The Daily Pittsburgh gazette and commercial journal. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1861-1863, October 21, 1863, Image 3

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The following laitsif;tterlptive — thba - 7
treat of Get. 'Mended army, to Centiof
WEDNESDAY ;MORNINI:11:60CT. 21, mu . I was written by a Pittsburgher, and will be
read with interest:
• • •
eiTY AND SUBUBLIN uNp.muzs, V.s., Saturday, 0ct.17, 'G3, I
• „ Headquarters 2d Division 3d Curie
9/litial Pa , Ton hare doubtless ere this heard the news
per of the I..ef suocessfal retreat of Meade's army to
the defenses of Washington. It was commenced
Just in time, for if it had been delayed a few
days longer, we would have mot with a seri
, one disaster, as Lee had us in a bag, and was
' Just going to draw the strings. On the Bth.
oar division started on a reconnoissance, and
met the rebels about 10 miles from Culpepper,
near the Rapidan. The division was cern
polled to fail back steadily till night, when
they built huge fires, and left them for the
rebels to suppose they were still there, in
stead of which they fell book to Culpepper.
This was on the third night. The neat morn
ing, Sunday, the 11th of October, the corps
started, it being the last leaving Culpepper.
Before reaching Basel river the First Di
vision had a skirmish with a few rebel cav
alry who fried to hi.rran our movements, but
only a few shots were exchanged. Arriving at
the Easel, we had to wait from dark till about
II o'clock, before we could cross, as the corps
train was in the advance, and could only cross
one wagon at a time. We crossed on a pon
toon. This river is ton miles from Culpepper.
A distance of three or four miles further
brought us to the Rappahannock, which we
forded at Freeman's or Beverly Ford. We
camped on this side about an hour after cross
tag, say 3 o'clock in the morning. The air
was bitter cold, and the fording proems made
our feet rather uncomfortable. We did not en
camp till about an hour after crossing, and
ere long the woods and sallies along the Rap
pahannock wore lurid with the glare of a
thousand camp fires. We remained at Bev
erly Ford one day, and on the 13th took up
march to within three miles of Warrenton
Junction—a march of eleven miles. We were
here again detained by the train until mid
night, owing to a bad road. which was almost
impassible in the dark. While on the road,
moving now and then a few rods, and then
stopping, (which continued four or five hours,)
fins were built on each side the road, from
the fences which lined it, and in some places
the fences wore fired as they stood. The de
lay was, still further increased, from tho fact
that our First Division, which was in the
lead, had been attacked by some rebel cavalry,
and some time must elapse before they could
,dispersed and-the corps train could ad
vance with safety. Of course wo got no sleep
this night, and as we bad nine miles to march
we did not arrive at our destination till three
in the morning. I was put on guard as soon
as we arrived. This place was milled Green
, with ; but the only indication of a village was
three straggling wooden houses, with placards
hung out on them, as also on the fences
"British Property—safeguard by General
Meade." We did not remain in this place
longer than two hours, and moved on, ex
pecting an attack at any moment, but pre
pared for it. While we wore leaving, a battle
was going on over the ground we bad fravelod
through:the night, in which the Second Corps, ,
which wo had passed, was engaged. Our nee
of march extended to Brietow Station, Man
assas Junction and Bull Ron, and we arrived 1
at Centreville before night, accomplishing
for this day a march of eighteen miles.
Shortly , after leaving Bristow Station, where
we halted a short time, cannonading again
opened in our roar, anti wo afterwards learned
that the Third Division of the Second Corps
had again been engaged, and having secured
a good position at Bristow Station, fought
five times their nember,repubed the rebels
with considerable slaughter, captured five
pieces of artillery and 100 prisoners, and then
continued their way to Centreville. We re
mained one night at Centreville, whore wo
found two or three other Corps. On the
morning of the 15th we marched to Union
Mills, a distance of four miles, where we re
mained, halted on the reeds, masse, for about
two hours, when a messenger - announced that
a rebel column was advancing, with flank=
out, just to the right of as, and in sight from
the hills expand us. A skirmish fine, with
heavy supports, was at once thrown out, and
batteries wheeled into position on the sur
rounding bights. A skirmish. ensued, which
lasted till night. the rebels evidently not very
eager to open tint very strong. I have not
beard our loss, but it was slight. Wo still hold
this ground, the position being remarkably
well adapted for defense, and bristling with
earthworks of the rebels' own construction,
„which. they had built at the, opening of. the
war. The night set in with ram, which con
tinued almost incessantly yesterday, and half
of last night. There is no indication of the
rebels hero this morning, but report says they
are heavily massed near Centreville. 'I forgot
to mention that we found a regiment stationed
at the poet, which, if we had been an hour
later in coming here, would undoubtedly have
been gobbled up by the rebels. The regiment
has since left for some other point on the rail
Our retreat from Culpepper has been at
tended with great goodluck, and, so far, the
rebels have been worsted in every engage
ment ninon we crossed the Rappahannock.
Their prisoners. in our hands number about
nine hundred, so far as I can ascertain.
The' intention of Leo in pushing our col
times so closely to the Washington defenses,
must remain with the uninitiated a mooted
gneation, and open to a variety of conjectures.
It seems evident that he has en immense army
under him, andhopes to crush as by superior
ity of numbers. But the battle is not always
to the strong, nor the race to the swift. Ile
certainly did not calculate on our getting out
of hie clutches so easily at Culpepper • nor did
he 'anticipate that his columns would retire
crest-fallen from every attack upon our audio
mayed yet retreating forces. Thus far be has
got more than he bargained for; but this is
but a slight obstacle to the carrying out of the
grand experiments on which be is bent. What
,This. is, has been vaguely hinted at by Rich
mond papers since Lee's retreat from Penn
sylvtutia. My own opinion Ls - that It involves
an itivesion• of Maryland, and, through that
invasion', a bold and desperate strike for Wash
ington; for of Lee it can truly be said
...Nothing hi free from his ambitions finger."
General Sickles Infranived at Fairfax Ste- .
tion,- and will probably visit his old corps- to-'
day.: a nd
heidoes, the air will retroundwith.
lusty. cheers. "applauding him to the very
echo, that, obeli. applaud again."
,Ihear cannonading as I write, tn.the diree
tlon of Copiraville.l- . . F. 31.-R.
. ,
144 1 2 0i0LOGICAL 081368TATIOSil taken for
the Gazzna,at. Geo.'E. Shaw's Optician store,
No. sGFifth atFeet—corrected daily
IS arr.
, •4 r. -----
Barmetor, - -
Singular Case of CUM Murder
woman named Isabella Nesbit Is now on
trial at3Theoling, for the murder of a child—
thaftets connected with which, as developed
on the trial,arnmostremarkablo. Mary ADD
McCann, a.aingle woman, war the mother of
a child, and on the" 19th or May last, while
carrying it In her arms along Wheeling creek,
contrail) lug with'the father, William Long,
t , they met listens Nesbit, and a man named
Letils,.tritkeltent Isabella lived. Miss Mc
' Cam had never seen Mrs. Nesbit, but she ac
• otpted-an Invitation to stay with hi* all night.
• I On the following morning, while they were
. , eating breakfast, the baby fell asleep, and the
. mother, In company with a girl named Malin
. des Brady, started up street—Mrs. Nesbit
.offering to take care of the - baby. On their
Titans, they were met by Louisa Brady, who
told them that the child had boon taken
away . . On gulag to the house, Mrs. Nesbit
told them that a man and woman had
taken tho babe away. Tho mother
then visited Mrs. Longs, (whet.° the
,!! father resided, and asked if they know any
-Ailing about the child, but they said they did
not.- &be - returned to Mi. Nesbit's, and on
' iskitig leave to search the home, she was pot
bleat morning the child was found dead
1 la board yard,. with a piece of window
cord:tied tightly about its neck. It was
tie - menthe old, wain good health, and had. I
Wridebtlj died from strangulation. The cord
;'• which-the ; coroner found around the child's
-' • nook, was pfoducedin Court. An officer, who
• learehsd Mrs. Nesbit's house, found a similar
OM of cord on the-stairway, and exhibited
, top the.trialthe two pieces corresponding
04etty. There' seems to be no doubt what- I
ever that Mrs. Nesbit murdered the child, but
4., what prompted her to do so is a mystery. The
-Information was made against her by Long,
. the father of the child. Tho defense has not
" r . got been opened, but It would teem from the
7. - moss-examination that an effort will be made I
to east suspicion upon the parents of the child. j
General llegley at Louisville.
