. . IZETEMVI Vittsburgit .1:OCT. 27, 1868 TUESDAY NIORNL,D3::-. . CITY 44n) SUBURB * 41V: From Yesterday's Evening Edition. ------- • Late from Itlehmendea-Gllmpees of Southern Life. We are indebted to a friend for copies of ' the Richmond Whig, of the 19th, 20th and ' 21st Mots. This paper is now printed toga tarty on a half sheet of dirty brown piper, ..• and is furnished to subscribers at only $2O per suntan, or two dollars per month. From the file on hand we obtain the following glimpses !I of Southern life : The financial affairs of the South puzzle the Wisest heads. Thereare six hundred millions • of 'Treasury notes sliest, and thornily mitre for the fearfully depreciated currency la a reduc tion•of the amount. The Wide says: "The country must choose between it &nail:financial explosion, that will leave the vast amount of I - Treasury issues now in circulation without any value; that will destroy the credit of the. Government and leave It without a dollar in band; and that will spread disorder and eon. ; fusion through our whole business system, end I bring ruin and want to every manta door." A lady In the county, "an intelligent mill- ..-. tress and manager of a large estate, writes ' to a gentleman in Richmond, and gives the Coefedorate government "hark" for exacting • tithe of all the Southern farm products. j She says: "I never heard until yesterday, that we had to give on a tenth of oar tobacco lit the Government, and, to my astonishment, I learn it is to be sent to the depots by Tom, Dick and Harry. Good, bad and Indifferent • will of course be tumbled Into ono great mass, in indifferent houses, to mold and rot. Why not let the farmers manage it all, as if it were • for themselves; carry it to market, get the , best price, and render up a tenth of the mon ey 1 Wo aro getting on as usual; spinning, weaving, picking our cotton and peas, digging potatoes, making molasses, Ice., eke. Hasp our last tobacco to-day, and wish I oonld say as Much of our enemies." The Whig is very severe on the betel keep. • on of Richmond for refusing accommodations to women and children, because the women are more trouble than men-expect to get but ter for their bread, and. sugar for their coffee, etc. The writer Faye: .• There is but one remedy left; and that is, to thin out the wo men and children, as the Spartans did their Relate, by or holesale massacre at stated inter vals. The prom ire would add to the reputa tion of the South for chivalry, and lower the price of cabbage and Irish potatoes. We, therefore, urge its immediate adoption." "A Farmer," who has evidently experienced the oppression and tyranny' of the "impress ment" system-,that se, the taking of articles 'of produce, at a price fixed - by the timPress meet agent, to prevent extortion, etc., write=: "Them agents for impressment bear that a farmer, having an extra quality of wheat for seed, can sell It - for one or two del. lets beyond schedule prices, pounce upon the whole crop for the Government, with the ver. bag conernsion that, if he will sell-at thif sche dule prices, he is welcome to do so; thus avail. Mg himself of his powers on behalf of the The contest and defeat are then described Government to impreae for the benefit of In- I its the same elegant manner, and the song divide:OS. Thus, beneficent law promising concludes : • good fruit, turns to ashes on the lips I Nor is -Josh Ward Melted rery pate this offleia/ spoliation a small matter. With When lininfll he est esti, flour at from $4O to $l9 a barrel, the farmer ••Te twat me, Jtm," esidlesh, "Toe leant otter 0 " loses by this arrangement from 12 to $3 per le future hen stay at bete.: bushel en his tritest- While the Government And lot oar red-hatred pet alone, pays him by this rule four or five times old i Oct now he's truly chammon Cl. prices, ho has to expend from ten to thirty Of our testers, - times what be used-to do for his iron, his cloth, reme Court. his sugar, !to., d:e. bent* spoliation would Sup be more tolerable, because anticipated and Moxner, Oat. 26,-Present, Chief Justice . the act of an open enemy ; but it is cruel to Lowrie, and Judges Woodward, Thompson and . be thus wounded in the house of one's friends, where protection is the return for heavy taxes Strong and loyal obedience CO raters." Opinions were delivered in the following The "food question "is engaging the atten- mos; , Lion of the "City Fathers" of Petersburg. At Alexander vs. Bus's. Centro. Judgment a called meeting of the City Council Saturday reversed and new trial awarded. Lowrie, afternoon, a committee was appointed to hold ca. ,. an Interview with the Secretary of War, state Snyder es. Morg an . Allegheny. Judgment the threatening aspect of the question, and a ffi rmed. Per Cu rium. ' request permission to purchase whatever may Dithridge•s. Craig. Allegheny. Judgment lie needed srliere eor it can be found, and bring I &firmed. Per Curiam. it to the eity. °salami Railway Co. ve Pit tsbargh. J udg- At a recent cargo solo at Wilmington, the l meet affirmed. Per Curt am. foie" I'3lu for r er y ar4ci° were , en , ‘i orm , ous, Ross and lileCermbs vs. Lynch and Rushton. but the papers failed css get a evocause. sti.. Allegheny. Judgment reversed, and new trial nine sold far $76.25 per ounce. Last Febru- ! awarded. Wioutdward,J. Stroug,J.,dissenting. are the price 1‘53 ;id. Ifeerd `vs.. School Directors. Crawford. ' Tobae.o sales were made et Danville at $76 , Judgment per hundred for goad fillers and but Little in s vs.e affirmed. Commonwealth , for useWoodward, o J. Magee Pittsburgh. a e 1 market. At Petersburg the quotations were Mc:Matters vs. Fame. Argued te i gether by ! $7O to $99. Wheat $8,25 per bushel. "Flour ma , e for plaintiffs In error , and I bile eon _ ran ges f r om $:,O t o $7O barrel, with no supply, tra. ° and prodpects disooffiraging. Nails cell at from Painter vs. Pittsburgh. Argued by llamil- $9O to $l5O per keg, according to sire. Coffee ton and Acheson for plaintiff in error, and by slo' per pound. Sheep, till per head. Salt, Whiteoeontra. 50c per hound. Butter, $3 per pound. llama, Haigh vs. Allegheny Insurance Company. choice, 02,00 and $2,75 per pound. -Lard, $2 Argood by Barton for plaintiff in error, and by peepound. Ilay,•s.l o per hundred. Leather. Penney, contra. *9,50 per pound for subs, and calf skins $l,lOO SUDS vs. Everson. Argued by Reed for per dotes. _ I plaintiff in error, and by Wools, contra. Complaints are made because the books of ; the Commissioners of Ravenna show that the 4,.• I.ectnre on Bishop Hopkins and Bible ' largest amount of profits returned by any one I Slavery. firm, in Richmond, was only $llO,OOO. The I are doubtless many in- Mae saes : °There no able end setisftetorY lecture was given credulous persons, who may think that some i on thfs subject in the M. B. Church at Mans evasion of the law has been practised, and "Held, on last Thursday evening, by her. D. L. ' others who would be willing to give twice , Dempeey, D.D. The preeeeds were applied to $150,000. upon a fair investigation, for the largest profits realized in thin city last year." , the new church in which the lecture was given. A lot of newtons were sold in Augusta,Geer- Thisfact, together with the importance of the gin, on the ltlth, at the following prices: subject, and the reputation of the lecturer, Woman and three children, $4,100; woman and one child. $3,500: boy, 9 yours old, , filled the church with a large and approcla sl,3oo ; man, 23 years old, $2,400; woman,: tire audience. The speaker stated that It 30 years old, $l,lOO. Total amount of sales, . Was evident that the pamphlet of Bishop H0p 512,400. . , loins had been prepared and' circulated for In the South, as well es the North, there are 1 skulking soldiers at home, feigning sleknees, i political effect, but that lie did not reply to It es the following, f ro m the Whig, will show ; ,on that account. Ho replied to it because It "One day last week, a private in the - Vir- attacked the Bible. lie took the position , &is. Cavalry, was walking along one of the ' that the Bible