filittnnit (gazette. AY .... . 23, IBtw CITY AND SUBURBAN: °Metal Paper of the City. MiIISPECIAL NUI'ICE, TO THE CITIZENS OF PITTSBURGH AND VICINITY. Th. Undersigned would ,rapettfully atk attention to the preparation known in 111: NN EWELL'S UNIVEMAL COI M REMEDY. Fur all Y ' hrnat liad Lung C4raphirtta. /11:NNEWELL'S TOM: ANODYNE, The great Neuralgic, Rheomatic, Ilcad•ache, Toptla• ache, Lon of Sloe?, and General Nerroua Ranaudy. Moo for the Palna:to Monthly Monetruatton. a per fect mltot MEL - NEWELL'S ECLECTIC PILLS, The most perfect form of Cattmvie ever given to the potilo, which never require more that two and sel dom hot one fora dose., net without the lesat griping, and row. Indigrertion, Dyypepria, Edlausnem, Mer Complaints, Worms, nod all 'derangement. of etomeela or bowel. The above praparatioas, of malt unbounded cert. : tenon in Now England, have the confidence of, 41d , are need by, great numbers of Physicians, audit prima within reach of all, are worthy the attention of invalids, who will find them • strict matformity tp natant In medicine. Without resorting tothacous toon method of columns of advarttelng, I ',amulet ask eeatidsece to teat them, which will be sacred. JOHN: L. ILLY-NEWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist, Boston, URIC For ,dwby en wholesale and retell dealers. The greatest 'freedom bf correspondmico solicited. Dealers of good-referaticea supplied on commission. Fpr tile in Pittatrargts at ratan bi J.. 114 Flattop., Q. U. Kayser, M. D., Joseph Fleming ; illeghhOT 22 1, by Drcrwm, 31. D., W. J. ?loam and Gco: A. B. A. FAIMESTA.ICK belfkimsedawF Wholesale Agnntx, Pitutbargt. E .PtrixdiTiFcTilirsumpTroN I= CARD-TO .CORSCMPTIVES. -The undersigned baring boon restored to health to a few weeks by a sap simple remedy, Oar hallos suffered ..versa years with a severe irmg alfsethan, and that dread disease., Consumption—is enzions maks known to his fallow attliorers the means of cum. To all who &etre it, be will send a copy of the prescription need, (11,4 of ehargo,) with the Oho r - tient far preparing and whir the same, which the: will !hid a wow ewe tor OONISCSIPTION, ASTltgk, imoxcums, comas, COLDS dc. The bn`ly object of the advertiser in sending the prescription le to Denali the &Misted, mad . spread baf t ormalion which be conceives to be invaluable ; and. Ns .hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will twee thorn nothing, and may prose • blaming. Part its wishing. the - prescription will plesni Warms EDWARD A. WILSON, • Willianisborgb, county, NeekTork. sen.amdewF Liz: -THE CONFBSSioNs Alm ha - YFRITICCE OF. 4b7 INVALID, -Mlbli4l for tha benefit and ea • seaming and csatidnrOyouritt men atho mffer from Nerrans Drerazhhe Decay Of Manhood, 01 , ...,411pp1ying, at the cm* diem Osi'Manalof Wear,. By ono who tuu cored himself 'Amer 1 , 411,4r:A to great eXpetio. Illuiy.tbiTidit 1364(cein1imbn.5p . a44.4.17., ' By enclosing • posr f isld addressed ensalopt,etngle copies my be had oftba author, MERtiER ave. d, unno.r. ROBINSO:, REA dc CO.;.(tuc u.,y moon to•Moinua., thst4 Unazni,), TOY vongft, raniviam 1 Iticrours,lltiatirjW. Nautitartwers `at agit A:tb - 13Ti711*14 errs - 3f ts - ='o;' - raair',.t.Faisti,,'_Nam, mAcrinma—rakma...trtanft. - tin= ,V 64, of an dliciPtteqt; _OM TIMM * - MUM mtrilat. AND 1, • ,XISOSAVORICo t zigas A' ti Sot ARD3PATEF2I . 151004, 12/ toolfl4 SO • : • 4-441.• M' I I RAWSO 3III gIi Jrnir4T. ,sl l 400T1*01" MIMI =mm II P. R. DRAKE 1 Co MESE , 1863 ff LriPl 1113 ■