Tho Louisville Journal thus speaks of the
•arrival of General Nogley in that oity : "Gen.
.Nogloy loft our city on Saturday's mailboat
fors short visit to his Pennsylvania home.
'2, ED came to our State at an early period of
the rebellion, and has been continually on
ditty in Kentucky or Tennessee, and served
.with great distinction. On Friday night he
s wart serenaded at the Louisville Hotel by the
' Post Band, and,' in response to a call, made
- an appropriate speech, He-piaised Kentucky
for the neble.deeds of her sons; who, like
Crittenden,Roustean; and others -hed.won
hnperistrite honors, end pew/di - highlegy
upon the attitude
— qf the •State,. whi ch had
good like a the wild'
• surges of the. rebellion. ,The whole affair
pasted elf very pleasantly, other speeches
having bean made ' by Colonels 'Mundy and
Wallace. The oirapliment bestowed by Gen
, Veglay was merited - for Kentucky can never
repay the debt of gr atitude r she owes to him
and' the glorious Pennsylvania regiments
which have an long battled for the Befog of
the State."
• Our Book Table.
Bow re MI MUM ; or r The Ben-Mreatt corn
. ...;', 7 Canton. Containing clear and relistda DirectionctDirection4, for tutting all the Beverages need In Me 'Crated
. 4 „fitates; together with the moatet popular British,
. r.
Trench, (lerman, Italian, lituataa, and Spanish
•cipte, embracing Punches, Juleps, Cobblers, etc..
, '•-;•• etc., etc., In endless variety. By Jerry Tuoteas,
- formerly Bar-trader at the Metropolitan Hotel,
New York, and the Planter's House, St. Leeds. To
"•' ' 4 •" which brappeederl a Manual for the Illan4acture
of Onellais, Liquors'Faney'Syrepe;l4t44'ett ~ after
the most approved methods now used thb
iathes of Liqnoes and Benntges. Deeigned fur the
special use of 31anufacturers'and Deafens 1.4
4 ' and Spirits, Mincers, Tavern-keeper, and private
fazoilles;the sum being adapted to the trade of the
United States and Canada. Illustrated , De
, =Vara Msgr.:bags.. The whole containing over
4 ':= OM valuable receipts; By Christian Schulte, Fro
. boar of Chemistry, Apothecary, and Minuticterer
- ` 44 •7. of Winer Liquors, Cordials etc.,etc. from Berne
thaitzer4ad. ; cts. - sic Fitzgerald:
Pittsburgh: for sale by Henry Mitre, Fifth street,.
• ' (neettloor to the Post-ottlee) •
• If the above comprelerniro, and extensive,
this fails to satisfy the reader as to the nature
And quality, the - character and value of the
volume before which it stands, just as we hare
copied it, verbatim et hurrah's, wo fear we can
°fey further assistance in this
If 'cermet' venture to - take up tho .lxiak,
• end use his own judgment as to its merits,
perhaps he could. have the privilege of con
- mallation with -some of our jolly, rnbieuild
hretheirret the editorial gnild, 'farther down
strialot, , --whese , .qualiftmtions for Criticising
4 ; 4 1,.. -4 •;;' . ..gtesiddrinle may Almost' equal those of Jack
Alisolf-'-and with a much wider
-il . l, 4 . , ;:ranviofexkiletice, than that inveterate bib
,t,".:,-,l;e•L tier ofolitashloned, , sack.'
'Airo Lesitir: A Culdsfor ell Who Isiah to Speak
, 3 Iliad Witte Correctly Particularly Intended .
MMlt'of•Befenstsee tOr the solution of Direcutttes
„ • 4 :,,,cauneeted with - CitiMlner 'Composition, Punetna.
• • Mon; ete,i'itc.' With we:Unctions of latitle and. •
Trench' with lid Phnom of frequent occurrence
Alor,PtlcMleriewit. periodical, , end hack" in
, • . Lpepotal. •Vontaltling examples of Ono Moaned
, 4 -Xlstakesef s' Skating, Writing
letrlTeeiluon. Together with detailed in.
Sanction" for eis
Writing 'for the Ind forms of
•44 - *-. 4- 4 Wicks •Ite thteVairlims departments otiewepaper
• literature. New Yorke'Dick It Fitzgerald: Pitts
' -. 4-4 Dents: forst% tiyllstry Miner, Filth street, (next
tb,*! l / 4 4 0 4024,0 4
biliak can hardly fail in its mis
-44941 if those who • feel their deficieneies in
Villenly resort
to {la' pagers- with Timeicket oarnestriels of
Crite, teifecuiVthe' reboisite degree of at
wad perseverance"for sedf-instructioo.
TO• 'ill itch it wilt bo =fiat acceptable-4 very
1 / I Kflte OrtliteMlTAllefuluess and grail
4 13. 1 11Pouraleme...:-P01.4 opin 7 .
7 11 11456 s;:s.videdlei in favor of the groat islubl-.
• 7 •-'' ' tow 6. ,•••••• • • ' eilaeoe at Masonic, flail,
'tletiOrdig: a i r , 'llPtkir"" emotion of all
' - ' 42ill:llll44i c teerl l W au t e - ' necud with the greet
7 the . rs , t . .4,,licealrte l' .aud• amanita dp
e the
ra"WoFt 4 `- ' , wear that our 'stealth= I
•''..' Tr.`ltradolta *hos at: • - .44,threearprogresses. W
` - ' 9 l iE l' - is lee the cute:. • lik e it, la our ally,
' "" - • ICs
'- ; I , b/iiiii sere/4W . autlOg v tit i ll it nee • •
1 - ' d tilt swarthy theetrealpsttu- lottiou, arid
. *-,-•.f.;i - ma lic elan leerowded - at eaell' el. • 'cotillion
the ----- i - Mtiitsdifti'p*iniiiThitest their ap t .
1,, ,, 411 b .
`" -l b y - , tit naltuaus applause. A matinee . i 4,
- '..eiren. WO - aftensoort; When chlldrousril .
'';athaltted for 10 cents each.' - -
Ilitsysvar';a East:min
. - . , Dtilw,Nreliknown as the Gaiters( &pi:visor
-WO' 'on the Baltimore , mid Ohl* dlalitollt
died on 'Bitirday dew and
i -
Sensi i 4ex; stldsi late rssiden near
lgopzgirg,: wad; .a.nt534.11911!,,
reacted the pone white he war taut
isMinisiticn of ,troOD tOßio .
.(11Oriet;"strreial' .110 voi4 but'.
eight days.— was tbirty-idne years of. sgoi
leirtsta Wife and umin chllFlreq.
• '
iloornurr.--A girl namai
:mployed in Dilworth's planing mill; boiner
Kl 6 ant andßerenth dratts;lrardiutgauctrudyi
on hlonda b '0:11241 ea4ght i v "/".
' ikeritio
-31‘ - of nismaery; be KIVA:
f '7 3,ll,fesdiag 7a:n3/4ine .for -tuning auttoher t
when her clothes caught in the •nutehinery,.
a" l .llritaltilig .14Mistrwhieh may Fetver
>lbe wY inuirtiyealf to the rdobbinoe of liar pa
.• •
Purstairs.--Joss* Wood
I . 7spisaila Wore Alderman Taylor ‘saitihreo,
• -,fasisii fiohirge dt obtaining money
pretense ...lost Alfred WhitodeliV Wood:
i abbirea intadold mild him a b rase ring,
for sis,dollareprot• unatingit to Isagold, and
worth Defendant' gays bail to
AiLT$ o f Stooks by Davb k Ma.thialnp;iiiii-.
