The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 26, 1863, Image 4

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.:::OCT. 26,-1868
From Saturday's Evetifag
The Criminal Court.
Serrunsr, Oot. 24:—Before Judges Mellon,
Rowe end 13roern.
Mary Wilkinson and Belle Roney, the girls
who. stole a large quantity of clothing from
the residence of Airs. WEIN, ta. Manchester,
were brought In for sentence. Judge Mellon
Ordered Mary Wilkinson to stand up, when
hs remarked to her that the Court had reluct
antly concluded that rho penitentiary was the
proper place for her. Shama, then sentenced
to one year In that institution. Bar mother
wa resent in Court, and the soon, was a
pafnfal one.. •
BOW! Roney wasthou ordered to the Malltilt
of -ftefago, tlke Court remarking that, from
the testimony, of her mother end "other rela
tive', it was oinyinced that she had been led
into crime by her more hardened companion;
john Grant, Patrick Campbell and Thomas
tdoy, eonvicted of aggravated assault and bot
tom:were each sentenced to pay a line of fifty
dean** and sesta. - :
Thomas Carroll, tha.matu alto stole a large
lotinf clothing from Mrs. Walsh, in Allegheny,
on E3aaday Jest,, and who wu convicted on
Wpdsniday, !mit 'outpaced to .throo year' in
the peoltattlary.
Mated States DI tact Court.
,Ban - ana.T, Oct. 24.—Bafate JuOgaßloCarl
The jury in the ease of Wm. .Tsokscm, in
itiated for perjury, found, a verdiot of guilty,
and recommended the primmer to the merry
it the Oourt.
The Grand jury found true hills against
John D. Merarland, fat - ream, arid also for
forgery ; Joseph Craver and Lewie 701110i11011,
for nesting the draft; Henry Mout, for aid
login the escape of a deserter t John Mackey
and John Loudon, for palming counterfeit post
age- otirrencry ; andaigainst.fitophen Monier,
M. Itahe, Win. Sample, James Ousting, J. W.
and T . $. Oros, and WM. Smith, for issuing
The ease of the United States vs. John
Forest, postmaster at Perrino, was then taken
up. There are two charges against this de
fendant—one for embezzling tatters, and the
other for detaining letters and packages. The
jury found a verdict of guilty, and the de
fendant was sentemmt_io, ten years in the"
penitentiary. This ease was brought to light
through the persevering efforts of S. B. Sow,
11‘1., one of the ablest and shrewdest of the
Special *gents of the flovernment.
Succen of tlio Iron Tank-Bhlps.
It may be interesting to our oil merohants
to learn that the new iron tank-ship "Jane,"
'built by a Liverpool Company, for the par.
pose of shippingoll from this country to Eng
land, in bulk, has proved en entire sweets.'
The London Oil Trade Circular, In alluding to
the discharge of the cargo of the vessel, says:
' The whole operation of treuisferritig the oil
from the vessel to the premises of the Company
has been effected without causing any nuisance
whatever, as no amen of the oil could be per
ceived. in the neighborhood of either the ves
sel or the works. The largest portion of the
oil is now lying in an Iron floating tank, and
from this, as it is retplired for use, it is pump
ed into largo stone costerruil in the works, and
from these it la supplied by Keane of closed
hen pipes to the stills. The Jane will be
ready to start on another voyage in the oonrse
of a few days. The success welch has attend
ed the employmentof this vessel should be
induosmant to other persons to adopt a
similar system of importing the oil, and we
feel convinced that by so doing they would
effectually put a stop to the petroleum nuis
idsee. It should bo stated that during the
voyage from America to this country not the
'lightest inconvonienee was felt by the crow
of the-vessel on account of smell, am the tanks
were seal:factually closed that the odour of the
all ovoid not possibly escape.
The Third Presbyterian Church.
A meeting of the congregation of the Third
Presbyterian Church was held on Friday
evening, in the First Lutheran church, on
Beventh street, for the purpose of taking action
towards encoring a suitable place of worship,
inade 'neceesury by the destruction of their
eiturelt entre by Orison Wednesday lest. Corn
tuntileatione were read from the congregations
Qt*, First, Second and Sixth ProebyteLn,
fifiettatir Reformed and First Baptist churches,
of this city, and from the First Presbyterian
'iditiroh of Allegheny, sympathising with the
eougregation in their disaster, and placing the
Ohnrcites at their disposal part of each Sabbath
Ind during the week, untilaneh their
own edilloe amid he rebuilt. oontotiAlaw!lt .
_pointati.b,y, the trustees * to czarina's - into t
'suitability , of the public baUa for the purpose,
also made a report. After a full Interchange
31rejghlollts • th0.70;4 1 41 Qt.!.Pill for Slits use
of the oongregation wee
left to. the, discretion
the ootamitter, A rikantlen..friii • adopted
thanking the Xiiit/ntiforall'llorigregation for
thek use of their chant' "fdr the' Urreting; and
atio tbenking - the several -congregations for
their generous offerrend sYrepathy.
Ironed Dead on. the Wharf.
- 411-IPdld swum IMMO Hobert Briggs, sr shoo
otokat.'by trade, was this mongogfonnd dead_
etstkiiritorf,oppoilte the liononkihola Souse.
Coroner ifoCking hold an totti‘t, and the
jurr krond a verdict of -"death from *tamper-
An* and imposurt...". Ths , aksissod was one
liftbo - oldest - residents of .11e-city ;and- kept a
aboeishop here some fortfi 4 Otiri . oo: - :go seas
• Ototi viwriefity. *bay
ku n i t Lad boon loading ati liciimpente
batoskiil44Ao rfirriy, w 4 ran
t was
*mai &niched. Mr,* irtidintly lain
downpir - 7irtiarfonidet - therlin Wat
tle will. goligc *bed, es beksidUlton off his'
boots-and books, -Tht•tbilly.wttatopare Ind
11*- - eold rain Woo too-indeb. rot his aonitina
- boa, and lo remains will be I
kept at Itorones, - Graas • - grist, Until ten
• O'clock Banday, - when, if not taken charge of
by his friends, tbby wilt be buried by the eat-
The PbiLididpbbs• and Erie dtallread was
formally opened, •on Monday lilt, to Empo
elnos, manly leii_t_otca &Iron tuunty. The
nils ntil be laid,,durint the ensuing month;
as far al Si. Mary's, County-tiro mliw bil
yond Emporium.- 'Prom the - west, the ralla
1611-Protably be,eibitib l
twentlTtbrso mile' front ,&. idarya, nos
1411,1 s Oonpletird . fromEtio:,to PsIMIA-V iff fa;
ikhtiAira milei & luChabi Sim - burg , Bt
Warts,,iienniildrod Iraq" tulle.;Naming
Milk a gip tsregy-throa
licOilottEsie an d Pb tlivialptds."rtto is twentY-,
' --- tbriltrlies‘ era-nearly 411 traded;•'and• at no
iiirdistaltbdayora •IYS =rteidy. for the , rail.
N. fibs' di'ldi*lpttlai and =Brie Railroad
'•• Midrafors b‘ratrad altzpd.ftes.
. .
:-Ccunerdierrt SO GintAtrourg risks:lna
.I.o.theszrivalgf Ora. !liregley-liaitte bomb, the
hinoester-..Ezpreee.says; .!Wfk,hapa that midi° I
the General is in the Intim be. Will eittaad fiil
Tait to Laionater; bo — its of
biota& Oar ottisene ire tin - lad 'Weald be
Old to tato lam . b7 the band end vote him . 1
the lfreedom of the eit) , ..*.--Laneaster is al
____irep_proad- to extend oirilititt 'JOAO bet'
ecoia.of the Old Keystone, and: nasmuth .la.