nowhere recognises the right streets of Richmond, with lids left arm in a' ; of man to hold property in Inc fellow man, sling. lie was wounded in one of the recent : and further, that it nowhere roe-egoism; the`, skirmishes near Rapidan. Whilst quietly pro-! existence of slavery. Servitude, he Omitted, eeeding on his way, a lady overtook and plumed ; existed in patriarchal times, and under the him. He noticed that she gave him and his Jewish economy, bill slavery did not. These 'lame acre' one or two sinister looks. which he positions were sustained by a strength of ar was uncertain whether to construe es demon- I gement, clearness of !petit, and harness of etrations of pity or incredulity.. The lady, ', intespretation, that would shake even the however, intorpieted her own. meaning, by ' Veriettet lkefe feith in the doctrine of th e a limping .gate, which she kept up 1 bielinVOST, this lecture ought to be spoken fur several steps, an much as to Ilan q • you and publiehist throughout the land, and it are wounded, .I'm lame.' The young soldier . wtifird inTiiir towards correcting a misled pub observed. the intended rebuke, and avers that lie sentiment. it made him feel so *Mean' that ho would have hurried hack to the army next morning if he ; • The Criminal Court. could have recovered the use of his arm, If McNeill . FORZ3OO7, Oct. VS.-Before Judges . the ladies would exert their powerful influ. Action and Brown.. • once over the other sex, there would soon be • Charles Michaele, convicted of illegal 11 nor few absentees from the army.'( . 'telling, was fined, ten dollars and costs, and • We will close our extracts with-the. follow- committed to Jail In default. Mg,' which we find under the caption-''Die- I SAMS Vtilton,,.eharged with. illegal liquor eon tented :" "Some of our citizens are dis- selling, waxacquitted. contented. with the present COD ditiell of things, I ; Patrick tioian wad convicted of 'ailing liquor and want stringent laws passed to restore old without license, fined ten_ do and oosts, times and Old prioes. 'W e are in faroi of such : and committed in default. . laws if it can be proven that they will not do ' Andrew Andres and his wife -Catharine i•• •mere Minn than good. But on this point there • were arraigned on t o. charge of Matte:tee, In are tete epfnions, and the balance seems to be ' maintaining a soft soap factory on Butcher's against the laws. In the present frame cif the • run. On trial. publie mind, there is too much reason to: fear ' .......-....-----, . that the majority will be inalined .ratkitir totl _United States Distrlee Court., . break than to comply, with any law ,iihitirrer• ', MONDAY, Oct. 26.e-vßeibre Judge Hodand- • But who are these discontentodnersons h Not • lee. . ; the mechanics and artisans, who, we &SP Us t.::Thip elm of the rigura seat" as. !Mn. lured, wake more 'Money Misq: than' . theyj ever ; Martha Veriest, Muirged with embezzling and did, Oven allowing for the deprie)itionctf the : secreting letters, was taken up. The defe n d - . '' • currency. Shoemaker& cannot complairi if it ; ant la t s. wife of Mr. Rorrest, late pestaiesterr ' ' be true,lll we hear, that they charge-frost $lO 'at Porrine, Mercer county who •IFllleone,ieted to $75 or making a pair of shoes, when alt-thc•Turte-eay-hre ntramr-446-s6ooutiatits,,,,,t materiels are furnished. Milliners/ id like '• to din years in the penitentiary: ; Skil Outdated manner, are said to charge from $1.50 to - $175 'in the poStoldett trustnosa, 'and' it indicted sa for a bonnet, which, in ordinary tlinec•nould i an preempt** . of •her.htishend:. On VIAL east only $7, and ask $lOO simply - for =eking • it up after the materials have been furnished:'. Dow. Rice , aeo • rasiWoretroine Sou:mum , lleelonen cannot grumble when $5 will he nitY-s-Dan-Rbsernth•-petrintietthownitanct who hes indite them to bring.thelr horses out o the always contributed 'largely in support Of the' , . etabie. Hotel keepers meet. feel :nosy, for : Unto% and in all cases been in reality il true they mulct their easterners to the tune 'of 1 8 friend of :tie' eeldier; , bak inaugurated the . . fey adirty bad and a bad breakfast. Indeed,system of admitting to his afternoon edihibi the general contentment of everybody' who I - tone . ei. Wounded led . erifidett itddlers, has anything to sell is manifest by 'dui L einli ~- Ferielitage.... 7 stit litarbilintgot fen days they give themselves. ~T heir manner td pure., nOl4 . :Dna, ..iwitttlhis eixustomed II ral. chasers tamale like that of a lord US a b4g(PITS' ,iiKptellellied . iteti , tieketS , to , all the. ova- The people who ought to be disesonten are., ut e et i t Maim lb th e .gurrtiburgeotto F . 6. .. - the men and women who have been rob ed of.: wry Hospital, and we era sittborited to! state their foresee wealth by the enemy, an who t. the - wounded - -and-disabled, yolurneets In now earn a preeariout.slising In the D pert - 1 . and eroundPlltaburgh, to'iome and Eat Dan memo at the rata of about forty 'cent, a Itelinl.ltioe's. Greet Sbew,.frep of ettarge; 'whist' ' . 'User. Balsa far from leing_disociaterited; ~D e zip,ln .this. city, sa7' the:ltett Um lot, en . they are, as a class, the mast siteerfill• ople Veatriesday-evening nest s mild tillTieVe "mild, • - in the community , . Tbey,,onft! iike in- bitions every afternoon and evening qtr the ..... - - aegis of salary-to` .: tt'iailitvlsiil , Yet i•eitiiinder 'of .the week. Disabled ealdiers eateries t h e moment their are, raisaro Price lOU only, be i admitted free at the afternoon . . of.provieionarlees; Tiii'p*llito - 014 anld •Oiroimancete. I do 'antics 'of the St ate • offtierWaid f! ni ii; - . . . ... .. aim 'went; 'up from - $4O to -- -4 60 ' : i itlrel: ir tblilla theapfrit'olthe-phoptit.:lt'i evi ' • daughters mill he .tuudoes, - except: to 1 mote . bOrildlligienlittilletenlreptulitaktri.:%Xial s we. canimbarkto.itie 91.4171014.f.4 1 7,4 indiect litti; ,_ ... "ziorsayelikapra-mf4eria akau,,',' , ..:... --:--"TherefkirthintOrertistik lint inaieend, in . Abe wog , ttalangentettf, tribe4rintrtieftteend' -theatrer,iibire "The Willow ettfier "Mai: - • - - betb," and "The Merchant of Venice" had jot • ee 2.11.120141 • °TA ars not' irat. rriannienlairrqiii 'active preparation, as in:dimly - new - inir.etigiatta three setphy, - eistitleePWented, a.Sabatitato; or the Extortioners.' " The Keetk and-ilsawdy We notieed, two or three daYs since, that Mrs. Brawdy had instituted a eriminal prose cution against Mathew Keep, constable, for extortion, or attempting to extort money Since thed we have heard the Matement of officer Keep, and give it in brief, as follows In May ho made an information against Mrs. Brandy, forkeeping a disorderly house, and oho was held for a hearing, at which time, the ease not being made out, Alderman Humbert discharged her. Two girls, arrested in the house, were each fined by the magistrate. Keep paid.the costa, $2,50, for Mrs. Brawdy, which mum she afterwards refundrul. She was next returned WI-the Grand Jury, by the Ward constable, Mr. Macey, and a true. bill found, but the defendant was not arrested until she applledlor a license, when she gave bail for trial. In September, Keep made information against her and her • daughter and sdh, fur keeping a disorderly house, and the mother an&daughtor gave bail before Alderman Hum bert. A night watchman, Joseph Michaels, subsequently sued her before Humbert, and she again gave bail. She then aned Michaels for adultery; and some tune after she em ployed a friend to negotiata.With.Miehtieli for o mottlemenbithe agreeing to Withdraw her thargeln taco he- Would withdraw hist This wad refused. She • also sent Samuel Ward to Keep, and offered Fifth twenty-five dollars if he would withdraw. the charge ho had made. He refused any such proposition, andahe then sued him for extortion. Keep denies that he over took or demanded a dollar from her that he was not legally entitled to, and states that he can prove by Ward that he refused the offer of twenty-tire dollars to settle with her. We gave the allegations of Mts. Brawdy, us sworn to in her information, and now we give them of officer Keep, with the remark that we know nothing of the fiats personalty, One thing is evident, however, that Nis. Brawdy has been subjected to enough of nat., what ever elso oho may have coma short In. Hamill and Ward Poitized. A talented young Pitteburgher t wbo expires to the title of author and vocalist, and who has evidently been deeply impreesed with the magnitude of the contest between the cham pion oarsmen, Ward and Hamill, immortal ises theta flea in a song, of which the follow ing are simple verses: Oome boy, Hotta to my tong, And I'll not detain you long. It le all about young Ileadlll, The 'great oarsman, 0. Ito'e a hunks y boy of-tate, And hero of the heystone State, for he has proved hlmeelf the champion Of our ureters, 0. Now than's one Josli• Ward. Who all of his own stontWd. Tried very - lard therlaural — Ear to gain, wo know Ile had Mends to help him on, And I tell . you They pitched strong To make Josh Warden& oarsman Of Amer-I-ea, 0 Aktstixtr TO Voirthltrfrox.