N., ; =1 -7.7 -- 1 - i ,.. - - - -F., - -7 -- ,% idi r -- 1 ,_,L , ,L t a_. p,„,,, ,, ..r.1.-...._z„...,.._ _Arias . saw' • ItllSUltrga • igalaztult-r- Nothin • g eo satisfactory, so authentic, so ro- [& , SECOND IVARD, ALLEGHENY. ,as the following lours irons CoL CALS.- . . —The Hann Lemma winhobi analectionof. wnit., Chief of Gen. Damson's Staff, has yet ! o o yLo k ia , T a Z . /fi p atIZIL V .EITL ,::: T . i l4 beta :published respecting the condition of i K . n e,e to the Couo m cit. A Cal attendance b. PM.U.d. 41.11. ' 7lTh:inane. In a letter enclosing it to the Chi- of ocasit . • ff. =WEIL Sec rotary. , i cago Tribune, for publication, Major General i, i..' socirrf The Sixth Ward Soldiers' Aid Cr 9319 thus etmnSlT approves the views it ' 'society will hold their larder weekly -meeting on setitortht -L.:. --)SDA VENI.3%, Oct• Zkti, at the SCHOOL 1 USE, when the membersare &plied to be par eta, as bcuilness of importance wild be liddbefaro the Society. - By order of __ ocliridt BO B. RIDDLE & CO., ';`:Amazinui PlD'llsrndF"3:4 --- TUESDAY MORNING:::::=::OCT. 20, 1868 Meß;tbr the Army. Inhelatedrawing mainly to the fact that so many able-bodied men paid their eammutationitild not , result in adding to the:army one-third the number of men that the n!xeseitles.of the' service . required.. A lognexamint - 6f Money, amounting probit:: ably to between twenty and thirty millionk ' was paidin comimdatfam, which, according to the provisions of 'the enrollment law, is to be need as'!a fund to pay bounties to now recruits ,Onleretainnowbeenissued to the Boards, .oJ:twat:int to, itudittli systems of enlist ment throughout their respective districts. ,1.? 11 u; , r , 4 9 :7 110 47. e served as soldiers not less than nine months, and been honor-, ably-dlsolutrge4 : far any "nee, eihertiaan Optima diiiibility; aiMunty of $402 is to be *di audio those who bare not been in service' , 4ton:odd, bounties of $BO2. These lvetaties are payable, as follows: ' Atlontital-cendetvous, before leaving the sane Mlelti ilia aleifun' ant, the veteran zw• . cralt. will receive one' month's pay, $l3, ireiplur, ,$44 firsi:iniitalmeni of bounty, $3O--totaL $75. I . .et:4l at two months, another instal- . . meat of $5O, in addition to regular pay. At the end of nix month's, another instal nnmt of fifty dollars; at the end of a year another, and - o on until the ; hole amount; is paid. If honorably iged at the end et two years, the whole bounty will be paid. Fair raw recruits the same Corder of pay ment will be observed, the ratio of the in stalments being as much less than the above as $302 islesa than $402. Upon ate 'mimosa of this effort iiangs the question of another, draft. ISlen must be • bad, or our a:vales will becopmb too weak to leash up the great work eV. crushing out this infernal rebellion; and themore PwatiPt ,, ly this cart be done, the sooner may we hope for peace. .Every good alit:erg:ought to en courage this effort. Volunteers have fought' this •great. battle from the beginning. let volunteers finish it. Two hundred thousatall men, added to those we have, 'will finish the „war before the term of the noble thllows ' . now in the service,expires, We have beaten • the allies of. the rebels et the ballot box ; noir lit U. 4 Veit the rebelli themselves in the field. One vigoromi