6hlit.'2ZetloY.. Li perSonallY. ilaittlianted_
te yu n rot- our people be wouldespeelelit
4peloomed. 'Ott 'behalf of the oitt'Orfaneaster ,-
... , -.44"iespeetfally invite- the Gonetil-to - drop
--,'dowzramottget as.* , - ' - ,
-Altana .a lataturf 131 sie4a4k•-fssr--. days
slum, Koh Stsfassag, crosithar inAtiatar
ward. A th ogkosi, IMret4e4: o - 1 SIX dr" ,
stay' sad a gisaatag. qrsodarcl9 l .h. fai t y a
swot glad fa - bar szaploy-;2lrs:e laoooa
alow Li t - Mr 'MOO kom the hears for
.40:3 1 tatlit
jiN turned the.4lstayars4 , 4W WSW 4 14
taking with bar the ayilalas stays
- 4 • r. • L' r'
- Psot.ltalisaludgmlll Core a nal claU
.,,,Xfode. att4rPow , fftiodmodil mg , Wet
• • it . 11 M 1 g. FlutS ci0n0 4 . 6 PTAIMAY *Mu)
'.4sseweinr_ 1411 : 4 0 x,f1. 1114
" "
Sem s ingra, of Company A, 1.0 . 0d121,
Pennsylvania Regiment,' sett of • Richard
Bird, reg., of this silk, writes en interesting
letter rem East Tenaessee, under date of
Knox !lie, October sth. We are permitted to
make the following extracts in reference to the
sentiments of the people of that section :
I stippese you will expect to hear something
of our march -and • the-signs along the road;
bet I . can say but little. From; the time we
left Crab Orehard until we reached that:lap, the
loyalty was, in my estimatien. (exeopt the
mountaineers,) just like that of Central Ken
tucky. It just pee as far as the almighty
dollar reaches, and scarcely that. But the
mountaineoreare true, almost to a man ; the
groat majority of them are in the army now,
and, therefore, are not inch an element es
shows •to advantage. As soon ns we passed
through the Gap the arena was changed, and
as we painted what houses are still inhabited
we were not welcomed by even the cold smile
of a hypocrite, but the traitors, for fear the
eightmf their carcasses would be followed by
sweet retribution, pie:media so well that they
kept themselves beyond and out of our sun
But there is another tale to tell, or rather
ask. Why are the Koalas, to line& a great ex
tent, empty, the farms tenantless, and the or
chards overburthened by uttgithered - fruit?
Aye, ask it, and the winds of heaven-will an
' ewer 0' There was loyelty.".This laths court
try from which the refugees have ao long been
dying; and.when we came we.wererfollowed
by many of them • and often as we would reach
the top of, soma gill would we hear the exult
ant:cry of joy, as Some wanderer would catch
,a glimpse of his. aid homestead. But, etas I
ae often would It - be viltlissdness and team
that be looked on a desolating scene, where
devastation and ruin told him maw had boon
his home.
While passing through, I counted sixteen
large brick liOnses that had been burnt, besides
the many frame and log ones. From Tale
well we made a big march, reaching the rail
road. at Norristown. which is forty-two mile'
east of Knoxville. All the country had gath
ered-some coming twenty miles—and bad a
Union proemial; to., Col. Nelson, of Jones
boro, being the leading spirit, Nelson is a
Usoned egg." Davis Co. had him in dur
ance but a few months since, for making Union
speeches in this sootiOn.
Things aro going on bravely here now.
Companies. are being raised in all the moun
tain villages, and in Knoxville Bevan or eight
regiments are being under way, each having
from five to eight hundred men: Dosortere,
refugees and citizens are all eager to enlist.
The strangest thing to me is where all the flags
were hid. At Knoxville and all the little
towns on the reamed, nearly every house
floats the old colors.
We are now encamped in a most beautiful
spot on the banks of Holstein river, and I
hope we will get a week's rest I mold write
numb more that would be of interest, but must
forbear for the present, for the inner man
oryeth for refreshment, and the slapjaeki aro
neither mixed nor baked.
Tan ATLANTIC roa Novrammt.---This to a
capital number of the Atlantic, containing ar
ticles by Longfellow,Holmer, A.gaitsis, Lowell,
Aldrich, Thoreau, Ik. Mm-rel, Louisa M.
Alcott, Mrs. Thomas Hopkinson, and several
other well-known writers. A very interesting
article, catitled "Monograph from an Old
Note-Book, with an Appendix," L contributed
by Charles Sumner, in which ha settles the
question of the authorship, the correct read
ing, and the literary history et the celebrated
line on Franklin ; Hripuit ooalo
soeptrumque tyriunis."
The Atlantic for November is for sale et J.
P. Hunt's, Masonic Hall, Fifth street.
Coat toe lisww.—For the encouragement
of our friends in Cincinnati and below, who
are now paying myeuty mew per bu4:4 for coal,
wo have the gratifying intelilgenee that there
is now ready loaded,. awaiting satfonent water,
about 5,000,000 bushels of coal at and above
this port.
'A rise of eight or ton feet will let out this
vast ahipment of "black diamonds," together
with accumulated stooks of city manufactures,
put under embargo by the Inability of the
Western roads to carry it off. Western pro
duoe is also anxiously awaitingan outlet East.
Tim ralevwf Pratt's twenty-sixth annual
communist:it of nay and valuable books, pho
tograph albums, and gold pens, will be com
menced on Monday, Octobor 26th, at halt peat
six o'clock, at McClelland's Auction Mouse. 55
Fifth street.
RZVIVILEI in the new organisation of die
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
are very frequent of late. They hold their
meeting. in Neptune Hall, Seventh street,
every Sabbath afternoon at two o'eleck, and
In the evening at seven o'clock. The public
are-respectfully invited to attend.
T .IST OF LETTERS remaining in the
.14 reirrOVlTOr at 43.1.80112117, JP., et b...
QP iiiirlD , Cretiei 24 h,lso. _
frmiesszi rn etrriteartil
ISIP Maas anuttiag the alas of the "" E. .hick
the litter la actviiiise4.
. ogee boin nom N a. i. te its. mt.
A rultostalneni M McCeallted 7no
&kr' , a 0 ° 6 McKee Thee
A Zama Gould Cached • IlizCley Lary
Ambanott Jerry i Glee. Elizabeth Attlimer—ifitry
Arnold Moo . Garner Web , NcEiroy Mary!
Gardnar Jno X
Gorman S
Gist Wm V
[Haler Cbao
'Xenon Llvry
Hominy John
Unbar. Jannis
Atkins Mary E
ArbAihnot X B
BAntrtaan El
Bares Henri
Blidobeckir Mrs!
Brown HAUL' E,
Boloe Him A
I &aback, FW
Haosiltbn lm
Hoard The
Hamlin B 2
liembenctea 11 2
Dumbllo3d Eats
B.yers Chas .
Bro.a Juno C
Boyle. Mu,
BaftlAy Mary I
Hazeptrrey 21.
J •
lolititon Hair
lobo •J
Babeoz..Mary - J
'Boyd Mary
Moyne Blaney J
I Baxter Wm
-Boman Etlehasd
Kizir. Ed
Kellar earab
Kennedy Ti
Keith Mary A
Alineffirger '
Ling Dennis
Lutes Annie
Lattbuer Joidaty
Inteltraft P , •
Limignirit Mary
31 ,
Market Win J 2
Mai& MambaD
iltazwell ry
IllontipMfory• Em
If aana,Ellsabetb
Mullane Dan
Meurer Mu •
Criswell Hob'
Cameron Myrirt
• Osaky Mor Ann
Calla Marl
OrinMalin I If
Oollins Shoo
Offrrap a* A
• , ."t/I4 jIJ3II •
Cesiandlacols •
• a lc mean ear i AnCotrs Oo
p 0
Os= rtb.'•
Clark Aanla
Wesel! lone
Deptlar Adam - I
Donnelly Alla,
Masan Y A-
. .
/TAM Cbrin Wh i n Joeklino Job.
Mut) Azdtpo r !Wh
Mc 'WinonaMambo
McFarland . 4 1) Willisunock Mn
MOON Ells gretherat Moro
Main Ju 15111nrcullov Elt
I M McCabe .1 0 Winer 11
MccCdr4 Auley
Jno ob..
11VE.VICIDD roolmastrr.
D4v J
Eatao -
Elrlck Mary If
- 4
Prow 11 J
Elaldlog :Jobs_
AblattatunAthe oruenstrotalolioal
.aed harbsofolui plant:Nan la, quataityr.and re.
