad.
Prrtsattenn, Pr. 1.11.T1M a, act
17-14 cts wire TO/wood; 2.1 bit oats, Geo FUT
deo, 10 dos wash It
boards etc, Jno I Boom 6 co; 1 0 do
du, J Porterfield, 25 du do, J S Dilworthrth
du, S Esrart a. c.. 15 do.du, NV & co, 15 do
do, Lambert & Pillows, 7 do do, IS blds apples, Ora
how s. Ttionw, 5 bids potato., 50 d 3 .lists, J Ad
0 oo; 9 do beans, Means A Cofsn; 2 aka ter
I kgs spole butter, 11 Riddle it OU. 44 bp ',Arley,
cer 0 Melia); 52 bids cider, Campbell .1 Ilaub
bawl. 8 bbls bona, 11 Dalsell It co, Z.l pity twine, H
do , I co;
doe jabs, Ilurtland & Oonnor; 15 do
do, 20 boa soap, B Usatleton; lOD bbls spplos, Cook.
Portia. k co, al bids*, J 11 Ralston; fA bp potatoes , \
g..., P Moeller; 70 sks oats, nbomakor & tang; 15 rolls -
Luber, gaup., g Kekrumo; 12 u. woo l, g Hu- Flat SALE OE LEASE ---A. large L.,
bough A co, 15 bbls apples, dtourfor & 11....^^15, 25
_bk.; ,
_....inn.gbarpspbitilrgubur, tin
.11,..• Pane.hkrertb.llsiln 7.1,...,,.
candles, Atwell, Lee 4 oo; 100 bbls tont, Jos tin in. no
cask• 51cCsscry 4 co; Dwells,' sts• of nno
Cy'lbgllgr;or), plu"ropu'llr.h. ' • I Ilmacs, el bunt of brick. A well
good water ln
I tbe yard, plcnts of igior.rult, wad ocuresdent to
ClAvalso & PISTIa 8A1L1.090 , Oct. 27- cburd.,...4 saod
-262 bbls apples, 08 do eras, es,
'Mt acm WO bbls tn , _ alum " r Aehtde'r,l:3l duo T r* Prrriallarr °Mre. or °al °.°
, B Canfield 3:0 ou-oopper, CO Plumy & co, Illisrpsburg, Allsittseny County, Ps.
3 cluss old*, 11 MIND itico; 3do do,. Jos P Tanner. . ! ......,
ffitoll; 25 I - 1 -`' ..L"±.- - - ---- — NTALE.
32 bble apples, J lierut; 1 00 Woe. ic 2 1 1,1 rin g isTay itmluk:seE Fo
boo candles, Little 221rimble, 140 bidlcs, Chas Ureter g -
10 cßt Potals , 3 Ipi400; 10 pu. PIS
11 11 htt, ‘4,./ Tbs undersigned edam at Outs ade.bolits
144 sks wbeszC,l Vospl, & co, 3 oars wheat, B T mo an rat idipea 02 ?coy BM, containing ta ,
snieudid Brick Incelling,
donned, gs , g, , , go pbb, appic : Owens A KKK
n n.
az all. Too Of "PAWL O-. , th roc .. " a
do do, $ Blualphin, 17 do di:Prosser A Aiken; 1.3) do , Door. iii, . m .. Ng,
1. I
dn, 0 Mums & co; 40 do do, El Bon & co, 31 do gi r o gy. 10th c ggi p, , g g m. I n u ppes,
do, Wm PEcCatcheon; 50 do do, Shomaker I Limp; bast gming or ig, g , a m ps gpy pgdps vi sa %nig
16 do beans, 7 Vulgar:ter; 15 sts rap. llsolds A co. 1 shoat gyp wog uses, pese unee,,eberr,=nitt.sod ,t
60 bbl . door, BI ham. Unspent & co; 73 061 s a il- I c gg. t y g g, -AK,. Tate tad
pis retie! .9 £00:00.rong; 10 do do, Fleming & Pterle; em . twit. of
10 tons metal, B C Lamas selVllin SCIMPLITNBR, op tbs, place ,
Altsourrr STATIOS, 006. 1:- .. -We 99 flu .o d,
li noott• I do isisples, J
B 8"d"" . '" Mc....s P T us ' do Don a. uJo pp,. J_ 73 scree, Otago! 13 , 4 to from Dtginant Btu.
