The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 23, 1863, Image 3

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    filittnnit (gazette.
AY .... . 23, IBtw
°Metal Paper of the City.
the Gamy; at Geo. E. Shaw's Optician store,
10. i 4 Fiftt street—oorreeted daily :
9 4. u.
12 Y.
6.T; K. .
An Unfounded Charge of Murder.
Onlirednesday a woman named Catherine
Searrinppearerbefore the &ayor and prefer
red a charge of murder against Joseph Sny
der, a Gent . * residing in the Fifth .Ward.
The allegation-was that Snyder had murdered
his Wife, and made way with her remains.
She had not been seen since the ILth , and her
Mysterloas absence could not bo accounted
far by husband; farther than that, he de
nied ] itil knowledge of her whereabouts, and
most positively asserted his innocence of the
charge alleged against him. On investiga
tion, was found that she bad left her hue
hand?and gone to Cleveland, where she ob
tained a pass from the poor director, for Buf
falo. This was on the 16th. In addition to
this testimony of her being alive, a letter was
yesterday received from Bernard Snyder, a
brothev of the defendant, residing at Albany,
Kew York, in which It was stated that she bad
arrived-Abere on the 18th. This letter had
been written three days before the charge of
murder was preferred. It was clear there
fore that Mrs. Snyder had not been killed at
all,til..was still alive and kicking--or able
to kick if she felt disposed to do so. The
Mayor; therefore, discharged the ease.
~, Child Dean on.
A few days ago a lady a ved at Greens
burg, on the train from this city, having in
charge's female infant. sho represented that
she went there to meet her husband, who was
inOlbesimay, and whom she expected to arrive
there on the Baltimore Express the following
dity. She stopped at Borlin's Hotel, and on
the day followniging, a few minutes before
the arrival of the Baltimore train, she pot her
child to sleep and loft it In the cradle. She
dresied herself and started down to the depot
to merit her husband, as she alleged. That
was the last fine she was seen in the place,
end she is supposed to have taken the train
again „for this city. Mr. Berlin woe about
placing the child In the poor house, when a
wealthy citizen, who had no children; took it
in charge, and adopted it as his own. It had
but one change of clothing, which was of a
very eanzzoon quality. The mother wee gen
teel ieappearance, and retuod and intelligent
in her ' conversation.
A New Bank
At time like the present, when many per
sons are at a loon how to invest their surplus
funds, it will be interesting to know that there
Is a cafe and profitable institution about open
ing it, books for subscription. A number of the
most far-seeing and reliable bnslnen men in
our continually have for many yews deposi
ted stiOis, earylng from five to one hundred
denary; in the branch of the institution repro
sented,by the Allegheny Ladies Relief Asso
ciation; It is an itinerant bank, without sale
or vaults. The funds are immediately con
verted' Into fuel, food and clothing, and put
Into , circulation. It is entirely reliable;
backed with millions upon millions, for "Ile
that givuth to the poorlendeth to the Lord."
Subserlptionbooks will hercady on the let of
Noveniber, at which time the annual report of
the society will be made public.
Amusing—. Very I
The'eteonzburg Republican, edited by (Jou.
Win A. Stokes, sometimes gets off a vary
mailog squib, of which the following is a
tampla . : •
• ~W es kayo receivod information from the east
to the effect that the -Abolitionints found by
telegraph, of which they hid exefuslire cob,
trot, that Curtin, notwithstanding tiß °nor- .
moos fraudulent vote, was beaten. They thou
caused numerous false returns to be manufac
tured, in counties which they controlled, '2O
aa, by a new (rand, to relieve thous from the
defeat which the people decreed. By this
pewees* they will give Curtin a manufactured
majority. If this 'herald clearly appear, it is
!a:Tooth/a to believe that anyone but the law
fully ablated Covernor,OeorgeW. Woodward,
will be permitted to assume tho Executive
Deluded Young Girls.
Several young girls mystericutsly disap
peared from Zanesville and Putnam, Ohio, on
Settwdzy last. two of them were arrested at
Cohurt/or, on Monday, and had in their pos
session.* large number of anonymous letters
from soldiers n the Western army. They al
leged that they were going to Cincinnati,
whine they would be taken charge of by a cer
tain Captain, who would conduct them as "hos
pital noisome! to Tennessee. They were evi
dently the victims of some designing rascals,
who had found them out by means of that
most vicious and dangerous practice of "army
eorrespendenee," now so prevalent all over the
country.. The girls are all highly respectable,
and their absence created intense anguish in
the minds of their parents:
Plowlag Hatch in Hampton Township.
At a tneetinglield in Tallyeavey, Hampton
township, far the purpose of considering the
waits of the different kinds of plow now in
tee, Mr. Charles'Anderson was chosen Presi
dent, and - Charles Gilmore Secretary. It was
resolved to have a trial Of plows, on Saturday,-
the 7th of November, in a field near Tally
'envey-4he skill of the respective plowmen
to be tested at the same time. Thirteen
'names have already been entered, and funds
Ai:Weald for the purpose of defraying the
expenses. .Judges have been appointed, and
- See pastels= will be awarded. The contest
will be: exceedingly interesting to farmers,
and also to - plow manufacturers, who ahoald
see that their best plows are put into service.
A' Quaker Wedding.
On toesday, Robert Eastman, a widower
of thirty-die, and Ann R. White, a buxom
Liss—both of the Quaker persuesto - n—eppearl•
ea before Alderman Kline, of Rarisburg, and.
in his presence were married according to
Friends' ceremnoy. The bridegroom repeated
the formula, "I. take this woman to be,mi
wedded wife," du., and the bride; "I taktithis
tag,D to be toy husband,"oto. The Aldermen
said nothing, tut • was a' more Spectator,.
'trail the ooneltudan.of the: ceremony, When!
b pronbunced them matiletid wife. The par.:
ttee ion from Saabs critiii4, and on their
wey , received
handwtde feeler his sorrkmi: '-•
L R am l'fatsnro..-4n, strouynamed
B e .try toftttrttiti itt:Citstp Cur
„tin. h av i ng etroloe ts;cept sitars and
pair of droweri. 14 04 liitenloord of
htht Ono u
he loft tb..stai, buil /R T .
pospd that howsint tifffiir inns! oi ;Ivor and
a rA wslaci himself; k For saverstldayo pre;tons
tositad orprotissd destrolhotoeftoo ono trotdd
shoot or kill him. Itasirtned that souto
body or something 'rico tarok Mtn continua ll y.
• ~
finnoiw Dzern.—On dstnittay, the I 0 th
Lisa Sallie Kelly, a madden lady, aged stout
sinty.eight pan, roaldloir near Campbell's
milt; . IMackllek township, Indiana county,
while ping on handset to Mr. Jacob Kun
kle's in -Arnntroos township, was seised with
• fit of apoplexy, wbea,nurthe boom of Mr.
Dabs. Uomike, miles, from Indiana, and
fair fromherhone. She was carried into Mr.
Thomas' holm, where she died in • few min.
of es .
Amu E. Dicussor is to 'peak in Ha.
Palo during the latter part of oast week, in
ad vocitty oaths Union canoe. She punnet
walla ffill poweitiof orsioryiitationld doubt
less drew. 414 Ovarilowing &Oa city.
W & ltoteAce.abiiU bare the &imp of an
sointeiffif her , lnune in a narks of lectures to
, brAletfr ;ads: - the anspiees of the Irving
tintafrOiTtXo Aosiney
w 0 bPfl by-UtotwourTay
tot,"fetttriettistft to ki t eitkpi-brainstkt of
MiebititbritPtt; 41th if 610:
u1t,z,•.94-t-.%1,041,4-:- ••
beolmatlON:Vialpenon able to
give aiiy inlnrm at whereabontaet
man named Da rid Abbitt, will confer an espe- !
cisl farr,r urn) bin distressed parents, by ad
drervin,,,, David Abbitt, Sr., of Indiana, Pa.
