MWM=4=E Vittsburgit Oaa DLE & C •ND PlOrtir7oll, RID OrXl MONDAY MOIIND;G:... The Chambersburg Repository We Understand that the editor of the Franklis Reporitor . i has been airing his patriotiim very freely since the election, at the expense of the Gazette and the Dispatch, and suqdry of our most prominent citizens. We do - not know, however, whether he ground.this right so to do, upon the success of his oivn exertions in Franklin county, where the party unfortunately has scarcely survived its Legislative experience, with such representatives as himself. A few mote like him—and he is not without ono or two admirers, and imitators here— and tfrshordd have been in the same cate gory ourselves. That editor will be better known here as the sane Col. itleCtuat stho engineered the bill for the repeal sf the tonnage tax—the compoSition of the HOPE:ORO Committee—the adjournment of the Legislature—the dis chargeof that Committee—and the erection Of gle district which secured • vote, and gave a United Slates Senator to the Cop porheads—the same who boasted publicly in the'Senate Chamber that he bad torn up halfts dozen veto measages in the presence of the Executive himself—the same who de clared;'as publicly, a good deal less than year ago—although holding the position of an Adjutant General—that we could not whip the rebels—that the war'was but an idle expenditure of money and blood—that it ought to be stopped, and that, if we did not do it ourselves, ha hoped that foreign power, would intervene to do it for us—the same whose wine cellars, fish ponds and game preserves—all fruits, no doubt, of Leg islatiie toil—were thrown open to Frrixtron Lax-4nd his stud seized, notwithstanding, according to report, as public property—and the same who fled ingloriously upon the sec ond raid, leaving—not his shield—but the defenceless women and children of Charm bersburg behind him. With this history, it could be scarcely expected, of course, that hecould take much plesiure in the contemplation of the parties whom he has been attacking here. We give him creditfor an instinctive aversion to all that-is honest and loyal in the State. His best trait, indeed, is his extreme candor, in 1 not even making pretension, so far as we know, to the former quality. We would suggest, however, after a career so brief and yet so incredibly successful—consider ing the wages—that he might now afford to zakke his peace with his conscience—like the robber barons of the olden time—by aiding the State in the charitable contribu done he suggests for the insane of Western Pennsylvania, by founding % hospital him self, for those who are mad enough to admire, and quote him. He assures us of the State's munificence. It is to be feared that he has dratin too largely upon its resairces, to enable it to indulge in that way teihereto- 1 fore: He would hardly have quit public life so long as there was • mite left in the Treasury. It would be some reparation. however. And then he might afford, like Falitaff, to "live cleanly hereafter—fore swear thin potations, and addict himself to sack." We can truly say that among all the ob jections made to Gov. CURTIN, there was none so formidable as his association with the now editor of the Franklin Repository, as the vote of that county very plainly shows. For his worst acts, this man has been invariably responsible. He has, in deed, been his evil genius througholet, and no higher compliment could be paid to the vitality of the Governor, than the fact of his being able to survive the association, aggravated as it was, by the friendship of a few of the weaker but not less ambitions spirits of the same class, who affected to be leaders here. If ho is true to himself, and would administer the goiernment honestly sand ancoessfully, for the future, he must shake such fellows off. They would ruin any man, and any party. Absentees frnm Service. The number of 'absentees from the army, especially officers, who are thronging the sidewalks and hotels Of, the principal cities of the North, is a subject:of Just complaint. It matters not whether they are absent with or L without leave, for in either case some body is to blame. This is a time when the eountry demands that every man, who is not physically disabled, shall be at his post. lie has no right to be anywhere else, and 'the Man in authority who allows an officer - to be so, is to that extent defrauding the GOT.. ernment.. The practice of granting fur loughs to officers is a vicious one, and the sooner it is abated the better. doe of its evil consequences, besides the loss to the 'aeriica, is that it breeds discontent in the ranks, anddiscontent leads to desertion. It is said of Gen. Tama, who behaved so gloriously at the battle of' Chickamauga, that for several menthe ho had not visited Nashville, tilGtough he wished to do so, and for most of ,tlip time was only thirty miles distant. The reason ho assigned for not doing so was, 11 . 4 t he had no apology Bads *dory to,his own mind for leaving his post of duty. This is a bright example for many ewers of lower grades. Itwonld be greatly to.;their honer and advantage if they - *odd profit by it; for, perhaps, most of the gentlemen with epotilettes and shoulder limps, who afrnt alma !so blg, are not aware A ar , 4:9lxtempt, ,7hioh they ,are held by 'sensible* elinline, eltitply bbeinge they are not where they.onght to be. For deserters from the ranks we have no . epology to offer. They are gnilty of un faithfulness ae well as perjury, end are only rightly serred -when they are picked up and remanded; but there would be far less of this criminal conduct on the-part of the men Of the ranks if their officers would stay with them a little morn faithfully. it reform in Ibis matter of absenteeism is 'loudly called -Abn and the sooner it is obtained the better for , 1 WAWA WIttON, in • speech delivered in Mew York, recently, said ; "More than two hundred - Olden have have entered Abe service `besrin s i commissions secured ny toy influence; IW/r Ways forgot to ask whattheir . ontlsosistot_were. Utica this rebellion broke Men the country, 4,725 tuilittity,commissiens lueie pused through the Military 'Committee o'l4l4lam a mender. composed - of four Zepubllmms and three DOMIX•11411; and that " ' Gonicsittee rievet gave ÷d political vote sr Von* single one of these, nominations," Ibutpturr ie again infested with gtterrllle4 A,p&sty_tinder thezotorioni Ithslutrisen, C'7.'2oollM4Attnyn;l4,' Thin% izilikL The woe, or anotheg 1:420,147 011 o'acitemltted depredst4ons at COlumbls, Adieu county, and et otherffiseas. I a , r Ito Amaze in the ' , West—Theix 'sW , I erw to be by no moans lee See. The farmers have w irEIFF•I eosin " Chur. . made out to secrete more or less of their live ri It ThitEalrEAr'rbr. 1 .4"E Fr JD FER TIS EME.VIrS. .IrE W«I D irER TIS F.,.YriE. , E - rs . 1 Ae, - ;.i the fall of Vicksburg in Jul , last, stock from the claws of the rebel Quertermas- ! I ROONI AND 130ARD —A ( ont i etaar l I R EA I r`if I:A 121:1 -- IN -- NO VEX! BERL - ‘ -.rr.: \ -- i,- (i A - it i.ii- 1...7 W e e yeliner that the iarmtrs askedstich and Lidv ear, ham tares Mum on .-...orid floor, ...‘ the three great armies winch the rebels had se's; mons price fur then - cattle in Confed- with Pe and fuel. at Ger. Butler at Noy' Orleans ; lung mamtalted were reduced to two—those erase scrip, that the Quartermastecs concluded _ s- ' 3 :3 4° T-IBERTT ETBRET .t 111-t. of Bragg and i.eo—eo now, the three first- that lass could not afford to buy. Ti steal all WAKfEII Ti) RE.NTIO64, , ry f ,h ta uer..unt of I , pa.rtn .11 . ‘ ,tOl 01 , yr-, 'Atilt t.h., captor. . of No. ~t class armies wh ic h we have maintained f or the cattle in East Tennessee was considered '7 7 A GOOD WAREHOCSE. . leans, 0101 a 110[Cleh of t:. pre•iowt .....r . f atop N- 1,- ‘ •,.• c. \jll nr • •1‘ t,..:,T ( r )1z E bad pulley, for the rebels desired to retain , s° s ,'••'.! ID • b..." POrti.:' of ". cit y 1 - .1 cern), , 3,i .ad trtatitar, Bs apt. ro I, to ' .L- ". ' .." " ' nearly two years hare been redness to two— 126 SECOND STREET those of Grant and Meade. That splendid that country as a beef -growing district .— ~".„327:',7"'t a ith r ..1 . I.tre of lt dr,. .t..1.1.0h, "late , f _ anily, eighty thousand strong, which in the M e mphis Bufletie. tint months of the year Was planted 113 (root .i R7,t,' A 11ON'Lli'-1 want to hire Agents .. , r, , , , ‘, , of Vicksburg, and in Slay, June and July lists a Pitornrr.—A few weeks before the '''' ! i v In erer7 county at 1573 s mouth, m eir.inshe . n r . the o r reu ' ara . i?ini ' i:f Tat. vr " ,,rl7 ' itrrit - 1 . 11 b n . : f f r ' pe " t: t.' f t.l DE cFarland, Collins &Co, l last lay in it.. rear, exists no more as a unit. election. Gen. Simon Cameron. in a speech . Maid , mY "".. r ,, b lek r a l ,l; ' 7l l fr, l- ,d, 1:1 ' .; oftirlal ,I,..hhfate The rot of ' No,' 0;1..0, Part of It hi - 4 doe the mis . ..., to said fie would make two predictions, though nc24.3mdaN, T ' . . ' 1 sad cent eel Butler. tvfinlih.tration there, 1, ma 11, . most 01'11111%1a Ppoch il! The p . toscra ear, and thwe 26, 1(1,63 art of L. Las gone down the M . *ppi Gen. BoOks, part has gone np the Arkansas to Little, Rock, part is in East Tennessee, a large part has gone to join the army of Chat tanoogai and many detachments aro scattered at the various military posts along the lino of the Mississippi river. But nearly if not quite all of these troops aro in the now Military Di vision.or Department of Gen. Grant, and to : the old army under his command is now added the late army of Gen. Rosecrans. This will give Gen. Grant 'a very large army—at least twice as large as that under Gen. Meade; and six times as large as that under any other General in the country. . _ . The first work of Gen. Grant will doubtless be to combine these armies, as far as possible, into ono active body; and in those cases in which incorporation is impossible or undesir able he will so place and opiate the variou s bodies as to produce essential unity of pur pose and object. The lack of this has of late been the greatest drawback to success in the I Southwest. Gen. Burnside has had an inde pendent command in Bast Tennessee; and though, weeks ago, we had the assertion that his army was in conjunation!and co-operation with that of Roseanne, the re - was in reality no communication between the two depart- i menubeyond the scout of an occasional small body of cavalry. Going west a hundred miles from Burnside's headquarters at Knoxville, we had the army of Rosecrans at Chatta nooga. West of the latter, some forty miles, we had the army under Gen. Hooker, which the latter also claimed to be an independent command •, and as Hooker ranked Roseerans, it is said he declined obeying his orders. Still further West, we had a large body of troops under Gen. Dodge at Corinth, and here began the forces of Gen. Grant, which were scattered from Memphis northward through West Ten nessee, and down the Mississippi as far as Vicksburg, and beyond. At these various points and along these various lines, we have probably at this moment not for short of two hundred thousand troops. This army, massed, and properly handled (if there be any living man, or if there ever were a man, who . could properly handle it on the 'field), or, If noticoneentrated in mass, wore it wielded i and directed by one strong hand, guided) by a broad brain, could trample out any Southern army, or march to any point. or achieve any object in the Confederacy. But, under four independent commanders, hun drods of miles apart, without communication j with each other, each "working at his own job," little or big--each and all, it may be, working laboriously and conscientiously, but I disjointedly and lacking mutual purpose—how I could we