*4 l ! Jodrziecti*t.l4otthe'Catetntitee sirotinted to consider thtplopriety of TirOpomititellrabr :at bdinentit to the National donstillation, , trill 4e: tiA~ti ; tbb Lecture Room or, TV. 2ritimles.chfirohj.7lol6eanjotriliila • .thdr32tbAut.; al tworletbzollfrp,Adit hoar 414 *Of of. 441 , Committee appointe d fo psi arfaddiesal to the people of.the [tinted testes on the subject, KZAS reSTANt yn6Tor-4 8 --To - Morrow evertiagott 714 v'cloCk, on the eecondlloor of the Commercial males rooms, riftli street, a i large end attractive list of valuable Real Es tateand Stocks is to be sold by DSTLI,X3IC -11wsine, auctioneer. The Real Estate em braces a warehouse on Water street, elegant , dwellings on Duquesne Way, and on Penn ; street; a dweling and building lots on Centre avenue; one lot on Duncan street; and a country site at Ilailewood Station, in Scotch ; Bottom. LARGE SALL Or LOTS IX LAIPREECZTILLI.- 70-morroir morning, at ten o'clotk; Davis Jr Mellwaine, auctioneers, will sell on the prem ises the homestead property of the late Mal eohn Leech, situate in Lawrenceville, on the Greensburg pike. It has been divided into twenty-eight desirable lots, a plan of which will he tarnished. The tale is by order of the Orplums' Court, and will be an excellent op- Tortnnity for buying very deslrable property. Yana • NISOSILIL AT RICHNOND. - A young roan well known here, who t 1 now a prisoner in Richmond; and who was there In the same capacity last winter, has managed to Inform his father that he is unhurt, in good health, and that the treatment the prisoners moire Is rather better than it was when he was there . before. EVENING GAZETTE TELEGRAMS. THE CAMPAIGN IN TENNESSEE ENDED. APPMP l IEADI'S ARE IN STATU QUO LDTANCE 01 , THE REBELS INTO EINTtCET CNCHINGED The Recent Mutiny in Bragg's Army OVER EIGHT HUNDRED MEN ON BOTH SIDES KILLED - *- Affairs at Charleston to., is., Lc. Specie' Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Garotte PHILADZLIMIA. Oat. 26,1163 Unquestionable information to this effect reaches mo to'-day. There will be no more work this Winter to Tennessee. The,cam pedgn Is orer, and each party will stengthen itself during the winter, with no other opera ! tions than occasional skirmishing. Correspondents in the Army of the Potomae, paid for sensation letters, may:fsbricati them. An officer upon Meade's staff writes that nothing is expected in the way of a grand battle. As things now look, they will remain in otntu quo until spring. The great battle of Murfreesboro took place on January let, but thou Issues were not as The advance of the rebels Into KontuckY is confirmed. Gov. Bramlett' send,' from Frank fort, Ky., ['dispatch to the Democratic Com mittee at Buffalo, excusing himself from at tending the meeting there, and says : We now hare a formidable raid upon it; oar banks are robbed, and the towns are saoked within forty miles of the capitol. No man ran think of quitting his post while this continues. Despatches from Louisville state that the rebels made en attack on Danville, and burn ed the Quartermaster'. stores and robbed the citisens. A Richmond deepatoh of Saturday, in a telegram from Gen. Lee, says : Gen. Imbodon captured four hundred and thirty-four prison ers, and all their arms. iThe recently reported mutiny among th Tennessee troops in Chattanooga, was a se noes affair; whole brigades attempted t desert to the Union lines. In resisting the at tempt over eight hundred men on both aide were killed. Slavery in Maryland is fast playing oat. I On me night of the 18th fitly slaves disap peered from the vicinity of Leonardtown, and during the previous week nearly one hundred j more from St. Mary's county lefi, end have not since been heard of. The transport Massachusetts arrived last night from Charleston. The latest rebehao , aounts state that our troops are potting fdrti fleations Gregg and Warn -r in order, and es.- poet stormy times soon. W. J. J. lIPORTANT ➢6Ol Till PROW AR Recrossing of the Rappahannock by the Enemy' 1 Infantry• GREGG'S CITALRY D 1119103 DRIVEN BACI A SEVERE VIGHT NEAR BOLTON STATION MAJOR C. V. TAGGART KILLED IM:2 Fax You, Ott. 26.—A epeeistl dlspaion to the Time, dated Washington, October 2S, says that E. A. Para sends the following to this ho- 2r Headquarters Army of the Poloolae, Oct. Tito enemy'. infantry ro-erossed the Rappa hannock this morning upon two pontoon bridges, near the Orange and Alexandria Rail road bridge, and driving back Gen. Gregg's Cavalry Division, which loot heavily. We had a abort engagement with two LH- glides of oar infantry—one belonging to the Second Corns, and the other to the Third Corp. The enemy now occupy the lino, the loft of wbtoh rests near Beverly Ford, cruising the railroad near Bolton Station, and extending toward Stafford Court Donee. Col. Devine' brigade, of Cleo. Suferd's Dem mend, had a severe fight this morning, near Bolton Station. The enemy showed only in fantry to the front. •Among the killed in Clen.Gregg's command Ls IlaJor C. P. Taggart, 2d Pennsylvania COT saki, but formerly of thin. Kilpatrick'. staff. Major Taggart was shot through the knee, which wu so badly shattered u to render am putation- necessary. Death ensued a short time after the operation wu performed. The declared formerly resided in Philadelphia. lie was considered the Lest swordsmen In the army. Fight near Caitans hitirani 3 Oet. 22.—vtletieral McPherson, on She 15th, same up with tha enemy year Can tonddlse. After a shortlight theanerny re treated, leaving two hundred prisimers in our hands. Me:Pliers= °couples Canton. Fire to Cinilnnstt. Crystr.vari, Cet. 26.—The building, No. 19 rront street, °tempted by Lewis ?degree, Gov eattnient feed untractor, wu destroyed by Ere yesterday. Loss twelve thom►nd dollen. insured. Captures by the Alabama. • nor itostr, Ost. 24.—117 to arrival from gt. flelere, Supt. 11th, It la reported, thralls bark Sestridge, of Bostoo.whe oaptiere 4 by the Alabama in light of the harbor of Table Bay, and sus reports the rapture of lb* bark Anna T. flehroldt, of Boston. Spada Frans California. Now You, Oct. 28.—The North liter, from nimbiwall,' wired with $290,351 dollarc to Ocala. VINSIAN PEftpLM .PECTXCLER LI" Yotwithstandui tbo - dada ofjoaloas redact* Yonder*, who sepia to Oa tame Goa. 014.11, tbi RUSSIAN PEBBLE BPECPPACILES reratslay dally tba snmnast andonaillintl• of our ettlitens. /Urinal ts askaml tr - to mnoustiorall otywr =; this call and grzanstma FatriltrEdlalF. louse. For male by 7. DlAMOirD,Nicriest Crirlszb . Vatusettuer .r ch. 111,10`1"stegi ipspssus, POO 90 rtfth etre, Merging Pal Delldlag ==32 - - . __ - -. -- - - = , , COIMERCIAL--BECORD. . Clevetsmi Market. Jet riox SALES. . IFL. of r/G,IR Ilkirlith' i ..I'i _... rArte d e . Aeer . ..,•11 1.• r- -• i •-•i• w • -- • r)FI A Ti'S TWENTY-STfTli AN. 1863 - d1i......-1.5155 FINANCE AND TRADE. .811,01 dul! iiii• t•lclers a l'Ic• "one , taim et A. NI kL cr'NFIGN4tENT OF DOCES. to be odd OUMMER A • _.....