effort more will finish. the joh. . • . The President , . Call for Volunteers. The -President's call for 00,000 volun teers, to up the now greatly: Wetted real* of the national amities, east and west, not l occasion any surprise to those wholtive intelligently considered the pres ent posture of affairs. To all such, the ne cessityof, an early resort to some mesas of serslitig more soldiers into the fieldrhas, probably for matty weeks put—at least Since the inadequate results of the late draft dis appointed the friends of that measnre—rbeen very manifest It ithapertant, naYilt is even essential to the nation's interest—to its safety and well-being, now and hencefollth—theta? parsimonir in using its resources shall com: pet. our generals to keep oaths defensive, when they should have men and war-mate rhil, at - all necessary points, to secure the sal, vantage - of taking the initiative to attack tie enemy in fkolit, - , Let no hope come toile rehels—who have now bait all hope of foreign assistattee, and even of a diversion of copperbeadsunder the lead of VALLINDICALII WOODSINULD in the North—let no hope come to thein,froM any hesitancy about reinforcing onearuties. It ispo9t; ecortonty4o,he plcreimonious in this' Mottei k i ...,tte: truest elerinomy will,al ways *ride the amplest resources' in such a warns this.. , hem- de .. very firit, even' dd until now, the impera dictate ecorenuist could only be—Let an 00271IIhikirtg arrpy , of force, at all points where It is inippitant 0 meet the rebels, be_ provided' and 'readiness to meet them theret--lind though the. work of anbjnms- rwainif aPpearit fai:,adranced, still thuunuripsod etrunselhu, income! .ralmfbree , if wherever .yei littri army in the field, and thus take security: against ,all-possible unfriendly , ratrOppl, alone- of fortunei , aul'tbn mut 'obee "- and ttesperate:touti of .t et remaining.: se sourcea oiti*VelaisK" . _ resz-...l3smanor , ..finsemo Ittours or fluvaitarnsaaA4tidge - Atoctia, I Of-the Prcorostecurt at New Orleans, has r- 1 '„noideWii-dealkdott . touching the rights of the *email slate property in that por tion of - Louisiana exempted by the Presi dent:i proelasttion, The case was that in, whicha negro woman whohad left her' mai ter; Wring her tire children with her, two of whom sha'aftniviaidi returned to her cornet master, reclaimed the two children, and.being refused their custody, complained tattle Provost Court. Indies Atocti decides - that the laws of V;•`;iliti State of Louisiana-relative to slavery as .therWitre leire,o"beline the rebellion, tlittvet by the ,President 4 Proelamego% 4;040 to.be binding. and , that the com etlru wiiiiantided;byltittne of the proc lanuktion, tai the custody of keT J • The Rhsfailis ad mo ni shes us: TU•weather prophets say that the pect o plaMaylook out for the ,hirdost 2 minter . 1 ., t ,14-.6:for geom. trill be more cold. mercoot7,iiiltenn Tower; and the ".45ntrirbe deeper, than 'lndere Ilitleo 1867. STi is the first 18GZ t that, the brook-trout have commenced 'leaving tht for deep holes eb early as Sep- ; ' 'tbsibefil ! thtt. the &et -awe dace then that . • .) certain:4omin fallible aigntyiiupwtt to 11 0' ePqammilia • - wththitofunesinit aerer- - C,, T a ity..;,lklia,thOrght by many that the river will elose if:lnset Awn,..weeks =Net than = -*qui year. psic ijr;• ~,, zbe ;.elections Tozcr: - .0.