expect the highest results—particu larlywhen it was evident that since the open ing of the Mississippi, the groat object of the campaign in the Vrest was one and simple! The appointment of Gen. Grant to the Chief I commandership of the military division of the Mississippi (its limits as yet unknown to us) ' and the armies therein, unifies all operations, and ho will doubtless bend all his powers and forces to the achievement of a common re sult. . . . Gon. Grant we believe to be just the man for the poet. Having been granted plenary powers in his Department, be will doubtless ! make short work with any officer of any grade who will not cordially co-operate in car rying out hie plans •, and to all each, the ex- !, ample made of McClernand by Gon. Grant last summer, will stand as a solemn warning. j In many respects, Grant's new field of action is more difficult than his former ono. But having already performed other herculean , labors with such consummate suceeess—having j fought the flame= lion at Donelsou, and lent J its carcass to Chicago—having burned the heads of the Lernaen hydra at Shiloh—haring captured the Arcadian stag at Vieksburg—hav ing hunted the Erymanthian boar till it was captured at Arkansas Post—having destroyed the swarm of Stymphatian guerrillas who haunted the Mississippi, feeding upon human flesh—having cleansed the Aegean stables throughout his Departuient—and having per formed other and sundry of the labors of the great Greek, it now only remains that he seise the rebel dog Cerberue that guards the gates of the Confederacy in 'Northern Georgia, and foroo him back howling to Hades.—N. Y. Timm English Precedent A. British Order of Council, bearing date December 29th, 1763—0ne hundred years ago—affords a striking precedent for the conduct of that government at. the present day. Corsica had rebelled against the Re publie of Genoa, to which it then belonged, and the rebels were, after a while, partially subdued. The Geneose Minister at the Brit ish Court then represented - that the revolt was chiefly kept alive by the aid afforded the rebels by foreign vessels. In answer to this request King George 111 issued an order "strictly commanding all His Majes ty's subjects, of whatsoever condition they be, to forbear to give or furnish aid, assist mice, countenatme or succor, by any ways or means, to the inhabitants of the Island of Corsica, in rebellion against the most se rene republic, upon pain, not only of His Majesty s high displeasure, bat of suffering such punishment as by law may be inflicted on such as willfully violate His Majesty's treaties, and infringe the peace and friend ship subsisting between His Majesty and any foreign princes or States." It is fur thermore stated that these orders are "agree able to what was enjoined upon a like °ses sion by order of his late Majesty (George II) in Council, dated the 10th of May, 1763." It willithus be seen that on two occasions the British Government did just what the United States has long asked of them in vain. The Quincy (Illinois) nig , quotes the order above described frem Dodsley's Annual Register for 1768. The Great English Harvests All the English papers and circulars agree that the crops of all kinds, just suo cessfully secured in that kingdom, have not been surpaseed in quality, in a long series of years, if giber. The yield of wheat in some portioni of England is enormous. The people are congratulating themselves upon the fact that the importation of the necessa ries of life will be far below the average. The London Spectator says: Instead of importing this year much more wheat than we produce, as we usually do, we shall certainly produce much more than we import. The whole crop will not be less than 8,000,000 quarters, instead of 8,500,000, which is.portuips act average yield. The average weight ol'a bushel has been usually supposed to be 6l Itis, tint this year it will be at least 67 lbs. The potatoes are univer sally quite free from - disease, and very good though somewhat emalL In Scotland the harvest will only be's full average one ; in Ireland, perhaps, at best only an average, but on the whole yes could never say with more literal truth, "Thou crowneat the year with Thy'goodness, and thy paths drop fat ness." The London News days: "Owing to the large increase in tho yield, the harvest is estimated to be worth L 20,000,000 to L30,- 000,000 more than that of last year, and there will consequently be no necessity for the importation of largo supplies of bread stuffs frrm abroad." Immediately after his ontipation of Knox ville General Burnside orgamiseda National Guard, to embrsee all the loyal men of East Texmassee, We gratified to learn that the ranks are being rapidly Ailed op. A new United States artillery regiment is being formed at Knoxville, and six hundred men at once joined it, If we an hold East Tennes see, as we fuel certain that we can, we may obtain twenty thousand ileellent soldiers from that nation of the State. We also learn that there is a - large able bodied population left, in spinet the rebel conscription, and that It b a none Of profonid Surprise to ne the cousdrt so- tun of wealth 'form of egricultersi produce. The corn "crop la enorm ous. The wheat crop was large, but not excellent in quality. The rebel unity had not time to seise all this Wealth. Rad oar entrance been ilefOrsel thirty daps longer,enilloient subsist mice mead hate been seized in East Tonnes caste maintain a rebel army of 100,000 men for nine months. Cattle and sheep are said not a prophet or the eon of one, they were that ' Andrew G. Curtin. would be re-elected Gover nor of Pennsylvania; and in ono year more Abraham Lincoln, would be re-elected Presi dent of the United States. Half the predic tion having mane true we suppose makes his,, half a prophet, and as we have no doubt the other will too, he stands a good silence of proving a true prophet, very much to the die may'of Jeff. Davie and his friends.