The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 22, 1863, Image 4

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    pittsturgit Mt--
7 . IWRSDA,I" MORNWO:::-...00T. 22, 1863
Tito Third Presbyterian Church De
stroyed by Fire.
At half past ten o'clock, Wednesday fore
noon, the old ' , Third church bell" sounded
forth the alarm of fire. As this bell never de
*aired the firemen by false alarms, they
hastened et one, to the rescue. It was dis
covered that the old four story brick building,
for many years occupied-by tht defunct Com
mute-via/ Journal, and since then need for a
variety of purposes, was in flames; and, being
in close proximity to the chtunli, greatly en
dangered that venerable edifice. The. church
roof - caught fire in several places, and soon wu
enveloped in a sheet of flame. • The spire
also caught - , and burned with great rapidity.
It was now apparent that the- building !could
not be eared. In the meantime, hundreds •of
persons line 'busily engaged in marlin out
do, furniture—carpets, mats, cushionsilMOks,'
eta. The fire raged with great fur, and pres
ently the roof fell in with a terrible crash,
scattering the cnrloga ciiiw - draf spectators in
every direction - , and lending hp Immense vol
umes of thick, bbscliamalte.- Thepeople , were
frightened at the fall, lest-the steeple also
might give way and tumble into the street.
The burning of the tall and graceful spire pter
'anted a beautiful sight, whieh was witnessed
by thousands of persons in the upper wards' of
the city. It continued to barn- forperlreps
half an hour, and before it fell the cell:rams
and timbers which supported it mild be dis
tinctly seen, resembling so many pillars of
fire. Finally it toppled end fell inwards upon
the building, to the great relief of those who
occupied, the dwellings on the opposite ride of
the areal
The building in which the firAiriginated
was owned by Mrs. Rlddle, - and was' Mainly
occupied by Messrs. Glenn, Boyd, Morrow
ani Johnston, patent roofers.- Their kiss in
material, etc., will not exceed $l,OOO. Mr.
Oliver Chester, stair builder, occupied the
second .wry, but as most of his stock was re
moved, his loss will not be very heavy. We
did not learn whether Mrs. Riddle had any
Insurance on the building or not. It was
completely gutted, the walls Only remaining.
The fire caught in the rooting establishment,
but how it originated is not exactly known.
As the " Third Presbyterian Chathh " is one
of the oldest religious societies in the city, a
brier sketeb of its organisation may not be
out of place in this oonuection. The congre
gation was organised on the 19th of Match,
1833, and consisted of shirt? six snepUrs.
In June, of the same year,Rev. D. 11. Rid
dle, D. D., received a call to become their pas
tor, which he accepted, and on the 1501 of
January, 1834, he-was duty - installed. In
August, of the same year, the church-edifice
was completad and dedicated to the service of
God. The society, under the labors of their
worthy pastor, increased froin the small
number above mentioned into a large
and flourishing. congregation. On the 19th
of March, 1857, after a service of twenty
three years, Dr. Riddle, at his own re
quest, was released from his charge, to take
the pastoral care of the Reformed Dutch
Church in Jersey City. He was succeeded in
January, 1858, by Rev. Henry-Kendall, of
East Bloomfield, New York, who was duly
Installed in July of that year. Mr. Kendall
resigned in 1881, to accept the position of
tiocretary to the Board of Home Missions, In
the city of New York. The present pastor,
Rel.. Herrick Johnston, took charge of the
congregation in November, 1882.
The edifice is oLtmpletely destroyed nothing
but the naked walla remaining. It was in
sured for $20,000, In the following offices:
$5,000 in the "Western," $5,00J in the "North
American," $5,000 in the nAllegheny," and
$5,000 in the '•Franklin." There was a very
fine organ in the gallery of the church, which
was of course destroyed. On this the Trustees
have an insurance of $1,200 in the ••Western."
The congregation is large, embracing many
wealthy and influential members, and we pre
sume a new. Luilding will be erected in duo
We regret to leant that Mr. Johnston, the
pastor, whore study was in the bail!, of the
steeple, loot the greater portion of a very valu
able library. Ile was In his study when the
lire broke oat, and remaineik there until it was
no longer safe for him to dojo.
A Prize Fight Foiled
• On Monday morning last, quite a large
number of the sporting fraternity proceeded to
a particular spot in " My Maryland," to wit
ness a fietic encounter which was to take place
between Charley Lynch, a well-known English
prize fighter, and another "pug," better
known as the " Dublin Youth." The ground
selected far the purpose was the same on which ;
MoCeol and Coburn fought, some time back.
The formers in that neighborhood, on seeing
the populace coming, and being perhaps under •
the impression they were some of the "John- '
ny Bobs" after plunder, immediately armed
themselves, and were drawn up in line to no- I
oeive the &tie gentlemen, who, non pronely- I
8010 Latcrst,—Yesterday, a man calling
lag the reception that was awaiting them, ! himself S. E. Anderson, alias Mason, allaa
skedadeled In all directions, but the two pugil-
Morgan, dressed In the uniform of an officer
late and a number of the principal mon were
o p f .r the , Cnited States army, hired from John
arrested. However, they succeeded in oh- I ,
uts an employee in the livery stable of
taming money enough to pay ill fines, and ; John Mackeown, of thin city, a buggy and two
were consequently sot free. Ano ther Voce I.'horses.' This was about ten o'clock in the
will nodoubt be selected as soon as poirsible,
and before one o'clock in the after
when they may punch each other's Bads
noon he_had sold one of the horses to Mr. Gia
their hearts' content, and thereby prove whieb -
tans, the other to a Mr. Moore, government
one is entitled to bear the palm of ehamplon- I
co yo n u t n ractor . , and the harness and ' buggy to Mr.
ship of light weights in America, which hon
orable position they are each anxiously stile- I be ba lo n n o l t be Ln en nii i l ni ate r i l a i . a • At last
lug for.
the Gazette, by Wiesen.
ittional Bank Sato Re
in at present
• •a, October 21, Mgt.
iVirginfo—lntortor ..-
South Caron. i Atur. P. Wrrera, of Williamsport, Lyeota
Alabicron - log county, while !wafering from typhoid
Lonisfanu- fever, oseaped from him room unobeerrett, and
drowned himielf in the canal. Ilia body was
Tennomo ........... found in half an hour after he left the house.
Ohio Dor
Indiana, fns '
Bk. of Stott. yar
Bank Note
Corrected especially fo
Feld k Lace, of the .‘
porter. aides uncertzt
Sow 'England States.. Xi
Item Year State..... _.
New York Clty. - -
. par 1
• p.r
Pittsburgh. par
Bk. of Pittsburgh, pr. 47
Bk. of Beaver Co., pr. 47
Bk. of Payette Co., pr. 30 ,
Monongahela B.k,
Brownsville pr. SO,
Pa. Country Banks...
Illinois ....
Michigan. _
Maryland, Baltimore par
Interior.— 2,
Virginia—Wheeling I
Wheeling Bra:tabs.,. 1.14
Exataxot—golling •
tielphia to et. over Len
goat Id, baying rat •
bankable [and.
on Nov Turk am! Phlla
bhp ftmdc
47, and Silver al 37 ow
The Dbad at Gettysburg.
David Wills, State Agent, gives notice that
the arrangements are nearly completed for the
ffinsovel of .ho remains of the Colon soldiers
1117etterwi over the Gettysburg battle geld to
the borlikground, which is being prepared by
the several States interested, for their recep
tion ant} proper burial. All the dead will be
Slainterreilland the remains placed In coffins
and burled and the graves of those marked
or known will be carefully and permanently
remarked n this Soldier.' Cemetery. If it Is
the intend n of the friends of any deceased
soldier to ke his remains home for burial,
they will confer a favor by Immediately milk
ing known that intentlbn. After the bodies ' Halinfaetnner• and dealers in alt th. diffarent Ictrida
If i
are removed to the oemetery, It will be very
deeirabbi not to disarrange the order of the ti e ; f ie n a g " ,.. 1.... 0. n. r .i .t h .g rmi ti l l y . b r r it .""2„:" n ill . .."
graves by any removals. . give 1.11 i ..n. MILIIIIIIZtOrr i Tempatanostilic
. W11.1 , 4/04111, 01Kill alley and Liberty fit„ PittabNilt.
T. J. HALL,_
. Robbing a Church Safe. ..