__. i•• T r ,,,,.., •chang. I ear r.. 1 on 'mete al 31.: , %Pio •i h•or• at moot , . at N e c.". rah street, Maecnifc Hell KJ RANGEIIIRNT i.• ''. -,. ; -.- ~,,,,,,, ~,,,. 2 . , _ 6.0b ., ~." "„„.,,,,,.. ~,,,,,,,,, ~,,, beets, ~,...--,,,. moon repel i .1.. 'Roe o v. •• 1 • - • 1,44:iii,,,diktig...,,ritt,R,1tin1i....14.1-.LEN1.1.N.:4..y. st av hal . f l peet ..,.o. .l . : 1 2. ,, nt. after A lk ii -N 5M Y.,!...• .6,. .- - ?: ra - i t i l AL -7 . 7 - 1 : 11A i. m .. the Neve York report stn oon to-dey Smug IVA ,„ au ! ~...7 , .. 1 7 , 14 . .." , r „.• %'4 0 " . : il:lentl'ill'eil,„."il.,e,eltli.'lLeTl.!l."="ou iII-..""1' e pi ie.!. :II r M. Cl.llarol a "old renvoctfully infistu ,NIN IS DAILV TRAINS, ,°, . ," - "-." .. - 7. : TV" . adeance of 'ft; per rent atm. e tbe rate of Sattmdsy.. e , 5i..22,.. Got , i „: - ,i n od me. i... ...I.- • •! o lb. rloreos of Pit teburch and Allegheny . [let , mu. I Th. TTIICOL*GII ACCOMMODApHig TRAIN Silver, too, is higher, the New York quotation being s r t 0,,,,, , ~, , , CAI •I• II • .r• • , .... .'.. .. .. • etttcwoling tio. great ed. mice m the price of paper ! I.a es the Pittehmgh &Mimi daily. (except Sunday) end Wading, he banjos!. received from Mr. Pratt the I at 4..50 a. X-, etoppMgax.aftwigumw..„. , 145. Here, our bankers are playa% 14A for gold, and , Te l ' I . '''. 4 " T " el 'el- imx..t and nom, aseJointent or standard works to burgh - and Philadelphia, and making direct ' ecian K' 133(1140 for Eillrer. [astern Exchange w !Ready m I Imports to Railroad. wren depart Illetll of Literature, faience and Art . , lien for New York Mann...looa,, " par buying, and ,%, , d?,, per mot PT". .Tillag e D.- Pt r,eorn ,.o. ye. wan. ) rot's.. il vt Lawn. ie., fine gerniiy Bibb... t r i.,l id photograph Albums and i The THROltaff MAIL TRAIN leaves the Pas Card., Latter and hole Papers, Envolopon.Gold Pena. • tamer Statton entry morning mend Notre and Government Certificate. of I ndeted• . ..m-f3l ,rule nour. Knox A .11IcKem 'MI ilo th. 4Im. ..‘ e . iiie... ..., e ~,,,,., A ... ... ITN , e, . 1 . 24 Monday) at keown A Lockhart., Al .1. pails. 31. a n• I cof .2 i, 2 ,, s. . 1,. ar offered In taw c LI. In to ~,,,, 5p ,.,,,,,,,, A 31 , Knp ....2 . 1 ~ns , w i ne Ft Tott,,e.„.i. m• • 1 . . 1..n.t curb eorke an Riseldngton Haines making, direct oancoact " to ll m ' e t t P li rh'i b....0 41 2, j'A i,,a u' a 1 ,. near remain &bent am fart quoted• The following excell.nt article on the ituanciral I , b b.iii 2 ... i. :..0,11:,,;,...,,,i,,,,i,,,,i(i.,•.,,i.• µ, Ire, i .44 by. e_omPiet: wor o ks. V. wolf: J. Frnnnawrn n . ....npor - ', ~.- , more end u ri o - ,,,„: 6 , t7E ,: r , enniss4 for Stn Tork for 1,1::..t coalition of the country is from the New York dliiroi e b,,,..., ..i n 01.12•1.1; .3 1011 s apple; 11 R Mims.: bbl. t:: , - ; -...., ,, , , ., , 1 1 .,.. 1 -1: .. ,,F=',..„ ;T x: : 4.l 4 , h b e i. T _ tonne , s "`"• "' ' ,cl pod et, Jee ~..2 . , .v,i. c ,,,, ...omen's !Hahn" of the United:Oates 8 lola Hume 3:60 p. ea, steppingonly at orincipeal i a l la h. tto ". 3), awk alji i n , plug and Commermal UM., of DM datcrtlay The funanciai eituetiou coutinuee favomide• The Th'lrl r l i( l n d , o r,. P i:f L iT4 c .i t oil, H Chita, A ro; iR, M. do, . led Memnley II /11,101, olf Englend, 11 vol.; The : direct coinnectton at Harrisburg for Baltimore and marked favor with which Secretary Chase wee yr . b a t ,•., i i c. oi ~..., i , „ eriee. 2 ., ~,,,,,,,,e; _reel- W•verla Novel; complete, 37 vole; Hugh Millar's Waehington. mad Pm New Fork via Allentown r ei n, a oil., complete!, 0 vale; Bayard Taylor • Travels. and Philadelphia. .fru ' l l 7A b aaTni re"d gi,,: "i i,;(7ni h b e , i. eu n'" d Niel, h a l r:d " th ' e ' d t em l' o n' n. 1 ihn,...7.,,?..,1;,h.r,r1.1...i'"::.,:d7C1:tc r , : i y m 'i 7 i . i 11 . 6 ,7,71 " . .,. ' ., •oroplete, 10 rule, ( lark'" commentary , 4 voLe; Pet- The EA:vr LINE, hums the Station daily (swop, etriti. me of .d. t ,,,,ti0n.r0 respect with which his ~.. ~,,a.., ~. 1,16.,, ,, .. ~n z., bid. ‘ ,." k tl. •,e- A rick. tooth and Whhby's works, complete, 4 vole, Snlidayl at r. 35 p. tn.ortopphig only at principal ste wards were remised. proem with what foehnga the I "le•liog•rth • Engreeinics, 2 vole; tbaidrich'e Animal • lions. connecting at Llarritberg for Baltimore sod 146 k I K A •lie. ca; ~ do , r . rom, 111); Part • r , blo b. 1.-lc re.a.rti his inanarment ul the financial affairs fl n Lindsey J. Telford lOU do do %Ott & \l'i{-on , , Ktngdom. Ibdosingravings. I rang Cris' Dictionary Waehtogion, and at Philadelphia for New Tort. of & o Ciattitry since his instalment m the Head of .r. • ' .. ' of arta arid Ruiene,ni. 2. vets; iiiiiman'e History of - 2n let t.,,t, 1), , , A , or to bite wholly lion , , ACCOMMODATION TILfIINS. the Treaufgry bcparttoent. Indeed. despite the den- w. , 1....., , ,i ...I.e hi. ... c 1. ..... eii. ~, ~,,i ne , I.bristmulty, 5 vole; Strickland'a Quasi:Do( rogieud, pirate elf of • portion of the l'reas--hap- I. ;:;: . * Aier. „ ll, Lee .t.. .. I 7 vet: The StateamarCli Manual, 4 rots; Pulpit Rit, The Johnstown Aocommodstton Train leaver ddy PRY' t i in number and !° ob ey , be q ilea. a 5 vote; Chambers` Information fortbe Pao - . (....Pi B .lifir4) MR 43 P. Itt.M.PPing at all it bloc an ati oppention to him and to his policy, *mini to 4 - Lemmata A Prrmet min IL. tso , o, Oet .I - ' tg.., 2 eels ; chambers' Encyclopedia of Rae's!, Lit- , and ronnMil m for m C . c ....ilm hay, had an affect directly tun opomite from oven 103 bids apples, I car do, 432. bush potato, I. II en, ore , 2 vole: th e n,,,,,.,,,,,„ works ' of t ri z 0,,,,,,,,,„,,,, Pima Accommodation Trate for' Ware Stetter, wee rote ~. r e x asi th e public cars toucan:veil, even Teigt it Cul tl balm hop; J N Shaffer, 6Aodo J ,Tree , , icon, Boom, Burns, Cowper, Nut Johnsen, ; leaves daily ( incept Sarnittr) at (1,91 a. m. among cheer ••comnent readers." The Government Gong. , , th, ddo do, C Eherhart; 24 bids lime. T A i ,:,,p, „.. Dick, r.r....Y . It the favorite eurrrency Tub the Evans: 5 balm hotel; Miller, IA do It Lew 1.. Jo a., Also, 10,1 „, e „ too . ose of the isoptd ., i tt ,„,,„ of lb e . hawse daily (except Snriday)st,ll:3o a. ca. Country, sod the people are inclined to modem W H Garrar.C. 21. do do, .7 A P i Milo; 1.7 do do, .1 N day • at ate at aaff the publishers' pie.. Thin! Accondoodation Train for Wall's Steil. their gratitude for MI" subetitutiou of Government Straub , 10 bide apple; t: D Cseuimr , 2.. brash..., T. A. kicOLISLLAND, Auctioneer. 1 ....ebt1Y InccoPi Sondoy) .1 4. 4 . 1 0 P. M. for local currency. Ant net only b the favor of the Shotuakrr A Lang. 12 Dbl.. tortilla, RI. Breen: 7.... PRATT lIROTII.EIIB, Salomon. ocn fourth Accommodatkin Train for Walre Blatt. 1 people Mee dentuustrated, it D Unita, shown lu Mile appDs, J B l l. .. Wield, lea •Its fora, Bingham. , _ _ _ leaver daily ( exeeptikoday) at 610 p. m. Soo the alacrity with which the Government Secarities, Shargeon A ro, 100 WIG floor, Culp dr ,4 .1 ,,,,, 1; 1. , . ~ Y r AI. IL T tilLx \ P ~_ __ _ I_l ROVED UITY The Church Train haves Wall's Station every Soo which were male,' with • view to enable , the Cov• ski toulr, Fawcett A ro. Iff bids potato., ifm , "r 1. I 7 PROPERTV. --0 . 7 TrrSDAT EVENING, Oct. dny at Iko3 a. ni.; returning, /Woe Pittsburgh at moment to procure the wherewithal to Insure a rig. Armstrong; lift bide flour, Mel/meld A Arbuckle le . rtit, will 4..01d. on the e...0.m.1 Boor of the Cora- it 4s P. tu ozone pramention of the war, have been and am still eke tale , McCullough, Smith 32 tbls apple.. r 1 ~.1 ~,,... R 0 0... No 54 nfth „„„,„,, that 1 „,,„ Returning Trains sutire In Pittsburgh ea galore : behrg taken by the people here. Threw in- Poet; 13,J011e leather. Woe /teem.. 3 do.M!, AA N• Ba n g tg,b o onn„ now nigs ,,, w d by A 1.,,,,, 1f,,,,,,,,, Baltimore Egprea•-.------11..C41p. m , .ce l l" eta am mini, with fell confidence. The iocome Rickard, liei bids flour, Atwell Le. A co: 1,4 Wit. MI, ' t ,,,,,,,, A c,,. , el i g ibl y ~,,,,,,,,,,„,d pe w ... w oo d aa l ' Philadelphia Expreae- , ---...-.12:91 p. m. L....t0 " I Market streets, haring e Roof of 31) feet on the Mo. Pad Line--.