—Lancaster Examiner. r . i.SIISSES M. K & P. HASKELL will open claatea for " Physlul Cohan. and Light Ortonaatica," u taught by Dr. Dio Leeds, on OCTOBER 26rn, 180, at NEVILLE HALL, corner of Liberty .d Fourth lames. (Ironton to be obtain.' at the different Book Btoree and at lb. HAIL octhler MilCaSala Axe Mairorsorcalas Base, Pittsburgh, Oct, 15th 1863. O.THE ANNUAL ELECTION FL DIRECTORS will be held at the Ranking House, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, between the hours of ten a. m. and two p. m. The annual meeting of 'the Stoekbolders wW be held on TUESDAY, the 3d day of November, at ten o'clock sL. m. JOHN SOOTY, Jr., Cashier. oe16:1 m _ MIK.IIIOII BANK, Pittsburgh, Oct. Alth, 1241 1.. AN ELECTION FOR DIRECT ORS of thlo Dank will be held at the Bank ing House, on MONDAY, the IGth guy of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock n 'la. and 2 p. m. The reginar annual meeting of Stockholder. will be held on TUESDAY, Nov. 34, at 10 o'clock la. m. oels.lra GEO. D. McGREW, Cashier. - Excite-woe Bane or Prrrenuaos, T October 15th 1863. Un THE ELECTION FOR DIRE - OBS or tht. Bank will be held at t h e Dank. lug 11011211 on MONDAY, November 16th, 1263; be tween the hours of eleven a. m. and 2p. m. The an nual meetinq of Stockholders will take pls. on TUX/MAY, horember 3d, at 11 a. m. oe16:1m 11. M. MURRAY, Cuhler. ALLIONIXT BA/M, Ott.. 14th, 18b3. ELECTION FOR DIRECT ORS of this Bank will be held et the Count ing Roam on the 16th day of November next, be tween the hours of 10 o'clock m. and 2 olock p. m. J. K. COOL, Caohler. The .nual meeting of the Stockholder. will be held on the 3d day of November next, et 12 o'clock m. oc15:1m BAwn or Prrrseriton, Oct. 15th, 18f.3. u.AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bask will be held et the Banking Honks on MONDAY, November 1615, tveren the hot. of 10 . m. and 9 p. m. The annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, Nov. 3d, at 11 o'clock. ocl6:3tdal .10115 HARPER, Cashier. .110.14 CITT Baia, Pittsburgh, Oct. Ibth, least. L . 7IAN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Bank will be held at the Banking Rouse on MONDAY, Nov. 16th, 1863, be tween the hours of II a. m. and 2 p. m. The annual meeting of Stockholders will be held on TCESDAT, Nov. bd, Isea, at 11 o'clock a. m. 0c16.1m .1. MACOTTIN, Cashier. (Triune - flame, Ditubh, Oct. 16th, 1663. g . AN ELECTION F OR THIRTEEN DIRECTORS of this Dank will be held at the Banking HOW. oa MONDAT, November lath, at ten o'clock a. m. The regnlar annual meeting of Stocllholdere be held on TUESDAY, Nov. 3d, at 11 o'clock a. m. oelnam GEO. T. VAN DOILEN, Caehler. ArE if D IrER TES EME.IrTS. FLouit, Family and Extra, for sale at ISS Liberty iitr v ot. W U. P BECK Ai CO GREEN APPLES-10 bbls., assorted, for .ale by W3l P. BECK & Co _ TALLOW 01L-12 bbls. to arrive by for male by ISAIAH DICKEY et CO. \\THioTi. B li E e c ls K f rciome S.-10 dozen second-hand Twilled B • Bap for .ale by HENRY 0 coiLrip ScurrEit for bale by .24 HEN) Y H. COLLINS CIDL) FORKS for sale by cv-24 JAMES BOWS. lad Wood strent `IOOPER AND CARPENTER YoOLS V for able bv JA MES BOWS, 138 Wwd We'd. GLAZED WALL PAPER at 25 cents, por roll, Slr eel. by W. P. MARSHALL. East,Tennessee. PUBLIC .VOTICES. UTTEIL-10 jars nice !Inner for sale by HENRY n COLLINS BliYOU[ 'Y BOYS', YOUTHS' AND OFITLIVREWS BOOTS from BORLAND. o,•17 SALT! SALT !--Orders solicited tor 5111, by WM. P. BECK. & CO, 0c26 Wbolecale Grocer., 165 Litvrty Dtreot filLEESE.—Western Reserve Cheese V Waded for retail Cutting, for enlo by 0c26 WM. 1' BECK t CO. N - O. 1 WINTER LARD 011.—o bbin. to arrive by rail, fur sale by .20 ISAIAH DICKEY d CO. POCKET AN u TABLETLITLERY, 1 floe assortment, for sale by 0c24 JAMES DOWN, 138 Wood street. TiE.sTUCICV WILLOWS-30 bundles /X now landing from railroad cam, for sale by 0c24 ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. OIL CLOTHCRASH, suitable lor stain ; another eapply Jost reenter." from Fac tory. For sale whottwale and retail at S.. 26 and 28 St. Clair street, by J. A 11. PHILLIPS. IDIA RUBBER PACKING, (lAS HETS AND HOSE, of all sizes, always oft hand and for sale at the Indlailubber Depot of J. 11. PHILLIPS, .24 28 and 28 St. Clair street. A/TESS PORK-1,000 bbls. in store and IVA- for sale lty 11.1cDONA.LD d ARSUCKLES, .19 242 and 244 Liberty emit. B ' LTING! BELTING !—lndia Rub bor and Loather Bolting Lore Leather, Rivets, be., ahraya ea kuaad at Noe. 2S and 2S St. Clair street. J. H. PHILLIPS. CARPET BKOOMS-20 dozen extra V quality Eastern made Carpet Broome put re ceived ; also, Hearth Brooms and Brushee, • full ea.• eortment, for male at the family GrocerSlCy NSILAW Store of °ea mint A. . - LEATHER BELTING.-10,000 feet of the Patent Rivet Oak Tanned Leather Belting. Alao, Lace Leather. Wrote, de_ lawny. on hand and the wile at Noe. 26 and 28 80. Clair Weed by oc.ll, J. e IL Pill LIPS. TNIVERSAL CLOTIL.EB WRINGER, the beet In nee ; another large lot Jut received at the India Robber Depot. Noe. 26 and 18 St. Clair street, by J. &H. PHILLIPS, oda Sole Agent@ for Allegheny County. CATING OILS. 100 bbla. Duck Creak OD; 60 •' Franklin For W. by JAB. DAIZELL d DON. 0c.17 ED sad 70 Water otroet LARD • LL. 50 bbis. No.l Winter Strained; 26 ~ 2 " " Tor ads by JAB. DA.LZELL A SON, oal7 00 and 70 Water .troort JPANESE TEA.—Just received, a lot lbe Soot Japanese Tea that bee been Import ed Into tbla country. For esle at the Fere* Croeery &me of JOHN A. RENSHAW, 0020 Corner Liberty and Bond Oftettl. 400 HMS. PEACH BLOWS, WHITE MERCER, and other rarietlen of POTA TOES, from Raw York State. Abs. a lot of choice APPLES, of different kit.ti• With u were *old by the andenilved last winter. ,Vwel9 ILDVPD lIEAZELTON, IS Diamond. ~A~. rPOILET SOAPA.