On Tuesday night some persons entered St
i'eter's Catholic Church, Medallion street, u"2.
la tha Fourth Ward, Allegheny, and robbed Lannert QC•61 . ...11..TL1t•. orrice,
Corner 0 end P.M etreete,
theeafe in the vestry. Mums wee gained by i
means of a ladder from the oar -ids,Wublnaton,D. 0, Sopt. 28th 1063. 1 5.
against a window in the body of the church. ' V V TION on.the FIRST, SECOND AND TIMID
The window wan broken suilleiontly to let a . TVEDNTSDATS, 7th. 14th and Plia of October, at
man palm in. The thieves then paned to the 1 the Ckural, neer the WaellMLton Oberon-mon, a
vestry, where the safe was located and with a rill.. pob .lei "2 10 / 15118 and "ItUbm , ,coodctemet et. riti
111117i05. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock
heavy crowbar they forced open the safe. It 1, ,„
is believed that, in addition to the damage j T.,„_c„,,b,j,„: 6 „, z .„ t & p d..
done by the crowbar, a blast of powder wen . .2834 CHAS. OARIVETSON, A. Q. 3t.
nied, as the safe was completely wrecked. 'B UTTER! FRESH BUTTER-3 bble.
The crowbar was loft in the church. It is ; prime herb Roll Butter Just received and hr
shoat five feet in length, and weighs - i sale at No. 126 Second street.
teen and a half pounds. It is not known what ; " 44 num'. TAN 00IID1C4
the thieves obtained, as Father Mallen ' the '
poster of the church, is .bleat from the city.
to ton are DOW DI ?ctlaD00;" and people
should be on their guard, as "peon becks"
are seldom serntinixod closely by those arke
handle them. These altered notes can easily
be detected. The one dollar
them enots bare
likeness of Illteratary Chase on the gen
uine tens have s likeness of PritideDt Lib
Tarszaor, Oot. 21.—Proseat, lootice
Lowrie, sadJudgits Woodward, Thompson wad
Watt's as. Seely. Argued by White for
rlatntiff in error, and by Marshall and Brown,
Scott vi. Cuter. Argued by C. W. Robb for
plaintiff in emir; Shims, contra, trot beard,
and judgment affirmed per curiae..
Caldwell so. Miller. Submitted by crams)]. , The "Times" on the Battle of
Mitchell vs. Wolff. Argued by Purrtanets Chickamauga.
for plaintiff in error, and by Howard, contra.
Little vs.. The Commonwealth. Submitted
Ilill*s. Cooly. Argued by Marshall and ' CHANCED.
Brown for plaintiff in error, and by Hash- .
brouck, contra. -
In re. Henderson, insolvent. Argued by i qrCESSIO elittell P pgiLIDELpiIIA,
Barton for plaintiff in error, and by Marshall : "Y
and-Brown,'contra. _
Nogtapirs, Morgan. Argued by Marshall
and Brown for plaintiff in error, and by Liam-
Ilion and Aohescia, contra.
Laugh - lin vi. Harvey. Argument adjourned
till next week.
M'Eldowney's Appeal. Argued by Reed
and Hampton for appellant, and by Hamilton
and Acheson, contra.
Robinson,. & Co. is. Tyson. Argued
by Martital.and_Brostn-lor plaintiff in error,
end by enrviance, contra.
litre. Totten's Appeal, and M'Aboj'a
Argued together by Woods and Pen
noyfor Appelbtata.-
ritaisburgb and Connellsrilln RallroadCona
pony to. Plumes, Westmoreland county.
-Continned till Lett Wick.
The - Crize;Court.
WZDIESVAT, Oat. 2L-41idgblIF Mellon and
The only case tried this forenoon Was- that
of Thomas Carroll, indicted for burglary. This
case exhibits a striking instanoe of speedy
justice. Carroll broke into the house of -Mn.
Walsh, ha Allegheny, on Sunday evening last,
and stole a large quantity of clothing. On
Monday lie'sras arrested and committed for
trial, on Tuesday a true bill was found, and
on Wednesday he was tiled and oonvieted.
Judge Mellon would have consigned him to
the penitentiary, but it was alleged that ho
had been an inmate of the Western Pennsyl
vania Hospital, as 'a lunatic, and the judge de
ferred sentonee until the truth or falsity of
this allegation could he ascertained.
United States District Court.
WED:M:UT, Oct. 2.l.—Before Judge Mc-
In the case of the United States es. Ber
nard Trainor, charged with perjury, in swear
ing that he had never voted,-the jury
found a verdict of guilty. A motion was
made in arrest of judgment and for a new
The next case taken up- was that of Wm.
Jackson, a drafted man, residing in. the Sec
and Ward, charged with perjury, in sweating
that he was over thirty-five years of ago.
This case was partially tried at the last term,
but owing to the illness of ajnror it was post
poned. It it still on trial.
Woo was the field of Gettysburg,
after the battles, the dead body of a Union
soldier was found, holding .111 his clasped
hands alt ambrotypa picture of three children,
a gist and two ..boys, aged about nine, siren
and five yeas. In the picture, the youngest
child, a boy, is seated in a high chair, between
his older brother and his sister, while the
dresses of the two latter are made of the same
material. The soldier was burled on the field
where he fell, and his grave is marked..but his
name oould not bo nontained. It is bod,
however, that he may yet be identified by
moans of the andaretype of the children found
in his hands when his body was discovered.
The picture is now in possession of Dr. Bourns,
1104 Spring Garden 'street, Philadelphia, who
can be called upon or addressed in reference
to IL
Tag Caen or tee "Jarrirasostss" Nein
rsras.—On Monday, In the United States
Circuit Court, the cue of Hodgson y e. Mill
wood, was brought up on motion to remit the
beck to the Supremo Court. The ease
was originally tried in the Niai Friuli, where
the plaintiff recovered damages for the leisure
of the Jeffersonian. Subse9uantly, the sot of
C.ingToss was passed, allowing eases of this
kind to be rumored to the Crated States Court,
and Justice Strong, after argument, allowed
such removal. The counsel for Mr. Hodgson
now moved to have the case sent back, as the
act of Congress door nut apply to a case where
there has been a trial and verdict:. Thp mat
ter was held under advisement.
A XIIV.EL WAGLII.-A well known merchant
of this city, it is stated, bet a barrel of apples
with a physician residing to Bast Liberty, that
Woodward would be elected Governor—it be
ing agreed that the loser should wheel the
appkn from his house to the house of the win
ner. On Saturday next the apples will be de
livered -- by the "wheelbarrow line," starting
from the warehouse of J. R. Hunter, Esq., on
Second street, and stopping at the dwelling
of Dr. Murdoch, in Hut Liberty. The barrel
will be handsomely painted in "red, white and
blue," - with the name "Ctu-tin " on the head,
and " Woodward" on the bottom. -
Jog:AB LANCE, aged ten years, and resid
. ing in Fairview, Cumberland county, opposite
Harrisburg, was shot dead by bls brothel, on
Saturday last, 'while on a bunting expedition
near that village. The deceased was stand
ing in front of the muzzle of a gun, which
wee discharged, while his brother was repair- .
log its lock.
Tar TIVELYII Artery Come nabbed Nash
! villa on Saturday, last, and are no doubt at
Chattanooga by this time. A letter horn
Enap's Battery has been received haire, dated
at Nashville, on Saturday last.
I PARTILLI>OII 5110011.10.—Th.) salmon for this
kind of exciting and healthy sport haa arrived
In Ponneylvania. The birds are In good or
der, though, perhaps, In the northern counties
of the, state, they are still on the runt
JONI Lanow, aged twenty-two years, and
residing inidaitic township, Lanetuter county,
committed suicide recently by banging him
self in his father's stable.
Tax ,Sunhury °antes lute holeted the Ramo
of Abraham Lincoln u its choice for tiu3Pres
iclenejlti 1884. Ditto, the Clarion Isdepostdext
(bras Ohio awl Ferrel 55.46, AlegA•mv,
OW. A. KELLY, Proratnek..
larrhystebas• presdrlptyne Ablis!AWlignapatal
oommers DOOTS ism 11 . 01114 . WD ..
Spade Ltirpatch to the Pittabargh Oasotki
PHILADELPHIA, Oot. 21, 1/38.3.
