h lEEE BEM! e e t - 1•11 t 'The Lest Tirelnia Campaign - -Oita ptUSUUl t glt tektietta • '' mCeslnairld or fhe Ainai' eTe Pain- "Agate,"of the Cincinnati Gazette. wines S. RIDDLE & 00.. from Washington, on the 21st instant screen Aka moratmess 'Forward and back The Dancing Mas ter still gives commands to the' trioY of the WEDNESDAY MORNI Nth • • OCT • 2S, 18438 Potomac. To-day it runs for cover under _ - - 1 the defenses of Vi ashington , to-morrow it • pressing hotly upon therlefenders of Rich preach tatul ..Practice --Precept and i s • Enalnple• mond . We meet occasionally with curious and The country cannot keep up with it, can instructivee,idences of the fall, and the not arrange its transports in harmony with the situation. The Western papers that infirntitiea with which the unfortunate de t reach us , three days old, are as amusing as ecendonts of our first Parents heel , been ' Joe Miller. They talk about a battle on the visited for their sins. Thus, we picked up, Rapidan, when Loe is cosily established at a day or two ago, a newspaper - which shall Manassas Catching danger with the events, then s w pe hi c l ul e ate e on is be nameless -and read an article under truh.riniirofdeWaraslife to thecaption of " Respect for the Press," con- `Richmond, and destroying ng the railroad be ton:dug a sage homily upon the proprieties, 1 hind him to delay our pursuit. and vehemently deprecating some licentious In truth, the late movements here have article in a leading Democrat i c paper, of a beenipise thata fain Lee e. va T l h o e m re us i l s y e ad ve v ry an re ce as d o o n n t lb o i. .x . neighboring county, as a "daub of vile per- -with a single corps I The latter took to tonal vituperation," and "a scattering of I his heels, and started for Washington-the filth with audacious malignity," which single corps lustily wailing. Gen. War ren unconsionsbly insisted on testing the would reduce the honest man , who approved I mettle of this imposing foe ' when presto! ' I of It, "to the level of a beast-nay, lo wer ' the trick was discovered, and they took to -to the level of the bigoted pettifogger who I their heels! wrote it," and which, although it might Such seems to be the clearest statement can give just now of the last "cam have been wtranted before the election, on! peagn" here. Its results are-some cost of could have no apology offer it, "because it , horseflesh and shoe leather and patience, could serve no party purpose, nor have any , ariaestruction of the Orange and Alexan- I; -?„-- NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS - I Railroad ; and an enforced delay under . s- , A Special Meeting of the stockhold..ni or the other effect whatever than to shock the 1 l .t o r, v b er h o i f whi ch eli Leo may help Bragg, estab decency or offend the morality of the tom - aPt"L'beUtt.a.c;',Tvov.,•Bsay,,nahC:CVlylotrtTlield n the defenses of Richmond, munity." I evacuate the capital, or do whatever else rgh, at ir o clock a 1:11. on THCRSDAI the 12th t ill y of November, A D 113 GI, firse marp ' me of cm- Well, we thought ' this was encouraging, may seem to him good. cepting or rejecting the Billonamed Acts and • Supplements, pseud by the General Assembly of the and began to hope for a reform in the ! an d Then is talk now of Meade ' s, remove, ' Commonwealth of Penmylvanla, at its last session, eilfsairlyrelasehdanothin handsome tnoulehioii.iiiii.Ash to I to ., i re n nal t th ., : i ! n a ith . sectlon off:: wt preacher himself; but, on looking down the I failu c ro om o la f i follow o is w espec i ally e same column, we found in leaded type, and blow. What a day may bring forth nobody t r° ,: n e n ,Ta i ti nr" ,, Ina l ' n o uSch s r ikin P roton '.:ll=tt ie to kl fi' are r ii borrowed, too, from one of the most notori- can tell, when the most prominent Cabinet Chunk, and for other purposm,” approved theist day t know of Roseanne' remoeal curly infamous sources in the State, aper- officers didn't fromafter p it ro w te as ndi o n rdered, to one may ri f eo A fpo ril rkes t ets F 02 1 . "A 770To,:it i vil Vl' t° song attack t e l equal grossness-and that, red p redict tinbe tees. y wA of in A i p n r c l o l , A.D. i till d s too, after the election-uPon one of our own I wag.. but ilia certain that the President l anyd the Safe Harbor and Susquehanna Tian:mike liolG e l Citilettl, of the same political party as the I the War Department have not been well ~ .'