-------......-- 1.&50 a. m ..t. fru , m them Th 5- is 2D rem po ue n rzttve, and the Securities are Pennock, Rail d co; 3 tons metal, It r ' nougateda Wharf, and extending beck 160 feet to Through Mail Train 12. DC. a. ni which an, offered at duo aka whist , II T Kennedy di Bro. rotted Staten flabarmattrim, itc., at par in Gowro• ___ ..-- . - Front street. Possession given fat of April neat. J'lttleet" te ' t A.........1tm10rt libed . m meet currency, yield G per rent. pm annum. parable FOR 5.1 LE. Also the diligent three-artery brick dwelling house, VI. , WiHr 4 ,fitation itecoMinodation . -... G . 2:7 a. mi. la Gold, and though Congress provided fo r the ems- occupied by 51m. flephia GrMat , eltuate int Loquaime lie_c . od_Wall • , Siallort Accommodatiou-- Bas.. tn. Way, corner of Damns alley, wit[ • front of 1.4 r.,..t, "..m• . , llIt." 10 . Am"‘"ltttleeel'etleG-••• 1 : 40 P.. , lion of $000,00(1,01Ai of them nearly throe-DI - the of ii , A ILM FOIL SALE.--Illie undersi , ned I the amount be already bon subscribed for. Au _r: ,_ and extending hack tigt feet to • Z . ) but alley. The • x. Fourt p. ll W ., M i l ll e:tat p. i m on . A:co m mlodat y Mu- ecO6 y. cu. effort bee been made by some tll-advisod members of of•en; .t private rd., • very valwebt• roan m . home 13114 all thn modern conveniences, with large , Baltimom Express will arrive with Philadelphia the bat Cougresa to have the clause providing for the Milano ~..tchtl, Allegheny ...q. P. . P . " . 1 .1 , rod, and doable Walde attached. Poeseselon given Interest of three Bonds In gold stricken out, but it 76 scree, with and ender it, satutleol one mils sod , to , of April, ...,.........., ii , d.i .. i. Traina for Blairsville and Indiana connect at Matra mwualo"rifyPtiotYthdoefm'neWmta.bre). trhheecg.Tdrif.odrttrripuarnymoernnt q t: l"' "tt r ge " l r le frob• m rt" j e 'h l ,nll'lTre 7 ..l.lllee' : . C 7 I t T "_ T°M , ")IL"tI n . ' , _ lee 'F' H'n , thrte 'llitl"tt ' dw A erloog C" l, t omia " , ' lrtuat iY on l' Ft h o 'i n n tl6 . 4l77ll 7 3. ` , "' brl er k e• jvtlilbilltitlr:stitt A '‘ lcltm‘i " nittththlTtlhe ' t":"l4t tr '' ' P AT ' le"'n'Tmr.itt."l"leti*u. ' M the interest on the debt of the United States la on- nin e t elt. P ett. Y i n e e , "Y ••""• '''. lt"P lI°T.- ' now occupied by 31,., 1 0 r 2 4, The hen's,. rm.,. ...t4 cud with Rdtienore Ilaprce and Johnstown Amom Mined thruagh the Custom Home, the Govorsurient malts aro • frame dwelling boats, frame barn and , het on Peon .trout. extending back 119 foot, to ati ..."•,.. W. , Treadry Notes being • legal tender fur all Bra d en- other uemewary build', 2 a 11... a fine orchard. About , ~,,,,, eney .. The b .., .. ... tient re ,.,......2 in ... Trains for Ihcooticag ~..n not et Crmson Jettle Ex cept duties en Imports, which, ma heretofore, mot 60 scrum goat 01.6„Ted laud . It Le PrPtl t 0 -.. - , ~,...,,,,„. g ,,,,,, 1., ~f April. I prees Trahui and nail Train Wmt, and with Through b•• paid In coin. It Is therefor., futent to all that ••••" 1 / c'...." 11 •Y ......••• • ..../• Th e land •••1 , AI. eb. threeadory the purchaser of the Petted Maim in Is se. ' T M br sold t ql= or ~panne, to col' the buyer; ' mulled by John B. McFadden, Fag- Ornate on Penn 1 The public roil Pull It greatly to their Internet, In brick dWillirq, heti. , cow uo- ; A••••3••m4•0; 2 8....d EAPrno Train East cure against laps Irma the depreciation of the cur. or If sniff ea comsat. be offered, it nnu he cot ! A .,.. Frey Suc r e. , Th . h „,,,,„,„ I . ,„,„ ithh ,,,„,,,, , r ths Bait or Wmt, to Iby the Pennaylvanba rency, or the appreciation In gold, without running 01 , .. 41 el," to Iteßllot"ble fIeT tlteeßttl ...Rd... 0, ! n uom, end b o nn ,,, e u nn , i . e p a ir, p 0 .„,,,,i„, g i,... l e t . tontrel Railroad, ea the accommodatious now offend arty risk, for se long as we have • Government Its If the 0h.m . ...... 1 P r ./ ..17 h. not "../ belPITe the of April ',cwt. cannot be surtoweed on any other route. Ti. 801114 & cur ia. w al , . pet ,j i ..., i nv0 . t .,,,,,, 1, : , 12th of ?IL/EMBER, it will be at orw:L e T mid day, , Tn. (ern . w ig i n , n .„2,,, e n ,,,,,,bi n, ne w nn .„„ An k le ballest..l with stone; Mod Is entirely free from dust. view of them feats, it la not to be wondered at that at / Odic sale, on the premised, o . v .,, 'et sale . Yor further particular!. enquire of lea. M. W• Gt. PR'lmlee Ge•fetY, aped , and comfort to sal the 4-20 X ehould have boon weld to the extent of a rur ~.. o f .." . 11 with the elthe ' el-lbler. JA " ele PentuaLk, M Wood etreet , who may fiseer this rod with their patroni%m. MEGRLW, Wiat Newton, Weetmorelaud, Ca. , Pa FARS i million and a ball a day, and that the buying con- ciel9 DAVIS A MeILWAINE. AucCre. Unites without any slastement, but is rathei on the ,w2=l4 _ To New Tork---- fl 2 80070 Baltimore...--111 ta3 _ Increase. -- ilit I'ILAY 6 WORT 8 ALE 0 _.:___ _ F LAW - f To Philwielpbta_._ lu Alfa Lancaster -.-.... a 40 N.-1 RENCEV 1 LLB 1.078.- TUESDAY MORN .' .r. Eumiow. g .. . 7SS 1140, October 27th, at 10 o'clock., will to sold on too I Baggage .km.Kod to ell Stsftl:w en lite P... 1 7 1. .- promisee, In the Borough of Lawrenceville, by order els Central Railroad, end te Philadelphia, Baltimore of Robot Bell, Admleteteptor of .11•Lrom Leech,. c. en d New 'fork- • s twenty-eight dmirabis lots In I I Po'HerGifgre Per o hmeingiicket. l ifitha van will ho PITTSBURGH !MARKETS Iddimar, October, 9fi , land. • YLOUR I GBllll--Wheat le firm with a go•nl de mand, and pricey bareadennond 5c per bmbeli •sire of 800 from wagon at $1,2-5, and $1.31.3 3 for Whim. (torn Is firm but without quotable change— sl,os por boon for tihalled on track. Thera is h ii•u• tinned good demand for Barley, and all that .offork Is taken readily at 51,30 for dpring from first hart& and 61,4541,50 for Fall. Oata are a Outdo drakor, and sellers refused to acorpt Saturday's quotations; Pi. of 200 bush from store, too feeder, at 77r. Flour Is qllet but Arm, and good bnuads or Eltra Family are selling . from Inane at g 6,75 per bbl. Buckwheat flour le aelllitg ►t $4,00 per cwt, in bulk, and 34, 7 0 In sacks. Rye !four hold ►t 86,00. GROCERIES—Thu market it firmer, owing to the advance In gold, Suzan are telling at 13 to Ito for Raw, and 16% to 17Xyc for Refined. Prime Rio Cof fee le held very Study at 3k. Melee.. nod Flyrupt are free bat without quotable change . HAT—la Arm, and the tendency iv upward: of 16 loads of loose (rum, melee at $33 to $34 per ton. tad 8 tont pressed at 1.53. Suoll of oetc strew at $33 per ton. APPLES—The market i• Wen upplled, end, with libonl receipts, pries. are • •bad• ceder bet no. changed. Bale• et Ift,ho to $3,25 per LW, wcoriittig to quality. POTATOES--ertaall take of Sealmnuocks and Peet.h flow. from atoreat SO to te./c per banbal. :tioroot tat..* may be quoted at Pt por 1,61 tvr Maryland and i 6 for Jonteol. BUTTER !• le« Inqntry for But L.,1 tuarkot t• gulot, while pH,. mt.• bangal Egip scAma. and fredak lackeJ 4.11 ,aehly t 16 per donna. CLUCESE---Tt• markat u .total), elda a rrguittr ttbtacq: demand, at 1:”- k . fat Mtwara Itartar.., and 1.. for Hamburg CItANTIEItItt IPe.—Cpilet 1,11 atewly with an I a oval amall .le or prime at 613 per 1,61 Pittsburgh Petroleum Market r. te -The tuseket for both Crel.. awl IL-lived inuo to bo I itarawt.wiliail by thinnest and doprea and ilia tendency 4 downward. There gra. that mon, •etlrity in Crude, but at • lower range prlow, sal. urZAJO and 170 bbt at 2.k, packs ire rammed, and /IS bLds at jaarkag. tucluded. market clotted dull and Itea•y, .d 1,14 y.• fol of • eta] further deedita. For Tlettned, la band, then tuna demand whatever, and, In the sh settee of sake, we omit quotation.. Re 1-11 In fair lout demand, at low figures; we not* a sate of WO Ws, standard brand, at 50c. Thera la no cove, most in Detains or ItasMillar, and the market may be emolderad nominal at former qtwtstron. 