—A large and full as. L sorttnent of Toilet Soaps, of Loire, Soo d Co., Clearer's, Ratio's and. ColArate's roanafactare, weir. .d and for rale at brawl prim, by JOHN A. RENSHAW, oc2o Corner Liberty and Hand meet., Co ur s RE VOL VER:i. Alton', do. IThorp's do. Warrior's do. For solo by JAKL9 BOW TC, 13M1 Wood stroot V P " liN AV &USIA 200 Dom war W. 8. Bald= LAP? ""4 930 hall .a 4 qr. Do= Now landing and formai by 0c221 • MIMI 011021. S ONILEST*" M t NI , ENID. too hush. prime Wbl67 13.111: 50 Ws. prspared alma Cider; 75 bozos W. B. Chow; 60 buihels 056556; To 11.1711nl and for 010,st-725 6550156 anat. ode / LRAMS 91.7 GOMM - N. BUCK .'AT F • • 1200 11%. choice Hulled B. W. float; 100 Wash. small Whits 8.. to do Ryv. kells Psiked Batter, Ressirsd sad for isle tky 11. SWALE. eriS Ro. TBB liberty street. NlloTil. RI - A-241 " i" this day-180 G; —l4O £psll 33 do OrsaberllW 300 do While Beam 32 do Unary Owlet, l'obteloo, SOO bog* 11ab0a2023 10 bbliweldar 4 do - Ron batter, d o ryas; SO bogs Onfoing; Now In non and tbr Ws by oe2o L. 11. TOIGT CO, NEW MIR FOR SALE. A. BALLO 146 Water stmt. Pittsburgh PE FOR SALK O L About One Thousand Potuid& GAZETTE OFFICE. Inquire at the oc2lAf PROPRIETARY AND REVENUE IiTkSIPS, of all denonduatione. A full supply krpt constantly on hand, at the Internal Revenue Glloo. No. 6T Water street, next door to City Tram uryi,Allegheny: DAVID N. WAITS; - Collector of Internal Revenue, 2.3eDist. Pa. Nors.—Letters should be directed to Allegheny, sot Plttaburgh. FOR SALE. TWO SECOND-EAND ENGINES One 12 inch cylinder, feet stroke. One 7 inch " " Your eat of Boring Too oaw r t a ri o tt Cheap tor cash. eal.2tf near the Point. PENING.—Mss. M. KITCHIN will 0 opan, , on SATURDAY, Sith instant, an elegant assortment of WINTER' BONNETS, LADLES' AND MISSES' RATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, At., The utmost styles of th• season. No. 121 FEDERAL STREET, A 1141041,1 City. oc2fithe "Ikal" OPENING.—Miss C. Bi IS will open, ee SATURDAY, Stith but., • handsome and enagantnaeortment of _____ WINTER BONNETS, LADIES . AND MISSES' HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ao. Also the latcet styles of CLOAKS AND SACQUES. No. 172 FEDERAL F/FLEET, Allegheny MIIM BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS FOR BALE.—A lot of 96 feet front by 110 feet deep, situate on Belot Mary's avenue, near the Catholic Church. It will be divided, if &aired, to snit pur chanert. Term. euy. Apply to G. B. BATES, Commercial Broker, oc Butler street, Lawrenceville. Orrtcz or rat or A 11.11411LNT tb., P•., Pittsburgh, October 2IAt, 186. f TO ASSESSORS, &c.—You are hereby eotow that the Books for assesarnant of Taxed for the year 1864, will be ready for delivery on the 20th Inst. Returns from the several districts of the County by January let, 1844. will be required under leg* penalties. HENRY LAMBERT, sc22stdaltwr Controller. BOUT WELL'S NEW WORK ON TIDE BEIY TAX LAW—A 31..1 of the Direct and Ekcise T. Syxtern of the United Rat., Includ ing the farms and regulations eetabllshed by the Comrolsaloner of Internal Revenue, the Decision. and Rulings of the Como:11.1.1er, together with ex tracts. Prom the correspondence of the °Mee. By Geo. 8. Bmiterell, late Commiwioner of Internal One vol., 8 so. Price V 60. .22 KAY d CO., 65 Wood street. SALE OF REFINED OIL AT MER CHANTS' EXCIIANGE.—On Friday, etee. 301 h, 181 , 3, at 12 &clerk. se.,. ill bo sold, at Manhunts' avhang., Fourth dreg, brume?. tread and 3fierkse sis., Pideasieseh, for .000001 of whom It may coneerie, 1,1100 BARRELS REFINED CARBON OIL, In bond, standard grultty, •• Brilliant" brand, in prime shipping order. Terme made ILLION n at .le. 0c.24.5t . DAVIS MILWAINE. Auct'rs pR.ESERVE YuCH TUE 51:1,PIIITE or LIAM, Discovered by Thorf. Tlorstord, will prevent Cider from tuning sour, end also gnhatly Improve 11 quality. Is battle. sufficient for • barrel of Cider, erOla full dlrgfous . for use. SIMON JOHNSTON, Oornar Fourth and Ikmithfleld drools. CIA I'ALR Y HOMES WANTF..I).- v The undersigned purchue, in open market, Cavalry Horses for the Cnited States service. The Horan to be from fifteen (15) to sixteen (If) hands high, from tiro )5) to nine )01 years of age. compactly built, in good flesh, and fresermin all defects. Horses will be received, eulueri to lupe:Ron, at Pittsburgh, Pa.. from the let to the 15th of Novem• her; and at Columbus. Ohio, from the 16th to the 3tlth of November . E. M. BAKER. Capt. lot U. S. Cavalry; FIELDING LOURY, Capt. d A. 0. M.; oc2il.llwdeisT Cavalry Barran. IrA - I.I;ABLE SMITIIFIF:LD STREET V PROPERTY FOR SALE.—!.O excellent Inca. tlon fur almost any kind of basilic.. The building is of three stories, and well built, In good style, and very conveniently arranged. Large Store Boom, with 1I feet ceiling. good ehow windows, is The room on the *mond door is 40 feet in width, with good stairway. Ball and side entrance to dwelling house, good cellar, etc. This property will be sold at • bargain, as the owner Intends leasing the city. isle S. CUTHBERT a SONS, DI Market at. AtiNALS CoF THE ARMY OF Tilt CUMBERLAND. By an Otticer. Illustrated to ;teal portralta, good engraving. and maps. 1 volbmn, 8 vv. al memo. QUA SUNDAY SCHOOL, AND HOW WE MAN AGE IT. By Waldo Abbot, wltb an tutrottaction by Bev. John S. C. Abbott. DETENOE OF LIIMAGEDDON. Iu tlz Lectures. by B. P. Pitts. For Ws by J. L. 'LEAD.. No. 78 Fourth etre.4 JUST RECEIVED. R.o.e. HomeEa Bola, for the complex 100 Baribef's Ambrosio, for vs/storing the Heir. Drake's Gessefes klosaafioa Dune. ramaY DyeCbfrt, .71 Liadry. improved Blood Searcher. nattro Cooosefse asset Kaision. Mrs. Ail.', Mat. Italian, wed Zylorvigaterwn. Wiaktre. Pies Tyre Tor Clordiat. Laird, Bloom 411 Youth. ' Pees Perfidesse ..d Liar oa. Glresrises Oro= and ChM °none, for showed hand., face, de., at O. A. KELLEN CENTISAL IMIEO STONE, 044 In Market House, Allscheny MEN'S UNDER-GAME:ST:I, I= Ws hats now to stock a ❑ill Una of ALL WOOL Undershirts and Drawers, Real Soviet., and the beet goods imported. trill not shrink In washing. Also nth,er good makes of MERINO UNDER-OA R EMITS. for Men, Women and Children.. JOB. HO .NE & CO., 7T it 71/ MARKET STREET. E2E:IM PUBLIC SALE.