.7,, ,,r 0T,, , .. 4 '''''''''' .IP.No7lllhjwl,4lllP,".*l Aprll' lecturer himself- enjoying the very highest I satisfied with Meade ' . recent movements . CYRUS P atAaiLE, 1 command late ofre report about Gen. Sickles taking JOHN A. CAUGILEI . honors which the ljnion Men of Allegheny J B. MARSTON, Army of the Potomac, W. W. TAYLOR, could bestow in this most important crisis meant this that he was very anxious to A.MILLkR, of our public affairs-well and widely known have it Ile has been known as an aspirant It Bt. lit.ii IN, JOHN S DILD ORTII for that position ever since Burnside's re - throughout the whole country-and with a DANL . It DAN IDSON, moral.l do not think he has ever had any W.C.HAN EN , reputation for personal integrity, and rode-Directors of the Pittsb gh A I. onn R Co chance of it ; and it is said he will not, at eml7 tf pendence of thought and speech, which the any rate, befit for the field for many months I '' ' ''' ' ''"h ''',..1:18, lent . „ 0 v , : na bs sBANG 0 eIII,3IMM ' wont and most depraved of his enemies yet Oc tober Val ls.o I have never dared to question, and to which At the White Rouse, Sedgwick and. Wa- 11 - 3 - 3 - - vIN ACCORDAN('E WITH TIIE ...„ , ran are just now the Generals most in favor ise>” ACT OF ASSEMBLI. notice is hetet y hie libeller would not even venture to P llf Meade should be removed, one of them ghen that Mr ALEXANDER Math • R has e.. tend ' will be likely to have the succession. ~toend Vine President of this Bank • oat. 2 II M . .11.11tRA1 Cashier It was a sorrowful exhibition, and could ' - - - - 'VI hat the Nation,has Done for the NI ar. t. r ---- -- • NOTICE -The lot twittery and damage nobody but the exhibitors, but we , ,--''' °there interested I the grave yard on Juniata could not help adverting to it aeon evidence Below we glen a tabular statement of the street, in 4 n e s Soctml ;IL:Majo r hy b r ; t jri na i rl .... t. h , tee. frame of mind—the stone _ number i of troops voluntarily raised by the . ‘ Ho of the unhappy of the city of Allegheny, li, mid clam h, • n Tilt It yea States from the commencement of the IDal the 12th of November, i ltell, foe tt_• warm. . 1 blindness - the utter self-forgetfulness war to January Ist, 1863. The table Is pre h '',l ll ,, Ia Oust ..."'""." I.l°""r^i' - '"' M., .'I.O:,IGL It. `.r . > which those malignant monsters-uenvy, , pared from official reports, and 4s as complete ''' t hatred and malice, and all uncharitable- as it is possible to make It. The information [ F. -- , „-", iT'kt.letil..oEhiii'ASTii.UrTtib.ON - i 1.1. M . Host"-arc always certain to beget. We furnished by some of tale reports Is so obscure competent and experkii2l"oreign earts7 to tab. have no retort to offer, or complaint to that it is vory difficult to •Theide to which rho innn T: n .. n r D: i . ,n, t l A ,i i n hi t ts ewpo AND t,i I P . V.1.4r a 11 ,, N e t 9 I o ha n Ser: make on behalf of the gentleman assailed elms of service the troops furnished belong, not regdar attendants As he he see atwo other A.. who would not thank us for gratifying his but it it believed the classification below. is ,: t l ee T r e ,r ee he ,r7t..h th t e be w' res ' llrr e ' r e Lr ed7ote no rt n n o cli assailants even by vouchsafing them a no- eorreet Application tor admission may be made the pre week Terms moderate des But surely their memories ought to 3 mot , inesiDefre 3 v••ar. T tal oer.Jm eeth lof Ede . have taught them-even if they think that ' two . i 7..,) : , 4931 2611----- 24,771 .11,1115 they do not themselves "shock the decency, ?ea.:rears to b c, 24:9A1 1 1 4 3: 9 4 1 4 ? i , 11 5 ,73. ,606 144101 1 2 L i dti or offend the morality of this community" ni,ssci, ie G,"36,16 690. 5.406 -1,01,3 153 by relaying their representative-when it ii!..1'0'!).'",';',0t, • 3.