•- -?1-41osaluiiit the CommerclatElitsi Rbonsi;No.
Fifth street, iTtozday eroning ? Oct. 2026'
~.z ; :',)lttehaage!Bink . . .g'fi•6o"
~ - =;`;;;-186610:if:Pittiburich . •.67 60
e s naii•Trast. waif &mini Bank - 24 76.
.!=. 4 .Atieliti'The alinedmtikrttogo_ of Mr.
4 atdy residing -Mtnentl. Rage,
Boob viatica •Joktog s h ou ld
l 3 litoo 2ol iii be svoldoti:#:44ll;o4eiditted to
29 2-10
Sentremxci Waren Ilevirro.---In the *pin
ion,ofgenry Ward Beecher, no borne can be a
perfectly happy one without three grand revil
e:tee-re family Bible, a grandmother and a
baby. This remark wan uttered about twelve
jean ago. If written at the present 'day,
Beecher would have added* sewing , machine,
also. :_With sited, wife; a nice baby,* grand
mother, and a family Bible; the .parasstion - of
.a(hoverk..Baiter sewing machine .ought to'
render every home a paradise.,
familiae lacking the bat named requisite Will
do well to consider the important* of having
in the 'above list of treasures. In -
Grover It'llaksr's machine we cannot do other
!wise than believe She -point of mechanical
~. serfactimr bai teeirattained: The dna pro
"the, look or sbuttls-stitoh machine '
- and
" . double look stitch. The latter is a the Grover k Baker stitch: It
defu. substantial mode sewin
The stitch ist'fam.
o rrea d th roug h t h o hy,ticans
4 p, 11/POTO
114111 ' 814°11 L 44 ' 1141° ' 4/01 w hich b
oop _
entered eircolat, noodle ;; carrying the
_acad. : thrbact ' and" • thh ,
le • turn; tinewr 'Our a w hich
caught- by; the isitiold needle; se it
bemeadOwl'aghlWw•Thhp ivies or into:ll' 4 P •
log continues until - the seaM it formed, whiS
:gives grait'strength and ellistiolty.t , ThOcuel , ,,
eldnery lir* marvel ob simplicity andiatend;"
requiring no meolutnical skint° manage.
4 or Aloestt require: other storm.* than a
more change of thrpadatutd.needles, ; to adapt,
It to the character of the Work' tete sewed—
Caine or An ak arthoi naseMay be. • •
Ode of 'the ' Madines will
'se* • pure, lama, and all the varieties and'
kinds et alnico, 'between and including bea
ver cloth, . , without changing 'either needle,
Abitair or tendons -will sew • each equally
well, runtretturt to either variety of work with
.Zurfoot satisfaction. The lock stitch is made
and salmi am-formed by a thread from the
.dppeiaidi . th e ienerried through the fabric, by
*toed* w his In»iitrittoing, throws out,
loop-through ;which• another thread from the
-bobbin is carried. , The result* and etitch are
shuttle or atubbin and rotating hook are oto-
Pirliikt; r , • ,
who prices of the:rasothe 'lce. from ring
ilaWra upwards'. Let every one study
thEleintereeri and secure one of 'these ma
chines. The amount. they save in doctor's
bills and eye-water mast be enoninius...—Norok
caporcloarrunifflawd &Of! ecpar...
Cr& -
C. DolithrOLS 'Penn ittwiat, wilt u
-Lad to 1111 Winos of his profenion.
SPECPUL IfilXl4.T. - !;01107011.
_atom wra BaIWO ammo
family-and manufacturing purpoemotre the
beat In use.
Tumuli PARRY, Plain and Ornamental
Slate Roofer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and
Vermont slate of the best quality at low rates.
Office at Alex. Laughlin's, near the Water
Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. •
just received at oom'l Graham k Co.'s, Mer
chant Tailors, No. 54 Market street. 'lt con
sists of all the very latest styles of cloths,
cauimeres and vesting', overcoatinp of all
kinds of the very finest guilty, all of which
saluted from the latest importations, and
will be made up in the most Ushionable and
best manner. tiontlemen desiring a stock of
goods to select from, that cannot be surpassed
by any other in the city, and every garment
warranted a perfect fit, would- do well to give
us an early call..
BAIIUCL Gr.anan .k Co.,
Merchant Tailore, No. 64 Market rt.
Fog FALL inn Wiaren Wrau..—Thu Sum
mer is past, and by the morning's frost, we
begin to apprehend, that fall and winter will
shortly be upon ns, and we must provide our
selves with the ma terial - to keep us comfort
able. A nice fall suit, or a good and well
made overcoat are the very thing, and we do
net know -of any place where our readers
would suit themselves better then at Messrs.
W. 11. McGee & Co's clothing establishment,
corner of Federal street and Diamond Square,
Allegheny. They have also received a com
plete assortment of gentlemen's furnishing
goods, and a great variety of new patterns for
fine assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing,
lately received by Meson. John Wier & Co.,
Merchant Tailors, No. 146 Federal street, Al
legheny. The stock of clothing coresists of
the finest variety of gents' pantaloons, ratite,
coats and overcoats. .The style of patterns is
tasteful and faslionable. We would invite
all of our readers to give the .bore gentlemen
a calL
Jeer TEE THING.—Rev. N. R. Fairchild,
D. D., Montgomery, Orange, county, N. F..
writes : "Mrs. B. A. Allen's World'. lair
Restorer and Zylobalsamtna have been used
in ray family with benelleial effects; and I
take pleasure in commending them to studies
have occasion to use such prerparations."
Bold by Druggists everywhere. Dopot, 198
Greenwich street, New York.
Peas roa Sowissa.—Throughout the In
dian and Crimean eampaigne, the only med
icines which proved themselves able to cure
the worst mace of Dysentery, Scurry and Fe
ver, were Holloway's Pills and Ointment.
Therefore let every Volunteer see that he is
supplied with them. Only 25 cents pot pot
or box. . 22g.
Foca DOLLIIS, four dollars.
Four dollars, four dollars.
Dental Institute, Dental Institute.
Bost cheap Dentistry, best obeap Dentistry
No nutobrino work, no machine work.
Onitiers and carriage calls will be taken at
the Omnibus office, No. 410 Penn street, day
or night. All orders left at the abort place
will be promptly attended to. All calls must
be paid in advance. •
Court.wrz and thorough Instruction in the
French Language and drawing can be received
from Professor Victor Boileau, No. 28 St. Clair
street, Pittaburgh. lw
JOSES--In Rochester, Pa., on Tuesday morning,
the 20th inst., ELIZABETH 8., wife of J. A. Jones,
and mother of B. P. and G. W. Janet, 08.1 eetenty
three years.
BAYLESS—On Tuesday, the '2oth inst., et two
o'clock, p. ma, of Typhoid Fever, JULIA AS); BAY.
LESS, In the elateenth year or her age.
The friends'of the Gladly are reepectfully Invited to
attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents,
William and Mary A. Bayless, fain Township, near
to Tenter Station, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad,
On Turnover neat at 10% o'clock, a. m., without
further node,
MURPHY-0o Totwins morning. .t 4 fetlock,
EIZNIIY RMMY, aged MI yam.
The ramie! will take plumpest his late ftaldettee,
No. GO Log. street, corner of De afar meet, on
Wr.Datomay arreasoox, at 3 o'eleck. The Meads of
the family are Invited to attend.
Monday evening at i ecleek,
JOSEPH, yozutgest son of Major Emmall arrest,
aged 0 years 2 mouths and 10 days.
DOTEI SEXES.—A reverend gentleman-hav
ing been reatored to health Ina Dv days, after un
dergoing all the anal routine and !Irrigate open.
sive modes of treatment, without snores, ocitutiders It
his sacred duty to corinnuntente to hie afflicted liellovr
creature* the menus of: can. Home, on the receipt
of en addreaeod envelope, ho will wind, free, a ropy of
the prescription used. Direct to Dr. lOU'S M.