Way, DOLINDO.N, MINA, . and , ?WHIST=
-NOUN, at km psiee of $l6 per hundred, If M-
A/reed before , pholus Stmt; and all otbet Nurrery•
'ttbak or Mt 6•111 - 71uallty7and at iidraid
MUT yodels out dralairthe paint - ran and OM
Spring, Imola) at , .
Mora 4134-4. 44 4 sit 4 Gpus 414--tacl ( ading an Qv
:G11.14114 V11:P741 811111188,- GREEN/10M
.prdurrs,sa. le.. *11414444 sad mall It irm rm.
tonal* Oen.. '.JOAN II lIP,DOCItar.,
5e18:444d4 P • • •• 0 • •
Cat Tar DE *Man . .
. .
0.41F1121 DE VISITE I
uritracinniaks.,k, v_Teloit
„ Bow a lbb
kiarAeatai;zstr emint
Marini awry IlispecWittorwl.o.OsialabsArmaN
Ibriborbutil andllabi nikper•
by WMAtN/Lliti3llll
' - i - WoogittibtreortietsOf Thipt.
" 4 :1 : *i:r7Pl3--4-111510
I.lallial,V4* OW
j*, -; 4
Special Dispatch to ths Pittsburgh Garatut.
Gov. Vesta was offered the next Presidency
of the Confederacy at a late meeting of the
Southern Governors, held at Richmond, If he
would undertake to keep the State true to the
South and out of the Union.
The BaleigA Secoeciard resumed Re publica
tion on the old principle' of oppoeitlon to Jeff.
Davis' governtoent.
The inhabitants of the north-eaatern 001431-
tief of North Carolina, who have radiated
irucceasfully the rebel oonsoription with the
aid of our troops, repudiate the rebel govern
ment, and ask for the protection of the Union
forces, and the establishment of 'Military poets
at Edenton and Elizabeth. City.
Richmond papers to the 21st contain news
from Northern and Southern Virginia, Nut
ern Tennessee, Chattanooga, Charleston and
The falling back of the rebel army under
Lee is attributed to the failure of supplies, as
that part of the State has been reduced to the
condition of a desert.
The railroad track from Manassas to the
Rappahannock is reported to be so badly dam
aged, that our army cannot repair it in •
mon Lh,
The rebels acknowledge a loss at Catlett's
Station of fire pieces of artillery, and five boo
st:eel killed and wounded, with three pineal'
—Cook, Posey and Kirkland—wounded.
D. H. Hill has been relieved from the CUM
mama of his (*pi bofoie Chattanooga,,and
John C. Brockinridge given the command.
Prom Charleston the report is that every-
thing lo quiet.
A French war resiel. the Tialpli•ine, had
gone up to the city.
Another Monitor had Joined the fleet.
Another inraaion of Missouri, under Price,
is reported La contemplation.
A Richmond paper, in an article entitled
"War Prospect'," Intimates that we eon hare
peace on easy terms.
Goa. Lee has sent two more divisions to
support Bragg, withdrawing tho rost of his
forces behind the fortifications at Fredericks
The Orange Alexandria Railroad has al
ready been repaired one mile beyond Bristow
Station. Our forces are engaged day and
night in repairing the damages done by the
Gen-Oren', cavalry advaneal on a Teton
noirszurce within two miles of the Rappahan
nock: They returned to camp without find
lug the enemy.
The condition of Ireland, according to the
reports of the Register General, shows a de
crease of population, land, produce and lire
stocks, with. an increase of waste lands,
and by information supplied, It reseals sores
remarkable facts, suggestire of rations con
siderations. Some partake largely of the
gloomy. In the first plasm, according to those
abstracts, there appears to hare been a de
crease of 144,719 spree of land under tercel
crops this year as compared with the year
1661. The report - says by waste and nnoeru•
pied land, it would appear to here inereased
in all the provinces to the patent of 71,8.56
The policy of Russia is thus foroehadowed
in the Cologne Guru: " The Senate bee de
cided to regard the treaty of Vienna, which
hu ben violated by other parties long ago,
as no longer binding on Russia, and accord
ingly to abolish the kingdom of Poland, as
hitherto constituted, politically and territori
ally, and make out of everytwo of its govern-
Infant u province, which woold he ruled with
out any regard to the Polish nationality, in
the same manner as the old Polish provinces."
The Richmond *wins: says 3 "The celerity
with which Meade managed to get out of the
way Ls accounted for by the fact that he had
the advantage of moving in a direct line, and
aided by the unread, while our forces, being
Intent upon cutting him off, me:l3d by circuit
ous routes, with the entire absence of subsist
ence in the country north of the Rappahan
nook. Fauquicr and Prince William are de
sert!, euntaining food neither for man nor
beast. Our (applies, therefore, had all to be
waggoned from the Jiappahannock, the de
struction of du bridge of that stream prevent
ing our care from running beyond it
- "It is said that Ossn. Lee has torn up the
railroad track from Manassas to the Rappa
The Ttlehmood, of the 21st, says
if.ite doe; .advanie:sgain towards the Rapi
dan, he can hardly do so Mims than a month,
as it will take him at lout that time to recon
struct the Orange and Alexandria Railroad,
which, by the exertion of both armies, has
been pretty thoroughly demolished from Cal
popper Court Rouse to Sianasses Junction.
W. J. J.
McChesney It 0
. int! A
Nola Ellen M
Pollock N L B
Powers Eats
Parrlaoce Soml
• • Jos L
,Powoll Wm
,QM4gley En.
Robots B. P.
Ron Wu' F
l itteibert B 31
ISmlth Ow
Bolomza 0
Btenrensou 8
Smart Jana
EMllabe r dtortlni er
obt s r
Smart N
w ary A
SW* 311
SElrttirld Blarr u A
Stmaarkrtt Hi
StiMpla Wm H
IBlamlV H
Torply Patel*
ihinter Wmj
Taylor• Mary 2
N ader gamma
Watt a
ell litipben
Williams J
Gen. Ewlng's Pursuit of Sbelbre Rebel
Esimes'Crir, Oat. 21.—Advices from Gen.
Ewing's expedition, In parsult of Shelby's
rebels, have been received. After 146Tolang
reverttpsix mhos In twenty-four hours, 0013.
gwlng re . ached Carthige, on the morning of
dm 18th, where he expected to onoounter
IThelby's - tritole commenefibut the latterpused
tficre,thiztglit preeiOue, fdr r °nth°
in 'the, evening, a, aompany of thirty men
sent Out to collect straggler" Item captured,
,orlialWifirifere,annejuid ogalyinente, Among
the pdeonere,are IdaJor pllc er sad other offi
cers and man of imago different fdissonri
Throughout tbo pursuit, and /spatially for
thelisit fifty miles, the trail, had holm lined
with Shelby's broken•downhorsoe, and fresh
One, we re stolen - - bikviug,beett substituted in
their st ud.: Shelby basino traniportation or
11111 d be keeps no.. roads, rendering
putwolt-se night very difficult.
- Reports-from scouts and other parties pre.
veil that . Alartmiduke is advancing from Fay
tevill•-toreinforee Shelby,-
Uneondltlousl Undon Mooting In lllarTe
lund--Speoch of Judgo Kelley.
, .laLtutost, Oct large — meeting of
unconditional Union men was beide& Eastern,
Talbot county, - yeetorday. 'Addresses were
made by lion. Wm; D. Kelley, 6f 'PI.,: Bunn
Wirdes Dorris and Ooleael Oreswell. ;TAO
Italie" announce d . himself - to the crowd of
slavebolders. us,s• Inuit .Itepubllean from
Psnxisiiiranla, yet.. his .speoch was received
withsta n ds,. VILA lirtbe 'first' Instant% of a
pn hit _Tungraseman masking in Ont.
alsvereglon of Maryland, and Judge IC•liej!c s .
reception was mbitedirring and patriotic.
The Reported Ma/Macre of FtsVe Er:W
Br. Lorre, Oct. 24.—A 'modal from Bt. Pi nt
isyslettioiliiityeatlred from Bannta.