„1,4,.;;, uz , ...,, can serve no honest purpose-that the oh- New York 115 D 221 ' r6,7tid T 12,136 New J.,04 I 3.1u5,10 - 14 i 10,kki X 1,815 jeCt.fif their wrath was never yet harme d Nur is s , ky 0 - 9 1 1.5 500 1 104,2 , 5 , 7 20) , t3ti by the stings of all the steeped:tat havebeen °,boliono 1 695, 3,131 1 ,1t , ,, 4 ',!, • 1 7, , , e . 1 3 1 16 I 440 gathered around him, and certainly cannot ttlodi,,s .. . n I 11 1 '" 07 , 44,890 1 . 135 41,670 now, by any stingless swarm, which could U iwyoein 1 810. 491 39, 14.51 40,edfl 130 ISO Cagily brushed away as these, if the 3 1 ,', 1 ,',::: i , - I,n, 1 ' ; ' 0 1 1 :: , 1 . , :,: , 1. 4 ,!• ; ,16 4 , , labbr was worth the pains. Illesoun 10 14i , 27 41N 1 37,147 , _ Ke l,oo ntu ne ck) . ? . ale. I.BtAl 41,16.1 alio. nITALLISANTS OM • •NVIlViVilf.ll,l BAN., • PittsbUrnb, Ont. iMiI, 1 9 63 I Complimentary. Maryland I' ". \ 1 1 1 I 1 y . iiTHE AN LAL ELECTION FOR The Richmond ingutrer, of the 1011 'lug , I:' o l i ' m 'lr.: '- ' DIUlt - roan wilt be held at the Banking in an article upon the late Northern glee- C.lifornio I,' /loose, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next ,wow- gin th,• hours of ten'.m.and two p m done, remarks that "the Democratic party uf ,51 561 67 33.5 , 15.8 , a I,OG/3,itC 1.076,24+ The annual iii...ting of the Stockholders will i.e held on TI. P.SDAT, the 3d day of November, at ton au State (Pennsylvania) w ,,,,, ~,,, pro i l l in ": l‘ , ,, o n. York hassenl2o,l 3l mei, fur i•eo leer. nod o'clock . . JOHN SCOTT,Jr., Cashier has not 2,58 for teals, mouth. dyawnSi bribery, because a tater had the shad,,u, Leering out of the count altogether the 'l6l'. 11suusena Bset, Pittsburgh, (let . 6 th, D 9 n3 of a pr.:ample • 1 three months' men, the nine months' men, E - , AN ELEcTioN Foil DIRECT one. yeses men, the two years' men, and _ - ,v The immediate provocation for this is Ithte..-- OILS of This Bank will be held at the Bank. ps raised for the special service of las Koine, on MONDAY, the 16th dayof N ha that they failed to carry the election. It ' state defense. and beside all these we have up between th e b oors o r le ~, a o rk . mmo d Z ic , ". : r, seems hard, however, that after doing all l't° whil lw voli a i lvaiDg d : o ' f fo th r iyear, 1,008,1 e9 men I te ri tiold " otr YVETrAI I , Nov . 1 t i ro ll'i ltTer l they could, in the way of traitorous wo•k, nteerethre e years o r t hear ' Gaa t) si . ealtaa . c ajor . 1 B. casualties of the field and the diseases of ; "" 1 " 1 " for their Southern masters, they sliould i be i theramp have greatly reduced these numbers , Rama:sox Base or Prrrsmaon, 1 . snubbed non, in the hour of their sorrow' they dise hats n o l f se m b e ee n e , las t tly . di e r rl intshed by f the he 1 1 - _ -- - s.THE ELECTION I.l)ll. th ill.R . DYE'- • and tribulation, in this ungracious way war,ORS of this Bask will be held at The Bank we,- after enlistment wen found physi- part ot I Gar Democratic friends may well say that sally disabled for a soldier's life ; and doer- I 11 f t ' eree li n the 1:om MON D AY,e ele vea s. N l "'m atir" p . m . t act, en a 4.10 h ave y d . , re duced ced the numbers by not a ~,,.1 m „, th ,_ of Stockholders will take place on this • is "Ingratitude more strong than tmi- 1 sfrwns d in g the above 'classes from TUESDAY, November 3dH. ,at 11 Mt Bit kV, Cashier a m tors' arms.' They ought to remember, how- the greet number given, we must, however, mis Ina 1d ever, that no slave, either white or black, was i add Seitiellei velanusry enlistments and the ALL/V.IIIMT Base, Oct 14th, 186:1 ever thanked for either success or failure I cann"rit.°l=° present year, wbieh ' we t - '. l t.'S7 ELECTION FOR DIRECT , ebbed edge, Must amount to at Least 200,000 .-_,,, oliS of this Bank will be held at the Count he the work which he was set to do . If men. I give some idea of the magi- to e House on the 16th day of November next, be lAl•Oretattffiktion arm y, even as it now stands , twmn the hours of 10 o leek a m mad 5 o clock they had elected WOODWARD, it would have'' ) W CtDOK. Cashier DR the Wave and extent of the field of °per- ,Pall e been only an additional reason for declin- I sitiolis;the sheet the enemy's army, and the annual meting el the Stockholders will be .