„.... 0 aLreno--'' fellpRII: We1'...."4, r; ~r..,.....111... _ear wedr gs______,,..o,4o i,..., ~, ba,keld 11"54„..003.11 ),N,1,,r1,-,Tiefasii, ,i.rwrh—,,:„.s plipt.,-eadayi SoTsm. • • at 10 ark, Nelro IditylAnf s W Notomber ' .., embgr i naravi vr yember 0,...1 , - N 6, imiscatif eiday.,•° bar 4K, miniadti,Pt member, of ......_, ' , ftif4iiii ~,,.,,,c dect..nwnt, , , .:_,,J -,‘,...,' ,or th ew- -.--Debmiror ' lola ..10.241,31sitgli` _, 4 S - r . to b o i,liK , ~-, tn!c,a9.-%,. , oriorektni tr? sa d zdinnellotal . `i/i 3' : 111r g 0 ,,,..„,,k ." . , V 1,00n ,„,,„ . / 1,„,„, o f the Letit. m a u5e,,,,,,,,„,„ . b0b:„,,..,,,--- et,, , , A tim6llolll-0. inalwagholl ,_ and Intliatkixol 11°611111101,6 WheTZtaii, ~ • 2,, ;V,„, k , New': 40 2 1 - il b t Um SUFeale ° ,t„., yt.into-,beutik=-1:11,01‘ ^,r.' La .1 ,- ;.":1 ~ 1.."1. NI . _ . • a ''The 'indisilitr , (-A iliiireD dati lae c timi ih , ,t -or u t e rri ,:Rt •• sl a t e : _ !,. . lei gym, oinii,Xietaten •, z - f .,,, Nf ltkindisawi h erre„t„,H . , ~ liegt:Jaflitezia ri;:i.l4-01tirdeitti!'inhtliff 174,ii111410 1 •;•, ,, ,11; , 12142i5z0 w sliil J 4's " 4 l 2 l Zi p . • li4ititt . '' . z „imipc,...i yltelbintilllurdrtermv..a og ac ti' 9 , for, „au be,..2.- 4 404. , ta,_ geaeit tk ir l ik m . lth4 .0, 411plici I . rar- t in the ;tom - — l"Wi be Urge' ll.t413•) 4014/. nets " others t 1, . rln none will itb°4lll/1 rut Iy- increase/I bare news. f ir as we no w . ~~ S 'y 3 ..:~ ~"~PS.k '~'.i-'~3"~jy~'r'~~yt '~^"L . ~ i -~ ° .w it h':'Y: • / , Ne.oxax, Oct. 14, 1863. - The followlist'aimmuniesttion should have a wide eirmalotion. .It conforms exactly with my experiertie and judgment. I hope Arkan. ass may not be turned over to men who wilt seek to restore slavery. Such effortshave been -glade tasdwill berenewai. I protest egninst it: e l herthelonditiolt should be sustained as the.founflatkin of settlement, and the oppress ed people, white and black, should not be tuned neer' to• a treacherous, malicious, un scrupulous Class. - Let the Government exert its legitimate constitutional Dowers . of war favorable to freedan, and all the, Slates 'will come back -with governMants aspithlicen in form, and with people rejoicing in the exclusion of a retie of barbarism, which was the cause and now is the support of ' rebellion, shills and My deiretiOn to the loyal men of Arkansas, ytharelliell round ;my flat when I restored it in 1802,11" thy atiolOgy for intruding my en. doreenient ef, COL Caldwell'a view, on your thrisideraliOn. Respectfully yours. !S. It. Cents, Maj. Gen. • Ixrri= 2- Roc', Ark., Oct. 'Mt Dlart ITam astonished arthe great timithee - of Myst' Men we' Ind in this State. A very large Majority - of , the white nudes now in the State, aro loyal. The loyal sentiment is btmensely stronger then it is in Missouri —anywhere outside of the Mississippi river All of the wealthy and leading rebels of the State have taken their negroes and fol lowed the retreating rebel army out of the State, into Texas, looking, no doubt, to Mex as a :final lavas of rest. The great majority, -of white males now in the State, are : First, Those who wore liable to the rebel conscription, but who avoided it by hiding out in the eastern and southern part of the State in the unarms and essehrates ; in the western and northern part-orthe Stater, In the mormtains. This elan is much more runner! ens thaii one unacquainted with,,.