DAILY .. . ~ z....._. -- ...- . D GA . T v ' . • EIMM ESTABLISHED IN 1786. COMMISSIO.TI3, s.srearst iticasairie '"" c " u ' a. " - PRATT' 73 TWENTY-SIXTH AN ACKE:OWN & LINHART, I. 2. :lilt- 1 J. NUAL CONSIGNMENT OF BOOKS, to be sold M OW GRAIX,FACTOWPAODrc. Alwl 07 -‘ 01840 . 0 : at auction, a* No. 65- Fifth street, Masonic hall Maar..Ssartig r thf. Wagner Irbror,lllrain, Pork, Ba- ; Building, AVERT EVENING, at half-paet six ;con ' Lard, Butter, Egg', Cheese. Beim., Tallow, 1 o'clock, and at private sale every clay at auction Omar, Tosanus, potatoes, Pot and Pearl Ailass; I pir - lcae. Mr. McClelland would respectfully Inform ....worreur,:„Linrma and Lard - OW , Dried and Green i the cltistens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny that, not ' Errata; Tinlollj, Clover, Flax and Grate Seeds. withstanding the great entrance to the price of paper cothstdreenterusettatnsele on Cetudgumente. and binding, he has just received from Mr. Pratt the - IPEIT' ' No. '4 7 TelberW etroot Fittsborith. i Urged and Most suortment of standard work, in „,,,-• COMM department of Literattere Science and Art; LirlikrgrahrVilaatfl4lULNl,, tel £131014 I'M, Lin By Bibles, eplendid Phot ographi Albums and Mancitewrs, Wl:elevate dealer" In WESTERN ! tlarde, Letter and Note Paper.. Envelopes, Gold Per., RESERVE-1111EIESE, MIMED FISUITS,AUTTER, • AC., he teu ever offered in this city. In the collection EGGS, GRAINS, and producer generally. Alan. ; 'may be lobed such work. as Pt ashington Irving's T r EATHEB4.3IIDES: OILS, etc., No. 217 Marty ; complete works,..M re* J. Tondo.. Cooper'. com street. Pittsburgh. I plots works, 34 vol.; Benjamin Franklin'. complete -;, ,11111APtete adrancemants made. Consignnente wevole; Encyclopedla Americana, It vols; licked. 1.12-elind Bancroft's History of the United States, 8 vole; Home - Ice d Mitanday's. Itletno of England, 11 role; The. T01F,.: B. CANFIELD, C %Ili . ih _O_lll.4._N ANDI .Wawirly. Motels, complete, 27 role; Hugh Miller's CJ Yorewaantan Kaunas. and wholesale dealer in ; works, complete, 8 role; Bayard Taylor's Travels, WESTERN RESERVE. CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, ;complete. 10 rola- Clark's Commentary, 4 role; Pat. PORK, BACON, FLOUII,,FISII, POT AND PEARL rick, Louth and Whitby's worts, complete, 4 vole; 1.41E5, smacurrre, LENSEEM AND LARD 1 Hellizths KnEllertrnis, ' 2 role; Goodrich's Animal 0.11.6,-DRIED FRU IT, and Produce gottendly, Nos. i Kingdom, 1,650 engravings, 2 volt; Urs' Dictionary 'la - Mena 143Erohr eoreetrlltishargh. e el ,of Arts and ficioncee, I vole Allman ' . History of ' Chrietlanity, II vol.; Strickland's Queens of England, v5..cum...4- .... .............-.. -.OTIS inurnearde. i 7 vole; Th e gi g n s o s es , . ' Manual. 4 role, Pulpit Rio- r 1(, LP .1: SHH Co EP A II D, *sislrow ; queue., a vole; Chamber.' Information for the ' N Pee l. Tr „.4,„,,,,, cod 0 , 40 ". In r toun , GILAI 2f . I pie,2 vole, Mamba& EneYclopedla of Englith Lit thr.• coßen.Ltdote Cowper, Dan AND PRODUCE. No. 243 Liberty street, Pittsbuirgh. ; t ri ' rro t° Z. 2 ,. o 2 7 1 1. . moo ; Choice brand, of Flour for Bakens - and Emily'. us. '' : doeephus, Dick, Rollin, Plutarch, Addison, dc., ke. "`"" 4117 " hood. Particular . n "' " • halt '''' I Ate. moo° volume of the po pular Itterature of the MIIII: order. for Merrhandlre generally. cendly day, at about keel/ . the publiha pre' rices. ,_. - 1 ...Cif' ...i.P.. - LES .. 1.i.. LEE .. ,OJE FLovz AND 1 A 'AIcCLELLAND, Auctioneer. PRATT BROTHERS, Solomon. scl2l Unita Tscroa M so O,IIIXLMEIOS M.SILCIWIT fie 1 _ the Ode oUGUAIN,FIVEDS, CHEESE. PRODUCE. I VAL HA BLE IMPROVED CITY dc.. a aa . . — g int Ito. Ili celebrates! Uniontown cr.. 1 PROPERTY.-On TUESDAY EVEN - IliG, Oct. uzazr. Nos. 115 'rod and LIS First attesesi bes. Mb will be sold, on the second dour of the Com. town Wood and 8 ithtlet, PittalllMili ;:/ - I 605 troOr-tatitedos Warns, No. 54 Fifth street, that large v. actiovensa_.....:..-.' .... - -.. erg , w,?-es,so Brick Ws:Teton e now occupied by Newer, Everson, c .. icaom.A.K . Eii s ; L A NG, c omn i s i o , i Pre= Co-, eligibly situated between Wood Sod .treat, having a front of 30 feet on the 1 0 Mvienawre and wholesale dealers In GEO- i I . nonguhela Wharf, and extending back leo foot to CSBJES, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, dr., N0...320 i Front street. Possession given let of Aprll neat... Liberty . treat , Pittsburgh. ' 43 ' l. Y Abe the elegant three-story brick dwelling house, J. IL J.JOOLTI I , occupied by Mrs. SOphla Grant, 'Bute on Duquesne uceo,,,, ' W, co 2„ rner of Elsa. alley, with a front or 26 fast, I S. LIGGETT &CO , CITY FLOU It- a y„ 04 .. 2 ,„, „„ eir, 2 , 0 „a„, 0 2 0 foot oiny. Th e F EN e,, , INA.- 14/144, 0 , 0..4. ' , Pert] . nt0 . ; . 1 Adl.o. bon= his all the modern COUVellielleel, with large Pittabnigh.-Pa. • I yard, end double steal attached. Pceesseion given IrJrCupulty, 400 barrel. per day. }P° •Lt of April next, or sooner-if dvdred. ' Abe that handsomely Molded threeatory brick dwelling hen" eltoete on Penn our Hay streets now occupied by. Am larval. The house front. 24 -- - -- ---- -- - ---- - - - ..... ----'------ - - 1 - 11Ks'OLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. foot . 114. . Th . ho ., 4ln egoollent repair, and pos.' 1-e The partnership heretofore fanning between : .