VOIR 33AL A lot of laad, contairang 1
rr Benson; 2 ,12 kg, --.-- - ' ' w . ' %lon On lise Plusburgb. bort Warne & Chicago / 1 . 11.,
't cue bbls, centers b. Bro; 75 bre starcb, Pillosr, B _,
& co, 9 bbls cutters, A Kirk & co; 625 bub olds I 1... nbore Voreril - 6 In tna ll tlin....birld,,nawita, IPA I .
Stsopeort k Know, 1 bbl spples, I do buns, Shull, 1
,rtil... strci...bard. of busing t .
Son a to: la bp barley, VIV Andeturi..ll Us p: , . i litoritritbo a :tral
um"' Adam UPPsri""—s2--. "bte j Oe:t3a3 a. c P 1+ tWarrtit,starldilarnA r,..
=I. 2
Bun* Market.
OM 260110ur calor line otevly. ' Wboot to flitr '
dossand without totporteut elt gap; Woo 111 21 AO for
No. 2 1611orsokee db; I,tl for No. 1 CbloKobDrlar , .
21,1 8 ter Ito. II dm 21,6% to? 'WU" winter Kontnetry.
ford ow 6. NC. natkiptUng at .6211.700. "Nti_lnlr.
tulsid7vittPre-forretrii. itc%bele—d A rta 9D tarre . * n u t:101 1B C C ' ,
11:16.9000 1,0 1 1 tai s soar. 749.000 btrii
wheat; 21,000 1,2111616 Ws, 11PX1bashals ow Am
t n i a4 P l76 " 7.--,
.. .. , :81411Wi reattlbe -
1" t4rritgaCW4lirtilarZr"r
' timirnitist°s Wainosscids
ASALE, situated at No . IT3 Third Barnet, See.
ea Ward, Pittsburgh. Thrt lot has a front of A) feet
Safi Worlds back en feet. on whirl la amour! a largo
throe -Wry brick building, with barJr.buildngs throe
maim. Elm budding is Candled In modern style,
senuned with dadds parlor., (=Ws aunties) din- 1
log Mt., khalif:6, 1•111101.17. With tutu balms, mom ! I Invite a ttention to solne of tba moss merfoodi -
and bath mom Also same commodioar bad dun , .
bets. Parties soaking a comfortable residence, ths \ nary Carta hy till
&ball! b Jag the Owe. Is odarod Ber,
Tor terms and igloo 00 at • ' PECTORAL SYRUP.
oola B. 11cAIN a C 0.8., 101 Fourth Mart. i
----rgi i Thai are at beam, and any one ate 1100 doubts! can
Inquire of the -forams who ham bran cal'aThi *it.
Ormcs or oarrsotrater mit Minster,
WashCington City, ric.t.dth,l3os,
Wirtii•S, 5 7 •••tisflmtaa ;afma , ,p:r.iii• to
CA undersigned, it ha been made coligraltiat
in the Count Allegheny! andlitita ofTinuellto•
Ma, tum beeny of
duly organised under - sad eteconlluif ne
the requln=entl of lbw Act Of COaffol t• secured by
"An Act to protidss National Currency,
• pledge of United Slates Stocks, end to provide kw
the circulation and redemption tliamar," amoral
febraary 25th, BSA and tea onoplied -witliall the
=dons of said Act required to be romp with
prrrarrans, lan. 11. 1800. commencing th e Uri:alumni Benkang t. ~
Ds. antra: lily wife has been elided with a
orNra.. ctrmilacrebr7;Liougurri,..4.cvuociu.tutob...
bad cough and di
years of breathing for five rem nun NATIONAL lltAili. Or TFISMICAU.
which for several years back tad gradually Increased county of Allegheny, and Star. of Perinellithia, ki
d authorised to commence his otlianking la
in violence , The eoraphipst las been heredlaml , so dor tio! ut _•„„,...m. .