1. .111 be ran by reference to our advertising soma : e nd bbl. of Refined, In bond, will be of. fend at public , unction on Friday .d Saturday nett New York Petroleum Market epode! Diepatett to the Pittsburgh Gamma. TOII., Ott. SL--The oil market to firmer and Crude la a elude higher, ragging from 30 to Oh. 1M- Ilued, In bond, may be quoted at :At on the spot, and 512 to 51144 for November delivery. Prue oil range. from Sato too. Napt ha la very doll at 2:hi:o2 r . Contract■ Awarded. The Qnsztsr Maxtor at Wheeling, ou naturday hus, asraided contracts for three hundred thousand bush els of Oats, at DS; per bushel, sacks Included, and 'three hundred tousled baled liay at 83.5 par ton. Weekly Review of the New York Pe troleum Market. (I4porte.l Expelleely for the Plttsbergh Gazette Ncor Tom Oa 04, Imt3. Dunnage sad depuulon have bee. the ruling fea tures of the market daring the week put. The r•. ported receipt of unfavorable deice. from Liverral on Monday, caused almost • panic in the market lam on that day, when prices reuded from 3 to 3 cents per gallon on all kinds. The demand hu been very moderate all through, hat prices have slightly re covered from the extreme low prior. current io the mlddle of the week, when Refined In bend sold as low u 49 ante, end even 48 cents for small leo. Crude hes been very quiet. yet the aggregate sae. are moderate, comprising 13,080 bble for immediate sad future delivery at 30i 31X,°, merchantable and dripping order—null ell et the Meld* price.. The market to-day wee vary dull,. sad °lord st 30 cents. without Ulu. Of Banned -In bond, the sales au 36,000 bbl, for the week, for immediate and future delivery at • rang* of trona 48 to 60c ,but In large part d 6O cent. on the epot;6oto 62 for november, and 63 for December—in the'latrar, baliftli has tun dotte. W. aleu not. Balsa of 6,000 gallons, to tine, at 61, 66 cent. part o b , at the inside rim Considerable ha; been done in options; eta:offl b ine contracts, ac., commonly WWI "gambling." The market to-day has ruled decidedly dull. Sales about 1,000 Ws, included above at 60a, on the spot; 62362% for Y , .frrverabet, and 6330 for DOcetabar. 00 free, we note .cede of about 4,000 bbls ,at 38a, 06o—chlatl7 at 6948811 for prime-46 , tbr dark; and 60 for pilaw., chains dull at frscso, 0f.8411 Bdttome the uteri are 200 . 11blent HISS, Nairilia is dull and aoteth irtpables oll,OXlbbisat t 6 to 27,443 for Ba nned, closing dell at 1.41270.• , • Philadelphia Patrolman' Market. (cmmkrmod Circul.r.) • • • Ocr. to—Tber• has beer a fair amour of Petro. loon rondos; Ibrerard; but a lam ► portion of It was Intended for coastwise ehlidniett. sdnl the told* .1.C.• oor hut report hae been shill, unsettled, and prima lower and nondool, eanameitianca of the dallVollible WITIM twat abroad, and the dal? violent fluctua tions In Swill:et Exchange and the prensiumne Gold. Small salorof Croderat 520,13 e; - Weed at ' 5 04152n. sod Rao 1et•80663e, rembypsnal EaSll7, =4 200 has Beneolo at 2.1(521*' There Is mar one Drool up for • 'Foreign port. le benne and evehomer Off* char. tered oith theortlek to Boston at IA barrel. n. fabling are the reeelpti of Crude and Beetled Petrol ouzo at this port during the past awe : ['rods, bb1a.....—. Itodoe..l, . Buffalo Market. OR:U.—Flour .t.. 47 and . doioand fair. Whoa Mirka Attr ea dowry; , No. IClairago tpriag, lafr; 2:o.1 . 91Ibrankootlab sl,= rrs Jlll.o l s Ilia. Corn cold at 90d. Oats le good doboand , 11129. llarioy-bod at iactW at 111. 0 . 5 M1.07. ,Prolibta held at 10* on Qosa; 19c oa V to No. 'Yak, luipotto-4;6109 - tala eedt, "aIO,OOO Imattels what, 16,000 Malicia E 0134.131000 baatioli Ont., aa,. eD3 bush. barley, 30,000 bushels as. raportb -0,000 bawds dour, 83,000 bahols wboat,'3B,ooD corn. ULM busbeto ger: 8.0)4 buibok bal./ • Philadelphia:Seed Market AXT.941.4310141411P PDT (30 , eteteti, bu t lbLrael'APt.ats trilling, Paine 414.0 Piasbet. ~ $7 7,60 Van tin , 'llnic4l47 filial!, Intl aelln slowly it 112,8000,78 191. buslel. Tlaxesod U in demand and Inurnliftffi{drUnnnt7entnn at 113,te02,31_,,,; bald in g $3,161.1":151i".11: 10 7 1 . ' • • -Chkiigfi-111 kat, . ._' tit , jaws+, w b fistefl,'lnstf LAW, bast.qww t Intl". c:.", .ritikspatbsatotissoactio .. 00 11 tww44, viiscalt.:lllM4olXx lulltu • Ouun 711,000 bushub wheal:33, whits cent,lll pampt4 —1.40) Womb Omar; 31,000 bushel. wheat; Loop bushels cora. neigh.. useheugsk FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned . 1 olfen .t private oda a very 'tillable farm In Ohio Township, Allegheny Croat,. Pa., containing about 87 acre.. It la !floated c - fri the Ohio river, about 4!.-; miles below the city. The Improvemenu area good atone dwelling boom, log barn, and other out-buildings: about 0.30 apple toms in good bosring condition, and other fruit tram . shoat 60 acres good cloaml land, the balance in good timber. It lo the proparty formerly awned by THOMAS B. JACK MAN. The whole farm will b fold la • body, or if sulllclerct. Warman:tent le offered It will be cut up and sold in lota suitable for country reeldeuree. Al the subscriber intends to dispose of the property felon, aloes who may wish to pandaea should eak upon biro without delay. For turthor particutart miqulre of J. W. F. WRITE, ESQ., 108 FIFTH STILEZT, Piturbary,b, or of the undersigned, In Ohio Town hl .13.ferd WILLIAM 'JACKMAN. DRY 04.)01114 STORE FOR SALE, in . a.rt.bang town on the P. P. W. A C. R. R., not over 300 mike from Plttoburgh, now doing • Largo and prolltabl• trade. The stock is now, and has been *elected with roforonco to the country trade. Ilas all beau perfthased for mah at lowest market prkm• The prevent proprietor hr decided lo totirs from the trade owing to bad health. and now reioddredo offers tho stock fur sale ; alm tho good will of the ro• tiring party. Tim boom hair a largo mid 'mportable I trade, which can beretained. The preload mock lovok• from smen to ton thousand dollars, but could ha reduced If denial. Parties wishing to know the particulars will pie.* addrom or call personally on i LYDA Y • eItIORf'RBRI NG, .89 Band argot. Plttaburp, Pa. PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be oxponed for miry on the Von DAT Or OCTOBER, that old qemrry, (better known am WALLACE'S QV Al:IITO ,omitting 10 atom, mars or km, Ib miles from Pitts burgh, on the A. Y. R. R.. In Plum township, Alle gheny county, having a front of 17 perches on the river, • frame home and Malls: • number of choir. bearing apple tom; which nova r mine Roll , • Coe virility of rock for grindstones, of all ghee: several boudrod perchea of maim Mona, already quarried, and a platform at tita railroad ready for loading. This lot would answorlos oU refinorlos, or mu oue that would with to go la the stone Multi... Tenn. ramie known ou dey of sal.. Bale to Common. m 10 u'olork ..to. JAME MART'S. ociM td CMS Mum yi., MN. 10, ISM. - - VALUABLE PENN STREET PROP ERTY FOR BALE.—Two Luta, ti feet 4 Inches front to an alley. with • large double hula, berireen Himmel and (land streets. A deetrable horn, don Orr • Physician or Dentist. Also. .0000 Ana budding Wee fur private residence , near blinersville, from ly to 1 acre each. Also, a large climber of burbling lots of v•ri., else., of from to 50 feet taint, by 100 to 150 fra deep, situated at the termuttu of the Wylie titer, Passenger WII ay. Apply to the undersigned. Executor• of the eetate of J.•ho lien., dee . ..l- W. IC A. 11.2.11R0N. JOI P. HERRON, Jy22.3m R. 0. 11 KRRON. 'L'OR iI .o and-bead STEAM ILSOINI, 14 In. cylinder. 