„„,/,,,, en, let or A pr il, the enbecribers. under the firm or YIIII/LiPA. i AI. the Hires- Stor y brick dwelling boom now oc, FREW A CO., has this day been &solved, CHAS. ; copied by John,B. 111cPadden, FAN.. situate on Penn LOCKLIART and WILLIAM FREW having p.. - ; near lia,yetreeta. The house is well finished, o ,reee. clawed the _entire interests of the other partners. e nient, and in excellent repair. Poseeadon given let ;ZIA bialtelatof theittiallinniralbe itatdoctll- - LOCK. : pt April nazi. ' - ' - MART MIoREW.' - ' - ' -- -; -- - - - Oho terrine will be made favorabbs, and announced WILLIAM PHILLIPS, et eats. Tor farther particulate enquire of Imeade N. WILLIAM FREW, ' Pennock, M Wood street CHARLES LOCKHART, ociii • DAMS A McII.WAINE. Aned'r4 JOHN VANANSDELL, ABR'M V. KIPP, Pittsburgh, August 10th, 1/363. DISSOLUTIO.irS, Irc. 'M.—CRT SALE OF LAW- N... , ILENCEVILLS LOTS.—TUESDAY MOEN ' ISO, October 27th, at 10 o'clock, will be sold on the crate. LoOMIAZT WIL LIAM r.". premises, in the Borough of Lawrenceville, b y order L OCKHAIiT & FRFW, of Itobem Bell, Adminfetrator Ifslonm Leech, deed, the following twenty...4ld deetrable luta in Prodnoers and Refiners of Petroleum ati , Xtood ProPemr. via g•frent of 24 font on the Itte loo urg t.t h a w. lid ie G m reensurg . b .iwy. Pike, and extending tar At •LBIOIr OIL WELLS, Tenancy county, and BUIL LIANT OIL WORKS, Begley's Hun. Tiro lotuseda haring a front of m feet 4 Inches - cm the Pittatruegh end. Greensburg Pike,' and us -• tending back 103 feet 434 inch.. • • Santos em Liverty street, each' herring a front of 24 feet and extending beck loOthet to Falmiew elleY • TUE ,P;tIRTNERSHIY heretofore ex Three lota on Mort s •vach Haringrum lof 4,feet and ex te n ding Y hat "4 k an arerage dep th of 71 11 Elting between the undentignall, under the RAI fret 10i-inches. boon rm of HILL, MoCLURE k CO., nu tale day Om lot _mitts* comer of Liberty street s m Fair. boon mutually dissolved, TllO5. HILL and AY OS ), rhos alley,taving cormnt of 10t3 het I Inche on Lib. LEWIS_ haling purchmed the interested-ZONVEE arty — street and 11S toot 1 034 inch. front MI Farr tioCLUßE, the hosiner of the Late ftrni will be ad• j view alley , sled op by RILL S LEWLS. Tana . or Bats.—One-thinl cash; and the weld. THOMAS HILL, • in two equal - payments at one end two years. with In. BOWAN ItIrCLUB., bond. AMOS LEWIS. Flue of the property may be had at the Atoll. • Pittsburgh, Oct. 7th. 1882 ! Emma, No. 54,Firth street. csql DAVIS d IdeTLWAINT. Auct•rs. VT ILIA: LEWIS, successor. to HILL, . McCLCHE CO., will continual° mu:infector. ' UXECUTOR'S SALE OF CENTRE ut their old mead; corner of Giant tied Seventh Ids., _12.1 AVENUE PROPERTY.—On TUESDAY ETB. of Good Dry Materials. in the best meaner all Art lake 1 MING. Oat, 734 o'clock, will be cold, on the of Carpenter's Work, Ihr -finfehina 2 betiding., rook as I mend floor of tie Commercial Selo Rooms, So. 1.4 PM.% dealilfrana.,..bintitsm, Mouldings, Heade, Sr. Ylfth street, by order of Executors, the late roshleore Balkheye; ned Lb°. amhemphaimg Wilding, are Mot- of Mrs. Ago. Irwin, in the Eleventh Ward, on Con rad to call and c umi n' oar work. ore Sven.. The lot contains 92 Em !rout on Centro oc9t2srd - • mix. S LEWIII. ' Mesa, extending bock the sumo width -Mt net to • . Duncan street. The home U. double too-etor7 NQTAU.E. The . trfidergigfir.tl IV:M*111g Griot dwelling...Moncton mems, !hashed garret. . 'purchaSed the' oath' Meek from rho lung eft- / Lath room, hot mod cold water, Sr. Al.'. good „I.eMhed lomme of J.R. MrCUlip, would annoonce brick ell and poitaide owt buildings on premise. .t , tlU. old inflamer+ and thepobllc his removal to the , Altst, ell that recent pima of meitmd situate at the store 182 Liberty etreet e (lately _occupied bi .1. IL corner of fientreaymoda and Erin street, opposite the en) a Large gad teMplater mods of S.- . of Mre..nabonsoontelnlng lOnfeert. 3 inches Nor end Sho,nutkore . Leather 'fluffing+, Midas, I , front On Ge rd/ e avenue and extsuding back the same 011 e. ram of found, end at lowan rm., Width towa Doman street 122 bot along Erin at. O. if. KMDEILSON, 'Liberty street. Tesse7-o.m-Inettoseti.-residue in 12 months, with Intermit, .sound by bond end. • .19 DAVIS dlticVME Amer* • SCOTCH Bcri-rot PROPERTY— o , TUESDAY EtfiNIJIG. Oct.,,Tlth. 7,,ti o'cl. will be wad, on the pecond floor of the Cenonercial Sales jlxcins. /4 fifth amen, by order of Isaac 81. Pennock ES9....Trattee,that handsome conntry Mos Dt &etch *team, being lot 50.9 In John O. Wood.' tleti toto, tannin at Llasicworal Station,. the itteburgh.k,Ocoutellfrille Ilailroad„ - in feeble. tp., two and sehaltmilee from the city, sad adjoining the residenc. of ilon,,Goirge Dania IL Borgerin, M. Swartforelder, fags., and others, containing 9 acres /03 pent:tea Earle= desiring to ot. the property con obtain inStrinethen on mop:dry at No. 2sl esod *let. . Turn—An:-!carts cub, balm,ao In one, tern, three, ear and free mem with interest, eactired by bond sad madame.. • .19 DAVIS* McILWAINE, Attire". Office, it 3 m WOOD STREET ESIEZI N RETIRING FROM THE HIDE AND LEATHER BUSINESS. I most cordially co mmend my sumeseor MI A min of mrict integrity and good businem guallflcathmil. Tor same months to COTO trill cantinas to 1.1,-ewri Mr. ANDES SON'S counting room, and Irlll,*re great pleasure in introducing him to my broth* sequaintaneee. July 24th, 1 e43. J. R. M'CUNB, T v SL.OLIT T t 0 N.