Sold Abbitt is a man about 5 feet 9 .or 10 in
ches bigh, somewhat stooped—sired al.,ut 1S
yeara--haa dark atraieht hair beard
and moustache—had sort
low crowned, black h earl of
(on the sth day of 0 o war at
Altoona, going ared, was n,t
In bis right min
op TA,'
_7... T ay I or ,OPYSTNI Brawl Goods and Shawls tho,
Coons SUM.- %Oyu n resident of " 'of Bra
Braddockytt fields, yesterday appeared before morning, nt J. Pinch's, corner of Grunt and
Alderman Taylor and:preferred a °hate of li9. Falb .tre , t.
vault and battery against Gotlieb Beringer—he- C. Stu., Dentist, 24S Penn Street, will at
alleging that Beringer had beaten his daughter, tend to all Cusineis of his profession.
Amanda_Taylor o a girl aged about fourteen
29 4-10
years. Beringer preferred a similar charge MARRIED:
against Amanda, alleging that she had beaten
RAI NnlL Ai IiLF.S —On Thruxday, Oct. ltd. at
and abused his daugher, Itebeeett Beringer,
the residenee ...I the bride's father. by the Ras. Isaac
aged eight years. Both parties gave bail.
Aiken, 31r. lIENIIT nAYI:011 and Miss LAURA
ll.knrEZ FOR NOvEYnnn.-51r. J W. Pi ttoe , Arlit.F.T, tooth of Allssheny City.
opposite the Postollice, has received Harper 10/LLOCK—SILL--0,01.4, !IL by Ills E.
for November. The table of contents is quite Wilson, Mr. SAM IEL lOLLOCK and Mim
an appetizing one, and leads us to anticipate NA NN it a. SILL, both of Allsgbeny llnmzr. No
mach pleasnre and profit in the perusal of the
number. Two of the articles are profusely it
Instrated--000 entitled Pictures of the Ja- DIED:
panese," and the other "Tho Northern Froo- • w A Rl , --OnTheroday. itt.LN
tier"—forming one of the interesting .erica of Aaoohter of IV and Roimrra Wan!, aged I ”tir rod'
pictures contributed by Benson J. I.osinjt, II months.
under the title of “Seenes in the War of Ir I 2.'' The lancrol will take plarr coo arrcasisya, as 2
o'eliwk. front the rehltlenee of the parents, 26 Pike
W. H. Walnut. of Wellsburg. Erie CUOIlly. •tr”et. (Howl, of the family are respectfully io
was killed on the 14th inst., by the falling of ~,„4 ,„
a bridge. While hauling a hea v y oaw log PATTERSON.—on We,laeviev 4).-t..b.r
over the bridge, one of the stringers broke, 21. st. Itio:t, ELIZABETH TANKKIL wife 05 Hotly
and he was pnicipitated into the dry bed of Pattetwon,
the stream. He wail caught under the log. • The fantil) are nwpwetfully invited to
which bunted his abdomen and caused death toteurl the funeral, front the re...Wenn. of Mr. Italy
in a few minutes. ife leaves en invalid wife pot el t . k MOILNISO,
and one child.
•th totter. 2111 t, at In o'clock. earriaanto will leave
Loon our eon THEAL-i'.OOC enterprising
tle• Stahle of W. S. Jack..., Fourth street. et
gentlemen have put in circulation a two-dol
lar counterfeit note on the Merchant's and
Mechanic's Bank of Wheeling. They ore 8 P L .rOTIC ES.
described as follows: 2s, imitation, vig.'
eagle on branch, 2 each side ; medallion head; [cf . /
3 above and below on each end—well done MILL 4 Fxrallso WORKS, PoTanrnon.
andealculated to deceive." PARK. 3PC ETRDY A;
, Manotleatnrent of 811EATIIING, BRAZIERS' AND
H. v.rva voR NoCaunra.—Hr. J. I'. II unt ,Al MILT COPPER, PRESSED COPPED BOTTOMS,
Soule Hall, fifth street, has received the No- RAISED STILL BOTTOMS. STALTER SOLDER.
vember number of Harper's Mut/urine far the . Also, irriportera and dealers in METALS, TIN
coming moral!. This number completesthe
27th volume ofthis generally popular perioai- PIATE. HEET IRON, WIRE. Sr. Constantly on
S harp, TIN o n e . MACH - VMS AND TOOLII.
ieal. It in a number promising much
Warehouse. N 0.140 lIIIST and 120 SECOND STA.,
sting reading, as we judge by a glance at the , ,
loshurall, I a.
, 5p. , ,,a ,irklen. of Copper eat to any dealrwl pattern.
Two PICK-Nu - Errs were arrested at Ilarrim. my2a - lydaetT
burg, On , Wednesday, one of ninon gave the r 1 , ? , T0 NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF
name of Thomas Bums, and stated that he L.,'
D. .TII SEX ES.—A reeerend gentleman har-
Val from Pittsburgh. The other bailed front
tee 1.,0, re-tored to heahh in a few days, atter n
Dayton, Ohio, and gave the name of John o.
Hunt: They were held for a hearing. .:ortoinr..,ll ths moal rout in. and irregular earn
ACUrirrED. = .l.eusbolla 15 es bi t, tri ed. at IV bee I • hi...wt.. i dins in ettratuturtente. to hie alltlietrel felltnr
ing for tho murdor of the child of 31.1.1 Me- en elm,. the mean. of rare. 11.trte, ou the receipt
Coon, war' esiiiittini on Wednesday—the jute, , ttr r, eattreterel, he e In ttend,feee, a eery of
rates three hours' deliberation, agreeing upon ' the itrrectription need. Ittr.rt ~ D r . J(4121 M.
a serdiet of " not . gailty . ." nntiN A Lt. MI Felton street. Y. Y.
DAIL Lnwar, Quartermaster in the 7-th ROLMES SUNS., DEALER!
Pennsylvania Regiment, died at Chattanooga, -
on tho 28th inst. He leaves a widow and
several children residing in Indiana, Pa.
, STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa.
THIS POLYP/LA.IU or Tat WA.; at Masonic
Hall, continuos to draw-immense audiences. : C- Collection', made an all the principal cities
We cannot speak too highly of this splendid throughout the United hate , ai ,
work of art. Every scene is in itself a beau- L -- ;40.1Ili COCHRAN &HBO „, M
tiful painting, and the series a trutliftil and ",- -.- ufarturera or IRON RAILING, IRON
lifelike view of ono of the most memorable and
hintensely interesting episodes in our cuntry's '
b history. The genius of the artist has em
rei 843 THIRD STREET, bet. Wood and Market.
diej in the Polyorama a poem, a history, a
drama, and a painting. All is truthful and .• Hare on hand a variety of new Pattern*, fancy wad
beautiful. Every one whose boort pulsates Plain, satiable for all inn-prwes.
with ono throb of interest in'the present sirup- Particular attention paid to encloaing Graze Lots.
pie should visit it. Jobbing done at short notice. apt
We have at various times noticed maimed 1 , -
1 J
and wounded soldiers—the horoosof the war— ,c:, ,
gazing upon it, and .brene followed scene•
alkoDeale dealer to CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS,
we hare hoard them exelaim i •• Hon- natural:
How like the reality :" and at tho same time FISH. nod P1 , ' ,10- .` IP ,o erzfi7 , No. t P 00) BT..
point out sons favorite battery or squadron, Pittsburgh. Pa. , nal
orthe precise spot on which their own rep- .__ _ . _... . . _
ment had fought or charged. (2.7 7.17 a G'r Al,
One night sitting in litasonie Hall la equal
in experience to an active campaign. Eiteh
battle scene is worth double the prior of ii , l
mission. The tight between the klerrini.
and Monitor, represented by minitnre vessels,
nightly calls forth shouts of applause, and
the result of the contest works the audience
up to the highest pitch of enthusin,th.
eannotdesigunte any ; one acene 0144 mor ,
beantifht than'the other: all are inkeoutpara •
bk. Go and see the Polrorame. .