DAGNd Lb, lAn Fulton street, N. Y.
n. C. tiwoolsoo
K. ............... =MST &OWOSSO!.
ODROBIBISON, HEA & co., (enc.
moors to Ilmnaraorr, More A Illautoa,) WASHIiiO
TON WORKS;toranose A Macturrotra, Plttabriigh.
Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATIONERY
INGS, of all doserlptkors ; OIL TANKS STILLS,
for foodlog Boiler. anti
Fj -, . 'JOHN COMMAS' & BRO., Man-
and IS THIRD STREET, bet Wood and Market. •
HIM on band starlet" of new Niteroi:4op and
plain, antral* for all purposes.
Partici:ler attention paid to eneloolng Orate Lots.
Jobbing dote at short custico. *pa
H. HOLDEN & 130N11.., DEA.xxxs
ronitax int Don Elmo Brus or
STREET, Pititersb, Pa.
Dlr Collections made en al' the principal title'
thcottshout the Caned state& IP= .
HENEY Iromszp
wholamali dealer fa 'MC= bcrrta, aps,
FISH, andpros. ounany, Fa. zs WOO) ST.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.. Dot
• OVTLETBAW 311.KLain.
• • • ALLEGEtIert
Keno tokstaatfy on bud • land acd th a ev i t
gowned gtock o f DEMING BOAT AND
'PLANS 'WINDOW - nislin BTl3l7,_zarnms,
stainer,Volllll,. sPOUT/30; La'rßE, - 4/7.
/EC ,G 9 dc. . .
will IN ottani fat BARED BTII7T "ter
.pion ptcoilJug &fhb
N. B. Pomona wsatel LONG TAME or POP
LAB izs stticotaty tuvltal waft*
lINOVEks an Craig atm% scar Bobtoild.
Notwuthitanding th. attacks of ielloat
-1 foodoto;'Irbo ooptto to the nom of •Optf.
arertelvit tbotrottoott tradoramoota of oar
Mims. All that to 'nod is to osamtoo other
gyettsoloj thin cortmot ambit tbo 1117811 Lift.
sEuspzoi*%. rot Ws by
J. DIAMOND, Pnletkol Optician.
, ,
ilannfootorir of lb* Banton PAM,* Splotooto,
ASO: nth otmt, Morales Itst,Thalltllog
rriBETH: •.
PAIN.—.'W/Ptalat this testiod at Wends; oar_
friends .and Chi aabkp demseallis that as are Dow
rrdto grraAcT Ml= waif= PAIN
pacties at 'Detatistep _ nese who have been
pannot Ind this much dreaded opridton cliptioat
midi gi4a .Oats la =MO' th l .
"shims In an tad been Vein tested swag the
tart tour yew, Dilly *stab the oda and pin
ball assaeleY of the_ operation: - o Drop Cr Ctial4o-
Ws tor Galvanic 'Battery aced. en thaw' wishing
the wakes of a pod and lellsbis Dentist wilt do ,
" 1 U. 111 . 111 1 41 1 1 1Mg 1
• ONO B. D...D
• • - ••• **- • No. VI PUlt eeinet,
7 6 ) 45!. 7 1 g 7 / , 2 e! 17 " 1 4' 1741 ) 4 7, 11 C 1.1111.
PRATE BUTTER—Arother lot in Jan
iturt ilmeivel , an= IL OOLLMII.
A. P. Cnarva - Y, General Agent,
lie. 18, Fifth street.
~' ~Fl~.>;~;,w4y3an ~is~~a's~'~~e.'e '~+am.~~~~~r`w'`~~'
Dimpatehto 1113, Pittemrgb Quetta "'
WASLIINGTON CM, Oct. 20, 18241
The Republican, of this eventing, says that
Leo has escaped from Gen. Meade, and is
making' his way back toward Gordonsville and
Richmond, as fast an possibe.:The route Is by
the waY of Warrenton, and the theory la mili
tary circles is, that this sudden retrogade
movement of Lee has been canned by the bold
entree into Virginia of Burnside.
Llent. Col. Irvine, of the 10th Now fork
cavalry, who wiz captured at the head of his
regiment, while behaving most gallantly in
the cavalry fight at Brandy Station, during
Hooker's march toward Maryland, has been
exchanged, and arrived in toWnyeaterday. He
was exchanged for a Lieutenant Colonel, who
was one of Gen. Morgan's Staff. He was tho
only officer in the last exchange, except
TIMATNI.NT OP axiom riusonas.
Lieut. Col. Irvine states that the nliOrl
prisoners are undsrgeing most horrid treat
moat. About 1,200 are kept without shelter
and without proper clothing and almost
starved. One man au bring& Into the hos
pital extremely sick, and stated that no food
had been given him for seven days; another
was brought in almost fitaishod, and laid
upon the floor and a pleas. of broad Ent Into
his hands. He gnawed,crvalsively at the
broads few moments, but died before ho
could be placed upon a bed.
'moron )(Assiut. azirstat'a °Tacna&
Paavoirr 31..asaat. OticuaL's Omen,
Wuhlngton, Oet. 20, ISra.
aresdar No. 95..
Regiment+ now in Berriee which reinlist as
veteran volunteers, under the provision of Gen
eral Orders 191 and 30S, current series, froth
the Adjutant General's Office, will be credited
to tbo States, and as far as practicable, to the
Congressional District/ to which they belong.
Provost Marshal General.
The dolity In arranging for the exchange of
prisoners arise* from the difference regarding
figures. Get. Meredith claim that we are
largely ahead of the rebels, and has the neces
sary doeuments to • prove this. Commis
sioner Ould asserts the same for the rebel
government, but bas not yet produced any
tangablo substantiation of his assertion.
THE Lotion Tutu. REPORT
For September has boon delayed by the pre-
paration of the statistical tables. The fall
crops are good. The damage, by early frost,
is great in some sections, hat not so serious as
thought at tint.
Of New York, htts made a propoeition to the
War Department to mho • thousand sharp
shooters, In ton States, to be used In detach
Tin semayltL-corrus surost
Ls still in the hands of the fleeretary of War
It is known that General Curtis, and tumor
one officers of lower grades, are implicated.
Regular deliveries of $lO,OOO daily of the
fraotional currency will'be made to the tailed
States Treasury for,somo time to come. The
first delivery was made to-day.
Certifleatest/ oommenee banking halm been
even to tlie, (calming banks silica our lust
The Second National Bank, Wilko.bare,
Penn'a, $100,000; the First National Bank,
Palpariao;,iadiana, $60,000; the First Na
tional Bank, Rarynna, Ohio, P 00,000; the
First National Bank, Ottumwa, lowa, $300,-
The chocks for a number of coupons
of United States bonds of the Natrona!' Banks
will all be payable at Now Totk.
General Grant Kammer Command of
the Arcata of the Cumberland, of
the Ohlo, and of Kentucky.
Loriaritta, Oct. 20.—Helor General Grant
'muse' command of the armies of the Ohio,
the Cumberland, and Rentuoky, with plenary
power. He left for Nashville this morning,
to assume the direction of affairs at Chatta
nooga. • •
General Thomas takes command of General
- Rasmus' army, itoseeraus ening ordered to
Fiaelnnat!, pad to report by letter to, the Ad
jutant General at Washington.
Generals Garfield and Stedman arrived here
One of Lees Cops Gone to Choate.
noogs—Thes3oo Exemption Venue
—Wendel in Hot Pursuit of the Reb:
els—Grant the theeesior of Rose.
New Tozz, Oct. 20.—The Poses Washing
ton letter has a rantur that one corps of Lee't
army bas gone tothattanctoga, but' there are
no actual luta upon which to make each
statement, though It is talkod of in military.