—Notice is hereby Firers that the• .pmtherahlVlately existing be tween McGIIEWS S SMNE,OeeI Merchants,. of Pittsburgh, under the Om of MnOBEWS S STONE, - was diseo t q by mutual consent obi the 10th daj Of waxua. , STONE pardumed " "ileMitfre tereetf-MuClßElVS;tlnrbusluem will hereafter be conducted byViILIAM /WO'S& Ample arrangements hare Wen' ittide to load coal' bow, barges, (Mutat. &c., at resoled able prices. Oblige. itagabig 71ull4ing. corner of Market and Watie,:strisc4, urc-rry. Steamboat tittadiopibriAaefriaplanio. oc9-1m ~CifiNTRP - AVENUE PROPS , .5.-7 On Tr EitDAX EIf3LNING.,Oct. Tith, al 744 — o'clock, will ,beaold, on she socond floor of the Com ' Medal Bake Itoome, t 4 Fifth stmt. a valuable TOMlCefli . :eIGARS, 4C. , : balltling lot on-Opritre avenue; Ililtlae 40 feet west of _ --..-- -t, wings%A front of 1A feet on Centre 1760. ' (. 51.11‘..t,saltadtalf back the earn. width 74 feet. T atte 'or Flat.sOne-third cash ; balance lo one _LA 'PETER LORILLARD, end two years, with interest, onermr4 try 1.14 and mortgage, , . DAVIBIt NaLWAINE, Aoct're. 5.% LW A - ND TOBACCO NANCiACTL"BEIt, -"(TALUAI3IS , STOCKIiATAUCTIOiI. t T TITHI3DAT:HrtHISO, Oct:27ik, ISO, a r o'clock, trill' bel kldl4,•:it tba Commercial ,Sale No: 54 TIDO street:, brialtares'.llaglatitp Bank Stock, Mosta call the atteolioaof,dralers to dm articles of ; FF Co. Stock; tdaleskilititatriTiOrkg4 . t 25 do' Perplallasarattea s o. 3.; •lumboy, rt.. Rapp.. R.ppo e'en • ' DAVIS aIticILiTAINE./no'rr nuon'w . ibatae Gentlemen, Demlgroa ^ rare Tirglitia, lischitockme 0 .8t 2, 810436v' Scotch, High Toast &etch, Irish High Toast oci ,enlyfistg, iiopy ffrcblirPl b 49zu l' E '" tet4 iI I 'L Attention le called to the tarp redaction in Flee. of nine Cot Cheariog and Smoking Tobaccos, arldeb .t ßare i tirkg i tiyriroAri.F. Earipto—.Loaf, No. I, Ito. Nos. 1 and 2 mixed, avant; ir:'4*6 L. • 65 '.n Xl4o‘; , ihkett , .1-bor omebeol . vhs you cs..udb.h. so A ptv_.•-tiso, liregisty fur. Tartish. B.=X-rirmiler of &leek is - 111 he emt on applies •.-^ erlOilT 15'4114D crrAmasns stazier. (lormerli CI Quithian street, Item Tort.) COLLISTER tic BAITR, 05011 ,. dookoro In las& of ;,.., J10)-tol-woilb sitirsic- piTiirrum ?L.. . - A llPloo6ld lot of --1.---.pi-iini,-- okiiipia • lug" g st.t 7 ,4 Pipes '• - : - , . nod brookfog Tobwoo. •• •. - offtly . - • Mason & liaMlin 1 H Cabinet Organs I .Y,,0,N , 7ARNSTR td!i',P MPORTER. i . ~"2,4 - AIM DHAVEIif Hi' rhe and brandi of t - - Jeri roband-lrf tht subsiebef. • Cllnitainr•l4ArVANA CIGARS, sad. all kinds of ". .-- • • .. totostwo • AHD innrwisv Totacco, Int PP. i Peen Blur ITO to 1150, /ANC! lIERIOCUMIII, PIPES . .TETER, fn., t o., I :'• •• • • • . • .. Ina. Turley; IITHLIHriIIE T. CHASLES HO, :4117,11W...fbi.,bfa farbed Cowin/coo_ .....„7 Vlftabb. 4- , .0-, s . , ‘f2..... 'Thaff&ACK4UPLICAItaIii/lLa OWLS. 0. MELLOR, 81 Wood St.; .... ~. . *ell r, ,, 1f ...--Boors.or , B,pasfik Solo Aland fbr tiro Illsztofoctorors. .................._ - - Tragit 4 80blgir1071# tk' !MOBS • SON 4 CO., 1!.41 •.4 040 - Alan ' * 1 The 41 deregued yr 'et boll lieiit ' s tar tie chaap c=reg *Map at Clarical limb publisbed ...leg ~ % 1 wej .n.scocp WiiiSIFT,.IS:II37 I a rrinli . ' j gimp, ht.w0i,,t,„,t4"400,44:44... ,, n0. , . ~ , , ,-..--_,-„,_ ..-- ~.' -.t inrcki'or BeettemittrlttuislV atrixt;"Wiber Bath; .. th 140.001041.4410; *ff.'s. . 1 11, 4 i. Dottol, c105= 1 .0,.. 141140.8= tar. AIM 44,4 --rn wieur , sor4B. 144 # UL it Nil -al p saa-t roes simt overtattsf,.Fr.-,44. „5,A,„,4 1 „,,, 1 „,,.. sv, F twprbot _pours _s9oThrt a l v oTh e z d I twit. , ..a.d.g.: - ---Aatudrsloolvipa: . , . 0 r4IdeMPCYNILaw b1i,4471 laid J. M. HOPP MAN & BRO.; . 40 „ 0 ,44 r 11.1 p st, Water n'Prief ri ly i . a . ii.....m. i . _ IL TIFTELBIUST, - ._ . 13:mi-1:14437°4-asa, - noon, so. 1 _. ...„; An oprydvek frapolfq 31 7"'" 4 7,,, c i, d * I =-- •_L---r1 i t o ,"(YIT , AND SIIOES. 01tilAncrricot, I _ • CA 76 rottblr, eke go,"do sellfet vary !dm ' : .4AMES AOBB, . p XABEET ISTRIA; aul -47-41 TARS; SPOR - 0a: trltcloP__ ,lrrl t , F E T . , 3A..I!LES DOWN . Joix.faHOWNOWOOI.II.O.4. - exr i d iltrUttit thsto"raddtNS,VMSTAT.Cdag lliiltin*dU4 1141•1406.4ra itr; some , . te Gal BAGS VOWDZB ' IRO " .. 1 jo• lf,="Ve oshuit, :•??; II m• . • - • F m t Perriti Weift.isaik• '" I lw wit' • - . ire" c - tr.4 ' /004 4° tbli° 1211" S. a IFrt i7Z,".'"IT?'. 11-1 12;,-; = , • • t• • • -- • .a a, • _ _ , .etb.c.n.L.ta.r A UCTIOA - SALES. IM==t3 STKBET , PROPERT Y.— ..LJ -ozv. TIIESVAT EVENING;;` 27th, it IN eoloct, efi b+,,el4l,stibir Coma await Ihtleo Booms, 14111th irtribtOrne tai' bV.goorusd.' tint the oorneroParntrei ovine. -sea Min - .Veit; hiring ; front of 18 Set 8 Jarboe on Duncan ittoot o and ex tending hitilealfee odder ki 042- • .DA'TIB& liILWATNE, Arit4l. P141.71r08, ✓EUSIC, tfc. Tth'TSCIIALK TO MASON & HAM -1• L1N...- . I congratulate you on the Introduction of a now misileal DlituDdint, bon Wanted, sad nay ! to thsd Intenaplistei Geary hounaboid 44 , uurereand ra.