-0,5 Diets would' suPPaser .The rebels call theta : lay-. outs." &mond, - Those abuse infirmities or age exempted. them Ban the conscription: -This: clam is composed : mainly, of men of limited meths and Tom men, who never . owned sheen and most of whom litre Union pro clivities. Third - 4 1 c.nsetipted deserters. This class ail claim to have been Union ' and to have been' famed iota - the e servi ce: . It is very questionable' Whether many of them were not ae.loud-mouthed rebels as there were in the State; but however this maybe, their - present positton force them to be. our - friends. 'A rebel army or a rebel government °flinty kind Is the very list thing a rebel de serter wants to see. The three classes I have named compose the great bulk of the white population of the State. Out of thete materials an energetic commanderfpossessing good. executive and administrative ability, by punning the true policy, can mould the loyal governments in 'this State in - ope hundred and twenty days from this date. You will think lam too san guine, but-I am not. Things are very differ. neat. in that State from what they were in Mis souri, - I Will-mention one or two of the plate of difference. In Missouri the disloyal fight ing element In the State attlisicommencement of the rebellion did not have time and oppor tunity to regularly organize and combine into eon:mantes, regiments, brigades and armies, the sudden appearance of the. United States forces and their occupancy of the State pre venting this thorough and perfect occupation, and the result wan the rehabs who wanted to light, not bein - g able to organise on a !ergo settle, went at it on a small sada, add hence the grent,number of little, squads, independent companies and kinds lleattereVall -over the State, constituting what we know as "bush whacker?! nal "guirrifian." In this State it is very differefit. Here every, man capable of, beating_arms, _no matter - whether. he lithe _lola or disloyal, was con scripted and pot into the regular Confederate army. The rebels had complete control of the State (save a single point or two) and there was no occasion for and no encouragement -given to "guerrillas," tut all were enrolled in the Confederate army, ao that when the rd.,' tansy : ie .- defeated - and driven ant of the State (as it has, been) there are no belligeraot rebels left bithe State, or at must but few. -'=Again I need not toll you that slavery is at the bottotnof all this rebellion, and that it was the slaveholders and, elareholding influ ence that caused the ,war in Missouri, and that it is kept up: from causes and influences pro ceeding from the same mare°. Iti - this State—thanks to' Ohl Abe—that question is settled. All the Union men and -noniallivisholders: in the State accept the pro clamation as settled law, and, and are glad of It. The - slayeliolding rebate (and all slave holders are rebate) bad Jo much faith in its virtues that they have fled the State with their' slaves, so that the negro question in this State is already settled. There le only one thing to fear. If the-Gorethment commits 'the affairs of this State to some conservative praslavery man, who will