Sir.. GIAYBCONI . EI CO,IEEtT.—The tictigi amine
for Sig. tliambours conoert, wh.d will he
given on Tuesday evening next, has airrnily
boon issued, and contains the sonars, of M r..
Downing and sirs. Stout, together %Vitt' those
of Messrs. Torge, Dellam, Foomarr and
Abel. The price of admission ie fifty rows.
Tiokets can bst obtained at the music stores.
Gaovsa ABB Baczn's Bairns° for
&rally and utaiiitaaturing purposes, am tbe
best in use.
A. F. CHATONT, General Agent,
14cr. 18, Fifth street
Taolus PLeargyiph6n and Ornamental
Slate Roofer, and dealer in Permaylrarila and
Vermont date of the bed quality at low rates.
Moe at Alex. Laughlin's, near the . Water
Works, Pittehargh, Pa. •
Jost received at, ttam'l Graham ft Co.'s, Mer-
chant Tailors, so. 54 klarkot street. It con-
Ruda of all the very, latest styles of clothe,
cassimeres and
,vestings; ovary:listings of all
kinds of the very - finest gnauty , ail of which
is seleeted from the latest importations, and
will be made up in the most fashionable and
best manner. Gentlemen desiring a stock of
goods to select froth, that cannotbe surpassed
by any other in the city, and erery_garmert
warranted a perfect fit, would do well to give
us an early call.
, Giattu* .k Co.,
Merchant Tailors, No. fri Market et.
SAMUEL ' Gampow, Gco. McessoLass
Fon PALL AND W[ eves WLAR.—The cum- 4 IN G. dkj.c.
j. ir, to.
mer is put, and by the morning's frost, we Ile will fill orders for SAWED STUFF with
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will 1 promptness and at !Mr rates.
shortly be upon no and we must provide our- N. IL Persons wanting LONG TIMBER or POP
selves with the ma teriel to keep us comfort- i LIR ''''' 11'n= faulted t. '".„aml,
j ," hi. stock.
able. A nice fall =it, or a good and well- , „,,20, 11. " — ' war '''''''''''''
made °moat are the very thing, and . we do
EY Eli A !CD EA R. --
net know.. of any place where .onr" readers J
would snit - themselves better than at SUM'S.
W. $. McGee k Co's clothing establishment, ; D. BAELZ
oornar,pf Federal street and Diamond figure, 1 p.. particularsttsatlon to the treatment of
Allegheny. They have also received a corn- ; CITRONIC DISEASES, the L'TT and EAR; tee
pletd 'inikortment of gentlemen's fareiehing j on CATARACT, SQUINT EYEd, for ARTIPICIAL
goods;tenda great variety of newpattents for ' Prrne I""t. &BMW/ LL ETEo. and tread a
walittionting, &e. i i - NFLA3I.I.I. , ATORY EYES ; also HARD REARING,
all diseases arketing the Tar end leafing to
Jun: RLCZIPLD /MD Radar roe Seta .— The ' Dearriers.
fine usertmcnitif Pall and Winter Clothing, I OM.. 100 IMM! STREET. my22Jlyis
lately neared - by Moms. John Wier A Co., •Ci'NELL ,:t STOISEMAIS,
.Marehmst Tailors, 1iti.146 Federal strut, Al
legheny: . The stock of:clothing consists of , BIANUFAOTUREBS OF WIRE-WORSI,
the finest variety: cf. gonta",pantalliorde, nee y. „
al r on-ti ' s'itid.iik 6 - 0,4 a, 0 AND
noata and ovencoabi,, The stile .of patte rn s, is , i'r,:sB7BEENNlrrup, cam. spas N ,A , e n
14tiral litnd testifenable: We Monier invite lands • RIDDLES, for Potwar/ neat. tisAltr
all of ilir:riiddiiiiiii , ei the itiOve gentlemen , wogi FOR WINISGWS, *Jo.; DIRD cOaa, ow
a eili - ' - • ."-, • - - ; NAMENTAL WIREWORK, for Moven, to.
-. •,. , ~. . . .
_,, Jon Its Tistealisn.. E. E".. Fairchild, 1 aer allainecl wIDE for Weiss
D..D., glistgoraeq, Prange, county. N. Y., .
*flick: 'lfni; B. A.. Alierielroria's Hair rdikti ` • 21° ' 16 " Ü BT B Mr"
Desteier 4& Votsiliiiiinbi 'hays been used • OEN TILA.L .U.4UU ISTOKE,
~,, , . , _
la"tty fainity' it& beettetel 0t0e4.; anal 1 ki
'Dike pleistiele eortitieildbig Diem to Bleb as 1 °hMt " 'F i dr ;r l • 66 "u" , AIf 4E4 "P.
bide - was lon" to - nsir star preparitions."
GEO. A. KELLY, Pro 1111 l or..
•-Seld by Druggisteeverywbere..! Depot, 198
fireerruich street, Ness Yerk;
Pile roe Soinnue.:--ThrOughout the In
dies and Grime= eampeigne, the only med
Wines whieh proved themselves ebbs to cure
the wont oases of Dysentery, Scurry and Fe
ver were Holloway'a ' PHU and Ointment.
Therefore let every Volunteer see that he ill ~ , TWO BECOITD.IIAND ENGINE&
supplied with them. Only 2.5 cents per pot • One 12 bob oxlindur;lkei stroke.
or .hoS. - 228 . One 7 Inch ...,,• 3 . ~
:Liar sit of Dorles-Ve s: new end My good,
Warcasi Jirosusr;-4C.--.Y. 11. Roberts,' .
‘ ,cii,,„p f or c iak . - . . ii. If. Staag,
No. iy Ftycli street, : is now opening the most ' ael:ntf , • near the Point.
choice shirk offinn Gold and Silver Yistahea, AN .
Joirelry; pier Were and Fancy Goods ever . • -Tutah_wi,„„-,..„ prepared to.s u mbh 0, 4 ,.
dlspleted In Oita Aty, not' is sallinirthem et 1 tains end owners of Steamboats wittO 811.11111 ZS •
reV0L 1 4 4 7. 16 .* y e i lo,l '• • . • • 0/WES. OW:kens and stroke We Will furnish ill
, ' b::., ',,,' - -, 4 -I c y, -., ' : •:• . - tb• =ebb:sn of a boat: end sinad le point of et.
-0 0 P, , -' 0 9., --"Illt -loaf 'wo..** -I k,- ,-• . . -team* te t ono. =l ire bolo, by 'our promptness la
Four aousa4 at dUllsn..., . " coming up to Ana, and the guilty, Cl our wort, ia
•Dentsfluetity.te t DeotaTlastiGtS. ' "how ilia I* 12 • 002 0 of our own d'ormou•
If. M. DODO,
Best ctit.m.X*atis!mbest cheap Dentistry, ~12 Dank of Alleshenv Dim%
iii . litublnoWirrinto =whine work. ......:::,,,,ts ....v If M...