• duerneut trhinh-mtn . pandble afford Ito mocha** es. I pecan. Tout CABINET ORGAN is truly • charming • IlLarmaritiwvrthyotthei bighDealw It too reeoieed, and far impactor to everything of It. ciao I have mara. I tabs plasma. in oommending It moat heartily IL a arwls. rincorthy 34 - xes iambi& the • Piano, to . whit t la a One complement, from Its capacity for • rendering much delightful ramie, wood and ..color, elude and cornisr, to which Om. Ptuno I. not adapted. GOTTETIALI." A ci.MAY*SiI .:1160,. iv 415 X. 1t521158.---A .Chattanooga eorrespendentofthe•Chiesgo Tr:. thiStnrbtian Commis- Sion', - Trturupon The field littring;Aelate bat ties,--and materially aidedlp oaring' for the wounded. Ile went unfortunately taletpris oner whoo our foreesstlthdraw,frop and fell trifo'llue handre 2tidgio - Terry. of California, uhriluildsaposition .of .some fro partnere in the rebel army. Judge 'L'orry .the roan who shot Sender Eroded* terms! 'years ago; ithliiiintat dattethe *orderer I exclaimed; "'Bei i a - .- - d - iibOltirtikprtiotier. Boy', hang bbn does. not Appear in the titt•otlitliorter's wit: In by Bragg to Of,Prorost genital; jui4 it is feared the - Judge ban carried 'brutal threat Into , illfißD FALL 5T0(.34 - *.? ••, - • A.Meneeffisor_ wPien4l4,ll l Ertrvfllf : ' I • Jr Ls a favorite story, that some time slues Pikit_thji.2 th "b e " . Phone( wo n l well •trnown- &castor .visited the 'Prietdent, "L""/214111f;/•:-•1431ea• 11° 6'4 Plana ' raid a change Ina cemataputmlenier emotive 91 epotoelifthatotintry. the etemosi Mem tik u!iliiitrY. olltra t in . Preeklont wee& to es _imynteti::: . tbet Nee 1, ;rod one, proMisedlhat he .ii.. 1,141.1 BRO., No. 53 /Mb stmt. A 'would .mak e Somittisoo;Aconsvar,,iater .4,oa, AVDia for the abets and notbitigirls done, when the gone- Tr 1 tor ignitirtiiitid a ri d' Jth„. • moefOureple_ 4 'u""r"'''' A accosted the ProOttiot - wlth; "Wolhl ate You_ worm:ant of ribu.nnfint l 4 4 1 4 1 ABz‘ 1 ., A. bayonet Mello the .ollink/Mll- illclAlon. P1L1505 orrerrotorte 'thin 'My." 'Ilf•Y - are ■ .85115 5 k would, not nonsettr.n vocideebtorwie the lirSetZtftlel2l.72L4Dits 4 , why r 'donit 4ats 411 - 1 aUffellaelti if . •he to alweqs_ ip , way 2" " oirtild' the tm tam Um no. alflfriends ibiinidleAtalest:esio 7:.VklarrlLlEZEZTak4bAgnat. ttar.rotireit; opprecietinvtlie President's dry -7 r I compliment to the,l,OmminefdeiLlmelflor; M u HW-1,11-4 reit- T T Sae A wents for Deekgeft P.hutog. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1863 Death of leord Isyndhuratel pittsbitv gI 1 6 a zette• The last steamer from Europe brings' intel- -., s llgence of the death of John Singleton Copley, L „ ..ye r --.-PITTSBURGH THEATRE. _ ._ ___.._, -___ Lord . Lyndhurst, the distingnisiied jurist and • ,__, , A , °..ur OCT. 26, 1862, statesman. A eon of the famont seleJeduce.- 1 .i7 e ,T er ; ‘ ,..',.", _ _ ted artist. Copley, ho was born in 'Boston, . Masa In 1772, and in his third year removed iiklr Ranged , . moat, for atx 1,14,1at5, of the populitr TERM* OF THE GAZETTE. I ''' ~... Ito England. lie win educated at Trinity Col- , a"rie''. 3"2"ba Eamon, bY mull , Y . " . T"'" '' "' ' 1 legs, Cambridge, and received the higheat 1 ETTIE HENDERSON I aateth Tu.honors of the university. goon after he re- who will appear in the new tier act aturatom dolma week -11 IS vulg.,' America, retruning to Englend in 1796 i entitled "Gipsy comer" 4 to prepare for the practice of the law, which be THIS t3fanddyi };V ENING ' MT Mond Cash adeatotas on coulees:aeon for . Pittsburgh or Eastern Markets. tsn commenced in 1804, and slowly but'surely Wilt ho ',ranted, the Ivantlful o' •w 502331 LL It u pl., i 3e trilled his way up the eminence in his pro- GIPSY 1.0,1 FE en-mats= Ern/IM= In foseioo, leaving his name upon the rbootd. of Gamy Gamer two ilsoder.o. Messrs J 8 Dilworth /a Co.. _ ;, severe! of the molt importent state trhof. Chant, ... _.. - . ........ 11,0 Springer Harbeexh, Eel., - Willa cord. Thompeou Bell, Ting , Preen Cormattroial Bank. Wscatv EDITIOO, skies copra'. per pear... 2On , i° 'UM"' .W 4.! from flan time e„,?nttloits, 1 Deat'aey/s°-;:Zueuill' "ma w ' rd G. 44 I, ..i'v titbit/Am o ", , and ho eucceestrety mien some of tee nrghest Song . _ ... _. Alba a:Becket .. elute of oto 10, - offices of the State, being solicitor general, at " " clubs of 10 or more , - I"i e f t To conclude with - torney general, mas t e r of be rein, atid finally, -end one extra to the party sending club. Fora i n IST?, chancellor, tinder tho title of Baron Kat. 0.8ri.. MAID Annie Itvott =OULU to club of fifteen, we will send the Eveemo Geserni Lyndhurst. Originally a liberal, he entered , t'harlm C Lovoday daily. For a stub of twenty, we will wad the Parliamen in 1818 a tory, but efterward ac- ' in relisio'od. •-4-41P.Y of 04 v 0 . 4440 „.... Crude and Refined Petroleum, MOlnto.o Gassers dolly. Slagle copies, I cents cepted the great seal under the liberal cabinet 1 , i.. GRAND OPERATIC, BALLAD, i I ea- All aubscriptioas •Inctly as adman% and papers of Canning, and retaitod it • through three ad-: BENZINE, &c , id veep stopped when the time expires. minintratione, in the last favoring the Catlin- I AND • ti e emancipation scheme, which he had opposed / g e.ww „ wit ,. euuree , o f Information we two year, before. Under the administration , INSTRUMENTAL OONCIERT. BeeLowie entreated to our care will receive our of Earl Grey he wog appointed lordelleebmon 1 _ derive very strong presumptive evidence, that p7,Trr0'71°...