- held on the .1.1 day of November next, at clock m. ins all political association with a people " ezigeeeies that follow victory and occupation, , ,wirim revira that farther reinforcement? be for who were mean enough to turn their backs , waned- to administer the but blows to the te Inns erre Bent, Pittsburgh, Ikt 150, MC. ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN on their own homes, and kindred on the I hellion the coming Spring. and to restrain i i rvi e' - , 1 '21 t h ose who I thereafter the smoldering fires of treason .- ~,..,,,,g'r.ECT,,,,,ffilloghAT''. , k ,. 7 11 1:41 h " I l d ", t t k : battle field, to curry favor with Army and Vary Genet, teem the hours of 11 a m and 2 p m had cut loose from them, and were waging • The monad meeting of Stockholders will be held , en on TL'F i rAT, Nov Id, 1.G3, at It o'clock a m war for their destruction, just because they SECESH is HALIFAX A letter from Hall- J 11AGOPTIN, Cas -- hier hated and despaed them. fax, Nova Scotia, says that the BecerstOn Crosses Bees, Pittaburgh, Oct 15th, s part of the people of Halifax are much an- r " - - - " .,s AN ELEG'TION FO ICTIIIRTEEN Tile Rebel Finances. , noyed at the stoppage of Laird's rams. Ar- 'LI v_i DIRECTORS of This Bank will be held at the ran emends on a large scale wore going on It . tinklog lime on MONDialt, November 16th, at ten A late report to the Virginia house of at the Confederate wharf for supplies of “I"ea a.m . - Delegates recommending the creation of a , The regular annual meeting of Stockholder. will coal and other materials for the "rams,. ta held on TLI.SDAY, Nov 3d, at 11 o ' clock aea "national loan " of $400,000,000, Bays : ' preparatory to their attacking Portland, ocri 1m OEO T VAN DOREN, Cashier, "The amount of outstanding Treasury Boston, New York, and then breaking up t _,-.-.73118,4•Es M. E . ~t - f t T.> TiAtTicELL notes now in circulation is, in round num- the blockade of Southern porfs The mat- will open classes tor .. Physical Culture sod l eers , 5550,000,000 By the lot of December ten was talked over as sure to occur within ~L , l ditTi t l i ;l t yr a nnzt ,,, icti i, ;z: a ttught by Dr Die Lewis. on NEVILLE HALL, corner proximo in cannot fall short of $ 1 350,000,- 1 a few weeks, and thousands gloated of Liberty and Fourth strests . 000, with all the aids that may be expected ; over an anticipatory horning of our seaport einrUblln at the to be obtained at the dilfennt Book from taxation then realized, thus leaving towns and the destruction of our fleet . Stores /MI Hall itc=ler the aggregate circulation, at the earliest _ - RELIGIOUS .TOTICES. period at which any depletion from the Tut We.t Virginia Legislature has re ' proposed loan could be expected to begin, coolly been discussing the best means of ~..-_ it - L ., — - - --- -- Lir-:-.i......;.1G10US NOTICE -The regu at $650,(00,0 00 of Treasury notes alone getting rid of the guerrillas who infest the The one hundred million proposed to beyaid i border counties of the new State. Two re - I Third P l" hy . te E r7. " 2 au P re i t A i!it a be 2 6flf r ikl ' it_ ( IV into the Treasury before the cessation of I ports have been returned frem the commit- needs') EVANIets, st MOZART HALL, seventh etreet, between Smithaeld and Grant, mrvice corn ' issue is required to take effect, may, if the tee to which the report was instructed . The wants of the government require, he again majority report is to the effect that it is in - :riso n tVid 7 at . ' o t 1 c i he 'c s ai k n e r p u t b 5, 1i eT0 1i ge "4" .. " .7.1,7i . .. 2 re-issued , thus, in fact, fixing 'the actual expedient at this time to legislate upon the bath, at leii ato and 7% . p m Pnatchlog by the amount of reduction at 500,000,000-icav- subject The minority report requests the Lii i i , to oo r t , i tte. tts: i taioti ih str 'Anti The talia ealitatb lug the circulation still at the RUM of $350,- Governor to ask the Rremident to make a MOZART HALL on o:SABIrA I TTI M I XING, ei i' ; 000,000 of Treasury notes, beyond which it change of commanders for the Department s'elors. _ sem ii ____________ _ __ _ _ is assumed that it cannot go without pro- of West Virginia as the inauguration of a 1 - dosing such effect in the enhancement of wore vigorous policy. .TE W AD rER T/SEAVEXTS. ...