—WiII be exposed for as* on the 29rn DAT OP OCTOBER, that old otterry, (better known u WALLACE'S QUARRY,) 005WIliAg 10 acne, mom or ken, Id roiled from Pitt.. burgh, on the A. V. R. R. In Plum township, All comity, haring a front of 47 perches on the river, a frame house and stable; a number of choir* baiwill4 :pie trees, which wrier miss fruit ; a One quolity rock for grlndetonen, of oil gries ; several hundred perches of calker stone, already quarried, end • pletform at the railroad reedy for tootling. Ebb tot would aminor for oil tanneries, or eny one the t would wish to go In the done busineee. Terms made known on day of sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. rci. -•- • Plum tp., 10, 1863. NEW BOOKS. The Old Merchants of Now York. lid The Blackman ; his antecedents and his polo.. Squire Trerylyn's SW. By Ma. Wood. Eleanor's Victory. BB Mho Braddon. Our Old Homo. By Nathaniel Ilarthome. Gala Dan. By Gall H►mllton. The Amber Ooda. By tau Pmeott. Aomils's Method of rattly In Natural History. Heart and Crosa. By Mns. Oliphant. . Mendelashou'i Leaven from Italy andikerttorland. Beam* from the Diary of an Army SilrgeoCit The Light and Dark of the Bobelllon. The Young Yawn. Classic Quotitlonte—ei Thought Book. By J. Elates. The Children's Garland. Arranged by Country Tatmore. , The Golden Treasury of Soup and Erica; The Dead Shot. A new book for Sportsmen. Tor sale by KAY A CO., 66 Wood etroot. FR %lAN OE'S PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, COMM IfUTE AND MAMIE? EITBIIBTB, (ti .ad 55 irturtisi meralrbatdion's .lontll7 Stars, PHOTOGR..PHS. Of every Ns* uti etyle, plata or adored, from the prTolar Carte de *Wt. to Cliblnd and 1111. .15..• Mx. ptruvuxeg *add partici:lady tall the at te13,0011 of the AGED AND INFIEM to thew,' se of this establishment, Wag seachea by Reds km flight of.statra. Prime moderato, ard ‘ oattafaittoo varsotoed. LIMIIIIS I ALBOVI I .lop OWNICA!10 PITT - 90.1EE'$1 OPFOSXTL SHE POP! 011ICIL who are acquainted ooh Mr. arton'e coal• -- antiripute a rultuue inieueent tut•r , .t. It will be ready ear - 13 lu November, farming one sa•° of labour 700 page•, pr,„,, Ot7er ter sal*, AT PRICES FAB. BELOW PRESENT 52. UO. MAsoN BROTHERS. MARKET RATES. au °aural,- near and ,luNse 5.41 ENOS "-001)" "ARD, RE.IEEXGLISII VELVET CARPETS, Best Real Brusels Carpets, • ENGLISH I AMERICAN TIPESTP,Y fIP,PETi, (Late of Wm. 11. W,Aw•rd GENERAL C,CMMIIIAION MERCII kNT sanntiou gotql w the min Crude and Relined Petroleum. Nu 111 SOUTH /ROST STREET, 11111.1. tx:2@:l y Mi== BY UR. BRADBL:P.Y 113 prww, and will be Lowell varly in SinewWu, T 1 I EC. li:F_:1" - N Orr E.' A tow collection of Sacred and Secular Music, for ningiug Schools, Choire. Cougragationa, and @delta two. By WaAtsa B. Bestows., author of •^She Jubilee," and many other musical works One bundnal taiges will le devoted to the Elensetits of Music, with a great amount of now Slngtog Sr ID .1 31tiale, and nearly THREE HUNDRED pages to Sa cred Modie, no Tone, of all metres. Anthems, Chants. and other cat places, mostly now. The work is print ed throughout from large plain type, ono part on a titan'. Prier. lilo per dozen. A single ropy will be •ent post-paid to any teacher of music or leader of a choir, for examination, on receipt of one dollar. The immense success of Mr. Bradbury's previous works, and their almost unexampled sale of be last work in this department. THE JL other., (more than two hundred thousand copies have already been sold, prove his knowledge of the wants of the public and his ability to supply them. The present work LOW designed for publication last year, but having been delayed became: of.‘the unfa vorable Omni, the author has had opportunity to per fect it In its various dertments. Asa SLAG ISO F;(7110OL BOOK. the arr•Nore will be still more comprehensive and contplote than its preciecamairs, while to Choirs, CurlaretatlON,, It will present the results of Mr. Bradbury's balers In eom peeing and collecting far aeveral year.. For sale by Mason I Hamlin, Boston. Published by MASON BBC/FLIERS, os-13:3twal 511 Mercer street, Neer York. WHF,ELER & WILSON'iI IMPROVED LOCK STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. Highest premlarno at tbe London and Paris Eai I bltiona, and at all the Important State. and Morltani cal nil" wh•n exlalbtted ibis so..n. Call mad . smin. theta machinal before purchnonng =I Foote's Patent Umbrella Look Stand, which Imam perfect wifely to an article proverbially Etna to be led astray WM. SUMNER & CO., nett xx.a•F F 61-M 0 Harper'. MagasHa, ►t HUNT'S. Atlantic Monthly, at Huzirs. Godey . • Lady's Book, at HUNT'S . Peterson's Magazine, at HUNT'S. A.rtlaure Mennen, at HUNT'S. • 114110 u .. Magazine, .t HUNT'S. Lealin's Lady'. Magazine, at BUNT'S. Mr. Morrynan's Monthly, at HUNT'S. Tank.* Notims, at HUNT'S. Nick-Noz. at HUNT'S. Comic Monthly, •t lit'NT d Budget of Fun, at nr27rB Phanny Phonon . , at HUNT'S. Phreaological Journal, at HUNT'S. Mothers' Al avail», at HUNT'S. Boloath, Slags:kw, at HUNT'S. Latilleo Ten Cant Magazine, at HUNT'S Knickorl.cku Megasino, at Burrs. Ladle& ILepoottory, ►t Rums. Le Brat Ton, at Blazers. American Aipicialturist, at HUNT'S The Cultirator, HUNT'S. Thompson'. Beportor, at HUNT'S. All the late P.p.r., Magssinm, sad N.. Dooko, at H 11: N 1' 'a . MAIGNW PALL. rum STURM po ItTLFICATION BILLK-NOTICE TO THOSE INTERESTED.