-1,...L.Tc=0n, Harley *I of the exchequer, and on the nomination of the I C 0. ,, rawer, a difference of opinion, and a controversy N e i . cataract of y,..1,,, NM e rootorla foo On ohoo_ SIGNOR 01A11130791 Borth kOn , and hicOlallend & Davis, ?Mahwah; Thm Smith, Reg , Hest . Bank N. L. i H. L„costee growing out of tiresome, hare been prominent celloralup, but resigned soon alter, end ho - 1 a Co.. Philadelphia.ar, in...____a__ =Wen, for some time pant, in the intercourse cameß tnis7r°stverelleraudetrlt:fartihdeor°T eltti• ifint Bop to announce that ho will gins a Olt AND I 1)N . IRON CITY' OIL WORKS. ul . , ~ between the Presldent,and the military an- Colonel Charles Thomas, be had three ohll- ' offllT of VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL 3ICSIC, 1 thonttos at Washington and the General Cora- dron, and throe years after her death he ; la co.Nrc icua. H.A.L ,,,, LYIILY it CHORPEINNING, Mending the Army of the Potomac. We i married at the age of sixty-five a lining Jew- , 11 bounty,Mtn Goldsmith, and by her he bad : 01.1ufeWste.r. end Beltran of OARBON OIL, BISK• may presume that neither side hoe had the e l:daughter Riapower as a speaker Y ver On Tuesday Evening, October 27th. , u.:Ei AIID LCIiItICATIDG OILS. and dada, In advantage of any ePosial means of ititolil• groat, - and his epintons corned the greatest : z SIGNOR GIA3IBONI v.ll be enlisted by the beet genre from winch the other was excluded , weight. A writer in the Ado:asps Monthly, artlets and amateurs of the city for it is but reasonable to suppose, that what- who cow him in Parliament in 1855 t says , "it i Adeafeefem, On CENTS. Tickets may be °Valved Werke, opporlte 4tharyeburg. ever information was gathered from Ties or t w h a e s d it e inelar and somewhat touching' to mark et the Ilmie - fitaree, end at th e do, on the ensiling repel. raid by rho peen to him a ' e it° 'of the Concert oc2-1 3t Ollloa, No. 1$ lIIND STIIEHT deserters at the headquarters of tbo Briny in spoke upon that occasion.'' . --._ the field, was Immediately communicated to i,.... 11ASONIC HALL apll dm Streugitt or the Rebel Airinlets•The u,02., , the War Department, and the General-in- ' D L. MILLER, .19.., AGENT, suinsry attnattoo. • , THIRD AND POSITIVLLY LAST W EEK lq, ID. Chief at Witahington , and so of Information Thu Baltimore American poblishes the fol- 1M WALNT I ST., PHILADELPHIA. received by the latter, that it liras at once GOODWIN S. CO.'S lowilag sent to General Mane. The fact is, and must Avery intelligent young man, .refugee POLYORAMA OF THE WAR. , CRUDE & REPINED PETROLEUM be, that from the San", mass of ',vide'," lb' from Itichmond, Oho has been there all through ' On Comm lesion caclastrely. All charges at mast parties In the cues have drawn different con- the war, and who only succeeded in making Pirit'D &EDE iED Tii 15 , n, TO regimen/de num elusions his escape last Menday, has arrived here and ,„,,,,,, . , b Roil b 8 CORAGE FOR REFINED In met cellars. For i - taonioS the fart 4 .. 4 • . 4 ". CRUDE, under rood shed". 60.. Mean' geom. ,e b.,. been led to , __ . communteated to the military anrhorities some crowded at , etch , wartvinm•nt ha Alanag rlu Particular attention paid to OIL FOR EXPORT In- =Orient 'intelligence concerning the rebel hem" that the rebel General Lit wr4i 113 WO Of Inlet. osier to acmonmoduts the ma use has r ,..4,,,,,d t h e . Foa itata--CACSTIC SODA, SODA ASH, ,te - front in great force-so that it would= ire ex- In regard to the etrength of their armies, ho I p r i ce °C 44.44.... to l' C E NTS , ' 4 . 4 .. 44 `11.. 11 wr 1 ... I 'l'l ly . i t i l 32 , :ii N t o h r z .k t t. tlg: id much aisappra r l i iensu b on . at of age. CABOT .b PEMBERTON, ceedingly imprudent to take the initiative, and either attack him in his position o n th e I for stating that the 'aren't ' : of Lee ' s i Eel:balm each EVENING si *TN o clack. General Merohandize Brokers/ Rapidan, or by any other offensive movement previous to the sending of the two corps to ro- ' Matinees WEDNESDAY ncd SATURDAY OF- _ , IBA SOUTH IT BONI' ST , PILILADELPSIA to risk bringing on a general engagement. infarcts Bragg, did not exceed 60,000 efficient I , troops ; that 'Bragg, with these reinforcements, TERNOON, at 3 o'clock. On the ether " a d' the military auth ' erialee a ' , had not over 40,000 men and that ha onl 1 CRUDE &RKEITIL'D PETROLEUM, Washington Mid oome to a conclusion directly ' . Y , Admission to Mattnees--Ladov, 10 mum, Children. ; managed to defeat Rosecrans by a ourpnso and, 5 eee th . , CAUSTIC SODA, SODA Ant, BIIIMITONE, opposite-and so decidedly no, that the Presi• attacking his isolated columns. ve26 at ' REYES SOMERBY, klaron,..er. DRCGS, 0113, Ito., do dust, in the fulleat assurance that Lea's array ' lie farther states that the story of re-on- forcemeat" having been scot to Oen. Lee from rain Turodoy afternoon, ExhilAtton fur the north Orders to buy cc moll promptly attroded.to. r would be found far inferior in number* to CII. r losto an d e in ew here, 111 totally in co - nect. i of ton Leth sanitary al:Sanita t onamtta - ,In _col ly n - - BiELDO . S, if dials would but test the 1 That there have been no troops eant-to Lee, . 