___. .._ _ prices as would seriously endanger any - WE have Information from quite a num- T ARD OIL.-I 2 bbls No 1 Winter financial system, by inducing distrust and .L/ Lard Oil to atom end for sale by stimulating speculation." her of counties in 'Kentucky to the effect WU 11141 All DICKEY Ico that citizens are actively responding to the I rPALLoW oIL-12 bbLs. in store and a order of Gov. mlette for the organisation 1. for male by 'The Campign in the South-West. 13ra ISAIAH DICKEY et CO of home guard comp anies for State defense. A Washington letter to the N. I Erecting This is a very propr proceeding,.and the. Post says j good afflict of suchorganizations will be to soon rid the entire State from the small A perfect understanding between General itinerating hands of guerrillas who have Grant and the military authorities here I now exists, and it is the general expectation I lately worked so much annoyance and mis great b a ttl e w ill chief -Co Gar. in military circles that a soon be fought in the Southwee. Pepper box strategy is to be discarded Americo, and a great concentration of our forces will take I place. Our troops will not wait to be at tacked, but will advance upon the enemy, compelling him to receive battle or retreat I further southward. General Leo, it is , thought, is already on the alert, and is ' sending off troops to Chattanooga to operate 1 against Gen. Giant's new combinations. Reinforcements have undoubtably been sent' to Lynchburg to meet Buinside's expedition, snd, if possible, harass it. The New York Herald having supported Fernando Wood for the Speakership of the Toe quota of Ohio is full under the call 'louse, for sometime, now abandons him for troops to meet which so many of the and takes up F. I'. Blair, Jr. The Herald Eastern States have been enjoying the plea- is fond of fun. As Wair's seat is contested, suns of a drift. Volunteen enough have 'lt would, of course,bo an excellent arrange been gathered in to meet tho - requirements mane for him to have the. Speakership Co of the Govirnment and a little MOTO. No that he could appoint a committee to suit len thin 1,082 pardons enlisted last weal.. his case. The prospects of raising at t heist - one-balf - of the 1 82,10) men, to be furnished by the , 6th' of. next January, by voluntary enlist- I Imita, ire regarded as good,'provided suf. Ilolaistexertion is made. In Illinois, Indi ana, Ittasemelmsolls, New Jersey, and other Stites, thavork-bas already been energet ically begin!: ' .. .. 5~ R't,. ... <. _._ == NEV A emu:LAIL line of sailing vessels be tween Cleveland, Ohio, and Liverpool has been established. It is intended also, by 1 persons in Liverpool, to establish a line of screw-steamers to sail froth that port to Cleveland and Chicago direct. The steam ors will be of as largecapacity for cargo as the Welland canal and locks will admit of. The vessels will be of iron, of the first class, and to occupy not over twenty-one days In the passage from port to port. - - Tai NOSTRWISTZIS FAIIL.—The Northwest ern Fair at Chime., for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission, *lll open on Thursday, and promises to boa grand Mir. A feature of the lair wID be a, conows by two hundred children. Mies Aims E. Dickinson will Meer two lecture, during the imbibition whir& will centimes two weeks. • ~ • r •-• 1, • • -• • • • -„ - - - - • frarwrs or me CraesA. Waebtak .1 .rzyr 4,D rEirigs.E*FAMMI.:--,JrEffir t- .. prellirrelE.Mitrrir. ' Jrr w . f fIi•rioRTNNEMIL P, ._ ......... _ ten lotOtr says: Some Uzi of the largo , ' ,Xf PAV CARPETS aztount of iraati.t.t.l eurrenery required for the i WA.....VMD.—AnexperieneedEAßPET i e TUST i nr 2NV. ' ls. , ...,-II purposes of change in email busmen transae- . Y Y VrEIOWTERER Denuded Immedlataly at 2,000 DOZ. SPOOL COTTON, Lions may be formed when it is stated th at the I ' OLIVER 31eCLINSOCK !It CO.'S. No Et /WI west. total amount of this deecription el' currency ' ''' .2ktf i lu'lluttll..r. tonv.“; ftout 10 t.. t.s .I