City gold' mines, ditof the 22d and 27t130 . f,
z •timber, pie ilt!ited that Captain Fisk's 0z,..
. flotiins 'than efrirdayof traver9(
oelt-mill3atal,-.4&- 22 4 4 0. °nit
Gebettrnallitsiatragg - Reinforced—
Lee at Fredericksburg...Recommits.
IV Greggls Cavalry...A Fight Kith
Moetryoe Gnarrlllae, etc.
NI:, Yoke, Oct. 21.—The Wait,
iagton dispatches say : It Is said that General I
Meade made a frank statement concerning the
hremptory instructions lately received by
im to compel General Leo to accept a fight,
which not haring been able to carry out to
the letter, he declared himself willing and
ready to resign his commission. The Presi
dent declined to entertain any such proapost.
tion, and General Mende has gene beck to his
It is rumored that General Lee has sent
two , more divisions to support Bragg, and that
ho is withdrawing the rest of his forees be
bind the fortifications at Frederlcluiburg.
. .
General Gregg's cavalry advanced on a re
connoissance yesterday within two miles of
the Rappahannock, and reared to camp with
out tinang . t.lio enemy.
Last night a brisk tight was had with
Mosby's guerrillas, In Fairfax county, in
which several wore killed and taken prison
ers. Among the latter is Jaok Barnes a no
torious scoundrel who has been three times
In our hands and taken the oath.
tw Tote, Oct. 24.—A special to the
dated Washington, Oct. 23d, says:
The Caroaicls announces that Gen. Meade
says our army cannot move for three weeks,
on account of the destruction of the railroad.
Lana.—Gen. Meado not being able to get
through his business with the President in
time, did not return to the front' until this
morning. It is authoritatively stated that he
Is not to be superseded.
The story in the Richmond papers, of the
21st, that Lee has taken one thousand prison
ers from Meade, in the late campaign, is en
tirely mythical.
Gen. Ituaneldo's Operations.
WASHINGTON, Oat. 23.—1 t is now positively
ascertained that a portion of Ewell's corps
has been dispatched from Gordonsvillo by
railroad to resist the advance of Burnside to
wards Lynohburg.
The reported advance of our forms on the
Peninsula towards Richmond, Is, of coarse,
It should be borne In mind that Burnside
has a large force of mounted infantry engaged
in destroying the main rebel railroad oommu
nication with the southwest. No apprehen
sions are felt for Barnside'a safety.
The Draft In New Jersey Postponed.
Taerros, N. J., Oct. 24.—Tho draft to thin
Slate, which was ordered for the 26th tent., in
postponed to January next. The wbple, or
part, may bo made up in she 111011.11aMO by
TriirraT, Our. 2i.—There is no new feature In
the domestic money market worthy of special notice.
In Sew York, money was low aeties and a shade
enter, ranging from Ito 7 per cont. Sterling Es•
<Mange is reported unsettled, and bet class Lille are
quoted nominal at 1C1141 . 4102. Geld also, wax Irreg.
alas' and unsettled, but firmer, opening at
Tanned to 1473 j, declining to 14.:i and eleeing at
The Imports of dry goode at lose York from for.
alga port* for the week ending iletisbor 23 and since
January 1 are 11.4 follows
For the Week. 'Sll. 114112
Entered at the port. $455.2W3 1865,140 51,1:0,703
Thrown on market. ti 11.524 5i244,434
Since Jan. let. 1501. 1513
Entered at the port $38,5u2.9025441,e9th1'J 557,324.492
Thrown on maeket 38,340,8 b/ 5J,503,ir21 51,370,75'.
The .Ire , of the yeas,' ti per cent. loan o
Friday by the Government Agent, *mooting to the n
enormous agginato of two millions. sin Hundred
and seventeen thousand. Ali hundred dollars. Thin
It the largest amount sold in any one day In several
At a public meeting of bankers and capitalists et
Nese Turk on Murals) evening, it was roaolewl ex
pedient to organise a national -Bank in that city. •
with 1, capital of nye millions, with the priedeere.4
extending it to fifty millions, by 'inch additions.
from time to time, as may ho dmmood exponent
The arcemary steps wore taken to commoncu the
procurement of subscriptloas to the stock.
The Treasury Department it reply to questions re
questing information no regard to the course to be
pursued in the exchange of 740 Treasury :Soles for
the gin per cont. twenty.year bonds, commonly
called tes of 18ff, says the notes shonld be sent to the
department, Indorsed "hoc redemption." The ae.
cruel interest on the note, will be withal and remit
ted, mud the six per rent. bond. exchanged for the
principal of the notes will bear interest from the
date of such exchange, which date will he stamped
en the first coup. falling du , thereafter.
rt.uur. 1 Cift.ll.% -The recoiptA of Wheat ere
very light, and the market is firm ea 81,...V.) for Red
from wagon, and 51,21414.1 fur White. Barley Ly
foisting to more freely, though the market is firm,
spa all that offers Ls taken readily at $1,30 for Spring.
and 1,V..i;1,50 for Fall. There la hot little demand
for Date. though holders are firm at former lutationa,
We of AM bu.b from store at 1.5 e Corn-+4e of
can prime Shelled at 51M Bye—hocks i.Cering
Float is quict but 4.4. with .mall talc.. (rum ohm
GROCERIES—The market I quiet, while prtcn
are firm and well stodalued. Small Wes or Sugwr at
13 to lie for Raw, and ItiS to Irie thr ReSued.
Garrets la atilt and prime Rio wad scattily at 34c..31.
Lawn quiet but ustehartged at CO to tOo. Syrups etrady
with sale. or wall-known brands at 80 to.aZw,.
BUTTER .t EGGS—Titers Is talc demand for
Butter, and packed is selling at 17G16e, and 801 l .t
22 to 22r be nommen to prints. Eirge.ll tenthly et
156L6 per dolma.
ILLT,The market la firm, with a fair demand for
loose at former rates. Sales of inns Baled at EN
per ton.
CIIKEW—Tbe market to needy but without loot.
able change. sale to the trade of 21 bee Weetarn
Referee at 121ir, and 23 bee hamburg at 13e.
MILL PEED-1e team and prime No 1 sfd•
dlinp would sell readily from depot at 31,75 to, cwt.
Bale of 2 tone Bran 081,20. Shlpetude of good I cal
ity would command 81,30.
APPLES—There le • continued fair demand, and
ant note plea& fair to prime at 53,00 to 53,23 Per .
bbl-end 8200 to 53,73 for Inferior to common.
POTATOZs—Thesnpplyeppears to be in emote., of
oho demand, and the market - roles rather dull, though
there le no change to notice in prices.
Plttatmrgh Petroleum, Market.
Oct. n.—Tbo market for Petroleum •od Its pre.
dude, contlones to rule very dull sad Inactive, •nd
the tenter. abacus both froM Ness York and Europe,
- gtr• but little encouragement for any Immediate Im
provement. news has been • moderate local de
mand. for Crude throughout the week, and tom. two
or dune mall lots were bought far Mutant refinare
but, in the aggregate, the tran►netione bare been
light and of an unimportant char•cter. For Mined,
It bond,...ihers Is nu demand whaterrar, and a sale
could not be effected unless st such a figure se would
prove - ruinous to the owner, There nu not been s
sines transaction In bonded all for two weeks, nuris
snob en event Ilkdly to tuna-for soma rims to come
unless the market Improves. Free oil le to moderate
mitlcef,PrlnCipelly on western account, end mill
into. or. making dilly, but there appear. to no estab •
Ilshedratei.- 'Bonen° and Residium, are quiet and
without clump In valuo.
New York Petroleum Market.
B Pocielpath to the Pittsburgh Gum..
1124"4 Yoas, On. 01l =Oat I. Tory quiet.
sales of et - ode oda. evil 'at. Inclined to
bond, bed vetipont 9notedde eigingu; inlet at
6 00 CM lb'. wot; VigANA los t .-NowlePer., and 62 3 i,
for December. Free MI It unchanged, ranging from
68leC0c. Nagdha to vast tilth small seas of Battled
Chldago — ltafket.