Jowl thoro* 1404,10ti0n:14:3
larisos o. ask
streo‘litithorgta.l4 1w
atiarl . *Naito ot-tadtate Fscey run, ui
J, maim of Grant end Filth streets,
itriiiii(thioColat House:
OnSGSII3 anti carriage calls will be taken at ;
TRH N,: ~ . g-erri eat . r .
this Giantism. office, No. 41.0 Pena grads dal ' - ;
or night. All orders left at the above plias : BY TELEGBLPH.
will be promptly attended to. All calk matt • presentdifficn ty to be aPprehended Trete the . thallal tio
forM.llllos-nte. news
h Co e t a to tearne n is r ex li aitr al: I N i '
be paid in advance. • ,
1 01111 SPECIAL DISf'ATOHES. talked t of new government or Mexico, no such ;•., advanced. Rreadstuffs generally !teak!.
. government boring sr yet been established. The usual antbmities report Flour steady.
LaDm ears hare their cloak, made tOOl, -CT, .
arid warranted to fit and to give full satisfse-
• Ti. 1,11 I. ,m,rvertinteut e::: nut and eid no ; C•rn firm: Mixed 2.7k.2.i1. Prosisions quiet
d on, at the new store room rf A. 13aten, 21 FROM WASH -re-av if“ .-. era f . .
i .. );%. , ,, v . ~i,j , , , q t., the relati•di I.etwcrn lois govern- and s t eadv. Beef quiet. Park quiet. flacon ,
s•.eady. * Lard quiet. Tallow 4t e ade, ' , e r re .
Fifth ,tree t. ' mentond Joareen. No ; ,taint has been made , tenni quiet and steady.
.. .
' fo - rcognition by the government of Max).
.„ Loodon trier. 12rh.—Breadstuffs ,ready. .
ni ii.a i n . or. In., • lo `ii uf no : a 'it id,: a tc I eel 'ed "' a / 1 T 4 _ '6...,e,t-ja,a,,,firml,,i, Coffee
_ t fir .. lu o i tton Tit,
him. ','• 1' P°
le, to-day . will " re.a . ch 30,0e0 — bales:
Thi, morning'. raronick contains the tol• •
'Pio actioti ..f Coe I: ti , 1: ~ er i• inert in The market is ,relied, veer fictive and buoy-'
lowing double leaded editorial:
turning eat :klason and ...Tag the ram, , ant. with an adrai"ee or ,!ad, Bresdatnirs
•• We are in receipt of astonishing intelli-
... , ,, ,, , , , i „ h4,g
1 , -, t
sn,lee.. , nn, , , qu c ieLa , u r d s v t r t... J t .r d A y i . h. l . i f e h r ... i, was te .‘ ; 33..,3 4 . . b,1i„"
grace in regard to the removal of Gen. Rose.
mg salt our 6..reranwat. :41. tine , 0- 1, ac- that every English gentleman, whose real n
The whole country will be stirred at i kito,rted, it
to L e
Th,.., ,, , ,,, oliri t,i ng „.. 6.e .r a o ll it th i e 4
rho atop pata
hat we shat ) clu-onicle. It is armored that i
three - charges are made against this late pop- w iei ,,. si.,
_...,,,.. , " 1 4 ~ . taken bldeie • Government in seizing the rams.
ular eommander. The first charge is pre- :
,n.,..,k r . '" nt ' ' ' ,n l e ' tar ''' . ' The nortieng Herald considers the act as
signilicast, that Earl Russell has succumbed
ferreibby liens. Crittenden and McCook. to ' ''
5 . v e 0 , 111 , 1. , v .
„ i n: d 'r
} C „ ..!f; ..' , .i i
. 15 ,,,A
le i,
it., • t he giressure put upon him by the Federal
ernment. Two war vessels had been on
i g et.: 1 ti a d
the effect that Iloseerans left the battle field ;teal
during the crisis and fled to Chattanooga ) and , vent any attempted departure
pre .
: use of opium, is repeated tosnis'ht with;ereat herams.
reimrted to the offieers there that the day Wan
liemieteneV, but admitted that these sue not The' ~chttracter of tile speeches at the New
Jost. It was reported that subsequently., the
~„.,,,,, of- hi, removal, „,,,i 1 ,,, 1 ,„, ine ,,,, York Lanquet to the officers of the Russian
through opium. be became insensible. The , fleet, bpd invoked considerable comment in
determined on before they acre kno .' The '
second charge, it Is rumored, is made' by the I
• Government offieialt are re4senting tkt dig- ' ll l' i ' siita . tett in regard to the Mexican ques-
Government, In the effect shpt his orders were !
pit, , hen
.„,„. ~,,,, 1,, i,,,e, , ,,
, r . r on that the Emperor Napoleon has addressed'
to remain at Chattanooga until reinforcements •
twii„it . totitig,o. . • n onto letter to the Arch-Duke Maxi
• ,
should arrive. The third charge, tts it it ru- ; / Millinn T y approving of his reply to the
..., nix SOISTIIMMf S Mexic deputation. It is also stated that
tooled, is to the effect that he declined In
Governor Vales and See er r lVellots were the re e l„ of Maximillian inA .atria is retard
more from Murfreesboro, In June last, when •
also ..r Seeretary Chase's p.• to ins•peet the !lAas an aereptance of the t4s.ine of Mexico,
ordered to do so by the Government, aan Ale xandria rointentions. l'i ~,, and measures are being tak'on to enable the
opportunity was offered to fetish Bragg, a s /... Acct-Du4e to set out for Mork* in February
TM: onarir IN sloon OM I /irrirs. ...we' M. M arrh'nex t.
large portion of his (Bragg's) army having
ILoilt hei en thensand eas the treble of Poi-sem—The Paris correspondent of the
been withdrawn to succor Johnston, who was ' Loudon Time. believes that it is true that
Massachusetts tinder the late draft. The Inure
'',' it la most unfurtn- .s - Prince Clan oriaki has demanded of the French
her actnally oat in ranks is I ~ ,, r, 6 and English governments their recognition of
operating againsta e g h a a i r n g s e t s G a t! . n t t riz . ".
I mime Flint Ito. the Poles as belligerents, and that France
nate, as the name of Roseerans was a talisman
i Brent fraud, in the •uoolics furled to will not at present accede to the request.
of immense weight. I , " " What the reply of England will be is ali
bi& oeeupants and leanisters of t he con vales- knov ,
Affairs in len
The New York papers make the Teeping
Pod continuo without nay
ny I
c e nt ramp Lave recently been disrllver,l.
ancusation that during the battle of Chica• ; . . • o f , , .,.. ed 1 tun
Italy two r at i ons pi/ a o r s sirs' . uchan g e...
mange, Generals Iloseerans, Crittenden and 1 . o ...,
u'iy.i': eutn•e, °nee Med. we. resold, firobablT ' Tranquility wan restored in nearly every part'
McCook were asleep at Chattanooga. We ' It : tiii.
iintiotiono,o . ,
ol i i h n e n P n rr ii z u r :e ri a nf Litho tile, Vathignia, Pou
t putrid Mesh SPri"eni mitt d
learn semi-officially that in regard to General ,
good mint , cold. It is reported Cat o°6FRANcE.—The Paris telegrams says of Lien.
Crittenden this statement is false, and that , . . • . i s . : Yorrey's rehire to France, !het it will net 1.,
core high in authority lire implicate, e and an
nothing has warranted the circulation of such ky0.. ... , , , . _ • ,• plowed by any reduction of the French army
ti anon in ante going on.
&paragraph. The blame, it is Paid, Connected , . . ,
n , e., ,I. me.i-•
i rIninSGI - ninon Ann TM. litisiti . .
with the failure of Chicamnugn, will fall wholly : The Retreat' of Gen. Lee.