—The Committers immolated to collsou the accounts for labor on the Ibrildcstions, around the City of Plttsimrgh, would busby trouty sil permute tmeing bills for labor or material mad nos the increnchearuts, to yreeent tbe or.. before the tot day of tiorumber, to - GZO. H. TOUR/MON, at the Board of Tracts BOOMS. be baring boon instructad to attend to the duty of har ms& balls correctly made out sod properly eribenticated. DI order el Um Committee. GEO. H. THIIIHISOS, Bea. Ex. Com. In ipmannance of the shore notice, I will attend daily for the maven of furnishing theproper forma for making cot mid bills, and Ibr recalling the /VIM after authentication by Malamute, at the Ilmerd of Trade Rooms, from 11 to 123( a. m. Wlttf 6 . S.O. H. THURSTON. BAILEY, FAARELL & CO., • PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAB AND STEAM FITTERS, Deaden in Brass Work, Pipe, Pumps, Valves, And au kinds of &Gap Dr Water, Goa and St.., AGITATORS AND TANIS TOR OIL REFINE RIES, Rued with 1.. A by a new maim Non. 129 FORTH STREET. MANHOOD I HOW LOST I HOW I—Just pubilMted, fa a pealed en velop*. Price Six Cents. At Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment, and Vortical Core of Elwmatorrhina, or dentinal Weaknos, itivoluntary 'label, Sexual Debility, and leapediments to Marriage ventrally; Nerronanevs, Consumption, Epilepsy and Pita; Men tal and Physioal, Incapacity, resulting from itelf- Abuse, ko., by ROST. J.rcirazwail., M. D., author of the .•iiitven Book, ke. "A Boon to Thousands of Wrenn," .at tinder seal. II plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, en receipt of ex mita or too postage stamps, by DR. CU. J. 0. ILINE. 11 Bo cry, N.. York, Post Oliloe DO: 4524. sellidanderelr-la Ji31.138 MARTIN. oe23:td JOS • PH SNOWDEN, Nol'4i - vv - rtrarao. No. MO DIAMOND snorer, Prrnosoong deknowledgeoents of Deeds, Depositions and Affi davits taken. At" Deeds, Mortgages, Articiar of Agreement, taw,. and Legal rapers of every kind written. watt= MCCOLLISTER' A; BAER, Wholosalp, Tobacco Nam, 100 WOOD STREET, h... new In store am lvlWt gm most complete &stom ps:Mot TOBACCO, CIOARS AND PIPES , is the *My, watch thly am marl at Oh. wry tat. mt cub Dons. AU attlats promptly stunAml to. tole TADLES' DOUBLE SOLE LASTING GAITERS ; l WWI` KID GAITERS; La4l.4C Gum Solo DAIMOBALS ; Ladles'ißael Shank BAL. MORALS upi DAITIRS,Dat riKohact at ca 4 , BORLAND'S, OS-Xarkvt. street. (LENTS DOUBLE SOLE SEWED VI GALT BOOMS; GmVie Doable 8010 Serwred Ctlf oonans GAITED!; Grat's Men Sala -.Brnd BROGANS; 04nit'• WATER-MOP DOOM. v•r7 6:1i" ITMTE MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S I'GAM= AND DALEIORLUI. GDUM s , aodt Ic 4 dbs W 4O do. .•.. •..i ftdrat2 es, deer bow Tifth • • 'xi etossa hog Tomotoio, to air 000 • 'Mob/sr' ' Jut narind and its sale lq WITNZA a BROIL. Nos. 111 sad 1.13 WOOtt Meet NEW STYLE PERSIAN :lIREE•PLT CARPETS SUPERFINE AND EXTRA SUPERFINE INGRAINS. I.OW PRICES ALL WOOL CARPETS, at 1.4 than tnennfacturOn' present prior, at whole ante and recall. r.NtILISH VELVET BUGS and WILTON AND VELVET MATS, in great 'variety, the Largest as eartment of Pattern to be found anywhere: awl • aplendid isoortmont ~f SHEEP SKI* MATS. I=l 27 111711 BTREEI lanEl BORLAVIr9, 9$ Market greet PRIC s, REM L ED =8 NO6. 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST., TAPESTRY VELVET CARPETS, A full line of new and eery cSolw patterns VorytOio patterus. Lowell, Hartford and °that - standard =kw of A splendid stock• of Floor Oil Cloths, Prow 2 to 24 ftwt wblu, LOW ant. elegant patterns COCOA MATTING, for Chursh.•, 0 111, aa. / 141,, and Stain, common and extra quality. Woolen, Linen it Cotton Drugget, From !!I', u+{ yard* uldo GREEN, BAIZE, VELVET AND BRUSSELS OT TOMANS; STAIR RODS; TABLE OIL CLOTHS, plain and fancy ; Embrui darod, Printcd and Emboasod PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. NViridow Shades and Fixtures The no c on band haNing been purchasod gold was st .l, will be sold et corresponding rates. I= Dot wawa ro.t Of and Dupach 131/11dings «24 - IMMEDIATE CURE OF CERTAIN 1 MA LADIES, ad-sliming a terrible upset, by per sonally cotaultlng DR. Z A. BARROW, Of New York. Proprietor of Triceemor, &u., etc., hi. profnedional diales requiring bia prawns to this ofty Apr a few dn.. fle may be eo.ulted at IS2 THIRD STREET, until the tea NO Vg.3IBER, and no longer, as Lie numerous engageineuts preclude. the posalbil lir' of a longue stay. A Jodscious sopervision and l.peciton of dim.. riaing from iinprudenclea, enable. the practitioner, experienced in those rivcianties, to adopt prompt and orierring mean. to remove the blight, and purify the lambed system, which, if allowed to take its course unchecked, assumes form. fearful to contain plate. Therefore, those unfortunately compelled to app., ambled the social circle with a system satura ted with duiew., or enfeebled by perverted habits, art exhorted to await! themselves of Dr. BARROW'S opportune visit without delay. NZ - Remember the number, 1.52 TIIILD 87`REET. between Evnieriii.ld and Gl-.1.. OMce hours from ten till two, and from four till eight in the evening. ESEMAlL—Protected by Royal Letters Patent of England, and second by the deals of the Ecolii de Pharmacia do Paris, and the Imperial College of Medicine, View.. . . , TR.I.EsEMAR. No. 1, is she •17Sctnal remedy fos Relaration,Spermatorsls. and exhaustion of the nyotern. TRIESRMAR, No. 2. , . completely and entirely eradicates ell trecse of tie.. disorder for which Copal's and l'obehe hare gener ally be.-e thought an antedote, to the ruin of the health of . rest portion of the population. TItiESEM alt, No. 3, is the greet and scar remedy of the clelllscel world Tor all impurities of the system, as well as wicondary symptoms, obviating the destructive use of Mercury, sell as all other dele.rlona,ingredients, and which all riereaparilla in the world cannel. remove. Trim , mar Noe. 1, 1 and 1 are elite devoid of taste or smell, and of all caturaeting qualities. They are in the form of • lozenge, and may lie on the toilet table without their WO being vaepected. told in tin cam at $3 each, or font $3 came In one for 39, sad in $47 cue., the. paving $9, aa adminis tered by Velpean, Lellaso.d, Roue, tc. Wholesale and retail by Dr. B. A. BARROW, 194 Ble•cluir et., one door from Idecdouiral eldest, New York. Immo dlately on receipt of remittance, Dr. Barrow will for , ward Trieeemer to any part of the world, securely , packed and addreawsl according to the instructions of the writer. . _ Published also by Dr. BARROW, that popular sad beautifully illustrated medical work, Human Frailty. Price 2.5 vents. Triesemar and Book can be obtained on Dental authority from J. B. MILLTII&X, Allegbeny City, Pa. CEEIMI ANALYSIS.