._ . •
23,—The general , markets today were more
active and prices ruled ideber , tnarelylit conesquonce
or the upward biro of.goldiq Near York: ' Trio aim.
illative &wand; lebtehrror a week-past had been Light,
Vaaarory sett torch', end' some article& a mote.
rl.l advance took place. ill
•'o ear:Wiwi to tide
res,nottr..whiek, owing to a ?unbar adwenca of Ss.
Per - DIA oti .1 . 0104. lots ',zit dull, and wit have to
note • del:mediation or blame' ESe lu =prices, with .
saleit of-oat, aloof- 1,50 tetriala, at 84 e).(3 40 for
?air to Choke Bpaing ,Eztntal wawa oleo of
Goal to Chola Eat wan. rattan at 26 26- 7 brandr,
widely but week:broeight 20,72(45416;' :shippers wero
attooit enttroly rot o rtbe ninkkat;ity ionaequeuwa of,
freight rtarth, all ilia pp:Teller Ilnea rarcwlng to take
...112 at prawn. , -.The-What...ntatluibnaboinotal 16,2 e
per Int,:tititeilsa of ski t L 660) A1 6 r - A 1 1ef. 1 . 45011.°7 •
for 2itt, 1242rin&IRITNegi u“or ...worintlo
iba sikok . aiWock4. •thelliarkel
at V. ouigt Mifor,tip.,..l. and ,81 17.3.9 f 024 Ali No.
sprint; I_.Vinut wtmkt ytmlilictinut iscyl 14 for
No. 2 NeT,14129%0 thrlDipectbd Red Corn whit 1
palm blgbar witlaUghtaaleentlie•- 1 , 46 1 . 7 M4 - 1
NS ofd lie. Slat t etore4--4
ha ma itleiweN42day. at: 24.1.
drSlVettifi fatni.':-Oim.oratr,baornt atldiomewhat
ellAdes-tr. pzSealiz,tt
66i1M11712111kalpatedfla..14.2Mplust 6 b •
MrolidArAffifid Sr.
14 In 144910 be liar._
kit - aw - ITig:ittbli4r46loll Or MIDIIII I
tilt*? lifpiiti k t l elaltaavO tv rt k flo.
4 se. 6llirtrna4tl:2lX `"" itlbl2l2 lni .4642
brtad2n dentst. Moiral4tia
tra '
6643.1t6636: 4 4116 0 rwrd00tt. 1002bidei
thr.B94±4isenfriefiett, itodletllo22,aligt
operate af 7,600 ten at 513161422 22,442n 0 44 1 1 1 2 atiti•
lenteltietralle , 4l:l44 449950M1T- 049 fr i
6414146wa- 16 64, '
F0re1.7.1 Petroleum Ileports.
Lt - rt - tr — n. 00. P. —Tha...fl; I , tl th , "'' -••-•
NM a...a - I:Oath; to tha grat
emisry atrginuent that 10g, eau,. pestla:y aavtaa, • r
polni• .1 • .• r •.,
nth r.• , 1 1 1{1::•Sr: , , }TIE Tii;
thene,, nit ac• . .•unt, and tha r.•
set with .6,11
. '" • • 1 •' IIEILNIA OR RUPTI:RE.
ply. All th.., sou+ enough• if tudo , TS aonl.l hay.
•• .1,0.1a1; In.taa.l at uh:rh
an ann. huh ha. pra. it•itat•• I
lb. Rano... into ft p....witon :1•••In II will
t.cno• •n i.ata C:111
tin qt...., .1. a. 11., 11 , it that,
fhuuld 1.• [wither leakagn nor rrapotail-h
will it , call M arms aut. palw•er th.• natural
not 1.4.3,1 wihrh
the purl far the woman. Mans .
1.1 di, hav•• roasad tonutuufa. iota
cluntats•nd•.", I ha, art Irate n..ntaigln. t end.
at one tiuta ad r..... 1.1 but IS
now 2h , . t ....Han dull ar £i7.
time martat wan elearrd at te1....1. t lt
aoun Ihr inotuant there I. het LP X •
sty t.•• al 2.• whi •ft rannat don. , . -pirtt
was chair,' during, av• month at old rat..., an.. nuw
Is 7d t. rwourad
P.+. -,1111, prititmg, there le e. • , f
the mark. 6 , r AlllOll.l, c.t•lo he
lan le.n Prr.d,.ffut
lenttooe, net ,_TI. rernr4e (11 ( rstliol., to (Ile er../ ly
part of the mouth was largely dealt in, teeth ft,
home demand and export, ('rude l'ennttylrunla !cal
(slug dll to 221, and Itetitiod 2.6 d tvt 2417 d: the mar
ket nun in err) quiet, wants hit. the lime bete;; attp•
plled, and prit e. are lower. Crude Pentotylvanta t.
obtaittako at ...191 In, ...111 he . ltottned f,d
on the vput, but,for November and Ihmeinher doh,-
ery collie quantity (ISA Twat *OM at 2a 1.1. F.14;11411
IleDnr.l alxi tit-mind's 2.:A1 being the to lee, w.t It
vac doing.
flairktmn, kept. V -.The market lieu tern m
state of great excitement; the Mmllnge were eer
tenvive from the beginning to the middle o f
month, and the prim paid were Irregular, Hort oat.
intt emmidembly from day It/ day. nine,, then, boa.
ever, the I(xcite.((nt hat stileiltiol. the Kales ore more
tondenite. and the primal.. It...titled. 11..11nmi r+ •
alive rt.'' , 1 , 0 .
Alta car, Supt. 3tl—At the begoining of tht•
month the market was much agitated, and the prj,..
of finttood Nwltiatell every day. Sin, then the -
kut boa canoed down, and w lower than during
period of excitement. Itendy goods now Mid pur
chasers at fhhj fn; 77 toto is paid for dither, y at the
end of October. Ml 2 for November, and $0 to nor, It..
Comber. The Rale, of the mouth amounted to *.ri,..11,0
Intrrele of llebtied. In ()nude but little has been done,
probably live than 11001 barrels. The total stook. are
6P, 4i7 liartvls, of which about CAW only are Crude.
HA 000. Kept. 30—Tho &situp of thin month hay,
Mm Tory Ilmited no compared with ths preceding
month•, ind the total sales of Prude Pennsylvania
were not morn than aloo barrels. Tbe prices paid
'seri very irregular; they oponad at 55 fr.,. ram
wont down to 50, then rou again to Or, and finally
del lined a little, lancing off at till, fro. to elude
Canada (hers woo but on• transact,. of 7.5.•
which Auld at 35 fro.
lIOTTLISDiIf, Sept. D— The exrham•nt calveA by
the great leakage of the mike in the war . ..trete.. w,
noon allayed by an official Inquiry, •ehtett reported
the amount of bee to be not near at con•tderabin
at init etatwi, and pricer therefore receded nearly le
that- prelim, at - ending point. A n 3. eh,rate n m,ont
of buil:leaf has boon dune sine•.
From Edward Bill's Flour and Grain
New loan. Oct. combination of came. is
having a material effect upon the market for both
Flour and Wheat, and we have conetant finetuatione
In value. Thu late advance In gold, together wail
speculative demand. has greatly enhanced the prin•
of Wheat throughout the West and the miller+ are
thereby prevented from manufacturing to advantage,
unltai with & correeponifing rise here' In Flour. 'rhe
mock of old !lour to moth natural, and the suppLim
of new I here and provipecirrei art Light, the city trade
taking the latter freely on arrival /or export there
Is a Moderate demand, but oar pricra are generally
above the '11,4110r shippers Wheat, &all quits loavy
arrival•, has been sold at Irregular rums, hut at a
considerable advance upon the fortnight, The West
ern speculative Inquiry has diminished, and the sales
have of lam been for shipment The market cloning
yesterday rather tamely at our quotations. Nye is
quiet. Indian Corn contlnum to to firmly held, the
demand being confined to speculative and home. use.
For export there Is nothing doing. lees than .2 , 1,rx.,
bushels having been taken In the last tea wicks.