The steamer Bootie, from Lirerpool, arrived
The British Government: formally seised
the first rebel tam at the ship yard of Laird,
In the Mersoy. Another authority says that
both have been seised. It is not known what
additional avidenos has boon procured to in
duce this Asp. It was reported that tho Turk
ish Government had offered to purchase the
It is stated that the rebel Government has
- resolved not to grant clearances to blockade
runners, except on condition of their taking
one-third of their outward cargo.
It is also reported that an attempt was being
made to affect a prohibition to export cotton
on private accounts, except such as is pledged
. to holden of the Confederate loan.
The London news charges the Government
with keeping book news, and considers the
battle of Chlokimanp is establishing the total
defeat of Armoring.
Mrs. Trollop, the novelist, and the Arch
Bishop of Dublin, ais dead.
Lord Lyndhurst is ill beyond hop.
The flank of England affairs are unchanged.
The Continent banks hare advanced the rates
of discount.
Part of the French prod says that it Is
tolerable for the rebels, without ports, to be
allowed to possess a fleet.
Judge Woodward is removing In disgust to
Luserue. He sold out his pew in Holy Trin—
ity Church, at auction, yesterday. The lead
ing secessionists hero of all denominations
are about to unite In building a of
their own, where nothing-offencrve can be ut
tered from the pulpit.
The supersedure of liosecrans by Grant
°restos no surprise.
There is no veritable news either from the
Pottimee or Charleston. W. J. J.
Latest from the Potomac Army.
Railroad Traek Destroyed for Tweuty-
tire Toss, Oct. 21.—A special In the Tri
borne, dated Washington, Oct. 20, says : Your
correspondent reports the Army of the Poto
mac in full pursuit of the retreating rt'•e~
Trains run out to Bristow today, and large
quantities of railroad material are transported
for putting the track in repair and fobailding
bridges. The rebels destroyed the track for
miles, burning the ties and digging down the
grading. A prisoner asserts that it is entirely
destroyed fur twenty-four miles beyond Cat
lett's, and Lee's object was to rapture our
supplies, and so disable tho road that we could
not disturb him untit: L anothor corps ,of. his
army oould be sent to Bfagg and return. - • '
Our forces are In the meantime pushing on,
but thus far without opposition, or any Indica
tions of being able to halt Lee's force by a
general engagement this side of the Rapidan.
Our cavalry captured about a dozen prison
ers last night at Catlett's.
An orderly of Oen. Merritt's came in from
the advance at 4 p. m., reporting that a con•
eiderable body of cavalry and infantry were
advancing up the road, but up to dank no dem
onstrations were made, and it is supposed to
have been merely a strong picket force for the
Large numbers of our cavalry are being re.
fitted with fresh bones and equipments, and
everything put in preparation for vigorous
A special to the Timm from Washington; of
the 20th, mays: The mystery of Lee's move•
moat last week is uncovered. Part of his
army was at Culpepper this mortiing, being,
vigorously embarked on train. of "cars for the
•Loco.—An officer just 113 from the front
brings the intelligence that Lee's whole in
fantry is across the Rappahannock, and some
of his cavalry still on this side and part on
the other.
Our reserve cavalry, under Gen. Merritt,
yesterday, advanced as far as Warrenton
Junction, and mooting hut few cavalry, who
retired as we advanced.
From Europe.
Now Tote, Oct. 21.—The Scotia, from Liv
erpool, with dates to the 11th, has arrived.
The Government, on thelkb, formally seised
One of the suspected rams, built by Laird, on
the Mersey. Another authority says that both
have been seized, bat It is not known what
additional evidence had been procured to in
duos this stop. It is stated that the rebel
government had resolved not to grant clear
ances to blockade runners, except on condi
tion of their taking one-third of their out
ward cargo on - government account; also, that
a pressure was being used to get a prohibition
of exportation of cotton on private accounts,
except such as is pledged to holders of the
Confederate loan.
The Time/ thinks the battle of Chleareangs
resulted in the total defeat of Roseerane, arid
eltargee the Federal Government with keeping
heaths new'.
The Polish and .111exlean questions are un
changed. The Plitt. /Istria maintai n s the
complete aaeuracy of its statement that Primo.
Caartoriskl had demanded the reeoptitton of
the Poles as belligerents. Continental poll.
dos are generally unimportant. There
somewhat of a tendency of a pante in thrs
money market The Banks of France. Italy
and Frankfort have advanced the rates of
Tim hisagnia—Breadeteifs.—Flour ls um.
ohanged. Wheat quiet but steady. For fine
wheat and for Inferior qualities an ativanoe of
I to 2 per cont. Is quoted; Red Western fit 6d,
and White 9e to 10e. Corn firm at 27e ad to
27s 9d.
Proeisioes.—Beef continues firm end In good
request at 20s to 325. Lard active and advanc
ing at 40s to 41e 6d.
Preeleee.--Sagnr 1A in arrive speculative de
mand and prices Otto at 1 per cent. of an ad
vance on the week. Coffee quiet.
Londe. Markt/vs.—Breadstuff' doll and with
out improvement. Coffee-dull and Id cheaper.
Tea firm at Is lel for common Congos. Mo.
lessee advanced 6d for Antigua.
Ameriean Steurities.—Baring Brothers & Co.
report quotations generally lower and vory
little doing; Illinois Central 19d discount;
Erie 68 to 71; New York Central 05 to 90;
United States 5s 62 to 64; U. S. 0s 70 to 75.
Remains of Gen. Lytle- - -Con. Rose..
Ctiretxxeri, Oct. 11.—The remains of Brig.
ban. Lytle Trill arrive here this morning.
Gen. Ito'wrens is expected to entre to-mor
row. A eommlttoe of citizens bare been sp.
pointed to give him it iroblio reception.
All quiet at Charleston.
YE, Tong. Oet. .21.—Ths Sultan, from
Steno Inlet on the 18th, hes arrived. She re
ports all quiet at Choi-14"ton.
WASIITNOTOS, Oct. :I.—Accounts tym tho
Army of the Potomac to yesterday no6trstate
that Kilpatriek's cavalry bad pushed back
Stuart'. robe( cavalry beyond Gainesville, to
ward Warrenton. There was considerable
fighting, but with little loss to ns.
It is positively stated that Lee eras at War
renton on Monday, and bad formed a line of
battle and ported hie artillery.
Our troope were moving steadily onward in
two columns.
Buford reports there wum no onemy in force
in Thoroughfare Gap.
Y esterday afternoon -the rebels were in
force at Buckland Rills, four miles from'
Gainesville. Oar troops are advancing. A
great battle is considered imminent.
WCONLISDA.T, Oct. 21—There is no new feature in
the domestic money market worthy of-special notice.
Our bankers and dealers aro sti II paying 146(g14T for
gold, and 140,3141 for Silver. Old Demand Notie, of
which there are but In circulation, commend the
sums premium as gold. Eastern _Exchange remain.
as last quoted.
Since the declaration of en 8 per cent dividend by
the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad Company the
stock Is btig constantly absorbed. In view of the
fat of Ito surplus, and of its increasing receipts, this
Is easily scommted for.
To-days bank statement comperes sa follow. with
that of hut Monday :
Week eating Loans. Specie. Circulation. Deposits
Oct 10 8206,908,908,29927,a1l 5,1=,178 180,007,202
Oct 17 M 0,638,7495 5 , 282.473 5,818,781 178,080,317
D , roase... $2G5,154 1,341,80.9 1,986,0G6
Which upon the whole le • fart/fable exhibit. TLe
decrease he lined° ehowe the large shipment of Satur
day week, and the dreoeitee In deposits is owing to
eirtlvo absorption of cornincy In the .S•ZiO bonds,
which has been going on to a mush l•rger extent
since the result of last weeks eleetions beam. known.
The government, however, is • good borrower, us the
money gets back Into circulation without much delay.
—ln which conomtion we easy mention that the bal.
snati to the nub-Treasury Ia decreasing, notwlth
sanding the Leavy receipts.—S. Y. Herald.
CODVIIMT,Ioiper, 21, ISM.
PLOCII k 011AIN—Flour in quiet but firm with
smell eatoa from attire at former quotation.. The
grain mark. Is very firm and preeent prices are well
sustained. Wheat is in demand and prime Ired liens
roadily from wagon at 151,33,10:id White at fit ,Virt;
1,28. Corn is firm .but without quotably change;
tales on track at 51,02 for Shelled, and 51,07 front
more. There la a moderate local demand for Oats at
72r per huahel from drat bandit, and Tde from PM!n..