Thc New ,":ellool Presbyterian
n Synod,
upon Roaccrans. . , , ASITINGT6St, Oct...M.—Accounts from the
• PCS• 1011 ere, waited on the President in $ W. ,
In another editorial, apparently written be- &may of the Potomac received to-night say
body, to-day. In reply to their address, he that it has been ascertained that none of the
fore the al l ure, the Chronicle one n
said among other things, that be km,,. rebel Infantrliwcre engaged with Gen kit-
It with doubtless ho gun situated ~ katriek's cavalry , near ckland Millson
he wasn't n great man, and vt,iderell
that Genetail Rosecrans' almost absence lasi.A brigade rebel sharps om
it annorg. Mr wominr: of the 11,11.1 that he ej..l*nd".,,Y ttt and partin y deluded our ear
from the engagement was the pri &treason
was where Ire wag, but thought. perhaps, it i ilry into m'
the beliof that tlyol wereattricked by
for his being relieved of his co ii more .e,
' no, better co. -in/re 10/ r,-::4-4 ni, , n ~ jorl. and i nf. uitrY• . ,
especially as the General who tat A illthe brunt
,n.,,i,i,...,..„. General Ile s army, wit.h the exception of
of it has been appointed in his dad. We ' ' - Gen. Stewart cavalry, el-urged the
reason to know that his condo on that !
r i
Ilan n.-1, . II r Ti,, nett . ' Ind '' 1 '
ache L : ~0 , 1 4, . W ys e.):
Viiginia, have bet n fir inched froze the Cien.Sterrart fell back on allyiver on Monday,
not atripp a ingVA.7en .d too ; :t te h d ron i th .t w h h i i:b m, h n e
. neck tin Monday at RapAlhannork Station.
nr , 6al on , when news of the battle 11 reached
be e, was severely censured by thg military
~, , ,nrt.,,nt
.4 .
the m„,tioogolioio,
.1..‘ ,,,, L ,
~,, Ln „
jo l y
a nitml for m twenty-four Lours.
authorities, and was the• probate turning / r
the Department , f We-i Virg;nia, under Cen. The officers of Gen. Lee's - army stated that
point in the decision 'that has Leon reacher •
oral tidiv.
their rapid retreat was calmed by a destitution
but we hamard nothing in saying that prior to -
1., nil,
~,,, Of provisions.
that time the" had been grave ca se S)C " m " An order lis o heeu is•tied by the W The bridge over the Rapidan hod been
plaint against th e General:, If once he- ar De- carried away by the rise in tbe river, caused
.. .
pat tu t ent, requesting all ofscers in Washing- by the storm of Thursday night; and General
fore on the ere of being tomer , r his taii• t„,„.
~,, . . . _ Lee laid a pontoon, over which he crossed his
urn to 1110,0 to the aid of Gra t, make a het,.
;,, j. P .; e t r , ' a t ' i ' ii n . ::' , i ti ly mti o :: o ' g ,i 7 ,3 ' '1
1 '''
' . 'n
' "fc`i:°b,,t h i'a believed Hero the
I r 3 i : ° ;o . l73iderable
diversion in ,his haver by attac Bragg ,
i f
00e. INSPIO - TIOn.. rebel force nay north of the Rapidan, unless
and at another time was somew strongly , zi ,.. ;; ,, ,, , i , ciiii,,„.,;„iii.riii Barn, ~i i. i „,i,„,. It be portion- of Den. :quirt's cavalry, with
remonstrated with for his delayglin moving
,‘„i; demo the 1 , ,,,,.,,,,,,,
,bf , ,.„,,,,,u, ~
~.,, Ids artillery.
from Murfreesboro. tienerral Rtllleerans 1.1 i P. wan currently reported by rebel officers
in many things shown himself a kon4l o
•i,.,•1 the new ur,r6.s b •- lo' At...tem.:tie. that lien. Lee having driven G Meade to
.r. '
~, n
wards Wa.aliington, and destro en.
yed a portion of
and his superecdure, we believe, ha on slur
i,ri,„i3u,,i„ at 11;, , h,n,.n.1 I,n,n ~ ,, , , n
~,,, the Orange and Alexandria railroad. that
:. , : , t. r he s r
5 t , i , e ,, 7 , 1z I
. 11 ,.. ill'a be or
i,, iz
very reluctantly determined upon ; bu neglert
lied of tile money sent I, their relief by their
tii ' a l tel l y .w dle '
of orders from his superiors will
”"`" the l ' " friends , to the ainient of sixty thon.and do!' patched p
to the nen:nen:emu of General Bragg,
man for military command-" late The prom i.e dal hereafter mote y sent end thin report, strengthened by previews
The above are specimens of the stories • the
,h. ,,, ~, h,,n , ,, ,, pri, , ,i.t; s i ,h„„1,1 au! ,„.,..,,, runner thatth , nt 0 i t , :1 ,3 0 ,, 0f
es shout ! n u
Eastern pros. arc telling on the subject. On
any ei,lit. unie, official cur ne orn/ to el. 'tar t Tht t • r:C.7.l r. now " spa lases say Tl7tt e l.;•:e t ral be ga n .
the other band here is the close of an edit°. , .
feet 1.. given. set! !Lon e ith eitic:. , u. mill captured 10,0,1) o f oar troop,, an d a roil b a t
dal In bast night's New Tech KeeMeg re.. , „ e l, „.„,„„..,„ :. g i,,,,, •,..,„„, d e ,:,,,„, „I ~..,y, and large numbers of wagons during
•• The removal of Rogerrans Will fill many /
arming / e / n /I L• 7 7 lii. lett , campaign. It i• sufficient to remark,
.ti prise ••••••••,....n. Wit ..u..1 i 10111:
hearts with saltiness. Ile has, during the past t :t.i answer, that the otheial repurt• contradict
this statement.
year, gained a high plat , . in the esteem of our
The Warranton ha, not been .11. 1 .
whole people, who thought with pride of Gm t orbs,' by the °richly.
indomitable rreadution whieh 0,-n the gent Wu now hold the country E.L.t. I, f tie• Rap
battle of S patkanno
tone River, against such fearful
There are nu signs of a battle.
odds, end who hare the belief that•
L VIES in want of fashionable Dress Goods,
Cloaks or Shawl; should not fail to call at A.
Ea ICA . . 21 Fifth street.
-r. 'WA 1.1"76.32 13. A. Y
Ll:vik:o by tbo S. Gys,rtyilni;__
Id 3 111 - 111 ill* eatbatina.
renneyltmtla &dawn. west a the mountains, Last
crn Ohio nobilere s and 11 est Vtrftols, Soldhws, c
bore their Pensions, Bounty stet Deck Pay encored
nrethls efface.
Cirri:Oars will he seat glie lug full Infotmatlou to
lb. noldlers, or to deretatost Soldiers' }tetra, allowing
who ant entitled, to the renslott. &runty • and Back
Pas, and the manner securing the llama, by apply •
{nit to nee by letter or in person.
OW" No chem . . until eolleeted.
171 , 00 1 1:7 AT LAW AND CLAIM AGENT
NO 114 TF1.71.1 XTUENT, Prrrasman
Collections in Allegheny an , ' adjoining counties.
ProseMtl. SO LDIEIII4 CLAIMS, oterery
tines ; BOUNTIES for all di argeol Shidiers. PEN
SIONS, for wortbded ctn.-ors and Soldiery; BUCK.
TIES and PENSIONS for Widow., Parents, Orphan
Children, Brothers and Staten, or other legal rvpre.
mentally.. , of than whn have died In the onreice, or
hart, dirci atter discharge frnm diwato contracted in
CarNneltarrp until counter d, and no letter will be
ann•erad n otionp is intdowd. feliglyna
1111.1T.11ii CLAIMS, 111/lA . I'IES,
cl, A IMS of ecru dencription, mllerted by the Sol
.t th. pdidaing, rate., via: Pensions rip ;
all MIN, c laim.
• C. C. T.% Y LOB, Attorney at Law.
N., 71 Grant novel, Pittsburgh. Pa.