Scott's Wcckly Coffee Circular,
ius, prime i ad.— Ce 34 ...1 nes
• • good. (4334' Lag y • „ 0 ,34
fair.... X3'l gars. •• (§lO
•• ord..•• 31 031 !St. Domingo, chas dr)
1/It a ELS.
dale. of during the past wook Amount to B,3As
I ags. and imamate 4.30 pea "Sale Ands...." at Arty,
lml.l per •• Massa," at sic: 1,401 per •• Leapt"
'alai, at Vie; and SO per "Buda," at 112 1 .,c. On
bap „,..„ ‘pc. ,, bare SUISPEISSORY BANDAEM,
ape, mutton, I,4Wpea
at elltige. The market doers Cam at our improved
A dozen dlCuridit t imte,
Cleveland Market. A dozen diSa-mut
( le 12—The receipt* were comparstletily fad the A damn difforent,
morning, hut the market was as dull as ever, the
only transaction In wheat being a few choice lots of I A dose. ditareut kinds,
white and rod to miller, the Immediate wants. The
new. Room New York stiffened up the market a little , At Dr. KEYBE.R'S 140 Wcoo &ritual.
this afternoon. but itsd. rocelved tau late to snort It • ,
to any extent In ahn way of narw . Flour quiet and ' setkAtswitrer
unchanged. Wheat—The market continuos dull and !
inm•tl re. bal. 1 carload on track at 144.; TAX) bus D re A SER: S •
red afloat at 13Ae. While rang. at 140k4167e. Corn
quiet and easier. Sold at lair fnm store, tlats.low
at 8.3@t1.1c on track at CArryiLe fn , m .t o r, d,beered PECTORAL SYRUP
itya 1r in demand at IWe. Barley In good request
Sala of AAA/ bush at I.loc—llerahl.
Imports by Railroad.
d Prrrzei - cow Ramar.o, Oct.
471 bga mill foal, oimpeou A K.:, a Luba butter. Il ,
Holdshtp; Wm bay, tt B Floyd & or, 384 bgs 00111
food, 82 aka otos, J. Derrlogton; 357 boat corn, W
Limolehael; 150 bbl. apples, 1. 11 Vulgt 36 do
Breen; Al do chalk, B A Vol:memo,* A
ro;li.pbg. drogs,Womislda A Walla.; 2 cars cab
bage, 'l' Merlesttlne; 31 bbl. apples, Holzman; 100
bbia tbetr, Culp & Shepard: 10 .k. rags. Markle; 56
bp apple, A BalbIa; 3 pkga eggs, J sllller, 60 bbl.
ale, Win Edmunds A co; bbl. apples, F Vm•gorder.
15 do do, McClelland &Davis; 11 do elder, F Weasel];
10 do beans, 11„Iliddla; hag chree, J D Canfield.
10 du do, It Haworth; 106 Wee, J T 31cLaughllo; s 1
bales wadding. dlcCaudloas, Jamb., A co; 12 rolls
loather, Geri 11 Arblermoo; 103 loth chairs, F G Walk
or. 9 sks hair, Wm Flaccus; 150 aka wheat, J S Ldg• •
gets A CO; 16 eta floor, 16 bbl. med. Wm Day; 14 kgs
butter, 1 bbl chemouts, 10 boa tobacco, McCullough, ,
Smith A 00, 9 blids tobacco, J Grazier: 8 du do, Joo
Greer; ado do, 11 Heyl; 9dodo, J W Taylor,l do do '
W 11 Illuehart:Oo bbls floor, 31ackeown Linhart; !
30 dud••, McDonald A Arbuckle; 30 bbls charcoal, W
Carr .1 • o; 3 pkgs tobacco. /1 Daltuyer; 10 roll. loath-
er, flays A onorart; 3 bbls alcohol, Simon Johnson; ;
10 bbl. oil, J A Caughey; 12 bbla artitaky. 0 31 Phil- •
1466 6 66 4d. Ja• McKay; 10 de do. D 11aeronlo A e 0;
1 lohd ham, E Ilcazletott, 1 do tobarco, A Schaub, ,
it bum do, Head A 33etzgar; 30 true mop, Wet France; ;
6 bus candle. Cooper; 25 hbls aitielty, A Guriten•
helmer A Bro; 4 bbla ell, Kunz & Parker; 180 blab,
•ope A Goa: 110 aks wheat, 11 T Kinn:red, Bro, :tit '
bbla .and, Mabee. A Dro; 41 bales tow, Il Childs;
pkgs toboccEl' . .l A 31azurie; d bbls oblak•, Gem 11
Market 6 Dm; 6 do de, S Loank; 5 do do, .1 Adler A
00; 2do do, 5!..1, eke brandy, Mack Wood.. 221 rolls
coding palm', Hartman Lare.
24-11. cedton, King, Pennock. 100 hick., .1'
&bell; 210 bbls dour, K nos & McKee; 50 MA* carbon
011, II u K ler; 57 do cldervCampboll A Iluschison:
dos pail., b.e a co; :55 do do. Watt d VP noon;
20 do do, .1 Kitkpatelek a lira; 9 bbl. apples, 11
wig; 72 do do. Gramm & Thomas; 12 bbl. pearlx,
Dakewell, Poen 8,co; ado apples, Atwell, Les, d
12 do do, W II Kirkpatrick a no; 40 do do„ 2 do
bear, gook, PotllSt. Bcoi --6 5,45 aPPIca. L 21 1 . 1 0 A
co; 106 bp corn, Dan Wallies; 3 ear. metal. John
kruOrtteak 1 earatirral, L7day & Chorpenioc 22 bbl.
door, Knox: & 51eKea; 20 bbis mden, W Ilwq Carr &
co; 5 bblieranberrlaa, Jag liontooth; I bbl. llgnar, II
Y Evert.; 10 do, u 51d2llough; 5 dodo, el Ilertck.
on d co; sdo do, B 11 Watson; . 2 do do, n 51 Phillip.:
I do do, J Ilanderaon; 2 Lb& tobacon, J Grauer: 5o
hidei,.W A Olartg 2 caska&ln, A Gorkenkelmer a
Itro; 100 hides, W &Mtn; 12 oh. peon. , IleKoo 1
ALLLGAT ST‘TION , Oct. It--5 can on, 31celln•
sock, Bo ,t CV; 020 eke oats, 4r; ales harts., .1 II
f:tst r l t t tl 2 ollll . ax d r o J n c• A C rl ?
. I ; lol6bl . . b tpr. eg leet p , J . n j o
Knorr; 300 begs corn, 60 .k. fad, !Simplon A K nos;
bble dour, 100,101 do,Adam Llinvrt; 222 .4 mill
tord,,l car am., A2.101;100 eke flan stod."ll Suy
dam. 3 bbLs cedar, .1 Pat; 1 bbl wine, Wm Jlackeown:
Bike oat., CCObli; nbldty Solbert 'l4"allcrman/
Ika Pak., 8 C lloward; 0 bblaapplos, D_Curnel Ina; 23
bbl. floor, Gllyers; 61 mks barley, U P Cent; 13
bblo apple's, A Kirk ecovl33lkl wheat We, C Shaw;
bbl. apple, F Beckbru..2i.bides. J gbadd; 21 aka
rag., llowird A Cuttrall; 21 bbls dour, Simpoore
DR. LUDLUM/ 61ENTRIEZ 10E011,10.
rin,Tors DU O noaz.
Fin street. Pittsburgh
DR Amman%
Jost rvcolood 117L7ONIS DAM/ STOLLE,
ooN? Na. G and GO rirth art.!.
•ON I/1 .1 L 'lli4Xll
f -A-1
I , * ult. it ruvrors woo stout,
-0029 - . “Ilate67 satiSq Altattreet.
rou TES BAlk
soz;,,micy_s_stztv,o a.. 7935„,
viela •-• • evanaB9 ruktkpuva.
I:l4 l, VV ,r° ` l3o :cf-OrgrittrP)
COMM. clotae,
fttive4 ind 901.17 _
:J. TT:Liam.
RALLW .nu t J
rOR LirNbe,
. .