An early meat of the $3OO seetion of the
Censoription sot by Congress will be urged in
December, and it is probable • that in the
nextdraft, exemption by money: will he . Im-.
pondble. , 8011lOptasone 'deceits a new law,
italag the euraptims Idea as high as $BOO, or
0T011.51,500,54d providing that the drafted
men Who, go to the , srmy x . !ball receive the
money so raised in their district. This scheme
13 said to have originated` Mr. Chase.
A special 'tb ;the Fiia, dated' Washington,
May 2Dtb, says everything is looking eleetribUl
this morning: "General 'Meadets army is in
hot pursuit of the rebels, rbo have already
retreated beyond the itafidin.
It. is thought Grata will take the place of
- Ititeerattsi ' , lt will bi iinstembored that Gen
eraiennit errited et likdro-eome days slate,
fennYiskibtag. impossiblelo ascertain
the truth of .tb• report..
WAsdiliPTPlir Oct- 211 .—Ant emended etrett•
lar has been Ant out from ,the„Provost Mar
shal Genera& WIN, by willeh le'eppearwthat
for *eery termite who la a veteran volunteer
bounty and premi u m; amounting to 1402,
be paid; and to altothof tierutti,notveterans,
$301:-. There ire for the old , orgathathum.
The• object- to to eneourige velunteiringy u
those who are drafted receive only $lOO bowl,.
and men enlistettandarehls oder will to pet
=Mad to select their redidluMarladebrhOw
ever must be one of.lhopltt regiments is the
Pr)o4ll=ftoi of o,4vtAWri
Aussrnt, Oct. 20.1--Gov. Emus= Lodi lisned
• proplusittau, se4lng that as this Psisideat
bee eallid tft; 400,000 aolintem, It is'
d;t7 of all to lei that ode as• thud by:
voluntan , ehlistinatte, and that the Presidant
adviserthe eitireas of the easing States , that
Lf the quota assigned is not Anoka draft shall'
be made tai the steadeney; to eau:lmre* the
sth of next January.
A Fels" Iteparts!.
aotra anat Ilea: aka& I ha
Wa th svi n attia .ths , Oot. or r.-- that Th or* prob ably
hot pariah of theiatiaals a or that , they. hay s
retreated bowl thieltaphlaw
Oct. 26,...g0,rach information
la that Oakes at to ► Pidtadalphtallsteb.
oon be nt in s palpated:sabot raid into.
sylaahhOsihataiotolved Dom The :bola
report fa toliatialicohaaetaard. , • , • ;
Ilsznat St. Loafs--Arrival of Cotton..
~-, -4 2as, C avalsr.F.IgA4 on the hientphle
b. ch i weitorcganroad..-Great Union
Revival to Arkansas.
Sr. torn. Oet: 211.-Tb.e steamers Anglo-
I Saxon and Sunnyaido, with two hundred and
filly bales of cotton, arrived yeeterday.
The Memphis Bulletin of thel7th.gires ad-
I ditienal particulars of toe military operations
co the Memphis b Charleston Railroad.
Our force at 'Collierville was less than fire
hundred, srithoot the artillery,commanded by
Lieut. James, Sd U. S. Cavalry, a member of
Geri. Sherman'a staff, and not Sherman him
self, ea previously reported. Opposed to us
were eleven rebel regiments, under Chalmers
and Riehardsou, numbering, it is said, eight
thousand, witltnino planes of artillery. Our
loss is fourteen killed, ninety-four wounded
and missing. The rebel lola is about one hun
dred and fifty.
Daring the pursuit of Chalmers by 001.
Hatch, the latter came up with the former at
Ingraham's Mill, three miles smith of Bay
Halls, where after two hours' fighting, the
rebels were dislodged from a very Strong po
sition. their guns being advantageously post
ed and their infantry well covered. The po
sition was carried by Col. Phillip's brigade,
the ith Illinois and, 7th Kansas leading the
charge. The enemy lost npwatds of fifty
killed and wounded. They retreated thirty
miles south to Tallahatchie, where they took
a strong position at the little town of Wyatt.
Deep trenches have been made entirely round
the town, and reinforcements had arrived.
The enemy. occupied the river' side with
from 3,600 to 4,000 men and nine pieces of ar
Col. Hatch had about 2,200 men.-two brig
ades; under Col. Phillips and Col. Morriens—
and sight pleces.of artilfory in the oenter.
The enemy made - two desperate charges on
our right and loft, bat were repulsed with con
siderable loss, they leaving their dead in our
bands. Night coming on the battle ceased;
bat about nine o'clock Col. Hatch charged on
the town and drove the rebels panic strioken
into the river and across the bridge, leaving
in . our hands about three hundred rides and
seventy-Ore prisoners. The town was after.
During the six days' fighting and skirmish
ing, from the brittle of Collierville to the last
affair, about 800 rebels woro killed. A large
number were taken prisoners ' and a oonsider
able quantity of arms captured.
Little Rock advices of the 14th say the rebel
army is scattered in every direction, and an
extraordinary revival of the Union sentiment
has taken place among the people. Over one
thousand men hare joined tho Federal army
at Little Rook, and the people are coming in
daily and taking the oath of allegiance.
The official report of the capture of the
Confederate steamers on .Rod River won't
differ materially from the accounts already
Military Changes lu MisuourL
Sr. Loma, Oct. 20.—Gen. Sehofleld has is
sued an order relieving General McNeil of
the command of the District of Southwest
Missouri, and placing him in command of the
frontier, vice GoD. Blunt, who is ordered
to report at Leavenworth. General San
born takes command of Southwest Missouri,
and Gen. Ewing'! District of the border is ex
tended so as to embrace the entire State of
Burnsldes Marches.
WASIMIGTOS, Oct. 20.—Tho Government
has official advices from Gen. Burnside that
his marches are victories in East Tennecsee
and Southern Virginia, and are eminently
satisfactory, and that in almost every case
the rebels have. been whipped and routed.
Gen. Burnside declares that there Is not a
more loyal people living than are found in
East Tennessee.
Preparing to Resist a Rebel Raid.
Piniirmiruts,.Oct. 20.—Rumors aro afloat
that the military authorities bore are making
preparations for the transportation of batter
ies, anticipating another raid into Penneylra
eta. They need confirmation.
Break in the Delaware Canal
EUSTON, Ya. , Oct. 20.—There LI a bad break
in the Delawaro, division of the meal,
nines below Eatrin, which it will take two
weeks to repair.
Markets by Telegraph
New bona, Oct. 20.—Cotton dull, heavy sod lower
at 8.5356: for middling uplands. Flour la heavy,
chwitia 5c lower at S 5 MSA, 005 for extra State, Pd NOS
7 On for common to ftt.ssl shipping Wands of *Um n.
II 0, and 516508 SO for good to choice extra spring
buyen at the outside quotations. Whiskey
n emer a t taiwjsi—surly all at the latter price.
Wheat somewhat unsettled; spring Is. shade Pratt,
with a fair demand; winter dull mid heavy at 51 22
e 5 I 32 for Chicago S pring, 51 2441 34 for Milwatidee
Club, 51 3441 37 for Amber lows, 81 3* 11 41 for
winter rod western, and SI Y 7 for inferior winter red
western. Barley scarce and firm. Corn tolvanced le
with a fair demand, chiefly at 5431 01 for shipping
middling western in More, and clueing at the Meade
price. Oats lower al The for Western State. Fork la
without decided change. Baron lathe firm—Weetern
Cumberland Cut, deliverable front Ibe West to the
15th of January, at }eV. Lard is shade ender, part
to artier, at 11*411?. eo—the latter is an extreme
price. Cheese easier at 12E015c for common to prime.
New York Stoek,and Money Market
Nrw Yost, Oct. 70.-31oney is firmer, with more
doing at aglo—the bulk of transaction. at the lat
ter prim. Gold unsettled and lower. opening at 42%,
advancing to SU/, apd closing., quiet 48%649 Ster
ling Exchange cloeni dull at 164/318.5.