N. B. No rharrii aro 17111 , 10 if lb.. rlatn, diom not
ancceivi. nod rill information given irrstis. sofily
constantly 'ota had • large and dram/021y
setooned stock of. DECKING. BOAT AND BOTTOM
. .
CV - Physlolane protorlptions eareltilly omPound
ed. .1011:Wor
1.4 1 0 t i
- • g o mi. iiTials *oh 316111"*T. *
Impri erts***=l;
Ibo „I ° o " 111 4 vgri":o-"•, 1 Xl l 1
*P. 4rwrolo4o-17;• 141.7110.4
r • 01X-, ' UTLIE4
glaPlirx's vocrre aam soaLamE
•f , i:;!'‘ .- . ,, i!' - :'i:: - .* ,: '1:';i•: - ::: , 1', - ;;I.: 7- ;'.i-Z - ,•• , :',.:•:' - .. , :-, i - ,',, ,- i.,, k ,' ;.: ',, t , , ,:is ; . , :: , ‘
i 5 a matt of pure patriotism, sal n •olaier, and
rsti,L,A,politicien. Certainly it would
ahaanießEti thing if thpauPen removal of sub
an officer did not bring ipting to the public
heart. No doubt the Government Is folly jus
tified in withdrawing him from his command:
cod the appointment of Grant and Thorns.,
anexceptiennble. Thi presumption is that
sufficient reasons make the change necessary.
But we shall not he guilty of the ineanne•s
of charging the victor of Stone River with
lying asleep within sound of the enemy's can
non and surrounded by a dying army.
"Our WaeLington . correspondent writes
that the health of General Tioseerans has failed
of late. We know that before the last great
battle he was quite ill, and we have heard that
he had for statue months pest become subject
to a disabling mental disease, which must ha. e
affected hie efficiency in the field. Whether
these or come other eireumstanees caused his
removal, we are satisfied that the good of the
service demanded it, and that is enough. But
it it not necessary to commit the meanness of
eircolat ing disgraceful stories, about a retired
General. He we notice the Teo,oec, with dis
creditable haste, is doing."
The Chronicle hqe the following concerning
Meade's army : "Thus forth., rebels hare made
no stand of consequence, and in all probability
will not. The retrogade movement of Lee line
been attributed to several cantos, but we are
inclined to believe the chief reason of his pre
cipitate flight is his concern for the result.
Our cavalry find no enemy in possession of
important gaps, and it is oar impression that .
Lee is making haste to his intranahments."
To ilis statement of the rhronirle, it may 1 Southern Yew{.
of 0, toher 20th, ,o,it, , that a die
be added, that our army had yesterday prose- 1 FORTRSSA licence . Oct. 2 2.-- 2 T he It ochruond
coated its pursuit as far as to the South aide of 1 E"?.'" ,,
October 20, says Gen. Stun. t . yosterdn ' op-
patch from Gen. Leo to Gen t ooper dated
the Rsippithannock, having pnased through 1
Warrenton as long ago as last Tuesday. Of I posed, at Briekland, the ndrenne of Gon Y . NM-
I a u tt r k e e d d u h n is
til fli t s,onk sanrd oa nod c rd ebn GainervilllT he enemy was
. z.
course the foolish stories of the Intense exclte- ' i patrick's division of earalr while Fitz Lee
went here of the probable invasion of 31ary-
az' e lf"ntrY surr'r4
land or Pennsylvania, of a battle being immi-
1 It lisymarket
wont in front of Washington, of the danger to 1 The Crammer also contains the following
the capitol, 'skid the like, aro absurd, and the . items: Dr. W. P. Rocky mode his escape from
over the
situation , %he e. P in itt_sylvsnia Jail, last Sunday night, and
present bore an aspect rather ridiculous, than I cs,,,X„„, Oct. 20.-. The Yankees are bard
otherwise, j at. work constructing a battery cast of Gregg,
It is believed that bate single eo epi of the I facing d the sea A large number of tents have
rebel army,
A. it.. Hill's,
wee the
whole force;
rossaplieees.ret p
fro i :n Mortis Island. Our
brisk Sire upon the lankees,
In front of Meade'. army, and it was this in 3-1 who applar in much I.rger force than lanai, 1
Posing force that sent the army of the Poto- 1 at Gregg and Wagner.
man flying back to the Intronehments oil General D. H. 1101 has been reliered of his Markets by Telegraph.
, command. Dreektnridge takes the command ' N.., Toss . Oet. V.-Conan dull at SNISMO ter
Washington. Some inch feeling is existed of his came, ' Middling rplends. Flom- market opened dull, but
filthy. War Department after Chickamauga to f n oeed . ratb:l i t x , to u re stead /, a moderate demand:
Reported Capture of a Train on the arc
said to be now smouldering there concerning 1 Nashville Railroad... The Attack on IK.I t r • State, ' and 4,7066. 9 0 for common to
tbeirecontknovements in Virginia. 'I IVoltord's Rear. I brands B. ILO. Whicky a elude firmer .t. 6154e,n*„
When , opened'nq'T duK end boar/ , but witiz - the ai.
Vera Or onto ILIGIIIISTS. tomer:l4,r,, Oct. 22.-Preralent rumens soy 111.1100 is gold • fair demand sprung op, and a fair
ca,k„ go sp r ing. 11,27(3151,31 for Milwaukee Club,
that a Lebanon train Lad been ea lured to- b Woo as trausactedat about 1 cent of decline;
The following Is the role of the lib Ohio ' 1
day, but the best information procurable Bays aT , lnarl:e ' t eased Wet And Arm at 11,4'' ' Sl,3_01.
Vhflandlg - i t:a y t , the train put back safely to Lebanon,
six Ot i tio :1/rough, l but does not give the reason for its return. trites il ie ls f :;!t m ei t rAtl segef3fleierh7 an t&
t h e-Lim o s: e t
n i
ty fo . r .i ld s. ro . n i th , t
h fo e r t s y th -
Vallandigham in the , 1 opened isui rn titheizey. but clusedqulet and rather g l/1014
one hundred and ninety ; Vaandigham, one.. The Knoxville
, J . eoroof nays that the rebels
i n lfo r . ti nd ye c s . t p e t r ur da o y d ,
his tieyLo t d .
, s s teady . ... d =r3ned rz y a a n t d
s h l e , ln io ryi, or b% ip cl7:l ,
Most of the votes formore
wore given by two companies from . tory of mountain bewitiers, and a portion of
Fourth ' i l l 'innd: t lint;ln nanit or Ig Osta Oncir
i iizli end closed
Marlon county , where exists organizations of , his wagon train . Ckn ; / °B° ''.! b ' b q' t / 1:1 9- IV° i elintrasSl3#4,lerOld Me:,Strire l Y gli t al;
' took about the same :number of prisoners, and I for New Mesa, 11,7 12 for New Primeostut lkit
the Golden Circle.
; drove the enemy back beyond Philadelpbia 1 lklinfOr New Primo Within a finildtqii past
11 to-day. Whether this by a raid or movement
TRANSITS or GINO SOLDLlTS.thelknrernmeut has purchased 10,000 barren.. marl/
Wetmore, the Ohio Statsagent, has obtained .In force,Burnsido Is prepared for them. 'We 1 4 a r i'n' r e ' s en ti t l i lle ;13 'ld e 4 e ., it rig r . .:7, a q,, t .
still bold all our pound in the northeast part . 1 7i at!ltigtily z e-latter au outside price. , •
from the Surgeon General, approved by the War;{
PRuAnstrillA, OR, —Fleur declining; it;,'ol)
Department, an order for the transfer of all , Loyal Tetinesseeans hre flocking to Barn- for Sup. 'Wheat dull , salecrof 6,000 et 51,444
Ohio true ps In the Ohio hospital s ipro, belong-I . sides' standard.fatter than they can he armed. 81,60 demand . Be, and 2,000 ;Lt.
of the State.