hob cob with the wealthy elareholders and induce the hope in their minds that the proclareation is "mere breath," lair-Rollins, of =Missouri, says, and that they. will yet be permitted to hold and owe their slaves, then this State trill be lost to ;th e ; Union for retra,to etome, and the horrors - di &Orrin - altar; Such as desolates Mitsoari, 'tdilprevail inthis State. • Al soon as the principal towns in the State are-governed, it will be' gide - to call on the people -to elect deleptes to a eonvention form. a Caro titetion.",There is no earthly doubt thit such convention wbillinndo Withet the- rebel convention-did, and settle , ,the affieseY etthe President's, Proclamation, by declaring in the Organics , let of the State that slavery was abolished and should never 'gala exist in the State. All this can be done in a row months, if the man who Is cent here to manage things wants it done. But if some' onsearative praelevery , gentleman is sent hire; WhO is determined' Arkansas shell not be a free State, then what I have indicated will not only not be done, but the condition of things you now have in Missouri will prevail hare. Union mon will suffer—their lives be taken—their property destroyed, all that rebel .11strahohiera may have a little longer lease of I their infernal Institution: The rebel slave holders who hare followed to the wake of the retreating rebel army, will.oling to the hope thatthey. will at some time, and by some turn of the wheel of fortune, he permitted to re- I turn CO the with their slaves. Nothing arilkblastthathopci-bXta tree State oonatittr-z tioitithe pdarir to fasilth-erlsteN should be opt dtr motion sttbe earliest possible day: Andia rise work of regenerating this State, **church Emit not beforgettep. The geed old M. H. Chureir has - si Mighty work before horioThesCpeophp,so,lorgJed astray by,the. corrupting influences of the Aunt of all vil- Title,"„kayr oho enlightened and converted to the true Alum.. 'The work the old Church :ARA ind:three suertml: century has to be iiiineliver - again. Ilook upon the influencorthat tbp pi. E. Church will exercise in redeeming this country as Second to no ether,' -hfy faith is 'first in the 'bayonet snd:Mportteirr;the:chuteh.• 'My great fear is thnt our elfurelewill not havetbe .toon to ,do lid-,abor -army .61`. bold; Sigereas ;end able preitherrls Wantalcimeed out Atostitis, , ilea. gallant the. true filth. No Web - field Lbr the Chrlistfaii label* has ever been opened ''l'ltzth*/s4llmut4ylilor.tim: flistlinie ern Id= most hair a century aldetheitilst ministarSAll; Pioolaliaboldly and proudly the faith of the old ehMehla yi We Book. • ,PLAM, ours truly, " C. CA.tarirntil . r: 31ju Toihmsslid instant ad mits that four tltOttiandrebelpritonees wore ftalicerans after the battle of Chleamaupt. 011, 401li5fliaTaTirt. , Vil,41. 1 eto. EpoprXll- M-- pew York/Rate.: -- - • -- Also, Ala Of Ltiolor /MIMS of different kinds, 1 -Rai as wore *old by the undersigned last winter. 1 . -gala -----• EDIVO:IIP4I:fff4W.f, 18 Obroend.. •., . ~ ... . VitrNeA JPCOM-Sight .17140 u *ilk; Loam, !And sight OM on tussi Inasnlum7,7iiimos, Switzerland sud lay,Sks elfin sums to suittly daiDig , IL-WILLIAMS 41704 : - AiW944.0 1104 : aotrasiot.72l44l revialv. 