'CONCERT HALL. — - ~.... A LLEN & NEEDLES, question, that ho wrote-" Attack Lea- except in the way of deserters and conscripts; 1 ..,7, now " y our ° PP artaa"Y-tha undi'ded , and t h o ° s n u . ot . s T t c ra straits t ' ll rn a bare the rebel glory of the vtotory ,hall be yours , hot been reduced, that they are even f.rotng into , • even if you fail-if defeat is possible-you the rank. tome persons who hare provided, nu eieebrai•st ELECTRIC! IN AND I'llY .10Ln i Particular attention pald to consignments of shall not be held responsible-I convent to I sobstltute.. ' GIST, formerlv of 1t..10n. or.' I..otuto In Thom was a genemi fooling of dmpondeecy bear die blame," In some such worda of Crude and Reflned Petroleum. in Richmond, and the fact was freely admit- ' CONCIEICT 11 AI .3-. Prorat.t non, earnest. almost intense urgency the President ted that their armies wore none of them , uO3- addre.sed Gen. Meares . -bat In ram In-ently strung to anomie offensive operation. with any prospect of euceescthat and the .11-0.% DA I stead of securing to himself the ath solage of I m ro want of men prevented Bragg from following . ar taking thu initiative against Lex, General ' up h . ~ su,,o„, and pre, onto him A trim Mr-sal surrendered that inestimable saran- attacking the Union army at Chattanooga. Ingo to hie able and enterprising enemy. The offensive wan assumed by Las, and be derived as much caul from his movement WI 31 ELM, as an inferior force attacking a •UpOriOf 0130 could he reasonably expected to achieve. ME t Ot., Lowe var. thrown on the defensive, proved himself a good and skillful general and no iluntstor occurred to our army, Our Mil the rebels accomplish anything of material importance by their movement. Ihe net re sult Just deems to have Loon this-thin Gen eral Besot: has been convinced of hi. mss- , taken view of the strength of Lee, end we I may hope will now endeavor to atone for Ma neglect to sotto the , opportunity winch was presented to him, and which he was so urgently enjoined to improve. ONDAY MORNINGt. alugl collie. E~esi.e EDITION, by mall, per year— ontruarb work.. Foreign. The British Government have not only heated Laird's rams, but have stationed two frigates to prevent their being smuggled out. The attentions to the Russian oaken in New York were exciting considerable comment. Ilazimillion'a answer to the Mexican deputa tion was regarded as a virtual acceptance of the throne, and he wait expectedto leave for Mexico early neat year. The well informed Paris correspondent of the New York Cosa wercie. ti Advertise r says the Paris journals give a deceptive notion of the trap sitnetion in _Europe. Every aeosible Frenchman says that he can gee uo otherissue to the dead leek on the Polish question than war. 'Fenner', which has assumed to dictate, or, in milder terms, to arbitrate for Europe, has received Trom Rus sia a cutting insult:, coupled with an invita tion to cease correspondence on the subject— which is virtually a challenge to fight. Though no reply has been made tollOrt-Veha lon last note, the Western Bowers are look ing about for some escape from the dilemma, and thus Fromm is waiting fo . some thing to turn up which shall elitist avert or precipitate a war. Her diplomacy will be directed to the finding of some oombi nation which shall either fore* England and Austria to join her.in the war or. force Russia . to attack also--England nnetAnstria, which amounts to the same thing. Prance proposes that the Poles ho acknowledged as belliger ents, which would almost certainly lend to war, and Austria and England accordingly shrink beak. To dechiie thefemittea - ofifili, wliich brirdirOliin'traiirltuisla, null and void.. as suggested by the French Ministry, would apply equally to Ansteleand Prussian Poland, which makes a now difficulty. The note of. Prines:Gorstehake ch i ffittee,h4 a wonderful effect , in chocking Vrenntervention In America, and the growing friendship between Russia and the Hutted Stetis,tran objectornatistant observation and inquietude. The speech of Uri Buseell,has_ else had a powerful effect in putting Fumes on the retrograde track, ashes also the big guns and big ships. Tl l 4 4mporor has been trordildit eoheiteolt h et the ar tliteri P.Pf.ollll,l4e6eit ctatgoikti,. , A.ris I. eitid.kie GoTertimentht citifte taherreaeed over the.Floriffis, irehose.reeeptionne ',Confederate man.of-wlr has provoked the • atttieks of the tiberatleirhels.• • •'' • • . • ..,. .... ESE A mirrame from Norfolk, Va., status that on : E L E C r . f / 'V Saturday night a party,of three mon and for Ae Cf•bnn - twl with th, LmJ.i .tod women, all residence of Portsmouth, were .up-,t 0. r.), AN fir,, rvm nn Lured by a small detachment of the One Hundred ) or t b lu m,u and Forty-eighth New York Volunteers, near LaStues.l Geotleu.. no ' I.n.mbortCt Point, whilst endeavoring to run or rood. SKATS P' 11 •• , the blockade with a large quantity of ruiseel !outruns goods, which were AtvS.lo4 away i A or 7,;„ Commodious wagon. 1 - pan searching one , or +-v.:lock in Abe IllVilltlNtlt,..t/ENTLEMIIN the men noarlY a thousand dollars in gold SIVILI.T. admissluo, cenu wore found ingeniously concealed between the Dr. PAIGE, le connection with la J. .1 31E8- lining and padding of his Tho males . RIE, hos token rouses at urn FOURTH STILIiTT, wore committed to Fort Norfolk and the where they will devote • portion of thou - tirtte to the females sent to the Allende Hotel, :acre they ; trcourient of discs... oral Re _ remain under guard. nA N 1210 E" tisouitst•Hicsi. knowledge in not one of the strong Point' of .fh.