Bariey f is in ILCIIVO request, with wiles (ram wagon at
tilitg r 'Ytt 54, 5 0 for prtme Spring and Fell
GROCHRIES—The market for groterito i• steady,
with • fair Jobbing demand at bout former qoota•
[lona. Sakes of Moe Sttgar• et 134134‘e; and Re.
tined do at lei4istV.,c; Coffee la *RR With
prime Rio at 34c Mulaw quint it IV to V,. Small
sal. ••1 ••Csolden" and "Bwehtes , " Syrup• seSoe, and
"Wetting's," at 85c.
BITTER k RUGS-4441e of 1,000 lb Roll Butler at
IL: to 24c for common to prime; Packed la selling at
1701 F, Egga ammo and .411 readily at 1N31 , 4k7 per
POTATUES—SteevIy but without quotable el:mug,
8,010 ico larob prime Neeluuloocke at kek per herb;
oleo 21 bbl. Neer Jersey Ben Net l'otxtooe at 7:p,00 per
and 10 bbli Baltimore do at
HILL TEED —eat, of 1 car No 1 311cIdliage. to ar
rive. et $1,23 per cort—et, adestoce. Oil M.ol it dull
mad lower. nmgiog from Pi/ to $3l por toe.
IV II YOn in a shade cantor, but without
quotable cluenge; aalew of 50 bids, In loin, at 61 to 00c
--moetlf at than Manic figure.
BEANS, ac—Sala of In MIA fair small White 11nans
$3,75 Imr Mutt; 10 bbls th-anborrlea at $l3 per
and 10 bbls Tut - tali at $3,00 per bbl.
CHEESE—dm with n sole of 50 bit Common W
et iii. abin. small Fides of prime do at I3c.
BAT-I'lw market le quiet and rather dull • thought
prines hare undergone no change. Salem of loose at
$3O to $3l per ton, and priwand at Ev<po.
BUTt3—Sale of BM bush Black Walnuts (old gip)
aft per bush; and 15 busk (,llestnuts at $440.
Pittsburgh Petroleum Market.
Ocr. 21—The oil msrket, more particuhiry gained,
COO WY. to rule very 411211 and Inactive, with ovary
appearance of a still farther decline. Crude Is in fair
locaffdernand, and we note sales of 300 blots at %'(3
2k panne returned, and 214..*k , packages inclu
ded. There it no inquiry whatever for Relined, 10
trend, and the market le ereenllngly dull and de
preesed, and to affect sale., a material c•mileevioit
would have to be made by the holder. For Refloat,
fns, then is some considerable Inqulry, principally
od western knout, hut pricy are so very irregular;
that It It impossible to ere correct quotation. Bens
slue le steady with. a fair demand, and quotations:
may Le . fairly given at 30 to 22e. Emidium Id firm at
runner rates.
Private advice, received from Liverpool by the lut
steamer, report the market very dull there, with Wee
of ILefined at two shilling., which le a material de
Adrian reoeired from Oil dry to•dal• by telegraph,
report the market more active tbore, with solo. at
fi1,50,:§3,00 per bbl on dm Creek, according to lora-
Clan, and $6,00 at the month.
New York Petroleum Market.
%weal Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gamete.
Now Yong, Oct. 21—Orude I. very Mill and lower,
with small Wes s 31%1332c. Refined, also, to very
dull and neglected, and clown 9 saute per gallon low
er; males et. 49.44.0 c on the spot; 50c (or November,
and 62c (or December. Ire* MI may be quoted at.
58arOc. Naptha bee declined to 45e. O.
Cotton at New Orleans.
On the 9th instant, the largest lot of cotton that
has boon brought to New Orleans within the recol.
lection of the Meet inhabitant., arrived at that city.
Of this matter the New Orleans Era of the Ith say.:
Welters nohow of being able to record the receipu
of cotton by O. hundreds of thousands of balm for a
abort time to coma, but look upon the receipt. of
yeistorday ma very encoutaglug under the eircumstan
ow. We anitntbrined that Glare la plenty of cotton
in certain counties of illisdnipplwhich ha s not felt
the blasting hallbenoo of the "C. 8. A." brand, and
which the oirners are mow an aloha to send to New., preferring to run some rick in getting It
here, and selling It for greanhaeks, at u redncedprioe,
to accepting Confederate Dotes, at the rate of bale fur
Nils on the plantation;
We teem some of linnet planters here committed
the egregious Panay of making over about 5,000 bales
to • "firitlati subject," on the condition that he uses
the great power 111.11 d Intim:lnce of his potation to get It
safely to market. This Is all wrong. If the cotton
le forfeited to the government, no traoafrr to a Brit
nth or any other subject will save It; and If the plan•
ter bi entitled to the money for It, be should have It
without being tweed out of half of It by ooze un-
principled cheat who ran render him no security. It
would bo a proper thing for the Government to, wino
this disinteroned Britisher's cotton when it arrives,
nod inquire by what right he halls it and the Mau
whom that right was acquirod. If prior to the date
of the conflication act, all right; but if transfer lea
been made Wore that act wont Into operation, no
trawler ran be worth a rant. It le better that the
. I liwisalpplaus throw themselves on the clemency of
their too Indulgent Government, then to submit to
the wholesale robbery of an unscrupulous foroiguor.
Chicago Market.
Ocr. 23.—The deell. In gold mused quiet se easter
feeling In the Breadatuff. markets to,day, and orb , .
for all descriptions ruled lower. The demand for
Wheat wen light and mainly speculative. At the
opening yesterday's Inside prime wars paid, Mg after
the New York dlepatches were read the market do. !
dined 3@de, closing at £1,1Xk1f1,120,4 fur No. 2 and ,
01.0f.rgil,isi3d for No. I Spring. Wlskr Wheat mu,
quiet at 5118 for No. 1 Rod and 51,125 for No. 2
Red. Flour oontinned doll for wont of freight room
and the market was nominally ,
10,316 e per barrel
lower. The Inquiry for Corn was limited and eakw
show a dealing of %41 y a e per huh. At the elowe the
market ruled meaffluld firm at 73 yie for No. 1 to
etme. Canal Cent V6ll tonsure. Oita quiet, and
lope towel; eats ranged morn it 20c for No. I—ale.
ink iLc$53(l4:5b,X,C. There waa • moderate demand
for Rye, and the market Told &toady at Mad. for
No. 1 and 5.50 for_No. 2ln store. Barley was quiet
and outer; No 2 Instor• .old at 91, nelllctsd
at 21,D5. Small eske? illittrxlnat mire &ado early
at 8 4e.-Ilett at the ekes the markettfar linist and
°lna 5 31414 , 3*. There fa nothing-nom to nattea
t • Prorklmr.thirkst... - 11olthersars firokin their'
triunes, hut the demand le Ught. 31.iiiiPdrk is heldat
815.00116_16,50; Mees_B•ello . shotrel, .0./AIVALIt
Extra Nem at r Primo moo tisroeivat •;,m,
India Nees at WI. Dalk Mote 'am 4410; ',CACI'
agar from tlmblatit at •)c - le0 .1111 °.4" 1 .4
at 11 for. same - WOO arm sad Il e yg
at adagio kftengintritt to good, and - for'
Igloto Ms* yoke of embed. The offs up Cr.
ratted. Bait steady.
St. Louis 3larkct
,In.VT 41.1 , " ".In. .•q 14;111 tot
!1 and Cas =Am waiaaiitutw •f .141III1t1011
"robs", w•n• :Sr k r.1•111 , 11 , C. O I •1 1 . thn Un
do,• of alnidd all tithar avan 3:act:v. - 11rd in
pricc. no 'bawl , •int ••1 la a rili.viac. and
Marc Ana icrydiala•vlb , ll I•. ink. It i l .
atcL• atom. Sdt I. •aI wa• st, tc•l at
pat 1 , ••1111-1 Menu in ta• 1 , 1 -t :1.• ••• /ton
buycr• w• twin; tnati-11•1. , 1110 -
erurn,t st nil, 11.cra waa w.nac•
gu-all) sip activity in ill ,
Mc mat t wa, lull and 11•1... n. a•iica . 17 t 1,1. a
st 17rd: I ta . 1c t p-nicl r•t• diaal ••;••!inairy an I oil !lung.
lII.CI' LI. [in!'" ,1 In Sour as
slad N.
th wi •if 0
1.1.1, 1n
otber ta fix%to , , it% mt.: iota
wore unettamuial. Irlont an- dull at ,aiu nlr pets w y'.
ilb aalaa of I.:ain :AO, at li,. uinatually a al,
ran, of ferhualii) Tor itanitif,l lull t
nalr, rholr. 'orn li-at I and drooplud. with
gab. of CO earl, al for ntix,l anti ',llya,
and ill, for obit , -. Saba or.nta re, at
par amount', to ,d- In I It- Th..