:Tar mu at . FULTON'S -DIIVO-Wroliz,
. 1 0 0.g7 gat o.7iftb street
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture crred.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Bertha or Rupture cured
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Hernia or Rupture cured.
Rupture or Hernia owed.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Rupture or Hernia cured.
Marsh's Radical Cure Truss
Ritter's Patent Truss
Fitch's Supporter Truss.
Self-Adjusting Truss.
Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace,
fur the cure of Prolapsus Uteri, Pile.,
Aldominal and Spival Wealuebses.
Dr. S. S. Pitch's Silver Plated Sup
Pile Drops, for the support and core
of riles.
Elastic Stockings, f ,, r wenk and var
icoso vein 6.
Elastic %nee Caps, for weak knee
Ankle Supporters, for week laice
Suspensory Bandages.
Self-Injecting Syringes ; also, every
kind of Syringe&
Dr. KEYSER has also a Trim which
will radically corn Hernia Or Rupture.
eV' 0111 es at Ids Deco Stoma, No. IV) WOOD
STREET. slrn of the Goldsn Mortar. Persons smit
ing for Truss., should 'sod the number of luaus
aretto.l the 1.47, Letweettettely over the rupture
DR. KEYSER will give his perm:m.l attention to
the aprileati in of Truism* to adults and children,
and he Is uttstle.l that, with an experten, twenty
Tears, ho will he enabled to give sit tarot-lion.
I Waits elterition to male or die west extraordi
nary cur. by my
They are at hotatrAtrid any o. *to hwe doubts tau
Inquire of the twrwoos who bar. boen erred by tc
LT - FEND TO Torn COLDS.—A coos of tiro
year.' standing ottrwt by DE. KEYSER'S PECTO-
Prrnarntau, Jan:l3. IST.
Du. Kriern My elfin has been afalcted with •
bad cough and Meshy of - breathing for tee years,
which Por ecroral years beck had gradetahrincreased
In riolenos. The complaint has beast.bezediSM and
she had been treated by world physicians erithest
any relief. In thin state of her ems, I procsred some
of your Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the Ent
thee, a fifty Cent bottle„whlsh refixed her very
much ; I then celled and cot a dollar hotilleeshich
cured her entimlY. and she bee nos no trotto of the
former dime" =mot ee•lates. I would ales gets
that I used the tneilleine inieelf to • coldludgmq,b.
The medielne cured - me by taking OW dew. 1 ea
pram nay eattre setlefaatfo• with the medicine. and
you are at liberty L. 'publish the if you dniss to do
WI 1430 N,
Abiannan, ankh Ward.
Prrram-aau, liai.lll, 1858
Da. Lama I have NMI. mote or law. In my
Itte. &fleeted alth the wearers of raids notborannow
At times my throes mould treoomaea doled jia to pro
cent ray veering abate • erhleyan and by taking' •
doves of the above Syrup It troullf-tothrrn me
In tecommonkllng this medlar* I tonst rmteetta•
tingly ray that It le the beat remedy I mar found,
purporting to cunt the &bun . %, *if ,sktillet_unr . ltuntly
rie without tide remedy far dlamacti ea pearalent.
Trade. mart
ambler Clthanjil Deportt Bank.
COL. paArr AHD DiZlitilmvii Pzaron.m.,
Da. Kenna—DeerAlr ;41Xcitee tiff, dole la my
ar.knowledeng tint wroslMinte ot year Pectoral
Conti 6yrup roccurr.., taka gTfl lesaatn la 11 7-
tag that It le en Pal atilt kefictid Ow ease
Pat erind/ wawa. end St, world, rata ereParlict.
.6 with. I here sot mod mont Omar onalallof the
bottle, end- I ma and do -vita that ell *ha us Mr
timed recall give it es Stir a trial eel 'hare done,
and they re 111 be proud to lay. • It Ix no queri mod.
kin." I wonld pot Rehm another asselt an attach
for any awe Idsration.or at any cost. I d oonildent
I can breathe more treaty the" I seer did. I, shall
thrall •allarrari•ditti • debtor gifillnde *it Trault•
tog to excellent• remedyy. Too are at' Moil" to me
tnywrine-ire this tepid. 011 jiol2
- • E.
DienenQek co.cmon ,
Attk.vt, Ray 11:1869
N. 11.—I am nortrang.. ta nay fellow citizen.. =it
all who antertlin doubts can zmircat ma rersuctolly.
prenstrian, 11&T.
RC"! 'M . .oMM—ill: Rims Inn a
44/14 r "tt.,l l flitAkkAnsermal SCLIAIOIII4I3 tar a bad
anigh, wtttuxit Imailit.gawmg limn-Ayers Cherry
lemma]. IvartiustAS thaw you s'bottl. •ot pow
PECTORAL BYROP;ilnet-betiztre ob• ha 4 mod halt
WM. abe Wee tenni& The woad Daub acrid Die
nair•li of hot 44,11. k.
T. *" #4°*4lkihgri•
- „
, Ovir44l44l..smuLski-- - _ + _
Ant. troar.a. =lag,
Jima, Zillmbargty rm.
MrdlifidaWr .=.,bw..a:-, ~::i.~..u::E~~:sa—;~~:.
IC N 1 3t R All
wt In, 7 , 11.. N •• AM.
Pittatait# Button daily, (azo•pt Randal)
nt a cu., acoppung at all Statium between Pitt.
and Th/Ladelphia a and malting direct coma.
t ion for New Torltnnd Bltiladelpbta
.COV , " Btatic , n rrecy morning (except Sunday) •t
only at principal shalom., •nd
mahinc dirart contiottioniat Harrkbeint for Balti
more and NVaollin,„tois, arid tut hem Tack, for
• • -"
The TRROUGII FS MIMS TRAIN leavn daily at
7. p. m.. stopping only ut principalatation s , making
dirrt connection at ilartehurg for llalthanre sod
W•Ablogldtt, and for Now York via Allentown route
and Phil:W.lphi,
The FAST LIST: leaves the Station daily (e..1.t
Sunday) at p. m, atopping only at principal Nia
tien,e, ~•nmectin at liarrlaburg for Baltimore azd
Iravhingion, and at Philadelphia for Now York.
The Johnstown decommodatlou Trait, leaves daily
kr evoSunday) at 2,1,S p. m., stoppla: at all Mallon.
and naming as far saConemaFgh.
First ACUMIIIIOaIion Train for Wall'.
!raves daily (lasevpl Sunday) at 6:50 a. m.
6econd Accommodation Train for Wall's
leaves daily (except bunday) at 11:3) a ca.
Third Accommodation Train for Wall's
kirrox daily (accept Sunday) at 4:00 p. m.
Fourth Accommodation Trial° fin- W•lra Station
Mateo daily (except Sunday) at 6:10 p. m.
• Titit lliorch Train imirca Station every Ana.
day at MOS it. na. , nitimuing, l'lttatemgh at
itotartiing Train. al rho in Pittaloarigh ma Dalton t
Balamoro La
Plitimietph Exproci p. m.
Through Mull Traln
Johnstown Acc0mm0dati0n....._........ —10:05 a. .1.
Fiat Wall'. Station Ac.AC.ollllllo4lttioll..
Second IVall's tviation AccomniaLation— 8:15 h
Thins Wall's !Ration Accommodation-- 1:40 p. m.
Fourth Walla Station Accommodation.. p. m.
Baltimore Expriza will arrive with Phihidelphia
fixpreve at p. m. on Mondays.
Trains Cur Blalnrllla and I atilana coonect at Blain,
cilia intarbarilon with ccommadation. Arn.mmodaanti end F.xprrn Train rem.
and with litaltimoro and Jo hn town Acv.en
modanion N$ cot.
Trains Tor Li.otabutg Mi • ., eat rows. with
pows Trainsand M m
ail Tt alb W. and wall Through
Accomtandation and titort. Train nat.
The public will Dud It greedy m their interret, In
polo& East or West, to travel by the
Crntral Railroad, m the accommodations now offered
c.a.1.1.1t lte eurpaestal on any other route The Road
la bottomed with atone, and it etkilrely free from dam.
We can prombta safety, wend, and comfort to all
who may favor this rased with them patronage.