11 ..;;;DIC;'.,FRAICCIS:Att . .x1 ; 4014711 ;:otiebiazateets of Adlobtlitnition flovistotti of finlYlfielattt, iota of , Pittllontt. hstiorbitoVittotiathcatidartiiPleit potottortutvtos dolma ant itottootted to:ototif thoolistat all Who mO, todobtod areroLufred to polo mutat to - - TEMA *MUM Mot% Oullatittew &toad ftptoti Pittsburgh. ,~~;:~ OMMF*. I. MW MEM :•.f.P.VIA ICA - OXIGJEffe . &i UTE 'I'ItESIDENT 0•1.0.0: F.—Saint Club. Lodge, No,. 362. 0. 0, V. Temperance , ' tile, will bold a regular ineesti the ; Degree of Plebe= on. TifEriDAT EMI: NO Oct, 2011hWt..7 Env: J. J.Mcluxi.2 will addrure the meeting, 2.1114etb.. run end Sisters of the Degree are reigmettolly Incited to.ettrnd. By order. oeintlt . J. I3Holllili9, Bey. Baal or Panetraott, Oet. 15th; Ufa g ELECTION FOR THIRTIRFdi Drumm or tbls Bank wIU be habi at the thuthluts Sotto un DIONDAY;NOnanber IGth. be. firma the hour. of 10 a. m. and9D. m. The annual meeting of the Stockholders slit be hold on TUESDAY, Nur. 3d, it 11 delta. . oclik.ltdaltva " . JOHN ELSUPEIt Cashier. .laox Cm: Bess, PlMrsbnret,'Oct. O.AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DEBNOTORS of Ma Bank will be had kt the, Backlog Ifonie oti MONDAY, Nay.l.6th, , 1863, be.. Meal the hours of 11 a. m. and Strp. m. , The sawed meettos of Stockholders will Itebstd on TIIESD.AIf, Nov. 9d,1809, at 11 o'clock a. m. -.MUM= J. 11.10017111. Mahler. , • • — XsoLuncs BANK, gljtibuzgh,Oct. Int. 1883. 10*AN EIiEMOW, FO_ R DMECT OW of ttdi liankirill'be bald at the Think , : lag House, on MONDAY, the 16th day of November, between the home of 10 o'clock a.'sa. and 2 p. m. The regular annual meeting Stockholder' be held cm TUESDAY, Nom at 10 o'clock m. oc13:1m GEO. D. ac Gadder. EICIILSOI Baal or Prrrazimanl. • October 15th, UM. THE ELECTION FOR DIRE - OILS of this Dank will be held it. the Bea, log lions* on MONDAY, Nornaber lett4'l6e3, boi.! Moen the hours of Glenn a. m. and 9p. tn. The an noel meeting of Blooltholders Will take place ati .TUESDAY. November 3d, it 11 a. m. oclitlm H. 11:11:17 3 . • mummers Baal, Oct. Ito, ism O.AN ELECTION FOR DERECT OBS ottlds Bank will be held et the Count; fro; Honse on the 16th day of lcrownnher next, .bel titzuk the hours of 10 o'clock 4.2 a. and 2 o'clock p. . •J. W.:13008, Cashier. The stannal meeting of the SbxikbAders win be hold on thiOd day of )forembor next, at 12 o'ekclt tn. oc.mun . , 1 -Quints Banc, littabarwth Oct. 1. • 1863. 107 AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DINEOTOBS of this Bent will•be bald at the Benkktg UOOll m NONDLY, November 16th, at ten o'clock a.m. • , Th41'211.011" anneal meeting of Stoetrioltiem will be baron TITISTWATiI Nov. 3d, et 11 O'clock a m. GEO. T. TNN DOREN. Caehtoc, MISCTIAItin AND MAXOTACIVICIII BAIA, Pittsbntel, Ott. 15th, ISM FOR ! THE ANNUAL ELECTION DIRECTORS edit be held, at the Banking Rome, on MONDAY, the 18th Am. of NOTtenber next, between the holm of ton a. m. and Drop. m. The annual meeting of the fltte•kholdets nal 'he held on TUESDAY, Om 3d day: of Voyemher, at ten o'clock . m. JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Caddar. 0an...16 - PROTOiri ILLD.taaell OTTIC D, ort); s 22D treet, NWT, NO. Da P Pittsburgh, Pe-, Oct. 19, IMit. XIEMPTED FROM DRAFT.