Ca.vorlin,ut dinitt acts for nai
l/Tonal at lb., Got ern MOW Rl{ 1T011.• • • iii 1111. c,t, aa
aranted arm^ l•. 1 al Ii o'clia . t t0...1ay at 7.1,9.k' and
74.7, lar Lu,bol. Guley oat tinn Id - cloaca .prang
and fall. but common ern•
abdint tia...ka of 51,1 a for fall 11,1 Si for
spring,..srluartr. of awl.. The tuarldid for rvi. wan
quit. with amen sals at h:- ital
doe of nark,. •
heard of no transactions in Prl,lnione Clot lard.
Whisky declined, with 15=11 ants at ~ d e- O C.s. r
lon. llidn. were firm at lilt for flint. M. was In
*mall supply and firm. vent of fair to clinke
timothy at si,tigi.v: or Irsi Ito. A sh o p.... let of
Northern potatoes was reported it tiSs per bushel.
Onions were golfs active at $1,75 per bushel—an ad
o. Gunnies ailvaaccd to for usw single.
Groesrne acre quiet mud uneLanged. The bu•ines.
in mire, articles wits limited.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
Oct., arrivals and sales of Pert cattle at
Phillips' Avenue Drove Tani continue large, resch•
lug about ZOO. head. The market, in consequence,
Is dull, and linens about :lac the IOU Is lower. First
panty Western and .Petuasyl”nle Steers selling al
CnSaf%cl fair to good at kWh:: and common will at
front ikt;.7r h, according to quality. Stock collie
sr. selling at from *On t 1 lb gross.
The arrivals and st..d ea of Sheep at Rhillip'a Atone,.
Drove Tard ere moderate this week. reaching about
Boss) head. There It a fair demand and prices are
withoot any material change. Fat Sheep err selling
at from Ilvig3c Lb. groat, and stoat Sheep at from
$'2@.2,21,11 hoed, according to condition.
Latch. art scarce. Palos are making at prices rang
ing from 51.50 up to $3,50 pi head, cc to luality.
The arrival, and soles of Roy at the talon, Ave
nue. and Rising doll Throve Yard. MY large this week,
reaching skint 4,400 hoed, end selling at from V up
8 , 3,25 the 106 Rs net.
3,154 Maul sold at 'bury GM.' Union Dr. , . Yard
at from Sd,so to SS 11100 fita net.
970 tired eold at the Avenue . Drove Yard. by Joho
Crouse S Ca, at from Slitegpi,2.s the lle) ibe net ;
403 head gold at the llistin lien Drove 1 ard ,
Phillips & bloth, at from 56.50 op to $m the
net, eat. quality.
Baltimore Grain Market
Oct. 19—Tbe Grata market wae more more liberally
supplied this morning than for ann.. days pan, re
ceipts Inc,inded 30,010 bushel* Wheat, 15,1100 do Corn,
7,500 do Oats, ar1.200 do Rye. Wheat brought bet
ter prices, and the market closed strong. Hides eau
braced 71,03X1 bushels prime and ebotoe Kentucky
white of $1,95i7y1,984 2,500 bushels Southern do at
$11,95/42.; 3,000 balm •firlr to good do at $1,854'31,90,
5,000 bath damaged and Inferior to ordinary do at
31,50(41,75; 2,500 bosh good to vary prime-Southern
red 5 a , t ( i1,070.1,65, 6.000 bush ordinary to fair do at
31. 1 0 511, and 3,000 Umbels very Inferior to mnii
out do t 131,331011 A per bushel. Oorn wu in fair de
mand and gasify; Sala 1.500 bath very damp and in
ferior new white at 901105 e; .500 bush at 51,0501,08,
and 3,090 bush yellow do $1,0841,09 per bushel. Oats
were dull and Inferior samples moved very eirrtriy:
sabre o(3,000 bush damp and Inferior Maryland and
Virginia atC.4116.5e, : and 2,500 bush fair to prime
Maryland at 68470 c measure. Maryland Rye com
manded an advance of te, come coo bush selling at
51.20051,D3 per bushel.
Cleveland Market
Oct. 20—Another exclusively dull market to rw
port at the lbanl•thls morning. Everything au
perfectly dead. Shippers were out of the market.and
the only transactions wets a feu choice samples of
car wheat to millers on private terms. the fluctua
tions in Golikand Brindstufts have• completely
rinl the market here, as well to all over the West.
The market this afternoon continued very dull and
deproveed, and prices irregular. Flour—No re
ported. Wheat—ftrtsipldg, unsettled and Irregular.
Sal. lOW rM from store at $1,24; 2 rare choke do do
at 11,27. Core—helps I ear from store at Pro-; C ears
do at One. Onts—Vory utoistled and irregglar. ltss
ported sal. I car on trunk at iiifo and 1 car from slots
at 644.
Toledo Market
Cd Mgt "Pottawatitmle" at
26,50; 260 bble extraindiana al 33,50. Wbeat—Sale•
Saturday altar nor report 1,000 fw ember 211c0 at
12:ie, I,olld to. No 3 Ilad at 120 m 700 lin No 1 Red on
Sri•ate terms. ThLill forenomi palm I,otal bu Wirite
Imb al 147c1 2,000 bu do at 142 e: IWO bu do al same;
1,200-bn and tilt bu White tatch m 1 is,. Since New
'fork report the-re aro buyer , for No 2 lied at 122 e.
We quote other grader; nominally. White Miell
amber 311 ch 126 c. No 1 liled 12ic . l'oro—No widow
reported, and we do not hear a prl.e Otber
gtnlnn err) quirt.
Imports by Railroad.
Firtmrann, Fr. %VATIC{ A Cittaaim Malt. eatD.
21-2 ears barley, Jmh Ehnieet IUO bbl. {menaces,
Robatioa; 1 earl stayer., J Schmidt; 27 Milo oppint,
Culp & Shepard; IS do do, J S Dila ortb & co; AS do
do, I, D Volitt ,t co; lad eke corn, Den Wallace; I car
brick, Rorot & Gra b; Ido dr, Ertiftetl. Preston & co;
pkgo bather, J Bell & co; I 7 lanis meat moat, Cook,
Petiltt & co; 20 bbleMbloty, A Bailout 10 bbl. panda,
170 pig. load, J 11 Canfield; 4 bgt raga, 3 du &labors,
311..1 & Coffin; 4bu dotage, 48 bbl. whlaky, Lam
bert 1 Rapti= 10 bbl, oft, II Childs & es ill do do,
J Dahtell & gm; bbls sprint, Potter & Artneti - ong;
bblis oil, D Elanorth & co; 3do do, as bag emit rod
condign, 8 Cooper; 33 do do, 11 Dalzell & co; 10 bbla
burgs, iSchanorta & Blakely; 35 hi. coudlm , F &Here
& co; 130 bkiA food, nu mark; 100 bge barley, Mitch
cock , McCreary & 4 , 1; 99 hide, C. op. & (;,.
CLCVDLAND PO - rsocuoit, RAILROAD, Oct. 21
344 eke corn, Dan Wallaco; 247 bbl. apple, L 11
Toiv 1 en; 40 Las nbee.a , Shomakor Lang; 20 bLb
P Poor; 39 bales hay, 11 11 Floyd; 280 plates
copper, Parke, McCurdy & co; .50 bales hops, Jeshom
Mud.% 215 pigs lout DM bble mind, Bakewell, Palm
& no; 191 slm rage, McCullough, Smith & co; 13 tas
rboese, Shultz, don & co; 21 eks rags, klarkJo co; 10
091. rider, 14: do apples, Wm &dile.; 16_ do do, 8
Dyer; 55 bbl. Brewer, Burke & co; In oil bids,
Lockart & Prow; 100 Dbl. flour, McDonald .1 Ar
buckle; 13 ski rye, J d Dilworth & co; 114 bbl. apples,
P Beck A co; 21 bill. paper, Porkine & co; 151
ike wheat, J S Liggett A co; 180 skit wheat, 1 tar do,
11 T Eimmedy Bro; 3 lib& clay, C lhmseti & co; lido
do, J /Liar, d aka rap, It baleen A co; 3 hhde tobac
co, .1 Graver; 2 do do, T Nelson; 2 do do, 21 ileyl; 1
do do, Jao Greer; I do do, NV & D Binehan.