To New York 512 80,To tai
1,, Philarl.dlibla .._. 10 60 To Lang a,ter 8 , 60
To Barrliburs____- 7 0.5 1 1
Baggage ctrectottto all tatione on the Penitayles-
Di. Central Railroad, and to Philadelphia, Baltimore
and New York_
Passengers purchasing tickets to the ears .111 be
charged an ace., according to the distance traveled,
to addition to the station tab., except hum stations
where the Compatty has no agent.
NOTICE.—In MN, of loos, rho Comiany trill hold
themselves responsible for personal baggage only,
and for ton amount MA exandlng fIUO.
N. D.—An Omn Rai Lino has be employed to
convey passengers and baggage to and from the De
pot, at a charge one to exceed Oh cents, for each pas
senger and baggage. Por ticketa apply to
At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad P t
Station carter Libortv and Grant erects. epi S
fiLEVELAND,7,„.- F -gr,
S 31 MEE A RRANGENENT.—On• 'arid an,
MONDAY, April ..30113,18113„.,Tra1te will Ism, the
Depot of rho toed, In Pittsburgh.
tollewa :
l'iltsburgh and Whetting Lew
Le.r<6 it*, bur ;
do Steuberreel
do NI heeling.
Connecting at Steubenville and Delimit with Men-
Ixneille and Indiana Railroad and Central Ohio Ball •
mid for Zanaville, Newark, Columbus, Xenia, Day
ton. Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Cairo, St.
Louis, St. Joseph, and ail points west mid entahwest.
•aud at Wheeling with Iliduniora and Ohio Railroad
i'insheme and Crinetand Line.
Lesvos Pittsburgh--- 11m) o. in. 12:40p.
do Wellsville 4:10 w 2:50
do. 8ayard......._.._.......6 , 10 4:01
do /lawman, 7:21 0t32 "
J., 111.1%50n 7,5.1 w 6:10 "
Arrives at Cleveland.lkll3 w 7:30
Connecting:at Bayard wit h "nsearawas 'ranch Lr
New Philadelphia and Canal Dover; at. Alliance with
Pittsburgh, Fort. Wayne and Chicago Railroad; at
118,01311, with Atlantic and Great WegISSICI Rallrtnd
for Warren, 'Greenville, Meadville . talon, Curry, Jamestown and Salamanca; at Hudson with Cleve
land, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railroad fur Akron.
Cuyahoga Tall. and Millersburg, and at Cleveland
E. IL IL for Brio. Dunkirk and Buffalo
with C.l 'I. B. IL for Sandusky, Toledo, and alas
with steamers for Detroit.
Welirrille Accommodation .leaveant p. m.
Iteturning traine arrive at 910 m., 3,20 and SA",
p. m. and 2,..10 a. to.
trough Ticketa to all prominent points can he
procured at the Liberty Street Deno t, Pittsbargh.
GEORGE PAIIELN , , Ticket Agent.
And at Allegheny.-
A,. Q. C.SELBERP.T, Tivket Agent.
For further inOrmation apply to •
At the Company'. Ogle* In Freight Statioh, Pena •t
F i Et L
Orner or COrTrrOliiit Or TIES egMlrar.
W•AhlOirt ' OaCltf,At sth, MB,
Neatens. By eeriatactery dance
,preeeateil to
the tindertigned, Wt. beer, male to appear I het
In the . Count]. of AReghoo7, and State of Hannay) es
nla, has been duly organized under and acandirog to
the woniromente of the Act of Congress, entitelcd
..Arc Act-ter pretties National Currency, 'secured by
• pledge of Baited States Stocks, and to worlds Par
the eircelation and redemption therent,... 4.oevroWl
February. gsth, Ida% and has complied lath all the
provisions of maid Act required to :berm mplled with
Were commencing the bestride of Ilan'obig:
Nov, therefore, 1, Elroy 11eCcuonn, cm:dm:am
of the Currency, do hereby , certify. that t h e eau
county of Allegheny, and State of Penneybrania,
auehorized to ColltMentC• the Imainpa nyltnaklag ca
det the Act &foretold.
iv teetimeny wberoof witnem my band
1 yes, 1 . and seal of Macau this stb day of Avm.,
1833. HUGEL 110311LLOCH,
Comptroller of the Cnriancy.
CurtAl, $4 00.000. with Pritheit• t*i.crsa.
. .
The Platt/ugh Trost Company haring organized
under the ant to proricle •Siattonal Currency, uadiz
the • Ott? or the Fran raTTOITAL . BASH 'OF
:FITTEDUItOkI. %route rully.otrerits-serelcou
for the collection or tones, Eanhalr
&e., metre money on rtepratt,load Irdy end .ell
clangs na all.parte of the . conntry. •
The mecca which lam Attended the Pittsburgh
.Tenet Company, eines 'lts urptazatlnn 101852, will
a-s.belles, be a .ancient. guarantee that:bush/am
cobra/and to_ the new argenltution wilt receive the
mane prompt Attention. . .
literhas n very czteneire correspondence wititTienks
and Hanlon tlareughont the rriuntr,y. Ire bellere we
ma/offer untattutl tacilltice thoterichtrdo - butanes.
with at.. •
Who lineittraeirlahe ecamdttta&vy the same Oman
and Directors. ..
Jones LayVAIN
Rebert.S. 1141,
Thomas '
.Thontas W.lghtzoszy •
Win. R. Nimlck,
• .14313ZE1
JOHN D.3ctrx.LY.
4.0.154. IRO.
Foram azurr. '
°pat -from oto C O'clock, also otrWodat6llT
tad Saturday .tvitilli:4;o;.lhott
lot, from YJs 0 o'clock..Ad lhatt .licirittber lot to
3107 Lt &boo 6to B.6`clock. • . . , •
" Depooitt rota (rid sOralrottoto: Oto
Dollar, and ordlotartd of ibaprottts &dared Mee •
Tokr..l3} Jana imul , Dototober.- lotetest.hsatiati df
claraktolal t it June and-Decoatiberoiltos
(hO Bonk. O'll grey; „
_rg. , :tto.koto otati.wrcosa.
Mae, If tor6riitzs ki. pked—
a 4apoottor a. tiriadtraL anct tearrtba tat. to -
Wool ham theitootdayirot - 'Joao and:Dectontooroom-
P (w(00 *nor without oroottisorato &pool
lor 10 to lor Mtn to present 410. M iNck• 413
rate Ittobol will double bi tro. Ch ant wolTo PM&
Books : - nonfat:env the "Charier, 137, - Lawa B a i a
: 0,1 - I(o 6 ol . 6 tiotio, furraohod'enctloi tar opikteallo• at
P•kown.i—GEO. l3 oB *TAM'S'
_ rung-rantworm
John It. 314eadclan,
•Irtander Spoor,. aa
Dogi-L s rattrattOt e r
:..JametZteloolor. ,
Joattallirdaio4 ,
Valleto Muni, ..' - ' Peen .0 iradelni;-'
- .Jobn..l4.llsokan4. -,.. - - Waltir P. Mamba'.
. John O. Broary.-: . : - ,: Jobll-Orro ,:_.
'"Ofillti - Mack Bobgt Itobh, ,
Atohno - x4efirriar.' '_ ' Rilvis -I, :lUnipiili.
~ : casaldoetedion;',- hioort hidlni
William Douglas. John EL gbogyf beriw,
John Evans,— " =am E. Sannorts,
. . William 19211arg ,v-
",•WW ' 'reit Ti. -Cfni*Ob- , , 3 :Wili Vafka
- ittOard Ear
....BMIT6IIr i Tnitinsiniii-.41/414 . 3kri t tili .
1.00 a m G:10 a. p. m
3:10 8:18 2:55
4110 •• 0:07 " 3:53 ••
410 '• 10,08 " 4:56
6:25 " 10:'23 " 15.10 ..
L 3
Alebtoter Orem
irsticia G.
Alm Bradley,
Sesnuel MIL"
LA VOULTN, Treslghlut
lualktm , V
Lazo Iff..Pianak,
Joba Zara&ll,,
J4in. D. D. Ibeb,