—In card:woe with orders I publish the fellatio lilt of persons exempted from draft b 7 the &hrd of Enrollment in this. District to this date, with the reasons, of their exemption : Brarnined by Board nail tremor,. John Strain, 341 Ward, Shah - My. improperly Bionikot. • J. M. Sterrett, la Want; Drafted and pa coin mutation to Sub-Distriet. U. HERON POSTED., oe2o Oaptaft; and Drown*. Mirada, 22d DM. al/ *;A , IH Ji r>,), rii.A7M) WALL PAPER, at 25 cords per roil. for rale by W. P. f&II9IIALL. DOT CLAY.--50 bbls. Missouri' Clay for loqo by lIENCY H. coLLno. .___ WANTED--APPSEICTIOPS TO TECEBSASS Fa - num° Brume. oclPSer DAVIS d PHILLIPS, 110 Water et. . iIIrEAP *ALL IiATERS.-LBeautifiii V Wall Papers, at IA centa, for sabe • or2o W. P. If AIISHALL, 8 7 Wood street. _ _ WANTED -1,000 bush: . Cloverseed; KO do Chestnut.. oeal, L. 11. VOIGT & CO BUY YOUR BUOYS, SHOES A. - 45 tiAITRES at ocl7 • BOBLAND'S, De Market stmt. STORAGE, for Crude OUTlraned OR, and other ineichandlso, by ; JAS. DALZELL a 808, ocl7 69 sad TO Neter street. REFINED OIL—A. pure article on band end for Bale by JAS. 'DALZELIrk SON, • 17 O.P and 70 Water etreet,' eILICA.N.LPAGNE CIDER.—'2S barrels ettszatmegue Cidetr pet recoiled and for sale at No. 126 Second street. essdA ➢RANK VAN OORDKR. T .ÜBRICA ' '-'0 011,8. .. 100 bbl.. Mick Creek Oil; LO '. Franklin .• JAS; DAMELIi a soli, For sato by 69 and 70 Wan:entre:A. ... . . . .. ANESS PORK-1,000 bbjs in stgre ana ..LUL fur Nadi by BIeDONAID ..tACIIIICKLY:3, - Dag , A 2 md VA4 Liberty igttreß YEARS.--eboico to . for nalo at low prime. Term*--tino•tenui cob remainder in nine annual paymoida. ocl7 (AEITILBERTA /30NA, 6 . 1 litarkall . . lATOOD STREET PRofreJITY, FOR v r set,E, Td feet 9% Inches front b) wt deptli, at corner of Sixth stmt. Mee, feat ad. Joints. atm above. ' 'S. OUVIDEST & NS, . 51 Market street.' IjAil) OIL 50 Ws. :Km I Winter StriOned; '25 ' 4 2 For sale by JAS. DALZELL a 80$. 60 and 70 Water street T - EArHEitYETRINII.—= IO , I I O f) fpcit.of IJ the Pstent Meet Oak Termed Leather Itelthq. Also; Lees Leather, Itirete, te e ilways sn'Zumbd";lo ter We st Na. 24 and 298 t. Clair drwt, 0.14 J.!1.3111.i.1P A .•• BAI — t — LKET WILLOWS.-30 bdls: Ken: A-P tacky Duke. Widlows.to arrive by rail, tar sale_ by tbATA II DICKEY & CO. tTrYtWit LADIES' Olf GENTI.E , ME '$ BOOTS, lIALIMPATA IMITEttS pr GUMS at DOULANIPS, VS Matta street; ' 0c.17 . 241d00r trotdrinit. i —"An tita 7 6l - 1 UrrEiL iI son to. eery oke Mih 801 l Dotter,. I 4 4 NO tarot prLmo Goebel% Chewe, IGO o " primeth Lill Cream C , eese; lOU ID sum, sod fur WeII.II)DLEi.. oelO Ito. 111 Liberty street, I 4 EWlt4irkircirtifriafk:o. smdereigtuid offers foi eats eery deetisirls plane of hid, coutaloing leg, scree, nearly, eltuatt4 be Baldwin towneb t p. It er.nts on the Iltortnertll• road on ons silo ' and and QUI ..decun lb. Liirabethtown road. It fa parr :of it.. irbits Ilalt Yam ibis Id touts boom arse t 0 on It, and an Orstutrd of Applo. and tinny trees banns troll. Ibtoi lot will (mead an secommodaideg terms. If not gold Lanni the Cent of Jannaryi inn be fut ,ror tow= Dart louleas Ingulre at wurra the' subscriber. In /Widen terilmhlP, 3 Athograisattorrm , • tit 11,Q1Y lIAST I HOW .LSJ. lISIBTOSED publiehodetn • *Wed 811,-, volops.., Prim 81s cents- A Lecture oti the Matt" , Treatment arid 'Radical ems - of 8 ram, or .Bssilnal Weakness, Involuntary *lons, baud Sebilitroitni Impoditnanu to lain** (comity Semmes", Catorption. lOW ) MOT tal and Panics] inapacityi reettletng - fro:lA.Be! • Abuse, *e. by BOWL J. Ormrsawsta, staksi Ditto : oo4bn Itstl64r.:l‘ . ls Won to nousaltds,ot tinderters," sent under seal, in • &Ai Savel*,,k; Anteddrem, post-paid, on receipt of eltestitwor tlr re ' tsrstamp: ti a 7 •a i afatdmvF.4 .'