Attcortgxe SestioN, Oct. 21.-113 bgs mill feed,
2.5 do beam , . 214 eke oats, Simpson A Ends; 11 bp
flax seed, Ewer .t lard!lton; 8 bas onions, 2 gkgs but
ter, Mercer & Robinson; 18 don Mom., Man= A
Roismyer, 6 bbLs apples, 3 pkgs butter, B ➢ Boyle; 10
belts cotton, E llyde; 6 bbls apples, Issac Tower. 126
dodo, J if Benson; n do do, I.: tient; 4 do do, It Cot . .
Delius; Id do older, V Suourfer; 19 bides, C Groetztn.
ger & Sop; 121 bp, bti oat, A Taylor,l.ear, lumber,
A C Boyle.
ADRIATIC, 1,200 Hone-ppm. 4,00 0 tom.
HIBERNIA, 1,000 Hone-pour, 3,000 tam.
COLUMBIA.LOOO Horse power, 2,0013 ken.
A 12 GL I A, • LOW er, 2,000 tom.
'IDs m+ucnl& ul Ste 1p ANGLIA trfl sail
from New York for Liverpool on TUESDAY, tea
of October.
Rates of puma, from Llmegool to New Turk, pay
able 10 gold or It. equivalent In emzency.
Passenger& forwarded alio to London, Parts, Ham
burg, Rave, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, 10., at
the lowest rates.
Fates from Liverpool or Galway to New York and
Bottum, SI% VAS, gIA $lO5.
For purge evil/3 , at tho ogles of the Agents.
gABXL R &LAMLE, 7.3 Brwelway.
Masses loam, Manager.
or, B. 01117 LL,
Braising/ Chronicle Building.
Jylo:3ysta No. 70 Pilch street. Pittsburgh.
ZEPOOL, touching ett grIZENSTOWN,
o , ,ux Hanoi.) The wall-known Maureen o
Liverpool, New Tork and Philadelphia Fiteanothip
C-repany ere intended to
CITY 07 8ALT131011E............--Saturday, Oct, 31.
CITY OP NEW TORK. .15aturthig, Oct. 31.
TINA ----....entardo, Not. T.
Ani seer) , enecoldlng Naturday, at nowt, from Pier
H. North River.
Ftrynt.i. i.. Cold; w f 6 epuiealenf ix Oirmency.
r R.l. Caant.-.......580 D1r8rra1t1at.............5z0 no
ci , i to Loudon.... 83 00 do to London 84 00
on to Partit Sid 00 -Au to Paris ... 40 80
.1., to Hamburg .90 00 do to i llasubs 37 00
I . .orangera alao foiwardad to Harm, Brozman, But
te, Sun, Antwarp r &at equally loot ra:ra.
Fa,. from Ll• I or Quervettrorn ; let Cabin,
r* ti4o, 31.0. Steerage. 330. Those who vials to
ao• . for their MOB& Ca. buy ticket, bale at atm*
further Intlermation apply at the eutapawft
JOHN O. DALE, Agent.
15 Broad
PSO Agentway, New Turk.
OMN, ,
naiad aDvat, first boars from the bride.
thlrg ttPittslgsrgb.
_—_ —__ __ __ _—
O UNARp LLNK—Stearn from
43/11a gold, ailta nintraletat la errnmey.
Mint NEW YORE. 11331 u nureouy
Balls troory traek. Apply to
TBODEAS nernalot,
"01,1'1 COUNTRY."
Peam.npra brought out In FIRST CLASS MAIL
&MAKERS, from Llrorpool, I. , oodnuflerry, Galway
. 171 . Ckrrk, for
Tvrenty-Flvs Dollars.
AD4 by galas reset. for Tirzsmr•orE Dot.
TfAltil, M ottrreney.
Apply to D. O'NXIL L,
.Thwino Cl/snaleio
. icky2:lmood PlAtabailh.
eOtUD.It 011-126 bble. to. arri y!:sua
n We by RIMY 11. CO _
PROF -0 03 ; 4LX
f)iioP6i - IL9TOR
.'arc/ Q,lrmrsta. , 7l's OTI1(1.
Wastrittcruit. P. C Wtotwr
SEA .I . BOIW/3A LS will 1.• r.w,wretl at that cf.
ft , - until TrIS - DA T. October at .1.2 a' I,
.r furtilthlng tba Gareratneat t 2,11.ur twn thcamahll
Mule, to rowan.= to the toltowlrkg
In , 04 , fourteen handl Mei and o'er In
An t he in g•ood lloolt. ...Isn't, Se! , 1,11.01,. and
suitable for draniittLpstrpotoot.
All to let over ;ti throe and undor nine peon of
prnriewatit to M for CIO) fl. bendrisi an.l opwarde.
Thn NU nen, and peetorhmaddreas of thl Milder
melt appear In the proposal.
If a Ind is made In Ile name of a tint, the natl.m of
all the partial must I ppeer or the bid will lie r,etd
ied et
r. Ow ilropogal of the p.vtnar sign
ng, it.
, f 44. 0 11 parries teiP. , floe roneridend,
end on oath of allegialaw, mass acoompany each
Prnponale mug ho addrneseti to Brigadier General
D. B. Barker ; Quarterma,ter r. 9. Army, 'icaeb In
D. C.. and should plainly rnartad •Prnraarate
fur .11111cA."
The ablltti ihe hiddet to till lbo coattoet, should
ft ho atrardetl to him, most be guarantied h 7 two it--
vonstblo perorate, trimoo a hmature, most be appomied
t 43 the gmtraotoo.
The reeponelhility of the gnarled® must bo
shown by the °tidal eertincete or the clerk of the
nearnet District Court or of the newest Culled .itaikw
District A t torney.
Bidders most be present in person when the bids
an. opened, or their prop,wals will not be considered.
Bonds in the sum &twenty thousanddellare,sismed
by the contractor and both of his guarontors, will be
regional of the successful bidder upon signing the
As the bond mast accompany Lisa contract, It will
ho necesaary for boldcrs to hero their bandana= with
thorn, or to bare bonds signed in antkipatllm, and
ready to be produced when the contract Ls afgned.
Blanks for bonds coo ho proonred upon application
bring marls at tho otLno, either per tonally, 1.1 letter,
or by telegraph.
Form of Grewendee.
We, --, of rho county of —, and State of—,
and— of the minty of—and State of —, do
h.roby guarantwor that is abie to kill a marmot.
in atlx.rdance with - the terms of his Wopualtton. and
that, should his provasitlon be axopted , Los will at
once enter into a contract therewith.
Should the contract be /mauled him we are pre
pared to become his securities, and should ho 101 l to
nip, a contract to ecoordapeo With the terms of his
bld, we ourselves will become the contracting pante.
In hie stead.
(To th Ls guaran the must lss appottlxl the cdPissf
oenittute &M'° men fro hest .
1 NSPECT ION; DiLl vrivr. kc
AM mules contracted ihr under this advertisement
will Do eubjevt to inspection, and those not conform
ing to the specifications will De vilocted.
The mulee muss be delhared in this city within
(,25) twenty-11m days hum the date of signing the
Payment to be made upon the completion of the
contract, or eo noon thereafter as the Chief Quarter
master of this depot shall be In [nude.
The male. will be avntrded In lota of(5A0) the !Mo
dred each, undoes the obis:Quartermaster may deem
it for the Internet of the Government to vary the
The Chief Quarterinester reserves to himself the
right to reject any or ell bide that be may deem too
high. D. H. SMOKES,
Brig. Gen. and an vt Qttartermastsr,
' Depot of Washington.
WASIIINGIIII%, Ocirserr t 18G3.
SEALED PROPOSALS nal le rocelint et this
ofllc until tbo Seth day or October out for RA..ITD
ING and BUSHING the 42-poondor Gonn•stt the
Torts and of the Enlron States to the At
!antic Staten, amounting in number to 100. mom or
gone or Ell be delivered et, sad removed from,
We eetabllsbmtmt where the work t to be done at
We met of the United States.
Proposals for thoee on the Pacific Coast—about 10
in number—wilt be remind until Coe 10th of Demm
her next ; and In moo of these, tho glum will be de
livered at Ban Franeteco or Its vicinity.