$2 for Kentucky White.
tug to regiments now in the West and Sna4l.l; The greatest activity prevails , in military . Corn dull 6 91tc. Petiolsnmt Crud... 224,33; Refined,
ZASS2, fildsky &alas 61(:;62c.,
weal to the United-States tiononti Hospital in ,clfee,•' ' New 1:ork Stock and Money Market,
Ohio. , - The Damage to the - Steamer Africa. 2.,...„ Tons , act . „. x e ., ii sh tie .
For= a?scates. Sr. Joltiri, Oct 22.-4 The ..kfrit• le not near RUST a Rdr hsines IL
- at e4s7 per . cenz " . '' pnisitu e re r;
- ; t yin tindi dub.. . ' -
Th. .4 r esslons 0, s pithy from Otte AO, ___y _ glid m was at first Supposed. on elii-Chkili s "L slatter rue. Gold very ito
south i mar i cui repu bli cs are very _, or m i l i j
_ . llle hole . totWard' haat been closed up. Site' ia,,...,ai1 d iilo!du.TiriPllatila , .iWillehigtol 2 ,3i, and
takes inkier deal to day{ arid will p roceed to
end they regard ,thl tasted S ti ktPi i" th , Ves—er gg dt ; r i, •P , - ' 6 °"-ullente 4 "ksfirmer — r , 5. Ws, 'al, coopetie,
. r . ON Mr ay * , looMitltk T.101;1013(adOrt / 5. ,
s wain sad proteetorot Centro/ AStesioli, , ---""---'---- -- ' : wets bettor_ Po!. est,acti , e
par ,
&early. - AU the - diflintties betweenthat 1 Thif_Alesan a r ia 'and thsbge Raultagi• C. aR. 1 . ...: -.'
-' 1 MAT - - IClii
a ,_,
~., , . Cleve.& Total, II 61 . 6 mj
.„:„.„,„,„,,,..d,,,,,1we1ien ant i c ito, „ t 1
o , l 74Str ix p i t d tisr le o 6 4 .b 22 l4 'tl i t a Ls iithi esl i eniate nd 4, the ,if t , p z :T U t. r w ,D . 1 C.. 0.:
............. i ncuea nce 5 ie c.. . 4... .0... . :,. .: . -... .14
tied.. Theo rily itiOklitiriPPl.. l4l °""" in ° ' . ltiditoitd - T,r . the reties, ' will'beivp tied in t;n A- 4T • /I ..... ----- 65 1 31. & e- t , "” ,----.2425 '
G. 4 51y....:.c.......,...11s li. -1". c 1 k 1.,
dal ones betwiiiktlik agetal'i.(llo - esitra r a A y s . - •
From rliansas—Price Superseded b 3
Holrues--Mullu3 in the Rebel Arn3....
1 . 11/011 Peeling in Northern Texas.
21.--V44 M44:1p1.1• .14.y,.t 14:4A
1t4.41, nowt to till 11th. All 14 qukt
tin the Ktrby :11i14 . 0 ~11.1•4
re arrhy at .lri.atlc Ipliir, tsdbnd:rag ioe
force. .lemoralire.l. relieved him from com
mand, ens placed (Mn. Notate. in hie etead.
The office!, and men harbored ill-feeltng. and
hatred towarda lit-We, ever !imnoe the battle
of 11! len, In ~n,1,41.1e1.1.-1, of the platting, of
Ilulmem over Price it produced immediate mu.
tiny. !loth the offirera and own illirore they
wottldn•t submit to the elutings. The roads
!outline to the ramp are crowded with 'older,
and elle«, In •ronfil-ion. p.
In., art.! the Thurerlay morning following from
five to seven tbounand bate deaerted. The
whole corn hilted foreee of the truna-Al tables - I'pp!
Levert:tient tm e•timatel at 20,000 melt.
Owing to the theaffeetion on the part of the
moo, and to prevent deeerting. the army has
moved further mouth. The Ifcmmiseury and
quartermaster's store, hut, been moved to
Waco, on the Rio Brinetoo.
t;eticral Stuith'm Heatlquart,r, are at Mar
Shelby bail crossed the Arkansas river in
the direction of Missouri, to look after a
number of Missourians which had deserted.
Ile hail Roo well mounted men. Colonel Cloud
pursued him.
Sinee the defeat of the Confederates at lin
tero a better feeling esisted between Price • - -
end Holmes. On Holmes !err -reeding Prier. The 'Naval Court of Inquiry.
the snitrinsity increased. end( resulted in
Nair DEPARTNIP.NT, Troshitopon, Oct. 21.
challenge Co light a duel. The difficulty was sir You will be pleased to learn that the
settled Icy the friends of the two officers, and Conn of Inquiry, before which you recently
they ere the ben of friend- again. This cc • appeared at New York. have reported that, in
corrence had n gond effect upon Mimes' com- . tfieir opinion, there is no necessity or propri
In lid.
et y of further proceedings in the case.
A strong I•nion fooling began to manifest ' I am, respectfully,yt2ur obedient servant,
itself in Northern Tosno libimt the time the (linens WEI,I.St, Secretary of the Nary.
"ewe was received of the surrender of Vick, r„ upner A. C. S. Natty,
burg and Port Hudson. A secret organise ;Peer lorA.
lien was formed, arida number of. men hold
ing situations under the Confederate Govern- Promoted.
Wont ore becoming active members.! Ws...sun:Gros, Oct. 22.—C01. Fairchild, of
At the August election, Morgan win the dhe 2d Wisconsin volunteers, has been promo—
Union cendidate in the First Congressional "'led by the President, to rank as Brigadier
District, comprising nineteen Northern coup • General, for meritorious conduct at the battle
too of the State. of Gettysburg, where ha lost an arm. lie
- - however, resign his commission, having ac
cepted the nomination of the Union ticket of
Wisconsin as Secretary of State.
.Reported Raid on Chamberstntrg.
New Your, Oct. 22.—The New YorkiDaily
New published an extra this evening, giving
a statement of another rebel raid upon Chem
bersburg, Pa., by the rebels. Inquiries .by
telegraph prove the statement to be a very
extensive canard.
Fight with Rebel Caraha—Provisional
Government for Mississippi.
Cni,Ano. (Jet. 22.—A Cairo special rays that
a skinni.h took plat, on the 13th, un the big
B(414. to mile, below Vicksburg. with Adam's
rebel cavalry, numbering 200, ow lee, woo
ono killed: the rebels lost fifteen in killed
and rounded. The rebels wore driven beyond
Port Gihson.
A Vicksburg letter, of the 13th. says.that
we 141.11, in all prohabitity, hare a Provisional
tiovernturnt in Itlisriissirri in two or three
1301. Marklank; of Kentucky, in spoken of.
alonoat likoly to 611 the Gubernatorial Chair.
Funeral of Gen. Lytle.
I ' iNCI , NATI, Oct. 23.—The funeral of Gen.
Win. 11. Lytle, who Wilt killed at the battle
of Cnickamegua, took place this afternoon.
After the servioes in Christ's church, the pro
cession. consisting of several regiments of the
State militia and rolautecro, a battery of ar
tillery, the oflieers of the carious courts, the
city councils,and a long line of citizens in car
riage., morel through the streets. Flags at
half-mast were displayed throughout the city,
and many tokens of respect to the memory
of the de-eased worn chosen along the line of
:an rch.
Salo of Government Bonds
rIIILADELPELIA, Oat. 22.—The taloa of gov
ernment bonds to-day amounted to $1,768,-
750. Tho bonds tredo dolicorod on payment
of. the money.
Sale of a Prize Steamer.
Bosiox ' Oct, ...—The steamer Oronatadt,
captured by tho gunboat Rhode lalandewaa
told to-day for $41,000.