Goverrunont Stocks a ehado ermar—C. S. G's, ISSI,
Coupon., IffJ%; 7,10. Treantry Notes 10;.
Stocks ass Mill and lower .
C. a R. I .I.o7‘4lRead ing.. 172 3 ,
P. Ft. W.& C..._._...85_ Jlll. N..
79 Edo
A. & T
C.A A....
G. & C
!!ad on
.ursti Pacific 31at1.
,121 Canton Co.
.141 N. -
Puttsastrum, Oct. 2.—Flour dull at 37,00(V1P
for Extra Focally. Wheat dull ; tales 3,000 bushels
White at 31,00, and lied at 8140. Com firm at 111
for Yellow. Lard, Id. Petroleum; Crude, 33;
flnd, 152(353c. Whisky steady at Wattle.
BALTIXOU, October fa.—Whest dull sad datilast
VX Kentucky White, 81,93(31,05. Corn quiet; White
$1,63011,00. FL4sky dolt sad umattlal ; Ohio coml.
'sal at We. •
New York Cattle Market.
New Toth, Oct. 20.—The .recalpu of Beef Cattle
for the pest week allow • considerable Incraue otar
the heavy receipts of htet etch. In view of *bleb the
market. boo ruled doll and Item at • destine of folly
142 c par 'peond on all grades; 'while on ewe
as greater. Tbsourrant prices for the walk at all
that:caskets are sa follows: Deaf Cattle, per ILO pi,
In quality. at enock orahm7 to low. VVOOSMCO;
eaaamoa, 57V; inlatior, KV. Cows and 4-3 1 , 94.
' Clth s4° ! M O .. PIOT C"na",
kit q"Iltr• 7, 3_ 7 *; ordicarr, 6, 37 ct commas, b 3,
Inferior, - nrVjgc. Storep—hxtras, per
414116044 vivre, Ea4 o 646o;,ordlnary, evanz
eorenion 134101g3,73; InferlarAi2,NlAW. .
cora-rod, Illngajjc; bMatemitc. geoetpee..".
8,,,,,,0xtr - Coan III; Vats elk - Weep and Lambs
IhglZr, Aetna 81,320." ,
$llO 13°111. ' 0 '
colored Recruits Wanted,
AT so. eo WOOD 511 1X5T.,
; For the ractrni 51X4FISEENT V. 5. COLOMED
TILOOPS, which now forming at Camp William
Pam. near Fliftwiebthi. Pa. PAY. Clothing and
5415Mni theiliermealfwh 7 ninc4 s s l ls.
'rmi=niaCeiffi, be familibed trpon implicatien
to tba hinef t teitiquada of roan of any misobet.
odhlw ssestrmao °nun.
a. 31.•11'STEES, Baum Forman,.
t./ • Gas urn Snag Fmnos. Partloolez attention
paid to tn. Attlng iati and remising IRON WI:
NERIEg. kde ofl3ltAN ANDO,OOI3.
faidarto order. -Also MAO' OASTENGS, of all
kinds, mods at the shortest notice. •
All Won left at Nolagriuni 34 WATER sums?,
jets - Liberty; tx• grosoptly 'saintliest to.
is :numbersof' this ffno bathe mosentattes
oleselkwognianTleue snowfalls* in - slick. buttywa,
:VW UM* tCI MVO sattahattowla =meet
We an also agents for - Guild, Garrison &
SITAR PIRI.P,Ioe Pt:unplug Water; Crab and Re•
filed 01%14 -` Osinly.r
(Whet etd.l the ottulmedtal otha4);gness TEINT 'MEM
mut herbicibeepleit bi
_TS/1. tad ' 11 1 3 1 ,7734: d
MU,* Atit • wit te teltiteistrul_,,, If et
demi, Wpm; pottlhg ,t i me .est 4 au goer Nereet7
stectrot the bur quality', and ,st, 'Week prim, to
unto tattoos' tett Maki. the meet 11;11 eat larit,
Slate& laqtgresArt , • -• . •
, •
0.•11. OILELIT,OI7 Dtsraced etnef, , •
211Z1fL9211,, 110 tetehee.
seftletteil • •
tilwx.mor to Orin 75 'TWO.)
itignerveuzinsai oArr PRAXES, UM, CIM
sad o t. Tarlotr , lIMMLAINIA:
lardebtia- Also. OA 011. LAMP: BUBNIMIS
,ottd / LAMP. =AIWA 11tk00n 1 1744.• 2 33 56 ,nd
conzaigsra. BOOTS tram BOSTASID: oe
spEarat awmtcvs.
O. , EL S--11360-Z.
Pemate ef sedentary habits, troubled with weak
law., lewelltede, pelphation of tha heart, lack of ay
petits, distrele after eating, torpid liver, email.'
tton, &a., dineree to sugar if they will not P 7 the
Which arm now 'commended by tha laktratroadleal
authorities, and warranted to product, aa immediate
beneficial etieot. They areagreeable
yornintly para. and must aup=other table
lame a healthy, ratio alltoolaatt to rmatra4l.
They purify, etrunettbert and baybanfate.
They create a healthy appetite..
They are an antidote to change of water and diet.
They overamm affects of diazipation and late heats.
They strengthen the system and enliven the mind.
They present miasmatic and Intermittent &rent.
They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach.
They ewe Dyvepais and Constipation.
They ruts diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera blorbm.
They cure Meer Complaint and Sam= liendache.
They make the seek strong, the languid brinhott.
and an exhausted nature's great fedora: They en
=moved of the celebrated Caguys bark. winter.
green. sassafrak mote and twee, all presstWailln
perfectly pure St. Croix Cum. Tor partied/ma. me
amain and teethnoulals around each bottle.
Dann of impcaten. Examine erery battle. Doe
that it has D. S. Berne elven:me on our pirate U.
S. &tamp over the cork, with plantation seem% and
our firm shrosture one tine meet plate engraving on
Bide label. See that our bottle b not nalled with
spurious and deleterious null. We defy any Person
to match the taste or character or our goodi. Any
pence pretending to tail Plantation Bitten by the
gallon or In balk, b an imposter. We sell only in
our log cabin bottle. Any person imitating thie
bottla k pr selling any other material thercb, whether
called Plantation Bitters or not, le a crictind under
the U.S. Law, and .51 be wa prosecuted by us. We
eirolorT how oar eye on two parties te-Aillug our
bottles; Am, who will succeed to getting thernalre! ..
into ekes quarters. The demand in Drake'sPlaa,
tall= Bitters from bsdkvi, clergymen. merchants,
perrenly noredlble. The simple trial of a
bottle lithe evidence we present of their worth and
nparicaity. Tberant Fold by an nwpectable dive
gists, grocers, pigskins, hotels, steamboats and
country stores.
TIM, tor Ws vita lead. sad MAW, by
Corm! Bmltheold and Fourth ctroots.
-1 1,:k4;11;O:ilup:47:11:
B. 80LL31421, C.;:naa4.
(Foriodrly Mad it tb., Bardeaars.)
The Tinny. mended Irtth • Pries Medal, of
elx.ty ethiblteas et the International Fahlbltdon,
London. Tor sale by
eelal .Wren Menrcanserm. •
, SPECIAI, NOTICE. .. . . 1863.
The andendatual would reaped:WlT uk "tend.°
to the preparation known ea
For all Throat and Lung Complalars.
The great litroralgtc, Eheminustle, Readauhe, Tooth
ache, Loss of Blimp, and Gemara! Nervous Bondy.
Al.. forth. Poi= In Monthly litonstrustiona a per
The most perfeCt form of Catholic ere: Oren to the
public, which never require more thou two and sel
dom but ewe for . dose, act without the least griping,
end core Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Liver
Complaints, Pile., Worms, and all dentrents of
stomach or bowels.
The above preparations, of sorb aubooodod repu
tation to New England, have the coalition., of, end
are need by, - grad numbers-of -Phydelithe, and at
prices within reach of all, are worthy the attention
of tuvalids, who will Cod them a strict conformity to
nature lit medicine. Without rending to the com
mon method of °Mumns of advertising, I would's*
centrotruce to teed them, which will beset-red.