- St. LOUIS, MO, C' L A /- • Suva 42.60 0. Ps,' O. 1a0w_.... 2.30. Lutz Bizoszlza—..-- .01 --16.40.. Having accepted the Agency for the tale of the SIMPLE CLAY, mined near St. Louie, Mo.. I in vite the attention of Clam and Steel Matufacturers to the Analysis given above, no reportek t Pros. A. Hays, A. Ha, of Boston. ands. C. Booth, o alpha+, which, to g etherwith the toot of actual portent» by mannfacturent in Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Lout, determines It to be the purest and mot valu able Clay now known, whether Foreign or American. Pots made from it have 'taxi in the Olean Furnace from 6% to 9 months. The Analysis is of the 'Clay no taken from the 191.1" without any washing or prepuation whatever. L poetesses great adhesivemase and plaiticity which am not shown by the Atudyais, and which ad mit of the mixture of a large proportion, of 'hell or burned clay. I am now prepared to fill orders fee the above Cloy Os be shipped from fit. Loots or delivered here. ALEX. GORDON .110. 121 SECOND STREET QM PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITTIEJDOE'S PATENT OVAL LAMP CHIMNEYS, I:=1 XX FLINT GLASS These Chimneys are intended for the gat game, heating all parts of Unties; equally, does not exposit to cracking. ' E. T. DITHRIDGE, Fort Pitt Glass Work,, Wesitington street, 'p'7 Yittaborgh, Perim BLACK -b1 AMON D STEELWORKS, PITTIIDCIIGH, PA. I PAR*, BROTHER & CO., BEST QUALITY RUINED CAST ST L, Square, Flat and Octagon, of all air Al. Warranted equal to any Imported or wanafactund thla coun try. Cr47 - 015c• and Yrarobonsik, Nos. 149 and 151 FIIIST andl'Xt and LE SECO S4 DFT.II. SETS, Ilttabough. fel layd JOHN ILLLL dc CO., VALLEY FORGE PLOW WORKS, PITTSBOIGIi, PA.. Hanutactutera and de.aWrs In all the Betaroatktnds of. PLOWS, PLOW CASTINGS.. SCOOPS. OUT TEN° BOXES. &c. NOBS randy 'bereaved Will ties an doing bminul, wa santwAYStital-dt‘late to Ow , vs a calf. Stannfactoty, Tamperancrellla. Warybouso, Cacti. a ll ey and Ltbeety_St..,PittOßßlL JOILN nem., • T. J. BALL, • =rim WOODS. JAB. J. BROWN. oe2.rm 0114KLES L CALDN LL, (Pneeotir to lams llohno k Co.) - POBS PACKER. •, 11Vn017.81:D HAIM OORSPZINLEUEZT AND 711iST 87 - 31411, ; - I.ltiatioo*VA. ‘141:14 SIN:MADE, for Crude and Borax, anoottiormothimOtokby • -• ' DILIZZLIJI BOY, •. 007 ' • f - 99 outt 90 Viaterstreet. on,a, puro aptiot. AA; band and for .wby -- JA 0017 R .Lbuszti, & 5F09. la and N Wand street. GOODS, TENSITE FrneK OF Nair Goods I "Very may amidu vs ate saabhd to sell Wow th. regular market prkee. Our WOOLEN GOON oomprtae, among others, 600 DOL OP Borrox RIBBED Hoax; 200 " Socrs Doubt hmta, tha but to tha Mirka be arrive. KNIT mearrs, the cheapest to the etty. Ladies' Knit Skirts, Under4annents. HOODS, of various kinds. Our stock of noN - srr DSI3IIONB, VELPIT RIBBON'S, TEMMINGS, !MAIDS AND =HMI DERIF:i is eery extend'', end complete AIN, a zwir Invoke al 500 BALMOILAL 55.1112.1 1,000 IC& SARATOG& Jr PARIS TRAINING SUSPENDIEUS, NSCITIT.S, !v. Our Monde and Ilse public, graerall," are hivital So give us a csiLl. ear WIIOLESALZ ROOM LT awns. MACRUM & CLYDE, 78 MARKET STREET. DRY GOODS I DON'T BUY BEFORE GOINO B AL Ft 33.1ZIELPIEI, 59 Market Street. cy.. - Ly $1 50 EACH. SOMETHING NEW, CHEAP AND BENEFICIAL Anti-Rhematio Silk Undershirt, W. Sum just introttuted In this city this re•U7 desirable article of comfort sod utility, nod moped fully cull ottentiou to It, t egad to be • prerea. the and care of RIIITILITIS.II. and at dm same ttma a lump and dmmbla artklo of underclothing, *very thread of which la Sa The trade .applied at liberal rates. 5,000 BALMORAL SICIRTB ! Oa head. and for sale, tingly or lq lot, at EATON, MACRUM & COB, los. 17 it 19 111711 STUEET JOSEPH HORNE tt. CO., lorito the attention of bluer. To Tom UNSURPASSED STOCK ov BA LIiOILALS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, RIBBONR, GLOVES, BOSH ETS ; MILLINERY GOODS TRIMMINGS. LACRiZ3, ELM ; INEN HANDICERCHIatB, TARIM_ MR EL CONEFD BIL,M B ' HEAD DRESSES, BMX GLOVES, NOTIONS AND "%SOY bOODS ; W hich they offer ce the most ttlorsble term. Nos. 77 MID 71 MARY= BTSZCT ZIP Orders respectfully relletted. owl 4 FRESH STOCK OF DRY GOODS •If J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. LADIES' UREEIS GOOD& Fancy and Plain Black Silks. FLANNELS, BLANKETS. TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS. CASSII4.II3ERIES. MOURNING GOODS! • fall sowtscurot. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. N. E. oor. Fourth and Market Sta. SUM COLLARS I ra==za EATON, MACRUM & CO., Hui- IT AND 11) 7121711. MUT, Przsistrus; AtEmilie Steel Collars eleitha, -'sn,W WI" tiring rho appesrskar sad cow tort et UM. a. To military. nes sad irsroloos dal ere Inealoehlle. ..sass TIMIS Dr.ITEIS COIL= AY2 Own t Genre Steadlli .doh. !tumour, .---- 1 " " CPuft. /KI per pals. Calls' Narrow 1 CO each. " Cuffs -- 1 - 60 per pert. Sega= n0ve .w = 5 1:7 25 u Ira &sheep*. XXIV COLLA.B kw &DIV ar p ro . lag lets Doe brete or beat for IS eons The ere& supplier at NM York Apnt's prim Jar prhoillst sddros • • - zatos, macaws F a . oelat Pktsborsk, Fs. FALL GOQIIS NEW GOODS! Suit recalled at • LANE, lIVABOY com, wo . rzpssea. Orarr..S. AllVion 7 . ectitsi NEW STOCK OF DRS' GOODS! tom , imam 'SOOTS AWfl SNOEM, rogulawaysixonokm% so. 5.5 ping STREET. Mil We Agrats for EZ:=M /IEI=EMiiEI