The vim an to be turned dawn to a true cylinder
for the Leach of twenty-eseen indite from the Mar
of the ham rtog. prepared to take a bawl of tho hest
wrought iron, the interior diameter of which will be
twenty inchee, mad Its thickness three inches-
The vent le to be bathed with • new Doh of pure
ingot oopper, one Inch in diameter and about nine
and • half Inches log, and bored rah a vent of 00.-
, tootD ra h, of au Web.
wings of the , gnu in Its original form and with
oho band put on ran be soon at this office; at the
Watertown Arsenal. Mass. •, at the Water-that Ar
senal. and at oho New York Agency, No, 45 Worth
street, city of New York; at the Arsenal at Bride,-
burg, Pa ; and at Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh.
Pa at the Fort Monroe Arsenal. Va. ; St. Louis Ai . -
' renal, Mo. ; and Demo Arsenal, Cal.
The work Ia to be done to the entireiratiefotion of
the °Meer who will be appointed to operiotend It ;
and payment will ho paid hI full for each gnu upon
his oem Mote of inspection and receipt.
Proposals will state the prior. per gun for the whole
operation ; dmerlbe to detail the maunor to which It
Is proposed to put on the hand; then number they.
twill band per month ; and the time which will be re
quired to do the whole work. The method and the
Limo required for doing the work, aa wril es the price,
will be Important elements to (moldering the has
and award lug ho contract.
No bid. wal be considered from any parties but
each as are actually engaged In the manufacture of
• iron and heavy mochloory, and who are. in the opin
ion of this Department, fully prepared to execute the
work. to the rase of parolee not knowit W thin De
partment, evidence to the foregoing effect - fnust so
company the proposal.
Bond with sellsfaceory curette. to the amount of
fifty per cent. of the bid will be roquired for the ful
fillment of the contriat and the Government re
cer•oe the right to reject any or all bid., if deemed
Propcesia a . lll be endorsed ..Proposals for Banding
N_-pounder ; ' and will be addreeeed to Brigadier
General George D. Ramsey, Mete Ordrotnat, Wub.
Mg. Gen. Cblef of Ordnance.
- •
AvnerArt Onairraasurrria's Oratct.t
Wheeling Wont Pa ., October Idth, 1863. j
HEALED PIi:OPOSALS will be received at. h
ninon until 12 O'clock at noon of October 24th, IBA
tor tarnishing the Quarteraukateramt r.
Army, with the following. nts
Two bandred thousand (PDO;0130) bridals of prim
Oats, to multi, the Oats to weigh thirty-trace (33)
pounds - to the bushel, and the tankard be gars! drum
burlaps. The grain to be dalliferord at Wheathig,
Weer Ta., one quarter TIM* dftedir days, one qua.
ter within thirty dap, one quitter' 'Within forty-dne
day., and one quarter within Slaty days from data of
the anrard.
Two thousand tons (2,000) of good, word, mat ,
charitable Timothy nay, balod; to a delivered in
the same ratio with the gain.
Proporats will be considered for the entire lot or
for twenty thousand (20,000) babebi of Oats or fifty
(no) tons of thy. Proposals mon state the quantity
offered, the place of residency of the bidda,and Must
be accompanied by • parades of at lout are re
sponsible persons that the verifier wOl ftddll the con
tract If awarded to him. Successful bidders will be
notified ea soon after the award Is made as posalble.
Written contracts will In all cases be entered
and contractonarlll be regrind to give bonds for the
Warta perihrmance of the contact. .Pro
should be endorsed on the envelope "Prf, • for
Forage," Westbe addressed to the tuideratiened it
Wheeling. Ye. The right to alert any or all
bids Is armed by the Govan:dant
No bide be entertained 'tinkle the foregoing
requtrsnients are complied With.
Tannin:Ll, 11200112,
ipoßtois A 114 FOR FLOUR--Sealed
/- Propoaats ars Invited till the =1 day of OCTOBER,
1863, at 12 • K., for tarnishing the But:elite= -Ths
partmant arttlt 20,000-barreLf of floor.
Bide will be mewed fbr what le known as 1,
No. 2, and No. 9 and for any portion it.. than the
20,000 barrel,.
131de In duplicate for the different putts shoal be
upon separate Ithects of paper, ,
The delivery of the flour to be commenced within
one week from the opening of the bidr,hr as coon
thereafter es the Government may direct-cat the-rate
of 900. barrels daily, delttared either sobs Gomm
meet warehonai jo Gratigedown,at thasharTee, or at.
theratirta+ - Wathingtort,-D. C.
Payment unite made to wrath:elected indebted
ness, or inch other &rads astbe6ornnment =agitate .
for dhdribation, •
The usual Coro:Finng inspection will be mach Jost
before the flour ls received.
An oath of allegiance must accompany each bid.
No bid will he sotertilaed Arm parties who have
breviously !tailed to comply with their Ms. or from
idders not precent to reepcmd.
The barrels to be entirely nee, touls.rmy rime of
am materials and bead
No flour will bet received erblettla not tree
Bids to be directed to . Col. A. DEOIEWaII
C. t C. 8. U. If. A, Wiabington, D. C.,and wdossed
“Proposela for finer." ool&td.
habays ars lutstulal for tb. SIM &um
Ins all Aorta of tho Om equally, doss toteurpolo
If to orsok Z. T. DITHItLDOII,.
Fort Pitt Man Work., Wublagtou street,
Pif"bwith , nous.
Mannfietamta of
54u4r4. ri,t- and Dawn. of atm. Warranted
equal to any Imported 07 ntartufactarre! to rbia 7000.
%SP OfOol and erarelvatur : _ - Ired 144444 14 TUT
and 1110 and ISlssoceinazapars. Pillab r b. •
BOUB7l.—.Topstare stock
Also, ENTELOPIS, la g t .114
Qualltlol, for tivera tut*: Tor Web) .. • -
10.0. Roraresr too., Prier Dee key •
oolfadaer.errare IT Wood stmt.
RANG - EWEN - C.—l.
atrr 3ION DAY Apn
I'E\\ LYAL.L CL-NT/1..t.L BALLY° a
loaves the rittntatrgh n tardan'deßy,:lexcept Stroday)
in.. stopping,: tilt 'Mamba butane:lYMa
burgh and Philade/phu t , and melte& direct roman
tion ibr NV. York and Philadelphia.
Unger Staildri every morning toampt hstridal) at
2.30 a. to ePpping only at principal biallorai, and
making direct power:tem, at Harrtabmv far Balti
more and 1% stab ngwu, and I .r hes. York few PIM.
The THROUGH EXPELS . ; TRAIN lea,. delly
p. m., stepping only St 1 , 11,11,2 station,
direct follmtil i•Tn rt< Rani. Mtnc for Baltimore mei
Washington. and for New Ytilk tia Allentown route
and Philadelphia.
The FAST LINE :lutes the E - lation doll (e t
Sunday) at eta, .murinifm2l.7 at plirseipal eta ,
Lothecting at Harrisburg. ter Baltimore and
Waahington, and at Philadelphia tar lie'
The Johnstown gerommodation Train - Irate* daily
(except Smlay) at .1:4.5 p.m., snapping at all Stations
and running as fu as Cenemaugh.
First Accommalatlon Train for War. Stanton
karts daily (except Sunday) at. &GO mm..
SecorithAccommodstlon Train fur w,ar. Station
leaves daily (except Sunday) at.ll,M+ a. m.
Third Acoitunrodation Train for Wall'a Stsifon
leave. daily (except ttunday) at Vt p. m.
Fourth dccordation 'haft -for Wall's - Station
leave* daily (except Smelts') at ((Op. m.
The Church Train Irate. Station every Sun
day at a.... 15 a. m.; returning, leares Pittabo.rgh at
p. m.
Returningg art ire Pitteburgh
llalctmoro 11:60 p.
Feat Line............ . .12:60 a. tn.
Through Mad Tram . 12,33 a. ro..
Johnstown Accommodation...—. ..............IV:U6 a. tn.
Firs/ Wall's Bastian .1 rconalialdaZiula.. 6:25 4 ID.
Second Crain, Station AcroMmelai lon. fk3.5 a. tn.
Third Walls. Station Accomnicidnrion.—.. !tidy. m.
Evarth Walradtatlon Accommedation.. OASp. ca.
Baltimore F...pres *UI arrive with Plailadalphla
Express at 1'.4:a.1 p, m. un Mondays.