. ,
she bad been Mesa 11 several . Pikl"s "abort ,-,-, In7;llllVity_ whereof entice,. my Asa
any relief. In this Mateo( her oun, I procured some f R s , I . and seal o f ogice h t l hAsa c d o a l liaLt l e ,
of yoor Pectoral Cough Syrup. / boagfit. fir ant l I t , ___,o,./pt.s. of tb. mammy,
time, a any eat beta.. wbtob relbm4 bo Vet/ I
much then called sad got • dollar" bottle, whicb I TUB FIRST NATIoNAL. 07
cared h er entirely, and she bee ems ta trnce of the I unsiontalf, - PA.;, • .:
former discus, coot weakness. I world 00 state , • •
that I teed the utedichammelf to a cold and cough. , (LA:r z pir ronte, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,0,„,0.,
''''''... •"'""" "'"'11... I
. . .. ....
-------------r----r'''"---'*-"—s •• (}Engine, tea
Thpresseittny firths. tared
with tharinedicirte,l and \ Curtain er4,oo.oooorittkprid.,r to tirsis
ii. SALFFour agree , of mTOnnd _ ~b . 07 D.
au , yen di .,,, to do 1 ° ele6oCl‘ooo.' -: --,
end a lour Bony Brick :Building, Engine, j r s: ' &r. ''' "
Boilers mid lifachiseryi well adapted far • maim- / 1.• WX.. W/LSON. -• ..-
11,4427 100 a s by 120••• V 0102 be Perclialed Mr . Aldermen, Tlith Ward. Tba Ilttsbzugh Trun CardP l o.7. badbFal l2 " ll4
one-half its mistlnd Me& by Mini( MI \ wader the eat to prod& • National .omprmsbesdka
WILLIAM VAUD, , the title of - tha TlBirr NATIONAL BANS fl/f
80. WI Grant street, Tituburati •
re oar issairdos .
for Ore colhationot ana, Dflina..b ‘ illa of_
ic., mats ffuTtuyrOPC•lkAg4.rao...", ..."
change oa ell parts Cl af tharcountiy.,.. ~., , , _ ,
- The =Cala which : hat'. Eden ?hobs%
Trust Coup
be. lanai its orgVllbatforttb'llls2.
we belkaa: be. a seflicr=tie` thattb
eutroMed 10 thC new , _ ' .WM recital the
. samaart: attentban.' . ^ 2: t I - ,-!.
! a. a VeI7.Oita*VOCCCeriaMOODOOPI th alai
and thmenes,dl the chantri, we Wins we
an odsr tonolost. 20...•b3 d o lk•fsbos ,
Theus.. _ ~
Umbras will Da amtMlimea vi the illir MIMI
n t.
and Dirt,eWb. ~ . • ~,
Bo w, eia:W: : , EltiMo....
Tholileat ' ' • .dlemt - Brs ets ; _
Them es es se Whpistmas• .sanitellitme - '
Wm. B.. Niesick .
iamms -
es Mt
Imm o*,
eats • 7" -I ' 4 ';',:7;"'''''r.7•=l
VOLTS ALL Damasrs OF T.:7I7.LC::CIti.
Tome otandhog cored DR. RSTSTNS PECTO.
camt, Lam' s. . I
.I.a. G. lucked:.
JOHN taw?, John C. Dindlei.
Ilobbssoli Mau atsg.beny. , 00 7 ,0 1 1.0 ... 16 .. . _
- • Ousis•WOOttext, -' -• '
. . - i. • Willteall '.
Mt larigat.B PECTOEAI 6711.1TP 1 .taklt v . , ,i•
, ..— .. • pleat trAhdaka, .:
• ii - ctitirid =dem by ziaLsid saw. --.- . -
Jam D.. 11.41,1, - " - :
. '• ' lkit:OPM..reAf =7; 1 .4 i Valli= 6:101 1 41 - 7.
' ' • ' '•
140 iocia . — stmt. Pittsbergir, ?a. 8801224 "" i1 , f1ip 417