° London " GREAT SIION\ cod in ita disquisition on the battle of Chico mango, and the Thnn editor says that "the field of the engagement was one of the nu- morons small streams that abound In the nowh ere part of •the State of Tennessee, celled ' Chickamauga Creek. The whole region is mountainous, thickly wooded, and intersected I by rivers. The Comber/arid tmitur with the Ten fbeWer, and the watery of troth combined form one of the tributaries WA /all into A. risinerippi o n its enoorn bank." The London M0r0i..., Post has been called ' on by a• personal friend of Wendell Phillips, to authJrize o contradiction of an 'intim:mo ment made by the American correspondent of the London limes to the (sot, that 'Mr. B. re fused to permit his eon to entar the army ; whoa drawn Al a conscript; when, in point of foot, fir. Phillips hoe no aon. MILTON SWASLZ, ono of the hietro.polltan Police, has recovered • judgment of $4,0001 in the Sopreme Court, agallit Pekmando Wood, for injuries elanned to have been sustained by the plaintiff during the note of 1135 T. A num ber of other lodgments have been obtained ageing the defendant, and other cases ere still pending.—.V. I'. Fusee. IT re stated that • strong Union feeling began to manifest steel( in Northern Texas alt Ont the:lime - 41e core WU Ttecited of the fall of Vicksburg and Port Hudson. Beast Union organizations were formed, the result of which was the election ,of Mervin, the Union candidate !Or Congress in the let Con easional District. Ii 1, Said - that Pro - visional Government will soon be vitabilslred In Mississippi, and Col. Markland, at . Kent . tpl,ky . , is spokpn of as Governor. Trisporta.o Olorjußints.ers on foot, and ft is isoug4t.iibst le o few lineks there will ho naltrused of= Mississippl- TIPUSSIA:S Pslo3/.7,-'IO'tCV,CLEs. Sotwiltiftitodlnit euick. of )4.4... A•cit Irwatiersh who emptnt to ttle ore of Opt- RUSSIAN 'PEBBLE SPECTACLES, cAgs.—......'nagiT,o-..--„,.drAr•X141941141 4 4 1 e otb r t Ilp•etaele • then all and exambn tip /1118614. N. ITBlSLiobes. toe so. by Dianubstarcr of the ftterlasiObh Spoetacks )030 3D Iritui stied, Wank* Pa; BullA4lll,_ TEETH ' EXTRACTEW" wuriloM • piort-w. thlterihltrhieltiO . iret %Paining OUT trands.inol'ittiirtirta4 that In ire now o akarnnw DIDPELICr - TEDTWITITIIDOT PAIN irribe prsettew VengllSV.l l3 10fIrDo'haln ftn patrolling thb sanritabialarion any nowt ariatitelr Ova and sin *Km% a; the oppoitta In ban a tar bubo= thirtntostot Auring4. nest taw roam, felly.eletabltikt thetas La ch•net►r . ~f th e op•rstlon. o Drags or Botrry , Inot. • All Moe Wishing the eereleelf of • good . And MUM. piontig, d o well to 00.1.5t0l cOnsuiS wttb .11.11N319. NINE, D. D, No. 97 ritth eineet, or, r„,. 0. SING, No, linatneSAA ntrat, Pats. . . ~ , . •• - • kiancrs p4u 444.14.1 1 , , et.a.mr.M.i.Lllo3. LLEIMENT MT, • Karp constantly an band . n lams and tboronglsly monad otook of _Epj•o.9.ftiftl•AND 1507f011 PLACKXWITITOW FRAME INTIII7, LINTLXS, sua-fu .; Jona& two; ,te/..; as will CU antrl.lkr.pPAlTED,.slloll with Prinaptxissi lid at lbw Wm. 111.33...re11ant1a • violin 40N.9_ TINDEp._.r POP. YAM oriiiiiiiiOalsrylOilted to asamlne bL stoat. smu g 9? Osoditstsonteaser itoblunott asell;tr F.ARLK e -mu., FO 8A E.— •o. intbseribsr ~oftbra fOr sale the ALLZI3II:6IC3 , , CITY ifILLI3,' situated le ths' IffeittliVard, Alla. ' , . . Army Ofty, Thls well kllff= MALI= hem rabaut , . .. Utioliondionsato tenr_am-outriiraoluntr 14 , L i, Tin,..,:_____4,....,. ..... .............4. , =mul l w Wf, west &prod =shirr ,ATE . 4, , ,BE r viLLE , • I 7.. tlu beet brands o¢st44n -.:r" AM wen rae.foreiga hutiera. Iltlela a rare chance far : - PUCTICAL rtrarroms, r b ,„iidor ma and we Wire arty who 'dab to ...ft , . ' - tailal"sPwitenade'lat=rell"::' g - at the mill ' '"re I ''' Caa - Mar STELId Prrn- At o ,: , - 010:1514aier J. vozonat. 1 No. ,, T qx f iwgruir, gia, •—latibls. Missouri Clay , . • . . 3" aleat3. l6 , Mali by. {MUT n. comm. I Na. = mats, t 4s4f, Pittsburgh. =tie ~... ... . EMS J. DIAMOND, Pm!led Vidal. E. 17 EATS 00XM1S5IONs FOUNVAILDING lIESCILASTS Ovlstaorox. =2 br. A. PAIGE IMEI =1 M=l EI'E3'TNO-8. erqd ,1 T' 'N MA MAO and In M!!=1:1 vrill exhibit In PITTSBURGH, (ON ItT ..EIJ ,AION Wednesday, Thursday, ' Prlday and Sat- urday, Oct. 2S, 29, 30 and 31, err/7r AFTERNOON AT ErRRY EVENING AT . 7; rpou wW weston the eelat.rated Amerhan 1112- worts; DAN RICE' yt i y and I troduee • yoodorit li ,cg i z Excelsior, Jr., The Trained .Inhilesls, Educated afules,lcc., ♦nd toad In their menus tworthrmiancoi Tb. bolt tTono of EQUESTRIANS fil ErSASTS, ACROBAIS. .n 4 Eng' Intoright Wore tbo rums.. DAN RICE " STILL LIVES I" I= Bozos ..... ..... anerred OhlWren under 1() paws of sp., dl ~Ants, to ill parts of the 0c17:17t CALEtPETS, OIL CLOTHB,46 IRiIINIMM STYLES OF Oarpetß, Oil Olathe, Druggets, SHADES, at Mc CALLT3 ta YOURTI/ MELT, ♦ yery large aamrtmerd pod, la our Due, bought it ahe le vet point rmahrd , the Eartem Verltenllli temoh,.end much reduced bum Mot ice *loll6". W. D. at. R. McCAIDDid. THE LAI:WEST STOCK OF Velvet, Brussels and Ingrain - Marts, Fir Oil Moths, &c., eve= offered in this city, is now. opening at prices - iniclibelow the late factory rates. OLIVER retINTOCK & CO,, = virrn sr'REIT ME I= OILS, kfc. RICILARDSON, HARLEY & CO., Crude and Refined Petroleum, No. 19 IRVIN STREET, PITTSBURGH TACK•& BRO., 1321W/LNIIT ST., PHILADELPHIA. cr?..E - DE P ETROLELTDZ I= COM MIS6IO.Y MERCIIA 67y. Car Mural &drat:toes scuds. 