414 foot stroke, poppet rut tiff, 12 fora ey wheel at counter shaft;4o foot 8 lu. steam pipe, with two 32 In. double fined (II In.) steam basin, feet Wag, steam drum •rought.tron stand pip., breeching and gm front, all in good working order ; rated at 60 horse power. Also, one mall Steam Rtittine, 6 in. cylinder, with fly-wheel, Or., is like condition that her been driven with It.. other. For particulan refer to 110111111, TAYLOR 0 CO of Wheeling. ectt3erd CUSHING s CO. ASPLENDID DWELLING FOR BALE, situated at Ito. 113 Third etreet Sec ond Ward, Pittsburgh. The lot has a front of 30 het end ortonds beck 116 lot, on which le eroded a Write thrre-story brick !milling, with bock building. three Notice. The building is dabbed to modern styls, or - ranged with double (sabre, (marble toontka,) din ing room, kitchen, latlndry, with tubs, boiler., nor* said both room. Also serer commodiont bed cham bers. Partin seeking. comfortable residence, the above te Just the place. Is offend low. TOT terms and price call at cola B. HcLAIlt A CO.'S. 102 inarth street. VOA SALE OR LEASE—A large Lot la Olterptborg, on the Puwenger Railway, flee mike frost Pittsburgh, on which there le a good Dwelling Bouts of nine notes ; .1.. ..moral other Hooke, all built of brick. A well of good motor to the yard, plant,' of goal fruit, and convenient to Ohnrehes and School Goyim. rem partisans+ addrow or cal on G. T. GILLIAM, Pharpaburg, Allegkerny County, Po orMtiliewlf CIOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOIL [CALL. vv The andereigned often at private owls his country Mlden. on Troy Hill, tamtainlng aboat eix act. .of ground, • splendid Drink Dwelling Houma WI excellent Trams Darn, with rooms lbr • hired mu with &telly ; 3 saves he grapes, in excel lent bearing order ; about 1:00 choice peach treee, and abaci 100 apple tree., peer trees, cherry, plum end other trees, to. Title ladirpntable. Conditions easyeasy. Maguire of . JOHN (1. rLarsza, on the place2_ VOR SALE—A Jot of larid, containing ..12 TO saws, attested 1l miles from Dtamont leta. tkm, ota tbe Pittabarghdfort Wayne 41 Chicago IL IL The .aboie property t. "ell timbered, with a rood youtornrchard of bearing trait tree.. Ttde property teal be .old oo reasonable trelall. Foilh;thar particular, sddran GeS2:llrct B. O. McMAnitit, 84nricklepille. P. tiOlt SALE.—Feur Acres of Ground .L and • Your Story • Bidet Building, Mena, Sonars -and llaoldnary ; Mal adapted for • manu factory ; 100 bet by 120 iset • aue tea purcbased for ona-kudf Iti,origlual cost, by 41.1 on • yLLIAN WARD. sad IT a MI anted ettiet; NHOLEY NU .118-E H.Y.--HOZSE*O, SHADE AND ORNAMENTAL Tiaras,- 1311131M5, VINESind 21rEHHIHUMIS; WILLOW Henkel and thexaMatoastal aim,): Man TRK.S . mid harbisalmsaglants, alltn mat quantity and vit h° 01;,, mit ,,BOURBON. CH/NA.. TEA and xolorrrk , at ttia low Floe of EtS par hundred, If or dered ibeitins potting time; and to other Nursery stock of t h e bet gustily, and at reduced prices, in order to ekes" oat during the present Pail end nut Spring. Inquire of C. D. SZELET, 37 Dtatootel street, or I. MILI,LON, nu the premise. seEktuidassit FOR THE FerLL OF 1S&. 200,000 APPLE TRES, lt rent flon-2, a, 4 staff wan old—lartuding all the old leading tatietlea.:and muly Dew one" Alto. • vary lams ..lock of PISAN, letandard and dw.ra_CHERRI:VEACIL. ?Leg. sumo St ERN, AR AD 'lllll • toTINAMENTAI 'MEM ROte. (MAPS VINES, BUR LIM; tiIIEENUOVIII PLANTS, &0., br., "holm& and retail 14-tery rea *Diablo:olm. ... .JO/01 XIIIIDOCO, Jr.. aillkthtr, Plltablaret "ad Oakland Nampa'," 61` Ot\ itANOrdOITIRRES OP-Wrn WORK Bari On,' on beta as oaks to order. IRON AND 'BRASS SLT.EIN Wilda OLOTU t eirVIPS, of all Mode 1 RIDDLES, for ronoAr7 pot t• HEAVY WORK FOR WINNOWS, do. BIRD aeon, OR. NAKENTAL WIRE WO ,At Rooms, do. ear AU slam or WIRE for Pilo, at ~„:„. 8 AN . ighL mu* oil the Union ,Batilt,,LaWa, 54ths VIII at wary Impatoottowit to Gamut', raw* thrtisatted Astklaty, tar labia .um. to salt put , . ottorsai, - IL WILLIAM& & CO., lAMBI ittrott..eatior of Tbtrd. eirtlC`. W- 11.415 AP E RS. BO atriala Pistars, it le sotato. satalil tali If P. IlatillI•LL, IT Mod stmt. Mi. SO VAR= lITIMXT, , I Ned, the following tweety.eight ~ - —..-- , the plan labi out of hommtead property, viz : , chergmil an emcees, mein - ling to the distence traveled, tillx Don lota each having a frost of 24 feet . the i in addition to the station 'atm, execipt from station Pittsburgh end Greensburg Pike, and exteeding where the Company has no agent. ber.k 100 set to Fairrierw alley. NOTICE.—In cam ei roes, Cho Company writ bold Two Lots each having a trout of N fest 4 Inchon ' themiwirm r.p...ibro for p..... 1 _ bsgatilt• .17, on the Pittst•urgh and .ono Pike, .d ex. , ~I for an amecmt not examitnglloo. tending back 103 feet 4% inches. i N. 11.—An Omnibm Lino has been employed to tilt lote . Llverty street, each teeing • front of , convey passengers and baggage to and from the Di p feet mad extending hack 100 feet to Fairview alley, ' Pt'' , " • charge . 01 to ....rd eb costs, tbr each pea- Three lota on Liberty etreet, etch having a front i moger and baggage. For ticket* apply to tif 24 feet Si ld .tending beck act average depth of 71 I J. STEWART, Agent. feet 10% inch.. At the Peensylvenia 12miliral Railroed Pamenger One lot at the corner of Liberty street end Fair- i Station corner Liberty alid Grant street. spill view alley, hiving a front of 10.1 feel T lathe, on Lit,. ! arty greet and 111 feet le% Inchee front On Fair view alley. Trams or Ss ta.—One.third rash : and the Mans In two equal payments at one and two year*. with in. tercet, secured by judgment bond. Plans of the property may be had at the Auction Rooms, No. 54 Fifth street. 0c.5 DAVIS A IIIcI2LWATI2 Auctire . . EXECUTOR'S SALE OF CENTRE AYENCII PROPERTY.—On TrESDAT ITT, i NINO, Oct. 271 k, at T% o'clock, will be sold, on the mooed door of the Cannantrcial Sales Rooms, No. 54 Filth street, by order of Fareaattlel, the late reeldenoe I of Yrs. Ague Irwin, In the Eleventh Ward, on Cen tre Avenue. The lot coutelne 92 feet front on Centre Avenue, extending beak the same width U feet to Duncan street. The hones is a double two-story brink dwelling, containing ten rooms..finisbed garnet both room, hot mad cold ender, ie. Also a good brick debt* mildentilableiostbuildings on premise.. Also, all that venial piece of ground elitist., at the corner of Centre avenue end Erin street, opposite the reeid.ce of Mr.. .Mahon, containing 106 feet 3 inches ' front on Centro ammo .d extending beck the came : I width toward..Darman M.O. 1Z) her along RIM st. Tensio-0.-hulf criii.h, teithltio in Li tu.ititliti, with interest, secured by bond and. MOr oct V irAns t metisi g ff e lsit. Ance rs. Q.COTeli 13011CUAL PROPERTY.--017 TUESDAY Oat. 17th, et 734 o'clock, will be sold, on tho eecondlibor of the Commercial dales Rooms, be Filth street, by order of Irmo 91. Pennock. Pro, Trutse, that handsome comary slue iZi liootch Bottom, being bit N 0.9 In John 0, Ni oods' plan of tote, clients at Ilealswoal Station, on the Pittsburgh A Connellswil/e BaUroad, In Peeblew tp., two and a half infies from the city, sad adjoining the reeldenees of lion. George term*, H. Burgerin, St. Ilmeruwelder, Begs.. end others, containing 9 acre. 103 perch.. Pummel desiring to nee ths .perty can obtain infbrutetlon on enoury at No. H Wood mimed. Taunt--This-fourth cub. beaux.% etc, two, three, fuer and floe yearn, with interned, secured by bond sad mortgage. 0019 DAYIS A Bicll WAIIIE, Auct'rs. S ALT: OF REFINED OIL AT M CHANTS' EXCIUNOB.—On Friday, Oct. 300, lag% at It o'clock, e 1.,. will be sold, et Merchant: Declaswe, forth mar, between Wood ard IferLat Panborali3for account of whom It May toncere, 1,000 ANEMIA BILVDTED CARBON OIL, In bond, etandard quality, ' , Brilliant" brand, In prime ehlpping order. Terms made known at Bale. 0n213t DAVIS dr, StOILWAINE, Amt' rs. CENTRE AVENUE PROPERTY.-:- On T1717:11:04 I 8Y11.7030. Oot.. 2761 7X o'clock, will b. &old, on Cho second floor t Com mercial fialeas Room, 64 "Fifth street, • ralnabla banding lot on Ratty II•4.11120, 414.911:8 10 feet want of drthum street,liasing a front of PO bet on Cantos manacle, and .sanding beck tha amna width 74 twit. Tense or Saks—One-tiard cash; bels.ww in on. and two pars, will interest, snowed try bond and mortgage. DIST'S VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTION. —On TIMSDAY 111V11271170, CM, 1861, .t 7X o'clock, will be laid, at the Commercial Bala Ifo. 6t Filth West': DO shams Excitanvs Bank Stock; 4 do P. F. WI 3C. Y. Ca. Stock; 6 do bionongshola Bridge Co. 2r) do Psopla.' Iniosnince Co.. ocl2 DAVIS k MoILIFAINZ,Aners,_ DON - CAN STREET PROPERTY.— On TIIRSDAT EVENING, Oct. 27th, at 73.‘ 'clock, TAG be sold, at the Ootaxuercial Sake 710 , 44.