.• %.ceppor AMA. 01),. rldipabcturiit.otet *it* V - MASS ORK.IOII , DlBBl3lBB, BTEAU d On 42.0 FITTEM,HADDINVITS, AND • - •• - !../COPera `OA *bra, 848 b ,arder,* ST OAT VOlSTaffjalt ADD OW NiTlNniaild.WAttuto; pal, **tended tn.: Particular attention pal& tO ditt 44:31444 ,7 lIIES rou COAL fai.DPV. ,Also,,SolsAaentforgt , vgata_lbr..a«lia at ti. .'8 PATENT STPLION . ,-Plrp,,tbdbeirt'itrals • minted. Alsrbigno,rstres it IsTsiEllAbleya getout otordar, and will ,Urroetinopi Iraqi! ,than any mop'. o.{ twice its r.; split EliVBOO • • The Did kforthints Kettlreth.... The tecedenp! ma . :rer.74l3rovtilimifitrZ4.27. • •-• Our Old Rom By Kitimat' fritirthornf't yr • • Aida Writ,. Bs thilklranillten:- The Amber Gods., Byldtatirer. AAmds'a Maud ef ttedr aril Utatory.; /kart and Creel— By.arts. Oliphant:l: laves trent f aldandaMSDAWLettehafteni the DU* Tll4 c ks Baton., • B r Am tldrewa * l 7' The 614,1 den Treseru7 if scrap and Lythm The Desd Shot. A new book Au SpottatneM , far age by KAY A 00., 66 Wood street. 7 , 7•7;57T;.••-. 1 . 0 '•" • r.c"..l7:rk . . 1 0 " • ;,•''' 3•,'.--1&•.•,,*=_•,,`,,,.4'•'.5Z••,P.1rtifir,ftg.....•37q.:e•- ' l••••'%!!sW,..l.•eig-1-kX4.5,W•',.i:',-;%A1t.i.V.444.7•Wt•.',V.i,V,.r` •r‘ • - - ' • • .• • . . . = el 4 , Eir 40 if ISF 11lE S. *Ell' abletiEß:7l6tEirkrTB ' • (UMW BROOMS.-20 dozen extra T . ATEST 1 4 4 - EW S, AT ROOK NJ quality 'Eastern made Carpet Brooms Jmt re- I—l bend;qua Ruarthilreastrantt Brashtm a Pail krtment, for rale at the Family Crlxery Store of odo JOA. IthIPSHASI4: J~ANESkiTEA.-14.04,regtin lo Gnat 'apnoeas Tea that bat hkstilmport. t ed Into this country. For sale at the Family Grocery hocJOHN Al; itrsanAw, . . corne3 : l Marty end Hand street.. frfOlirAT KFAPB,-4 large and full as. ,fitment Ofidliet Soot,' of Re, Soo 4F.'. Co., Cleaver's, Barates andAsstelltscabotostors, creel, *a a " f"." l ° ""4, Prim by BENolud. oc • CottieS Llbettylardltind streets. - - . .:6 - =, VSTRAY.- ourintsieber, larb -- stroat., ham &ZED 001,011.19.8ULG CALM : Any poraon E m m a w i rer o nne,1•111 'cora. forward, prove pron. iirkr• V!, amps nnittaka 0 away, or it w ill b. 'o l d 7 otrt gr t° °m ? ; CHAILLES OPENING.—visa.. M. KITCHIN open, on SATIIIIDAY, 24th Lastont, ita elegint oseortment of WINTER )3ONTifETS, 'LADIES' AND MISSES' ITAE, EUDVONE, IlOsvgits, ac., .The Wale 11Weil of the it 4 TEDF4L, ST!Ert illegheof City, acZklw STOOK 130(Y1' . 8,. 6110E8, GAITEM, a Ot AND G DUMB. MatI aft . ~ . - Nut resolved Ends& be sold et, the 'lowest prices to, be tom& elty. Glee me • call before purehiw illgotorotomkst BOUTANDI3; 9B Merle; et. _ ocl7 ad door from Fifth. ?FL...GLASS BLOWERS. - I nls pod 01111INEY Dwww. Itia=l B . Allo, rood cannw „ To imoksobarsrorkszw .a, of the above slam, we vitt psy liberal' wllgos,_, - Apy to •WILLTAII T. OILLINTIBB d 00., • ~. 02fOrd and 'Howard stands, Philadelphia. , 1 PLOINUNG Bum FOB SALE.—The .0: - subeerltier onus "Pot sale the ALISO:MEI:I', =TT MlLLikadtoated in th e 70011 h Ward, alle /Amy