Train. for Blairsrillo mud I muses connect at 'Matra.
•Ills Intersection with Through AcwmtdWatlon.
Johnstown in and Ex peas Train Ewa,
and with Baltimore Expe. and Johnstown a'oonni
toodulun Went.
Train. fur Ehemburg connect e. Cromon with U
prose Trains and Mall Train Wee, nod with Through
ieTommudation and 'Erpr,. Triad East.
The public, will find it greatly to their interest, la
going East or West, to travel by the Penneytruths
Central Ltallrond, as the arcoonsuslations now offered ,
cannot be surpassed uuny oilier route. The lined
ballantsd with StOne , a nd le entirely free front thud.
We can promise serfety,:red. and mutant to ti
who may Ilseor ibis nerd tit thels pstrnitagss
To New Tork 812 h 0 To BailLutoreee—e..sll
To Plaladclphlta..— ld GO , To Lancealer 860
To Ilkerialeare,..
7 68[
checked d
to all Maan. no the Pentisylvre
nlarc=l Railroad, .8 to Philadelphia, Pkathattra
and New lark.
Passenger s purchasing [lckes In the cars yrIP
eau excess, according to the dl.tance traralid,
in to the station ratesi, except from static&
whore the Company httsmo agent.
NOTICE..—In =seat lass, the Company wl3l b 4d
thenuelns taiponsible for personal bagiptea oaks.
wad far an &meant not as.weding $lOO.
Y. B.—An Omnibus Line has ilecn
convey passengers and
.bamaga to and from the
pot,'al a charge not to e:xcceeeeddoo rents, Tor each Fos
aanger and boom. Woe tickets apply to
J. STEWART. Agent.
At the Pennsylvania Central Rantoul Passenger
Station corner Libertt and an.v. StriVill &pia
OLE VE LANDo• ,f aa
prrrssr - Rart
WHEELING HAILEGAD* -4 * --- a - le'
MONDAY, April 20th, 1863,
Depot of the Pounsylvatlia P.
NT.—On and atter
Trains will lea. the
'hood, in Pittsburgh.
Leaven Pittsburglk!
do Wellsville.
m I
6:10 a. 111.!1440 p. 121
&la `• 2:66
do Steuteurv . e 4:10 " 9:07 3,13 "
do . 6:10 l0:Oo " 4:56 "
Arrive:, Bellair.... 6,11 10:2f. .• 6:10 "
Connecting at Steubenville and Bellair with Steu
benville and Indiana Railroad and ("Antral Ohio Rail
road for Zarisvilbi '
Newark. ,-Colinnbue, Xmas. Day
ton, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louniville, 1. $l.
Louis, St. Jceeph, and all points west and socithweat,
and at Wheeling with Baltimorn and Obto Railroad.
.Pigebaegh and Ciceelrend
Leaves 1:(s) a. nt.112.40p.m.
do Wellsville 4.10 ••ROO -
do Bayard 5:40 4001
do ......... 6:3.1 " I 4A.3
do Ravenna.. , 7:2.1 .• 5,22
do Iludsou.- . I 6:10
Arrives a Clovetand-._....4 told •• 839 4 .
Conn.:dug at Bayard with uscarawas roach for
Rev* Phihulelphia and Canal Dover; at 4.lliance with,
Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chlnago Bailroadt'at
Ravenna with Atlantic and . Grcatirestern tialltnad.
for Warorn, Cremovllia, Meadville, Colon, Corti.
Jamestown and Warm.= at Rodaon with Clem
land, Za.nanilla and Cincinnati Railroad for Akron.
Cuyahoga Falls and Millersburg, .4'ol Clovol
with C. & E: A. R. for Erie, Dunkirk end /101Bilo
with O. T. T.. 11. for Sandnaky, Toledo. and also
with steamers for Detroit.
Wallnille Acconunodatkuk 143.611 at 350 p. m.
Itiqurnlng trains arrire at 9:10 120 and 8:06
- . . - •
p. in. and 2:.:10A. rn.
Through Tieteu to all prominent
_points nen ha
procured at the Liberty Street -Devot; , Pittaburgh.
And M Alhaheny City.
A. Q. CASSt.L.I . IEF.RT, Ticket /put.
For further information apply to
L L I.or 3"FXWAItT, Agent,
At the Company's Office in Freight gtotion, Fennel.
ap2l ,
Orrice or Cmcsuatike. of rue Cranzert,
Waahington City, August 6th; 1t63,
We, By eardafactory erldmate prawn .to
the undereigned, it has been mad* to appear that
in the County of Allegheny, and State of Penturriva
nia, hes been duly organized antler and eccordhtg to
the requirement. of the Act of Congrow, entitled
"An Act to provide a National Currency, manned by
a pledge of United Statos Stocks, and to provide ter
the atm:dation and redemption thereof, ' approved
February 25th, IBA and has complied with all the
proelelone of said Act required to •he complied with
before commencing the business of Banking t
Now,therefore, L liven .31cComoon, Comptroller
of the Cirrence, do hereby certify that i thi m la,
county of lillegitrat, and State of 'Penntgleanki, -- . 1;
authorized to commences the bueltters of Banking an.
der the Act aformaid_
In twin:may whereof witneea my band
55'ta.P'.1 of office, th 4 'nth dad of Au~l,
1 Comptroller at tbe Corranny.
CArniu., $400.000, with privitogo toll:bonus
to e1...900.000.
The Pittsburgh Sptctt Company leaving organlzed.
under Om ect tragmielde a National Currency,
the title of the -PLUS? IiATION.I.L BANK OF
PITTSHIMCIII:'wonitI respectfully offer its serstres
for the collation of:fates, brans , ane,HILL.of Frasier
&c., receive money on deposit, and buy and ~it -
change on all parts of the country.
The encase which has attended the Pitubtargh
Trust Company, slap 1. orgen.iggstban In lab:, will
we believe, be IT eurfl r lent guarantee that balances
entrusted to tt. lion' Wl...motion will recoil., the
tams prompt attention.
&Tau arienstre correspondence with Banta
and .ar. throughout the counn7, we baba* 'es
can offer unusnol f
e cilitins to those who delmeinsee
with us. • .
The bacillar will b. conducted >7 tho Immo Officoro
and Mentors.
Jffiscrei Laughlin, Alo.tamler Spenr,
Robert 8. Rap, • I Antoci., G.
Thomas Ssll, I Alex.
Thomas Wightman, I Samoa he.
Wm. K. Nimick,
miry D. SCCLIT, Cashion
Acrd 5ch,.1661.
, ,
DOLLAR itiA _L\ G.S BANK, NO. 65
Foram fizaam
Opea daily from 9 to 2 o'clock. also on Wednesday.
904 &Wane,' & , •eings, from May lit to November
let, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from November let to
May Ise from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Deposits received of all some not-ten than One ,
Dollar, and a dividend of the prolltadociared brine •
Tear, In June end Dont:ober. Intareet has ben de
clared somiatsmaally, In Jules and DeCember. 0 1•••
the Beak was orgaztrod, at the - rate of ex per vat.
Interest, If not darn out, ter placed to the credit
of the depositor as principal. and-hears them:as In
terest tram the that days of Jun. cod Deonnlatf...ta
prindint twice w ear without troubling the deposi
t.* to call, or seta to preaont las pass bo,k. At this .
rate Money will doublela less than tent , . Sean.
Books, containing the Charter. By-Lam, Ilhdes
and Dolgulallons, tarnished grails, on application et
the olllce.
slat ni
I WIC I . Pennock.
Jobs Marshall,
Jazons B. D. Matedi,
A. If Pollock, 3L D.
11111 Burgortn,
sclllfam J. Anderron
Jobe* B. Mcraddeu,
John h01m..,
Atrium Rpeer„
Decd. T,..TAhnortock
Jame* McAuley,
Calvin Adana.
John o.l3ackolha.
Georg* Mack.
Alonzo A. Maxim%
Charles tk:riotton..
John Dna& -
& Ehnen,
Pain E. Shpkar,
Itithard M,"
J•moo P. lCalty;
& Lovely,
Owa i a r h w 111
Peter A. Madam - -
Jolla, Orr,
itabni Robb,
Henry L. 11.togl2rt,
3.. mes Bbidle. • '
John 8.-Rbtrabwra" , "•
Alexamisr ial Tind:lo. . - .
"Oliera Vfrk,
- L IV uc