• bt Tlftb street, one tot of pound situate near the owner . of Centre awns., and Erin angst, having • Rent of 33 fa $ inches on Dots= swot, and ea wading back mune width ID feet 6 Who. 0e22 DIMS I natwAnns, /Loess. =Ea THE ATLANTIC IRISH ILOTA4 MAIL 811 CAM NATIOA-a TION COMPANY. GALWAY LINZ ADRIATIC, 1,200 Dorse.powar, 6000 tam. HIBERNIA. Lox, if aree-power. LOW tong. OOLUXIIIA.I, OOO Rorm.pmeet. o . o,lo tam. ANOL lA. I.l2oolforeapowar. 2.000 lona The Magnilmot Steamship II from win sail from Neer Took for 14,07p001 on TUSDAY, the DI of November: Ramo of passage from Nur Teak to Liverpool, pay able to-gold or its eminient *currency. lint Intannadtata— ..... 60 Passenger§ forwMdmi also to London, Pont.,. Ham burg, Ragre, 146161114 Rotterdam, Antwerp, Le, at the lowest Mara Pane from Lkvarpoul or Galway to New Tork and Boston. 125, SAT $75, $B4 11105, For romp apply thethe a B ore Asjx4 of the in i, Thuo gents.. v. gas...xxx Jams, Manager. or D. OITILLL, Deming &rookie Building. Iylolyeil No. 70 Filth streak Pittsburgh. STEAM WEEKLY TI) LIV-' =WOOL, tosebbts st QTruserowx •• • LrJ.94. ..!.known steam= t, 141111 V.4..2A5r Worh.sztd "Phils4Slp4s Od . istashtp Oesipsaysts tshindediti Iblltrort: Qet. 32. 7. Ermisonsa... 43etsttlity,,liov. 14. Ao 4 owl szkoo; 411 41, at Moa t foots Vw St. Worth lIlTor. LOlllll 07 P/111111411. Praanlt illl Gold, yr di aparodtat in Cartantio. 1 Trait Canna- -.SW 01? Ettrauos..... _AM 00 do to London. -. 83'00 do to London 34 00 do to Porta.-- 93 00 do to Pots .., 40 00 do to Ilandnitg .90 00 do to Hata iST 00 ,Taatanders alio inswardad to Llnna..Bresson, Rot terdam, Antworp, do., at ocioalli low rite.. Tam tram Lloottool or Qtromotoiru ; tat Cobb,n TM $B3, $lO3. Stamm Oa Thom be ortatt : te land Ito limb. Monde can btay tlokata bare it ibis Mt.. _ for further Information Apply •at ths - Ooroparkro Mow JOHICCO. DALIN Artortt. .141rol Took. JOllll-111031PSON;Aro% Blood ono Irot-t b te r % tormos oorohidge. sahlOttf iittabitrtb. engn I EST PASSAGE:I4I6MA "THU ..QLD 00IIXTIOT." Teesenvre tinned out In sr= CLASS HAIL Witkilldilk, from Liverpool, Londonderry. Galway or Cork, Inv Twenty-Viva Dollars Aad by gelling nowt. Icy TRSNTY•OAB nor,. LAU, la currovey . Apply lat D. O'NEILt. Barmy Cirowiria Dundhas. ../11111i nyegt, PilUburgh. OUNARD L . LNE.—Steam from gla: LIVISPOO4 jairD.dIUNISTOWA 1113 h pH.' orlta cemitalsot is currency. TAPIR ,NT.W TORII, 11351. carcucy. 1414 mey vomit. 401.7 TwimusAvrnel iu tr m A t, aull#auaill EMIS!=M CLEVELAN,. D. ~ „. , l ig t mrssunca Aluriv.ir, P-'4 WHMELING 'RAILROAD 811 IA 111 ER AuBANGFAIENT.:--43. lincr'-attar MONDAY, April iintb, ISO, 'trains will laws the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in Pittsburgh, as follows: . .. . riitabur e ll and ITlteetiv Lin-. Leaves Pittsburgh! 1-00 a. m.l •6,1:10 a. m.11'.....4n p. m. do Wellsville. 310 '6 18:18 0 Mr. 63 •• do etatibenv'e Cle •• iktr: 0 .15:3 0 du W heeling • . 5:10 •• 10:05 . 6 4.:65 .• Arrive, Bellair.-. 1,26 0 10,25 " 1 LAO •• Conn to at eteutenville..d Rene& with Stsu: hematite wad Indiana Railroad and Central Ohio Rail road for Zatisville, Newark, Columbus, Xmaim Day • ton. Indianapolis, Cincinnati. l'onissille, Wm, tk Louis, 81. lymph, and all points west and sordbweat, and at Wheeling with 'Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. .Pins rgh mei Oksaltusd Lk, Leaves Pictsbrirgh—.— i I'IM a. m.11f.40p. m I C le " Etso •• Eau G 1., do 'Bayard do Ravenna. Hudson.. ire," of Cleveland_ Coanteding .t Bayard 'nth Tusearawas .reach for New Philadelphia 1111134 Canal Dover, atAllisaca with Pittsburgh, Yort Wayne and Chicago Railroad; at Ravenna. Iva Atlantic and Great Western Railroad for Warren, Greenville, Meadville, Union, Cell", Jamestown arid Salamanca; at Hudson with Cleve land, Zanasvitte and Cinch:mall Railroad fop Alum, Cuyahoga !alb and Millersburg, end at tllevolued with C. AE. R. It. for Erie, Dunkirk and Buffalo with C. A T. R. R. for danduay, Toledo, and alto with steamer., for Detroit. Wellsville Accommodation leave* at 3:50 p. m. Returning trains arriva a 1 9:10 a 01., 3:20 and 3.0. i p. m. and:3lo a. m. pr T=l.l ., Ticks llrt to y ' l l trM n q ' t, t ltstirs c r. GEORI.IB TAIIKI , Ticket Agent. And at Allegheny City. A. Q_OASSELBERRY, Ticket Agent. For further Information apply to WILLIAM STEWART, Agent, At the Company's Waco In Freight Station, Pena et. apSI 11.4.7 r KS FIRST OF PITTSBURGH THRAISORT DEPARTMENT Omen or Comarrsouss or nu CVNIVICT Washington City, August sth, MS, Wireassa, By setistectory evidence presented to the undersigeot tt has boon made to appear that the FLBSTNAT ' IONAL BANK or nrrsavilon. b‘ the County of Allegithey, and State of Permsylva ale, Lisa been duly organized under and according to the minket:lents of the Act of Convene, entitled "An Act to provide • National Currency, seined by • pledge of totted State. Statics, and to prorida Dr the circulation and redemption thereof: . approved February 2.5tb, ISO, and he. complied with all the prorielons of said Act requited to ;be compiled with before commencing the buslorse of Banking Now, the r efore, I, liras IfcCuurgter, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby . certify abut the geld FIRST NATIONAL , BANE. OF PITTSBURGH, comity of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the bushiews of Relating rai der tbe Act aforesaid. In testimony vrtumf witness my hand ge _t end seal of odlce, this sth day of August, 11883. HUGH 111c0ITLLOCH, • Comptroller .f the Cmrenoy. THE FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF ITITSBUR.GH, (LATE PITTSBURGH =UST COMPANT.) Carte., $400,000. with privilege to 'mew§ to 431.000.000. The Pittsburgh Trait Company bating organised under the act to provide • National Currency„ meta' the Otte of the FIRST - iteiroser, 01 PITTSBURGH, would rapvctfully offer its services for the ocalaction of Nom, Dnits, Bills of to.. metro MOW] on &Poet; and boy einlVt : change on all parte of the country. lb& manes which llea attended the Pliteburgh Trutt Cornpany,ehsce - Ito orssnization In tdl. win belLass, he a sufficient guarantee that burin+ entrusted to the new organisation will metre the same prompt attention. Baring • very exterutire eorreepon,knre with Banks and Sunken throughout the country, ow Where we can ores unurtud feollitiar to those who do bushes with to. The badness will be conducted by the same Mears and Dir•eton. VilleCTOte Jamaslatughlln, Maunder B.r. Robert Hays, Trent!' CI. Battey, Thomas Dell. disc Dudley, Thome. Wighttossi. lasunel Bea. Intnick. Jana LADOULIN. trtatd••• JODy D. likeln..l.lr, Outlier. Alikr•di 1:44-1863. DOLLAR: tiAVINGB BANN, NO. 65 roaira Buarr. VILLIITERED 1* 1636. Open daily from 9to 4 o'clock, also on Ifedonds7 and flannilay wantons. Gam. May lst-to 2toermber Ist, trose 7 to 9 o'dock, and tem November lit OD Ilay Ist hum 43 to 8 o'clock. Dap:att. recelft4 deal norm not Isue than On, Dollar, vent adtetaneterof - the profits declared twice" a year, tn , Joneand 'Deotsekhen• Interest bag been dr dared tred-imputdly,.ln Jr:n*4W Dec-tie . atop lbeMitik as" aranolaeLl, at the rate of 111 per owl. a =nit, if eat driven out. Si placid to-the credit at the depositor is princlpokAtid bears doss= la teral from the Arai diva of June old Donitibir. ono . pounding tilos • year without troubling the tor to noll, or aeon to ;meant Is paw book. At th is rata =owl win double to less than tints* years. Books. containing the Charter; By-laws, Multi and Ragniations, furnished gratis, on application at lAssincirr—CLE - Oftag ALBRZE. vino Pl/510C1111: 'Jahn D. McFadden. .lose M. Pennock, .IklusJohnittorsli% Alentilider Speer. Janes. l. D. Mood., Hier L. lohnactork, A:in. M. D. Jans, i MeAteloy, Hilt Butr. =lZ=2 Galvin Adam, Jebn itackollm, Juba Ooot II Inning, Cartior, Clwrlimil Dolton. Dongtu6 John Dram hrtef 21._Hadar. Itl4kiaPr'4% X•11r. VMLdIS.Z.IS,T•I7. Bacitwatir i Tat. gad., El - 03101kw1 Aidason = Peter A. /Weir+. - Marshal. pAtesi ion, • • , Elernat, %Time Wale; - Mut IL-Aboeittdrger, —AloseActer Tiede, 111111.st.9ealtisk. :Clealtrea, . A2mirerow