JOHN.' L. LIVINEWELL, Proprietor,
Practical Chemist, Boston, Mass
For sale by all wholesale and retail dealers.
The greeted 'freedom of cornspendence solicited.
Dealers of good references supplied on oonueladon.
FOr seis In Inttsburgh at ash* by.J. 31. Patton,
G. H. Keyser, Id..B. r joeeph Fleming; In Allegheny
City by Jas. Brown, M. D ., W. J. Means and Coo. A.
Keliy. B. A. FAHNESTOCH & CO.,
oelthlmeodawF Wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh.
. Dr. Ludlum's Specific
Is the only reliable remedy for discuses olds) omens
of generation. It 4 the discovery of en eminent
Mirth:Jan whose Ilfe leu darotad to the treatment of
tbls:class of dbeaseh, end wtth unprmedetdol .no:
9,13 i
oast, for tam than tannty pant It to perfiettaa to
Itself, requiring no trjectlons. and Moritz; Nabob
from tbe mistaken preetke and the
low compounds °Mired to the public. It la *Mindy
'sgntabA untl yetikvtly sib. It sets Ilka • charm.
and Impart, even& sail Itirrt a rbe &owed
Ctormot—Tba Out, arca" or this noway ta of.
Slabs pirmiana cum bu lid to Lti Lain= (12ittee0
by ancaticiplid man. Obootto, thoraine, that tba
sicaucto at tbs yroprititlit , Ottinal tacb bar tos
other b cocainitclTaiacatt
. Pligehttahr. Cincinnati. O.
'bad by en Drams Aloe. In portal.
ruinia. bill A. PitillitZTOClE
Tbevadstds*Otg tosa mtg., to win ki
fit. Weal by S iit 7 Wails natal.aftxr bobs
mania sorrearrox!,weelui arras linieasettoc;
am utarania
asietstaiv to hie Misr rgransibi swim afpare.
• To Witt!) &Wm Its he +MI wed *ow et O.
PieleriPtSoi 1321 4 4 0441 1 * a tbeittera ,
*mild madOtatteitaink Chi mist, wtddi ett
%Air didairriktopsialkint73llllo3; L AUMEN4
.enytfat tbstOortrtber.tramilzw,44 zogalptioci
Ii ~beaeot . ainkroml4 woad talbroistiow
vldeb tia 4:ocadvioAlo brlneslaabla...• sad he awn
*my 'indent tit nurseccedrAg lC ral gc4
9mgcliiot*T rialri4ionri r s blew%
rirtii"*.ll4,4l,9,o"lP"Tni platy "IP",
. „ Ay, 4.1•19144) L MUNN,
cioriter; New To*.
Modirart--, • LTh - - -
• T 2
vit 7 Puma 'or:44 !mato:4lll6lw
tun who Nara= Vireo iii-Delattyi ?MUM*
arta? beillit pa SO reatcips*.ald
me:LW Dombgiva4rackial
Foploral behead - the aniblGl "
_ 'NATTIOTOM tarp , .
Selbrd,lC <Moth In ,
Ana earairm vrobag, Pffrov4l:
-PARE. Dveulttrir* -00 ”
Nazifflisturin et ersolusa, , litigints AND
MiIeiV;MP'FF,C=I4I%IP T ll " °U ,
Al", , baraten ;an4. iimaarvizta .4'+""'''. •
PLATE. SIIM LEW, MIMI , . 622 # 1 ". 0 ,1 1
tAnfrysMitir InittitaS 41W: 00 *
Warabouijariao Titiaint /P 0 01 1? 0741
PittabUrel.Pa,• ;-
!pas adferoppo44 tat tolf # . arYea 11'1;104
, .11. ,Ja
2211 E
EtbOrill be surd; tla cictind rouri.tif Jai Cow
maretalßalta Been* No, SI Filth :street, thee largo
Brick Warehouse nett oc, opted I r Metars. Everson.
Ptestan & Co., ellgiLly Aillintol ' belWoe L O 10 - lkni and
Market streiqa, baling a wont of at. root on the SW
stozoitela. Whisrf. and .tellatlnC back it;',./ root to
Front atroet. Posst.sstou given Les oi Delt.
Alan the elegant three-store I.IIC, 4 , a 5.!1t0z. Irtotln,
Occupied by Mrs. Sophia Grant. vim. D:questa
Way, come* of Evans alley, with ar ,lef _hi feet.
and eitendg back lit) feet to a 2e . • Alley. The
house has all the modern ranverieue. a with largo
W, and double stable attached. Pont:Le:en given
I April next, or ownurif d aire,t.•
Also that handsomely dutshedthere-nory brick
dwelling bout., situate nu Pont( near Hay slintoia,
now occupied by Mrs. leracl. The bonze -Amos 24
feat 011 Penn street, extending bank 112 ftit, to a 113
feat allay. The /lonia is in excellent royal:, and pen.
gentian glees lat of Aprtl.
Also,tb• throe-story brie' dttellinghonet now cu
ctrpled bylobn B. 31cFaddea, Esq., situate on Penn
steszAlsy drama. : Tbo house is well cease
nient,:and in excellent repair. Possessionren Ist
of Aprll text. •
The tutu will be Made Atorable, and announced
at tale. For further part.l..x.tart czq::::a of Is, tx 3.
Pennock. Wi Vebll etreet.
0 03 ; DAVIS & McILIVAINE, Ance're.
-11-CiREVILLE 110R.11-
twa, ono.- r:th, et 14 o•aock. will be sold .n the
PM:llam, It the liorough of Lawrenceville; by order
of Robert Dell, Administnidor of Malcom Leach,
deed, the folloving twenty.olght dostraLle lots in
the plan lahrout of houtestoad property, viz :
Sixteen iota, oath baring a (taut of 24 feet on their
Pittabargh and Greensburg extandlnd
heel 100 feet to Fairview alley.
Two lots -each haling a trout of 4 feet,( inches
on the Pittsburgh and Givensbnrg Pike. not
tending hack 103 feet 4% inches.
81 - 1 kill on Uteri/ street, sash harina 6 front of
24 Rot and Unending bath 320 fret to Fatrvfes alley.
Three lots on I,l bettystreet, etch' having trent
of 21 feet and =tenet% bask itu average depth of 71
feet 10% (nate.
One lot at the eorner.ot. t and Fear
110w 0110 7, 110,10 F s than , Rubes ' on
arty sheer and 114 feet RN*litfiken fruit on Fair
view they.' • • - -
• Units or. BALS..-0064.bird culr; &might ruldr.e
ln tiro equal payments at one and two you; with tee
tenet, secured by Judgment bond.
Plans of the property May 1.14" btu! at GAM - mil=
Rooms, No. 44 Fletb street. •
orb - D.S.VI3
—On TRUILSDAX Ock-kl3, a: 7%
o'clock, at tho klasofile Etatl Anctiokarobsc, will
sold, a torga quantity or ;loots,. orcbn.lng Itnicea'
Itlatory otEogiand, L vole: .1.1i11111411 . 4 boa's Rem,
li-soh; Lamb's Works,4s vo:u•Edi,Ar. A. IN .010 Worta,
3 etak;lrving'S Woilokb volt; Clakalgets'Xlec:llß4,
11 Voir, Gordzolltini - Anlowed NAvareoL tale: Dick's
Theoloay, BlokA'a Liktlontiry; Totogo.
'by &Lamer Sprlug, 4- volsrPorcy'r , Rolf coot; She!.
toy!' rootte.Worksi also the worki of kliestml, Llakt
Baik, vith laxp gnarl:By or Books cot,
enumerated. Will bti co csillimlnk no 'lkon:lay
afternoon. T. A. McCLELL.ktiD, AucE'r.