1.31:11 HENRY HOE, 13 NORTH TIIONT 9T., PLITLADELPHIA ilroker dr Comm kkietion Morohant CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM. Lt BRICATINCI OIL AND BENZOTA And d•aler to Crud. and Ilefirt , d prrizeL u3 Er34 E BARRL,‘, a.ll BREWER, BURKE CO COXXISSION NERCILANTS, &rota o f the GLOBE, PACIFIC AND LIBERTY OIL WOBI:S. Lamm! mai &Avant-. trade ou cousigtomonts of Refined or ('rude Petroleum. COIL E WASII,ANCOCK STS., n ll. MEN need not be embarrassed by v the enforcement of the Hulk Ordinance, wbou they can have their OIL barrelled and !thinned vrith• mt touching the City Wherree, cheap, mum prompt, with lees risk, lust trouble, and be better order, et KIRK'S OIL YARD, On the Allegheny Valley Railroad. abore.Letrrerm e.. yule, where 011 Is pumped. from the boats direct to the care, and shipped to any point, East or Vest, without any draying or re-ehippinil. All orders promptly attended to. DarOtilce at Yard. on Citizens Peasonger R. R. POE OffiCei addreols, BOX 902. Pittabargh ; or I can he seen daily at the Om ltustasas. DAVID KIRK. /OHL L. VALLACI.... WALLACE ,k. CURTIS* Conarniesion Merohants, Aed dealer. In CRUDE &BIFTNID PETROLEUM. BENZIRII ARR. LUBRICAITRO 01131, Re. 13.1 69L - ra raulirm, 4RILLDHLPIIII. or Storm capacity (ander cover') for IRMO Phi.. al. Imminent facilttinc Par shipping to American. ami TUrCilipl porta, av our wharf on IA bchoytkill River, war the platferni of tha Y. IS.'S. jezr_.2.L.:. ii 41, 5, MORE cto)thrasioll MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS 01' PETROLEUM, ATITLET EA, 113 31/IDEN I AYE, 13TW Tons. Alf.Aplo tocilitte. for STQ,ILAGZ AND surrptsa; .t. th.ir yid and utast BID nl.m. mylttl I , E3=l2 CoitlmtsutOl pj~a' ' P. MLA CRUDE AHD , =TM OM% PLAT DOM tantitgli, IMAM, to oina.Alrair Mon, Midi:* ito JPs D , DA g - nrartlC -- NAVLIkt & MEM Itetiners arid, Dealer ix' Carb9n OUt 'Com?Pauli b am tothii minimet. 6T Orden . Daft of tbitr cake. ite• 41 =S KI " EMBErr.Vr a PlO,te. walla laineeeeTins. Win be tmettlYebbeeaW I to. Bons of CRUDE Ott ! . mtal_ _ 11511W17 gl-Sr6R-11--i' Lzialitst. PITTOBVAGEL Ftrw4a..ng di Commies ioarrychant, Azmitziwt 79 orzi. . . CHIDE 011.4 g. cuswinntly on band eard. 1111.11Mertattric prf Oonntinmentic • 74° 11524T.0.1 WORK'S. •' • • DVS do., _ - . " --- - /I:vj. ~ r. pug.Dig.tr.:.-:..:: :. ' ' ...Mgt *MIER, , ---..."--------,--, VODNILLExAkiEFINTs WI% -,,, ,A7EI---....1d.....cca011eK2,,, :__Ws, Y..:0 1,1 . - 6-20.- W. itotunirp - & CO.. wThilhaisi.AT. . . ~. -, . . ..,.:: .3 Z - :• : - .VlLlnna. a.~ ni... -__,_,......,.. VVooB.l4,ltLOS blonnbstmrsa of son biiiiptrados; • oIgar'AULOBANDSWg r 2 MGM: AttMoponstpll7. an band the .. ti best no .421tvmuLayte,,SWI list# ..wra.d Arr. ; await/Pi .fl V cUs. 'dal:" virbTql color.; 1 pp UvaltWieg, B°' alsoiin jipc4%lYrnricAl` 6 .4. PFT , ',,w Br'. 70.,Iiii,,,oxa.cxclybillu*"'PuxqP p i a. , trat Oillas i &. - - ,55, --4 03 , n -. 1 - fr o- 0 , 1 , - , 0.4 i - ri --#3.4_,rattubimiatacuitinntns. Itsktleitbxr.ssantoltbStottlll Ittltnnl432 50 ..t ,, 4 -2 ' , r ' *., ~ •;.;, tilitul - _,3 ~ 5' ^ ~..- 2. • . C..1,7.:Jr...2.„1.,-,..,- ' , 3 ,t ""i e. to, ~ • , 4 Ar."-.% Stinfritori`"rir''' : - ---..-- ty=. - blatinfootoras of Carbon Oils, ; 0 0 0 4 ric k . pa, 'Lissa* mart,. PPM, MUM, PX.I VOLUME LXXVI---NO. 295 . RIDER & CLARK, oomlussrox myr.cuAlM, Petroleum and its Products, Oils, R nnOLD STREET-- -- so 3 WATER 6 iss /SONS b Oliff'Attent. for the PORTLAND EIBOSEN OIL WORKS, NEW TOES PwE.YTLtiZ CANDLE 00MP1157. ke. W. A.. can.3s.ex, ear. 518 Water a U 4 Flynt Rik MUM MCWRMIUK & CALLENDER, 211 and 21S South Water Street, Oar Conalgsoltats oolteited. Lyclay d Chorpeaning, IrooCtty Oa Works. .14.013 Palmer, of J. PP.mwr & 00, Jun, Chalfant , of Spun, Chalmat d Co. Le.rd.:s wARINo, CRUDE, REFINED, 31ACIIIN3RY AND PAINT OILS, Lu 4 Amine is Reflotng !Daniali. lERI ”0.0,1 1135.2 , 111,11111 W ill • Vlr pro OLIT OIL 1% Olth Dinaafacturcn of NUMB V.IIITE CARBON OIL. BBNZOLS PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OIL. ' Pirresusart, Pi Capacity trea.thonsand barrel. per week. GEESE & GRAFF, PRormarrou. Office, 310XONG.iliELA , 11017 SE, Pittsburgh.. - JAMES IR WEN, Oil of Vitriol and. Aqua Ammonia. Orders left at John Porterteldl Co.'s Mee, rut oer of MARKET AND STREETS,ro roles prompt sttontiOn. se2n INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY TIRE.--FRANHLIN 7111 A INSURANCE CO kl • PRAY or PHILADELPHIA Mike, 436 and ix Chestnut Meet, now If itth: Statement of Meets, January Ist, 1860, pulashed Agreeably to an act of Assoutbly, being— Firstaorta.6m, amply summed....._ 31,886,803 00 Rent Yates (preal 'vol. $106,314 61) met 302, 935 00 Temporary Loans on ample Collateral m. 136 00 Stocio3(prosens value 586,1167 cost._ 39,786 CO Notes and Bills Receivable.-- .... 1,821 se Raab —.- 27,919 00 $2,208,061 ra 4111 T The only melte from premiums which tide Company can divide by Lew are from risidt,whicb hare been determined. hutment* made on every description of prowrly, En town and country, at rate. ea low an non consist.uut with security: Binro their Incorporation, • period of thirty yearn, they been paid Imam by fire to an aznonot osceodiug Fear Ni 716.4 of Dollars, thereby affording