Pomp. of filderaary habits. %Totalled "-1 L irealf
tk,i, I.tituds, polpluftloll of %ha
potion, dilar.4% alto!' eialui, iorpld Ito, toarfiya
tionf, Se., &ape.a t. softy lf %bay n. 0.1 0.4 try floa
Which ars uu.r recommended by the highost
authwWu, and a arranied t,. prislooe an teomedasto
ben•Ecial eff,t. They are exceedingly agreeable
perf.•tly pure. and must fillporeede al: other ton/
'she, et healthy, gentle stituttl.t reqedred
They purify, strengthen and inrigarste.
They create a healthy appetite.
They aro an antidote to change of water and drat.
They overeat. 819.1. dtaalpatiou and into hmara.
They etrengt hen the system and CIIIITCLI the mind.
They present miaatnitic and intermittent Wren.
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They mre Dyarpepaia and Coastipation.
They cure diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera 3.lorbna
They care Liver Complaint and 1 3 7111,30.3 fieliarhe.
They mako the tweak strong, the languLl
and aN•ethauated natun,'s great rerlanar. They ara
canlysted at' tht rebbrated Callsaya b&rk. winter•
anardraa, mots and herbs, all yr..3rend to
perfectly pare St. (.70;a lim,. ror partlenlars. sow
circulars and teatlmanLAt.troned each battle.
Dowers of impsters. Ekamino every bottle. Site
That It has D. S. Dames' signature an our p ;rata D.
S. Stamp over the ~ark, with plantation sortie, and
One firm signature on a dale steel prate engraving an
stile label. See tint our bottle Is trot refilled with
spurious and delnterlots stuff. We defy any person
to ruetch the taste or character of our yw.ln. Ar t y
person pretending to sell Plantation Dittoes by Ile
gallon or in bulk, Is an Imposter. We sell only la
our log cabin bottle. Any person intitatiog this
bottle, ontelllng any otharmatatlal therein, whether
coiled Plantation Bitters or not, is a cricobtal wilder
the U. S. Lave. and will ire so prusecutod by an. D'a
slready have our eye uu two parties re-filling our
irnttiot, •11.. vill*nee...A 10 g^ttin; therusehle
Into sloes ptmrters. • The , ria'riscril for Drake's Plan.
Dation Bitten, from ladles, clergyailon, merchants,
be, Is perfectty incredible. The aidtple trial of a
bottle Is the we promat their worth and
superiority. They are mold by all respectable drug
gist., unx.ra, physicians, hotels, steamboats and
conntry storm.
TERR, for uL• wholftaln and mmil, by
Coil:tor Satiihfkild and Fourth ghetto
E. dlt OLL.IIA-Iti, G..,aany,
(A.-meg-Iv Mallet ,f• , 71,
Th. only Vinegar awnrilell with a Prix. 31edat,
rixt7 ...thibitora at ilia Int.rnalional Exhibition
I..ntpion. .or rale by
Wu'r .7¢
Dr. Lndlrun's Specific
1. Ilse only r:1n1,1. rton-.4ty •,r thc.tozons
rnerati.n It It the di..ovtq of Mt PIIIIO.I
Pbye!ciao who , . Ilhe ty. do-ted to the tr.:a/mem of
eiti.l with tiLpri.r.,ll,tril ut, ftrt usor• asen iwent. years. It Is In
itsolf, ruyntring ou tnjwctlonl, and tiffforiag evtitely
from silo suistaLou pail:, and the flume... wont
eotop.ttnds offieregl In ih. polir P. II ril“...ty
vevtable t , rfoctly nut. It .t ,haritt
end Impart., strength uvl r gq 160 div aced
OA t - TION —The great sue , a• this schhisly
ArIIGg partsittutait cur. ha, it. La,:
17 uhrinelplnd Ten. that the
inventor, of the proprietor le ehlb hex. Non.
Is cotkol, rrtparol I,ly by
Cinclnvatt. a
!VA by all Drogglete Price, SI per b.
ear ror *ale ot orboleuld Ig 11. A. ['3. [INF:STOCK
Th. Undersigned would ,rapettfully atk attention
to the preparation known in
Fur all Y ' hrnat liad Lung C4raphirtta.
The great Neuralgic, Rheomatic, Ilcad•ache, Toptla•
ache, Lon of Sloe?, and General Nerroua Ranaudy.
Moo for the Palna:to Monthly Monetruatton. a per
fect mltot
The most perfect form of Cattmvie ever given to the
potilo, which never require more that two and sel
dom hot one fora dose., net without the lesat griping,
and row. Indigrertion, Dyypepria, Edlausnem, Mer
Complaints, Worms, nod all 'derangement. of
etomeela or bowel.
The above praparatioas, of malt unbounded cert. :
tenon in Now England, have the confidence of, 41d ,
are need by, great numbers of Physicians, audit
prima within reach of all, are worthy the attention
of invalids, who will find them • strict matformity tp
natant In medicine. Without resorting tothacous
toon method of columns of advarttelng, I ',amulet ask
eeatidsece to teat them, which will be sacred.
JOHN: L. ILLY-NEWELL, Proprietor,
Practical Chemist, Boston, URIC
For ,dwby en wholesale and retell dealers.
The greatest 'freedom bf correspondmico solicited.
Dealers of good-referaticea supplied on commission.
Fpr tile in Pittatrargts at ratan bi J.. 114 Flattop.,
Q. U. Kayser, M. D., Joseph Fleming ; illeghhOT
22 1, by Drcrwm, 31. D., W. J. ?loam and Gco: A.
belfkimsedawF Wholesale Agnntx, Pitutbargt.
E .PtrixdiTiFcTilirsumpTroN
-The undersigned baring boon restored to health to
a few weeks by a sap simple remedy, Oar hallos
suffered ..versa years with a severe irmg alfsethan,
and that dread disease., Consumption—is enzions
maks known to his fallow attliorers the means of cum.
To all who &etre it, be will send a copy of the
prescription need, (11,4 of ehargo,) with the Oho r -
tient far preparing and whir the same, which the:
will !hid a wow ewe tor OONISCSIPTION, ASTltgk,
imoxcums, comas, COLDS dc. The bn`ly
object of the advertiser in sending the prescription
le to Denali the &Misted, mad . spread baf t ormalion
which be conceives to be invaluable ; and. Ns .hopes
every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will twee
thorn nothing, and may prose • blaming.
Part its wishing. the - prescription will plesni Warms
Willianisborgb, county, NeekTork.
Liz: -THE CONFBSSioNs Alm ha
for tha benefit and ea • seaming and csatidnrOyouritt
men atho mffer from Nerrans Drerazhhe
Decay Of Manhood, 01 , ...,411pp1ying, at the cm* diem
Osi'Manalof Wear,. By ono who tuu cored himself
'Amer 1 , 411,4r:A to great eXpetio. Illuiy.tbiTidit
1364(cein1imbn.5p . a44.4.17.,
' By enclosing • posr f isld addressed ensalopt,etngle
copies my be had oftba author,
ave. d, unno.r.
ROBINSO:, REA dc CO.;.(tuc
moon to•Moinua., thst4 Unazni,),
TOY vongft, raniviam 1 Iticrours,lltiatirjW.
Nautitartwers `at agit A:tb - 13Ti711*14
errs - 3f ts - ='o;' - raair',.t.Faisti,,'_Nam,
mAcrinma—rakma...trtanft. - tin=
,V 64, of an dliciPtteqt; _OM TIMM * - MUM
mtrilat. AND 1, • ,XISOSAVORICo t zigas
. 151004,
12/ toolfl4 SO • : • 4-441.•
Jrnir4T. ,sl l 400T1*01"
P. R. DRAKE 1 Co
, 1863
ff LriPl