BB Broad
- - - - -
gi I AI FOR 8 ..LE—The undersigned
offers at private sal* a very saleable term no
Ohlo Township, Allegheny Camay, Pa., containing
about Si aces,. It to situated -ou
about 4<milou below We city., The improvements
are a good stone dwatitaThome; log born, end other; about Cu apple treei g o od Idaring
condition, and other frolt traa ; about GO ecru' good
cleared land, the Wan:a in goal timber. It is the
property formerly owned by WOMAN B. JACK
MAN. The whole farm will be sold to a isstietir If
=Want Inducement to orterud It will to cat up sod
sold in lots nimble for country residmiant. As the
subscriber Intends to dispose of the property 0000,
those who may wish to pa:ulae should me upon
him without delay.
Per further particulars enquire .of J. W. P.
WHITE, 103TIFTLI STIitET, Piliaburp,h, or
of thu andarsigneW to Ohio Towusbio
ocl3t3wl WILLIII.r 'JACKMAN.
a nourishing 11 - eaters town on the P. P. W.&
C. IL IL, not neer WO miloa from Pittsburet, now
doing a large and profitable natio. Thresiock-is
now, pad has bores selected with reference to the
country trade. Has all been purchased [or mall at
IOWNIC market prima.
The present proprietor has decided tq reties from
the trade owing to had health, end now'rriedioat,
°M in the stock the into; gibe tho good ‘ , lll or the re
tiring pull% The house has a Large arid rwitsetable
mad., which can ho retained. The preserdt' Mort
will Invoice from Seven to um Lkigi.'3B2l3 dollars, bat
could be reelnard lf desired.
rental. wlabLug w Www n,. orticulesa pletro
orlaress'ot mll penzmillp on
69 1.14n,1 PlcLbtagh,
ERTY FOB SALE. Two Lots, 22 inet 4
inches front to an att.', with a Irtr-n double bonne
batwoon,tionsork and Hand en.rootn .. A deolniblu
don Conn Phrlcinn. or Paint et.
Alio, some fine bundir- I,:l7atn mr.Ulanco
noor xinorwrilie, from }:to I sore ouch.
n lex - 4 utnol,er vo
buinllng lass or o i o
duos, of trots to 60-font crane, by 100 to 1,50 fa.:
dee situated u
rho rn:dans of the Stne
Passenger Bolliray.
Apply. to the anderstino.l, Duca:mot the ettato
of Joha nerrou, deed. W. A. M=QN.
andcrsignoa offors for solo a rcrytICSIVSLIo picw
of land, containing laji acres, naafi!, Lrituatoir
Baldwin township. ft fronts on the Browurcibo
road an one side, and one aide on the Illisabetlitcom
road. It Is part of tbo . Wbile Ball Farm, This lot
has a hone erected on gi,.and oneocehnrd of ,:ipplo
and Cherry trees, bearing Milt. Thia let be add
on accommodating term'lr net sold before tho fret
of Jan= will be far rent.
For inquiro at WHITE 'FiLL,
. eabscri=don.torralip.
BALE, vaunted at No. 173 Third itreot, Sca
ond Wad, Pittatirsh. Tho lot bona front, ctrat foot
and extends back 86 foot, on aidah is erected a Large
three-story brick building;alth back baildings three
stories. The banding is finished in modern style,
arranged with doublaparlors, (marble crunaties,)dni ,
Lig room; kit c hen, lamadry, with tubs, boners, stole
and bath room.' Also aim cOmmodionsbed cbdrs.
ben. ' Perth, seeking a 'ccmfortabk ,reakkaus, the
alms L. Jon the places. TJ offered Lew.
Tor terra; and mice call at .
oda B. 11cLA1N £ Cl/.'g. 132 TouriN street..
"PDS SALE AT A EtAlitiAllS;A , One
secandauind STEAM ENGRit, 141 n. cylinder,
43 toot - staballopprt en* eff, 12.,f00t dy wheel on
mance shaft, 40 foot in. steam pfne,fwith two 3
In. dotiblo flood (14 tn) steam bollen, 29 feet long,
stuns dnito wrought-Iron standpipe , brenbing .d
fire from, all In good working order; rated nt CO
born points. Also, one sma ll Steam E.B lOO, G in
cylladir, with lly•whoal. dc., in liko condition that
hu been &inn with tho other.
ror pati ing na:a rein to 11003, TATLOn. CO.,
crf Whal.
oe2awd. • , ct - snnic, & eo.
The onttertigood offers at- Tl!ato sale tds
coo:My residence on Troy UM. confab:in about
Os acne of ground, a oplanditi
Haar, 11211 sscellent. Truce Baru. with roam, fur n
htrod mga with 3 433 Y; 3 acres fu . krrtt , re,"ln eza3l
- bearing order: &boot :OD choice pearl Urea, and
about -1% vole Irreg.. par men. c.hurti,e phm end
other Item to Title Indisinnabl+ Condition.,
May Yagalb of .
*Miro JOlth C. rtzor.h. It, play,.
Atifi L-.....t a ljikaiLlS 0 ,4 V r•
oIV.I I .I I N V G ga ltir " 1.7:
boomm Lottiby Obt; uo,toompoll
'Retold' so thr.o. hit; No. 11*
k j ar. L .T ' yl 'i =i Anwe •
. red - 0 :
5.11 131 7 kr
114 -1 01 t
_EAL.E. , —Finir- Acres - et Ground
_ MA *'Four Sim , Brick thiltdt* , Eugthe,
Haan ACUSAMILWWI7; I, l l lJidaPted-f9gA mut
-1/4447 I ICKI Mt by' 120 ran: can la aixd kr
"' "rnitl
No. WI Gnat anti", 'PlttPl.nrgh.
CLOUT 'aGE.drrSi
;us rina.sugt aka adcr bflar t e#Ocacdral•
Satin; 'dui tire lbeeitikht tone.
tar Will laylet. ate entitled WNW° Benut7
milLstom,.:;lll &Was rittw . ha ham: too
ittis . Latio 0:ONO& to Nio IFIN/NOt T AT.i Sold:m
by. tnuoa Of 4Liteas, an entitled to pm.
olatiFiaats arsolitie alio - die or tai kaolin
et, ont tart
o* am ptsoior.o ons;:tbo pico
Maus claims of sow .2tociptioorpo:= ptly at
tolls4' to. No chino toodo . La , au,ocao:tintil tbs
• conoettat.' • .., 1.11; t
pEssioNs, Bouny,434ex PAY
/ 1-0 ;1• 11 4•6g - ai,LL,
110. U 411374 - 81 ° D.1M4 ftritc\•
r r•-%;
0:4IC1o4S la Alkeuody atul eganded.
Itookeitio SOLDWRITCLA73IB,`OforiIy &nolo-
BOMC7IIIIIbr µl. &Won. Pr.S%
1110" , tor ',vandal ,oiboas. BOIPA
TresAapznicar roewaan, paroutr, OrPb ,l
etakeWßrdhas ad' Sikora, or othirktd.s - - td . ....
ladattrek of thaw wbo Imo aled , botAbolorvlo.W
ban dkd dad. discharger trodddissadde andradted'
ddripekdid colke4d. ;ado leder will to
avows:rod &stamp it laclaod: • .".:10lOilywt
:IftiONl l l, ES,
itssiOn t ecz tit' =MEN
or .amiption, e011er.44: thaj,tb
aerlber.lkoll mace, 7141:'• 5:10 1:10;
otter um Vl' tPt • •
. . - at Lah r
xo, omit streat,,entsb.intae.
La. ri abargoaraleadeat at - dua l aces - nos
gaseeid;and all inlbnactlem glreliogits.- I.llly
17, 'ter, 1N4,,...1040) feet of
thallition Min O,k Tazttfetrotabsr Bertnr..
Nxs: ea LagarBl,ta.acs„,44wi a m - tar.d LIS
Wig lag IS NOlkle 33 . 81: adz Woe -- 4 :
trts. -
11)N T ‘ ="40;M1i,..7 Si Clay
m..t , -,
FOR 3.11. E.